Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis

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Autoimmune Hemolytic

Anemia: Diagnosis and

D i ffe re n t i a l D i a g n o s i s
Caleb J. Scheckel, DO*, Ronald S. Go, MD

 Anemia  Autoimmune  Cold agglutinin disease  Coombs test  Hemolysis
 Hereditary  Warm AIHA

 While the differential diagnosis of hemolytic anemia is broad, a systematic approach can
allow identification and classification in most cases
 Once the presence of hemolysis is determined, the direct antiglobulin test can diagnose
the vast majority of autoimmune hemolytic anemias
 Advanced testing for the diagnosis of the rarer nonimmune acquired hemolytic anemias or
hereditary hemolytic anemias should be guided by pretest probability based on the inci-
dence or prevalence and clinical context


The diagnosis, prognosis, and management of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA)

continue to be challenging in clinical practice. Antibodies directed against self-
erythrocytes capable of inducing hemolysis at excessive or uncompensated rates
result in the entity known as AIHA. These antibodies are usually immunoglobulin G
(IgG) in nature, some are capable of fixing complement, and are detected by the direct
antiglobulin test (DAT).1 The DAT is based on specific antibodies to IgG and/or C3d
(fragment of the third component of complement) capable of binding to these compo-
nents on the erythrocyte surface. If the latter molecules are present in sufficient quan-
tity on the erythrocyte membrane, the result is a visible agglutination by cross-linking
erythrocytes. In contrast to the DAT, the indirect antiglobulin (indirect Coombs) test is
used to detect erythrocyte antibodies in patient serum.
AIHA can be subdivided into warm- or cold-mediated disease based on the optimal
thermal amplitude used to detect anti-erythrocyte antibodies. Warm AIHA (WAIHA) is
primarily mediated by IgG and hemolysis occurs extravascularly when the IgG heavy

Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester,
MN 55905, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Hematol Oncol Clin N Am 36 (2022) 315–324
0889-8588/22/ª 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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University de por Elsevier en mayo 14, 2022. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se
permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
316 Scheckel & Go

chain is recognized by Fc receptors on reticuloendothelial macrophages.2 In contrast,

cold-mediated AIHA, mostly cold agglutinin disease (CAD), is primarily mediated by
IgM directed against the I or i antigen. Hemolysis is primarily extravascular and medi-
ated by the complement system due to enhanced opsonization by C3d (some coun-
tries outside the United States also report C3b).3–5
Primary (idiopathic) AIHA occurs when no disease is clearly associated with the he-
molysis, whereas secondary AIHA occurs when hemolytic anemia is directly associ-
ated with another disease or drug believed to induce or promote the hemolysis.
Primary AIHA comprises w50% of cases, while secondary AIHA is usually associated
with B-cell malignancies, autoimmune diseases, or drugs.6
When evaluating a patient with suspected AIHA care must be devoted to using the
appropriate methodologies for diagnosis, defining whether AHIA is primary or second-
ary in type, and consideration of mimicking conditions.7


Presenting symptoms of AIHA can be heterogenous. Anemia-related symptoms (dys-

pnea with exertion, fatigue, tachycardia) are present in 3/4 while jaundice and spleno-
megaly are only seen in about a third.8–10 Concurrent immune thrombocytopenia
(Evan’s syndrome) is only seen in 7%. The severity of symptoms correlates with the
degree of anemia, briskness of hemoglobin decline, and underlying comorbidities.
Physical examination may reveal pallor, jaundice, tachycardia, or in severe cases,
decompensated heart failure. Splenomegaly may be disease-related but can also
reflect an underlying lymphoproliferative disorder.8–10


