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12.0 Introduction
12.1 Objective
12.2 Introduction to Web Securities
12.2.1 Introduction of Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA)
12.2.2 Introduction of Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE)
12.3 Issues and Challenges of Web Security
12.4 Spring Security Overview
12.5 Java Based Configuration
12.6 Create Spring Initializer Class
12.7 Create Controller and View
12.8 Run Application
12.9 Summary
12.10 Solutions/Answers to Check Your Progress
12.11 References/Further Reading


In unit 9, Spring Boot Application and a simple application without any security
considerations are described. This unit will describe security features like
authentication and authorization that create a secured Java Enterprise Application. The
following sections will explain JCA and JSSE to secure our data at various levels.
This unit will also describe how spring security simplifies the security implementation
as compared to non-spring projects.


After going through this unit, you should be able to:

• secure the data using JCA,

• establish Secure communication between client and server using JSSE,
• explain common web application security vulnerabilities,
• perform Authentication (AuthN) and Authorization (AuthZ),
• describe building blocks of Spring Security, and
• develop the secured applications using spring security. 


Security is one of the topmost concern for any application. It includes many aspects
such as sensitive data safety, robust website against hacking, sql injection, csrf etc. A
different set of tools are used for various aspects of application security. This section
describes how to secure sensitive information on backend applications, i.e. passwords

Web Security
in the database, critical records etc. With the emergence of cloud services, security has
become an indispensable requirement for sensitive information on every platform.

Encryption of data in-transit and at-rest

Data in-transit is data moving from/ through the internet or private network. Term
Data protection in transit is the protection of data while it is moving from network to
network or istransferred from a local storage device to a cloud storage device.
The term Data at-rest is data that is not moving from device to device or network to
networks such as data stored on a hard drive, laptop or archived/stored in some other
way. Data protection at rest aims to secure inactive data stored on any device or
Safeguarding sensitive data both in-transit and at-rest is vital for modern enterprises
as attackers are persistently trying innovative ways to compromise systems and steal
data. Data can be exposed to many security threats, both in-transit and at-rest, which
requires safeguard against such threats. There are multiple approaches to protect data
in-transit and at-rest. Encryption plays a vital role in data protection and is a very
popular tool for securing data both in-transit and at-rest. Enterprises often encrypt
sensitive data prior to move and/or use encrypted connections such as HTTPS, SSL,
TLS, FTPS etc., to protect the data in transit. Enterprises can simply encrypt sensitive
data prior to storing them and/or choose to encrypt the storage drive itself.


Cryptography is the art and science of making a cryptosystem that is capable of
providing information security. Cryptography aims to provide the following:
• Secret Communication
• Authentic Information
• Store Sensitive Information
Cryptography Primitives
Cryptography primitives are simply the tools and techniques in Cryptography that can
be particularly used to provide a set of desired security services −
• Encryption
• Hash functions
• Message Authentication codes (MAC)
• Digital Signatures
Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA)
The Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) is based on “provider” architecture. It is
a set of APIs’ to cryptography such as encryption, message digests, key generation
and management, digital signatures, certificates etc. It enables you to encrypt and
decrypt data in java, manage keys, sign and authenticate messages etc.
JCA provides some general-purpose classes and interfaces. JCA has “provider” based
architecture; thus actual functionality and implementation are provided by providers.
The encryption algorithm used for encryption and decryption in Cipher class depends
on the concrete provider used.
Core Classes and Interfaces
Following java packages has been defined into Java cryptography API.
• javax.crypto
• javax.crypto.spec
• javax.crypto.interfaces

Spring Security
• java.security Configuration
• java.security.cert
• java.security.spec
• java.security.interfaces
Above defines, packages contain many core classes and interfaces. Some of
thefrequently used ones are as follows:
• Provider
• Cipher
• MessageDigest
• Signature
• Mac
• KeyPairGenerator
• KeyGenerator
• KeyStore
The following sections will give you insights of some frequently used classes and its
JCA has a “provider” based architecture. Java SDK provides a default provider.
Default providers may not support the encryption algorithms you want to use. In order
to use a different provider instead of the default, Java Cryptography API provides a
method to set the desired provider. Cryptography provider can be set as below-

The Cipher (javax.crypto.Cipher) class is the core of JCA framework. This class
provides cryptographic cipher for encryption and decryption. Cipher’s getInstance
method provides cipher object for encryption and decryption. Method getInstance
expects the name of the requested transformation. A transformation can be any form
either "algorithm/mode/padding" or "algorithm".
Cipher instance can be created using getInstnace method as –

Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");

Encryption/Decryption example using Cipher Class

package com.ignou;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.util.Base64;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
publicstaticbyte[] Encrypt(String secretKey, String plainText)
byte[] keyBytes = secretKey.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
if (keyBytes.length != 16)
thrownewIllegalArgumentException("Allowed key size is 16");
IvParameterSpecparamSpec = newIvParameterSpec(newbyte[16]);

Web Security
SecretKeySpeckeySpec = newSecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "AES");
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keySpec, paramSpec);
byte[] cipherTextBytes = cipher.doFinal(plainText.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
publicstaticbyte[] Decrypt(String key, byte[] cipherText) throwsGeneralSecurityException
byte[] keyBytes = key.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
if (keyBytes.length != 16)
thrownewIllegalArgumentException("Allowed key size is 16");
IvParameterSpecparamSpec = newIvParameterSpec(newbyte[16]);
SecretKeySpeckeySpec = newSecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "AES");
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keySpec, paramSpec);
byte[] plainTextBytes = cipher.doFinal(cipherText);
publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args)
String key = "ThisIsASecretKey";
String plainText = "Hello, Good Morning";
byte[] ciphertextbytes = Encrypt(key, plainText);
System.out.println("Cipher Text: " + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(ciphertextbytes));
byte[] plaintextbytes = Decrypt(key, ciphertextbytes);
String decryptedPlainText = newString(plaintextbytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
System.out.println("Decrypted Plain Text: "+decryptedPlainText);
catch (GeneralSecurityException e)

Output: Program execution will provide the below output. As you can see by
encryption, you are getting encrypted text corresponding to plain text. This Cipher
text is used for confidentiality. This encrypted text has been decrypted to the plain text
using Cipher class in Decrypt mode.

Message Digest
Message digests are a secured one-way hash functions that take arbitrary-sized data
and output fixed-length hash value. A common solution to validate the encrypted data
on the way to you has not been modified is Message Digest. A message digest is a
hash value calculated from message data. Steps to send encrypted data with message
digest and validation of encrypted data is as-
• Calculate the message digest from data before encryption
• Encrypt both data and message digest and send across the wire
• Once encrypted data is received, decrypt it to get the message and message

Spring Security
• Calculate message digest for the received message and compare it with the Configuration
received message digest
• If the comparison evaluates to true, there is a high probability (but not a 100%
guarantee) that the data was not modified.
Java provides a class, named MessageDigest which belongs to the package
java.security, to create a message digest for message data. This class supports
algorithms such as SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, MD5 algorithms to
convert an arbitrary-length message to a fixed-length message digest. Sample code to
generate message digest for multiple blocks of data is as –
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");

byte[] msg1 = "This is msg1".getBytes("UTF-8");

byte[] msg2 = "This is msg2".getBytes("UTF-8");

// Call digest method to get the MD

byte[] digest = md.digest();

The term MAC stands for Message Authentication Code. The integrity of information
transmitted over an unsecured channel can be validated using MAC. A MAC is like a
Message Digest but uses an additional key to encrypt the message digest. Thus, A
MAC is a message digest encrypted with a secret key. MAC from a message can be
created using Java Mac Class. To verify the MAC of a message, it requires the key
along with original data. Hence, a MAC is a more protected way to guard a block of
data from modification than a message digest. Java code to calculate the MAC of a
message data is as –
publicclass MAC
publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) throws Exception
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
byte[] keyBytes = newbyte[]{'T','h','i','s','I','s','A','S','e' ,'c','r','e','t','K','e','y'};
String algo = "RawBytes";
SecretKeySpec key = newSecretKeySpec(keyBytes,algo);
mac.init(key); // MAC instance initialized with key

byte[] msg1 = "This is msg1".getBytes("UTF-8");

mac.update(msg1); // Update that data for which mac should be calculated
byte[] msg2 = "This is msg2".getBytes("UTF-8");
mac.update(msg2); // Update that data for which mac should be calculated
byte[] macBytes = mac.doFinal(); // Calculate MAC for given blocks of data
System.out.println("Message Authentication Code(MAC): " +
Execution of the above program will give the MAC. MAC helps to validate the integrity of the
received msg. The person who receives and knows the key, he/she can validate the integrity of

Web Security
A digital signature is a mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and
integrity of a message or digital document. Digital signatures provide the added
assurances of evidence of origin, identity and status of an electronic document or
message. It also ensures the non-repudiation, i.e. the author of the message can't later
deny that they were the source. Digital Signatures are based on public-key
cryptography. The signer uses his private key to create the signature and signature can
be authenticated only by the signer public key.
The Signature (java.security.Signature) class is used to create Signature instance in
java. A digital signature is an encrypted message digest with the private key of the
signing authority. The signing authority may be the device, person or organization that
is to sign the data.
To create a Signature instance, you call the Signature.getInstance(...) method.
Signature instance creation is shown below:

Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256WithDSA");

Signature creation and verification example

package com.ignou;
import java.security.KeyPair;
import java.security.KeyPairGenerator;
import java.security.PrivateKey;
import java.security.PublicKey;
import java.security.Signature;
public class CreateAndVerifySignature
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
KeyPairGeneratorkeyPairGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA");
// Initializing the key pair generator
// Generate the pair of keys
KeyPair pair = keyPairGen.generateKeyPair();
// Get the private key from the key pair
PrivateKeyprivateKey = pair.getPrivate();
// Get the public key from the key pair
PublicKeypublicKey = pair.getPublic();
// Create signature instance
Signature sign = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withDSA");
// Initialize with private key
// Data that needs to be signed
byte[] bytes = "This is my digital signed data".getBytes();
// Update signature instance with data to be signed
// Create the signature
byte[] signature = sign.sign();
// Initiate the signature with public key to verify signature
// Update signature instance with data for which signature needs to verify
// Verify the signature
booleanisValidSignature = sign.verify(signature);

if (isValidSignature)
System.out.println("Signature verified");

Spring Security
System.out.println("Signature Failed");

☞Check Your Progress 1

1) Write about JCA with some of the core classes and interface with example

2) Write the characteristics of Message Digest (MD) and Message

Authentication Code (MAC) and compare MD and MAC.

3) Alice wants to send some confidential data securely to Bob over the network.
Alice uses digital signature to sign the data and did the following where S(m)
= digital signature of m.
• Compute S(m) using her private key
• Send m, S(m) and her public key to Bob
Bob did as below upon receiving the confidential data:
• Bob receive S(m), m and Alice's public key
• Bob verify the S(m) using m and Alice's key.
Alice used private key to digitally sign the confidential data. Yet the above
approach is attack prone. Figure out the possible attack and flaw in the above


Data in-transit is vulnerable and can easily be modified or hacked by an unintended
recipient. Private or critical data that travel across the network containing information
such as password, credit card numbers etc., must be made unintelligible to
unauthorized parties. Data integrity must be ensured while data transports. Many
protocols have been designed to protect the privacy and integrity of in-transit data.
The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols are
among them.
The Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) is a framework to enable secure internet
communication. This framework provides an implementation for a Java version of the
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. It also

Web Security
provides API’s for data encryption, server authentication, message integrity and
optional client Authentication.
JSSE provides API framework along with its implementation.It acts as a building
block to build secure web applications simply. It reduces the security vulnerabilities
by abstracting the complex underlying security algorithms and handshaking
mechanisms. The JSSE API boosts up the core network and cryptographic services
defined by the java.security and java.net packages with add-on security.
Supported security protocols by JSSE API are as follows:
• TLS: version 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2
• SSL: version 3.0
• DTLS: versions 1.0 and 1.2
JSSE Features and Benefits
As per the Oracle JSSE reference guide, important benefits and features of JSSE are
as follows:
• A standard component of the JDK
• Provider-based architecture makes it flexible and extensible
• Provides classes to create secure channels such as SSLSocket,
SSLServerSocket, and SSLEngine
• Initiation or verification of secure communication using cipher suite
• Support for client and server authentication, which is part of the normal
SSL/TLS/DTLS handshaking
• Encapsulated HTTP in the SSL/TLS protocol, which allows access to web
pages using HTTPS
• Server session management APIs
• Server name indication extension to facilitate secure connections to virtual
• Provides support for Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension, which extends
the SSL/TLS/DTLS protocols to indicate what server name the client is
attempting to connect to during handshaking.
• Prevents man-in-the-middle attacks by providing support for endpoint
identification during handshaking.
The following section explains the SSL and describes how to implement SSL in Java
using JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension) API.

