Stone Cutting Guidelines - Draft
Stone Cutting Guidelines - Draft
Stone Cutting Guidelines - Draft
Ministry of Environment
Prepared by
Khalil Zein
MARCH 2016
Ministry of Environment Environmental Guidelines for Cutting Stones Industry
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... 1
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................ 1
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. 1
1) National Legislation and Institutional Framework: ............................................................ 3
2) Production Process ............................................................................................................. 8
3) Potential Impacts of the Production Process: ................................................................... 12
4) Detailed Description of Pollution Prevention and Pollution Abatement Methods ........... 14
5) Contingency Plan .............................................................................................................. 20
Annex 1 .................................................................................................................................... 23
References ................................................................................................................................ 24
List of Figures
Figure 1-1: Process for obtaining an industrial permit according to Decree No. 8018/2002
(Adapted from Policy Paper & Action Plan for Industrial Wastewater
Management in Lebanon) ....................................................................................... 7
Figure 2-1: Detailed Description of the Production Process ..................................................... 9
Figure 2-2: Typical layout plan for cutting stone plants .......................................................... 10
Figure 4-1: Typical settlement pond design (Dartmouth Eng. University) ............................. 16
Figure 4-2 Settlement silo ........................................................................................................ 17
Figure 4-3 Schematic diagram of a settlement silo .................................................................. 17
List of Tables
Table 1-1: Definition of Industrial Establishments Categories (Decree No. 8018/2002).......... 3
Table 1-2: Cutting Stones Industry Classification System (according to Decree No.
5243/2001) and setback distances (according to Decree No. 8018/2002) ............... 4
Table 1-3: Existing Laws, Decrees and Decisions Related to the Environmental Sector ......... 6
Table 1-4: The Responsibilities of the concerned ministries and governmental institutions .... 6
Table 1-5: Permitting Applications Types ................................................................................. 7
Table 3-1 Typical generated wastewater quality ..................................................................... 13
Table 4-1: Permissible Ambient Noise Levels in Different Regions ...................................... 19
Table 4-2: Noise exposure limits ............................................................................................. 19
Table 5-1: Potential Impacts and Correspondent Mitigation Measures................................... 22
1. Introduction
Industrial establishments may cause environmental perturbations during construction and/or
operation which will differ according to the practiced activities.
The decree law number 21/L dated 22/7/1932 defines rules and conditions related to
classified establishments that require permits. In follow up to this decree law, Decree No.
4917 dated 24/3/1994 was issued to amend the classifications of establishments with
hazardous activities or with impacts/harm on health. Decree 4917/94 categorizes classified
establishments in 3 groups depending on their location, size (production capacity) and
potential impacts.
In 2001, industrial establishments were classified according to Decree No. 5243 dated
5/4/2001 listing all available industrial facilities in categories numbered from one to five
taking into consideration its potential environmental impacts. The conditions, criteria and
rules for the permitting of the industrial establishments were set in Decree No. 8018 dated
Category I: generates very dangerous impacts on the environment, surroundings and public
health which requires moving it away from the households to prevent its impacts.
Category II: generates dangerous impacts on the environment, surroundings and public
health but does not require moving it away from the households. However, it will not be
given an investment permit unless mitigation measures are taken to prevent its impacts.
Category III: generates limited negative impacts on the environment, surroundings and
public health and must be subjected to special conditions to avoid its limited impacts.
Category IV: generates minimal negative impacts on the environment, surroundings and
public health and must be subjected to special conditions to avoid its minimal impacts.
Category V: does not generate any negative impact on the environment, surroundings and
public health.
Table 1-1: Definition of Industrial Establishments Categories (Decree No. 8018/2002)
Cutting stones Industry Classification is presented in table 2 according to Decree No.
5243/2001.Setback distances are set as per Decree No. 8018/2002.
