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B I O D I V E R S IT A S ISSN: 1412-033X

Volume 21, Number 1, January 2020 E-ISSN: 2085-4722

Pages: 369-374 DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d210144

Detection of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) DNA in the

polychaetes from shrimp ponds suffering white feces syndrome


Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro. Jl. Prof. Soedharto, S.H. Tembalang, Semarang 50275.
Central Java, Indonesia. Tel.: +62-24-7474698, ♥email: [email protected]

Manuscript received: 13 August 2019. Revision accepted: 30 December 2019.

Abstract. Desrina, Prayitno S B, Haditomo A H C, Latritiani R, Sarjito S. 2020. Detection of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) DNA
in the polychaetes from shrimp ponds suffering white feces syndrome outbreaks. Biodiversitas 21: 369-374. Enterocytozoon
hepatopenaei (EHP) is the newly emerging pathogen of farmed shrimp in Asia. EHP was associated with white feces syndrome (WFS)
in shrimp because the spores existed in the feces of shrimp with WFS. Polychaetes are benthic invertebrates and potential to contribute
to EHP outbreaks in a pond by acquiring the pathogen and transfer it to shrimp upon feeding. The objective of this study was to
determine (1) the occurrence of EHP in polychaetes with Giemsa staining of the coelomic fluid, 1-step PCR and histopathology and (2)
to determine pathological changes of EHP infected tissues. Polychaetes were obtained from 20 shrimp ponds located in 9 districts along
the North Coast of Java Island, Indonesia. There were no EHP spores detected in the stained coelomic fluid. The 1-step PCR analysis
was able to detect the EHP DNA (prevalence was 10%). The Alignment of EHP DNA sequence found in polychaetes showed 100%
identity with a published sequence. Histopathological examination showed hypertrophy cells and nuclei, however, no EHP mature
spores were found in the epithelial cells on the mucosal layer of the stomach and intestines. Although methods used did not give the
convergence results, however, a result of PCR and sequence analysis showed that EHP occurred in the polychaetes in the WFS infected
ponds at low point prevalence.

Keywords: Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei, microsporidia, polychaetes, shrimp, white feces syndrome

INTRODUCTION microsporidia of aquatic arthropods living in various niche,

indicating the adaptability of Microsporidia to the aquatic
Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) (fungi: Microsporidia) environment. Microsporidia undergo vegetative and spore
is the etiological agent of hepatopancreas microsporidiosis stages in which the spore is the infectious stage and the
(HPM), an emerging disease of farmed shrimp in South only stage survives outside the host (Vávra Ronny Larsson
East Asia (Thitamadee et al. 2016). The disease does not 2014). EHP spores were discharged to the environment in
have specific gross clinical signs, however severe slow the fecal of shrimp suffered the WFS (Rajendran et al.
growth has been reported (Rajendran et al. 2016). Although 2016). Furthermore, the pond bottom containing organic
no economic loss calculated yet, escalation of production matter may be beneficial for the survival of the spores in
cost due to high feed conversion ratio, lower weight yield the pond environment and infect the susceptible benthic
and longer production time is unavoidable. The parasite invertebrates that naturally abound in shrimp ponds.
was described for the first time by Tourtip et al. (2009) in Polychaetes are ubiquitous benthic invertebrates that
the Penaeus monodon in Thailand. Subsequently, E. naturally abundance in the shrimp ponds and serves as
hepatopenaei outbreaks were reported in Pacific white natural food for shrimp (Varadharajan and
shrimp Penaeus vannamei in Vietnam (Ha et al. 2010), Soundarapandian 2013). Polychaetes found in shrimp
Thailand (Tangprasittipap et al. 2013), and India (Rajendran et ponds are filter-feeder and detrital-feeder. We hypothesized
al. 2016). E. hepatopenaei infection in P. vannamei was that the niche and feeding habit of polychaetes exposes
reported in Indonesia for the first time in Situbondo in 2015 them to many shrimp pathogens sink in the sediment, thus,
and the parasite can be transmitted horizontally to healthy making them potential vectors. Desrina et al. (2013) and
shrimp through cannibalism and cohabitation (Tang et al. Haryadi et al. (2015) showed that polychaete Dendronereis
2016). In India and Indonesia, the EHP infection was spp. are host of the white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in
associated with the white feces syndrome (WFS) in the shrimp ponds. The detection of EHP DNA in polychaetes
cultured penaeid shrimp (Rajendran et al. 2016; Tang et al. using PCR (Thitamadee et al. 2016), indicating that
2016). polychaete can be a host or/and a vector of EHP.
Microsporidiosis commonly occurs in aquatic Polychaetes may acquire the EHP spores by ingesting
invertebrates (Micieli et al. 2000; Solter 2014). Stentiford spores that settled in the sediment. Identifying the carriers
and Dunn, (2014) listed 50 genera of pathogenic and reservoir hosts that can be the source of infection is
370 B I O D I V E R S I T A S 21 (1): 369-374, January 2020

