Social Media Foundations

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Social Media Foundations

Lesson 1—Introduction to Social Media


Explain Social Media and its role in modern communication

Define Social Media landscape

Understand the integration of Content Marketing and Social Media

Describe how to monitor conversation and manage reputation

on social network
Discuss customer engagement on Social Media
Communication Evolution

Different stages of communication evolution

Pre-printing World Artificial Machine

press era wide web intelligence learning

Era of Internet Virtual

printed of things reality
Social Media: Then and Now

Social media has now become ubiquitous in our everyday lives.

AOL (America Online) was the first social network with its member-created communities.
Social Media: Then and Now (Contd.)

Social media networks began to appear in 2002-2003 with sites such as:
Social Media: Then and Now (Contd.)

It is estimated that there are 2.62B social media users around the world in 2018; that
number is expected to climb to more than 3B by 2021.
A Conventional Internet Minute

Check live status of Internet and social media platforms on
Role of Social Media

Social media impacted the sharing and receiving of information, changed the ways of
communication and engagement, and transformed the way of conducting business.

Social media is used for customer service, networking, and marketing, communicating with friends
and family, staying up-to-date with news and current affairs, and so on.
Role of Social Media (Contd.)

Social has cemented its place as the primary form of communication, and mobile
is taking social to even greater levels.

Law enforcement People use social as an Journalists use social

agencies use social to information source to crowdsource news
combat crime during a natural disaster
Social Media Landscape

There are various social media platforms that focus on either customers or the business or both.

The social media landscape continues to evolve at an exponential rate as it is accessible

to consumers and organizations of all sizes and types.
Social Media Landscape: Facebook

Facebook is a very powerful communication and marketing platform.

More than 25% of the world’s population log in to their Facebook account at least once in a month.
Social Media Landscape: LinkedIn

From a B2B perspective, LinkedIn boasts 550M members with 106M active users.
It is the core platform used in the social selling process.

Note: Social selling is the process of using social media to develop and build
relationships and networking as part of the sales process.
Content Marketing

Content marketing is an important component of any social media strategy.

The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as:

“A strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and
consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to
drive profitable customer action.”

Provide relevant and useful content to your prospects and customers to help them solve their issues.
Shotgun Approach to Marketing

It is a strategy where marketers and advertisers seek to gain attention of the

largest possible crowd using a variety of channels.
Shotgun Marketing vs. Rifle Marketing

Shotgun Rifle

Shoots a number of small bullets with the Triggered only after the target is
hope that some hit the target aimed at and focused on

Shotgun marketing involves reaching as Rifle marketing involves selecting target

many people as you can

without a particular audience based on their demonstrated

end target in mind. interest.

Shotgun Approach to Marketing: Example

A paid TV commercial aired during Super Bowl ensures that 100M+ viewers
watching the game get to view the advertisement.

How many viewers are truly interested in the product or solution?

Shotgun approach is no longer effective and yields little return. Therefore, a

more targeted approach needs to be taken.
Content Marketing on Social Media

Most marketers use content marketing; social media platforms can make
content marketing more effective and help:

• Raise brand awareness

• Drive incremental sales
• Build communities
Content Marketing on Social Media (Contd.)

Social media marketing involves more than building many followers or

encouraging engagement, likes, shares, and retweets.

75% of B2B buyers use social media to conduct research and gather intelligence.
Importance of High-quality Content

High-quality content has the best effect when it is distributed over social media.

Social media and content marketing work in harmony. When combined with search
engine optimization (SEO) activities, they form the perfect mix.
Creating Successful Content for Social Media

Create content that is engaging and relevant to your target audience.

• Identify their needs and requirements

• Adhere to the 4-1-1 rule

To be in social media marketing, strike a balance between business promotion

and engagement efforts.
Content Marketing on Twitter

For every self-serving tweet, retweet one relevant tweet and share four pieces
of relevant content written by others.
Reputation Management

Social media provides people an opportunity to share their views and opinions.

Ignoring negative posts can have a profound effect.

Risk losing Miss out on Cause severe damage

customers referral business to your brand
Reputation Management (Contd.)

Social media reputation management is a process of improving your brand name by

tracking, monitoring, and eliminating negative social media posts.

It builds your credibility with customers, which strengthens their trust in your brand.
Tracking Social Media Conversations

A survey from SDL found that:

% %
of consumers tend to share their of consumers will trust a brand
positive brand experiences on after reading a positive customer
social media platforms. review on social media.

Source: SDL, a global innovator in language translation technology, services, and content management.

Know what you should be monitoring and what should you be listening for.

Monitor the following data on social media platforms.

Names of High-profile Popular industry Social media

Company name products or
employee names keywords/hashtags sentiment
• You can • People refer to • People • You can monitor • Social media
monitor and product name frequently call the social metrics do not
listen out for instead of out a high- landscape for reflect the
mentions. brand name. profile mentions of sentiment of a
individual. keywords. post.
Monitoring: Tools

Various tools are available for reputation management, monitoring, and sentiment scoring.

However, teaching a machine to analyze the various grammatical nuances, cultural

variations, slang, and misspellings is a difficult process.
Monitoring: Drawbacks of Using Tools

Tweet - “My flight’s been delayed. Well done @GlobalAirline Brilliant!”

Most people interpret that the Software solution fails to detect the
person was being sarcastic sarcasm and categorizes it as positive
Monitoring: Rules for Effective Management

Not responding to complaints will adversely affect the overall reputation of the brand.

Be a part of the conversation about your competitors.

Monitoring: Rules for Effective Management

Monitor mentions of your brand

Prepare for crisis
Listen to the problem
Address criticism
Respond quickly and politely
Attempt to turn negatives into positives
Be transparent
Listen to your competitors
Offer a solution
Learn from your mistakes
Check on the service status once a
solution has been offered

Social media is about engagement, customer experience, loyalty, and value.

Create authentic interactions, monitor discussions, and engage with others.

Engagement: Evolving Environment

Earlier, customers had to struggle to resolve their issues with the brand.

“We’re sorry. Our customer service “Our customer service team is on hand to
representatives are currently busy.” help from 9.00am – 6.00pm, Mon-Fri.”

Businesses can enhance engagement through social media and make troublesome interactions easier.
Engagement: Going Digital

Different demographics have their preferred channels of engagement. Generations X (b. 1961-1980)
and Y (b. 1981 – 1989), commonly referred to as millennials, prefer digital engagement.
Ways to Engage Customers

Post daily Use images Be personal Mention people Listen Encourage


Monitor Run Pose a Build Host a

contests question Partnerships Weekly/Monthly
Twitter Chat
Key Takeaways

Social media has become an important part in the daily lives of people. It impacts how they receive and
share information and engage with each other.

There are numerous social media platforms today which are focused on consumers and/or businesses.
Facebook is the leading social media network, followed by YouTube and WhatsApp.

