Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management (2015)


152 pages | 8.5 x 11 | PAPERBACK

ISBN 978-0-309-30839-7 | DOI 10.17226/22194


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National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2015. Successful

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management



Successful Practices in
GIS-Based Asset Management

Spy Pond Partners, LLC

Arlington, MA

in association with

Transcend Spatial Solutions, LLC

Sarasota, FL

James P. Hall
Springfield, IL

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Administration and Management  •  Data and Information Technology  •  Policy

Research sponsored by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration



Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


Systematic, well-designed research provides the most effective Project 08-87
approach to the solution of many problems facing highway ISSN 0077-5614
administrators and engineers. Often, highway problems are of local ISBN 978-0-309-30839-7
interest and can best be studied by highway departments individually Library of Congress Control Number 2015931064
or in cooperation with their state universities and others. However, the © 2015 National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
accelerating growth of highway transportation develops increasingly
complex problems of wide interest to highway authorities. These
problems are best studied through a coordinated program of COPYRIGHT INFORMATION
cooperative research.
Authors herein are responsible for the authenticity of their materials and for obtaining
In recognition of these needs, the highway administrators of the written permissions from publishers or persons who own the copyright to any previously
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modern research practices. The Board is uniquely suited for this
purpose as it maintains an extensive committee structure from which The project that is the subject of this report was a part of the National Cooperative Highway
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The members of the technical panel selected to monitor this project and to review this
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The opinions and conclusions expressed or implied in this report are those of the
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The needs for highway research are many, and the National
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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Dr. Ralph J. Cicerone and Dr. C. D. Mote, Jr., are chair and vice chair, respectively, of the National Research Council.

The Transportation Research Board is one of six major divisions of the National Research Council. The mission of the Transporta-
tion Research Board is to provide leadership in transportation innovation and progress through research and information exchange,
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7,000 engineers, scientists, and other transportation researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia,
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agencies including the component administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and individu-
als interested in the development of transportation.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management



Christopher W. Jenks, Director, Cooperative Research Programs
Christopher Hedges, Manager, National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Andrew C. Lemer, Senior Program Officer
Sheila A. Moore, Program Associate
Eileen P. Delaney, Director of Publications
Scott E. Hitchcock, Editor


Area of Transportation Planning—Forecasting
Kathryn A. Zimmerman, Applied Pavement Technology, Inc., Urbana, IL (Chair)
Wenling Chen, Virginia DOT, Richmond, VA
Terrence C. Bills, ESRI, Redlands, CA
John H. Daly III, Genesee County (MI) Road Commission, Flint, MI
Paul A. DeBarry, NTM Engineering Inc., Dillsburg, PA
W. Cory Pope, Utah DOT, Salt Lake City, UT
William H. Tansil, Michigan DOT, Lansing, MI
Nadarajah “Siva” Sivaneswaran, FHWA Liaison
Matthew Hardy, AASHTO Liaison
Thomas Palmerlee, TRB Liaison

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


By Andrew C. Lemer
Staff Officer
Transportation Research Board

NCHRP Report 800: Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management presents guidance
for state transportation agencies on using geographic information system (GIS) technologies
in transportation asset management (TAM). The guidance is in two parts: The first, for senior
transportation agency leadership, presents the business case for investment in GIS tech­
no­logies for TAM; the second part, for TAM practitioners, describes lessons learned from
current examples of successful practices for implementing these technologies and practical
evidence of the benefits and challenges associated with adoption of GIS-based TAM.

State departments of transportation (DOTs) and other transportation agencies are respon-
sible for development, utilization, and maintenance of a spatially-distributed system of
physical assets. A DOT’s management structure necessarily is also distributed spatially, but
typically is influenced more by the particular technical concerns associated with bridges,
pavements, and other classes of assets, rather than geography. While the organization’s over-
arching goal is to develop and manage the system to yield the highest possible return on the
public’s investment in transportation infrastructure, exercising effective stewardship and
ensuring that available resources are applied most effectively across asset classes are continu-
ing challenges. Individual DOTs, the American Association of State Highway and Transpor-
tation Officials (AASHTO), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) have actively
pursued development of principles, practices, and technologies to support effective TAM.
Rapid advances in the capabilities and sophistication of computer software and hardware for
GIS applications have led to widespread and growing GIS adoption in transportation plan-
ning and systems management. Applications of GIS technologies to TAM are yielding a vari-
ety of improvements in such areas as asset inventory control and maintenance management,
condition assessment and monitoring, and database management.
The objectives of this research were to (1) develop guidance for how DOTs and other trans-
portation agencies can enhance their asset-management capabilities through effective adop-
tion of GIS technologies and (2) encourage more extensive adoption of GIS technologies
by conducting pilot demonstrations and workshops on implementation of GIS-based TAM
practices. The guidance developed is intended to present for senior DOT leadership the busi-
ness case for investment in GIS technologies and for practitioners information on lessons
learned from leading current practice, approaches to evaluating benefits of adoption of GIS
technologies, and strategies for how an agency can effectively apply GIS technologies in TAM.
The research was conducted by a team led by Spy Pond Partners, LLC, of Arlington,
MA. The research team conducted a critical review of recent experience among public- and
private-sector users of GIS technologies for management of fixed-capital assets, consider-
ing applications outside the transportation sector as well as within transportation agencies.

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

From this review the team extracted important lessons regarding benefits and challenges
in the adoption of these technologies. Using these lessons and other examples, the research
team prepared guidance materials to present to senior DOT leadership the business case
for adoption of GIS technologies in TAM. The team also produced guidance for DOT staff
and contractors regarding the rationale and practical strategies for implementation of GIS-
based TAM. These guidance materials were then tested and refined through a series of pilot
demonstrations, workshops, and webinars engaging DOT personnel.
The team’s final report presents this work and the resulting guides for senior DOT leader-
ship and for TAM practitioners. The final report, meant to be used by DOT staff and others
responsible for advancing TAM in their agencies, is structured to facilitate both strategic
thinking about adoption of GIS in a DOT’s TAM activities and practical adoption of GIS

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


1 Chapter 1 Introduction
1 1.1  Document Overview
1 1.2  Project Overview
4 Chapter 2  Guidance Development
4 2.1  Information Gathering
4 2.2  Synthesis of Lessons Learned
6 2.3  Case Studies
6 2.4  Executive Guide
7 2.5  Implementation Guide
8 Chapter 3 Outreach
8 3.1  Outreach Plan
8 3.2  Pilot Demonstrations
14 3.3 Workshops
16 3.4 Webinars
19 Chapter 4 Conclusions
21 Annex A Executive Guide
39 Annex B Implementation Guide
131 Annex C  GIS/TAM Workshop Presentation Slides

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management




1.1  Document Overview Geographic information system (GIS) technology offers

valuable capabilities for enhancing the practice of asset man-
This is the Final Report for NCHRP Project 08-87, “Success- agement. It allows transportation agency staff to access and
ful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management.” It summa- analyze multiple sources of information and gain important
rizes the objectives, scope, methodology, and deliverables of insights to guide decision making. GIS enables integration
the project. of disparate data entities using location as the common
This first chapter provides an overview of the project. denominator, visualization of multiple data layers for a
Chapter 2 documents the information gathering and guid- selected area or network location, map-based data access
ance development activities. Chapter 3 covers the outreach for viewing and editing, and spatial analysis involving que-
components of the project. Chapter 4 provides a brief sum- ries of information based on proximity, route, or geospa-
mary of the products and conclusions from the research. tial feature. In addition, GIS technology (including global
Major project deliverables are included as Annexes to this positioning systems or GPS) provides a cost-effective means
report. of collecting geospatially-referenced data in the field for
inventory, inspection, and work recording. It also allows for
innovative “crowd-sourcing” approaches in which citizens
1.2  Project Overview can report locations of asset deficiencies via mobile devices
Background or desktop tools.
Perhaps the greatest payoff from using GIS technologies
Transportation asset management (TAM) is a strategic in asset management relates to enhancing decision support
approach to managing physical assets throughout their life through integrating data. TAM relies on combining infor-
cycle. Effective TAM practice involves data-driven decision mation from multiple sources: road network and inventory,
making leading to doing the right thing at the right place asset inventory (which is often maintained separately for
at the right time. Key asset management processes include different assets), inspections, capital projects—historical
(1) establishment of asset service levels that reflect engi- and planned, maintenance activities, work requests, traffic,
neering standards, customer input, and demand/utilization; freight movements, crashes, soil characteristics, weather,
(2) development of maintenance and rehabilitation strate- and other land and environmental data sets. Many agen-
gies to provide the established service levels while minimiz- cies achieve this data integration through special purpose,
ing life-cycle agency and user costs; (3) resource allocation time-consuming efforts that require specialized expertise.
across and within asset categories based on investment versus Siloed asset management systems are loaded with the data
performance trade­offs; and (4) work packaging, scheduling, required for specific analysis tasks, and must be periodi-
and management strategies that make best use of available cally synchronized as source systems are updated. Some-
resources. Sound asset management decisions depend on times, similar data are maintained in multi­ple systems,
good information about the assets themselves (location con- which creates “multiple versions of the truth” and neces-
dition, age, service life, and work history), their function sitates a resource-intensive data cleaning process to get to
as part of the transportation system, and their criticality/ a single, consistent source. In addition, the time consum-
consequences of failure. ing nature of data integration processes imposes barriers to

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

agencies’ ability to conduct analysis tasks that would clearly mentation Guide. It concluded with a panel meeting to
result in improved decision making. GIS can enable agen- provide direction on completion of the guides and conduct
cies to achieve efficiencies in use of data and advance deci- of the outreach activities. Phase 1 was organized into the
sion support capabilities. following tasks:
While use of GIS for asset management has advanced in • Task 1. Information Gathering—review of the use of geo-
recent years as tools have evolved, much of the emphasis to spatial technologies supporting management of fixed-
date has been on geospatial enabling of inventory data, with capital assets.
limited progress on more targeted analysis tools. The current • Task 2. Technical Memo 1—synthesis of lessons learned
level of implementation is uneven across public-sector trans- and identification of content for inclusion in the guides.
portation agencies and between public- and private-sector • Task 3. Draft Executive Guide—development of an ini-
organizations with asset management responsibilities. Some tial draft of guidance designed specifically for an execu-
agencies have faced roadblocks related to resource limita- tive audience.
tions, technology choices, and organizational alignment • Task 4. Implementation Guide Outline—completion of
whereas others have been able to successfully navigate these a detailed outline for the practitioner’s guide.
challenges. • Task 5. Interim Report 1—documentation of the results
There is a need to identify and document successful of Tasks 1 through 4.
practices and disseminate this information in a form that • Task 6. Panel Meeting—day-long discussion of Interim
enables all transportation agencies to enhance their use of Report 1 and future project directions.
GIS and realize efficiencies and enhanced asset management Phase 2: Case Studies, Final Guidance, and Pilot Design.
decision support. Recognizing that improving GIS capabil- Phase 2 focused on developing a complete draft of the
ities requires an up-front investment, it is also important Implementation Guide with a set of case study examples
to clearly articulate the benefits to be achieved, and, where documenting current GIS applications and best practices
possible, quantify the payoff from such investments. supporting asset management. In addition, pilot demon-
strations and adoption activities were identified. Phase 2
included five tasks:
Objectives • Task 7. Case Studies—development of case studies illus-

The objectives of NCHRP Project 08-87, “Successful Prac- trating agency practices for using GIS within asset man-
tices in GIS-Based Asset Management” were to (1) develop agement business processes.
• Task 8. Draft Implementation Guide—development
guidance for how state departments of transportation
(DOTs) and other transportation agencies can enhance of a draft Implementation Guide reflecting comments
their asset-management capabilities through effective adop- from the panel and integrating the case studies.
• Task 9. Revised Executive Guide—revision of the draft
tion of GIS technologies and (2) encourage more extensive
adoption of GIS applications in asset management by con- Executive Guide reflecting comments from the panel.
• Task 10. Interim Report 2—documentation of the
ducting pilot demonstrations and workshops. This included
an Executive Guide targeted at senior DOT leadership that results of Tasks 7 through 9.
• Task 11. Technical Memo 2—work plan for conducting
communicates the business case for investment in GIS asset
management applications and a second, more in-depth pilots and adoption activities.
Implementation Guide with lessons learned from current Phase 3: Outreach. Phase 3 involved developing and docu-
practice, approaches to evaluating benefits of adoption of menting pilot demonstrations and conducting workshops
GIS technologies, and strategies for how an agency can and webinars to disseminate the guidance. It involved the
effectively apply GIS technologies in transportation asset following four tasks:
• Task 12. Conduct Pilot Demonstrations—develop
demonstrations that illustrate use of GIS in asset
Research Scope and Tasks • Task 13. Conduct Adoption Activities—conduct
workshops and webinars that disseminate the guid-
This research project was carried out in three phases. ance materials and demonstrate the completed pilots.
• Task 14. Draft Final Report—prepare a draft final report
Phase 1: Draft Guidance. Phase 1 involved information gath- summarizing the results of the project.
ering and synthesis, and development of an initial version • Task 15. Final Report—prepare a final report respond-
of the Executive Guide and a detailed outline of the Imple- ing to panel comments on the draft final report.

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


Distribution of Research Products Webinar presentations have been posted on the AASHTO/
from NCHRP Project 08-87 Transportation Asset Management Website ( The inter-
NCHRP Project 08-87 produced the following products: active viewer for the Pilot Demonstrations is available at Work-
• Executive Guide. shop presentation slides from the Miami Transportation
• Implementation Guide. Asset Management conference are available at:
• Pilot Demonstrations—interactive viewer.
• Workshop and webinar presentations. Miami2014.pdf.

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


Guidance Development

2.1  Information Gathering 2.2  Synthesis of Lessons Learned

The first task in this study was to gather information about Task 2 synthesized the materials gathered in Task 1. The syn-
current practice in using GIS in support of asset manage- thesis was organized into three parts: examples of successful
ment. The focus was on applications of GIS for transportation applications, documented benefits and return on investment
asset management, but there was also interest in identify- from GIS/TAM implementation, and successful approaches
ing advanced or innovative examples of asset management to enhancing use of GIS for asset management. Technical
applications in other industries that could have applicability Memo 1 was drafted and provided a detailed summary of this
for transportation. The research team conducted a literature material; key findings are summarized below.
review, solicited information about GIS applications from the
vendor community, and conducted interviews with transpor-
tation agency staff. Examples of Successful Applications
The literature review included over 100 references, identified
Agencies are using GIS tools to support business processes
through searches of the Transportation Research International
for asset management, including data collection, commu-
Documentation (TRID) database and known websites [e.g.,
nication of information about asset condition and needs,
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Urban and Regional
treatment selection and prioritization, work planning and
Information Systems Association (URISA), GIS-T Conference
management, and disaster recovery. Applications for data
Proceedings, etc.]
collection and display/communication are most common.
Because asset-management software vendors, data collec-
The more sophisticated examples of integrating GIS tools
tion vendors, and system implementation consultants bring
within strategic and operational decision making are from
experience from a variety of agencies, the research team sent
local jurisdictions that have implemented integrated asset
a request for information about notable GIS/TAM applica-
management systems covering a wide range of asset classes,
tions to leading companies, identified based on the team’s
and utilities with real-time monitoring capabilities. Specific
professional experience. Twenty-two application examples
examples of applications are highlighted below.
were submitted, using a standard format defined by the
research team to highlight application functions and notable
features. Data Collection
Finally, the research team conducted in-depth interviews
with six state DOTs and two local agencies in the United • Collecting (and updating) spatially-referenced asset inven-
Kingdom and Australia. These interviews were intended to tory and condition data (including images) in the field
identify current practices and lessons learned from a sample using video, light imaging detection and ranging (LiDAR)
of agencies that are generally recognized as progressive with technology, and hand-held GPS-enabled devices—with
respect to implementation of GIS. real-time or near real-time updates to master databases.
The products of Task 1 were an annotated bibliography, a • Assigning location referencing to capital projects as
set of vendor case study examples, and a set of agency inter- they are defined and maintenance activities as they are
view summaries. completed.

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


• Crowd-sourcing information on asset deficiencies and needs • Coordinating work scheduling across assets within a
from customers—directly from GPS-enabled smartphones corridor.
or from specially designed websites allowing customers to • Tracking real-time locations of maintenance vehicles for
specify locations. improved dispatching, materials stocking, and priority
response efficiencies.

Communication with Customers, Stakeholders,

and Decision Makers Disaster Recovery
• Making information available via smartphone apps about • Identifying assets damaged or destroyed as a result of natu-
facility maintenance responsibilities to ensure that work ral disasters for guiding restoration planning.
requests are properly directed.
• Gathering stakeholder feedback on proposed plans and
projects. Benefits and Return on Investment
• Presenting current and historical system performance to
Five references were identified that quantified positive
agency executives and legislative staff.
net benefits or return on investment (ROI) from GIS imple-
• Sharing a variety of information needed for asset manage-
mentation. In general, these analyses emphasized staff time
ment and project scoping (inventory, condition, planned
savings due to automation of data collection, management,
projects, traffic, etc.) via web-based map interfaces within
mapping, and analysis tasks. One study also included benefits
and outside of the agency.
from improved decision making based on safety improve-
• Presenting candidate or programmed projects including
ments, litigation risk reductions, construction change order
GIS layers providing backup information used for estab-
reductions, project cost reductions (from enhanced scoping),
lishing priorities (e.g., average daily traffic, functional
and improved maintenance efficiencies. In addition, several
class, remaining life, etc.).
vendors provided quantitative examples of cost savings from
system implementations, though detailed backup for these
Improved Maintenance, Repair, examples was not made available.
and Replacement Strategies Several challenges inherent in analyzing ROI for a proposed
GIS-TAM initiative include prediction of costs for multi-year
• Analyzing historical maintenance and inspection records enterprise scale initiatives, distinguishing costs and benefits
to detect patterns and understand trends. specifically attributable to use of GIS as opposed to those that
• Tracking asset value and aggregating this information across would result from an automated system without GIS capabili-
asset classes by selected geographic areas. ties, accounting for uncertainty, quantifying intangible benefits
• Prioritizing maintenance and rehabilitation activities such as improved decision making and enhanced customer ser-
through spatial analysis considering level of service stan- vice, and accounting for changes in behavior that result from
dards, maintenance history, traffic, freight movements, availability of new tools and information presentation methods.
congestion levels, crashes, seismic activity, major genera- A framework for describing value and ROI associated with
tors, growth projections, intermodal connections, natural GIS applications for asset management was developed that
features, and climate change-related risk factors. relates specific GIS-TAM capabilities to value added. Key
• Analyzing the relationship between weather (rainfall, tem- components of benefit that can be assessed include:
perature, freeze-thaw cycles) and pavement deterioration.
• Data Collection Efficiency—staff time savings from auto-
mated data collection, capture, processing, quality assur-
Work Planning, Scheduling, and Management
ance, and loading; reduced risk of worker injury due to
• Utilizing GIS-enabled customer call center applications that less field time.
can be used to locate work requests and display real-time • Maintenance and Project Management Efficiency—staff
status of work requests and projects on maps. time savings from streamlined and integrated business
• Utilizing maintenance management applications with auto- processes and optimized deployment of staff and equip-
mated workflow from defect reporting using mobile apps, ment, lower likelihood of project overruns due to improved
work scheduling, resource deployment, completion tracking, access to current expenditure information.
inventory updating, and financial tracking. • Decision Support Efficiency—staff time savings from
• Developing preventive maintenance programs encompass- automation of data integration, mapping, and analysis
ing multiple assets based on location. tasks; and reduced need for on-site review time.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

• Project and Program Development Effectiveness— the cost of investments in new technologies across multiple
improved prioritization based on understanding of multi­ data collection efforts.
ple complex factors, improved project scoping based on
understanding of root causes and ongoing maintenance 2.3  Case Studies
costs, and ability to package work for efficiency.
• Improved Program Development—improved ability to The research team identified the following selected case
analyze implications of program changes. studies to supplement the extensive set of examples already
• Risk Avoidance—reduced failure risks for critical assets, identified in Phase 1 of the project:
potentially leading to lower insurance costs.
• Disaster Recovery—greater likelihood of full FEMA • West Virginia DOT—fast track implementation of GIS
reimbursement based on availability of accurate records capabilities in conjunction with ERP and asset manage-
of asset inventory by location. ment system deployment.
• Accountability and Credibility—enhanced reputation and • Washington State DOT—Use of GIS for asset management
level of public trust gained through information sharing. decision support.
• Maryland State Highway Administration—integration of
Barriers and Success Factors GIS within the agency’s approach to asset management.
• Utah DOT—use of GIS for external communication,
Seven key ingredients for success—and associated barriers data sharing in the cloud, use of spatially-referenced asset
that tend to impede agency progress—were identified based inventory data for project scoping within field offices.
on the literature review: • Illinois DOT—building foundation data through an out-
sourced approach.
• Sustained Executive Support—this is especially critical
when major investments and multi-year initiatives are Case studies were developed through interviews with GIS
required to fill gaps in foundational GIS tools and data. and asset management staff at these agencies and review of
• Business Unit Manager Engagement—managers respon- relevant documents and websites. Each of these case studies
sible for asset and maintenance management must recog- is included in the Implementation Guide.
nize opportunities for using GIS and serve as champions for
2.4  Executive Guide
• GIS Expertise and Tools—asset management unit staff
must have access to GIS tools and must have the necessary Based on the lessons learned, a draft Executive Guide was
expertise to use these tools and access the data they need developed. The purpose of the Executive Guide is to pro-
to perform analyses. vide a high level overview of how GIS can be used within
• Accurate Foundational Geospatial Data—the organiza- TAM business processes, how agencies can benefit from these
tion must have an accurate base map with road centerlines applications, and how agencies can approach putting these
and jurisdiction boundaries and a centrally-managed capabilities in place. Following panel review of the initial
linear referencing system (LRS) to provide the foundation Executive Guide, revisions were made to shorten the docu-
for data collection, storage, analysis, and display. ment, sharpen the messages, and present information in a
• Data Sets That Can Be Geospatially Integrated and highly graphical format. The revised version of the Executive
Shared—consistent location referencing must be used and Guide is a 15-page document structured as follows:
standards for accuracy and precision must be established
to enable different data sets to be integrated and produc- • An attention-grabber that introduces three potential appli-
tively analyzed. cations of GIS for asset management that can save agencies
• Management Systems Integrated with GIS—agencies must money and improve communication with elected officials
implement processes for integrating spatially-referenced (one page).
information across different maintenance, asset, and • An overview of the guide and a question for executives to
financial management systems—that often use varying consider: “Is your agency maximizing the use of GIS for
methods for asset location across systems. They must also transportation asset management?” (one page).
implement processes to keep asset location data in sync as • An overview of TAM (one page)
the base network changes. • An overview of GIS (one page).
• Coordinated Approaches to Field Data Collection— • Benefits of using GIS for TAM (one page).
agencies that pursue a coordinated and consistent approach • ROI examples (one page).
across business units for field data collection can facilitate • Opportunities to leverage GIS for more effective asset
data integration, achieve economies of scale, and spread management—overview and examples (six pages).

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


• Sizing up agency capabilities—a checklist (one page). The final Implementation Guide outline is shown below;
• Making it happen—tips on key implementation ingredi- the complete Guide is included as Annex B.
ents (one page).
• Further reading (one page). 1. Introduction
Purpose of This Guide
The complete Executive Guide is included as Annex A. Guide Organization
Setting the Context—The Practice of Transportation Asset
2.5  Implementation Guide Management
An initial outline for the Implementation Guide was devel- TAM+GIS: Using GIS for More Effective Transportation
oped during Phase 1 of the project. This outline included the Asset Management
following major sections: 2.  Assessing Your Agency’s Capabilities
Levels of GIS Implementation for Transportation Asset
Section 1: Using GIS to Support Transportation Asset Management
Management Understand the State of the Assets
Establish the business context within which GIS technol- GIS Capabilities by TAM Business Process
ogy is used and highlight key opportunities for using GIS Assess and Manage Risks
Identify Needs and Work Candidates
within each business process.
Develop Programs
Section 2: Applications Catalog
Manage and Track Work
Present concrete examples of practical applications of GIS
Taking Stock
in asset management.
Assessing the Agency’s GIS Foundation
Section 3: Successful Practices
Using the Assessment Results: Developing an Overall
Describe strategies for successful implementation of GIS
for TAM.
For Agencies with a Relatively Weak GIS Foundation
Section 4: Implementation Planning
For Agencies with a Relatively Strong GIS Foundation
Present a step-by-step approach to assessing existing capa-
3.  Evaluating Initiatives for Advancing Capabilities
bilities and planning for improvements to these capabilities. Options for Moving Forward
Building a Business Case for GIS/TAM Initiatives
Based on feedback at the March 2013 panel meeting, the Step 1: Articulate the Business Need
Implementation Guide structure was modified and a pre- Step 2: Define Options for Meeting the Business Need
liminary draft was developed. One major comment that was Step 3: Identify Costs for Each Option
addressed was to incorporate material that would help agen- Step 4: Identify Benefits of Each Option
cies to assess their existing level of implementation progress Step 5: Identify Risks
or maturity. This draft was further refined based on addi- Step 6: Put It All Together
tional input from the panel. A series of conceptual maps was 4.  Getting It Done: Ingredients for Success
added corresponding to each of the five identified asset man- The Seven Ingredients for Success
agement business processes. These maps were designed to Ingredient 1: Management Commitment and Organiza-
illustrate how GIS can be used to support key asset manage- tional Alignment
ment functions. In addition, a series of figures was included Ingredient 2: GIS Tools and Expertise
with sample GIS data layers that are of value for asset man- Ingredient 3: Well-Defined and Proactive Data Stewardship
agement. A figure was also added listing a standard set of Ingredient 4: Accurate and Complete Foundational Geo-
steps for integrating a new GIS data source. spatial Data
Further modifications to the Guide were made during the Ingredient 5: Consistent Data Standards Enabling Spatial
outreach phase of the project, following discussions with the Data Integration
state DOT participants in the three pilot demonstrations, and Ingredient 6: Management Systems Linked with GIS
based on feedback from workshop participants. These modi- Ingredient 7: Coordinated Data Collection Across the Agency
fications were relatively minor in nature, and consisted of Case Studies
(1) updates to the types of GIS/TAM capabilities associated with References
different implementation levels and (2) additions to the lists of Appendix A: Applications Catalog
spatial data layers for asset management that were included. Appendix B: Resources

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management



3.1  Outreach Plan • A workshop held at the 2014 GIS-T Symposium in

Burlington, Vermont (May 5, 2014); and
Phase 3 of the research project included outreach activities • A series of three webinars covering different aspects of the
for disseminating the results of the research. These activities guidance.
were intended to both to jump start the process of adoption
of new capabilities and to obtain feedback that can be used to The pilot demonstrations, workshops, and webinars are
make further refinements to the guidance materials. described in the remaining sections of this chapter. Col­
The original research plan included pilot demonstrations lectively, these activities were successful in achieving the
in three states, as well as three regional workshops to pre­ objectives of obtaining feedback used to improve the draft
sent and test the guidance. This original plan would have pro­ guidance materials and spreading awareness of the products
vided opportunities for concentrated attention to the topic, a of NCHRP Project 08-87 across a wide set of agencies.
thorough vetting of the guidance, and extensive peer-to-peer
interaction. However, the research team and members of the
3.2  Pilot Demonstrations
panel were concerned that given increasingly restrictive travel
policies and tight schedules of agency executives, it would be Pilot Development
difficult to secure participation from individuals with the
Pilot demonstrations of TAM/GIS capabilities were imple­
ability to effect change within their agencies.
mented in three states: Colorado, West Virginia, and Iowa.
In the second Interim Report, the research team provided
While there were many potential candidates for pilot states, the
an option that substituted a webinar series for the regional research team selected these based on (1) geographic distribu­
workshops. This option allowed the guidance to be presented tion, (2) level of interest and established point of contact for a
over multiple sessions in small pieces geared to specific DOT TAM/GIS demonstration, and (3) availability of data that could
roles. While it did not provide the immersive experience and be used to develop a realistic demonstration of capabilities.
peer contact of the initial plan, it did have the advantage of Pilot development involved the following activities:
reaching a much greater number of DOTs and a greater diver­
sity of individuals within DOTs. 1. A kickoff call with the point of contact to walk through
In the end, a hybrid outreach strategy was implemented the planned activities and schedule and secure final agree­
involving the following elements: ment to participate.
2. A second set of discussions with each state to identify the
• Pilot demonstrations in three states: Colorado, Iowa, and scope to be included in the pilot. These discussions were
West Virginia; exploratory in nature, as the research team identified each
• A day-long workshop in Boston, Massachusetts, [hosted agency’s current capabilities, initiatives, and interests. The
by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation research team tried to minimize duplication across the pilot
(MassDOT)] involving staff from Massachusetts, Rhode states and achieve coverage of the five asset management
Island, Connecticut, and Maine DOTs; process areas.
• A workshop held at the 10th National Conference on 3. Development of initial scripts for review by each agency
Transportation Asset Management in Miami, Florida describing the flow of the pilot demonstrations and iden­
(April 28, 2014); tifying the data that would be required.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


