Karnataka IJPSS 2021
Karnataka IJPSS 2021
Karnataka IJPSS 2021
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author KA, YK, CN and MRK designed
the study, performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the
manuscript. Authors ASS and MYA managed the analyses of the study. Author RR and SNB
managed the literature searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/IJPSS/2021/v33i1630519
(1) Prof. Junhong Bai, Beijing Normal University, China.
(2) Dr. Hakan Sevik, Kastamonu University, Turkey.
(3) Dr. Hon H. Ho, State University of New York, USA.
(1) Shraddha Karcho, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, India.
(2) Srujani Behera, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, India.
Complete Peer review History: http://www.sdiarticle4.com/review-history/69430
Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur during Kharif seasons of
2019 and 2020. In this research, we studied the recent development and potential benefits derived
from the use of nanofertilizers (NFs) in modern agriculture. Nanofertilizers facilitate slow and steady
release of nutrients, thereby reduce the loss of nutrients and enhance the nutrient use efficiency. In
the present study, the nanofertilizers such as IFFCO nanonitrogen (nano N), IFFCO nanocopper
(nano Cu), IFFCO nanozinc (nano Zn) and IFFCO sagarika were sprayed to the maize crop in
different combinations with recommended dose of fertilizers. Among the different combinations of
nanofertilizers with recommended dose of fertilizers the treatment T11 [50% N, 100% PK, 0% Zinc +
2 sprays of IFFCO nano N (4ml/l) mixed with IFFCO Sagarika (2 ml/l)] showed significant effect on
the growth and yield parameters with maximum yield of 58.90 q/ha and highest B:C of 2.99.
Whereas, treatment T10 [50% N, 100% PK, 0% Zinc + 2 sprays of IFFCO nano N (4ml/l) mixed with
nano Zn (2 ml/l) and IFFCO nano Cu (2ml/l)] was found superior with regard to management of
Turcicum leaf blight disease with minimum of 18.20 per cent severity.
Keywords: IFFCO nanofertilizers; growth and yield parameters; maize; turcicum leaf blight.
Ajithkumar et al.; IJPSS, 33(16): 19-28, 2021; Article no.IJPSS.69430
chemistry. In the management aspects, efforts treatment and the dosage of the chemicals were
are made to increase the efficiency of applied followed as per the protocol. First foliar spray of
fertilizer with the help of nano clays and zeolites recommended nano-particles were given as per
and restoration of soil fertility by releasing fixed the respective treatments at 30 days after sowing
nutrients. It has found potential applications in and the second spray was given after initiation of
controlling nutrient release and availability, the tassel.
characterization of soil minerals, weathering of
soil minerals and development, nature of soil The observations on different growth parameters
rhizosphere and nutrient ion transport in soil such as height of the crop, leaf area and stem
plant system. girth were taken seven days after second spray,
whereas yield parameters such as weight of the
Direct application of fertilizers to the soil will cob, 100 kernel weight and kernel yield were
results in loss of nutrients in different ways such recorded after the harvest and the data was
as photolysis, hydrolysis, leaching and analyzed statistically by using randamized block
degradation. Hence the applied fertilizer may not design (RBD design). The severity of Turcicum
able to reach the targeted sites in the plant leaf blight in maize was recorded in all the
system and unable to enhance the optimal treatments seven days after the second spray
growth and productivity of crops. Hence an and the per cent disease severity was recorded
attempt was made to increase the efficiency of as per disease index by following 1 – 5 disease
applied fertilizer in the form of nanofertilizer scale [7] on the leaves as mentioned below
through foliar spray to the crop. (Table 1).
Therefore in the present investigation, the role of The data were computed to per cent
different nanofertilizers such as IFFCO nano N, disease index (PDI) using the following formula
IFFCO nano Cu, IFFCO nano Zn and IFFCO [8]
sagarika on the yield and yield components as
Sum of numerical ratings 100
well as in managing the Turcicum leaf blight of PDI
Total number of leaves observed Maximum grade
maize were studied.
