Smart Time Teacher's
Smart Time Teacher's
Smart Time Teacher's
Teacher’s Book
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ISBN 978-1-4715-4018-9
01 ST 2 POL Ts bw Contents.qxp_01 ST 2 POL Ts bw Contents 6/1/15 16:47 Page 3
Introduction to the Teacher .............................................................................................................. p. 4
A Student’s Book
Unit 1 .............................................................................................................................................. p. 8
Unit 2 .............................................................................................................................................. p. 26
Unit 3 .............................................................................................................................................. p. 44
Unit 4 .............................................................................................................................................. p. 60
Unit 5............................................................................................................................................... p. 75
Unit 6............................................................................................................................................... p. 94
B Workbook
Workbook key ............................................................................................................................... p. 178
02 ST 2 POL Ts bw Intro.qxp_02 ST 2 POL Ts bw Intro 6/1/15 16:47 Page 4
02 ST 2 POL Ts bw Intro.qxp_02 ST 2 POL Ts bw Intro 6/1/15 16:47 Page 5
02 ST 2 POL Ts bw Intro.qxp_02 ST 2 POL Ts bw Intro 6/1/15 16:47 Page 6
F Assigning homework
B Choral and individual repetition
When assigning writing tasks, prepare Ss as well as possible
Repetition will ensure that Ss are thoroughly familiar with the
in advance. This will help them avoid errors and get
sound and pronunciation of the lexical items and structures
maximum benefit from the task.
being taught and confident in their ability to reproduce them.
Always ask Ss to repeat chorally before you ask them to Commonly assigned tasks include:
repeat individually. Repeating chorally will help Ss feel Copy – Ss copy an assigned extract;
confident enough to then perform the task on their own. Dictation – Ss learn the spelling of particular words without
memorising the text in which they appear;
C Listening and Reading Vocabulary – Ss memorise the meaning of words and
You may ask Ss to read and listen for a variety of purposes: phrases or use the new words in sentences of their own;
• Listening for detail. Ss listen for specific information Reading Aloud – Assisted by the S’s CDs, Ss practice at
after they have listened for gist. (See Student’s Book, home in preparation for reading aloud in class;
Unit 4, p. 70, Exs 1 & 2b) Writing – After thorough preparation in class, Ss are asked
• Listening and reading for gist. Ask Ss to read or listen to produce a complete piece of writing.
to get the gist of the dialogue or text being dealt with.
(See Student’s Book, Unit 1, p. 19, Ex. 1. Tell Ss that in G Correcting students’ work
order to complete this task successfully, they do not All learners make errors – it is part of the learning process.
need to understand every single detail in the text.) The way you deal with errors depends on what the Ss are
• Reading for detail. Ask Ss to read for specific doing.
information. (See Student’s Book, Unit 1, p. 10, Ex. 2.
Ss will have to read to the text in order to do the tasks.
They are looking for specific details in the text and not
for general information.)
02 ST 2 POL Ts bw Intro.qxp_02 ST 2 POL Ts bw Intro 6/1/15 16:47 Page 7
03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1.qxp_03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1 6/1/15 16:54 Page 8
03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1.qxp_03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1 6/1/15 16:54 Page 9
What’s in this unit? Suggested Answer Key
Superheroes Anonymous are a group of people who
In this unit Ss will explore the topics of people (daily routine &
lead double lives. They have ordinary jobs in the day,
free-time activities), work and education. They will learn the
but at night they wear costumes and help to keep their
present simple, the present continuous, adverbs of frequency,
communities safe. They fight crime in the streets and
question words and the -ing form. They will learn to express
help those in need, like the poor, the homeless and the
likes/dislikes & make suggestions. They will also learn to write
informal emails about their daily routine & free time.
proud (adj): pleased with themselves Answer Key
role model (n): sb who another person aspires to be 1 real 3 elderly 5 Net
like because of their positive behaviour 2 fight 4 proud 6 make
1b Vocabulary A taxi driver works outdoors.
A secretary works in an office.
1 a) To present new vocabulary A nurse works in a hospital.
• Go through the list of words and give Ss time to A waiter works in a restaurant.
form compound nouns and match them to the An actor works in a theatre.
pictures. A cook works in a restaurant.
• Check Ss’ answers. A lawyer works in an office.
An accountant works in an office.
Answer Key A police officer works outdoors.
1 swimming instructor 4 shop assistant
2 travel agent 5 bank clerk 3 To present character adjectives
3 tour guide 6 taxi driver
• Ask Ss to read the adjectives in the list. Explain/ Elicit
the meaning of any unknown words.
b) To match speakers to sentences • Ss read the gapped sentences one by one and choose
• Ask Ss to work in closed pairs. One S says the the most appropriate adjective to fill each gap.
sentence and the other S says who says it. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Ask pairs to report back to the class. Answer Key
Answer Key 1 sociable 4 creative 7 lazy
1 tour guide 4 bank clerk 2 careful 5 polite 8 unfriendly
2 swimming instructor 5 travel agent 3 patient 6 reliable
3 shop assistant 6 taxi driver
4 To match adjectives to opposites
2 a) To present new vocabulary • Read out the theory box and then give Ss time to
Give Ss time to look up the words and then elicit do the task using their dictionaries if necessary to
the definitions from Ss around the class. help them.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
doctor = sb who treats people who are ill Answer Key
teacher = sb who teaches others 1 e 2 f 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 d
gardener = sb who looks after gardens
farmer = sb who grows crops and/or raises animals 5 To listen for specific information (sentence
taxi driver = sb who drives people where they want to go completion)
secretary = sb who works in an office, typing and
answering the telephone • Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the
nurse = sb who cares for people who are ill sentences.
waiter = sb who serves customers in a restaurant /café • Check Ss’ answers.
actor = sb who acts in plays/films Answer Key
cook = sb who cooks food for other people Kate works as a swimming instructor. She works in a
lawyer = sb who represents people in court sports centre. She needs to be patient, friendly and
accountant = sb who does people’s/companies’ responsible.
police officer = sb who makes sure people obey the law
6 To practise character adjectives
b) To match jobs to workplaces • Explain the task. Give Ss an example. You can use
the answers in the Suggested Answer Key.
Explain the task and read out the examples. Elicit • Ask various Ss around the class to describe
answers from Ss around the class. themselves/their friend.
Suggested Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
A teacher works in a school. I’m very sociable. I make friends easily. I’m a bit lazy
A gardener works outdoors. though; I sometimes don’t tidy my room!
A farmer works outdoors.
03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1.qxp_03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1 6/1/15 16:54 Page 12
My friend is very creative; she always writes the best Answer Key
stories in our class. She’s a bit impatient though; she 1 H 4 A 7 M 10 C 13 J
hates it when you keep her waiting! 2 F 5 L 8 D 11 I
3 G 6 B 9 E 12 K
7 a) To practise play, do, go (to)
• Give Ss time to go through the free-time activities 11 To talk about sb’s daily routine
in the diagram and fill in the correct verbs. Explain that Peter is the boy in the pictures in Ex. 10.
• Check Ss’ answers. Explain any unknown Ask various Ss to use their answers from Ex. 10 to tell
words. the class about his daily routine. Remind Ss that we
Answer Key use at with the time (at 3 o’clock) or noon/night and in
with the morning/afternoon/evening.
a go b do c go to d play
Suggested Answer Key
b) To talk about your free-time activities Peter gets up at 7 o’clock. He has a shower and makes
his bed. At 8 o’clock he has breakfast and then he
Ss talk in pairs about their free-time activities using
catches the bus to school. At 1 o’clock he has lunch.
the vocabulary in Ex. 7a. Monitor the activity around
School finishes at 2 o’clock. He goes back home at half
the class and then ask some pairs to report back to
past two and does his homework. In the evening he has
the rest of the class.
dinner with his family. Then he watches TV and surfs
Suggested Answer Key the Net. At 10 o’clock he goes to bed.
a) I don’t go cycling, but I go swimming and ice-skating.
b) I don’t do aerobics, but I do sports. 12 To complete a text with appropriate verbs
c) I don’t go to the theatre, but I go to the cinema.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the
d) I don’t play tennis, but I play football.
text with the verbs in the list.
• Check Ss’ answers.
8 To listen for specific information
Answer Key
• Play the recording, twice if necessary. Ss listen and
1 get 3 help 5 go 7 chat
complete the sentences.
2 have 4 have 6 surf 8 go
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 13 To write a short text comparing two
Mark likes ice-skating and swimming. He also likes people’s daily routines
going to the park and playing football. He doesn’t like
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the
going to the shopping centre or to the cinema.
• Check Ss’ answers.
9 To compare two people’s free-time • Alternatively assign this task as HW.
Suggested Answer Key
Ask various Ss around the class to compare their and
Sandra usually gets up at about 9:00. I don’t get up at
Mark’s free-time activities.
9:00. I always get up at 10:00. Sandra helps with the
Suggested Answer Key chores at home. I help my dad in the garden. We have
Mark likes ice-skating and swimming. I like swimming lunch but I don’t usually go shopping with my mum. In
too. Mark doesn’t like going to the cinema, but I do. I the evening I surf the Net like Sandra. I also watch TV.
don’t like ice-skating. My friends and I don’t go to the cinema like Sandra and
her friends but we sometimes go ice-skating.
03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1.qxp_03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1 6/1/15 16:54 Page 13
1c Grammar in use 2 To practise the third-person singular in the
present simple
1 a) To present the present simple and the • Ask Ss to study the theory box and then complete
present continuous the task.
• Ss’ books closed. Say then write on the board: I • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
always eat breakfast in the morning. Elicit what more information.
tense the verb is in (present simple) and what the • Check Ss’ answers on the board.
sentence expresses (a habit/routine). Say than
Answer Key
write on the board: I am teaching a lesson now.
Elicit what tense the verb is in (present 1 likes 3 does 5 stays 7 listens
continuous) and what the sentence expresses 2 cries 4 reads 6 teaches 8 tries
(an action happening now). Explain that stative
verbs (i.e. verbs that describe a state not an 3 To practise the -ing form
action) don’t usually have continuous forms (e.g.
• Ask Ss to study the theory box and then complete
I believe in fairies. NOT I’m believing in fairies).
the task.
• Ask Ss to read the table and then elicit how we
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
form the present simple and the present
more information.
continuous from Ss around the class. Use the
• Check Ss’ answers on the board.
examples provided in the table.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section Answer Key
for more information. 1 putting 5 relaxing 9 studying
Answer Key 2 having 6 planning 10 trying
3 dying 7 tying
• We form the present simple in the affirmative with
4 swimming 8 riding
personal pronoun + base form of verb (Note: 3rd
person singular of the verb takes -s, -es or -ies); in
the interrogative with do + personal pronoun + base 4 a) To practise stative verbs
form of main verb (Note: 3rd person singular of the • Explain what the faces mean using the verbs in
verb takes does and not do); and in the negative the rubric in Ex. 4a.
with personal pronoun + do/does + not + base form • Give Ss time to complete the task.
of main verb • Check Ss’ answers.
• We form the present continuous in the affirmative
with personal pronoun + the verb to be (to agree Answer Key
with pronoun) + -ing form of the main verb; in the 2 likes 4 doesn’t like
interrogative with the verb to be (to agree with 3 doesn’t mind 5 hates
pronoun) + personal pronoun + -ing form of the
main verb; and in the negative with personal b) To practise verbs with non-continuous
pronoun + the verb to be (to agree with pronoun) + tenses using personal examples
not + -ing form of the main verb
Elicit a variety of sentences from Ss around the
class. Ss can use the same phrases in Ex. 4a or
b) To identify the uses of the present phrases from Exs. 7 and 10 on p. 13.
simple and the present continuous
Suggested Answer Key
Direct Ss to the cartoon and elicit the present simple
and present continuous forms, and their uses. I like ice-skating. I enjoy playing basketball. I don’t like
doing the chores. I hate playing computer games.
Answer Key
Present simple: I want (non-continuous form), Is it, 5 To practise the interrogative form of the
drives (routine), does a taxi driver drive (routine), he does present continuous
(short answer), I wonder (non-continuous form), does that
mean (non-continuous form), lift • Explain the task and choose two Ss to read out the
Present continuous: are you reading (action happening example.
now), I’m not reading (action happening now), are you • Ss complete the task and then check Ss’ answers.
asking (action happening now)
03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1.qxp_03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1 6/1/15 16:54 Page 14
Answer Key 5 are all having (fixed future arrangement)
2 Is Tom sending emails? No, he isn’t. He’s surfing the 6 finishes (routine)
3 Are Rachel and Beth doing puzzles? No, they aren’t. 9 To present and practise adverbs of
They’re doing their homework. frequency
4 Is Mum watching TV? No, she isn’t. She’s cooking. • Ask Ss to study the theory box and then complete
the task.
6 To practise the interrogative form of the • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
present simple and the present continuous more information.
• Explain the task and choose two Ss to read out the • Check Ss’ answers.
example. Answer Key
• Ss complete the task. Ask Ss to identify the words in
2 usually 4 sometimes 6 never
the prompts that suggest what tense they should
3 often 5 hardly ever
use (every weekend, on Sundays need present
simple, now needs present continuous).
• Check Ss’ answers. 10 To practise word order with adverbs of
Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and read out the example.
2 A: Do you do sports every weekend? • Ss complete the task.
B: No, I don’t. I do sports at school. • Check Ss’ answers.
3 A: Are you tidying your room now?
B: No, I’m not. I’m having a lesson. Answer Key
4 A: Do you eat out on Sundays? 2 We sometimes play football on Saturdays.
B: No, we don’t. We eat at home. 3 They never watch TV late at night.
5 A: Are you watching TV now? 4 Annie is always patient with others.
B: No, I’m not. I’m having an English lesson.
11 To practise adverbs of frequency using
7 To practise the present simple and the personal examples
present continuous
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the
• Explain the task. task.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key I usually watch TV in the evenings. My friend usually surfs
1 do you do, go (routine) the Net. I always go to bed at 11 o’clock. My friend
2 Are you catching, am/’m meeting (future arrangement) sometimes goes to bed at 12 o’clock. I often cook dinner
3 does Carol leave, leaves (routine/habit) for the family. My friend often eats out. We sometimes go
4 Does Sue work, works (routine) to the cinema together at weekends. My friend is always
5 isn’t playing, am/’m not playing, am/’m going (future hardworking at school. I’m sometimes a bit lazy! We are
arrangement) never late for school.
A: Who do you usually spend your evenings with?
B: I usually spend my evenings with my family, but I Background information
often go to a sleepover at my friend’s house. The Outback is the vast, remote area of Australia. It is
A: When do you do your homework? home to animals like the red kangaroo, emu and dingo.
B: I always do it in the afternoons after school. Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales and
A: Which do you prefer to do at weekends; have dinner the most populous city in Australia. It is on Australia’s
at home or eat out? south-east coast, on the Tasman Sea. The city is built
B: Have dinner at home. We hardly ever eat out. on hills surrounding Port Jackson which is commonly
A: Where are you going this Sunday? known as Sydney Harbour, where you can see the
B: I’m going to a graduation. Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge.
A: Whose graduation is it?
B: It’s my cousin’s. etc.
2 To read for specific information (sentence
13 To write a short paragraph practising the completion)
present simple, the present continuous and
adverbs of frequency • Give Ss time to read the text again and complete
the task.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Alternatively, assign this task as HW. Answer Key
1 (just) amazing 5 set up a campsite
Suggested Answer Key
2 a ranch 6 gather around the
From Monday to Friday, I always go to school in the 3 at sunrise campfire drinking tea
mornings. In the afternoons, I usually do my homework 4 trust them
and watch TV. In the evenings, I have dinner with my
family and we often play board games. Sometimes we
watch a DVD together. At weekends, I usually do sports 3 To read for general comprehension (T/F)
or go jogging. This weekend I’m helping my mum do • Give Ss time to read the text again and complete
the chores and then all the family are going to the the task.
cinema. • Check Ss’ answers. Ss correct the false statements.
Answer Key
1d Across Cultures
1 T (ℓ. 1-2) 3 F (ℓ. 9) (Sheila is Erin’s horse).
1 To predict the content of the text and listen 2 T (ℓ. 6)
for gist
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
• Read out the title of the text and ask Ss what they in the Check these words box in their dictionaries
believe the text may be about. (A day in the life of a or look them up in the Word List.
cowgirl in Australia.)
Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to describe the picture. Ask:
What can you see in the picture? (A girl). adventure (n): an exciting experience
What is she doing? (She’s riding a horse). the outback (phr): the wilds of Australia
What is she wearing? (a skirt, jeans, boots & a hat). peace (n): quietness
• Elicit Ss’ guesses in answer to the questions in the quiet (n): peacefulness
rubric. scenery (n): landscape
• Play the recording. Ss listen to find out. sun setting (phr): when the sun goes down
training (n): a period of being taught to do sth
Answer Key sunrise (n): when the sun comes up
Jillaroos are cowgirls and Jackaroos are cowboys who feed (v): to give food to
work on ranches and help look after ranch animals in gain trust (phr): to make sb believe you are kind and
Australia. mean no harm
make progress (phr): to improve
set up (phr v): to build
campsite (n): a temporary settlement with tents
gather (v): to come/bring together
03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1.qxp_03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1 6/1/15 16:54 Page 16
campfire (n): a fire on a campsite Answer Key
luck (n): fortune 1 in 2 at 3 on 4 at 5 at 6 on
she learns how to set up a campfire. Everyone gathers Answer Key
around the campfire and drinks tea. 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 C
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers. 1a He hates bowling. = He can’t stand bowling.
Suggested Answer Key 1b Bowling is his favourite sport. = He really loves
I like playing computer games. It’s cheap. I don’t like
3a She prefers tennis. = She really enjoys tennis.
playing an instrument. It’s difficult. I like reading. It’s
3b She doesn’t like tennis. = She hates tennis
easy. I don’t like fishing. It’s boring. I like painting. It’s
interesting. I like dancing. It’s exciting. I don’t like
collecting stamps or coins. It’s dull. etc. 4 To practise expressing likes and dislikes
• Explain the task and read out the example.
7 To present/practise intonation in questions • Ss complete the task in closed pairs. Monitor the
activity around the class and then ask some pairs to
• Go through the theory box with Ss.
report back to the class.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat.
Check Ss’ intonation. Suggested Answer Key
A: Do you like going to the cinema?
1f Speaking skills B: I really enjoy it.
03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1.qxp_03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1 6/1/15 16:54 Page 19
A B 1g Writing
Greet B. Ask how Answer. Ask how A
1 To analyse a rubric
B is. is.
Answer. Ask A if busy this • Ask Ss to read the rubric and pay special attention
weekend. to the underlined words.
Reply. Ask why.
• Read the questions aloud one at a time and elicit
Express dislike. Explain where you
the answers from Ss around the class.
Suggest alternative. are going. Invite A.
Agree. Answer Key
Suggest time.
Agree. Say where to 1 An email
Greet B.
meet. 2 A new e-friend, Peter
3 What I do in my daily routine and my free time and if
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask I like doing sports
some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the 4 50-100 words
rest of the class.
b) To practise using capital letters Answer Key
• Give Ss some time to complete the task. My day starts very early because lessons begin at 8:00.
• Check Ss’ answers on the board. I get up at 6:30 and at 7:45 I walk to school.
I like History and Geography, but I don’t really enjoy
Answer Key
1 I go to the park on Saturdays. I do my homework and help with the chores.
2 John’s from Toronto in Canada. I surf the Net and sometimes watch TV.
3 Helen can speak Italian and Polish. I love doing sports, too.
4 Sara’s birthday is in June. I like ice-skating and cycling.
03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1.qxp_03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1 6/1/15 16:54 Page 21
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
present yourself: Anna, 14-year-old student, Glasgow, A – making eye contact
Scotland B – smiling
typical weekday: get up at 7:30; have breakfast; at C – biting her nails
8:30 catch bus to school; (like English and Art; don’t
like Physics;) in the afternoons do homework, watch 2 To introduce the topic and read for gist
TV; in the evenings surf the Net or read a book; go to
bed at 11:00. • Elicit various answers from Ss (eg. smile). Then give
prefer doing at the weekends: go horse riding, watch Ss time to read the text and find out.
DVDs, play computer games • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1.qxp_03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1 6/1/15 16:54 Page 22
5 To consolidate information in a text Answer Key
Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text. Ask 1 real 3 fight 5 setting
various Ss to tell the class what they learnt. 2 lead 4 gain
Progress Check
7 To practise the present simple and the
1 To practise phrases with the verbs do, go, play, make present continuous
• Give Ss time to complete the task. • Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 make 4 make 7 play 10 do 1 does he get 4 Does Sally work
2 go 5 go 8 do 2 isn’t watching 5 is tidying
3 make 6 play 9 do 3 are you doing 6 studies
03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1.qxp_03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1 6/1/15 16:54 Page 23
Exam Practice 1 (Basic) 3 B (G) doesn’t … walk (never can’t be used with
doesn’t / we say he sometimes doesn’t walk ...)
1 To prepare for a reading task 4 C (G) How … does she play (How many/much ask
• Ex. 1 prepares Ss to identify the purpose content of about quantity)
a text as well as where it can be seen. Go through 5 A (G) Geography, Maths (joins similar ideas)
text A with Ss. Read the text then go through the 6 C (G) They are … now (present continuous with
sentences 1-3 and elicit answers. Give Ss time to now)
read the rest of the texts and choose the correct 7 A (L) good at
option for each one. 8 B (L) hear from
• Check Ss’ answers. 9 B (L) don’t (can’t stand)
10 A (L) can’t (phrase)
Answer Key 11 C (G) Mondays (on + day)
A 1 announcement 12 B (G) the evenings (in + the morning/the evening/
2 school the afternoon)
3 gives information 13 A (L) out with his friends (= meets)
14 C (L) the Net (phrase)
B 1 a sign
15 C (L) sports (phrase)
2 a library
3 talk
4 To practise text completion (multiple
C 1 a brochure choice cloze)
2 an email
3 advertises a local attraction • Go through the Study Skills and explain that this
advice will help Ss to complete the task successfully.
• Then ask Ss to do the task.
2 To read to identify the purpose, context • Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.
and place seen of a text
Answer Key
• Go through the Study Skills with Ss.
• Then ask Ss to read the texts 1-4 and choose the 1 C (on a ranch)
appropriate sentence from A-E for each one. 2 B (contrast ideas)
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers. 3 A (phrase)
Answer Key
5 To listen for specific information (multiple
1 D (key words: sports centre match to: club, matching)
2 E (key words: acting lessons: actor, private classes, • Ask Ss to read the rubric and then the lists of
trained performer) names and hobbies.
3 A (key words: school noticeboard: students, History • Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the
exam, Room 17B) task.
4 C (key words: job: shop assistant for weekend • Check Ss’ answers.
work) Answer Key
1 C 2 E 3 D 4 A
3 To practise sentence completion
• Ex. 3 prepares Ss to choose the best option out of Exam Practice 1 (Extended)
3 to complete the gaps. Its focus is lexical and
grammatical. 1 To identify similar ideas
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. • Ex. 1 prepares Ss for identifying similar/related ideas.