Content marketing is the most preferred method of marketing. It refers to high-quality content
distributed over social media using effective SEO techniques.

Social media has provided people with the freedom to share their opinion. This makes it difficult to avoid negative
comments. Through reputation management, you can build credibility and trust among your customers.

Social media engagement involves using social networks to provide great customer experience, deliver value,
and build brand loyalty. Customers place their trust in your brand when they engage with your business on
social media.
This concludes “Introduction to Social Media.”
The next lesson is “Social Media Strategy and Planning.”
Social Media Foundations
Lesson 2—Social Media Strategy
and Planning

Explain social media’s impact on business goals

Understand integration of social media with marketing strategy

Discuss the various strategic business channels to be

followed in social media

Define your target audience

Explain the frequency and types of content to post

and promote on different channels
Impact of Social Media on Business Goals

Social media goals should align to your overall business goals and objectives.

Social media plays an important role in the following areas:

• Drive new business
• Increase customer retention
• Build brand awareness
• Improve customer experience
• Increase competitive displacement

An ideal starting point is to:

• List out the company priorities
• Explore how social activities align with the company priorities
• Measure the contribution of social activities to business results
to calculate ROI
Impact of Social Media on Business Goals (Contd.)

Align your social media activities to the following business objectives:

Revenue growth Business growth Brand awareness

Customer retention Competitive

and satisfaction displacement
Revenue Growth

Social attribution helps you measure touchpoints and the revenue generated
from social campaigns.
Business Growth

Social media helps to reach new customers and acquire them.

It gives you the ability to engage in real time conversations and reach large audiences.
Brand Awareness

Social media activities help to build brand awareness and gain customer
attention to your website, stores, and products.

Your social media activities will be successful if you post relevant content.
Customer Retention and Satisfaction

Social media is important to maintain customer relations.

Your social strategy can own a large part of this relationship and can be
credited for the repeat purchases your efforts drive.
Competitive Displacement

Social media helps your company to stay ahead of the competition.

You need the right data and metrics to monitor social media
activities and join conversations.
Metrics to Measure Success

To measure success, you need to choose the right social media metrics once
you finalize your social goals.

Some of the metrics include:

• Reach
• Engagement
• Clicks to content
• Leads generated
• Sign-ups and conversions
• Revenue generated
• Share of voice
• Sentiment
• Community growth

Record the metrics in CRM system so that there is visibility on social media’s
performance and contribution to the business.
Social Media Marketing Integration

Your social media activities should be integrated into your overall marketing strategy.
Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites.

It is a highly effective way of reaching new audiences and generating

conversation around your brand.
Social Media Marketing Integration: Webinar Example

Generate registrations

• Drive your target audience to a sign up/registration page
• Promote any associated content that references the webinar
• Deploy emails with links to your social handles
• List social handles and activities supporting the campaign on registration page
• Encourage attendees to tweet using a specific hashtag
• Engage with webinar attendees that tweet during the live webinar broadcast
• Consider creating unique tracking URLs using the marketing automation

• Improved efficiency and effectiveness in all aspects of the marketing plan
Social Media: Strategic Business Channels

Social media is a core strategic business channel that is used in a variety of different ways:

Customer service

Crisis management

Lead and demand generation

Brand building

Customer engagement

Event support

HR and recruitment
Customer Service

Social media sites have evolved to become more than platforms for marketing and advertising.

You can contact a company using:

• Telephone
• Email
• Online live chats
• Mobile apps
• Social media

Customers want their voices heard and problems resolved quickly.

Customer Service (Contd.)

According to Twitter

• 250% increased customer service interactions in the last two years

According to J.D. Power

• 67% consumers have used a company’s social media channel for customer service
• 42% of consumers expect a response within 60 minutes

Ensure that your customer service staff are socially savvy, trained on social media best practices,
etiquette, and tone of voice, and trained to deal with general and technical customer issues.
Customer Service: Challenges

• Providing technical support is difficult.

○ For example, on Twitter, there is a limit of
280 characters per tweet.

• It is difficult to determine which channels to

focus time and resources on.

For many companies, Facebook and Twitter will be the primary focus for social care.
Other brands may find their customers on Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, or other social sites.
Customer Service: Priorities

List out and monitor the social landscape for mentions of your brand and associated keywords.
As response speed is critical, determine the priority criteria.

• Customer complaint • General reference about a product or service

• Technical support • Thanking those who:

• Service outage • Provide positive feedback
• PR crisis • Call out your brand name in a
complimentary fashion
Customer Service: Toolkit

Consider creating a toolkit for social customer care agents. The toolkit must include:

How-to videos Product FAQ User Guides Troubleshooting

documentation documents documents

Social care agents should direct a customer to the resources that provide the help they need.
They must be proactive and educate the audience on the products, services, or industry.
Customer Service: Toolkit (Contd.)

In the future, companies may move away from expensive call centers for customer service as
customers would want to interact with companies through social media apps.
Customer Service: Seven Tips

4. Engage
Enable your social care staff to engage
1. Educate: with customers proactively
Let customers know they can get
immediate, personal, and human responses 5. Integrate
Integrate social channels with your CRM
2. Invest system to store complete records
Get your customer-service staff
trained on new tools and methods 6. Analyze
Analyze the data captured through customer
3. Be human care to improve service levels
Let your social care team be real,
engaging, and witty 7. Plan ahead
Be ready to adapt to new consumer
Crisis Management

Product Website Data breach Distasteful Negative

Recall hacks tweets news

These factors can affect the brand, and the news can go viral on social media, resulting in
unwanted publicity and long-term damage to your brand.

Brands will be able overcome these with strong social media crisis management plans in place.
Crisis Management: Preparation

Create a crisis management plan that includes:

Roles and responsibilities for all the

members of the crisis management team
A communication plan
for internal updates
Up-to-date contact information
for critical employees
A process flow for crisis
management team members

An approval process for messages

posted on social media A copy of the company
social media policy
Crisis Management: Simulation Plan

It is good to often run a simulation so people know what they need to do if a crisis were to hit.

Define “a crisis” Listen to and acknowledge people’s comments

Decide the kinds of events that Keep the response short and provide further
will kick your plan into action. details of communication channels to individuals.

Keep everyone informed about the situation

Monitor the social media landscape
Remind the staff not to comment via their own
Listen out for mentions of your company.
social handles.

Evaluate how situation was handled

Act fast
Evaluate how the situation was dealt with and
Use real-time nature of social media.
assess its impact on your brand.
Crisis Management: Flowchart

Develop a social media crisis management plan and be prepared in case disaster strikes.
Lead and Demand Generation

Leads are potential customers who express interest in your product, service, or company.

Social media can function as a highly cost-effective channel to generate real leads.
Lead and Demand Generation (Contd.)

