KOC-P-002 Part 2-R6-23-08-2015

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(Rev. 6)

DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 1 of 48 REV. 6







DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2

I DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 I Page 2 of 48 REV.S






DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2



6 23/08/2015
Issued as KOG
Task Force A ~~.
(TF-PG/05 )
Amer Jaragh Khalid B. AI-Shammari

Issued as KOG Task Force Abdul Razzak

5 04/05/2011 S. Kumar Faisal Mirza
Standard (TF-PG/02 ) AI-Shamari

TF-Leader TPL Specialist - I Team Leader Standards

Rev. Date Description Prepared by
Tel. No. 65428 Tel. No. 61633 Tel. 61896
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 3 of 48 REV. 6


Page No.


1.0 SCOPE 7


3.1 Definitions 8
3.2 Abbreviations 9


4.1 Conflicts 10
4.2 List of Standards, Codes and Specifications 10



6.1 General 14
6.2 Isolation of Tank and Related Piping 15
6.3 Purging and Ventilating the Tank (Vapour-Freeing) 15
6.4 Waste Management 16


7.1 General 16
7.2 Materials Packaging and Storage 16
7.3 Epoxy Holding (Blast) Primer 17
7.4 Caulking (Putty) and Sealer Compounds 17
7.5 Fiberglass Lining System 18
7.6 Glass Flake Lining System 18
7.7 Thin Film Epoxy Lining System 19
7.8 Thixotropic Agent for Viscosity Control 19
7.9 Material Approvals - Fiberglass Lining System 19
7.10 Material Approvals - Glass Flake Lining System 22
7.11 Material Approvals - Thin Film Epoxy Lining System 24


8.1 General 25
8.2 Tank Preparation (For Rehabilitation Works): Removal of
Liquid Product and Bottom Sediment from Existing Tanks 25
8.3 Patching and Grinding (For Rehabilitation Works) 26
8.4 Contaminants Removal 27
8.5 Abrasive Blasting 27
8.6 Humidity Control 29
8.7 After Blast Cleaning 29
8.8 Striker Plates, Steel Legs, Risers, Down comers and Supports 30
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9.1 General 31
9.2 Areas to be Lined 32
9.3 Weather Conditions 32
9.4 Primer Application 32
9.5 Caulking (Putty) Application 33
9.6 Fiberglass Laminate Application 33
9.7 Glass Flake Application 35
9.8 Thin Film Lining Application 37
9.9 Curing 38


10.1 General Requirements 38
10.2 Environmental Conditions Testing 39
10.3 Materials and Equipment Inspection 39
10.4 Compressed Air and Abrasive 39
10.5 Surface Preparation Inspection 40
10.6 Lining Film Thickness 41
10.7 Curing Hardness Test 41
10.8 Holiday Detection Test 41
10.9 Adhesion Test 42
10.10 Defects and Pinholes Repair 42


12.1 General 43
12.2 Work Proposal 43
12.3 Work Records / Reports 44
12.4 Final Report 44

Appendix 1: Caulking (Putty) Application 45
Appendix 2: Fiberglass Application on Connections & Supports 46

DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 5 of 48 REV. 6


This document “KOC Standard for Internal Lining of Tanks and Vessels Part 2 :
Internal Lining of Above Ground Steel Tanks” (KOC-P-002 Part 2, Rev.6) is
intended to provide the minimum technical requirements of appropriate and proven
materials for the different lining systems to protect the internal steel surfaces of tanks
from internal corrosion. The earlier document (KOC-P-002, Pt. 2 Rev. 5) issued in May
2011, has been revised for conformance with the revisions of relevant International /
National Standards and incorporation of latest technical requirements in this field.

This Standard is part of the KOC-P-002 Series on “Internal Lining of Tanks and Vessels”.
The other parts of this series are:

Part 1: Gunite Lining of Steel Vessels

Part 3: Internal Lining of Steel Vessels

This KOC Standard has been approved by the Standards Team in consultation with the
Standards Technical Committee (STC) for consistent use throughout the Engineering
and Operational Functions of Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C).

This Standard sets out to achieve the following objectives:

a) To outline general technical practices and procedures for material

selection, installation, maintenance and inspection / testing of lining
systems for the protection of internal surfaces of vessels subjected to
aggressive environment.

b) To provide the technical guidance for field application, surface preparation,

inspection and testing requirements in order to achieve quality, reliability
and positive Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) performance.

c) To harmonize current practices by codification, rationalisation, standardisation and

internal control of acceptable existing practices.

d) To set out minimum requirements and guidance for monitoring compliance of

materials and testing within a Project.

e) To act as a tool for internal communication from which future safety, environmental
and technological changes can be measured.

Feedback as well as any comments or suggestions derived from the application of this
Standard at any stage of construction, maintenance and field experiences are invited
and should be directed to:

Team Leader Standards

(Chairman, Standards Technical Committee)
Projects Support Services Group, K. O. C.
P.O. Box- 9758, Ahmadi-61008
State of Kuwait
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 6 of 48 REV. 6

Task Force Responsible for Revision of this Standard

The revision of this Standard (Rev.6) has been entrusted by the Standards Technical
Committee (STC) to the Task Force (TF-PC/05) comprising of the following Members:

Mr. Amer Jaragh Insp. & Corr. (N&WK) Team TF Leader Tel. No. 65428
Mr. Mohd. Emam Insp. & Corr. (S&EK) Team Member Tel. No. 65254
Mr. Hasan Sabri Insp. & Corr. (S&EK) Team Member Tel. No. 65434
Mr. Sharian Al-Dousary Export Maintenance Team Member Tel. No. 67882
Mr. Ganga P. Dharan Export Maintenance Team Member Tel. No. 66185
Mr. Umair A. Usmani Standards Team Member Tel. No. 61869

Revision 6: Summary of Major Changes in this Revision (Rev.6)

No. Clause Description of the Major Changes

1 FOREWORD Modified.
New Clause added to include Fiberglass single mat
2 1.2
3 3.2, 4.2, 5.1 & 6.0 Revised and Updated.
7.1.1, 7.1.3, 7.2.1 &
4 Sub-Clauses are modified.
5 7.2.8 New Sub-Clause added.
7.7.2, 7.9.1, 7.9.4,
6 7.10.1, 7.10.2, Sub-Clauses are modified.
8.2.1 & 8.2.2
7 9.0 Title Modified.
9.6.5: Sub-Clause deleted.
The Remaining Sub-Clauses 9.6.1 to 9.6.11 are
8 9.6
renumbered as 9.6.1 (a,b,c...)
9.6.1 Titled as “General”.
New Sub-Clause “Fiberglass Laminate Application
9 9.6.2 (For Single Mat)” added.
Note Added for Applicability of Single mat.
Sub-Clauses are modified, shifted and renumbered
under Sub-Clauses 9.6.3 (a,b,c,d &e).
10 9.6.12 to 9.6.16
9.6.3 Titled as “Fiberglass Laminate Application (For
Double Mat)”.
11 9.8.8 Sub-Clause Modified and Table V – Deleted.
Table VI : Renumbered as Table V and Title Changed.
12 10.6.2
The content of the Table Modified.
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1.1 This Standard specifies the minimum requirements for surface preparation,
materials, application, inspection and testing of hand lay linings such as
fiberglass reinforced, glass flake, phenolic epoxy and high build epoxy
systems, intended to be applied on internal surfaces of above ground storage
tanks as specified in Table I below:

Table I -Type of Lining for Internal Surfaces of Above Ground Storage


Tanks Bottom & Shell & Nozzles &
Tanks Underside &
Lower Shell Structure Pipe Internals
Brackish &
Fire Fighting FGRL up to 0.6 m PE / HBE PE / HBE PE
Effluent /
Source / FGRL up to 0.6 m GF(1) PE / HBE PE
Treated Water
Dry Crude FGRL up to 0.6 m PE / HBE PE / HBE PE
Wet Crude FGRL up to 3 m(2) PE / HBE PE / HBE PE
Floating Roof FGRL up to 0.6 m No Coating
(within 0.6 m) Coating
Fresh Potable
Where; FGRL: Fiberglass Reinforced Lining ; GF: Glass Flake ; PE : Phenolic Epoxy ;
SFE: Solvent Free Epoxy (suitable for drinking water) ; HBE: High Build Epoxy.

(1) If GF cannot be applied on a structure due to its shape, then PE / HBE can be
(2) If water level is higher than 3.0 m, then apply FGRL up to 0.60 m with
remaining shell height lined with GF.
(3) All Tank bottom plate soil side shall be coated with HBE.
(4) For thickness requirements, refer to Tables V of this Standard.

1.2 The scope also includes application of single mat fiberglass lining for tanks
bottom plate. (Refer Clause 9.6.2 & NOTE) I6I


2.1 All the materials and equipment used for surface preparation, coating
application, inspection and testing shall conform to the requirements of this
Standard and the referenced standards and codes herein.

2.2 Any exception or deviations from this Standard, along with their merits &
justification, shall be brought to the attention of KOC Controlling Team, for
their review, consideration and amendment by Standards Team (if required).

2.3 Compliance with this Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal or
statutory obligations.
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3.1 Definitions

For the purposes of this Standard, the following definitions apply.

3.1.1 Applicator
An organization, contractor or subcontractor having the technical capability,
knowledge, equipment, qualified personnel that is approved by KOC for the
coating processes as required by this Standard.

3.1.2 Caulking
Caulking is the process of applying a 98-100% solid catalyzed epoxy material
(caulking compound) on tank internal surfaces to fill pores/pits or to cover
weld seams, lap joints, large projections, connections, etc. This is to provide a
uniform gradual transition and smooth surfaces.

3.1.3 Coat
A continuous layer of a coating material that results from a single application.

3.1.4 Contractor
Vendor Company or business that agrees to furnish materials and/or perform
specific project/services to KOC at specific price and/or rate defined by the

3.1.5 Curing
Curing is the setting up or hardening, generally due to a reaction between two
or more chemicals (e.g., resin and curing agent) resulting in the final
polymerized product in the lining system.

3.1.6 Dew Point

Dew Point is the temperature at which the water vapor in the air becomes
saturated and condensation begins.