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit what each sentence • Read out the title of the text and ask Ss what they
tests and which words helped them decide on their believe the text is about. (unusual jobs – look after a
answers. jaguar)
Answer Key • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the
1 B (G) you get up? (present simple) task.
2 C (G) 8:00 (at + time) • Check Ss’ answers.
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Answer Key Answer Key
A – get up, have lunch, go to bed, walk to work 1 comes 3 and 5 surfing
B – go to the gym, exercise, keep fit, work out in gym, 2 student 4 his 6 second
Thai boxing, do sprints
5 To practise text completion
2 To choose a heading for a paragraph
• Go through the Study Skills with Ss. Explain that Ss
• Ex. 2 aims to prepare Ss to match headings to should read the whole sentence before deciding on a
paragraphs. word and how to amend it to fit the gap.
• Give Ss time to read the paragraph and choose the • Give Ss time to complete the task.
best heading from Ex. 1 to match it. • Ask Ss to read the completed text to check if it
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit which words helped makes sense.
them. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
B TRAINING HARD 1 My 3 third 5 friends
2 studies 4 getting
underlined words: work out in the gym, keep fit, five
sessions of one hour each, do sprints, Thai boxing
6 a) To understand the function of missing
words in a sentence completion task
3 To read for comprehension (matching
headings to paragraphs) • Exs 6a/b aim to make Ss understand what tense
is missing and in which form.
• Go through the Study Skills and explain that this
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
advice will help Ss to complete the task successfully.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Then ask Ss to read the text and match the
paragraphs 1-3 to the headings A-D. Remind them Answer Key
that there is an extra heading. 1 A – contains a verb which doesn’t have continuous
• Check Ss’ answers. Ask Ss to justify their answers. forms (like)
Answer Key B – should be in the third person singular (he)
2 A – a routine (when)
1 C (unique experience: travel around, take care of
B – should be in the interrogative (question word –
jaguar, most dangerous)
when, question mark)
2 A (daily routine: day begins, make breakfast, rest of
3 D (friendly but dangerous: harmless, be careful, b) To practise sentence completion
too excited, wild animal) • Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
4 a) To identify the function of missing words Answer Key
• Exs. 4 a/b prepare Ss for completing a text using 1 doesn’t like 2 do you play
a list of words given to them in their correct form.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
7 To practise completing sentences
the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Go through the Study Skills and explain that this
advice will help Ss to complete the task
Answer Key
1 verb 4 possessive adjective • Ask Ss to follow the instructions while doing Ex. 7.
2 noun 5 verb • Give Ss time to complete the task.
3 conjunction 6 adjective • Check Ss’ answers.
b) To compete sentences
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1.qxp_03 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 1 6/1/15 16:54 Page 25
Answer Key
1 does his homework (present simple/always –
2 enjoys playing basketball (present simple – verb
with non-continuous form – habit, enjoy + -ing)
3 is always (3rd person singular – she)
4 aren’t listening/ are not listening (present
continuous – action happening now – at the
5 aren’t really/ are not really (first person plural –
negative form – non-continuous verb)
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Unit 2 Travel
2a Reading 28-29 2f Speaking skills 37
Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for Lesson Objectives: To describe a holiday, to complete a
general comprehension, to talk about the Karen people, to cloze text, to role play, to complete a dialogue, to ask for
complete an email summarising a text information
Vocabulary: Verbs (own, weave); Phrasal verb (get off); Vocabulary: Sympathising (What a pity! Oh dear! Oh no!
Nouns (tribe, generation, cloth, adult, dragon, religion); That’s terrible. How awful! That’s awful! I’m so sorry to hear
Adjective (local); Phrases (book tickets, guided tour, step that.); Showing interest (Sounds exciting! Sounds like it was
back in time) fun. It seems like you had a great time!)
2e Listening skills 36
Lesson Objectives: To listen for specific information, to
pronounce \oU\, \O…\
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What’s in this unit?
Background information
In this unit Ss will explore the topics of nature (geographical
The Karen or Kayin people refer to a number of Sino-
features & location, compass points, waves) and travel
Tibetan language speaking ethnic groups which
(types of holidays, holiday activities/ problems, means of
reside primarily in Burma (Myanmar). The Karen make
transport). They will learn the past simple, used to, and the
up approximately 7% of the total Burmese population
order of adjectives. They will also learn to write an email
of approximately 50 million people. A large number of
about a visit to a place, a blog entry about their holiday and
Karen also reside in Thailand, mostly on the Thai–
an informal email about a holiday experience.
Burmese border. Perhaps because the neck ring
custom is so striking, less attention gets paid to other
2a Reading aspects of Karen culture. Women stretch their
earlobes as it is considered to be a sign of great
1 To introduce the topic
beauty. Making music is another aspect of Karen
• Read the questions aloud and explain/elicit the culture worth mentioning as it also plays an important
meanings of any unknown words. part in Karen life.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and match them to
the questions.
Answer Key 3 To read for comprehension (matching
1 D 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 A headings to paragraphs)
• Give Ss time to read the text again and complete the
2 To predict the content of the text; to task. Remind Ss that there is one extra heading.
listen/read for specific information • Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.
• Elicit Ss’ guesses in answer to the questions in the Answer Key
rubric. 1 C (we needed a change)
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find out. 2 B (felt like we stepped back in time)
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class. 3 A (what surprised me the most... huge rings...
Suggested Answer Key around their necks)
The people live in Thailand. The woman is wearing the • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
rings around her neck to make it longer. in the Check these words box in their dictionaries
or look them up in the Word List.
Background information Suggested Answer Key
Thailand formerly known as Siam, is a country located book tickets (phr): to reserve and pay for travel vouchers
at the centre of the Indochina peninsula in Southeast to go somewhere
Asia. The country is a constitutional monarchy. guided tour (phr): the act of taking sb around a place
Thailand covers an area of approximately 513,000 km2 with a local person who gives them information about it
and is the 20th most populous country, with around 64 get off (phr v): to get out of means of transport
million people. The capital and largest city is Bangkok, step back in time (phr): to feel as though you have
which is Thailand's political, commercial, industrial and travelled in a period of the past
cultural centre. The city's vibrant street life and cultural local (n): villager
landmarks have given it an exotic appeal. tribe (n): a group of people with the same culture, race
or language
generation (n): a period of time considered to be around
thirty years
own (v): to possess
weave (v): to make cloth
cloth (n): fabric material
adult (n): person over 18 years of age
dragon (n): mythical lizard creature with long neck and
religion (n): a belief in a god/gods
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4 To read for specific information (sentence 9 a) To consolidate prior knowledge
completion) with new knowledge; to develop critical thinking
Give Ss time to read the text again and complete the skills
sentences and then check Ss’ answers. • Tell Ss to draw a table in their notebooks using the
headings below:
Answer Key
1 his friend Tim 4 small bamboo huts • Ss fill in the table, then use the completed table to
2 the ‘City of Angels’ 5 open fires tell the class.
3 the north-west of 6 extremely long
the country Suggested Answer Key
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10 To write an email based on the text 3 To personalise a topic
• Give Ss time to complete the email and then ask • Explain the task and ask Ss to compete it in closed
various Ss to read it out to the class. pairs. Ss should use ideas from Exs 1 & 2.
• Alternatively, assign this task as HW. • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Hi, Liam, Suggested Answer Key
Tim and I went on holiday to Thailand last week. A: How was your holiday?
Bangkok is a very busy city. While we were there we B: It was great. We went on a sightseeing holiday.
visited the north-west of the country. The people A: Where did you stay?
there live in small bamboo huts with open fires. They B: We stayed at a hotel.
get everything they need by growing their own food A: How did you travel?
and making their own clothes. The women in the B: We travelled by plane.
village wore lots of brass rings around their necks. A: What did you do?
This makes their necks look long, like the neck of a B: We rented a car and went sightseeing. We went to
dragon. lots of museums and art galleries.
We had a great time there. A: What was the weather like?
Write back soon. B: It was warm and sunny.
4 a) To present means of transport
2b Vocabulary
Ask Ss to look up any new words in the Word List
1 a) To present new vocabulary and then elicit which ones are in the picture.
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6 To practise adverbs of frequency with Suggested Answer Key
means of transport In my country there are mountains, valleys, forests,
• Go through the list of adjectives and explain/elicit lakes and rivers but there aren’t any volcanoes or
their meaning. deserts. There are some islands too and some famous
• Explain the task and read out the example. Remind waterfalls. The tallest mountain, Ben Nevis, is in the
Ss that we use “by” with means of transport. north. In the south is The New Forest. The Isle of Man is
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then ask in the west. Sherwood Forest is in the east. The River
various Ss around the class to read out their Thames is in the south-east and the Lake District is in
sentences. the north-west. In the south-west are the Becky Falls
on Dartmoor and in the north-east in the Yorkshire
Suggested Answer Key
Dales there are lots of green valleys.
I don’t usually travel by bus. It’s very noisy.
I often travel by underground. I think it’s safe.
I hardly ever travel by tram. I think it’s boring. 9 To learn collocations related to holiday
I never travel by plane. It’s expensive. problems
I usually travel by car. It’s fast and comfortable. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
I sometimes travel by train. It’s relaxing. • Check Ss’ answers.
I hardly ever travel by bicycle. It’s very slow. • Ask Ss to list these collocations in the Collocations
I never travel by motorbike. It’s dangerous. Section in their notebooks. Advise Ss to revise them
as often as possible.
7 To present and practise prepositional
Answer Key
1 heavy 4 polluted 7 dirty
• Give Ss time to complete the task. 2 awful 5 long 8 noisy
• Check Ss’ answers round the class. 3 crowded 6 expensive
• Tell Ss to copy the prepositional phrases into the
Prepositions Section in their notebooks. Advise Ss
to revise them as often as possible. 10 To present new vocabulary related to
holiday problems
Answer Key
• Go through the words in bold with Ss. Explain/ Elicit
1 by (but: in our car) 5 for (but: popular any unknown words.
2 on with tourists) • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
3 from 6 in (but: by car) • Check Ss’ answers.
4 by
Answer Key
8 a) To present vocabulary for geographical 1 lost (BUT miss the bus/train etc)
features contact (BUT talk to the travel agent)
• Read the words aloud and ask Ss to look at the 2 book (BUT hire a tour guide)
pictures and label them. 3 trip
• Check Ss’ answers. 4 rented (BUT hire a car/motorbike/bicycle)
5 fasten
Answer Key 6 journey (BUT voyage usu by ship)
1 waterfall 4 mountain 7 volcano 7 stuck (BUT stop to admire the scenery)
2 river 5 island 8 lake missed (BUT lose our luggage/passport)
3 forest 6 valley 9 desert 8 delayed
Go through the points on the compass and then • Explain the task and play the recording, twice if
elicit answers to the questions in the rubric from Ss necessary.
around the class. • Ss say what problem each person had using the
ones presented in Ex. 9.
• Check Ss’ answers.
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Answer Key form questions in the past simple. Focus Ss’ attention
Steve – awful weather on the position of did (before the personal pronoun).
Dalia – long queues Point out that we answer in the short form with
Igor – expensive hotels Yes/No + personal pronoun + did/didn’t.
• Ss open their books. Read out the table and elicit
how we form the past simple.
12 To write about a holiday problem
• Ask Ss to read the table and then elicit how we form
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. the past simple from Ss around the class.
Tell Ss that they can use ideas from Exs 9 & 10. • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
• Ask various Ss to read their paragraphs to the class. more information.
• Alternatively, assign this task as HW.
Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key • We form the past simple of regular verbs in the
Last winter, I went on a skiing holiday in the Alps. The affirmative with personal pronoun + base form of the
weather was cold and sunny, just right for skiing. We verb + -ed; in the negative with personal pronoun + did
travelled there by car and arrived at our hotel in the + not + bare infinitive; and in the interrogative with did
afternoon. I was really looking forward to going skiing the + personal pronoun + bare infinitive;
next day. The trouble was, the people in the next room • We form the past simple of irregular verbs in the
were really noisy. They kept me awake all night talking and affirmative with personal pronoun + the irregular
playing loud music. In the morning I was so tired I couldn’t past form of the verb; in the negative with personal
go skiing. I just stayed in bed all day! Fortunately, the noisy pronoun + did + not + bare infinitive; and in the
people checked out that evening! interrogative with did + personal pronoun + bare
2c Grammar in use
1 a) To present the past simple b) To identify the uses of the past simple
• Ss close their books. Present the past simple. Say Direct Ss to the cartoon and elicit the past simple
then write on the board: I worked hard yesterday. forms and uses.
Underline worked and explain that this verb is in the Answer Key
past simple. Point to a S and say: You worked hard did you spend, we stayed, we didn’t swim, it was, we went
yesterday. Then write it on the board. Point to a male S We use the past simple to talk about actions that
and say: He worked hard yesterday. Then write it on happened at a specific time in the past.
the board. Present the other persons in the same way.
Elicit that the verb is the same in all persons.
• Explain/Elicit the spelling rules of the past simple for 2 To practise the pronunciation of /t/, /d/ and
regular verbs by writing the verbs work, love, play, /id/ in past simple verb forms
study, travel and their past simple forms on the • Play the recording. Ss listen and tick the correct
board: work – worked (most verbs take -ed to form sounds they hear.
their past simple form), love - loved (verbs ending in • Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to
-e add -d), study – studied (verbs ending in repeat. Check Ss’ pronunciation.
consonant + -y lose -y and take -ied), play – played • Elicit more verbs with the same sounds.
(verbs ending in a vowel + -y add -ed), travel –
travelled (verbs ending in vowel + l, p, k, b, etc. Answer Key
double the consonant and add -ed). \t\ \d\ \Id\ \t\ \d\ \Id\
• Say then write on the board: I didn’t work yesterday.
watched ✓ played ✓
and She didn’t work yesterday. Underline I didn’t in the
first sentence and She didn’t in the second sentence. wanted ✓ stopped ✓
Explain that we use didn’t in all persons to form the liked ✓ walked ✓
negative of the past simple. Point out that the verb is
the same in all persons. Suggested Answer Key
• Say then write on the board: Did I play tennis \t\ - booked, looked, talked
yesterday? No, I didn’t and Did you play tennis \d\ - stayed, travelled, listened
yesterday? No, you didn’t. Explain that we use Did + \Id\ - visited, rented, landed
personal pronoun + base form of the main verb to
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3 To practise the past forms of verbs • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. more information.
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit which are regular/ • Elicit any similar structures in Ss’ L1.
irregular. Answer Key
• Check Ss answers on the board. she used to live
Answer Key Ss’ own answers
1 came I 9 looked R
2 found I 10 went I
7 a) To practise “used to”
3 changed R 11 took I
4 saw I 12 gave I • Explain the task and read out the example.
5 ate I 13 listened R • Ss complete the task.
6 tried R 14 wanted R • Check Ss’ answers.
7 had I 15 made I Answer Key
8 bought I
2 He used to spend his holidays by the sea.
3 He didn’t use to stay in a hostel.
4 To practise the past simple; regular/ 4 He used to play football on the beach.
irregular verb forms 5 He used to swim in the sea.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. 6 He didn’t use to eat out in restaurants.
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit which are regular/ 7 He used to go to the cinema.
irregular. 8 He didn’t use to ride a scooter.
Answer Key
b) To practise “used to” using personal
1 went I 8 saw I
2 stayed R 9 was I
3 ate I 10 didn’t want R • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
4 didn’t feel I 11 didn’t have I the task.
5 rented R 12 did you do I • Check Ss’ answers.
6 travelled R 13 Did you meet up I Suggested Answer Key
7 visited R
I used to play with dolls.
I used to spend every summer with my grandparents.
5 To practise all forms of the past simple I used to eat chocolate every day.
• Explain the task and read out the example. I didn’t use to go to music lessons on Saturdays.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. I didn’t use to look after a pet.
• Ss work in closed pairs. I didn’t use to play basketball.
• Monitor the activity around the class.
Answer Key 8 To practise talking about the past
2 A: Did they stay in a cabin? • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the
B: No, they didn’t. They stayed in a hotel. task in pairs.
3 A: Did they travel around the city on the bus? • Monitor the activity around the class and ask some
B: No, they didn’t. They rented bicycles pairs to ask and answer in front of the rest of the
4 A: Did they visit the Mucha Museum? class.
B: Yes, they did. Suggested Answer Key
5 A: Did they eat out every night?
B: Yes, they did. A: When did you go on holiday last year?
B: In August.
A: What did you do there?
6 To present used to B: I enjoyed the Sandy beaches and the delicious
• Ask Ss to read the theory box. local dishes.
• Then elicit an example of used to in the joke. A: Where did you stay?
B: I stayed in a B&B.
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A: Did you go sightseeing? Answer Key
B: Yes, I did. I visited lots of historical places. 1 A 2 B
A: Did you buy any souvenirs?
B: Yes, I did. I bought lots! 2 a) To present text types
Ask Ss to read the definitions and explain any
9 To present order of adjectives
unknown words.
• Ask Ss to study the theory box and then complete
the task. b) To identify text types and listen for gist
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
more information. • Explain the different characteristics for each text
• Check Ss’ answers. type.
• Elicit Ss’ guesses in answer to the questions in
Answer Key the rubric.
big: size, old: age, stone: material letter: Opening & closing remarks
blog: Search engine
10 To practise order of adjectives • Play the recording. Ss listen to find out.
• Explain the task and read out the example. Answer Key
• Ss complete the task. Text A is a travel blog about dog sledding in Alaska.
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers. Text B is a letter to a friend about a helicopter ride over
Niagara Falls in the USA.
Answer Key
2 a comfortable, red, fleece sweater (opinion, colour, • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the
material) words in the Check these words box in their
3 a beautiful, old, silver bracelet (opinion, age, material) dictionaries or look them up in the Word List.
4 a cheap, blue and white, Australian mug (opinion, Suggested Answer Key
colour, origin)
trip (n): a visit to a place
awesome (adj): amazing
11 To practise order of adjectives through a cosy (adj): warm and comfortable
creative activity cabin (n): a small wooden house
• Explain the task and give Ss time to find ski resort (phr): a place people go to have a skiing holiday
photographs of various souvenirs and write get the hang of (phr): become able to do sth
descriptions about them. dog sledding (n): travelling on a sled pulled by a pack
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW. of dogs
• Check Ss’ answers. bumpy (adj): rough and uncomfortable
• As a reward you can hang their projects on the enjoyable (adj): fun
classroom’s walls. ride (n): a journey on a vehicle
treat (n): something nice to eat
Suggested Answer Key
crash down (phr): to fall with force
Here is a pair of expensive, antique, gold earrings. helicopter ride (phr): a trip in a helicopter
This is a fashionable, small, cotton scarf. rise (v): to go up
This is a traditional, wooden, salad bowl. worry (n): a feeling of anxiety
Here is an antique, Chinese, porcelain teapot. disappear (v): to vanish
2d Across Cultures
3 To read for specific information (multiple
1 To identify pictures matching)
• Read the questions aloud and explain/elicit any • Read the Study Skills box aloud and tell Ss that
unknown words. this advice will help them to complete the task
• Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and elicit what successfully.
each one shows. • Give Ss time to read the texts again and complete
the task and then check Ss’ answers.
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Answer Key 6 To identify antonymous words
1 B 2 B 3 B 4 A • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Background information Answer Key
Alaska is a state in the United States, situated in the awesome ≠ terrible end ≠ beginning
northwest extremity of the North American continent. cosy ≠ uncomfortable scared ≠ fearless
It is surrounded by the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific bumpy ≠ smooth higher ≠ lower
Ocean to the north and south, accordingly. It also
borders with Canada to the east. To the west it has a
7 To scan for details
maritime border with Russia. Alaska is the largest state
in the United States by area and the least densely • Ask Ss to scan the texts and find the items listed.
populated of the 50 United States. Approximately half Ss do the task in closed pairs.
of the State's residents live within the Anchorage • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
metropolitan area. Alaska's economic resources are
Answer Key
oil, natural gas, and fishing industries. Alaska was
purchased from Russia on March 30, 1867, for $7.2 two means of transport: dog sled, helicopter
million at approximately two cents per acre. two sports: skiing, dog sledding
Niagara Falls is the collective name for three waterfalls two types of accommodation: cabin, hostel
that straddle the international border between the
Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state of New 8 To learn/practise collocations
York. They form the southern end of the Niagara Gorge.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it
From largest to smallest, the three waterfalls are the
referring back to the texts if necessary.
Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil
• Remind Ss to transfer these collocations to the
Falls. The Horseshoe Falls lie on the Canadian side and
Collocation Section in their notebooks and revise
the American Falls on the American side, separated by
them as often as possible.
Goat Island. The smaller Bridal Veil Falls are also
• Check Ss’ answers.
located on the American side, separated from the other
waterfalls by Luna Island. The international boundary Answer Key
line was originally drawn through Horseshoe Falls in 1 wooden 3 bumpy 5 short
1819, but the boundary has long been in dispute due to 2 ski 4 unforgettable
natural erosion and construction.
9 To listen for specific information (T/F)
• Explain the task and ask Ss to read the statements
4 To read for general comprehension
1-5. Explain any unknown words.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. • Play the recording, twice if necessary. Ss listen and
• Check Ss’ answers. complete the task and then check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 Andy stayed in a cosy wooden cabin. 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T
2 The helicopter trip he took above Niagara Falls.
10 a) To talk about holiday experiences
5 To consolidate new vocabulary
• Ask Ss to copy the table into their notebooks.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. • Ask Ss to complete the table with information
• Check Ss’ answers. from the text.
• Ss then talk about Andy’s and Bill’s holiday
Answer Key
experiences using the information in the table.
1 treats 3 hang 5 disappeared • Monitor the activity around the class.
2 bumpy 4 crashing
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Answer Key 2e Listening skills
Place Weather
A Alaska –––––– 1 To prepare for a listening task (multiple
B Niagara Falls, USA warm choice)
Accommodation Activities • Ask Ss to read the question and the options.
A wooden cabin skiing, dog sledding • Ask Ss to read the script, pay attention to the
B hostel helicopter ride underlined key words and then elicit the correct
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key B
Andy went to Alaska. He stayed in a wooden cabin. He
took skiing lessons and he went dog sledding.
Bill went to Niagara Falls in the USA. The weather was 2 a) To practise finding and underlining key
warm. He stayed in a hostel. He went for a helicopter words
ride above the Falls. • Give Ss time to read the rubric and the questions and
possible answers. Explain/elicit any unknown words.
b) To talk about a holiday and • Tell Ss to underline the key words.
compare it to other people’s holidays Answer Key
• Ask Ss to complete the table in Ex. 10a about Key words to be underlined:
themselves and then compare it to Andy’s and 1 – stay (hotel/apartment/hostel)
Bill’s holidays. 2 – holiday problem (room, dirty / weather, awful / lost
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. passport)
3 – think of the hotel (noisy, comfortable/expensive)
Suggested Answer Key
4 – enjoy the most (sport/holiday/nature)
Place Weather
You Scottish Highlands cool and windy b) To listen for specific information
Accommodation Activities (multiple choice)
You guesthouse touring, mountain climbing
Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the
Last year I went to the Scottish Highlands in the north of task and then check Ss’ answers.
the UK. The weather wasn’t warm. It was cool and
windy. I didn’t stay in a cabin or a hostel, like Andy and Answer Key
Bill. I stayed in a guesthouse. I went touring around the 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B
Highlands to see the famous lochs and mountains and
I took some mountain climbing lessons, too. I didn’t go 3 a) To prepare for a listening task with
skiing and I didn’t have a helicopter ride. visual prompts
Explain the task and elicit words related to each
11 To write about a holiday picture from Ss around the class.
• Explain the task and assign it as HW. Remind Ss to Suggested Answer Key
add pictures. A – bicycle (pedal, ride, cycle, cyclist, bell, wheel,
• Check Ss’ answers. chain, saddle, handlebars, gears)
Suggested Answer Key B – car (front seat, back seat, rear mirror, steering
wheel, boot, bonnet, driver, petrol tank)
My travel experience to the Scottish Highlands
C – motorbike (ride, motorcyclist, exhaust pipe, gears,
Hi everyone! Miriam Jason here. I have just come back
saddle, handlebars, petrol tank)
from the Scottish highlands guys, where I had the time of
my life! The Scottish Highlands are in the north of the UK
b) To prepare for a listening task
so the weather most of the year is cool, windy and very
often rainy. I stayed in a guesthouse there and I must admit • Ask Ss to read the script and answer the question.
the owners were very friendly. I went touring around the • Elicit the answer. Ask Ss to justify their answer.