JSSE provides an SSL toolkit for Java applications. In addition to the necessary
classes and interfaces, JSSE provides a handy command-line debugging switch that
you can use to watch the SSL protocol in action. A simple example with the below
code can be executed in debug mode to watch the handshaking details.

publicstaticvoidmain(String[] arstring)
new java.net.URL("https://www.google.com").getContent();

catch (Exception exception)


Spring Security
To run the above application in debug mode, we need to turn on SSL debugging. The Configuration
application connects to the secure website https://www.google.com using the SSL
protocol via HTTPS. In the command given below, the first option loads the HTTPS
protocol handler, while the second option, the debug option, causes the program to
print out its behavior.
java -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=com.sun.net.ssl.internal.www.protocol -

The above SecureConnection program using the java.net.URL class demonstrates the
easiest way to add SSL to your applications. This approach is useful, but it is not
flexible enough to let you create a secure application that uses generic sockets. The
next section describes SSL and its implementation using JSSE.
In simple terms, we can understand that SSL provides a secured connection between
server and client. SSL encrypts the communication between two devices operating
over a network connection to provide a secure channel. Secure communication
between web browsers and web servers is a very common example of SSL. The
following three main information security principles is required for secured
communication over a network, and SSL fulfils these:
• Encryption: Protects the data transmissions between involved entities
• Authentication: Ensures that the server we connect to is actually the intended
• Data integrity: guarantee that data exchange between two entities is not
modified by the third party

Java Security API is based on Factory Design Pattern extensively. JSSE provides
many factory methods to instantiate. The following section will outline some
important classes in JSSE API and the use of these classes.


The javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory is used to create SSLSocket objects. Methods in

the the javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory class can be categorized into three categories.
The first category consist of a single method static getDefault(), that can retrieve the
default SSL socket factory: static SocketFactorygetDefault()
The second category consist of five methods that can be used to
create SSLSocket instances:
• Socket createSocket(String host, int port)
• Socket createSocket(InetAddress host, int port)
• Socket createSocket(String host, int port, InetAddressclientHost, int
• Socket createSocket(InetAddress host, int port, InetAddressclientHost, int
• Socket createSocket(Socket socket, String host, int port, booleanautoClose)
The third category consists of two methods which return the list of SSL cipher suites
that are enabled by default and the complete list of supported SSL cipher suites:
• String [] getDefaultCipherSuites()
• String [] getSupportedCipherSuites()


Web Security
This javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket class extends java.net.Socket class in order to provide
secure socket. SSLSockets are normal stream sockets but with an added layer of
security over a network transport protocol, such as TCP. Since it extends
java.net.Socket class, thus it supports all the standard socket methods and adds
methods specific to secure sockets. SSLSocket instances construct an SSL connection
to a named host at a specified port. This allows binding the client side of the
connection to a given address and port. Few important methods in
javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket are listed below:

• String [] getEnabledCipherSuites()
• String [] getSupportedCipherSuites()
• void setEnabledCipherSuites(String [] suites)
• booleangetEnableSessionCreation()
• void setEnableSessionCreation(boolean flag)
• booleangetNeedClientAuth()
• void setNeedClientAuth(boolean need)
The methods below change the socket from client mode to server mode. This affects
who initiates the SSL handshake and who authenticates first:
• booleangetUseClientMode()
• void setUseClientMode(boolean mode)
Method void startHandshake() forces an SSL handshake. It's possible, but not
common, to force a new handshake operation in an existing connection.


The SSLServerSocketFactory class creates SSLServerSocket instance. It is quite

similar to SSLSocketFactory. Like createSocket method in SSLSocketFactory,
createServerSocket method is there in SSLServerSocketFactory class to get
SSLServerSocket instance.


This class is subclass of ServerSockets and provides secure server sockets using
protocols such as the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS)
protocols. SSLServerSocket creates SSLSockets by accepting connections.

The class SecureEchoServer uses JSSE API to create a secure server socket. It listens
on the server socket for connections from secure clients. When executing the
SecureEchoServer, you must specify the keystore to use. The keystore contains the
server's certificate.
package com.ignou;
public class SecureEchoServer
public static void main(String[] arstring)
SSLServerSocketFactorysslserversocketfactory = (SSLServerSocketFactory)
SSLServerSocketsslserversocket = (SSLServerSocket)
SSLSocketsslsocket = (SSLSocket) sslserversocket.accept();
InputStreaminputstream = sslsocket.getInputStream();
InputStreamReaderinputstreamreader = new InputStreamReader(inputstream);
BufferedReaderbufferedreader = new BufferedReader(inputstreamreader);
String text = null;
Spring Security
while ((text = bufferedreader.readLine()) != null)
System.out.println("Received From Client: "+text);
catch (Exception exception)

The SecureEchoClient code used JSSE to securely connect to the server. When
running the SecureEchoclient, you must specify the truststore to use, which contains
the list of trusted certificates.

package com.ignou;
public class SecureEchoClient
public static void main(String[] arstring)
SSLSocketFactorysslsocketfactory = (SSLSocketFactory)
SSLSocketsslsocket = (SSLSocket) sslsocketfactory.createSocket("localhost", 8888);
InputStreaminputstream = System.in;
InputStreamReaderinputstreamreader = new InputStreamReader(inputstream);
BufferedReaderbufferedreader = new BufferedReader(inputstreamreader);
OutputStreamoutputstream = sslsocket.getOutputStream();
OutputStreamWriteroutputstreamwriter = new OutputStreamWriter(outputstream);
BufferedWriterbufferedwriter = new BufferedWriter(outputstreamwriter);
String text = null;
System.out.println("Send Text to server");
while ((text = bufferedreader.readLine()) != null)
bufferedwriter.write(text + '\n');
catch (Exception exception)

The execution of the SecureEchoServer without keystore will give exception as

javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: no cipher suites in common while
execution of SecureEchoClient without trustStore will give exception as
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure.
Generate the self-signed SSL certificate using the Java keytool command and use the
generated certificate to execute SecureEchoServer and SecureEchoClient code.
Follow below steps to generate SSL certificate.
1. Open a command prompt or terminal
2. Run this command
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias localhost -keystore selfsigned.jks -
validity <days> -keysize 2048
Where <days> indicate the number of days for which the certificate will be
Web Security
3. Enter a password for the keystore. Note this password as you require this for
configuring the server
4. Enter the other required details
5. When prompted with "Enter key" password for <localhost>, press Enter to
use the same password as the keystore password
6. Run this command to verify the contents of the keystore
keytool -list -v -keystore selfsigned.jks

Put this generated selfsigned.jks file into the root directory of your source code and
execute the below command to run SecureEchoServer and SecureEchoClient.

java -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=selfsigned.jks -
Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=localhost com.ignou.SecureEchoServer

java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=selfsigned.jks -
Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=localhost com.ignou.SecureEchoClient

Note:Use the same password you used to create a self-signed certificate in step 3 for
keyStorePassword and trustStorePassword. I used localhost as a password in self-
signed certificate generation;therefore so in the above command, I used the same.

On the client terminal, send some text to the server, and the server will echo the same
text on its terminal.

☞Check Your Progress 2

1) Explain JSSE with its features and benefit

2) List down the benefits of implementing SSL using JSSE over secure
connection established using java.net.URL

3) List down the reasons for javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException during the

establishment of a secure connection


With the advancement of the Web and other technology, the frequent usage of
networks makes web applications vulnerable to a variety of threats. Advancements in
web applications have also attracted malicious hackers and scammers, who are always
coming up with new attack vectors. Hackers and attackers can potentially take various
Spring Security
path through the web application to cause risks to your business. Web application Configuration
security deals specifically with the security surrounding websites, web applications
and web services such as APIs.

Common Web App Security Vulnerabilities

Web application security vulnerabilities can range from targeted database

manipulation to large-scale network disruption. Few methods of attack which
commonly exploit are:
• Cross site scripting (XSS) – Cross site scripting (XSS) is a kind of client-
side code injection attack. Attacker executes malicious script into web
browser of the victim by including malicious code into benign and trusted
websites. Attacker mostly uses the forums, message boards and web pages
that allow comments to perform XSS. The use of user’s input without
validation in the output generated by web page make the web page vulnerable
to XSS. XSS attacks are possible in VBScript, ActiveX, Flash, and even CSS.
XSS is most common in JavaScript, JavaScript has very restricted access to
user’s operation system and file system since most web browsers run
JavaScript with restrictions. Malicious JavaScript can access all the objects to
which a web page has access to. Web page access also includes user’s
cookies. Most often, session tokens are stored into cookies. Thus, if attackers
obtain a user’s session cookie, they can impersonate that user, perform actions
on behalf of the user, and gain access to the user’s sensitive data.
• Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) – Cross site request forgery, also known
as CSRF or XSRF, is a type of attack in which attackers trick a victim into
making a request that utilizes their authentication or authorization. The
victim’s level of permission decides the impact of CSRF attack. Execution of
CSRF attack consists of mainly two-part.
o Trick the victim into clicking a link or loading a web page
o Sending a crafted, legitimate-looking request from victim’s browser
to the website
Tricking the victim into clicking a link or loading a web page is done through
social engineering or using the malicious link. While sending a crafted
request, attackers send the value chosen by themselves and include the
cookies, if any, which is associated with the origin of the website. A CSRF
attack exploits the fact that the browser sends the cookies to the website
automatically with each request. CSRF attacks take place only in the case of
an authenticated user. This means that the victim must be logged in for the
attack to succeed.

• SQL injection (SQLi) – SQL Injections are among the most common threat
to data security.SQL injection, also known as SQLi, is a type of injection
attack that exploits the weakness of application security and allows attackers
to execute malicious SQL statements. Malicious SQL statements execution
enable attackers to access or delete records, change an application data-driven
behavior. Attackers can use SQL Injection vulnerabilities to bypass
application security measures. Any website or web application, which uses a
relational database such as MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server etc., can be impacted
by SQL Injection. Attackers use SQLi to gain access to unauthorized
information, modify or create new user permissions, or otherwise manipulate
or destroy sensitive data. Attackers use specially-crafted input to trick an
application into modifying the SQL queries that the application asks the
database to execute. Let us understand it by example.
Suppose that a developer has developed a web page to show the account
number and balance into account for the current user’s ID provided in a URL,
Code snippet in java might be as below:

Web Security
String accountBalanceQuery =
"SELECT accountNumber, balance FROM accounts WHERE account_owner_id = "
+ request.getParameter("user_id");
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSetrs = statement.executeQuery(accountBalanceQuery);
while (rs.next())
page.addTableRow(rs.getInt("accountNumber"), rs.getFloat("balance"));
catch (SQLException e) { ... }

For normal operation user visit the URL as below:

From the java code snippet, we can check that SQL query to find the account
balance for user 1234 will be as below:
SELECT accountNumber, balance FROM accounts WHERE
account_owner_id = 1234

The above query is a valid query, and it will return only the intended result to
show the balance for the user id 1234.
Now suppose, an attacker has identified the application security vulnerability
and change the parameter user_id as-
0 OR 1 = 1

Now the query will be as below:

SELECT accountNumber, balance FROM accounts WHERE account_owner_id = 0

OR 1=1

When the application asks this query to execute into the database, it will
return the account balance for all the accounts into the database. The attacker
now knows every user’s account numbers and balances.

• Denial-of-service (DoS) – Denial-of-service attack is a type of attack which

makes information systems, devices or other network resources non-
responding. A denial-of-service condition is accomplished by flooding the
targeted host or network with traffic until the target cannot respond or simply
crashes, preventing access for legitimate users.DoS attack exploits a
vulnerability in a program or website to force improper use of its resources or
network connections, which also leads to a denial of service. There are two
general methods of DoS attack: flooding services or crashing services. Flood
attacks occur when the system receives too much traffic for the server to
buffer, causing them to slow down and eventually stop.

• Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) - Insecure direct object

references (IDOR) are a cybersecurity issue that occurs when a web
application exposes a reference to internal implementation. Internal
implementation objects include files, database records, directories and
database keys. For example, an IDOR vulnerability could happen if the URL
of a transaction could be changed through client-side user input to show
unauthorized data of another transaction. For example, let’s consider that the
web application displays transaction details using the following URL:

Spring Security
A malicious attacker could try to substitute the id parameter value 7778 with Configuration
other similar values, for example:


transaction Id 7778 could be a valid transaction but belonging to a different

user. The malicious attacker should not be authorized to see the transaction
for id 7778. However, if the developer made an error, the attacker would see
this transaction, and hence web app would have an insecure direct object
reference vulnerability.


Security is a very crucial aspect for any application to avoid malfunctioning,

unauthorized access or hacking of crucial data. Spring security modules provide us
with a framework to easily develop a secure application with very few configurations.
Spring Security is a very robust and highly customizable authentication and
authorization access-control framework. Along with Authentication and Authorization
in Java applications, it also protects the application against attacks such as cross-site
request forgery, session fixation, clickjacking etc. In short, Spring Security refers to a
series of processes that intercept requests and delegate security processing to the
designated Spring Security process. Let us understand the three important concepts
before getting dive into Spring Security.