The incidence of AIHA is considered uncommon, with estimates of 1 to 3 in 1,00 ,000

population annually.11 In children and adults, warm-reacting antibodies are the pri-
mary pathogenic etiology in most of the cases (w75% and w90%, respectively).12,13
The remainder are due to cold-induced or mixed disorders. The incidence of acquired
hemolytic anemias is reviewed in Table 1.11,13–18 The prevalence of secondary AIHA in
selected conditions is as follows: chronic lymphocytic leukemia 11%, systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE) 10%, allogeneic stem cell transplantation (HCT) 4% to 6%, and
non-Hodgkin lymphoma 2% to 3%.19,20 Secondary AIHA can also be seen with viral
infections such as HIV, Epstein Barr virus (EBV), hepatitis C, and SARS-CoV-2.21,22
Common culprits of drug-induced AIHA include: cephalosporins, penicillin, NSAIDS,
sulfa, fludarabine, oxaliplatin, checkpoint inhibitors, and intravenous immunoglob-
ulin.23 While hereditary hemolytic anemias are more commonly diagnosed during
childhood or early adulthood, they can present as symptomatic anemia later in life
and should remain in the differential diagnosis during the evaluation of hemolytic ane-
mia. The prevalence of hereditary hemolytic anemias is reviewed in Table 2.24–30
The DAT remains the cornerstone for the diagnosis of AIHA and enables the distinc-
tion between warm forms (70% of cases; DAT positive for IgG or IgG and C), cold ag-
glutinins (20% of cases; DAT positive for C), and mixed forms (<10% of cases, DAT
positive for IgG and C, with the coexistence of warm autoantibodies and cold agglu-
tinins). A total of 3% to 11% of patients with hemolytic anemia clinically consistent with
WAIHA will have a negative DAT result.31,32 A negative test result may lead physicians
to reject the diagnosis, resulting in additional patient evaluation and delays in treat-
ment. Technical processing is the most common “cause” of DAT-negative WAIHA.
Approximately 10% to 50% of patients with DAT-negative WAIHA will have a positive
standard DAT result using anti-IgG and anti-C3d reagents retested at

Descargado para Ronald Eduardo Lozano Acosta ([email protected]) en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian
University de por Elsevier en mayo 14, 2022. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se
permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia 317

Table 1
Incidence of acquired hemolytic anemias

Type Disease Incidence (100,000/y)

Immune Warm autoimmune 2
Cold agglutinin disease 0.1
Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria 0.5
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 0.1
Microangiopathy Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 0.3
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 1
Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome 0.2

immunohematology reference laboratories.31,33,34 If suspicion of WAIHA remains high,

DAT should be repeated, preferably by an immunohematology reference laboratory.
The presenting clinical features and treatment responses of patients with DAT-
negative WAIHA are similar to patients with DAT-positive WAIHA.35
Considerations for patients with a positive DAT beyond WAIHA and CAD include
alloimmunization, mixed autoimmune hemolytic anemia, and paroxysmal cold hemo-
globinuria. A significant transfusion history, a high cold agglutinin titer in the presence
of positive DAT, and the Donath–Landsteiner test may clue the clinician in the appro-
priate direction for each of these conditions, respectively (Fig. 1). The DAT results and
pattern of antigen involvement may provide clues about the etiology of secondary
AIHA (Fig. 2).
The differential diagnosis for patients with a negative DAT is more extensive and
testing can be guided by the degree of suspicion of a hereditary condition. Clues on
history and examination that suggest a hereditary cause of hemolysis include family
history, pigmented gallstones, splenomegaly, and chronic anemia. Hemoglobin elec-
trophoresis can establish the diagnosis of various hemoglobinopathies such as sickle
cell disease, thalassemia, among others. In patients whereby clinical suspicion of
AIHA remains high despite negative DAT, repeat testing with an enhanced DAT may
be beneficial.


Individuals evaluated for AIHA will likely have a CBC as well as other laboratory evi-
dence of hemolysis. The clinical utility of these studies is reviewed later in discussion

Table 2
Prevalence of hereditary hemolytic anemias

Type Disease Per 100,000 (Patient Race)
Hemoglobinopathy Sickle cell disease 275 (Black)
Thalassemia 7
Membranopathy Hereditary elliptocytosis 25
Hereditary spherocytosis 20 (White)
Hereditary stomatocytosis 10
Enzymopathy G6PD deficiency 10,000 (Black)
Pyruvate kinase deficiency 5
Hexokinase deficiency Unknown
Other Wilson disease 3

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318 Scheckel & Go

Fig. 1. Evaluation of Hemolysis.

