(Urban Politics in A Global Society) Osmany Porto de Oliveira (Auth.) - International Policy Diffusion and Parti
(Urban Politics in A Global Society) Osmany Porto de Oliveira (Auth.) - International Policy Diffusion and Parti
(Urban Politics in A Global Society) Osmany Porto de Oliveira (Auth.) - International Policy Diffusion and Parti
Ambassadors of Participation, International
Institutions and Transnational Networks
Urban Politics in a Global Society
Series Editors
Richard Stren
Department of Political Science
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Christopher Gore
Department of Politics &
Public Administration
Ryerson University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
‘This is a pioneering study in the field. It raises the big questions of how ideas of
democratic participation spread, and why they “stick” or do not. We don’t have
anything comparable in the field of local government, urban planning or compara-
tive politics to rival the spread of this very specific “tool” of local participation.
The trend in urban studies internationally is to move from localized case studies
to comparative studies involving different cities and even countries, but this study
goes further with both comparative case studies in several continents, and the
description and analysis of a general process of diffusion.’
— Richard Stren,
Emeritus Professor of Political Science,
University of Toronto,Canada
Today, cities around the world house more than half of our global popu-
lation, and their size and economic power are growing. Nowhere is this
more evident than incities of the so-called “developing” areas of Latin
America, Africa, and Asia. In many countries of the global south, large
cities have already outstripped most northern cities in size, while the func-
tions and administrative powers of all cities—large, medium-sized, and
small—are growing as a result of decentralization, democratization, and
the initiatives of civil society and community groups at the local level.
These changes are uneven and almost always localized, but they highlight
the increasing importance of understanding the politics of cities and the
manners in which cities are taking their place globally among the major
nodal points in the international political system. Urban Politics in a
Global Society publishes well-researched and topical books that examine
the political aspects of cities and urban development from the vantage
points of political science, sociology, economics, geography, environment,
planning, and policy. The series focuses especially on cities in the global
south, and/or on populations from the global south living in cities in the
north. The series editors will also consider proposals that examine urban
politics or approaches to urban development in countries not considered
the global south, but where there are lessons, experiences or trends from
the global south that resonate or are applicable to cities in the north. The
series editors welcome comparative or single-country studies that address
a range of topics, including, but not limited to: urban reform; political
opposition or movements; housing and resettlement; health, sanitation
and infrastructure; migration, mobility and demographic transitions; pov-
erty and well-being; intergovernmental relations; electoral systems and
systems of representation and exclusion; public-private partnerships and
relations; financial assistance, investment and revenue generation; and
innovations in research strategies and method.
International Policy
Diffusion and
Ambassadors of Participation, International
Institutions and Transnational Networks
sponsored by
viii Foreword
the highly commendable study by Jamie Peck and Nick Theodore, Fast
Policy: Experimental Statecraft at the Thresholds of Neoliberalism (2015) or
Xiaojun Yan and Ge Xin’s 2016 article ‘Participatory policy making under
Accessing international diffusion is no simple task. It means taking
huge strides to enter into uncommon places, characterized by multiple
interactions between actors from diverse geographies and cultures’. To
overcome these issues and produce his analysis Osmany completed over
120 interviews during a six-year period in which he travelled to a range
of places in the Americas, Europe and Africa. This allowed Osmany to
ascertain who the key actors and institutions were in the movement of
participatory budgeting within and across Brazil, South America, Europe
and subsequently Africa and the United States. This extensive process of
interview and document collection allowed Osmany to illustrate how key
actors worked both on their own and through regional, international and
transnational institutions and organizations to share information and ideas
related to participatory budgeting.
Just one of the factors making this text stand out as an exceptional
piece of research is the ability of Osmany to go beyond the all-to-often lip
service paid to the need to see diffusion in a wider context and in relation
to the networks of actors and governments. Osmany takes the reader on
a journey through the development of the range of different participatory
budgeting policies that have formed across the globe, illustrating where
and when one actor becomes more important than others or how they
move from one role and location to another across the local, national
and global interfaces. International Policy Diffusion and Participatory
Budgeting does not end here; it goes on to show how and when different
local, national and international institutions entered the process and how
they were fundamental for stimulating the co-operation necessary for the
spread of participatory budgeting. In other words the text focuses on “the
backstage of the globalization of public policies” where Brazil acted as the
initial laboratory from which others were able to borrow and adapt.
As anyone familiar with the diffusion literature will recognize, the pri-
mary focus tends to be on the Anglo-American English-speaking world.
Part of the uniqueness of this text is found in the fact that Osmany focuses
on a diffusion process that broke this pattern. Rather he focused on a dif-
fusion process primarily driven by the Francophone alliance of nations.
Or as Osmany states, “[i]t is possible to recognize that Europe and more
specifically the research of French academics was the locus of innovation
Foreword ix
David Dolowitz
Department of Politics
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
1. Adapted version of this work was also published in Portuguese with
the title Ambassadors of Participation: The International Diffusion
of Participatory Budgeting by Editor Annablume, 2016.
Peck, J., & Theodore, N. (2015). Fast Policy: Experimental Statecraft at the
Thresholds of Neoliberalism. Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press.
Yan, X., & Xin, G. (2016). Participatory Policy Making under Authoritarianism:
The Pathways of Local Budgetary Reform in the People’s Republic of China.
Policy & Politics, 44(2), 215–234.
xii Acknowledgements
Part I Dynamics 1
xvi Contents
8 Conclusions and Implications229
References 255
Index 265
About the Author
About the Translator
List of Tables
countries stop having free elections and governors are voted in by proxy,
thus shifting forwards and backwards, between democracy, anocracy and
autocracy, for example.
Besides this, it is necessary to understand the diffusion of what, or
rather, which are the objects that circle the globe and are being transferred
from one experience to another. It is essential to limit the elements that
are absorbed in a specific political system. In the area of public policy,
there are multiple dimensions such as ideas, models, institutions, norma-
tive devices, techniques, principles and so on. In order to gain a better
understanding of the process it is vital to distinguish the various objects in
circulation in different categories.
International diffusion does not necessarily occur in a free form. They
are processes involving agents interacting in different spaces, throughout
different entities and with different ways of operating, each one stimulat-
ing the phenomenon in its own way. Identifying the actors, institu-
tions and spaces of interaction is an important element of understanding
international diffusion. From the perspective of the actors, it is relevant
to question the motives for action, whether it be promoting or adopting
certain public policies. It goes beyond that: it is important to understand
when a certain actor counts more than another in deciding if a public
policy is adopted. It is vital to question when individuals make a difference
or when it is institutions that are more influential in the process of policy
The flux of international diffusion involves a variety of forces, which
occur in different scales. A popular theme in contemporary political and
social sciences is the dimension of causal mechanisms, or rather, the
micro dimension, which connects to the causal process entities capable of
producing significant effects in certain phenomena. Identifying the causal
mechanisms, which lead to certain results of interest to the researcher and
observer of these processes, has been an emerging concern in different
areas of study. Furthermore, international policy diffusion also implies a
flow of political elements at different levels (global, regional and local)
and institutions (the state, international organizations and subnational
organization, NGOs, etc.).
To access international diffusion necessarily means recognizing this set
of problems, understanding different fluxes, identifying actors, observing
relations, which are established between actors, at different levels, in order
to try to understand the process. In short, these are part of the backstage
of the globalization of public policies.
the literature. Next, the central argument is introduced. Later the reader
will find a section focusing on the transnational process and another on
research strategies. Finally, the narrative adopted in this book and its struc-
ture are described.
national government had resources and capability of wider action than the
municipalities, which required a lot of energy and creativity to internation-
alize their policies. In addition, the federal government could rely on the
Ministry of Foreign Relations, among other ministries and institutions,
such as the Brazilian Agency for Co-operation, to lever up a strategy for
international insertion through a form a diplomacy of social policies made
in Brazil (Faria 2012; Souza).3
The PBF is a social policy of conditional cash transfer whose objective is
the eradication of poverty and inequality in Brazil. The policy is managed
by the Ministry of Social Development and fight against hunger (MDS)
in Brazil and its execution is decentralized, passing responsibility to other
entities of the federal government, such as states and municipalities. The
programme functions as an income support aimed at families in poverty
and extreme poverty. Beneficiaries receive monthly funds transferred by
the federal government. In order to receive funding, families have to
meet certain conditions in the area of health and education. Firstly, preg-
nant recipients have to carry out prenatal exams and families with chil-
dren younger than 7 years have to have vaccination and nutritional advice
among other demands. In respect to education, children and adolescents
in families receiving benefits have to prove frequent attendance at school
as well as other requirements. Moreover, the PBF created an important
system of information and unique registration which has been reproduced
in other countries.
The international dimension of PBF is surprising. According to the
World Bank today 52 countries use the Brazilian model in their pro-
grammes of cash transfer. In addition, between 2011 and 2015 the MDS
received 406 delegations from 97 countries that had interest in better
understanding how the programme functioned (Brazil 2016). It is also
common for government staff to participate in workshops, seminars and
events in general to transfer instruments and social technologies related to
PBF. This is a characteristic also present in other policies spread through-
out Brazil. The PBF was adopted in various contexts from Ghana to
New York via Egypt and Turkey. The World Bank was one of the institu-
tions which incorporated PBF onto its agenda. This institution developed
expertise in the area of cash transfer policies, having learned much through
interchanges with Brazil, and nowadays stimulates the adoption of the
programme in various countries (Leite and Peres 2013; Mafra 2016).
The PNAE, which has existed since 1955, is the oldest food assistance
programme in Brazil and was redesigned in 2003. The innovation was in
fusion (Cabral et al. 2013, p. 58). Moreover, policy transfers in the health
sector, such as knowledge for the combat of malaria and HIV, have been
operationalized by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation—Fiocruz (institution
for research in the area of public health, linked to the Ministry for Health).
Brazil has also for some years taken an emerging role in the interna-
tional sphere, leading projects in the UN and World Trade Organization.
Likewise, institutions such as the World Bank endorsed innovations in
Brazilian social policies, such as PBF and PB, as will be presented through-
out the book. Nowadays the link between policies of agriculture and food
provision such as PNAE in the ambit of the FAO has fostered fast develop-
ment. This proximity is also due to the fact that since 2011 the Brazilian
agronomist José Graziano is president of the FAO and is now in his sec-
ond mandate. In the new millennium a space has opened up for another
consensus, called the “Brazilia Consensus” by Michael Schifter, President
of the Centre of Research for Inter-American dialogue in 2011. This
counterpoises the “Washington Consensus” from the 1980s. In fact, the
new consensus acts as a sort of paradigm consisting of a moderate leftist
ideology, which combines social inclusion, macroeconomic stability and
state control of minerals or the creation of taxes for extraction. In 2016
Brazil is in fact an exporter of social policies. The case of PB proves to be
a precursor in this path. In the following section we will discuss a range of
theories in the debate on the field of diffusion that will allow us to intro-
duce the analysis of PB presented in this book.
very similar phenomena, but which are not always identical.4 To simplify
the narrative in this book, the term “diffusion” is used whenever there is
a reference to the collective adoption of a public policy, whereas the term
“transfer” coincides with a singular or punctual movement of adoption,
from one point to the other as shall be described in the next chapter.
The first signs of concern with this theme in political science5 arose at
the end of the 1960s, especially in the work of Jack Walker (1969), whose
studies were inspired from the diffusion of innovations, investigating the
speed and the spatial patterns of the adoption of services and programmes
of municipalities in the United States at that time. In the 1980’s, there
appeared important works focusing on the phenomenon of the diffusion
of ideas and political and economic models. Examples are Peter Hall’s
study (1989) of political power and economic ideas, in his book on the
diffusion of Keynesianism between countries, as well as the theory of mul-
tiple streams written by John Kingdon (1995). Both take into consider-
ation the dimension of ideas to study the agenda setting.6
The processes of democratization in Latin America and Europe in the
past century were important to pave the way for research on diffusion, in
particular with the work of Laurence Whitehead (1988), who sought to
understand the international dimension present in the transition to democ-
racy processes in Latin America. Likewise Samuel Huntington (1993) in
The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century sought to
define the causes, objects, periods and fluxes in the democratization pro-
cess. More recently, Kurt Weyland (2014) addressed the same issue on a
comparative historical perspective in Making Waves: Democratic Contention
in Europe and Latin America since the Revolutions of 1948. The diffusion of
electoral models—stemming from transitions which occurred after the end
of the Soviet bloc in East European countries—was also studied (Bunce
and Wolchik 2010) and gave continuity to this domain of research.
The analysis of diffusion can relate to an independent variable, or
rather the process, as well as to the dependent variable, that is, the result
(Dolowitz and Marsh 2000, p. 8). There are studies which concentrate on
one or the other variable. The neo-institutionalism perspective, especially
in its sociological strand, put particular emphasis on processes which make
organizations become similar in their bureaucratic dimension, named
institutional isomorphism (DiMaggio and Powell 1983). In the area of
comparative politics, studies on convergence aim to understand the causes
of the adoption of similar public policies in different states. From a broad
perspective, these studies were dedicated to understand the reasons which
lead countries to abandon their own home-grown public policies and fol-
low the lead of a more common direction (Bennett 1991; Rose 1991), as
for example the adoption of preconceived sectorial reforms, mentioned in
the previous section of this book.
If we take into account the contributions of international studies and
sociology, approaches to diffusion get even broader. International diffu-
sion of norms was an area of particular study. The life cycle of norms was
interpreted by Finnemore and Sikkink (1998) as a process divided into
three phases: genesis, international acceptance or “norm cascade” and
internal transfer. Influenced by the Bourdieusan legacy, Yves Dezalay
and Brian Garth (2002) sought to understand how Latin American
elites from different countries imported judicial technologies, which
originated in prestigious American universities and powerful institu-
tions, to their respective States. Both studies focused on the process of
diffusion and analysed both the national and international levels as an
interwoven process.
The area of diffusion is divided into distinct ways to approach the phe-
nomenon. Kurt Weyland (2006), for example, considers the cognitive psy-
chology of actors as a basis for adoption. Others insist on the influence of
a range of different actors—collective or individuals—as an explanation
for diffusion. In other words, these authors emphasize the role played by
institutions (national and international), political parties, advocacy net-
works, think tanks and NGOs, among others (Finnemore 1993; Olivers
and Myers 2003; Stone 2001). It is worth noting that in the literature
there is a distinction between different individual actors participating in
diffusion, such as entrepreneurs (Finnemore and Sikkink 1998, p. 895),
mediators (Givan et al. 2010, p. 12) and adopters (McAdam and Rucht
1993, p. 58).
Moreover, there is a new tendency on diffusion studies to identify
mechanisms that facilitate or constrain the process (Simmons et al. 2008;
Graham et al. 2013). The purpose is to access an entity from which it’s
possible to attribute causal force to the diffusion process. Literature has
been pointing to different mechanisms operating in diffusion and four in
particular: (1) socialization (which induces actors to adopt certain mod-
els, techniques and norms); (2) coercion (which refers to institutional
imposition); (3) competition (which insists on the fact that governments
compete among themselves to obtain credits, external investments and
to host mega events); and (4) learning (when governments draw lessons
from other experiences). This book offers an important contribution to
(2003) and Gret and Sintomer (2005) and have served as a source of
inspiration for intellectuals and activists alike, as well as being a testament
to the experience. The example par excellence of this dynamic between
literature and diffusion of ideas emerges in the political sphere. It is the
book by Genro and Souza (1997), which was translated into a variety of
languages and launched in many countries by its authors, as will be pre-
sented from Chap. 3 on.
In academia, the production of work on this theme has advanced greatly
in recent years, treating PB from important perspectives and consolidating
substantial volumes of heuristic material. There are writers of a normative
nature, emphasizing the positive effects of participatory devices, such as
Santos (2003), who sees PB as an alternative model that is considered
“counter-hegemonic”, and is eligible to amplify the democratic canon.
Other authors dedicate themselves to dealing with specific political sci-
ence themes coming out of PB, by studying the relationship between
institutional design and deepening of democracy, questioning the effects
on spaces for participation and democratization in public management
(Evans 2003; Fung and Wright 2002; Lubambo et al. 2005).
Case studies are numerous (Abers 2000; Avritzer 2002, 2003; Baiocchi
2005; Romão 2011), in large part covering PB in Porto Alegre and con-
sidering PB through diverse lenses. Leonardo Avritzer (2002), in par-
ticular, sought to show how previous existence of participation practices
in society contributed to the positive outcomes in the implementation
of participatory practices. From a long-term field research, Gianpaolo
Baiocchi (2005) produced an ethnography of PB associations operating
throughout its process.
The comparisons and regional studies in Latin America and Europe
raised new elements to the understanding of different experiences. The
study by Benjamin Goldfrank (2011) compared three cities, Caracas,
Montevideo and Porto Alegre, seeking to understand the element con-
tributing to the success or failure of cases of participatory democracy
devices which were introduced by left-wing administrations such as
PB. An ambitious study published by Yves Sintomer and his collaborators
(Sintomer et al. 2008a, b) presents research on PB in a dozen countries
across Europe. However, comparisons are still few in the literature.
In general, authors have overlooked the theme of international diffu-
sion. In fact, this issue was incorporated into the literature slowly, with
specific studies, which have only recently increased in number, despite
PB’s widespread adoption since 2000. Giovanni Allegretti and Carsten
From six social and political criteria Sintomer et al. (2013a, b) defined
different models which represented cases of PB: democratic participation,
democratic proximity, participative modernization, multi-stakeholder par-
ticipation, neo-corporatism and community development. Although the
models contained fragilities, since it is difficult to take into consideration
the amplitude and heterogeneity of a universe of more than two thousand
cases of PB, distributed in entirely different contexts around the world,
this was a great step for the understanding of PB worldwide. In fact, it
helped offer a global plan for the diffusion of PB and put the researcher
in front of the sheer variety of adaptations that existed. For these authors,
PB is a type of ideoscape, that is “a model which travels around the world
and only exists through its very different local implementations, which
continuously contribute to modifying the model itself” (Sintomer et al.
2013a, p. 13).
The publication presented a short section on the international diffu-
sion of PB (Sintomer et al. 2013a, pp. 11–13), with a descriptive narra-
tive about the process. The authors insisted that the WSF, local networks
and authorities were elements that facilitated the international diffusion
of PB. The narrative described how after the WSF in Porto Alegre, social
movements and representatives of left-wing administrations were inspired
by the idea of spreading PB to Europe. Networks such as the URB-AL
brought European and Latin American municipalities together. Moreover,
the role of the CGLUA in the process of adoption in Sub-Saharan Africa
was highlighted.
Two years later in December 2012, Brian Wampler co-edited an issue of
the publication Journal of Public Deliberation with the title “The Spread
of Participatory Budgeting Across the Globe: Adoption, Adaptation, and
Impacts”, which brought together case studies from different regions.
Two important new arguments were presented. The first was that of
Benjamin Goldfrank in respect to the involvement of the Word Bank in
the process of the international diffusion of PB. The second was that of
Ernesto Ganuza and Gianpaolo Baiocchi who insisted on the changing of
the meaning of PB.
The World Bank has become the biggest promoter of PB in recent
years—this is the central point of “The World Bank and the Globalization
of Participatory Budgeting” by Benjamin Goldfrank (2012). The author
saw the Brazilian Workers Party as the initial promotors of PB. Although
it was later substituted by the World Bank. He defended that the World
Bank had transformed PB in one of its Global Scripts, as a measure to be
recommended to all municipalities. The institution even reformulated PB
into a form of PB-Lite, eradicating its content for local transformation and
as an instrument of popular governance and inserting the idea of efficient
Goldfrank argued that there are two types of promoters of PB within
the World Bank, those who recognized the techniques as an instrument
capable of promoting a neo-liberal agenda and those who believed in its
potential for enhancing democracy. Goldfrank’s argument is interesting
and shows the role of the World Bank in the diffusion of PB. The author
defended that there were two strands of promotion of PB within the bank,
but is uncertain how these were composed or how PB even came to get on
the Bank’s agenda. In this book actors and actions connected to PB in the
World Bank are developed, as well as the first entrance of PB into this insti-
tution, which occurred in an event in 1996, complementing and deepen-
ing the evidence presented by Goldfrank. This process will be described at
length in Chap. 5.
Ernesto Ganuza and Gianpaolo Baiocchi (2012) emphasized the power
of ambiguity of PB as an element facilitating its diffusion. Their argument,
inspired by the legacy of Bruno Latour, insists on the fact that the diffu-
sion of PB is permeated with translations and its meaning may be trans-
formed throughout the process. In this sense, as it circulates PB becomes
malleable and absorbs different contents in each context. In fact, PB con-
tains an ideological component and a methodological one, both of which
are promoted. If Ganuza and Baiocchi advanced the understanding of the
international dimension of PB, both left open the role of actors, especially
the actions of individuals and of institutions, which are at the centre of the
analysis of this book.
