2nd Quarter Exam in English 5

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Name: ______________________________________________Grade & Section:___________ Score:_______

I. Directions: Determine whether the following verbs are in the simple present, simple past or in the simple
future. Write your answer on the blank after the verb.
Example: needed – simple past
1. gives ____________ 6. cooked ____________
2. drink ____________ 7. shall attend ____________
3. drive ____________ 8. will love ____________
4. will make ____________ 9. applies ____________
5. smiled ____________ 10.developed ____________

II. Directions: Draw a star ( ) if the sentence is in Present Progressive form, heart ( ) for Past Progressive
form, and circle ( ) if the sentence is in Future Progressive form. Write your answers on the blank before the

Example: 1.The girls will be joining us next week for the making of the project.

11. Carla is currently making her shoes shiny.

12. They will be singing “Buwan” in the program tomorrow night.
13. We will be travelling to Calbayog City this afternoon to buy some snacks.
14. The dog was barking when the cat showed up.
15. I am always looking for you every time we eat lunch.
16. The girls were caught throwing garbage a while ago.
17. We will be making sandwich tonight.
18. I am always busy answering your assignments.
19. Carlo was carrying a big container of water all day long.
20. It will be raining soon so you better run fast.

III. Directions: Underline the coordinating conjunctions used in each sentence.

Example: Neither Jake nor Joe did not survive the challenge.

21. Raquel’s grandfather and uncle are coming.

22. The teacher will give a test or assignment.
23. She was very happy for the surprise party.
24. My best friend is good in Mathematics but poor in English.
25. Calbayog City is dubbed as City of Waterfalls for it has plenty of waterfalls and beaches.

IV. Directions: Match the word in column A that gives a description of column B. Write the letter of your
answer in the blank provided before each number.
______ 26. actress a. holy
______ 27. priest b. responsible
______ 28. policewoman c. caring
______ 29. mother d. beautiful
______ 30. father e. brave
V. Directions: Determine the sentence(s) whether it is a Point of View or Propaganda.

______________31. Coca-Cola is the leading brand for soda in the world.

______________32. I think my mother is the best mother of all.
______________33. I will just eat what others are eating.
______________34. Mothers know best, we should listen to them.
______________35. During Mother’s Day, surprise them. Buy them a gift and you will never regret.
______________36. For me, it is not good to abandon parents even if we will have our own family.
______________37. As shown in the statistics, 80.6 percent of Filipino mothers are also working. So, children
should help in doing household chores.
______________38. Malunggay leaves are not only nutritious but also medicinal. I will plant malunggay in our
______________ 39. As I see it, this quarantine order is best for us.
______________40. As what I’ve heard, mothers in Calbayog City are the most hard-working mothers.

VI. Directions: Check the space that matches your answer.

Viewing materials/devices Printed Non- printed

41. CD of movie
42. newspaper
43. brochures
44. tarpaulins
45. pamphlets/leaflets
46. posters
47. books
48. cut-out picture of an animal
49. magazines
50. Facebook / Twitter

Good Luck!

Ma’am Jocel
First Quarter in English 5
Number of % of the
Item Placement
Items Item
1. Identify the simple tenses of verbs (Present, Past, 10 1-10 20%
Future) EN5G-la-3.3
2. Identify the progressive aspects of verb EN5G-la-3.3 10 11-20 20%
3. Identify the coordinating conjunctions used in 5 21-25 10%
each sentence
4. Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to 5 26-30 10%
influence viewers – Stereotyping: Gender
5. Determine whether the images/ideas used is point of 10 31-40 20%
view and/or propaganda
6. Recognize printed and non- printed viewing 10 41-50 20%
materials/devices. EN5VC-Id-6/ EN5VC-Ie-6
Total 50 100%

Answers Key

1. simple present 21. and 41. non-printed
2. simple present 22. or 42. printed
3. simple present 23. for 43. printed
4. simple future 24. but 44. printed
5. simple past 25. for 45. printed
6. simple past 46. printed
7. simple future IV. 47. printed
8. simple future 26. d 48. printed
9. simple present 27. a 49. printed
10. simple past 28. e 50. non-printed
29. c
II. 30. b
12. V.
13. 31. propaganda
14. 32. point of view
15. 33. point of view
16. 34. propaganda
17. 35. propaganda
18. 36. point of view
19. 37. propaganda
20. 38. propaganda
39. point of view
40. point of view
Prepared by:

Teacher III

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