1981 - Ekramoddoullah, Kisil, Sehon - Isolation of Allergenically Active Cytochrome C From Kentucky Blue Grass Pollen
1981 - Ekramoddoullah, Kisil, Sehon - Isolation of Allergenically Active Cytochrome C From Kentucky Blue Grass Pollen
1981 - Ekramoddoullah, Kisil, Sehon - Isolation of Allergenically Active Cytochrome C From Kentucky Blue Grass Pollen
that cytochromes c present in other pollens Ont., Canada) against distilled water for 48 h at
may also have allergenic activity. If other 4 C; the nondialyzable components are referred
pollen cytochromes c are indeed found to be to as the reténtate (R).
allergenic, it would be of interest to deter Chromatography
mine the extent, if indeed any, of their aller Sephadex G-50 (particle size 20-80 //in; Phar
genic cross-reactivity. macia AB. Uppsala, Sweden) was equilibrated with
0.05 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.6, containing 0.02°/o NaNs
Because the structural features of differ and packed into a column (2.5 X 90 cm) at 4 °C.
ent cytochromes c have been highly con Ultrogel ACA-44 (LKB 2204-440, Industrie
served during evolutionary changes, pollen Biologique Française, Genevilliers, France) was
cytochromes from related species within a equilibrated with 0.05 M phosphate buffer, pH
family, e.g. Graminae (grass), may be ex 7.2, containing 0.15 M NazSO/, 0.02°/o NaNa and
packed into a column (2.5 X 90 cm).
pected to differ minimally in their amino All chromatographic eluates were concentrated
acid sequences. These minor differences by ultrafiltration through UM-2 membrane, with
may help to identify specific regions of the a cutoff for molecules larger than 1.000 daltons
cytochrome molecule which are responsible (Amicon, Lexington, Mass.). Desalting of the con
for the allergenic activities. This approach centrated eluates was achieved by dialysis through
Spectrapor membrane tubing (specified molecular
would be similar to that which has been suc weight cutoff = 3,500; Spectrum Medical Indus
cessfully used to identify three regions with tries, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif.) for 24 h against a
in the primary structure that have been im large volume of distilled water with three changes.
plicated in the antigenicity of mammalian
Preparative Isoelectrofocussing (ISO-EF)
cytochromes c (e.g. human, horse, guanaco The procedure of ISO-EF recently described
and mouse) [23], [II] was adapted with the following modifications.
In earlier studies from our laboratory, Thus, 5.5 g of Ultrodex (LKB-Productor AB,
protocols were developed for isolating puri Stockholm-Bromal, Sweden) was swollen in
142.5 ml of a solution of fraction R-I (see Results,
fied allergens from the aqueous extract of
p. 370) at a concentration of 4 mg/ml water. A vol
KBG pollen [1, 2, 10-12]. In the present ume of 7.5 ml of 400/o ampholyte buffer, pH range
study, we report the isolation of an allergen- 3.5-10 (LKB), was added to the gel suspension,
ically active cytochrome c from the nondia- which was then deaerated under vacuum. The gel
lysable multicomponent fraction, i.e. retén was poured onto a horizontal glass tray (11 X 30
X 0.8 cm, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, Cal
tate (R), of the aqueous extract of Kentucky
if.), spread uniformly and dried to a weight loss of
blue grass (KBG) pollen by a combination about 30'7o. Three strips of paper wicks (0.7 X
of gel filtration and isoelectrofocussing tech 11cm, Bio-Rad) presoaked with 0.2 M H î SO< for
niques. the anode and another three strips presoaked with
0.4 M ethylenediamine for the cathode were then
laid on top of the gel at the far ends; ISO-EF elec
Materials and Methods trodes, 110 mm (Bio-Rad) were placed on top of
the wicks and the ISO-EF was carried out as de
Preparation of R scribed previously [11],
An aqueous extract of KBG pollen (Hollister- After ISO-EF, the gel was divided into 38
Stier Laboratory, Mississauga, Ont., Canada) was equal sections with the aid of a gel divider (Bio-
prepared according to the procedure previously Rad) and the pH of each gel section was measured
established in this laboratory [7]. The aqueous ex with the aid of surface pH electrode (Bio-Rad). - 3/25/2018 8:52:02 PM
tract was dialyzed through visking tubing, No. 20 Each gel section was poured into a PEGG elution
Univ. of California Santa Barbara
dialysis (Union Carbide Canada Ltd., Lindsay, column (LKB) and eluted with 5 ml of water. The
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Cytochrome c of Kentucky Blue Grass Pollen 369
absorbance of the eluates at 280 nm was measured diamine (TEMED) to the 10 ml of gel mixture and
in a Perkin-Elmer UV-VIS spectrophotometer poured into glass tubes (0.5 X 12.5 cm). The stack
(Coleman 139, Coleman Instrument Division, ing gel was prepared in the same way, except that
Maywood, III,). All fractions were dialyzed exten the concentration of acrylamide and methyl bis-