The field experiment was carried out in the The experiment was laid out during Kharif, 2019
experimental block of Main Agricultural Research and Kharif, 2020 at Main Agricultural Research
Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Station, UAS, Raichur in order to assess the role
Raichur during Kharif seasons of 2019 and 2020. of IFFCO nanofertilizers on the growth, yield and
The trial was laid out in randomized complete yield attributes of maize as well as influence on
block design with 11 treatments replicated thrice the management of Turcicum leaf blight disease.
by using the popular hybrid N-6240 and The two seasons result has shown the similar
individual treatments were laid out with the plot inclination by all the treatments of IFFCO
size of 4 m X 5 m. The main field was prepared nanofertilizers and its different combinations with
by opening ridges and furrows with 60 cm recommended dose of fertilizers. The pooled
spacing and seeds were dibbled in the ridges result of the two seasons of field experiment has
with 20 cm between the plants. The details of the been presented in Table 2 and Fig. 2.
Table 1. Scale used to assess the severity of Turcicum leaf blight of maize
Disease scale Symptom descriptions Disease reaction
1 Very slight to slight infection, one or two to few scattered Highly Resistance
lesions on lower leaves (HR)
2 Light infection, moderate number of lesions on lower Resistance (R)
leaves only
3 Moderate infection, abundant lesions on lower leaves, few Moderately
on middle leaves Resistance (MR)
4 Heavy infection, lesions are abundant on lower and Susceptible (S)
middle leaves, extending to upper leaves
5 Very heavy infection, lesions abundant on almost all Highly Susceptible
leaves, plants prematurely dry or killed by the disease (HS)
Ajithkumar et al.; IJPSS, 33(16): 19-28, 2021; Article no.IJPSS.69430
Table 2. Effect of nanoparticles on growth, yield parameters and Turcicum leaf blight disease of maize (Pooled data of 2019and 2020)
Tr. Treatments detail Crop Leaf Girth of Weight of Weight Yield/plot Yield Severity of BC
No. height area stem 100 kernel of cob (kg) (q/ha) Turcicum leaf Ratio
(cm) (cm2) (cm) (g) (g) blight (%)
T1 Control (No nitrogen and zinc, 180.67 484.75 4.83 28.12 142.42 6.92 34.58 25.07 1.97
100% P & K fertilizers) (30.04)
T2 T1 + 2 sprays of nanonitrogen 211.00 634.25 5.83 31.38 144.96 7.65 38.27 41.50 2.04
(4ml/l) (40.11)
T3 T1 + 2 sprays of IFFCO nano N 2X 213.00 666.62 5.90 32.84 147.40 7.63 38.15 43.57 1.91
(8ml/l) (41.30)
T4 T1 + 2 sprays of IFFCO nano Zn 186.33 490.04 4.97 29.50 143.83 7.35 36.75 24.17 1.96
(2ml/l) (29.45)
T5 T1 + 2 sprays of IFFCO nano N 210.67 629.77 6.03 32.97 146.43 7.74 38.68 41.17 2.00
(4ml/l) mixed with IFFCO nano Zn (39.91)
(2 ml/l)
T6 RDF (100% NPK) + 100% zinc 207.00 616.57 5.97 34.91 164.52 9.48 47.40 35.10 (36.33) 2.55
T7 50% N, 100% PK + 2 sprays of 215.00 662.32 6.10 36.43 169.98 9.87 49.37 39.83 2.59
IFFCO nano N (4ml/l) (39.13)
T8 RDF (100% NPK) + 2 sprays of 207.67 623.24 5.93 35.21 164.24 9.77 48.85 32.80 2.60
IFFCO nano Zn (2ml/l) (34.94)
T9 50% N, 100% PK, 0% Zinc + 2 214.33 665.88 6.23 36.82 168.74 10.25 51.25 37.83 2.60
sprays of IFFCO nano N (4ml/l) (37.96)
mixed with IFFCO nano Zn(2 ml/l)
T10 50% N, 100% PK, 0% Zinc + 2 217.33 742.20 6.40 39.18 176.06 10.58 52.90 18.20 2.61
sprays of IFFCO nano N (4ml/l) (25.25)
mixed with IFFCO nano Zn (2 ml/l)
and IFFCO nano Cu (2ml/l)
T11 50% N, 100% PK, 0% Zinc + 2 226.00 801.16 6.97 40.71 182.68 11.78 58.90 38.60 2.99
sprays of IFFCO nano N (4ml/l) (38.41)
mixed with IFFCO Sagarika (2 ml/l)
S. Em. ± 5.44 46.95 0.4 0.89 4.84 0.58 2.91 0.77
C. D. at 5% 16.05 138.49 1.19 2.65 14.27 1.72 8.58 2.28
*Figures in the parenthesis are Arcsine transformed values.
