Thesis - Sir Manacop 1
Thesis - Sir Manacop 1
Thesis - Sir Manacop 1
Page 2
Ticong, Ronnel M.
Villanueva, Edward A.
recordings for surveillance purposes. It is usually installed in areas that may need
etc. With rapid increase of crime rates such as breaking and entering, it is very
important to consider over the available security options and choose one that fits best
down. This is because when a shop is attacked by thieves, the clips taken by these
cameras serve as a source of evidence to help the thieves to be traced. Not only that, as
the employees know that they are under constant surveillance, they will less likely steal
from the shops. Thus, it is clear that CCTVs must be put in all workplace so that crime
interactions with an annoyed customer can put the employee in physical danger.
Installation of cameras may help the employees and staff to escape such situation
because the customers know very well that their conversations are recorded. In the
event of an argument, the videotapes can be used to determine what actually took place
and further action can be then taken. In short, these cameras can provide some form of
A case in point is the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013. Using CCTV footage
in different positions in downtown Boston, the Federal Bureau of Investigation was able
to focus its investigation on the Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev brothers as the
possible perpetrators of the heinous crime. The FBI’s release of the CCTV footage and
the corroborating photographs on its website led to the Tsarnaev brothers’ identification
requiring Business Establishments all over the Philippines to install Closed Circuit
Television Cameras (CCTV) in their place of business as a means to deter crime, and
for other purposes. Stated that all business establishments employing more than 20
employees and staff and with work premises of not less than 50 meters are hereby
mandated to install and maintain in good working condition high quality surveillance
and/or CCTV cameras in all their entrance and exits, within the premises of their work,
the perimeter of their work areas/establishments and other areas of their business to
protect their patrons and to deter crime. The cameras to be installed should be able to
clearly show the faces of the persons recorded. Installations of it are a mandatory
Permit’ policy last 2014. And several cities are now requiring businesses to install it
through ordinances that their local officials implement in their cities or provinces.
Businesses, especially those small ones situated on roadsides are mostly at risk to
criminal activities hence the need for the right security system to monitor nearby
activities and inside the business area are very important to prevent or deter criminals
who see the camera may be dissuaded from the following through with their planned
criminal activities for fear being caught on tape. This leads to another advantage of
CCTV- increased safety. If a crime does occur, these cameras can provide evidence
needed to apprehend the criminal. This can be especially useful if there are no witnesses
to a crime or if witnesses are unreliable sources, since a camera records what actually
happens. Another advantage is that you can monitor your business from anywhere.
Technology allows you to watch the camera feed on your Smartphone or via the
internet. While they do have a lot of disadvantages, there are also some disadvantages to
this camera. The primary disadvantage of this camera is the issue of intrusion of
privacy. Employees and customers may object to being filmed under constant
surveillance. It may cause employees to feel like you don’t trust them, which is never a
purchase cameras and other equipment needed for a CCTV system. It can also be
expensive to keep the technology upgraded. If you have a small business, this cost
premise. This is chiefly to shield oneself from being harmed by any intruders or
robbers. Admittedly, privacies are lost with the use of these cameras but safety should
surveillance camera in prevention of crimes against property given that the number of
crimes is on the rise such as theft and robbery; this very system of CCTV footage are
commonly used by the police to identify the perpetrators. It is also necessary to discuss
evidence as a proof of suspect’s guilt which provide a definite proof. Considering that
barrier is the primary physical defense that protect the assets and properties of the
business owners and deter the possible crime. This study could be used as a basis for
other employers with business establishments to install surveillance camera within their
business premises.
Public at large
Would be benefitted in the study as this may serve as public surveillance record.
Business Employer/s
This study will help them to understand the importance of installations of surveillance
camera in the premises of their business establishments and for them to be aware in
This study helped the researchers to enhance their knowledge and fulfil the
Future Researchers
This study would help the future researcher to be knowledgeable on the effectiveness of
surveillance camera. It would help them to be a better analyst and it can be a help as a
Theoretical Framework
Rational Choice Theory – Building on classical theory, crime is seen as a choice that
is influenced by its costs and benefits, that is, by its rationality. Crime will be more
likely to be deterred if its costs are raised especially if the costs are certain and
immediate. Information about the costs and benefits of crime can be obtained by direct
observing whether others who offend are punished or avoid punishment. (Criminology
This theory asserts that individuals weigh costs and benefits and make a rational
choice to offend or not. This choice can be shaped by efforts to change the situation
through increasing the perceived or actual effort or risks, reducing the anticipated
rewards, and removing excuses or provocation. According to this theory, CCTV works
actual risks of offending to a level where the risks outweigh the benefits.