Fig. 2. Interpreting the DAT.

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Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia 319

and summarized in Table 3. It is important to note that DAT should typically be per-
formed after the presence of hemolysis is determined and not in the reverse order.
A positive DAT only means the presence of antibody or complement on the surface
of RBCs and is not an evidence of hemolysis. Positive DAT without hemolysis can
occur in healthy people (incidental finding) and in certain clinical conditions such as
immunoglobulin administration, recent hematopoietic or solid organ transplantation,
as well as autoimmune and lymphoproliferative disorders.36

Markers of Hemolysis
Typical hemoglobin at presentation is between 7 and 10 g/dL, although values <7 g/dL
can be seen in as many as 30%.8 The anemia is usually normocytic but macrocytosis
can be seen due to reticulocytosis. Depending on co-occurring conditions some pa-
tients may have leukocytosis (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) or thrombocytopenia
(Evan’s syndrome). The reticulocyte count increases as the bone marrow increases
the production of RBCs to replace those that are lost. The absolute reticulocyte count
is the preferred method of measurement because it is unaffected by the hemoglobin
concentration. In one series, the mean corrected reticulocyte count was 7.4%.8 Non-
elevated reticulocyte counts can be seen in concomitant conditions that limit RBC
production (iron deficiency, underlying bone marrow disorder, drug effect) or

Table 3
Markers of hemolysis

Type Test Expected/Comment Intravascular Extravascular

Direct Haptoglobin Low; most specific More Less prominent
LDH High; not specific; isoenzyme Less More prominent
1 (RBC and heart) prominent
Indirect bilirubin High; not specific Less More prominent
AST High; not specific Present in Present in both
Blood smear Variable according to cause: Present in Present in both
Spherocytes, elliptocytes, both
schistocytes, sickle cell, etc.
Indirect Reticulocyte count >100  109/L; normal or low Present in Present in both
if hypoproliferative both
Mean cell volume High; from reticulocytosis; Present in Present in both
mostly normal though both
Soluble transferrin High (increased RBC Present in Present in both
receptor turnover); iron both
Hemoglobin A1c Unexpectedly low (limited Present in Present in both
time for RBC glycation) both
Carboxyhemoglobin High (CO a breakdown Present in Present in both
product of heme both

A number of testing abnormalities can be seen in the presence of hemolysis. Direct markers of he-
molysis are laboratory abnormalities that correlate to the destruction of RBCs. The degree of ab-
normality may correlate with the location of hemolysis (ie, intravascular vs extravascular)
though the clinical utility is debatable. Indirect markers of hemolysis may act as surrogate markers
via reticulocytosis, increased RBC turnover, or heme metabolism.

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University de por Elsevier en mayo 14, 2022. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se
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320 Scheckel & Go

autoantibodies against RBC precursors.8,37 The peripheral blood smear may reveal
spherocytes and reticulocytes. The absence of certain findings (schistocytes, target
cells) can be useful in the differential diagnosis in excluding other conditions.9,38
Haptoglobin is commonly low or unmeasurable regardless of whether the hemolytic
anemia is primarily intravascular or extravascular. In a series of 100 patients, a hapto-
globin less than 25 mg/dL had a sensitivity of 83%, specificity of 96%, and predictive
value of 87%.10,39 Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is typically increased with one series
reporting a median LDH of approximately 500 units/L.40 Indirect bilirubin elevations in
the range of 2 to 3 mg/dL are common.41 Aspartate transaminase (AST) is found primar-
ily in the heart, liver, skeletal muscle, red cells, and kidneys.42 Mild elevations in AST can
be seen in hemolysis, though the ratio of LDH/AST is typically over 30.43 Investigation
into AST/ALT ratio as a hemolytic marker in patients with sickle cell disease lacking car-
diac or hepatic dysfunction found an inverse relationship between hemoglobin and AST/
ALT ratio and positive correlation with reticulocytes and lactate dehydrogenase.44
Ferritin can be increased in several chronic hemolytic conditions including enzymo-
pathies, chronic cold agglutinin disease, and congenital dyserythropoietic ane-
mia.45–47 Ferritin is also an acute-phase protein and increases in various metabolic
and inflammatory and the coexistence of these conditions with hemolysis may lead
to elevated ferritin values. Longstanding transfusion support may also contribute to
iron overload. The soluble transferrin receptor is increased in hemolytic anemia but
may also reflect erythropoiesis rather than hemolysis and is also elevated in iron defi-
ciency anemia.47 Hemosiderinuria is typically associated with marked intravascular
hemolysis in excess of haptoglobin binding capacity. It is usually seen 3 to 4 days after
the onset of hemolysis and it can persist for several weeks after hemolysis cessation,
whereas hemoglobinuria quickly disappears.