Highlands to see the famous lochs and mountains and I Answer Key
took some mountain climbing lessons, too. C (in the end he gave me a ride on his motorbike)
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4 To prepare for a listening task with visual 3 To match synonymous phrases for
prompts; to listen for specific information (multiple sympathising and showing interest
• Go through the phrases in the box with Ss and
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and then look at the explain any unknown words.
pictures. • Explain that the phrases express sympathy and
• Elicit what they show. show interest.
Answer Key • Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
1 A – boat, 1 B – plane, 1 C – car
2 A – skiing, 2 B – camping, 2 C – safari Suggested Answer Key
4 A – hat, 4 B – bag, 4 C – watch Sounds great! – Sounds like it was fun.
• Play the recording. Oh dear! What a shame! – Oh no! That’s terrible.
• Ss listen and complete the task. That’s awful! – I’m sorry to hear that.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 4 To role play a dialogue
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C Ss complete the task in closed pairs. Monitor the
activity around the class.
5 To practise pronouncing /oµ/, /¥/
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat. 5 To act out a dialogue
Check Ss pronunciation. • Ss complete the task in closed pairs using the
• Elicit more words with the same sounds. dialogue in Ex. 2 to help them. Remind Ss to use
Answer Key /oµ/ - sold, boat; /¥/ - caught, brought phrases from the box in Ex. 3. Write this diagram on
the board for Ss to follow.
2f Speaking skills A B
Greet B. Ask if B had a Answer. Say how
1 To predict the content of a dialogue
good time on holiday. spend time.
Ask Ss to read the first exchange in the dialogue and elicit
what the dialogue is about and then read to check. Show interest. Say you had a
holiday problem.
Answer Key
Show sympathy. Say details.
It’s about someone’s holiday.
Show sympathy. Reply.
2 a) To complete a multiple choice cloze
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
• Explain the task. some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the
• Ask Ss to scan the dialogue and find any rest of the class.
unknown words. Explain/Elicit their meanings
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Suggested Answer Key
A: Hi, Joan. Did you enjoy your holiday?
b) To listen for confirmation B: Yes, thanks. I went mountain climbing every day
and did lots of sightseeing and walking.
Play the recording. Ss listen and check their A: It seems like you had a great time.
answers. Ss should justify their answers. B: Yes. Unfortunately, I had an accident when I fell on
Answer Key a steep narrow path and sprained my ankle.
A: Oh no! That’s awful!
1 C (have a good time – phrase)
B: Yes. It was so painful I was in bed for three days.
2 A (go swimming – got -ing)
A: I’m so sorry to hear that.
3 C (lose one’s luggage – phrase)
B: It was disappointing, but luckily it was only a sprain. At
4 C (travel insurance – collocation)
the end of the week I was back to normal!
04 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 2.qxp_04 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 2 6/1/15 16:54 Page 37
6 a) To prepare for a dialogue completion 3 my holiday including where I stayed, what I did and
task what I bought
• Read out the Study Skills and explain that this 4 50-100 words
advice will help Ss to complete the task
successfully. 2 a) To match headings to paragraphs
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and the possible • Go through the headings with Ss and explain
answers for each question. any unknown words.
• Elicit the notion/function for each exchange. • Explain the task. Give Ss time to read the email
Answer Key and complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
1 asking for and giving information
2 asking for and giving opinion Answer Key
1 B 2 D 3 A 4 C
b) To do a dialogue completion task
• Give Ss time to complete the task. b) To identify tenses and uses
• Ask Ss to read the completed exchanges to see
Elicit the tenses used in the email and why from Ss
if they make sense.
around the class.
• Then check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key
Dave uses the past simple to describe his holiday
1 B 2 C
because he is talking about an event that happened at a
specific time in the past. The opening remarks are in the
7 To develop speaking skills present simple because he is asking Tony about how he
• Explain the task and go through the cards explaining is at present. The closing remarks are in the present
any unknown words. simple because Dave writes the email in the present.
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turns to ask and
answer questions using the information on the cards. 3 To learn about the use of adjectives
• Monitor the activity around the class.
• Ask a S to read the theory box aloud. Explain to Ss
Suggested Answer Key that choosing a variety of adjectives will help them
SB: Where did Peter go? make their writings more interesting.
SA: He went to Rome. • Give Ss time to do the task.
SB: Where did he stay? • Check Ss’ answers.
SA: He stayed in a four-star hotel near the centre. Answer Key
SB: What did he do there?
the weather: perfect
SA: He went sightseeing and took lots of photos.
the hotel: cosy
SB: What did he enjoy most about his trip?
the food: delicious
SA: His visit to the Coliseum.
the bowl: traditional, ceramic
SB: When did he get back?
the trip: fantastic
SA: He returned on Saturday the 25th.
5 a) To categorise adjectives 8 To practise brainstorming for useful
vocabulary related to holidays
• Ask Ss to copy the table into their notebooks
and complete it with the adjectives in the list. • Go through the Study Skills box with Ss and
• Check Ss’ answers. explain that this tip will help them complete the
writing task successfully.
Answer Key
• Go through the rubric with Ss and underline the key
wonderful, tasty, beautiful, fantastic, words (holiday-email, English-speaking friend, 50-100
enjoyable, traditional, exciting words, were you stayed, what you did, sth you
bad horrible, boring, crowded, awful bought)
• Ask Ss to copy the mindmap in their notebooks and
give them time to complete the task.
b) To practise using adjectives • Elicit answers from various Ss around the class.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
PLACE: Rome/London/New York; on a cycling/touring/
Suggested Answer Key camping/trekking/adventure holiday; in the countryside/
1 wonderful 4 traditional 7 crowded in the mountains; at a ski/ seaside resort; on a cruise
2 beautiful 5 tasty 8 enjoyable WEATHER: (boiling) hot/(freezing) cold/windy/sunny
3 fantastic 6 exciting and warm/cloudy and rainy, perfect, great, fantastic,
wonderful, awful, terrible, miserable
ACCOMMODATION: in/at a (three-star) hotel/
6 To practise the past simple
• Remind to/Elicit from Ss how we form the past holiday apartment
simple and its uses. SHOPPING: souvenirs, presents, gifts, local products,
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. traditional handcrafts, expensive, cheap, local market
• Check Ss’ answers. ACTIVITIES: morning – sightseeing, touring, swimming,
Answer Key sunbathing, relaxing by the pool, shopping, visiting
museums/ art galleries/ local tourist attractions, playing
1 stayed 4 didn’t travel, rented
sports; evening – eating out, trying local dishes, enjoying
2 tasted 5 toured
the nightlife, visiting clubs and music venues, seeing a
3 found 6 flew
theatre performance
04 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 2.qxp_04 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 2 6/1/15 16:54 Page 39
sightseeing and visited local tourist attractions. I grow in height (phr): to get taller
loved Trinity College! reach land (phr): to arrive at land
In the evenings, we ate out and tried local dishes. crest (n): the top part of a wave
Irish cooking is very tasty! On the last day I went bottom (n): the lowest /underneath part of sth
shopping for traditional handcrafts. I bought a silver trough (n): a low area between two waves
ring and a woollen scarf. distance (n): the space between two points
That’s all for now. Write back soon. wave height (phr): how high a wave is
Ken wave length (phr): how long a wave is
otherwise (adv): or else
CLIL (Science) side (n): one half of sth
1 How far can they travel? (All around the world.) • Give Ss time to complete the task using the words
2 How much energy do they contain? (not answered) provided.
3 How high can they be? (not answered) • Ask various Ss to share their sentences with the
2 To read for comprehension (matching Suggested Answer Key
paragraphs to headings) When the wind blows for a long time over water it
• Explain the task and give Ss time to read the text creates waves.
and complete the task. Remind Ss that there is an The waves travel across the sea and grow in height
extra heading they will not need to use. when they reach land. The crest is the top of a wave
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers. and the trough is the bottom.
The wave height is the distance between the crest and
Answer Key the trough.
1 B (the wind provides energy, can create... waves, The wave length is the distance between the crest of
This travels across) one wave and the next.
2 C (we call the top... the bottom) When waves break on rocks, they create a lot of foam
3 A (they can travel to the other side of the world) and spray.
When a wave reaches the beach the bottom part slows
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
and the crest rises to a peak and curls over.
in the Check these words box in their dictionaries
or look them up in the Word List.
5 ICT To make a presentation on waves
Suggested Answer Key
through a creative activity
wave (n): a raised mass of water on the surface of a
• Give Ss time to collect information about waves
body of water
from the Internet.
ocean (n): one of five large areas of sea on the planet
• Ask Ss to prepare a presentation using PowerPoint if
energy (n): power
blow (v): to move air
• Ask various Ss to give their presentations to the
create (v): to make
earthquake (n): shaking of the ground caused by the
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
movement of the Earth’s crust
give their presentations in the next lesson.
04 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 2.qxp_04 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 2 6/1/15 16:54 Page 40
Suggested Answer Key Grammar
When the wind blows it creates waves. Tidal waves are 5 To practise order of adjectives
different. Forces of gravity create them. Gravity from
the moon pulls on the oceans. This makes the water • Give Ss time to complete the task.
swell in different areas of the globe. As the Earth turns • Check Ss’ answers.
on its axis, the tides go in and out. The water doesn’t Answer Key
really move. It’s the Earth that moves, but the swell of
1 He bought a new red sports car.
water stays in line with the moon.
2 They rented an expensive modern flat.
Tsunamis are different again. When the earth is upset
3 We found a small square Italian table.
by activity from earthquakes or volcanoes, this can
4 She wore an antique silver bracelet.
create huge ocean waves that cause great destruction.
5 She bought a blue French crystal vase.
Progress Check
6 To practise the past simple
1 To practise common verb/noun phrases
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
connected to holidays
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
1 went 3 didn’t like 5 didn’t buy
Answer Key 2 Did you see 4 Did they stay 6 ate
1 coach 3 tour 5 dog sledding
2 cruise 4 sight 7 To consolidate everyday English
expressions/exchanges learnt in the unit
2 To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the unit
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 b
1 fasten 3 need 5 grow 7 rides
2 lost 4 missed 6 departs Grammar in Focus
To consolidate grammar structures learnt
3 To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the unit in the unit
• Give Ss time to complete the task. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Ss
• Check Ss’ answers. can work in closed pairs.
Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers.
1 mountain 3 waterfall 5 river Answer Key
2 beach 4 lake 1 am staying 8 on
2 is 9 visited
4 To practise adjectives learnt in the unit 3 didn’t go/didn’t use to go 10 saw
4 took/used to take 11 amazing,
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
5 every ancient, stone
• Check Ss’ answers.
6 by 12 Did you enjoy
Answer Key 7 decided
1 long 4 seaside 7 expensive
2 guided 5 crowded
3 heavy 6 freezing
04 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 2.qxp_04 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 2 6/1/15 16:54 Page 41
Exam Practice 2 (Basic) 4 To prepare for a reading task (multiple
1 a) To prepare for a reading task (dialogue • Ask Ss to read the texts and the questions and then
completion) match the underlined parts of the text to the questions.
• Ex. 1 prepares Ss to identify the content of a • Check Ss’ answers.
question and what tenses are used. Both will help
Answer Key
them choose the correct answer successfully.
• Ask Ss to read the questions and elicit what 1 B 2 C 3 A
each is about and what tense is used.
Background information
Answer Key
Vienna is the capital and largest city of Austria. It is
Question 1 asks about a skiing trip. the cultural, economic, and political centre of the
Question 2 asks about the weather. country. Vienna is host to many major international
Both questions are in the past simple interrogative. organizations, including the United Nations and
OPEC. The city lies in the east of Austria and is close
b) To complete exchanges to the borders of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and
Hungary. The city's roots lie in the early Celtic and
• Elicit which answer A-C best completes each
Roman settlements that transformed into a Medieval
and Baroque city, the capital of the Austro-Hungarian
• Ask Ss to give reasons.
Empire. It is well known for playing an essential role
Answer Key as a leading European Music Centre, from the great
1 C – it is in the past simple and contains an adjective age of Viennese Classicism through the early part of
2 A – it is in the past simple the 20th century. The Historic centre of Vienna is rich
in architectural ensembles, including Baroque castles
and gardens, as well as the late 19th century
2 To practise dialogue completion Ringstrasse lined with grand buildings, monuments
• Read the Study Skills aloud and explain that this and parks.
advice will help Ss to complete the task successfully. Franz Joseph I (1830 – 1916) was Emperor of Austria,
• Then ask Ss to read the texts 1-3 and choose the Apostolic King of Hungary, King of Bohemia, King of
appropriate sentence from A-C for each one. Croatia, King of Galicia and Lodomeria and Grand
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers. Duke of Cracow from 1848 until his death in 1916.
From 1 May 1850 until 24 August 1866 he was
Answer Key
President of the German Confederation. He is
1 C (how often – twice) considered to be the last significant Habsburg
2 B (I – you, souvenir – sweatshirt) monarch. During his reign, Austria and Hungary
3 B (how to get – across the street) agreed to create a dual monarchy in which the two
countries would be equal partners, under the empire
3 To prepare for a reading task (multiple of Austria-Hungary, as it was known after 1867. Franz
matching) Joseph died on 21 November 1916, after ruling his
domains for almost 68 years. He was succeeded by
• Ex. 3 helps Ss to identify similar ideas by underlining
his grand-nephew Karl.
key words.
• Ask Ss to read the sentences and underline the key
5 To practise multiple matching
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit which words helped
• Read the Study Skills aloud and explain that this
them decide on their answers.
advice will help Ss to complete the task successfully.
Answer Key • Ask Ss to read the rubric.
2 D home, famous musician, Beethoven, pianist, lived • Tell Ss to read the question and underline the key
there words. Ask them to underline synonyms or
3 E refreshments, on board, snacks, tea, coffee, flight paraphrases in the texts.
4 A accessories, on sale, buy, scarves, hats • Give Ss time to do the task.
5 B collection of modern art, variety of paintings • Check Ss’ answers.
04 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 2.qxp_04 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 2 6/1/15 16:54 Page 42
Suggested Answer Key 2 A, B and C - different clock times
Key words in the questions: 3 A - a plate of food, B - a beach, C - a hotel
1 visit, home, past politician 4 A - the underground, B - a taxi, C - a bus
2 newspapers
3 enjoy, fresh air b) To practise multiple choice listening
4 learn more, something they own
• Explain the task and ask Ss to read the
Key words in the texts: questions 1-5.
A news, publication, Newsmania, Frontpage • Play the recording.
B bring in your own textiles • Ss listen and complete the task.
C home, George Washington, mansion, gardens • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 C 2 A 3 C 4 B 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B
04 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 2.qxp_04 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 2 6/1/15 16:54 Page 43
• Ask Ss to read the question stem and the options
and then read the script and choose the correct
Answer Key B
6 To complete sentences
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 used to go
2 bought a dress
3 enjoys visiting museums
4 often watches the sunset
5 didn’t stop raining
05 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 3.qxp_05 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 3 6/1/15 16:50 Page 44
3e Listening skills 54
Lesson Objectives: To listen for specific information, to
summarise sb’s experience, to pronounce e/, /ae/, /ʌ/
05 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 3.qxp_05 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 3 6/1/15 16:50 Page 45
What’s in this unit?
Background information
In this unit Ss will explore the topics of nature (weather,
Kenya, officially the Republic of Kenya, is a country
clouds, rainbows) and people (clothes, feelings, legends).
in East Africa. The capital and largest city is Nairobi.
They will learn the past continuous, past simple vs past
Kenya lies on the equator with the Indian Ocean to
continuous, while/when, and order of adverbs of manner.
the south-east, Tanzania to the south, Uganda to the
They will also learn to write a summary of a text and a story
west, South Sudan to the north-west, Ethiopia to the
about an unhappy past experience.
north and Somalia to the north-east. Kenya covers
581,309 km2 and has a population of about 43½
3a Reading million (in early 2013). The country is named after
Mount Kenya, the second highest mountain in Africa.
1 To introduce the topic
• Read the title of the text and the rubric aloud.
• Ask Ss what they believe the connection between
4 To consolidate comprehension of a text
“The legend of the rainbow” and the god of thunder
is. (The rainbow was something he sent to people). • Ask Ss to read the text again and answer the
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class. questions.
• Read the questions aloud and explain/elicit the • Check Ss’ answers.
meanings of any unknown words. Answer Key
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and match them to
1 Mkunga used his spears to pierce the clouds and
the questions.
make it rain.
Answer Key 2 When there was no rain, the ground dried up and
1 C 2 B 3 E 4 D 5 A crops didn’t grow.
3 Mkunga made a rainbow appear when he dropped
his robe.
2 To predict the content of the text. To listen
and read for specific information • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
• Elicit Ss’ guesses in answer to the question in the in the Check these words box in their dictionaries
rubric. or look them up in the Word List.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find out. Suggested Answer Key
• Elicit answers from Ss’ around the class. god of thunder (phr): a deity believed to control thunder
Answer Key bull (n): male cow
B hold (v): to have in one’s hand
spear (n): a long weapon with a sharp metal end
pierce (v): to make a hole in sth
3 To read for specific information (multiple crop (n): a plant grown for food
choice) grow (v): to develop and get bigger
• Ask Ss to read the questions and possible answers. fall (v): to drop down
• Explain/Elicit any unknown words. ground (n): the earth
• Give Ss time to read the text again and complete dry up (phr v): to become dry
the task. shout (v): to raise one’s voice
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers. beg (v): to ask in an anxious way
destroy (v): to cause a great amount of damage to sth
Answer Key anxious (adj): worried
1 A (ℓ. 3) 3 C (ℓ. 18-19) ride away (phr): to travel on an animal in the opposite
2 C (ℓ. 14-15) 4 A (ℓ. 27-28) direction
sun comes out (phr): when the sun shines after being
covered by clouds
light up (phr v): to make sth bright with light
cry (v): to shout
drop (v): to let fall
robe (n): cloak
05 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 3.qxp_05 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 3 6/1/15 16:50 Page 46
even to this day (phr): even now Suggested Answer Key
rainbow (n): an arch of different colours in the sky Years ago in Kenya, Mkunga Mburu was the god of
formed by sunshine and rain together thunder. He rode around on a bull and held spears
indigo (n): a shade of dark blue which he pierced the sky with. This caused rain to fall
violet (n): a shade of purple so that crops could grow. One time, Mkunga didn’t
come for a few months so the ground dried up. The
5 To consolidate new vocabulary people of Kenya shouted to Mkunga and begged him to
bring some rain. Mkunga appeared and brought lots of
• Explain the task to Ss.
rain, but it was so much that it destroyed the crops. The
• Give Ss time to complete the sentences using their
people were very anxious and asked him to stop the
dictionaries if necessary.
rain. After he stopped the rain, the sun came out and
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
colours lit up the sky. This happened because, while he
Answer Key was riding away, Mkunga dropped his robe. Even to
1 beg 4 light up 7 dry up this day, Kenyan people look at a rainbow and
2 grow 5 destroy 8 drop remember Mkunga’s robe.
3 pierce 6 fall
9 To complete a summary of a text
6 To identify antonymous words/phrases Give Ss time to complete the summary and then ask
• Give Ss time to match the words using their various Ss to read it out to the class.
dictionaries if necessary. Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
Mkunga Mburu was the god of thunder. He travelled
Answer Key on a bull and carried spears in his hands. He used
happy = sad destroyed = created them to pierce the sky to make it rain. One time, he
fall = rise stop= start didn’t visit Kenya for many months so the crops
worried = relaxed quickly = slowly didn’t grow. The people begged him to bring them
bring = take away came out = hid rain. It rained heavily for two weeks and the rain
behind = in front of beautiful = ugly destroyed the crops. The people asked him to stop
the rain. When he left, he dropped his robe and this
caused a rainbow.
7 To identify what possessive adjectives and
pronouns/demonstratives refer to
10 ICT To expand a topic and make a
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. presentation; to develop research skills
• Elicit what each highlighted word refers to from Ss
around the class. • Ask Ss to do some online research and find out
how rainbows are formed as a HW assignment.
Answer Key • Ask various Ss to tell the class in the next lesson.
their = the people of Kenya’s
Suggested Answer Key
us = the people of Kenya
him = Mkunga Rainbows often form after it rains when there are still
it = the rain some raindrops in the sky. Sunlight is made up of many
that = the rain different colours, but we don’t usually see them all.
When a ray of sunlight shines on a group of raindrops, it
causes the sunlight to split into its many different
8 To consolidate a story through narration
colours and allows us to see them. This forms a
• Refer Ss to the pictures and the words in the Check rainbow.
these words box.
• Then ask various Ss around the class to use them
to narrate the story to the rest of the class.
05 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 3.qxp_05 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 3 6/1/15 16:50 Page 47
3b Vocabulary • Ask Ss to copy these words in the Collocation
Section in their notebooks.
1 To present new vocabulary
Answer Key
• Go through the list of words and give Ss time to 1 forecast, rain 3 scorching 5 chilly
match them to the pictures. Explain any unknown 2 spells 4 freezing 6 sunny
• Check Ss’ answers.
6 a) To listen for specific information
Answer Key
• Explain the task and ask Ss to read the gapped
1 hail 3 flood 5 lightning table.
2 frost 4 drought 6 fog • Play the recording, twice if necessary.
• Ss listen and complete the gaps.
2 To present new vocabulary • Check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to look up any unknown words in the Answer Key
Word List and complete the task. 1 rain 3 sunshine 5 winds
• Check Ss’ answers. 2 snowfall 4 foggy
Answer Key
1 drizzle 4 thunder 7 snowfall b) To talk about the weather
2 lightning 5 raindrops 8 showers • Ask various Ss around the class to describe the
3 flood 6 sunshine weather today/last weekend to their partner.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then
3 To present verbs related to the weather ask some pairs to report back to the class.
• Go through the list of words and explain/elicit their Suggested Answer Key
meanings, or give Ss time to look them up in the The weather is warm and sunny today. The temperature
Word List. is 20oC. Last weekend, it was cool and windy and the
• Ss complete the sentences with them and then temperature was 10oC.
check Ss’ answers around the class.
Answer Key 7 a) To present new vocabulary
1 shining 3 falling 5 pouring • Go through the words with the Ss and give them
2 drizzling 4 blowing 6 freezes time to label the pictures. Explain/Elicit any
unknown words.