crucial to design control measures of EHP and related the object-glass by unscrewed the needle and pushed the
WFS. As the newly described and newly emerging plunger. Thin smear was prepared by placing the second
pathogen, no information about the life cycle and host object-glass on the liquid at 450 angels and quickly move
range of EHP available yet. In this study, we intend to the second object-glass toward the end of the first object-
detect the occurrence of EHP in polychaetes from the WFS glass. Smear was fixed in 70 % methanol for 15 minutes,
infected pond. EHP was detected with staining of fresh stained with Giemsa for 5 minutes (Praveena et al. 2018)
smear, 1-step PCR and histopathology examination. To the and examined under the light microscope at 1000 X
best of our knowledge, this is the first in-depth magnification.
investigation of EHP in benthic invertebrate other than
shrimp in shrimp ponds. PCR to detect the occurrence of EHP in polychaetes
DNA extraction from polychaete
Two to three polychaetes from each pond were tested
MATERIALS AND METHODS for EHP using PCR. Total DNA was extracted from
segments 20-30 (front region of polychaete) according to
Preliminary survey Desrina et al. (2013) using Dneasy Blood and Tissue
The purpose was to get an overview of the research (Qiagen) following manufacturer instruction. Extracted
location in shrimp producing districts on the North Coast of DNA concentration was determined with spectrophoto-
Java island. Sample ponds were located in the following meter (Nanodrop, Thermofisher) by measuring UV absorption
districts: Kendal, and Demak (Central Java Province), at 260 nmat and stored at-20 °C freezer until used.
Situbondo, Tuban and Sidoarjo (East Java Province) and
Indramayu, Cirebon, and Subang (West Java Province). PCR to detect EHP DNA in polychaete
The main criteria for the sample ponds were: (i) Affected PCR to detect EHP DNA was done according to Tang
by white feces syndrome within one year of the survey. (ii) et al. (2015) using primer pairs EHP-510 (Tang, et al.
The presence of polychaete based on the result of the 2015). The Sequence of primers pairs used was EHP510F:
interview with the owner/operator and (iii) Cooperative 5’GCCTGAGAGATGGCTCCCACGT3’ and EHP510R:
owner. We conducted a preliminary survey to obtained 5’-GCGTACTATCCCCAGAGCCCGA3’. Positive (DNA
disease history by interviewing the extension service obtained from previously confirmed EHP case, kindly
officers, visiting the potential pond location and interview provided by Bambang Hanggono, Brackishwater
the owners or pond managers. Aquaculture Development Center, Situbondo, Indonesia)
and negative controls (nuclease-free water) were run
Sample collection simultaneously with the tested specimens. Each specimen
Polychaetes were collected from 21 shrimp ponds was tested individually and replicated once to ensure the
experienced WFS and selected WFS-free ponds located in consistency of the result.
the shrimp production area mentioned above. Each pond The PCR reaction contains 40-50 ng/µL of DNA, ten
was divided into grids with the distance between grids was pmol of each forward and reverse primer, 0.5 µL of dNTP
25 m along the length of the pond. Sediment containing (10 mM), 5 µL of 5X PCR buffer (Promega), 1.5 µL of
polychaetes was lifted with a bucket (volume 10 L), sieved MgCl2 (25 mM) and 2.5 µL of GoTaq Flexy DNA
through a series of sieve shaker, counted, washed in the Polymerase (Promega) in a 0.2 mL PCR tube (final
clean brackish water and then in sterile seawater. Worms reaction volume 25 µL). PCR process used the Gene Amp
were brought to the lab alive in a plastic bucket. PCR System 9600 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City,
Polychaetes for EHP detection with histopathology and USA).
PCR were processed immediately according to the The PCR conditions were as follows: initial
protocols described below. The rest of polychaetes were denaturation (94C, 3 min), followed by 35 cycles of
stored at – 80 oC and-20 oC for future used. Specimens for denaturation (94C, 30 sec), annealing (60o C, 30 sec) and
PCR were stored in either 96% ethanol at room elongation (72C, 30 sec) and a final extension at 72C (5
temperature or-20 oC until used. A total of 142 polychaetes min). The result of PCR products was analyzed by
were used for fresh smear examination, PCR, and electrophoresis in 1% agarose gels and visualized with an
histopathology. Due to damage from drawing the body UV illuminator Gel Doc XR System (Biorad). The size of
fluid, different individual of polychaetes was used for fresh amplicons was estimated with a 100 bp DNA ladder.
smear examination, PCR, and histopathology.
Sequencing of EHP 18S rRNA gene
Detection of EHP in the polychaete coelomic fluid Selected PCR products of EHP DNA of 18S rRNA
Fresh smear was prepared from the coelomic fluid. gene were sequenced (1st Base Laboratory, Selangor,
Polychaete was placed on a sheet of paper towel to blot the Malaysia). The results were aligned using the BLAST
liquid and mucus on the body surface and placed in a program (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) to determine the
sterile petridish until they relax. Hemolymph was drawn homology of the EHP gene obtained in this study with
with the sterile tuberculin syringe by gently put pressure on those of known sequences contained in the GenBank.
the front part of the body until it showed gentle raise due to
accumulation of the body fluid. Immediately, the needle
was inserted to drawn coelomic fluid and placed directly on
DESRINA et al. – EHP DNA in the polychaetes from shrimp ponds 371