Ajithkumar et al.; IJPSS, 33(16): 19-28, 2021; Article no.IJPSS.69430
Crop height (cm) Leaf area (cm2) Girth of stem (cm)
Growth Parameters
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11
Treatment Details
Fig. 1. Effect of IFFCO nanofertilizers and straight fertilizers on the growth parameters of maize
Fig. 2. Effect of IFFCO nanofertilizers and straight fertilizers on the yield and yield attributes of
Ajithkumar et al.; IJPSS, 33(16): 19-28, 2021; Article no.IJPSS.69430
3.1 Growth Parameters remaining treatments (T7, T8, T6, T5, T2, T3 and T4)
and the control (T1 – 34.58 q/ha).
The results showed that among all the
treatments the maximum height of the maize was 3.3 B:C Ratio
recorded under treatment T11 [50% N, 100% PK,
0% Zinc + 2 sprays of IFFCO nano N (4ml/l) Among the 11 treatments, the maximum B:C
mixed with IFFCO Sagarika (2 ml/l)] was 226 cm ratio was recorded in treatment T11 [50% N,
which was on par with T10, T7, T9, T3, T2 and T5 100% PK, 0% Zinc + 2 sprays of IFFCO nano N
and T11 treatment was significantly superior over (4ml/l) mixed with IFFCO Sagarika (2 ml/l)]
rest treatments (T8 and T4) and the control (T1 – treatment with 2.99 which was followed by T10
180.67 cm). (2.61) and T9, T10 (2.60). The least BC ratio was
recorded by T3 [(No nitrogen and zinc, 100% P &
The maximum leaf area was recorded under T11 K fertilizers) + 2 sprays of IFFCO nano N - 2X
[50% N, 100% PK, 0% Zinc + 2 sprays of IFFCO (8ml/l)] with 1.91 whereas T1 [control- (No
nano N (4ml/l) mixed with IFFCO Sagarika (2 nitrogen and zinc, 100% P & K fertilizers)] has
ml/l)] was 801.16 cm2. The T11 was on par with recorded BC ratio of 1.97 (Fig. 3).
T10, T3 and T9 and significantly superior over the
remaining treatments (T2, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T8) 3.4 Turcicum leaf blight disease of maize
and the control (T1 – 484.75 cm2).
The effect of IFFCO nanoparticles was also
The results of the experiment demonstrated that, assessed on the severity of Turcicum leaf blight
the maximum girth of the stem was recorded by disease of maize (Table 2, Fig. 3, Plate 2).
treatment T11 [50% N, 100% PK, 0% Zinc + 2 Among all the treatments, the least mean percent
sprays of IFFCO nano N (4ml/l) mixed with disease severity was noticed in T10 [50% N,
IFFCO Sagarika (2 ml/l)] with 6.97 cm and all the 100% P and K, 0% Zinc + 2 sprays of IFFCO
treatments (T10, T9, T7, T5, T6, T8,T3 and T2) were nano N (4ml/l) mixed with IFFCO nano Zn (2 ml/l)
on par with each other and T11 was significantly and IFFCO nano Cu (2ml/l)] was 18.20 and was
superior over the T10 and the control (T1 – 4.83 significantly lower than other treatments. The
cm). next best treatment was T4 [No nitrogen and
zinc, 100% P and K fertilizers + 2 sprays of
3.2 Yield Parameters IFFCO nano Zn (2ml/l)] with 24.17% Turcicum
leaf blight. However the treatment, T11 which was
The outcome of the experiment demonstrated recorded maximum growth and yield parameters
that, among all the treatments the maximum with maximum BC ratio has recorded 38.60%
weight of the 100 kernel was recorded under Turcicum leaf blight.