4 To learn weather collocations and • Check Ss’ answers.
distinguish between similar words
Answer Key
• Go through the words in bold with Ss. Explain/ Elicit 1 hat 8 socks 14 tie
any unknown words. 2 gloves 9 flat shoes 15 belt
• Give Ss time to complete the task. 3 jacket 10 scarf 16 coat
• Check Ss’ answers. 4 jeans 11 dress 17 leggings
Answer Key 5 boots 12 high-heeled 18 T-shirt
1 clear (BUT: clean clothes/house etc.) 6 shirt shoes 19 shorts
2 strong (BUT: heavy rain) 7 skirt 13 suit 20 trainers
3 cool (BUT: chilly weather)
4 bright (BUT: light drizzle, snowfall etc.) b) To talk about clothes and describe what
5 violent (BUT: hard surface, material etc.) people are wearing
• Ss talk in closed pairs about what style of
5 To learn weather collocations clothes each person is wearing.
• Monitor the activity around the class.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Then ask various Ss around the class to
• Check Ss’ answers.
describe what each person is wearing.
05 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 3.qxp_05 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 3 6/1/15 16:50 Page 48
Suggested Answer Key Graham felt scared because he saw a lion.
Mary is wearing heavy casual clothes. She is wearing a Adam felt relieved because his aunt was safe.
hat, gloves, a black jacket, jeans and boots.
Karen is wearing a school uniform. She is wearing a 11 To talk about feelings
white shirt, a skirt, socks and flat shoes. • Explain the task and ask Ss to talk in closed pairs
Helen is wearing formal clothes. She is wearing a red about when they had these feelings and why.
scarf, a black dress and high-heeled shoes. • Monitor the activity around the class.
Daniel is wearing formal clothes. He is wearing a suit • Ask various Ss around the class to tell the rest of
with a tie. the class.
Anna is wearing heavy casual clothes. She is wearing a
light brown coat with a belt and black leggings. Suggested Answer Key
Steve is wearing casual sportswear. He is wearing a T- The last time I felt sad was last year. My best friend
shirt, shorts and trainers. moved to a different city.
The last time I felt worried was two weeks ago. I
8 To talk about clothes thought I failed an important exam.
The last time I felt excited was yesterday. My football
• Ss talk in closed pairs about what clothes they
team won an important game.
wear and when.
The last time I felt scared was last year. I thought I saw
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
a ghost!
some pairs to report back to the class.
The last time I felt tired was last week. I stayed up late
Suggested Answer Key to study for an exam.
At school I wear a uniform. I wear a white shirt, a tie and The last time I felt relieved was yesterday. My sister
trousers. arrived home safely after her trip abroad.
When I go out with my friends, I wear casual clothes. I
usually wear jeans and a T-shirt. 12 To present and practise prepositional
In the winter, I wear heavy clothes. I often wear my phrases
black coat, boots and gloves. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
In the summer, I wear a T-shirt and shorts. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
At my friends’ parties I wear a shirt and jeans.
At weddings I wear a suit and a tie. Answer Key
1 at 2 of 3 of 4 about 5 with
9 To learn adjectives related to feelings
• Go through the list of words with Ss and explain/ 13 To describe people’s clothes through a
elicit any unknown words. creative project using visual prompts
• Ask Ss to label the pictures. • Explain the task and ask Ss to use pictures from
• Check Ss’ answers. magazines and write descriptions of the people’s
Answer Key clothing. This task may be assigned as HW.
• Check Ss’ answers.
1 excited 3 angry 5 scared 7 relieved
2 sad 4 tired 6 worried 8 surprised Suggested Answer Key
In the picture, Johnny Depp is wearing a black shirt
10 To listen for specific information with a white jacket and jeans. He is also wearing boots
and a hat.
• Explain the task and play the recording twice if
• Ss listen and say how each person felt giving 3c Grammar in use
reasons. Ss use words from Ex. 9.
• Check Ss’ answers. 1 To read for gist and specific information
Answer Key • Read the rubric aloud and explain the task.
• Ask Ss to read the text and then elicit what
Sue felt upset because many people lost their homes in
happened and which sentence best matches the
a flood.
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Answer Key Examples in Julie’s email: was raining / was reading /
Julie and her family were at home when their kitchen were playing / was watching / was happening
flooded. The sentence which best matches the picture
is ‘There was water everywhere!’ 3 To compare the past simple and the past
continuous and understand their uses
2 a) To present the past continuous • Ss’ books closed. Say then write on the board: At
• Ss’ books closed. Say then write on the board: I 10 pm last night I was driving home. Explain/Elicit
was studying yesterday. Explain/Elicit how the that we don’t know when you set off or when you
past continuous affirmative is formed (personal got home only that the action was in progress at a
pronoun + was/were + verb + -ing). Explain stated time in the past.
that it is the same for all persons and we use it • Say then write on the board: I arrived home at
to talk about actions happening at a certain time 11 pm. Explain/Elicit that the action was completed
in the past. at a stated time in the past.
• Say then write on the board: I wasn’t studying • Say, then write on the board: I was listening to the
yesterday. Explain/Elicit how the past continuous radio while I was driving. Ask Ss to say how many
negative is formed (personal pronoun + wasn’t/ actions there were (2) and when they were
weren’t + verb + -ing). Explain that this is the happening (at the same time).
same for all persons. • Say, then write on the board: I drove home and then
• Say then write on the board: Was I studying I went to bed. Ask Ss to say how many actions
yesterday? Explain/Elicit how the past continuous there were (2) and when they happened (one after
interrogative is formed (was/were + personal the other).
pronoun + verb + -ing). Explain that this is the • Elicit the rules for the use of the past simple and the
same for all persons. past continuous (past simple = a completed action
• Do a drill with Ss. Write on the board: I was at a stated time in the past, actions that happened
sleeping last night. Give Ss different subject one after the other in the past; past continuous = an
pronouns, Ss substitute the subject, as in the action in progress at a stated time in the past,
example. actions that happened at the same time in the past).
T: Tom • Ss open their books. Refer Ss to the Grammar
S1: Tom was sleeping last night. Reference section for more information.
T: The dog Answer Key
S2: The dog was sleeping last night.
Past simple
• Do similar drills for the negative and the
action that happened at a certain time in the past >
interrogative forms.
happened / called
• Direct Ss to the table and elicit where the
action that interrupted another action in the past > heard
missing verb forms go.
actions that happened one after another in the past >
Answer Key got up / went / arrived / pumped
1 was 2 were 3 weren’t Past continuous
action happening at a particular time in the past > was
raining / was happening
b) To consolidate comprehension of the
action happening at the same time as another in the
past continuous tense
past > was reading / were playing / was watching
Elicit the forms of the past continuous and ask Ss actions happening in the past that were interrupted >
to identify examples in the email. was reading / were playing / was watching
Answer Key
We form the past continuous affirmative with pronoun + 4 To practise the past continuous
was/were + the verb in -ing form • Ask Ss to read out the example and explain the task.
We form the past continuous negative with pronoun + • Give Ss time to complete the task referring back to
wasn’t/weren’t + the verb in -ing form the theory box in Ex. 2 if necessary.
We form the past continuous interrogative with • Check Ss’ answers.
Was/Were + pronoun + verb in -ing form
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Answer Key 11 picked (actions that happened one after another in
2 Was Julie’s mum writing a letter? No, she wasn’t. the past)
She was reading a book. 12 carried (actions that happened one after another in
3 Were Julie and her brother doing homework? No, the past)
they weren’t. They were playing a board game. 13 was (action that happened at a certain time in the
14 felt (action that happened at a certain time in the
5 To practise the past continuous using
personal examples
• Ask Ss to take roles and read out the example. 7 To present and practise the use of while/
• Explain the task and tell Ss to use the time phrases when with the past simple and the past continuous
from the box.
• Go through the theory box with Ss.
• Ss work in closed pairs and complete the task.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Elicit a variety of sentences from Ss around the
Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
class to check Ss’ answers on the board.
more information.
Suggested Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers and elicit the longer action in
A: What were you doing at four o’clock yesterday each sentence.
afternoon? Answer Key
B: I was playing football.
1 was reading (longer) / heard
A: What were you doing at seven o’clock yesterday
2 started / was driving (longer)
3 were eating (longer) / struck
B: I was doing my homework.
4 saw / was sitting (longer)
A: What were you doing at nine o’clock last night?
5 were walking (longer) / began
B: I was watching TV.
6 To practise the past simple and the past 8 To practise joining sentences in the past
continuous simple and the past continuous with while/when
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. • Ask a S to read out the examples.
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers. • Explain the task.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers.
1 was blowing (actions happening at the same time in
Answer Key
the past)
2 was falling (actions happening at the same time in 2 While I was watching TV, I saw the flood warning. / I
the past) was watching TV when I saw the flood warning.
3 was walking (action happening at a particular time in 3 While Donna was running, she twisted her ankle. /
the past) Donna was running when she twisted her ankle.
4 thinking (action happening at a particular time in the 4 It was snowing when we arrived at the house.
5 slipped (action that happened at a certain time in 9 To present adverbs of manner
the past)
• Ask Ss to read the theory box and elicit adverbs of
6 fell (actions that happened one after another in the
manner from the text on Ex. 1.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
7 twisted (actions that happened one after another in
more information.
the past)
8 was shouting (action happening in the past that was Answer Key
interrupted) heavily, loudly, quickly
9 appeared (action that interrupted another action in
the past)
10 a) To practise adverbs of manner
10 ran (actions that happened one after another in the
past) • Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
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Answer Key 3d Across Cultures
1 loudly 3 angrily 5 hard
2 easily 4 slowly 1 To present topic-related vocabulary
through visual prompts
b) To present common adverb – verb pairs • Go through the questions and explain/elicit the
meanings of any unknown words.
• Ask a S to read out the example. • Direct Ss to the pictures and elicit which
• Explain the task. Ss complete the task. description matches which picture.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key
1 C 2 B 3 A 4 A 5 E
laughed loudly won easily
tried hard shouted angrily
2 a) To predict the content of the text
Suggested Answer Key
When he heard the joke, he laughed loudly. • Ask Ss to read the title of the text.
She tried hard to pass the test. • Elicit Ss’ guesses about what the story is about
His team won the game easily. based on the pictures and the title.
Mum shouted at us angrily. Suggested Answer Key
I think the story is about a person called Grandmother
11 To practise the past simple and the past Spider who uses a spider web to steal the sun.
continuous using a personal experience
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the b) To listen for gist
task in pairs.
• Play the recording.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
• Ss listen to find out if their guesses about the
some pairs to report back to the class.
story were correct.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
It was a sunny day. I was jogging in the park. While I
The story is about different animals who try to steal the
was sitting down on a bench to take a rest, I saw a
sun to bring warmth and light to the Cherokee people,
stray dog. It was very cute. I was getting ready to
but only Grandmother Spider succeeds.
leave when it came over to me. Suddenly, I got an
idea. I decided to take it home! In the end, I felt
happy, because I found a perfect pet. 3 To read for specific information (matching)
• Go through the questions with Ss and explain/ elicit
12 To write about a personal experience using any unknown words.
the past simple and the past continuous • Give Ss time to read the text again and complete
the task and then check Ss’ answers.
• Explain the task and ask Ss to complete it.
• Invite various Ss to report back to class. Answer Key
• Alternatively, assign this task as HW. 1 Grandmother Spider
Suggested Answer Key 2 Possum, Buzzard
It was a sunny day. I was jogging in the park. While I 3 Grandmother Spider
was sitting down on a bench to take a rest, I saw a stray 4 Grandmother Spider
dog. It was very cute. I was getting ready to leave when 5 Grandmother Spider
it came over to me. Suddenly, I got an idea. I decided • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
to take it home! In the end, I felt happy, because I found in the Check these words box in their dictionaries
a perfect pet. or look them up in the Word List.
Suggested Answer Key
darkness (n): without light
steal (v): to take sth that does not belong to you
discuss (v): to talk about sth
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come up with (phr v): to think of 3e Listening skills
hide (v): to cover sth so as not to be seen
bushy tail (phr): a thick tail 1 To read for specific information
hang (v): to secure sth with its top part fixed and its • Ask Ss to read the text and the question.
bottom part free • Ask Ss to look at the underlined words and then
burn off (phr v): to burn sth away elicit the correct answer with reasons.
fur (n): animal hair
offer (v): to be willing to do sth Answer Key
feather (n): a type of hair found only on birds The correct answer is B because in the text it mentions
enter (v): to go in that her parents took her on the trip but that her brother
clay pot (n): a cooking pot made of baked earth couldn’t come.
weave (v): to make cloth
web (n): a network of thin threads usu. made by spiders
2 a) To prepare for a listening task
stretch (v): to extend
golden light (phr): bright yellow light • Ask Ss to read the rubric and then read the
ray (n): a single beam of light questions and possible answers in Ex. 2b.
giant (adj): huge • Ask Ss to underline the key words.
Suggested Answer Key
Background information Key words to be underlined:
The Cherokee are a Native American people 1 set off, for airport – windy / chilly / rainy
historically settled in the Southeastern United States 2 plane started jumping around – relaxed / worried /
(principally Georgia, the Carolinas, and East scared
Tennessee). Their language is an Iroquoian language. 3 mainly talking about – meeting, pen friend, first time /
In the 19th century, historians and ethnographers frightening journey / how, forecasts, be wrong
recorded their oral tradition that told of the tribe
having migrated south in ancient times from the Great b) To listen for specific information
Lakes region, where other Iroquoian-speaking (multiple choice)
peoples were located. They began to have contact
Play the recording, twice if necessary. Ss listen and
with European traders in the 18th century.
complete the task and then check Ss’ answers.
In the 19th century, white settlers in the United States
called the Cherokee one of the "Five Civilized Tribes", Answer Key
because they had assimilated numerous cultural and 1 C 2 A 3 B
technological practices of European American settlers.
The Cherokee were one of the first, if not the first, major
3 To summarise an experience
non-European ethnic group to become U.S. citizens. In
the 1817 treaty there is an article that states: Elicit summaries of Garry’s experience from Ss around
“Cherokees may wish to become citizens of the United the class.
States”. According to the 2000 U.S. census, the
Suggested Answer Key
Cherokee Nation has more than 300,000 members, the
largest of the 565 federally recognized Native American Last winter, Gary visited his pen-friend, Boris, in
tribes in the United States. Germany. When he left his house to go to the airport,
the weather was quite good. But after he checked-in,
the sky was dark and a strong wind was blowing.
During the flight, there was a flash of lightning, and the
4 To read for general comprehension
plane started jumping. The stewardess told the
Give Ss time to read the text again and complete the passengers to stay calm – and, at first, Gary was
task and then check Ss’ answers. relaxed. Then, though, the plane dived towards the
ground. Gary was very scared, but, fortunately, the
Suggested Answer Key
plane started flying straight again. He was very relieved
1 Possum and Buzzard failed to carry the sun home when he arrived in Germany.
with them because it burnt them.
2 Grandmother Spider was wise because she made a
clay pot to carry the sun so it didn’t hurt her.
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4 To personalise a topic Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to talk in closed pairs about a frightening Who: Helen, mum, dad; Where: Swiss Alps
experience they had. When: when 12 years old, January
• Monitor the activity around the class. Reason for trip: skiing trip
• Ask various Ss to share their experience with the Weather: bright sunshine, snowstorm
class. Problems: got lost, stop driving, no mobile get signal,
spend 2 days in car
Suggested Answer Key
What happened in the end: emergency services
Last summer, I was sailing in a yacht with my family. In rescued
the morning, it was very sunny, but in the afternoon the
Helen was going on a skiing trip with her mum and dad.
sky became dark. Suddenly, it started raining and the
She was 12 years old and it was January. They were
wind started blowing very hard. The yacht was swaying
driving in the Swiss Alps. The weather forecast predicted
in the water, so we all went below the deck. We were all
sunshine but, soon, they got stuck in a snowstorm. None
scared that the yacht might sink. Fortunately, the storm
of their mobile phones could get a signal. In the end, the
stopped after half an hour. We were all relieved that
emergency services found them after two days.
nobody was hurt.
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3 C (phrase, but: no one was wounded usu. at war) 6 To practise a dialogue completion task
4 C (meaning in context) • Read out the Study Skills and explain that this
advice will help Ss to complete the task successfully.
3 To role play a dialogue • Ask Ss to read the rubric and the questions. Elicit
what each is about.
Ss complete the task in pairs. Monitor the activity
• Ss complete the task and then check Ss’ answers.
around the class.
Answer Key
4 To match synonymous phrases for talking Both dialogues are asking about/describing feelings.
about experiences and describing feelings
1 A 2 B
• Go through the box with Ss and ask a S to read the
phrases aloud.
7 To describe a picture
• Explain/Elicit any unknown words.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. • Ask Ss to look at the picture and think of relevant
• Check Ss’ answers. vocabulary.
• Ss complete the description and then tell their
Suggested Answer Key
How are you? = Are you alright?; It was terrible. = It • Monitor the activity around the class.
was awful.; Poor you. = That’s terrible.; I was terrified. =
I was scared.; You were very lucky. = You had a lucky Suggested Answer Key
escape.; I’m relieved it’s over. = I’m glad I’m OK now. The picture shows a flooded street. A teenager is
standing outside a car. She is wearing casual clothes
5 To act out a dialogue and she is talking on her mobile phone. I think she
feels scared and worried because the car is stuck in
• Ask Ss to read the news headline and complete the the water.
task in closed pairs. Remind Ss to use the useful
language in Ex. 4 and the dialogue in Ex. 2 as a 3g Writing
• Write this diagram on the board for Ss to follow. 1 To analyse a rubric
A B • Ask Ss to read the rubric aloud and pay special
Greet B. Ask about Describe the attention to the underlined words.
a bad experience B had. experience. • Read the questions aloud, one at a time, and elicit
Comment on B’s Describe your the answers from Ss around the class.
experience. feelings. Answer Key
Say why B was lucky. Describe your 1 a story
feelings now. 2 my teacher
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask 3 It is going to be about a lucky escape.
some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the 4 50 - 100 words
rest of the class. 5 I should include a means of transport and the
Suggested Answer Key
A: How are you, Ann? I heard your house didn’t have 2 To match heading to paragraphs
power last night. What happened?
B: It was awful. I was sitting on the couch watching TV • Go through the headings with Ss and explain/ elicit
when, suddenly, there was a howling sound and any unknown words.
then the power went out. • Explain the task.
A: That’s terrible. How did you feel? • Give Ss time to read the story and complete the
B: I was frightened. I couldn’t see anything and I was task.
on my own. • Check Ss’ answers.
A: You were lucky you didn’t fall and hurt yourself in Answer Key
the dark.
1 B 2 C 3 A
B: I know. It was a horrible experience.
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3 To order events 7 To present the use of adjectives in a story
• Ask Ss to read the events A-G and read the story • Read the theory box aloud.
again and complete the task. • Ask Ss to read the story again and find the adjectives
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. used for the nouns in the list.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Answer Key
A 3 C 5 E 1 G 4 Answer Key
B 2 D 7 F 6 sunny weather dark sky small island
wonderful time lucky escape
4 To present and practise using sequence
words 8 To practise using adjectives
• Read the theory box aloud and explain how we use • Tell Ss that using a variety of adjectives will make
these words to join the sentences. their writings more interesting.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. • Explain the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 It was beautiful and quiet. Answer Key
2 It was a beautiful village so we decided to stop and 1 pleasant 4 pretty 7 miserable
look around. 2 beautiful 5 dark 8 blazing
3 I was about to leave when I heard a strange noise. 3 lovely 6 stormy 9 delicious
4 There was a rumbling noise. Then, lightning lit up
the sky. 9 a) To prepare for a writing task
5 He packed his luggage. After that, he had a snack.
Ask Ss to read the rubric and underline the key
5 To retell a story using sequence words
Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the
task using the events in Ex. 3. Key words to be underlined:
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. short story competition, must end, I was exhausted but
relieved that I wasn’t hurt, must include, snowy
Suggested Answer Key weather, helicopter, story, 50-100 words.
Last summer, Becky went on holiday with her parents.
One day, they were sailing their yacht to an island when b) To listen for gist and sequence of events
the sky became dark. Then, rain started to fall and they
fell overboard. Next, a fishing boat rescued them. After • Ask Ss to look at the pictures and elicit what
that, they returned to the port. each one shows.
• Play the recording, twice if necessary. Ss listen
and put the events in the pictures into the
6 To present and practise the use of tenses
correct order.
in a story
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Read the theory box aloud and then give Ss time to
Answer Key
complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. A 4 B 1 C 3 D 2
Answer Key
10 To write a story
1 were driving, saw
2 was shouting • Give Ss time to write their story using the pictures in
3 was wondering, appeared Ex. 9b and phrases from the Useful Language box.
4 was shining, were singing, were walking • Remind Ss to use the plan and the skeleton to help
5 felt them.
6 was watching, fell / was falling
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• Ask Ss to use the Checklist to check their work for 3 To read for comprehension
mistakes and then ask various Ss to read their • Ask Ss to read the text again and explain/elicit any
stories to the class. unknown words.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to • Give Ss time to do the task.
read out their stories in the next lesson. • Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
Last month, I went climbing in the mountains. The 1 Cumulus clouds look like balls of cotton wool one
weather was freezing but I was warmly dressed. on top of the other.
After a couple of hours, I stopped to eat something. 2 Stratus clouds and cumulus clouds can be grey.
Suddenly, I saw a few tiny snowflakes. Then, the sky 3 We call stratus clouds fog when they are near the
got darker and it started snowing very heavily. ground.
4 Stratus clouds and nimbus clouds can bring rain or
I started to walk back but the snow was so thick I snow.
couldn’t see in front of me. I built a snow igloo and 5 Cirrus clouds and cumulus clouds suggest the
put a red scarf on top. weather will be nice.
An hour later, I heard a helicopter. They lowered a line • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
with a basket and lifted me to safety. I was exhausted in the Check these words box in their dictionaries
but very relieved. or look them up in the Word List.
b) To listen for confirmation • Read out the words in the list and give Ss time to
match them to the highlighted words. Ss can use
Play the recording. Ss listen, follow the text and their dictionaries if necessary.
check their answers. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 Cumulus 3 Nimbus 5 Stratus thin ≠ thick near ≠ far
2 Stratus 4 Cirrus special ≠ ordinary big ≠ small
flat ≠ uneven dark ≠ bright
light ≠ heavy
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5 To consolidate information in a text Answer Key
through comparisons 1 violent 3 weather 5 dark
• Explain the task and read out the example. 2 cool 4 sunny 6 freezing
• Ask Ss to read the text again and compare the
different types of clouds. 4 To practise feeling words learnt in the unit
• Elicit sentences from Ss around the class.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
Suggested Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers.
Stratus clouds often bring rain and snow, but cirrus Answer Key
clouds mean it will be a nice day.
1 tired 2 excited 3 happy 4 sad
Cirrus clouds are high up in the sky but nimbus clouds
are low in the sky.