Crime Opportunity Theory- is a theory that suggests that offenders make rational
choices and thus choose targets that offer a high reward with little effort and risk. The
occurrence of a crime depends on two things; the presence of at least one motivated
offender who is ready or willing to engage in a crime, and the conditions of the
environment in which that offender is situated, to wit, opportunities for crime. All
crimes require opportunity but not every opportunity followed by crime. Similarly a
motivated offender is necessary for the commission of a crime but not sufficient. A
large part of this theory focuses on how variations in life-style activities affect the
This theory asserts that potential offenders are less likely to commit crime if
they believe they are being watched or have a greater risk of being apprehended by
CCTV cameras. It is also grounded in situational crime prevention strategy, which are
such as increasing the risk of an offender being apprehended, increasing the effort to
commit the crime, decreasing rewards from crime commission, and reducing
provocations that give rise to criminal opportunities. This means that the offender must
systems have the ability to increase perceptions of safety among citizens, as well as
encourage citizens to use public spaces they know are guarded by surveillance.
Conceptual Framework
The study was anchored on the Rational Choice Theory as this was deemed to
terms of location, nature and length of Installation and the dependent variables were the
The study dealt with the effectiveness of surveillance camera in prevention of crime
problems were:
1.1 Location
1.2 Nature
by the respondents?
Definition of terms
Arson – The malicious destruction of the property of another by means of fire. It may
also be defined as a crime committed by a person who burns or sets fire to the property
of another, or who sets fire to his own property under circumstances which expose to
government with the expectation that it will generate future cash flows. (CFI Education
Inc. 2020)
goods are made or stored or processed or where services are rendered. It may include a
commercial and/or institutional land use. It is generally a site where the main objective
is the receipt or generation of a financial return in exchange for goods or services. (US
Legal 2019)
Banking – A nature of Business Establishment that transact with a bank involving one’s
Crimes against Property - Crimes that affect another person's rights of ownership (or
in some cases possession or control). The main offences against property are theft,
offences of fraud, deception and making off without payment, criminal damage, arson,
forgery, and forcible entry. Some offences against property, such as burglary, robbery,
and blackmail, may also contain elements of offences against the person. (Oxford
Deterrence – Discourage members of society from committing acts out of fear of being
Effectiveness - This is a measure of the match between stated goals and their
who employs or puts to work, a person who is called an employee or staff member.
character. (
from incurring future losses, damage, theft, illness, etc. in exchange for the payment of
happens. (Cambridge English Dictionary) It refers to the area where this research study
was conducted.
this study, it refers to the kind of business establishment such as Retail, Service, Whole
Pick Pocketing – The crime of stealing things out of people’s pockets or bags,
Robbery – is a felony committed by any person who, with intent to gain, shall take the
Real State – A nature of Business Establishment that sell, buy and rent homes
expert manner by an individual or team for the benefit of its customers. (Business
from a place of business. Shoplifting is an act of larceny, which is the act of taking
someone else’s property without permission, and with no intention of ever giving it
Surveillance camera - Is a TV system in which signals are not publicly distributed but
are monitored, primarily for surveillance and security purposes. (Lasse Pedersen 2012)
Theft – Committed by any person who with intent to gain but without violence against,
or intimidation of persons nor force upon things, shall take personal property of another
Whole Sale – A nature of Business Establishment that sell goods to retailers in larger
This chapter discusses the research design and methodology of the study. It
shows how the procedural operations of the research problem of this study were to be
Research Design
correlation method tries to prove the significance of the relationship between two or
more variables (Bermudo, et al., 2016). To achieve the purpose of this study, a survey
The respondents of the study were employers and/or managers of the selected
Batangas as respondents and exactly seventy (70) questionnaires were handed down and
given to those willing to become respondents of the study. The seventy (70) respondents
are the five percent (5%) of the total number of Top ten (10) Barangays with the highest
Research Instruments
Malvar Batangas. Part one (1) of the questionnaire dealt with profile of the business
Business Establishment in Tanauan City Batangas. Part three (3) dealt with the
The researchers wrote a letter requesting permission from the Dean of the
College of Criminology to conduct the study. The study had two (2) sources of data
namely: primary and secondary sources. The primary sources of data were the business
establishment employers and/or managers, while the secondary sources were books,
online journals, City Permit Licensing Office data, PNP records and other related
materials from the Internet. Then, they visited the selected Business Establishments and
gave survey questionnaires to the respondents who are willing to participate in the said
study. The purpose of the test was likewise explained to them and the steps to follow in
answering the survey questionnaire. Their questions were entertained and other
concerns were explained to them. The researchers personally administered the survey
questionnaire to the respondents. The questionnaires were retrieved right after the
respondents had answered the survey questionnaires. Gathered data were tailed,
researchers will use the following statistical tools. The Minitab Software will use to
against property.