sively against water through Spectrapor membrane acrylamide was 3 and 0.8%>, respectively, in
tubing (molecular cutoff 6,000-8,000) and lyo- 0.125 M Tris-HCl, pH 6.8. The electrode buffer
philized. (pH 8.3) contained 0.025 M Tris and 0.192 M
glycine ar.d 0.1'Vo SDS. The sample buffer consisted
Protein Measurement of 0.0625 M Tris-HCl (pH 6.8), 2°/o SDS, 10%
The protein content of pollen fractions was de glycerol, 5% 2-mercaptoethanol, 0.001°/« bromo-
termined by the method of Lowry et al. [21 ]. Un phenol blue. The sample was dissolved in sample
less stated otherwise, amounts or concentrations buffer and boiled for 90 s. Electrophoresis was
of various fractions are expressed in terms of their carried out with a current of 3 niA/tubc until the
protein content. bromophenol blue marker reached the bottom of
the gel. The gels were stained according to the
Absorption Spectrum method of Fairbanks et al. [13], The following
The sample was dissolved in water and read at proteins with the indicated molecular weights
wavelengths of 5-nm intervals in a Zeiss spectro were used as markers: human serum albumin,
photometer (Zeiss, Obcrkochen, FRG). 68,000 (Pentex, Miles Laboratories, Elkhart, lnd.);
ovalbumin, 43,000 (1CN Pharmaceuticals, Cleve
Chemical Analysis
land, Ohio); chymotrypsinogen A, 25.700, ribonu-
The amino acid analysis was kindly performed
clease A, 13,700 (Worthington Biochemical Corp.,
by Dr. F. Stevens of the Department of Biochem
Freehold, N.J.); pepsin, 35,000 trypsin, 23,300,
istry, University of Manitoba. Samples were hy
horse heart cytochrome c, 11,700 (Sigma, St.
drolyzed with HC1 at 110-112 C for 24, 48 and
Louis, Md.). The mobility of the separated protein
72 h. The hydrolysates were analyzed with the
was measured as described by Weber and Osborn
Beckman automatic amino acid analyzer, Model
120-139 (Beckman, Palo Alto, Calif.). The con
Alternatively, the molecular weights of pollen
centration of serine, theonine and tyrosine was
fractions were estimated by gel filtration through
calculated by extrapolation to zero time hydrolysis
Ultrogel ACA-44 calibrated with proteins listed
and that of valine and isoleucine was calculated
from the analysis of 72 h hydrolysate. The cys
teine was determined as cysteic acid by oxidizing
the sample with performic acid [15] prior to 24 h Radioallergosorbent Test (RAST)
acid hydrolysis. The tryptophan content was mea The test recently described [II] was used with
sured spectrophotometrically [6], The concentra the following modifications. CNBr-activated paper
tion of other amino acids was calculated from the discs (one disc/100 «g of sample to be coupled)
analysis of the 48 h hydrolysate. Qualitative tests were suspended in a solution of a pollen fraction
for carbohydrate were performed by a spot test as (1.0 mg/ml of 0.1 M NaHCOs) for 18 h at 4 °C.
described elsewhere [11]. Unreacted materials were removed by washing the
paper discs twice with 0.1 M NaHCOs. To block
Molecular Weight Estimation any residual active sites on the cellulose, the discs
The molecular weight of pollen constituents were reacted with a solution of /J-ethanolamine
was determined by electrophoresis in polyacrylam (0.5 M in 0.1 M NaHCOi) for 3h and then
ide gel in presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate washed with 0.1 M sodium acetate buffer, pH 4.0,
(SDS-PAGE) as described by Laemmli [18], The followed by extensive washing with phosphate-
separation gel consisted of 10 g acrylamide, 0.8 g buffered saline (7.75 g NaCI, 0.54 g KH2 PCL,
methyl bis-acrylamide, 1 g SDS, 0.4 g ammonium 2.14 g NaiHPOi in liter of H2 O, pH 7.2; PBS).
persulfate dissolved in total volume of 100 ml of The discs were stored in incubation buffer (PBS - 3/25/2018 8:52:02 PM
0.375 M Tris-HC'l, pH 8.8. The gel was polymer containing 0.3°/« bovine serum albumin and 0.02%
ized by adding 0.025 ml of tetramethylethylene- NaNj).
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370 Ekramoddoullah/Kisil/Sehon
by chromatography on Sephadex G-50 into band was localized within the cathode frac
two fractions arbitrarily designated as R-I tion.
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Cytochrome c of Kentucky Blue Grass Pollen 371
disc prepared with R. ing buffer: 0.05 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, con
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Table II. Amino acid composition of KBG-cy- band corresponding to a molecular weight
tochromec of the order of 12,000 daltons in
SDS-PAGE (fig. 5). The pi of KBG-cyto
Amino acid Residue per molecule
chrome c, as determined by preparative
Alanine 9
ISO-EF of KBG-cytochrome c was 9.9. The
Arginine 4 amino acid analysis revealed that it con
Aspartic acid 10 tained all the naturally occurring amino ac
Cysteine 2 ids (tabic II). KBG-cytochrome c did not
Glutamic acid II contain carbohydrate, since it failed to give
Glycine 10
a positive test for carbohydrate.