Cumulus clouds are sometimes white but nimbus clouds
Everyday English
are always dark. 5 To consolidate everyday English
expressions/ exchanges learnt in the unit
6 To consolidate information in a text • Give Ss time to complete the task.
Read out the rubric and elicit answers from Ss around • Check Ss’ answers.
the class. Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key 1 D 2 A 3 E 4 B 5 C
I learnt that there are four types of clouds. I learnt that
when stratus clouds are low to the ground, we call it Grammar
fog. I learnt that nimbus clouds are dark and bring
heavy rain or snow. I learnt that cirrus clouds are made 6 To practise the past simple and the past
of ice crystals. continuous
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
Progress Check • Check Ss’ answers.
1 To practise vocabulary learnt in the unit Answer Key
• Give Ss time to complete the task. 1 were you doing 6 saw
• Check Ss’ answers. 2 went 7 bought
3 was walking 8 was sleeping
Answer Key 4 heard 9 was watching
1 froze 3 lit 5 fell 5 was looking
2 shining 4 pouring 6 blowing
7 To practise adverbs of manner
2 To categorise vocabulary learnt in the unit
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Ask Ss to copy the table into their notebooks and • Check Ss’ answers.
give Ss time to complete it.
Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
1 loudly 3 carefully 5 hard
Answer Key 2 quickly 4 well
Clothes Accessories Shoes
coat, dress, belt, hat, tie, boots, trainers
Grammar in Focus
skirt, jeans scarf
To consolidate grammar structures learnt
in the unit
3 To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the unit
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
05 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 3.qxp_05 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 3 6/1/15 16:50 Page 58
Answer Key b) To practise responding to a situation
1 touched 8 pushed • Give Ss time to choose the correct response.
2 bumped 9 While • Check Ss’ answer.
3 sometimes 10 were pushing
Answer Key
4 disappeared 11 moved
5 of 12 did C (express sympathy to a person who had a bad
6 made 13 well experience)
7 took 14 is
4 To practise responding to a situation
Exam Practice 3 (Basic)
• Read the Study Skills aloud and explain that this
1 To prepare for a reading task advice will help Ss to complete the task successfully.
• Then ask Ss to read each situation and choose the
• Ex. 1 prepares Ss to identify clues in a text that will appropriate response from the options A-C for each
help them to choose the right answer. one. Ss should justify their answers.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to read the text • Check Ss’ answers.
and choose the correct option using the underlined
words to help them. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit why the other options 1 B (asking about the weather)
are wrong. 2 A (describing an experience)
3 C (describing their choice of clothes)
Answer Key
The correct answer is B. The other answers are wrong
because Sue is still in York and she has not returned 5 To practise dialogue completion
home yet. • Ask Ss to read the rubric and then complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
2 To read for specific information – multiple Answer Key
1 B (feel – terrified)
• Read the Study Skills aloud and explain that this 2 C (you – I/alright – OK)
advice will help Ss to complete the task successfully. 3 A (weather – sunny and warm)
• Then ask Ss to read the three texts and choose the
correct answer for each question 1-3. Ss should
6 To practise for a gap filling task
justify their answers.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Ex. 6 aims to prepare the Ss to identify what part of
speech can successfully complete the gaps.
Answer Key • Explain the task. Ss read the text and say which
1 B (I’m back from Thailand ... We stayed ... We type of word is missing and then complete the task.
spent ... We also took a ride ... We came back) • Check Ss’ answers.
2 B (... please take the clothes in ...)
Answer Key
3 A (... This rainy weather cost each citizen around
£260!...) 1 (noun) shoes 4 (verb) having
2 (adjective) tired 5 (adjective) shocked
3 (adverb) brightly 6 (noun) escape
3 a) To prepare for a knowledge of linguistic
function task
7 To complete a cloze text
• Ex. 3 prepares Ss to identify the purpose of each
answer and what each answer describes. • Read the Study Skills aloud and explain that this
• Ask Ss to read the situation and the responses advice will help Ss to complete the task
and say what each one expresses. successfully.
• Ss read the text and complete the gaps.
Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers.
A describes an experience
Answer Key
B describes a feeling
C expresses sympathy 1 B 2 D 3 E
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Exam Practice 3 (Extended) Answer Key
1 was pouring with rain
1 To complete a text 2 was wearing
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. 3 when he saw
• Remind Ss that there is an extra sentence they will 4 used to wear
not need to use. 5 while we were walking
• Check Ss’ answers. Tell Ss to justify their answers.
Answer Key 5 To prepare for a sentence transformation
1 C (sailing race – hoping to win)
2 E (beautiful summer day – The sun was shining) • Ex. 5 prepares Ss to identify which sentence is
3 A (threw us off the boat – we were left swimming) closest to the meaning of the given one.
4 D (called for help – A rescue team) • Explain the task.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
2 To listen for specific information (multiple
matching) Answer Key
• Ask Ss to read the sentences A-E and then play the 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 b
• Ss listen and match the speakers to the sentences. 6 To practise sentence transformations
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Read out the Study Skills and explain that this
Answer Key advice will help Ss to complete the task
Speaker 1 - E Speaker 3 - A successfully.
Speaker 2 - C Speaker 4 - B • Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
3 a) To prepare for a translation task Answer Key
• Ex. 3 prepares Ss to identify what part of speech 1 when she heard
is needed for each gap and other essential 2 doesn’t like wearing
details to do the translation successfully. 3 used to go/would go
• Explain the task and elicit the answers to the 4 was shining brightly
questions. 5 can easily reach
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06 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 4.qxp_06 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 4 6/1/15 17:00 Page 61
What’s in this unit? Answer Key
In this unit Ss will explore the topics of sports (sports & A – a notice (ways to avoid injury when playing sports)
equipment), health (parts of the body, injuries, health B – a leaflet (advice about the right food to eat for sports)
problems) and food (food & drinks, cooking methods, a C – an announcement (a school sports day)
recipe). They will learn the modals, countable & uncountable D – a sports event review (a school basketball match)
nouns, a/an – some, and the (to) infinitive/ -ing form. They
will also learn to write a recipe, an email about a sports 3 To read for specific information (multiple
event, an email expressing their opinion. choice)
• Read the rubric aloud and explain the task.
4a Reading • Give Ss time to read the texts and complete the
task. Ss should justify their answers.
1 a) To introduce the topic
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Read the sports aloud and explain/elicit the
meanings of any unknown words. Answer Key
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures 1-8 and match 1 B (you mustn’t ignore pain)
them to the sports. 2 B (protein – dairy products / calcium – found in
Answer Key 3 C (parents must fill in permission slip and return it
1 sailing 4 baseball 7 rowing to school)
2 wrestling 5 weightlifting 8 cycling 4 C (keeps winning)
3 hockey 6 handball
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
in the Check these words box in their dictionaries
b) To categorise sports or look them up in the Word List.
• Ask Ss to write the categories into their Suggested Answer Key
notebooks and then write the correct sports
injury (n): damage to body
under each category.
warm up (phr v): to prepare for activity by doing certain
• Ss compare their lists in closed pairs.
• Check Ss’ answers on the board.
ignore (v): to not let sth influence you
Answer Key pain (n): discomfort
team doctor (n): the doctor who treats a sports team
Team sports Individual sports Both
no matter what (phr): under any circumstances
cricket fishing sailing protein (n): a substance found in food
basketball cycling wrestling poultry (n): birds eaten as food e.g. chicken, turkey
hockey ice-skating squash seafood (n): shellfish that we eat
rugby judo swimming beans (pl n): seeds of certain plants that we eat
handball boxing rowing nuts (pl n): fruit of certain plants that we eat
baseball weightlifting dairy products (pl n): products from cows that we eat
e.g. milk, cheese, etc
• Ask various Ss around the class to tell you carbohydrates (pl n): substances found in food
which their favourite sport is and why. whole grains (pl n): crops such as oats, wheat etc that
Suggested Answer Key we eat
My favourite sport is judo because I love martial arts. vitamins (pl n): healthy substances found in food
My favourite sport is baseball because it is very popular minerals (pl n): substances found in food
in my country. etc. calcium (n): element found in food needed for healthy
bones and teeth
yogurt (n): a dairy product made from milk
2 To recognise text types leafy vegetables (phr): plants with large leaves that we
• Ask Ss to look at the texts and elicit which text is eat
which text type from Ss around the class. broccoli (n): a green vegetable that we eat
• Elicit what each text is about from various Ss. spinach (n): a green vegetable that we eat
iron (n): metal found in food needed for healthy blood
06 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 4.qxp_06 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 4 6/1/15 17:00 Page 62
replace (v): to be used for doing the same job as sth Answer Key
that was used before 3 dairy products: milk, yoghurt, cheese
lost fluids (phr): liquids used up 3 vegetables: broccoli, spinach, beans
permission slip (phr): a piece of paper that grants 3 verbs related to sports : winning, beat, scored
permission for sth
presence (n): the fact that sth is there
8 To consolidate collocations related to the
head coach (phr): the coach in charge
win sth (v): to do better than others in a competition
beat (v): to defeat others in a competition • Give Ss time to complete the task.
score (v): to gain a point or a goal • Remind Ss to list these collocations in the
sprain ankle (phr): to injure one’s ankle Collocation Section in their notebooks and revise
them as often as possible.
4 To consolidate information in a text • Check Ss’ answers.
Give Ss time to read the texts again and then elicit Answer Key
answers to the questions from Ss around the class. 1 permission 3 dairy 5 whole
2 matter 4 leafy 6 head
Suggested Answer Key
1 We mustn’t ignore pain because pain shows us that
9 To identify the purpose of a text
there is a problem.
2 Water is essential for people who do sports • Read out the options 1-4 and explain/elicit any
because you need to replace any fluid you lose. unknown words.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the texts
5 To identify synonymous words/phrases and then match the texts to the purposes.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to complete the task using their
dictionaries if necessary. Elicit what part of speech Answer Key
each word is. 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 D
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 10 To consolidate new knowledge
properly (adv) = correctly Ask various Ss around the class to tell their partner
ignore (v) = pay no attention what they remember from the text then ask some pairs
especially (adv) = mainly to tell the class.
return (v) = bring back
Suggested Answer Key
presence (n) = attendance
winning (pp) = coming first I remember that you must warm up before a sport to
beat (v) = defeated avoid injury and that you shouldn’t ignore pain. I
remember that you should eat plenty of protein,
vitamins and minerals to do sport and drink a lot of
6 To consolidate new vocabulary water to replace lost fluids. I remember that Carr Head
• Explain the task. School Sports day is in June and parents need to give
• Give Ss time to complete the task using their permission slips. I remember that Hill School is doing
dictionaries if necessary. well at basketball and that their head coach is not
• Check Ss’ answers. present.
Answer Key
11 ICT To write about foods for athletes
1 lost 3 beat 5 scored
2 win 4 ignore • Give Ss time to research online and write some
7 To scan for details • Ask various Ss to read their information to the
• Give Ss time to scan the text for the specific • Alternatively, assign this task as HW.
vocabulary items. Ss do the task in closed pairs.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
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Suggested Answer Key 4 To present new vocabulary
It's important to include iron-rich foods in your diet, • Ask Ss to look up any new words in the Word List.
such as meat, dried beans, and fortified cereals for • Give them time to complete the sentences using
nutrition and energy. Drinking before, during and after them in the correct form.
exercising is important to keep hydrated. Water is best
Answer Key
but fruit juice mixed with water is also good. Avoid fizzy
drinks because they have too much sugar. 1 broke 3 got 5 twisted
2 hurt 4 sprained 6 cut
4b Vocabulary
5 a) To complete a multiple choice cloze
1 To present new vocabulary
• Ask Ss to read the dialogue and choose the
• Go through the list of verbs with Ss and explain/ correct option for each gap.
elicit any unknown words. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Ss may look up any unknown words in the Word List.
• Give Ss time to complete the sentences using them Answer Key
in the correct form. 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 A
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key b) To act out dialogues about health
1 pass 4 win 7 warms up problems
2 practise 5 exercises 8 score • Ask Ss to work in closed pairs and act out
3 beat 6 kick dialogues similar to the one in Ex. 5a about the
health problems in Ex. 4.
2 To present new vocabulary • Monitor the activity around the class and then
ask various pairs to act out their dialogues in
• Go through the list of words with Ss and explain/ front of the rest of the class.
elicit any unknown words.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and give Ss time to Suggested Answer Key
complete the task. A: What happened to you?
• Check Ss’ answers then elicit sentences from Ss B: I hurt my head.
around the class. A: How did you do that?
B: Some books fell on me.
Answer Key
A: Oh dear. Does it hurt?
1 a headache 4 an earache 7 a cold B: Yes, it does.
2 a fever 5 a stomach ache A: Hope it gets better soon.
3 a toothache 6 a cough B: Thanks.
Answer Key
Helen has got a fever. 6 a) To present and categorise new
Ben has got a toothache. vocabulary
Meg has got an earache.
• Ask Ss to identify the items in the pictures.
Anna has got a stomach ache.
• Then ask Ss to write the headings into their
Jeff has got a cough.
notebooks and write the different food and
Mark has got a cold.
drinks under the correct headings.
• Check Ss’ answers on the board.
3 To present new vocabulary
Answer Key
• Ask Ss to look up any unknown words in the Word 1 melon 4 peach 7 lobster
List. 2 beef 5 milkshake 8 rice
• Then point to various body parts and ask Ss to say 3 nuts 6 grapes 9 pineapple
the names.
• Ask various Ss to point to their own body parts and Suggested Answer Key
say the names in front of the class. Drinks: tea, coffee, apple juice, mineral water, milkshake
Meat: beef, chicken, burger
(Ss’ own answers)
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Vegetables: tomato, potatoes 8 To learn partitives
Fruit: orange, banana, lemons, grapes, watermelon, • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
strawberries, peach, melon, pineapple • Refer Ss to p. GR7 for more information.
Desserts: ice cream, cake • Ask Ss to check any unknown words in the Word
Seafood: lobster, fish, prawns List.
Dairy products: rice, butter, milk, cheese
Other: ice, bread rolls, cereal, eggs, nuts, flour, sugar, Answer Key
salt, pasta, olive oil 1 a bag of sugar 6 a tin of sardines
2 a can of cola 7 a glass of water
b) To identify countable/uncountable 3 a carton of milk 8 a cup of coffee
nouns and practise writing their plurals 4 a packet of biscuits 9 a piece of cake
5 a bottle of oil
• Elicit which nouns are countable (nouns we can
count e.g. one apple, two apples) and which are
uncountable (nouns we cannot count e.g. flour) 9 To listen for specific information
• Ask Ss to write the headings Countable/ • Explain the task and play the recording twice if
Uncountable in their notebooks and decide necessary. Ss listen and make notes.
which of the words in Ex. 6a go under which • Ss tell their partner what Becky bought.
heading. • Elicit answers from various Ss around the class.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference Section
Answer Key
for more information.
• Then give Ss time to write their plurals. 2 cartons of milk
• Check Ss’ answers on the board. a bag of brown sugar
a packet of chocolate biscuits
Answer Key a tin of soup
some rice (U), a banana (C) bananas, some butter (U), a
lobster (C) lobsters, some bread rolls (C), some lemons
10 To present vocabulary for cooking
(C), some grapes (C), some tea (U), a tomato (C)
tomatoes, some cereal (U), a watermelon (C) • Read the words aloud and ask Ss to read the recipe
watermelons, some strawberries (C), some beef (U), and fill in the blanks with the correct verbs.
some chicken (U), some eggs (C), a peach (C) peaches, • Check Ss’ answers.
some fish (U), some milk (U), some cheese (U), some Answer Key
nuts (C), some ice cream (U), some flour (U), some
1 peel 3 chop 5 beat 7 bake
sugar (U), some coffee (U), some potatoes (C), a melon
2 boil 4 slice 6 fry
(C) melons, some apple juice (U), some mineral water
(U), some salt (U), a milkshake (C) milkshakes, some
prawns (C), a pineapple (C) pineapples, some cake (U), 11 To present and practise prepositional
a burger (C) burgers, some pasta (U), some olive oil (U) phrases
• Give Ss time to complete the task and check their
7 To practise talking about countable/ answers in Appendix 1 at the back of their books.
uncountable nouns • Tell Ss to copy the list of words in the Prepositions
Section in their notebooks.
• Ask two Ss to read out the example exchange.
• Ask them to revise regularly.
• Ss complete the task in closed pairs.
• Monitor the activity around the class. Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key 1 in 2 in 3 of 4 for 5 to
A: Can I have an orange?
B: Yes, of course. Can I have some rice? 12 To write a recipe
A: Yes, of course. etc • Ask Ss to find a recipe and write it.
• Give them time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Ask various Ss to read their recipes to the class.
• Alternatively, assign this task as HW.
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Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
Vegetable soup 1 mustn’t 5 don’t have to 9 have to
Ingredients 2 should 6 must 10 can’t
4 carrots, 4 potatoes, 1 leek, 1 onion, 2 tomatoes, 3 can 7 can’t 11 can
2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp sugar, a pinch of salt (serves 2) 4 might 8 should
Chop all the vegetables into small pieces and put in a 5 To match problems to advice and give
pan and cover with water. Add the oil, salt and sugar advice using modals
and bring to the boil. Simmer for 45 minutes. Then • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it in
enjoy with crusty bread. Alternatively, you can put the closed pairs.
soup in blender for a smoother result • Monitor the activity around the class.
• Check Ss’ answers and ask Ss around the class to
4c Grammar in use act out exchanges giving advice.
1 To present and practise modals Answer Key
• Ask Ss to read the table. 2 d 3 e 4 c 5 a
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
A: My back hurts.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
B: You shouldn’t play football tonight.
more information.
A: My diet is unhealthy.
Answer Key
B: You shouldn’t eat too many cakes and biscuits.
1 mustn’t 4 have to
2 has to 5 must A: I am very unfit.
3 don’t have to 6 doesn’t have to B: You should do more exercise.
A: I feel stressed.
2 To practise modals B: You should do yoga to help you relax.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. 6 To practise giving advice
Answer Key • Read the rubric aloud and explain the task.
• Allow Ss three minutes to write sentences for the
1 can’t 3 should 5 May
situations given using modals.
2 can 4 might
• Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class.
Answer Key 3 I don’t mind babysitting for my little brother.
mind + -ing form 4 I want to go on holiday.
want + to-infinitive 5 I must try to eat more healthily.
can’t + bare infinitive 6 I can’t play basketball.
4d Across Cultures
8 To practise the (to) infinitive and –ing form
• Explain the task. 1 To introduce the topic
• Ss complete the task. • Direct Ss to the picture and play the recording.
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers. • Elicit what they think is happening.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 to watch (would like + to inf.) I think people are watching an American football game
2 train (modals + bare inf.) in a stadium. Perhaps it’s the Super Bowl.
3 running (got + -ing for activities)
4 to become (expresses purpose)
2 a) To present new vocabulary
5 join (modals + bare inf.)
Ask Ss to look up the meanings of the words in
9 To practise the (to) infinitive and -ing form bold in the Word List at the back of their books.
2 Companies spend millions on commercials because 5 To consolidate new vocabulary
they know there are over 111 million viewers watching. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
3 I think doctors call it Super Bowl Syndrome because • Check Ss’ answers.
a lot of people go to the emergency room with
illnesses/injuries they got on Super Sunday. Answer Key
1 season 3 run 5 fans
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
2 wings 4 Emergency 6 deliver
in the Check these words box in their dictionaries
or look them up in the Word List.
6 To identify synonymous words/phrases
Suggested Answer Key
• Give Ss time to match the words using their
final game (phr): the last game in the season/competition dictionaries if necessary. Ss work in closed pairs.
football season (n): the period when football is played • Check Ss’ answers.
winner (n): the person/team that beats their opponents
in a game/competition Answer Key
league (n): a group of teams that play the same sport final = last; social = public; deliver = take to homes;
against each other rock = make move back and forth; commercial = TV
team (n): a group of people who play a sport together advert; run = show; create = make
viewer (n): sb who watches a TV programme
fan (n): sb who is very interested in a sport or a famous 7 To identify antonymous words
deliver (v): to take sth somewhere • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
crisps (pl n): deep fried slices of potato • Check Ss’ answers.
chicken wings (phr): the parts of the bird used for Answer Key
flying cooked and eaten as a dish winners ≠ losers; best ≠ worst; over ≠ under; buy ≠
rock (v): to make people move from side to side sell; expensive ≠ cheap; usually ≠ rarely; funny ≠
commercial break (phr): a short break in a TV unamusing; clever ≠ silly
programme when adverts are shown
run a commercial (phr): to air an advert on TV
8 To answer comprehension questions
emergency room (n): the department in a hospital
based on a text
where emergency treatment is given
syndrome (n): a medical condition characterised by a • Explain the task.
set of symptoms • Ss work in closed pairs referring back to the text if
• Monitor the activity around the class.
Background information
• Ask some pairs to act out the exchanges in front of
The National Football Conference (NFC) is one of the rest of the class.
the two conferences of the National Football League
(NFL). This conference and its counterpart, the Suggested Answer Key
American Football Conference (AFC), currently A: Who plays in it?
contain 16 teams each, making up the 32 teams of B: The winners of the two leagues – the NFC and the
the NFL. Since 2002, the NFC has 16 teams, AFC. When does the final take place?
organized into four divisions each having four teams: A: It takes place on a Sunday at the end of January or
East, North, South, and West. Each conference has the beginning of February. What is this day called?
playoffs to determine its champion at the end of the B: It’s called Super Bowl Sunday. etc.
regular season and decide which teams will play in
the Super Bowl, the NFL's championship game. In 9 To listen for specific information (gap filling)
the Super Bowl, one NFC team and one AFC team
• Read out the Study Skills box and explain that this
play for the league championship. Prior to the 1970
tip will help Ss to complete the task successfully.
merger of the American Football League and the NFL,
• Ask Ss to read the advert and predict what information
the Super Bowls were World Championship games
is missing from the gaps 1-5.
played between the two League champions.
• Play the recording twice if necessary. Ss listen and
complete the task and then check Ss’ answers.
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Answer Key 4e Listening skills
1 New Town 4 7
2 Thursday 5 09765432398 1 a) To prepare for a listening task (multiple
3 18 choice)
• Read out the Study Skills and explain that this
10 To write an email based on the text advice will help Ss to complete the task
• Ask Ss to copy and complete the email in their • Ask Ss to read the rubric and underline the key
notebooks using the information in the text. words. Elicit what the recording may be about.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
Key words to be underlined:
Dear Amir, 1 Steve, caving / dangerous / safe / boring
How are you? Last Sunday I watched the Super Bowl 2 Bob, going, again / two weeks / following weekend
on TV. In the USA people call it Super Sunday. I / end of June
watched the match with my friends and family. We 3 Bob and Steve/classmates/teammates/workmates
ordered pizza and chicken wings to eat. The half-time 4 Scott, injured / aport / stairs / ice
show was spectacular. The commercials were funny 5 party / job / birthday / graduation
and clever. It was an amazing experience, 6 Scott, calling, Jim / opinion / advice/ invitation
Sam I think Recording 1 is about caving.
I think Recording 2 is about a party.
11 ICT To talk about a sporting event and
compare it to the Super Bowl b) To listen for specific information
(multiple choice)
• Ask Ss to look up information on the Internet about
a sporting event in their country and make notes • Ask Ss to look at the key words while doing the
under the headings. task.
• Then ask Ss to compare and contrast the event to • Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete
the Super Bowl. the task.
• Ask various Ss to tell the class how the two events • Check Ss’ answers.
are similar/different. Answer Key
• Alternatively, assign this task as HW.