Histopathological examination to detect EHP spores Among the three worm species found in the current
and pathological changes study, only 2 species were reported as a vector for shrimp
The specimens for PCR and histopathology were pathogens. WSSVwas reported transmitted by
prepared separately (1-2 worm/pond). Collected Dendronereis spp. (Desrina et al. 2013, Haryadi et al.
polychaetes were preserved in Davidson’s solution for 48 h 2015) and Marphyssa (Vijayan et al. 2005). The density of
and subsequently were moved to 70% ethanol. Specimens polychaetes in shrimp ponds in this study relatively low
were processed, mounted in paraffin, sectioned 5 µm and because of sampling was done after harvest. Predation by
stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) (Desrina et al. shrimp during the production period caused low polychaete
2013). Only live polychaetes were used in histopathology density at the end of the production period. Studies in the
examination. Histopathological changes and occurrence of shrimp ponds showed that the dynamic of macrobenthos
EHP spores examined with a light microscope. was influenced by Penaeus subtilis (Nunes and Parson
2000) and in subtidal sediment by Litopenaeus setiferus
(Pollack et al. 2009). Polychaetes are preferred food of
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION shrimp P. monodon event at the post-larval stage (Gatune
et al. 2014) that causes the polychaete density decline as
Overview of shrimp diseases in the surveyed area the shrimp grows.
In the current study, we used the occurrence of WFS in
cultured shrimp as an indication of EHP infection in Detection of EHP in the polychaete fresh smear
shrimp. The association of EHP with the WFS outbreak in There were no microsporidia spores and cysts observed
the shrimp ponds was conflicted. Tangprasittipap et al. in the coelomic fluid smear stained with Giemsa. Likewise,
(2013) reported earlier that there is no association between there were no clinical signs seen on gross pathology
WFS and EHP and the pathogen was not transmissible observation may be caused by the infection in the
horizontally. In contrast, the newly published work by polychaetes specimen we examined was light or not
Tang et al. (2016) reported that infection of EHP was occurred at the same stages as in shrimp. Kummari et al.
associated with the occurrence of WFS and that this disease (2018) stated that there were 2 EHP diagnosis approach
was transmittable. Thus, it ensured the samples we took for namely (i) DNA Based and (ii) Microscopic based. DNA
the current study was originated from the EHP infected based consisted of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and
pond since all of ponds surveyed experienced WFS outbreak. Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP), while
In addition to WFS, diseases caused by infectious microscopic based consisted of hematoxylin and eosin, in
Myonecrosis virus (IMNV), Taura syndrome virus (TSV) situ hybridization, scanning electron microscopy, and
and White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) were also the transmission electron microscopy. Giemsa stain is the
major problem for the shrimp farming in the survey area as simplest method and was used to detect microsporidia
shown by gross clinical signs on the shrimp. All ponds had spores in human, and fish. Proveena et al. (2018) detected
a history of at least two following viral diseases WSSV, EHP spores on the purified specimens, however, suggested
IMNV and TSV with WSSV the most prevalent one. It was that the use of counterstain will improve the result. The
not clear at this point whether these pathogens linked to the occurrence of EHP DNA as shown by PCR result (below),
occurrence of WFS or EHP in the ponds we surveyed. indicating that the EHP spores entered the polychaetes
However, the interaction among pathogens in the semi- presumably through the oral route. However, further study
open system such as shrimp ponds could not be dismissed. is needed to determine if polychaetes is part of the EHP
Aranguren et al. (2017) reported that EHP was a risk factor outbreaks in the shrimp pond.
for two newly emerging diseases of farmed shrimp, acute
hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) and septic PCR to detect the occurrence of EHP in polychaete
hepatopancreatic necrosis (SHPN). Recently, Han et al. We were able to detect the EHP DNA in 5 out of 50 of
(2019) reported that WSSV is a risk factor for APHND. polychaetes specimens tested using PCR with EHP 510
Thus, the presence of EHP and the fact that WSSV is primer pairs (Table 1). Examples of electrophoresis
endemic in Indonesia can be an alarm for the shrimp visualization from PCR amplification using primers for
farming industry in Indonesia to watch out for APHND, 18S rRNA produced single bands of DNA fragments at a
which was not reported in Indonesia so far. size of about 514 bp amplicons (Figures 1.A and 1.B). The
point prevalence of the EHP-PCR positive polychaetes was
Pond sampling, polychaete species found and 10 %. Selected PCR results are presented in Figure 1. The
polychaete density intensity of the bands is weak and thin, indicating that the
All case ponds experienced WFS within 1 month to 6 amount of EHP DNA in these polychaetes is low.
months of sampling. Getting permission to do sampling is Rajendran et al. (2016) stated that there was a relation
the main obstacle in this research, therefore, all ponds were between WFS and EHP infection in shrimp in terms of the
sampled only once at a post-harvest time. Species of prevalence rate. Prevalence rate was 39.7% without WFS
polychaetes found consisted of Dendronereis spp, whilst WFS was 96.4%. However, no information available
Marphyssa spp, and Nereis sp. The polychaete density so far about the prevalence of EHP in other benthic
ranged from 12 to 60 ind/m2 (Table 1) and was highly invertebrates. Further study is needed to determine the life
varied among the ponds, even among the ponds within one history of E. hepatopenaei and all susceptible host(s) and
location. All of the polychaetes found were a burrower and vector(s) that may present in the shrimp ponds. This
known as the natural feed of shrimp.
372 B I O D I V E R S I T A S 21 (1): 369-374, January 2020