4. Refinement of these scripts based on agency review and While the network level information is summarized by
data availability. the pavement management section and made available in the
5. Site visits to each state to finalize the scope and flow of pavement management information system, project-level test
each pilot demonstration and to discuss implementation results are not easily accessible for use following completion
requirements. At these visits, the research team also took of projects. The Iowa DOT wants to obtain a higher return
the opportunity to review with the state the content of the on its testing investments. The Iowa DOT pilot illustrates the
draft Implementation Guide and obtain feedback. use of GIS to integrate network- and project-level pavement
6. Iterative development of the pilot demonstrations— data with traffic, economic factors, and aggregate source data
working with agency staff to identify and obtain required to support trend analysis and pattern detection—and com­
data sources, structure the map displays, and refine the municate results of these analyses in order to identify appro­
scenarios to reflect likely agency asset management prac­ priate actions. It shows how this same body of information
tice and roles. can provide value to field office staff as they review potential
7. Completion of the pilot demonstrations—the final pilots paving locations and determine appropriate treatments.
consisted of a mixture of live demonstrations, screen cap­ The pilot also illustrates how the agency might utilize falling
tures from agency systems, and presentation slides. weight deflectometer (FWD) test results on an ongoing basis
8. Packaging of the pilots for future reference. A series of to obtain a higher ROI for dollars being spent on these efforts.
web pages was developed, including a home page provid­
ing access to the three pilots. Users can click on a pilot state Using the Geospatial Portal to Analyze Pavement
and select from a list of the different sections of the pilot Performance.   The Iowa DOT uses a geospatial portal to
demonstration. Once they select a section, they can navigate integrate information from its different TAM systems. This
through a series of slides with annotations that describe the portion of the pilot demonstration illustrates how to use the
activity being demonstrated. power of GIS to overlay information to determine areas of
concern or interest.
Each of the pilots is described further below. An inter­ The first portion of the Iowa DOT pilot demonstrates the
active viewer for the pilots is available at: ability to “swipe” a GIS view of pavement condition across two years. This temporal analysis tool allows visualization of
what conditions are today [in this case based on good (green),
Iowa DOT Pilot fair (yellow), poor (red) categories]—and what the condition
categories were for these same locations in the previous year.
Pilot Summary The second capability for visualizing pavement deteriora­
The Iowa DOT was interested in demonstrating how GIS tion was developed by creating a new theme based on cal­
could be used to leverage existing data for providing asset culated deterioration rates. The deterioration rates can be
management decision support. It decided to focus on its viewed along with the current pavement condition category
pavement management function and show the value of GIS by using offsets in the geospatial portal. This allows the DOT
for (1) understanding factors contributing to pavement dete­ to see areas in which deterioration is occurring rapidly—
rioration and (2) maximizing the return on investment from even where the pavement is currently still classified as “good
its non-destructive testing program. condition”—as well as highlighting locations currently in
poor condition that have dropped from a higher condition
category. Looking at spatial patterns of deterioration adds a
Pilot Narrative
new dimension to just looking at condition maps. Using loca­
Background.   The Iowa DOT has an active and mature tion as the integrating element, various potential causal fac­
GIS program and is well positioned to leverage a variety of tors for higher than expected deterioration can be explored:
data sources for understanding factors contributing to pave­ weather, truck traffic volumes, locations of grain elevators,
ment deterioration. In addition, data are available that can pavement type, and aggregate sources used for the most
be used to fine tune the locations where costly data collection recent paving projects.
efforts such as non-destructive testing are performed. In terms of traffic, even though there is a great deal of traf­
The department collects and maintains spatially-referenced fic on some of these deteriorating segments, adjacent seg­
data sets that may be tapped for information on causal factors ments with the same traffic counts don’t have the same level
behind pavement deterioration. Available pavement data include of deterioration.
distress, ride [international roughness index (IRI)], rutting, fric­ Regarding grain elevators and warehouses, it can be observed
tion, and material tests for specific projects. Other available data based on the data that the deterioration rates on segments
include traffic, economic contributors, aggregate sources, and adjacent to grain elevators and warehouses are not substan­
weather information. tially different from other segments in the area, so heavy truck

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


traffic doesn’t appear to be a strong factor contributing to Pilot Narrative

Background.   Before the MAP-21 legislation was signed
For aggregate sources and pavement types, it can be seen
into law, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)
that the aggregate source for several of these areas is the same—
had embraced asset management as an important business
Acme Aggregates. This could be the basis of the deterioration
practice for maintaining its assets in a state of good repair
over the long term with the least investment of resources.
After exploring the data, the redlining capability is used in
For example, since 2011 CDOT’s asset managers have been
the geospatial portal to highlight the areas of concern with
working with the Multi-Asset Management System (MAMS,
possible causes noted for further investigation. These notifi­
now renamed the Asset Investment Management System, or
cation capabilities of the portal can then be used to send the
AIMS) to develop budget scenarios and explore the relation­
redlined map to maintenance personnel.
ship between funding and performance. Now that MAP-21 is
Needs Assessment.   After finding problem locations, geo­ in place, CDOT is establishing risk-based asset management
spatial tools can be used to assist with developing recommen­ as the official approach for strategic preservation of CDOT’s
dations for addressing the identified concerns. This portion of assets and related investment decisions for those assets.
the pilot demonstrates the ability to use GIS to analyze differ­ The Transportation Commission of Colorado approved
ent possible scenarios by integrating program information and the Risk-Based Asset Management Plan (RB AMP) in January
deterioration model results to assist in determining if the right 2014. It provides a comprehensive plan for implementing and
areas for improvement are targeted. sustaining TAM at CDOT. The plan is intended for CDOT’s
Iowa DOT personnel can look at the quickly deteriorating asset managers and stakeholders, including the citizens of
areas together with the DOT’s planned and recommended Colorado. It provides a summary of the assets maintained by
projects. The recommended projects are from the Iowa DOT’s CDOT and an assessment of financial and risk considerations
relating to these assets.
pavement management system (PMS) application and they
The CDOT pilot illustrates the use of GIS in conjunction
are shown on the map as hatched lines. The programmed
with AIMS to assist in CDOT’s program development pro­
projects from the Iowa DOT’s Five-Year Program data are
cess, as well as the use of new risk-based approaches to project
shown as solid lines. Zooming in on the deteriorating pave­
prioritization. It illustrates integration of multiple spatially-
ment that runs north to south, it can be seen that there is a
referenced data sets, analysis of the performance implications
“Grade and Pave” project planned for just north of this area
of different resource allocation scenarios and project selec­
for 2014.
tions, and communication of the selected projects to agency
The associated files, such as design files and photographs,
stakeholders and the public.
can be displayed with the pavement project. The DOT might
then make the recommendation to extend the selected proj­ Life-Cycle Forecasting.   CDOT uses AIMS, which is based
ect to cover the deteriorating pavement section. on a commercial asset management application and supports
life-cycle forecasting of nine different asset categories includ­
Pavement Test Targeting.   For the final portion of the Iowa
ing pavement, bridges, maintenance, fleet, intelligent transpor­
DOT pilot, the research team reviewed the agency’s process of
tation system (ITS) devices, buildings, tunnels, culverts, and
conducting FWD tests. Using GIS, the Iowa DOT may be able
rockfall sites. AIMS integrates this information from a variety
to focus testing on those locations that are potential candidates
of sources. AIMS uses deterioration models and decision rules
for structural rehabilitation within a three-to-five-year period.
for each asset to enable analysis of current and future needs.
This map shows the planned projects, PMS recommendations,
Each of these nine assets is managed from within AIMS, laying
as well as the location of FWD test sites over the past 10 years.
the foundation for cross-asset trade-off analysis.
The DOT may use this as well as other overlays of informa­
tion to produce better plans for where it wants to do testing Temporal Analysis and Budget and Scenario Planning.  
in future years. To make effective decisions, DOTs need to view condition data
as it changes through time. This portion of the pilot illustrates
Colorado DOT Pilot the ability to view the temporal aspects of bridge and pavement
condition data.
Pilot Summary
The geospatial portal also allows for viewing, integrating,
The Colorado DOT was interested in showing the role of and reporting data associated with each of CDOT’s asset
GIS for risk-based TAM program development. Their pilot categories. The analysis capabilities included in the portal
featured multiple components—some demonstrating poten­ allow for budget and scenario planning. They provide the
tial new uses of GIS, and others highlighting the agency’s ability to view and analyze data in support of effective deci­
existing applications of GIS for asset management. sion making based on budget and asset conditions.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


The information from the line graphs outputted from AIMS are shown in green. To end this portion of the pilot, a report is
can also be shown through a geospatial portal. Using the tem­ created of the culverts that were added to the program.
poral slider, it is possible to explore the AIMS results from both
a spatial and a temporal perspective. Bridges and pavement Interactive Reporting.   After CDOT’s program is devel­
are color-coded based on years of remaining life. As the DOT oped and funded, project and budget information are sum­
slides across years on bottom, it can be seen how these assets marized and made available through the Your CDOT Dollar
are expected to deteriorate. (YCD) website. The YCD website provides maps and reports
In some cases, the conditions may improve because a on projects and budgets as well as the performance of the
maintenance or rehabilitation project is scheduled for that agency’s assets based on defined performance goals.
route or bridge. In one instance, a route segment went from First, bridge information is reviewed. From the YCD website,
zero to three years of service life remaining to greater than ten information on the condition of the bridges versus the agency’s
goal can be accessed. Trends and budget information can also
years because a major treatment is planned in 2018.
be seen. In addition, it is possible to view the bridges on a map.
In order to consider risk within the program development
Maps are an integral part of the website—complementing the
process, CDOT has a number of data layers that can be used
network-level charts with more detailed views of the individual
to identify potential threats that can impact multiple assets.
bridge conditions as well as associated photos.
For example, CDOT can view flood zones (shown as cross-
A second example shows the estimated drivability life for
hatched areas), fire boundaries or burn scar areas (shown in
CDOT’s maintained pavement. The green routes have a high
red), and rockfall hazard locations (shown as thick yellow
drivability life, blue are moderate, and the purple are low. This
lines). Each of these risks could affect multiple assets.
example also includes the agency’s goals and budget for this asset.
This information can be used to illustrate risk-based bud­
geting for the culvert program. One area that has quite a few
flood zones is zoomed in on and then the culvert layer is West Virginia DOT Pilot
turned on. The culverts are color-coded based on their risk Pilot Summary
score. According to CDOT’s risk matrix, all culverts within a
flood zone are given a risk score of 24. Burn-area culverts are The West Virginia DOT (WVDOT)was interested in demon­
given a risk score of 22. As can be seen from the map, CDOT strating the value of an integrated approach to asset inventory,
has identified a fairly large list of “critical culverts” and all work scheduling, safety analysis, and performance manage­
of these culverts are recommended for replacement or some ment using GIS as the data integration and analysis engine.
kind of treatment to address the risk of failure of the culvert
and other assets in the area. Because it will take many years to Pilot Narrative
fund all of these projects, there is a need to prioritize which Background.   In 2012, the state of West Virginia began the
culverts are going to be replaced first. wvOASIS project. wvOASIS reaches across many state agencies
Users can view the locations of the critical culverts together to implement enterprise resource planning (ERP) technology.
with layers that help to assess both likelihood and conse­ The goal of the project is to “gain operational efficiencies and
quences of failure. Users can also view the location of planned seamless integration across administrative business functions
pavement and bridge projects. In this case, the user can see by fundamentally transforming how the state manages its
the location of a planned pavement project for 2014 shown financial, human resources, procurement, and other business
in bright yellow. Then a “Culvert Calculator” tool that illus­ processes.” For WVDOT, the ERP project focuses on imple­
trates a potential new GIS capability to assist with the pro­ menting several modules of a commercial asset management
gram development and budgeting process is launched. The suite including maintenance, fleet, traffic, and safety.
Culvert Calculator shows the planned budgets for culvert While the wvOASIS project has been underway, WVDOT
replacements for the next four years as blue bars. This tool has made big strides on the geospatial front. The agency has
can be used to add culverts to any of these four years while developed a number of geospatial applications that allow for
keeping track of the dollars allocated. The use then can con­ viewing, mining, reporting, and mapping asset and event data.
tinue to add culverts to the program until most of the funds These geospatial applications include a new LRS, a straight-line
are allocated as shown by the red bar. diagram (SLD) solution with integrated mapping and video log
Now that all of the culverts have been added to the program, components, and a highway performance monitoring system
a query can be run to locate them on a map. The query looks (HPMS) console. WVDOT is now implementing an interface
for all culverts that have a replacement year equal to 2014. between the enterprise LRS and asset management modules.
Now the programmed projects for 2014 can be seen for four The WVDOT pilot highlights the effectiveness of perfor­
different assets: pavement projects are in yellow, rockfall miti­ mance measure dashboards and then focuses on the integration
gation projects are in blue, bridge projects are red circles, and of maintenance and crash data from asset management sys­
the culverts that were just selected to be added to the program tems, cost data from wvOASIS, roadway characteristics data

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


from WVDOT’s Geospatial Transportation Information linear features such as functional classification, surface type,
(GTI) Unit, and Google’s Street View data. The integration and pavement width. It can also be seen that a portion of the
of these data layers is used to communicate the performance guardrail in the area selected is in poor condition and part
of assets and the WV road network, and to analyze crash and of it is in good condition. “Driving” up and down the route
asset data to assist with recognizing trends and mitigating allows for the viewing of additional information.
risks by addressing areas of concern. Google’s Street View is launched at this location. The “Watch
The pilot also illustrates the ability to collect data in the field for Ice on Bridge” sign that is in the inventory (as shown on the
using tablets and to assign work to maintenance crews in an SLD) is also shown on the image but the “20 MPH” advisory
efficient manner. Finally, it describes the integration of enter­ sign is missing. It is concluded that the sign could have been
prise LRS data maintained outside of the TAM system with knocked down since the inventory was collected. In addition,
the location components of assets managed within. it can be seen that the portion of the guardrail near the sign is
in good condition, indicating that it might have been replaced
Performance Measure Dashboard.  Performance mea­ recently and the portion just past the sign is in poor condition,
sure dashboards allow DOTs to access information about how which might be a result of recent crashes.
a DOT is performing. Many DOTs are establishing measures Based on what is observed on the SLD and associated video
based on recommendations outlined in MAP-21. This portion images, the decision is made to request a field inspection to
of the pilot demonstrates the ability to review trends and to drill determine if the “20 MPH” advisory sign is still missing and
down to additional information about key performance indica­ to inspect the nearby guardrail that is in poor condition.
tors (KPIs). Each of the KPIs on the operational dashboard can Redlining tools are used to make notes on the SLD.
be “clicked” to view more detailed information. After the redlines are complete, a notification is sent to the
As a KPI is selected (e.g., percentage of good pavements, or person responsible for maintenance. The notification will
safety), a thematic map that complements the information allow the maintenance personnel to open the SLD at the same
displayed in charts can be viewed. location and also view the redlines.
This asset management scenario begins with a review of the
“maintenance cost” KPI. By choosing the “maintenance cost Field Data Collection.   WVDOT is moving toward using
summary” tab, the maintenance costs associated with a num­ tablets for field data collection. This portion of the pilot
ber of WVDOT assets can be viewed. It can be seen that the demonstrates field data collection of asset inventories and
maintenance costs for guardrails over the past two years is high. inspections.
From here, the geospatial portal is used to examine guardrail The SLD interface that was accessed from the web is also
maintenance costs and possible causes for the high expenses. available on a tablet. This interface can be used to find assets
that need to be added to the inventory or to perform inspec­
Geospatial Portal, SLD, and Video Log.  Geospatial por­ tions on existing assets. Here, the redlines from the previous
tals and straight line diagramming applications are used to workflow are reviewed.
view, analyze, and report on the many layers of information The SLD and map move as the inspector drives down the
maintained by DOTs. This portion of the pilot demonstrates road using the tablet-based GPS device. The map helps the
WVDOT’s planned geospatial portal, and its existing SLD inspector to verify that he or she is at the right location in
and integrated video log solutions. the field and that new assets are added to the inventory correctly.
The portal is used to review three geospatial layers: The inspector views one of the inventory screens associ­
(1) routes color-coded by functional classification, (2) guard­ ated with the sign record indicating the sign was in the field
rails color-coded by maintenance costs, and (3) crash frequen­ as of the last inspection date.
cies color-coded by the number of crashes at each location. He or she pulls up the most recent sign inspection record.
An area in downtown Charleston that has high guardrail The associated photograph shows the sign in the field on the
maintenance costs (indicated by the thick red line) as well as last inspection date. He or she adds a note to the inspection
a number of crashes is zoomed into. The attributes associated record indicating that the sign is now missing and needs to
with one of the crashes on the corresponding route are viewed be replaced. Similar screens would be used to inventory and
and it can be seen that the first harmful event is “guardrail inspect the guardrails.
face,” indicating that the crash involved hitting the guardrail.
Zooming in further and launching the SLD for this loca­ Work Order Management.   As part of the wvOASIS
tion provides more details about the assets and roadway char­ project, WVDOT is implementing TAM modules for main­
acteristics of the selected route. The top portion of the screen tenance, fleet, traffic, and safety. A core capability of the TAM
provides a stick diagram and is generally used to display point system is the ability to assign and track work. This portion of
features such as intersections, signs, culverts, and bridges. The the pilot demonstrates assigning work to address conditions
bottom portion of the screen includes attribute bars showing recorded in the field.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


Now that it has been verified that both the sign and the por­ 3. Using a business scenario approach for the design of new
tion of the guardrail in poor condition need to be replaced, GIS/TAM capabilities is a good technique. Documenting
work orders are created that describe the work to be completed. the sequence of events or activities undertaken in which
The next step is to assign staffing resources and equipment the GIS/TAM capability would be used allows for a review
to the work order. After the work has been completed, the process to provide feedback on whether the new capabil­
accomplishment is logged, and the location of completed ity will add value to the agency. It encourages an agency to
work is verified. think through the business context in detail: who specifi­
cally would use the new capability, how, and why.
LRS and TAM Integration.  At WVDOT, as with most
4. A brainstorming process involving individuals represent­
DOTs, different business units are responsible for the individ­
ing a range of perspectives is a valuable way to identify
ual TAM modules and these units are generally also different
potential improvements.
from the units responsible for the LRS and geospatial appli­
5. Bringing together individuals playing key roles in the asset
cation development. Although separate, information needs to
management business process (e.g., program development,
be shared across these business units, which means that the
budgeting, pavement management, work scheduling) with
network and LRS information must be kept in sync with the
GIS and data management experts enables a productive dis­
TAM modules. This portion of the pilot describes the approach
cussion about what capabilities would be of value, what is
being taken by WVDOT to keep its LRS network up to date and
feasible or infeasible, what would be easy to do, and what
to build interfaces between the LRS and the TAM modules.
would require a greater level of effort. In addition, it is use­
As an epilogue to this scenario, the pilot demonstrates the
ful to include individuals who have more hands-on imple­
steps of a realignment that straightens a curve and cuts out
mentation responsibilities as more senior managers. This
.05 miles from the route where the guardrail and sign replace­
ments were made, which causes the milepoint location to allows for GIS capabilities to be defined that address both
change. The GIS unit uses its LRS management software to strategic and tactical concerns.
update the route centerline and LRS information. This first 6. Out-of-the-box thinking should be encouraged, since GIS
screen shows the original alignment. offers opportunities to change how work is done and how
The first step is to digitize the new alignment. The new seg­ decisions are made.
ment is added to the road network and measures are assigned
to its endpoints. With respect to the mechanics of implementing new GIS/
Because the LRS software has been interfaced with the DOTs TAM capabilities, the research team has made the following
asset management software, linear referencing for the asset observations:
information is systematically adjusted to reflect changes in the
road network. For example, it can be seen that the functional 1. Data availability was the biggest challenge in pulling the pilots
classification record has moved with the alignment because of together. Even when an agency initially thought that the data
the rule assigned to that type of business data. were available, a host of issues were discovered that had an
impact on access to or use of the data for the pilots. These
Lessons Learned from the Pilots included reluctance on the part of the data owner to release
the information (especially for safety data); in­complete
The pilot demonstration task was a useful way to explore data—lacking in desired attributes, only available for selected
both the “big picture” of what kinds of GIS/TAM capabilities years, or only available for selected portions of the network;
DOTs are interested in adding, as well as the “nuts and bolts” lack of spatial referencing; and lack of currency.
of implementing these capabilities. With respect to identifi­ 2. The next biggest challenge (after data) was implement­
cation and design of new capabilities, key observations and ing a seamless workflow across the various tools that exist
lessons learned were: within the organization. While the pilots did not involve
1. The five TAM business areas and associated opportunities any system integration work, the story lines that were devel­
for using GIS provide a useful context and framework for oped envisioned integrated use of GIS within asset man­
states to consider specific new capabilities. agement business processes. Mocking up these integrated
2. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to GIS/TAM—each capabilities highlighted the reality that multiple systems are
agency’s decision process about new capabilities to imple­ typically utilized for asset inventory, maintenance manage­
ment will be dependent on how it has structured its asset ment, needs assessment, tradeoff analysis, budgeting, and
management program—both functionally and organiza­ programming. Integrating GIS query and analysis capa­
tionally, which asset management business areas they are bilities so that they work seamlessly across these various
looking to improve, what data they have, and what tools systems requires considerable planning, coordination, and
are in place or under development. technical effort.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


3. While it is relatively straightforward to use available GIS GIS apps at the time of the workshop. Capabilities not well
tools to view and analyze available spatial data on an ad- understood across the agency; outreach is important but
hoc basis, it requires more effort to implement a continuing GIS staff are spread thin and there is a need to prioritize
analysis capability and ensure that the data are sufficiently requests. Bridge and pavement are in good shape, though
current and accurate to support the intended uses. Both highly siloed. Maintenance is highly privatized, which
technical effort to automate data feeds and data governance makes it difficult to track what has been done. MassDOT
structures and processes in place to determine and enforce has made some progress with the implementation of a
updating cycles are needed. commercial maintenance management system.
4. It is important to allocate sufficient time and attention to –– Connecticut: Medium GIS maturity; Low GIS/TAM matu-
information design and to allow for an iterative process to rity. Checked 10 of the 28 items on the GIS-practice list—
arrive at a design that works well. GIS portals often suffer other functions are in the works. ConnDOT is trying to use
from what one pilot participant termed “layerrhea.” When TAM to build momentum with an initial focus on major
too many data layers are available and selected it can be assets and construction projects. Working to integrate
impossible to understand what the data are showing. The bridge and project data as part of commercial construc­
practice of developing specialized maps that are tailored tion information management system implementation.
for a particular purpose can be used to limit the num­ Can produce thematic maps with bridge condition—on
ber of available layers and available attributes that can be web but not integrated with other data.
viewed for each feature. –– Rhode Island: Medium GIS maturity; Basic GIS/TAM
5. Related to the above point, part of the information design maturity. Checked 14 of the 28 items on the GIS-practice
process should consider development of specialized list, working to build additional capabilities.
themes that combine information from multiple feature –– Maine: High GIS maturity; Intermediate-Advanced
sets. For example, in the Iowa pilot, pavement condition GIS/TAM maturity. Checked 24 of the 28 items on the
data from multiple years was combined to derive a theme GIS-practice list and is currently piloting mobile apps.
showing road segments that exceeded a threshold level of MaineDOT has found that data governance is key.
deterioration. MaineDOT has a formal structure and update process.
• An agency’s GIS capabilities may not be well understood
3.3 Workshops by stakeholders outside the GIS group; clearly communi­
cating current GIS capabilities to a broader base of stake­
New England Workshop holders may help drive new GIS/TAM initiatives. Similarly,
before assessing agency-level GIS capabilities, the GIS group
A day-long workshop was held on February 24, 2014, hosted
should clearly communicate current GIS capabilities through
by MassDOT. There were 12 participants from MassDOT,
presentations, demonstrations, and other outreach efforts.
three from the Connecticut Department of Transportation
• The guidance should emphasize the important role of data
(ConnDOT), two from the Rhode Island Department of
governance in enabling GIS for TAM.
Transportation (RiDOT), and one from the Maine Depart­
• Upper management doesn’t always appreciate the level
ment of Transportation (MaineDOT). This workshop pro­
of effort that is needed to collect spatially-enabled data,
vided an opportunity for the research team to present and
which can be very expensive. Once it is collected, a strict
obtain feedback on the Implementation Guide materials.
change/update process needs to be followed.
The workshop began with introductions and review of the
day’s agenda. In the morning session, participants completed The afternoon session addressed the business case for agency
assessments of agency GIS capabilities and agency use of GIS investment in GIS for TAM. Participants used materials and
for TAM, guided by presentations from the research team. guidance developed by the research team to outline a basic busi­
The morning session concluded with discussion and feed­ ness case for example GIS/TAM initiatives:
back from participants, including the following:
• Rhode Island selected a computer-aided design (CAD) to GIS
• The assessment portion of the Implementation Guide was initiative to produce complete right-of-way and asset data
a useful exercise to the participants. The four participating from as-built plans. RiDOT cited efficiency benefits from
states had a range of implementation levels for their GIS decreased effort to update asset data. It would build in require­
capabilities and GIS/TAM capabilities: ments for extracted asset data as a pay item in contracts.
–– Massachusetts: High GIS maturity; low GIS/TAM matu- • Massachusetts selected implementing uniform geospatial
rity. A majority of items on the GIS-practice list (see data standards across projects. MassDOT would include this
Implementation Guide, Table 8) were checked. GIS as part of its IT Strategic Plan and create standard specifica­
managed by the planning department was strongest at tions. MassDOT estimated that doing so would decrease
keeping a core set of legacy layers up to date. MassDOT design effort and time (less effort needed to find and integrate
had no strategic plan and no implementation of mobile data from different sources).

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


• Maine selected the same example as Rhode Island—with a • The best way to communicate the value of GIS/TAM ini­
similar approach and benefits statement. tiatives is through good examples of successful practices.
• Connecticut selected an initiative to map candidate projects Supplementing this research with FHWA-supported pilots
and programmed work—both capital and maintenance. would help make the case for greater investment.
Estimated benefits included improved coordination
After the conclusion of the scheduled workshop activities,
between construction and maintenance—the idea being
the MaineDOT delivered a brief presentation demonstrating
to avoid needing to touch the same asset more than once
the agency’s current GIS/TAM capabilities.
in a given two-year period. It would coordinate processes
between consultant and state forces. It would also allow for
self-service information about project status, which would Workshop at the 10th National
cut down on phone calls that currently need to be fielded Transportation Asset Management
by project engineers. Conference

Following this exercise, the workshop concluded with dis­ A morning workshop was held at the National Conference
cussion and feedback from participants. Discussion addressed on Transportation Asset Management in Miami, Florida, on
issues including: April 28, 2014. Over 40 people registered for the workshop,
representing 12 state DOTs (AL, CA, CT, DC, IA, MD, MA,
• Agencies have many options for GIS data management MI, NM, RI, SC, and VA), three transit agencies, and one city
and IT architecture. It would be useful to have information (New York).
on these options and practical guidance on how to select The workshop covered material from the Implementation
the most appropriate options, addressing questions such Guide as well as demonstrations of the West Virginia and
as: What common resources should be set up for GIS data? Iowa pilots. Participants provided positive feedback on the
Where in the organization should GIS expertise reside? Given GIS/TAM framework that was presented. When polled at the
the technology’s rapid rate of change, a decision frame­ close of the workshop as to which of the seven ingredients for
work would be more useful than an inventory of options. success was the biggest challenge, leadership and integrating
• The exercises would be most valuable if undertaken by a GIS with asset management systems were tied (with seven
group, rather than by a single individual. To this end, work­ votes each) for first place. The workshop agenda is shown
shop materials could provide a template for a committee below; the slides for the workshop are included in Annex C
review processes. to this report.

Naonal Conference on Transportaon Asset Management

Workshop Agenda
Introduction (Frances Harrison)
Workshop Overview
8:30 AM
Participant Introductions
GIS Capabilities Checklist

Implementing GIS for Transportation Asset Management (Frances Harrison)

NCHRP Project 08-87 Objectives and Products
9:00 AM
Opportunities and Implementation Levels

10:15 AM Break

Scenario Demonstrations: Using GIS for Transportation Asset Management

(Connie Gurchiek, Eric Abrams, Hussein Elkhansa)
10:30 AM
West Virginia

Implementation Challenges and Success Factors (Frances Harrison)

11:30 AM Common Challenges
Seven Ingredients for Success

12:00 PM Adjourn

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


Workshop at the 2014 GIS-T Symposium by the material on the Implementation Guide framework, a
presentation from Colorado DOT on its risk-based asset man­
An afternoon workshop was held at the GIS-T symposium in agement approach, and then a demonstration of the pilots,
Burlington, Vermont, on May 5, 2014. Over 70 people registered focusing on the Colorado pilot. When polled at the close of the
for the workshop, representing 23 state DOTs (AK, AL, AR, CA, workshop as to which of the seven ingredients for success was
CO, DE, GA, IL, IN, IA, KY, LA, MI, MN, MS, NY, NC, OK, the biggest challenge, “data management and stewardship” and
OR, PA, VT, WA, WV), and six metropolitan planning organiza­ “foundational spatial data” were tied (with seven votes each)
tions (MPOs)/local agencies. The workshop began with a unit for first place—reflecting the composition of GIS-T conference
on MAP-21 asset management requirements. This was followed attendees. The workshop agenda is shown below.

GIS-T Symposium Workshop Agenda

Introduction (K. Zimmerman)
1:00 PM Workshop Overview
Participant Introductions

MAP-21 Asset Management Requirements (K. Zimmerman)

Performance Measures and Targets
1:15 PM
Risk-Based Asset Management Plans
Implications for GIS—Are You Ready?

Implementing GIS for Transportation Asset Management (F. Harrison)

NCHRP Project 08-87 Objectives and Products
Understanding the State of the Assets
2:30 PM Assessing and Managing Risk
Identifying Needs and Work Candidates
Packaging Projects into Effective Programs
Managing and Tracking Work Activities

3:30 PM Break

Colorado DOT’s Approach to Risk-Based Asset Management

3:45 PM CDOT’s Risk-Based Transportation Asset Management Plan
Future Directions for Using GIS for Risk Analysis

Scenario Demonstrations: Using GIS for Transportation Asset Management

(C. Gurchiek)
4:15 PM Colorado
West Virginia

4:50 PM Wrap-Up (K. Zimmerman)

3.4 Webinars Webinar Announcement

A series of three webinars was conducted in June 2014. AASHTO is hosting a three-part webinar series on GIS
These webinars were hosted by AASHTO. The AASHTO and TAM sharing the results of the NCHRP Project 08-87—
TAM mailing list was used to publicize the webinars. There Successful Practices in GIS-Based Transportation Asset
were roughly 80 registrants for the three webinars. (Typically Management. This project is producing two guides—an
each registrant will bring others into the room to participate EXECUTIVE GUIDE that focuses on the value of TAM and
as well.) The webinar announcement is shown below, fol­ GIS and the key components of an effective GIS supported
lowed by the detailed agendas for each workshop. The webinar TAM program and an IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE tar­
slides are available at: geted to practitioners that supports the steps necessary to
Webinars.aspx#gis. improve how GIS supports TAM programs. The following

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


is a description of each webinar and a link to register for demonstrations of GIS capabilities and remarks from DOT
the webinar. leaders who have made GIS implementation a priority.