Authentication refers to the process of confirming user’s identity whom he claims to

be. It’s about validating user’s credentials such as Email/Username/UserId and
password. The system validates whether the user is one whom he claims to be using
user’s credentials. The system authenticates the user identity through login ID and
password. Authentication using login Id and password is the usual way to
authenticate; still, there are other ways to authenticate. Various methods for
authentication are as follows:
• Login Form
• HTTP authentication
• HTTP Digest
• X.509 Certificates
• Custom Authentication Methods
Authorization action takes place once a system has authenticated the user’s identity.
Authorization refers to the rules that determine who is allowed to do what. E.g. John
may be authorized to create and delete databases, while Bob is only authorized to
read. Authorization is a process of permitting required privileges to the user to access
a specific resource in an application such as files, location, database etc. In simple
terms, authorization evaluates a user’s ability to access the system and up to what
extent. There may be different approaches to implement authorization into an
application. Different approaches to authorization include:
• Token-based: Users are granted a cryptographically signed token that
specifies what privileges the user is granted and what resources they can
• Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Users are assigned role/roles, and
these roles specify what privileges users have. Users roles would restrict what
resources they have access to.

b Security
• Acccess Control List (ACL): An ACL speecifies which h users have access
a to a
partticular resourrce. For instaance, if a user wants to acccess a specific file or
der, their userrname or detaails should bee mentioned ini the ACL inn order to
be able
a to accesss certain data.
Various metthods for authhorization aree as follows:
• Acccess controls ffor URLs
• Secure Objects aand methods
• Acccess Control L List (ACL)

Servlet Fillters

A Servlet fiilter is an object that can intercept

TP requests. Filter
F object iis invoked
at preprocesssing and posstprocessing of a request. Filters are mainly
m used too perform
cross-cuttingg concerns such as coonversion, loogging, com mpression, enncryption,
decryption, input validatiion, security implementatio
i on etc.

Figurre 12.1: Servleet Filters

On the left of above imaage (Figure 12.1),

1 we cann see that theere is no prepprocessing
and postproocessing of reequest, and th hus request iss directly reaaching to servvlet. If we
want to immplement thee security, beefore requestt being proccessed by thhe servlet,
DispatcherSServlet in the context of sppring, can be implemented d using filters as shown
above onthee right side off the image.
In the conteext of Spring Application, no security im mplementatio on in DispatchherServlet
and no one will
w like to im mplement secuurity in all the controllers. Ideally, authhentication
and authorizzation shouldd be done beffore a requestt hits the con ntroller. Sprinng security
uses variouss filters to impplement securrity in Springg Applicationss.
Spring 4 Security

The Spring Security stackk is shown inn the diagram((Figure 12.2)

Spring Security

Spring Security Kerberos Spring Cloud Security

Spring Security SAML Spring Security OAuth

Spring Security
Spring Security Modules

Figure 12.2: Spring Security Stack

Spring 4 Framework has the following modules to provide Security to the Spring-
Based Applications:
• Spring Security
• Spring Security SAML
• Spring Security OAuth
• Spring Security Kerberos
• Spring Cloud Security
In Spring Framework, “Spring Security” module is the base module for the rest of the
Spring Security modules. The following sections will outline some basics of “Spring
Security” module.
Spring Security is one of the Spring Framework’s security modules. It is a Java
SE/Java EE Security Framework to provide Authentication, Authorization, SSO and
other Security features for Web Applications or Enterprise Applications.

Spring 4 Security Features

Spring Security Official website: https://projects.spring.io/spring-security/

Spring Security Documentation website: https://docs.spring.io/spring-
Spring 3.x Security Framework provides the following Features as per Spring Security
Official website:

• Authentication and Authorization.

• Supports BASIC, Digest and Form-Based Authentication.
• Supports Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Implementation.
• Supports “Remember-Me” Feature through HTTP Cookies.
• Supports SSO (Single Sign-On) Implementation.
• Supports LDAP Authentication.
• Supports OpenID Authentication.
• Supports Implementation of ACLs
• Supports “Channel Security” that means automatically switching between
• Supports I18N (Internationalization).
• Supports WS-Security using Spring Web Services.

Web Security
• Supports Both XML Configuration and Annotations. Very Less or minimal
XML Configuration.
Spring 4.x Security Framework supports the following new features:
• Supports WebSocket Security.
• Supports Spring Data Integration.
• CSRF Token Argument Resolver.

Spring 4 Security Levels

Spring Security supports the following two Levels of Authorization-

• Method Level Authorization
• URL Level Authorization
Spring Security supports “Method Level Security” by using AOP (Aspect-Oriented
Programming) that means through Aspects. Spring Security supports “URL Level
Security” by using Servlet filters.

Spring 4 Security Advantages

Spring 4 Security Framework provides the following Advantages:

• Open Source Security Framework
• Comprehensive support for authentication and authorization
• Flexible, Easy to Develop and Unit Test the applications
• Protection against common tasks
• Declarative Security Programming
• Easy of Extendibility
• Ease of Maintenance
• CSRF protection
• We can develop Loosely-Coupled Applications.

☞Check Your Progress 3

1) What is Spring Security? Explain in detail with its feature and benefit.

2) What is Authentication (AuthN)? Write down various methods for AuthN.

3) Howdoes Authorization (AuthZ) make the system secured and restricted? List
down various methods.

Spring Security

Spring security uses Servlet Filter to implement the security in java applications. It
creates a Servlet Filter named as SpringSecurityFilterChain.
SpringSecurityFilterChain takes care of all the security concerns such as validating
submitted username and passwords, application URLs protection, redirecting to the
log in form to unauthenticated users, etc. Spring Security provides an abstract class
AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer that will ensure the
springSecurityFilterChain Filter get registered for every URL in the application.
SpringSecurityFilterChain can be registered into spring application with the
initialization of AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer as:
import org.springframework.security.web.context.*;

public class SecurityWebApplicationInitializer

extends AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer

With the latest Spring Security and/or Spring Boot versions, Spring Security is
configured by having a class that:
• Is annotated with @EnableWebSecurity.
• Extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter, which basically provides a
convenient base class for creating a WebSecurityConfigurer instance. The
implementation allows customization by overriding methods. Here’s what a
typical WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter looks like:
@EnableWebSecurity // (1)
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter{ // (1)

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { // (2)
.antMatchers("/home").permitAll() // (3)
.anyRequest().authenticated() // (4)
.formLogin() // (5)
.loginPage("/login") // (5)
.logout() // (6)
.httpBasic(); // (7)

1. A POJO class extending WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter and normal Spring

@Configuration with the @EnableWebSecurity annotation
2. Overriding of WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter’sconfigure(HttpSecurity)
method enables you to configure the FilterChain using DSL.
3. permitAll() allows all the users for the configured URI. User does not have to
be authenticated. antMatcher allows to use wildcards such as (*, \*\*, ?) in the
string. The request “/home” is allowed to all users without authentication.

Web Security
4. All other requests except “/home”, the user to be authenticated first, i.e. the
user needs to login.
5. As described, authentication methods in section 12.4, form login with a
custom loginPage (/login, i.e. not Spring Security’s auto-generated one) is
being used in the configuration. Login page should be accessible to anyone.
Thus “/login” URI has been permitted to all using permitAll().
6. The default spring logout feature is configured and has been permitted to all.
7. Apart from form login, the configuration is also allowing for Basic Auth, i.e.
sending in an HTTP Basic Auth Header to authenticate.
The above configuration creates SpringSecurityFilterChain which is accountable for
security concerns such as validating submitted username and passwords, application
URLs protection, redirecting to the log in form to unauthenticated users, etc. Java
Configuration do the following for our application.
• Register required authentication for every URL
• Creates a login form
• Allow a user to be authenticated using form-based authentication as well as
HTTP Basic Auth.
• Allow to logout
• Prevent from CSRF attack 

Securing the URLs

The most common methods to secure the URL are as below:

• authenticated(): This protects the URL which requires user to be

authenticated. If the user is not logged in, the request will be redirected to the
login page.
• permitAll(): This is applied for the URL’s which requires no security, such as
css, javascript, login URL etc.
• hasRole(String role): This is used for authorization with respect to user’s role.
It restricts to single role. “ROLE_” will be appended into a given role. So if
role value is as ”ADMIN”, comparison will be against “ROLE_ADMIN”. An
alternative is hasAuthority(String authority)
• hasAuthority(String Authority): This is similar to hasRole(String Role). No
prefix will be appended in given authority. If authority is as “ADMIN”,
comparison will be against “ADMIN”
• hasAnyRole(String… roles): This allows multiple roles. An alternative is
hasAnyAuthority(String… authorities) 

HTTP Security

To enable HTTP Security in Spring, we need to extend

the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. It allows to configure web-based security for
specific http requests. By default all request will be secured but it can be restricted
using requestMatcher(RequestMatcher) or other similar methods. The default
configuration in the configure(HttpSecurity http) method is as:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception

Spring Security
Form Login Configuration
Based on the features that are enabled in spring security, it generates a login page
automatically. It uses standard values for the URLs such as /login and /logout to
process the submitted login form and logout the user.
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception

Authentication using Spring Security

Authentication is all about validating user credentials such as Username/User ID and

password to verify the user’s identity. We can either use in-memory-authentication or

In-Memory Authentication

In-Memory authentication can be configured using AuthenticationManagerBuilder as

public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth)
throws Exception

JDBC Authentication

To implement JDBC authentication, all you have to do is to define a data source

within the application and use it as below:
private DataSourcedataSource;

public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth)
throws Exception

Aswe can see, we're using the autoconfigured DataSource.

The withDefaultSchema directive adds a database script that will populate the default
schema, allowing users and authorities to be stored. DDL statements are given for the
HSQLDB database. The default schema for users and authorities is as below:
create table users

Web Security
username varchar_ignorecase(50) not null primary key,
password varchar_ignorecase(50) not null,
enabled boolean not null
create table authorities
username varchar_ignorecase(50) not null,
authority varchar_ignorecase(50) not null,
constraint fk_authorities_users foreign key(username) references users(username)

Default Schema will not work for other databases except HSQLDB database. Check
the spring.io website for schema corresponding to a database. The database schema
can be checked at:

Customizing the search Queries

If Spring application is not using default schema for security, we need to provide
custom queries to find user and authorities details as below:

public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth)
throws Exception
.usersByUsernameQuery("select uuid,password,enabled "
+ "from users "
+ "where uuid= ?")
.authoritiesByUsernameQuery("select uuid,authority "
+ "from authorities "
+ "where uuid= ?");

Customization of a search query in spring security is very easy, and two methods for
that has been provided as usersByUsernameQuery and


AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer class has simplified the Spring
initialization. We don't need to manually create contexts but just set appropriate config
classes in getRootConfigClasses() and getServletConfigClasses() methods.
Let us consider that we're developing a web application, and we're going to use Spring
MVC, Spring Security and Spring Data JPA. For this simple scenario, we would have
at least three different config files. A WebConfig contains all our web-related
configurations, such as ViewResolvers, Controllers, ArgumentResolvers etc.
RepositoryConfig may define datasource, EntityManagerFactory,
PlatformTransactionManager etc.
For gluing all these together,we have two options. First, we can define a typical
hierarchical ApplicationContext, by adding RepositoryConfig and SecurityConfig in
root context and WebConfig in their child context:

Spring Security
public class AppInitializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer
protected Class<?>[] getRootConfigClasses()
return new Class<?>[] { RepositoryConfig.class, SecurityConfig.class };
protected Class<?>[] getServletConfigClasses()
return new Class<?>[] { WebConfig.class };
protected String[] getServletMappings()
return new String[] { "/" };

If we have a single DispatcherServlet, we can add the WebConfig to the root context
and make the servlet context empty:
public class ServletInitializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer
protected Class<?>[] getRootConfigClasses()
return new Class<?>[] { RepositoryConfig.class, SecurityConfig.class,
WebConfig.class };
protected Class<?>[] getServletConfigClasses()
return null;
protected String[] getServletMappings()
return new String[] { "/" };


Controllers and Mapping
Spring @Controller annotation is used to mark a class as web request handler in the
Spring MVC application. While @RestController is a convenience annotation to mark
a class as request handler for RESTful web services,@RestController is annotated
with @Controller and @ResponseBody.
A simple example of @Controller annotated Class responsible to handle a Get
Request method.
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;

Web Security
@Controller //(1)
@RequestMapping(value="/") //(2)
public class HomeController
@GetMapping //(3)
public ModelAndViewindex()
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView();
mv.getModel().put("message", "User, Spring Security Implemented Successfully !!");
return mv;

1. @Controller annotation is used to mark the class responsible to handle the

web request forwarded from Dispatcher Servlet.
2. @RequestMapping annotation has been used to mark at class level to make
class HomeController responsible to all web request for the URL pattern “/”
3. @GetMapping annotation has been used to mark the method index() to be
invoked for Method Get and URL pattern “/”
Views and Configuration
To render the view, ViewResolver configuration is required in Spring MVC
Application or Spring Boot Application. For JSP, ViewResolver configuration is
required in Spring MVC/Spring Boot application to resolve the location of jsp files.
There are two ways to configure view resolver as-

• Add entries as shown below in application.properties

• Configure InternalResourceViewResolver by extending
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.EnableWebMvc;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.ViewResolverRegistry;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView;

public class MvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter
public void configureViewResolvers(ViewResolverRegistry registry)
InternalResourceViewResolver resolver = new InternalResourceViewResolver();

Spring Security


This section will explain the steps required to run the Spring Boot application with
Spring Security. Tools and software required to write the code easily, manage the
spring dependencies and execute the application is as -
• Java 8 or above is required
• Maven
• Eclipse IDE
Step 1: Create a web maven project and add the required dependencies such as

spring-boot-starter-web, spring-boot-starter-security in pom.xml. Directory Structure

for Spring Project in eclipse will be as below –
Step 2: Spring Boot Application Initializer


protectedSpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilderapplication)
publicstaticvoid main(String[] args)
Figure 2: Project Folder Structure In Eclipse
SpringApplication.run(JavaBasedSpringSecurityApplication.class, args);

Web Security
Step 3: Spring Security Configuration

protectedvoid configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilderauth) throws Exception
.password(passwordEncoder.encode("admin@123")).roles("USER", "ADMIN");
protectedvoid configure(HttpSecurityhttp) throws Exception

Step 4: Initialize Spring Security


// No Code Needed Here

Step 5: Include the spring security into App Initializer

protected Class<?>[] getRootConfigClasses()
returnnew Class[] { SecurityConfig.class };
protected Class<?>[] getServletConfigClasses()
protected String[] getServletMappings()
returnnew String[] { "/" };

Spring Security
Step 6: Controller Class and View Configuration
publicModelAndView index()
ModelAndViewmv = newModelAndView();
mv.getModel().put("message", "User, Spring Security Implemented Successfully !!");

For the view we will use a simple jsp as below

<h1>Spring Boot Security Example</h1>
<h2>Hello ${message}</h2>

Step 7: Spring Boot JspViewResolver configuration

Add the below properties into application.properties file


Step 8:Run the file created into Step 2 named

asJavaBasedSpringSecurityApplication.java to start the application. This file can be
executed using java command or from eclipse IDE itself. After successful execution
of the application, security configured application can be accessed using browser on
In Step 3 we configured the spring security and defined the testuser with credentials
as user@123 and testadmin with credentials as admin@123.