Despite the progressive evolution on the theme in international litera-
ture there is still no precise argument on the diffusion of PB overall. It
is worth noting that the literature is recent and sketchy. In this context,
analysing the diffusion of PB at the start of the research (2008) meant
entering an area of information which was extremely fragile. This book is
complementary to previous research, including my case study from 2010
mentioned above.
tions, such as the UN, the World Bank and the EU. The central argument
proposed defends that the interaction between individuals and institu-
tions (national and international) was a necessary condition to engender
a process of legitimization and circulation of PB which reached a certain
moment—known as the “tipping point—and such was this recognition
that it was considered an indispensable policy for modern cities.
We can verify the existence of at least three distinct moments from the
origin of PB in Porto Alegre and its international diffusion. At the moment
of the genesis in Porto Alegre, it was not known that PB would become
the “star in participation”. A first sign that would indicate its international
ascension was the award given by the UN in 1996 in Istanbul, during the
second UN-Habitat conference. Although, the success of this award was
not sufficient in itself to insert the PB of Porto Alegre onto the interna-
tional agenda.
It was only with the first WSF from 2001 that PB would become
part of the international agenda. The WSF not only gave visibility to
PB, but also launched this device as “the hope that another world was
possible”, through democracy. Besides that the WSF also functioned
as a meeting place for all those engaged in the processes of deepening
democracy. The transnational networks also performed an important
role not only by connecting individuals from different countries around
PB, but also by advocating the adoption of participatory democracy
devices (Table 1.1).
From this point, international organizations such as the UN, the EU and
the World Bank began to promote PB in a more direct and intense fash-
ion, funding visits and transfers, in addition to producing research on the
subject. The transfers of PB multiplied, generating an intense movement of
diffusion, in which PB spilled over to a diverse range of local governments
across the world, as well as to the aforementioned institutions. Now, PB is
also present in several cities in Asian countries and in some local govern-
ments in North America, as will be presented in the Epilogue of this book.
At the same time as this macro process of international diffusion, regional
diffusions occurred in at least two different directions. The first followed
the movement from “bottom up” with the strong protaganism of local
actors. Put differently, diffusion began with emblematic local experiences,
then from these experiences reached the State level, and spread like wild-
fire throughout the region. This is the case in Andean America. Another
dynamic consists of a diverse movement in which diffusion is influenced
by a group of external actors, who operate regionally and contribute to
the diffusion of PB. This dynamic is present in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the
case of the Andes, the internal actors have greater weight than the interna-
tional ones; in the case of Sub-Saharan Africa, the international actors are
decisive to the detriment of internal actors.
The Andean region—Peru and Ecuador in particular—followed a
“trampoline” movement, in which they developed strong initial local
experiences and from there PB rose to a national scale. Peru became the
regional leader when in 2003 it created an innovative law on PB that
encouraged municipalities across the entire country to implement it.
Ecuador followed Peru by emulating the law and taking it one step fur-
ther, by officially introducing PB into its constitution in 2008.
Sub-Saharan Africa had a different path. There are pioneering cases
of PB, but external action coming from international co-operation is an
important element—in certain cases an indispensable component—in the
implementation and maintenance of experiences. The presence of regional
specialists is crucial, inasmuch as they serve as catalysts. They accelerate dif-
fusion by adapting PB techniques, travelling to offer training and capacity-
building. International co-operation is what finance projects, such as the
World Bank, are involved with in the different cases. Furthermore, Sub-
Saharan Africa is fertile territory for the association between technological
innovation and PB.
The diffusion of PB was engendered therefore through a combination
of groups of fluxes and the interactions between individuals and interna-
If this author offers clues for the research objects, the analysis does not
offer information on the strategy to design field research.
Studies on the diffusion of new forms of culture, technological innova-
tions and transnational migration have developed a “multi-sited” ethnog-
raphy. George Marcus (1995) presented indicatives on how to study a
phenomenon which does not occur in one specific place but which could
be discovered in different places. The proposal of multi-sited ethnography
proposes advances in relation to the traditionally located ethnography to
enable the understanding of contemporary phenomena which come from
empirical transformations due to globalization and whose observance can-
not be restricted to a limited space. Diffusion is a phenomenon which
involves multiple spaces. Marcus insists on following objects as a research
strategy to trace the process. The idea is to follow the people involved in
the phenomenon, the objects in circulation, the symbols and metaphors,
the plot and the biography of the actors in conflict. Among the richness
of this nature of strategy is capturing communities which operate transna-
tionally and identifying their patterns of action.
Relying on these approaches we developed a strategy of “transnational
political ethnography” in order to understand PB. The research frame-
work to study the process of PB diffusion was developed on three fronts.
The first front was tracing the general process of diffusion and, following
on from this, identifying the principal stages of this movement. Three sig-
nificant stages of the international diffusion of PB were defined: interna-
tionalization, legitimization and large-scale diffusion. Internationalization
consists of the “departure” of PB from Brazil; legitimization refers to its
process of international recognition; and large-scale diffusion is seen as
the adoption of PB by a huge group of local authorities. The second front
was selecting units and subunits representative of the phenomenon which
could act as aids to understanding diffusion. It is worth noting that the
stages refer to the process, whereas units and subunits correspond to scales
of diffusion in the spatial sense: one unit corresponds to Andean America,
its subunits are Peru and Villa El Salvador. The third and final front was
to analyse the process of regional diffusion and some significant transfers.
The research methodology is essentially qualitative. The sheer lack of
reliable international information on PB still limits the possibility of quan-
titatively analysing the phenomenon of international diffusion. Qualitative
analysis in turn is also affected by the limited quality and quantity of
available information with respect to the experiences of PB in Brazil and
even more so at the international level. Effectively the case studies on
PB concentrate on “good examples” as in the case of Porto Alegre and
Belo Horizonte in Brazil. There is still a great gap in terms of studies on
failed PB projects and documents on these cases. Even in Recife (Brazil),
which is a state capital, there are limited consistent studies on its experi-
ences with PB and with the change of government in 2013—which will
be mentioned in Chap. 3—and access to old documentation for this case
is increasingly difficult.
In terms of international experiences, Andean America relies on a group
of academic studies on its experiences but these are not internationalized
and need bibliographic research in loco. Another part of the production is
technical in that it comes from reports compiled by international organi-
zations. In respect to Sub-Saharan Africa the bibliography is almost inex-
istent. Making it all the harder to obtain information is the fact that the
territories where PB is developed can be difficult to access. The first book
by the World Bank divulging experiences in Sub-Saharan Africa was pub-
lished in 2007; the report by Sintomer, Herzberg and Allegretti on the
experiences of PB in the world contains a section on the region and began
to circulate around the end of 2010.
The volatility of PB experiences of which the large part of cases depends
on the executive power to be maintained also makes the work of the
1. The renowned magazine The Economist published materials on the
success of Bolsa Família, as well as Brazilian policies on participa-
tive governance, see in particular http://www.economist.com/
node/16690887 and http://www.economist.com/news/
their-electors-if-they-want-processing. Checked in October 2013.
2. Understood in its wider sense, to know everything about what a
government actor decides to do or not or even better those studies
on public policies in the French strand known as “The State in
Action” (Muller 1985).
3. See also the statement by Romulo Paes Souza in the article “Brazil’s
cash transfer scheme is improving the lives of the poorest”, pub-
lished in The Guardian, 19 November 2010. Available at http://
w w w. t h e g u a r d i a n . c o m / g l o b a l - d e v e l o p m e n t / p o v e r t y -
matters/2010/nov/19/brazil-cash-transfer-scheme, consulted
on 9 February 2016.
4. A selection carried out by Elkins and Simmons (2005, p. 37)
pointed to a group of terms associated with the phenomenon as a
result (isomorphism, convergence, waves, homofilia, homogene-
ity) and others to the process of diffusion (contagion, spatial auto-
correlation, demonstration effects, imitation, mimicry, emulation,
bandwagoning, transfer, Galton problem, cascading).
Abers, R. (2000). Inventing Local Democracy: Grassroots Politics in Brazil. London:
Lynne Rienner.
Ardila-Gomez, A. (2004). Transit Planning in Curitiba and Bogotá. Roles in
Interaction, Risk, and Change. PhD thesis in Urban and Transportation
Planning, Massachussets Institute of Technology.
Avritzer, L. (2002). O Orçamento Participativo: As experiências de Porto Alegre
e Belo Horizonte. In E. Dagnino, E. (Org.), Sociedade Civil e Espaços Públicos
no Brasil. Campinas: Paz e Terra.
Avritzer, L. (2003). Modelos de deliberação democrática: uma análise do
Orçamento Participativo no Brasil. In B. Santos (Dir.), Democratizar a
Graziano, J., Grossi, M., & França, C. (2010). Fome Zero: A experiência brasileira.
Brasília: Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário.
Gret, M., & Sintomer, Y. (2005). Porto Alegre: l’espoir d’une autre démocratie.
Paris: La Découverte.
Hall, P. (1989). The Political Power of Economic Ideas: Keynesianism across Nations.
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Hall, P. (2006). Systematic Process Analysis: When and How to Use it. European
Management Review, 3, 24–31.
Hassenteufel, P. (2005). De la comparaison internationale à la comparaison trans-
nationale, les déplacements de la construction des objets comparatifs en
matière de politiques publiques. Revue Française de Science Politique, 55(1),
Huntington, S. (1993). The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth
Century. University of Oklahoma Press.
Kingdon, J. (1995). Agendas, Alternatives and Public Policy. New York: Harper
Leite, C. K. S., & Peres, U. D. (2013). Origem e disseminação do Programa Bolsa
Família: aproximações analíticas com o caso mexicano. Revista do Serviço
Público, 64, 351–376.
Lubambo, C., Coêlho, D., & Melo, M. A. (Orgs.). (2005). Desenho institucional
e participação política: experiências no Brasil contemporâneo. Petrópolis: Editora
Lynch, C. E. C. (2005). O Discurso Político Monarquiano e a Recepção do
Conceito de Poder Moderador no Brasil (1822–1824). Dados, 48(3),
Mafra, J. (2016, February 11). Atuação do Banco Mundial na implementação do
Programa Bolsa Família: jogo cooperativo? Undergraduate thesis in Public
Policy and Management, University of São Paulo.
Marcus, G. E. (1995). Ethnography in/of the World System: The Emergence of
Multi-sited Ethnography. Annual Review of Anthropology, 24, 95–117.
McAdam, D., & Rucht, D. (1993). The Cross-national Diffusion of Movement
Ideas. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 52,
Mejía-Dugand, S., Olof, H., Leo, B., & Ríos, R. A. (2013). Lessons from the
Spread of Bus Rapid Transit in Latin America. Journal of Cleaner Production,
50, 82–90.
Muller, P. (1985). Un schéma d’analyse des politiques sectorielles. Revue Française
de Science Politique, 35(2), 165–189.
New York Times. (2014). Brazil Removed from UN World Hunger Map.
September 16.
Olivers, P., & Myers, D. (2003). Networks, Diffusion, and Cycles of Collective
Action. In D. Diani & D. McAdam (Eds.), Social Movements and Networks:
The experiences of participatory budgeting (PB) are progressively multi-
plying. It is possible to distinguish two movements in this process: new
waves of adoption as well as movements of abandonment. Moreover,
there are various elements circulating among the experiences of PB (ideas,
participatory methods, technologies, etc.). An effect of this flow is that
copies, emulations, syntheses and hybrids have been produced. Taking
this into account, the first difficulty which arises is to answer a simple, but
important, question: how to understand the dynamics of PB diffusion?
This chapter proposes an approach which allows us to capture the com-
plex range of fluxes and relations which make up this process. The ambi-
tion of this book is to understand the dynamics of diffusion, which means
to explain its movements and its relations with the forces that it produces.
In other words, it’s about understanding the different scales of the circu-
lation of PB, its actors and its mechanisms. This chapter has two dimen-
sions, theoretical and conceptual. The first section presents the concept
of PB, whereas the second deals with its international circulation and its
variations. The third section introduces the various actors and spaces pres-
ent in the process of circulation. The fourth section looks at individuals
and the last section introduces a range of mechanisms identified through-
out the process.
Dolowitz and “The process by which knowledge about how policies, administrative
Marsh arrangements, institutions and ideas in one political setting (past or
present) is used in the development of policies, administrative
arrangements, institutions and ideas in another political setting” (2000,
p. 5)
Rogers “The process in which an innovation is communicated through certain
channels over time among the members of a social system. It is a special
type of communication, in that the messages are concerned with new
ideas” (2003, p. 5)
Simmons, “International policy diffusion occurs when government policy decisions
Dobbin and in a given country are systematically conditioned by prior choices made
Garrett in other countries (sometimes mediated by the behaviour of international
organizations or private actors and organizations)” (2008, p. 7)
for the cause of participatory democracy and this is one of the main quali-
ties that differentiates them from the other actors.
The “paradiplomats”5 are individuals who have specialized knowledge
when it comes to PB. They are operators of transfers as they design models
to be implemented, hold training workshops and also produce technical
material. They are facilitators in the sense that they play a fundamental role
in “passing on” PB from one context to another.
The “takers” are those who play the role of takers or adopters on the
one hand and, on the other, also facilitate the introduction of PB in a
determined political system or, put differently, they bring PB from the
external plan into the internal plan. The name is inspired from the notion
of “norm takers” present in the literature on international relations to
define states which adopt the rules of international law (Krasner 1977).
They are individuals based in institutions, local governments or interna-
tional organizations. Takers can be mayors who adopt PB as well as teams
which introduce the method into the agenda of institutions. There still
exist local actors who contribute by “taking” in the sense of adopting or
receiving PB.
The types of individuals mentioned above operate with varying levels
of continuity and intensity throughout the process; they have specialized
knowledge and are often actors with important positions in transnational
networks, in the sense that they promote connections among people and
influence the content of information in international circulation. The
individuals participating in the international process of PB circulation
are numerous and cannot be covered in their entirety in this research as
already mentioned. Throughout the analysis carried out in the other chap-
ters, individuals of all categories will be presented, even though priority
will be given to the “ambassadors of PB”.
The second is that mechanisms are non-observed entities, that is, they
consist of “relations or processes that the researcher imagines to exist;
they do not refer to any particular set of empirical conditions” (Mahoney
2003, p. 581).
If the second element is pertinent to the analysis of diffusion, the same
is not true of the first. The idea of sufficiency is problematic in that the
mechanisms are applied in different contexts. According to Kurt Weyland,
“the causal mechanisms do not necessarily produce the same end result
under all circumstances; rather, they tend to bring about different out-
comes in different settings” (Weyland 2006, p. 59). Concretely, this signi-
fies that international induction can be sufficient to produce a PB transfer
in Mozambique, but the same is not necessarily valid in neighbouring
South Africa. Considering the contextual heterogeneity of places where PB
is diffused, it is appropriate to redefine the notion proposed by Mahoney.
Causal mechanisms are therefore understood as postulate relations or
processes which, when activated, can produce a result of interest to the
researcher. In other words, mechanisms are entities which facilitate the dif-
fusion and transfer, but are not necessarily sufficient for the phenomenon to
occur. It is worth noting that contextual diversity is an important element
not only to increase the inventory of causal mechanisms which occur in
processes of diffusion but also to enable to test them.
Carrying out an analysis of the phenomenon using the notion of causal
mechanisms deserves an important safeguard. The use of causal mecha-
nisms as an explicative entity does not imply a mechanistic view of political
phenomena. The frontiers between mechanisms are not clearly delineated
and neither do mechanisms operate singularly in processes. There is a plu-
rality of mechanisms in action in several cases, which infers the complex
causality. Thus, the combination of more than one mechanism can pro-
duce an effect of interest.
In the literature on diffusion there are authors, respectively working in
the area of social movements and public policy, who utilize the notion of
mechanisms. By studying the diffusion of social movements Givan et al.
(2010, p. 9) understand that mechanisms can be classified into three cat-
egories: relational, non-relational and mediated. This group of authors
utilizes a soft and broad definition of mechanisms, as they understand the
latter as a type of communication which leads to diffusion. The studies
on transnational collective action identified specific mechanisms such as
the already mentioned “brokerage” (Tarrow and McAdam 2005), “scale-
shift” (Tarrow and McAdam 2005), “boomerang effect” (Keck and
Sikkink 1998) and internalization (Della Porta and Tarrow 2005), among
others.6 More precisely Simmons et al. (2008) highlight four mechanisms
operating in the process of international diffusion of liberal democracy and
market economics: coercion, competition, learning and copying. In this
sense, mechanisms are different processes which bring valuable results.
The notion of mechanisms that will be used follows the definition high-
lighted above. Mechanisms are not necessarily independent in the sense
of operating singularly in several cases, but can occur in an overlapping
form with greater or lesser presence in each case or even operating at
another point throughout the trajectory of diffusion. Still, we comple-
ment the definition by the support from specific literature. A range of
causal mechanisms will be distinguished as we continue through the fol-
lowing paragraphs.
Construction: This mechanism stems from the sociological approach to
diffusion which insists on the process of social construction (Strang and
Meyer 1993; Simmons et al. 2008, p. 31; Strang and Soule 1998). Three
arguments present in the literature are important to develop this category.
The first is the fact that the production of theories, paradigms and thesis,
in general, can be a mechanism of diffusion in the sense that they postulate
relations of cause and effect (Strang and Meyer 1993, p. 498; Hall 1993).
An example is normative arguments which can be found in the technical
and academic literature, such as the fact that PB promotes social justice
and combats corruption.
The second argument regards the situation in which a practice acquires
respect and recognition and becomes a source of influence for adoption
(Soule and Strang 1998, pp. 274–275). Experiences with an elevated level
of acceptance in a community tend to be replicated. Ownership by a par-
ticular group also encourages adoption. It’s common that within mem-
bers of “political communities” there is a belief in respect of the most
“appropriate” form or pathway to reach a result (Hall 1993, p. 279;
Simmons et al. 2010, p. 32).
A third argument is that, cultural proximity may also enhance diffusion,
as well as when individuals or groups tend to perceive identity in terms
of sharing similar characteristics, such as belonging to Southern, Latin
American society or Portuguese-speaking countries.
Construction consists for us, therefore, a process characterized by two
dimensions: one abstract and the other concrete. Construction is produc-
ing a respected image, for example, which can be the template of “Porto
Alegre as the capital of participative democracy” or “Recife as the best
the best way possible into the interests of a certain institution. To observe
translation signifies, on the one hand, understanding those who are pos-
sible recipients of the message of PB. For example, the book by Tarso
Genro and Ubiratan de Souza was translated not only into French, but
also into Arabic and other languages. On the other hand, to identify the
translation consists of monitoring the adaptations of the meanings of PB,
as well as the individuals performing this task.
Institutional circulation of individuals: The sociology of elites empha-
sizes the importance of individuals who move from one place to another
or from one institution to another in the process of diffusion. Yves Dezalay
and Briant Garth (Dezalay and Garth 2002) in La Mondialisation des
Guerres de Palays insist on the circulation of elites as one of the elements
which influences structural reform in the State of Latin America. For ana-
lytical purposes institutional circulation is defined as a process by which
individuals established in a determined institution move to other institu-
tions and thus facilitate diffusion. This mechanism operates in the recur-
ring form in the process of PB diffusion.
In effect, in various stages of diffusion, the “ambassadors of participa-
tion” on migrating from the municipal level to the state, from the national
level to the international, from NGOs to academia, take with them the
aspiration to implement PB. Institutional circulation of individuals facili-
tates moving PB from one place to another. When we identify the pres-
ence of this mechanism in operation it is possible to monitor the process
of the entrance of PB into an institution. The case of PB transfer to the
national scale in Peru is an example of when militants of PB cease to be
mayors and become members of the Congress, as described in Chap. 6.
Political renovation: This mechanism does not only relate to a specific
literature but to a process of political change, in which elites or groups in
government are substituted by new ones as in the transitions to democracy
or in processes of reformation. This mechanism is evident in the case of
Peru and Ecuador where processes for political change involved alteration
of groups within the state. In Peru, the period post-Fujimori is character-
ized by the renovation of politicians who were in power which, in turn, pro-
moted a change in the sense of ideas entering the state. On the agenda there
were themes such as decentralization and the fight against corruption. The
same occurred in Ecuador with the constitution put forth by Rafael Correa.