There are two approaches to lead and demand generation when it comes to social media:

Organic posting Paid for promotion

Simply post content to your follower Pay to display your content to a

base and reach non-followers with specific target audience that you
relevant keywords or hashtags. have identified.
Lead and Demand Generation: Cost Metrics

Each time your post is clicked on or seen, a cost is incurred depending on the cost metric you opt for:

Cost per click (CPC) Cost per impression (CPM)

The price you pay every time The price you pay for every
someone clicks on your content thousand impressions
Lead and Demand Generation: Activities

Social media is an ideal channel for lead and demand generation activities.

You can run social media lead generation activities by:

Sharing links to gated content

Using Twitter to drive people to your booth

Running a contest

Considering social selling

Share Links to Gated Content

If the content is valuable, interested readers will be willing to provide some

contact information in exchange for access.

Example: Promoting a webinar and driving audiences to a sign up page.

Use Twitter to Drive People to Your Booth

If your company is exhibiting at an industry event, you can use social media to drive
people to your booth by including the hashtag of the event within your tweet.
Run a Contest

Running a contest is another effective mechanism for generating leads as long as

prizes are of high value.

Generate leads by asking people to like or follow your page/social handle or retweet a particular tweet.
Consider Social Selling

Social selling is the art of using social networks to find, connect, understand, and nurture sales prospects.

Salespeople should first build their professional

brand and then position themselves as subject
matter experts in their field to build credibility.

• Post content
• Publish articles
• Identify sales leads
• Participate in group discussions
• Like and share content
• Comment on posts
Brand Building

Personal branding Company branding

Build your professional brand Build a trustable brand on social

and position yourself as a media that is synonymous with your
Subject Matter Expert. products or services and become a
market leader.
Brand Building: Activities

Decide what social networks you want to appear on

Set up a page/handle for each network and brand it accordingly, ensuring

continuity across all handles

Try to use the same avatar across each network

Make sure your bio on each handle is descriptive and conveys who you are and
the value you can provide

Ensure you provide a link to your company website on each handle

Brand Building: Activities (Contd.)

Establish your brand’s personality and ensure that it is reflected in your social media

Post quality content on a regular basis, working to the 4-1-1 rule

Start posting your own content such as blogs, infographics, web pages, case
studies, videos, and so on

Use free content curation tools such as Feedly, Flipboard, or NewsBlur to

source third-party content

Consider setting up Google alerts on specific topics or keywords

Brand Building: Activities (Contd.)

As sharing posts can be a time-intensive process, you can simplify it by

using any of the following social media apps:

Build relationships with influencers. Influencers are people who are active on social
media and blogs and have a large follower base.
Brand Building: LinkedIn Example

Each social network offers a slightly different way to brand yourself or your company.

You can do the following on LinkedIn from a

personal perspective:
• Add a profile photo
• Create a headline
• Write a summary
• Add you contact details
• List rich media to showcase your work
• List out your professional career history
• List you education
• List skill sets
• Add recommendations written by others
about you
• Create your own personalized profile URL
Customer Engagement: Why and How?

Social media is significantly important to engage your follower base.

Social media platforms can help with customer engagement in a number of ways:

Build rapport with followers Engage with audiences Enhance communication

Conversations regarding your organization, industry, and interests are constantly

occurring online, whether or not you choose to participate.
Customer Engagement: Things to Do

Mention some of your customers

by name in social posts
Share customer reviews

Connect with current events

Follow individuals using your
brand hashtags
Respond to questions and comments
Organize contests and giveaways
Ask your customers for their
thoughts, opinions, and feedback
Conduct surveys and polls

Conduct an Ask Me Anything session

Get your employees on social and
give your brand a real voice
Promote user generated content
Event Support

Social media plays an important role, from raising awareness about the
event itself to live social posts during the event.
Event Support: Things to Do

Create a unique event hashtag associated with the event, excluding the date

Make sure no one else is using the hashtag as you don’t want mixed messages
going out

List the hashtag on all materials and content being created around the event

Start posting on social networks around 6-8 weeks prior to the event with details
such as location, time, date, and speaker

Mention various aspects of the event such as speaking sessions, sponsors, prize draws,
and keynote presentations to gain further attention
Event Support: Things to Do (Contd.)

Reference the handles of any partners, sponsors, and speakers in your posts

Consider live streaming certain sessions on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn

Live tweet and also post event updates from time to time on other networks

Engage the audience by offering free swag to anyone of posts using the
hashtag or retweets your posts

Set up monitors at the event running Visible Tweets

Event Support: Things to Do (Contd.)

Send everyone a “Save The Date” post if you’re planning to run the event again

Keep posting images and videos of the event

Promote the event on your blog and highlight important quotes from the

Ensure that you send out a “Thank You” to all attendees and speakers

Spread out your activities on other social media like LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram
HR and Recruitment

Social media is a powerful strategic tool in the sourcing, screening, and interviewing process.

76% 73%
Recruiters use social media Recruiters have successfully
to regularly source and hired candidates using
research candidates. social media.

HR or talent management will use social media to seek out talent, advertise
jobs, and communicate with potential candidates.
HR and Recruitment: Example

A major tech brand, Pitney Bowes, recently opened a new customer support center in Dublin, Ireland.

• The center was intended to support the company’s European customer base.
• A recruitment drive commenced in the months leading to the center’s opening.
• The talent management personnel were looking to recruit Dutch, Swedish, and Danish
speakers living in Ireland.
• They turned their attention to specific groups on Facebook and used LinkedIn’s
extensive search facility to source potential candidates.
HR and Recruitment

Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are the big three networks.

• Research from 2016 revealed that LinkedIn

is the preferred network among HR
professional in the US.

• Many brands also have dedicated Twitter

handles devoted to recruitment in addition
to Facebook pages.
Define your Target Audience

Analyze your customer/buyer profile before defining your target audience.

• Who are your ideal buyers?

• What’s their age range?
• Are they male, female, or both?
• What’s their income level?
• What’s their education level?
• What industry sector do they work in?
• What publications do they read?
Target Audience Parameters: LinkedIn

Study demographics of each network to understand where your target audience may be spending time.

The majority of LinkedIn users are in the United States and

are college graduates.

You can get the key statistics of users through:

• Age and gender
• Location
• Education
• Income

LinkedIn boasts 550M registered members worldwide.

Types of Content to Post and Promote

It is not necessary to share all content everywhere as it may not be suitable for
every social media platform.
Types of Content to Post and Promote (Contd.)

The general rules for the main networks are as follows:

Videos and High-resolution photos, News, blog posts, Informative,

curated content quotes, and stories live posts from entertaining, and
events, and GIFs educational videos

Jobs, company news, and Infographics and step-by-step Blog posts that you want
professional content photo guides to rank on Google
When (Frequency) and What to Post

Look to post content on a regular basis and have a healthy mix of your own content
and third-party content.

There are different strategies around what to post:

• The Golden Ratio (30/60/10)

• The Rule of Thirds

• The 4-1-1 Method

The Golden Ratio (30/60/10)

The content should be

promotional, with calls-to-action

The content you share should

be content you create

The content should be

curated from elsewhere
The Rule of Thirds

Social updates should be evenly split between different types of content.