2. Environmental Assessment
The Cutting Stone Industry is an activity of environmental significance; these activities
require an establishment permit and an operation permit. Turbid and highly alkaline
wastewater, dust emissions and noise are the key potential impacts associated with such
The national principal legislation addressing pollution is the Environment Protection law
444/2002 that imposes the general environmental duty on industries undertaking an activity
that affects or may affect the environment to take all reasonable and practicable measures to
prevent or minimize any resulting environmental harm. In addition to MoE Decision 60/1
dated 20/9/2001, which issued a set of procedures and guidelines for the establishment and
operation of industrial institutions/facilities according to its location, production process and
procedures and its potential pollutants.
Even though Cutting Stones industries do not fall under the decree 8633/2012 (Fundamentals
for Environmental Impact Assessment), however, the MoE oblige such projects to prepare an
Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) report and submit it to the Ministry of Environment
(MoE), as such industry has various impacts on the environment. In case the plant falls under
a sensitive area as per annex 3 of the decree 8633/2012, the plant is subject to an EIA study.
Institution Responsibilities
- Issues the industrial permit based on the recommendation
of the industrial permitting committee.
Ministry of Industry (MoI)
- Heads the industrial permitting committee.
- Conducts inspections to industrial establishments.
- Sets environmental conditions for industrial and classified
Ministry of Environment establishments permits.
- Review and approves environmental studies.
- Set Limit values and Standards for discharge of Liquid and solid
Ministry of Public Health - Check the compliance of the industries conditions with
(MoPH) necessary health related conditions.
- Checks the compliance of industry's location and
Directorate General of Urban construction with necessary and applicable
Planning (DGUP) conditions/regulations set in the Construction Law
and/or in the Master Plan of the area
Concerned Municipality - Approves the issuance of the permit.
Table 1-4: The Responsibilities of the concerned ministries and governmental institutions
4. Permitting Procedure:
The following steps should be undertaken to acquire a construction or operation permit:
1. Submit file to the industrial permitting committee of the concerned Mohafaza. This
committee is formed of members from different concerned ministries (Documents
required are listed in Annex 2);
2. The file will be transferred to the concerned Municipality for their review and
3. When approved by the Municipality, the file will be transferred to the concerned
governmental authorities (MoI, MoE1, MoPH, Urban Planning);
4. After acquiring the feedback from all concerned governmental authorities, the
industrial permitting committee will recommend the final decision to the Director
General of the MoI who will transfer the file to the Minister of Industry with his
5. The final decision is issued by the Minister of Industry.
1 Environmental studies are required as defined previously in section 2.1 (Environmental Assessment)
Municipality or
Request Department of
Industrial Permits Approval/ Rejection:
(MoI) or service 1.5 months for
establishment permit
of regional amendment
departments 2 weeks for
(MoI) Operational Permit
Figure 1-1: Process for obtaining an industrial permit according to Decree No. 8018/2002
(Adapted from Policy Paper & Action Plan for Industrial Wastewater Management in
2) Production Process
Cutting Stones Industry is responsible for the processing and finishing of natural dimensional
stones such as marble granite and slate
The life cycle production starting from the primary cutting process until the finishing
procedure include several steps as such; receiving raw materials, cutting, polishing and
This stage includes the acquisition of raw materials needed for the production process. The
raw stones are delivered via trucks to the facility. The raw stones are hauled from the trucks
via cranes, until their processing at a later stage.
The blocks are sent to a cutting machine for the production of blocks of different properties
(slabs, sheets, tiles…) and various dimensions and thicknesses. Water jets are installed with
the machinery in order to trap fugitive dust. Moreover, while cutting, water is showered for
cooling the sawmill blades.
3) Polishing
This part of the production cycle includes the polishing treatment of the products. The
polishing operation is automated where the machine scrubs the surface until it is smooth and
shiny. Also in this production phase, water is used for cooling the blades of the polishing
equipment and for suppressing dust generated.
It is important to note that this production stage could be skipped, depending on the desired
end product.
