Green Hotel Promotion Strategy in Bali: A Study Using SWOT Analysis
Green Hotel Promotion Strategy in Bali: A Study Using SWOT Analysis
Green Hotel Promotion Strategy in Bali: A Study Using SWOT Analysis
International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS 2021)
training and educating consumers, and stressing the Kelingking Beach, Lake, and Mount Batur, Sekumpul
fulfillment of their social obligations [2]. Other Waterfalls, and the vast expanse of rice fields in
objectives of hotel promotional activities include; Jatiluwih make it a tourist spot that always provides
increasing demand for hotel services, developing new experiences in traveling. Additionally, Balinese
positive relationships with intermediaries such as culture and customs are still strong and tightly held by
offline and online travel agencies and tour operators, its people, who primarily adhere to Hinduism,
the readiness to implement new services and allowing visitors to experience a new religious
advancements to the market, improving and atmosphere each time they visit Bali. The presence of
maintaining the hotel's market prestige, and growing a hotel that is responsible to its employees, the local
revenue. community, local culture, and the environment
completes this province’s image as an environmentally
Promotion, along with product conception, friendly cultural tourism destination.
development, pricing, and distribution, is considered
one of the most important marketing activities [3]. It Therefore, this study aims to identify several
makes a product, company, person, or idea popular promotion strategies for the development of green
and accepted among the general public, especially hotels in the hospitality industry in Bali.
within the target market. Furthermore, promotion has
begun to pave way as one of the most prioritized II. LITERATURE REVIEW
aspects in the current highly competitive business
economy as a result of; expanding geographic and 2.1 Green hotel
cultural gap between producers and consumers, a rise
in the number of consumers following population A green hotel is defined as a resort with policies
expansion, growth of markets due to high rates of and practices that promote sustainable living [6].
revenue, improved competition as a result of These include ecologically friendly hotel management
alternative products, middlemen growing number, practices, land conservation, adequate use of building
consumer needs and wants to evolve due to increased material, controlled energy consumption, water
per capita income, customers' need for unique, high- efficiency, air quality, and waste management. Green
quality, and distinguished products, seasonal hotels, for the most part, decrease environmental
variations in need, and building brand loyalty among effects and energy utilization while delivering goods
consumers [4]. and services to consumers. It is characterized by a
program that promotes employees and consumers to
Promotional activities should therefore be granted save water and energy, as well as decrease waste and
by disbursing appropriate budgets as well as its environmental effect.
monitoring market changes, new projects, and
adequately relaying the information to the entire staff. These hotels place a high value on security,
This will assist hotels in obtaining more anticipated wellness, and environmental friendliness. In this
advantages from promotional activities effectively and aspect, security refers to a focus on public and food
suitably, hence should be treated importantly. Hotels safety, while wellness refers to the supply of products
should follow effective and efficient promotional and services that benefit customers physically and
strategies to survive and provide high-quality services mentally. In terms of environmental friendliness, green
in the very competitive international business hotels seek to decrease pollution, save energy, and
environment [4]. limit the number of resources used during its
operations. There is yet to be a clear agreement on the
Bali is a favorite destination for both domestic and standard or exact definition of a green hotel. However,
foreign tourists to take a vacation and also do business. with the involvement of management practices, the
However, tourism faces obstacles and challenges due terms; eco-efficient, green, and environmentally
to the pandemic in 2021. The Covid-19 pandemic has friendly hotels are interchangeable internationally.
caused a very sharp decline for the world of tourism According to the previous study, green hotels strive to
and the economy around the world, including this provide services that are environmentally friendly by
province. In addition to the current economic situation, effectively utilizing energy, water, and raw materials
the number of tourist visits has drastically reduced. [7].