The 4-1-1 Method
Key Takeaways

Social media goals should align to your overall business goals and objectives.

Your social media activities should be integrated into your overall marketing strategy.

Social media is used for various strategic objectives such as Crisis Management,
Lead/demand Generation, Brand Building, Customer Engagement, Event Support, and
HR and Recruitment.

There are numerous social media channels, and it is crucial to understand what type of
content should be posted on which social network and how frequently.

An ideal starting point when trying to define your target audience and work out what
social networks they use is to build a set of customer or buyer profiles.
This concludes “Social Media Strategy and Planning.”
The Next Lesson is “Social Media Channel Management.”
Social Media Foundations
Lesson 3—Social Media Channel

Discuss how social networks work for marketing purposes

Explain the benefits of communicating through microblogs

Create a strategy for your brand’s widespread presence

through video sharing sites

Outline the benefits of image sharing sites

Explain how social media services function as

marketing platforms
Social Networking

Social networking is the practice of increasing the number of personal and

business contacts by making connections via social media sites.

Benefits of social networking

Demand for
Customer Real-time Brand Website
products Sales
support engagement awareness traffic
and services

Facebook is a social networking platform designed to share all kinds of content, such
as articles, ads, live videos, memes, and more.

Facebook allows you to:

• Engage with your audience/followers
• Include multimedia
• Encourage discussions, ideas, and interests
• Plan interactions through posts, quizzes, and games
• Increase conversions through discounts and offers
• Offer customer support
Facebook Pages

You will first need to create a personal page for your business.

You should have a clear boundary between your personal profile and your business page.
Plan and Schedule Posts

Plan your content and schedule the posts keeping a wider strategy in mind.

A strategic approach allows you to batch and schedule your weekly posts at one go.
Buffer and Hootsuite are both great tools for this process.
Plan and Schedule Posts

Your posts should be a balanced mix of your own content and curated content.

On average, you should post once in a day on Facebook through your company page.
Three Ps in Facebook Marketing Strategy

• Get personal with your audience

• Introduce them to your employees, customers, and partners
• Provide an insight into your business

• Add a sense of purpose to your posts

• Communicate with followers to build relationships
• Understand your audience to create valuable content

• Have an element of self-promotion

• Customize descriptions for promotional posts
• Avoid posting impersonal messages
Facebook Posts

You have a number of options in terms of the content you can post.

Personal posts Engaging posts Storytelling posts

Motivational posts Video posts Humorous posts Purposeful content

Personal Posts

Personal posts provide insight into your company and its employees.

Personal stories resonate well with audiences.

Engaging Posts

Engaging posts are designed to engage your audience and provoke a response.
Storytelling Posts

Storytelling is a key strategy for Content Marketing.

• People are curious and are good listeners.

• Stories help gain trust.
• People are perceptive toward stories.
Motivational Posts

Post quotes that support the persona and goals of your brand.

Motivational posts can inspire audience to share them with their friends and
enhance the image of your brand.
Video Posts

8 billion videos or 100 million hours of videos are watched on Facebook every day.

65% of people watch for 45% of people watch

at least 10 seconds. for 30 seconds.
Video Posts

Videos receive
135% more
organic reach
than photos

Video is one of the fastest-growing and most in-demand forms of marketing in social media.
Humorous Posts

Humorous content gets a lot of shares, entertains people, builds fans, and earns engagement.

“Laughter is the best medicine.”

Purposeful Content

Purposeful content helps your audience make decisions on a personal or business level.
It educates the audience and makes them trust your brand.

Facebook Graph Search is a great resource to find more about your market.
Facebook Engagement

There are two main ways to engage on Facebook.

Pages Groups
Facebook Engagement via Pages

A Facebook Page is like a personal profile for your business.

• It allows your fans to follow your brand.

• It is easy to update.
• It can be personalized.
• You can use Facebook Insights to
monitor performance of posts.
• It is a prerequisite for running ads.

Add a steady stream of content to your newsfeed to keep your followers up-to-date.
Keep your audience engaged by posting consistently.
Facebook Engagement via Groups

Facebook Groups bring people together around a topic they share an interest in.

The groups are a powerful way to build connections and are more about
personal presence than about the brand.
Streaming Live Videos in Facebook

Streaming live videos helps you engage with your followers personally.

Facebook Live is the in-app streaming function.

You can repurpose the broadcasts for other platforms.
Facebook Shops

Add a Shop section to your Facebook page so that customers can buy your products directly from Facebook.

To get people to buy from your Facebook Store, you should grow your Facebook audience/community.

Note: Integrate your Facebook page with an ecommerce site powered by Shopify or Bigcommerce.
Facebook Community

Facebook Community is an ideal forum to bring like-minded professionals together

around a topic or theme.
Facebook Community (Contd.)

• Do not include your personal information in this group

• Do not spam the group with links to your website/content
• Build and cultivate a valuable community
• Provide value
• Seek to bring like-minded individuals together and broaden their horizons
• Offer community members the chance to network with fellow industry peers

It has 550M registered

It was launched in members and 20M

2003 and is the world’s companies with online

largest B2B social presence

networking site.

Mission: “Connect the world's Vision: “Create economic

professionals to make them more opportunity for every

productive and successful.“ professional."

Benefits of LinkedIn

Build a profile page that lists out your

professional career history and
showcases your expertise, skills, and
career achievements.

A great platform to access

job opportunities Demonstrate your knowledge and
expertise through posting content and
writing long-form articles.
Connections in LinkedIn

Connect with people to grow your network and generate new leads and business opportunities.
Connections in LinkedIn (Contd.)

Leverage your network and ask for introductions to individuals you may have identified.
Your network is comprised of the following connections:

Stay up-to-date with your network by checking in for a few minutes each day.
LinkedIn Newsfeed

Newsfeed allows you to learn about the people in your network and the companies you’re following.

• Profile and status updates

• Content being posted
• Content being liked, shared, or
commented on
• Company news
• Thought leadership articles
• Job opportunities
LinkedIn Pages

Post content via a company page once or twice a day five days a week.
It is effective for two-way engagement with your followers.

Encourage employees to share posts with

their network of connections to amplify
content and extend the reach.

Showcase pages are designed to spotlight specific elements and help followers find the
information they are interested in.
LinkedIn Pages: Example

Cisco’s company pages are focused on specific business areas such as

Enterprise Networks, the Internet of Things, Security, and so on.
Other Features of LinkedIn

LinkedIn’s advertising platform enables organizations to target key audiences with engaging content.

LinkedIn recently rolled out Native Video, offering users the ability to record and upload
videos right from their mobile device.

Microblogging is a combination of blogging and instant messaging that allows

users to create short messages.

• Through microblogging, business owners

share short pieces of information with clients
and prospects.
• It enables individuals to consume
information easily.