3.1.7 Dry Film Thickness

The dry film thickness of coating is measured by film thickness gauge and
expressed in microns or mils; 1000 microns are equivalent to 40 mils.

3.1.8 Fiberglass Lining

A cold curing thermosetting resin coating based on solvent free resin, with
Fiberglass reinforcement, which cures by chemical reaction at normal ambient
temperature to form a surface barrier.

3.1.9 Grit
A term used to describe the angular or irregularly shaped particles of
abrasives used.

3.1.10 Holiday
A discontinuity in a protective coating (e.g., cracks, pinholes, voids, etc.) that
exhibits electrical conductivity when exposed to specific voltage.
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3.1.11 Manufacturer
The KOC approved parties that manufacture coating, lining, wrapping and
insulation materials.

3.1.12 Surface Profile

The micro-roughness of surface, generally expressed as the average height of
the major peaks relative to the major valleys.

3.2 Abbreviations I6I

API American Petroleum Institute

ASTM American Society for Testing & Materials
DFT Dry Film Thickness
FGRL Fiberglass Reinforced Lining
GF Glass Flake
HBE High Build Epoxy
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
HSEMS Health, Safety Environment Management System
ICT Inspection and Corrosion Team
ISO International Organization for Standardization
JSA Job Safety Analysis
KOC Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.)
MSDS / SDS Material Safety Data Sheet / Safety Data Sheet
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
PE Phenolic Epoxy
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PTW Permit to Work
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
RH Relative Humidity
SFE Solvent Free Epoxy
SORF Slip-On Raised Face
SSPC The Society for Protecting Coatings
WFT Wet Film Thickness
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4.1 Conflicts

In the event of conflicts between this Standard and the standards / codes
referenced herein, or other contractual requirements, the most stringent
requirement shall apply. In case further clarifications are required, the subject
shall be brought to the attention of KOC Controlling Team for review and

4.2 List of Standards, Codes and Specifications I6I

The latest edition of the following Standards, Codes and Specifications

(including amendment if any) shall apply:

4.2.1 National / International Standards and Codes

API STD 650 Welded Tanks for Oil Storage

API RP 652 Linings of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank


API STD 653 Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and


ASTM D522 / D522M Standard Test Methods for Mandrel Bend Test of
Attached Organic Coatings

ASTM D570 Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics

ASTM D578 / D578M Standard Specification for Glass Fiber Strands

ASTM D870 Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of

Coatings using Water Immersion

ASTM D1763 Standard Specification for Epoxy Resins

ASTM D2583 Standard Test Method for Indentation Hardness of

Rigid Plastics by Means of a Barcol Impresser

ASTM D3363 Standard Test Method for Film Hardness by Pencil


ASTM D4060 Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of

Organic Coatings by the Taber Abraser

ASTM D4414 Standard Practice for Measurement of Wet Film

Thickness by Notch Gages

ASTM D4417 Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of

Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 11 of 48 REV. 6

ASTM D4541 Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of

Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers

ASTM D5420 Standard Test Method for Impact Resistance of Flat,

Rigid Plastic Specimen by Means of a Striker
Impacted by a Falling Weight (Gardner Impact)

ASTM G42 Standard Test Method for Cathodic Disbonding of

Pipeline Coatings Subjected to Elevated

CSA Z245.20 Plant Applied External Coatings for Steel Pipe

(Series - 14)

ISO 2078 Textile glass - Yarns - Designation

ISO 2812 Paints and varnishes - Determination of Resistance to

Liquids –
Part 1: Immersion in Liquids Other Than Water
Part 2: Water Immersion Method

ISO 3233-1 Paints and Varnishes — Determination of The

Percentage Volume of Nonvolatile Matter Part I -
Method Using a Coated Test Panel to Determine Non-
Volatile Matter and to Determine Dry Film Density By
The Archimedes Principle

ISO 4624 Paints and Varnishes - Pull-off Test For Adhesion

ISO 8501-1 Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of

Paints and Related Products - Visual Assessment of
Surface Cleanliness - Part 1: Rust Grades and
Preparation Grades of Uncoated Steel Substrates and
of Steel Substrates After Overall Removal of Previous

ISO 8502 Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of

Paint and Related Products - Tests for the
Assessment of Surface Cleanliness

ISO 8502-3 Part 3: Assessment of Dust on Steel Surfaces

Prepared for Painting (Pressure-Sensitive Tape

ISO 8502-6 Part 6: Extraction of Soluble Contaminants for

Analysis the Bresle method

ISO 8502-9 Part 9: Field Method for the Conductometric

Determination of Water-Soluble Salts
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 12 of 48 REV. 6

ISO 9227 Corrosion Tests in Artificial Atmospheres - Salt Spray


ISO 17025 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing

and Calibration Laboratories

NACE RP0287 Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abrasive

Blast Cleaned Steel Surfaces Using a Replica Tape

NACE SP0178 Design, Fabrication, and Surface Finish Practices for

Tanks and Vessels to Be Lined for Immersion Service

NACE SP0188 Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective

Coatings on Conductive Substrates

NACE TM0174 Laboratory Methods for the Evaluation of Protective

Coatings and Lining Materials on Metallic Substrates
in Immersion Service

NACE Hand Book Coating and Lining for Immersion Services

SSPC-PA2 Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry

Coating Thickness Requirements

SSPC-SP1 Solvent Cleaning

SSPC-SP10 Near White Metal Blast Cleaning

4.2.2 KOC Standards

KOC-G-002 KOC Standard for Hazardous Area Classification.

KOC-G-007 KOC Standard for Basic Design Data.

KOC-L-010, Part 1 KOC Standard for Personal Protective Equipment

(Ear, Eyes, Hand and Head Protection)

KOC-MV-007 KOC Standard for Field Erected Storage Tanks

KOC-P-002 Pt.1 KOC Standard for Internal Lining of Tanks and

Vessels: Part 1: Gunite Lining of Steel Vessels

KOC-P-002 Pt. 3 KOC Standard for Internal Lining of Steel Tanks &
Vessels: Part 3: Internal Lining of Steel Vessels

KOC-P-006 KOC Standard for Evaluation and Certification of

Blasting and Coating Contractor / Applicator

KOC-Q-014 KOC Standard for Project QA / QC Requirements

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4.2.3 KOC Health, Safety & Environment Management System (HSEMS)

KOC HSE Policy


KOC.EV.005 Chemical Spill Cleanup Procedure

KOC.EV.008 Waste Management Procedure

KOC.GE.028 HSE Training, Awareness and Continued HSE Learning


KOC.GE.029 HSE Procedure for Decommissioning, De-sludging,

Cleaning, Maintenance and Re-commissioning of Storage

KOC.GE.034 Housekeeping Procedure

KOC.HE.008 Chemical Hazard Management and Communication


KOC.SA.004 Permit to Work Procedure

KOC.SA.005 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Procedure

KOC.SA.007 Entry Into Confined Spaces

KOC.SA.010 Procedure for Personal Protective Equipment

KOC.SA.011 High Pressure Water Jetting, Abrasive Blasting Cleaning

and Steam Cleaning Safety Procedure

KOC.SA.013 Mobile Equipment Procedure

KOC.SA.021 HSE Procedure for Welding and Cutting

KOC.SA.024 Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

KOC.SA.029 Safety Requirements for Lifting, Shifting & Material


KOC.SA.030 Painting and Coating HSE Procedure

KOC.SA.031 Working at Height Procedure

Any other relevant KOC HSEMS Procedures as applicable

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5.1 The environmental conditions in Kuwait are severe and shall be considered
carefully for selection of coating materials. The atmosphere shall be
considered to be dusty, corrosive and humid with high ambient temperature.
The atmosphere may also contain traces of H2S / SO2 / SOx / NOx gases and
airborne chemical contaminants. I6I

5.2 For environmental conditions in Kuwait, refer to KOC-G-007 “KOC Standard

for Basic Design Data”, which provides the detailed design information
regarding the environmental, site and utility supply conditions prevailing
throughout the KOC facilities.


6.1 General

6.1.1 The Contractor / Applicator shall assure the compliance of necessary HSE
requirements to minimize the consequences and impacts of hazards on the
surrounding environment and adjoining facilities as well as the occupational
health and safety of exposed personnel.

6.1.2 KOC Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) policy, relevant HSE
Management System procedures and other contract HSE requirements, as
applicable, shall be adhered to while carrying out KOC works.

6.1.3 The Contractor / Applicator personnel, shall take necessary approvals from
the relevant safety authority of KOC, where there is a risk of flammable
atmosphere being present in a particular work area, prior to performing
surface preparation. Flame heating equipment shall not be used in hazardous
areas. Refer to KOC-G-002 “KOC Standard for Hazardous Area
Classification”, which describes the area classification for various Facilities. A
prior approval from KOC shall be obtained before the use of any flame heating
equipment at the job site.

6.1.4 Appropriate Permit to Work (PTW) with applicable Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
document for the work to be carried out and shall be prepared in accordance
to KOC.SA.004 “Permit to Work Procedure” prior to commencement of work.
The PTW and JSA documents shall address all relevant HSE requirements
specified by the Coating Manufacturer and the applicable KOC HSEMS
Procedures. KOC HSE Policy and all applicable KOC HSEMS procedures
shall be adhered to within KOC areas at all times.

JSA of the work including confined space entry shall be in accordance with the
requirement specified in KOC.SA.007 “Entry into Confined Spaces” and
control measures mentioned in the JSA documents shall be implemented at
work site and the pertinent hazards identified in JSA shall be communicated to
all workers before commencing the work.
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6.1.5 All Contractor / Applicator personnel shall have successfully undergone

applicable training and / or awareness course(s) as identified in “Matrix of
Identified categories of personnel need ‘HSE Training, and Awareness’ for
Contractor’s Employee” under HSEMS procedure KOC.GE.028 and such
personnel shall be able to produce valid documentary evidences at the time of

6.1.6 The Contractor / Applicator personnel, involved in supervision,

inspection / testing, handling, surface preparation and lining
application processes, shall use the appropriate Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) during the pertinent application(s).

