Demand Letter
Demand Letter
Demand Letter
Brgy. 3, Camalig Albay
I am Ms. Allaissa Jane O. Acabado, of legal age, Filipino and a resident of Dike Side Ilawod,
Guinobatan Albay. I am one of those who invested in BENTA SLOT on __________ in the
amount of ________________ with a promise return of ___ % per month.
Records disclose that it has already been ____ MONTHS since I invested but still, I did not
receive the desired return. I am also aware that BENTA SLOT has the difficulty of releasing
the funds due to the issues facing right now as an “investment fraud”.
Accordingly, this DEMAND is hereby made upon you to make a REFUND of the capital
amount of _______________________ within FIVE (5) days from receipt of this letter.
Otherwise, we will be constrained to file the necessary legal action against you to protect
my interest as an investor.
As not further burden the company, I will no longer be interested on the interest due. I
trust that you will give this matter your prompt and preferential attention to avoid the
expense and inconvenience of litigation.
Truly yours,
Allaissa Jane O.