Lee Ma Roseline 2016
Lee Ma Roseline 2016
Lee Ma Roseline 2016
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A marine, gram negative, rod shaped bacterium that degrades agar was isolated from the east coast of
Received 8 February 2016 India and was identified to be Acinetobacter junii PS12B based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The effect of
Received in revised form different culture conditions, namely pH of the medium, time and temperature of incubation and the agar
21 April 2016
concentration in the medium, on the agarase production by the strain, was evaluated. The agarase
Accepted 23 April 2016
Available online 25 April 2016
production was significantly (po0.05) affected by the culture conditions. The optimum conditions as
determined by response surface methodology were found to be a temperature of 35 °C, pH of 7.0 and
Keywords: time of fermentation of 33 h and agar concentration of 0.5%. Under the optimum conditions, the isolate
Agar produced 0.17 units of agarase per ml of the medium. Ammonium nitrate and sodium nitrate were the
best nitrogen source in the medium for agarase production by the isolate. Supplementing the agar
Acinetobacter junii
containing minimal media with simple sugars like glucose and galactose was found to enhance agarase
Response surface methodology
production significantly by two fold. The isolate was also able to degrade carrageenan, which indicates its
role in utilization of marine polysaccharides for the production of bioactive oligosaccharides.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1878-8181/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
220 T. Leema Roseline, N.M Sachindra / Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 6 (2016) 219–226
additive to improve food quality, inhibit the growth of bacteria, defined as the amount of enzyme that released 1 mmol of galactose
and slow down the degradation of starch (Giordano et al., 2006). equivalents from the substrate per minute under the specified
They also have a moisturizing effect on skin and a whitening im- assay condition. The specific activity was expressed in one mmol
pact on melanoma cells (Kobayashi et al., 1997; Ohta et al., 2004). galactose equivalents/min/mg protein. Protein concentration was
Because of these functional implications, agar-derived oligo- determined by Lowry's method using bovine serum (BSA) as the
saccharides have broad applications in the health-food, pharma- standard (Lowry et al., 1951). Galactose was used as a reference for
ceutical, and cosmetic industries potentially. preparing the standard curve.
Single-factor optimization can be eliminated by using response
surface methodology (RSM) which is used to explain the combined 2.3. Random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of
effects of all the factors in a biotechnological process (Anil kumar agarolytic isolates
and Suresh, 2014). Therefore, the use of RSM in biotechnological
processes is gaining much importance for the optimization of In order to determine the similarity between the strains, Ran-
enzyme production (Beg et al., 2003; Kumar and Satyanarayana, dom Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was performed
2004; Rao et al., 2006). Some statistical approaches have been using a universal M13 primer (5′-GAGGGTGGCGGTTCT-3′) for mi-
employed for agarase production by Agarivorans albus YKW-34 (Fu crobial typing (Schillinger et al., 2003). The amplified product was
et al., 2009), Pseudoalteromonas sp. JYBCL1 (Jung et al., 2012), and run on 1.8% agarose gel. The RAPD banding pattern was further
Streptomyces lividans (Park et al., 2014). analyzed using GeneSyss software (SYNGENE, UK) and the simi-
In the present work, a marine bacterial isolate identified as larity of the band profiles and the grouping of the RAPD-PCR
Acinetobacter junii PS12B was evaluated for agarase production patterns were calculated based on the Pearson's coefficient and
under different culture conditions. The strain was characterized by agglomerative clustering with unweighted pairs group matching
investigating the growth and production of agarase in the pre- algorithm (UPGMA), and the dendrogram was constructed using
sence of various parameters to exploit the organism for production GeneSyss software.
of agarase. Further, the combined effect of different culture con-
ditions was evaluated using RSM for optimization of enzyme 2.4. Biochemical and molecular characterization of the selected
production. agarolytic isolate
CLUSTAL X. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the MEGA 2.7. Effect of carbon and nitrogen sources on production of agarase
6 program (Biodesign Institute, Tempe, AZ, USA) by the method of
neighbour-joining (Kumar et al., 2008). Different inorganic (ammonium chloride, ammonium nitrate,
sodium nitrate) and organic (yeast extract, peptone, casein hy-
drolysate) nitrogen sources were tested at a concentration of 0.1%
2.5. Effects of culture conditions on agarase production by selected
in the minimal salt medium. Different carbon sources were tested
by supplementing the MS medium containing ammonium nitrate
(0.1%) and agar (0.3%) with monosaccharide's (glucose, fructose
The effect of incubation time (24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h), tem-
and galactose), disaccharides (ribose, raffinose, sucrose) and cel-
perature (25, 30, 37, and 50 °C), pH (4 to 10) and the initial con-
lulose at 0.1% level. Optimized culture conditions were employed
centration of agar in the fermentation medium (0.1–0.3% w/v) was
during the study.