6.1.7 Adequate lighting shall be provided using KOC approved high intensity flood
lights or spot lights of safe voltage levels to provide good visibility during
surface preparation, lining application, and inspection / testing. The temporary
power supply circuit shall have earth leakage circuit breaker. Temporary
lighting shall comply with the requirement specified in KOC.SA.007 “Entry into
Confined Spaces”.

6.1.8 All equipment and accessories utilized for the coating application processes,
including pipe handling and cleaning processes, shall be certified to be in safe
condition. Contractor’s mobile plant / equipment entering Gathering Centers /
Booster Stations must be certified – “Fit for Service” by Third Party Inspector
and shall obtain the Clearance Certificate as per KOC.SA.013 “Mobile
Equipment Procedure”. Periodical inspection records of all equipment and
accessories shall be made available on demand.

6.2 Isolation of Tank and Related Piping

6.2.1 The tank shall be positively isolated by blind flange (spade, spectacle blind
etc.) as applicable before commencement of any work. Any manifold lines
such as vents fill or suction shall be "blanked off" from other existing tanks and
lines that are to remain in service during the entire lining process. Product and
vapor recovery lines shall be drained off product and purged or disconnected
and "blanked off". The Contractor / Applicator shall use an air-line, while
working inside the tank.

6.2.2 All electrical switches supplying current to pumps and other equipment
connected to the tank shall be "locked out". Cathodic protection system and all
tubular housing and conduits connected to the tanks for gauging or other
instrumentation purpose shall be disconnected.

6.3 Purging and Ventilating the Tank (Vapor-Freeing)

6.3.1 Continual ventilation shall be provided during the entire blasting and lining
process to maintain safe limits. The rate of airflow used to purge and ventilate
shall be determined by the size of the tank, with a minimum of Two (2) air
exchanges per hour.
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6.3.2 During the entire purging process, tests for flammable vapor concentrations
shall be conducted and results for at least Two (2) consecutive tests shall fall
in the acceptable range for Confined Space Entry in compliance with HSEMS
Doc. No. KOC.SA.007.

6.4 Waste Management

All waste (Hazardous / Non-hazardous) generated from the subject activities

shall be managed as per KOC HSEMS procedure KOC.EV.008 “Waste
Management Procedure”.


7.1 General

7.1.1 All lining materials (including the fiber glass mat and tissue) shall be
chemically pure, uniform in composition and free from inclusions and
foreign contaminants. I6I

7.1.2 The lining Contractor / Manufacturer shall provide details of manufacturing,

composition, technical specifications, Material Safety Data Sheets, physical
properties and laboratory testing certificates for KOC review and approval.

7.1.3 All the lining materials intended to be used shall have a proper proven track
history for the last 15 years in crude and effluent water tanks. The history shall
be submitted to KOC for review and approval which shall include inspection
reports of at least Five (5) tanks after the lining being in service, contact
information and year applied etc. I 6 I

7.2 Materials Packaging and Storage

7.2.1 Lining materials shall be packaged and delivered to the plant / site in original,
tightly sealed Manufacturer’s containers with batch numbers, storage
conditions, date of manufacture and date of expiry clearly marked thereon.
MSDS / SDS of the materials shall also to be provided. I 6 I

7.2.2 All lining materials, solvents and thinners shall be stored in enclosed storage
areas or structures that are well-ventilated and protected from temperatures
exceeding Manufacturer’s recommendations, open flames, electrical
discharge and direct sunlight. Air conditioned storage areas shall be utilized
while excessive ambient temperatures are expected.

All lining materials, solvents, curing agents, oil and equipment cleaners shall
be stored in closed labeled original containers. All electrical fittings and
installations in storage areas should be certified as flameproof ‘Exd’ type.

7.2.3 Storage area shall be demarcated as “No Smoking” area. It shall be secured
and no other material shall be stored in that enclosed area.
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7.2.4 Portable fire extinguisher of suitable quality and appropriate quantity shall be
provided at storage area and such extinguishers shall be inspected and
approved by Fire Team.

7.2.5 The Manufacturer’s safety precautions and procedures regarding toxicity and
safe mixing, handling, storage and application of coating materials shall be
strictly adhered. They shall be clearly described on the technical data sheet of
coating materials supplied as well as on the containers.

7.2.6 Original containers after being emptied shall not be re-used for any other
purpose and shall be disposed off as hazardous waste as per KOC HSEMS
Procedure KOC.EV.008 “Waste Management Procedure”.

7.2.7 Arrangement for containment of accidental spill shall be provided in storage

area and shall adhere to KOC HSEMS procedure KOC.EV.005 “Chemical
Spill Cleanup Procedure”. I6I

7.2.8 The Contractor / Applicator shall adhere to KOC HSEMS procedure

KOC.HE.008 “Chemical Hazard Management and Communication
Procedure”. I6I

7.3 Epoxy Holding (Blast) Primer

An easily applied rapid curing primer which cures to a coating with excellent
abrasion and chemical resistance may be used as holding primer. The
approved holding primer shall be compatible with the lining system and as
specified in the lining system material data sheet. Holding primer may not be
required if the tank atmosphere is held at less than 50% relative humidity by
use of an approved dehumidification system. Blast holding primer shall not be
in red or brown shade.

7.4 Caulking (Putty) and Sealer Compounds

7.4.1 Caulking (putty) compound shall be a mixture of solvent free epoxy resin and
treated aggregates, e.g. Silica Sand / Fumed Silica / Aerosil Powder. A fully
cured caulking shall be rigid to provide strength and chemical resistance
which shall be compatible with the lining system.

7.4.2 Sealer compound shall be 100% volume solids and compatible with the lining

7.4.3 The approved putties and sealers shall be as specified in the lining system
material data sheet.
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7.5 Fiberglass Lining System

7.5.1 Fiberglass Resin Compound

The resin compound for fiberglass lining system shall be Bisphenol Epoxy
Resin. Base resins shall be type 1 Grade 1 as per ASTM D1763 100% pure
Bisphenol Epychlorohydrin epoxide resin of low viscosity at normal room
temperature. Epoxy resin may be an amine adduct cured. Epoxy base blends
may be either high molecular weight Epoxy Phenolic or Novolac base resins
of low viscosity at normal room temperature.

7.5.2 Fiberglass Reinforcement (Hand Lay-up)

a) The fiberglass mat reinforcement shall be type E or type C - Glass fiber

roving as per ISO 2078 / ASTM D578 / D578M of size 0.4 mm in diameter
of low alkali borosilicate glass, evenly distributed in a random pattern and
bound together with a chemical binder highly soluble in the laminating

b) The mat shall have a minimum weight of 450 gm/m 2 (1.5 oz/ft2), a width of
not less than 1250 mm and shall contain a high solubility binder.

c) The glass surface tissue (surface veil) shall be a light weight glass fiber
with a minimum weight of 20 gm/m2 (9.6 oz/in2) and a minimum width of
1250 mm.

d) The fiber mat and tissue shall be compatible with the resin intended to use.

7.6 Glass Flake Lining System

7.6.1 Resin Compound

The resin compound for fiberglass lining system shall be Bisphenol Epoxy
Resin Base. Resins shall be type 1 Grade 1 as per ASTM D1763, 100% pure
Bisphenol Epichlorohydrin epoxide resin of low viscosity at normal room

7.6.2 Epoxy resin may be an amine adduct cured. Epoxy base blends may be either
high molecular weight Epoxy Phenolic or Novolac base resins of low viscosity
at normal room temperature.

7.6.3 Glass-Flake Reinforcement

The glass-flake shall be borosilicate, C Glass fiber platelets with a

good water / chemical resistance. The size of the flake shall be in the
range two to seven (2-7) microns thick and 300 to 1700 um wide.
The C glass shall be as per ISO 2078 / ASTM D578 / D578M.
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7.7 Thin Film Epoxy Lining System

7.7.1 The Phenolic Epoxy (PE) shall be Amine Cured and shall be capable to
withstand a temperature of minimum 90oC (Immersed).

7.7.2 The High Build Epoxy (HBE) shall be amine adduct. The volume of solids shall
be minimum 80%. HBE shall be capable to build up the recommended
thickness in a single (1) or maximum Two (2) coats without any film defects.
The product shall be designed for withstanding buried soil conditions. I6I

7.7.3 Solvent Free Epoxy (SFE) shall be High Build and suitable for using in potable
water service. The lining shall possess certificate of clearance to use on
storage items intended to store water for human consumption from the
Ministry of Electricity & Water, Kuwait.

7.8 Thixotropic Agent for Viscosity Control

To prevent sagging or dripping on vertical surfaces, a thixotropic agent which

has nil or negligible effect on the properties of the cured resin system and
having ease of application may be used. Any thixotropic agent added to the
resin shall be from the resin Manufacturer or approved by the resin

7.9 Material Approvals – Fiberglass Lining System

7.9.1 Original certifications shall be submitted to KOC from an independent testing

laboratory (ISO 17025 certified) that the fiberglass lining when applied as per
this Standard shall meets the requirement specified in Table II. I 6 I

Table II – Minimum Technical Requirements for Fiberglass Lining

Minimum Acceptance
Properties Test Method
Adhesion ASTM D4541 10 MPa
(after immersing the lining into ASTM D4541 7 MPa
60 C water for 24 hours)
Cathodic Disbondment o 10 mm max.
(at 60 C for 30 days)
Solids Content ISO 3233 > 98%
Total DFT of the system SSPC-PA2 3080 µm
ASTM D 5420
Impact Resistance No Holiday
(4.5 Joules / 40 in. lbs.)
No disbondment more than
Salt Spray ISO 9227 for 3000 hours
3 mm and no rusting
ISO 2812 Part 1 Method B, No Blistering, Rusting, Cracking
Chemical Resistance o
(for 3000 hours at 40 C) and Flaking
ASTM D522/ D522M /
Flexibility Test As per Coating Manufacturer
CSA Z245.20- Series - 14
Hardness, Barcol ASTM D2583 As per Coating Manufacturer
100 +/-10 mg weight loss or
ASTM D4060
Abrasion Resistance reduction in thickness <40
(1000 cycles, CS17 wheel)
ASTM D570,
Water Absorption o Less than 2.5%
(for 3000 hours at 40 C)
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 20 of 48 REV. 6

7.9.2 The quality of lining is subject to KOC approval. The Contractor shall submit a
sample plate for testing and analysis by KOC.