Execution Output:
If user tries to access localhost:8080 and user is not logged in, spring will redirect to
user on localhost:8080/login as shown below. This login page is spring security in-

b Security

If user proviides wrong credentials,

c alert from spriing security will
w be as beloow:

After Succeessful login user will get thhe below screen:

☞Check Your
Y Proggress 4

1) What is SecurityyFilterChain inn Spring Secuurity?

2) Wriite the Sprinng Security Configuration

C n class code for below mentioned
httpp://www.securresite.com/staatic Opeen to everyonne – CSS, JavaaScript
httpp://www. secuuresite.com/lo
ogin Opeen to everyonne
httpp://www. secuuresite.com/usser/ ROL LE_USER orr ROLE_ADM MIN
httpp://www. secuuresite.com/addmin/ ROL LE_ADMIN only

Spring Security

3) Consider that Spring Authentication with default schema attribute username

is not suitable for the application. Email attribute as the primary key is being
used instead of username. Write the Spring Security Configuration class code
to adapt the queries for the new schema as below:


password VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE authorities

authority VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (email) REFERENCES users(email)

4) How to secure the URLs in Spring Security? Explain with available methods
to make URL secure.


In this unit, many concepts related to web security have been explained. You got to
know about securing data at-rest and in-transit. In the unit JCA section described
many useful concepts such as Cipher, Message Digest, Message Authentication Code,
Signature. Using JCA API, the authenticity and integrity of the message can be
verified. Further SSL and other useful concepts to secure the data in-transit is
explained. The Spring Security provides a convenient and easy way to incorporate
security in spring applications with minimum configuration. The concept of
Authentication and Authorization has been explained to make application secure.
Various methods such as authenticate(), permitAll(), hasRole(), hasAuthority() have
been written to make URL secure in Spring Security. In-memory authentication and
JDBC authentication has been described with the custom search query to incorporate
user-defined schema for users and authorities.In the last section of this unit, you
learned code to integrate spring security into the spring boot application. 
Web Security

☞Check Your Progress 1

1) JCA has been described with the core classes and interface in section 12.2.1
2) Comparison of Message Digest and Message Authentication Code
Message Digest Message Authentication Code

A message digest algorithm takes a single A Message Authentication Code

input a message and produces a "message algorithm takes two inputs, a message
digest" (aka hash) and a secret key, and produces a MAC

It allows you to verify the integrity of the It allows you to verify the integrity
message and the authenticity of the message

Any change to the message will (ideally) Any change to the message or the
result in a different hash being generated. secret key will (ideally) result in a
different MAC being generated.

An attacker that can replace the message and Nobody without access to the secret
digest is fully capable of replacing the should be able to generate a MAC
message and digest with a new valid pair. calculation that verifies the integrity
and authenticity of the message

3) Man-in-the-middle attack is possible. Chuck, a man in the middle, attacks and

intercepts all the messages sent by Alice. Chuck performs below-
o Instead of forwarding message m, he forwards message n. Instead of
the signature on m with Alice's private key, he forwards a signature
on n with his private key.
o Instead of Alice's public key he sends his public key to Bob. Bob will
never see the difference as he does not know Alice’s public key
A flaw in the approach is that the public key should not be transferred along
with the message. Public key should be available to the person prior to
verification of the signature.

☞Check Your Progress 2

1) JSSE with the advantages has been written in section 12.2.2
2) java.net.URL class demonstrates the easiest way to add SSL to your
applications. This approach is useful, but it is not flexible enough to let you
create a secure application that uses generic sockets. Using JSSE API to
implement SSL gives us full control over the protocols that need to be
3) If javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException occurs, it indicates that there is a
handshake_failure. We haven’t created or established the SSL certificate that
the client and server should be referencing. Normally a certificate is obtained
from a trusted certificate authority for a public site, but for testing and
development purposes, it’s common practice to create a self-signed certificate,
which just means you are the issuer. These are typically issued to
the localhost domain, so they’ll function locally but not be trusted elsewhere.
Refer section 12.2.2 for keytool to generate keypair and how to use this to
solve javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException issue.

Spring Security
C Yourr Progress 3 Configu

1 Refer secttion 12.4, Sprring Security has been expplained in detaail.
2 Refer Autthentication inn Section 12.4
3 Refer Autthorization in
n Section 12.44

C Yourr Progress 4
1 SecurityF
FilterChain iss a FilterChaain componeent which haas zero or more
Security Filters
F in an order.

Refer Sectiion 12.5 for moore details for SecurityFilterC

2 Hint: connfigure metho
od definition in
i Spring Seccurity Configu
uration will be
b as
protected void confiigure(HttpSeccurity http) thhrows Exceptiion
Matchers("/useer/**").hasAnnyRole("USER R", "ADMIN
N") // can passs
multipple roles
Matchers("/adm min/**").hasR Role("ADMIN N")
• /staticc and /registerr is allowed too everyone soo permitAll() is used.
• /user//** must be accessible to o either “Usser” or “Adm min” roles. T Thus
hasAnnyRole("USE ER", "ADMIN N") is used.
• /admiin/** must be accessiible to the only Adm min role. T Thus
hasRo ole(“ADMIN N”) is used
• /loginn must be alloowed for all soo permitAll() is used.
3 We need d to customize the searcch query. Sppring securityy can adapt the
customizee search querries very eassily. We simpply have to providep our oown

Web Security
SQL statements when configuring the AuthenticationManagerBuilder. Two
methods for customization has been provided as usersByUsernameQuery and
authoritiesByUsernameQuery. Refer to Section 12.5 for customizing the
search query.

public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth)
throws Exception
.usersByUsernameQuery("select email,password,enabled "
+ "from users "
+ "where email = ?")
.authoritiesByUsernameQuery("select email,authority "
+ "from authorities "
+ "where email = ?");
4) Refer Securing the URLs in section 12.5


• Craig Walls, “Spring Boot in action” Manning Publications, 2016.

• Christian Bauer, Gavin King, and Gary Gregory, “Java Persistence with
Hibernate”,Manning Publications, 2015.
• Ethan Marcotte, “Responsive Web Design”, Jeffrey Zeldman Publication,
• Tomcy John, “Hands-On Spring Security 5 for Reactive Applications”,Packt
• https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/security/crypto/Crypto
• https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/security/jsse/JSSERef
• https://docs.spring.io/spring-
• https://spring.io/guides/topicals/spring-security-architecture
• http://tutorials.jenkov.com/java-cryptography/index.html
• https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/security/what-is-web-application-
• https://www.baeldung.com/java-ssl
• https://www.baeldung.com/java-security-overview
• https://www.baeldung.com/spring-security-login
• https://dzone.com/articles/spring-security-authentication 

13.0 Introduction
13.1 Objectives
13.2 Custom Login form creation
13.3 Spring Config for Custom Login Form
13.4 Create Request mapping and building Custom Login Form
13.5 Testing Custom Login Form
13.5.1 Integration Test in Spring Boot 
13.6 Adding Logout Support
13.7 Summary
13.8 Solutions/ Answer to Check Your Progress
13.9 References/Further Reading


Unit 12 explained how to secure the spring application using spring security. The
built-in login module of Spring Security authenticates the users and provides
accessibility to the application. Default spring security does not require to create new
jsp page for login since built-in login module already has default login page, which is
used to authenticate the user. The default login page provided by spring security is not
suitable for enterprise web application since the developer does not have control on
designing and processing behavior. This unit describes how to customize the login
page into spring security. The default login page, provided by Spring Security, has
been used in the example written in unit 12, section 12.8. In this unit, the example
executed in section 12.8 will be incorporated with a custom login page.

Testing is a very important phase of any application to ensure whether it works as per
expected functionality or not. Integration testing and unit testing play a vital role in
making the application error prone. This unit describes the annotation available in
spring boot for Integration testing. The next unit will explain about unit test
annotation available in spring boot.

Once user finishes all the activity on a web portal, he must be provided with a way to
invalidate the session using logout functionality. Spring logout feature with various
available methods has been explained in this unit.

After going through this unit, you should be able to:

• create custom login page for spring security,

• configure the custom login page,
• execute the spring boot application with custom login page spring security,
• develop logout support in Spring Applications.

Web Security
If no login form is configured into spring security, spring boot provides default login
screen for spring security. Default login screen will be used to authenticate the user,
and user will be allowed to access a resource. In an enterprise application default login
screen is not suitable since enterprise does not have full control over design,
processing URLs etc.
Customized login from creation and configuration is very easy in spring security.
Custom login form in Spring Application is nothing but a simple html or jsp, like
other web pages in java. A custom login form enables an enterprise to customize the
login form as per their choice of design. It provides the developer to have full control
over css and processing URL. A custom login form must be having below artifacts:

• Form action URL where the form is POSTed to trigger the authentication
• Username input field for the username
• Password input field for the password

Sample custom login page is shown below. You can put the css styling as per
application requirements. The following written custom login page will be used in the
execution of the application into example.

Form Action URL(Custom login Controller):









public String login()  




Custom Login Form with CSS:

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
body {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}
form {border: 3px solid #f1f1f1; width: 50%; margin: auto;}

input[type=text], input[type=password]

Custom Login Using
width: 100%; Security
padding: 12px 20px;
margin: 8px 0;
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
box-sizing: border-box;

background-color: #4CAF50;
color: white;
padding: 14px 20px;
margin: 8px 0;
border: none;
cursor: pointer;
width: 100%;

opacity: 0.8;

width: auto;
padding: 10px 18px;
background-color: #f44336;

padding: 16px;
width: 50%;
margin: auto;

width: 100%;
color: red;
padding: 12px 0px;
text-align: center;

float: right;
padding-top: 16px;


<h2 style="text-align: center;">Spring Security Custom Login Form</h2>

<form action="/signin" method="post">

<div class="container">
<c:if test="${param.error ne null}">
<div class="errormsg"><b>Invalid
<label for="uname"><b>Username</b></label>
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter Username" name="username" required>

<label for="psw"><b>Password</b></label>
<input type="password" placeholder="Enter Password" name="password" required>

<button type="submit">Login</button>
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="remember"> Remember me

<div class="container">
<button type="button" class="cancelbtn">Cancel</button>
<span class="psw">Forgot <a href="#">password?</a></span>

Web Seccurity </div>


The login foorm created abbove has the following rellevant artifactts:

• /siggnin – the UR
RL where thee form is PO OSTed to trig
gger the authhentication
• userrname – inputt field name for
f the usernaame
• passsword – inputt field name for
f the passwoord

Above jsp outputs

o the folllowing login
n screen (Figuure 13.1).

Figuree13.1: Custom
m Login Page iin Spring Secu

S Security
y CONFIG with Spring

Once you crreate the custtom login pag ge, you need to configure the custom login
l page
in spring security.
s Theere is a detaailed explanaation regardinng Java-baseed Spring
Security connfiguration inn section 12.5
5. Configuratiion for custom
m login pagee in spring
security is very easy. YYou just need d to set the lloginPage in FormLoginC Configurer
object provided by form mLogin(). Sam mple Spring security conffiguration witth custom
login page is shown beloow.
package com
public clas
ss WebSecurit
tyConfig exte
ends WebSecur

public Pas rpasswordEnco
return new BCryptPass

protected void configu
rBuilder auth
h) throws Excception

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
Custom Login Using
{ Security
.defaultSuccessUrl("/", true)

In the above configuration, in-memory authentication has been configured with two
users as testuser with Role USER and testadmin user with Role as USER, ADMIN
both. Thefollowing section will explain the elements used to create the form login

<intercept-url> element with access=”permitAll” configures the authorization
to allow all the requests on that particular path. Thus the requests for which no
authorization is required, can be achieved without disabling the spring security using

There are several methods to configure the behavior of formLogin().