Introduction—5 minutes
Webinar 1: GIS for Transportation Asset
• Webinar objectives
Management—What DOT Managers
• Definitions of TAM and GIS
Need to Know
Thursday, June 12, 2014—11:00 AM EST GIS/TAM Applications Overview—15 minutes
The first webinar is geared to agency executives, chief engi­ • How GIS adds value to TAM
neers, and planning directors. It will cover benefits of GIS –– Understanding the state of the assets
for gaining insights needed for asset management, managing –– Assessing and managing risks
risk, and communicating across units within the agency and –– Identifying needs and work candidates
with external stakeholders. It will feature effective demon­ –– Developing programs
strations of GIS capabilities and remarks from DOT leaders –– Managing and tracking work
who have made GIS implementation a priority.
Agency Executive Presentations—20 minutes
Webinar 2: GIS for Transportation Asset (Presenters: John Selmer, Iowa DOT and Greg Slater,
Maryland State Highway Administration)
Management—Planning, Managing,
• Approach to using GIS for TAM
and Tracking Work
• Key lessons
Monday, June 16, 2014—11:00 AM EST
This webinar is geared to unit and section managers Preview of the NCHRP Project 08-87 Guides—10 minutes
responsible for specific asset classes (pavements, bridges, traf­ • Executive and Implementation Guide contents
fic and safety assets, ITS assets, roadside assets, etc.) as well as • Common data layers
DOT field office staff responsible for planning, scheduling, • Implementation levels
managing, and tracking maintenance and construction activ­ • Ingredients for success
ities. It will feature examples of GIS applications for under­
standing the state of the assets, identifying needs and work Q&A—10 minutes
candidates, and work tracking and management. It will also
include discussion of challenges and strategies for successful Webinar 2: GIS for Transportation Asset
implementation that are related to the featured examples. Management—Planning, Managing,
and Tracking Work
Webinar 3: GIS for Transportation Asset
This webinar is geared to unit and section managers respon­
Management—Developing Balanced Programs
sible for specific asset classes (pavements, bridges, traffic and
to Meet Performance Targets
safety assets, ITS assets, roadside assets, etc.) as well as DOT
Monday, June 23, 2014—11:00 AM EST field office staff responsible for planning, scheduling, manag­
This webinar is geared to DOT staff responsible for pro­ ing, and tracking maintenance and construction activities. It
gram development—within and/or across asset categories. It will feature examples of GIS applications for understanding the
will feature examples of GIS applications for managing risks, state of the assets, identifying needs and work candidates, and
prioritization, tradeoff analysis, and work coordination. It will work tracking and management. It will also include discussion
also include discussion of challenges and strategies for success­ of challenges and strategies for successful implementation that
ful implementation that are related to the featured examples. are related to the featured examples.

Webinar Outlines Introduction—5 minutes

• Webinar objectives
Webinar 1: GIS for Transportation Asset
• Definitions of TAM and GIS
Management—What DOT Managers Need to Know
This initial webinar is geared to agency executives, chief Opportunities for Enhancing TAM Processes Using
engineers, and planning directors. It will cover benefits GIS—10 minutes
of GIS for gaining insights needed for asset management, • Understanding the state of the assets
managing risk, and communicating across units within the • Identifying needs and work candidates
agency and with external stakeholders. It will feature effective • Managing and tracking work

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


Pilot Demonstrations—25 minutes will also include discussion of challenges and strategies for
(Presenters: Hussein Elkhansa, West Virginia DOT; Eric successful implementation that are related to the featured
Abrams, Iowa DOT—with Connie Gurchiek, Transcend Spa­ examples.
tial Solutions)
• West Virginia DOT: Using GIS for guardrail inventory, Introduction—5 minutes
inspection and maintenance management • Webinar objectives
• Iowa DOT: Using GIS to integrate and optimize pavement • Definitions of TAM and GIS
work planning
Opportunities for Enhancing TAM Processes Using
Preview of the NCHRP Project 08-87 Guides—10 minutes GIS—10 minutes
• Assessing and managing risks
• Executive and Implementation Guide contents
• Developing programs
• Implementation steps for integrating new spatial data for
Pilot Demonstration—25 minutes
• Building a business case for new GIS/TAM capabilities
(Presenters: William Johnson, Colorado DOT, Connie Gur­
• Ingredients for success
chiek, Transcend Spatial Solutions)
• Colorado DOT: Using GIS to develop a risk-based asset
Q&A—10 minutes
management program

Webinar 3: GIS for Transportation Asset Preview of the NCHRP 08-87 Guides—10 minutes
Management—Developing Balanced Programs • Executive and Implementation Guide contents
to Meet Performance Targets • Implementation steps for integrating new spatial data
for TAM
This webinar is geared to DOT staff responsible for pro­ • Building a business case for new GIS/TAM capabilities
gram development—within and/or across asset categories. It • Ingredients for success
will feature examples of GIS applications for managing risks,
prioritization, tradeoff analysis, and work coordination. It Q&A—10 minutes

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management




This project has identified a wide range of opportunities An Executive Guide highlights the potential benefits and
for leveraging GIS capabilities to enhance the effectiveness applications of GIS for TAM. A second, more detailed Imple-
of TAM. These opportunities were organized based on five mentation Guide provides a framework that state DOT asset
core asset management processes: (1) identifying the state management and GIS staff can use to (1) assess existing capabil-
of the assets, (2) assessing and managing risk, (3) identifying ities, (2) identify opportunities for improvement, (3) evaluate
needs and work candidates, (4) developing programs, and ROI and create a business case, and (4) develop an implemen-
(5) managing and tracking work. Key advantages of using GIS tation strategy that builds on ingredients for success dis-
within these processes include enhanced ability to integrate tilled from the literature. Supplementing these two guides is a
information, analyze this integration to support effective deci- web product that showcases three Pilot Applications of GIS for
sion making, and communicate information across business TAM, developed in cooperation with CDOT, the Iowa DOT,
units within the organization and with external stakeholders. and WVDOT.
While some agencies have made substantial progress in using Findings of NCHRP Project 08-87 were disseminated in
GIS for asset management, many challenges remain related to three workshops that reached asset management and GIS staff
development of complete, quality geospatial data, standardiza- in over 30 states, and in three webinars that were publicized by
tion and synchronization of location referencing information AASHTO and had approximately 80 registrants.
across individual asset and maintenance management systems, The scope of NCHRP Project 08-87—including literature
implementation of data governance structures and processes, review, case studies, executive and implementation guidance
and automating spatial data integration and analysis tasks. development, pilots, and outreach activities—can serve as
The project has produced several products that are intended a useful model for future similar projects aimed at identifica-
to help transportation agencies identify and implement new tion and diffusion of successful practices in transportation
or enhanced GIS capabilities that can advance TAM practice. agencies.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


annex a

Executive Guide

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Capitalizing on
GIS and Asset

Execuve Guide
NCHRP Project 08-87
Successful Pracces in GIS-Based Asset Management

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Do you want to…

Combine economic growth, asset

Iden fy condi on, and funding data sets
opportuni es
where investments • Overlay a heat map showing economic growth zones on top of an
asset condi on map in the same zones.
can be targeted • Spotlight areas of economic growth and corresponding under-
to boost investment in transporta on assets.
economic • Reveal the asset management investments needed to keep pace
with economic growth.
• Show the future costs of under-investment.

Iden fy Test validity of exis ng design

cost-saving standards for asset condi on
opportuni es • Iden fy exis ng standards that could be examined for cost
in project saving opportuni es.
– Combine clima c and soil condi on data with historic
development performance trends to inform pavement design.
and maintenance – Examine rung triggers for pavement treatments—
iden fy correla ons between rut depth and safety
prac ces? performance.
• Use this spa al analysis to iden fy cost-saving opportuni es.

Access geography-based informa on

informa on
on a mobile tablet
at your finger ps • Have an easy-to-use applica on on your mobile tablet that
provides access to the type of informa on that an elected
when mee ng official is interested in.
with an elected • Show historical trends in asset condi on by geographic zones
(e.g., elected official’s district) by investments made or not
official? made.
• Show past and future projects and the impact on
transporta on performance in specific geographic areas.
• Respond to ques ons about project status.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Is your agency maximizing

the use of GIS for transportaon
asset management?
Most transportaon agencies have already made a substanal investment in GIS tools and
spaal data. But many have not fully tapped the potenal of GIS for transportaon asset
management. Recent advances make it worthwhile for agencies to take a fresh look at how
they are using these technologies.

You can use this Execuve Guide to understand how your agency can: What’s in the guide
• Develop maintenance and construcon programs that consider all • A strategic overview of
assets within the right of way. fundamental concepts in GIS and
• Integrate safety, mobility, and environmental consideraons . asset management.
• Reduce duplicave data gathering and presentaon. • A summary of key opportunies
for improving asset management
• Provide a common base of informaon across the agency.
through use of GIS.
• Tap into available data sets to help you to understand and • A brief checklist to help you
minimize risks. gauge your agency’s
• Gain consensus on priories and investment s. capabilies and chart a course
• Efficiently manage asset inspecon, maintenance, and for advancement.
operaons acvies.

Execuve Guide—Successful Pracces in GIS-Based Asset Management 1

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

What Is
Transportaon Asset
Transportaon agencies use transportaon asset management to
manage infrastructure assets throughout their life cycles to meet agency objecves.

Understanding transportaon asset

management (TAM)
Managing physical assets—roads, bridges, signs,
equipment, and more—is one of the core funcons of a
transportaon agency. As a result, TAM is a process that
covers planning, programming, design, construcon, and
maintenance and operaons funcons. Agencies use
TAM to:
• Establish a data -driven, defensible, and transparent
basis for allocang limited available resources to
meet policy goals and priories.
• Idenfy the “state of the assets”—providing a
system-wide understanding of asset quanty, Elements of TAM
locaon, condion, and replacement value.
Key benefits of TAM for an agency
• Idenfy and migate risks that could cause assets to
fail or cease to provide their intended funcon. Performance
• Make the case for funding to sustain assets in a Improved asset condions and reduced risks.
state of good repair.
• Do the right projects at the right me—considering
Be er ulizaon of available resources to build, maintain, and
condion, root causes for deterioraon or failure,
operate assets; delivery of best possible value for tax dollars.
and impacts of delaying acon.
Customer experience
• Coordinate work scoping and ming decisions across
funconal areas to maximize use of funds, improve Improved levels of service experienced by the traveling public.
operaonal efficiencies, and minimize traveler Credibility and accountability
Improved agency percepon by polical leaders and the
• Plan mul-year investments that minimize life-cycle public, leading to greater willingness to invest in
agency and user costs. maintaining and upgrading assets.

2 Successful Pracces in GIS-Based Asset Management—Execuve Guide

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

What Is
a Geographic
Informaon System?
A geographic informa on system (GIS) enables the management, analysis, and display of
geographically referenced informa on using integrated hardware, so ware, and data.

Key benefits of GIS for an agency

• Decision making. GIS can provide a common base of
informa on to mul ple stakeholders, facilita ng a
shared understanding of problems
and solu ons.
• Analysis. GIS can help reveal trends and
rela onships that would be difficult to uncover
without a spa al view.
• Efficiency. GIS provides the ability to leverage
exis ng data from internal and external sources,
increasing the value obtained from an agency’s
investments in data.
• Consistency. GIS can provide a centralized resource
that reduces the need for duplica ve efforts across
districts or divisions.
• Communicaon. Sta c and interac ve maps can
communicate informa on about performance, risks,
and needs within the agency and to external
• Learning. GIS provides a powerful tool to help
employees and agency partners to rapidly understand
the organiza on’s available body of informa on.

Elements of GIS

Execu ve Guide—Successful Prac ces in GIS-Based Asset Management 3

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Why Use GIS for

Transporta on Asset Management?

GIS provides a technology pla orm for integraon, visualizaon,

analysis, and communicaon—strengthening and streamlining the
asset management process. GIS can be a formidable weapon for
tackling common obstacles to effecve asset management—such as siloed,
uncoordinated decision making, expensive and duplicave data collecon
efforts, and lack of transparency and accountab ility for investment

Saving me and money using GIS for TAM GIS has the biggest payoff
• Increasing Efficiency of Data Collec on . Time-consuming inventory and when it is implemented with
inspecon processes involving clipboards and manual data entry can be
an agency-wide perspec ve.
replaced by newer methods including video and sensing technologies
A common, GIS-centric
for inventory capture, and use of GPS mobile devices. Some agencies
are even using locaon-aware smartphones for crowd-sourcing data approach to data collec on
from travelers. and analysis can save me
• Automa ng Data Compila on for Analysis. With consistent and result in more holis c
standards for measuring and referencing locaons, GIS tools can be decision making compared
used to integrate data for analysis—avoiding the need for staff to to when pavement, bridge,
download and manipulate data sets in spreadsheets or write custom safety, design, and planning
code for data compilaon. units are individually
• Automa ng Mapping. In many agencies, creating specialized maps to compiling and analyzing their
show asset condions and planned project locaons requires considerable own data.
staff effort. With automated, web-based mapping tools and a standard
process for geospaally-enabling common data sets, staff can spend less
me responding to data requests and more me analyzing and
understanding condions and trends.
• Work Scheduling. GIS tools can help staff to package work within
geographic areas or corridors in order to deploy crews in an efficient
manner and minimize traffic disrupon due to work zones.

4 Successful Pracces in GIS-Based Asset Management—Execuve Guide

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

GIS for TAM:

Return on Investment (ROI)
Improving GIS capabilies requires investments in soware, data, and staff me, as well as changes to current work processes
and roles. The largest cost elements are typically the acquision of the base map and roadway data, establishment of the
foundaonal locaon referencing system that links data together, and assignment of standard locaon referencing to exisng
data. It is important to keep in mind, however, that benefits from these inial major investments will connue to accrue over an
extended me period. Many agencies already have these investments behind them, and are ready to leverage them to provide
business value.
Technology advances over the past few years have lowered the costs of obtaining locaon-referenced asset data and deploying
GIS applicaons. Agencies making judicious investments in high-value GIS improvements can recoup the costs of these
investments through gains in efficiency and decision-making capabilies.

ROI Studies
Several studies have documented staff me savings from GIS implementaon and compared these with the costs for
hardware, soware, and applicaon development to calculate ROI. These studies did not factor in the important yet difficult
to measure benefits to decision making from integrang and visualizing informaon.

Florida DOT King County DOT Iowa DOT and Caltrans

A study of Florida DOT’s GIS A 2012 King County DOT study A 2011 study3 quanfied benefit/cost of
implementaon 1 found a posive net quanfied ROI for GIS, based on statewide mul-level linear referencing
benefit aer three years. cost savings and producvity gains. systems in the Iowa DOT and Caltrans.

Benefits Benefits Benefits

• Esmated net benefits of between • An esmated $775M in net • A five year breakeven point with
$950,000 and $2.8 million over five benefits to all county agencies an overall benefit/cost rao of
years from 1996–2001. from 1992 to 2010. 21.4 to 1.
• Cost savings in data collecon, • The DOT saw $18.8M in annual • Total potenal savings were
storage, analysis, and output due to benefits for 2010, including valued at $12.6 million for a state
increased producvity, data $7.3M in cost savings and with a 25,000 mile road network.
integraon, and reducon of $11.5M in enhanced • Cost savings were achieved
redundancy. producvity. through reducons in staff
hours and improved efficiencies
in data management and
decision making.

Flintsch, G. W. "Spaal Analysis Applicaons for Pavement Management." In 6th International Conference on Managing Pavements: The Lessons, The
Challenges, The Way Ahead. 2004.
Babinski, Gregory, Dani Fumia, Travis Reynolds, Pradeep Singh, Tyler Sco˜, and Richard Zerbe. "An Analysis of Benefits from Use of Geogr aphic
Informaon Systems by King County, Washington." Richard Zerbe and Associates , 2012. Hoekstra, Renee L., CVS, RH & Associates. “Mul-Level Linear
Referencing System (MLLRS) Cost/Benefit Value Analysis Stud y,” requested by the American Associaon of State Highway and Transportaon Officials,
Standing Commi˜ee on Highways, 2011.
Hoekstra,Renee L., CVS, RH & Associates. “Mul-Level LinearReferencing System (MLLRS) Cost/Benefit Value Analysis Study,” requested by the
American Associaon of State Highway and Transportaon Officials,Standing Commi˜ee on Highways, 2011.

Execuve Guide—Successful Pracces in GIS-Based Asset Management 5

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Opportunies to
Leverage GIS for
More Effecve
Asset Management
The following pages highlight opportunies for enhancing asset management using GIS, with examples from
transportaon and other industries. Opportunies are organized according to the five core TAM business processes
shown below.

GIS technology can lead to

beer decisions and more
effecve use of available
funds by:
• Providing a common
understanding of asset
deterioraon paerns,
and risks.
• Understanding factors
contribung to asset
• Proacvely idenfying
assets in need of repair.
• Priorizing assets for
rehabilitaon based on
key economic and
environmental factors.

Core TAM Business Processes

6 Successful Pracces in GIS-Based Asset Management—Execuve Guide

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

the State of
the Assets
Use GIS to inventory and inspect
assets and to display asset
locaon and condion.

GIS Capabilies Value Added Example

• Opmize asset inspecon roung • Richer and more accurate data Iowa DOT Asset Field
and track inspecon compleon. source for decision support – Data Collecon Project
• Use spaally-enabled devices to integrang imagery, locaon,
The Iowa DOT has completed two
collect inventory and condion data and classificaon/a†ribuon.
phases of a pilot project to prove the
in the field. • More efficient maintenance and
feasibility of using tablet-based tools for
• Use tools for automated and semi- mely updang of asset
collecng assets in the field. The first
automated extracon of asset inventory and condion data.
phase assessed hardware opons and
features from digital images or • Improved ability to leverage developed a module for collecng
LiDAR data. asset data by linking field culvert inventory and inspecon
• Update informaon for exisng systems with exisng inventories. records. The applicaon uses drop-
assets in the field by retrieving • Reduced field me for data. down lists that are connually filtered
available data based on locaon. collecon resulng in lower costs based on user inputs to simplify data
• Use a map to review inventory and and reduced risk of injury. collecon. The applicaon also has the
condion data. • Reduced staff me in preparing ability to collect and link video,
• Geo-tag photos of asset condion annual federal reports. photographs, audio clips, or notes to
before and aer work compleon. • Reduced staff me responding to inventory or inspecon records. The
informaon requests. second phase of the project added the
• Use a map to access digital images
capability to collect sign data. The Iowa
and photographs taken in
DOT plans to add modules to collect data
the field.
for other asset types.

Execuve Guide—Successful Pracces in GIS-Based Asset Management 7

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

and Managing
Use GIS to understand asset
vulnerabili es and manage
real- me response to extreme
weather events and other

NHPN = Na onal Highway Planning Network.

GIS Capabilities Value Added Example

• Use GIS to overlay informa on • Provide informa on needed to Oregon Department of
such as floodplains, fault zones, beŠer assess and manage risks. Transportaon (ODOT) Risk
detour routes, and historical • Lower failure risks through Assessment
weather informa on on top of development of mi ga on
To es mate the effects of earthquakes
asset loca on data to assess risks, strategies.
on the Oregon roadway system,
es mate poten al damage, and • Lower insurance costs through ODOT employed the GIS-based Risks
determine recovery costs. demonstra ng use of from Earthquake Damage to Roadway
• Use GIS loca on analy cs to model preven ve maintenance to Systems (REDARS2) tool. The
asset failure risk as a func on of lower failure risks for cri cal applica on integrates seismic data
historic rainfall, popula on, traffic, infrastructure. and assesses poten al economic
and other factors. • Provide situa onal awareness— losses of seismic events based on
• Use GIS to track current road allowing more effec ve and impacts on lifeline routes. ODOT
condi ons and loca ons of mely responses to weather used REDARS2 to iden fy the highest
maintenance vehicles in real me events. priority bridges for retrofit based on
during snow or other extreme seismic hazards and their
weather events. consequences, including repair cost
and closure mes.

8 Successful Prac ces in GIS-Based Asset Management—Execu ve Guide

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

and Work
Use GIS to integrate data
necessary to provide a
c view of asset
maintenance and
on needs.

GIS Capabilies Value Added Example

• Integrate a wide variety of data for • Iden
fy root causes for poor Maryland Department of Public
assessment of needs. performance. Works and Transportaon
• Review and assign appropriate • Incorporate other factors (DPW&T) Pavement Asset
treatment/fix based on asset beyond asset condi
on in Management System (PAMS)
on, environment, soils, determining asset maintenance
In Prince George’s County, DPW&T
traffic, safety, and other data. and rehabilita
on needs.
developed a PAMS solu
on to support
• Review geospa
al paerns of asset a cost-effec
ve maintenance program.
on. Semi-automa
c pavement condi
data is collected on a five-year cycle
and analyzed using MicroPAVER. Data
are available to DPW&T employees
through a custom ArcGIS/SilverLight
on programming interface (API)
on that stores deteriora
on curves,
on index scores, and digital
photos. DPW&T also maintains
an ArcGIS Desktop solu
on that
fies candidates for roadway
projects using condi
on ra
ngs from
MicroPAVER, ci
zen complaints, and
planned and completed work.

ve Guide—Successful Prac
ces in GIS-Based Asset Management 9

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Use GIS to develop
programs and communicate
program informaon to
agency stakeholders.

GIS Capabilies Value Added Example

Developing Programs • Be‰er informed decisions on Utah Department of
• View integrated informaon about infrastructure improvements. Transportaon (UDOT) uPlan
mulple asset classes including • Be‰er coordinaon of work UDOT created a web-based interacve
condion, needs, and pipeline acvies by locaon. GIS planning and analysis tool, called
projects. • Improved public confidence in uPlan, to improve data accessibility and
Communicang Programs agency decisions. comprehension. The program integrates
• Provide public-facing web • Improved ability to informaon from mulple sources and is
applicaons showing asset communicate agency plans to heavily used by decision makers who are
condions and planned projects. customers and elected officials. able to easily query and analyze the
• Display completed and planned available data. uPlan also has a public
projects and performance results component which is made available
on mobile GIS apps—for execuve on the UDOT website. The tool
“road shows.” can be used to view projects and
project informaon from the Unified
Transportaon Plan. A variety of
addional data layers are available
and can be used to create
customized maps.

10 Successful Pracces in GIS-Based Asset Management—Execuve Guide

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Managing and
Tracking Work
Use GIS to coordinate
construcon and
maintenance work on
different assets within a

GIS Capabili es Value Added Example

• Review planned work by locaon • Minimize customer impacts from Sacramento County, CA,
to consolidate contracts. scheduled work through Excava on in Right-of-Way
• Review scheduled work to avoid coordinaon of lane closures. Applica on
conflicts with external acvies. • Gain efficiencies through work
Sacramento County’s Street Excavaon
(e.g., ulity work) and avoid packaging—parcularly where
in Right-of-Way (SEROW) applicaon is
adverse customer impacts (e.g., traffic control is required.
a web-based system that provides the
from closing lanes on two parallel • Coordinate maintenance work ability to map current and planned
routes). on different assets to avoid future projects requiring excavaon.
duplicaon and conflicts. Reports can easily be run that idenfy
potenal conflicts between projects, or
the potenal for unnecessary or
duplicate work. Moreover, the system
can be configured to automacally
generate email alerts when conflicts
are created by new projects entering
the system or modificaons to exisng
project data.

Execuve Guide—Successful Pracces in GIS-Based Asset Management 11

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Sizing up
Your Agency’s
Capabili es

A GIS and Asset Management Checklist

Most transportaon agencies have strong GIS programs and have begun to use elements of GIS for asset management.
However, while it is relavely straighŒorward to develop a single GIS-enabled applicaon with a limited data set, using
GIS to its full potenal as an integrang force across divisions for asset management requires leadership, careful
planning and orchestraon.
Here are a few quesons to ask about your agency’s GIS capabilies for asset management.

Understanding the State of Your Assets Scoping and Priori zing Work
Which of your agency’s assets can you see on a map? Can you produce a map today showing current asset
Pavements deficiencies and candidate projects under
Structures (bridges, culverts, tunnels) consideraon but not yet programmed? If not, how
long would it take your staff to produce it?
Traffic and safety (signals, signs, barriers, lighng,
rumble strips) Coordina ng Project Timing and Managing Work
Drainage and Stormwater Facilies Does your agency currently have a process to review
Intelligent Transportaon Systems (sensors, cameras, planned and proposed work by locaon in order to
message signs, ramp meters) coordinate scheduling or contracng for this work?
An cipa ng and Managing Risks Does your agency track snow plow and other
Can you pull up a map showing a history of asset maintenance vehicle locaon in real me?
failures due to deterioraon and extreme Communica ng with Stakeholders
weather/seismic events?
Can you pull up a map at your desk showing
Can you produce a map today showing seismic,
programmed projects (for all asset types) and their
environmental, and weather data that may impact
current status? Can you access this informaon from
future asset condion? If not, how long would it take
your mobile device?
your staff to produce it?
Can your agency staff easily produce a set of maps
Is your pavement staff currently able to use GIS to
that would make a persuasive case for your proposed
understand reasons for higher than typical
transportaon improvement program? How long
deterioraon in condion—e.g., by looking at soil
would it take to produce?
characteriscs, paving contractors, mix types,
historical weather pa†erns, drainage, etc.? Can your agency staff easily fulfill a request from a local
Can your safety staff produce a map integrang agency for geospaal informaon on asset condion and
external data (e.g., state police records, weather proposed projects? How long would it take?
records) with agency data (e.g., crashes, structure

12 Successful Pracces in GIS-Based Asset Management—Execuve Guide

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Making It

Integrang GIS capabilies with TAM requires strong leadership.

The agency may have one or more “silos of excellence” that have implemented some of the
capabilies described earlier in this guide. However, a unified agency-wide approach is needed
to have maximum impact and benefit. Leadership is the ingredient that ensures that everyone is
moving in the same direcon, in a manner that allows the agency to provide the best possible value.

What does it take? Where do I start?

Vision Locate assets, projects, and maintenance acvies
The key to success is starng with a clear vision of how GIS Make sure that your important assets—and associated
will be used—for collecng and analyzing data, for scoping maintenance, rehabilitaon, and replacement acons—can be
and priorizing projects, for developing programs, and for located on a map. Use standard methods for locaon
communicang with stakeholders. referencing so that asset-related data can be integrated.
Locaon-aware (GPS) field data collecon technologies are
available to facilitate this process.
Once a vision is developed, make sure it is documented,
Integrate asset management systems with GIS
communicated, and understood across the agency.
If your asset management systems are built on a GIS
Business-Driven Priories
pla“orm, make sure that they can talk to each other. Even if
Idenfy a manageable set of iniaves that move you towards they are not, you will sll need to ensure that locaon
realizaon of the vision. Ensure that each iniave will add referencing standards are in place to allow management
value and show an ROI. Make sure business champions are in system data to be mapped and analyzed using GIS tools.
place and accountable for showing results.
Assemble other geospaal data
Challenge Staff to Deliver
Pull in other spaal data sets needed to assess risks,
Challenge staff to push the envelope of what they think is opportunies, and constraints (seismic zones, rainfall history,
possible—this is how innovaon occurs. freight routes, equipment sheds, etc.). Many such data
sets are available from local, state, and federal sources.
Monitoring and Collaboraon
For more information, see the companion
Follow up o‚en to track progress. Add GIS topics to the Implementation Guide, available as part of NCHRP
agenda of leadership team meengs to check status of Report 800 and online.
iniaves and remove roadblocks.

Execuve Guide—Successful Pracces in GIS-Based Asset Management 13

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


Best Pracces in Geographic Mul-Level Linear Referencing

Informaon Systems-Based System (MLLRS) Cost/Benefit
Transportaon Asset Value Analysis Study
Management hp://
hp:// nchrp/docs/NCHRP20-07(302)_FR.pdf

AASHTO Transportaon Asset Analysis

y of Benefits from Use
Management Guide: A Focus on of Geographic
g p Systems
Implementaon by King County, Washington
hps://bookstore.transporta hp://
econ_detail.aspx?ID=100 (Execuve GIS-AssetMgmt.pdf
Summary: hp://
TRB Peer Exchange: Geospaal
GIS in Transportaon Website Informaon Technologies for
Asset Management


Transportaon Symposium

NCHRP Project 08-87

“Successful Pracces in GIS-Based Asset Management”

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management


annex b

Implementation Guide

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Capitalizing on
GIS and Asset
Implementa on
NCHRP Project 08-87
Successful Prac ces in GIS-Based Asset Management Guide

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

1. Introducon .................................................................................................................................1
Purpose of This Guide..................................................................................................................1
Guide Organizaon ......................................................................................................................1
Definions ....................................................................................................................................2
Seng the Context—the Pracce of TAM...................................................................................4
TAM+GIS: Using GIS for More Effecve Transportaon Asset Management .............................5
2. Assessing Your Agency’s Capabilies...........................................................................................7
Levels of GIS Implementaon for TAM....................................................................................... 7
GIS Capabilies by TAM Business Process.................................................................................. 8
Understand the State of the Assets............................................................................................. 8
Assess and Manage Risks .................................................................................................................... 11
Idenfy Needs and Work Candidates ................................................................................................. 14
Develop Programs ............................................................................................................................... 18
Manage and Track Work ..................................................................................................................... 21
Taking Stock .............................................................................................................................. 24
Assessing the Agency’s GIS Foundaon ................................................................................... 25
Using the Assessment Results: Developing an Overall Strategy .............................................. 28
For Agencies with a Relavely Weak GIS Foundaon ....................................................................... 28
For Agencies with a Relavely Strong GIS Foundaon ...................................................................... 29
3. Evaluang Iniaves for Advancing Capabilies ...................................................................... 30
Opons for Moving Forward .................................................................................................... 30
Building a Business Case for GIS/TAM Iniaves ..................................................................... 34
Step 1: Arculate the Business Need ................................................................................................. 35
Step 2: Define Opons for Meeng the Business Need .................................................................... 38
Step 3: Idenfy Costs for Each Opon ............................................................................................... 39
Step 4: Idenfy Benefits of Each Opon ............................................................................................ 40
Step 5: Idenfy Risks .......................................................................................................................... 46
Step 6: Put It All Together................................................................................................................... 47
4. Geng It Done: Ingredients for Success .................................................................................. 51
The Seven Ingredients for Success ........................................................................................... 51
Ingredient 1: Management Commitment and Organizaonal Alignment ......................................... 52
Ingredient 2: GIS Tools and Experse .......................................................................................... .......54
Ingredient 3: Well-Defined and Proacve Data Stewardship ............................................................ 55
Ingredient 4: Accurate and Complete Foundaonal Geospaal Data ............................................... 56
Ingredient 5: Consistent Data Standards Enabling Spaal Data Integraon ..................................... 57
Ingredient 6: Management Systems Linked with GIS ........................................................................ 58
Ingredient 7: Coordinated Data Collecon Across the Agency .......................................................... 59
Case Studies .............................................................................................................................. 61
References .................................................................................................................................... 75
Appendix A: Applicaons Catalog ................................................................................................. 76
Appendix B: Resources ................................................................................................................. 85
GPS Data Collecon Standards ................................................................................................. 85
Geospaal Data Policies ........................................................................................................... 85

ii |Page

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

List of Tables
Table 1. GIS for Transportaon Asset Management: Levels of Implementaon ........................8
Table 2. Using GIS to Understand the State of the Assets ....................................................... 10
Table 3. Using GIS to Assess and Manage Risks ....................................................................... 13
Table 4. Using GIS to Idenfy Needs and Work Candidates..................................................... 16
Table 5. Using GIS to Develop Programs .................................................................................. 20
Table 6. Using GIS to Manage and Track Work ........................................................................ 23
Table 7. GIS for TAM at an Agency: At-a-Glance Assessment .................................................. 25
Table 8. Checklist: GIS Foundaon ........................................................................................... 26
Table 9. GIS/TAM Iniaves ..................................................................................................... 31
Table 10. Value Added by GIS-TAM Capabilies ...................................................................... 43

List of Figures
Figure 1. Guide Organizaon .......................................................................................................1
Figure 2. Transportaon Asset Management: Key Concepts ......................................................2
Figure 3. Key Elements of Geographic Informaon Systems ......................................................3
Figure 4. TAM Business Processes ..............................................................................................4
Figure 5. GIS Capabilies for Transportaon Asset Management ..............................................6
Figure 6. Understanding State of the Assets—Implementaon Steps .................................... 11
Figure 7. Using GIS to Assess and Manage Risks—Sample Data Layers ................................... 14
Figure 8. Data Layers for Physical Assets (Locaon and Condion) ......................................... 17
Figure 9. Common Data Layers for Scoping and Priorizaon ................................................ 18
Figure 10. Quadrant View of GIS/TAM Capabilies ................................................................. 28
Figure 11. Building a Business Case for GIS/TAM Investment.................................................. 35
Figure 12. Ingredients for a Successful GIS/TAM Program ...................................................... 51

List of Maps
Map 1. Understand the State of the Assets ................................................................................9
Map 2. Assess and Manage Risk .............................................................................................. .12
Map 3. Idenfy Needs and Work Candidates........................................................................... 15
Map 4. Develop Programs ........................................................................................................ 19
Map 5. Manage and Track Work .............................................................................................. 22
Map 6. Provide Informaon About Proposed Projects ............................................................ 65
Map 7. Maryland SHA eGIS—Highway Lighng Inventory ....................................................... 69
Map 8. IDOT District 9—Deficient Structures by Program Year of Upgrade ........................... 72

iii | P a g e

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

1. Introduction
Purpose of This Guide
Transportaon agencies are responsible for maintaining and improving physical assets to ensure safe,
efficient, and reliable travel. Planning and coordinang investments within and across different
classes of assets is a complex endeavor involving mulple funconal areas within the agency. A
geographic informaon system (GIS) provides a powerful set of capabilies to bring informaon
together in a spaal context, enabling effecve and coordinated decision making. While GIS is now an
integral part of the informaon landscape in most transportaon agencies, applicaons of GIS for
managing assets are sll at an early stage of maturity.
This guide idenfies opportunies for agencies to manage risks and increase efficiency and
effecveness through integrang GIS into transportaon asset management (TAM) pracces. It
provides a roadmap for agencies to use in assessing these opportunies and in undertaking iniaves
to strengthen their capabilies. The guidance presented here can be tailored to organizaons with
varying asset management programs and GIS environments.