7.9.3 All new products and all lining applicators shall prepare sample(s) as per this
Standard for the Product & Applicator qualification on each KOC project. Upon
curing of the lining, the sample shall be subjected to several tests to the
KOC’s satisfaction.

7.9.4 Sample Plate Specifications for thick film fiberglass reinforced system I6I

The sample plate shall be of size (900 mm x 900 mm x 6 mm) welded to

another vertical plate of size (900 mm x 300 mm x 6 mm). The plates shall be
grit blasted and primed in accordance with the Technical Specification of the
lining system to be tested. The DFT of primer coating shall not exceed 50

The name of the Contractor and the Date on which the sample is delivered to
KOC shall be clearly mentioned or marked in one corner (within a 150 mm
square) of the plate which is not primed.

7.9.5 Fiberglass Lining (Shop Application) of the Sample Plates

The lining and caulking shall be applied as per this Standard. The mat overlap
shall be 50 mm and should be made at the middle of the test plate.

7.9.6 Non-Destructive Testing Procedures of the Sample Plates

Upon completion of the complete lining system and the specified curing time,
the sample will be subjected to the tests as follows:

a) Visual Inspection

The sample plate shall be thoroughly inspected visually for general

conditions of the surface finish, scattered pockets among fiberglass cross
section, shrinkage, pinholes, cracks etc.

b) Thickness Measurements

The dry film thickness (DFT) shall be checked at the Four (4) corners of
the plate using micrometer and another random Four (4) readings shall be
measured by suitable thickness gauge. The average of Eight (8) readings
shall be recorded in the test report.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 21 of 48 REV. 6

c) Holiday Detection Test

Pinhole detection test of the lining shall be carried out by suitable high
voltage holiday (spark) testing instrument at a set voltage as
recommended by NACE SP 0188 or as per Manufacturers’

7.9.7 Destructive Testing Procedures of the Sample Plates

Upon completion of the complete lining system and the specified curing time,
the sample will be subjected to the tests as follows:

a) Adhesion test

The adhesion test shall be carried out as per ASTM D4541 / ISO 4624
before and after immersing the sample plate in water (60oC) for 24 hours.

b) Hardness Test

The hardness of the applied lining shall be checked at Ten (10)

different locations using a Barcol Hardness Tester in accordance
with ASTM D2583. The minimum, maximum and average readings
shall be recorded in the test record.

c) Bending Test

i) Specimen Preparation

Upon completion of the above mentioned Non-Destructive

Testing, the plate shall be machined cut by the Contractor for
destructive testing. A total of Eight (8) Nos. test samples shall
be machine cut, each of 50 mm x 400 mm dimension. Four (4)
Nos. shall be cut parallel to one edge and the others shall be
perpendicular to this edge.

ii) Test Procedure

Two (2) samples of each group shall be subjected to bending

test as follows:

 The samples (2 Nos.) shall be placed on the machine bending

guides with lining upward. The plunger of 100 mm width and 50
mm thickness shall be compressed in the middle of the sample
supported on a span of 350 mm, until it is lowered 50 mm from
the top line of the guides. The condition of lining shall be checked
for any cracks or splitting from the steel plate.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 22 of 48 REV. 6

 The samples (2 Nos.) shall be placed on the machine bending

guides with lining downward. The plunger of 100 mm width and 50
mm thickness shall be compressed in the middle of the sample
supported on a span of 350 mm, until it is lowered 20 mm from the
top line of the guides. The condition of lining shall be checked for
any cracks or splitting from the steel plate.

iii) Acceptable Limits

In order to consider that a sample has achieved the KOC

requirements, the results of the above mentioned tests shall
comply to following acceptable limits:

 A good quality smooth surface finish without any evidence of

shrinkage or air pockets or any other defects among fiberglass
cross section.

 The minimum lining DFT of the final coat shall be as specified in

the lining systems requirements of this Standard.

 The lined sample plate shall be free from any pinholes, voids or
other defects.

 The hardness shall be as recommended by the lining


 All test coupons for bending tests shall be free of any cracks or
splitting (separation) from the steel base when tested as stated

 The caulking shall be free of any cracks and voids.

 The minimum adhesion values shall not be less than 10 MPa

& 7 MPa before & after hot water immersion test.

7.10 Material Approvals – Glass Flake Lining System

7.10.1 Original certifications shall be submitted to KOC from an independent testing

laboratory (ISO 17025 certified) that the glass flake lining, when applied as per
this Standard shall meets the requirement specified in Table III. I6I
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 23 of 48 REV. 6

Table III - Minimum Technical Requirements for Glass Flake Lining


Minimum Acceptance
Properties Test Method
Adhesion ASTM D4541 10 MPa

(after immersing the lining into ASTM D4541 7 MPa
60 C water for 24 hours)

Cathodic Disbondment 10 mm max.
(at 60°C for 30 days)

Solids Content ISO 3233 100%

Total DFT of the system SSPC-PA2 1000 µm

ASTM D5420
Impact Resistance No Holiday
(4.5 Joules / 40 in. lbs.)

No disbondment
Salt Spray ISO 9227 (for 3000 hours)
more than 3 mm and no rusting.

ISO 2812 Part 1 Method B

Chemical Resistance o As per Coating Manufacturer
(for 3000 hours at 40 C)

ASTM D522/D522M /
Flexibility Test As per Coating Manufacturer
CSA Z245.20- Series - 14

Hardness, Barcol ASTM D2583 As per Coating Manufacturer

100 +/- 10 mg weight loss or

ASTM D4060
Abrasion Resistance reduction in thickness < 40
(1000 cycles, CS17 wheel)

Water Absorption ASTM D870 Less than 2.5%

7.10.2 Sample Plate Specification for glass flake epoxy lining system I6I

The sample plate shall be of size (900 mm x 900 mm x 6 mm). The plates
shall be grit blasted and primed in accordance with the Technical Specification
of the lining system to be tested. The DFT of primer coating shall not
exceed 50 microns.

The name of the Contractor and the Date on which the sample is delivered to
KOC shall be clearly mentioned or marked in one corner (within a 150 mm
square) of the plate which is not primed.

7.10.3 Glass Flake Lining Shop Application

The lining shall be applied as per this Standard to achieve the recommended
thickness of 1000 microns and properly cured.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 24 of 48 REV. 6

7.10.4 Non-Destructive Testing Procedures of the Sample Plates

Upon completion of the complete lining system and the specified curing time,
the sample will be subjected to the tests as follows:

a) Visual Inspection

The sample plate shall be thoroughly inspected visually for general

conditions of the surface finish, free from blisters, shrinkage, pinholes,
cracks etc.

b) Thickness Measurements

The dry film thickness (DFT) to be checked at the Four (4) corners of the
plate using micrometer and another random Four (4) readings shall be
measured by suitable thickness gauge. The average of Eight (8) readings
shall be recorded in the test report.

c) Holiday Detection Test

Pinhole detection test of the lining shall be carried out by suitable high
voltage holiday (spark) testing instrument at a set voltage as
recommended by NACE SP 0188 or as per the Manufacturer’s

7.10.5 Destructive Testing Procedures of the Sample Plates

Upon completion of the complete lining system and the specified curing time,
the sample will be subjected to the tests as follows:

a) Adhesion Test

The adhesion test shall be carried out as per ASTM D4541 / ISO 4624
before and after immersing the sample plate in water (60oC) for 24 hours.

b) Hardness Test

The hardness of the applied lining shall be checked at Ten (10)

different locations using a Barcol Hardness Tester in accordance
with ASTM D2583. The minimum and maximum and average
readings shall be recorded in the test record.

7.11 Material Approvals -Thin Film Epoxy Lining System

7.11.1 Original Certifications shall be submitted to KOC from an independent testing

laboratory (ISO 17025 certified) that the thin film lining when applied as per
this Standard shall meets the requirement specified in Table IV.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 25 of 48 REV. 6

Table IV – Minimum Technical Requirements for Thin Film Epoxy Lining


Minimum Acceptance
Properties Test Method
Adhesion ASTM D4541 10 MPa

(after immersing the lining into ASTM D4541 7 MPa
60 C water for 24 hours)

ASTM D714 (No Blisters)

NACE TM 0174, ASTM D610 (Degree of rusting shall be
Atlas Cell Testing Method A 9 or better),
(6 months at 60 C) Hardness and Adhesion as per NACE
TM 0174.
ASTM G42 10 mm ( max.)
Cathodic Disbondment
(at 60°C for 30 days)
Disbondment 3 mm max.
ISO 9227( for 3000
Salt Spray No Rusting (to be evaluated with ISO
ASTM D 522/
Flexibility Test As per Coating Manufacturer
CSA Z245.20- Series - 14
Hardness ASTM D3363 As per Coating Manufacturer
ASTM D4060 (1000 100 +/- 10 mg weight loss or reduction
Abrasion Resistance
cycles, CS17 wheel) in thickness < 40 microns


8.1 General

The procedures for performing safe work in confined spaces shall be

in accordance with KOC.SA.007 “Entry into Confined Spaces”.

8.1.1 Design, fabrication and surface finish requirements for metal tanks to be lined
shall be in accordance with NACE SP 0178. “Repair of tank bottom
(maintenance work)” shall be in accordance with API RP 652 & API STD 653.

8.1.2 The surfaces to be lined shall be prepared and cleaned by the lining
Contractor in accordance with the requirements of this Standard before any
lining work begins.