At this stage, the blocks are ready to be distributed. However, in certain cases, the blocks are
stored in the facility’s premise. Delivery trucks will then access the site to haul the blocks to
their designated construction site.
Cutting Stones Industry can result in significant environmental impacts, if not properly
managed or maintained. The environmental impacts, related to each production stage, are set
out in the following sections.
1) Impacts on Air Quality:
The major air emissions are Particulate Matter (PM2.5 and PM10), mainly sourcing from the
following operation activities:
- Delivery of raw materials: unloading of rock blocks from delivery trucks onto storage
piles, movement of delivery trucks, etc.
- Dimensional blocks sawing/cutting on dry basis
Exhaust gases are released along the operation of the plant as a result of the operation of
back-up generator(s), machinery requiring the burning of hydrocarbon based fuels and
vehicles to conduct transfer and delivery activities.
2) Impacts on Water and Soil Quality:
water while the solid particles represent only 4 % (Al Zboon, Al-Zou’by, 2014). Thus, the
recycling of wastewater can significantly decrease fresh water consumption.
The main environmental concerns related to the generated wastewater from plants are the
high turbidity of the water. The typical quality of the wastewater generated from the cutting
stones industry is presented in the table below.
Parameters Value
pH 7.2
Temperature (oC) 20
Turbidity (NTU) 390
Electrical Conductivity (μs/Cm) 12500
Total Solids (mg/L) 9600
Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) 2100
Total Dissolved Solids (mg/L) 7500
Source: Fahiminia, Ardani, 2013
Table 3-1 Typical generated wastewater quality
If mishandled, the generated wastewater would negatively affect the physical, biological and
chemical characteristics of both the local water and soil quality, resulting in inevitable
implications on both the environment and the public health.
The operation of a cutting plant results in stone cuttings and scraps of different sizes, types
and shapes. Moreover, dried up sediments resulting from sedimentation pond(s)/ settlement
silo at site are considered a major solid wastes source at the cutting stones industry.
The amount of solid waste generated depends on the operation capacity and the processed
materials. The improper disposal of generated wastes can lead to several environmental
problems including adverse effects on soil quality, flora, biodiversity, public health, and
surface and ground water quality.
4) Acoustic Environment
Noise emissions are considered as an environmental impact due to its disturbance to the local
community and the operators of the cutting plant. The major noise sources include:
- Dust emissions emitted during the delivery, storage and handling of raw materials,
which result in eye and upper respiratory system irritations
- Noise hazards emitted from mechanical equipment, trucks and heavy machinery
- Poor ergonomics upon mechanical activities (i.e. Lifting, loading, unloading of raw
material, etc.)
- Risk of exposure to injury from sawing actions.
- Tripping hazards(i.e. during repairs and maintenance works)
- Traffic related accidents
1) Air Quality
The appropriate facility design and management practices can prevent the release of air
pollutants. The measures, which should be taken to prevent the degradation of air quality,
The entire plant premises should be paved with hard, impervious materials, including
the drive ways from and into the plant.
The entire plant floor should remain dust-free
Natural or artificial wind barriers are to be placed to help control the emission of dust
into the surroundings of the facility (i.e. trees, fences and landforms in accordance
with prevailing wind direction).
Ensure that the trucks hauling stones from quarries or other raw materials are covered
during transport.
Cutting and polishing as part of the production process must be contained in a close
hangar with concrete base
Cutting and polishing process should include continuous water spraying to reduce
dust emissions.
All trucks leaving the facility’s premises should be clean and free of dust.
The main purpose of the environmental management of water quality is to ensure that the
generated wastewater does not directly reach sewerage network(s), surface waters, ground
water or land, prior appropriate treatment. The two major approaches to manage wastewater
in cutting stones plants are through: wastewater (cutting or cooling water) minimization,
waste water treatment, water recycling/reuse.