Guide Organization
The guide organizaon is illustrated in Figure 1. It is structured to lead the user through a process of:
(1) Assessing current agency capabilies for using GIS to enhance TAM processes;
(2) Idenfying iniaves for advancing GIS implementaon for asset management, based on agency
priories and a business case for specific GIS improvements; and
(3) Moving forward with implementaon of iniaves, building on strategies for overcoming common
barriers to progress.

Capabilies Iniaves Implementaon

• What is • Where do we • How do we

possible, and want to go get there?
where are we and why?

Figure 1. Guide Organizaon

Secon 2—Capabilies provides overview of key processes for transportaon asset management and
describes how GIS can add value within each process. It disnguishes three levels of capabilies—
basic, intermediate, and advanced, and provides a framework for agencies to assess where they are
and understand opportunies for advancing their pracces.


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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

This secon contains several tools and templates that agencies can use to analyze and plan
GIS capabilies. These are designated with the icon to the le, and include:
• Figure 6—Implementaon steps for adding new spaal asset data.
• Figure 7—List of spaal data layers that are of value for risk analysis.
• Figure 8 – List of spaal data layers that are of value for tracking the state of the
• Figure 9—List of spaal data layers that are of value for scoping and priorizaon of
asset maintenance and rehabilitaon work.
• Table 7—Worksheet for recording results for assessment of current use of GIS for
• Table 8—Checklist for assessing the agency’s basic GIS foundaon.
Secon 3—Iniaves describes how to idenfy acons for furthering use of GIS in support of asset
management, and to evaluate the business case for investments. It provides a framework for
agencies to look at specific types of improvements and determine which are worth pursuing.
Secon 4—Implementaon describes strategies for implemenng GIS for TAM. Agencies can use this
secon to develop an implementaon plan for a longer-term iniave, or simply to learn about
techniques for avoiding common pialls.
Appendix A—the Applicaons Catalog provides specific examples of applicaons, cross-referenced to
the capabilies in secon 2. Appendix B provides selected examples of geospaal data collecon
standards and policies.

Transportaon Asset Management, or TAM, refers to an agency’s processes for managing
infrastructure assets throughout their life cycle to meet agency objecves. TAM is a holisc way of
doing business that cuts across planning, programming, design, construcon, and maintenance and
operaons funcons. Key concepts of an asset management approach are illustrated in Figure 2.
Data-Driven Processes to:

Asset Value

Identify and Optimize

Manage Use of
Risks Resources

Strengthen Provide
Agency Transparency
Accountability for Decisions

Figure 2. Transportaon Asset Management: Key Concepts


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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Geographic Informaon System, or GIS, refers to capabilies for management, analysis, and
presentaon of spaal informaon. Key elements of GIS implementaon include:
• Establishing geospaal data management standards and policies.
• Assembling hardware and soware necessary for collecng, managing, analyzing, and
displaying spaal data.
• Building a geospaal data infrastructure—including base maps and linear referencing
• Collecng, maintaining, and managing spaally-referenced data
• Integrang spaally-referenced data from external sources
• Building and providing spaal analysis capabilies—both standalone and integrated with
agency business applicaons
• Building and sustaining staff experse for working with geospaal data and specialized tools
Key elements of GIS are illustrated in Figure 3.
& Policies

Base Maps Hardware,

& Linear Software, &
Referencing Training

Spatial Data Spatial

Integration Queries &

Figure 3. Key Elements of Geographic Informaon Systems


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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Setting the Context—the Practice of TAM

In order to explore how agencies can leverage GIS capabilies to support asset management, it is
useful to establish the context of core business processes that are part of an asset management
approach. While each agency may carry out these processes in different ways and to varying extents
or use different terminology to describe them, five basic acvies of TAM can be disnguished, as
illustrated in Figure 4 and summarized below:

Figure 4. TAM Business Processes

• Understand the State of the Assets:

Gathering asset inventory and condion data in order to understand what assets the
agency owns, their locaon, current condion, remaining useful life, and economic
value, and
Assessing network-level asset performance against established targets.
• Assess and Manage Risks:
Assessing risks and asset vulnerabilies—idenfying events or condions that can lead
to failure of assets to adequately provide their intended funcons,
Assessing the likelihood and consequences of asset failures,
Establishing a risk tolerance level,
Ulizing risk as a factor in asset rehabilitaon/replacement priority seng, and
Developing risk migaon and recovery strategies.


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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

• Idenfy Needs and Work Candidates:

Idenfying strategies for opmizing performance of the transportaon system;
Idenfying suitable maintenance, rehabilitaon, replacement, and funconal or
operaonal improvements for assets and developing work candidates for
Scoping construcon projects and maintenance acvies to address mulple needs;
Understanding the current and potenal future backlog of work required to maintain
assets in a state of good repair that keeps risks within established tolerance levels.
• Develop Programs:
Planning mul-year investments that minimize lifecycle agency and user costs,
Packaging projects and maintenance acvies into programs constrained by available
funding, and
Seng priories for work when there aren’t sufficient revenues to meet all idenfied
needs through a process of investment versus performance tradeoffs within and
across asset and program categories.
• Manage and Track Work:
Scheduling and managing delivery of asset maintenance and rehabilitaon work to
maximize use of available resources and minimize customer disrupon, and
Tracking work accomplished to provide accountability for use of funds and build
knowledge about asset life-cycle cost and performance.
TAM is fundamentally a set of business processes that every transportaon agency is already doing to
some extent. TAM is oen supported by several informaon technology (IT) systems, but
implemenng TAM is not synonymous with building or buying an asset management system. Even if
formal or automated processes are not set up for all of the five areas of TAM, agencies can sll
consider augmenng GIS capabilies to support whatever processes are in place for TAM. There is no
need to wait to implement a fully integrated asset management system, and there is no set required
order of implementaon.
It is also important to note that fully integrang GIS with TAM takes more than acquiring asset or
maintenance management soware with GIS capabilies. If an agency does have asset management
systems in place—or is considering acquiring one, they need to consider not only how to use the
built-in GIS capabilies of these systems (for “in silo” analysis) but also how to make sure one can
integrate the data from these systems for other purposes. The guidance that follows emphasizes a
comprehensive approach to GIS/TAM integraon that goes beyond any single management system

TAM+GIS: Using GIS for More Effective Transportation

Asset Management
GIS provides three essenal ingredients that enable agencies to effecvely carry out the TAM
processes outlined above: informaon integraon, analysis, and communicaon. Figure 5 illustrates
how these three capabilies can be applied within an asset management context. Asset management
is by nature data driven; using GIS maximizes the value of data for decision making across the
organizaon. GIS capabilies help agencies understand what they own, what their needs are, and


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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

how to best apply available resources to meet these needs in a holisc manner. The guidance that
follows assists agencies to beer ulize the informaon integraon, analysis, and communicaon
features of GIS to strengthen TAM pracce.

• Collect, assemble, and combine data needed for asset

management, leveraging locaon referencing standards
Informa on and spaal technologies.
Integra on • Maximize use of the same data for mulple purposes—
"collect it once, use it mulple mes."

• Use spaal and temporal analysis capabilies to

understand trends and relaonships that would be
Analysis difficult to discern without a spaal view.
• Gain insights that lead to beer decisions in support of
agency goals and priories.

• Create spaal data views that facilitate understanding of

asset condions, risks, needs, and strategies.
Communica on
• Acvely use GIS to communicate informaon within the
agency and with external stakeholders.

Figure 5. GIS Capabili es for Transporta on Asset Management


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2. Assessing Your Agency’s Capabilities

Levels of GIS Implementation for TAM
There is no single “right way” to ulize GIS for asset management—each agency will want to assess
the available opons based on its own parcular needs and constraints. However, it is useful to
disnguish different levels of implementaon in recognion that there are some “basic” capabilies
that need to be in place before an agency can move on to more advanced applicaons.
Table 1 provides a generalized descripon of a simple model defining levels of implemenng GIS for
TAM. Note that this is not meant to replace the more detailed maturity models available to capture
the mulple dimensions of a GIS implementaon. (See references 1, 2, and 3). Rather, its intent is to
provide a basic framework for agencies to assess where they are and formulate plans for advancing
their capabilies.
In general, basic capabilies involve using GIS on an ad-hoc basis within individual business units
(e.g., pavement or bridge management) to visualize informaon such as asset locaon and condion.
More advanced capabilies involve use of spaal data integraon and analysis, specialized GIS-
enabled applicaons that support workflow, and more formalized and automated processes for
creang, using, and sharing geospaal data across business units. As agencies progress, they will
typically require more of a coordinated, agency-wide approach and will need to strengthen the
underlying agency-wide foundaon for GIS. Moving to more advanced levels also involves embedding
use of GIS within every day tasks and work flows.
Informaon in Table 1 can be used to provide an inial idea of the agency’s current level of GIS
implementaon for TAM. In the secons that follow, similar tables drill down into each of the five
basic asset management business processes. Tables 2 through 6 present more detailed views that can
help agencies to idenfy how GIS might be used to advance specific areas of asset management
pracce. Each of these tables describes what an inial, basic level of GIS implementaon would entail
for the specific asset management business process and lists sample acons that can be considered
to advance.


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Table 1. GIS for Transporta on Asset Management: Levels of Implementa on

Basic Intermediate Advanced

Informa on Siloed Coordinated

Integra on Business units collect Some integraon of Agency-wide integraon of
and manage spaally- spaally-referenced asset spaally-referenced asset
referenced asset inventory across business inventory and project data;
inventory (for major units (e.g., traffic data capability to integrate new
assets)—lile or no shared with pavement spaal data on an ad-hoc
integraon of data group), some geo- basis
across the silos referencing of project and
financial data
Analysis Basic & Ad-Hoc Powerful & Embedded
Simple themac maps Special studies or limited Roune use of spaal and
created showing iniaves undertaken temporal analysis for
informaon for a involving spaal decision making—e.g.,
single asset (e.g., analysis—including proximity analysis, geo-
locaons of simple visualizaon, stascs
structurally deficient spaal overlays, dynamic
bridges) segmentaon
Communicaon Limited Automated & Extensive
Maps showing asset Standard maps Comprehensive spaally-
condion or work supporng internal asset referenced asset and work
locaon produced and management processes data are available to
shared on an ad-hoc are defined and semi- internal staff and external
basis using desktop automated processes are partners on web-based and
tools or built-in in place to produce them mobile plaorms
capabilies of asset Central GIS portal is Senior management uses
management available with inventory interacve maps for
soware tools data for mulple assets external communicaon
Central GIS portal may as well as project Agency makes data feeds
exist with limited informaon from the or applicaon programming
asset data (e.g., bridge transportaon interfaces (APIs) available
locaons) improvement program for public use
Project teams rounely use
maps for collaboraon and
informaon sharing

GIS Capabilities by TAM Business Process

Understand the State of the Assets
This first business process—understanding the state of the assets—is perhaps the most common area
within which GIS is currently being used. Agencies collect spaally-referenced asset inventory and
condion data using various technologies [e.g., GPS mobile devices, light imaging detecon and


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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

ranging (LiDAR), digital images], and use GIS capabilies for inspecon planning, data quality
assurance, and data display. Map 1 provides an illustraon of a data display capability for
understanding the state of the assets—with both map and straight line diagram views for mulple
Where are our deficient assets?

Map 1. Understand the State of the Assets (NHS = Naonal Highway System)

Many agencies are at the basic level for this business process—using GIS-enabled applicaons within
individual business units to collect and view asset inventory and condion informaon. More
advanced capabilies involve standardized and consolidated data collecon efforts across assets,
leveraging addional GIS capabilies for data quality assurance and inspecon roung opmizaon,
and standardizing and automang processes for communicang informaon about the state of the
Table 2 presents a summary of the Basic implementaon level and acons that can be taken to
advance use of GIS to Intermediate and Advanced levels.


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Table 2. Using GIS to Understand the State of the Assets

Basic Intermediate Advanced

Informaon Siloed Coordinated

Integraon Individual Collect spaally- Coordinate asset
business units referenced data for inventory and condion
collect spaally- addional assets data collecon efforts
referenced asset Develop and adopt across business units to
data for major agency-wide GPS maximize efficiencies—
assets & map it and locaon e.g., extract data for
independently referencing mulple assets from
standards videos or LiDAR data
Standardize field Integrate spaal asset
data collecon data updang processes
hardware and within asset maintenance
soware across workflows
business units Extract geo-referenced
asset inventory data from
CAD files
Analysis Basic & Ad-Hoc Powerful & Embedded
Individual Use GIS for quality Compare performance
business units assurance—check across asset classes to
view maps of for data gaps, understand
current asset anomalies, and interrelaonships
locaon & inconsistencies Display assets exhibing
condion (single Use GIS for faster than expected
asset view) inspecon deterioraon rates or
tracking—map assets that have recently
inspecons due, moved into “deficient”
scheduled, and status
completed Detect paerns in asset
Communica on Limited Automated & Extensive
Individual Implement standard Implement dynamic
business units process to produce mapping of current
share asset and publish condions from source
locaon & standard maps data systems
condion maps showing asset Provide access to asset
with agency condion to inventory/condion data
management and common GIS portal to field staff via mobile
field office staff or website apps
on request

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Example: State of the Culverts (Intermediate Level)

Agency A uses a tablet-based field data collecon tool to inventory and inspect culverts. The
tablet-based soware has been configured for several different assets, and allows users to add
photographs, videos, audio clips, or notes to inventory or inspecon records. The tool allows the
user to locate each culvert on the agency’s official linear referencing system (LRS).
Aer the user has completed inventory and inspecon work for a day, a “sync” process uploads
new or modified records into a queue for approval. Once approved, the data are uploaded into the
agency’s enterprise database, where they are available for viewing and analysis by central office
and field staff across the agency.
Maintenance personnel use the informaon to create maps of culverts for inspecon—by querying
for date of last inspecon, observed condion, and flood risk. District engineers review themac
maps showing culverts by material, size, and condion to gain an at-a-glance picture of the state of
the inventory. Design drawings are linked to the GIS culvert features. This allows the design group
to easily access detailed informaon from the map, including capacity calculaons for exisng
culverts. They use this informaon as they are developing new designs for nearby locaons.

—Figure 6 lists steps that an agency might take to implement or enhance GIS capabilies for
understanding the state of its assets. These steps provide a template that can be used to plan, collect,
and manage new spaally-referenced asset informaon.
Goals & Data Integration &
Data Planning Data Collection
Requirements Access

Meet with target users Assess current data Select a cost-effective Integrate spatial and
& stakeholders availability & quality technology & method attribute data

Establish business Assess and prioritize Set up GIS planning & Implement data
case & use scenarios data gaps monitoring capability refresh method—
for data collection batch or real time
Establish data & Determine data
process owner(s) integration needs and Assemble & integrate
methods Plan routes/locations existing data layers
Identify related efforts
& coordination needs Develop data Collect data & monitor Work with users to
dictionary and progress specify and set up
Set scope & priorities: collection guide data views and query
what assets, what options
attributes Review & correct data
Develop quality
standards Set up and test mobile
Identify source system access to data (if
Final quality required)
of record (SSOR) & assurance (QA) &
target GIS access Determine ongoing
data updating acceptance
Establish spatial
referencing methods

Figure 6. Understanding State of the Assets—Implementaon Steps

Assess and Manage Risks

The second asset management business process involves understanding various asset failure
mechanisms, assessing their likelihood and consequences, and developing migaon strategies. As
used here, “failure” does not necessarily imply structural failure (such as a bridge collapse); it means

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failure of assets to provide their intended level of service. For example, a sign that does not meet
retro-reflecvity standards, or a pavement secon that has extensive rung are safety risks that
could be considered. Several different asset failure modes can be disnguished: gradual deterioraon
due to loadings and natural degradaon of materials, premature failure due to poor quality
construcon or materials, failure associated with major climac events such as floods or earthquakes,
or failure associated with other chance events such as vehicle hits.
GIS can provide useful risk analysis capabilies by integrang mulple data sources that affect:
• The probability of asset failure—for example, traffic loadings, weather, flood zones, seismic
zones, and soils; and
• Consequences of asset failure, including traffic exposure, detour lengths, and populaon
Map 2 illustrates a GIS risk assessment capability for idenfying bridge and culvert vulnerabilies
related to flood events.
Where are our vulnerabilies?

Map 2. Assess and Manage Risk

Basic uses of GIS in this area involve examinaon of assets that do not meet established target service
levels together with readily available data such as traffic and road classificaon. More advanced uses
of GIS integrate addional data, ulize spaal analysis capabilies for calculang risk scores based on
mulple data sets, and standardize communicaon of risks across mulple asset classes. Increasingly,
agencies are using tools such as risk registers or risk matrices as an input to asset rehabilitaon and
replacement priories.
Table 3 presents a summary of the Basic implementaon level and acons that can be taken to
advance use of GIS to Intermediate and Advanced levels.

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Table 3. Using GIS to Assess and Manage Risks

Basic Intermediate Advanced

Informaon Siloed Coordinated

Integraon Individual business Assemble spaally- Assemble and
units assemble referenced informaon maintain a common
available basic on assets likely to be pool of geospaal
geospaal data impacted by flooding data for risk analysis
pernent to Undertake pilot efforts Maintain spaally
likelihood and to integrate geospaal and temporally
consequences of data layers of value for referenced data on
asset failure to risk analysis—e.g., asset failures
perform as designed traffic volumes, growth
—e.g., locaons of rates, freight corridors,
deficient assets, socio-economic
detour lengths for characteriscs, sea
structures level rise, seismic
Analysis Basic & Ad-Hoc Powerful & Embedded
Individual business Develop spaal Calculate
units use maps analysis capabilies to replacement
showing deficient display assets in quanes and costs
asset locaons to different risk for at-risk assets
assist with risk categories reflecng based on spaal
assessment failure likelihood and overlays
consequences Integrate historical
Calculate and display informaon and
risk scores based on model asset failure
spaal data related to risk
likelihood and Idenfy atypical
consequences of asset performance
failure clusters through
historical analysis
Assess benefits of
migaon strategies
Communica on Limited Automated & Extensive
Individual business Use maps to share Develop interacve
units develop ad- informaon about risks maps to
hoc maps across different asset communicate
illustrang key areas classes consequences of
of concern different funding
levels and allocaon

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Example: Risk Assessment (Intermediate—Advanced Level)

Agency B sought to idenfy roadway assets that may be affected during flood events. They contacted
the state department of natural resources (DNR) and obtained a GIS data layer with flood zone
informaon. GIS staff imported this data layer into a geodatabase that also contained data for
pavement, roadside assets, and structures. They created an overlay map that showed road secons
that fell into the areas of concern, and highlighted structures that have a marginal or below
structural adequacy rang.
The agency provided copies of the maps to district engineers to ulize for development of risk
migaon strategies.

Figure 7 lists sample spaal data layers that can be used for asset risk management.

Asset Risks External Threats Impacts Other

Inventory: bridges,
Average annual Bid price trends by
culverts, safety Seismic hazards
daily traffic (AADT) district
hardware, etc.

Asset age or Functional At risk projects -

Flood zones
remaining life classification over budget or late

High risk assets - Elevations National Highway

e.g., bridges over Steep or unstable
System slopes
water with unknown
foundation types Stream gauge
readings Priority network/ Sections with
corridors unprotected steep
Assets not meeting shoulder drop off
standards Assets prone to
flooding Evacuation routes High crash locations
Assets predicted to
fall into deficient
Historical Projected growth
condition in next Non-redundant
observations of areas or links
three years links/access routes
asset failure/life
Assets with overdue
inspections Density of customer
Bridge detour calls or emergency
Weather history - lengths
temperature, storm maintenance
Assets with deferred requests
maintenance impact/severity
Population density

Landslides Permafrost areas

Asset value

Figure 7. Using GIS to Assess and Manage Risks—Sample Data Layers

Identify Needs and Work Candidates

The third asset management business process involves developing asset maintenance, rehabilitaon,
replacement, and improvement strategies that address risks and opmize life-cycle costs.
Idenficaon of needs and work candidates is oen accomplished within individual asset or
maintenance management systems, at varying levels of complexity based on the asset. For example,
pavement needs may be assigned based on decision trees that take into account factors such as
pavement type, date of last treatment, traffic level, and funconal class. Traffic barrier needs
idenficaon, on the other hand, may be event-driven (e.g., a vehicle hit) or established based on
adherence to established standards and level of risk based on safety analysis. More advanced asset
management programs cut across different asset and program areas and provide corridor and

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system-wide perspecves on safety, preservaon, and restoraon needs. GIS is parcularly helpful
for providing this more holisc perspecve. Map 3 illustrates a GIS capability for reviewing
opportunies to address mulple needs across asset classes.

How can we scope work acvies to incorporate mulple needs?

Map 3. Idenfy Needs and Work Candidates

GIS can be used to display assigned needs and work candidates, to maintain a history of locaons
where emergency or responsive maintenance has been requested, and to integrate and display
informaon required to assign appropriate treatments. It can also be used to evaluate different
decision rules for treatment assignment – e.g., produce maps showing treatments recommended by
different rule sets. More advanced GIS applicaons use spaal analysis features to create uniform
secons for treatment applicaon, and integrate informaon from mulple sources to enable scoping
of projects accounng for mulple needs. Table 4 presents a summary of the Basic implementaon
level and acons that can be taken to advance use of GIS to Intermediate and Advanced levels.

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Table 4. Using GIS to Iden fy Needs and Work Candidates

Basic Intermediate Advanced

Informa on Siloed Coordinated

Integra on Individual business units Integrate informaon Integrate
assemble basic beyond condion data informaon from
informaon on asset within individual asset mulple asset
characteriscs, management systems management and
deficiencies, and current (traffic, crashes, road work planning/
programmed projects inventory, programming
maintenance history, systems within a
soils, etc.) using single common
common spaal plaorm

Analysis Basic & Ad-Hoc Powerful & Embedded

Individual business units Develop spaal Develop spaal
review maps showing queries to priorize queries to idenfy
asset deficiencies to deficient assets based opportunies to
idenfy new work on traffic, funconal address needs of
candidates classificaon, crash mulple assets
history, and other Review and assign
factors appropriate
Use GIS to create treatment/fix
uniform secons for based on
applicaon of a single overlaying mulple
treatment data sets
Communica on Limited Automated & Extensive
Individual business units Produce and share Create interacve
create maps to show maps showing communicaon
need categories and locaons with tools that display
locaons of work mulple needs—e.g., condion of
candidates for each pavement, bridge, and mulple assets and
individual asset—using safety other factors that
built in mapping were considered
capabilies within asset for idenfying work
management systems or candidates
through exports to
stand-alone mapping

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Example: Pavement Needs Analysis (Intermediate—Advanced Level)

Agency C has an established pavement management system (PMS) and uses a video log/pavement
assessment vendor to collect pavement inventory and condion data every other year on state-
maintained routes. A variety of other data sets are integrated from other business units that ulize
the agency’s common LRS for spaal referencing: deflecon test results, core samples, and soil
characteriscs. Geospaal analysis is used to overlay the different data sets, develop uniform
secons for treatment applicaon and apply results of decision rules. Periodically, the PMS owners
in the central office conduct a review of the decision rules with district pavement engineers, using
maps to display recommended treatments and to drill down to the characteriscs that triggered
Work candidates from the PMS are published through an automated process to the agency’s
central GIS portal, where they can be viewed together with informaon on deficient bridges and
candidate safety improvements. District staff use this portal to scope projects that address mulple
types of needs.

Figure 8 shows a list of potenal spaal data layers represenng a range of DOT asset types. Figure 9
includes a list of other common data layers that agencies might make available to assist with scoping
and priorizaon of needs and work candidates.

Safety ITS Multi- Non-

Roadway Structures Other
Hardware Assets Modal Motorized
Pavement Cameras Stations/
Bridges Traffic Utilities
terminals Sidewalks
Shoulders Message Fiber
Culverts Highway signs Shelters
ADA ramps
Medians lighting Buildings
Retaining Ramp Rail lines
walls meters Multi-use Park and
Drainage Signs
paths ride lots
Noise Weather Ferry
Rumble walls Traffic sensors terminals
strips barriers WIM sites
Traffic Bike lanes
Pavement Tunnels
markings Rest areas
Traffic Storm-
Inter- support water
sections structures facilities


Frost tubes

Figure 8. Data Layers for Physical Assets (Locaon and Condion) (WIM = weigh in moon)

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Usage Safety Function Environment History Plans

# lanes Serious Functional Land use Emergency Future

injury & class maintenance developments
Divided/ fatality rate Elevations requests
undivided NHS
Serious Soils 5 year Programmed
AADT injury & maintenance projects
fatality rate - routes ROW/ expenditures
Truck traffic relative to easements
peer Evacuation Asset install
Freight locations routes Wetlands date/age
value Highway Priority Sensitive Last
departure network habitats rehabilitation
Projected crashes date
growth rate Mitigation
Critical links sites
Clear zones
Safety score Critical areas
(e.g., usRAP
star rating)

Figure 9. Common Data Layers for Scoping and Priorizaon (ROW = right of way, usRAP = United
States Road Assessment Program)

Develop Programs
The fourth asset management business process involves developing op mized, funding-constrained
programs of construc on projects or maintenance ac vi es. It builds on the process of iden fying
needs and work candidates but focuses on seng priori es and making tradeoffs in order to
maximize use of available funds. It also involves coordina ng ming of work to take advantage of
economies of scale and minimize impacts on road users.
GIS can be useful within this process for integra ng informa on that is used to set priori es. For
example, different ers of the road network could be established based on func onal class, traffic,
and proximity to major generators. Spa al views of candidate projects can also be valuable for
developing corridor approaches that address mul ple assets—using a “get in, get out, stay out”
approach. Spa al overlays of jurisdic on and legisla ve district boundaries can be used to assess
geographic balance of a program. Map 4 illustrates a GIS capability for displaying asset deficiencies
associated with different investment scenarios.

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What can we achieve with a funding increase?

Map 4. Develop Programs

At the basic level, GIS is used as a tool to develop programs for individual assets and to display
locaons of programmed projects for both internal and external communicaon purposes. At more
advanced levels, GIS can be used to integrate and analyze a wide variety of informaon used for
priorizaon, display results of tradeoff analysis (e.g., projects selected for programming under
different cross-asset resource allocaon alternaves), and idenfy opportunies to coordinate work
across asset classes. Table 5 presents a summary of the Basic implementaon level and acons that
can be taken to advance use of GIS.

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Table 5. Using GIS to Develop Programs

Basic Intermediate Advanced

Informaon Siloed Coordinated

Integraon Individual business Assemble common Embed GIS tools within
units assemble pool of geospaal financial and program
informaon on informaon useful for management
current programmed priorizaon and applicaons—e.g.,
projects, candidate program project locator tool
work for an development: Integrate informaon
individual asset type, funconal class/NHS, useful for priorizaon
basic traffic and road AADT, freight of work candidates
classificaon corridors, major across mulple assets
informaon (used to generators, adjacent and program areas—
set priories within land use, historical e.g., benefit/cost rao
individual asset or maintenance costs, or impact measure
program areas) crash rates, etc.
Analysis Basic & Ad-Hoc Powerful & Embedded
Individual business Develop ered Derive locaon-specific
units review network data for priorizaon
locaons of exisng classificaons for and calculate priority
programmed and priority seng scores for projects
potenal candidate Review maintenance based on a variety of
projects and plan history data to factors
raonal mul-year priorize locaons Review locaons of
work programs that with high recurring candidate projects for
have geographic maintenance costs different assets and
balance Analyze equity of idenfy opportunies
program funding for project coordinaon
allocaon Display projects and
resulng system/asset
performance based on
budget allocaons
Communicaon Limited Automated & Extensive
Agency produces Share maps of Create system
maps of proposed projects/ performance maps for
programmed M&O acvies for alternave resource
projects and makes mulple program allocaon scenarios
them available for categories—using Create retrospecve
internal and external standard protocols for view of performance
users data integraon and investment trends
Display completed Provide public-facing
and planned projects web applicaons
and performance showing asset
results on mobile GIS condions and planned
apps—for execuve projects
stakeholder visits

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Example: Program Development (Advanced Level)

Agency D has three separate management systems for pavement, bridge, and safety. Interfaces
between these systems and the agency’s enterprise LRS have been established and nightly rounes
keep the locaon components of the data in these systems in sync.
Candidate pavement, bridge, and safety projects are developed within the individual management
systems. Results are then exported to a State Transportaon Improvement Plan (STIP) applicaon for
further analysis. The agency has developed a formula for priorizing the candidate projects and the
STIP applicaon provides the ability to conduct trade-off analyses across the asset class es. Through
an iterave process, an agency-wide improvement program is established containing the projects to
be completed over the following five years.
The programmed projects can be viewed and analyzed on a map, with opons for color coding by
project type, year programmed, funding type, and other variables. For each project, budgets,
statuses, and mulmedia such as design files, 3D models, diagrams, or work plans can be viewed.
Informaon is available to field personnel on tablets with locaon-aware query capabilies.

