Extra Secrets For Rime of The Frostmaide
Extra Secrets For Rime of The Frostmaide
Extra Secrets For Rime of The Frostmaide
his is something to use to add more options for All Eyes on Me
your players back storys. Watch the tension
bubble up as the horrors of the North settle in A deadly encounter with a Beholder nearly cost you your life,
alongside the cold. Made by No Fun Allowed, but thankfully you caught the monster on a good day. The
but some secrets taken from the awesome beholder had a swarm of Gazer's following it around, and
community as well! wanted to give some away. You are now in possesion of a pet
gazer, which must be fed and protected from the elements
and from public view.
Secrets for the DM's Eyes
Understudy of Avarice No Longer Side by Side
Before setting off on your own, you apprenticed under Just recently, you discovered you have no shadow. In dark
Avarice the albino wizard. She used you for experiments and areas where no sunlight can touch you, you might see the
her malice nearly got the best of you. You left before she darkness warp for a brief moment. Your shadow is stalking
could kill you, but the pain she inflicted on your body and you, and will attack when the time is right.
mind still remain. Before you left, you discovered she had a
fascination with devils. I Dream of Djinni
A djinni aproached you, exclaiming that if you fulfill ten
Dragon's Play Thing requests for them, you will be granted one wish. You have
An evil Adult Green Dragon cast a Geas spell on you, and at three more task left to fulfill, and the djinn is not going to
the dragons whim, you must obey its commands or die. The make it easy.
dragon occasionally scrys on you and orders something
outragous or near suicidal. What were we doing again?
You were struck by a spell from a vindictive wizard. You now
A Toads Magical Life can only remember events that happened in the past twenty-
Your life has had a very odd change of pace. You started as a four hours. You no longer need to sleep, but every moment
simple toad, when one day a benevolent druid cast Awaken awake means another moment lost from your mind
on you. After a time of intelligent toadness, another druid
offered to True Polymorph you into the person you are today. Escaped from Monkey Isle
Occasionally your toad tendencies slip out. You had aspirations to become a mighty pirate at one point in
your life. After a series of swashbuckling and name calling
Twice Bitten, Once Shy incidents, you made a dangerous foe. The ghost of a pirate
You are a half vampire. A vampire began the ritual to turn captain now haunts you, waiting to exact his revenge. You can
you, but the sun ran afoul of the plan, cutting the ceremony hold your breath for ten whole minutes.
short. You have sunlight sensitivity, and darkvision out to 60
ft. You feel uneasy entering a residence. Revels End Escape Artist
You committed a serious crime against a member of the
Old as Time Lords' Alliance, resulting in being incarcerated within Revel's
You are a clone of a Netherese citizen. You were in End. Somehow, you managed to escape. Now the Lords'
hybernation for hundreds of years, eventually climbing out Alliance is looking for you. If the player wants to randomly
into an unfamiliar world. You can speak and read Netherese, determine the reason for the character's imprisonment, roll
but information of the ancient city's is hazy. from the Prisoners table on page 158.
In Service of a Fiend Dancing Wild in the Moonlight
An arcanaloth helped you while you were down, and you now What started as a friendly chat with a stranger turned into the
find yourself in an eternal contract. Your only job right now is struggle of a lifetime. The stranger lunged at you and bit you.
to search for any of the Books of Keeping. Agents of other You are now infected with a mild lycanthropy of werebear.
arcanaloths are after the same thing. You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage. On nights with a full moon, you revert to a polar
bear form, and you go feral.
Would Rather have been an Orphan Your a Wizard, Wary
As a child, you were abducted from your village by a trio of Since birth, you were raised in a room the size of a cupoard.
hags and kept in a cage. After bearing witness to many The malicious "caretakers" gave you the minimum to survive,
gruesome acts, you were granted freedom, but on the basis while the other child in their care was praised given
that one of your eyes is removed and replaced with a hag eye. everything they wanted. While in long phases of isolation, you
You can remove your eye as an action and see though it as discovered you had a magical power within you. You have one
though it were attached to you. The eye has AC10, 1 HP and cantrip from the Wizard spell list, using Int as your
has Darkvision out to 30 ft. The hags vowed that if the eye is spellcasting score. You have an immense fear and hatrid of
destroyed, they will haunt your dreams and make them dark and small spaces.
Totally not Three Kobolds in a
Didn't Check the Fine Print Trenchcoat
While on the brink of death, you signed your soul over to a pit You are totally three kobolds in a trenchoat.
fiend. The pit fiend saved you, but now you must submit to
their desires. The pit fiend demands Auril's forces be put Boots too Big to Fill
down, and you will give your life if need be to accomplish this,
as well as obey any commands given during your adventure. Your familys bloodline has produced spectacular sorcerers,
You have resistance to fire damage. ferocious fighters, and byword bards. You grew up with storys
of all the amazing things everyone in your family has done,
Greed is Good and unfortunatly, you are expected to forge your own story
that will go down in history. This is made worse by the fact
At some point in your life, you touched a coin that was cursed. that most of your family doesn't believe in you, and you know
This curse meant you greedily sought out more gold, which you cant measure up to the best of them, but you can
turned into your twisted blessing. Mammon's will influences certainly try. You may multi-class into any class, even when
you to not only obtain wealth, but to share in these greedy you dont meet the stat requirements.
tendencies and deny wealth for others. You gain the trait:
Grasping Hands (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). As a And you thought the Cold was Bad
bonus action, this creature makes a Dexterity (Sleight of
Hand) check contested by the Wisdom (Insight) check of a That little mark is nothing right? It looks normal to me. I'm
creature it can see within 15 feet of it. If this creature sure its nothing. It looks fine, it's just a little bigger. It doesnt
succeeds, one handheld item of its choice that it can see on even hurt. Bah, I can't even feel it. Hmm maybe it is
the target magically teleports to its open hand. The item can't something, but I'll worry about it later. Was it that color a
be one that the target is holding, and it must weigh no more week ago? How big is it now? A small dark dot appeared on
than 10 pounds. your skin, and it is slowly growing bigger. How long until this
disease eats at your skin and inside your body?
