Lesson 27 - Shipwrecks

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Three Fascinating Shipwrecks

There is something about a shipwreck

that captivates us. We wonder what led
to the ship’s demise, and envision Vocabulary
everything from pirates to espionage.
The United Nations estimates that there captivates = strongly interests us
are around three million shipwrecks and holds our attention
littering the ocean floors. Here are a few demise = death or termination
of the interesting stories behind them:
envision = imagine

The American Star espionage = the practice of spying

littering = scattered in various
The American Star was built in 1940 and places
was used to transport both troops and troops = soldiers
civilians for 25 years. The vessel then
civilians = non-military people
changed hands many times, eventually
falling into disrepair after years of vessel = ship
neglect. It was sold for scrapping in the changed hands = was bought/sold
1980s, but a company purchased it with or given
the intention of converting it into a five-
scrapping = being taken apart so
star hotel. that the parts and metal can be
used for other things
However, while the American Star was
towed = pulled by another vessel or
being towed, a thunderstorm caused it
to run aground in the Canary Islands.
The strong waves pummeled the ship so pummeled = hit repeatedly and
forcefully that it broke in two, and the strongly
American Star was written off as a total written off = dropped from
loss and abandoned. Over the next consideration
fourteen years, the wreck slowly succumbed to = submitted to
succumbed to the sea and now nothing
remains but a few pieces of twisted steel.
The “Black Swan Project”
Odyssey Marine Exploration is an American
company that salvages valuable items from deep- Vocabulary
water shipwrecks. In 2007, they hit the jackpot
with the discovery of a wreck off the coast of salvages = rescues
Portugal containing gold and silver coins estimated objects from a
at $500 million. Odyssey code-named the operation destroyed area
“the Black Swan Project” and remained secretive cargo = the objects
about the exact location of the dive site. being carried and
transported by a ship,
The treasure was initially thought to be from the plane, or truck
English ship Merchant Royal, which sank in 1641 intercepted = stopped
with a heavy cargo of silver and gold. But the while in motion
Spanish government disputed this, claiming that
ensuing = what
the wreck was actually a Spanish vessel called
happened afterwards or
Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes. This ship was
as a result
bringing treasure from South America to Spain
when it was intercepted by the British and sunk lengthy = long
during the ensuing battle. hull = the exterior of a
This caused a lengthy legal battle in American
lifeboats = small boats
courts, during which the coins were closely to be used in case of
examined and Odyssey was forced to disclose the emergency
location of the wreck. It was finally determined that
the shipwreck and its treasure rightfully belonged
to Spain. The coins were transported to Alicante,
where they are now on display at a museum.

Andrea Doria
Italy's Andrea Doria, launched in 1951, was hailed
as one of the safest and most beautiful vessels ever
built. It had a double hull, watertight
compartments, plenty of lifeboats, and early-
warning radar technology. It was also quite
luxurious, being adorned with over $1 million in
art and décor. Vocabulary

On July 25, 1956, the Andrea Doria was adorned = decorated

approaching New York on a foggy night. Another
décor = this word is used
ship, called the Stockholm, was departing. to describe the interior
Misinterpretation of radar signals and poor decoration of a room
visibility created a recipe for disaster, and the two
foggy = the night had a
ships collided.
lot of fog (water vapor
that makes everything
Fortunately, the Andrea Doria's safety features appear white/gray)
enabled it to stay above water long enough for
a recipe for disaster = a
1,663 people on board to be rescued (57 died as a
perfect combination of
direct result of the collision). The ship took a full 11
elements for something
hours to sink, and the world watched the whole bad to happen
situation unfold on live TV. After this disaster,
flying became the preferred method of trans- on board = being on a
ship, train, or airplane
Atlantic travel.
unfold = happen,
The shipwreck itself is known as "the Mount progress
Everest of scuba diving," since the hazardous hazardous = dangerous
conditions require immense skill and experience
immense = very great
to navigate. There are strong currents and an
invisible web of thin fishing lines that can ensnare currents = movement of
divers, sixteen of whom have lost their lives while the ocean
exploring the wreck. ensnare = catch and trap
so that you can’t get
Comprehension Questions
1. There are approximately three million...
a. square miles of ocean that are especially dangerous
b. people who have died from shipwrecks
c. shipwrecks in the world