The entire plant should be paved with hard, impervious materials such as asphalt or
Cutting areas should be bunded with small bunds or canals to ensure that the
wastewater , including storm water, is captured and collected and retained on-site to
the Waste Water treatment Settlment pond or silo (below are the specs. of the
treatment pond and silo) (Sediments and sludge from settlement pond(s)/silo must be
removed when the storage capacity of the pond/silo is half full. In case any material is
causing flow restrictions, this material must be removed immediately.
Sediments must be stored in a manner that does not promote the generation of fugitive
Collected sediments must be properly handled and managed, promoting future reuses
whenever possible (i.e. construction sites) or their disposal in designated licensed
Recycled wastewater (effluent water from settlement tanks/silos) should be used at
the earliest opportunity to ensure that the settlement system is ready to receive newly
generated wastewater. Potential uses of recycled wastewater mainly include: cutting
process, dust suppression over stockpiles and washing of vehicles and machinery.
Water meters should be installed to monitor water consumption in the facility.
The generated domestic wastewater should be separated from industrial wastewater
and should be directed to the local sewerage network. In case a sewerage network is
absent, a well-controlled septic tank should be used to store the domestic wastewater,
prior its evacuation by the responsible personnel.
Used oils from the generators and machines shall be stored in mounted well-
maintained containers and handled to specialized contractors for recycling.
Installed settlement ponds should have slopped flooring to facilitate settlement and
removal of sludge and sediments.
The use of a series of two or more settlement ponds increases removal efficiency
Collection pits should have visual alarms to notify operators in cases of pump failures
and when water reaches high levels in the pit.
The settlement pond/pit should be protected from rainwater
The settlement silo should be made of impervious watertight material (such as steel,
Installed silo should be sized according to the following:
- Facility operation expectancy (days per week, hours per day)
- machinery per hour requirement of cooling water
All installed pools and storage tanks are to be made of impervious material, preferably
with a hard concrete base.
The sludge discharge valve at the bottom of the wastewater tower is to be closed or
opened automatically according to the upper and lower limits of the sludge tank, to
avoid over-flooding.
A belt filter press can be installed to handle the generated sludge. It squeezes sludge between
moving belts to remove liquids from sludge solids. This can thicken primary sludge, creating
dewatered thickened sludge which can be used in various operations (construction sites…).
The extracted water should be redirected into the system.
Solid wastes are inevitably generated during or after the operation of cutting stones.
However, a number of management practices and operation modalities can be implemented
to minimize generation and ensure the proper handling and disposal. These practices include:
Reduction of solid waste generation rates by optimizing the type of raw materials
received or extracted. Stone blocks with good shape and less tails can modify the
cutting process, leading to lower amounts of wastes.
Promotion of the reuse and recycling of generated waste. The waste can be used in
different operations such as brick production, filler for hot mix asphalt plants and
others. The usage opportunities for generated waste are presented in Annex 1.
Sediments resulting from settlement pond /silos should be dried in specific basins,
where it is protected from external weather conditions such as wind or rain.
All domestic solid wastes should be sorted at source and handled by designated solid
waste management facilities.
4) Acoustic Environment
Noise pollution can be mitigated to prevent environmental and social implications, as such:
Ensure that the facility’s noise emissions doesn’t exceed the Environmental Limit
Values provided in MoE Decision 52/1 dated 12/9/1996.
Locate noisy equipments away from sources of conflict or behind noise
Noise emitting equipment should be fit with silencers or enclosed (i.e. compressors,
The machines should be lined with sound absorbing materials such as rubber or wood
All roads should be paved with concrete or asphalt.
Efficient muffling devices should be installed on engines or noisy equipment
Replace audible alarms with visual alarms, whenever possible.
Limit, whenever possible, late night working shifts.
Maintenance operations should be conducted in enclosed areas or sheds.
The national maximum allowable noise level as per MoE Decision No. 52/1/1996 are
presented in the table below.
