Compound Noun Dominoes

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WORKSHEETS, ACTIVITIE S & GA ME S Compound Noun Dominoes

Activity Type Introduction

Vocabulary and Speaking In this compound nouns game, students combine words together
Game: matching, forming to form compound nouns and use them in sentences.
sentences, freer practice
(group work) Procedure
Divide the students into groups of three. Give each group a set
Focus of dominoes. Students will also need a pen and paper for keeping
Compound nouns
Ask the students to shuffle the dominoes and deal out five each,
leaving the rest in a pile face-down. Tell the groups to pick up the
Aim top domino from the pile and place it face-up on the table.
To combine words
together to form The first player puts down one of their dominoes on either side of
compound nouns and use the domino on the table, making sure that the words combine to
them in sentences. form a compound noun.

If the player forms a compound noun successfully, they score

a point. For an extra point, the player then uses the compound
noun in a sentence.
Make one copy of the
dominoes for each group The other players then take it in turns to match their dominoes in
of three and cut as the same way by putting them down at either end of the domino
indicated. chain and making a suitable sentence when a compound noun is

Level If a player cannot put down one of their dominoes, they take one
from the top of the pile and put it down if they can. If there are
Intermediate (B1) no dominoes left in the pile, play passes to the next student.

If another player thinks a compound noun or sentence is incorrect,

Time they can challenge the player. If the students cannot agree, they
ask you for help. If a compound noun is incorrect, the player must
25 minutes
take back the domino and play passes to the next student.

When a player has gotten rid of all their dominoes, the game
ends. The students then add up their scores. The player with the
most points wins the game.

Afterwards, check answers together as a class and elicit the

compound nouns, pointing out how some are two words merged
into one, some are two separate words, and some are hyphenated

Merged: haircut, toothbrush, football, blackboard, sunrise,

bedroom, earring, underground, rainfall, lookout, girlfriend,
seafood, housekeeper, skydiving, , swimsuit, bedtime.

Two separate words: bus stop, full moon, swimming pool,

washing machine, dry cleaning, driving license.

Hyphenated: check-in, give-away © 2021 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


WORKSHEETS, ACTIVITIE S & GA ME S Compound Noun Dominoes

time bus stop full moon swimming

pool hair cut tooth brush foot

ball black board sun rise bed

room ear ring under ground washing

machine dry cleaning rain fall look

out girl friend check in sea

food house keeper sky diving give

away swim suit driving license bed © 2021 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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