Scale transfer: This idea derives from the body of work on social move-
ments and relates to movements of diffusion at different levels. Sidney
1. Everett Rogers developed a study on the diffusion of innovations,
first published in 1962, which was re-edited several times and
became a classic in the field.
2. Huntington (1993) uses the term diffusion for this phenomenon.
Adam, S., & Kriesi, H. (2007). The Network Approach. In P. Sabatier (Org.),
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turation du pouvoir d’Etat en Amérique latine. Entre notables du droit et
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The Process
Ambassadors of Participation:
The Internationalization of PB
The PT government in Porto Alegre lasted for 16 years, that is, four con-
secutive terms. In the 1988 elections, Olivio Dutra (WP) won with 34 %
of the votes with vice-mayor Tarso Genro, also of the same party. One year
later, the administration implemented a public policy that would change
the life of the city: Participatory Budgeting (PB). At the end of the 1980s
it was not yet known that PB would have international repercussions and
that Porto Alegre would become known worldwide as the “Capital of
Participative Democracy”.
This chapter presents the process of internationalization of PB through
an analysis of the international trajectory of three cities: Porto Alegre,
Belo Horizonte (in the State of Minas Gerais) and Recife (in the State of
Pernambuco). One of the questions that emerge to the scholar of policy
diffusion is why is it that some experiences spread massively whilst others
do not. At the end of the twentieth century, several ideas and techniques
for participatory governance spread around the world, but few have taken
hold quite like PB in Porto Alegre.
The argument presented in this chapter is that the interaction among a
group of individuals—such as local authorities and staff from the depart-
ments of the Porto Alegre Council—and institutions, both local and inter-
national, was indispensable in establishing PB on the international agenda.
The strategy of analysis is developed on two levels (local and international)
comparing PB genesis and internationalization in Porto Alegre, Belo
as the experience in Vila Velha (in the state of Espirito Santo) between 1986
and 1988 (Ribeiro and Grazia 2003; Teixeira and Albuquerque 2006).
The idea of governance by the masses is an element which is reiterated
in the so-called WP way of governance, whose guiding principles are based
on five points, among which the first states that “popular participation is
decisive to guarantee the implementation of the plan of government as
much as, mainly, to sustain the expression between representative democ-
racy and the forms of direct participation of civil society” (Bittar 1992,
p. 22). The underpinning ideal of this model was to create a form of joint
management of the local municipality2 as a means of “radically democra-
tising democracy and to create mechanisms which could correspond to the
interests of the vast majority of the population and create new institutions”
(Genro and Souza 1997, p 18).
In its first years PB was an experimental participatory governance policy
with an uncertain future and an institutional design that was prepared in
dialogue with the community movement (Fedozzi 2000). The first meet-
ing happened in the North Side at the Steel Workers Union and had 200
participants (Cidade, Undated Document).3 Close to ten years later, in
1998, PB numbered more than 13,000 people participating through-
out its processes (Coordenação De Relações Com A Comunidade, apud
Avritzer 2003, p. 584).
Initially, the municipality was divided into 16 regions. PB was under
the responsibility of the Co-ordination of Relations with the Community
(CRC). Moreover, the newly created Planning Cabinet (GAPLAN) was
responsible for budgetary planning. Both of these were directly linked to
the Local Government Cabinet (Cidade, Undated Document). Even in
the first mandate of the Popular Front the criteria for the distribution of
resources were being established.
Despite efforts with the initial design of PB, its managers encountered
difficulty in including the middle class in the participative process.4 In
1993, when Tarso Genro took over the mayor’s office, with Raul Pont as
vice-mayor, PB continued to be developed. At this stage, a range of insti-
tutional innovations were introduced, one of which was the creation of
“Thematic Assemblies” in an attempt to widen the public participating in
PB, especially to the middle classes.5 Tarso Genro was aided by Ubiratan
de Souza, the Co-ordinator General of the Cabinet for Planning in Porto
Alegre GAPLAN, who oversaw the technical aspects of PB.
The first years of experimentation and institutional innovation were
fundamental to the development of the model of participation in Porto
[t]his method, as a tool, can be used for anything whatsoever. Let’s say
that it is a knife that may be used to spread honey on bread and also to kill
someone. In truth, this flexibility helps us to better understand the het-
erogeneous nature of the supports for PB as it is as much supported by
sectors held to be radically left wing as it is by ultra conservative sectors. It is
equally defended by [Hugo] Chavez, for example, as […] by supporters of
the Uribe government in Colombia.8
Central-west 0 0 8 4 12 6 9 2.5
Northeast 14 13.6 45 22.6 45 22.4 80 22.5
North 3 3 11 5.5 17 8.4 13 3.7
Southeast 47 45.6 90 45.2 83 41.3 152 42.8
South 47 37.8 45 22.7 44 21.9 101 28.5
Total 120 100 199 100 201 100 355 100
Note: Available data by region start in 1997; the table was created from Ribeiro and Grazia (2003) for the
period 1997–2000. It is important to consider that there are no figures for Central-west; Avritzer and
Wampler (2008) for the periods 2001–2004 and 2005–2008; Fedozzi and Lima (2013) for the period
3.2.3 Recife
“In PB, we took on things as if we were at
Ex-PB staff member in Recife
Management” (Silva 2003, p. 23). This new position within the structure
of the municipal government machine drew PB closer to the executive
power giving it an important role in public actions in Recife.
Aiming to break the link between the City Hall in Neighbourhoods
Programme and PB, the new version was amplified, deepened and became
the main reference for participation in the municipality to the detriment
of other participative platforms.18 The discourse emphasized by the new
administration is that PB should be “a democratic platform where the
people of the city of Recife go to, little by little, winning new ways to
relate with local government and discuss public policies” (Bararbosa Silva
2003, p. 14).19 PB in Recife stands out for featuring intense participation
from the population throughout annual cycles. In the words of one of
our interviewees, “PB in Recife is a sign of direct participation from the
In Porto Alegre participation throughout the 2000 cycle of PB was
more than 13,000 people, in Belo Horizonte between 1999 and 2000
it reached more than 22,000 and, in the following period between 2001
and 2002, more than 43,000. In Recife these numbers were beaten, as PB
registered, in 2001, 42,800 people participating throughout the different
meetings along the cycle, that is, Regional Plenaries (27,000), Thematic
(3800) and Intermediary (12,000) and this number grew even more,
reaching 69,500 participants in 2003.21 Between 2009 and 2012, more
than 417,000 participations were registered across all the stages of the
process (Prefeitura Municipal de Recife, Undated Document, p. 95).
PB became the main channel for participation in public policies in the
city of Recife and a priority for Governor João Paulo (Silva 2003). As a
consequence, PB took up an important part of the institutional design of
the municipality and was co-ordinated by João da Costa. Later, he ran for
election in 2008 and won, entering office in 2009. At that stage, a process
of displacement of participation began in Recife, of Prezeis and other par-
ticipative settings for PB. The participation in public policy, which previ-
ously occurred by means of associations, under Prezeis, as well as with the
City Hall in Neighbourhoods Programme, began to diversify and with
the introduction of PB “every individual could participate”. There was
a displacement from participation by means of representation to direct
participation in the local government of Recife.22
The administration of Recife continues to invest in innovations includ-
ing PB Children and a digital strand. PB Children, created in 2011, has
a biannual cycle of votes and has participation of young people from 5 to
16 years of age. In the 221 public state schools in Recife, two students (a
girl and a boy) named youth delegates have the role of “identifying, debat-
ing and proposing actions to improve the school and the community”.23
After this stage, the four leading proposals were included in a report to
the Secretary for Education. Another innovation was allowing voting on
two successive days for the regional plenaries in electronic voting booths
available in neighbourhood centres. As well as electronic voting booths
those who did not participate in the plenaries could vote via the Internet.
While PB circulates, the polymorphism of its models increases. This is
a process in which the policy of participatory governance is being defined
throughout its process of diffusion, producing emulations, imitations and
hybrid models. There is a shift from the Porto Alegre model although it
continues to be the main reference point of the movement.
Since the 1990s, there have been French intellectuals such as Cornelius
Castordias and local government representatives visiting PB projects. On
one occasion, the French philosopher was taken to see up close one of the
PB assemblies.25 At this time, however, the repercussions of PB were still
of little significance. This movement became a frequent occurrence as one
of our interviewees affirms:
[T]he mandate of Tarso and after of Raul allowed this to happen a lot,
they met lots of people […] delegations of intellectuals, researchers, social
movements, vanguards, parties, representatives of left-wing parties from
Latin America and Europe. Mainly they wanted to know [about the expe-
rience], because they had already heard about, they had access to sto-
ries that were following this experience in development and a victorious
renovation, the re-elections of projects, the quantitative growth of popular
participation of PB, the gains in legitimacy, the conditions for a leftist
democratic hegemony in the capital, the most southern state capital in the
PB, in events such as these, was always a showcase for Porto Alegre. In
France, relations also became closer with Saint-Denis, which in 2000
adopted PB in a process of informal exchange, which began at the UN
Conference in Istanbul in 1996 when heads of both municipalities started
a dialogue (Porto de Oliveira 2010).
The local government sought to get the World Bank to carry out an
evaluation of PB in the municipality. Gradually, the new administration of
Porto Alegre recommenced the activities which had characterized political
life in the city during the WP term. For example, carrying out interna-
tional events for cities made a comeback. In November 2011, Porto Alegre
hosted the world meeting of the network Metropolis, having more than
one intervention on PB. At this event, those present included Councilman
Joe More, presenting the experience of PB in Chicago, and Councilwoman
Melissa Mark-Viverito, responsible for having implemented PB in a dis-
trict of New York; both experiences from the United States will be pre-
sented in the Epilogue of the book. As well as these participants, there
were Mamadou Bachir-Kanouté, specialist in Sub-Saharan Africa, and
Maria Hadden from NGO Participatory Budgeting Project of the United
States.33 In January of the following year, the World Social Forum was held
and in June of the same year Porto Alegre hosted the international meet-
ing of the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD)
and carried out the first edition of DEMOCRACINE, a cinema festival on
the theme of democracy organized by Giovanni Allegretti, researcher at
the Centre for Social Studies in Coimbra.
Despite the continuity of PB in Porto Alegre and the recommenc-
ing of actions of the municipality at an international level, the change
in government had opened a gap for other progressively oriented local
authorities to take roles in leading the international scene in relation to the
debate around PB. Belo Horizonte, for example, intensified its external
relations and began to internationalize its take on PB in this period.
The Filipinos that came here, there were more than 50 of them. Last year
[…], there was an event to which came a delegation of almost 60 people
[from Korea, including mayors and secretaries].42
for more than 300 days. In July, the new mayor Geraldo Julio announced
to the press that PB would be ending in the city of Recife. According to
the newspaper (Jornal do Comércio 2013, p. 16), the mayor affirmed that
it was needed to “‘clear the air’ on the debate about priorities for the city”.
PB was substituted by a new model of participation, reflecting a
statewide programme “All for Pernambuco” with meetings, fora, the-
matic areas and debates on priorities, but without a voting system and
annual cycle. The programme “All for Pernambuco” sought governance
with social participation consisting of a form of democratic management
focused on results. This episode occurred in Recife and showed the fragil-
ity of the politics of participatory governance with strong party political
ties and without normative regulation.
The three cases analysed are representative of state capitals from which PB
became internationalized. The municipalities have a range of similarities.
Despite Porto Alegre being the home of PB, Belo Horizonte and Recife
introduced important institutional innovations and gained their own rec-
ognition. In respect of international relations, the state capitals created
internal institutions or, rather, secretariats for fund-raising or interna-
tional relations to better insert themselves into a global context, gaining
resources and participating in the ambit of “city diplomacy”. Even if these
cases present several similar elements, there is a difference in terms of
results, that is, Porto Alegre was internationally legitimized and engen-
dered a process of mass diffusion, which then passed on to Belo Horizonte
and Recife.
The actions of individuals were decisive. In Porto Alegre, mayors such
as Tarso Genro and Raul Pont as well as Ubiratan de Souza and other
teams within the municipality were constantly involved in international
activities for the promotion of PB and militancy for the ideal of participa-
tory democracy. This international action truly established them as the
first “Ambassadors of PB”. The fact that they were high-ranking teams
of the City Hall promoting PB internationally made a difference. They
were personalities with political legitimacy in the areas of social participa-
tion and technical know-how. Furthermore, they were present at the very
outset of PB and with it throughout its evolution.
The continued militancy from this group of politicians from Porto
Alegre was crucial for the insertion of PB onto the international agenda.
meetings such as Mercocities, RDD, FAL, IOPD and others. The con-
tinuous action in these meetings served, as will be described in the chapter
specifically on networks, to amplify the number of converts and specialists
in PB, as well as reinforcing the mechanism to strengthen evermore the
prestige and legitimacy of the experience.
It is possible to affirm, therefore, that there was a confluence between
international action of political teams on the one hand and international
scanning and recognition on the other. These were necessary conditions
for PB to internationalize. The case of Porto Alegre stands out for being
a pioneering effort in international actions; there was political investment
when it came to international relations. The “Ambassadors of participa-
tion”, mayors and high-level teams of the municipality, circulated and
offered lectures abroad on the experience of Porto Alegre. These activities
continued throughout the mandate of the WP. The promotion of events,
as well as the building of networks, is also crucial in this sense. These
elements, combined, helped PB in Porto Alegre to become a reference
point when it came to participatory governance policies at the interna-
tional level. This effect was amplified further with the successive World
Social Forums.
1. There is a belief that Olívio Dutra would have got inspiration from
the same device as Local Municipalities in the Districts, which we
will see next, implemented in Recife in 1986 to prepare PB in Porto
Alegre, cf. Melo (2000), (apud, Azevedo and Guia 2005, p. 78).
2. Interview in Porto Alegre in June 2011.
3. CIDADE, UNDATED DOCUMENT. “History of Participative
Budgeting in Porto Alegre” available on http://www.ongcidade.org/
site/arquivos/biblioteca/historico.pdf, accessed in October 2013.
4. Interview, Porto Alegre, 2011.
5. Interview, Porto Alegre, 2011.
6. Interview, Porto Alegre, 2011.
7. Interview, Porto Alegre, 2011.
8. Interview, Porto Alegre, 2011.
9. Interview, Porto Alegre, 2011.
10. The region of the Steel Valley is a metropolitan area, composed of
cities located in the State of Minas Gerais, about 200 m from Belo
41. The delegations who visit Belo Horizonte come from all over the
world, from Latin America to South Korea, including Africa, the
Philippines and Europe.
42. Interview, Belo Horizonte, 2013.
43. Collective chat with individuals currently responsible for PB,
Veronica Campos Salles, Claudineia Jacinto and Maria Diana de
Oliveira, Belo Horizonte, 2013.
44. Interview with staff from PBH, Belo Horizonte, 2013, and the
World Bank, Washington, 2013.
45. Interview, Recife, 2013. The themes for the units are, respectively,
Education, Culture, Human Rights, Participative Democracy and
46. Ibid.
47. LOCAL GOVERNMENT OF RECIFE: http://www.recife.
pe.gov.br/pr/secestrategica/relacoes_int.php. Accessed in 2013.
48. Ibid.
49. The meeting was only held in Brazil again in 2012, in the city of
Porto Alegre.
50. Ermínia Maricato (USP), Maria da Glória Gohn (Unicamp), Rudá
Ricci (UFMG), Luís de la Mora and Suely Leal (UFPE), Alejandro
Socorro (Universidade de Cienfuegos, Cuba), Yves Cabannes,
(University College London) and André Herzog (Banco Mundial).
51. http://www.recife.pe.gov.br/2011/06/09/prefeito_joao_da_
europa_177152.php. Accessed in May 2013.
52. The award-winning ceremony may be accessed, from minute 39, at
the ceremony video available on http://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=CaMSM01xX74. Accessed in May 2013.
53. Keila Pessoa’s statement may be viewed in the video on the candi-
dacy of the Municipality of Recife http://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=UHxVj4IyWFo. Accessed in May 2013.
54. Interview, Recife, 2013.
55. Interview, Recife, 2013.
56. During field research in Recife in 2013, it was not possible to verify
whether PB would be kept or supressed. At a meeting at the FIJ
Association, in the district of Ibura, citizens were concerned about
the continuity of PB.
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Throughout the 1990s, the local authorities of Porto Alegre entered
into dialogue with their progressive partners in other countries of Latin
America and Europe. A variety of themes concerning urban management,
which included PB, were part of these relations. Among these partners,
the exchange of ideas and techniques for public administration were fre-
quent. International events became spaces of specific meeting, focused
on the international organization and promotion of sub-national public
policies. Little by little, PB gained more prominence at these meetings
as, on the one hand, the representatives from Porto Alegre had an inter-
est in widening it and, on the other, many municipalities, above all from
Europe, were clearly concerned about renewing practices in local gover-
nance. In this movement diverse networks were made up and their action
resulted in producing transnational connections between individuals in
Latin America, Europe and, on a smaller scale, Africa.
At the same time there was a growing international municipalist move-
ment—with claims, forms of action and diverse objectives—which was
formed and spread gradually across the planet. This process was insti-
tutionalized with the fusion of the World Federation of United Cities
(WFUC, already mentioned in the previous chapter) with the International
Union of Local Authorities (IULA), which, in 2004, in Paris, gave birth to
the Cities and Local Governors United (CGLU). Associations of mayors,
Europe, the French are not the only ones to participate in FLA and conduct
initial transfers. In Spain, and above all Barcelona, and in the Andalucia
region there was also similar activity. The working-class outskirts of Paris—
la banlieu rouge—where the FCP has been a stronghold since the 1960s,
became the focus of adoptions from 2000 onwards. The French case is
illustrative in respect to the rapprochement of Europe and Latin America,
which brought together progressive local authorities, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) and activists. This movement was built up around
the WSF and reached its height in the URB-AL programme.
Municipalities like Saint-Denis and Bobigny, in particular, have had
limited emulations of PB and have acted as a portal for the device to
enter France (Porto de Oliveira 2010). This country also carried out a
bold experience in PB scaling up transfer at a supra-municipal level in the
region of Poiou-Charentes. With Ségoléne Royal of the French Socialist
Party (PS) in power, this region produced a hybrid version of PB, focused
on discussing expenditure in regional education policy.
The diffusion of PB in France also counts on the action of militants,
NGOs and newspapers. The journalist Bernard Cassen from Le Monde
Diplomatique and the NGO Association for the Taxation of financial
Transactions and Aid to Citizens (ATTAC) and the editor of Le Monde,
Ignacio Ramonet, wrote more than one article in the 1990s about PB in
France. In the edition of August 1998, Bernard Cassen entitled his article
“An exemplary experience in Brazil”, in which he affirmed that PB is “not
only an exercise in the distribution of revenues and expenses of munici-
palities by the population itself. By its amplitude and rigorous methodol-
ogy […] this represents an experience of direct democracy with no other
equivalent in the world” (Cassen 1998). One year later, in October 1999,
the communist oriented paper L’Humanité published in France an article
by Tarso Genro on PB emphasizing that when
[t]he left won elections, we thought about transforming Porto Alegre into
a type of Paris Commune, or rather, a city of direct democracy. The political
reality taught us that this was impossible, it was needed to find a subtle and
complex combination of direct democracy with representative democracy.
(Genro 1999)
The information channels of the French progressive press are active and
highlight the innovative experience from Porto Alegre, as well as other
actors, such as international networks intersecting in this process.
The RDD network began to operate in 1997, after the publication of the
book by Tarso Genro and Ubiratan de Souza, Participatory Budgeting:
The Porto Alegre Experience, already mentioned in the previous chap-
ter. Martine Toulette and Jean-Blaise Picheral promoted the translation
of the book into French which was done by Eliane Costa Guerra and
published by the Fondation pour le Progrès de l’Homme (Foundation for
Human Progress—FPH), with the French title Quand les habitants gèrent
vraiment leur ville: le Budget Participatif, l’expérience de Porto Alegre au
Brésil (When the Inhabitants Truly Manage Their Town: Participatory
Budgeting, the experience of Porto Alegre in Brazil) (RDD 2000, P3).