Although the pandemic that occurred in 2020 to mid-
2021 made it extremely difficult for tourism to grow, Green hotels actively explore possibilities for
Bali was still chosen as the world's best tourist business growth in the market and take the necessary
destination in 2021 and the most preferred tourist spot steps. To leverage on market opportunities and prevent
for the last 12 months according to TripAdvisor, market threats, a study was conducted to provide
which is the largest travel site located in the United recommendations and identify growth strategies for
States [5]. green hotels [8].
Bali has many well-known tourist attractions such Market opportunities and strengths of green hotels
as Kuta, Jimbaran, Nusa Dua, Sanur, Ubud, and many are listed as follows:
others. The natural beauty of this province such as
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 647
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 647
generate financial support, (c) increase both public III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
and market respect, (d) increase public support and This study aims to identify several promotional
trust, (e) improve positive attitudes toward strategies for the growth of green hotels in Bali
themselves, (f) increase demand, (g) establish good hospitality sector. These strategies were studied using
interactions with the employee, (h) create a theoretical foundation and related ideas. The process
employment offers, and (i) to improve relations of data collection was conducted by observation,
with the society. The operations of public relations interviews, and questionnaires from six green-certified
in tourism are applied to enhance the effectiveness 5-star hotels, which include; Melia Bali, St. Regis
of advertising and sales promotion efforts or to Bali, Intercontinental Hotel, Conrad Bali, Mandapa
establish a favorable destinations image, tourist Bali, and The Royal Pita Maha Resort. The number of
companies, hotels, and other tourism merchandise informants of about 30 employees working at the
[4]. managerial level was determined by purposive
4. Personal selling. Personal selling is a direct sampling.
conversation with one or more potential customers To evaluate strategic considerations for the
to create a sale. It is the right promotional media decision, this study integrated the SWOT technique
for companies to build good relationships with with the Internal (IFEM) and External Factor
their customers. Furthermore, it is regarded as a Evaluation Matrix (EFEM). Two primary categories
sales force, and it involves private communication were used in the SWOT analysis: (1) Analyzing
with the target market, intending to inform and internal factors: which involves assessing the internal
convince consumers to acquire a product. Personal environment's relevant strengths (S) and weaknesses
selling objectives differ considerably based on (W). Strengths and weaknesses were aspects in the
their positions in the long-term process of unifying system which enabled or hindered the organization's
communication These include: (a) finding, objective achievement, respectively. (2) Examining
informing, and convincing potential customers to external factors: Involving the examination of the
purchase, and (b) keeping satisfied (ultimately external environment for relevant opportunities (O)
loyal) customers through follow-up service after and threats (T). Additionally, opportunities and threats
the sale [20]. were viewed as exogenous factors that enhanced or
5. Direct marketing. Direct marketing aims to get hindered the system's ability to achieve its objectives.
immediate responses and foster lasting customer A panel discussion weighed and scored these factors,
relationships. It is conducted through social media and the final score was calculated. The scoring
because people spend a lot of time playing social procedure for S and W is elaborated in the next
media [22]. There are some examples of direct section:
marketing which include; catalogs, the internet, 1. The factors were given a coefficient between 0 and
channels television, and other written as well as
1, standing for “not important” and “most
verbal media. Direct marketing allows businesses
to communicate a wide range of information about important”, respectively. This coefficient
their products to their customers. They entice represents the relative significance of the factor in
people to buy with unique offers to get an success rate and is represented by the term “weight
advantage in selling straight to customers. Hotels in the IFEM”. Even though each factor is
are not restricted from utilizing direct marketing as considered as an internal strength or weakness, the
a promotional strategy in today's highly more effective the factor in green hotel
competitive business world. For instance, hotels development is, the higher the allotted weight will
employ holiday channels, websites, and other be.
customized web pages to carry out direct 2. Every factor was scored between 1 and 4 where 1,
marketing as a promotional tool. 2, 3, and 4 stand for fundamental, minor, strength,
and great strength respectively. These scores were
2.3 Strategy based on the activities held in the hotel sampled.
Strategy is the concept of how a company 3. To find out each factor's final score, the weight
regulates itself with all activities to run a business was multiplied by the score.
