Chapter I
Chapter I
Chapter I
a tie-up between the educational sector and the “Programang Agrikultura Para sa
Masa” of the Department of Agriculture (DA), which will be implemented in the national,
regional, division, provincial and city levels. The initiatives seek to raise public
consciousness on the health and nutritional dimension as well as the economic benefit
of establishing a school, household, and community gardens. The school gardens shall
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to determine the extent of practices in the implementation and
Program in ANHS.
The researcher believes that the result of this study will benefit the following
Students. Through this study, students will be able to realize how important is the
Teachers. This study may widen their understanding of how important is the
Parents. This study will help them realize the importance of their presence and
Future Researchers. They can use the result of this study as their reference in their
Definition of Terms
Sustainability. It is a societal goal that broadly aims for humans to safely co-exist on
New Normal. It is a state to which an economy, society etc. settles following a crisis,
when this differs from the situation that prevailed prior to the start of the crisis.
Distribution of Harvest. It is the act or process of the season for gathering in a crop.
Monitoring and Evaluation. It is the one that warns and determination of the value,
Partnership among Parents. Family involvement can range from receiving information
families work alongside teachers to determine and implement decisions in the early
childhood service.
Partnership among PTA Officers. It is a relationship resembling a legal partnership
and usually involving close cooperation between parties having specified and joint rights
Theoretical Framework
equilibrium corporation hire up until appoint where the marginal employee’s contribution
equals the going wage, while partnerships stop when this contribution equals the
average partner share. A direct consequence is that corporations are always bigger
inclined to expand its labor force. In particular, because partnerships involve re-
distribution of profits, existing partners may hesitate to bring in new employees even if
explanation of how and why implementation succeeds or fails. The aim of this article is
‘ensemble’ – of material and cognitive practices. Even what appear as very simple
implementation processes involve many moving parts. Throughout what follows, the
term ‘complex intervention’ is therefore used to define the object of any implementation
Conceptual Framework