Twitter is an online microblogging platform that enables you to post short

updates with images and videos.

• It was launched in 2006 and has more than

330 million monthly active users around the
• In November 2017, Twitter increased the
character limit from 140 to 280 to enable
users to share their thoughts, views, and
opinions through tweets.
Leveraging Twitter

Twitter users broadcast messages and engage with other Twitter users by:

Asking and responding Sharing Monitoring what people

to questions interesting links say about them

There are no limits to the number of times you can tweet each day.
Leveraging Twitter (Contd.)

Businesses use Twitter to engage audiences within their sector.

Post information and Gather useful feedback Offer helpful

encourage discussion about products or services customer service
How to Tweet

Twitter users have established their own language to make the most out of the
imposed character limit on each tweet.

Use @ symbol and a Use a heart Spread and

username to mention symbol if you like organize
a person or business a tweet and want information with the
in a tweet to save it for later help of hashtags

Retweet messages Send a follower a

to rebroadcast a direct message to
tweet to all your have a private
followers conversation
How to Tweet (Contd.)

Hashtags are regularly used around:

Industries and Events and breaking

sectors news stories

Brand campaigns

• You can carry out a search on Twitter using hashtags.

• Twitter informs you about the content and hashtags that are trending in your location.
• The more you tweet, the more you will understand how the platform works.

YouTube was launched on February 14th, 2005 and is the third most visited website in the world.

• YouTube boasts 1.3B users

• The platform receives on average 30M visitors per
• 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every
• 3.25B hours of video are viewed on the channel
each month
• Almost 5B videos are viewed daily

YouTube’s mission is to give everyone a voice and show them the world.
YouTube (Contd.)

YouTube is a free video-hosting website where members can host and serve video content.

Website visitors can share YouTube videos on a variety of web platforms by using a link
or by embedding HTML code.
Posting Content in YouTube

Post content on a regular basis to establish a presence on the channel.

Note: Prolific video creators known as YouTubers post videos on a daily basis.

The amount of video content and the type of videos that you upload depend on
your resources, time, and budget.
Marketing Parameters: Title and Description

Create a concise title and description.

Create titles of around Include a URL to a related page

100 characters on your company's website

Create descriptions of Optimize videos for

200 characters smartphones and tablets

Add a website URL in

your description
Marketing Parameters: Tags

Add tags to your videos to help people find them when using search engines and YouTube’s search.

Example: Include the following keywords if you as a company produce accounting software
and want to post videos on managing expenses.

• Accounting
• Managing expenses
• Expense management
• Expense reports
• Cost management
Marketing Parameters: Thumbnail

Select or create a thumbnail image for your video.

Make it clear and visually appealing to entice people to click on your video.
YouTube Cards

YouTube Cards are preformatted notifications that appear on desktop and mobile.

Cards work well when they are:

• Placed in conjunction with scripted
• Relevant to your video content
YouTube End Screens

YouTube End screens appear during the last 5–20 seconds of a video.

• Point viewers to other videos, playlists,

or channels on YouTube

• Call for subscription to your channel

• Promote your website, merchandise,

and crowdfunding campaigns
YouTube End Screens (Contd.)

Organize the published videos instead of presenting them in a long list.

• Group the videos into playlists by topic or theme.

• Share a direct link to your new videos with all

your social media networks and raise awareness.

• Monitor your YouTube channel and respond to

comments that a video receives.
YouTube Video Ad Campaigns

Consider creating a video Promote your new video

campaign around your content on the social media
product or service. channels you are active on.

Pay to target your ideal

Show your video ads
customers via location,
based on keywords.
demographics, and interests.

Target your video ads to

specific topics on YouTube and
the Display Network.
YouTube Analytics

YouTube Analytics helps you determine how well your channel and your videos are performing.
YouTube Analytics: Metrics

You can see the following metrics.

Views Duration Demographics Traffic sources Types of devices

Interaction reports Subscribers Likes and Dislikes Comments

Importance of Images

“A picture is worth a thousand words” refers to the notion that images can
convey messages more effectively than text.

This notion has gained popularity in social media through image sharing sites such as Instagram,
Pinterest, Flickr, and SnapChat.

• Established in 2010
• Bought by Facebook in 2012 for $1Bn
• Attracts 800M monthly users
• Uses Facebook’s vast development resources
• Rolls out new features regularly

Many brands and businesses use Instagram to:

• Share product and company photos
• Build relationships with potential customers and

Instagram is unique because of its vast range of filters and editing tools.
Be creative and experimental when posting images.
Instagram Newsfeed

Companies use Instagram business accounts to

pay for their content to appear in their ideal
audience’s newsfeed.

Companies also obtain analytical data on how

their content is performing.

Business profiles also have a contact button and

a linkable location tag.

To create a business profile, connect your Facebook page to your Instagram account.
Strategies to Follow in Instagram

Instagram users scroll through photo and video content from other users in the main newsfeed.

Do something unique twith your photos so that they may benefit your company.
Strategies to Follow in Instagram (Contd.)

Instagram is more beneficial if your posts are based on a particular theme.

Consistency in images is visually appealing to users and can help to attract more followers.

Use a unique strategy for your Instagram account and avoid reusing content from other social networks.
Strategies to Follow in Instagram (Contd.)

Post more than just images and videos to have a real impact.

Reply to their
Follow people in your comments
niche or industry

Engage with other Comment on their

Instagram users contributions
Leverage Use of Hashtags

• Instagram users can use up to 30 hashtags per

• Hashtags can expose your messages to an
audience that is looking for something specific.
• Perform regular hashtag research to understand
what people within your niche are using.
• Find out how many times a hashtag has been
used by searching for it in Instagram.

Pinterest allows businesses to promote their brand and products by posting

attractive and compelling images.

It is a bookmarking website that allows users to create themed collections of images and videos.
Pinterest describes itself as “the world's catalogue of ideas.”
Features of Pinterest

Activities in Pinterest include:

• Creating "boards" on a particular topic or theme
• Saving or pinning images or videos to those boards

Pin images and videos to curate your own themed content

for inspiration or even future online purchases.

Users look at your boards and repin your images. As pins link to their original online
source, you can generate traffic to your website and convert interest into sales.
Leveraging Pinterest

The key to success on Pinterest is posting engaging images and using relevant
keywords in your board titles and pin descriptions.

The more repins and click-throughs your pins generate, the higher they appear in
Pinterest search results and the more attention they get.
Check-in Services

Location-based services and business ratings apps are mainly geared

toward consumers and small businesses.

Take a note and listen to what is being said about you.

Check-in Services: Yelp

Yelp is an online business directory where enterprises

can get listed and found online.
• It combines traditional business listings in a
directory like Yellow Pages with social elements.