1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 C
Suggested Answer Key
Place/date: held alternately in Europe or South America 2 a) To make notes from a listening script
every 4 years in June
Play recording 1 again and ask Ss to make notes
Events/competitions: FIFA World Cup Final
under the headings in their notebooks.
Food: pizza, crisps, nuts
Commercials: funny and clever adverts
In favour: lots of safety equipment, exciting
Shows: no shows, half-time commentary
Against: can easily get hurt, scary, expensive
Suggested Answer Key equipment
The FIFA World Cup final takes place every four years in
June in either Europe or South America whereas the b) To present opinions
Super Bowl takes place every year in the USA in
Ask various Ss around the class to present each
January or February. The World Cup is for football and
person’s opinion and then their own to the rest of
the Super Bowl is for American football. The food is
the class.
similar for both events. The adverts are similar, too.
However, there is no show for the World Cup as there is Answer Key
for the Super Bowl, just a commentary. Steve thinks you can easily get hurt while doing caving.
He thinks it’s scary and that the equipment is expensive.
Bob thinks that although there is some risk, that’s what
makes it exciting, He also says he wears a lot of safety
68 equipment.
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Suggested Answer Key 5 To practise pronouncing silent letters
I think caving is scary and quite dangerous even if you • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to listen and
do have safety equipment something can always go repeat.
wrong. • Check Ss pronunciation and elicit the silent letters.
Answer Key
3 a) To prepare for a listening task should (circle ‘l’) half (circle ‘l’)
Read out the statement and elicit what the question could (circle ‘l’) right (circle ‘gh’)
can be. know (circle ‘k’) write (circle ‘w’)
lamb (circle ‘b’) listen (circle ‘t’)
Answer Key
Do you like …? 4f Speaking skills
Ask Ss to read the questions A-D and elicit which Ask Ss to read the first exchange in the dialogue and
one matches the statement in Ex. 3a. elicit what the dialogue is about and then read to check.
Answer Key A Answer Key
I think the dialogue is a discussion about exercising.
c) To explain inappropriate options
• Ask Ss to focus on the underlined words. 2 a) To complete a multiple choice cloze
• Tell them to use them as clues to understand • Explain the task.
why the other options are wrong. • Ask Ss to scan the dialogue and explain/elicit
Suggested Answer Key any unknown words.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
B – ‘it’ is used instead of a noun mentioned earlier
C – ‘Which’ asks for a specific name/noun
D – needs a yes or no answer that refers to something in b) To listen for confirmation
plural (not ‘it’ as in the answer) Play the recording. Ss listen and check their
answers. Ss should justify their answers.
4 a) To prepare for a listening task
Answer Key
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and the statements A-E. 1 B (phrase)
• Elicit a question that matches each statement 2 C (keep fit – collocation)
from Ss around the class. 3 C (fresh air – collocation)
Suggested Answer Key
A – What’s wrong? 3 To role play a dialogue
B – Do you like apples?
Ss complete the task in closed pairs. Monitor the
C – What do you think of jogging?
activity around the class.
D – What are your plans for the weekend?
E – Did you make this?
4 To match synonymous phrases for
expressing an opinion and agreeing/disagreeing
b) To listen for specific information
(multiple matching) • Explain the task and explain that the phrases
express an opinion and agree/disagree.
• Play the recording twice if necessary.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Ss listen, complete the task and see if their
• Check Ss’ answers.
answers in Ex. 4a were correct.
• Check Ss’ answers. Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key I see what you mean. = You’ve got a point.
I believe = I think/In my opinion/To me
1 E 2 B 3 A 4 D
I don’t really agree. = I don’t see it this way.
You’ve got a point = I agree with you
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4g Writing
5 To act out a dialogue
1 To analyse a rubric
• Ss complete the task in closed pairs using the
dialogue in Ex. 2 as a model to help them. Tell Ss • Ask Ss to read the rubric aloud.
they can use phrases from the box in Ex. 4. Write • Read the questions aloud one at a time and elicit
this diagram on the board for Ss to follow. the answers from Ss around the class.
A B Answer Key
Tell B where you’re going Express 1 an email expressing your opinion
and ask B to join you. disagreement. 2 my English-speaking friend Tom
Give a reason to Disagree 3 my opinion, mentioning equipment, cost & danger
convince B. again. 4 50-100 words
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• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. • Remind Ss to use the plan to help them and the
• Check Ss’ answers. email skeleton. Ss can use the email in Ex. 2 as a
Answer Key
• Ask Ss to use the Checklist to check their work for
1 I think you should go for it. mistakes and then ask various Ss to read their
2 I think archery is a challenging sport. emails to the class.
3 In my opinion, swimming can be a lonely activity. • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
4 To me, playing in a team is lots of fun. read out their emails in the next lesson.
5 To me, skiing is expensive because you need a lot
of equipment. Suggested Answer Key
Hi, Pedro,
6 To practise opening/closing remarks You asked me my opinion about which sport you
should choose, swimming or snowboarding. They
• Elicit the opening/closing remarks in the email and are both challenging sports.
then give Ss time to choose appropriate Swimming is a great way to keep fit and it’s not
replacements from the Useful Language box. expensive as you don’t need a lot of equipment, but
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. you may have to practise for long hours.
Suggested Answer Key Snowboarding is thrilling and a good form of
exercise, but the equipment is very expensive and it
Opening: You said you’re thinking of taking up either
can be dangerous.
sailing or basketball. Well, I think you could choose
To me, both sports have good and bad points. You
either of them.
should choose the one you like the most. Let me
Closing: In my opinion, it doesn’t matter which sport
know how you get on.
you choose. Just go for the one you like the best. Keep
me posted.
CLIL (Science)
7 To analyse a rubric
1 a) To introduce new vocabulary
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and underline the key
words. • Explain the task and give Ss time to match the
• Check Ss’ answers. words using their dictionaries to help them if
Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
English-speaking friend, Pedro, can’t decide, sport,
swimming, snowboarding, asks for your opinion, write Answer Key
email, what you think, 50-100 words 1 part 4 exercise
2 physical abilities 5 influences
8 To listen for specific information (gap 3 strength, type of sugar
b) To make educated guesses
• Explain the task and play the recording twice if
necessary. Elicit which sentences may be true from Ss around
• Ss listen and complete the task. the class.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key 1, 2, 3, 4
1 fit 5 dangerous
2 equipment 4 exercise 2 To listen and read for specific information
3 hard
• Play the recording.
• Ss listen and follow the text and check their
9 To write an email expressing your opinion
answers to Ex. 1b.
• Give Ss time to write their email using their answers
Answer Key
from Exs 7 & 8 and phrases from the Useful
Language box. 1, 2, 3, 4
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3 To read for specific information 5 To consolidate prior knowledge
• Explain the task and give Ss time to read the text with new information in a text
again and answer the questions. Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key I knew that the brain is important and controls our
1 Glucose is what the brain gets its energy from. senses. I knew that not getting enough sleep can affect
2 You can do activities such as crossword puzzles our concentration. I learnt that the brain gets its energy
and computer games. from glucose and that glucose is in bread, pasta and
3 Tiredness can make it difficult for you to concentrate cereal.
during the day.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words 6 ICT To make a presentation on human
in the Check these words box in their dictionaries brain; to develop research skills
or look them up in the Word List. • Ask Ss to think of some questions about the brain.
Suggested Answer Key • Give Ss time to collect information about the brain
brain (n): the organ we use to think from the Internet.
organ (n): a part of the body with a specific function • Ask Ss to present their information to the class.
senses (pl n): the physical abilities of sight, hearing, • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
touch, taste, smell give their presentations in the next lesson.
touch (n): the ability to physically feel things Suggested Answer Key
sight (n): the ability to see How much does the brain weigh?
smell (n): the ability to understand the smell of things The adult human brain weighs between 1.3 kg and
energy (n): strength to do things 1.4 kg. A newborn human brain weighs between 350 g
glucose (n): a natural sugar and 400 g.
get smarter (phr): to become more intelligent How many nerve cells are in the brain?
train (v): to practise/exercise There are approximately 100 billion (100,000,000,000)
crossword puzzle (n): a word puzzle with clues for the neurons in the human brain.
missing words Is it true that we only use 10% of our brains?
computer game (n): a game you play on a computer No, we use 100% of our brains.
overdo (v): to do too much
active (adj): doing a lot of things Progress Check
concentrate (v): to think intensely
huge impact (phr): a big effect 1 To practise common verb/noun phrases
stay up (phr v): to stay awake and not go to bed connected to injuries
refresh (v): give new energy to sth
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
4 To consolidate new vocabulary
Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the
1 sprained 3 kick 5 finger
2 hurt 4 headache 6 leg
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 2 To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the unit
1 glucose
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
2 bread, pasta and cereal
• Check Ss’ answers.
3 to train our brain
4 to concentrate/to refresh your brain Answer Key
1 pasta 3 beef 5 bruise
2 improve 4 carbohydrates 6 cereal
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3 To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the unit Exam Practice 4 (Basic)
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. 1 To complete a multiple matching task
• Ask Ss to read the announcements quickly to get
Answer Key
the gist. Ss then underline the key words in the
1 got 4 Make 7 beat sentences 1-4, Ss read the texts again and match
2 Slice 5 won them to the correct sentence.
3 deliver 6 warm up • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
4 To consolidate everyday English
expressions/exchanges learnt in the unit 1 D 2 C 3 E 4 A
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Answer Key Answer Key
1 A (expressing agreement) 1 D (do sth relaxing – stress-free / outdoors –
2 B (polite offer) countryside / dad – people of all ages)
3 A (asking about one’s health) 2 C (fitness level low – all levels of fitness / can’t
afford equipment – free equipment hire)
5 To do a text completion task 3 A (keep fit – high level of fitness / doesn’t have
money to spend on equipment – get free
• Explain the task. equipment hire)
• Tell Ss to read the whole gapped sentence before
they choose the correct option. Stress that this step
3 To complete a multiple choice listening
is important as the answer may lie after the gap.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Ask Ss to read the question stems and the options.
Answer Key
• Play the recording.
1 C (near somewhere BUT: next to) • Ss listen and choose the correct answers.
2 C (exercise class – which) • Check Ss’ answers.
3 C (would like + full inf.)
Answer Key
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07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5.qxp_07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5 6/1/15 16:59 Page 76
What’s in this unit? Answer Key
In this unit Ss will explore the topics of culture, festivals and 1 C (I’ve already made plans to go back this year)
celebrations. They will learn the present perfect, just, yet, 2 A (I took part too)
already, for, since, ever, never, and compare the present 3 B (I caught it all on video)
perfect with the past simple. They will also learn to write a 4 A (I slipped, fell down and tore my shirt)
paragraph comparing two festivals, a paragraph describing
an embarrassing experience and an email describing a 4 To read for specific information
celebration. (comprehension questions)
• Give Ss time to read the texts again and complete
5a Reading the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
1 To introduce the topic and new vocabulary
• Read the picture descriptions aloud and explain/ Answer Key
elicit the meanings of any unknown words. 1 At the end of the Bun Festival, people climbed a
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures 1-6 and match them tower made of plastic buns.
to the descriptions. 2 John was most impressed by the battle re-enactment
between the pirates and the locals.
Answer Key 3 Mexicans celebrate Cinco de Mayo to commemorate
1 a fireworks display the Battle of Puebla.
2 people climbing a tower
3 an impressive float • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
4 a battle re-enactment in the Check these words box in their dictionaries
5 a street parade or look them up in the Word List.
6 a man in a pirate costume Suggested Answer Key
century (n): a period of 100 years
2 To listen for specific information honour (v): to show respect
bun (n): a small round bread roll
• Go through the questions with Ss and explain/ elicit
grab (v): to take hold of sth
any unknown words.
slip (v): to lose one’s footing and fall
• Play the recording. Ss listen and say which festival
fall down (phr v): to lose the upright position suddenly
each text is about and which one commemorates an
tear (v): to rip
event and then check Ss’ answers.
commemorate (v): to remember an event through a
Answer Key celebration
Text A is about the Bun Festival. pirate (n): a sailor who attacks other ships and steals
Text B is about the Gasparilla Pirate Festival. things from them
Text C is about Cinco de Mayo. local (n): sb who lives in a certain area
Cinco de Mayo commemorates an event. arrive (v): to reach a place
fight (v): to oppose an enemy with weapons
army (n): a large group of soldiers
3 To read for specific information (multiple
defeat (v): win in battle
make plans (phr): make arrangements
• Ask Ss to read the questions in the box and explain/
elicit any unknown words.
• Ask Ss to read the texts and answer the questions.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Ss should justify
their answers and then check Ss’ answers.
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Background information 7 To make notes and compare festivals
Hong Kong is one of the two Special Administrative
• Ask Ss to write the headings into their notebooks
Regions of the People's Republic of China, the other
and make notes under each one.
one is Macau. It is situated on China's south coast
• Give Ss time to use their notes to compare the
and, enclosed by the Pearl River Delta and South
festivals and find differences and similarities.
China Sea. With a land mass of 1,104 km2 and a
• Remind Ss the vocabulary needed for comparisons
population of seven million people, Hong Kong is
(but, on the other hand, whereas etc.).
one of the most densely populated areas in the
• Ask various Ss to tell the class.
world. Hong Kong’s lack of space has made it the
world's most vertical city. It is one of the world's Suggested Answer Key
leading international financial centres. Text A
Cheung Chau is a small island 10 km southwest of Festival: The Bun Festival
Hong Kong Island with a population of about 23,000 Date: spring
up to 2006. It is nicknamed as the ‘dumbbell island' Place: Cheung Chau, near Hong Kong
for its shape. Cheung Chau was mainly a fishing Reason: honour Palc Tai, god of the north
village and has slowly evolved into a commercial hub Activities: climb a tall tower of plastic buns
as well as the place to do business for fishing people
and small farmers of other nearby islands like Lantau Text B
Island. Festival: The Gasparilla Pirate Festival
Tampa is a city in the U.S. state of Florida and is Date: January
located on the west coast of Florida, on Tampa Bay Place: Tampa, Florida, USA
near the Gulf of Mexico. Reason: commemorate life of a Spanish pirate
The city of Puebla (formally Heroica Puebla de Activities: street parties, parades, battle re-enactment
Zaragoza), is one of the five most important Spanish Text C
colonial cities in Mexico. The city is famous for mole Festival: Cinco de Mayo
poblano (Mexico’s national food dish), chiles en Date: May
nogada (a famous Mexican dish) and Talavera pottery. Place: Puebla, Mexico
Reason: commemorate Battle of Puebla
Activities: parade, dancing, fireworks display
5 To identify synonymous words/phrases The Bun Festival takes place in spring, but the
• Give Ss time to complete the task using their Gasparilla Pirate Festival takes place in winter. The
dictionaries if necessary. Ss work in closed pairs. Gasparilla Pirate Festival takes place in the USA, but
• Check Ss’ answers. Cinco de Mayo is a Spanish festival. The Gasparilla
Pirate Festival commemorates the life of a person, but
Answer Key Cinco de Mayo commemorates an event. In the Bun
grab = take Festival there is a competition, but the Gasparilla Pirate
impressive = amazing Festival and Cinco de Mayo don’t have any.
locals = people from an area
commemorate = remember with a special event
8 To write about a festival
defeated = beat
huge = very big • Give Ss time to think of a local festival and make
notes under the headings and then compare with
the festivals in the text.
6 To consolidate new vocabulary
• Then ask various Ss around the class to tell the rest
• Give Ss time to complete the task. of the class about the festival.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Alternatively, assign this task as HW.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 honours 4 commemorates Place: Lichtenvoorde, Holland
2 fought 5 celebrate Time: September
3 arrived Reason: commemorate the crowning of Queen
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Activities: competition for best flower arrangement, • Then give Ss time to complete the gaps in the
street parties texts.
• Ask Ss to read the whole text and see if it
Suggested Answer Key
makes sense.
The Flower Parade of Lichtenvoorde is a very popular • Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read
event in Holland. It takes place in the small town of out the completed texts.
Lichtenvoorde. Unlike any of the festivals in the blog, it
takes place in September. However, like the festivals in Answer Key
the blog, it commemorates a person and an event - the Text A
crowning of Queen Wilhelmina. Like the Bun festival, 1 celebrated 3 watched 5 bring
the Lichtenvoorde Flower Parade has a competition, 2 had 4 visited
with a prize for the most beautiful flower arrangement.
Text B
Also, like the Gasparilla Pirate Festival, it has a huge
1 decorate 3 exchange 5 call
parade with floats. Finally, like Cinco de mayo, it
2 sing 4 cooks
finishes with an impressive fireworks display.
Text C
5b Vocabulary 1 fast 3 pray 5 greets
2 prepare 4 get
1 To present new vocabulary
• Go through the list of words and explain/elicit any b) To compare a celebration in
unknown words. your country with a celebration in another
• Ss read the sentences one by one and choose the country
most appropriate word to fill each gap.
• Elicit various celebrations from Ss around the
• Check Ss’ answers.
class and then ask Ss to compare one of them
Answer Key to one of those in the text.
1 display 3 crowning 5 bonfire • Ask various Ss to tell the class.
2 prize 4 parade 6 highlight Suggested Answer Key
In Austria we also celebrate Christmas, but for us
2 To practise new vocabulary Christmas Eve is the most important day. On this day,
• Give Ss time to choose the correct verbs in the we light up the Christmas tree for the first time and
sentences. families gather to sing carols like ‘Silent Night’. Then we
• Check Ss’ answers. have dinner including fried carp, and afterwards we
open the gifts that we placed under the tree.
Answer Key
1 commemorates (meaning)
2 last (meaning) Background information
3 dress up (phr v) Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland with a
4 let off (collocation) population of 495,360 according to the 2011 census.
5 celebrate (meaning) Edinburgh and its famous castle along with its many
6 comes (phrase) cathedrals, museums and galleries make it an
7 participate (verb with preposition) interesting city to visit. It is also an educational centre
8 hold (phrase) with its renowned universities and tertiary institutions.
Each August the city hosts the biggest annual
3 a) To present new vocabulary and international arts festival in the world; another festival
complete multiple choice cloze texts worth mentioning is the Edinburgh International Book
Festival. A famous event is the Hogmanay celebration
• Ask Ss to look up any unknown words in the held every New Year’s Eve. Attracting over one
Word List. million overseas visitors a year, Edinburgh is the
• Remind Ss to read the whole gapped sentence second most popular tourist destination in the UK.
before choosing the right word and pay special
attention to the way they can amend it to fit the
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4 a) To listen for specific information b) To translate wishes
• Read the question in the rubric aloud. Elicit the L1 greetings and wishes from Ss around
• Ask Ss to open their notebooks and take notes the class.
on how Martyn celebrated New Year’s Eve last
Ss’ own answers
• Play the recording twice if necessary. 7 To present and practise prepositional
Suggested Answer Key
got together with group of friends, city centre, live • Give Ss time to complete the task and check their
music, stalls with decorations, magicians, fireworks answers in Appendix 1 at the back of their books.
display • Ask Ss to transfer the words with their prepositions
to the Prepositions Section in their notebooks and
revise them as often as possible.
b) To use notes and describe a celebration
Answer Key
Ask various Ss to use their notes and tell the class.
1 in 3 on 5 of 7 at 9 with
Suggested Answer Key 2 at 4 On 6 on 8 on 10 for
Last year, Martyn went to the city centre with a group of
his friends to celebrate New Year’s Eve. He listened to 8 To present and practise new vocabulary
live music, he saw stalls selling handmade decorations and practise the past simple
and he saw some magicians doing tricks. At midnight,
he watched a fireworks display. • Read the list of words aloud and explain/elicit any
unknown words.
• Revise the Past Simple quickly and tell them to put
5 To compare how you celebrate New Year the verbs in the Past form.
with sb else • Give them time to do the task.
• Give Ss time to think about how they celebrated • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
New Year’s Eve last year. Answer Key
• Ask Ss to compare it with Martyn’s New Year’s Eve.
1 spilt 4 stepped 7 took
• Ask various Ss around the class to share their
2 slipped 5 tore 8 turned up
answers with the rest of the class.
3 ate 6 broke 9 fell
Suggested Answer Key
I also went to the city centre with my friends on New 9 To listen for specific information
Year’s Eve last year. Like Martyn and his friends, we
listened to live music, but there were no stalls in the • Explain the task and play the recording twice if
square in my city. At 12 o’clock, we also saw a fireworks necessary. Ss listen and complete the task.
display. • Ss in pairs explain what happened to each person.
• Elicit answers from various Ss around the class.
6 a) To present greetings and wishes for Answer Key
celebrations Jack slipped and fell into a pool at his parents’ silver
• Ask Ss to read the wishes 1-5 and explain/ elicit wedding anniversary.
any unknown words. Lisa broke a crystal glass when she was celebrating her
• Give Ss time to match them to the celebrations friend’s graduation.
A-E. Tony ripped his suit at his company’s annual dinner.
• Check Ss’ answers.
10 To write about an embarrassing experience
Answer Key
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 E • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Tell Ss that they can use ideas from Ex. 8 & 9.
• Ask various Ss to read their sentences to the class.
• Alternatively, assign this task as HW.
07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5.qxp_07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5 6/1/15 16:59 Page 80
Suggested Answer Key 2 To practise past participles
Last year, my friend invited me to his house to celebrate • Give Ss time to complete the task. Refer Ss to the list
his birthday. I followed his directions and arrived on of the irregular verbs at the back of their books.
time, but no one answered the doorbell. I thought there • Check Ss’ answers.
may be music playing in the house and nobody could
Answer Key
hear me, so I started banging on a bedroom window.
Then, suddenly the door opened. It was an old man dance – danced (R) go – gone/been (I)
looking sleepy in his pyjamas. It turned out I was at my listen – listened (R) see – seen (I)
friend’s neighbour’s house! I said sorry and ran next eat – eaten (I) visit – visited (R)
door! I felt so embarrassed! do – done (I) fall – fallen (I)
open – opened (R) give – given (I)
5c Grammar in use
3 To practise the present perfect affirmative
1 To present the present perfect
• Give Ss time to read the text and complete the task.
• Ss’ books closed. Say then write on the board: I have • Check Ss’ answers.
worked hard today. Tom hasn’t worked hard today.
Underline: have worked and hasn’t worked. Answer Key
• Explain that this verb is in the present perfect and elicit 1 has loved 4 has never been
the form (affirmative: have/has + past participle, 2 has taken part 5 has just performed
negative: haven’t/hasn’t + past participle). 3 has learnt
• Explain that the past participles of regular verbs are
formed by adding -ed to the end of the verb and
4 To practise the present perfect interrogative
that irregular verbs have their own forms.
• Explain that we use the present perfect to talk • Explain the task and ask a S to read out the
about actions that started in the past and continue example. Give Ss time to complete the task. In
to now, life experiences and completed past closed pairs Ss ask and answer the questions.
actions with results we can see now. • Monitor the activity around the class. Help where
• Ss open their books. Ask Ss to read the table and necessary.
fill in the missing words. Answer Key
• Elicit examples of the present perfect from the 2 Have your parents ever cooked pancakes for you?
cartoon and then elicit how the present perfect is Yes, they have./No, they haven’t.
formed and used from Ss around the class. 3 Have you ever attended a book festival?
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Yes, I/we have./No, I/we haven’t.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for 4 Have you ever won a competition?
more information. Yes, I/we have./No, I/we haven’t.