treatment T11 [50% N, 100% PK, 0% Zinc + 2
sprays of IFFCO nano N (4ml/l) mixed with 3.5 Chemical Properties of Soil
IFFCO Sagarika (2 ml/l)] was 40.71 g which was
at par with T10 whereas significantly superior over The chemical properties of the soil before start
rest of the treatments (T9, T7, T8, T6, T5, T3, and of the experiment and after the harvest of the
T4) and the control (T1 –28.12 cm). crop are presented in Table 3. The results
revealed that there was slight increase in the
The maximum weight of the cob was recorded soil chemical properties after the harvest of the
under treatment T11 [50% N, 100% PK, 0% Zinc crop. The soil pH was slightly decreased from
+ 2 sprays of IFFCO nano N (4ml/l) mixed with 8.12 to 8.05 and slight increase in EC, per cent
IFFCO Sagarika (2 ml/l)] was 182.68 g and the organic Carbon, available N, P, K, Zn and Fe
treatments T10, T3 and T9 were at par with T11 were slightly increased (0.83 from 0.32, 0.37
and significantly superior over remaining from 0.31, 122.4 kg from 118.5 kg N, 22.1 kg
treatments (T6, T8, T3, T5, T2, and T4) and the from 12.4 kg P, 774.3 kg from 683.1 kg K, 0.88
control (T1 – 142.42 g). ppm from 0.81 ppm Zn and 1.31 ppm to 1.24
ppm Fe, respectively).
The maximum yield was recorded for T11 [50% N,
100% PK, 0% Zinc + 2 sprays of IFFCO nano N There was clear evidence that nitrogen nutrition
(4ml/l) mixed with IFFCO Sagarika (2 ml/l)] with was a major component to maize production.
58.90 q/ha and the treatments T10 and T9 (52.90 Application of nitrogen fertilization produced the
and 51.25 q/ha) were at par with treatment T11 highest yield irrespective of the rate. The results
where as T11 was found superior over the of the present investigation are supported by
Ajithkumar et al.; IJPSS, 33(16): 19-28, 2021; Article no.IJPSS.69430
Adeboye et al. [9] who reported 90 kg N ha-1 to therefore might affect the plant recover and
be optimum for maize in Minna and an productivity.
increased grain yield of maize with nitrogen
application [10]. The applied N has been found The application of zinc fertilizer judiciously has
as a key input for achieving the highest yield of been reported to increase crop production as
maize in the Savanna agroecological zones well as enrich the zinc content in plant organs
[11]. including grains [18]. The soil application of zinc
resulted in an increase in the grain weight of
The positive effect of IFFCO nano Cu found in maize [19,20] and the increased maize yield
enhancing plant biomass in maize and also was attributed to the foliar application of zinc
reduces the severity of Turcicum leaf blight. [21]. An increase in the maize grain yield due to
These results were supported by previous the application of 5 kg zinc ha to the soil was
studies that copper plays an important role in also observed [22].
plant growth, development and plant
productivity as well as very effective in reducing The different fungicides including copper based
the Turcicum leaf blight disease [12,13,14]. The fungicides were tried under in vitro and in vivo
higher plant biomass found in nanocopper [23]. Among the different fungicides copper oxy
applied plants indicated the reduction of drought chloride was found effective in inhibiting the
effect on maize, which was associated with the mycelial growth of Helminthosporium maydis
higher water status of leaf in nano-Cuo group under in vitro as well as effective in managing
[15]. The higher leaf water status of nano-Cuo the leaf blight disease of maize under field
priming plants could result in maintaining of condition.
photosynthesis under drought [16,17],
Fig. 3. Effect of IFFCO nanofertilizers and straight fertilizers on the severity of Turcicum leaf
blight and economics of maize
Ajithkumar et al.; IJPSS, 33(16): 19-28, 2021; Article no.IJPSS.69430
A: T1-(No nitrogen and zinc, B:T5-RDF (100% NPK & 100% Zn) C: T6- (50 % N, 100 % PK),
100% P & K fertilizers) 2 sprays of nano-nitrogen
A. T4: T1, 2 sprays of nano-co B: T6- (50 % N, 100 % PK), 2 sprays of nano-nitrogen
Ajithkumar et al.; IJPSS, 33(16): 19-28, 2021; Article no.IJPSS.69430
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Afolabi SG, Adekanmbi AA. Rotation effect
Authors have declared that no competing of Aeschynomene histrix on soil carbon
interests exist. and nitrogen and maize grain yield at
Minna in the southern Guinea Savanna of
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License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
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