Customers can leave feedback on their experiences

with the business to:
• Inform future customers of what they might expect
• Keep standards high or force an improvement to
prevent negative feedback
Check-in Services: Swarm

Swarm is a mobile app that allows users to:

• Share their locations with their friends
• Create a record of their experiences in their
personal lifelog
• Check in to a given location and see who is

Note: Check-ins are chronologically listed and serve

as a digital library.
Aggregation Services

You need to post a mix of your own and third-party content on your social channel.

An aggregation service is an application that collects content from different online

sources and populates the results in one hub/dashboard.
Aggregation Services: Feedly

Is a supercharged Is simple to use

RSS Feed

Integrates with most

social media apps

Provides features such as keyword-

based search and automatic
backups to Dropbox on upgrade
Aggregation Services: Reddit

Reddit is a social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website.

It is referred to as the front page of the Internet and receives around 1.5 billion visitors per month.
Review Sites

Consumers seek online business reviews to help with their buying decisions.

Businesses must learn from the customer feedback and implement

suggestions or make improvements.
Review Sites: Yelp

Yelp is the current go-to for most local business reviews.

Review Sites: Angie’s List

Users can:
• See detailed verified views
on local companies
• Compare local companies
• Take advantage of member-
exclusive discounts
• Select the best company,
hire them, and share a
Review Sites: Glassdoor

Glassdoor is a way for current and past employees to rate the companies for which they work.
Review Sites: Glassdoor (Contd.)

Businesses are afraid to manage customer reviews on business review sites

as they might receive:

No business reviews Negative online

business reviews

These businesses are missing out on their business through inaction as reputation drives conversion.
Review Sites: TripAdvisor

TripAdvisor is a travel and restaurant review website.

• Provides travelers with the

wisdom of the crowds to help
them take decisions
• Compares prices from more
than 200 hotel booking sites
• Is available in 49 markets
• Is home to travel community of
455 million average monthly
unique visitors
Publishing Sites: Tumblr

Tumblr first appeared on the scene in 2007 as a part blogging tool,

microblogging tool, and social community.

• You can reblog a Tumblr post

that was published on another
user's Tumblelog.

• You can like other people's

content rather than publish
comments as you would on a
traditional blog post.
Publishing Sites: LinkedIn

• Offers its registered

members the opportunity to
write long-form content

• Helps you build relationships

with your connections by
enabling you to provide value
through your content

Publishing relevant content helps you get targeted exposure and make positive contributions.
This works toward establishing you as a professional.
Social Media Channels

Social media management tools are designed to streamline your workflows, help you
save time, and ensure your content reaches the right audience at the right time.
Key Takeaways

Engagement can be built on social networking sites with the help of pages,
groups, streaming live videos, and shops.

Microblogging sites like Twitter are used to engage followers on a large scale by
broadcasting short messages and retweeting them.

YouTube is the 3rd most visited website in the world can be leveraged to build a
strong exposure in marketing.

Posting the right kind of images on a frequent basis will keep the followers
engaged on photo-sharing sites like Instagram.

Social media services like Yelp, Reddit, and Glassdoor are excellent media for
customers to search for relevant products and also give feedback.
This concludes “Social Media Channel Management.”
The next lesson is “Social Media Management Tools.”
Social Media Foundations
Lesson 4—Social Media Management Tools

List the different available social media management tools

Determine how to use Buffer to manage posts across social media

Discuss how Social Studio is used for marketing

Examine the features of Hootsuite

Explain the functionality of a link shortener


Social media can be effectively managed with the use of social media management tools.

You can use social media to:

• Manage multiple handles
• Post content
• Engage with followers
• Listen to and monitor what is being said
Social Media Management Tools

There are a number of social media management tools available for individuals and business of all sizes.

Buffer enables you to manage all your social media updates for:
Scheduling Posts

You can create a post by typing or copying and pasting the text you would like to use.

The app will automatically pull an image from the content, or you can upload an image of your own.
Scheduling Posts (Contd.)

Decide which social networks you want to

post to and either:
• Publish it immediately
• Schedule the post to be published at a
date and time of your choice
• Opt to queue the post based around pre-
set timings you may have already specified
Re-Buffer a Post

You can re-buffer a post, which means you can edit a post before adding it back to the queue.
Status Update on Posts

Buffer keeps you updated on the status of your queued posts.


The free version of Buffer gives you basic analytics around each post.
Buffer Add-Ons

Buffer offers a mobile app and a handy Google Chrome extension.

Buffer Add-Ons (Contd.)

Power Scheduler allows you to schedule the same post to be published on more
than one occasion.

Hootsuite platform allows you to:

• Manage all your social profiles from a
single dashboard
• Automatically find and schedule
effective social content

Hootsuite connects with over 35 popular social networks including Twitter,

Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube.
Scheduling Posts

Hootsuite’s auto-scheduling feature allows

you to:
• Maintain 24/7 presence on social media
• Create or schedule posts on demand
• Upload content schedule in a CSV file

Use the Hootlet extension to schedule posts if you come across relevant content as you surf the net.
View your schedule at a glance either in a list or a calendar.
Hootsuite: Other Features

Hootsuite uses multiple streams rather than

inbox to manage engagement.
• You can use tabs to organize streams into
• You can create your own dashboard.
• You can assign posts to the right person,
department, or region if you are working
in teams.
Hootsuite: Other Features (Contd.)

Hootsuite comes with a default report that shows your key metrics on the social media platforms.
You can create customized dashboards.

Hootsuite also allows you to export reports in Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, and CSV formats.
It also offers four price plans: Professional, Team, Business, and Enterprise.
Social Studio

Social studio is suitable for large enterprise organizations.

Social studio enables users to:

• Listen, engage, and publish content
• Analyze conversations about your
brand on any social media platform
Core Modules

Social Studio offers three core modules:

Publish Engage Analyze

Core Modules: Publish

Publish enables you to create and schedule posts across multiple handles and
social networks using a scheduling calendar.
Core Modules: Engage

Engage has the ability to monitor all your handles to see if the users engaged with your posts.
Core Modules: Analyze

Analyze provides pre-built reporting and dashboard templates for social listening use cases.
It also provides consumer intelligence.
Link Shortener

Posts with long URLs can have an adverse impact as they look
unattractive and take up a lot of space.
Link Shortener (Contd.)

URL shortening solutions provide services like link bookmarking and analytics on clicks.

The most common solutions include:

Link Shortener (Contd.)

Link shortener not only gives a nice, clean, shortened URL but also gives stats
on clicks for all the URLs you shorten.
Key Takeaways

There are various social media management tools that can be used to manage social media.

Buffer can be used to carry out various functions like scheduling and re-buffering the posts,
checking status updates, and examining the analytics.

Social Studio allows you to analyze conversations happening in social media, publish and
respond to social posts, and see the results of social activities on the dashboard.

Hootsuite is a popular tool that allows a user to keep track of and manage various social
networks. It also allows you to view streams to monitor the content from multiple social networks.