2. The American Star mainly transported...

a. food
b. people
c. weapons

3. Its final owner was going to turn it into...

a. a cruise ship
b. a luxury hotel
c. a prison ship

4. It was wrecked because of...

a. an attack
b. bad weather
c. crew error

5. The treasure was discovered in a wreck near...

a. England
b. Portugal
c. the U.S.

6. Who sank the ship?

a. the British
b. the Spanish
c. the South Americans
7. The coins were...
a. kept in America
b. put in a museum
c. sold to collectors

8. The Andrea Doria was known for its...

a. safety
b. size
c. speed

9. It sank because...
a. of an explosion on board
b. it hit another ship
c. its equipment failed

10. As a result...
a. 1,663 people died
b. extra safety checks were performed on new ships
c. more people preferred to travel by air
Discover New Words
Choose the best definition for the vocabulary word in bold.

1. The vessel then changed hands many times, eventually falling into disrepair
after years of neglect.
a. attacks
b. heavy use
c. failure to care for

2. In 2007, they hit the jackpot with the discovery of a wreck off the coast of
Portugal containing gold and silver coins estimated at $500 million.
a. had a conflict with others
b. had an incident of extremely good fortune
c. unexpectedly became very famous

3. But the Spanish government disputed this, claiming that the wreck was
actually a Spanish vessel called Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes.
a. argued against
b. did not know about
c. was offended by

4. This caused a lengthy legal battle in American courts, during which the coins
were closely examined and Odyssey was forced to disclose the location of the
a. abandon
b. investigate thoroughly
c. reveal information

5. Italy's Andrea Doria, launched in 1951, was hailed as one of the safest and
most beautiful vessels ever built.
a. believed or imagined
b. certified or guaranteed
c. greeted or praised
Vocabulary Quiz
Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Three words are not used.

captivating ensuing hazardous neglecting salvage

cargo envision immense pummeling scrapped
disputing hailed intercept recipe succumbed

1. The spies managed to _____________________ a top-secret message that was meant

for the President.
2. He's been _____________________ his teeth for years, and now he needs extensive
dental work.
3. This is a really _____________________ book - I stayed up until 3 AM to finish it!
4. I wish I hadn't _____________________ to the temptation to gamble... I lost $1000 in
that casino!
5. The athletes were jogging and stretching in preparation for the
_____________________ game.
6. We were only able to _____________________ a few things from our house after it
burned down.
7. There were dozens of drunk teenagers trying to drive home from the party?
Sounds like a _____________________ for disaster.
8. This invention is being _____________________ as the most significant piece of
technology in the past century.
9. We _____________________ a future where everyone has access to clean water and
healthy food.
10. I use safety equipment because the chemicals I work with are extremely
11. The two neighbors are _____________________ who owns the stream that divides
their properties.
12. All trucks must stop at the border for inspection of their _____________________.
Writing Task
Imagine that you work for an organization that provides humanitarian aid to
survivors of disasters. Write an article that aims to persuade people to donate to the
cause. (You can base it on a real current or past disaster, or on an imaginary one).
Send your text to [email protected] for feedback and correction!

Comprehension Questions
1. c
2. b
3. b
4. b
5. b
6. a
7. b
8. a
9. b
10. c

Discover New Words

1. c
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. c
Vocabulary Quiz
1. intercept
2. neglecting
3. captivating
4. succumbed
5. ensuing
6. salvage
7. recipe
8. hailed
9. envision
10. hazardous
11. disputing
12. cargo

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