8.2 Tank Preparation (For Rehabilitation Works) : Removal of Liquid Product

and Bottom Sediment from Existing Tanks

8.2.1 An Flame Proof air driven transfer pump shall be used to remove any
remaining product, water or sediment from the tank. Pump motors and suction
hoses shall be properly grounded to prevent electrostatic ignition hazards. Any
temporary lighting fixtures used during this activity shall be “Flame Proof”
Ex “d” certified for use in a Zone 1 area. I6I

8.2.2 An absorbent material capable of absorbing any remaining liquid residues

shall be spread throughout the tank bottom to mop up any remaining
liquids. I6I
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 26 of 48 REV. 6

8.2.3 Using a non-ferrous or spark proof shovel, any solid sludge, sediment or
saturated absorbent material shall be removed from the tank bottom and shall
be placed in approved containers or drums. Disposal of containers shall be in
accordance with all country and local regulations.

8.2.4 Tank sludge and residue are potentially hazardous since they may contain
lead compounds and or benzene vapors; and shall be disposed off to the
predetermined Site as per KOC.EV.008 “Waste Management Procedure”.
Personnel involved in the removal of these wastes shall wear proper
respiratory equipment and protective clothing.

8.2.5 Personnel entering the tank must be trained on the procedures laid down in
KOC.SA.007 “Entry into Confined Spaces” and should be aware of the
hazards to ensure safety by taking adequate preventive and protective

During the cleaning process, they must wear a positive pressure air supplied
respirators with full face enclosure. Oil-and-water resistant rubber or neoprene
boots shall be worn at all times. Protective clothing that is resistant to the
types of products stored in the tank shall be worn to protect the arms, legs,
torso, and head of the employee entering the tank.

8.2.6 Clothing that has become saturated with the stored product or liquid residues
shall be removed immediately; and shall be disposed off as hazardous waste.

8.2.7 Roof legs and supports shall be lifted to drain oil accumulations. Legs and
supports shall be jacked up off the bottom during lining application, and open
ends shall be covered with plastic bags to prevent dripping on blasted or
primed surfaces.

8.2.8 Plastic bags shall be used to protect against overhead dripping from counter
weights, supports, etc.

8.2.9 The cleaned surface shall be allowed to dry before proceeding with further
preparation or coating.

8.2.10 After completion of all cleaning works, the roof underside shall be sweep blast
cleaned to remove all debris prior to start the tank lining activity.

8.3 Patching and Grinding (For Rehabilitation Works)

8.3.1 Isolated corroded areas below minimum thickness shall be repaired by weld
overlaying or by the continuous perimeter minimum welding of a 6.35 mm
thick steel plate over the area with a full fillet weld. The patch plate shall
extend 150 mm beyond the corroded area on all sides. KOC will replace shell
plate which is generally below minimum thickness.

8.3.2 All holes in the bottom smaller than 12.5 mm in diameter shall be repaired by
plug welding, and the area shall be ground smooth.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 27 of 48 REV. 6

8.3.3 All holes in the bottom larger than 12.5 mm in diameter and all areas with
clusters of small holes shall be repaired by the continuous perimeter welding
of a minimum 6.35 mm thick steel plate over the holes. The plate shall extend
minimum 150 mm beyond the affected area on all sides.

8.3.4 All welds must be continuous. No skip welding is permitted. All existing skip
welds shall be upgraded to continuous welds.

8.3.5 Surface irregularities like weld spatter, sharp protrusions, slivers and porosity
shall be removed completely prior to surface preparation (made flush or
ground smooth). All sharp outside corners and edges shall be rounded at least
to a 3.15 mm radius. Any other observed defects in welds and base metal
should be referred to KOC for disposition.

8.4 Contaminants Removal

8.4.1 Prior to blast cleaning of surfaces, foreign materials like deposits, oil, grease,
mill, lacquer, wax, old or temporary coatings, salts, dirt, mud, etc. shall be
removed by the applicable method(s) of the following:

a) Solvent cleaning shall be carried out in accordance with SSPC-SP1. Only

solvents (e.g., hexane, xylol, etc.) or appropriate high-detergent cleaning
(using emulsifying cleaners followed by fresh water washing or steam
rinsing that does not leave any oily residue on the surface shall be used.

b) The cleaned surface shall be allowed to dry before proceeding with further
preparation or coating.

c) Scraping, wire brushing and wiping down with clean rags may be used to
remove dry contaminants from steel surfaces.

d) Heating to remove oil, grease and to stress mill scale may be used,
provided the pipe section / fitting is preheated in a uniform manner to
avoid distortion. This method is not applicable on bottom plate cleaning
which may cause damage to soil side coating.

8.5 Abrasive Blasting

8.5.1 The Contractor shall select an appropriate mesh size abrasive to attain the
specified surface profile. The abrasive shall be used in accordance with the
Manufacturer’s specifications and shall contain no impurities.

If automated machine is used for blasting, the abrasive mixture may be a

maximum of 40% shot and the re-circulated abrasive shall be checked for
contamination at least twice (2) per shift, according to clause 10.4.3 of this

The blast gun / nozzle shall be fitted with a dead man handle, which shall be
checked for correct operation prior to the start of work.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 28 of 48 REV. 6

8.5.2 The Contractor may be asked to demonstrate to KOC satisfaction that the
selected abrasive will provide the specified surface profile and visual standard.
This shall be done by blasting a representative piece of steel, then measuring
the surface profile using replica tape as per NACE RP0287 or as per ASTM
D4417 and comparing the surface finish to the appropriate visual standard.
The dust embedment on the blast cleaned surface shall not be more
than Grade 2 of ISO 8502-3.

8.5.3 Sand, Copper slag or Cadmium shall not be used as an abrasive material
for blast cleaning.

8.5.4 The metal substrate shall be abrasive blast cleaned to a visual standard in
accordance with ISO 8501-1 Sa 2½ (NACE 2/SSPC-SP10).

8.5.5 For Fiberglass & Glass Flake Lining, the surface profile shall be 75-150

8.5.6 For Phenolic Epoxy / High Build Epoxy / Solvent Free Epoxy, the surface
profile shall be in the range 50-100 microns or as specified by the lining

8.5.7 Blast cleaning combined with vacuum collection at the nozzle can be used to
reduce atmospheric contamination within the tank. The compressed air used
in any cleaning method shall be free of water and oil. Adequate separators or
traps shall be provided and properly maintained; and shall be emptied
regularly of water and oil. The air supply shall be tested daily for cleanliness
using a white cloth test per clause 10.4 of this Standard.

8.5.8 Prior to abrasive blasting operation, various safety precautions shall be

taken, which shall include but not limited to following:

a) Blasting equipment shall be inspected and certified by an authorized

competent third party inspectors. Pressurized hoses shall be tested and
certified for maximum safe working pressure. Hoses and other pressure
items shall be checked periodically to make sure that any damage or loss
of electrical conductivity will not lead to a safety hazard.

b) Blast cleaning pot, nozzles shall be earthed (grounded, spark proofed) to

prevent building up of an electrostatic charge.

c) Pressurized hose and blasting guns shall be compulsorily equipped with

an operational “Dead-man Switch” located immediately behind the nozzle /

d) The PPE used by the Applicator must be capable of withstanding abrasive

DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 29 of 48 REV. 6

e) Clean Positive pressure type air masks (with air supplied hoods) shall be
worn by the blasting crew, while blasting against exposure to dust and
other health hazards. This equipment must be inspected on a regular basis
and it shall be ensured that the air supplied to the air masks is free from
any harmful contaminants.

f) No maintenance job shall be performed on a pressurized or energized

blasting pot.

g) As shot blasting operations are noisy and overall noise levels produced by
such operations of equipment resulting to exceed 85 decibels (dBA),
personal ear protective devices shall be required to use.

h) Requirements specified in KOC.SA.011 “High Pressure Water Jetting,

Abrasive Blasting and Steam Cleaning Safety Procedure” shall be
adhere to while performing the abrasive blasting.

8.6 Humidity Control

8.6.1 Appropriately sized dehumidification equipment may be installed and operated

from the beginning of abrasive blasting operation; and shall be kept in
continual operation until the final coat of the tank lining has passed the Barcol
hardness reading as required by the lining Manufacturer. The relative humidity
inside the tank shall be maintained below 50% at all times.

8.6.2 In the event of a breakdown or interruption of the dehumidification equipment

that results in the relative humidity rising above 50%, any surface area that
exhibits flash rusting must be re-blasted to achieve the required condition of
ISO 8501-1 Sa 2½ (NACE 2 / SSPC-SP10).

8.6.3 The dehumidification equipment shall be capable of operating with connected

heaters and ventilation, when necessary to maintain a temperature range
between 15° to 35°C during blasting and lining operations.

8.7 After Blast Cleaning

8.7.1 After the completion of abrasive blasting, the surface shall be brushed with a
clean hair bristle or fiber brush, blown with compressed air and then
vacuumed. The dust embedded on the cleaned surface shall be tested as per
clause 10.5.6 of this Standard.

8.7.2 The blast cleaned surface shall be checked for the presence of Soluble
Chlorides as per clause 10.5.5 of this Standard.

8.7.3 A surface holding primer shall be applied in order to hold the blasted surface
for a short period till the blasting and cleaning is completed, unless
dehumidification equipment is operated with a relative humidity less than 50%
during the entire surface preparation operation. Only a primer approved by the
Manufacturer of the tank lining material can be used based on the project
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 30 of 48 REV. 6

8.7.4 All personnel entering the tank after abrasive blasting shall wear rubber soled
shoes with clean, disposable shoe covers, sweatbands and lint free gloves.

8.7.5 No acid washes or other cleaning solutions or solvents, including inhibitive

washes intended to prevent rusting, shall be used on metal surfaces after
being blasted, unless a written KOC approval is obtained.

8.7.6 A minimum of 100 mm around the edges of blasted areas shall be left
un-primed if the entire surface to be coated cannot be blasted and primed on
the same day. Subsequent blasting shall continue a minimum of 25 mm into
the primed surfaces. The rough edge shall then be feather edged by power
tool or hand sanding with heavy grit wheel or sandpaper. The surface to be
coated shall be free of loose and / or burnt coating.

8.8 Striker Plates, Steel Legs, Risers, Down comers and Supports

8.8.1 When required striker plates shall be placed directly under each gauge hatch.

8.8.2 Plates shall be 6 mm thick. If the plate is to be installed under a gauge well,
the dimensions shall be approximately 150 mm larger than the well radius. If
the gauge does not have a well, then the striker plate shall be approx. 0.28 m 2
(3 ft2) centered under the hatch.