Table 4
Evaluation: Hemolysis testing beyond the blood smear

Type Test Comment

Autoimmune Direct antiglobulin (DAT) Initial test for any type of
hemolytic anemia
Enhanced DAT DAT negative but AIHA still
Cold agglutinin titer Cold agglutinin disease
Donath–Landsteiner Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria
Other Acquired ADAMTS13 level Thrombotic thrombocytopenic
Serologic complement Complement-mediated
thrombotic microangiopathy
Genetic complement Complement-mediated
thrombotic microangiopathy
Flow cytometry Paroxysmal nocturnal
Hereditary Eosin-5-maleimide (EMA) binding Hereditary spherocytosis,
elliptocytosis (some)
Osmotic fragility Hereditary spherocytosis
RBC enzyme activity RBC enzymopathy
Next-generation sequencing All types; for select patients

When investigating the etiology of hemolysis, a broad differential must be considered. Depending
on the clinician’s index of suspicion, testing for autoimmune, acquired, or hereditary etiologies
may be required.

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Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia 321

When interpreting the results of a glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level, factors

affecting the life span of the red blood cells should be kept in mind as they may affect
the measurement of the HbA1c. Hemolytic anemia can cause a falsely low HbA1c,
thus a patient with diabetes and hemolytic anemia may be falsely considered a
well-controlled diabetic. Severe hemolysis can result in an immeasurable HbA1c.
Immeasurable HbA1c in a patient with hemolysis may be a marker for potentially fatal
hemolysis and thus indicate a poor prognosis.48,49 Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced
endogenously as a byproduct of heme metabolism and carboxyhemoglobin can be
elevated during hemolytic anemia. Metabolism of heme via heme oxidase produces
one molecule of CO per molecule of heme degraded.50,51
Advanced Testing
The focus of additional testing beyond markers of hemolysis and the peripheral blood
smear can be guided initially by the clinical and family history, physical examination,
presence of other cytopenias, and the results of the DAT. Advanced testing options
for when various hemolytic anemias are suspected are summarized in Table 4.


The etiology of AIHA remains incompletely understood; however, the mechanisms of

erythrocyte destruction and the clinical complications that accompany this disorder
are well defined. Because the causes of hemolytic anemias are numerous, a broad dif-
ferential diagnosis must be entertained. The clinical heterogeneity of AIHA requires the
clinician to clearly define the nature of the disorder for each patient. The need to look
for associated diseases is emphasized as their management may aid in AIHA therapy.


 AIHA may be warm or cold-mediated with either primary or secondary etiologies.

 Presenting symptoms of AIHA can be heterogenous and thorough clinical evaluation may
highlight an underlying cause.
 Many potential markers of hemolysis have reasonably high sensitivity but poor specificity.
 DAT should typically be performed after the presence of hemolysis is determined and not in
the reverse order.
 The findings on the DAT can guide the differential diagnosis for the AIHA.
 Establishing the diagnosis of AIHA must be accompanied by a thorough evaluation for
associated diseases.


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