RP - 454 - 2023 - Memo of Petition - 2023-04-29 - 7123562
RP - 454 - 2023 - Memo of Petition - 2023-04-29 - 7123562
RP - 454 - 2023 - Memo of Petition - 2023-04-29 - 7123562
3 District Manager
MadhyaPradeshState Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd
Jabalpur (M.P.)
4% ok
28 APR .udd
Thatthe Petitioner had filed a Writ Petition no.20920 /17 assailing the
legality and validity of order dt.16.11.2017 (Annx. P/7 in W.P.),
passed by the Respondent no.1, whereby the Petitioner firm was
debarred/Blacklisted for a period of 2016 to 2018 and one year
thereafter without even issuance of Show causenotice.
The petitioner has quoted his rate as mentioned into the item rate
tender i.e. Rs. 135/- for local work per tonne and Rs.30/- per tonne
per kilometer for lead kilometer 1 to 15. Yet the respondents have
directed the petitioner to execute the agreement on the lowerrate at
Rs.24.32 as.per cross offer than the rate of Rs.30/- as quoted by the
petitioner. Petitioner did not agree such cross offer by whichhis rates
were lowered down from Rs.30 to Rs.24.32, therefore, declined to
execute the agreement on 04.02.2017 and stated very categorically
that the rates which petitioner has quoted may kindly be approved
for the purpose of carrying out the tender work. (Annx P/4 of W.P.)
11. Petitioner was shocked to know notice floated into the website of
the respondents in which the nameof the petitioner has been placed
into the blacklisted transporters wherein the nameof the petitioner
appearsatserial no.29 and it has been directed further that they be.
debarred from participating into the further tenders. Copy of
blacklisting order dt. 16.11.17 is annexed herewith is Annexure RP/2.
12. That, the Petitioner Challenged the aforesaid order dt. 16.11.2017 in
W.P. 20920/2017 on the ground the same has been passed in
complete violation of the principles of Natural Justice. It is pertinent
to mention not even a show cause notice wasissued before passing of
the impugned order. The matter came up for hearing on 7.12.2017
where in this Hon’ble Court was pleased to stay the operation and
effect of the Impugned Order 16.11.2017. Copy of interim order dt.
7.12.17 passed in W.P. 20920/2017 is annexed herewith as Annexure
+) 28 APR 2023
13. That, thereafter the matter remained pending and the Respondent
Corporation kept on seeking for time to file their Reply. The
Respondent soughttimetofile its reply on at least on 5 occasions. The
samecan be substantiated by bare perusal of the ordersheets. Copy of
order sheets of W.P. 20920/2017 is annexed herewith as Annexure
15. That, thereafter on 14.09.2022, the matter was again taken up wherein
the Counsel for the petitioner under the impression since the the
period of blacklisting is already over which was for the period of
2016-18 and since the as per the counsel for the respondent had
admitted on the earlier date the matter has becomeinfructuous, made
a submission that the matter has become infructuous. Therefore, the
matter was dismissed as infructuous.
16. That, thereafter the petitioner participated and submit their bids in
furtherance of tender issued by the Food Corporation of India for
appointment of regular handling and Transport Contactor for Food.
Grains at Railhead and other storage centers for HTC Niwar(Katni).
stay has been vacated. It was further stated that no document was
provided by the Petitioner to show that the Blacklisting has cometo
an end andatthis stage, no further documentation can be submitted.
19, That, the aforesaid order challenged before this Hon’ble Court in WP
23814/22, wherein initially the Hon’ble Court initially stayed the
tender process vide orderdt. 23.11.22, however on 20.04.23, on the
be interest of justice to review the aforesaid order and pass the order
on merits.
(A) That, action at the instance of the respondents suffers from total
(C) That, no reasons have been assigned by the. respondents for the
purposeof blacklisting of the petitioner
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26 APR 2023
respondent's own submission that the matter has become
infructuous. Therefore, it will be interest of justice to review the
aforesaid order andpass the order on merits.
The Petitioner submits that no notice caveat has been received by him
from the opposite parties.
(i) That this Hon’ble Court may kindly be pleased review/ modify order
dt. 14.09.2022 passed in W.P. No.20920/2017(Annx RP/1) and
dispose-off the materin light of submissions made by the Respondent
recorded the order dt. 09.07.2022, in the interest ofjustice.
PP 999
(i) That, this Hon’ble Court may kindly be pleasedto call for the records
(iv) Any other relief which this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper
mayalso be granted.
Jabalpur 9
Dated: ° OR 20: v Counsel for the Petitioner
ation: Businessman
L, Rahul Saluja, S/o AshokSaluja, Age about 35 years, Occup
te on oath as
R/o Dubey Colony, Katni (M.P.), do hereby solemnly affirm andsta
I am well
1. That I am the petitioner in the Instant review petition and
2. That the contents in paras 1 to end of the accompanying review
to law
are true and correct to my personal knowledge and those relating
el and
and records are based on the information received from my Couns
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For the High Cour DEPONENT
5 Jabalny
é 8 APR iudd
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