Manage and Track Work

The final asset management business process involves scheduling, delivering, and tracking
maintenance and construcon work. This includes receiving and responding to work requests from
customers, managing maintenance crews, coordinang contractor work schedules, and recording
informaon about completed work. The work tracking element of this process provides important
informaon that feeds into the prior four processes—it can be used to update asset inventory and
condion informaon, build knowledge about asset life cycles, idenfy locaons with recurring
reacve maintenance needs that may be candidates for rehabilitaon, and update “as built” locaon
informaon for completed projects (which may vary from the “as planned” informaon). Work
tracking informaon also supports agency accountability, allowing for detailed reporng of how
funds were used. Map 5 illustrates a GIS capability for coordinang maintenance, construcon, and
ulity work.

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Where do we need to coordinate work?

Map 5. Manage and Track Work

At the basic level, GIS can be used within individual business units to plan roune and prevenve
maintenance work in an efficient manner and to keep track of the locaons of scheduled work. It can
also be used to support roung of work requests to the proper field office based on maps showing
maintenance responsibilies by route secon. More advanced applicaons of GIS involve real-me
applicaons for asset monitoring and resource deployment (e.g., automated vehicle locaon, road
and bridge sensors), automated processes for analyzing work history informaon, updang asset
inventory based on work completed, and preparing reports required for disaster recovery operaons.
Table 6 presents a summary of the Basic implementaon level and acons that can be taken to
advance use of GIS.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Table 6. Using GIS to Manage and Track Work

Basic Intermediate Advanced

Informaon Siloed Coordinated

Integraon Units responsible Create standard Auto-update master
for work process for locang asset inventory based
management have requested, scheduled, on work completed
access to spaal and completed Integrate enterprise
informaon on maintenance work resource planning
assets, programmed Integrate informaon (ERP) data
projects, and on scheduled and Monitor real-me
maintenance completed work across locaon of
responsibilies program areas and maintenance
(district/region districts/regions vehicles/plows
boundaries, state- Integrate geo-tagged Monitor real-me road
maintained before/aer photos for surface condion and
facilies) completed work material applicaon
Geo-reference “crowd-
sourced” work requests
Analysis Basic & Ad-Hoc Powerful & Embedded
The agency Idenfy problem areas Opmize assignment of
determines roung based on clusters of work crews based on
of work to the responsive/emergency real-me informaon
appropriate work maintenance needs Integrate work history
unit request based Review planned work informaon and
on locaon by locaon to analyze historical
informaon consolidate contracts maintenance costs by
Asset managers asset and locaon
develop prevenve Ulize geo-referenced
maintenance asset inventory data to
schedules based on facilitate post-disaster
locaon reimbursement and
recovery planning

Communicaon Limited Automated & Extensive

The agency creates Produce consolidated Provide public access
stac maps that can map of planned to real-me maps of
be used for work maintenance, road condions during
planning—e.g., construcon, and ulity snow or other extreme
asset locaon maps, work to avoid conflicts weather events
district boundary with external acvies Provide access to asset
maps and avoid adverse characteriscs and
customer impacts (e.g., work history on mobile
from closing lanes on devices
two parallel routes) Automate required
Provide access to work state and federal
history maps linked to disaster recovery
before-aer photos reporng

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Example: Maintenance Management (Advanced Level)

Agency E uses a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) that has work locaons
automacally populated from the agency’s pavement, bridge, safety, congeson, sign management,
and traffic signal management systems. Work orders for tasks to be completed by agency personnel
are generated and queued to the appropriate division or district managers. Managers have the
capability to assign tasks with priories to individuals or crews. The field personnel are then nofied
through queues of assigned work and can prepare work schedules and use automated rounes that
opmize routes to task locaons based on priories.
Field personnel use a tablet-based module of the CMMS to indicate acve assignments and to track
equipment use and me spent on tasks. The tablet-based module includes the ability to include
before-and-aer photographs of the site to document work accomplished as a part of work records.
At the end of each shi or when network connecon is available, data from the tablet is transferred
to a web-based tracking system. From this system, managers can monitor work through interacve
maps, create reports on producvity, or assign and change task responsibilies.
Informaon on completed work is communicated back to each management system. This
informaon is then used in analyses to more accurately schedule and budget future projects.

Taking Stock
Once an agency has considered how it is using GIS within each of the five core asset management
processes, the next step is to take stock of where the agency is and where it might want to pursue
advancements. Table 7 provides a template for an at-a-glance picture of current capabilies. For each
cell, the appropriate informaon in Tables 2 through 6 can be used to idenfy what the agency is
doing now and assign the associated implementaon level. Agencies can expand this template to
include addional notes on acons that can be considered to further leverage GIS capabilies within
asset management business processes and to lead business units for each acon.
To obtain a balanced perspecve on current capabilies, the agency may want to consult with several
different individuals responsible for different asset classes, as well as with representaves of program
development, financial planning, maintenance management, and GIS funcons. A group can be
convened to walk through the matrix, or responsibility for different cells can be parceled out to
different individuals and then consolidated.
Once the results are compiled, they can be reviewed to idenfy paerns. For example, an agency
may be Advanced with respect to integrang informaon with GIS, but not yet at a Basic level when it
comes to analyzing and communicang the informaon. This may indicate that the agency can
squeeze more value out of its spaally-enabled data. Alternavely, the agency may have made good
progress in the first TAM business area, but not in others. This means that it hasn’t yet tapped into
some of the most promising areas for using GIS within TAM that can impact investment decisions.

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Table 7. GIS for TAM at an Agency: At-a-Glance Assessment

Asset Management Informaon
Business Process Integraon Analysis Communicaon

Understand the State of the Current Current Current

Assets Level:______ Level:______ Level:______

Assess and Manage Risks Current Current Current

Level:______ Level:______ Level:______

Idenfy Needs and Work Current Current Current

Candidates Level:______ Level:______ Level:______

Develop Programs Current Current Current

Level:______ Level:______ Level:______

Manage and Track Work Current Current Current

Level:______ Level:______ Level:______

Assessing the Agency’s GIS Foundation

While the focus of this guide is on applicaons of GIS within TAM, it is important to recognize that
lack of a basic infrastructure for GIS can be a significant barrier to making progress in the asset
management arena. Conversely, a strong GIS foundaon can greatly facilitate implementaon of GIS
applicaons in support of TAM. Therefore, if the agency is not at the Advanced level for most
categories in the summary assessment, it is worth considering whether the overall GIS program in the
agency needs some aenon. The checklist in Table 8 can be used to assess the strength of an
agency’s GIS foundaon—independent of how GIS is being used within TAM.

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Table 8. Checklist: GIS Foundaon

This checklist for assessing an agency’s GIS foundaon considers four major areas: (1) the
overall organizaonal infrastructure for GIS, (2) the presence and use of foundaon
geospaal data and standards, (3) the established technology infrastructure, and (4) GIS
skills and training funcons.

Agency-Level GIS Function

Management support, policy development, strategic implementaon framework, and
standard protocols for decision making and communicaon regarding geospaal data:
Execuve-level and division manager understanding of GIS value and support for its
use in the agency
Designated business unit(s) with agency GIS planning and support responsibilies
Coordinaon and communicaon mechanisms across agency units responsible for
managing spaal data—for example, regular meengs, website, standard protocol
for adding new data layers
Coordinaon and communicaon mechanism between agency GIS lead and external
organizaons (e.g., statewide geospaal agency, external spaal data providers)
GIS Strategic Plan used to guide investments—regularly updated to reflect technology
advances (e.g., mobile GIS, cloud soluons)

Geospatial Data and Standards

Foundaon geospaal data and an architectural framework for building on this
Comprehensive road centerlines, covering all agency-maintained roads, including
ramps, with dual centerlines for divided roads
A standardized, common agency LRS—idenfying route names and street names,
including overlapping routes and specifying official lengths/measures
Support for mulple locaon referencing methods (LRMs) to accommodate data
collected using GPS devices as well as using linear references such as mile markers or
offsets from county boundaries
Central library of GIS data resources with a regular, well-defined updang process
and schedule—including jurisdiconal boundaries, parcel boundaries, address points,
elevaons, hydrography, ortho-imagery, land use, socioeconomic and environmental
data, etc.
A standard integraon architecture for linking agency GIS and LRS data to business
data systems
A standard approach to idenfying and represenng assets and their aributes from
a geospaal data modeling perspecve
Formalized procedures and toolsets for updang road centerline and LRS data to
reflect network changes
Standards and processes for managing, viewing, and analyzing spaally-referenced
business data sets as changes to locaon referencing informaon occur (temporal
locaon data management)

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Tools and Technologies

Established approach to providing the hardware and soware required for agency staff to
make use of GIS capabilies:
Centralized licensing for GIS database and applicaon soware—including desktop,
web, and cloud-based tools as appropriate
Geospaal data viewer applicaon providing agency-wide (and external) access to
shared data sets
GIS data clearinghouse—with downloadable data files
Formalized procedures and toolsets for LRS maintenance to reflect road network
Techniques for overlaying spaal data associated with different versions of the LRS as
it has changed over me (e.g., due to road realignments)
GPS data collecon standards (see Appendix A for examples)
Standard tools for viewing and exporng data related to a user-specified locaon
(e.g., county, district, route, or route secon)
Standard tools for geocoding
Standard tools to translate across different LRMs
Standard tools for field data collecon and quality assurance
Mobile apps for accessing agency’s geospaal data
Mobile apps for issue reporng

GIS Expertise, Training, and User Support

Established training and support services to help staff make full use of GIS capabilies.
Acve GIS user group with regular meengs/communicaons
Skills and experse for geospaal data management and applicaon development
Standard process for GIS tool deployment and customizaon
GIS user training courses made available to staff
GIS experse included in posion descripons where data management/analysis
is required

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Using the Assessment Results: Developing an Overall

A high-level strategy for moving forward can be developed based on (1) the agency’s current level of
GIS/TAM Implementaon (summarized in Table 7) and (2) the strength of the agency’s current GIS
foundaon (determined based on the checklist in Table 8). General guidelines for developing a
strategy are illustrated in Figure 10 and discussed below.

High look for cost connue
savings from improvements &
centralized seek efficiency gains
Level of GIS/TAM funcons
find easy wins,
assess barriers and
Low shore up the
pursue high payoff
agency GIS

Low High
Strength of Agency GIS Foundaon

Figure 10. Quadrant View of GIS/TAM Capabilies

Figure 10 presents a “quadrant” view that can be used to idenfy a high-level strategy for moving
forward with GIS/TAM capabilies. It has two dimensions: strength of the agency’s overall GIS
foundaon on the horizontal axis, and level of GIS/TAM implementaon on the vercal axis. Agencies
in the lower le quadrant (labeled “A”) are at the inial stages of both agency GIS and applicaons of
GIS for TAM. Agencies in the upper right quadrant have advanced GIS capabilies in place for TAM,
resng on a solid general agency GIS foundaon. Agencies can assess where they are on the
horizontal axis based on the discussion above (Assessing the Agency’s GIS Foundaon). Agencies can
assess were they are on the vercal axis based on the results recorded in Table 7.

For Agencies with a Relatively Weak GIS Foundation

It is always possible to make progress in specific areas of asset management without a strong
enterprise GIS funcon in place. However, lack of a basic GIS infrastructure (hardware, soware,
standards, architecture, compiled geospaal data sets, experse) means that there will be more of a
burden on each individual iniave—to create and manage data, and to develop tools. Somemes it
makes sense to accept these burdens in order to move forward, but it is important to recognize that
at some point lack of agency-wide infrastructure and standards is likely to become a barrier to
progress. In addion, lack of agency-wide coordinaon results in inefficiencies, with individual work

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

units “reinvenng the wheel” or moving in different direcons. This makes it difficult to integrate
data across units.
Given that foundaonal acvies (e.g., establishing a shared centerline data set for state and local
roads) can take mulple years, agencies can pursue a parallel track to undertake some specific asset
management iniaves while working to strengthen overall agency capabilies.
Quadrant A: Basic (or Below) Level of GIS/TAM Implementaon. If an agency has not yet reached
the Basic level of GIS/TAM implementaon, it is starng with a blank slate. The agency can begin by
idenfying an area in which it can demonstrate success with a relavely modest effort. It can
select one of the “basic” capabilies for which spaally-referenced data are available and the
potenal exists to add value through analysis or communicaon. For example, an agency can begin
producing and sharing maps showing pavement or bridge condions. This early success can then be
used to build broader support within the agency for a more comprehensive approach to using GIS
within asset management. If an agency checked Basic in most areas, this means that it has
achieved some success in using GIS for TAM within individual business units, but have not yet
transioned to a more holisc, agency-wide approach. The fact that the GIS foundaon is relavely
weak signals the need to idenfy where lack of standards, soware, applicaons, or experse may be
inhibing further progress.
Quadrant B: Intermediate or Advanced Level of GIS/TAM Implementaon. If an agency checked a
mix of Intermediate and Advanced in most areas of TAM, this means that they have taken advantage
of GIS capabilies within and across business units, and have automated geospaal analysis and data
integraon funcons. However, given the weaker GIS foundaon, there are likely to be cost-saving
opportunies through centralizing certain funcons (e.g., road network and geospaal data
maintenance or geospaal applicaons development and support). It may be possible to use
successes within individual business units as a springboard for strengthening overall agency GIS

For Agencies with a Relatively Strong GIS Foundation

A strong agency GIS foundaon makes it easier to advance GIS capabilies for TAM since available
tools, technologies, data sets, and experse can all be leveraged. Agencies in this posion can step
back and develop a broad vision for how they wants to use GIS across different TAM funcons. This
can be integrated with development or updates to a Transportaon Asset Management Plan (TAMP).
GIS elements can be incorporated within this plan to describe ways in which spaal data integraon,
analysis, and communicaon will be used to strengthen TAM business processes.
Quadrant C: Basic (or Below) Level of GIS/TAM Implementaon. If an agency is not yet at the Basic
level, it should recognize the potenal for making rapid progress given the availability strong exisng
GIS resources. The agency is in a posion to look broadly at opportunies for enhancing its asset
management pracces using GIS and to idenfy some first iniaves that can leverage exisng GIS
tools and data. If an agency is at the Basic level of GIS/TAM implementaon, it has made progress in
some areas and it may be me to assess exisng impediments to a more comprehensive approach.
Idenfying specific opportunies for moving forward and preparing a strong business case can help to
gain the necessary level of management engagement and leadership for success.
Quadrant D: Intermediate or Advanced Level of GIS/TAM Implementaon. The agency is in a strong
posion, and should connue to seek opportunies for connued advancement of capabilies while
improving efficiencies.

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3. Evaluating Initiatives for

Advancing Capabilities
Options for Moving Forward
Aer assessing the agency’s current capabilies and determining a high-level strategy for how to
proceed, the next task is to develop and secure support for a plan of acon that:
• Supports the agency’s asset management business processes—making them more efficient
and effecve;
• Is realisc given the agency’s budget and exisng technology, data, and staff resources; and
• Includes iniaves that can be expected to have benefits exceeding their costs.
Depending on the agency’s situaon, there may be different ways to approach this task:
• Comprehensive: develop a comprehensive GIS/TAM plan—perhaps as an element of the
agency’s TAMP—that looks across all assets and all of the TAM business processes, idenfies a
vision for how GIS will be used, establishes foundaonal standards and policies, and idenfies
a phased set of iniaves to advance capabilies.
• Pilot: develop a pilot project that addresses a current agency pain point or focus area for the
agency’s execuve leadership.
• Incremental: Focus on low-cost, incremental acons to beer leverage the agency’s current
data and GIS technologies—for example, creang a series of decision maps using available
• Targeted—Internal: Target effort on acons that will achieve a noceable impact within a
single TAM business area—for example, implemenng a spaally-enabled work management
and tracking funcon.
• Targeted—External: Focus on the external communicaon element of GIS to strengthen the
agency’s relaonship with stakeholders and customers—for example, publish a set of maps
showing the agency’s projects, or provide a mobile app showing plans for road resurfacing.
Table 9 lists iniaves that can be carried out as part of one of the approaches listed above. These
iniaves are organized by the five TAM business processes. For each iniave, the type(s) of GIS use
(Informaon Integraon, Analysis, and/or Communicaon) are idenfied. In addion, the
implementaon level (B = Basic, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced) that the iniave represents is
indicated—though some iniaves are broadly defined and can fit with mulple levels. Finally, some
of the key support elements required for implementaon are noted. Once candidate iniaves are
idenfied, agencies can use the guidelines that follow to develop a business case that arculates
objecves and considers benefits, costs, and risks.

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Table 9. GIS/TAM Ini a ves

GIS Use Level Ini a ve Support Elements

Understand the State of the Assets

Info Integra on B New asset inventory and Field data collecon hardware
inspecon program (single asset) and soware (or by contract)

Info Integraon I New asset inventory and Common LRS

inspecon program (mulple GPS standards

Info Integraon A CAD to GIS asset extracon post CAD standards

construcon Soware tools

Info A Mobile applicaon for retrieval Data access and updang

Integraon, and/or update of asset protocol
Communicaon informaon Mobile device integraon

Analysis, B Mapping of asset inventory, Desktop or web-based GIS tool

Communicaon inspecon, and condion—ad hoc

Analysis, I-A Mapping of asset inventory, Desktop or web-based GIS tool

Communicaon inspecon, and condion— Data updang protocols
interacve (with query and
analysis funcons)

Analysis A GIS-based inspecon planning and Inspecon planning/roung tool

roung tool

See Figure 8 for a list of assets that agencies may consider tracking in GIS.

Assess and Manage Risks

Info B Basic risk mapping—asset Asset management system

Integraon, condion versus acceptable level, mapping capability
Analysis, consequences represented by
Communicaon road classificaon, traffic data

Info I-A Advanced risk mapping and Desktop or web-based GIS tool
Integraon, analysis—integrang other agency Analysis soware
Analysis, and external data sets: detour
Communicaon lengths, populaon, land use,
flood zones, elevaons, seismic
acvity, etc.

See Figure 7 for a list of GIS data layers that may be helpful for risk assessment.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

GIS Use Level Iniave Support Elements

Idenfy Needs and Work Candidates

Info B Basic mapping of need categories Desktop or web-based GIS tool

Integraon, and candidate projects—single or integrated GIS funcon within
Analysis, asset/business area asset management system

Info I-A Decision maps—integrang Desktop or web-based GIS tool

Integraon, maintenance history, traffic, with query and analysis
Analysis, weather, soils, and other capabilies
Communicaon pernent informaon from Common LRS
authoritave data sources
GIS data repository/stewardship
Data sharing and QA protocols

Info I-A Automated interacve decision Desktop or web-based GIS tool

Integraon, maps for developing work with query and analysis
Analysis, candidates/project scopes that capabilies
Communicaon account for mulple needs— Common LRS
pavement, bridge, safety,
drainage, etc. (can range from GIS data repository/ stewardship
basic mapping of needs to program
automated project locaon Data sharing and QA protocols
idenficaon based on overlays)

See Figure 9 for a list of GIS data layers that may be useful for priorizing work

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

GIS Use Level Iniave Support Elements

Develop Programs

Info B Ad-hoc mapping of candidate and Desktop or web-based GIS

Integraon, exisng programmed work for a viewer or integrated GIS
Analysis, given asset category overlaid on funcon within asset
Communicaon road classificaon and AADT range management system
—distribuon to business units
(headquarters and/or field) to
assist with priorizaon

Info B Maintain updated map of current Desktop or web-based GIS tool

Integraon, asset rehabilitaon/replacement/ with query and analysis
Analysis, improvement program—make capabilies
Communicaon available for internal and external Common LRS
Business process to aach
standard spaal referencing to
programmed projects
Data sharing and QA protocols

Info I-A Automated interacve decision Desktop or web-based GIS tool

Integraon, maps showing work candidates with query and analysis
Analysis, from mulple asset categories— capabilies
Communicaon opons to view a variety of data Common LRS
layers useful for priorizaon and
idenficaon of work GIS data repository/ stewardship
coordinaon opportunies; program
calculate priority scores based on Data sharing and QA protocols
spaal data

Analysis, A GIS-based scenario analysis tool— Custom applicaon integrang

Communicaon display which projects would be asset management system(s)
done under varying budget and GIS tools
allocaons; show resulng asset Common LRS
Data sharing and QA protocols

Communicaon I-A Web and mobile GIS apps for Web and mobile GIS tools with
communicang the data driven simple query and display
process behind project selecon capabilies

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

GIS Use Level Iniave Support Elements

Manage and Track Work

Info B Develop, maintain and share map Data updang protocols

Integraon, of maintenance responsibilies by Desktop or web-based GIS tool
Analysis, route secon—use to route work
Communicaon requests to the appropriate DOT
unit or contractor

Info B GIS-based maintenance Asset/maintenance

Integraon, scheduling and tracking for a management system with
Analysis, single asset (e.g., bridge washing integrated GIS
Communicaon or sign replacement) Mobile GIS applicaon and

Info I-A GIS-based maintenance Asset/maintenance

Integraon, scheduling and tracking for management system with
Analysis, mulple assets—with advanced integrated GIS—single system
Communicaon GIS capabilies for scheduling, handling mulple assets or
prevenve maintenance planning, integraon across mulple
acvity coordinaon, automated systems
inventory updang Mobile GIS applicaon and

Info A Automated vehicle locaon (AVL) AVL system hardware and

Integraon, capability for asset maintenance soware, related database
Analysis, vehicles/crews with real-me reporng and analysis tools
Communicaon tracking and archived data for Data transfer protocols

Building a Business Case for GIS/TAM Initiatives

Some of the iniaves in Table 9 can be put into pracce relavely easily; others may require
investments and coordinaon across different work units. Any iniave falling into this laer
category will likely require a persuasive business case to move forward. The business case must
address the quesons: How will this help our agency, and what will it cost? For major iniaves, a
projected return on investment (ROI) analysis can be conducted to determine high-value
implementaon areas, priorize tasks, and determine feasibility. ROI requires the idenficaon and
quanficaon of costs and benefits over the implementaon meframe.
Figure 11 illustrates a methodology for establishing the business case for GIS/TAM investments. The
elements of this methodology can be used to assess ROI.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

1. Business Need
Movaon Vision

2. Opons
Timeframe/ Centralized/
Scope Technology Delivery
Phasing Decentralized

3. Costs
Staff Labor Services Hardware/Soware Data

4. Benefits
Efficiency Effecveness

5. Risks
Organizaonal Technology Benefit Funding/Support
Cost Uncertainty
Changes Changes Uncertainty Uncertainty

6. Summary
Return on Investment Intangibles

Figure 11. Building a Business Case for GIS/TAM Investment

Step 1: Articulate the Business Need

What do you want to achieve?
The first step in developing a business case is to establish a statement that communicates what the
agency expects to accomplish. The idea for the iniave may have arisen from anywhere within the
agency; however, defining the need is a collaborave effort of key managers and staff that will be
responsible for implemenng and living with the results of the effort.
Example statements of business need for a GIS/TAM iniave are:
• Data-driven decision making—Asset program managers and district staff need to have easy
access to a variety of pernent informaon in a spaal context that helps them to opmize
use of available resources and select the right project in the right place at the right me.
• Locaon awareness—In order to effecvely scope, plan, and priorize their work,
maintenance engineers and construcon project managers need the capability to find out
everything about a given locaon—what assets are there, their condion, what capital and
maintenance work is planned, what work requests have come in over the past year, what the
traffic paerns are, crash rates, etc. This will require the agency to standardize locaon

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

referencing across different informaon systems and provide tools for querying a variety of
informaon based on locaon.
Situaonal awareness—Field offices need the capability to track their equipment in real me
in order to respond more quickly to needs and deploy resources more efficiently.
Efficient data integraon—The agency needs to reduce “islands of informaon” by providing
the ability to integrate asset inventory, inspecon, project, traffic, and safety data sets
geospaally. This will eliminate the need for costly efforts to remedy issues of inconsistent (or
non-existent) spaal referencing.
Transparency —The agency needs to meet today’s expectaons for transparency and
accountability by sharing detailed informaon about asset condion and planned work with
stakeholders and the public.
Improved Program Development—The agency’s program development team needs to
consider how best to allocate available resources to manage risk. They need to understand
the implicaons of different funding scenarios to help the agency allocate resources in the
best possible way. They need the capability to quickly produce compelling and meaningful
spaal visualizaons of how these scenarios will impact the highway system over me.

Washington State DOT (WSDOT)—Business Problems to Be Addressed by Asset Management

Informaon System Improvement/Replacement (2009)
Lack of support for geospaal referencing—Locang assets or events on the transportaon
network is more difficult as a result of a lack of geospaal referencing capability in the current
Transportaon Informaon and Planning Support System (TRIPS) LRS. This complicates providing
a range of management informaon to users based on geographic parameters including financial
informaon by polical or jurisdiconal boundaries. It also creates the potenal for incorrect
assignment of project expenditures and taxes to jurisdicons and programs.
Potenal for delays and quality issues in providing informaon to stakeholders—Due to
difficulty and length of me required to obtain informaon from current systems; lack of
integraon across systems leads to potenal for mulple answers or versions of the truth
depending on which systems are used to obtain the informaon.
Lack of crical funconality needed to deliver programs—Much informaon about asset
inventory and asset condions, relevant to planning, programming, and project management,
requires research in mulple systems or is not readily available in any WSDOT system.
Asset inventory is stored in mulple systems, impacng the department’s ability to manage
assets from an enterprise perspecve—Comprehensive access to this informaon for planning,
accountability, and performance reporng is very difficult. This limits the department’s ability to
implement an enterprise asset management business model.
Source: [5]

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Asset Management Strategic Plan—Using GIS to Support TAM Strategic Goals (Oregon
Strategic Goals for TAM
Foster integrated, strategic decision making.
Sustain or establish a reliable statewide asset inventory.
Build a fully integrated data system.
Create integrated reporng and analysis tools.
GIS Iniaves:
GIS-based TransInfo Tool—management of highway inventory and locaon
GIS-based FACS-STIP Tool—web-based viewer for asset informaon.
Desired Outcomes from GIS Iniaves:
Eliminate need for one-me, redundant asset data collecon efforts by providing
plaorm for collecng and sharing asset data.
Consolidate data maintenance efforts.
Leverage exisng investments in GIS data and licensing to benefit the enre
Source: [6]

How does this fit with the agency’s current GIS capabilities?
In establishing the business need for a new GIS-related iniave, it is helpful to consider how the
iniave fits into the larger context of current agency capabilies. If there is a GIS strategic plan in
place, how will this iniave support the elements of that plan? If a strategic plan has not been
developed, it is worthwhile to assess strengths and weaknesses of agency GIS capabilies and
formulate objecves for the iniave that take these into account. For example, if the iniave’s
success depends on existence of standards or capabilies that are not well established, these will
need to be addressed in the project plan. The iniave may provide an opportunity to pilot new
technologies or methods that can later be more widely deployed—but the costs of forging new
territory will need to be ancipated.

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Example: Business Need for a Geospaally-Enabled Sign Inventory

State DOT “A” is responsible for installaon and maintenance of approximately 100,000 signs on its
state roadway network. Sign maintenance is managed at the district level. Some districts do not keep
an inventory; others track sign locaon using spreadsheets or desktop database tools. District
inventories use varying methods to locate signs—including GPS coordinates, and route-county
milepoints. As central office traffic engineering staff considered opons for implemenng a new
program to maintain minimum retroreflecvity standards, they found it very difficult to obtain good
informaon about the exisng sign inventory. They requested informaon from each district, and
were able to piece together some esmates of the number of signs by install date, type, and route,
but the accuracy of the data was not high and gathering the data was a me-consuming effort for all
involved. This experience led to a proposal for implemenng a comprehensive sign inventory.
Central office traffic engineering staff met with district staff to understand their needs, and then with
members of the GIS group in the planning division to discuss this iniave. GIS staff had recently
assisted with deployment of another inventory applicaon and suggested that this iniave might
piggyback on this earlier one. They also discussed how to leverage exisng GIS database and
applicaon soware. Based on these meengs, the following objecves were established for the
1. Obtain informaon on sign type, locaon, and installaon date that can accessed across the
department and used for:
Statewide analysis of different inspecon and maintenance opons.
Statewide analysis of different sign replacement cycles.
District management of sign inspecon and replacement acvies.
Safety analysis.
2. Make sign informaon easily accessible throughout the organizaon.
3. Leverage available tools and technologies.

Step 2: Define Options for Meeting the Business Need

Before moving forward with analyzing costs and benefits of the proposed iniave, it is useful to
define alternave ways of meeng the need. At a minimum, a “do nothing” opon should be
considered in order to provide a baseline for comparison. Other opons for defining lower-cost
alternaves could involve:
Varying the scope—in terms of which assets or which porons of the network are included.
Varying the meframe—how capabilies will be phased in over me.
Varying the tools—relying on exisng tools, enhancing exisng tools, or moving to new tools.
Varying the delivery approach—performing all or a poron of the effort in-house or
outsourcing the enre effort.
Varying the implementaon approach—pursuing a decentralized approach that equips work
units with tools and relies on standards for consistency versus pursuing a centralized

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In defining opons, it is advisable to survey current technology opons and consider opportunies
that may not have been available when the agency implemented its current applicaons or toolsets.
For example, many agencies are cung costs by adopng cloud-based soluons, and crowd-sourcing
development of mobile applicaons that provide self-service GIS capabilies for non-GIS experts.
Example: Alternaves Definion for a Spaally Enabled Transportaon Improvement Program
State DOT “B” has a robust annual and mul-year program development process with both
decentralized (district-level) and centralized components. Prior to publicaon of program updates, the
agency’s GIS staff updates a map that shows project locaons. This update occurs annually, and is very
me consuming because project locaons are not consistently entered into the program database
The agency’s public informaon office has received many comments from stakeholders about the
accuracy of the program map. They have asked the programming division to create a more dynamic map
view that allows the public to obtain up-to-date informaon about project scope, schedule, budget, and
The programming division defined several alternaves for invesgaon:
1. Connue the current process—supply more recent informaon about projects to stakeholders
as inquiries come in.
2. Require entry of project locaons using a standard method for locaon referencing—enforce
through the program database entry screens or through workflow rules that prevent funding
approval when locaons are missing—and switch to a quarterly map update process.
3. Same as 2, but also add a project mapping tool to the program database system in order to
facilitate capture of project locaons.
4. Same as 3, but automate the mapping process so that maps can be dynamically updated from
the program database.