8.8.3 The striker plates shall be lined with Fiberglass mat on top side and bottom
side shall be lined with HBE to a minimum thickness of 400 microns. The
edges of the striker plates shall be properly protected with the epoxy resin.

8.8.4 The lined striker plates shall be fixed over Fiberglass lined reinforcing pad
using epoxy resin / gel coat.

8.8.5 Roof support legs, risers, down-comers, filling lines, roof drain lines and steel
supports etc. shall receive One (1) coat of high build epoxy at a minimum DFT
of 750 microns (30 mils) up to a height as specified by the project
specifications / data sheet. The inclined inlet distributor for dry crude tanks and
horizontal inlet distributor, outlet collector pipes in wet crude tanks and sump
drain lines shall be coated externally and internally.

8.8.6 All the reinforcement pads (even where the striker plates are kept above) shall
have a full lining system.

8.8.7 The roof support legs shall be jacked up and supported to apply the full lining
system on reinforcement pads. Temporary supports shall be designed in such
a way that it will not damage the roof plates. Only alternate legs shall be lifted.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 31 of 48 REV. 6


9.1 General

9.1.1 Lining works shall be in accordance with the requirements established by this
Standard and the recommendations of the lining Manufacturer. Any area not
specifically covered, shall be in accordance with the principles and guidelines
set forth in the NACE Hand Book - Coating and Lining for Immersion Services
or API RP 652. The Contractor shall submit a detailed coating application
procedure for KOC approval prior to commencing any work on the tank

9.1.2 The Contractor or applicator shall provide all materials, tools, equipment
(including personnel safety and ventilating equipment) and scaffolding.

9.1.3 The Contractor or applicator shall use only experienced and qualified
manpower to carry out the required works.

9.1.4 Details of experience for lining work shall be submitted to KOC Inspection &
Corrosion Team for review and approval.

9.1.5 All the blasters, applicators, foreman and supervisor shall possess certificates
from the lining system Manufacturer and applicator cards from KOC ICT,
whom shall be qualified as per KOC Standard KOC-P-006.

9.1.6 Also, the applicator shall appoint a NACE Certified Inspector or equivalent
with relevant field experience of not less than Five (5) years. The Contractor’s
Inspector shall be qualified by KOC ICT as per KOC-P-006. The certified
inspector shall be responsible for the proper application of the lining system.

9.1.7 Approved applicators or supervisors shall not be changed from the job without
prior information to KOC.

9.1.8 Surfaces, to be lined, shall be inspected and approved by KOC prior to any
coating being applied. This shall be after surface preparation and between
each subsequent coating.

9.1.9 The Contractor shall have copies of data sheets available at Site where the
lining work is being performed. In the event of a conflict between the
Manufacturer’s data sheets and this Standard, the more stringent requirement
shall apply.

9.1.10 The Contractor shall have a technical representative from the lining
Manufacturer, who should be present to assist and witness the application of
each coating system upon the request of KOC without any additional cost and
time impact. The Contractor shall obtain further technical assistance from the
lining Manufacturer when problems arise or when requested by KOC.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 32 of 48 REV. 6

9.1.11 The application shall be carried out under completely dry conditions, and all
necessary precautions shall be taken to ensure that water does not come in
contact with uncured resin. This is to obtain best adhesion and ultimate
chemical resistance of the laminate.

9.1.12 When only part of the internal surface of a tank is to be lined, the total area for
the lining shall be agreed between the KOC representative and the Contractor
representative before any work commences.

9.2 Areas to be Lined

9.2.1 The Fiberglass lining shall be applied to the following internal surfaces of tank
(excluding the potable water tanks):

 Bottom plates of the entire floor

 Shell plates shall be lined as mentioned in the Clause 1.1 of this Standard
 Reinforcing plates under roof support legs and striker plate; and
 Top side of the striker plates.

9.2.2 All the fillet welds of Slip-on Raised Face (SORF) flanged nozzles within the
water level need to be sealed with caulking compound. A thin coat of 75-100
microns with phenolic epoxy shall be applied with brush on top of the caulking
and shall cover a maximum of 10 mm on the flange face.

9.3 Weather Conditions

9.3.1 The coating / lining application shall NOT be carried out under the following

a) Ambient temperature below 10°C.

b) Humidity greater than 85%.

c) The difference between metal surface temperature and the dew point less
than 3°C (5°F).

d) More than Four (4) hours elapsed after blasting of metal surface. The time
can be extended if dehumidification system is in use.

9.4 Primer Application

9.4.1 If the blasted surfaces cannot be lined completely on the same day,
the entire blast cleaned area shall be spray primed with a rapid-curing
holding primer, before any rust bloom occurs, to a minimum Dry Film
Thickness (DFT) of 15 micron; however the DFT shall not exceed
50 micron.

9.4.2 The primer shall be compatible with the lining system to be applied over it.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 33 of 48 REV. 6

9.5 Caulking (Putty) Application

9.5.1 Caulking (putty) compound and seam sealer used, shall be as described in
clause 7.4 of this Standard and specified in the Coating System Data Sheets.

9.5.2 Shallow pits and other sharp irregularities shall be filled with approved putty to
a level flush with the plate surface. (See Sketch 1, Appendix 1 of this

9.5.3 The putty shall be applied over the primer, and must be compatible with both
the primer and the lining system to be applied over it.

9.5.4 The caulking (putty) compound shall be applied on weld seams, lap joints to
provide uniform gradual transition. (See Sketch 2, Appendix 1 of this

9.5.5 Large projections and thick plate edges shall be filled with caulking compound
in order to smooth out the surface and permit intimate contact with the glass

9.5.6 Caulking compound shall be applied also at the shell to bottom junction
(chine) to produce a smooth surface on which the Fiberglass System is
applied without bridging. The applied material at this junction shall have a
throat (leg dimension) of 50 mm as explained in Sketch 3 of Appendix 1 of this

9.5.7 The above mentioned caulking works can be carried out by spray / brush /
trowel / caulking gun, subject to work requirement and technical data sheet.

9.6 Fiberglass Laminate Application I6I

9.6.1 General

a) A production sample plate shall be prepared in line with the application.

The plate shall be blasted and primed on the commencement day of
internal blasting. Final mat and gel coat application shall be done on the
last days of each respective layer application.

b) The glass mat shall be cut to conveniently sized pieces and applied in a
staggered seam (patchwork) pattern. Each seam shall overlap a minimum
of 150 mm (6 in.). Seams on all vertical surfaces extending to the annular
plate shall be overlapped by the mat on the bottom plate. Seams of the
second layer (and any successive layers) shall be staggered diagonally
opposite from the previous layer. The joints of two adjacent rows shall be
evenly distributed to get a minimum gap of 600mm.
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c) After mat is laid down and saturated with resin, it shall be rolled
thoroughly to remove all entrapped air and bubbles and to force the mat
down smoothly. A serrated aluminum roller or short bristle brush wet with
styrene may be used for this purpose. The direction of rolling or brushing
must be from the center of the saturated mat outward to prevent trapping
air bubbles beneath the mat.

d) If the upper walls (above the fiberglass lining) are to be lined, the
intersection area shall be prepared in such a way that the epoxy shall be
lapped over the fiberglass lining at 50mm.

e) Connections and man-way openings in fiber glass lined areas shall be

prepared and coated with epoxy to a minimum thickness of 750 microns.
The fiber laminate shall be cut, around the shell openings for nozzle and
manholes, before the weld joint.

f) The fiber mat shall be cut just before the weld of gusset plate or any other
structure welded to shell or bottom plate. The weld joint and the structure
part shall be coated with the only resin to a height of 600 mm. The
intersection area of this resin to phenolic epoxy coating shall be in such a
way that phenolic epoxy shall be coated always above the resin.

g) The resin shall be applied by airless spray machine. Any small area i.e.
sump pit, striker plates, reinforcement pads etc. may be applied with resin
using roller or brush. The first resin coat shall be tinted a contrasting
color to indicate coverage over the steel plate. The mixed lining shall be
spread, uniformly, on all areas to be covered / caulked (e.g., repaired
holes, pate overlaps, seams, welds, metal pinholes etc.).

h) A surfacing veil (Tissue) 25 micron (1.0 mil) layer shall be laid diagonally
opposite to the fiber mat as a final additional layer over the laminate.

i) A final gel coat shall be applied over the laminate system after the
complete inspection and repair of the lining.

j) Each individual coat should be checked for Wet Film Thickness

(WFT) during application, in accordance to ASTM D4414. After
application and curing, Dry Film Thickness (DFT) shall be
measured in accordance with SSPC-PA-2. The DFT gage shall be
calibrated at the beginning of coating work, and then at least daily
or whenever KOC requests re-calibration. DFT reading shall be
recorded and submitted to KOC for primer coat as well as for the
total thickness of coating / lining system.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 35 of 48 REV. 6

9.6.2 Fiberglass Laminate Application (For Single Mat) I 6 I

The Single Mat Application of Fiberglass Laminate consist of Coated primer,

Single Layer of Fiber Mat with Resin, Tissue layer with resin and final gel coat
with thickness as follows:

a) The DFT of the coated primer shall be neither less than 15 micron nor
greater than 50 micron.

b) However, the First Layer of Fiber Mat with Resin shall achieve a minimum
thickness of 1250 microns irrespective of the DFT of the coated primer.

c) The Tissue layer with resin of 400 microns shall achieve a minimum
thickness of 1650 microns for single mat fiberglass lining system.

d) The final Gel coat of 200 microns shall achieve a minimum total thickness
of 1850 microns for single mat fiberglass lining system.

NOTE: Where Fiberglass Lining is specified, it shall be “Single Mat”,

unless “Double Mat” is specified by KOC.