Histidine 2
Ileucine 3
Leucine 8
Lysine 11 Discussion
Methionine 2
Phenylalanine 5
Proline 9
In this study allergenically active cyto
Serine 5 chrome c was isolated from the nondialysa-
Threonine 7 ble fraction R of KBG pollen. The consti
Tryptophan 2 tuents of R were first separated, on the basis
Tyrosine 4 of their size, into two fractions and the high
Valine 8
er molecular weight fraction, R-I, which
was enriched with cytochrome c like materi
al, was further resolved by preparative ISO-
EF into fractions with pi values ranging
KBG-cytochrome c had absorption maxima from 3.5 to 10.
at 280, 350, 410, 520 and 550 nm. While Although all the focussed fractions of
the absorption maxima at 280 nm is due to R-I contained allergenic components, only
protein, the maxima at 350, 410, 520 and the cathode fraction was enriched with red-
550 are the characteristics of the hemo- colored material and had an absorption
chrome spectrum of cytochrome c [22]. spectrum characteristic of cytochrome c.
KBG-cytochrome c is red in color; if, how SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that the cath
ever, a few crystals of sodium dithionate ode fraction contained a component with a
were added to a solution of KBG-cyto molecular weight characteristic of cyto
chrome c, the color changed to pink. Under chrome c and two additional components
this reduced conditions, the absorption with molecular weights higher than that of
maxima at 410 shifted to 415, the absorp cytochrome c. The cathode fraction was re
tion maxima at 550 was more pronounced solved on ACA 44 into five fractions, all of
while the absorption maxima at 520 was which were capable of binding human IgE
barely detectable. These data would indicate antibodies to allergens of KBG pollen. The
that cytochrome c, isolated from KBG pol two low molecular weight fractions, i.e.
len, was predominantly in oxidized form. fractions IV and V, were easily dialysable
KBG-cytochrome c was shown to be through Spectrapor membrane tubing (mo - 3/25/2018 8:52:02 PM
homogeneous, since it moved as a single lecular cut off = 6-8 X 103) and, conse
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374 Ekramoddoullah/Kisil/Sehon
quently, were not detectable by SDS-PAGE Thus, KBG-cytochrome c did not precipi
analysis. tate with rabbit antiserum prepared against
Fraction III (fig. 3) was identified as allergen C. Allergen C contained approxi
KBG-cytochrome c by its color, absorption mately 30°/ci carbohydrate whereas no car
spectrum, size, charge and amino acid com bohydrate was detected in KBG-cytochrome
position similar to those cytochromes isolat c. A complete analysis of antigenic and al
ed from other plant sources [4], Al lergenic relationships of KBG-cytochrome c
though KBG-cytochrome c is a highly basic and allergen C must await the availability of
protein (pi value = 9.9), the acidic amino appropriate antisera to KBG-cytochrome c.
acids, i.e. aspartic acid and glutamic acid, The salient feature of cytochrome c iso
were found to be present in amounts higher lated from KBG pollen was that it elicited
than the basic amino acids, i.e. arginine, his allergic reactions in individuals sensitive to
tidine and lysine. Since asparagine and glut KBG pollen. The fact that cytochrome c of
amine in a protein are converted into glut KBG and ragweed pollen were demonstrat
amic and aspartic acids, respectively, dur ed to be allergenic in man strongly suggests
ing acid hydrolysis, the amounts of aspartic that the various pollens may contain cyto
and glutamic acid determined by the acid chrome c as a part of their allergenic consti
hydrolysis of KBG-cytochrome c may in tuents. As referred to in the Introduction,
deed be higher than their actual values. To the isolation of cytochromes c of various
obtain the true values, it will be necessary to grass pollens may represent a group of
identify the individual amino acids in the cross-reactive allergens. The availability of
course of the complete sequence analysis of well-characterized and closely-related aller
KBG-cytochrome c. A striking difference gens is expected to pave the way for localiz
noted between KBG-cytochrome c and two ing the allergenic sites on the molecule by
glycoprotein allergens, C-I-2-6 [11] and al correlation of allergenic activity with dis
lergen C [2] also isolated from KBG pollen, tinct region(s) identified from amino acid
was that the cytochrome c allergen was de sequence analysis. Once the allergenic de
void of carbohydrate. An analysis of aller terminants) are identified, it can be antici
genic relationships between the two glyco pated that the synthesis of univalent deriva
protein allergens and KBG-cytochrome c tives of the allergenic determinants may be
may aid in the understanding of the role of achieved.
carbohydrate (if any) on the allergenicity of The univalent determinants would serve
the two glycoprotein allergens. It should be as immunotherapeutic agents, since these
noted that the color, size and charge charac compounds on administration would inhibit
teristics of cytochrome c closely resembled the allergic reactions triggered by the cross-
that of allergen C [2] and one may therefore linking of cell-fixed IgE antibodies by multi
contend that cytochrome c might be con valent allergens. For example, the treatment
taminated with allergen C. Although such a of penicillin allergy by the injection of large
possibility cannot be completely ruled out, doses of the univalent penicillin derivative,
the following observations would suggest benzylpenicilloyl-formyl lysine, prior to ad - 3/25/2018 8:52:02 PM
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