Step 3: Identify Costs for Each Option

The next step is to produce planning-level esmates of the costs for each opon. An agency should
esmate both inial costs and ongoing annual costs once the iniave or project is complete. Given
the variety of potenal iniaves that the agency may be considering, only general guidance on
cosng is provided here. Costs consist of hardware, soware, personnel, technology support, and
vendor costs. Personnel and external vendor support costs are typically the larger component and
include the inial development and ongoing support.
Specific cost components to consider include the following:
Labor and services.
Project management.
Planning and requirements development.
Policy, procedure, and standards development.
Custom map development/configuraon.
Data collecon and updang.
Applicaon development, customizaon, or interface development.
Soware licensing—for desktop, web, cloud, and mobile GIS soluons, data integraon, and
reporng tools.

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Tablets or smartphones for field data collecon and access.

Server upgrades or purchases.
AVL technology deployment.
Spaal data set purchases or licensing.
Data storage costs.
Field data collecon.
Data conversion or quality improvement (staff and/or consultant labor).
Given rapid changes in technology, the best way to obtain a reasonably accurate idea of costs is to
check in with peer agencies that have recent experience with iniaves similar to those an agency is
considering. Useful resources for finding out who is doing what include:
GIS-T Roll Call of States and Conference Proceedings—hp://
FHWA GIS in Transportaon Webcast Series—hp://
URISA Annual Conference Proceedings—hp://
FHWA, AASHTO, and TRB Asset Management Conferences, Webinars, nd Peer Exchanges—
see announcements on the TRB Asset Management Commiee web site
(hps://, the AASHTO Subcommiee on Asset
Management website (hp://, and the FHWA
Office of Asset Management website (hp://

Step 4: Identify Benefits of Each Option

Whether an agency is looking broadly across its enre set of TAM funcons, or has zeroed in on a
specific area, it is important to build on a statement of business need and idenfy specific benefits to
be achieved through advancing use of GIS. Two types of benefits can be disnguished:
Efficiency Benefits—reducing the me or cost to complete a given task or work process.
Effecveness Benefits—improving the agency’s capability to produce a desired set of
outcomes and manage risk.
In short, to quote the well-known management expert Peter Drucker, “Efficiency is doing things right;
effecveness is doing the right thing.”

Efficiency Benefits
Efficiency benefits associated with GIS/TAM iniaves may include staff me savings from:
Automaon of mapping tasks that were previously done manually;
Reduced needs for on-site data collecon and inspecon—e.g., engineer or planner reviews
videolog and recent inspecon history for assets along a corridor;
Faster access to and analysis of informaon required for special studies, and response to
internal management and external requests—e.g., rather than a week-long project to find,
acquire, transform, and load data, analysts use central GIS portal;
Automated integraon of data required to load management systems;
Streamlined business processes for work order creaon, inspecon, and work recording—
eliminaon of paper, automated transfer of data rather than re-entry; and
Streamlined management of external work requests—e.g., geo-located work requests
generate inspecon work order.

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They may also include:

• Reducon in soware licensing costs (e.g., through shiing to cloud or soware-as-a-service
approaches) and
• Reducon in asset maintenance costs through iniaves that provide informaon that can be
used to opmize deployment of maintenance resources—quanfied based on reducon of
down me and deadheading.
There are two ways to approach analysis of efficiencies:
• Current products and services as the baseline. In this approach, an agency assumes no
fundamental changes in the quanty or quality of products and services provided by the
agency’s business units. The agency esmates the current level of resources to produce these
products and services. Then, it develops a scenario in which it has implemented a GIS/TAM
improvement and esmates the level of resources required to produce these same products
and services. Efficiency benefits from the GIS/TAM iniave are equal to the difference in cost
between the current or status quo situaon and the scenario in which the agency has
implemented the iniave.
• Improved products and services as the baseline. In this approach, an agency defines a new
target level of products and services that it wants to provide. The agency defines two
scenarios—one in which the improvements are provided without the GIS/TAM iniave, and a
second in which the improvements are provided with the GIS/TAM iniave. Efficiency
benefits from the GIS/TAM iniave are equal to the difference in cost between the two
Efficiency Benefits—Using Current Products and Services as the Baseline
State DOT “C’s” pavement management unit currently prepares an annual “state of the
pavements” report with a map for each district showing pavement condion, using desktop GIS
tools to prepare the maps. It currently takes a total of 40 hours of a skilled GIS professional to
export data from the PMS, import it into a GIS database, manually fix locaon errors, create the
maps, and format output for the report.
They esmate that they can cut this me down to one hour by developing a standard mapping
funcon to produce the maps directly from their PMS, and enhancing the QA process for PMS
data loading to check for valid locaon informaon.

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Efficiency Benefits—Using Future Products and Services as the Baseline

State DOT “D” would like to begin producing decision maps for each district to help it scope
rehabilitaon projects, taking into account traffic, crashes, pavement and bridge condion, and
results of safety studies.
They define two opons for producing these maps: (1) a manual opon in which an analyst
downloads data from mulple systems and uses a desktop GIS tool to produce the maps and
email PDF versions to each district; and (2) an automated opon in which the relevant data
layers are pulled in to a central GIS portal and a custom map view is set up to show the
informaon of interest.
They esmate that for scenario 1, it would require 100 hours of effort to produce maps each
me (once a year). For scenario 2, they esmate roughly 16 hours of effort per year to handle
adjustments to data sources and updates to the standard maps.

Effectiveness Benefits
Effecveness benefits from GIS/TAM iniaves are due to improvements in decision support
capabilies. By integrang and analyzing data spaally and presenng it in an effecve manner, the
quality of informaon available to decision making is improved. Presumably, this enables beer
decisions that, in turn, result in lower risks, lower life-cycle costs for assets, and improved customer
service. Addional effecveness benefits are associated with increased agility in responding to
execuve and stakeholder queries and increasing communicaon capabilies, enhancing the agency’s
Effecveness benefits are generally more difficult to quanfy than efficiency benefits. However, the
following types of benefits can be quanfied based on stated assumpons about how the new
GIS/TAM capability might be expected to affect decision making:
• Safety improvements—if capabilies are used to beer integrate safety consideraons into
project scoping and priorizaon processes, agencies can esmate an effecveness benefit
based on risk reducon—quanfied by projected decrease in the rates of fatalies, injuries,
and property-damage crashes associated with the improved capabilies.
• Asset treatment selec
on—if capabilies are used to idenfy and priorize opmal
intervenon points for prevenve and restorave maintenance, agencies can quanfy
benefits based on risks of applying the wrong treatment—either too much (wasted resources
for unnecessary work) or too lile (deficiency reappears and needs to be re-addressed prior
to normal life cycle for treatment). Agencies can also esmate reduced failure risks for crical
assets, potenally leading to lower insurance costs.
• Construc
on costs—if capabilies are used to improve project scoping and to avoid delays
and change orders associated with the late discovery of new informaon, agencies can
esmate an effecveness benefit based on average cost reducons for some percentage of
• Project coordina
on—if capabilies are improved to avoid conflicts across projects or
maintenance acvies—e.g., coordinate paving and ulity projects; avoid closing a main and
alternave route at the same me; benefits can be quanfied based on cost savings from
combining projects rather than doing them separately, and reducons in lane closures and
associated user costs.

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Summary of Efficiency and Effectiveness Benefits by TAM Business Area

Table 10 summarizes the types of benefits that can be achieved through using GIS for TAM.

Table 10. Value Added by GIS-TAM Capabilies

Business Area— Efficiency—“Doing Things Right” Effecveness—“Doing the Right Thing”

Understand Lower data collecon costs by: Improve accuracy of informaon,

State of the • Collecng mulple assets in a reducing risks associated with decisions
Assets—GIS single data collecon effort based on faulty informaon, and
Data Collecon maximizing value for decision making
• Automang locaon by:
assignment using standard
methods and tools • Using GPS to accurately capture
locaon informaon
• Opmizing inspecon roung
• Using GIS to aid in quality
• Using mobile devices loaded assurance—visualize data gaps
with exisng inventory to and anomalies
speed collecon
Reduce risk of injury to data collecon
personnel by:
• Using in-office GIS tools for
asset extracon from video or
LiDAR data

Understand the Reduce staff me by: Improve awareness of asset condion
State of the • Providing self-serve maps that across the agency by:
Assets— cut down on the need for staff • Providing a rich, easily accessible
Mapping and to fulfill special informaon data source integrang imagery,
Communicaon requests and allow new staff asset characteriscs, and
members (and consultants) to condion
quickly get up to speed
• Automang mapping tasks
currently accomplished on an
ad-hoc, manual basis

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Business Area— Efficiency— “Doing Things Right” Effecveness—“Doing the Right Thing”

Assess and Facilitate disaster recovery by: Lower agency risk exposure to asset
Manage Risks— • Providing a readily available failure by:
Risk Analysis data source on asset type, • Developing and using a robust
and Disaster locaon, and condion informaon base for risk
Recovery assessment and migaon
Lower insurance costs through:
• Demonstrang use of
prevenve maintenance to
lower failure risks for crical

Idenfy Needs Reduce staff me needed for data Idenfy and scope candidate projects
and Work manipulaon and analysis by: that extend asset life, improve safety,
Candidates • Speeding integraon of data minimize traffic disrupon, and reduce
from different sources using risks of adverse environmental impacts
spaal overlays and by:
automated • Integrang data that allows for
paroning/aggregaon of idenficaon of root causes for
linearly referenced data poor performance
• Providing a plaorm for • Integrang data that facilitates
collaboraon—common view consideraon of safety and
of informaon across mulple environmental factors in
work units—eliminang need determining maintenance and
to duplicate data integraon rehabilitaon need
tasks • Using spaal views of asset
needs to idenfy opportunies
for efficient packaging of work

Develop Reduce staff me needed for scenario Maximize use of available resources by:
Programs— analysis by: • Bringing together mulple data
Priorizaon • Automang and speeding data sets that facilitate priority
and Tradeoff integraon and presentaon seng
Analysis tasks • Providing capabilies for
visualizaon of the implicaons
of different fund allocaon
• Providing capabilies to easily
review a proposed program for
geographic balance

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Business Area— Efficiency— “Doing Things Right” Effecveness—“Doing the Right Thing”

Develop Reduce staff me needed to support Enhance public image and increase
Programs— decision makers by: support for funding by:
Internal and • Reducing agency staff me • Improving ability to
Public Outreach responding to informaon communicate agency plans to
and requests and preparing customers and elected officials
Communicaon presentaon materials for • Equipping agency execuves
agency execuves with intuive, self-service tools
for “telling the story” about
asset needs and program

Manage and Reduce me and cost of maintenance Minimize customer impacts by:
Track Work— acvies by: • Packaging work to coordinate
Proacve Work • Reducing the proporon of ming of mulple acvies
Scheduling and reacve maintenance through requiring lane closures
Coordinaon systemac planning of • Reducing risk of asset failure
prevenve maintenance using impacng traveler safety or
spaal data mobility through proacve
• Reducing need for return visits approach to maintenance
to bring addional equipment
or materials due to proacve
• Coordinang ming of
acvies involving similar skill
sets and equipment within the
same area
Manage and Increase efficiency in deployment of Enhance agency responsiveness to
Track Work— maintenance resources by: customers by:
Work Request • Facilitang locaon of work • Providing easy ways to report
Management requests and assignment to issues (e.g., via mobile apps)
the appropriate work unit • Providing maps showing status
• Automang work requests of work requests
Minimize customer impacts by:
• Reducing risk of asset failure
impacng traveler safety or
mobility through faster
idenficaon of issues

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Business Area— Efficiency— “Doing Things Right” Effecveness—“Doing the Right Thing”

Manage and More efficient deployment of Improve accountability through:

Track Work— available staff and equipment by: • Providing current informaon
Real-Time • Using real-me locaon on work progress and status
Tracking and tracking informaon to • Providing mely informaon on
Mobile Apps idenfy the closest crew work accomplishment and
• Lowering administrave costs budget status
for record keeping • Documenng work through
• Improving ability to select “before” and “aer” geo-tagged
most cost-effecve delivery photos
method—through comparing Improve ability to opmize asset
in-house unit costs to private- treatment by:
sector bids for similar work • Using a rich informaon base on
• Improving situaonal locaons with high recurring
awareness for dispatchers and responsive maintenance costs
field crews • Improving access to work
history informaon to help
idenfy root causes for
premature failure

Step 5: Identify Risks

Idenficaon of risks is an important part of developing the business case for a significant GIS/TAM
investment. It is important to idenfy risks for each of the opons, including the no acon opon.

A risk analysis allows agencies to:

• Examine assumpons about how much the iniave will cost, examine what benefits will be
realized, characterize the uncertaines inherent in these assumpons, and, if possible,
quanfy the impacts of higher and lower values of costs and benefits on project feasibility and
• Idenfy factors that could impact project success or feasibility, and develop migaon
strategies and conngency plans for each idenfied risk factor; and
• Highlight current vulnerabilies that an agency may have that could be reduced or eliminated
by undertaking the GIS/TAM iniave (e.g., ability to meet pending federal requirements).
Many agencies have established risk assessment and risk management procedures in place for major
informaon technology projects that can be adapted to examine risks associated with significant
GIS/TAM investments. The following types of risks should be considered for GIS/TAM iniaves:
• Organizaonal change—future changes in leadership, key personnel, or shis in priories
may jeopardize the funding or management support for the effort. This is a parcular concern
for iniaves that will require several years to complete. Migaon strategies include building
a stronger base of support within the agency to reduce reliance on one or two key individuals,
and/or pursuing a phased approach with concrete results aer each phase.

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• Technology change—rapid improvements in technology can mean that the tools or

architectural approach selected at the start of the iniave may be obsolete or relavely
inefficient by the me it is complete. It is important for agencies to be cognizant of where
technologies are heading when embarking on a new iniave.
• Cost uncertainty—costs may be higher than ancipated to due unforeseen issues. For
GIS/TAM iniaves, major risk factors include me required to clean up or convert legacy data
sets, me to fix or work around data quality issues in the agency’s linear referencing system,
unancipated complexies in integrang management systems and “scope creep” for custom
applicaon development when requirements aren’t clearly defined or there isn’t a process for
iterave development built in.
• Benefits uncertainty—benefits esmates are necessarily based on a set of assumpons about
what the iniave is expected to accomplish, and how it will impact efficiency and
effecveness of agency business processes. If these esmates are too opmisc, they won’t
be credible and will overstate the likely ROI of the iniave. If these esmates are too
conservave, the ROI will be understated and the agency may miss out on an opportunity to
• Funding or support uncertainty—the organizaon lacks the management commitment and
alignment to ensure a successful implementaon. It is important to confirm that the
necessary level of support and internal cooperaon required to implement the iniave is
Benefit-Cost Assessment Using Monte Carlo Simulaon
The Oregon Department of Transportaon conducted a benefit-cost analysis of nine GIS tools implemented
as part of a major bridge delivery program. In order to reflect uncertaines, they represented some of their
assumpons as probability distribuons rather than fixed values, and employed Monte Carlo simulaon to
analyze how variaons in benefits and costs would impact the analysis. They presented the results in terms
of the most likely value of the benefit-cost rao as well as low and high range values. For example, results
for the nine tools showed a most likely benefit-cost rao of 2.1 with a range from 1.8 to 4.1.
Source: reference [7]

Step 6: Put It All Together

The final step in assembling a business case is to pull all of the informaon together, look at the
results, and determine which opon(s) have the strongest potenal to achieve an agency’s objecves
with a posive return on investment.
A quantave ROI or benefit-cost analysis will strengthen an agency’s business case. Based on the
benefits and costs the agency has esmated in steps 3 and 4, it can develop esmates for each of the
opons. There are several templates available to help an agency—see, for example, reference [4]. In
developing an agency’s analysis, there are several challenges that the agency will need to recognize in
presenng its results:
• Acknowledging uncertainty. Prospecve (as opposed to retrospecve) ROI analyses rely on a
variety of assumpons about how the new capabilies will be used and what impacts they will
have. Uncertainty can be incorporated into the analysis through defining high and low values
for assumpons, or (as noted in the Oregon DOT example above) use a probabilisc approach
employing Monte Carlo simulaon.

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• Quanfying intangible benefits. Intangible benefits such as improved decision making and
enhanced customer responsiveness. Time savings through automaon of currently manual
funcons is the most straighorward benefit to analyze; other benefits do not lend
themselves as well to predicon and quanficaon.
• Accounng for changes in behavior. Technology investments enable new types of analyses
that would previously have been cost prohibive to pursue. Aer implemenng a new GIS
system, one might find that staff are spending more me on analysis rather than less.
However, their decisions are presumably being improved based on new informaon available.
Given the difficulty of quanfying improvements in effecveness, an agency will want to feature a
descripon of the qualitave benefits that it expects, including concrete examples where possible.
The following example illustrates the enre six-step process for developing a business case.

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Example: Adding Agency-Wide Geospaal Capabilies for Program Development

Business Need
State DOT “E” has a robust annual and mul-year program development process with both decentralized
(district-level) and centralized components. To assess roadway asset needs and performance, both
districts and headquarters offices rely on data from management systems that are not integrated,
including pavement management, bridge management, and roadway crash informaon. Although the
agency has a funconing GIS and the roadway inventory, structure inventory, and pavement condions
can be mapped through the agency GIS, these systems are not fully integrated for access through the GIS
view. In addion, the mul-year and annual program components are not currently geocoded through
the agency’s GIS, so there is no systemac way to map or analyze locaons of programmed projects.
A new asset management commiee was formed to develop a more integrated program development
process involving a greater degree of coordinaon across pavement, bridge, safety, and traffic
engineering improvement projects. Their goal is to provide a common view of asset condion, safety,
and programmed projects that can serve as the basis for project scoping and priorizaon that reflects
mulple needs.
The commiee defined three opons:
1. No change—connue current pracce of regular meengs across the different asset
managers and district staff to review needs and discuss coordinaon opportunies.
2. Modify the current program management soware to require mapping of candidate project
locaons; task the central GIS group with producing a map showing needs and project
locaons based on data exports from each management system.
3. Build a GIS tool for defining candidate projects that enables each work unit to view needs
from each management system.
Idenfy Costs
The commiee esmated the following costs for the different opons:
Opon 1 Opon 2 Opon 3
Inial Costs
A. Planning $0 $15,000 $30,000
B. So…ware
$0 $100,000 $150,000
C. Data Integraon $0 $0 $50,000
D. Training/Change
$0 $75,000 $100,000
Total Inial Costs $0 $190,000 $330,000
Ongoing Annual Costs
A. User Support $0 $10,000 $20,000
B. Mapping $0 $25,000 $0
C. Applicaon
$0 $5,000 $5,000
Total Annual Costs $0 $40,000 $25,000
NPV of Costs over 10 Years
$0 $531,208 $543,255
(3% discount rate)

NPV = net present value.

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Example: Adding Agency-Wide Geospaal Capabilies for Program Development (connued)

Idenfy Benefits
Interviews with staff in the pavement, bridge, and safety units were conducted to walk through their
current work process to prepare for program coordinaon meengs. In addion, interviews with district
office staff were conducted to understand what data they used from the asset, safety, and program
management systems and how much me they spent on data retrieval, reporng, and mapping tasks.
Based on these interviews, the commiee esmated the following efficiency benefits for opons 2 and 3,
relave to opon 1 (the baseline):
• Annual savings in pavement, bridge, and safety unit staff me to prepare data for meengs and
respond to quesons about needs and plans: $30,000—savings of $255,906 over 10 years.
• Annual savings in district office staff me to prepare maps of project locaons based on
descripons in the Program Management system: $15,000—savings of $127,953 over 10 years.
Differences between opons 2 and 3 in terms of efficiency are related to the need for manual
preparaon of maps for opon 2. This was accounted for in the cost analysis.
Total efficiency benefits were esmated at $383,859 over 10 years.
With respect to effecveness benefits, the commiee felt that having wel l-defined maps showing needs
and project locaons would result in improved project scoping that considers mulple needs—above and
beyond what would be accomplished via the current process. They also felt that it this would result in
more effecve program development, providing the ability to account for needs of mulple assets as well
as safety in project priorizaon and tradeoffs. Finally, they felt that opons 2 and 3 would improve the
agency’s external relaonships, providing the ability to communicate agency plans to customers and
elected officials. They hypothesized that opon 3 would have the largest benefit since it integrated the
GIS tool more directly within the project development workflow, and therefore would have relavely
greater influence on decision making.

Idenfy Risks
The commiee felt confident in the cost esmates and efficiency benefit esmates; the agency had
carried out soware development efforts of similar scale and complexity in the past, using similar
technologies and drawing on the same pool of in-house and consultant resources as they ancipated
would be available for this new effort. The major area of risk to be migated was to ensure that the
intended users of the new capabilies were on board and were amenable to changing their current
project scoping and priorizaon processes. To migate this risk, they developed a change management
plan including extensive user involvement in the applicaon development and tesng process.

The team decided that rather than trying to quanfy the effecveness benefits, they would subtract the
efficiency benefits from the costs and consider whether the effecveness benefits were worth the net
• Net costs for opon 2: $147,349 over 10 years.
• Net costs for opon 3: $159,396 over 10 years.
They compared these amounts to the scale of the pavement and bridge maintenance and rehabilitaon
program—projected to be $2.5 billion over the 10-year period. The net costs represented less than .06
percent of the program costs. They determined that the effecveness benefits were worth far more than
the net costs given the opportunity they represented to spend the available funds more wisely and
enhance the agency’s external accountability.

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4. Getting It Done: Ingredients for

The Seven Ingredients for Success
The success of any individual GIS/TAM iniave depends on a sound project plan that ensures
management support, involvement of the right people in the organizaon, selecon of the right
technologies, and a skilled and commied team. This secon looks at the bigger picture and
summarizes the essenal ingredients for success in using GIS as an enabler for more integrated,
spaally-enabled decision making.
Figure 12 below illustrates the building blocks for a GIS/TAM program that enables an agency to
create and sustain a powerful set of spaally-enabled data for TAM decision support and
communicaon—in a cost-effecve manner.

Better Decisions—Reduced Risk

More Informed Staff
Enhanced Agency Transparency
Integrated, Spatially-Enabled Data for TAM

5 6 7
Consistent Data Management Coordinated
Standards for
Systems Linked Data Collection
with GIS Programs

4 Foundational Geospatial Data

1 2 3
Leadership and GIS Tools and
Management &
Alignment Expertise

Figure 12. Ingredients for a Successful GIS/TAM Program

The three pillars at the boom are required to support the program:
1. Management commitment and organizaonal alignment. An appreciaon on the part of
agency execuves and division managers for how a spaal approach to asset management

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can benefit the agency is essenal, since they must provide the leadership to make something
happen. A shared vision for use of GIS across funconal areas is needed to achieve the
integraon across data sets and systems that leads to substanal payoffs. Achieving this
shared vision requires educaon and discussion to build awareness of the different levels of
GIS integraon with asset management.
2. Accessible GIS tools and exper se. Individual work units that play a role in TAM must have
access to GIS tools and experse so that they can fully integrate use of GIS into their daily
workflow. They need to have a comfort level that allows them to view GIS as a standard tool
in their toolbox—in the same category as spreadsheets and diagramming soware.
3. Well-defined and proac ve data management and stewardship. The agency must have
established roles, responsibilies for quality assurance and updang of spaally referenced
data sets, and protocols for sharing them and making them available as map layers.
Once there is management support, a shared vision, tools and experse, and a data management and
stewardship framework, the work of preparing and integrang data and converng this data into
informaon for decision making can proceed in an efficient and focused manner. Essenal
ingredients in making this happen are:
4. Accurate and complete founda onal geospa al data. The agency must have accurate and
complete geospaal data that provides the foundaon for mapping, analysis, and locaon
5. Spa ally integrated data sets. There must be standards and pracces to ensure consistent
spaal referencing across different agency data sets to facilitate integraon for mapping and
6. Management systems linked with GIS. Many transportaon agencies—especially state
DOTs—make use of mulple disparate systems for road inventory, HPMS, pavement, bridge,
traffic, safety, maintenance, program development, and financial management. Tight
integraon of these systems with a common GIS/LRS allows mulple data sets to be combined
for analysis.
7. Coordinated data collec on across the agency. A coordinated and consistent approach across
business units to collecng asset inventory, condion, and work accomplishment data in the
field enables the organizaon to achieve economies of scale and spread the cost of
investments in new technologies across mulple data collecon efforts.
These ingredients were idenfied because they represent areas in which agencies may need to focus
aenon in order to address common implementaon challenges. Challenges can be related to
leadership, personnel, data, technology, or general resource limitaons. These challenges can present
roadblocks to progress, but can also be viewed as opportunies for achieving true gains in agency
efficiency and effecveness. For each of these seven ingredients, potenal strategies for success are
presented that agencies can consider as they tackle specific challenges.

Ingredient 1: Management Commitment and Organizational Alignment

An appreciaon on the part of agency execuves and division managers for how a spaal approach to
asset management can benefit the agency is crical, since they must provide the leadership to make
something happen. Asset and program management business unit managers need to understand and
recognize opportunies for using GIS to gain efficiency and effecveness and to manage risk.

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In order to undertake iniaves requiring mul-year investments in foundaonal geospaal data,

tools, and technologies, sustained execuve support and a coordinated agency approach is required.
A shared vision across the agency for use of GIS can help to build support and ensure the level of
cooperaon needed to achieve true integraon of informaon and its associated benefits.

Common Challenges
Challenges faced by agencies that have not achieved management support and alignment include:
• A lack of management awareness within business funconal areas (e.g., pavement, bridge,
maintenance, program development) of potenal value added through geospaal analysis.
• Independent and inconsistent or duplicave GIS efforts within individual business units.
• The inability to jusfy investment for new systems and data iniaves given resource
limitaons and compeng priories and perceived risks associated with implementaon of
new technologies.
• Difficulty of implemenng iniaves with a mul-year payback horizon, parcularly given
limited tenure of agency leaders.
• An emphasis on day to day pung out fires rather than longer-term process improvements.
• A tendency to focus on the specific responsibilies of the business unit, even when greater
collaboraon with other units would result in greater benefits to the agency as a whole (e.g.,
safety and pavement management).

Strategies for Success

• Educaon. Build awareness and support for GIS iniaves across a broad coalion of middle
managers to support sustained mul-year efforts across changes in senior leadership. Provide
opportunies for business funconal-area managers to learn about successful applicaons of
GIS technology through training courses and peer exchanges.
• GIS Strategic Plan. Develop a strategic plan for GIS implementaon (or build on an exisng
plan by developing a GIS element for the TAMP). Involve key stakeholders from mulple
business units to build consensus on the approach.
• Plan for the Long Term. Define a mul-year program of GIS investments to spread costs over
me and ensure agency capacity to absorb changes to processes and applicaons.
• Business Case. Document a solid business case for parcular iniaves, demonstrang
alignment with agency mission and priories, and document (as well as quanfy where
possible) enterprise-wide benefits and costs.
• Pilots. Use pilots to demonstrate feasibility and benefits prior to a major commitment of
• Build Bridges. Encourage opportunies for collaboraon across the stovepipes where there
may be benefits to the agency as a whole.

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GIS in Maryland—the Power of Leadership

Support for GIS at the state level in Maryland has been strong due to a governor that has been quoted as
saying, “If it isn’t on a map, it doesn’t exist.” The governor learned firsthand about the power of GIS from
his experience as mayor of Balmore with the CiStat program. Maps were the centerpiece of this highly
successful performance management program, credited with achieving a substanal percent reducon in
violent crime. The governor has brought together state and local government to build a statewide base
map, providing the foundaon for the state highway agency’s enterprise GIS program that includes a
spaal asset data warehouse.

Ingredient 2: GIS Tools and Expertise

While most DOTs do have GIS soware and skilled GIS professionals, successful integraon of GIS
within TAM business processes requires that staff within units responsible for specific assets (e.g.,
pavement, bridge, safety) as well as staff with cross-asset program development responsibilies have
access to GIS tools and data, and the experse to know how to use these tools to conduct analysis.
They must have access to available agency GIS support resources including training and assistance
with GIS soware configuraon and data access. There must also be open communicaon channels
between agency GIS support unit and asset management staff to ensure that technology decisions
are being made to maximize business value.

Common Challenges
• A lack of GIS skills within business units responsible for asset and maintenance management
funcons and/or lack of knowledge about potenal applicaons that would save me or add
• Insufficient communicaon between central GIS units and the potenal user community to
understand applicaon needs and priories.
• A lack of tools that allow users without formal GIS training to view and analyze geospaal
• No centralized repository or catalog of available data from internal as well as external agency
sources—making data discovery difficult or me consuming at best.
• A lack of tools for downloading and exporng data in suitable formats.

Strategies for Success

• Central GIS Funcon. Establish a focal point for GIS in the agency to set the strategic direcon,
priorize investments, manage enterprise technologies and data, and provide support.
• Provide Tools for Casual Users. Build and deploy applicaons that automate access to GIS
data and enable casual users to create maps and overlay data sets. Tailor GIS applicaons to
the needs of specific user groups.
• Central Data Catalog. Provide a central GIS data catalog with standard metadata for each GIS
data set. Allow users to download data in mulple formats.
• User Group. Establish a GIS user group for informaon sharing about technologies, tools, and
applicaons. If a user group already exists, encourage staff from asset management–related
units to parcipate in meengs.

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• Brainstorming. Conduct informal brainstorming sessions involving asset management staff

and GIS professionals in the organizaon to idenfy how to beer leverage GIS capabilies.
• Integrate the Experts. Provide opportunies for central GIS staff to be embedded within
business units or rotate across business units.
• Hiring and Orientaon Processes. Include GIS and geospaal data management skills in staff
job descripons. Include an agency GIS data and basic applicaons course as part of new
employee orientaon.
• Standard New User Setup Process. Develop a standard process for seng up a new user and
providing the training and documentaon they need to get started using agency GIS tools.

