Triveni SOP Nath
Triveni SOP Nath
Triveni SOP Nath
11. Press the ESV RESET push button on the TCP which opens the ESV, confirms the action by
resetting the annunciator which disappears the ESV Closed indicator in TCP annunciator.
Also ensure in field ESV is open or not.
12. To initiate the start permissive to the governor following condition to be satisfied.
i. Oil mist separator motor should be in on condition ..
ii. Oil tank level should not be low.
iii. ESV ·should be in opened condition.
iv. LP trip should in reset condition.
v. GVC motor should be in on condition.
vi. BGM motor should be in on condition and in auto mode.
vii. AOP motor should be in on condition and in auto mode.
viii. EOP to be in Auto mode.
ix. ACOPl or ACOP2 should be in on condition and both should be in auto mode.
Once these conditions are satisfied press the Start permissive push button mounted on TCP.
13. Press the run button on governor to start the TG set in auto sequence.
14. Once the turbine speed increases from 150 RPM to 800 RPM please ensure that barring
gear motor should be STOP in AUTO at 300 RPM of turbine speed.
15. Press speed(7} in the governor to monitor the set speed, running-speed, Halt time and
gains use/press diamond key down arrow to switch to view the above mentioned
16. When the Turbine speed reaches 800 RMP(lst Ideal stop speed) turbine will halts for 10
min in cold start(> 10Hrs) and 2 min in Hot Start(<6hrs)
17. 2nd ideal stop speed is derived at 4600 RPM turbine halts for 1 min in cold start and 1 min
in hot start.
18. When second ideal stop time completes turbine reaches the rated 10211 RPM directly
with a rate of 11 rpm/sec(cold start) and 19 rpm/sec in hot start.
19. When the lube oil pressure reaches 2.SKG/cm2 (@ 9250 RPM) AOP will automatically
stops if the selector switch mounted on TCP is kept in auto mode.(lf not stop
automatically please stop the AOP at more than 9500 RPM of turbine.
20. Adjust the lube oil pressure 1.8/2.2kg/cm2 on TGP once the turbine speed reaches to
rated speed. Ensue all the vibration, bearing temperatures are in limit, ensure the control
oil pressure should be 22 to 25Kg/cm2
21. Ensure toggle switch mounted on TCP towards ENABLE POSITION
22. Clearance to develop the voltage and synchronize the TG breaker.
23. Once the TG breaker is synchronized, governor will go to AUX load control mode. After
complete this activity press the diamond key on Governor toward downward direction &
Mis.Nat h Industrie s Ltd Vapi
· start all the motors AOP, Barring Gear, GVC, Vapors Extractor (OMS), ACOP (Control
related to Turbine.
• Before starting the all above motors please ensure that all motors push buttons are
released from field LPBS (Local Push Button)
\ -
3. Keep The AOP & Barring Gear In AUTO.
4 • While running
the barring gear/ Turbine Keep EOP always in AUTO
S. Reset the annunciator in the TCP (Turbine control panel). Check for the non reset window
which are Trip oil pressure very low, ESV closed and turbine trip.
6. Open all the drains of steam line, ESV, nozzle chest & casing drain & warm the main steam
7. Reset .the Solenoid with the help of black push button (SOV RESET) on TCP. Confirm the
reset with the glowing indication lamp (Amber) and resetting the annunciator which
makes the turbine trip Window to disappear.
8. Solenoid will reset only when followings are healthy
a) Lube oil pressure in between 1.8 to 2.2 Kg/cm2
b) Control oil Pressure in between 22 to 25 Kg/cm2
c) Inlet steam temperature should be more than 435 Deg C & less than 500 Dec C.
d) Inlet steam pressure not more than 71 Kg/cm2.
e) 86 T relay should be in reset condition from Generator Relay Panel.
f) Vibrations, bearing temperature should be in normal condition.
g) ESV should be closed (In TCP alarm annunciator ESV closed indicator should be
in glow condition)
9. Once the solenoid reset by glow the SOV. REST Lamp on TCP ensure that the TRIP OIL
PRESSURE annunciator will disappear from TCP annunciator IF NOT please ensure that
hand trip lever should in RUN position mounted on turbine front pedestal. After resetting
the trip oil pressure very low please ensure that TRIP OIL PRESSURE should be in between
1.4 to 1.8 Kg/cmz.
10. Press the LP RESET push button on the TCP. Ensure that LP TRIP is acted or not in Field; if
not please reset the LP trip in the field by pulling the PULL TO RESET KNOB mounted on LP
TRIP. Once the LP TRIP reset please ensure that control oil pressure on after LP trip
mounted gauge should be 22 to 25 Kg/cm2.
25. In DCS, KW r~ise and KW lower to inr;rease or decrease the load on turbine respectively.
NOTE: - a) During the continues operation of turbine it is mandatory/make the practice to
check/ensure the free-ness of ESV spindles by PRESSING & HOLDING THE CHECK VALVE
ASSEMBLY ON ESV HYDRAULIC CYLINDER; after pressing this assembly ESV hydraulic & steam :::'
sp~ le will moves around 10mm towards nozzle chest assembly of turbine & after realizing \!.'~
this check valve assembly ESV spindles will come to its original position.
THIS ACTIVITY TO BE CHECKED 3 to 4 times once in a week; this will remove all scale from
steam side spindle & also gives assurance of freeness of ESV spindles.
b) Maintain lube oil temperature after cooler between 38 to 42 DEG c in all running condition
of turbine by adjusting the cooling water out let valve instilled on oil cooler.
c) During operation of TG set please ensur~ that barring gear, AOP & EOP should be in AUTO
d) Before starting the TG set & During barring gear,• AOP operation of TG set at 50RPM the ·., ...
lube oil pressure on TGP should be maintain at 2.2 KG/cm2 if more/less adjust with oil drain
manual valve (1 ½" NB size) (The lube pressure of 2.2kg/cm2 on TGP should be in without
starting the control oil pump)
d) During shutdown/tripping of turbine please ensure that AOP should be start in AUTO at
1.2Kg/cm2 of lube oil pressure & barring gear motor should start at 250 RPM of turbine speed ..
e) Once the turbine trips ensure that LP TRIP should be in trip condition & also ensure that
ESV should be in closed condition. Stop the ACOP (Control oil Pump) after tripping of turbine
g) After tripping of turbine please roll the turbine on barring gear operation for more than 16
hours to cool down ~ for stop the barring gear operation of TG set.