information is important for EHP control to prevent shrimp Thitamadee et al. (2016) reported the presence of EHP
production loss. DNA in polychaetes however, they did not specify the
source of the polychaetes. In this study, we detected the
Sequencing of EHP 18S rRNA gene EHP 18S rRNA gene in the polychaetes collected from
Alignment of EHP DNA sequences isolated from shrimp ponds at the expected size and confirmed with
polychaetes with EHP gene sequences available in the BLAST analysis. Our finding demonstrated that
GenBank database (NCBI) indicating EHP tested in this polychaetes lived in the WFS infected shrimp ponds carry
study was 100% identical with Enterocytozoon the EHP albeit at low prevalence. The intensity of the
hepatopenaei 18S rRNA (Accession Number KX932041) bands was weak and thin, indicating that the amount of
which was successfully isolated from P.vannamei in India. EHP DNA in these polychaetes was small. This hypothesis
might in line with Vávra, and Larsson (2014) that
Histopathological examination microsporidia have a complex life cycle, started and end
Polychaetes worms did not show any clinical signs with the formation of mature spores that may develop in
upon gross pathological examination. All worms were more than one host.
active and had normal coloration. There was a different
condition of tissues of polychaetes obtained from WFS
affected and not affected pond. Gut tissues of polychaete Table 1. Polychaete density in sampled ponds and results of PCR
Dendronereis spp. from WFS-free shrimp pond appeared analysis to detect EHP DNA in polychaetes
intact without pathological changes (Figure 2.E). Although
there were no histopathological changes associated with No of Pond PCR
Density No of
EHP infection and there were no EHP spores observed in pond location results
(ind/m2) tested
the polychaetes obtained from WFS affected ponds, Pond 1 Demak 18 3 0
however, some specimens showed pathological changes Pond 2 Demak 30 2 0
such as enlargement of the nucleus of the epithelial cells on Pond 3 Demak 26 2 1
the mucosal layer of the intestine, and occasionally have Pond 4 Demak 32 2 0
multiple nuclei (Figures 2.A, B, and C). We also observed Pond 5 Kendal 12 2 0
severe hypertrophy of the epithelial cells that resulted in Pond 6 Kendal 28 2 0
the epithelial lining separated from the underlying tissues Pond 7 Kendal 24 2 0
(Figure 2.D). Kummari et al. (2018) stated that Pond 8 Rembang 24 2 0
Pond 9 Rembang 28 2 0
histologically, there were severe necrotic changes seen in
Pond 10 Tuban 26 2 0
the shrimp hepatopancreas of EHP infected shrimp. Pond 11 Tuban 60 3 0
The histopathological changes we observed in Pond 12 Tuban 46 3 1
polychaetes in this study could be attributed to (i) infection Pond 13 Sidoarjo 50 3 1
of other pathogens that may present in the pond such as Pond 14 Indramayu 38 2 0
haplosporidia and WSSV (manuscript in preparation). (ii) Pond 15 Indramayu 40 3 0
We hypothesized that the EHP existed in the polychaetes at Pond 16 Indramayu 37 2 0
an early stage. According to Vavra and Larson (2013) and Pond 17 Cirebon 35 2 0
Stentiford et al. (2014), one common pathological effect on Pond 18 Cirebon 20 2 0
Pond 19 Subang 20 2 1
the host during sporogeny was the nuclei of the cells were
Pond 20 Subang 40 4 1
enlarged, located at the peripheral and contained immature Pond 21 Subang 41 3 0
spores. Lack of mature spores in the tissue we examined Total 50 5
indicating that EHP may be developed, rather, used
polychaetes as the intermediate host.