Catherine Gegou, one of the founders of the network, and at that time
councillor for the 20° district of Paris, described her involvement and the
creation of the network in these words:
I was a Councillor in Paris since 1995 and, for a Councillor, the question
[…] of its legitimacy, and of its relations with the population, beyond its
simple election, is in each case a question, completely essential. And I read
the book by Tarso Genro on Porto Alegre, translated by Jean-Blaise Picheral
and Martine Toulotte. And when I read it, I thought I had to absolutely
meet these people and try to understand more in this respect, as at this time
Participatory Budgeting was unknown in France. I had never heard of it. I
made this connection together with my friend Pierre Masat, who was also
a Councillor in Paris […] and thus we met Martine [Toulotte] and Jean-
Blaise [Picheral] and, later, other people took the same initiative and we
rapidly reached a dozen people and created a network. [RDD]7
It was when Tarso and I launched a book in France […] When the Inhabitants
Truly Manage the Town. I travelled to various places in France at the invite of
the organisers of the launch of the book. […] I visited the City Hall of Saint-
Denis, I was met by Patrick [Braouezec] and others. They were interested
in producing the experience of PB and also invited Raul [Pont]. […] From
1997 Raul [Pont] is the mayor and […] was also invited for the starting
match of the World Cup, which was in Saint-Denis […] in France. I have a
role [in PB promotion], because I literally travelled from the north to the
south of the country, from Lille to Marseille.8
the operational concepts taken from the process in Porto Alegre, which
allowed to make advances for a true participatory democracy, as much in
Northern countries, as in Southern countries. We showed how much these
key ideas, which are based on the autonomy of citizen movement, con-
nects both the local and global, favours the distribution of wealth, allow us
to differentiate these initiatives from the caricatures put in practice by the
World Bank, which end up by absorbing exclusively on the aspect of “good
governance” and not on the truly liberating side of it” (Démocratiser radi-
calement la démocratie 2002, unpaged document).
The importance of the network starts from the beginning of the pro-
cess of diffusion of PB in Francophone Africa. This occurred especially
through the relations established with Senegal, as mentioned, and even
more with Cameroon, with the NGO Association pour l’Amour du Livre
et le Développement Local (Association for the love of book and local
development) or just ASSOAL pour Développement Local (from here
on ASSOAL). This NGO helped with adoptions of PB first in Cameroon
and, later, in Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo, as will be
presented in the chapter on Africa.12 Relations between the French part of
the network and ASSOAL are tight, as this NGO was president of RDD
for two years.13 Individuals and institutions become mixed. Jules Dumas
was the direct contact of RDD in the Cameroons and was—according to
Giovanni Allegretti—the person who took over presidency of the RDD.14
The dialogue of RDD with Cameroon faced challenges, such as funding
for flights and obtaining visas. The report of the RDD General Assembly
in 2002, for example, indicates that Cameroonian members were not pres-
ent as they had their visas denied by the embassy in France (Démocratiser
radicalement la démocratie 2002, unpaged document).
Relations between the RDD and ASSOAL are also characterized by the
involvement of Yves Cabannes, whose participation was registered in the
NGO documents. The UMP-LAC organized the first meeting between
Latin American and Sub-Saharan municipalities in Africa, on the occasion
of the Africities Conference, as will be described in Chap. 7. One of our
interviewees informed us that
Cabannes had lots of contacts with the RDD, he got to know, at RDD,
ASSOAL from the Cameroons […], to which its owed the Participatory
Budgetings in Cameroons […], and much more, its owed the letter that was
produced in Africities in 2003 at Yaoundé about PB; where for the first time,
mayors from Latin America met with African mayors and created a chart of
exchanges for the development of Participatory Budgeting in Africa […] as
you see, there is nothing that is not interconnected.15
Even in the first term of Tarso [Genro], from 93 to 96, and in this trip to
France to visit certain experiences […] it started to have a relation with
some leftist local governments in France. Among them was Saint-Denis,
with whom we greatly strengthened relations throughout the years. This
was also true of Barcelona, in Catalonia.20
In the end, the city of Bobigny co-organized with the RDD network, in
2003, a national event on the theme of participatory democracy centred
on PB, in order to create a report and assess the experiences across a range
of French municipalities. It is worth emphasizing that Bobigny, like Paris
and Saint-Denis, also participated in the organization of the ESF and was
present in various meetings on PB in international networks, such as FLA,
which will be presented in the next section.
importance of contacts with the Porto Alegre local authorities and their
counterparts in other countries. His description goes thus:
FLA […] which is an articulation from Tarso [Genro] with […] the ini-
tial group from Mercocities, which included Montevideo, Rosario, Buenos
Aires (and at that time the still progressive administration of Asunción) and
other Brazilian cities under PT control, and together with Tarso’s [Genro]
contacts with other governments, with Barcelona, with left French govern-
ments, with Italians, certain articulations with Africa, some international
agencies with leftist consultants.29
The FLA network is a parallel event to the WSF or, as Vanessa Marx
defines, its “Municipalist branch” (Marx 2008, p. 197). For the local gov-
ernments that constitute the network, the objective is to form a space for
debate and formulate alternatives in public policy to “combat the effects
of a neoliberal globalization”. It is a vague debate which progressively
takes on specific assertions and content. The articulation initially co-
ordinated by the Porto Alegre authorities, as they themselves state, “puts
out the challenge for local governors from across the planet to occupy a
political space and take their role in developing inclusive public policies
and democratising wealth and power”.30 This statement from the debate
becomes a reality, on the one hand, through the dynamics of policy trans-
fers between municipalities, above all with PB, and, on the other hand,
with the creation of the UCLG.
At the same time, in 2001, there was the emergence of the IODP,
mentioned in the excerpt of the interview with Raul Pont in the previous
section. This was a work commission from a programme for decentralized
co-operation in the URB-AL, which was transformed into an international
network based in Barcelona. In the words of the past technical secretary
for IODP, Laia Vilademunt:
In the year of 2001 […] in April various cities met, among them Porto
Alegre, some French cities, if I’m not wrong, Nanterre was also there, with
the slogan “another world is possible” […]. These cities gave birth to an
initiative to create this network, which is the IODP, coming from resources
requested from the European Union, it was born in November 2001.31
The year of the first edition of the WSF in Porto Alegre, and the foun-
dation of FLA, in particular, saw a range of progressive mayors ascend to
power in important municipalities in Latin America and Europe: in São
Paulo, Marta Suplicy (PT); in Paris, Bertran Delanoe of the Socialist Party
(SP) and Walter Veltroni of the Democratic Party (DP) in Rome, respec-
tively in January, March and June. This circumstance gave greater impetus
to the networks of cities and to the international municipalist movement.
Under the governorship of Marta Suplicy in São Paulo an international
policy was initiated which guided part of its external actions for partici-
pation in transnational networks. In 2002, URBIS was conducted, as
mentioned in the previous chapter, which is a congress for cities whose
programme included five workshops on PB.
During the congress, Marta Suplicy announced the fusion of IULA
and WFCU. The unification of both organizations of cities was a process
that took place between different international events. The first World
Assembly of Cities and Local Authorities (WACLA) was held in Istanbul
during the UN-Habitat II conference.32 Following this, in 1998, the pro-
cess began during the FMCU Congress in Lille. The Federation of Latin
American Municipalities and Associations (FLACMA) played a regional
role in this process. The unification drew to a close in 2004 with the cre-
ation of the UCLG in Paris.
The FLA was an important space for progressive militants to meet and
for the formation of other networks. The Italian case is representative
in this respect with the constitution of the Rete Nuovo Municipio (New
Municipality Network), an important actor in the process of diffusion of
participatory practices inspired by PB in the country. The Rete Nuovo
Municipio came together during the FLA of 2002, when more than 70
teams from local governments attended the event, creating an association
the following year (Allegretti 2011, p. 146). The network was formed
from pre-established relations between academics and diverse Italian cities
which, in the words of Giovanni Alegretti, “had adopted original initia-
tives in favour of citizen participation for building multicultural, solidary
and focussed on sustainable development territories” (Allegretti 2011,
p. 146). In the municipality of Rome in the Lazio region, with the sup-
port of Walter Veltroni and a delegation of teams from the Rifondazione
Communist Party (Communist Rifoundation Party), practices of social
participation in debates on budgetary allocation similar to PB were intro-
duced (Allegretti 2011, p. 146).
Networks are important actors in the process of diffusing PB. Action in
networks accelerates the international connecting between militants and
intensifies its diffusion, as previously described. The relations extend
between Latin America—from Porto Alegre—and Europe, reaching Sub-
Saharan Africa on a smaller scale. The theme of “participatory democ-
racy”, whose epicentre was PB, inspired the creation of a core of local
authorities, organizing themselves transnationally and defending this
cause in their own governments, countries and international institutions.
The “ambassadors” of PB were incrementally increasing with the cre-
ation of the RDD in France. This was among the first transnational net-
works formed around PB. In the RDD, Jean-Blaise Picheral and Martine
Toulotte served as “takers” for PB in the French context, as they mobi-
lized a variety of actors around the cause. In organizing events, con-
necting activists and promoting PB in various European countries, these
individuals became “ambassadors” for PB. Similarly, Patrick Braouezec,
ex-mayor of Saint-Denis and, later, President of the Plaine Commune, as
well as Bernard Bissinger, mayor of Bobigny, performed the same role,
by adopting PB in their municipalities. Both local authorities acted as
“takers” of PB by adopting it in their areas and later defending it within
France, as for example, Bissinger in Congress and internationally with
Braouezec in FLA.
Once again the action of the “Ambassadors” of PB from Porto Alegre
were fundamental: Tarso Genro and Ubiratan de Souza, with the market-
ing of the experience via launching their book and by giving speeches in
The training seminars organized by the RDD were important for the
diffusion of PB. In each case, new teams were equipped to spread the
idea of PB and collaborate to replicate the experience. The mechanism of
capacity-building operated via these spaces and amplified the force for the
international diffusion of PB.
The networks were a space for reflection and producing ideas about PB
as well as an instrument of legitimation of this practice. The mechanism of
construction of PB operated throughout this process. Effectively, the idea
that PB was a genuine policy to resolve the problems of justice and social
inclusion, for example, continued evolving throughout these meetings.
This idea circulated among various members in their home countries. The
ideas present in the networks were diverse and changed over the course
of time. The variations were subtle with, in general terms, the RDD hav-
ing an idea that PB was a tool to radicalize democracy and produce social
transformation whereas, in the FLA network, PB was associated with
social inclusion and participatory democracy.
The ideas constructed and propagated through these networks also
became mechanisms for translation. In other words, there was a process
of recodifying PB within the network meetings, as well as in other events.
The meaning of PB is also adapted to local language and facilitates the
introduction of PB in other countries. The work by Genro and de Souza
(1997) had a literal translation in a variety of languages and served as
a support for diffusing PB. Le Monde Diplomatique and the magazine
Territoires, however, translated and adapted this idea to the political lan-
guage of local contexts.
The networks on PB are today numerous and not limited to the RDD
and FLA. These were precursors and played an important international
role. The action of individuals in mobilizing their contacts and connecting
people in different countries was fundamental. Similarly, institutions such
as the Porto Alegre government in Brazil, or Saint-Denis and Bobigny in
France also played an important role as they “hosted” various meetings
and often invested financial resources to establish them. Both individu-
als and institutions allow networks to have continuity. The legacy of this
pioneering action left a group not only of established contacts between its
members, but also of international knowledge and transnational political
militancy (Table 4.2).
1. Interviews, Barcelona, 2013; videoconference São Paulo/Curitiba,
2. It is worth noting that Pierre Rosanvallon introduced his work Le
peuple introuvable with a chapter dedicated to the “Malaise of
democracy” whose first statement chosen by the author is “absten-
tion or non-registering on the electoral roll” (Rosanvallon 2002,
p. 11).
3. Term borrowed “hope”, from original espoir in French referring to
democracy in the sense of the title of the book Porto Alegre: l’espoir
d’une autre démocratie by Gret and Sintomer (2005) and Hope for
Democracy: 25 Years of Participatory Budgeting Worldwide, orga-
nized by Nelson Dias (2013).
4. In the report of the IV meeting of the network of the Forum of
Local Authorities for Social Inclusion and Democratic Participation
of Porto Alegre. Even though there are various registers in which
the Forum of Local Authorities for Social Inclusion and Democratic
Participation or simply FAL Network.
5. On the experiences of PB in France see in particular Sintomer et al.
(2008), the most complete work on the subject.
6. List of members in 2000.
7. Interview, Paris, 2013.
8. Interview, Porto Alegre, 2011.
9. Interview, Porto Alegre, 2012; Granet (2003).
10. ADELS, http://www.adels.org/association/index.htm, con-
sulted on 21 August 2013.
11. Carlos Abrego (inhabitant of Sarcelles), Sidiki Daff (councillor
Guédiawaye, Senegal), Marion Gret (who conducted his doctoral
thesis on PB in the Institut des Hautes Études de l’Amérique
Latine/Sorbonne Nouvelle) and Martine Toulotte (one of the
founders of the network) (DRD 2000, pp. 2–3).
12. Interviews, Porto Alegre, 2011; Dacar, 2013.
13. Personal information received by email on 21 August 2013.
14. Interviews, Porto Alegre, 2011.
15. Interview with an anonymous international consultant.
16. Interviews, ibid.
17. See material published in the journal Liberation on 31 March
Allegretti, G. (2011). Le processus d’économie participative de la région Lazio:
quand l’expérimentation devient le symbole d’une gestion politique. In
J. Talpin & Y. Sintomer (Dir.), La démocratie participative au-déla de la prox-
imité: le Poitou-Charentes et l’échelle regional (pp. 145–160). Rennes: Presses
Universitaires de Rennes.
Cassen, B. (1998). Une expérience exemplaire au Brésil: Démocratie participative à
Porto Alegre. Le Monde Diplomatique, Agosto.
Démocratiser radicalement la démocratie. (2000). Bulletin No. 3. Março, 4 p.
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Dias, N. (Coord.). (2013). Esperança democrática: 25 anos de Orçamentos
Participativos no Mundo. Lisbon: Ed. Associação In Loco.
Genro, T. (1999, Novmeber 11). L’Humanité.
Genro, T., & Souza, U. (1997). Orçamento Participativo: A experiência de Porto
Alegre. São Paulo: Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo.
Granet, E. (2003). Porto Alegre: les voix de la démocratie. Paris: Syllepse.
Gret, M., & Sintomer, Y. (2005). Porto Alegre: l’espoir d’une autre démocratie.
Paris: La Découverte.
Keck, M., & Sikkink, K. (1998). Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in
International Politics. Cornell: Cornell University Press.
Langlet, L., & Allegretti, G. (2013). Orçamento Participativo na Suécia: uma
história contada em camera lenta. In N. Dias (Coord.), Esperança democrática:
25 anos de Orçamentos Participativos no Mundo (pp. 251–365). Lisbon: Ed.
Associação In Loco.
Marx, V. (2008). Las Ciudades como Actores Políticos en las Relaciones
Internacionales. PhD thesis in Political Science, Universidad Autónoma de
Barcelona, Barcelona.
Nez, H., & Talpin, J. (2010). Démocratie participative et communisme municipal
en banlieu rouge. In M.-H. Baqué & Y. Sintomer (Eds.), La démocratie partici-
pative inachevée: genese, adaptations et diffusions (pp. 209–228). Saint-Etienne:
Éditions Yves Michel.
Pont, R. (2002). Democracia, igualdade e qualidade de vida: a experiência de Porto
Alegre. Porto Alegre: Veraz.
Porto de Oliveira, O. (2010). Le transfert d’un modèle de démocratie participative:
Paradiplomatie entre Porto Alegre et Saint-Denis. Paris: Collection Chrysallides,
Porto de Oliveira, O., & Allegretti, G. (2013). Following a World Traveller: A
Comparative Approach to Participatory Budgeting Transfers. In 7th General
Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Sciences Po
Bordeaux, Bordeaux.
When the World Economic Forum, an event created in 1972, was held in
2001 in Davos, Switzerland, on the other side of the Atlantic, a counter-
movement sprang up. It was an opposing voice and a manifestation of
international civil society. In the south of Brazil, the First World Social
Forum was held. The eyes of the world were divided between Davos and
Porto Alegre. This was the first step for the capital of Rio Grande do
Sul to move onto the world map. There, more than 20,000 people were
gathered and Porto Alegre became at that moment a “Mecca” for social
movements. The ideal that “another world was possible” with a more
democratic, just and inclusive society was advocated by the participants.
The experience of participatory governance in Porto Alegre, PB,
seemed to simply reveal that a “utopia had become reality”.1 Here we
saw a landmark achievement in the process of the internationalization of
PB, because a range of transnational organizations which had fluctuated
around various countries met. They constituted a wide network, which
would become crucial to maintain PB in circulation worldwide.
After the success of the first World Social Forum (WSF), PB came to be,
in fact, internationally known. International institutions, in addition to the
United Nations (UN), which had followed the process since the 1990s,
entered onto the scene. The World Bank, from then on, recommended,
financed and divulged experiences of PB and the European Union (EU)
subsidised a decentralized co-operation project for stimulating transfers
The spirit of Porto Alegre is the Social Forum, a city with soul, a city which
represents a concrete utopia. […] Porto Alegre stepped onto the world
map because the World Social Forum came and gave potential to this thing,
this idea of the capital of participatory democracy. Porto Alegre was trans-
formed, in the last term of the PT, […] truly in the capital of participatory
The action of a group of individuals throughout the 1990s was the condi-
tion sine qua non for PB to progressively acquire international prestige.
Mayors, the staff from international institutions, academics and journal-
ists showed PB to the world and made this policy a trademark for the
city of Porto Alegre. PB became a showcase for the city and furthermore
constituted a distinctive element of WP in Porto Alegre with the Popular
Front. As the WP won important local governments in the 1990s, PB dif-
fused in these municipalities across Brazil (Avritzer and Wampler 2008).
In this period, however, few municipal governments had an international
strategy, as we showed in the previous chapter by comparing Porto Alegre,
Belo Horizonte and Recife.
Ten years later there was already an idea circulating in the international
scene, stating basically that cities should construct a distinctive brand to
gain visibility. Having a distinctive characteristic for the municipality, as
well as creating an internal identity, increased its capacity for securing
external investment. Many cities launched city marketing plans to establish
an image, promoting their successful policies or combinations of “kits” of
instruments for public action and doing roadshows across the world.
The teams from Porto Alegre began to construct an image for
the city around this pairing: WSF and PB. At this phase of interna-
The argument […] was that nowhere had such consolidated anti-
neoliberalism, nothing was more opposed to neo-liberalism than the
experience we had created here with PB, which was against anti-politics,
privatisation, de-regulation, the absence of the state, or, rather, whilst Davos
practiced all of that, here people were doing the opposite: guaranteeing and
giving back the right to participation for the population. And it is for this
that Porto Alegre had to be the host for the World Social Forum.3
I think that […] what raised PB to win over the world was the World Social
Forum. I estimate roughly there in 2001. There we had here the first expe-
rience of the World Social Forum and in various workshops we presented
the experience [of PB], we delivered the literature, and also we published
some material in English, Spanish and French. And this was winning over
the world and of course that we always explained that the idea was not
something closed, that the “brainwave” it was purely and simply to bring
the population and therefore to create conditions, and facilitate community
Furthermore, Port Alegre was in the media during the WSF, which did
not cease to emphasize its participatory governance with PB. Folha de São
Paulo (an important Brazilian newspaper), BBC, El País and Le Monde
Diplomatique published articles about WSF. This aroused world interest
in PB producing a force like a centipede. While the WSFs, whether in
their world or European versions, were going on one after another, PB
attracted and absorbed increasing interest. This movement contributed to
increasing the number of transfers and amplifying the reach of the inter-
national visibility of PB.
In the words of Eduardo Mancuso, who was secretary of International
Relations for the Mayor’s Office of Porto Alegre during the last term
of PT and participated in the organization of WSF, we can perceive the
progressive recognition that the city of Porto Alegre acquired with the
succession of WSFs:
It was in 2001, when the World Social Forum arose in Porto Alegre, then
yes. And with an exponential growth of each term in power, in 2002 trip-
licating, in 2003 doubling what had already doubled, there, really Porto
Alegre entered onto the World Map in the strict sense. Or, rather, Porto
Alegre became recognised by the international press, by the well-informed
world civil society. It was not only by left wing academia, social or political
or by interested local governments. No, it became recognised by the World
Bank and went on to be recognised by El Pais, by Le Monde, by very well-
informed people […] about what was going on in the world.
From the WSF, there was a significant rise in the experiences of PB which,
until then, were “only a handful”. The phenomenon derived from a move-
ment foreseeing the international promotion of PB as was shown in previ-
ous chapters. However, it is possible to affirm that WSF was a keystone or,
better put, a “tipping point” which signifies in the literature a moment in
which a critical mass of people begins to adopt PB (Finnemore and Sikkink
The fact that the tipping point did not occur with the first WSF should
be stressed. Instead, it occurred as a short process with the succession of,
at least, the first three events (2001, 2002 and 2003), which corresponded
to the editions held in Porto Alegre. With respect to “a critical mass of
adopters”, we cannot only consider the municipalities, but also the actors
of another nature such as international organizations (UN, EU and World
Bank), NGOs, international newspapers and political parties, among oth-
ers. From this moment on PB engaged in a wider movement, in which
multiples of actors were, each in their own way, promoting PB. This move-
ment made PB spill over from the Brazilian and Latin American context to
win over the world.