Answer Key 5 Has your friend ever visited Edinburgh?
Yes, he/she has./No, he/she hasn’t.
1 have 2 hasn’t 3 haven’t
Examples in joke: I’ve bought / I’ve already got / you 5 To present just, already, yet, for, since,
haven’t ever, never
We form the present perfect in the affirmative with • Ss’ books closed. Say then write on the board: I have
personal pronoun + have/has + past participle; in the already eaten lunch. I have just eaten lunch. Explain
interrogative with have/has + personal pronoun + past that we use already/just in affirmative statements
participle; and in the negative with personal pronoun + and they go between have + past participle. Explain
have/has + past participle. We use the present perfect that we use already to refer to an action in the recent
to talk about actions which started in the past and past and that we use just to refer to an action in the
continue in the present, personal experiences and immediate past.
actions that happened in the past with visible results in • Say then write on the board: I haven’t eaten lunch
the present. yet. Have you eaten lunch yet? Explain that we use
yet in questions and negations and that it goes at
the end of the sentence.
07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5.qxp_07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5 6/1/15 16:59 Page 81
• Say then write on the board: I have been a teacher Answer Key
for 10 years. I have worked at this school since 2 I haven’t found a costume yet.
2005. Explain that we use for/since in affirmative 3 We went to the Pirate Festival two weeks ago.
and negative sentences. Explain that we use for to 4 I have never heard of the Bun Festival.
express duration and since to state when an action 5 Have you ever been to Hong Kong?
• Say then write on the board: Have you ever been to 8 To practise the present perfect and the
China? I have never been to China. Explain that we past simple
use ever in questions and never in negations. They
go between have + past participle. • Explain the task. Ask Ss to underline the time
• Ss open their books. Ask Ss to read the examples expressions to help them do the task successfully.
and give the L1 equivalents. • Ss complete the task and then check Ss’ answers.
• Elicit how we use these adverbs with the present Answer Key
perfect. 1 went 3 has attended 5 was
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for 2 has never eaten 4 won
more information.
Ss’ own answers
9 To practise the present perfect and the
Answer Key past simple
We use already in affirmative and interrogative • Explain the task. Ask Ss to pay attention to the time
sentences. expressions.
We use yet in negative and interrogative sentences. • Give Ss time to complete the task.
We use just in affirmative sentences. • Check Ss’ answers.
We use ever in interrogative sentences.
We use never in affirmative sentences. Answer Key
We use for in affirmative, negative interrogative 1 a you ever been
sentences. b went
We use since in affirmative, negative interrogative 2 a Have you already opened
sentences. b haven’t had
1 never 3 just 5 since 3 a Did you dress up
2 for 4 ever 6 yet b wore
4 a have never seen
b watched
6 To compare the present perfect and the 5 a Have you already cooked
past simple b haven’t prepared
• Ask Ss to read the theory and then elicit any similar
structures in Ss’ L1. 10 To practise the present perfect and the
• Elicit examples from the joke. past simple using personal examples
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
more information. Explain the task and elicit sentences from Ss around
the class.
Ss’ own answers
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
I have just finished my homework.
Examples in joke: I have never been to Asia.
Present perfect: I’ve bought, I’ve already got, you haven’t I haven’t texted my friend yet.
Past simple: I dropped I visited an adventure camp last summer.
I have taken guitar lessons since 2009.
7 To practise the present perfect and the I have already eaten my lunch.
past simple
• Explain the task and ask a S to read out the example.
• Remind Ss to pay special attention to the time
expressions. Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5.qxp_07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5 6/1/15 16:59 Page 82
11 To practise the present perfect and the Suggested Answer Key
past simple Dear Lisa,
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. I have been in the US for a month now and it’s great! I
• Check Ss’ answers. have visited a lot of attractions since I got here and I
have done a lot of fun activities. Yesterday, I went to the
Answer Key
city of Rockville, Maryland, for a literary festival. It
1 have been 5 watched
commemorates the life of the famous author F. Scott
2 have visited 6 lit
Fitzgerald. I took part in a writing workshop and listened
3 have done 7 have never seen
to famous poets and authors reading from their works.
4 travelled
It was really enjoyable!
See you in a week,
Background information Vicky
Devon is a county of England, reaching from the
Bristol Channel in the north to the English Channel in 5d Across Cultures
the south. It is a part of South West England. The City
of Exeter is the county town. Devon's area is 6,707 1 a) To introduce new vocabulary through
km2 and its population is about 1.1 million. Devon's pictures
bays are typically used as fisheries, ports or seaside • Direct Ss to the pictures and ask them to read
towns used for tourism. The economy of Devon is the descriptions 1-8 and match them.
linked closely with tourism. The comparative mild • Check Ss answers.
climate and the landscape give rise to Devon as a
popular tourist attraction, with travellers particularly Answer Key
attracted to the Dartmoor and Exmoor national parks, 1 F 3 G 5 C 7 B
the Jurassic Coast and the North Devon's UNESCO 2 D 4 D 6 A 8 E
Biosphere Reserve.
b) To introduce the topic and listen for gist
• Read out the title of the text and then ask Ss to
12 To practise asking and answering using the read the introduction.
present perfect and the past simple • Elicit their guesses as to what the texts are
• Ask a pair of Ss to read out the example. going to be about.
• Explain the task. Ss complete the task in closed • Play the recording, Ss listen and read to find out.
pairs. Ask some pairs to ask and answer in front of Suggested Answer Key
the class.
I think the text is about the experiences of three
Answer Key
teenagers who have taken part in festivals in their
2 A: Have you ever seen a parade? country.
B: Yes, I have.
A: Where did you see it?
B: I saw it at the Spring Fair. 2 To read for specific information (multiple
3 A: Have you ever listened to a live band? choice)
B: Yes, I have. • Ask Ss to read the questions and the possible
A: Who did you see? answers. Explain/Elicit any unknown words.
B: I saw the White Stripes. • Give Ss time to read the text again and complete
the task. Ss should justify their answers.
13 To write an email about a festival you • Check Ss’ answers.
attended Answer Key
• Explain the task and tell Ss to use the email in 1 B (I took part in one of the Scottish dancing
Ex. 11 as a model. Give Ss time to complete the task competitions)
and then check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to 2 C (I went there ... to visit my relatives)
read out their email in front of the rest of the class. 3 A (Actually, it was my dad who suggested going ...)
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’ 4 A (whole passage)
answers in the next lesson.
07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5.qxp_07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5 6/1/15 16:59 Page 83
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
in the Check these words box in their dictionaries Canada is a North American country. It is located in
or look them up in the Word List. the northern part of the continent; it extends from the
Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic
Suggested Answer Key Ocean. Canada is the world's second-largest country
roots (pl n): origins by total area, and its common border with the United
tradition (n): the customs of a society States is the world's longest land border. The country
gathering (n): a get-together is officially bilingual and multicultural with a population
kilt (n): a skirt for men worn in Scotland of approximately 35 million as of 2013. Canada's
pipe band (n): a group of musicians who play the advanced economy is one of the largest in the world.
bagpipes The Maori are the indigenous Polynesian people of
hammer throwing contest (phr): a competition for New Zealand. Over several centuries in isolation, the
people who can throw a piece of equipment called a Polynesian settlers developed a unique culture, with
hammer the farthest their own language, a rich mythology, distinctive
background (n): heritage crafts and performing arts. The arrival of Europeans
sunshine (n): warmth and light from the sun to New Zealand starting from the 17th century
return (v): to go back to a place brought enormous change to the Maori way of life.
relatives (n): family members Maori people gradually adopted many aspects of
igloo (n): a house made of ice Western society and culture. The status of the Maori
sledge (n): an object used for travelling over snow people was upgraded at the beginning of the 20th
(sometimes pulled by dogs) century. In the 2006 census, there were an estimated
paddle (v): use an oar to move a boat across water 620,000 Maori in New Zealand plus over 120,000
kayak (n): a canoe Maori living in Australia.
encourage (v): to urge sb to do sth
wood-carving workshop (phr): a practical lesson on
how to carve wood
3 To read for general comprehension and
arts and crafts (phr): artwork and handmade objects
consolidate new vocabulary
• Give Ss time to read the texts again and complete
Background information
the task.
Cowal Highland Gathering is the biggest, most
• Check Ss’ answers.
spectacular Highland games in the world. It mixes
Highland dancing, pipe bands, wrestling, heavy Answer Key
athletics, traditional music, children’s entertainment 1 a kilt 4 sing special songs
and local food. The Cowal Gathering was recognised 2 Scottish background 5 Maori food
in the National Outdoor Events Associations (NOEA) 3 sunshine 6 crafts
annual prize-giving in March 2012.
The Inuit are a group of culturally similar indigenous
4 To consolidate new vocabulary
peoples inhabiting the Arctic regions of Greenland,
Canada, the United States, and Russia. Traditional • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Inuit way of life was influenced by the harsh climate of • Remind Ss to transfer this list of collocations to the
the Arctic tundra. In the tundra, where Inuit Collocations Section in their notebooks and revise
communities are found, there are not many building as often as possible.
materials so, during winter, they built their houses • Check Ss’ answers.
from blocks of snow. These houses are called Answer Key
"igloos". In the summer, when the snow melted, the
Inuit lived in tent-like huts. Inuit people today live in 1 pipe 4 paddle 7 delicious
the same community year-round, and live in homes 2 ride 5 traditional 8 arts
built of other construction materials. On the waters of 3 hammer 6 build
the Arctic Ocean, small boats called “kayaks” were
used for hunting, while larger boats called “umiaq” 5 To consolidate information in a text
transported people, dogs, and supplies. Family and Elicit a variety of answers from Ss around the class
community are very important. The Inuktitut language about what they’ve learnt from the texts.
is still spoken in many areas of the Arctic.
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Suggested Answer Key • Ask various Ss to tell the class how the events
I learned that the Cowal Highland Gathering has a are similar/different.
Scottish dancing competition. Many people wear kilts Suggested Answer Key
at this festival. I learned that the Return of the Sun
The Return of the Sun Festival has many activities to
Festival is an Inuit festival. At this festival people sing
take part in, but the Lantern Festival is more about just
special songs. I learnt that the Kawhia Kai festival is a
enjoying the beauty of the lanterns. However, both of
Maori food festival. At this festival there is traditional
these festivals teach people about their backgrounds.
Maori dancing and singing.
Like the Cowal Highland Gathering, the Jinju Namgang
Yudeung Lantern Festival has a competition and there
6 To listen for specific information (multiple is traditional dancing. Local food and crafts are also an
matching) important part of the festival in Jinju-si, similar to the
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and the information given. Kawhia Kai Festival.
• Play the recording twice if necessary.
• Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers. 5e Listening skills
Answer Key 1 a) To prepare for a listening task (T/F)
1 B 2 E 3 A 4 C Direct Ss attention to the photograph and elicit
what they think the people are celebrating.
7 a) ICT To write about a festival Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to find information on the Internet about I think the people are celebrating the Queen’s birthday
a festival in their country and make notes under (B).
the headings.
• Give Ss time to collect their information and b) To listen for specific information
write a short text.
• Ask various Ss to read their text to the class. Play the recording. Ss listen and check their answer
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to Ex. 1a.
to read out their texts in the next lesson. Answer Key B
Suggested Answer Key
Name of festival: Jinju namgang Yudeung lantern 2 a) To listen for specific information (T/F)
Festival • Ask Ss to read the questions and the possible
Activities that take place: people make wish lanterns answers. Remind them to underline the key
and put them in the river to float downstream, words they think will help them complete the
traditional music, stalls selling Korean crafts and food task successfully.
Suggested Answer Key • Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the
The Jinju Namgang Yudeung (Lantern) Festival takes task and then check Ss’ answers.
place in Jinju-si, Korea. During the festival people make Answer Key
paper wish lanterns and put them in the river to float 1 F 2 F 3 F
downstream. There are traditional lanterns from all over
the world on display and people submit them to win the
b) To correct false statements
most original lantern contest. The simple beauty of
thousands of lanterns lighting up the night is • Give Ss time to correct the false statements.
spectacular. There is also live traditional music and lots • Check Ss’ answers.
of stalls selling Korean crafts and food.
Answer Key
1 The event takes place every year for the king or
b) To compare a local festival to queen’s birthday.
ones from other countries; to develop critical 2 The parade starts at 11 am.
thinking skills 3 The presenter gives information on how listeners
• Ask Ss to compare and contrast the festival can get tickets for next year.
they wrote about to the ones in the texts.
07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5.qxp_07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5 6/1/15 16:59 Page 85
3 a) To consolidate information from Suggested Answer Key
a listening task Sentence B is inappropriate as an answer for question 2
Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss because the question asks about an event in the past
around the class. while the answer talks about a present situation.
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2 To match synonymous phrases for asking B: I didn’t do anything exciting. I just stayed at home
about/describing an event and express feelings and watched some DVDs.
• Direct Ss attention to the Useful Language box and
read it aloud. 5 To complete dialogues
• Explain the task and explain that the phrases ask • Ask Ss to read the rubric, the questions and possible
about/ describe an event and express feelings. answers.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. • Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Ask Ss to read the completed dialogues to see if
Suggested Answer Key they make sense.
• Check Ss’ answers.
How was your weekend? = What was your weekend
like? Answer Key
It was great. = I enjoyed it a lot. 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 C
All her friends and relatives were there. = There
were a lot of people.
Did you enjoy yourself? = Did you have a nice time? 6 To develop speaking skills
I had a great time. = It was amazing. • Explain the task and go through the cards explaining
any unknown words.
3 To role play a dialogue • Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turns to ask and
answer questions using the information on the cards.
Ss complete the task in pairs. Monitor the activity
• Monitor the activity around the class.
around the class.
Answer Key
4 To act out a dialogue SB: What are you celebrating?
SA: We are celebrating April Fool’s Day.
• Ss complete the task in closed pairs using the
SB: When does it take place?
dialogue in Ex. 2 as a model to help them. Tell Ss
SA: It takes place on 1st April.
they can use phrases from the box in Ex. 2. Write
SB: What do you do on this day?
this diagram on board for Ss to follow.
SA: We play tricks on our friends and family members.
A B SB: Do you like it?
Greet B. Greet A. Ask about SA: Yes, it’s fun.
A’s weekend.
Tell B what you did. Ask about the people. 5g Writing
Answer. Ask about A’s feelings. 1 To analyse a rubric
Answer and ask Answer A’s question. • Ask Ss to read the rubric aloud and underline the
about B’s weekend. key words.
• Read the questions aloud one at a time and elicit
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask the answers from Ss around the class.
some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the
rest of the class. Answer Key
Key words to be underlined: winter festival, email,
Suggested Answer Key
English-speaking friend, where you went, describe,
A: Hello, Greg. event, recommend it
B: Hi, Henry. Did you do anything special at the
weekend? 1 an email 3 a winter festival
A: Yes, I went to a family dinner. 2 my English-speaking friend 4 50-100 words
B: Were there a lot of people there?
A: Yes, all my family members were there. 2 To match headings to paragraphs
B: And did you enjoy yourself?
• Explain the task and give Ss time to read the email
A: Very much! We had a beautiful meal and afterwards
and complete the task.
we played some board games. What was your
• Check Ss’ answers.
weekend like?
07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5.qxp_07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5 6/1/15 16:59 Page 87
Answer Key 5 To identify adjectives
1 C 2 A 3 B • Read the theory box aloud.
• Ask Ss to read the email again and find the
Background information adjectives used for the nouns in the list.
Moscow is the capital city and the most populous • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
city of Russia and a major political, economic, Answer Key
cultural and scientific center in Europe. According to
annual festival
a survey in 2011, Moscow has the largest community
amazing ice sculptures
of billionaires in the world. Its population, according
exciting troika ride
to the 2010 census is 11,503,501 residents. Moscow
traditional dance performances
is situated on the Moskva River. In the course of its
local food
history the city has served as the capital of a
amazing time
progression of states, from the medieval Grand
Duchy of Moscow and the Tsardom of Russia to the
Soviet Union. The world famous Moscow Kremlin is 6 To practise using adjectives
a medieval city-fortress and one of several World • Elicit the meanings of any unknown words and then
Heritage Sites in the city. It also has one of the give Ss time to choose appropriate ones to fill the
deepest underground metro systems in the world. It gaps.
is recognized as one of the city's landmarks due to • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
the rich and varied architecture of its 188 stations.
Answer Key
Text A
3 To substitute opening/closing remarks 1 amazing 2 colourful 3 fast
07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5.qxp_07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5 6/1/15 16:59 Page 88
b) To practise error correction Background information
Poznań is a city on the Warta River in west-central
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it
Poland. The population stood at 551,627 in 2010.
referring back to Ex. 9a if necessary.
The city forms the largest metropolitan area in
• Check Ss’ answers.
western Poland. Poznań is among the oldest cities in
Answer Key Poland. The Kingdom of Poland began in Poznań, on
1 seed – saw the natural island on the Warta River. It was the first
2 wrong word order – The fireworks display was Capital City of the Kingdom of Poland and also
fantastic. served as the capital in the 13th century, hence the
3 are exchanging – exchange official name; the capital city of Poznań. Poznań is
4 were – was now Poland’s fifth largest city. Poznań is today, one
5 haved – had of the largest Polish centers of trade, industry,
6 singed – sang sports, education, technology, tourism and culture.
10 To analyse a rubric
12 To complete an email
• Ask Ss to read the rubric, underline the key words
and elicit what their email should include. • Give Ss time to write their email using their answers
• Check Ss’ answers. from Ex. 11 and phrases from the Useful Language
Answer Key
• Remind Ss to use the plan to help them and the
Underlined words: festival, email, English-speaking email skeleton.
friend, 50-100 words, where you went, what you did and • Ask Ss to use the Checklist to check their work for
saw, recommend it. mistakes and then ask various Ss to read their
The email should include details about where I went, emails to the class.
what I did and saw there, and a recommendation. • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
read out their emails in the next lesson.
11 To listen for specific information Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and play the recording. Hi Rosa,
• Ss listen and complete the task. Hope you are OK. I’ve just been to the Ice Sculpture
• Check Ss’ answers. Festival in Poznan’ in Poland and I thought I’d tell
Answer Key you all about it.
It’s an annual winter festival that takes place in
1 in February
February. It’s fantastic. I saw amazing snow statues.
2 in Poznań, Poland
Ice sculptures and went on a giant snow slide! I also
3 She saw snow statues and ice sculptures. She went
listened to live music and in the evening I tried some
on a giant snow slide. She listened to live music and
food. It was delicious!
tried some food.
I enjoyed the festival very much. It was great fun.
4 Yes, she liked it very much.
Don’t miss the chance to go.
CLIL (History)
1 To introduce the topic through pictures and
listen for specific information
• Read the title and the introduction of the text aloud
and direct Ss to the pictures.
• Elicit Ss’ guesses in answer to the questions.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find out.
07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5.qxp_07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5 6/1/15 16:59 Page 89
Suggested Answer Key 4 To consolidate information in a text
I think May Day celebrated the arrival of summer in Ask various Ss around the class to talk about how
England. I think this festival is 1,500 years old. people used to celebrate May Day using the pictures
and the words in the Check these words box.
2 To read for specific information Suggested Answer Key
(comprehension questions)
May Day dates back hundreds of years. People
• Give Ss time to read the text again and complete celebrated the changing seasons on this day. They
the task. went into the woods and took a tree branch to decorate
• Check Ss’ answers. their homes. They also made garlands and wreaths.
There was a May Queen that the people chose and she
Answer Key
wore a crown and sat on a throne. There was a parade
1 When someone went ‘a-Maying’ they went into the and Jack-in-the Green led the parade. He represented
woods to collect small tree branches with leaves the spirit of the forest. Young girls used to dance
and flowers on it. around a Maypole holding ribbons. Men also performed
2 The May Queen wore a crown of spring flowers on Morris Dancing.
her head.
3 In the festival Jack-in-the-Green led the parade.
5 ICT To research a local festival and
4 There were six to eight Morris Dancers in a group.
5 The Maypole had ribbons tied to the top of it. compare it to May Day
6 Today, the English have a parade, a May Queen, • Give Ss time to collect information about a similar
Morris Dancing and a Maypole. festival in their country from the Internet.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words • Ask Ss to compare this festival to May Day and tell
in the Check these words box in their dictionaries the class.
or look them up in the Word List. • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
present their information and comparisons in the
Suggested Answer Key next lesson.
date back (phr v): started Suggested Answer Key
changing seasons (phr): when one season turns into
another In Turkey, there is a similar festival called Nowruz,
the woods (phr): an area, smaller than a forest, which celebrates the changing seasons. Nowruz is the
covered with trees name of the Persian New Year and means: The New
tree branch (phr): the woody stem growing from the Day. However, unlike May Day, it takes place on the
tree trunk first day of spring, usually 21 March. Similar to May
garlands (pl n): decorations made of flowers and leaves Day, Nowruz has been celebrated for thousands of
wreaths (pl n): round decorations made of flowers and years. However, it is a holiday that is enjoyed by
leaves millions of people in several different countries. Each
crown (pl n): round head ornament (usually gold) year, at the moment when night and day are exactly the
throne (n): the chair a king or queen sits on same length, families gather together to make wishes
lead the parade (phr): to walk at the front of a parade for the New Year and observe various traditions. These
represent (v): to stand for something else include spring cleaning and breaking pots containing
spirit (n): a non-physical part of sth your bad fortune. Like on May Day, there is dancing and
pole (n): a long thin round piece of wood many people dress up in costumes.
ribbons (pl n): long thin pieces of fabric
Progress Check
3 To consolidate new vocabulary 1 To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the unit
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the • Give Ss time to complete the task.
task. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key 1 colourful 4 crafts 7 races
1 wreaths 2 crown 3 led 4 faced 2 battle 5 traditional
3 band 6 carols
07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5.qxp_07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5 6/1/15 16:59 Page 90
2 To practise common verb/noun phrases 3 I haven’t seen Lucy since her graduation.
connected to festivals 4 They have just finished their meal.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. 5 We haven’t sung the carols yet.
• Check Ss’ answers. 6 Have they already opened their presents?
7 He hasn’t performed at the festival for ten years.
Answer Key
1 g 3 a 5 c 7 e 6 To practise the present perfect and the
2 h 4 b 6 f 8 d past simple
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
3 To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the unit • Check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
1 Have you already got, bought
Answer Key 2 Have you ever attended, went
1 commemorates 5 spilt 3 looked, sent
2 embarrassing 6 stepped 4 Has Mike come back, left
3 parade 7 defeated 5 Have you ever seen, saw
4 celebration
Grammar in Focus
Background information To consolidate grammar structures learnt
The Battle of the Alamo (February 23 – March 6, in the unit
1836) took place in the Texas Revolution. Following a
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
13-day siege, Mexican troops under President
• Check Ss’ answers.
General Antonio López de Santa Anna launched an
assault on the Alamo Mission near San Antonio de Answer Key
Béxar (modern-day San Antonio, Texas, USA). All of 1 Have you ever heard 6 up
the Texan defenders were killed. Santa Anna's 2 went 7 have already decided
perceived cruelty during the battle inspired many 3 was 8 in
Texans—both Texan settlers and adventurers from 4 crazy 9 Have you got
the United States—to join the Texan Army. Full of 5 can 10 know
desire for revenge, the Texans defeated the Mexican
Army at the Battle of San Jacinto, on April 21, 1836,
Background information
ending the revolution.