Is It Worth It?
A faithful friend handed you a treasure map leading to untold A Party of Two
riches in the frozen tundra of Icewind Dale. The moment the While on a dare to check out a supposedly haunted house,
map left their hand, they dropped dead instantly. This map you are remiss to discover that the place actually is haunted.
could lead to Jarlmoot, The Lost Spire of Netheril, Karkolohk, A ghost popped out and possesed you. The ghost links to the
or any number of places. physcial word are weakend, meaning you have enough will to
control your body.....most of the time. At imperfect times and
An Unnatural Magnetism at times of weakness, the ghost may take control of your body
for but a few seconds at a time.
You were the subject of a ritual that would replace your blood
with an alien substance, the experimenters of this being A Feast of Flesh
aliens you have never seen yourself. After a hazy period of
time, you find yourself free, but you feel heavier, and more One day when I returned from home, I discovered my parent
connected to the earth. You have advantage on rolls to being in a ghoulish state, devouring my other parent and siblings. In
disarmed, but ranged attacked with metal weapons have a moment of fear and weakness, i wrangled the fiend into the
advantage against you. Small metal materials might crawl basement. I can't bring myself to kill my own parent, and in
across the ground closer you you after standing for too long. order to keep them alive, I have lured several people into the
basement and locked the door behind them.
Can teach an old dog new tricks It wasn't Me! I Swear!
You were old. Old as dirt. Old enough to be put to pasture. It was you. You murdered someone in town. It may or may
The passage of time had nearly run its course with you, but not have been an accident, but regardless, someone is dead
after being exposed to an ancient relic, you come to and see and it is by your hands. Whichever Ten Town you did this in
your body was reversed in time, but not your mind. You have has placed a bounty on your head, and you kow if you ever
been given a second chance at life, however you begin to show your face there, you will be in in trouble with the law
notice something. Your body is aging far faster than normal. and caught.Your bounty may be high enough that people will
Your body ages ten times faster than normal, but on the up come after you if you are nearby.
side, you picked up another language in your retirement.
You know guys, that rock over
A natural born Trouper there looks cool, I'll check it out
You were born into an enviroment of constant travel. Once old On your parents death bed, you were told that a family
enough, you began to realize this wasnt the norm. You are treasure is buried all across Icewind Dale. What this treasure
part of a traveling carnival, filled with mystery, the macabre, is, is a mystery, but there is a catch along with the knowledge
and the grotesque. The carnival never stayed in any one place of this treasure. the treasure is split between 5 completely
for longer than a week, and you began to understand why. random location all over, and most importantly, only you are
The "Georges," or the common folk never truly respected you permitted to know this treasure exists, as there is a terible
and your people, they simply payed to have a laugh and see a curse placed on it.
sight rarely seen. The "Mongrels," or the commoners who
followed the carnival, always seemed to change, either for the A Sacrifice for a Soul
better or the worse. You came to know this as the "Twisting,"
and you youself fell prey to this. You have "The Wooden." If The cold has hit you harder than anyone else around. The
you are exposed to sunlight, you do not need to eat for the Frostmaiden herself has cursed you, and this cold curse
day, however you count as both humanoid and plant for the shakes you to your very core. The only way to stave off an
purposes of spells and other magical effects. aganizing death is to perform a grisly ritual sacrifice to Auril
once a week. If you do not perform this ritual, you suffer one
Not my kind of Party level of exhaustion. The sacrifice must be humanoid, and the
ritual takes one hour of torture and death.
While traveling with your family in the mountains, you were
all horribly lost. While trying to navigate, harsh weather and The Last of their Kind
the elements took its toll on you all. People were injured and
missing, and despair began to kick in. Of all the many people You were always seen as bigger than most around you, and
that started that journey, very few returned. You did what you there is a reason for that. You have Giants blood coursing
had to to survive, but those horrific memories will never leave through your veins, making you the last of the ice giants. Do
you. you bear the responisiblity of keeping your bloodline alive, or
do you let the old ways die out. Your blood may also be the
Not so Proud Family key to unlocking lost giants secrets around the frigid North.
In addition, you also speak Giant, and have advantage on
You come from Dougan's Hole. You are the product of a persuasion checks when dealing with Giants.
taboo, and once you make your way out into the world, you
know the terrible moral implications of it. You feel shame Spying aint Easy
over your town, and either wish to avoid it at all costs, or
somehow teach them to stop their terrible ways. You are a spy sent from Thay. Your job is to set up magical
devices all around the Ten Towns that allow for scrying upon
Struck by Sune's Arrow its residents. In addition, you are instructed with finding and
aquiring any magical artifact you can for futrure use for Red
You are in love. You are really in love. You are so infatuated Wizards. You also must acquire any political power you can,
with that certain someone that you would be willing to do through either bribery, blackmail, or direct control.
whatever they asked, and are at their beck and call. Who is
this person you love, unfortunately, its someone new
everyday. At a random time in the day, the first person you see
after being struck with the love bug immediatly charms you,
and you are under the affect of charm for that person for the
rest of the day. The next day, you forget all about this love