The expansion effectively occurred in Europe from 2000. The increase
in experiences on the old continent was progressive. In 2002, there were
close to 20; in 2005, it reached 55 and in 2008, exceeded 100 (Sintomer
et al. 2008, p. 38). A range of capital cities adopted PB: Paris, Rome,
London, Lisbon and Berlin. Despite a reflux of experiences with many
municipal governments with strong experiences of PB, Poland, through
a national incentive, is significantly increasing the implementation of this
device. In Africa, as will be presented in Chap. 7, smaller experiences blos-
somed in Senegal, Cameroon and Mozambique. Other more structured
and formal international institutions entered onto the scene. The UN,
EU, World Bank and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) began to act in a more incisive form to promote
PB. In Peru, a national law was created forcing municipalities to imple-
ment PB, which led to a large-scale rise in experiences.
The “spirit of Porto Alegre”, as our interviewee affirmed in the WSF, is
the idea that another democracy is possible. With PB, a myth was created
in the city of Porto Alegre (Porto de Oliveira 2010). There is, however,
Note: The information in respect of PB in the world is imprecise but these are the only figures available at
the moment. The estimates were collected from secondary sources and recent information in the academic
and technical literature. (Cabannes 2006; Porto de Oliveira 2013; Wampler 2008; Sintomer et al. 2012;
Sintomer et al. 2013)
The WSF marked the moment in which PB widened its visibility and inter-
national prestige. Delegations from many countries visited the city to see
up close this participatory governance device. The recognition of PB was,
however, not a sufficient condition for municipalities to implement it. The
literature insists on political will as one of the crucial factors for the adop-
tion of PB (Avritzer 2003; Talpin and Sintomer 2011). In effect, political
will is a necessary condition for PB to be implemented, but it is not the
only one. There is a range of other factors which are also indispensable for
PB to be transferred.
In this section, we deal with the spillover effect of PB in three interna-
tional organizations: the UN, the EU and the World Bank. These three
operated at distinct moments, with the first being the start of the pro-
cess, above all in Latin America, and contributing to the international
legitimation of PB and its diffusion in the region. The second was around
the 2000s, with direct financing of transfers between Latin America and
Europe, producing know-how and forming a generation of PB specialists.
The third was also present in the 1990s, but increased its action especially
in recent years, stimulating South–South co-operation in respect to PB
and its introduction in developing countries, in particular Sub-Saharan
Africa. The largest part of this section is dedicated to the World Bank,
which has been progressively taking on a bigger role in the promotion of
PB around the world.
which could simply serve as a beacon or source of inspiration for the man-
agement of collective territories. The UN-Habitat began scanning suc-
cessful municipal policies around the planet, evaluating and recognizing
some of them as “Best Practices”.10
Another front of action for the UN-Habitat was the creation the
so-called Urban Management Programs (UMPs), which began in
1986. These programmes emerged from a partnership between the
UN-Habitat and the UNDP, with the aid of external agencies which
operated as centres of production of technical know-how and promo-
tors of innovative practices and also to develop transnational networks
of municipalities, as well as to advocate in different countries at local
and national levels the promotion of directives to urban policy. The
general objectives of the UMPs are to contribute to territorial collec-
tives in developing countries to achieve economic growth, social devel-
opment and poverty reduction. The organizational aim of the UMPs
was to create a global programme with decentralized offices, to have a
greater impact in the regions and independence from the headquarters.
Four offices were established and two regional sub-offices as well as the
global office in Nairobi.11
In Latin America, the UMP was set up in Quito, Ecuador, which had,
at that time, received an award for its policies on conservation of historical
heritage, an element which contributed to it being chosen as the base of
the programme. The co-ordination during its years of operation was by
Yves Cabannes and his regional adviser Jaime Vásconez.
Yves Cabannes had wide experience in the area of urban planning in
developing countries. He came from the “Great Administrative Schools”
in France and defended his doctoral thesis on the determination of
urban space in Iraq at the University of Sorbonne. Before becoming co-
ordinator of the UMP, this specialist worked for the NGO GRET and in
the Think Tank CIRAD, both engaged in action in developing countries.
In his career, he had moved around many field missions, including Brazil,
and was, for a time, the co-director of Cearah Periferia in Fortaleza.12 His
arrival coincided with the process of democratization in Brazil in the 1980s
and promulgation of the constitution of 1988. In Brazil, he had contact
with emerging social movements and innovative experiences of local pub-
lic management and participatory democracy. It was in this period that he
got to know about PB in Porto Alegre.
The presence of Yves Cabannes was fundamental for his capacity for
transnational mobilization, field knowledge of Latin America and under-
years of experience with PB was one of the favourites to win the tender,
which would have made the co-ordination of a wide range of projects pos-
sible and would contribute to the diffusion of PB.22 Instead, the munici-
pality winning the co-ordination of the project was a small French city,
of approximately 60,000 inhabitants, situated in the south-east of Paris,
Issy-Les-Moulineaux, governed by André Santini who today belongs to
the Union for French Democracy, a centrist party (Baudelocq et al. 2007).
The city did not have a strong tradition of local democracy, but counted
on the support of a technical specialist to develop the project proposal,
Marie Virapatirin, who had worked for the World Bank and had designed
an innovative proposal on democracy in the municipal context.
As we affirmed in Chap. 3, this episode demonstrates that, at the time,
Porto Alegre still did not have the sufficient international prestige to host
big international projects, despite its experience and results with PB. This
was still a period of ascension, but not yet of spillover. Two interviews
carried out with persons from different countries and coming from differ-
ent institutions informed us that there was a political veto against Porto
Alegre on the part of the EU, whose members were still oriented towards
a conservative agenda. The excerpt of the following interview with an
international consultant is illustrative in this respect. Our interviewee
informed us that the first-placed candidate for the URB-AL programme
was indeed Porto Alegre:
Despite the hope that Porto Alegre would be benefitted, all the technical
committee signalled Porto Alegre to be the co-ordinator of Network-3, on
‘democracy in the city’, which did not happen, it was in Issy-Les-Moulineaux
Interviewer: That is ….
Interviewee: The political tendency of the European Union, with pressure
from the French and from the right wing […], and Issy-Les-
Moulineaux was on the right […]. The technical committee
[…] note was in favour of Porto Alegre, it was one of the
few times in the URB-AL networks, when the EU decision
was not the same as that of the technical committee.23
Even though this cannot be confirmed with the teams of the EU, along
with more interviews, it is valuable as it can take us to the next phase. At
this point, Porto Alegre was to construct, in a decade, its international
prestige and, once consolidated, orientations of different political streams
started to adopt or recommend the experience of PB.
After being evaluated by the European Commission, already at the
second phase of the URB-AL programme, a new network was prepared
“for Porto Alegre”, to use an expression from one of our interviewees.
Network-9 was called Local Financing and Participatory Budgeting. This
network interwove here with a pre-existing one, which was built within the
relations fostered by the action of UMP-LAC. Yves Cabannes was among
the consultants for Network-9 and one of the authors of the Document
Base, the central report for the project. The network was used to expand
PB with small projects. Furthermore, it served to finance thematic PB
projects and carry out case studies.
In the second phase, the thematic networks had a co-ordinator or net-
work pilot, that is, a city which represented the project, which was the
case of Porto Alegre for Network-9. Once the project was approved, the
networks could create sub-networks, like work groups with “Common
Projects”. In this sense, cities with similar issues could work together. The
period of the URB-AL programme was a moment of impact, with 15 PB
projects and 15 million dollars. One of our interviewees affirmed the fol-
lowing in respect to the URB-AL:
Various projects of the URB-AL network, which had already been negoti-
ated with UMP and we took on and continued, this allowed us to work
with the question of Participatory Budgeting with thematic projects, such
as Cotacachi. […] Soon there was another we worked on, […] Venice
which was […] with Giovanni [Allegretti] on the incidence of Participatory
Budgeting in relation to groups of the socially excluded, […] the third was
in Cordoba […] and there was another in Cuenca, this kept us very busy
and working hard.25
Victor Vergara was one of the team members who established a bridge
between the World Bank and the local government of Porto Alegre. He
was interested in PB as an instrument of local governance and entered
into direct contact with Tarso Genro.35 This staff from the World Bank
also contributed to the organization of the ISPD in 1999, as mentioned
in Chap. 3.36 At this seminar, there were three more World Bank staff in
Porto Alegre.
One of our sources in the World Bank talks about his contact with PB
and how it was promoted by this institution, describing this action in the
following manner:
I knew about the approach, I had read about it. So we were doing a large
training program for Latin America and I knew that […] it is a funda-
mental political reform that needs to make governance happen and we
knew about the experience of Porto Alegre. I guess Tarso has written the
little book. […] So I had a copy of that book in Portuguese and then we
had got it in Spanish, edited by a group in Argentina, and the preface of
that translation was a little, it was not adequate for capacity building, so
I called Tarso and asked him if […] he could send us the preface and if
we could add a new version, that could be more pedagogical […], it was
before the first World Social Forum […], it was before I met him […], it
was 99 I guess. So he said yes and sent us the file, I wrote the preface to
the book, we printed about 15.000 or 20.000 copies […] and we distrib-
uted the book as a part of a course that we were doing on this e-learning,
there was a very good response from the people who took the course and
over 20.000 people took the course, took the module of Participatory
Budgeting. There were many more that took the course, more than
20.000. I also got in contact with, I met this social scientist from Cuba,
who was Martha Harnecker, she had a movie and we edited that movie
and made it pedagogical as well, because it was more ideological and we
made it technical and we put it into the context […], so we made a video
explaining Participatory Budgeting and that was the kind of start […] and
from there André [Herzog], started working here in the Institute [of the
World Bank] and took the program and I did other things. […] The book
that they had written was a very important tool to communicate, the tech-
nical idea, so how to govern. It wasn’t ideological, it was a good idea, it is
you know a reasonable proposal for transparency, accountability, but also
for efficiency and for ownership. […] I promoted a lot, so wherever I go
I talk […] there are two very important innovations on governance at the
local level that are necessary for government to work in the local level, one
[of them] is this Participatory Budgeting.37
This excerpt shows not only the individual action of our informant, but
also the forms by which PB was promoted. This policy of participatory
governance originating from Porto Alegre was introduced in a training
programme. The translation of the book by Tarso Genro on PB was done
to be included in this training and with an added preface that was more
technical and pedagogical. Following this, an educational video was pro-
duced about PB, based on the film by Martha Harnecker. The narrative of
our interviewee reveals that, in his own words, the start of actions by the
World Bank to promote the diffusion of PB can be seen around the end of
the 1990s. According to the description, the activities of the World Bank
use materials on PB which were already developed from previous produc-
tions. The difference between the original and the product used by the
World Bank, as we can infer from the excerpt of the interview, is that they
went through an adaptation to make them more technical and pedagogi-
cal and less political and ideological.
From around the 2000s within the World Bank, projects on PB
increased, although the theme of participation was already present in the
institution, especially in the social sector for over 15 years.38 Over time,
teams specializing in PB were joining in, who had worked on the URB-AL
programme or with PB in other institutions.39 Tiago Peixoto, for example,
a specialist in open governance in the WBI, had, in his career, worked with
the theme of e-democracy in the URB-AL programme. Nevertheless, this
was not the case for everyone. In fact, some of the staff began to integrate
projects with PB for the first time when they were already working in the
World Bank.40
I’ve worked with Participatory Budgeting for some years, a little outside of
the Bank, and a little inside the Bank as well, five years in the Bank, but I
have not being working on it for the past three or four years. […] I worked
on it when I was in the IHS, three years in the Institute for Housing and
Development studies [IHS] in Holland where […] we did an evaluation of
Santo André. […] We did it in a project which I co-ordinated in Albania
and we supported Participatory Budgeting in two cities, Duris and Elbassan
which was a really interesting project, as it was a project with three pillars
[…] it was carried out between 2001 and 2003 […] before the Bank. Here
in the Bank, the question of participation is a question which has already a
background of more than 15 years and was always, and continues to be, in
a general sense, led by the social sector in the Bank and I worked for three
years in the social department of the Bank, within the participation unit,
and I co-ordinated the programme of Participatory Budgeting. […] Then I
came to the World Bank Institute and continued working with Participatory
Budgeting for a year here.41
how such a process can be initiated. […] The key institutional innovation
in Porto Alegre is the municipal budget forum, where the council of repre-
sentatives sets the agenda for municipal spending based on district priorities.
(World Bank 2000)
[a]n accord which we arrived at with the World Bank […] and where we had
a great Brazilian friend, André Herzog, and along with him, we reached an
accord to establish a programme that was called strengthening programmes
of Participatory Budgetings and, as such, we did not have any limits on
specific geographies. With him, we held a global seminar on Participatory
Budgetings in Porto Alegre […] in 2006 and there we worked with Yves
[Cabannes] and also came delegates and representatives from uncommon
countries, there was a big African presence too, but also Eastern Europeans,
with people from Romania, Russia, Hungary, Poland and also three del-
egates from Asia, some from India, there were people linked to the World
Bank […] and soon we developed various initiatives for the promotion
ing and the execution of projects, increasing inclusion and quality and,
lastly, making it more vigilant and legitimate.
The World Bank operated with its teams in Washington and those on
the ground, as well as local and regional consultants. The expansion of the
pilot projects meant these same teams circulated and implemented similar
projects. In some cases, PB is associated to the widest-ranging projects of
the institution. The action of the World Bank in the promotion of PB is not
a recent phenomenon as part of the academic or militant literature insists,
but rather the institution has accompanied PB since its beginning in Porto
Alegre and other municipalities. The World Bank has progressively taken
this device abroad and made up a team of specialists on PB. Through the
Institute of the World Bank, manuals have been developed and, in many
cases, this had the support of municipalities, with advanced experiences,
and academics. The involvement of the World Bank in PB is fundamental
so that experiences anchored themselves in Africa, as well as its impor-
tance in reorganizing a range of experiences in Latin America. The World
Bank influence acts towards the implementation of PB in different cities
in developing countries and, in certain cases, the adoption of this device
comes as a condition to secure resources.
The objective of this chapter is to show the transition between the moment
at which PB was in search of international legitimacy and its mass diffu-
sion. PB went through the first years of the 2000s with a movement that
could be compared to a cascade. As described in the previous chapters,
PB’s international projection was constructed from around the 1990s and,
above all, through the action of a group of militants, local authorities and
team of international organizations. This process occurred up until the
point PB gained international legitimacy during the editions of the WSF
and then spilled over.
International institutions facilitated the mass diffusion of PB. Without
going through large institutions, the same repercussions would not have
happened. WSF made PB acquire greater visibility outside of Brazil. In
other words, if earlier PB was known only to specialists, local governments
and militants, particularly those of a progressive bent, with WSF PB was
popularized to an international level. The seal of approval of the UN was
important to give legitimacy to the experience. In fact, the international
organizations very often performed the role of showing the way, in terms
UN, the EU and the World Bank was also important. It is worth noting
that in the case of the EU, it was not a simple process, insofar as it only
managed to gain attention after having been well established internation-
ally and managing to gain legitimacy and prestige at the start of the 2000s.
The construction also operates in the sense of the relation between cause
and effect in the context of international organizations. In diverse manuals
and technical documents, PB is an instrument capable of combatting cor-
ruption, promoting social inclusion and guaranteeing transparency, and
so forth. In other words, there is a sort of relation of cause (adoption of
PB) and effect (reducing corruption) which lies behind the recommenda-
tion of PB, as an instrument of municipal governance. Despite the success
attained by the experience of PB, and the fact that it has been massively
diffused around the world, its initial link with Porto Alegre was becoming
lost along the way.
The mechanism of translation also operated in this process. Indeed,
contrary to the WSF, whose underlying idea of the experience of PB is
social transformation of which the best example is Porto Alegre, in the
case of international organizations, this dimension is smaller. The trans-
lation is present, be it in developing the first manuals of the UMP-LAC,
which codified FAQs about PB, for example, or the translation of the
book by Tarso Genro about Porto Alegre. The production of manuals
in English also contributed towards international diffusion. The techni-
cal part is prominent, but there are other models which gain attention,
many of them based on concrete experiences while others are developed
by World Bank staff or consultants in its projects. PB was translated
for international organizations as an instrument of urban management.
The emphases given to PB by international organizations are several.
To exemplify, there is an association between PB and the promotion
of Agenda-21 which is conducted by the UN. For its part, the EU rec-
ognized the importance of co-operation and of international exchange
between cities. In this case, however, such as with municipalities which
operationalized transfers and international co-operation, the political
dimension of PB in its relation between municipalities could be stronger
or weaker, in accordance with who co-ordinated the network. In the case
of Cotacachi, for example, the co-ordinator of the network on multi-eth-
nic and plural-cultural PB, another member city abandoned the project,
due to the change in political direction of the government, which limited
cooperation. The World Bank highlighted the fight against corruption
as one of the positive outcomes of PB and conducted a distillation of
the ideological content of PB, to make it more technical and easy to
1. Expression used by Archon Fung e Erik O. Wright from project
Real Utopias.
2. Interview, Porto Alegre, 2011.
3. Interview, Porto Alegre, 2011.
4. Cf. Baierle (2007).
5. Diverse interviews conducted between June 2007 and November
2011, with teams which operated during the governance of PT in
Porto Alegre confirming this.
6. Interview, Porto Alegre, 2011.
7. Interviews with teams from the public administration of Belo
Horizonte, 2013; Cotacachi, 2012; Kivu do Sul, 2012.
8. UNICEF financed one of the first trips for members of civil society
of Cotacachi for training in Porto Alegre, a programme which intro-
duced the first experiences of PB to Cape Verde, and a programme
for PB for children in Senegal. UNIFEM was active in the Dominican
Republic. PNUD supported some of the experiences in Africa.
9. The relation of PB as an instrument to promote PDMs is system-
atically mentioned in the prefaces of manuals produced by the UN.
10. Interview, videoconference, São Paulo/Curitiba, 2012.
11. Respectively, the regional office for Africa in Abidjan, Ivory coast,
and the sub-regional office for the east and south-east of Africa in
Johannesburg, South Africa; the Regional office for South Asia in
New Delhi, India; the regional office for the Arab states in Cairo,
Egypt; and the regional office for Latin America and the Caribbean
in Quito, Ecuador. See UN-HABITAT: http://www.unhabitat.
org/content.asp?typeid=19&catid=374&cid=185, consulted on 7
March 2013.
12. Cearah Periferia was also a project which received an award for
good practice from the UN in 1996.
13. Interview, Dakar, 2012.
14. Interview, Quito, 2012.
15. Borrowed expression from Finnemore (1993) “Teachers of norms”.
16. Interview, Quito, 2012.
17. In France Saint-Denis became a pioneer by signing a protocol of
intentions with Porto Alegre in 1998 looking at the transference of
PB. In Portugal, this practice also happened between Portuguese
and Mozambique municipalities (informal conversation with Nelson
Dias, coordinator of Portuguese NGO, In Loco, 2013).
18. Interview, Quito, 2012, translated from the original in Spanish “si
algún éxito tuvo este programa fue haber promovido el Presupuesto
Participativo a nivel regional y a nivel global”.
19. Interview, Dakar, 2012.
20. Ibid.
21. Interview, videoconference São Paulo/Curitiba, 2012.
22. Declaration from one of our interviews in Paris, 2007.
23. Interview.
24. Interview, Dakar, 2012.
25. Interview, Quito, 2012.
26. Interview with one of those responsible for the URB-AL pro-
gramme in the Municipal government of Porto Alegre, Porto
Alegre, 2011.
27. See URBAL Case Studies: R9-A6-04.
28. Interview, Quito, 2012; Belo Horizonte, 2013.
29. In May of the same year the case of PB from Porto Alegre had been
presented in a regional workshop on public administration spon-
sored by various international institutions: the World Bank and the
OEA, the Spanish agency for international co-operation.
30. The Institute of Economic Development was founded in 1955 and
since 2000 is called the World Bank Institute. Activities of compe-
tence are involved in producing and disseminating know-how, and
among other activities are the publication of information material
and carrying out training courses (http://wbi.worldbank.org/
wbi/about/strategy, consulted on 29 August 2013).