Evening time
Region Type Day time Night Time
(6 pm - 10
(7 am - 6 pm) (10 pm - 7am)
A series of occupational behaviors are required at all times during plant operation to ensure
that all foreseeable risks and hazards are prevented, minimized and mitigated. Such actions
and behaviors include:
Wear required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when handling raw material or
cutting and polishing process (i.e. gloves, long sleeved and full-length pants coveralls,
waterproof boots and eye protection).
Eat and drink only in dust-free areas to avoid ingestion of dust (i.e. Stone cutting dust
in particular).
In case of eye contamination with dust, rinse eyes with water and consult a physician.
In case of eye injury with sparking stone cuts, immediately contact physician for
further treatment.
Meticulously follow advised lockout/tagout procedures when servicing equipment or
Avoid working prohibited cutting spots, conveyor belts and polishing machinery.
Minimize the mechanical lifting of material and bulky material, relying mainly on
forklifts or frontload lifters.
5) Contingency Plan
Provide all areas with sufficient fire detectors (heat and smoke) and adequate
firefighting equipment (sprinklers, hoses, distinguishers, etc.).
Develop an emergency response plan which includes the floor map and the evacuation
directions, exits, stairs and location of extinguishers (this should be written in
languages understood by all workers).
Ensure that contact details of the local firefighting services are available to the
relevant staff and operators.
Every escape route should be distinctively and conspicuously marked by emergency
exit signs of adequate size and languages.
Provide environmental friendly fire-fighting equipment such as dry powder
extinguishers within the premises of the project.
All fire safety equipment and fixtures shall be regularly serviced and maintained. The
owner or shall annually certify that each of the fire safety measures specified in this
statement has been assessed by a properly qualified person.
Conduct annual firefighting and leak checks training drills for the operating staff.
Prohibit smoking as well as flammable materials build-up within the facility’s
Response Actions:
Activate the nearest fire alarm (i.e. pull-stations) in case alarms have not yet been
automatically activated
Confine the facility by closing all windows and doors and access points within reach
Evacuate the premises immediately using stairways or designated fire escapes only
Call the local fire department and provide them with prompt and accurate details (i.e.
accident, location, extent, etc.)
Frequency of sampling
Type of Impact Source Mitigation Measures Monitoring Plan
and testing
The plant premises should be paved with hard, impervious materials . Ensure that all stockpiling area of raw materials are damp
The entire plant floor should remain dust-free. All ground and handling surfaces are sprayed with water to ensure fugitive Upon each delivery
Natural or artificial wind barriers are to be placed landforms in accordance with dust suppression
Particulate matter emissions from:
prevailing wind direction (i.e. trees, and fences). Confirm that all trucks and vehicles exiting the facility are dust-free and all
Movement of trucks and heavy Upon each delivery
Trucks hauling stones from quarries or other raw materials should be covered raw materials delivery trucks are covered with impermeable covers
machinery during transport. Check water cooling system are working properly during cutting and
Unloading of raw materials Weekly
The loading bay of raw materials should be roofed and enclosed in at least 3 sides polishing process
Storage stockpiles
Impact on Air Quality Stockpiles storage areas should be fitted with dust suppression water sprayers to All installed alarms and warning devices in machinery and silos are
Transferring of raw materials into the Weekly
dampen the stockpiles. operating correctly
production process Cutting and polishing as part of the production process must be contained in a close Ensure that back-up generators are operating with optimal burning efficiency
Exhaust emissions from trucks, front
hangar with concrete base through undergoing exhaust gas emissions testing (PM, CO, SOx, NOx,
end loaders or any other fuel- Cutting and polishing process should include continuous water spraying to reduce O2%) Biannually
based machinery dust emissions.
All trucks leaving the facility’s premises should be clean and free of dust. PM 10, PM25
Air quality control equipment should be regularly maintained
The entire plant should be paved with hard, impervious materials such as asphalt or Ensure that all water piping systems, drainage systems and bunds/canals are
concrete. intact (i.e. no leakages, blockages).