9.6.3 Fiberglass Laminate Application (For Double Mat) I 6 I

The Double Mat Application of Fiberglass Laminate consist of Coated primer,

Double Layer of Fiber Mat with Resin, Tissue layer with resin and final gel
coat with thickness as follows:

a) The DFT of the coated primer shall be neither less than 15 micron nor
greater than 50 micron.

b) However, the First Layer of Fiber Mat with Resin shall achieve a minimum
thickness of 1250 microns irrespective of the DFT of the coated primer.

c) The Second Layer of Fiber Mat with Resin (1200 microns) shall achieve a
minimum thickness of 2450 microns.

d) The Tissue layer with resin (400 microns) shall achieve a minimum
thickness of 2850 microns for two layer mat fiberglass lining system.

e) The final gel coat of 200 microns shall achieve a minimum total thickness
of 3050 microns for two layer mat fiberglass lining system.

9.7 Glass Flake Application

9.7.1 The surface preparation shall be carried out as per the clauses 8.1 & 8.5 of
this Standard and shall meet all the requirements mentioned thereafter.

9.7.2 Surfaces to be coated shall be clean, dust free and dry before application of
any coating and shall meet the specified anchor pattern and surface finish
before application of primer.
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9.7.3 No coating shall be applied on damp surfaces, or when the difference

between metal surface temperature and the dew point temperature is less
than 3°C unless approved by the coating Manufacturer and KOC.

Manufacturer’s written data sheets directions shall be followed. The

Contractor shall have copies of data sheets available at the Site where the
coating work is being performed. Coatings shall not be applied when the
ambient temperature is below 10° C without KOC written approval. The
Contractor shall obtain and follow the Manufacturer’s recommendations for
drying and curing times at all temperatures

9.7.4 All coating materials shall be in the original Manufacturer’s unopened

containers, clearly identifiable, and shall be kept covered, clean, and
protected. Material exceeding, or which may exceed, the Manufacturer’s
recommended shelf life before use shall not be used and shall be removed
from the job site.

9.7.5 All coating work shall be done in strict compliance with the coating
Manufacturer’s data sheets. The Contractor shall have copies of the data
sheets available at the job site.

9.7.6 The coating Manufacturer’s recommended pot life shall not be exceeded.
When this limit is reached, the spray pot shall be emptied and cleaned,
materials shall be destroyed, and new material shall be mixed.

9.7.7 Each component shall be accurately measured and all components shall be
mixed according to the Manufacturer’s directions. Mixing shall be done with an
air-driven explosion-proof mixer for such time as necessary to ensure that the
pigment and thinners are thoroughly mixed.

The mixed coatings shall be continuously stirred during application by

mechanical spray pot agitators or other approved means, if required
by the Manufacturer or KOC.

All mixing shall be done in clean containers, free from traces of

grease, other types of coatings, or other contaminants. Containers
shall be cleaned regularly to remove partially reacted solids. All
containers shall be kept covered to prevent contamination by dust,
dirt, or rain.

9.7.8 Each coat shall be applied uniformly and completely using contrasting colors
over the entire surface according to accepted good coating practice. Care
shall be exercised to prevent over spray, spillage, or application of coatings to
surfaces for which the coatings are not intended.

9.7.9 The Glass Flake lining shall be applied in Two (2) coats to a minimum Dry
Film Thickness of 1000 microns (40 mils). Dry film thickness shall be
checked after each coat is applied.
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9.7.10 Coatings shall be applied in no fewer than the number of coats specified, and
the dry film thickness of individual coats shall be within the specified thickness

All coating film thickness shall be checked, and the coating shall be free of
pinholes, voids, bubbles, runs or sags, and other defects. Film thickness is to
be measured with a wet film gauge during application. Film thickness shall be
verified (checked and maintained) during and after each application of each
individual coat. Thickness requirements shall be met with each coat and total
thickness shall not be “made-up” in any one coat.

9.7.11 Where film thickness do not meet Standards and or defects (holidays) are
found, the Contractor shall take corrective action at no additional cost to KOC.
These corrections shall be done to KOC satisfaction.

9.7.12 All coatings shall be allowed to dry thoroughly and for at least the minimum
time recommended by the coating Manufacturer, considering temperature and
humidity, before the application of succeeding coats. When a maximum
overcoat time is recommended by the coating Manufacturer, it shall not be
exceeded before the succeeding coat is applied.

9.7.13 Prior to the application of any coat, all damage to previous coats shall be

9.7.14 Each coat (Primer, First coat, and Top coat) shall be inspected before
applying further coats.

9.7.15 Glass flake reinforced coatings shall be spray-applied, according to the

Coating System Data Sheet and KOC approved application procedure.

9.7.16 Spray-applied coatings can be rolled, if specified by KOC or by the Coating

System Data Sheet. Glass flake application shall be by cross hatch method.

9.7.17 A sample test coupon shall be prepared simultaneously and handed over to
KOC for further tests after marking the name of Contractor’s and KOC ICTs
Inspectors. The date of application shall also be stamped on the test coupon.

9.8 Thin Film Lining Application

9.8.1 The surface preparation shall be carried out as per the clauses 8.1 & 8.5 of
this Standard and shall meet all the requirements mentioned thereafter.

9.8.2 The coating shall be mixed in proper ratios as per the Manufacturer’s
recommendations and no part mixing shall be allowed.

9.8.3 No thinning shall be allowed more than the Manufacturer’s recommendations.

For Potable water tank lining, thinner shall not be used in any case.

9.8.4 Strip coat shall be applied on all weld areas, sharp corners and all the areas
where it is not practical to apply by spray.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 38 of 48 REV. 6

9.8.5 Spray coat shall be applied with recommended pressure and control the
thickness by measuring WFT in proper intervals. Manufacturers
recommended over coating or recoating intervals shall be strictly followed.

9.8.6 If the thickness is found more than the Manufacturer’s recommended range,
then rub down the excess thickness to a minimum of 10% less than the
required thickness. Vacuum or blow down the dust and recoat the area to the
specified thickness. Further coats shall be applied until the total required
thickness is achieved.

9.8.7 A sample test coupon shall be prepared simultaneously and handed over to
KOC for further tests after punching the name of Contractor’s and KOC ICTs
Inspectors. The date of application shall also be punched on the test coupon.
Bending test as specified in the clause 7.9.7 (c) of this Standard shall be
carried out up on KOC request without any cost and time impact to KOC.

9.8.8 The minimum thickness for each type of Thin Lining (Phenolic Epoxy, High
Build Epoxy, Solvent free Epoxy) shall be in accordance with the requirement
specified in Table V. I6I

9.9 Curing

9.9.1 The lining shall be allowed to cure in well ventilated dry conditions and in
accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions.

9.9.2 For Fiberglass lining, the mat and tissue layer shall be allowed for curing; and
shall be tested prior to the application of gel coat.

9.9.3 Dehumidification equipment must be operated continuously until the lining

meets the hardness requirement test required by the Manufacturer.

9.9.4 Curing time shall be dependent on ambient temperature only and shall be as
recommended by the Manufacturer. Heating equipment shall not be used.


10.1 General Requirements

10.1.1 All lining materials shall be inspected and tested to ensure conformance with
the requirements of clause 7.0 of this Standard. Coated sample plate shall be
submitted to KOC for approval. Product data sheets used for sales
purposes or print outs from catalogs are not considered acceptable as
test certificates.

10.1.2 Inspection and testing at all stages of surface preparation and lining
application shall be conducted by the Contractor prior to informing KOC
Inspector for inspection. The Contractor shall perform such inspections as are
necessary to assure that the lining work complies with the requirements of this
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 39 of 48 REV. 6

10.1.3 Surface preparation and lining application may be subjected to inspection at

any stage by KOC to ensure the compliance with the requirements of clauses
8.0 and 9.0 of this Standard. All records shall be kept current and shall be
submitted to KOC upon request, or on weekly basis, and at the completion of
the job for verification to KOC satisfaction.

10.1.4 KOC representative shall have the right to inspect at all times any tools,
materials or equipment used for the performance of surface preparation and
lining application. This is to ensure the compliance with the requirements of
this Standard.

10.1.5 The coating Manufacturer's representative shall have access to the work Site
during the progress of the work, for any inspection and testing deemed to be
necessary to ensure that the lining systems are properly applied.

10.1.6 A lay out diagram shall be prepared for the areas offered for inspection by the
applicator, which shall be duly signed by the KOC inspector.

10.1.7 The Contractor and / or applicator shall submit a "Quality Plan" (Inspection
and Test Plan) for KOC review and approval. The plan shall include all
activities in chronological manner and shall have columns for marking up KOC
Witness (W), Hold (H) and Review (R).

10.1.8 The Contractor shall submit to KOC the sample plates prepared as per
clauses 7.9.4 & 7.10.2 of this Standard after completion of lining work for each
tank with full details of materials used, and tank numbers etc.

10.2 Environmental Conditions Testing

At the beginning of each day's operation and prior to the commencement of

any surface preparation and lining application works, ambient temperature,
metal surface temperature and relative humidity (RH) shall be measured and
recorded. Readings shall comply with Clause 9.3 of this Standard.

10.3 Materials and Equipment Inspection

Abrasive blasting and lining application equipment (Airless spray

pump, hoses, etc.) shall be inspected to ensure the compliance with
the requirements of this Standard and the Manufacturer's
10.4 Compressed Air and Abrasive

10.4.1 The cleanliness of each compressed air supply shall be verified daily by
blasting without abrasive onto a white cloth for 20 seconds. If oil or water
appears on the cloth, all traps and separators shall be blown down until
subsequent 20-second cloth tests show no more oil or water.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 40 of 48 REV. 6

10.4.2 Recycling of abrasive shall be carried out only for automatic blasting
machines, which will recycle the abrasive automatically.

10.4.3 Re-circulated abrasives shall be tested for oil contamination at least twice per
shift by the immersion of a small amount of abrasive in a vial of water which is
shaken vigorously. If any oil floats to the surface, the abrasive shall be
discarded. Also, dust must be removed from re-circulated abrasives to meet
environmental regulations and to improve cutting efficiency.