31. Zander Navarro. “Report International Seminar on Participatory
Budgeting.” Porto Alegre. Document undated. 11 p.
32. Interview, Porto Alegre, 2011.
33. Interviews and comments from specialists, in Porto Alegre and
Brasília. With respect to this last one, see CEBRAP, 2011.
34. Original in English “shift government authority closer to the peo-
ple” (Peterson 1997, p. 13).
35. Interview, Washington, 2013.
36. Book produced from seminar (Becker 2000).
37. Interview with a staff from the World Bank Institute, Washington,
38. Interview with teams of the World Bank Institute, Washington,
39. Interview, Washington, 2013.
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Experiences with popular participation at a local level, much like self-
management practices, expanded between 1980 and 1990 in Latin
America. The community known as Villa El Salvador, in Peru, become
internationally renowned for its experiences in self-management, and
in 1987 it received the “United Nations Messengers of Peace” award.
In Ecuador, with the rise of the municipal power of several mayors of
indigenous descent presenting progressive proposals, hybrid experiences
came about, such as that in Cotacachi, associating traditional participatory
practices with institutional innovations. The adoption of Participatory
Budgeting (PB) in the Andean region spread on progressively as of the
year 2000, complementing or replacing pre-existing practices, building up
in these constant, genuine mosaics of participation.
This chapter covers the diffusion of PB in two Andean countries. The
expansion of PB throughout this region was an important milestone in
such a diffusion process, as it consolidated a range of “best practices” for
PB. Peru became an emblematic case since it was there that a pioneering
case of transfer took place on a national scale. This led to PB being consid-
ered a policy of the State, and institutionalized by law. If in Bolivia, in 1997,
a national law had already been implemented on participation, in Peru
the norms were more specific, since, as of 2003, it was determined that
all municipalities and regions conduct PB. The effect of this institutional
induction has produced the equivalent of 1838 cases today. The Dominican
[i]n each of these levels of organization, the population has direct mech-
anisms for communal participation so as to decide on accords and run
activities related to developing their community. Even so, each level of orga-
nization has its own guideline committee which is elected in an assembly.
The sectors provide delegates with credentials from the CUAVES commu-
nity. (Ampuero 1997, p. 135)
tion was a prerogative. The initial support offered by the Velasco Alvarado
government to Villa El Salvador was abandoned in 1975, when there was
a coup d’état led by Francisco Morales Bermudez, who was much more
aggressive with popular sectors. The military regime became more and
more conservative and led to the rise of political movements such as the
“new left”, which gained space in Villa El Salvador (Burt 1999, p. 274).
What happened, according to Jo-Marie Burt, is that, essentially,
The author also affirms that Villa El Salvador had a broad network of
social organizations (1999, p. 265).
It is from within this context that one of the main leaders took the
stage, Professor Michel Azcueta, a Spanish immigrant, who in the 1970s
mobilized and organized society, to claim and obtain basic public services
from the government (Ampuero 1997). In May 1983, Decree No. 23605
created the district Villa El Salvador. Elections were slated for November
in the same year and the first mayor elected was Michel Azcueta. He stayed
in office for two terms (1983–1986 and 1986–1989), was re-elected and
held the post once again between 1996 and 1999.
Michel Azcueta’s administration was marked by the commitment to
the left-wing model and popular participation. The mayor encouraged
the creation of new community organizations and helped strengthen local
NGOs, through international financing for several technical capacity-
building projects (Burt 1999, p. 285). As of the 1980s, women’s orga-
nizations began to play a more important role in the city. Poverty was
getting worse, and organizations were seeking solutions. These orga-
nizations began to gain more and more strength4 and broke their ties
with CUAVES, giving rise to the Federacion Popular de Mujeres de Villa
El Salvador (FEPOMUVES, Women’s Popular Federation of Villa El
Salvador), led by María Elena Moyano. Besides encouraging associations,
the mayor received national and international assistance to implement the
Villa El Salvador Industrial Park, where some 200 small entrepreneurs set
up their businesses (Burt 1999, p. 285).
With Fujimori at the helm, at the same time that the Shining Path was
ceasing its violence and social policies were being implemented, there
Michel Azcueta, when he won the election, considered it as the new plan,
there was no mention of the second plan, it was referred as the new plan for
Villa El Salvador, after a decade and it was made by the city council, with its
technical team […] which involved many who had been educated in what
was before the CUAVES. […] So, they put together a plan that focused
on Villa El Salvador […] and […] where they had to think of the youth,
food, the industrial park […] not worrying about the implementation of
large-scale industry, […] but rather concerned with small and medium-sized
industry in Villa El Salvador.8
During the Michel Azcueta government, there was a period for prepara-
tion and raising awareness, between 1996 and 1998, when Martín Pumar
[W]e set up a sort of technical team, […] the local government called us
in, the NGOs that worked in the district to set up a technical team for this
whole process. […] So, there were ran surveys with citizens on these issues,
which later helped structure the Participatory Budgeting process. Because
the final questions was “Ah! We already have a vision, we have a focus. And
what do we do now with this plan, where do the budgets come from?” And
on his way out the mayor said “Well, there is a Participatory Budget in
Porto Alegre […] let’s use this mechanism, in which the people discuss
a part of the budget” and that is where, for example, in Desco we said
“well, how interesting, Porto Alegre, come on!” we’ll hold an international
forum on Participatory Budgeting. [Our highlight]11
With our third Development Plan approved, we asked the question: Now
that we have a Development Plan, how can we run it democratically?
Because, quite often, participation is understood as “fostering what the
people have given an opinion on”, but nothing more. When it comes to
making decisions, the population is often forgotten and a smaller group of
people begin to decide things in accordance with their own criteria. So we
came up with the idea for a Participatory Budgeting, which does not mean
just democratic procedures, so that the population can decide on public
spending, on municipal budgets, but also to make decisions based on our
development plan. (PGU-ALC 2000, unpaged document)
The programme for the meeting held between 31 August and 2 September
2000 included presentations by representatives from Villa El Salvador,
Porto Alegre, Santo André, Montevideo and Guyana City. Besides these
individual presentations, there were four PB work groups.13 Implementing
PB in Villa El Salvador involved a learning process based on the original
experience in Porto Alegre and others, and one of the transfer areas was
the IMPB. The aim of Mayor Martín Pumar in this seminar was to gather
ideas from more advanced experiences to build PB in Villa El Salvador.
According to the report produced after the IMPB, he said:
At the event, it was still not clear that PB could become a national law;
nor was there, on any written record, any proposal to do so. The PB in
Villa El Salvador was not the only one at that moment. There were other
important experiences under way, in particular, in the municipality known
as Ilo in the south of the country and in Limatambo in the Cusco prov-
ince. The PB in Villa El Salvador was a template for the bill, and its success
was the justification for creating a norm which was approved in 2003, and
was implemented in the following year.
Actors like the former mayor from Ilo, mentioned above, were important
in bringing the PB into Congress. This evidence is offered in more than
just one interview. In fact, Michaela Hordjik (2005, p. 223) mentions
another former mayor who had experimented with participatory gov-
ernance policies in his municipality, and was later elected into National
Congress. While carrying out our interviews, it was possible to note this
internal movement within Congress:
The Ministry of Economics and Finances, controlling the budgets, put forth
an idea to foster the participation of citizens in the planning stage and sent a
bill to Congress for approval […] there were several former mayors that had
promoted the idea of participation, including the former mayor from Ilo. So
they were looking for a new outline for participation, in the new municipal
law and they took Participatory Budgeting.14
Ernesto Becerra was part of Ilo’s executive administration for four consec-
utive terms, spanning from 1990 to 2001. PB was adopted in this munic-
ipality beforehand in comparison to the Peruvian context, even before
Villa El Salvador, in 1999, within the scope of a broader programme,
the Sustainable Development Plan (Plan de Desarrollo Sustentable—PDS),
aiming to programme longer-term development between 2001 and 2015
(Ilo, undated, unpaged document), in a similar fashion to what happened
in Villa El Salvador. In 2001, Ernesto Becerra was elected into the Federal
Congress, taking office in July.15
Between 5 and 6 February 2002, in the year following the first IMPB, the
Peruvian Congress held the International Seminar entitled Participatory
Budgeting and Local Governments (Presupuesto Participativo y gobiernos
locales). Organized by the NGO Foro Ciudades Para la Vida, and with
support from the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID).16 The event was inaugurated by the president of Congress and
ended with a speech made by the First Vice-President of the Legislative
Branch, Henry Paese Garcia, who insisted on the fact that Peru and its
will need to muster much willpower to leave behind the habits of old style
and to advance the renewal of democracy incorporating the decisions of
civil society. This is an example of participatory democracy which is neither
against nor in conflict with representativeness. (Foro 2002, p. 2)
One can see in Henry Garcia’s speech that the PB falls within the context
of a will to leave behind anti-democratic practices moving towards partici-
pation. The incentive to adopt PB on a national scale also had the support
of international institutions, with representatives scheduled to talk at the
Effectively, within the national institutions, the organ that led the proj-
ect was the Ministry of Economics and Finances (MEF). It is a technical
organ, with an agenda aimed at improving the quality of public spending
and fiscal transparency. Since 2002, the MEF had already begun imple-
menting pilot PB experiences in Peru (McNulty 2012, p. 7; Hordijk 2009,
p. 48). According to Stephanie McNulty, it was the MEF that designed
the programme, (2012, p. 7). In 2004, the MEF enacted the norms regu-
lating the application of PB in Peru through the Directorial Resolution
No. 010-2004-EF/76.01, which approves the Instruction for the Revised
Planning Process and Participatory Budgeting (Instructivo para el Proceso
de Planeamento del Desarrollo Concertado y Presupuesto Participativo)
(Propuesta Ciudadana, 2004, unpaged document). The device outlines
the principles behind the revised general planning and the PB, how to
co-ordinate between plans and PB, as well as proposing a system to opera-
tionalize the process.
The transfer of PB to a national scale in Peru is the first experience of
this nature in Latin America. This movement inspired other similar poli-
cies, such as in the Dominican Republic and Ecuador. It is worth men-
tioning that in Senegal, as will be outlined in the chapter on PB diffusion
in Sub-Saharan Africa, the central government authorities considered tak-
ing on a national PB law, even sending out a press release to the media.
country’s history. Auki Tituaña took office in City Hall in 1996, shortly
after the movement he represented had been created, leaving the post
in 2009. The former mayor declared himself a “Quíchua, the age-old
people of Ecuador”.20 Despite his origins, Auki Tituaña has a history of
international circulation that stands out among the indigenous people
of Ecuador.
The former mayor had graduated in Economics in Cuba, where he
had been in 1984, with his wife, who would study Medicine. According
to him, they were both the first to benefit from a scholarship established
between a Quíchua youth organization and the Cuban government. This
programme became an annual possibility in 1986 with the creation of
the Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (Ecuador
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities, CONAIE), fostering univer-
sity graduation for many youths in the movement, while consolidating
relations with the Cuban Communist Party. Besides this, Auki Tituaña was
from an indigenous community, and lived in the urban area, and did not
come from the interior and rural region.
The trip to Cuba characterizes the political standpoint of Auki Tituaña,
who became more familiar with organizational experiences and social par-
ticipation. In his own words:
We had the theoretical foundations for a new society and also the practical
experiences of contrasts between fair social policies […] and the efforts of a
planned economy.21
In Cotacachi, however, there was political will stemming from the gov-
ernmental programme aimed at strengthening democracy. The first step
was taken with the proposal for participatory planning. The mayor took
office in August 1996, and on 11 September, he convened a meeting
between the municipality and its citizens, the First Assembly of Cantonal
Unity. Organized civil society had already implemented, in Cotacachi, the
Unión de Organizaciones Indígenas y Campesinas de Cotacathi (Union
of Peasant and Indigenous Organizations of Cotacachi, UNORCAC).
UNORCAC was created on 19 April 1977, through the leadership of
intellectual indigenous youths in the region, who, in a rural and indig-
enous context, played the role of educators and activists in communities.
Among the members of the organization was Alberto Andrango Bonilla,
the union’s founder (Ortiz Crespo 2004, passim, pp. 67–69), who suc-
ceeded Auki Tituaña in City Hall in Cotacachi in August 2009.23
Alberto Andrango was also of Quíchua origin, and from an early age
was active in defending indigenous rights. An educator and an activ-
ist, he was elected a local Alderman from 1980 to 1984 and, later,
in 1990, in Cotacachi. He was the first indigenous congressman rep-
resenting UNORCAC, where he was president. This mayor was also
vice-president of the National Confederation of Peasant, Negro and
Indigenous Organizations (Fenocin), an important social organization
at a national level connected to Via Campesina, in Latin America, and
connected to the Landless Workers’ Movement in Brazil. Society in
Cotacachi, ever since the 1970s, stood behind the indigenous cause. In
Andrango’s words:
Transferring PB in Cotacachi had its own specific logic. There was not
just the mayor’s political will to implement PB, “importing” it from Porto
Alegre. There were at least two other components. There was mobiliza-
tion of civil society to implement PB, as well as support from international
For Jomar Seballos, the initiative began with organized civil society and
then moving into the government. Yet, he affirms that the experience was
acknowledged through the UMP-LAC and, in particular, through Yves
Cabannes. International co-operation was involved providing support to
several projects in Cotacachi, whether it was with all-encompassing projects
or projects aimed at training and offering capacity-building to civil society.
The Spanish NGO Xarxa de Consum Solidari, for example, offered sup-
port to organizations and had projects allocated to the AUCC, as well as
the UNORCAC.30 This relationship with international co-operation also
meant specific guidelines, because, as Auki Tituaña affirms, “we were also
fighting against co-operation, there were many pro-assistance people, they
wanted to impose their rules on us”.31 While international co-operation
can help train civil society and public administration, it is also marked by
tense relations between the two parties: international agencies, on the one
hand, and NGOs and local governments, on the other.
Mayor Auki Tituaña was at the helm of the executive branch when PB
was implemented. Cotacachi’s international path had already opened up
when it won the first award for “good practices” in urban management,
given by UN-Habitat in 2000 by Dubai city in the United Arab Emirates.
According to Auki Tituaña, it was Jaime Vásconez and Yves Cabannes
who told him about the award, suggesting the city run for it.32 For Jaime
Vásconez, there was a lot of scepticism concerning the award, because
most thought that such a small city would find it difficult to compete on
an international level. Vásconez recalls how the process went:
We told him and encouraged the idea that the city become a candidate [for
the Dubai award]. […] I recall that when the possibility of Cotacachi as a
candidate was mentioned, Yves [Cabannes] had no intention of putting in a
bid. For the same reason of the size [of the city], it could not compete at a
worldwide level. And I insisted on putting in a bid, mostly due to my local
chauvinism. […] So, we put in a bid to become a candidate and we were
surprised they won.33
PB came about after AUCC’s initial success. This was an element that
was aimed at accelerating and reaching social participation in Cotacachi.
Auki Tituaña’s ideology insisted on the importance of organizing society.
There is a conversation between Auki Tituaña and Raul Pont which was
related by the former and shows us the dimension of the ideology behind
the transfer process:
We had heard something about the experience in Porto Alegre and Raul
Pont. However, we wanted to work with citizenship when managing every-
thing that is administration. Because budgets are a tool to basically make
projects feasible, prioritizing works and other things. […] Nevertheless, in
all the societies throughout Latin America and Europe, the actors are simply
voters every four years and they had no protagonism in their own destinies.
We believed in the need for strong social organization. Because, there may
be a budget, like now we have oil coming in from several sources. However,
it is badly invested. […] We worked hard on social organization to cre-
ate a fabric, a strong organization. I’ve always said, there may be money,
but without social organization, we are not very objective as managers and
administrators. There may be no money, but if you have social organization,
there may be larger benefits for a community or society, so it was due to this
focus that we first worked on citizen participation.34
With Raúl [Pont] we talked about our experiences. […] I was always the leader
of this process without monopolizing spaces, as I told you, my commitment
was, my conscience was, to share the administrative responsibility with society
as well as the political power. […] Together with Gerard Burgwal and Rodica
Meyers and our friends we worked on a municipal project, which had a social
component, because we were the brains behind it all. […] This relationship
with the external agents, NGOs and investigation centres brought important
elements. Yves [Cabannes], especially, knew about the experience in Porto
Alegre, the experience in Villa El Salvador in Peru and he transmitted, shared
his ideal that applying this idea in Cotacachi, applying this exercise could also
qualify the process and the experience. So he encouraged us, because we were
reflecting on establishing the experience of citizen participation.36
Building the model was influenced by the three actors previously men-
tioned. Travels for training were organized, and seminars and consulta-
We monitored the process almost from the beginning, when we were in the
Urban Management Program, which had a regional office here. There was
a debate over whether if it was convenient to support or not such a small
municipality, so fragile, so apparently outside of the perspectives and strate-
gies or whether if it was a waste a time. We began with very specific sup-
port for a part that was experimented with in the Assembly of the Cantonal
Unity. […] We instilled solid support to help children take part and this was
the starting point […] in 98, 99.37
Auki’s [Tituaña] struggle was truly incredible, because a city of that size
would hardly ever have weight within the international context, but it
arrived with extraordinary hierarchy and strength. And furthermore […]
with a rather contemporary vision, an interesting vision of reality. So two
or three years later, it seemed that they decided to implement Participatory
Budgeting in 2000.38
The achievements and the international acclaim meant the mayor at that
time had to travel extensively, because he was receiving invitations from all
over. At the same time, Cotacachi was receiving a lot of visitors from other
countries.39 This small municipality co-ordinated an important Common
Project, within the scope of Network-9 from the URB-AL programme,
which was entitled “Impacts on Participatory Budgeting in multi-ethnic
and pluri-cultural cities” in partnership with the municipalities of Azores
(Ecuador) and Samaniego (Colombia)40 from Latin America, and the
CIGU, as an external member, as well as the municipalities of Anderlecht
(Belgium), Pont de Calaix (France) and Periferia (Belgium), from Europe,
as outside partners. The international recognition of the PB in Cotacachi
based on the results at the beginning of the process was surprising. This
was a small city in Ecuador, with very few resources, but this did not stop
it from competing with the large municipalities or from winning presti-
gious international awards.
The binding nature of the provision makes PB obligatory for all munici-
palities and establishes political and administrative sanctions for those that
do not apply the law. The effect after creating this law was the extensive
diffusion of PB in Ecuador, and the long-term consequences shall only be
assessed in years to come.
There were multiple dynamics that helped diffuse PB in the Andes and they
worked to create a tight overlap between local, national and international
plans. The comparison of Villa El Salvador and Cotacachi revealed some
similarities, even though their contexts were different. Villa El Salvador
and Cotacachi had a type of “participatory culture” prior to implement-
ing PB. The former had an accumulated experience throughout the years
of self-management, whereas the latter had the Mingas and the AUCC,
which presented this characteristic. Both cases are representative of the
first generation of PB transfers in the Andes and became internationally
famous for their experiences. The aim of this chapter was to reveal the
diffusion path so as to show the complex process in which individuals and
institutions (domestic and foreign) came together to establish how PB
would be adopted at a local level and how to transfer it to a national scale.
The action of individuals was a determining factor in adopting PB, at a
local and international level, and institutional mediation was the key ele-
ment. In Villa El Salvador, Michel Azcueta inaugurated and promoted the
topic of participation, and Martin Pumar did adopt PB, inspired by the
experience in Porto Alegre. NGOs, such as DESCO, helped the process in
Villa El Salvador. In the case of Cotacachi, Auki Tituaña was important in
transferring the model, and mobilizing civil society was crucial.
In both cases, adopting PB was mediated by the UMP-LAC. Yves
Cabannes’ efforts in guiding local authorities as well as fostering connec-
tions between individuals and Latin American institutions were key. The
co-ordinator at the UMP-LAC was an “ambassador for PB”. In his turn,
in the case of the national transfer in Peru, Becerra, the former mayor of
Ilo, moving from the local institution to a national institution seemed to
be in favour of the law, taking on the role of an “Ambassador” of PB as
The circulation of individuals, both internationally and internally, at
different levels of the State (local/national) was a mechanism used in Peru
to facilitate the transfer to a national scale by adopting the PB law. In
Peru, the national transfer was benefitted by renewed politics, a mecha-
nism that helped replace members of national government, after the fall
of Fujimori. Within this context, the possibility was created to introduce
political innovation in times of “crisis” when corruption scandals sur-
rounded the government. Ecuador also experienced this mechanism in
action, which was employed when there was a change in State politics,
with the Constitutional Reform, which allowed PB to become a law and
to be constitutionalized.