Figure 1. Results of PCR to detect EHP DNA in the polychaetes obtained in this study using primer pairs EHP 510 (Tang et al. 2015).
M= Marker (100 bp DNA ladder), N= Negative control (Nuclease free water), P= Positive control (DNA obtained from EHP infected
(Penaeus vannamei) Lane 1-9= DNA of polychaetes specimens tested. The size of the expected amplicon is 510 bp
DESRINA et al. – EHP DNA in the polychaetes from shrimp ponds 373

Figure 2. Histopathological changes in the gut of polychaetes observed in this study, however, none of the specimens showed specific
changes that indicated EHP infection. A and B. Intestine of Dendronereis spp. from WFS infected ponds in Tuban and Kendal with
enlarged and intense basophilic nuclei of epithelial cells of the mucosal layer. C. The intestine of Marphyssa spp from WFS infected
pond in Tuban showing many cells with enlarge and intense basophilic nuclei. D. Hypertrophy of epithelial cells that cause epithelial
lifting. E. Gut of Dendronereis spp. from WFS-free ponds (H&E, Magnification 400X)

Developmental stages of EHP in shrimp has been ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

described by Tourtip et al. (2009), however, there is no
information about the occurrence of EHP in other animals Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia funded
in shrimp ponds. The mature spores of EHP is acidophilic this research through Research Grant for International
and oval in shape (Tourtip et al. 2009; Tangprasittipap Publication (PNBP DIPA Diponegoro University No.
2013) that resides in the epithelial cells of the 022/SP2H/LT/DRPM/II/2016). We thank farmers and all
hepatopancreas of the shrimp (Rajendran et al. 2016). As students (Tiara Puspa Anjani, Hendra Kusuma Putra, Yosef
intracellular parasites, EHP depends mainly on the host Toni, M. Falah, Hanifa, M.Shofa and Rizki Fajar) who
cells for its development in the nutrient-rich tissue such as helped to collect polychaetes from the fields. We also thank
hepatopancreas. Therefore, hepatopancreas is very suitable Bambang Hanggono (Brackishwater Aquaculture
to support the development of EHP. Since polychaetes do Development Center, Situbondo, Indonesia) for kindly
not have hepatopancreas, this study used anterior segments provided EHP DNA, Grant Stentiford (CEFAS Weymouth,
of polychaetes that contains gut tissue and remained of UK) for an enlightening discussion about EHP.
coelomic fluid to detect EHP with PCR. Thus, it is possible
that presence of EHP DNA in polychaetes may not be
limited in the gut organs. REFERENCES
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