• loginPage() – the custom login page

• loginProcessingUrl() – the url to submit the username and password to
• defaultSuccessUrl() – the landing page after a successful login
• failureUrl() – the landing page after an unsuccessful login

☞Check Your Progress 1

1) Why is login form customization required in an application? Explain the

customized login form configuration with sample code.

2) Define loginPage() and loginProcessingUrl() in Spring Boot Security



Custom login form creation has been explained in Section 13.2. A very simple custom
login from named as customlogin.jsp without any css is shown below

Web Security
<center>Custom Spring Login Form</center>
<form action="/signin" method="post">
<input name="username" type="text" placeholder="Enter Username" />
<input name="password" type="text" placeholder="Enter password" />
<input type="submit" />

Custom login form must be mapped with controller in order to render the page to the
user. The controller class is responsible for processing the request received from the
dispatcher servlet. Spring provides annotation like @Controller to make a POJO class
a controller in spring mvc application. @RequestMapping can be used at class level to
map the controller which will be responsible for handling the request, and at the
method level to map the method, which will be responsible for handling the requested
URL. In previous code snippet for security configuration in section 13.3,
loginPage("/customlogin") has been used. "/customlogin" should be mapped into a
controller which will be responsible to process it and to return the corresponding
view. Request mapping is shown below for "/customlogin" which return the view
name as customlogin.

Spring view resolver resolves this view name as customlogin.jsp and it renders the jsp
created into section 13.2
package com.ignou.javabasedspringsecurity.controller;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;

public class LoginController

public String login()
return "customlogin";

In above code snippet, LoginController is mapped with the URL pattern /customlogin
and login() method is returning view name as cutomlogin. View resolver will resolve
the view and corresponding view will be rendered.


This section describes the execution of spring boot application with custom login form
using spring security. Configuration code and request mapping code has been written

Custom Login Using
in code sample. This section also describes the annotations available in spring boot for Security
unit testing.
Directory Structure for Spring Project in eclipse will be as below (Figure 13.2) –

Figure 13.2: Project Structure In Eclipse

Spring Security Configuration for custom login form


  protectedvoidconfigure(AuthenticationManagerBuilderauth) throws Exception  

.password(passwordEncoder.encode("admin@123")).roles("USER", "ADMIN");//(1) 
protectedvoidconfigure(HttpSecurityhttp) throws Exception  

.antMatchers("/customlogin*").permitAll() //(2) 
.loginPage("/customlogin") //(3) 
.loginProcessingUrl("/signin") //(4) 
.defaultSuccessUrl(“/”, true) 

In above code followings have been configured.

1) In-Memory authentication is configured for users testuser and testadmin.

Web Security
2) /customlogin URL should be accessible to all. Thus permitAll() will allow all
request to pass.
3) formLogin().loginPage("/customlogin") configures the customlogin page.
Controller must have a mapping corresponding to Url pattern “/customlogin”
to return customlogin page.
4) Custom login form processing URL is configured by
loginProcessingUrl("/signin"). Custom login page form action must be

Controller Classes and View


public String login()  

ModelAndViewmv = newModelAndView(); 
mv.getModel().put("message", "User, Spring Security with custom login page  
implemented Successfully !!");   

Custom login from with CSS

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
body {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}
form {border: 3px solid #f1f1f1; width: 50%; margin: auto;}

input[type=text], input[type=password]
width: 100%;
padding: 12px 20px;
margin: 8px 0;

display: inline-block;
Custom Login Using
border: 1px solid #ccc; Security
box-sizing: border-box;

background-color: #4CAF50;
color: white;
padding: 14px 20px;
margin: 8px 0;
border: none;
cursor: pointer;
width: 100%;

opacity: 0.8;

width: auto;
padding: 10px 18px;
background-color: #f44336;

padding: 16px;
width: 50%;
margin: auto;

width: 100%;
color: red;
padding: 12px 0px;
text-align: center;

float: right;
padding-top: 16px;


<h2 style="text-align: center;">Spring Security Custom Login Form</h2>

<form action="/signin" method="post">

<div class="container">
<c:if test="${param.error ne null}">
<div class="errormsg"><b>Invalid
<label for="uname"><b>Username</b></label>
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter Username" name="username" required>

<label for="psw"><b>Password</b></label>
<input type="password" placeholder="Enter Password" name="password" required>

<button type="submit">Login</button>
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="remember"> Remember me

<div class="container">
<button type="button" class="cancelbtn">Cancel</button>
<span class="psw">Forgot <a href="#">password?</a></span>


Web Seccurity </html>

Execute the application aas explained in

i Unit 12. Inn above exammple spring seecurity has
been config
gured with Usser as testuser with credenntial as user@
@123 and anoother User
as testadmin
n with credenntial as admin@

If user tries to access loccalhost:8080 and
a user is noot logged in, spring will reedirect the
user on locaalhost:8080/cuustomlogin and custom loogin page willl be rendered as shown
below in Fig gure 13.2:

Figuree 13.3: Custom
m Login Page In
I Spring Secu

If user provides wrong crredentials, aleert from sprinng security wiill be as show
wn in
Figure 13.4 :

Figure 13.4: Invalid Credentialss Error Messaage

After Succeessful login usser will be reedirected to inndex.jsp and it

i will output as shown
in Figure 133.5.

Custom Loggin Using

Figure 13.5: Success Screeen After Auth

5.1 Integrattion Test in
n Spring Boot

The following seection describbes the integrration test inn the spring boot
b applicattion.
Befoore getting diive into inteegration testinng, let us deefine how inntegration tesst is
different from uniit test.

Unit testing aims at individual modules of an

a applicationn without anyy interaction with
dependencies to validate
v p the expected result or not.
wheether code is working as per
gration testing
Integ g aims to vallidate the cod
de is workingg fine when different
d moddules
are combined
c as a group.

Previous sections described cuustom login form

f integratiion with sprinng security. H
integgration test will
w be descrribed for con nfigured custom login fo orm with spring
securrity. Spring provides manyy annotations to perform inntegration testt.

Spriing Securityy and Mock

kMvc Set Up
ng Security with
w Spring MVC M test cann be used witth the configuuration of Spring
urity FilterChaainProxy as a Filter. The foollowing set up
u performs the
t same.




@RuunWith: @RuunWith(SprinngRunner.classs) instructs JUnit to run n using Sprinng’s

ng support. SppringRunner is the new naame for SpringgJUnit4ClasssRunner.

@Sp pringBootTestt: This annotaation instructts Spring Booot to use mainn class annotated
with @SpringBootApplicationn to start a Spring application conteext. Spring boot b
appliication testing
g requires notthing special to do. It’s ApplicationCoontext that neeeds
to bee available too test Spring Boot applicaation. @RunWith instructts the spring--test
moduule to create an ApplicationContext. SpringBootTe
S est loads com
mplete applicaation
and injects
i all the beans, whichh can be slow.

@Au utoConfigureM MockMvc: Spring

S providees a way to simulate
s the HTTP
H requesst in
whicch applicationn code will bee executed exxactly the sam
me way as it were
w processinng a
Web Security
real HTTP request but without any server start. For this simulation use, Spring’s
MockMvc and that can be configured using @AutoConfigureMockMvc.


RequestPostProcessor interface is provided by Spring MVC Test. These request

processors can be used to modify the request. Spring Security has provided many
implementations of RequestPostProcessor to make testing easy and efficient.Spring
Security’s ReuestPostProcessor implementations can be used by static import of as

There are two ways to run the test cases as a specific User in Spring MVC Test.

• Running the test case as a specific user with RequestPostProcessor

• Running the test case as a specific user with Annotations
Running the test case as a user with RequestPostProcessor

The following test will run as a specific user, which need not to exist since we are
mocking the user, with the username "user", the password "password", and the role
publicvoidtestAlreadyLoggedInUser() throws Exception  

"User, Spring Security with custom login page implemented Successfully !!")); 

In the set up MockMvc is autoconfigured as mvc and it is being used to simulate the
HTTP request. Here RequestPostProcessoruser() has been used to modified the
get(“/”) request. User RequestPostProcessor can be customized for password and roles
as –


Test can be run as an anonymous user with following configuration.


Running the test case as a user with Annotation

Instead of RequestPostProcessor to create a user, annotation can be used for the same.
The following test will run as a specific user, which does not need to exist since we
are mocking the user, with the username "user", the password "password", and the
role "ROLE_USER":
publicvoidtestAlreadyLoggedInUser() throws Exception  

"User, Spring Security with custom login page implemented Successfully !!")); 

@WithMockUser can be customized with the following attributes:

Custom Login Using
• username: String Security
• authorities: String[]
• password: String
• roles: String[]

RequestBuilder interface is provided by Spring MVC Test. These request builders can
be used to create the MockHttpServletRequest into the test. Few implementations of
RequestBuilderhas been provided by Spring Security to make testing easy and
efficient. Spring Security’s ReuestBuilder implementations can be used by static
import of as below:

Form Based Authentication Testing

Form based authentication can be tested very easily in Spring Boot with the help of
SecurityMockMvcRequestBuilders. Below will submit a POST request to “/login”
with the username as “user”, the password as “password” and valid CSRF token.


Customization of formLogin() is very easy and an example of it is given below.

publicvoidtestFormLogin() throws Exception  

.andExpect(authenticated().withRoles("ADMIN", "USER"));

In above configuration a POST request for “/signin” with the username as “testadmin”
and the password as “admin@123” with a valid CSRF token will be submitted.
Parameters name can be customized as follows -
mvc.perform(formLogin("/singin").user("uname","[email protected]").password("password","admin@"))

Logout Testing Using SecurityMockMvcRequestBuilders

Logout functionality can be tested very easily using

SecurityMockMvcRequestBuilders. Example for Logout test is as followings-


Logout processing URL can be customized as


Web Seccurity
Check the folder
fo src/test for unit test cases.
c All unitt test cases caan be executed by right
click on the project -> Ruun As -> Juniit Test as show wn below scrreenshot in Figgure 13.6

Figuree 13.6: UnitCaase Execution From
F Eclipse IDE

Successful execution
e of Unit
U test casee will output thhe following.. As you can sees that
all test casess are passed tthat is shown by green tickk and green prrogress bar inn the
Figure 13.7..

Figgure 13.7: Uniit Test Cases E
Execution Logg

The basic configuration
c of Spring Loogout functioonality using the logout() method
m is
simple enou
public clas
ss SecSecurittyConfig exte
ends WebSecur
protected void
v configur
re(final Http
pSecurity htt
tp) throws Ex

The above configuratioon enables default logoutt mechanism m with processing url:
/logout, whiich used to bee /j_spring_seecurity_logouut before Spriing Security 4.
4 We can

Custom Login Using
customize the logout feature in spring security. Let us see the advanced customization Security
of spring logout.

On successfully logout operation, Spring Security will redirect the user to a specified
page. By default, this is the root page (“/”), but this is configurable:

Like other defaults in Spring Security, logout mechanism has a default processing
URL as well – /logout. To hide the information regarding which framework has been
used to secure the application, it’s better to change the default value. It can be done as
// ...
// ...

invalidateHttpSession and deleteCookies

These two advanced attributes control the session invalidation as well as a list of
cookies to be deleted when the user logs out. Default value for invalidateHttpSession
is true on logout.

// ...

Logout feature can be tested by enabling the logout option for the user. Add the logout
option by doing the changes into index.jsp as shown below.
      <astyle="text‐align: left;" href="/logout">logout</a> 
      <h1>Spring Boot Security Example</h1> 
      <h2>Hello ${message}</h2> 

Logout configuration into WebSecurityConfig.java is described below.

Web Seccurity pa
ackagecom.igno ou.javabasedsppringsecurity.
@E rity 
ublicclassWebS SecurityConfiggextendsWebSec

returnnewBC Encoder(); 
  protectedvoid dconfigure(AutthenticationMa
auth) throws E

auth.inMemo tion().passwor
les("USER", "A
p) throws Exce
.l ustomlogin") 
loginProcessin ngUrl("/signinn") 
defaultSuccess sUrl("/", truee) 
failureUrl("/c customlogin?errror=true") 


Execute thee application and after succcessful loginn you will loogout option as shown
below in Fig
gure 13.8:

Figurre 13.8: Successs Screen with
h Logout Feature

After clickiing logout linnk, user will be logged oout and redireected to loginn page as
shown in Figure 13.9

Custom Loggin Using

Figure 13.9: Success Screeen with Logoout Feature

☞Check Yourr Progress 2

1 Explain th
he usage of @SpringBootT
@ Test.

2 Write the unit test case to execute it as a user w with RequestPPostProcessorr for
the URL pattern "/" which
w returns model
m a "message" and
attribuute with key as
value as "Hello
" World!!"

3 Write thee unit test casse to execute it as a user with
w Annotattion for the U URL
pattern "/" which returrns model attrribute with kkey as "messaage" and valuue as
"Hello World!!"

4 Write Unnit test case to test the custom logiin form havving "/signin"" as
loginProccessingUrl and
d "/" as defauultSuccessUrl.

Web Security

Default Spring Security login form is not suitable for enterprises application since
developers do not have full control over css and form design. Spring Security provides
a way to configure custom login form in Spring Application. This unit has explained
the configuration of custom login form with an example and its execution.