Organizing events helped build and expand networks in both the
cases studied. The events were important as they intensified networking,
helping build relations created with municipalities, which facilitated the
exchange of several ideas and technology for participatory governance
present in Latin America. Villa El Salvador was the stage in 2000 for the
first International Meeting on Participatory Democracy, with the aid of
the UMP-LAC. In the Peruvian case, an important event was also identi-
fied in the transfer on a national scale, in which the NGO Foro Ciudades
por la Vida was key in organizing the event, which included the voices and
the efforts that fostered the creation of the national law.
International institutions’ external scanning associated with the con-
struction of a prestigious image through awards for important experiences
were important. In fact, the international awards turned the two cases into
examples and highlighted the idea of PB. Cotacachi, for example, became
a benchmark in multi-ethnic and pluri-cultural PB. International co-oper-
ation also collaborated to highlight the experiences and to keep them run-
ning. Besides this, they helped strengthen the experiences, making them
more international. The relations with co-operation programmes, as well
as financing received from international institutions, such as the URB-AL
programme, in the case of Cotacachi, made it easier to disseminate the
experience and the presence of resources.
In addition to the international institutions, State institutions were key.
The MEF in Peru which produced the PB model for the country outlined
the means for co-ordination with the levels of planning. Peru’s leader-
ship was also employed, as it was the world pioneer in making PB a law.
Ecuador, and other cases in Latin America, took this same route inspired
by the Peruvian experience.
The mechanism for coercive induction, by means of the national law,
increased the uptake of PB in this region. The new law in Peru gave rise
to more than 1800 experiences. In Ecuador, which had already recorded a
certain number of experiences in 2009,42 with the enacted law, all munici-
palities were to adopt it. With this institutionalized mechanism, it is highly
likely that the Andean region would record the highest concentration of
experiences in the world. With such a high number of experiences located
in a geographical context within the Andean Mountains, the main chal-
lenge now is to maintain the quality of the PB and to keep them running
1. In Spanish, the word “villa” refers to a small town or community.
2. Cesar Fernandez Juñez, 1971, available at http://www.amigos-
devilla.it/Documentos/Doc001.htm, Accessed in August 2013.
3. Interview, Villa El Salvador, 2013.
4. Interview, Villa El Salvador, 2013.
5. Interview, Lima, 2013.
6. Interview, Villa El Salvador, 2013.
7. Interview, Villa El Salvador, 2013.
8. Interview, Villa El Salvador, 2013.
9. Excerpt from Martin Pumar’s declaration (PGU-ALC, 2001, s/p).
10. Interview, Villa El Salvador, 2013.
11. Ibid.
12. Interview, Villa El Salvador, 2013.
13. The work groups were, respectively, (1) participatory mechanisms
for locals: administrating territory and specific issues; (2) municipal
relations with other players, such as the State and the private initia-
tive; (3) budgeting techniques: financial aspects, criteria for grant-
ing resources, setting up indicators; (4) the legal and normative
boundaries (PGU-ALC, 2001, s/p).
14. Interview, Villa El Salvador, 2013.
15. http://www.congreso.gob.pe/congresista/2001/eherrera/cur-
16. US governmental agency for international development.
17. Four working groups were held: (1) Agenda 21 and PB; (2) PB
Guidebook; (3) National normative mark; (4) Proposal for orden-
ing PB.
18. Age-old indigenous principles for a good government and the
motto for participatory governance during the Auki Tituaña
19. Reference year for our analysis documents.
20. Interview, Cotacachi, 2012.
21. Ibid.
22. Ibid.
23. Interview, Cotacachi, 2012. See also Santiago Ortiz Crespo, 2004,
p. 67 and UNORCAC: http://unorcac.nativeweb.org/somos.
html. Accessed on 1 July 2013.
24. Ibid.
25. Interview, ibid.
26. Interview, Quito, 2012.
27. Cf. Records from databank on awards from Dubai UN-Habitat
consulted on 9 September 2012: http://www.unhabitat.org/bp/
28. Interview, Cotacachi, 2012.
29. Interview, Cotacachi, 2012.
30. During field research, several records were found from many inter-
national institutions with projects in Cotacachi, such as Action Aid,
Oxfam Italia, US-AID, the World Bank and DED, among others.
31. Interview, Cotacachi, 2012.
32. Interview, ibid.
33. Interview, Quito, 2012.
34. Interviews, ibid.
35. We borrowed the term from Catherine Neveu, 2006.
36. Interviews, ibid.
37. Interviews, ibid.
38. Interviews, ibid.
39. Interviews, ibid.
40. The official document of the project includes the Samaniego
municipality in the project, but it is not included in the case stud-
ies, where Rosário (Argentina) is included. There is proof that the
Colombian city was replaced with the Argentine city in the
41. Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador.
42. In a report from the UN-Habitat in 2009, there were close to 30
experiences till date (UN-Habitat 2009, p. 25).
Ampuero, N. P. (1997). Gobierno local, cidadania e izquierda en Lima
Metropolitana: Independencia y Villa El Salvador. In C. R. Balbi (Ed.), Lima:
aspiraciones, reconoscimiento y cidadania en los noventa (pp. 135–164). Lima:
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
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Echegaray, G. C., & Marulanda, L. (2001). Desarrollo Local con Gestión
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Papers, No. 09, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies.
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Foro. (2002). Ciudades para la vida: la agenda 21 en marcha. No. 7. Lima,
pp. 1–10.
Hordjik, M. (2002). Participatory Budgeting in Villa El Salvador. PLA Notes, 44
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Hordjik, M. (2005, April). Participatory Governance in Peru: Exercising
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Opportunities for Change. The Open Urban Studies Journal, (2), 43–55.
McNulty, S. (2012). An Unlikely Success: Peru’s Top-Down Participatory
Budgeting Experience. Journal of Public Deliberation, 8(2), 1–19.
Meyers, R. (2005). Cotacachi – Presupuesto Participativo: Manual. Quito: Argudo
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Ortiz, S. O. (2004). Cotacachi: una apuesta por la democracia participativa.
Flasco: Quito.
Programa de Gestão Urbana. (2001). I Seminário Internacional sobre o Orçamento
Participativo. Quito, s/p.
Propuesta Ciudadana. (2004). Documento de trabajo N. 3: Marco Legal del
Presupuesto Participativo. Documento eletrônico, s/p.
Villa El Salvador. (2002). Plan Integral de Desarrollo al 2010: Presupuesto
Participativo 200-2002. Villa El Salvador, 28 p.
On arriving in Africa, PB was already at an advanced stage of the interna-
tional process of circulation. It is possible to mark the Africities Summit
edition, which was held in Yaoundé in Cameroon in 2003, as the first
landmark in the introduction of PB in Africa. This was a huge meeting
of local authorities in the region. At that moment, 14 years had passed
since the start of the experience in Porto Alegre and 7 years since the
United Nations (UN) had awarded PB as a “Best Practice”, and the
World Social Forum (WSF) was heading for its fourth edition. Moreover,
in 2003, Network-9 of the URB-AL programme of the European Union
had been approved and its activities were to be started the following year.
When it arrived on the African continent, PB had already been legiti-
mated and recognized by the world, and we find ourselves in the inter-
nationalization process, more precisely in the phase which we label as
spillover and at a moment when mass diffusion, as described in Chap. 5,
was taking place.
The Africities Summit occurs triennially and brings together a large
number of regional local authorities and also features the presence of
authorities from other continents. In the seventh edition of the event
in 2012, in Dakar, in Senegal, the experiences of PB had increased to
a surprising extent. Over the period of a decade, out of the few ongo-
ing practices at the moment of the Yaoundé conference in 2003, there
moted PB, organized and offered training for regional teams, thus facili-
tating and inducing the process of adoption of this device.
A group of individuals “sowed the seed” of the PB experience on the
continent at the start of the 2000s. The overwhelming expansion of PB
occurred, however, thanks to the action of international institutions and
a range of regional catalysts. The transfers on the African continent pre-
sented diverse peculiarities in relation to the Latin American experiences.
The differences are not only in institutional terms or of civil society, but
with respect to actors and transference processes, as we shall see through-
out the chapter.
A range of mechanisms operating in the process of diffusion of PB
in Sub-Saharan Africa have been identified. The mechanism of transla-
tion shows itself while PB takes on a more technical than political nature.
Induction and co-operation are mechanisms which operated in an overlap-
ping manner as international resources of co-operation are indispensable
to the experiences of PB to be initiated. Networking occurred visibly in
international events when African teams met Brazilian teams and took PB
to their countries among other actions. Training, in the end, had a crucial
element as Africa relied on a few teams of specialists in PB to implement
the experiences. For this reason, as the number of specialists increased, the
possibility for replication also increased.
Diffusion in Africa represents a crucial stage in the process of the inter-
national circulation of PB, not only because it had widespread repercus-
sions on the continent, but also owing to the fact that it has a tendency
to increase. This process was inserted in the second generation of the
expansion of PBs which emerged after the Latin American and European
experiences and is concomitant with the proliferation of this participatory
governance policy in Asia.
This chapter has two propositions: to be monographic and to be ana-
lytical. It is monographic in describing the process of diffusion of PB in
Sub-Saharan Africa and where research is scarce in international literature.
It is also analytical in reconstructing the process of international diffusion
of PB in the region, from 2003 extending up to 2012. First, the regional
movement will be presented, and then pass to illustrative cases of punctual
transfers, respectively in South Africa, Madagascar and Mozambique. The
cases are selected in such a way as to illustrate the process of transfer to
Lusophone, Francophone and Anglophone Africa.
The Africities event was an important space for the diffusion of PB among
other public policies in the region. The event was essentially a regional
meeting of local authorities,10 but it crossed paths with other global-scale
events such the World Urban Forum already mentioned. The first edi-
tion of Africities occurred in 1997 and is held every three years. With the
emergence of a regional branch of UCLG in Africa (UCLGA) Africities
began to progressively increase in size. Africities is a gateway of PB in the
African region.11
The meeting in Yaoundé, in 2003, according to Jean Pierre Elong
M’Bassi, secretary-general of UCLGA,12 was an initial reference point
for the process of diffusion of PB. In his words, “it was on this occasion
that young African mayors aspired to create closer ties with society and
decide to adopt PB”.13 There is a link between the African summit and
the World Urban Forum. In 2004, in the Barcelona edition, “a network
of academics, NGOs and municipalities” held a session on the theme of
PB.14 The World Urban Forum comes through the UN-Habitat and has
the objective of maintaining debates on the themes of interest of collective
territories which are priorities on the agenda of this institution. It is worth
noting that 2004 was an intense year for international actions in relation
to PB. In Barcelona, there was not only the World Urban Forum, but
also a meeting of the FLA which, in that year, moved from Porto Alegre
and from the WSF, as described in Chap. 4. 2004, local representatives of
Benin, Ivory Coast and Tanzania attended the FLA meeting.
Differently from the Habitat I (Vancouver, 1976) and II (Istanbul,
1996) events, the World Urban Forum opens up to events proposed by
Note: The main table on PB had between 150 and 200 participants
Counting on the participation 155 participants from Europe, the United States, Latin America and
Africa. Source: IOPDA
Source: Authors’ development based on information collected through field research, analysis of docu-
ments and from Sintomer et al. (2012)
Social Forum in Porto Alegre. Belo Horizonte was already known for its
importance and, as was stated, there was also in a project which had the
participation of the World Bank, the idea was to establish an African net-
work of Participatory Budgeting, therefore I was also there to share the
experience of the Brazilian network and help with the structuring of the
network for African Participatory Budgeting. […] So we went there to
this seminar in Durban in about 2008 or 2009, […] it was a really impor-
tant space to establish projects of co-operation. Again, the city of Belo
Horizonte with other cities [was] already in the world, Maputo emerged
from this movement in a project for international bilateral co-operation
between Belo Horizonte and Maputo, […] with the result of this project
of co-operation we launched a guide called, Step-by-Step Guidebook for
Participatory Budgeting, […] the idea was not to have a little model but as
a reflection for other municipalities who wished to implement Participatory
Budgeting, what they should consider or, anyway, reflect on before starting
their processes.18
The difference between Africités and the Durban Workshop was that, in
this case, the event was specifically about PB. The dimension of technical
training was present at this meeting, which had shown the first results
of partnerships on PB in Africa and created new transnational co-opera-
tion between this continent and Latin America. The accord between the
mayor’s office of Belo Horizonte and the municipality of Maputo for
the transfer of knowledge on PB and the relations established with the
Brazilian Network of Participatory Budgeting emerged in this event.19
This meeting marked the trajectory of PB in the region, created new
agendas of co-operation and showed the pathway for participation and
its importance.
The signing of protocols of co-operation, the involvement of new part-
ners and the legitimation of practices are elements which all contributed to
the process. In Africa, the main events were successive editions of Africities
and the workshop promoted by MDP-ESA with the support of the World
Bank and other financial institutions. However, a range of sub-regional
and global events held on the continent also occurred throughout the
process and contributed to the diffusion in different ways. Some examples
are the edition of the WSF in Nairobi and the FLA which followed it,
working as propagators, considering the scale of the event and its proxim-
ity to the ideas of PB.
The actions of the World Bank in Sub-Saharan Africa also follow wider
agendas and count on regional offices as supporting institutions.25 Part
of the actions of this institution in the promotion of PB is carried out in
regions where there are already ongoing projects. PB is, in these contexts,
out by one or a small group of specialists over the years. These operated
as direct propagators or technical trainers. In certain cases, the action of
institutions is strongly oriented by its director, making it difficult to dis-
tinguish responsibility for actions (individual or institutional). In effect,
sometimes institutions ceased to exist as in the case of the UMP-LAC, but
individuals continued its action, very often throughout other institutions.
In the interview with Jaime Vásconez, the role of the CIGU in relation
to PB in Sub-Saharan Africa clearly emerges, as we can observe in the fol-
lowing excerpt:
The interviewee also reported that he could bring together funding from
different sources, such as the UN, the European Union and the Canadian
co-operation in order to promote a PB transfer process internally in
Matam in Senegal, as well as in nine other municipalities of the coun-
try. Specialists from institutions from outside of Africa, such as CIGU, in
Ecuador, analysed in Chap. 6, and the In Loco association, from Portugal,
were also important in the training and capacity-building of specialists in
Africa. Jaime Vázcones and Yves Cabannes (when CIGU did not exist),
from the accumulated knowledge with the UMP and URB-AL, offered
technical support to the first generations of experiences in Africa. Their
work was continued after that from these catalyser institutions. For his
part, Nelson Dias, from In Loco, contributed to the introduction of PB in
Cape Verde and to the redefinition of PB in Maputo.
7.3.1 Fissel
The process of decentralization in Senegal is a crucial element in the emer-
gence of PB in the country. In contradiction to the majority of African
countries which developed legal structures for decentralization in recent
times, Senegal started this process in 1972 and in this sense is an excep-
tion on the continent. The creation of rural communities goes back to the
1970s and occurred progressively over a period of almost ten years. The
policy of decentralization opened up space for citizen participation (Gaye
2005). The rural community of Fissel was one of the first to be established
in the country.
In 2003 two experiences of PB in Senegal were launched: Fissel and
Ndiaganiao. Fissel is located in the region of Thies, about 100 km from
Dakar. The rural community is composed of 28 small villages and close
to 34,000 inhabitants. Particular to the Senegalese context, Fissel has a
long tradition of social mobilization being, for example, the place where
the first community radio emerged in 1996 (Sintomer et al. 2012, p. 48),
developed by grassroots organizations.32 Prior to the implementation of
PB, there had already been a programme to strengthen citizen participa-
tion in 2001 (Gaye 2005, p. 1). PB was introduced through the local
NGO Innovation Environnement Développement Afrique (IED) as part
of a partnership between the Institut International pour l’Environnement
et Développement (IIED), in the programme “Réussir la décentraliza-
tion” (Achieve decentralization), for a range of countries in the arid region
of West Africa.
The initiative came from local civil society via an organization called
Communitary Group for Development (Regroupement Communautaire
pour le Développement, Recodef), which requested the evaluation of the
participation of citizens in the process of decentralization and local devel-
opment (Gaye 2008, p. 10). The technical side was developed by IED,
which operationalized the implementation of PB (between 2003–2004).
The transfer happened independently. The experience in Fissel became
important in the Senegalese context because, as well as being pioneering,
it is a case in which PB is implemented in a rural community.
7.3.3 Maputo
According to the World Bank, the colonial legacy left institutions with
little capacity to function, with a fragile organizational structure and little
infrastructure. This scenario saw relative improvement over the period of
ten years, in terms of the quality of local governance (World Bank 2009).
Mozambique is one of the African countries with a large urban popula-
tion, with 36 % of people living in cities and an expected growth to 60 %
by 2030 (United Nation, apud World Bank 2009). The budget for munic-
ipalities is also limited and not sufficient to supply services and activities
under its remit, and equal an average of US$12 per capita.
PB entered Mozambique with experiences to the north of Maputo,
one of which is the city of Dondo in the Beira region. International co-
operation had created mechanisms to stimulate the expansion of PBs in the
country. Swiss and German co-operation, for example, made significant
efforts in this sense.37 It is worth noting that the German co-operation
did not work in a homogeneous manner in all countries but, instead, pri-
oritized projects according to regions and interests. Their action for PB
was strong in Mozambique, but not necessarily a priority in South Africa.
PB was introduced in Maputo by Enéas Comiche, economist and rep-
resentative of the Liberation Front of Mozambique (FRELIMIO), who
was elected mayor of the municipality in 2003. There are two domi-
nant parties in Mozambique whose origins derive from the Mozambican
civil war which took place between 1976 and 1992. One of them is
FRELIMO, which is in the presidency of the country and the other is the
National Mozambican Resistance (RENAMO). Comiche had already, at
the start of the 1990s, been minister for finance and, formerly, president
of the administrative council of the International Bank of Mozambique.
When Comiche entered the mayor’s office of Maputo, there was already
in his plan for governance a wider project for the implementation of a
participatory policy: PROMAPUTO. PB was in the municipal strategy
and, in 2008, was implemented, strongly inspired by the model from
Porto Alegre.38
Since 2004, the mayor had aspired to widen dialogue with society via
diverse channels. At the time, there were already meetings and visits from
the head of municipal executive to citizens, meetings with different social
groups (economic, political and social), popular rallies and public hearings
for citizen. The introduction of channels for participation reached its peak
with PROMAPUTO in 2008. PB was implemented with a central team
of between 5–7 strongly motivated people, but without much technical
experience in the area of participatory governance, which created difficul-
ties for planning and construction of the participatory device in the long
Implementation was top-down or, rather, coming from a political ini-
tiative in the municipality, which maintained widespread power over PB
and led the process. In its preparatory phase, delegations from Maputo
undertook journeys for training in PB. Among the first was a trip to Porto
Alegre. One of the teams from the municipal government involved in
PB took part in a training workshop in Porto Alegre, promoted by the
World Bank in 2006. The journeys for training contributed to develop
the first version of PB in Maputo. The model of PB in Maputo was in the
words of its team members “very ambitious” at the start.39 Following a
political change with a new Mayor, PB was interrupted in Maputo without
completing the planned work (Nguenha, undated document, 9).40 From
the difficulties which emerged with PB and the impasse created by the
municipal government, the World Bank began a project to give continuity
to PB. The model of the tool used in Maputo was revised from 2010 with
the assistance of external consultants, in particular the In Loco expertise,
and has resumed its activities.
7.3.4 Makhado
In my heart I believe in PB.
Staff member from international co-operation
In South Africa, the first democratic elections for local governors hap-
pened in 1994. Characterized by the legacy of the apartheid regime, social
participation was limited. From the 2000s, a new system of budgeting and
planning was implemented at a local level, it was uniform and mandatory
and named “Integrated Development Planning” under the “Municipal
Systems Act” (MSA). The progressive evolution of this normative device
produced years later the introduction of a system which defined both bud-
geting and planning in annual cycles (Smith 2004).
In drawing up legislation for local governors in post-apartheid South
Africa, a range of methods such as the 1996 Constitution and the
“Municipal Finance Act” (2003) foresaw participation of communities in
subjects of public interest, in general, being obligatory in budgeting, in
particular, (Smith 2004, p. 17). The municipalities, however, promoted
participation in budgeting in a variety of forms. Moreover, according
to Terence Smith (2004), the problems of participation were diverse,
pality. Mike Makwela recalls hearing specialists like George Matovu and
Giovanni Allegretti discussing the best way to implement PB in Makhado:
The project happened over three phases: first the preparatory, second the
implementation and third the evaluation. The first phase consisted essen-
tially in designing a model of PB, which transformed a simplified version
of the model from Porto Alegre. In addition to design, there was also a
process of training leaders on PB, which included a copy of a manual “The
Implementation Handbook and the Facilitator Guide” (Good Goverance
Learning Network 2012, p. 90).