10.5 Surface Preparation Inspection

Surfaces to be lined shall be inspected by the Inspectors (KOC ICT &

Applicator / Contractor) to verify that the specified surface preparation has
been achieved as follows:

10.5.1 Prior to abrasive blasting, the steel surface shall be checked for the presence
of defects and contaminants (e.g., oil/grease, sand/dust, weld spatter, weld
lag etc.) after abrasive blast cleaning, the steel surface shall be inspected for
visual standard (surface cleanliness) and surface profile. The visual standard
shall be in accordance with ISO 8501-1 Sa 2½ (NACE 2 / SSPC-SP10).

10.5.2 Testing of surface profile height shall be with replica tape in accordance with
ASTM D4417 or NACE RP0287. The measurements and results shall be
recorded and submitted for KOC approval.

10.5.3 For Fiberglass Lining, the surface profile shall be 75-150 microns.

10.5.4 For Phenolic Epoxy / High Build Epoxy / Solvent Free Epoxy, the surface
profile shall be in the range 50-100 microns or as specified by the lining

10.5.5 Blast cleaned surface shall be checked for the presence of soluble chloride as
per ISO 8502 Part 6/9. The chloride contamination shall not exceed
5 ug/cm2. If the chloride content of surface exceeds the above limit, it shall be
pressure jet cleaned with potable water and inspected, until the contamination
level is within the acceptable criterion.

10.5.6 The dust embedded on the blast cleaned surface shall not exceed grade 2 of
ISO 8502-3.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 41 of 48 REV. 6

10.6 Lining Film Thickness

10.6.1 The DFT shall be measured in accordance to SSPC-PA-2.

10.6.2 The DFT of each system shall be as follows: I6I

Table V - Coating and Minimum Thickness of Different Lining Systems

Dry Film Thickness Total Dry Film

No. of Coats (DFT) Per Coat Thickness (DFT)
in Microns in Microns
Single Mat
50+(1200+400+200) 1850
Fiberglass Lining Primer +
(1 Mats + Tissue + Gel Coat)

Double Mat
50+(2x1200+400+200) 3050
Fiberglass Lining Primer +
(2 Mats + Tissue + Gel Coat)

Glass Flake Lining 2 500 * 1000

Phenolic Epoxy 3 100 * 300

High Build Epoxy 2 200 * 400

Solvent free Epoxy 2 200 * 400

* Without the thickness of surface holding primer

10.7 Curing Hardness Test

10.7.1 Fiberglass lining layer shall be tested for curing by Barcol Hardness Tester in
accordance with ASTM D2583, at 10 different locations or as required by KOC
prior to the application of gel coat. The average reading should be as
recommended by the Manufacturer. The minimum, maximum and average
readings shall be recorded in the test record.

10.7.2 Surface cure shall be tested by rubbing a small amount of acetone on the
resin surface until the acetone evaporates. If the resin surface becomes
softened or tacky, the surface is un-cured.

10.8 Holiday Detection Test

10.8.1 The fully applied and cured fiber glass and glass flake lining system shall be
electrically (spark) tested for pinholes and holidays using an approved high
voltage spark type holiday detector.

10.8.2 For fiberglass lining, the holiday test shall be performed prior to the gel coat
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 42 of 48 REV. 6

10.8.3 All the holiday testing shall be carried out in the presence of KOC
representative. The test shall be as per NACE SP 0188, for lining thickness,
and Manufacturer's recommendations.

10.8.4 The thin film coating shall be pinhole tested by Wet Sponge method as per
NACE SP0188. The voltage shall be selected as per the Manufacturer’s

10.8.5 The applied lining shall be 100% pinhole free.

10.9 Adhesion Test

Adhesion test on the prepared sample plate during the application of the tank
lining shall be carried out as per ASTM D4541. The same test shall be carried
out on a separate plate after immersing the sample plate in water (60 oC) for
24 hours.

10.10 Defects and Pinholes Repair

10.10.1 Following the complete curing, any defect / pinhole observed after spark test
shall be marked for repair.

10.10.2 Areas containing holidays or voids shall be completely removed, blasted to

bare metal, re-coated / lined with the same system in accordance with this
Standard and the Manufacturer's recommendations (detailed procedure shall
be prepared by the Contractor for KOC approval).

10.10.3 The repaired areas shall be re-tested for holidays. Detected holidays,
correction, and final holiday-free inspection shall be recorded and submitted to
the KOC for approval.

10.10.4 Defects found as white spots due to unsaturation of resin with mat shall be
removed till the sound lining is visible.

10.10.5 It is mandatory that all defective works shall be corrected to the satisfaction of
KOC. Work shall not be deemed to be completed until the foregoing has been

10.10.6 Three (3) repairs up to the metal of size less than one square Inch per one
square metre shall be spot repaired. Defective mats which exceed this
criterion shall be stripped and relined.


11.1 The Manufacturer and the Contractor shall operate a quality system to ensure
that the requirements of this Standard are achieved. The quality system shall
preferably be based on ISO 9000 series of standards.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 43 of 48 REV. 6

11.2 The Manufacturer and the Contractor shall demonstrate compliance by

providing a copy of the accredited certificate or the quality manual and also
meet the quality control requirements specified in KOC-Q-014 “KOC Standard
for Project QA / QC Requirements”.

11.3 Verification of the Contractor's / Manufacturer's quality system is normally part

of the pre-qualification procedure, and is therefore not detailed in the core text
of this Standard.


12.1 General

12.1.1 All correspondence, drawings, instructions, data sheets, design calculations,

or any other written information shall be in English language. In the case of
dual languages, one language shall be English.

12.1.2 Dimensions, units of measurement, physical constants, etc. shall be in

SI units, unless otherwise specified.

12.1.3 All documents (texts, specifications, data sheets, calculations, drawings etc.)
shall be provided in Hard Copies along with its electronic files in the approved
software (MS Word, Excel, Auto Cad etc.). All design calculations shall be
submitted in the approved and widely used software duly approved by KOC.

12.2 Work Proposal

12.2.1 The Contractor shall submit his proposal for all aspects of work, for the
approval of KOC prior to commencement, which shall include, but limited to the

a) Information on work location, lining materials, equipment to be used, items

on surface areas to be lined, surface preparation, lining application
procedure(s) etc.

b) Technical drawings of the equipment to be lined showing the lining details

of internal surfaces.

c) Manufacturer’s technical data certificates, sheets, material performance

test approvals and Manufactures products history, facility approvals etc.

d) Detailed work method statement shall be prepared by the Contractor /

Applicator indicating different types of hazards, precautionary measures in
reference to relevant KOC HSEMS procedures and the Manufacturer shall
provide Material Safety Data Sheet pertaining to their chemicals.

e) Evaluation of all hazards and provision of proposals to meet HSE's

requirements and material safety data sheet (see clause 6.0 of this
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 44 of 48 REV. 6

f) Inspection / testing plans, procedures and equipment including training

certificates of applicators.

g) Specific repair proposal to satisfy the requirements of clause 10.10 of this

Standard for small pinholes and other defects repair.

12.3 Work Records / Reports

The Contractor shall operate a comprehensive recording and reporting system

on all aspects of the lining work including inspection / testing. The data shall
be set out on a lining work record / data sheet and inspection / testing record
within 24 hours of carrying out a specific work.

12.4 Final Report

A report shall be submitted upon completion of the lining works. The final report
shall include a summary on all aspects covered e.g., surface preparation, lining
application procedure and inspection & testing records performed. All the reports
shall be duly approved & signed by the Inspection & Corrosion Team personnel.
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 45 of 48 REV. 6



Caulking (Putty)

Caulking (Putty)


50 mm MIN.

50 mm MIN. PLATE
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 46 of 48 REV. 6



Laminated Laminated
Reinforced Reinforced
Fiberglass Fiberglass


Laminated Reinforced

Coated striker plates

Caulking (Putty)
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 47 of 48 REV. 6


This KOC Standard (Rev. 6) has been approved by the Standards Technical Committee
(STC) consisting of the following Members:

Mr. Khalid B. Al-Shammari Standards Team Chairman

Mr. Mohd. Emam Insp. & Corr. (S&EK) Team Deputy Chairman
Mr. A. Unnikrishnan Standards Team Secretary / Member
Mr. Mohd. Aslam Imadi Gas Project Maint. Team Member
Mr. G. Unnikrishnan Tech. Exp. Team Member
Mr. Amer Jaragh Insp. & Corr. (N&WK) Team Member
Mr. Nandkumar Aravind HSE Systems Team Member
Mr. Mohammad Al-Ajmi Tech. Systems Team Member
Mr. Haitam Aboughaith Gen. Projects Team Member
Mr. Abdulla Al-Yousef Project Mgmt. (NK) Team Member

The Draft of this Standard (Rev. 6) has been circulated to the KOC User Teams for
review and responses were received from the following Teams:


Team Leader Insp. & Corr. (S&EK) Team Leader Consumers Networks
Team Leader Insp. & Corr. (N&WK) Team Leader Gas Operations (S&EK)


Team Leader HSE (NK) Team Leader Maintenance (EK-I)

Team Leader Proj. Management - I (NK) Team Leader Maintenance (EK-II)


Team Leader Export Maintenance Team Leader Corporate Project - I


Team Leader Fire-Support Services Team Leader HSE (S&EK)


Team Leader Safety Team Leader Opns. Tech. Services (S&EK)


Team Leader Tech. Expertise

Team Leader Technical Systems
Team Leader Technical Pers. Dev. & Admin.
Team Leader PMC Management
DOC. NO. KOC-P-002 PT. 2 Page 48 of 48 REV. 6

The Task Force Responsible for Revision of this Standard:

The revision of this Standard (Rev.6) has been entrusted by the Standards Technical
Committee (STC) to the Task Force (TF-PC/05) comprising of the following Members:

Mr. Amer Jaragh Insp. & Corr. (N&WK) Team TF Leader Tel. No. 65428
Mr. Mohd. Emam Insp. & Corr. (S&EK) Team Member Tel. No. 65254
Mr. Hasan Sabri Insp. & Corr. (S&EK) Team Member Tel. No. 65434
Mr. Sharian Al-Dousary Export Maintenance Team Member Tel. No. 67882
Mr. Ganga P. Dharan Export Maintenance Team Member Tel. No. 66185
Mr. Umair A. Usmani Standards Team Member Tel. No. 61869

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