Unit test plays a vital role to ensure the correctness of code, and it identifies every
defect that may arise before code is integrated with other modules. Many Spring Boot
annotations available for Integration testing, such as @SpringBootTest,
@AutoConfigureMockMvc, @WithMockUser has been explained.

Logout feature is an important feature from security perspective. At the end of this
unit, Spring provided logout support has been explained with configurable properties.



☞Check Your Progress 1

1) By default, spring boot provides default login screen for spring security. In
enterprise application using default login screen, enterprise may not have full
control over design, processing URLs etc. Custom login form in Spring
Application is nothing but a simple html or jsp, like others web pages in java.
Sample custom login form is shown below-

<center>Custom Spring Login Form</center>
<form action="/signin" method="post">
<input name="username" type="text" placeholder="Enter Username" />
<input name="password" type="text" placeholder="Enter password" />
<input type="submit" />

Configuration for custom login page in spring security is very easy. We just
need to set the loginPage in FormLoginConfigurer object provided by
formLogin(). Sample Spring security configuration with custom login page is
shown below.

public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
Custom Login Using
public PasswordEncoderpasswordEncoder()
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception
.password(passwordEncoder.encode("admin@123")).roles("USER", "ADMIN");
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
.defaultSuccessUrl("/", true)

2) loginPage("/dologin") instructs Spring Security to perform following-

• Whenever authentication is required, its being redirected to /dologin
• Login page is being rendered when /dologin is requested
• It will redired to /dologin?error(if default configuration is used for error)
in the case of authentication failure.
• On successful logout, it will redirect to /dologin?logout (In the case fo
default configuration used)
loginProcessingUrl(/signin) instruct the Spring Security to validate the
submitted credentials sent for /signinUrl. By default it redirects the user back
to the page from where user came. Request will neither be passed to Spring
MVC nor controller.

☞Check Your Progress 2

1) Spring-Boot provides @SpringBootTest annotation. This annotation provided
spring boot feature in the test module and works by creating the
ApplicationContext used in tests through SpringApplication. It starts the
embedded server, creates a web environment and enables @Test methods to
do integration testing.
By default, no server is started by @SpringBootTest. It provides several
options to add webEnvironment regarding how test cases should be executed.
• MOCK(Default): Loads a web ApplicationContext and provides a
mock web environment
• RANDOM_PORT: Loads a WebServerApplicationContext and
provides a real web environment. The embedded server is started and
listen to on a random port. This is the one that should be used for the
integration test
• DEFINED_PORT: Loads a WebServerApplicationContext and
provides a real web environment.
• NONE: Loads an ApplicationContext by using SpringApplication but
does not provide any web environment

Web Security
2) RequestPostProcessor interface is provided by Spring MVC Test. These
request processors can be used to modify the request. Many implementations
of RequestPostProcessorhas been provided by Spring Security to make testing
easy and efficient. Spring Security’s ReuestPostProcessor implementations
can be used by static import of as below:


Sample code to execute a unit test case with RequestPostProcessor is as

publicvoidtestAlreayLoggedInUserWithPostProcessor() throws Exception  

.andExpect(model().attribute("message","Hello World!!")); 


3) Sample code with Annotation is as below:

publicvoidtestAlreadyLoggedInUserWithAnnotation() throws Exception  

.andExpect(model().attribute("message","Hello World!!")); 

4) Sample code with Annotation is as below:

publicvoidtestFormLogin() throws Exception  

.andExpect(authenticated().withRoles("ADMIN", "USER"));



Custom Login Using
• Craig Walls, “Spring Boot in action” Manning Publications, 2016.
• Christian Bauer, Gavin King, and Gary Gregory, “Java Persistence with
Hibernate”,Manning Publications, 2015.
• Ethan Marcotte, “Responsive Web Design”, Jeffrey Zeldman Publication,
• Tomcy John, “Hands-On Spring Security 5 for Reactive Applications”,Packt
• https://docs.spring.io/spring-
• https://www.baeldung.com/spring-security-login
• https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-testing
• https://docs.spring.io/spring-


14.0 Introduction
14.1 Objectives
14.2 Display User Id and Roles – Overview
14.2.1 User Details in a Controller
14.2.2 Spring view layer security and User Details using JSP Taglibs
14.3 Roles based Login Example
14.4 Restrict Access based on Roles
14.5 Testing the Application
14.5.1 Unit Tests in Spring Boot Data Layer or Repository Layer testing with @DataJpaTest Service Layer and Controller layer testing with @MockBean
14.6 Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
14.7 Summary
14.8 Solutions/ Answer to Check Your Progress
14.9 References/Further Reading 

Role-Based access control (RBAC) allows us to define the accessibility based on
user’s roles and permissions. The roles in RBAC refer to the levels of access that user
has to the resource. Roles and permissions are used to make a resource secured from
unauthorized access. RBAC allows to define what end-users can perform at both
broad and granular levels. While using RBAC, resource access of the users is
analyzed, and users are grouped into roles based on common responsibilities and
needs. Each user into the system is assigned with one or more roles and one or more
permissions to each role. For an example, an admin can have permission to create a
new post and edit the already created post while an editor may have permission to edit
the post which already exists.

This Unit explains how to restrict resource access based on roles using the Spring
security. Most of the applications display the logged in user details. This unit
describes the various approaches to get logged in user details in controllers. It also
describes how to retrieve security related information at view layer in jsp.

The previous unit explained how to write integration test cases using annotations
provided by Spring. Good unit test cases make the codebase auto deployable and
production ready since codebase can be validated with the help of unit test cases. This
unit describes the unit test cases with available annotations in Spring.

Cross site request forgery, also known as CSRF or XSRF, is a type of attack in which
attackers trick a victim to make a request that utilizes their authentication or
authorization. The victim’s level of permission decides the impact of CSRF attack. In
the end of this Unit, Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) has been explained with an
example and the solution to avoid CSRF attack.

Web Security

After going through this unit, you should be able to:

• explain Spring Security core component,
• describe logged in user detail in controllers,
• use Spring Security Expressions,
• describe and use Authentication and Authorization information at view layer,
• apply Role-Based Access Control and restrict the access based on roles, and
• describe Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF).



Various core classes and interface available in spring security to get security context
are outlined. Spring Security core components are -
• SecurityContextHolder: A Class which provide access to SecurityContext
• SecurityContext: An Interface having Authentication and defining the
minimum-security information associated with request
• Authentication: Represents the Principal in Spring security-specific way.
The Spring Security Principal can only be retrieved as an Object from
Authentication and needs to be cast to the correct UserDetails instance as –

UserDetailsuserDetails = (UserDetails)
System.out.println("User has authorities: "+

• GrantedAuthority: Having the application wide permissions granted to a

• UserDetails:UserDetailshasthe required information to build an
Authentication object from application’s DAOs or other sources of security
The following sections explain how to retrieve user details in Spring Security. There
are various ways to access logged-in user information in the Spring. Few ways are
described below.
14.2.1 User Details in a Controller
In a @Controller annotated bean, principal can be defined as a method argument, and
the Spring framework will resolve it correctly.

public class UserSecurityController

@RequestMapping(value = "/username", method = RequestMethod.GET)

public String loggedInUserName(Principal principal)
return principal.getName();

  Role Based Login
Instead of Principal, Authentication can be used. Authentication allows us to get the
granted authorities using getAuthorities() method while Spring Security principal can
only be retrieved as an Object and needs to be cast to the correct UserDetails instance.
Sample code is as following-

public class UserSecurityController
@RequestMapping(value = "/username", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String loggeInUserName(Authentication authentication)
return authentication.getName();

User Details can be retrieved from HTTP request as -

public class UserSecurityController

@RequestMapping(value = "/username", method = RequestMethod.GET)

public String loggeInUserName(HttpServletRequest request)
Principal principal = request.getUserPrincipal();
return principal.getName();

User Details can be retrieved in a Bean as –

Authentication authentication =
String currentPrincipalName = authentication.getName();

14.2.2 Spring view layer security and User Details using JspTaglibs
Spring Security provides its own taglib for basic security support, such as retrieving
security information and applying security constraints at view layer jsp. To use spring
security features in jsp, you need to add the following tag library declaration into jsp-

<%@ tagliburi="http://www.springframework.org/security/tags" prefix="security"


The tags provided by spring security to access security information and to secure the
view layer of the application are as below:
• Authorize Tag
• Authentication Tag
• Accesscontrollist Tag
• Csrfinput Tag
• CsrfMetaTags Tag

Authorize Tag: This tag supports to secure information based on user’s role or
permission to access a URL. Authorize tag support two types of attributes.
• access
• url

In an application, view layer might need to display certain information based on user’s
role or based on authentication state. An example for the same is shown below.
<security:authorize access="!isAuthenticated()">
<security:authorize access="isAuthenticated()">

Web Security Logout

Further, we can also display certain information based on user role as-

<security:authorize access="hasRole('ADMIN')">
Delete Users

Value for access can be any of Spring Security Expression as below-

• hasAnyRole('ADMIN','USER') returns true if the current user has any of the
listed roles
• isAnonymous() returns true if the current principal is an anonymous user
• isRememberMe() returns true if the current principal is a remember-me user
• isFullyAuthenticated() returns true if the user is authenticated and is neither
anonymous nor a remember-me user

Using url attribute in authorize tag, at view layer we can check weather user is
authorized to send request to certain URL:
<a href="/inventoryManagement">Manage Inventory</a>

Authentication Tag: This tag is not used to implement security but it allows access
to the current Authentication object stored in the security context. It renders a property
of the object directly in the JSP. If the principal property of the Authentication is an
instance of Spring Security’s UserDetails object, then username and roles can be
accessed as –

• <security:authentication property=”principal.username” />

• <security:authentication property=”principal.authorities” />

Accesscontrollist Tag: This tag is used with Spring Security’s ACL module. It
checks list of required permissions for the specified domains. It executes only if
current user has all the permissions.

Csrfinput Tag: For this tag to work, csrf protection should be enabled in spring
application. If csrf is enabled, spring security inserts a csrf hidden form input inside
<form:form> tag. But in case if we want to use html <form></form>, we need to put
csrfinput tag inside <form> to create CSRF token as below –
<form method=”post” action=”/some/action”>
<security:csrfInput />
Name:<input type=”text” name=”username” />


CsrfMetaTags Tag: If we want to access CSRF token in javascript, we have to

insert token as a meta tag. For this tag to work, csrf protection should be enabled in
Spring Application.
<title>JavaScript with CSRF Protection</title>
<security:csrfMetaTags />
<script type=”text/javascript” language=”javascript”>
var csrfParameter =
var csrfHeader = $(“meta[name=’_csrf_header’]”).attr(“content”);
var csrfToken = $(“meta[name=’_csrf’]”).attr(“content”);

  Role Based Login

☞Check Your Progress 1

1) What are Authorities in Authentication object?
2) Write the code to get logged in user’s username from HttpServletRequest in a

3) Explain with an example to display username and roles on jsp.



This section describes role-based login using Spring Security. Role based login means
redirecting users to different URLs upon successful login according to the assigned
role to the logged-in user. The following section explains an example with three types
of users as Admin, Editor and normal User. Once user successfully logged into the
system, based on role user will be redirected to its own url as –

• Admin will be redirected to /admin

• Editor will be redirected to /editor
• User will be redirected to /home
In previous spring security configurations, the success URL on successful
authentication was configured using defaultSuccessUrl(Sring s). With the use of
Spring defaultSuccessUrl(“/homePage”), every user will be redirected to homepage
url irrespective of role. To have more control over the authentication success
mechanism, Spring Security provides a component that has the direct responsibility
of deciding what to do after a successful authentication – the
AuthenticationSuccessHandleris an Interface and Spring provides
SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler, which implement this interface. For role
based login, you need to configure
successHandler(AuthenticationSuccessHandlersuccessHandler) instead of
defaultSuccessUrl(Sring s). For custom success handler, you have two approaches.

1. Implement AuthenticationSuccessHandler interface to provide custom

success handler.

Web Security
2. ExtendSimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler class and override the
handle() method to provide the logic.
The below code sample is for custom success handler using approach 2.

  privateRedirectStrategyredirectStrategy = newDefaultRedirectStrategy(); 
  protectedvoidhandle(HttpServletRequestrequest, HttpServletResponseresponse,  
Authentication authentication)throwsIOException 

    String targetUrl = determineTargetUrl(authentication); 
    if (response.isCommitted())  

      System.out.println("Can't redirect"); 
    redirectStrategy.sendRedirect(request, response, targetUrl); 
   * This method extracts the roles of currently logged‐in user and returns 
   * appropriate URL according to his/her role. 
  protected String determineTargetUrl(Authentication authentication)  

    String url = ""; 
    Map<String, String>roleTargetUrlMap = new HashMap<>(); 
    roleTargetUrlMap.put("ROLE_USER", "/home"); 
    roleTargetUrlMap.put("ROLE_ADMIN", "/admin"); 
    roleTargetUrlMap.put("ROLE_Editor", "/editor"); 
    Collection<? extendsGrantedAuthority>authorities =  
    List<String>roles = newArrayList<String>(); 
    for (GrantedAuthoritya :authorities)  

    if (isAdmin(roles))  

      url = "/admin"; 
elseif (isEditor(roles))  

      url = "/editor"; 
elseif (isUser(roles))  

      url = "/home"; 

      url = "/accessDenied"; 

    if (roles.contains("ROLE_USER"))  


    if (roles.contains("ROLE_ADMIN"))  

  Role Based Login


    if (roles.contains("ROLE_EDITOR"))  


    this.redirectStrategy = redirectStrategy; 


Above class overrides the handle method and redirects the user based on his role as
follows –

• Admin will be redirected to /admin

• Editor will be redirected to /editor
• User will be redirected to /home

Spring Security Configuration for role-based login using successHandler is shown

protected void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
// endpoints
// other configuration


Role-based access control (RBAC) is a mechanism that restricts system access. RBAC
accomplishes this by assigning one or more "roles" to each user and giving each role
different permissions. To protect sensitive data, mostly large-scale organizations use
role-based access control to provide their employees with varying levels of access
based on their roles and responsibilities. 