evaluated by culturing the selected organism under specific con-
ditions, by varying one parameter and keeping the other condi-
2.8. Statistical analysis
tions constant (24 h, 37 °C, pH 7.0 and 0.3% agar). The growth of
the organism was determined by centrifuging 2 ml of culture
Statistical analysis was performed for each experiment by
suspension, suspending the cell pellets in 2 ml physiological saline
analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques using the statistical
and measuring the absorbance of the suspension at 600 nm. To software STATISTICA (StatSoft, 1999). All experiments were con-
check multiple polysaccharide degrading activity of the selected ducted in triplicate, and the mean values are reported.
strain, the isolate was inoculated into MS medium containing Κ-
carrageenan, ι-carrageenan, λ-carrageenan, chitosan, alginate, and
agar. After 24 h of incubation, the enzyme activity of the culture 3. Results
supernatant was assayed using the same polysaccharide as the
substrate. 3.1. Screening, isolation and selection of agarolytic bacteria
2.6. Evaluation of combined effect of culture conditions on agarase From the marine samples, 65 bacterial strains were isolated,
production and six of the isolates had shown good agarolytic activity as de-
monstrated by zones of clearing around the colony after flooding
The combined effect of culture conditions was evaluated using with iodine, and were selected for further studies (Fig. 1(a)). The
three-level factorial design. The independent factors considered geographic details of selected isolates is given as supplementary
for optimization included temperature (X1; °C), time (X2; h), pH data. RAPD fingerprints of the potential agarolytic isolates are
(X3) and agar concentration (X4; % w/v), while the enzyme activity shown in Fig. 1(b) with distinct banding patterns. The number of
was the dependent factor. The detail of factors and the experi- bands varied between 3 and 9, with fragment size ranging be-
mental run design is presented in Table 1. The data was analyzed tween 250 and 2370 bp. According to dendrogram and cluster
for determining the response profile of different factors, and the analysis, isolates were grouped into two major, and each group
response surface plots were drawn using the software STATISTICA was subdivided into two sub-groups. The selected cultures (PS12B,
(StatSoft, 1999). PS18, AS, SAR, CS15M, MBW, SW17 groups) with banding patterns
as observed by RAPD profiles proves that the agarolytic cultures
Table 1
are diverse (Fig. 1(b)). Six selected isolates were screened for
Experimental design for studying the combined effect of different variables on agarase activity by submerged fermentation studies. The agarase
agarase production. production significantly (p o0.05) differed between isolates, with
isolate PS12B showing highest specific activity of 1.72 70.23 fol-
Run Temperature X1 Incubation time pH X3 Agar concentration
lowed by the isolate SAR 1.52 70.13, while the isolate SW17
number (°C) X2 (h) (% w/v) X4
(0.45 70.07) showed the lowest activity (Fig. 1(c)). Hence, isolate
1 20 6 4 0.1 PS12B was selected for further study.
2 20 6 7 0.5
3 20 6 10 0.3 3.2. Biochemical, physiological profile and phylogenic analysis of the
4 20 24 4 0.5
5 20 24 7 0.3
potential agarolytic strain PS12B
6 20 24 10 0.1
7 20 42 4 0.3 As the isolate PS12B showed highest agarase activity, the iso-
8 20 42 7 0.1 late was further characterized. Colonies produced on minimal
9 20 42 10 0.5
mineral salts medium at 37 °C for 2–4 days were circular, off-
10 35 6 4 0.5
11 35 6 7 0.3 white, opaque and rod-shaped. The isolate was a gram-negative,
12 35 6 10 0.1 catalase-positive and oxidase-negative. The isolate was able to
13 35 24 4 0.3 grow at temperatures between 25 and 40 °C, at a pH range of 5–10.