A Link shortener is used to change a long URL into a short manageable link. The link will then
be easy to remember, share, and tweet in social networks.
This concludes “Social Media Management Tools.”
The Next Lesson is “Social Media Measurement and Reporting.”
Social Media Foundations
Lesson 5—Social Media Measurement
and Reporting

Recognize the key performance indicators that help in

measuring social media performance

Examine the features offered by some of the social

analytics tools
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

You have created awesome content that you are promoting across all your
social handles, but how do you know how well it is performing?
Key Performance Indicators (Contd.)

Certain metrics help to indicate how you are performing on social media, and this is why
Social media measurement is an essential part of any social media program.

You can use metrics to gain valuable insights about what’s successful, what isn’t, and how
you can improve.
Key Performance Indicators (Contd.)

The process of measuring your social media performance can be overwhelming given the
amount of data generated. Focus on the following KPIs.
KPI: Follower Growth

Are the social media handles you manage growing in terms of the number of followers?

Unless you are an A-list celebrity, you should not focus on numbers. Your focus
should be on quality of followers over quantity.

Example: It is better to have 100 followers who are interested in your business rather
than 1,000 followers of whom only a small minority is truly interested in you.
KPI: Follower Growth (Contd.)

TrackMaven, a marketing analytics software provider, carried out a research in 2015–16

to determine the median monthly follower growth percentage per brand.

23% increase in
followers annually

6-8% increase in followers 23% increase in

month over month followers annually

24% increase in 20% increase in

followers annually followers annually
KPI: Engagement

Engagement refers to the number of individuals who have interacted with your content.

• It is one of the most important indicators

of your success.

• Engaging content improves the chances of

going viral.
KPI: Impressions

Impressions refers to the number of times your content is displayed

regardless of whether or not it is clicked on.
KPI: Reach

Reach relates to the number of people who have potentially seen your content.

• It provides information on the total number of

people the content was displayed to.

• If you have five impressions from the same person,
your reach would only be one.
• If you had 10 followers on Twitter and one of them
retweeted your post to their 200 followers, your post
would have reached 210 people.
KPI: Click Through Rate (CTR)

CTR refers to the number of users who clicked a link to your social post
and were driven to a website, landing page, or web store.
KPI: Mentions

Mentions refers to the number of times a specific term or phrase you are
tracking was used across social media.

It is better to track mentions for several different keywords and not just
your company or product name.
KPI: Share of Voice

Share of Voice measures the conversation your brand owns in

comparison with your competitors.
KPI: Sentiment

Sentiment analysis is useful in social media monitoring as it enables you

to gain an overview of the wider public opinion.

It is important for brands to analyze whether the conversations are positive or negative.
Social Analytics Tools

You need to measure your social media efforts to develop more effective campaigns.

Social media efforts can be measured in two

• Use a dedicated social media analytics tool
for each site
• Opt for a tool that covers all your networks

Several social networks provide the ability to analyze your efforts from within the platforms themselves.
Social Analytics Tools (Contd.)

There are many tools to help you monitor and analyze your activities:
Sprout Social

Sprout Social’s engagement platform enables brands to:

• Effectively communicate on social channels
• Collaborate across teams
• Provide exceptional customer experience

Its intuitive platform was designed with the user in mind,

making it easy for anyone to:
• Publish content
• Monitor their social presence
• Engage with their audience
• Analyze social media efforts across all connected profiles
Three Functions of Sprout Social
Sprout Social: Publishing

Features such as the Sprout Queue and ViralPost enable you to efficiently upload content and
ensure that your messages will be sent at the optimal time for maximum reach.
Sprout Social: Engagement

• Sprout provides solutions for social marketing, social management, customer service, and
team collaboration.

• Sprout’s Smart Inbox gives users a unique all-in-one stream of their incoming social

• It enables users to work from the stream to respond, tag, task, or mark messages as
complete to achieve inbox zero.

• Sprout’s collaboration tools and permissions enable multiple users to work within the
platform at once without overlapping or encroaching on responsibilities.
Sprout Social: Reporting

Sprout’s reporting capabilities provide insightful analytics and enable you

to quantify your social communications.
Sprout Social: Features

Social Reporting Provides custom reports and dashboards to measure social activity
and engagement opportunities

Sentiment Scoring Determines whether mentions of your brand are positive, negative, or

Identification Identifies who is talking about your brand, along with their influence
over social communities

Measures campaigns, brands and products for quantitative metrics

Social Measurement such as when conversations are happening and your brand's share of

Social Listening Listens across the social landscape to monitor what being said about
your brand
Sprout Social: Features (Contd.)

Social Sharing Allows the creation, management, and scheduling of content to be

shared across social media channels

Scheduling Optimizes scheduling and posting of content across social media


Scours various channels for brand mentions

Follower Analysis Analyzes and illustrates follower information such as demographics,

location, purchase intent, etc

Content Engagement
Analysis Tracks how much engagement each piece of content receives to
highlight which types of content resonate best with the target audience
Sprout Social: Features (Contd.)

Paid Campaign
Tracking Tracks and measures the success of paid advertising initiatives run on
social media sites

Report Exporting
Allows users to export reports from the product into an .xls .csv, or
.pdf file

Keyword Setup
Allows users to search for specific keywords to measure social impact

Geo-targeting Helps to reach a global audience at local scalePublishing regionally

relevant content will help you avoid language barriers and ultimately
create better experiences for local audiences.

• Hootsuite is one of the most popular platforms for managing

social media, with a user base of around 16 million people.
• It enables you to manage multiple social media accounts in one
• You can post updates, connect with your client base, and review
responses on more than 35 popular social networks.
• It also connects with several other platforms using third party
apps such as SlideShare, Tumblr, MailChimp, and Reddit.
Hootsuite: Features

Hootsuite offers the ability to carry out social sharing, reporting, sentiment scoring, influencer
identification, social measurement, social listening, and engagement.

From a reporting standpoint, Hootsuite also offers features such as follower analysis, content
engagement analysis, and so on.
Key Takeaways

Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as follower growth, click-through rate,

and mentions are metrics that give us insight into social media marketing

Sprout Social and Hootsuite are the two most commonly used social analytics
tools to track features such as social reporting, sentiment scoring, and
influencer identification.
This concludes “Social Media Measurement and Reporting”
The Next Lesson is “Social Advertising”
Social Media Foundations
Lesson 6—Social Advertising

Understand the key factors of social media advertising

Create an advertising campaign on LinkedIn and Facebook


Digital advertising has become a key part of most

marketing programs.

According to eMarketer,
• $23.68 billion was spent on paid media to reach
consumers on social networks in 2015.
• Social network ad spend surpassed $35 billion in 2017.
Targeting Criteria for Social Media

Social media has opened up super-targeted advertising.

Targeting criteria for social media include:

Location Age Gender Job title

Interests Income Shopping Industry

Social Advertising

Social advertising is more effective than traditional advertising.