The previous unit explained to secure the application using authentication and URL
level security along with restrictions based on roles. The following sections explain to
secure the application at service layer. Method-level security is used to restrict access
based on Role. The last of this section explains to add security at view layer i.e.jsp.

Spring allows us to implement the security at the method level. Security applied at the
method level restricts the unauthorized user to access the resource mapped by the
method. How to enable method level security and restrict the method accessed based
on role is explained below.

Web Security
To Enable the method level security in spring we need to enable global method
security as below:
prePostEnabled = true,
securedEnabled = true,
jsr250Enabled = true)
public class MethodSecurityConfig
extends GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration

• The prePostEnabled property enables Spring Security pre/post annotations

• The securedEnabled property determines if the @Secured annotation should
be enabled
• The jsr250Enabled property allows us to use the @RoleAllowed annotation

@Secured annotation is used to implement method level security based on Role. This
annotation accepts list of allowed roles to be permitted. Hence, a user can access a
method if he/she has been assigned at least one role into the list.
public String getUsername()
SecurityContextsecurityContext = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
return securityContext.getAuthentication().getName();

User who is having role as ROLE_USER can execute the above method.
@Secured({ "ROLE_USER", "ROLE_ADMIN" })
public booleanisValidUsername(String username)
return userRoleRepository.isValidUsername(username);
A user having Either "ROLE_USER" OR "ROLE_ADMIN" can invoke above

@RolesAllowed Annotation
The @RolesAllowed annotation is the JSR-250’s equivalent annotation of the
@Secured annotation. Basically, we can use the @RolesAllowed annotation in a
similar way as @Secured.
public String getUsername()

@RolesAllowed({ "ROLE_USER", "ROLE_ADMIN" })

public booleanisValidUsername(String username)

@PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize Annotations

  Role Based Login
Both @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize annotations provide expression-based
access control. The @PreAuthorize annotation checks the given expression before
entering into the method, whereas, the @PostAuthorize annotation verifies it after the
execution of the method and could alter the result.

public String getUsername()
@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_USER') or hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
public booleanisValidUsername(String username)
@PreAuthorize("#username == authentication.principal.username")
public String getMyRoles(String username)

getMyRoles() method can be invoked by a user only if the value of the

argument username is the same as current principal's username

@PostAuthorize annotation is similar to @PreAuthorize so it can be replaced with


Restriction at view layer

Access restriction based on role at view layer using spring security authorize tag is
already explained. For details check the Section 14.2. Example is as follows-
<security:authorize access="!isAuthenticated()">
<security:authorize access="isAuthenticated()">

Further we can also display certain information based on user role as-
<security:authorize access="hasRole('ADMIN')">
Delete Users

☞Check Your Progress 2

1) Describe role-based login. Write the sample code to configure the role-based
2) What is Role Based Access Control (RBAC)? Write the sample configuration
code to restrict the URL access based on role.

Web Security
3) Explain @Secured and @RolesAllowed. What is the difference between
4) Which are all spring security annotations allowed to use SpEL?
5) What's the difference between @Secured and @PreAuthorize in spring

6) Explain spring security tag which restricts the access based on roles in jsp.


This section writes a complete example with three types of users as Admin, Editor and
User. UserType, Role and functionality has been defined in the table as follows:

User Type Role Functionality Landing Page

Admin ROLE_ADMIN, Admin can create or /admin
ROLE_EDITOR edit a post/messages.
Editor ROLE_EDITOR Editor can only edit the /editor
User ROLE_USER User can only view the /home

In units 12 and 13, In-Memory authentication has been configured. Here JDBC
authentication with mysql database has been explained. Tools and software required
  Role Based Login
to write the code easily, manage the spring dependencies and execute the application
is as -
• Java 8 or above is required
• Maven
• Eclipse IDE
• Mysql
• Hibernate

Directory Structure for Spring Project in eclipse is shown below. A few of the code is
shown in Figure 14.1.

Figure 14.1: Project Folder Structure In Eclipse IDE

Spring Security Configuration classes in config packages –

customSuccessHandler is already explained above for role-based login.


privateRedirectStrategyredirectStrategy = newDefaultRedirectStrategy(); 
protectedvoidhandle(HttpServletRequestrequest, HttpServletResponseresponse, 
Authentication authentication)throwsIOException 

String targetUrl = determineTargetUrl(authentication); 
if (response.isCommitted())    

System.out.println("Can't redirect"); 

Web Security  
redirectStrategy.sendRedirect(request, response, targetUrl); 

 * This method extracts the roles of currently logged‐in user and returns 
 * appropriate URL according to his/her role. 
protected String determineTargetUrl(Authentication authentication)  

String url = ""; 
Map<String, String>roleTargetUrlMap = new HashMap<>(); 
roleTargetUrlMap.put("ROLE_USER", "/home"); 
roleTargetUrlMap.put("ROLE_ADMIN", "/admin"); 
roleTargetUrlMap.put("ROLE_Editor", "/editor"); 
Collection<? extendsGrantedAuthority>authorities =  
List<String>roles = newArrayList<String>(); 
  for (GrantedAuthoritya :authorities)  

  if (isAdmin(roles))  

    url = "/admin"; 
elseif (isEditor(roles))  

    url = "/editor"; 
elseif (isUser(roles))  

    url = "/home"; 

    url = "/accessDenied"; 


  if (roles.contains("ROLE_USER"))  



if (roles.contains("ROLE_ADMIN"))  



  if (roles.contains("ROLE_EDITOR"))  



  this.redirectStrategy = redirectStrategy; 

  Role Based Login



Complete Security configuration with successHandler(customSuccessHandler) is as


  protectedvoidconfigure(AuthenticationManagerBuilderauth) throws Exception  

  protectedvoidconfigure(HttpSecurityhttp) throws Exception  


Controller package Classes


Web Security publicclassLoginController 

public String login()  


  privatestatic Map<Long, String>msgs = new HashMap<>(); 
  privatestaticlongmsgCount = 0; 

    msgs.put(new Long(1), "Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA)"); 
    msgs.put(new Long(2), "Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE)"); 
    msgCount = 2; 
  @RequestMapping(value="/home", method=RequestMethod.GET)     
public String user(Model model)  

    model.addAttribute("msgs", msgs); 
  @RequestMapping(value="/editor", method=RequestMethod.GET)     
public String editor()  
@RequestMapping(value="/admin", method=RequestMethod.GET)     
public String admin()  
@RequestMapping(value="/edit", method=RequestMethod.GET)     
public String edit(Model model)  
  model.addAttribute("msgs", msgs); 
@RequestMapping(value="/edit", method=RequestMethod.POST)     
public String editPost(@ModelAttributeMsgPostmsgPost, Model model)  

  longmsgId = msgPost.getId(); 
  if (msgs.get(msgId) != null)  

  msgs.put(msgPost.getId(), msgPost.getContent()); 
@RequestMapping(value="/create", method=RequestMethod.POST)     
publicStringcreatePost(@ModelAttributeMsgPostmsgPost, Model model)  

  msgCount += 1; 
  msgs.put(msgCount, msgPost.getContent()); 
  return "edit"; 

  Role Based Login

Service package classes



publicUserDetailsloadUserByUsername(String email) 

User user = userRepository.findByEmail(email).orElseThrow(()‐
>newUsernameNotFoundException(email + "not found")); 

privatestatic Collection<? extendsGrantedAuthority>getAuthorities(User user)  

String[] userRoles = user.getRoles().stream().map((role) ‐> 
Collection<GrantedAuthority>authorities =  


Jsp in WEB-INF/views
Note: customlogin.jsp has been used same as explained in Unit 13.

<%@pagelanguage="java"contentType="text/html; charset=ISO‐8859‐1"pageEncoding="ISO‐
<metahttp‐equiv="Content‐Type"content="text/html; charset=ISO‐8859‐1"> 
<title>Admin page</title> 
    Dear <strong><security:authenticationproperty="principal.username"/></strong>, 
Welcome to Admin Page. 
<p>You are having roles as 

<%@pagelanguage="java"contentType="text/html; charset=ISO‐8859‐1"pageEncoding="ISO‐
<metahttp‐equiv="Content‐Type"content="text/html; charset=ISO‐8859‐1"> 
<title>Editor page</title> 

Web Security <body> 
    Dear <strong><security:authenticationproperty="principal.username"/></strong>, 
Welcome to Editor Page. 
<p>You are having roles as 

<%@pagelanguage="java"contentType="text/html; charset=ISO‐8859‐1" 
<metahttp‐equiv="Content‐Type"content="text/html; charset=ISO‐8859‐1"> 
<title>Welcome page</title> 

  margin‐left: auto; 
  margin‐right: auto; 
  border: 1px solid black; 

  Welcome to Home Page. 
    You are having roles as <strong><security:authentication 
      <thclass="border">Msg Id</th> 

Execute the project either from eclipse or command line. After successful execution of
the application, security configured application can be accessed using browser on
The following users are configured for the testing of role-based login example.

• Admin – UserName: [email protected]: admin

• Editor – UserName: [email protected]: editor
• User – UserName: [email protected]: user
Execution Result

If a user tries to access localhost:8080 and the user is not logged in, spring will
redirect to the user on localhost:8080/customlogin as shown in Figure 14.2.

  Role Based
d Login

Figure 14.22: Spring Secu
urity Custom L
Login Page

min Login (Shown in Figure 14.3.


Figuree14.3: Admin User Home Screen

On click
c on Edit button
b admin will see the below
b screen (Figure 14.4)). Admin has
only permission too create new messages as explained
e thee feature of eaach user in thee
nning of this section.

Figure14.4: Edit
E and Creatte Screen For Admin User


Web Security
When Editoor logs in, youu will get the below
b screenn (Figure 14.5).

Figgure 14.5: Ediitor Role Userr Home Screen

On click on n Edit buttonn, editor can only edit thee already exissting messages. Check
edit.jsp file in which <security:authoorize access="hasRole('A ADMIN')">seecurity tag
has been useed to allow onnly Admin usser to create nnew messagess (Figure 14.66).

ure14.6: Edit Screen
S from E
Editor Role Usser

When a userr logs in, he/sshe will get thhe below screen(Figure 14.7) as you cann see that
normal userr does not havve any option to edit the message.

Figure14.7: General
G User H
Home Screen

14.5.1 Un
nit Tests in Spring Boot
Production-ready code shhould have well-written
w U test casess as well as Inntegration
Test. Good unit test casees should hav ve code coverrage of 80% or more. Wriiting good
unit test casses is an art, aand sometimees it’s difficuult to write goood code coverage unit
test cases. Spring
S providees an efficiennt way to writee Unit Test caases as well Inntegration
Test cases. In
I Unit 13, vaarious annotattions have beeen described for Integratioon Testing
  Role Based Login
with examples. @SpringBootTest is used for integration testing, and it is useful when
we need to bootstrap the entire container. This section will describe the best practices
to write unit test cases as well as available annotations will be described.



class StudentEnrollmentUseCaseTest


private EnrollmentServiceenrollmentService;


void studentEnrollemnt()

Student student = new Student("Jack", "[email protected]");

Student enrolledStudent = enrollmentService.enroll(student);


A good test case takes only few milliseconds, but the above code might take 3-4
seconds. The above test case execution takes only a few milliseconds, and the rest of
the 4 seconds is being taken by @SpringBootTest to set up the complete Spring Boot
Application Context. In the above test case complete Spring Boot Application Context
has been set up to autowire the EnrollmentService instance into the test case. Unit test
cases set up time can be reduced a lot with the use of Mock instances and appropriate
annotation instead of @SpringBootTest.
A well-structured web application consists of multiple layer such as Controllers,
Services and Repository. Controllers are responsible to handle the client request
forwarded by dispatcherServlet. The controller uses Service classes for business logic
and Service classes uses Repository classes to interact with databases. Each layer can
be tested independently with Unit test cases. The following section will describe the
important annotations available in Spring to write the good unit test with a few
milliseconds of execution time. Data Layer or Repository Layer testing with

An entity class named as Student which is having properties as id and name
@Table(name = "student")
public class Student
Web Security @Id
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;

@Size(min = 3, max = 20)

private String name;

// constructors, getters and setters


StudentRepository with Spring Data Jpa

public interface StudentRepository extends JpaRepository<Student, Long>

public Student findById(Long id);

public List<Student>findByName(String name);

Persistence layer unit test cases code set up shown below

public class UserRepositoryTest

private TestEntityManagerentityManager;

private UserRepositoryuserRepository;
// test cases

@DataJpaTest focuses only on JPA components needed for testing the persistence
layer. Instead of initializing the complete Spring Boot Application Context, as in the
case of @SpringBootTest, initializes only the required configuration relevant to JPA
tests. Thus, Unit test case set-up time is very less. @DataJpaTest does the following

• setting Hibernate, Spring Data, and the DataSource

• configuring H2, an in-memory database
• turning on SQL logging
• performing an @EntityScan

A complete example of persistence layer unit test case using @DataJpaTest



  User user = newUser(); 
user.setEmail("[email protected]"); 
  Role Based Login

  String email = "[email protected]"; 
// Call userRepository to get user record 
        Optional<User>found = userRepository.findByEmail(email); 
        String getUserEmail = found.get().getEmail(); 
    } Service Layer and Controller layer testing with@MockBean

In MVC project, Controllers are dependent on Services, and Services are dependent
on Repositories. However, Controllers and Services should be testable without
knowing the complete implementation of dependencies.
@MockBean can be used to mock the required dependency. Spring boot @MockBean
annotation used to add mocks to a Spring ApplicationContext.