PB did not become embedded in Makhado. After a political change of
the mayor, in the local government, the experience stagnated. The des-
tiny of PB in Makhado is still uncertain today.44 Despite the suspension
of PB in the interviews conducted in South Africa and in the documents
examined, the reports presented were that the experience was performing
well. The case of Makhado reveals that political will was the determining
element for the experiment to enter into an impasse.
The first evidence of PB in Africa goes back to the meeting of Africités
and, in particular, the event in Yaoundé in 2003. The same year, the
national law in Peru was approved. The WSF was in its third edition.
In Latin America, in general, there were different experiences of PB and
international events on the theme were frequent. In Europe, a range of
pioneering cities had adopted PB and transnational networks were already
advocating the theme as Radically Democratize Democracy (RDD). The
UMP-LAC again performed a fundamental role in organizing, together
with other institutions, a panel in Africités in Yaoundé, connecting Latin
American and African local authorities.
ments were trained to work with PB, it increased the possibilities of imple-
menting the experience. Training occurred in international workshops,
many of which were financed by the UN or the World Bank, with the
support of other agencies of international co-operation as happened in the
workshop in Durban in South Africa. The training helped take PB to the
centre of Africa and also to Mozambique and Madagascar. The case of the
NGO SAHA is illustrative in this respect.
The local and regional institutions in which specialists are rooted
and also international institutions are important catalysts for securing
funds and promoting meetings. International organizations and agen-
cies of co-operation are important for directly financing experiences of
PB. International co-operation and induction through financing or incen-
tives are indispensable elements. External financing is fundamental and
was present in many cases in the region. In the case of ONU-Habitat, the
action of one individual in Nairobi was pivotal: Rafael Tuts, who launched
co-operation with CIGU and promoted a range of training events in rela-
tion to PB. The World Bank was also involved in activities of meetings and
training. In this case, André Herzog was the individual involved in these
actions. The World Bank still pushed forward pilot projects in a variety of
municipalities in certain cases as in Madagascar, associating it with other
institutions, with Swiss co-operation and the NGO SAHA. Moreover,
producing technical material facilitated transfers, as presented with the
training manuals for Francophone and Anglophone Africa.
Translation also operated in Sub-Saharan Africa. PB took on a predom-
inantly technical rather than political nature in the region, in the sense of
radicalizing democracy. The idea underpinning PB in Sub-Saharan Africa
coincided with an appropriate technical instrument to modernize public
administration through “good governance” and this translated in a form
of management of public resources, which included population, allowing
transparency on public spending and leading to confidence in political
institutions. Experiences of radicalization of democracy were not traced.
The case of Fissel, in Senegal, is somehow deviant, insofar as its purpose
of transforming society; it had already had an important experience with
community radio and it also received technical support from local NGOs.
The technical tendency of PB can be associated with the presence of inter-
national co-operation in most of the experiences and the lack of local
authorities acting as “ambassadors of PB”.
Sub-Saharan Africa brings together a body of solid experiences. The
arrival of PB in Africa completes a triangular movement that started in
1. Madagascar, for example, aspired to expand PB to 300
2. Excerpt from an interview with an international consultant in rela-
tion to the proposal for PB in North Africa.
3. Two studies produced by GTZ and the World Bank respectively
conducting a study and summary of PB in the African region
(Sintomer et al. 2012; Shall 2005).
4. Interview, Dakar, 2012.
5. Speech of the Malagasy delegation at Africités and interviews car-
ried out in Dakar in 2012.
6. Interviews carried out in Dakar in 2012. See equally, World Bank:
budgeting-an-experience-in-good-governance. Consulted in October
7. Intervention with Hellen Nyawaira Muchunu (Regional co-
ordinator of NTA) at Africités in Dakar in 2012; interview with
Jules Dumas (ASSOAL) carried out in Dakar in 2012.
8. Interviews, Dakar, 2012.
9. Interview, Belen, 2009.
10. Africités is not exclusively aimed at local authorities but also brings
together diverse political opinions such as those of ministers, rep-
resentatives of associations of civil society, teams from international
organizations, journalists, academics and the private sector.
11. There still exist networks operating on the continent and recent
experiences of PB, sustained by international co-operation.
12. UCLGA is an association of sub-national governments, created
with the aim of serving as spokesperson of African local govern-
ments in the defence of their interests. Its creation took place at the
beginning of the 2000s, from the fusion of three associations of
local collectives, respectively, African Union of Local Authorities
(AULA), Union des Villes Africaines (UVA) and the African sec-
Africités. (2012). 6th Summit Africities: Evaluation of the Africities Process and
Monitoring of Recommendations. United Cities and Local Governments of
Dias, N. (Coord.). (2013). Esperança democrática: 25 anos de Orçamentos
Participativos no Mundo. Lisbon: Ed. Associação In Loco.
Gaye, B. (2005). Décentralisation et participation citoyenne: Évaluation participa-
tive de la décentralisations et amélioration de la transparence budgétaire. IIED.
Gaye, B. (2008). Le Budget Participatif en Pratique: Un guide pratique destiné aux
acteurs locaux. IED.
Good Governance Learning Network. (2012). Putting Participation at the Heart
of Development/Putting Development at the Heart of Participation: A Civil
Society Perspective on Local Governance in South Africa. South Africa: The State
of Local Governance Publication.
Gruenewald, L., & Smith, T. (2011). GGA Sector Network Conference. GIZ
Presentation. 27.10.2011, Maputo.
Kanouté, B. (2013). OP: visão geral, ganhos e desafios de um processo de pro-
moção da cidadania e construção da democracia. Local em África. In N. Dias
(Coord.), Esperança democrática: 25 anos de Orçamentos Participativos no
Mundo (pp. 77–86). Lisbon: Ed. Associação In Loco.
Conclusions and Implications
the process, as well as those mechanisms which either facilitate or, on the
contrary, constrain diffusion.
the start of the decade. In this region, specialists such as Bachir Kanouté
or Jules Dumas functioned as operators of transfers, not only for PB but
also in offering technical assistance and training to teams. This signifies
that without the action of motivated and determined individuals to pro-
mote PB, it would not have achieved the same outcomes in the process of
international diffusion. In the World Bank, the presence of André Herzog
was central to stimulating South–South co-operation in respect to PB in
Institutional agency, in turn, can be recognized by tracing the experi-
ences, legitimating them, financing them and inducing the adoption of
PB. This agency is revealed in actions from the EU, through the subsidies
it offered to municipalities with the URB-AL programme. This interna-
tional public policy put into practice by the EU contributed to consolidat-
ing relations, producing know-how and exchanges between Europe and
Latin America, as well as forming new teams, consolidating and legiti-
mating PB. The World Bank, with projects of co-operation, stimulated
the transfer of PB between Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa. The
organization of events and workshops allowed teams to come together
from both continents. Meanwhile, the most significant programmes of the
World Bank in South Kivu, Madagascar and Maputo were indispensable in
introducing or reinforcing PB in these countries through direct financing.
The individual and institutional agencies complemented each other
over the process stimulating the international diffusion of PB. It is impor-
tant to note how this complex web of actors and institutions is intercon-
nected, circulating and intersecting in more than one continent. There
are individuals and institutions which operate over three continents, while
others operate in their own regions. The city of Porto Alegre is, to a large
extent, a great hub, the point where individuals and institutions meet.
We have intersections between CIGU in Ecuador, on the one hand, and
Enda-Ecopop in Senegal, on the other. Similarly, we can note the meeting
between RDD in France, Solidarity in Brazil and ASSOAL in Cameroon.
nism is to identify “forces” which, when they come into action, facili-
tate the way to produce determined outcomes. The intervention of these
mechanisms is of greater or lesser intensity according to the case, scale of
diffusion (local, regional, global) and circumstances. At the end of each
chapter, the mechanisms which stood out in the process and whose action
accelerated diffusion were highlighted.
Construction, understood as an abstract process, was one of the mecha-
nisms which operated in various cases, especially in the Brazilian experi-
ences with Porto Alegre which were the most emblematic. The city of
Porto Alegre established an image as a capital of participatory democracy,
which not only attracted actors to find inspiration from their model, but
also contributed to making it recognized around the world. The mecha-
nism of external scanning occurs systematically. In fact, the international
organizations sought successful experiences, which could be replicated in
other contexts. PB was one of these and the UN, as well as the World
Bank, was involved in this type of action. Besides that the pioneering activ-
ity of Porto Alegre made it a leader, so that other municipalities were
inspired by its experience, leading to a mechanism of “follow the leader”.
International co-operation between individuals and institutions was
also a decisive mechanism. In the case of the RDD, activists and local
authorities worked together to promote PB in the French context and, to
a lesser extent, in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa, with particular attention
to Francophone countries (i.e. Senegal and Cameroon). Co-operation is
also important to the extent that it does not limit the transfer only to
the efforts of individual actors in the promotion of a cause. In fact, co-
operation also takes an institutionalized shape when it evolves into trans-
fer of financial resources for the same policy transfers. The projects of
co-operation from the EU, such as URB-AL, and those put into practice
by the World Bank fostered the circulation of PB between Latin America
and Europe, on the one hand, and sub-Saharan Africa, on the other.
The mechanism of technical capacity-building of teams also favoured
international diffusion. To the extent to which projects of co-operation
increased, new specialists trained in PB also increased, and they were
capable of reproducing it in their own institutions, cities and countries
of work.
The flux of PB in this wide variety of contexts and institutions would
not have been possible without the different translations of this device. The
written instruments (books, manuals, reports etc.) were translated into
different languages, from Portuguese to French, and to Italian, for exam-
ple. Moreover, its content was also translated absorbing different mean-
ings, from a device capable of radicalizing democracy to an instrument
capable of increasing municipal “good governance”. The multiples com-
ing and going between idioms and meanings were indispensable mecha-
nisms to facilitate and accelerate the process of diffusion. Networking is
also a mechanism which is systematically present in the process. The action
of connecting people is almost an obligatory passage to the circulation of
ideas and techniques on PB.
Carrying out interviews and observation focused on the individu-
als who participated in international diffusion allows the identification
of movements and unique actions of actors throughout the process.
Individual circulation, whether between institutions of the same country,
through political renovation, or between international institutions or dif-
ferent countries, was the mechanism which facilitated diffusion. The case
of transfer on a national scale in Peru is illustrative in this respect. In fact,
mayors who implemented PB in their municipalities were later elected
to Congress, and there—within this institution—they continued promot-
ing this policy. The Peruvian case not only reveals the operation of this
mechanism, but also highlights the influence of institutional induction.
The creation of normative devices, such as national laws which prompted
municipalities to carry out PB, is an important mechanism to increase the
scale of PB. Induction also has its origins on the international level, when
international organizations encourage municipalities to adopt PB in their
manual, directly financing experiences, or in contracts, where they put a
condition of adopting PB to the concession of credit.
The identification of mechanisms is an analytical task which helps the
researcher to better understand the dynamics of taking up a process and
how these unfold in different circumstances. Mechanisms are entities
understood by the researcher. In this book, a range of mechanisms were
developed to analyse PB diffusion.
tives cases of PB, that is, where the following question has still not been
answered: what happened with PB, in certain cases, for it not to be suc-
cessful? Understanding the process of diffusion can be the key to impor-
tant material to advance this open question in the field of studies of PB.
PB received great attention in the field of social sciences, generating
many case studies and few comparisons. Among the case studies, the cases
of success and those that became emblematic were studied as mentioned.
Comparisons are carried out in ambits which are primarily intra-national
or inter-regional. Few studies venture into comparative research. This
work seeks to present cases coming from three different continents and
juxtaposes a range of international trajectories of PB. The international
template shows the richness of experiences of PB nowadays. This reveals a
field of study which is still relatively unexplored and should be tackled by
the next generation of studies, whose analysis can be enriched by theories
of social and political sciences, as well as international relations.
Chapter 4 presented two transnational networks which were important
in the process of the diffusion of PB. The FLA and RDD are precur-
sory networks, promoting PB since the end of the 1990s and the start
of the year 2000. If RDD became inoperative in the last decade, many
other national networks and some transnational ones have emerged since
then: the Brazilian network for PB, as well as the Chilean, Colombian,
Dominican and Argentinean ones, and even a network in Portugal. Besides
that the IOPD, and its branch in Africa, the IOPDA, are other examples.
There are still no studies on these networks of PB, which are fundamental
actors in the process of its different adoptions and diffusion.
An additional step for further research is also to analyse the entrance
and development of the theme of participation within the agenda of inter-
national organizations such as the UN and the World Bank. It is worth
remembering that Goldfrank (2012) insisted on the fact that PB was not
a priority for the Bank. Still, participation was integrated into an agenda
in the area of public policies promoted by the World Bank which seemed
to have weight, as indicated in the statement from Wolfensohn, the ex-
president of the World Bank in Chap. 5. What led the World Bank and the
UN to introduce the promotion of social participation onto their agendas?
How did different devices gain space on internal agendas? Why did PB in
particular have prominence? In Chap. 5, these questions were explored,
but a more in-depth study could be made through an internal analysis,
with field research, and from an approach of the sociology of international
The big step for the next piece of research is to understand the diffu-
sion of PB in comparison with other Brazilian public policies. As shown
here PB is a local experience that took a precursor path of this new wave
of Brazilian policy diffusion. In the introduction of this book, it was men-
tioned that the innovations produced in Brazil in recent years in the field
of ideas, models and technologies of social policies, especially at the State
level, have made the country an exporter of public policies. This move-
ment has turned upside down the “Washington Consensus” and enabled
the emergence of the “Consensus of Brasilia”. To compare PB with this
reality of Brazilian policies is an interesting direction for new research.
The diffusion of Brazilian social policies, and those of the South in gen-
eral, is a promising field and an unexplored object for study. Some particu-
larly interesting policies include the policy to fight against poverty (e.g. the
models of conditional cash transfers), those in food security and agriculture
(e.g. plantation technologies, programmes to purchase food and school
feeding), as well as health programmes (e.g. general pharmaceuticals pro-
duction for malaria and HIV). This is a new empirical phenomenon, which
imposes demands on social and political sciences and contemporary inter-
national relations. In fact, if the reality today inverts North–South relations
in the world, and takes South–South relations to another level, it will pres-
ent a challenging field for the public policies analyst. In order to fulfil this
research we need to get our “boots dirty” and get into the field.
Dolowitz, D., & Marsh, D. (2000). Learning from Abroad: The Role of Policy
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There have been academics in the United States studying the Brazilian
PB experience since the 1990s. Important international analyses were
produced, such as the works by Rebeca Abers (2001), Gianpaolo Baiocchi
(2005), Benjamin Goldfrank (2011) and Brian Wampler (2009). It was,
however, later in Chicago in 2008 that for the first time theories, analyses
and abstract studies on PB were moved towards the public policy realm
and put into practice in the United States.2
In March 2012 the first international meeting on PB in the United
States took place, in the city of New York where some districts had already
begun their experiences. The event featured specialists from various coun-
tries. Close to six months later the New York Times published more material
on PB. It is worth noting that the publication of Le Monde Diplomatique,
mentioned in Chaps. 3 and 5 by Bernard Cassen, had appeared 14 years
previously in France. The article in The New York Times entitled “Putting
in Their 2 Cents” was about an assembly which happened in a district of
New York and emphasized in one of its paragraphs the following:
PB took a while to enter the political debate in the United States, but
quickly won the attention of the media and institutional recognition in
Washington. Around 2013, the White House recognized in a public doc-
ument the success of PB in Chicago. In the end of 2015, in the ambit
of a Partnership for Open Government, the White House deepened its
engagement and stated its commitment to expand PB in the United
States, through different channels (United States of America 2015, p. 16).
History seems to repeat itself once again, with a range of local adapta-
tions. What is worth noting is that the United States also followed a range
of standards which characterized the diffusion of PB in particular, but
which can be understood for municipal policies in general. It is certain
that each country has its own specificities. Still, it is possible to observe
1. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/14/nyregion/4-on-ny-city-
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2. In certain municipalities of the USA representatives are elected by
district and have at their disposal discretionary funds to use during
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3. Cf. biography of Melissa Mark-Viverito no site: http://council.nyc.
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Cabannes, Yves, 3, 20, 78, 81, 82, Dakar, Senegal, 207
86, 90, 107, 108, 138–41, 145, de Souza, Ubiratan, 66, 105
146, 154, 155, 158, 159, 178, Decentralization in Latin America
181, 187–9, 193, 210–12, 214, Learning through Experience, 76
235 Democracy in the City, 76, 143
capacity–building, 56
causal mechanisms, of diffusion
capacity–building, 56 E
construction, 51–2 Ecuador, 24. See also Cotacachi city
co–operation, 53 constitutionalizing PB, 191–3
external scanning, 54 Elong M'Bassi, Jean Pierre, 3, 120,
induction, 2–3 204
institutional circulation, 55 external scanning, 54, 159
leadership, 54
networking, 53
political renovation, 55 F
scale transfer, 55–6 Fissel, Senegal, 215
translation, 54–5 Forum of Local Authorities, 100, 117,
Centro Internacional de Gestion 118
Urbana (International Centre for France, 7, 20, 84–5, 100, 102–9, 112,
Urban Management, CIGU), 123
142, 146 Francophone Africa, 202
City Hall in Neighbourhoods
Programme, 70, 71
Consensus of Brazilia, 14 G
Comiche, Enéas, 218 Garcia, Ramiro, 172, 174–7
Comunidad Urbana Autogestionada de Gegou, Catherine, 104
Villa El Salvador, 172 Genro, Tarso, 19, 55, 63, 65, 67, 72,
Conseils de Quartier, 112 73, 75, 78, 88, 89, 103–107,
Constant, Benjamin, 7, 8 110, 111, 114, 115, 121, 123,
construction, 51–2 132, 151, 152, 158, 160, 235
co–operation, 53 Giuliani, Carlo, 133
Cotacachi city, 187–91 Goldfrank, Benjamin, 19, 21, 22, 53,
research on PB, 237 54, 149, 240, 244
Sub–Saharan Africa, 209–11 Granet, Estelle, 105–6, 133
transnational networks, 122
Cotacachi city, 146, 160, 169, 170,
182–93, 239 H
Curitiba, in Paraná State, 10, Habitat I, in Vancouver, 204
11 Habitat II, in Istanbul, 75, 110, 137,
cycle of diffusion, 17 204
Herzog, André, 84, 86, 152–54, 158, Lerner, Josh, 243, 244
159, 223, 236 Liberation Front of Mozambique, 218
Hordjik, Michaela, 179 Local Financing and Participatory
Huntington, Samuel, 15, 42 Budgeting, 79, 145
Lusophonic Africa, 203
induction, 52–3 M
institutional circulation, 55 Madagascar, 202–3
Integral Development Plan (IDP), in Mahoney, James, 49–50, 232
Peru, 175 Makhado, South Africa, 219–21
Integrated Network of Transport, 11 Mancuso, Eduardo, 119, 134
international action, Porto Alegre, Maputo, Mozambique, 217–19
72–80, 88, 91 Mark–Viverito, Melissa, 245
international actors, 24 Marx, Vanessa, 115, 117, 120
international circulation, 23 Mercocities, 45, 73, 85, 89, 114
international co–operation, Minga, 182, 184
ambassadors of participation, Minha Casa Minha Vida, 13
80–8international diffusion, 4–6, Minister for Economy and Finances
90–1, 231–2 (MEF) in Peru, 156
International Meeting on Participatory Moore, Joe, 243
Budgeting (IMPB), 177 Mozambique, 203
International Observatory of multi–sited ethnography, 26
Participatory Democracy (IODP),
international organizations, 24 N
International Seminar on Participatory National Mozambican Resistance, 218
Democracy (SIDP), 77 neo-institutionalism, 15–16
International Union of Local Network-9, 145
Authorities (IULA), 78 networking, 53
New Participatory Budgeting, 70–1
New York Times, 243–5
L non-governmental organizations
La Mondialisation des Guerres de (NGOs), 44, 48, 66, 103, 108,
Palays, 55 130, 141, 205
large–scale diffusion, 27, 29 norm takers, 49
Latin America, 3, 15. See also Andean Nowerstein, Marcelo, 78
Le Monde Diplomatique, 132
leadership, 54 O
legitimization, 27 Orçamento Participativo: A experiência
Lerner, Jaime, 10–11 de Porto Alegre, 75