successfully by competing and providing returns to its 4. Once every factor's total score was calculated, they
stakeholders [23]. Furthermore, it is a company plan were summed to find out the total final score of
and reflects a company's awareness of how, when, and IFEM.
where it should compete in the face of opponents and 5. The interpretation suggests that when this score
with what goals and objectives [24]. It is also seen as a was less than 2.5, it indicated that strengths were
process of making decisions and taking actions, outweighed by weaknesses, and when it was
beginning from the top management and implemented greater than 2.5, strengths exceeded weaknesses
by all levels to achieve the goals [25]. [26].
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 647
These scoring procedures were also performed for competitors offer the same special package that
EFEM and the interpretation of the value was that receives the highest weight as threats. The total
when the score was less than 2.5, it indicated the number of all EFEM is 2.4423, and the analysis is
opportunities were less than threats, and when it was presented as an external factor evaluation matrix in
more than 2.5, opportunities exceeded the threats [27]. Table 2.
Tabel 2: External Factors Evaluation Matrix
A. Analysis of Internal and External Factors
Based on the questionnaire survey results, a
SWOT analysis was conducted through an internal and
external factor evaluation matrix to determine
1. Internal Factors Evaluation Matrix (IFEM).
Regarding strengths and weaknesses, a total of 13
factors selected and surveyed were weighted for
the IFEM. The weights given to the 11 strengths
ranged between 0.0712 and 0.0873. Meanwhile,
CHSE certificate as a promotion of hotel readiness
to receive guests during a pandemic and using
various media to reach guests directly are given the
highest priority. In contrast, the 2 weaknesses were
given a weight range between 0.0511 and 0.0622.
Collaboration with green Instagram celebrities to
attract green market and reduce personal selling
activities due to pandemic regulations are given B. SWOT Matrix and Strategy Formulation
maximum weight, and the total IFEM weighted
The SWOT matrix is supplemented by external
level was 3.1909. The IFEM results are
and internal elements [28], which after selection,
summarized as an internal factor evaluation matrix
evaluation, and identification of their relationships,
in Table 1.
using the SWOT analysis, lead to the rise of four
Table 1. Internal Factors Evaluation Matrix kinds of techniques, showing the need for its
successful utilization in the construction of green
(IFEM) hotels. Strong relationships between strengths and
opportunities (S-O), for example, can indicate the
good health of the Bali hotel industry and allow
aggressive methods to be used. Strong interactions
between weaknesses and threats (W-T) are, on the
other hand, possibly seen as a possible warning and
recommendation to employ defensive tactics and
decrease internal weaknesses to prevent external
dangers [29]. Subsequently, significant relationships
between strengths and threats (S-T) can allow for the
use of a variety of tactics. Strong interactions between
weaknesses and opportunities (W-O) are examined to
ascertain if review or overview methods are
applicable. Table 3 shows the outcomes of this stage.
The weighted rating of IFEM was 3.1909 and
EFEM was 2.4423, which means that strengths were
2. External Factors Evaluation Matrix (EFEM). more than weaknesses. This is the power and
Comparable to IFEM, 9 external opportunities and opportunity that dominates the green hotel in Bali and
threats were weighted, of which 4 were the industry is still growing well. From this
opportunities and the remaining 5 were threats. discussion, it can be generalized that a well-developed
Events organized by the government and and sustainable green hotel industry will benefit
opportunities to do promotions because many society and the environment.
people want to go on vacation get maximum From the total weighted value of IFEM and
weight as opportunities. In contrast, there is EFEM, S-O strategies will be suitable to improve the
decreased economy since the pandemic and many
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 647
The authors are grateful to (1) DRPM Ministry of
Education, Culture, Research, and Technology for
funding this study, (2) Director of Politeknik Negeri
Bali, and (3), Business Management of the hospitality
industry in Bali and respondents that have helped
during data collection.
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