• You can pause or stop your campaign if

it is not running well.
• You can run variants of an ad to
determine which variation works best.
Organic Reach

Organic reach is the total number of unique people who saw your post through unpaid distribution.

• Facebook is one of the biggest players in

digital advertising.
• Organic reach for Facebook is 2%, which
means 200 organic “likes” of 10000 “likes.”

Facebook organic reach

Paid Media

In Paid media, you pay for your post to be seen by a defined target audience.

• This is effective for companies that want to

grow the reach through social media.
• About 60% of marketers believe that paid
social is more effective than organic.
• 45% of marketers plan to increase their
social media budgets.
Facebook paid media
Organic Reach vs. Paid Media

Organic reach has its limitations. You have to pay if you want to play and win on social media.

• Consider using a mix of both organic reach

and paid media to maximize your reach.
• Consider investing in your existing organic
content that is performing well.
Cost Metrics

In social media advertising, you have two pricing metrics to choose from:


• CPM stands for Cost Per Mille or 1,000 • CPC stands for Cost Per Click.
impressions. • You are charged for every click on your
• You are charged for every 1000 impressions of ad.
your ad shown. • It is suitable for goals such as lead
• It is suitable for goals such as brand visibility. generation.
Sales Funnel

Align your advertising campaign with your sales funnel.

Prospect learns about offered

solution, product or service

Prospect actively looks for

solutions to a problem faced
Prospect decides to use
your offered solution
Prospect purchases your
product /solution and
becomes customer
LinkedIn Advertising Campaign


• Generate leads for a new product being promoted via webinar being run at
the end of the month.


• Generate 100 webinar registrations with a campaign budget of $3000.

Target audience:

• Seniority: VPs and Directors

• Role: Anyone working in a risk management or compliance role
• Industry: Insurance
• Location: United States of America and United Kingdom
• Company size: Large enterprise organizations
LinkedIn Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Follow these steps to create an advertising campaign on LinkedIn.

Step 1 • Create a LinkedIn advertising account

Step 2 • Create a new campaign

Step 3 • Select type of campaign

Step 4 • Name your campaign

Step 5 • Add new or existing post

Step 6 • Specify targeting criteria

Step 7 • Set budget and campaign schedule

Step 8 • Launch the campaign

LinkedIn Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

Set up an advertising account on


Note: You must have a company or

LinkedIn showcase page to set up an
account on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

Access your advertising account and

create a new campaign once the account
is created
LinkedIn Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

LinkedIn offers three main types of ads:

1. A sponsored update post that appears in your

targeted audience’s LinkedIn feed.
2. A text ad appears either at the top of your
targeted audience’s page or at the right side of
the page.
3. A sponsored InMail, which is a personalized
message, sent directly to an active individual’s
LinkedIn Inbox.
LinkedIn Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

Name your campaign and decide what

happens when your ad is clicked on.

You can:
• Drive people to webinar registration page
• Collect data using lead generation form
• Send people to a certain page
LinkedIn Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

Decide to sponsor an existing post or

create a new post
LinkedIn Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

Specify targeting criteria and build your


LinkedIn offers a variety of options for this.

You can:
• Retarget visitors
• Upload your own list of companies or
email addresses
• Use LinkedIn’s targeting segments
LinkedIn Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

Example: Using LinkedIn Data

• Populate the segments with the specified targeting criteria:

o Seniority: VPs and Directors
o Role: Risk management or compliance role
o Industry: Insurance
o Location: United States of America and United Kingdom
o Company size: Large enterprise organizations

As you specify your targeting criteria, you will see your audience size listed at the right of the
page. LinkedIn makes suggestions to help augment your list.
LinkedIn Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

Example: Using LinkedIn Data

LinkedIn offers the following criteria to build your audience:

• Location (mandatory) • Job function • Gender

• Age
• Seniority • Member schools
• Years of experience
• Industry • Fields of study
• Company followers
• Job title • Degrees
• Company size • Member skills
• Company name • LinkedIn group members

You can also exclude certain criteria and enable your campaign to include the LinkedIn
Audience Network.
LinkedIn Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

Set your campaign schedule and budget after you have specified your audience.

Following example is based on a CPC campaign for lead generation.

1. Input total budget, for example, $3000

2. Determine CPC bid

○ For example, if other advertisers bid between $13.68 - $19.76, then suggested bid
would be around $15.05; however, you can bid as low as $5.25.

3. Specify start and end dates for your campaign

4. Run multi-variant testing

LinkedIn Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

Track how the campaign is performing. If there are no results, then you may have to increase
your bid rate, adjust your targeting criteria, or amend your content.

LinkedIn offers real-time campaign metrics to track and report on campaign performance.
Facebook Advertising Campaign

• Determine your objectives

Step 1

• Specify your target audience

Step 2

• Determine where your ads appear

Step 3

• Set your budget and determine your ad spend

Step 4
Facebook Advertising Campaign

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Determine your objectives

Creating an ad on Facebook is similar to the

process you follow on LinkedIn.

Facebook’s ad campaigns run through the

Facebook Ads Manager tool, which you can access
via your business page.
Facebook Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Specify your target audience based on:

Location Demographics Interests Behavior

• Country • Age • Interest • Behavior

• State • Gender • Activity • Intent
• City • Languages • Like • Device usage
• Zip code • Demographics • Topics
• Address
• Mile radius

Choose advanced targeting options. Also, Customize your targeting using custom audiences.
to retarget people who have already interacted with your business.
Facebook Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Determine where your ads appear

Set up a separate campaign if you want to

target Instagram.

You can also specify whether you want to

target desktop users, mobile users, or both.

Tip: Select “Only when connected to Wi-Fi”

Facebook Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Set your budget and determine your ad spend

You can set your budget to Daily or Lifetime.

● Daily: A daily budget is the average that you’ll

spend every day.

● Lifetime: A lifetime budget is the maximum

that you’ll spend during the lifetime of your
advert set.
Facebook Advertising Campaign (Contd.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Facebook’s Advanced Budget options:

• Allow you to optimize your ad
• Let you pay by impression or
Facebook Advertising: Preview and Launch Ad

While creating your ad, you have two initial options.

Start from scratch Use an existing post

Click confirm and launch your ad campaign after previewing your ad campaign and
ensuring that everything is fine.
Ad Campaigns: Summary

• Creating an ad is more difficult than building the campaign.

• The right images in social ads can make or break an ad campaign.
• Social ads with visuals are more impactful than with text alone.
• Example:
o Tweets with images receive 18% more clicks than tweets without images.
o A video can be four times more effective than text.
• Creating and Testing are the most important elements of social ads.
• Social media advertising can be daunting initially. It can help you grow your audience,
generate leads, increase sales, and boost online visibility.
Key Takeaways

Cost per Mille is useful for visibility of brands across various websites, and Cost per
Click is a paid method to attract traffic towards your content/website.

Creating ad campaigns in LinkedIn and Facebook is an easy and effective

method for targeted advertising.
This concludes “Social Media Advertising.”
Thank You

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