Ingredient 3: Well-Defined and Proactive Data Stewardship

Agencies are increasingly recognizing that data is an asset in and of itself, and needs to be managed
as such. Prior to collecng data, there must be a well thought out plan for how these data will be
used and by whom, what are the quality expectaons and how they will be verified, where the data
will be stored, when and how they will be updated, what other informaon needs to be integrated,
and who will be responsible for day to day and policy-level management of the data. Because GIS
data sets typically integrate non-spaal business aributes associated with spaal features, they are
parcularly suscepble to duplicaon and synchronizaon issues. Sound data management pracces
can be implemented within an individual business unit, but ideally they will be standardized agency-
wide. This allows for an efficient centralized support structure to be established for data storage, data
quality assurance, metadata management, and access.

Common Challenges
• Ambiguity in who owns the data—making it difficult to establish accountability for data
• Dispersion of data sets throughout the organizaon, making it difficult to discover what data
• Loss of valuable data sets due to employee departures or hardware failures.
• Outdated data sets with no clear plan or assigned responsibilies for updang.
• Mulple versions of data sets—lack of a single-source system of record.
• Lack of staff resources to perform data quality assurance and updates.
• Data sets in varying formats without sufficient documentaon for users to understand the
content and limitaons.
• Lack of consistency in coding of fields needed for linkage across data sets—such as district,
organizaonal unit, jurisdicon, fiscal/calendar year, project number, etc.

Strategies for Success

• Data Business Plan. A data business plan effort can be undertaken to systemacally idenfy
what data are needed by different funconal areas and to lay out a coordinated plan for
collecng, updang, managing, and providing access to the data.
• Data Management Roles and Responsibilies. Roles and responsibilies for GIS data
management can be defined with a process to assign these roles to specific individuals for
each data set—with the support needed to ensure that these individuals have the knowledge,
me, and resources needed to meet their responsibilies.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

• Data Management Standard Pracces. Standard management pracces for GIS data sets—
including designaon of the single source system of record, naming convenons, storage and
backup protocols, metadata standards, cataloging, retenon policies, and procedures for
protecon of sensive informaon.
• Geospaal Data Catalog. Maintain an up-to-date catalog of geospaal data sets within the
agency, providing access to standard metadata, including clear idenficaon of the update
cycle and responsible business unit or individual.

Ingredient 4: Accurate and Complete Foundational Geospatial Data

Agencies embarking on GIS/TAM iniaves need to have accurate foundaonal geospaal data,
including a base map, road centerlines, and an LRS that provides the backbone for integraon of
roadway and asset data. In addion, it is important to have high quality basic road inventory data
including fundamental geometric and administrave characteriscs, as well as accurate and up-to-
date jurisdicon boundaries and district or regional boundaries that define maintenance
responsibilies. Each of these foundaonal elements must have a regular and well-defined updang
process, data management, and refresh processes that ensure use of the most current data from the
designated source system of record.

Common Challenges
• The lack of a single, authoritave, and centrally managed LRS.
• The lack of a consistent approach to managing and coordinang changes in the LRS over me.
• Poor quality of foundaon data (e.g., road centerlines and routes) is an impediment to
mapping and integrang asset data.
• Gaps in geospaal coverage of road inventory data.
• Road inventory elements such as number of lanes and pavement type are maintained in
separate databases and not kept in sync with a master source system of record.
• A lack of quality and consistency across other core geospaal data sets including jurisdiconal
boundaries, district/region boundaries, and road inventory data.

Strategies for Success

• Standardize Core Data. Implement a centrally-managed LRS with mulple referencing
methods reflecng agency business needs, drawing upon commercially available applicaons
as appropriate.
• Collaborate. Build foundaon data ulizing both internal agency resources and coordinaon
with external partners.
• Invesgate Commercial Data. Negoate with private data providers to determine whether
data purchase may be more cost effecve than in-house collecon and maintenance.
• Assess and Improve Quality. Develop and report data quality metrics for core geospaal data
sets including road centerlines, jurisdicon boundaries, district or region boundaries, and road
• Implement Standard Update and QA Processes. Define roles and responsibilies for updang
road centerline and LRS informaon as the road network changes. Make use of field-collected
data for asset management to check and improve road network data quality.

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• Incorporate Technology. Ulize new technology to automate exisng data collecon

processes and ensure accuracy.

Ohio DOT: Benefits from Common Spaal Referencing

“By analyzing business processes, the Ohio DOT realized that users at different levels were repeatedly
making business decisions that required asset informaon that was stored in disparate systems. There
were problems in decision making and delays in answering quesons. The GIS area was geng an
increasing number of requests for project maps that required tedious manipulaon of data from
different systems and the resulng data accuracy was quesonable.
The Ohio DOT recognized that having a common locaon referencing system is crical for integrang
systems. The various systems all had elements of referencing systems, but all had problems with data
integrity, domains, and consistency. The Base Transportaon Referencing System (BTRS) was designed
to address this data quality and integraon problem. BTRS integrates applicaon systems through a
common idenfier. The BTRS framework is the basis for consolidang the different inventories to a single
linear referencing system.”
Source: reference [8]

Ingredient 5: Consistent Data Standards Enabling Spatial Data Integration

Core data sets required for asset management such as asset inventory, asset condion, traffic, crash,
capital projects, and maintenance work records need to include consistent locaon referencing that
allows them to be spaally integrated. This is a major hurdle to overcome in many agencies. Tools for
combining linear event data (e.g., pavement secons, traffic links, projects) based on different
segmentaons must be easily accessible to analysts supporng asset management units.

Common Challenges
• Variaons in the locaon referencing methods across data sets that prevent data sets from
being mapped or placed on the established LRS. Foundaonal GIS and LRS data may be in
place, but this problem can be faced if LRS standards are not followed.
• Existence of data sets with varying levels of accuracy—collected by different organizaonal
units using varying techniques at different scales and with different aributes.
• Programs for asset inventory or inspecon may have been established prior to the
development of agency-wide locaon referencing standards.
• The agency’s central LRS is less accurate or less up to date than other LRSs, making business
units unwilling to use the central system unl data quality issues are corrected.
• A lack of automated tools for combining data sets based on different segmentaons of the
• A lack of consistency in data collecon processes, creang discrepancies in data collected at
different mes and on different versions of the network—data collected at different points in
me may reference locaons that have undergone changes in route designaons.
• GPS data collected without following standard protocols to ensure an acceptable level of
accuracy or precision.
• A lack of tools and methods to match up GPS-located data with the agency’s road network

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• Data collected without precise referencing (e.g., just a county and route) or using informal
locaon referencing—e.g., with text references to mile markers.
• Data collected using street names rather than official route designaons or referencing
overlap routes as opposed to the master or primary route designaons.
• Data referenced to jurisdicon boundaries based on signage that doesn’t match with official
boundary locaons in GIS data sets.
• Lack of tools and procedures for QA and translaon from coordinates to linear referencing.
• The agency lacks a designated funcon to perform proacve planning and coordinaon to
idenfy business needs for data integraon.

Strategies for Success

• Standardize. Develop policies and standards for new data collecon, contractor-supplied data
sets, and system development to ensure consistency with enterprise LRS.
• Define Data Integra on Requirements. Review specific business requirements for integrang
mulple data sets and establish necessary protocols for quality assurance, ming of updates,
and geospaal level of precision.
• Define Trend Analysis Requirements. Review business requirements for locaon-specific
trend analysis and other uses of historical data sets to ensure that requirements related to
temporality are met.
• Convert Legacy Data. Undertake efforts to aach consistent geospaal referencing to exisng
data sets, using automated or semi-automated processes where possible.
• Provide Tools. Develop/acquire tools for converng across different referencing methods,
dynamic segmentaon, and paroning across mulple linearly referenced data sets. Provide
access to these tools to both GIS/IT staff and business users.

Ingredient 6: Management Systems Linked with GIS

Asset and maintenance management systems—which serve as the focal point for review of asset
condions, needs, development of work candidates, and program/project management systems that
maintain informaon about proposed and programmed projects—should be spaally-enabled to
allow for convenient analysis. Each management system should be linked to the agency’s core
geospaal data, including its LRS. This allows for informaon from each system to be brought
together for analysis and presentaon, using the full array of GIS tools and applicaons that the
agency has available.
Today’s commercial asset and maintenance management systems include integrated GIS funconality
or can be configured to integrate with an agency’s GIS data and tools. Assuming that each
management system uses one (or more) of the agency’s standard locaon referencing method(s), the
key challenge in making this integraon work is keeping the management systems in sync with the
agency’s LRS as the road network changes. This is relavely straighorward for agencies that have a
single integrated GIS-centric asset management system. However, when an agency has several
different management systems (as most state DOTs do)—for pavement, bridge, road inventory,
safety, traffic, signs, signals, etc.—keeping networks in sync can require considerable effort. Some
agencies use a snapshot approach, refreshing spaal data across systems on an periodic (e.g., annual)
basis. Live spaal integraon across systems has been implemented, but involves greater complexity
and must be carefully planned and orchestrated.

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Common Challenges
• Asset and maintenance management systems were built with their own internal methods for
locaon referencing and management, and are inconsistent with the agency’s GIS/LRS
maintenance systems.
• Data from different asset management systems cannot be easily integrated due to
inconsistencies in locaon referencing and/or lack of tools to convert across referencing
• Projects and maintenance acvies are not spaally located in a standard way, making it
difficult to overlay this important informaon with asset inventory and condion data.
• Locaon referencing for data within asset management systems gets out of sync with the
agency’s master network as updates are made.

Strategies for Success

• Target Architecture. Develop a target system architecture that integrates GIS/LRS, asset
management, maintenance management, and program/project management systems.
Develop a strategy for moving toward the target architecture as legacy systems are replaced
or upgraded.
• So ware-Neutral Design. Implement a database-centric, soware neutral approach that
maintains agency flexibility to ulize a variety of off-the-shelf tools and takes advantage of
new products as they come available.
• Standard Interfaces. Develop standard interfaces to synchronize locaon referencing and to
enable the management of asset and work locaons within the central GIS/LRS while
managing business data within the asset management system maintenance management
system (MMS).
• Standardize Pracces for Locang Construcon Projects and Maintenance Acvies.
Integrate GIS-based interfaces into program and maintenance management systems that
allow end users to specify locaons for projects and maintenance acvies on the agency’s
• Simplify. Consider consolidaon of asset management soware packages to minimize the
number of interfaces and simplify data integraon processes. Benefits from simplificaon
need to be weighed against costs of system transion, the need to meet specialized
requirements, and the desire to avoid risks that may be associated with over reliance on a
single vendor.
• Leverage ERP Iniaves. If an agency is undertaking an ERP implementaon, use this as an
opportunity to standardize interfaces between management systems for asset inventory,
maintenance, and project/program management and the agency’s GIS/LRS.

Ingredient 7: Coordinated Data Collection Across the Agency

A coordinated approach to data collecon across business units responsible for different assets can
save the agency money and make it easier to ensure that data are collected using consistent and
compable spaal referencing methods. There may be opportunies to collect informaon for
mulple assets at once (e.g., through use of video and remote sensing techniques) or to use the same
field equipment and data collecon soware for several different assets. There may also be

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opportunies to update inventory and condion data based on work accomplished in a consistent
manner across mulple assets.

Common Challenges
• Resistance on the part of individual business units to change longstanding data collecon
programs that meet their specific needs and feed decision support systems.
• A lack of incenves to coordinate data collecon efforts across business units.
• Variaons in requirements for data collecon frequency, accuracy, and precision across
business units.
• A lack of a one-size-fits-all data collecon soluon to meet diverse requirements for accuracy
and precision.
• Inability to coordinate funding or ming for mulple special purposes or one-shot efforts that
are not planned well in advance.
• A lack of coordinaon between business units planning data collecon and central IT units to
provide storage and access for new data sets, contribung to data silos.
• Network and telecommunicaons limitaons prevenng reliable communicaon between
field devices and source or target databases.
• Costs associated with new data collecon hardware and soware acquision.

Strategies for Success

• Data Business Plan. Develop a data business plan that reviews the cost, efficiency, and scope of
data collecon efforts and that idenfies opportunies for consolidaon and applicaon of
new technology while recognizing a need for mulple approaches to meet business
• Standardize. Develop centralized data collecon standards, processes, and training along with
consistent approaches to locaon referencing and links to exisng asset inventory data across
data collecon efforts.
• Data Collecon Review Process. Develop criteria for undertaking new data collecon efforts
and a phased approach for adding new data sets.
• Consolidate. Build on a single exisng data collecon program (e.g., video logging) to meet
mulple needs.
• Pilot New Technologies. Pilot test new data collecon technologies [e.g., light imaging detecon
and ranging (LiDAR)] with mulple business units.
• Outsource. Consider outsourcing development of data collecon apps and/or data collecon
and quality assurance processes.
• Cloud Storage. Consider cloud-based data storage and access to reduce hardware demands.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Case Studies
The following case studies demonstrate how the ingredients for success have been ulized to
advance asset management pracces in several states. Each case study focus on a different aspect of
GIS implementaon and applicaon.

West Virginia DOT: Integrating Leveraging ERP Implementation for Advances in Asset
Management and GIS
West Virginia DOT (WVDOT) is responsible for maintaining almost
39,000 miles of roads, which represent the majority of the state’s
public roads. Unl 2005, WVDOT did not have a GIS unit or any
geospaal applicaons. The agency had purchased GIS soware, The introducon of GIS has had a
very posive impact on WVDOT's
but had not really begun to use GIS to manage its infrastructure or ability to visualize and combine
any of its assets. data in ways not possible before
In 2007, WVDOT developed a geospaal strategic plan to guide the agency adopted a geospaal
foundaon for data integraon.
implementaon of GIS both within the planning division and across
GIS has provided the agency with
the agency. Part of the plan was to adopt a consistent route ID large financial benefits resulng in
format to be used as a unique idenfier for each state-maintained the savings of several million
route. This standard route ID was then required to be used in all of dollars in tax payer dollars due to
the DOT’s business data systems, allowing for integrated viewing of more efficient reporng and
analysis. In addion, WVDOT is
assets and events in geospaal applicaons.
now working on integrang its
In 2012, the state of West Virginia began a major ERP project called geospaal technologies with the
wvOASIS. The goal of the project as stated in the mission statement agency’s asset management
systems through the state wvOASIS
is to “gain operaonal efficiencies and seamless integraon across
project. This ERP project will result
administrave business funcons by fundamentally transforming in the DOT's ability to be more
how the State manages its financial, human resources, procurement proacve in addressing safety and
and other administrave business processes.” For WVDOT, the ERP highway improvement needs.
project focuses on implemenng several modules of a commercial - Hussein Elkhansa,
asset management suite for maintenance, fleet, and safety. Geospaal Transportaon
Informaon Secon Head
While the wvOASIS project has been underway, WVDOT has made
great strides on the geospaal front. The agency has developed a
number of geospaal applicaons that allow for viewing, mining,
reporng, and mapping of asset and associated business data.
These geospaal applicaons include a straight-line diagram (SLD) tool with integrated mapping and
video log components and a highway performance monitoring system (HPMS) console.
The SLD allows the DOT to view point assets (e.g., culverts, bridges, highway signs, and intersecons)
and linear assets (e.g., speed limit, funconal classificaon, surface type, and guard rails) along its
network. The SLD includes an integrated map that can display themac informaon (such as color
coding routes based on pavement condion), charng capabilies (pie charts, graphs), asset display
and reporng, and redlining capabilies. WVDOT’s video log images can also be displayed through
the SLD.
The HPMS console provides WVDOT with the tools to track the processes associated with gathering
and validang the informaon needed for the annual FHWA submission. The HPMS fields are
displayed as a component of the integrated SLD.

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Recently, WVDOT made the decision to implement a commercial off-the-shelf soluon for managing
its underlying LRS and associated business data. The SLD has been developed to integrate with this
soluon and will allow for eding data through the SLD format.
With all the advances on both the GIS and asset management fronts at WVDOT, GIS and asset
management processes have remained fairly separate. WVDOT has therefore iniated a project to
integrate their LRS soluon with their commercial asset management systems, which includes
packages from two leading vendors. WVDOT is part of a mul-state consorum that is working with
leading GIS and Asset Management vendors to set standards that will allow for the exchange of data
using modern technologies.
WVDOT made the decision eight years ago to become a leader in the geospaal industry by
developing and deploying applicaons that integrate GIS and asset management technologies. Today
the agency has set an excellent example for other DOT’s for how to advance an agency’s decision-
making capabilies in a relavely short period of me.

Washington State DOT: Strong GIS Foundation for Decision Support

WSDOT has developed a mature GIS program that meets mulple business needs throughout the
agency, including project planning, programming, design, construcon, and maintenance. Key
elements of this program include:
• Standard locaon referencing methods used for road-related GIS datasets—based on state
route ID + milepoint—with translaon tools for converng across accumulated mileage,
milepost marker locaons, and GPS coordinates. These translaon tools are viewed as a major
success factor for the GIS program since they allow for flexibility in data collecon method
while ensuring a straighorward integraon path for data sets collected using different
• A GIS Roadway Datamart containing geospaal data on roadways (lanes, widths, surface
types), shoulders, medians, alignments, curves, intersecons, speed limits, bridges, rest areas,
weigh staons, and other elements. Because WSDOT’s core highway inventory system is
mainframe-based, the agency uses a data warehousing approach to facilitate access to pre-
packaged data sets.
• The GeoData Distribuon Catalog which provides web-based access for viewing and
downloading spaal data sets, including those in the Roadway Datamart.
• The GeoPortal Map for viewing selected data layers in a web browser, including funconal
classificaon, jurisdicon boundaries, interchange drawing diagrams, and WSDOT region and
maintenance boundaries.
• The Roadside Features Inventory Program (RFIP) for collecng, storing, and reporng roadside
features such as guardrails, culverts, signs, and others in or near the clear zones of highways.
This effort consolidated previous efforts within individual business units to collect data and
provided a uniform approach that standardized and centralized collecon and storage. This
approach allowed WSDOT to improve data collecon efficiency, data accuracy and
consistency, and enhance data access and reporng. The data are used for a variety of
purposes, including priorizaon of maintenance and safety funds, and environmental
regulatory compliance. Currently WSDOT is exploring cost-effecve ways to collect and
update roadside feature data by capturing informaon using GPS-enabled mobile devices as
part of construcon and maintenance processes. For example, maintenance crews update
informaon on culverts while performing roung cleaning.

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• The GIS Workbench that brings together an extensive set of GIS data layers in an ArcGIS (thick
client) environment (including the roadside features data, collision data, traffic data,
environmental data, etc.) and provides specialized tools for spaal analysis and access to as-
built plans and imagery, and impact risk screening. This applicaon was originally developed
to support environmental analysis, but currently is used more broadly across the DOT and can
be configured to meet specific needs. Standard processes have been developed for adding
new data layers—including establishment of data owners and update cycles. The applicaon is
supported by GIS staff who update the data layers and associated metadata, provide training
and support, and conduct periodic outreach to idenfy enhancement needs.
• WSDOT collects and displays real-me data from maintenance vehicles, including plow
locaon, applicaon of sand and de-icing chemicals, temperature, and surface condion. This
informaon is used to manage winter maintenance acvies and deploy trucks to where they
are most needed.
Recent examples of how WSDOT has used GIS for decision support related to asset management
• Used GIS to analyze a proposal to lower the threshold for triggering pavement treatments to
address rung from 12 to 10 millimeters. Spaal data was assembled on fatalies (six years
of data), paving projects with rut depth prior to paving, and rainfall intensity. An analysis of
these data indicated that there was no evidence that shiing to the 10 millimeter trigger
would have any significant impacts on fatality reducon. While the movaon for considering
the threshold change was to reduce fatality risk, the analysis helped to show a negligible level
of risk reducon for a change that would require a higher allocaon of funds for paving.
• Used GIS to assess Americans with Disabilies Act (ADA) needs for development of a
transion plan and targeted program. Spaal data on idenfied ADA needs idenfied in 2009
were overlaid with completed paving projects since 2009 in order to assist with idenficaon
of remaining needs.

Utah DOT: GIS as a Transformative Technology for Asset Management

Utah DOT (UDOT) provides an example of an agency that transformed itself from GIS skepc to GIS
proponent over a relavely short span of me. This transformaon has changed the pracce of asset
management—enabling the agency to use available informaon to beer target its resources.

Initial Efforts
The agency started with an applicaon in the environmental area—
creaon of categorical exclusion documents. They succeeded in reducing GIS has really changed the
way we do business at
the process from months to a few days by pulling together available data UDOT.
within a common GIS plaorm and automang standard processing and
- Stan Burns,
display tasks. UDOT Director of
A second successful effort involved presenng the STIP on a GIS plaorm. Asset
While this was costly to achieve since the project data were not spaally Management
referenced in a consistent manner, the result provided a highly useable
tool that allowed legislators to understand the program—and
represented a major improvement over the somewhat daunng 400 page
STIP document providing tabular lisngs of each project. The format allowed UDOT to effecvely tell

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the story in a way that they had never been able to before. Through this pracce, Utah DOT was able
to portray the agency as capable, forward thinking, pro-acve, and worthy of consideraon for
revenue enhancements. GIS was not the single soluon that helped to build public confidence in the
agency, but it played an essenal role in this process. Lawmakers responded extremely favorably to
the GIS informaon provided—they asked “Why haven’t you shown us this before?”

UDOT Today
Aer demonstrang inial success by leveraging exisng data, UDOT worked to establish consistent
locaon referencing across data sets. The agency’s efforts to establish a disciplined approach to
maintaining construcon project locaons paid off, when before it inially took weeks of effort to
map the construcon program, now an accurate program map can be created at the click of a buon.
At the same me, UDOT pursued development of two applicaons: UGATE and UPLAN, providing
centralized GIS data access and display capabilies. It also invested in obtaining a rich base of high-
quality roadway and asset data ulizing LiDAR technologies. The LiDAR data collecon effort has
• Pavement surface area and width.
• Shoulders.
• Horizontal and vercal curves.
• Intersecons (signalized and unsignalized).
• Bridges (including vercal clearances).
• Retaining walls.
• Bike lanes.
• Medians and barriers.
• Signs (inventory and condion).
• Culverts.
• Drop inlets.
• Guardrails.
• Pavement markings and messages.
• Rumble strips.
UDOT’s UGate portal allows users to find and download data derived from the LiDAR collecon and
other sources in different GIS formats. In addion to the LiDAR elements listed above, data available
in UGate includes pavement condion, pavement deflecon, HPMS inventory informaon,
jurisdicon boundaries, AADT, crash rates, annual planned paving projects, construcon program
projects, and long-range plan projects.
UDOT’s UPlan provides an interacve mapping plaorm hosted in the cloud. UPlan features a series
of special purpose map views, including:
• A STIP workshop map, providing access to informaon about proposed projects;
• A pavement management map showing historical and current pavement condion for Utah
state roads as well as current, past, and forecasted pavement treatment projects;
• A culvert map showing culvert locaon, type, size, condion, and maintenance acon
recommendaons; and
• A map supporng data quality assurance for sign retroreflecvity informaon.

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Map 6 illustrates a GIS capability for providing access to informaon about proposed transportaon

Map 6. Provide Informa on About Proposed Projects

UPlan maps are interacve and customizable, and APIs are provided for development of mobile
Currently, GIS at UDOT is an essenal tool not just for displaying the end result of the program
development process, but also for developing the program itself—and telling the story of how it was
• UDOT is now able to make use of integrated AADT, crash, geometric, elevaon, and asset
condion informaon to target resources where they will have the greatest payoff
considering needs for safety, mobility, and preservaon.
• Using integrated GIS data, UDOT is able to idenfy specific locaons where asset replacement,
rehabilitaon, and preservaon acvies can be coordinated. As an example, the agency
created a sign and culvert management program that provides funding for sign and culvert

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replacement or repairs that are linked to paving projects. Tailored GIS views are provided to
assist in targeng locaons based on condion of pavements, culverts, and signs.
• GIS applicaons are used to assemble data for developing project concept plans considering
mulple assets. These applicaons are used interacvely at program development workshops
with the Transportaon Commission to provide an overview of each candidate project and to
zoom in to show road imagery, current condions, and project details. DOT staff have also
used UPlan to distribute maps before meengs, cung down significantly on me spent
reviewing project plan elements and other details.

Use at the Regional Level

Although the technology and tools are sll new, UDOT regional offices are already finding GIS to be a
valuable tool in conduct of their day-to-day acvies. Region 4, in
parcular, has championed GIS usage for a range of applicaons and
found that it has really supported their ability to do more with less (in
terms of resources and staff). Because this region covers a very large area Like most DOTs, we have
spanning the enre southern half of the state, planning, scoping, and a finite number of
employees. We can’t do
coordinang work is a significant challenge. GIS has helped staff to
more with less if we keep
reduce me spent in the field. They have deployed smartphone apps that doing things the same
allow staff to easily geo-reference informaon. This informaon is then way—it is necessary to
made available for statewide access. Some of the ways Region 4 is using embrace new
GIS include: technologies like GIS. That
is the only way to be
• Tracking rumble strips—the region has been a leader in more efficient.
applicaon and installaon of rumble strips to improve traffic - Monte Aldridge,
safety. They have compiled GIS data on current rumble strip Preconstrucon
locaons and types (shoulder or center line), locaons that have Engineer, UDOT
been evaluated for potenal applicaon with condions that Region 4
preclude installaon (e.g., bike route or no shoulder), and
locaons not yet evaluated. This informaon is shared widely and
used for safety analysis and project planning.
• Idenfying wildlife crossing locaons—Region 4 is engaged in an ongoing effort to reduce the
number of wildlife–vehicle collisions on its roadways through the addion of wildlife roadway
crossings. They use their smartphone app to geo-reference sites where animal carcasses are
picked up. They use UPlan to display these data along with data on locaon and
characteriscs of exisng culverts and bridges. This analysis helps them to quickly hone in on
candidate locaons for new crossings. Prior to availability of easy-to-use GIS tools, this type of
analysis was outsourced—now it can be done in-house. This results in an esmated cost
savings of roughly $30,000 per analysis.
• Preparing for project scoping visits—Region 4 engineers, designers, and surveyors use UDOT’s
Linear Bench SLD tool to review exisng asset data in preparaon for site visits. They have
found that this allows them to reduce the amount of me spent in the field and avoid the
need for repeat visits. This is extremely helpful given the large size of the region—it may take
three or more hours of travel me to reach a project site. Rather than spending on-site me
collecng new data, they simply confirm the accuracy of data and assumpons that will be
used for scoping and design. Correcons and updates are recorded ulizing smartphone apps.

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• Reducing project delays and permit approvals—Region 4 has already seen examples of
approvals moving much more quickly through the perming process because the locaons of
concern (e.g., environmentally sensive areas) can be accurately mapped and easily shared
with partner agencies. In a recent case the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service approved a request
for a project in one day because of the display of GIS data; prior to having this in GIS, the
approval process could have taken up to two months. In another case, staff were able to
ulize data derived from design files for a project to see that a planned guardrail was located
within a known cultural site. Based on mapping informaon, they were able to adjust the
guardrail locaon by a few hundred feet and avoid the need to conduct a costly and me
consuming (months long) environmental review.
• Designing projects—Region 4 designers are finding that the GIS data is accurate enough for
use in preliminary design work. Without much work, the DOT can have an accurate esmate
of a potenal project. Availability of accessible, high-quality data has allowed staff to reduce
the number of trips to the field, resulng in substanal cost savings for the agency.
• Sharing notes from the field—as surveyors, inspectors, or engineers are in the field, they are
able to upload their notes about condion, etc. directly to the GIS database using a smart
phone or other mobile device. These notes are then accessible to anyone else working on the
In Region 4, a pre-construcon engineer serves as a strong champion for GIS adopon, and technical
support is provided by a GIS specialist housed within the regional office. These two individuals were
crucial to the success of GIS adopon and realizaon of associated business benefits. Once inial
capabilies were introduced, region staff idenfied many other ways in which GIS could add value.

Payoff from GIS and Open Data

UDOT was recently selected by the Naonal Associaon of State Chief Informaon Officers (NASCIO)
as a finalist for the State IT Recognion Award in the Open Government Iniaves category.1 They
were honored for their efforts related to open transportaon data with UGate and UPLAN. Per
NASCIO’s project descripon, UDOT esmates the following cost benefits relevant to this project:
• Improved asset inventory using LiDAR Point Cloud: $250,000/year.
• Improved workflow and data visualizaon in the planning process in FY2012: $300,000.
• Streamlined NEPA data collecon and categorical exclusion documentaon: $100,000 in first
• Eliminaon of need for (state) redundant or similar systems and data through effecve
sharing: $5 million one-me and $1,600,000 ongoing.

Success Factors
The following elements have been instrumental in the agency’s success to date in applying GIS for
asset management:
• A common LRS – like many agencies, UDOT houses business data in separate systems. A
common LRS is crical for pulling it all together for display and analysis in UPlan. Five or six
years ago, there were several different ways of locang informaon on the road network. It
took senior leadership and management to get everyone on the same page.


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• Emphasis on collaboraon and sharing data across the agency, and with partner agencies –
this was a “mantra” used to help break down the tendency for each business unit to want to
collect and manage data sets tailored for its own specific uses. UDOT is currently sharing data
layers with many agencies throughout the state, and they look forward to expanding data
• GIS leadership and technical capabilies—UDOT was one of the last DOTs to establish an
agency-wide GIS manager posion, and a strong business case analysis was required before
the agency moved forward with that hire. This person is in charge of managing the quality of
the data, maintaining the server, and the process of using it and sharing it. Now leadership
understands the importance of not only centralized GIS management to provide a
coordinang funcon, but also of establishing strong in-house GIS experse throughout the
agency. For example, when the agency recently filled a vacancy in the HPMS team, leadership
established GIS skills as a prerequisite for candidates for this posion. Understanding of the
importance of GIS skills has grown over the past two years, coinciding with the agency’s ability
to demonstrate value added through GIS/TAM applicaons.
• Recognion of the importance of data management, including disciplined planning for
updang and linking data sets aer inial collecon.
• Training and communicaon on GIS. It is important to get the word out and establish two-way
communicaon with staff across the agency. UDOT has conducted focus groups with regional
staff to educate them about the capabilies of GIS and discuss potenal uses.
• Mentality and atude—a posive atude is essenal, with the ability to approach issues as
challenges to be overcome rather than roadblocks to acon.