All generated wastewater should be collected and retained on-site, including storm Water quality testing should be done on the effluent water of the settlement
water. pond. Testing is to be done by an accredited laboratory or testing center. Biannually
The generated domestic wastewater should be discharged in a safe manner. The parameters that should be tested include: pH, COD,SS
Domestic wastewater should be directed to the local sewerage network. In case
a sewerage network is absent, a well-controlled septic tank should be used to Monitor generator rooms or individual generator units are free of spills or
store the domestic wastewater, prior its evacuation by the responsible Daily
leakages of oils, lubricants or any contaminant
personnel. To ensure the quantities of generated wastewater are limited, the following
Used oils from the generators shall be safely stored and handled to specialized should be monitored
contractors for recycling. - The average quantities of water used for cutting and polishing
Cutting water generated from
Cutting areas should be bunded with small bunds or canals to ensure that the should be estimated Weekly
manufacturing process of:
Impact on Water and wastewater is captured. - The settlement pit’s pump efficiency
- Stone cutting
The water captured from bunds should be diverted into a designated settlement - The settlement pit’s alarms and warning devices
Soil Quality - Polishing
pond or a series of ponds. - The capacity of the settlement pit during periods of high rainfall
Dust suppression wastewater
Sediments and sludge from settlement pond(s) must be removed when the storage
Monitor settlement pond(s)/silos to ensure that a minimum of 50% of the
capacity of the pond is half full. In case any material is causing flow capacity is available, and that there are no blockages and ensuring that Weekly /After heavy rains
restrictions, this material must be removed immediately. the pond linings are intact (i.e. no leakages)
Sediments must be stored in a manner that does not promote the generation of
fugitive dusts.
Collected sediments must be properly handled and managed, promoting future Ensure that fresh, semi-hardened and hardened waste are directed towards
reuses whenever possible (i.e. construction sites) or their disposal in designated the designated enclosed pit, upon occurrence.
licensed landfills. Ensure that wastes and collected sediments from treatment units are Daily
Recycled wastewater should be used at the earliest opportunity to ensure that the adequately stored prior to handling or disposal.
system is ready to receive newly generated wastewater. Potential uses of Record and monitor the quantities of waste rock cuts
recycled wastewater mainly include: cutting process, dust suppression over
stockpiles and washing of vehicles and machinery.
Ensure that the facility’s noise emissions doesn’t exceed the Environmental Limit Calibration of the adopted noise meters Quarterly
Values provided in MoE Decision 52/1 dated 12/9/1996. Monitoring of noise levels should be conducted for the overall noise
Locate noisy equipment away from sources of conflict or behind noise generations of the facility (Noise monitoring must be undertaken for at Biannually
Trucks, front end loaders, loading
absorbers/receptors. least one hour and in the presence of normal background noise).
devices and other heavy
Provide adequate buffer zone of a minimum of 100 meters between the facility and
any identified sensitive receptor(s).
Hydraulic pumps
All pressure-operated equipment should be fit with silencers or enclosed (i.e.
Impact on Acoustic Raw materials delivery activities to
compressors, pumps, etc.).
Environment cutting (using cranes)
The machines should be lined with sound absorbing materials such as rubber or
Conveyors Inspect generators, mixers and pumps
wood Monthly
Alarms/ warning devices
All roads should be paved with concrete or asphalt.
Efficient muffling devices should be installed on engines or noisy equipment
Air valves
Replace audible alarms with visual alarms, whenever possible.
Limit, whenever possible, late night working shifts.
Maintenance operations should be conducted in enclosed areas or sheds.
Frequency of sampling
Type of Impact Source Mitigation Measures Monitoring Plan
and testing
Wear required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when handling raw material or Monitor the use of PPEs by the labor in the facility Continuously
cutting and polishing process (i.e. gloves, long sleeved and full-length pants Monitor the presence of safety signs, first aid kits, firefighting devices, etc. Monthly
coveralls, waterproof boots and eye protection).