14 35 24 7 0.1 The isolate could not hydrolyze esculin, gelatin, and cellulose and
15 35 24 10 0.5
16 35 42 4 0.1
was non-hemolytic. Additionally, PS12B strain was able to utilize
17 35 42 7 0.5 the sugars, lactose, xylose. maltose, fructose, dextrose, galactose,
18 35 42 10 0.3 raffinose, trehalose, melibiose, sucrose, L-arabinose, mannose, in-
19 50 6 4 0.3 ulin, sodium gluconate, salicin, glucosamine, dulcitol, inositol,
20 50 6 7 0.1
sorbitol, mannitol, adonitol and unable to utilize the sugars α-
21 50 6 10 0.5
22 50 24 4 0.1 methyl-D-glucoside, rhamnose, cellobiose, melezitose, α-methyl-
23 50 24 7 0.5 D-mannoside, xylitol, ONPG, esculin, D-arabinose, citrate, mal-
24 50 24 10 0.3 onate, sorbose. Detailed physiological and biochemical character-
25 50 42 4 0.5 ization are provided as supplementary data. Phylogenetic analysis
26 50 42 7 0.3
27 50 42 10 0.1
(Fig. 2) based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that agarolytic
strain PS12B closely matches with Acinetobacter junii., with 99%
222 T. Leema Roseline, N.M Sachindra / Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 6 (2016) 219–226
Fig. 1. Screening of agarolytic isolates. a) Detection of agarolytic activity on agar plate, b) Dendogram drawn using RAPD profile of bacterial isolates, c) Agarolytic activity of
organism isolated from marine environment (mean 7 SD, n ¼ 3).
Fig. 2. Phylogenetic tree of Acinetobacter sp. PS12B associated with other members of the genus Acinetobacter using 16S rRNA sequence.
Fig. 3. Effect of a) pH, b) temperature, c) the time course and d) concentration of agar on the growth and production of agarase enzyme (mean 7 SD, n ¼3).
Fig. 5. Response surfaces plots of effect of a) agar concentration and pH, b) temperature and time, c) pH and time and d) time and agar concentration on agarase production
(other variables kept at the center level).
upto 7.0 and then reduced, while increase in agar concentration obtained when ammonium nitrate (0.14 þ0.006 U/ml) or sodium
resulted in a marginal increase in enzyme production. The rise in nitrate (0.13 þ0.006 U/ml) was used as nitrogen source in the
temperature also increases enzyme production, but at high-tem- medium (Fig. 6(a)). Substitution of ammonium nitrate with other
perature agarase production reduces. Time also showed a minimal nitrogen sources (yeast extract peptone or casein) decreased the
effect on agarase production. The optimum levels of the four in- agarase production significantly (p o0.05), indicating that Acine-
dependent variables determined from the response profile (pro- tobacter junii PS12 B is not able to efficiently utilize complex ni-
vided as supplementary data) for maximum agarase production of trogen source in the medium for agarase production.
0.17 units, was found to be 0.5% (w/v) of agar, pH of 7.0 and in- Several reports have indicated that different carbon sources
cubation at 35 °C for 33 h. Optimized conditions were found to have different influences on extracellular enzyme production by
very close to the conditions obtained during one factor at a time various strains. Therefore, the effect of agar and agar with different
experiment. sugars like glucose, galactose, sucrose, agarose, ribose, raffinose
and cellulose on agarase production by Acinetobacter junii PS12B
3.5. Influence of nitrogen and carbon sources on agarase production was examined. Combinations of agar with monosaccharide's,
glucose, and galactose, significantly p o0.05) increased agarase
As optimization experiment did not yield higher enzyme pro- production by more than 2 fold (Fig. 6(b)). Cellulose had an ad-
duction, in order to increase the enzyme production, the effect of verse effect on agarase production.
addition of different carbon sources and nitrogen sources to the
minimal medium under optimal conditions on enzyme production 4. Discussion
was evaluated. The evaluation of effect of substituting ammonium
nitrate with other nitrogen sources on agarase production in- Numerous species of bacterial genera have been reported to be
dicated that the significantly higher agarase production was producers of agarase. Most of the reports on agarolytic bacteria are
T. Leema Roseline, N.M Sachindra / Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 6 (2016) 219–226 225