Maryland State Highway Administration: Enterprise GIS for Better Decision Making and
The Maryland State Highway Administraon (SHA) is working toward a vision of a fully integrated,
GIS-enabled asset management process. They have put in place the foundaon building blocks—
including data, applicaons, and change management elements—and have a framework for filling out
the rest of the picture over me. The agency is already reaping the benefits of what they have
accomplished to date in the form of improved collaboraon, efficient informaon sharing and
disseminaon both internally and externally, and high-quality decision support.
SHA has geospaal inventory data for pavements (including mainline, ramps, turn lanes, and
shoulders), bridges, retaining walls, culverts, noise walls, stormwater facilies, highway lighng, and
signs. The agency is in the process of building inventory for several addional assets. SHA uses either
latude/longitude or the county-route-milepoint LRS to locate each asset. These locaons are used to
build spaal data layers that can be shared and integrated into a variety of applicaons. Data are
collected using a combinaon of methods—some asset informaon is extracted from videologs;
other asset informaon is collected in the field using mobile devices.
SHA’s enterprise program (eGIS) has established a GIS technology-based data architecture that serves
informaon needs of mulple business purposes—addressing both execuve and operaonal
funcons. eGIS is managed by the planning office and provides an standard applicaon framework for
management, display, and analysis of spaal informaon. The system provides access to all of the
agency’s spaal data layers, as well as several external data layers from other agencies. eGIS

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integrates over 61 spaal data themes, including asset data, construcon project data, unstable
slopes, and outputs from the statewide model. In order to improve the quality of construcon project
locaon data, SHA recently put in place a requirement that all projects must have a GIS locaon
entered in order to receive funding approval. This requirement was implemented as a business rule
within the agency’s electronic funding approval form.
eGIS includes an asset data warehouse (ADW) used to manage data on highway lighng, line striping,
signs, traffic barriers, and rumble strips—with web-based eding and reporng features. For
• For rumble strip planning, districts view a map showing where there are qualified roads for
rumble strips and where there are already exisng rumble strips. They can add planned or
excepon records (where rumble strips are not recommended). This informaon goes to the
office of traffic safety for approval, and is used to plan contracts for new rumble strip
installaon. Reports are available showing the total qualified rumble strip mileage without
exisng treatments by route prefix.
• “Canned” reports show total assets by district and asset type; custom reports allow for
queries of asset quanes by type on specific routes.
Map 7 illustrates a GIS capability for using asset informaon to serve both execuve and operaonal

Map 7. Maryland SHA eGIS—Highway Lighng Inventory

SHA plans to add traffic signals and park-and-ride lots to the ADW next. The agency is also planning a
new data collecon effort for sign retro-reflecvity and will build in requirements for the data
collecon contractor that will ensure that new data can be integrated with the ADW.
SHA has developed an “Asset Management Matrix” that tracks implementaon progress for 13
different asset categories. Progress steps include establishing a documented asset management
process, a plan for collecng and managing inventory data, and housing the data in the ADW. Data
for some assets (e.g., pavements and bridges) are housed in specialized management systems; these
data are currently integrated with eGIS through a combinaon of batch processes and live database

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linkages. As older applicaons are replaced, SHA will consider transioning inventory data into the
One of the eGIS applicaons allows staff to assess and track ADA compliance—e.g., missing
sidewalks—and idenfy paving projects to address deficiencies. Another allows SHA staff to idenfy
asset vulnerabilies related to climate change—e.g., based on erosion potenal and flooding risk.
As part of an FHWA-sponsored pilot project, SHA is conducng outreach with field staff and geng
input on areas where frequent flooding occurs and the resulng impacts on assets (e.g., buildup of
sedimentaon, loss of drainage funconality, pipe deterioraon due to salt exposure). This
informaon is being located on GIS and combined with other available data (floodplains, FEMA flood
depth risk groups, weather-related road closures from the incident management program, road
elevaons from the pavement condion assessment vans, and available asset locaon and
characteriscs data). This collecon of spaal data will be used to evaluate opons to reduce risks
through asset replacement/retrofit, changes in asset sing and design criteria and standards, and
changes in maintenance pracces. SHA is working to develop a routable network in order to beer
understand and priorize risks and support emergency evacuaon planning.
GIS has been used as an instrument for changing the culture of SHA toward more data driven decision
making. The eGIS program has been able to break down the silos across program and project
managers. GIS is also viewed as essenal for performance-based planning and programming, bringing
together safety, congeson, and asset condion data. GIS provides the necessary integraon
plaorm to tell the story of what is needed to meet agency goals—and of the gap between current
needs and planned investments. Examples include:
• SHA conducts an annual analysis of safety corridors using GIS to idenfy what projects have
been completed, which are planned, and what else is needed.
• GIS is used to assess the adequacy of exisng corridor planning efforts based on current
bolenecks and areas of unreliability (derived from real-me traffic data).
• GIS has been used to link corridor planning, asset management, and NEPA acvies. For the
Capital Beltway project, the eGIS provided a central base of informaon that could be used by
representaves of planning, construcon, and design; as well as by individual asset owners to
idenfy issues and needs to be addressed and help determine how to phase NEPA acvies.
• GIS is used to idenfy where work on different assets can be scheduled together in order to
minimize traffic disrupon on high-volume facilies.
GIS has been used to enhance the efficiency of decision support for key management meengs at
SHA. For example, at system preservaon meengs, staff used to prepare presentaon slides for each
candidate project based on compilaon of data from mulple sources. This preparaon was very me
consuming. Now, with eGIS, advance preparaon needs are minimal—staff zoom to the project
locaon and use aerial photos and safety and asset data to establish priories. GIS is also now used at
bi-annual administrave project reviews to address execuve quesons on specific projects. Before
this tool was available, about 25% of the projects would require staff research, adding effort and
delay to the review process.
GIS is also being used as an external communicaon tool. SHA is using ArcGIS online to create a map
showing projects to be funded with the newly passed 7% gas tax increase. A map service is also being
created indicang the status of all public roads (open, closed, under construcon) for emergency
management purposes. The agency plans to build on its one-stop-shop model within eGIS to develop

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addional targeted GIS applicaons that are tailored to meet specific business needs and/or user
SHA has developed a strategic plan for further integrang the eGIS program into SHA business
processes, adding value through the analycal assessment of business data in a geospaal context.
For example, one new “widget” candidate would be used to analyze crash data hotspots in
relaonship to roadway projects to determine whether crash-prone locaons are improving or
decreasing incidents due to modificaons applied to these locaons. SHA is also beginning to use GIS
to assess geographic balance in the pavement program. This has been valuable for assessing potenal
impacts of a purely data-driven pavement priorizaon approach on local economies in rural porons
of the state where paving contractors are major employers.
With the spaal asset inventory as a foundaon, SHA is turning its aenon to the asset work
tracking funcon. The agency recently deployed 160 tablets to maintenance crews, who will be using
these devices in the field to record completed work. These data will enable tracking of expenditures
by asset, acvity, and route locaon. Future goals include implementaon of a more complete GIS-
based maintenance management funcon. The ability to link work history informaon to asset
condion data is essenal to establishing relaonships between maintenance acvity and asset life
extension, which is a key criterion for determining federal eligibility.
While the focus to date has been on implemenng asset management processes for individual assets,
the intent is to develop capabilies for balancing investments across assets based on risk. This would
involve establishing minimum condion or performance thresholds for each asset class. GIS tools
could be used to visualize which assets are meeng (or exceeding) these thresholds and idenfy
opportunies for adjusng the balance of investment.
Key success factors in SHA’s GIS/TAM efforts include:
• Management support for GIS at mulple levels of the agency.
• Extensive GIS training across the agency, including in district offices to build familiarity with
GIS tools and applicaons.
• Recognion of the value of GIS for helping asset managers to look across programs—both
statewide and in the context of major corridors, and for leng the public know that the
agency is pung the available dollars where the needs are greatest.
• Commitment to strengthening data-driven decision making—with a focus on safety,
mobility/economy, and system preservaon/asset management—and understanding of how
GIS can help in this process.
• Business-driven planning and priorizaon of GIS investments—with close coordinaon
between planning and IT units to coordinate project requests and integrate business and
spaal data components.
• GIS-centric data collecon, storage, presentaon, and analysis technologies, architected so
that one system can serve mulple business purposes within the agency, from strategic to
operaonal funcons.
• Phased approach to building a core plaorm that can be extended to meet a variety of
business needs.

Illinois DOT: Building a GIS Foundation with an Outsourced Approach

The Illinois Department of Transportaon (IDOT) experience provides an example of an outsourced
approach to building a GIS foundaon for asset management and other DOT applicaons. An inial

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network design provided a flexible basis for migraon to the outsourced approach and integration
with a variety of exisng systems for asset management.
In 1996, IDOT completed development of a digital link/node base for its road network, with
integraon to their completely redesigned legacy mainframe roadway inventory systems. Scanned
county maps (to approximately 1:64,000 scale) provided the basis for the network, which
encompassed 224,000 digized link segments represenng over 107,000 miles. The network included
centerline coverage of all state, county, and township jurisdicon roadways and federal-aid municipal
jurisdicon routes. However, approximately 35,000 miles of the municipal street network were not
included due to the high level of effort for idenficaon.
Over me, IDOT gradually improved the accuracy of the digized links and integrated the link/node
base with addional databases to support asset management–related applicaons as follows:
• Roadway, structure, rail/highway crossing inventories.
• Traffic data collecon and management.
• Operaons and maintenance acvies.
• Annual and mul-year planning and programming acvies
• Individual and high crash locaon idenficaon.
• Video inventory and condion assessment.
• Project management.
One recent example of IDOT’s applicaon of GIS for asset management is shown below in Map 8. This
map was prepared to idenfy structures for improvement to accommodate overweight truck acvity
due to new "fracking" acvies. They display the deficient structures and identy by program year
those that will be improved. The map view provided the ability to link structures and the program
with travel need corridors.

Map 8. IDOT District 9—Deficient Structures by Program Year of Upgrade

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A valuable characterisc of IDOT’s spaal informaon systems infrastructure is the direct linkage of
data to the underlying LRS using a variety of system idenfiers including differing milepost
referencing and project numbering schemes. This direct linkage enables the complex integraon of
asset management–related data files across the enterprise and also provides access to historical asset
informaon. Changes to the route referencing systems are readily accommodated without loss of
integrave capabilies. Newly available internal and external spaal informaon layers can be
accommodated when referenced to IDOT’s LRS or to state plane coordinates. Outputs include a
variety of user-developed asset management idenficaon and analysis products.
IDOT uses data warehouse funconality to provide access to historical data through the creaon of
year-end archives for the roadway inventory files and the LRS. These archived files can be accessed
for historical informaon on traffic levels, pavement condion, and roadway rehabilitaon projects in
support of pavement network analysis and research acvies. Thus, comparisons can be made over
the same secon of roadway by using the LRS reference, even if the route name or milepost
convenon has changed.

Upgrading the LRS

In 2005, IDOT made the decision to reference road network informaon from an outside source in
order to fill gaps in the exisng roadway geometry and network capabilies. Primary movang
factors were:
• Recognion that beer accuracy was needed for mulple purposes including federal
reporng, external communicaons, safety analysis, and truck permit roung;
• Increasing demand and use for IDOT all-public-roadway–GIS layer for sharing with other
state agencies and local agencies for funcons such as crash locaon;
• Insufficient internal staff resources to perform full county-by-county or city-by-city analysis
to verify exisng routes and locate missing roads; and
• Lack of a mely and accurate resource to verify roadway data—parcularly for local roads.
Video inventory informaon was available primarily for state-maintained roads. Aerial
photography was up to seven years old and missing in some locaons. Field verificaon of
the extensive local road network was cost prohibive.
Illinois entered into an intergovernmental agreement for sharing NAVTEQ roadway informaon in
collaboraon with GIS Soluons and ESRI to provide a statewide comprehensive digital road network
database. Under this agreement, NAVTEQ delivered quarterly updates of the map database to GIS
Soluons, which was responsible for integraon and deployment of the data within the IDOT
environment. The original plan was to “convert” the NAVTEQ geometry and make it the underlying
spaal linear reference. However, during the conversion process, constraints were discovered that
forced an alternave path. Instead, IDOT staff conflated various characteriscs of their roadway
inventory with the NAVTEQ data, allowing the dynamic segmentaon of event data onto the new
roadway geometry, when applicable. In 2010, IDOT migrated to a roadway inventory system fully
maintained in a relaonal database environment, both events and geometry, implemenng a route
system in polyline-M. Taking advantage of the versioning and storing capabilies offered by ArcSDE,
mulple editors were able to work on versions of the data, which were subsequently reconciled,
creang a producon dataset stored and accessed in ArcSDE on an IDOT server.
IDOT has used the NAVTEQ roadway base for a variety of applicaons. For QA, IDOT was able to
locate and verify over 5,000 miles of addional local roads, which had not previously been included in

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

the Illinois roadway inventory. The roadway base also provided a QA check on the roadway inventory
network and served as a reliable source for idenfying and/or verifying new roadway segments. The
intergovernmental agreement also supported sharing of the NAVTEQ roadway base with state and
local units of government for roadway management and crash locaon acvies.
The roadway base also enabled roadway roung applicaons by adding dual carriageway centerline
informaon for divided roadways. IDOT used this base for the development of its recently completed
truck permit roung system for oversize and overweight trucks on the enre 15,000 mile plus state
roadway network. Achieving a comprehensive, navigable GIS roadway base represents a significant
milestone in terms of GIS deployment and use in Illinois. The robustness of the data enables the
development of mulple applicaons, all based on a common set of features, allowing for a common
display and analysis base for all of the state’s governmental agencies.
Benefits of the outsourced approach were:
• More efficient QA for enre public roadway network (>145,000 miles);
• Easier idenficaon of new public roadway segments;
• New base for permit and access roung applicaons;
• More reliable roadway network for integraon with external datasets, providing addional
valuable input for asset management analysis;
• More accurate, precise, and complete local agency roadway informaon for data sharing
and communicaon; and
• Improved locaon-addressing capabilies.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

1. Even Keel Strategies, Introducing a Maturity Model for Enterprise GIS, 2008.
2. Sonnen, David, J. Moeller, and D. LeBranche, Geospa al Enterprise Integra on Maturity Model.
Northrup Grumman, June 24, 2009.
3. URISA GIS Management Instute. GIS Capability Maturity Model, April 2013, Public Review Dra.
4. Maguire, David J., Ross Smith, and Victoria Kouyoumjian. The Business Benefits of GIS: An ROI
Approach. ESRI, Inc., 2008.
5. Dye Management Group. Transporta on Asset Management Feasibility Study. Prepared for the
Washington State Department of Transportaon, 2009.
6. Oregon Department of Transportaon, Asset Management Strategic Plan, November 2011.
7. Ford, Mark, Robb Kirkman, Jim Cox, and David Ringeisen. Benefits of GIS to Manage a Major
Transportaon Program: Evaluaon and Lessons Learned. In Transporta on Research Record:
Journal of the Transporta on Research Board, No. 2291. Transportaon Research Board of the
Naonal Academies, Washington, D.C., 2012, pp. 1–7.
8. Adams, Teresa M. Synthesis of Best Prac ces for the Development of an Integrated Data and
Informa on Management Approach. Midwest Regional University Transportaon Center,
No. MRUTC 03-02. 2008, page. 14

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Appendix A: Applications Catalog

TAM Business Agency Applica on

Manage and Rhode Island The Rhode Island DOT is implemenng a CMMS to manage its roads and
Track Work DOT highways asset base. The DOT is leveraging its statewide GIS data to
allow work orders to be aached to assets spaally, allowing the DOT’s
maintenance programs to be tracked as they would be in any other work
order management/CMMS system but with the crical addional ability
to track where the work is happening by asset type. The project involves
integraon of the new ESRI linear referencing GIS data model and work
flow for roads and highways.

Understand the Ohio DOT A single data collecon vehicle collects highway data on the enre
State of the network. Data types include super HD videolog (nave resoluon of the
Assets roadway at 7500 X 2000 pixels, as well as an addional rear-facing
camera), internaonal roughness index (IRI) smoothness data, transverse
profile for rung, surface macrotexture, GIS, vercal and horizontal
Assess and curvature, grade, cross slope, and many others. All data is collected in a
Manage Risks single pass and shared over a local network or Internet browser.
Recently, the state spearheaded a project to extract asset data from the
high-resoluon images to locate, assess, and deploy a statewide
database of all asset types of interest. Using the very same desktop
applicaon they use for pavement management decisions, they were
able to measure, locate, and store any asset that can be seen from the
images (and display those that can’t, such as culverts and subgrade).
More importantly, that data is now ghtly integrated with all state data
through the use of GIS tools.
The result is that all data collected by the state in the past 100 years (of
any kind) is available in a GIS environment, complete with up-to-date
photos of the roadway and condion informaon.

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TAM Business Agency Applica


Understand the Kentucky In 1999, the Kentucky Transportaon Cabinet (KYTC) implemented
State of the Transportaon soware that enabled it to integrate spaal and tabular road data for
Assets Cabinet the first me. Since then KYTC has made constant improvements to the
Assess and data, which incorporates all roads in Kentucky and interfaces to other
Manage Risks systems to enable it to provide a foundaon for enterprise asset
management. Data are integrated from the bridge, pavement, traffic,
fy Needs accounng, operaons and maintenance six-year plan; highway design
and Work project archive; and construcon management systems.
All data are linkable through the county route and milepoint LRS. The
Develop ghtly integrated network, asset, and spaal data mean that any records,
Programs regardless of where they are maintained, can be mapped and analyzed
Manage and spaally based on LRS locaon.
Track Work KYTC has built a sophiscated network update process using their spaal
data management and asset eding soware. Network changes needed
by mulple state agencies, including the transportaon cabinet and
public safety, are captured at the local level then added to the statewide
highway database by the transportaon cabinet.
KYTC recently acquired high speed data collecon vans to collect
pavement condion and images that can be used to capture other asset
data. Images are captured every 26 feet in both direcons. KYTC worked
with its soware and data collecon vendors to update the milepoint
locaons of images and pavement data. This allowed for images to be
used together with any other data located using the KYTC LRS. New asset
records can be added to the highway informaon system (HIS) based on
the images.
KYTC uses a range of powerful tools to analyze and extract data based on
network locaons. This ranges from simple internal strip map views and
reports to spaal data extracts for complex data sets like the HPMS
report and SUPERLOAD vehicle roung networks.

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TAM Business Agency Applica on


Understand the Oregon DOT The TransInfo project was jointly sponsored and led by the planning,
State of the maintenance, and IT offices at ODOT and was designed to support both
Assets the planning and maintenance business funcons, significantly reducing
Assess and duplicaon of asset records. This project replaced legacy mainframe
Manage Risks roadway asset inventory databases with a consolidated modern GIS-
enabled relaonal database with built-in map as well as form-based data
Iden fy Needs maintenance applicaons. Three crical data sets were integrated: the
and Work state highway milepoint locaon control database, the features
Candidates inventory database used for maintenance acvity budgeng, and the GIS
Develop state highway network database. The project enabled ODOT to update
Programs its network asset data and linear referencing data model as it migrated
data from the legacy system to the new database. The new data model
Manage and
supports mulple LRSs, temporality (history), and data validaon based
Track Work
on network locaons.
The system includes a thin client with an interacve map interface, and a
GIS-based desktop applicaon providing funconality for map-based
network asset maintenance as well as GIS display and analysis.
All of the network and asset data eding applicaons make use of
network locaon for data validaon during eding, based on user-
configurable rules. While the quality of ODOT’s network asset data was
good to begin with, this transaconal validaon, as well as the map
display, has significantly improved the quality of ODOT network asset
data, without the need for constant data quality reporng and checking.
Historically, this has consumed significant staff resources.
The TransInfo system tools provide a foundaon for integrang
addional data sets in the future. Integraon of small yet important data
sets like bicycle and pedestrian facilies and barriers were included in
the scope of the project, but the ODOT team was also able to add other
data types like pipe oualls, to meet urgent needs that arose aer the
project started.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

TAM Business Agency Applica on


Understand the Oregon DOT The agency developed the FACS-STIP Tool to provide easy access to
State of the useful asset informaon (locaon, aributes, and condion) and
Assets communicaon of new or updated asset informaon with one easy-to-
Iden fy Needs use applicaon. This web-based tool allows users throughout the agency
and Work a single site to compare over 60 datasets to aide in project planning,
Candidates inventory, and project delivery. Users can create custom reports and
spreadsheets for field inventory updates and verificaon. Addional
Develop funconality allows users the opon to upload field collected data to the
Programs site along with project specific comments.
FACS-STIP is designed to enable ODOT to effecvely move toward a
series of business systems that will integrate and store GPS/GIS-based
field data inventories using GIS applicaons while being supported by
spaal interoperability data management tools for the extracon,
translaon, and loading (ETL) of GPS field data back into ODOT
environment databases.

Understand the North Carolina The agency uses GIS-enabled soware on tablets to collect statewide
State of the DOT maintenance condion data at a stascally significant level within each
Assets county. Sampling is accomplished by subdividing the LRS and selecng
Iden fy Needs appropriate samples within each region/county for each road system.
and Work This data is collected throughout the year and feeds a department
Candidates performance dashboard for maintenance. Data collected includes the
inventory and condion of ditches, shoulders, pipes, vegetaon control,
pavement markers and markings, etc.

Understand the North Carolina The North Carolina DOT (NCDOT) implemented an integrated asset
State of the DOT management system that included an MMS, PMS, and bridge
Assets management system (BMS) as well as an asset trade-off analysis module.
Iden fy needs Data from each asset group is leveraged to priorize maintenance needs
and Work and to define performance thresholds. The system features an integrated
Candidates GIS framework with the ability to publish maps to enhance analysis,
reporng, and decision opmizaon. For example, GIS reporng can be
Develop used to view esmated remaining life for bridges on a map, idenfy a
Programs specific bridge and its structural details on a map, or view current
pavement rangs on a map.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

TAM Business Agency Applica on


Iden fy State of Utah DOT The agency contracted for a comprehensive asset data set, including
the Assets photolog, GPS, pavement, and LiDAR for over 14,000 lane miles plus
ramps. The asset inventory included signs, walls, shoulders, paint stripes,
pavement messages, intersecons, rumble strips, and bridges, as well as
lane area and pavement width measurements. The effort included
deployment of desktop asset processing soware and web-enabled
viewing soware that allows each department to access the data. Users
are able to filter the data to find individual asset types, add new assets to
the inventory, and make measurements on those new assets that are
instantly updated for other users to see.
At the heart of the data collecon vehicle is a robust posional system
that is used to synchronize all of the other datasets. The real-me
differenal system was able to handle a wide variety of terrain found in
Utah, including mountainous regions with sub-opmal satellite coverage.
100% of the posional data was post-processed to achieve the best
accuracies possible. The processed data was then synchronized with the
imaging, LiDAR, and pavement datasets, allowing for the precise
measurement of clearances and roadway assets.

Iden fy Needs Somerset A GIS-enabled mobile infrastructure management system is used to

and Work County facilitate the process of reporng, responding to, and tracking
Candidates Council (UK) maintenance work. With 30,000 road defects reported each year, the
Manage and GIS-based soluon has enabled the agency to respond more efficiently to
Track Work faults. This has resulted in 98% of all highway defects being repaired
within their target response me.
Inspectors report maintenance issues in the field and send the exact
locaon of the fault back to the infrastructure management system. The
informaon is automacally relayed to the agency’s safety defect
controllers, who are then able to allocate the most appropriate work
group to deal with the problem. A before and aer photograph of the
work is taken and uploaded to a secure shared website, where the
highway team can virtually inspect the repair and sign off on the job.
The system enables highway works to be programmed and planned in
advance rather than being purely reacve, and provides real-me
visibility into the state of the highway network. Improved understanding
of the condion of highway assets also means Somerset can more
accurately allocate budgets to the right areas.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

TAM Business Agency Applica on


Understand the Westlink Westlink Services deployed a GIS-based asset management system to
State of the Services—M7 track the condion of all the assets along the 40 km stretch of motorway,
Assets Motorway in including the road surface, barriers, embankments, bridges, lighng
Iden fy Needs Sydney, points, and the systems for toll collecon. The asset inspectors use the
and Work Australia soware on laptops and tablets. They use the integrated mapping
Candidates funcon to quickly locate any asset at any point along the motorway.
This visual aspect speeds the inventory and inspecon process.
Another benefit of the system has been the capability to collect and
organize data to produce very accurate historical records of maintenance
work. For example, bridge inspectors are able to cross check all the
elements using the historical data.
Westlink notes that they have used the system to speed up decision
making, which assists with planning and reporng processes.

Understand the St. Johns The agency deployed a GIS-based enterprise asset management system,
State of the County Public built around a geodatabase containing an inventory of assets within the
Assets Works county-maintained right of way. The geodatabase was designed to
Manage and Department, facilitate improved informaon management across mulple
Track Work Florida departments. The inventory was built from a combinaon of extracon
from orthophotography, new field data collecon using real-me
differenal GPS technology, and migraon from exisng databases.
A van equipped with video cameras created a visual inventory of traffic
signs, traffic barriers, sidewalks, and street lighng. The vans were
configured with six cameras to collect a complete panoramic view of all
assets as technicians drove the vans down the roadway. Wide angle
cameras faced the front and back to capture complete right-of-way
views. Technicians then extracted the data using the best camera view
and made the video and sll photos accessible through the GIS interface.
The inventory is integrated with an MMS, which is configured to track
cost-to-work performed on transportaon-related assets, which include
the integraon to a pavement management interface.

Understand the City of The city used mobile LiDAR and imagery from a mobile mapping system
State of the Indianapolis, to create an inventory of all regulatory signs within the city’s 400 square
Assets IN miles. Automated feature recognion and extracon rounes were used
Assess and to rapidly compile informaon about each sign required for Manual on
Manage Risks Uniform Traffic Control Devices compliance.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

TAM Business Agency Applica on


Manage and St. Louis Faced with an aging transportaon infrastructure, St. Louis County Public
Track Work County Public Works was constantly making repairs and performing construcon
Works projects involving mulple cies to ensure the safety and reliability of
the county’s road and bridge systems across a 6,741 square mile area. Its
staff managed several projects in tandem using a string of different
systems, which caused confusion and inefficiencies. With growing budget
constraints, the department needed a more efficient way to manage its
transportaon infrastructure assets—from construcon projects to
ongoing maintenance.
St. Louis County Public Works gained improved control of its
transportaon infrastructure, including work orders and assets, by using
a geospaally-enabled linear asset management soluon. The system has
a single interface for all phases of project acvies and is alerted if a
project is approaching its purchase order limit. Any me during the
course of a project, the staff can visualize the assets and access
informaon to determine what work is in process, how much me and
money has been spent, and what has been paid for and to whom. They
can even divide the cost out for each segment of a road project based on
its locaon. With a near real-me, comprehensive view of more than
3,682 transportaon assets, from graders to air compressors, the staff
uses the new level of visibility to proacvely schedule prevenve
maintenance and predict equipment breakdowns, significantly improving
asset reliability while reducing costs. Key benefits realized:
Advanced by 100 percent the ability to accurately split project
costs by using linear reference points for roads and bridges.
Boosted organizaonal efficiency by using a single interface for
all phases of a project.
Improved budgeng and planning through the ability to
accurately track costs.
Enhanced asset reliability through increased prevenve

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TAM Business Agency Applica on


Understand the Sacramento The district’s wastewater collecon system relies on more than 400,000
State of the Area Sewer assets including 52 miles of forced mains and pressure systems, 3,000
Assets District miles of gravity sewers, and 279,000 service-level connecons. The
Assess and district is implemenng a new asset management system, integrang
Manage Risks informaon from its GIS and observaons from live video footage of the
pipes themselves. The soluon will enable the sharing of data across
Iden fy Needs agency departments, including maintenance and operaons, regulatory
and Work compliance, business planning, and capacity planning to improve
Candidates forecasng. When problems do arise, the soware will allow engineers
Manage and to understand how the asset failed, why it failed, and when so they can
Track Work develop the necessary maintenance strategies to prevent future asset
failures. The system will also track all costs associated with operang and
maintaining each asset, enabling staff to idenfy opportunies for cost

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

TAM Business Agency Applica on


Understand the City of Corpus The city lacked a centralized system to manage its separate water,
State of the Chris, TX wastewater, ulity, and storm-water services departments. Despite the
Assets city’s established GIS, keeping operang costs low while sll providing
Assess and excellent service to cizens remains difficult, because work requests
Manage Risks were not interfaced with the GIS system and thus could not be spaally
Iden fy Needs
and Work Corpus Chris implemented a work and asset management system to
Candidates improve management of its public works and ulity departments, along
with other areas of city administraon, including park management,
Manage and airport operaons, and traffic engineering. The soluon integrated asset
Track Work informaon, work orders, accounng informaon, and geographical data
for tens of thousands of physical assets such as water mains, traffic
lights, bridges, park lawns, fire hydrants, garbage trucks, and storm-
water ditches. Cizen calls, which used to be handled and recorded
manually, are now routed to a city-wide call center so that staff can
deploy resources based on urgency and service level requirements. The
system also enables the locaons of problems to be visualized
geographically, so that trends (e.g., frequent water main breaks in a
parcular area) can be idenfied and addressed much faster than in the
Standardized locaon and priority codes in the system help staff deploy
resources based on urgency and service-level requirements (for example,
maintenance crews must respond to gas leaks within 30 minutes).
Because the soware is integrated with the city’s geographic
informaon system, city staff can spaally view problem areas and
planned work, as well as proacvely idenfy areas with serious
infrastructure problems. For example, the wastewater department found
that many wastewater backups were not caused by rain, signaling an
issue with the pipes themselves. Staff members then used the spaal
analysis capabilies to pinpoint which areas experienced problems in dry
weather and implement a repair strategy.

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Appendix B: Resources
GPS Data Collection Standards
State of North Carolina: hp://
Kentucky Transportaon Cabinet:
New York State DOT:
New Jersey DOT: hp://
Oregon DOT: hp:// (Appendix C)

Geospatial Data Policies

West Virginia DOT: hp://
Maryland: hp://
Oregon DOT (Road Centerlines):

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annex C

GIS/TAM Workshop Presentation Slides

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

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Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management

Abbreviations and acronyms used without definitions in TRB publications:

A4A Airlines for America
AAAE American Association of Airport Executives
AASHO American Association of State Highway Officials
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ACI–NA Airports Council International–North America
ACRP Airport Cooperative Research Program
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
APTA American Public Transportation Association
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ATA American Trucking Associations
CTAA Community Transportation Association of America
CTBSSP Commercial Truck and Bus Safety Synthesis Program
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DOE Department of Energy
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
FRA Federal Railroad Administration
FTA Federal Transit Administration
HMCRP Hazardous Materials Cooperative Research Program
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers
MAP-21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (2012)
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASAO National Association of State Aviation Officials
NCFRP National Cooperative Freight Research Program
NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
PHMSA Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
RITA Research and Innovative Technology Administration
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SAFETEA-LU Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act:
A Legacy for Users (2005)
TCRP Transit Cooperative Research Program
TEA-21 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (1998)
TRB Transportation Research Board
TSA Transportation Security Administration
U.S.DOT United States Department of Transportation

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