A complete example of Service layer unit test case with @MockBean






User user = newUser(); 
List<Role>roleList = newArrayList<>(); 
Role adminRole = newRole(); 
Role editorRole = newRole(); 
user.setEmail("[email protected]"); 


String email = "[email protected]"; 
UserDetailsfound = userService.loadUserByUsername(email); 


Web Security

All unit test cases can be executed by right click on the project -> Run As -> Junit
Test as shown below screenshot (Figure 14.8).

Figure 14.8: Unit Test Case Execution From Eclipse IDE

Successful execution of Unit Test case will output the following (Figure 14.9). As you
can see all test cases are passed,which is shown by the green tick and green progress

Figure14.9: Unit Test Cases Execution Status

  Role Based Login


In Unit 12, section 12.3 CSRF concept and ways of its execution have been
described.CSRF is a type of attack in which attackers trick a victim into making a
request that utilizes their authentication or authorization. The victim’s level of
permission decides the impact of CSRF attack. Execution of CSRF attack consists of
mainly two-part.
• Trick the victim into clicking a link or loading a web page
• Sending a crafted, legitimate-looking request from victim’s browser to
For a better understanding of CSRF, let us have a look at a concrete example of bank
money transfer.
Suppose that bank’s website provides a form to transfer money from the currently
logged in user to another bank account.
For example, the HTTP request might look like:

POST /transfer HTTP/1.1

Host: bank.example.com
Cookie: JSESSIONID=randomid; Domain=bank.example.com; Secure; HttpOnly
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Now consider that user authenticate to bank’s website and then, without logging out,
visit an evil website. The evil website contains an HTML page with the following
<form action="https://bank.example.com/transfer" method="post">
<input type="hidden"
<input type="hidden"
<input type="submit"
value="Win Money!"/>

User like to win money, and he clicks on the Win Money! Button. As user clicks on
button, unintentionally he transferred $100 to a malicious user. While evil website can
not see your cookies, but the browser sent the cookie associated with bank along with
the request.
The whole process can be automated using JavaScript, and onPage load script can be
executed to perform CSRF. The most popular method to prevent Cross-site Request
Forgery is to use a randomly generated token that is associated with a particular user
and that is sent as a hidden value in every state-changing form in the web app. This
token, called an anti-CSRF token (often abbreviated as CSRF token) or a synchronizer
token. When a request is submitted, the server must look up the expected value for the
parameter and compare it against the actual value in the request. If the values do not
match, the request should fail.
Spring Security CSRF Protection

Necessary steps to use Spring Security’s CSRF protection are as follows-

• Use proper HTTP verb
• Configure CSRF protection
Web Security
• Include the CSRF token

Use Proper HTTP Verb

The use of proper HTTP verb plays a vital role to protect a website against CSRF
attack. We need to be assured that the application is using PATCH, POST, PUT,
and/or DELETE for anything that modifies state. This is not a limitation of Spring
Security’s support, but instead a general requirement for proper CSRF prevention.

Configure CSRF protection

By default, CSRF protection is enabled in Spring java configuration. It can be

disabled as below:

public class WebSecurityConfig extends
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception

Include the CSRF Token

The last step is to include the CSRF token all PATCH, POST, PUT, and DELETE
methods. Csrfinput Tag is described into section 14.2 and used it in edit.jsp in Section
14.5. In edit.jsp we used two approach to include csrf token as follows-
• <input type="hidden" name="${_csrf.parameterName}"
value="${_csrf.token}" />
• <security:csrfInput/>

Following example will give you experimental and real feel of CSRF attack in the
application executed in Section 14.5. Steps to perform CSRF attack simulation are as
Step 1: To simulate the evil website create a html file with below content. You can
give it any name. Let us assume that filename is as evil.html and save this file to any

<form action="http://localhost:8080/edit" method="POST" id="attack">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="2">
<input type="hidden" name="content" value="Hackers Msg">
<input type="button"
onclick="document.getElementById('attack').submit()" value="Click me to Won

Step 2: Start the application tested into Section 14.5 and login as Admin or Editor
user. Here consideration is that Admin user do login into the system (Figure 14.10).
  Role Based
d Login

Figure 144.10: Admin Role
R User Hom
me Screen

Step 3: For CSR RF attack to place

p User must
m be loggeed in to the sy
ystem. In steep 2,
Admmin has logged in. Now op pen evil.htmll in the same browser in which
w admin has
loggeed and clickk on the buttton. Once yoou click the button, the following
f scrreen
ure 14.11) willl appear with
h Hacker msgg.

Figure 14.11: CSRF Attack

As you
y can see in i above screeen that maliicious user hhas edited thee msg. Close the
html. From admin
a y will find the
login, click on eddit link, and there also you
modiified msg by malicious
m useer.
Noww we will makke the requireed changes too protect the website
w again
nst CSRF attaacks.
We have
h configurred security inn Security.javva file. You ccan check thaat csrf is disabbled
theree. You can ju ust remove csrf.disable()
c and automattically csrf prrotection will be
enabled. We havee already inclluded token in i jsp so no nneed to makee any changees in
jsp. Perform
P all th
he steps againn, and this tim
me in step 3 yyou will get the below scrreen
(Figuure 14.12) .

Figure 14.12: Website
W Proteected Against CSRF Attack


Web Security
As you can see now,the edit is being denied since we have enabled CSRF protection
and the malicious user is unable to edit or create the msg.

You can try to create a new message as a malicious user by disabling csrf protection.
Make the changes in evil.html.

☞Check Your Progress 3

1) Explain @SpringBootTest. Why is it not suitable for unit test cases?


2) Describe @MockBean with an example.

3) What is Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)? What is the necessary condition
for CSRF to take place?
4) How do you make the Spring Application secured against CSRF attack?
Discuss the necessary steps along with sample code to enable CSRF in

In the Unit, you learnt various core components of Spring Security such as
SecurityContextHolder, SecurityContext, Authentication, Principal etc. Next you
  Role Based Login
learnt how to get logged in user details in controllers using Authentication and
Principal and many more.
Gradually you learnt various Spring Security tags such as authorize, authentication,
csrfInput etc. to secure the view layer jsp and display the user details on jsp using
these tags.
Next you learnt about role-based login. In role-based login you learnt to redirect users
on different URL based on assigned role of the User. You learnt about
AuthenticationSuccessHandler and configuration using successHandler().
This Unit has described how to secure the service layer methods using various
annotations such as @Secured, @RoleAllowed, @PreAuthorize, @PostAuthorize etc.
You executed a complete application in which you learnt how to implement the above
concept programmatically. In the lastof the unit, you learnt how to enable CSRF
protection in Spring application. You got the real feel of CSRF attack with executed
example, and this will enable you to understand CSRF attack easily.



☞Check Your Progress 1

1) All Authentication implementations in Spring is having a list of
GrantedAuthority objects. These represent the authorities that have been
granted to the principal. AuthenticationManager inserts all the
GrantedAuthority objects into the Authentication Object. Hierarichal
Structure is as below (Figure 14.13).

Figure 14.13: Authorities in Authentication object

2) UserName using HttpServletRequest can be accessed as follows-

public class UserSecurityController

@RequestMapping(value = "/username", method = RequestMethod.GET)

public String loggeInUserName(HttpServletRequest request)
Principal principal = request.getUserPrincipal();
return principal.getName();
3) Authentication tag can be used get logged in user details and authorities on jsp
as below-
Web Security
• <security:authentication property="principal.username" />
• <security:authentication property="principal.authorities" />
For details refer authentication tag in the Section 14.2
☞Check Your Progress 2

1) AuthenticationSuccessHandleris an Interface, and Spring provides

SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler, which implement this interface. To
create the custom success handler we can extend the
SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler class and can override the handle()
method to provide the required logic to for redirect URL. For role based login,
you need to configure
successHandler(AuthenticationSuccessHandlersuccessHandler) instead of
defaultSuccessUrl(Sring s). Configuration for custom success handler is as

protected void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
// endpoints
// other configuration

2) For RBAC refer section 14.4. Configuration to restrict the URL access based
on role is as below-

protectedvoidconfigure(HttpSecurityhttp) throws Exception  


In above configuration
URL pattern “/” and “/home” is accessible only to user which is having role
URL pattern “/editor/**” is accessible only to user having role as
URL pattern “/admin/**” is accessible only to user having role as

  Role Based Login
URL pattern “/edit/**” is accessible to user having role as ROLE_ADMIN or
URL pattern “/create/**” is permissible only to user having role as

3) @Secured and @RolesAllowed both annotations provide method-level

security into Spring Beans. @Secured is Spring Security annotation from
version 2.0 onwards Spring Security. But @RolesAllowed is JSR 250
annotation. Spring Security provides the support for JSR 250 annotation as
well for method level security. @RolesAllowed provides role-based security

4) @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize allow to use SpEL. These annotations

support expression attributes to allow pre and post-invocation authorization

5) If you wanted to do something like access the method only if the user has
Role1 and Role2 the you would have to use @PreAuthorize
@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_role1') and hasRole('ROLE_role2')") Using
@Secured({"role1", "role2"}) is treated as an OR

6) For details check the Section 14.2. Example is as follows-

<security:authorize access="!isAuthenticated()">
<security:authorize access="isAuthenticated()">

Further we can also display certain information based on user role as-

<security:authorize access="hasRole('ADMIN')">
Delete Users

☞Check Your Progress 3

1) @SpringBootTest is used for integration testing and it is useful when we need
to bootstrap the entire container. The @SpringBootTest annotation tells
Spring Boot to look for a main configuration class (one with
@SpringBootApplication, for instance) and use that to start a Spring
application context. @SpringBootTest by default starts searching, a class
annotated with @SpringBootConfiguration, in the current package of the test
class and then searches upwards through the package structure. It reads the
configuration from @SpringBootConfiguration to create an application
context. This class is usually our main application class since the
@SpringBootApplication annotation includes the @SpringBootConfiguration
annotation. It then creates an application context very similar to the one that
would be started in a production environment.

2) In the MVC project, Controllers are dependent on Services, and Services are
dependent on Repositories. However, Controllers and Services should be
testable without knowing the complete implementation of dependencies.
@MockBean can be used to mock the required dependency. Spring boot
@MockBean annotation used to add mocks to a Spring ApplicationContext.
• @MockBean allows to mock a class or an interface.

Web Security
• @MockBean can be used on fields in either @Configuration classes
or test classes that are @RunWith the SpringRunner as well as a class
level annotation.
@MockBean at field level

public class LoginControllerTest

private LoginServiceloginService;

@MockBean at class level

public class LoginControllerTest

private LoginServiceloginservice;

• Mocks can be registered by type or by bean name.

• Any existing single bean of the same type defined in the context will
be replaced by the mock. If no existing bean is defined a new one will
be added.

3) For CSRF details, refer Unit 12 section 12.3 and Unit 14 section 14.6.
Necessary condition for CSRF attack to succeed is that that the victim must be
logged in and attacker is able to trick the victim into clicking a link or loading
a web page is done through social engineering or using a malicious link.

4) CSRF is a type of attack in which attackers trick a victim into making a

request that utilizes their authentication or authorization. The victim’s level of
permission decides the impact of CSRF attack. Execution of CSRF attack
consists of mainly two-part.
o Trick the victim into clicking a link or loading a web page
o Sending a crafted, legitimate-looking request from victim’s
browser to the website 
Necessary steps to use Spring Security’s CSRF protection are as follows-
• Use proper HTTP verb
• Configure CSRF protection
• Include the CSRF token


• Craig Walls, “Spring Boot in action” Manning Publications, 2016.


  Role Based Login
• Christian Bauer, Gavin King, and Gary Gregory, “Java Persistence with
Hibernate”,Manning Publications, 2015.
• Ethan Marcotte, “Responsive Web Design”, Jeffrey Zeldman Publication,
• Tomcy John, “Hands-On Spring Security 5 for Reactive Applications”,Packt
• https://www.baeldung.com/spring_redirect_after_login
• https://digitalguardian.com/blog/what-role-based-access-control-rbac-
• https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/5.0.x/reference/html/csrf.html
• https://docs.spring.io/spring-
• https://www.baeldung.com/spring-security-csrf
• https://www.baeldung.com/java-spring-mockito-mock-mockbean 


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