Eat and drink only in dust-free areas to avoid ingestion of dust (i.e. Stone cutting
dust in particular).
In case of eye contamination with dust, rinse eyes with water and consult a
In case of eye injury with sparking stone cuts, immediately contact physician for
further treatment.
Physical hazards (tripping,
Impact on Meticulously follow advised lockout/tagout procedures when servicing equipment
or machinery.
Occupational Health Chemical hazards (exposure to dust
Avoid working prohibited cutting spots, conveyor belts and polishing machinery. Ensure that the fire extinguishers are properly installed and in an easily
and Safety emissions…etc.) Monthly
Minimize the mechanical lifting of material and bulky material, relying mainly on accessible location
Ergonomic hazards
forklifts or frontload lifters.
Keep floors clear to avoid slipping and tripping hazards.
Provide appropriate lightening in closed or dark work places to avoid slipping or
tripping hazards.
Avoid working in awkward postures and in confined areas.
Make sure back-up alarms on all vehicles are functioning.
Avoid overloading equipment or machinery.
Beware of hot surfaces on equipment and truck components.
Use hearing protection during noisy operations.
Table 5-1: Potential Impacts and Correspondent Mitigation Measures
Annex 1
According to the literature review, the solid waste generated in Stone Cutting Industries can
be used as raw materials in other processes. Some of the recycling potentials of these wastes
are presented below.
Al-Zboon and Tahat utilized stone cutting waste for terrazzo tiles production and
proved the transverse strength, water absorption, and tile measurements, for all of the
taken samples, comply with the required standards.
The use of wastes from cutting process in concrete mixes was thoroughly studied by
different researchers. It was used to replace fine aggregates in concrete mixtures.
Almeida et al. used natural stone slurry to replace fine aggregates in concrete mixtures
and found that the mechanical properties of the produced samples are compliant with
concrete requirements.
The marble dust generated can be used as filler in asphalt mixtures (Karasahin and
Terzi, 2007). Karasahin and Terzi report that marble dust resulting from block
processing gives almost the same results with limestone fillers but, since the asphalt
mixtures including marble have higher plastic deformation, they should be used in
low traffic roads.
Carrao and Castelli found that the use of generated sludge, in a proportion not higher
than 40 to 50 % of the weight of the soil, resulted in greater water retention. Adding
20 to 40 % sludge to porous, acidic soils would enrich them with potassium,
magnesium, phosphorus, and other micro-elements, which are useful for vegetable
production (Al-Zboon and Al-Zou’by, 2014).
Al-Zboon and Al-Zou’by (2014). Recycling of Stone Cutting Slurry in Concrete Mixes.
Al-Zboon K, Tahat M, Abu-Hamatteh Z, Al-Harahsheh M (2010) Recycling of stone cutting
sludge in formulations of bricks and terrazzo tiles. Waste Manag Res 28(6):568–574
Dhanapandian S, Gnanvel B (2009) An investigation on the effect of incorporation of granite
and marble wastes in the production of bricks. ARPN J Eng Appl Sci 4(9):46–50
Fahiminia, Ardani, (2013). Wastewater Treatment of Stone Cutting Industries by
Coagulation Process.
Ferreira JMF, Torres PMC, Silva MS, Labrincha JA (2004) Recycling of granite sludge in
brick-type and floor tile-type ceramic formulation. J Eur Ceram Soc 24(10–11):3177–
Karasahin M, Terzi S (2007) Evaluation of marble waste dust in the mixture of asphaltic
concrete. Constr Build Mater 21(3):616– 620
Menezes RR, Ferreira HS, Neves GA, Ferreira HC (2002) The use of granite wastes as
ceramic raw materials. Ceramica 48(2002):92–101
Torres P, Fernandes H, Olhero S, Ferreira J (2009) Incorporation of wastes from granite rock
cutting and polishing industries to produce roof tiles. J Eur Ceram Soc 29(1):23–30