Birdman Festival (or Birdman Rally) is a
competition where members of the public build
home-made gliders, hang gliders and human-
4 To consolidate everyday English powered aircraft, ranging from very serious aircraft to
expressions/exchanges learnt in the unit mere costumes, leap off a river or a seaside jetty, and
• Give Ss time to complete the task. compete for distance and entertainment value.
• Check Ss’ answers. Birdman rallies occur in multiple locations around the
world, including Bognor Regis and Worthing in the
Answer Key United Kingdom, the Yarra River in Melbourne,
1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a Australia and Lake Biwa in Japan. The oldest
Birdman rally in the world started in Selsey, West
5 To practise the present perfect Sussex, United Kingdom in 1971.
07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5.qxp_07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5 6/1/15 16:59 Page 91
Exam Practice 5 (Basic) on a word to amend it to fit the gap.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
1 To complete a multiple choice task • Check Ss’ answers.
• Ask Ss to read the texts and the questions and
possible answers for each one. Background information
• Ss complete the task. Ss should justify their Melbourne is the capital and most populous city in
answers. the state of Victoria, and the second most populous
• Check Ss’ answers. city in Australia. Melbourne's metropolitan area has a
Answer Key population of 4.25 million. It is located on Port Phillip
Bay, a large natural harbour, with the city centre
1 A (I’ve missed the train to Riverwood) positioned on the estuary of the Yarra River.
2 C (All events are free) Melbourne was founded in 1835 and it was named in
3 B (One elephant threw water on me with its trunk!) honour of the British Prime Minister of the day,
4 C (Are you feeling any better?) William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne, in 1837.
Melbourne was officially declared a city by Queen
2 To prepare for a listening task (matching Victoria in 1847. Often referred to as the "cultural
exchanges) capital of Australia", Melbourne is the birthplace of
• Ex. 2 aims to teach Ss the importance of underlining cultural institutions and universities. It is renowned for
key words before doing a listening task. its art galleries, its cultural happenings and its never-
• Ask Ss to read the sentences and choose the ending nightlife. This multicultural metropolis is also
correct response for each one. home to the world's largest tram network. Melbourne
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit which words helped Airport is the second busiest in Australia and the Port
them decide. of Melbourne is Australia's busiest seaport for cargo.
Answer Key
Answer Key
1 B (been here for two hours)
2 A (had to work) 1 place (phrase)
3 B (haven’t seen one since) 2 lasts (the verb last refers to time)
3 miss (phrase)
Background information Background information
Rome is the capital city of Italy. It is also the country's Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the
largest and most populated city and the fifth most Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan,
populous city in the European Union by population China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia,
within city limits, with 2.8 million residents in 1,285.3 stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the
km2. The city is located in the central-western area of East China Sea and Taiwan in the south. The
the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River. Rome is characters that make up Japan's name mean "sun-
known as "The Eternal City". Rome's history spans origin", which is why Japan is sometimes referred to
more than 2,500 years, since its founding in 753 BC. as the "Land of the Rising Sun". Japan is an
In the ancient world it was the capital city of the archipelago of 6,852 islands. Japan has the world's
Roman Empire, and is regarded as one of the tenth-largest population, with over 127 million people.
birthplaces of western civilization. Since the 1st The capital city is Tokyo, which along with the several
century AD, Rome has been considered the seat of surrounding prefectures have over 30 million
the Papacy. Rome is the only city in the world to residents. A major economic power, Japan has the
contain in its interior a whole state, the enclave of world's third-largest economy. Although Japan has
Vatican City. Its historic centre is listed by UNESCO officially renounced its right to declare war, it
as a World Heritage Site. Monuments and museums maintains a modern military with the sixth largest
such as the Vatican Museums and the Coliseum military budget. After Singapore, Japan has the lowest
receive millions of tourists every year. homicide rate in the world. According to Japan's
health ministry, Japanese women have the second
highest life expectancy of any country in the world.
Exam Practice 5 (Extended)
1 To practise text completion
3 To complete a translation task
• Tell Ss to read the missing sentences and underline
the key words. Remind them to look for words/ • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
phrases in the text with a similar meaning. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to complete the task by matching the Answer Key
missing sentences to the gaps. Ss should justify 1 have never seen
their answers. 2 did not participate in
• Check Ss’ answers. 3 won
Answer Key 4 attended
1 B (visitors from all over the world - be one of them) 5 Have they announced
2 E (I learnt all about - I found out/spies - Their work)
3 C (house - secret doors and hidden rooms) 4 To complete sentence transformations
4 D (experts - they invited me) • Ask Ss to complete the second sentence so it has
the same meaning as the first sentence.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 has been in (present perfect with for)
2 she has ever seen (present perfect with It’s the first
3 did Karen move (action that refers to the past)
4 has just arrived (present perfect with just)
5 won a competition was (past simple with last time)
07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5.qxp_07 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 5 6/1/15 16:59 Page 93
5 To complete sentences
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Remind Ss that they should not change the word
order and that the sentence should be grammatically
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 have never attended 4 hasn’t been
2 exchanged presents 5 hasn’t found
3 were listening to music
6 To write an email
• Read the rubric aloud and give Ss time to think of
• Refer Ss to the Writing Bank 1 for more information.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then check
their answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Dear Ron,
How are you? I am in Venice, Italy. I have just attended
the Venice International Film Festival. It takes place in
October every year.
I saw so many wonderful films at the festival. Also, I met
many famous actors. The highlight for me, though, was
the filmmaking workshop. There I learned what it takes
to become a famous filmmaker! It’s a really enjoyable
festival. You should visit it next year.
See you when I get back,
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08 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 6.qxp_08 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 6 6/1/15 16:58 Page 95
What’s in this unit? 3 To read for specific information (matching
In this unit Ss will explore the topics of nature,
environmental problems and environmental protection. They • Ask Ss to read the text again and then match the
will learn will/won’t, be going to, the present continuous headings A-D to the correct paragraphs. Remind Ss
(future meaning) and conditionals (types 0, 1 & 2). They will that there is one extra heading.
also learn to write a letter from Mother Earth, an email about • Ss should justify their answers.
an event they attended and an article providing solutions to • Check Ss’ answers.
problems. Answer Key
1 D (cause of problem – temperature has risen
6a Reading because of...)
1 a) To introduce the topic and new 2 A (difficult future – are going to flood, will
vocabulary disappear etc.)
3 C (what to do - we can help, if we turn off etc.)
Read the sentences aloud and ask Ss to look up
the meanings of the words in bold in the Word List
4 To read for specific information
at the back of their books.
(comprehension questions)
Answer Key
• Give Ss time to prepare their answers to the
rising = going up questions.
melting = becoming liquid because of heating • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
flood = to cover a place with water
droughts = long periods without rain Answer Key
crops fail = when the plants we grow to eat 1 The Earth’s temperature rises and the polar ice caps
(vegetables, grains, fruit) don’t grow properly melt.
starve = to die from hunger 2 Weather patterns change.
lose = to no longer have sth 3 Many islands and cities near the sea will disappear
and food will be scarce because crops won’t grow
b) To match sentences to pictures properly.
4 Animals that live in places like the Arctic will be
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures A-F and match homeless because their homes will melt.
them to the descriptions 1-6. 5 We can turn off lights and other electrical appliances
• Check Ss’ answers. when we are not using them. We can also walk or use
Answer Key the bus or train instead of driving. Joining an
environmental group is also a good way to help stop
1 A 2 E 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 F
global warming.
2 To listen and read for specific information • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
in the Check these words box in their dictionaries
• Ask Ss to read the title of the text and guess how or look them up in the Word List.
the pictures are related to it.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find out. Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss around the class to tell the rest of the class. temperature (n): how hot or cold sth is
global warming (phr): when the planet becomes hotter
Suggested Answer Key
go up (phr v): to rise
The title ‘On Thin Ice’ refers to the fact that the world’s polar ice cap (n): the large blocks of ice at the North
ice caps are melting (picture E). Picture F shows the and South Poles
immediate effect of this (Arctic animals will lose their melt (v): to become liquid because of heating
homes). The other pictures all show how the Earth will level (n): the amount of sth
be affected in many different ways because of climate rise (v): to go up
change. low-lying area (phr): an area of land that is just under
sea level
flood (v): to cover a place with water
disappear (v): to vanish
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weather pattern (phr): type of weather Suggested Answer Key
drought (n): a long period without rain
crops fail (phr): when the plants we grow to eat WHAT I LEARNT
(vegetables, grains, fruit) don’t grow properly
lose (v): to no longer have sth
increased half
search (v): to look for how much the
polar ice a degree the last
drown (v): to die in the water figures will increase
caps melt 100 years, sea
turn off lights (phr): to put the lights out in the next 50 years
levels has risen
save energy (phr): to reduce the amount of power you
20 cm
cut down on (phr v): to reduce sth floods and
animals lose environmental
reduce (v): to make sth smaller/less droughts will
their homes groups help Arctic
air pollution (n): dirty air happen
join (v): to become a part of sth
environmental group (n): a group of people who want I knew that polar ice caps are melting and that animals
to help the environment there, like polar bears, are losing their homes. I learnt that
the Earth’s temperature has increased by half a degree
5 To consolidate new vocabulary through centigrade in the last 100 years and the sea level has
synonyms risen by up to 20 cm. I also learnt that this will not only
mean floods will happen but droughts as well. I’d like to
• Give Ss time to complete the task using their
learn how much these figures will increase in the next 50
dictionaries if necessary. Ss work in closed pairs.
years. I’d also like to learn which environmental groups
• Check Ss’ answers.
help Arctic animals in danger.
Answer Key
huge = very big; risen = gone up; search = look for; 8 To identify with and understand
drown = sink and die; turn off = switch off; reduce = another’s feelings
make less; save = keep safe
• Explain the task and refer Ss to the letter skeleton
and ask them to use ideas from the text to complete
6 To consolidate new vocabulary through it. Allow Ss some time to write their letters.
antonyms • Ask various Ss around the class to read out their
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. letter. Alternatively, assign this task as HW.
• Check Ss’ answers. Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key Dear Humans,
1 c 2 a 3 d 4 b 5 e You live in a beautiful place, but I am suffering. Global
warming means that my temperature has risen. Polar
ice caps are melting and sea levels are rising. Low-
7 To consolidate prior knowledge with new
lying lands are going to flood and weather patterns
will change, causing drought in places. People and
• Tell Ss to draw a table in their notebooks using the animals will be hungry because crops will fail. Arctic
headings below: WHAT I KNOW, WHAT I LEARNT, animals will also lose their homes as the ice melts.
WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO LEARN. Please help save me. Then we can all have a future.
• Ss fill in the table, then use the completed table to Yours,
tell the class. Mother Earth
08 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 6.qxp_08 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 6 6/1/15 16:58 Page 97
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to 2 To present/practise new vocabulary
present their information in the next lesson. • Explain/Elicit any unknown words from the words in
Suggested Answer Key the list.
Greenhouse gases contribute to global warming. Burning • Give Ss time to choose the correct word for each
fossil fuels like oil and coal creates greenhouse gases. gap in the text.
These greenhouse gases trap energy from the sun. The • Remind Ss to read the whole gapped sentence
sun heats the Earth but the gases form a shield in the before they choose the word. Ask Ss to identify what
atmosphere which does not let the heat flow back into is missing in each gap (type of word, collocation, set
space. Factories that produce electricity and cars are expression etc).
major consumers of fossil fuels and play a big part in • Give Ss to time to complete the task.
polluting the atmosphere. • Check Ss’ answers.
Deforestation – when people cut down trees to build Answer Key
homes and farm the land – also contributes to global 1 fossil 2 rain 3 damages
warming. Forests and other plant life are very important
as they use carbon dioxide and create oxygen in the
atmosphere. As a result, air quality suffers and air 3 a) To present new vocabulary through
pollution increases. collocations
• Ask Ss to look up any unknown words in the
6b Vocabulary Word List.
• Then give Ss time to complete the task.
1 To present/practise new vocabulary • Remind Ss to transfer these collocations in the
• Give Ss time to read the texts. Collocations Section in their notebooks.
• Ask Ss to check any unknown words in the word • Check Ss’ answers and elicit which collocations
list. match the pictures.
• Allow Ss time to complete the task. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
1 e 2 c 3 f 4 b 5 a 6 d
Answer Key
A - exhaust fumes C - air pollution
1 save (BUT: recover from an illness) B - public transport D - global warming
2 endangered (BUT: extinct animals = no longer alive)
3 adopt (expression)
4 home (expression) b) To introduce a solution to
5 losing (BUT: a person is missing) environmental problems
6 cut (phrasal verb) Elicit an answer to the question in the rubric and
7 Donate (expression) ask Ss to give reasons.
8 make (BUT: do good, do one’s best, do work etc.) Answer Key
B – because using public transport would cut down on
Background information exhaust fumes and air pollution.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an
international non-governmental organisation working 4 a) To match suggestions to actions
on research into conservation and restoration of the
• Ask Ss to scan the options for unknown words
environment. It is the world's largest independent
and explain/elicit their meanings.
conservation organization with over 5 million
• Explain the task and give Ss time to match the
supporters worldwide, working in more than 100
actions to the suggestions.
countries, supporting around 1,300 conservation and
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
environmental projects. Its income is based mainly on
supporters’ donations. Their goal as described on their Answer Key
website is: “WWF's mission is to stop the degradation 1 c 2 d 3 f 4 e 5 b 6 a
of our planet's natural environment, and build a future
in which humans live in harmony with nature.”
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b) To ask and answer questions about b) To listen for confirmation
solutions to environmental problems
Play the recording for Ss to listen and check their
• Ask a pair of Ss to read out the example answers.
Answer Key
• Ask Ss to complete the task in closed pairs.
• Ask various Ss around the class to ask and You can recycle fizzy drink cans, soup tins, tin foil,
answer in front of the class. coffee tins and aerosol cans in the metal & aluminium
bin. You can recycle water bottles, yogurt containers,
Answer Key shampoo bottles, shower curtains and CD cases in the
A: How can we save energy? plastics bin. You can recycle notebooks, newspapers,
B: We can switch off lights and appliances when we cereal boxes, magazines, phone books, envelopes,
don’t need them. How can we protect animals? juice cartons, paper cups, egg cartons and shoe boxes
A: We can join a wildlife protection group. How can we in the paper and cardboard bin. You can recycle jam
stop air pollution? jars and ketchup bottles in the glass bin.
B: We can use public transport. How can we reduce
7 To present and practise prepositional
A: We can recycle. How can we save forests?
B: We can use less paper.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then check
Ss’ answers.
5 To listen for specific information
• Remind Ss to transfer the words with their
• Explain the task. prepositions to the Prepositions Section in their
• Play the recording. notebooks and revise as often as possible.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key
1 on 2 on 3 of 4 in 5 in
Susan is talking about the problem of endangered
species. She suggests joining an environmental group
8 To present/practise verbs related to
where you can adopt an animal or volunteer. She also
environmental protection
suggests giving the group a donation.
• Ask Ss to look up the meanings of any unknown
6 a) To present new vocabulary verbs in the Word List then explain the task and
give Ss time to complete it.
• Ask Ss to read the list of materials and look up • Remind Ss that the verbs should be in the
any unknown words in the Word List. appropriate grammar form.
• Tell Ss to write headings with the recycling • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
materials in their notebooks and list the objects
under the appropriate headings. Answer Key
• Give them time to finish the task. Ss work in 1 waste 5 Donate
closed pairs. 2 Recycle 6 protect
3 save 7 throw away
Answer Key
4 pollute 8 disappear, becoming
metal & aluminium: fizzy drink can, soup tin, tin foil,
coffee tin, aerosol can
9 To talk about environmental protection
plastic: water bottle, yogurt container, shampoo bottle,
shower curtain, CD case • Ask various Ss around the class to tell the rest of the
paper & cardboard: notebook, newspaper, cereal box, class which of the actions in Ex. 8 they do to help
magazine, phone book, envelope, juice carton, paper protect the environment. Ss work in closed pairs.
cup, egg carton, shoe box • Monitor the activity around the class.
glass: jam jar, ketchup bottle
Suggested Answer Key
I switch off the lights when I’m out of the room and I
recycle. We only have showers in our house and we
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never throw away food! I’d like to join a conservation Answer Key
group to protect the tiger, but I haven’t done it yet. Examples in the text: won’t survive (prediction on
what we think), are going to run (plan/intention in the
10 To write an email about protecting the future), will teach (prediction on what we think), will tell
environment (prediction on what we think)
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Remind Ss to use ideas from Ex. 8 to help them 2 To practise making on-the-spot decisions
complete the task. • Explain the task and read out the example.
• Ask various Ss to read their emails to the class. • Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Alternatively, assign this task as HW. • Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
Dear Olga, 2 I’ll turn it off.
I think we can all help save our planet. 3 I’ll ride my bike.
I’m going to join a conservation group to protect 4 I’ll use it to make a sandwich.
tigers. I’m also going to ride my bike to school 5 I’ll donate it to a charity.
instead of using the bus and I’m going to recycle
3 To practise future tenses
What are you going to do?
Write back. • Give Ss time to complete the task.
Eva • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
6c Grammar in use
1 ’m going to 3 ’re going to 5 will
1 To present will/won’t and be going to 2 ’ll 4 ’s going to
• Ss’ books closed. Say, then write on board: I’ll visit
grandma later. Will you come? No, I won’t. Elicit the 4 a) To present the present continuous with
forms will + bare infinitive (affirmative), will future meaning
not/won’t + bare infinitive (negative) and will + • Read the examples aloud and elicit which sentence
personal pronoun + bare infinitive (interrogative). matches which use.
Draw Ss’ attention to the short forms will=’ll and • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
will not=won’t. Drill Ss in all persons. Then, write more information.
on board: I’m going to visit Paris in the summer.
Elicit the form be going to + bare infinitive. Drill Ss Answer Key
in all persons. 1 an action happening now
• Say, then write on board: I think the new factory will 2 a fixed arrangement in the near future
pollute the river. and We don’t need these lights on.
I’ll switch them off. Elicit the use of will. (To make b) To identify the present continuous with
predictions about the future based on what we think future meaning
and to make on-the-spot decisions). Then, write on
board: We’re going to join a conservation group. and • Direct Ss attention to the text again.
Look out! we are going to drop those boxes. Elicit • Ss scan the text to find the example.
the use of be going to. (To talk about plans and • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
intentions in the future and to make predictions on Answer Key
what we can see).
are travelling
• Ss’ books open.
• Ask Ss to read the tables and the text and elicit
examples of the future tenses from the text. Refer 5 To practise the present continuous with
Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more future meaning
information. • Ask two Ss to read out the exchange and explain
the task.
• Give Ss time to complete the task in closed pairs.
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• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask use unless=if not in this type of conditional
some pairs to ask and answer in front of the rest of sentences by altering the given example: Unless we
the class. protect the rainforests, thousands of animals will die.
• Say, then write on board: If everyone stopped using
Answer Key
their cars, it would end global warming. Elicit which
2 A: Is Ben watching a documentary on Friday? tense we use to the if-clause (past simple). and the
B: No, he isn’t. He’s donating an old TV to charity tense used in the main close (would + bare infinitive).
on Friday. Explain that this is a type 2 conditional and we use it
3 A: Is he donating an old TV to charity on Tuesday? to talk about things that are unlikely to happen in the
B: No, he isn’t. He’s having a music lesson on future and to give advice by giving an example If I
Tuesday. was/ were you, I’d recycle my plastic bottles.
• Ss’ books open. Ask Ss to read the table and the
4 A: Is he going to a beach clean-up day on Saturday? text in Ex. 1 and elicit an example of a conditional
B: Yes, he is. sentence from the text. Refer Ss to the Grammar
5 A: Are Ben and Andy taking the rubbish for Reference section for more information.
recycling on Sunday? Answer Key
B: No, they aren’t. Ben is planting trees in the park
Unless we protect the forests of Sumatra, Indonesia,
on Sunday.
the Sumatran tiger won’t survive. (type 1)
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11 To practise conditionals using personal Suggested Answer Key
examples breathe fire (phr): to exhale flames
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. second-hand part (phr): a used piece of sth
• Check Ss’ answers. spare part (pl n): a piece of a machine that can be
replaced after it breaks or gets worn out
Suggested Answer Key
wings (pl n): the parts of an animal used for flying
1 would open a wildlife park neck (n): the part of an animal that connects the head
2 would wish that all the pollution would disappear to the rest of the body
3 would volunteer for a conservation group wide (adj): having a big opening
4 would put solar panels on every public building. flap of metal (phr): a moveable piece of metal that
overlaps sth
6d Across Cultures gas flame (phr): a flame fuelled by gas
shoot out (phr v): to move quickly out of an opening
1 a) To introduce new vocabulary through electric motor (n): the part of a machine that uses
pictures electricity to fuel movement
• Read the title of the text and direct Ss to the broken wheelchair (phr): a chair with wheels for
pictures. disabled people that is not working properly
• Ask them to guess which materials the artists install (v): to put sth in place
used for the dragon in the picture and why they petrol motor (n): the part of a machine that uses petrol
made it. to fuel movement
• Elicit Ss’ guesses around the class. put on (phr v): to perform (a show/ play)
raise (v): to lift up
Suggested Answer Key
flame (n): a part of fire
I think the artists used metal bars, steel pipes, plastic audience (n): the people watching a performance
tubes, theatre spotlights and cardboard boxes. I think by the end (phr): at the time that sth is finishing
they made it to show what people can do with recycled scrap material (phr): unwanted items
Background information
b) To listen for specific information Newcastle (Upon Tyne) is a city in North East
Play the recording for Ss to listen and find out the England. It is situated on the north bank of the River
answers to the questions in Ex. 1a. Tyne. The city grew up in the area that was the
location of a Roman settlement and owes its name to
Answer Key
the castle built in 1080, by Robert II, Duke of
They used metal bars, steel pipes, plastic tubes, old Normandy. Newcastle's economy is based on retail
theatre spotlights and broken wheelchairs. They made and tourism. It is also a cultural centre. It is mostly
it to show that recycling can be fun. known for Newcastle United F.C. (a Premier League
football team), the Tyne Bridge and Newcastle
2 To read for specific information (multiple Brown Ale (a leading brand of beer).
• Ask Ss to read the questions and the possible
answers. 3 To read for specific information
• Explain/Elicit any unknown words. • Give Ss time to look through the text again and
• Give Ss time to read the text again and complete complete the sentences.
the task. Ss should justify their answers. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key
1 breathe fire
1 A (ℓ. 7-8) 3 C (ℓ. 18-19) 2 it is very heavy
2 A (ℓ. 12-13) 4 B (ℓ. 22-23) 3 raises its long neck in the air and a huge flame
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words comes out of its mouth
in the Check these words box in their dictionaries 4 a little nervous
or look them up the Word List. 5 recycle/create something fun and interesting
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4 To consolidate new vocabulary 8 To listen for specific information (gap filling)
• Give Ss time to complete the task. • Explain the task and play the recording twice if
• Check Ss’ answers. necessary.
• Then elicit which part of speech each word is. • Ss complete the task, then check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
interested (adj) = involved 1 Art Centre 4 old cans and bottles
heavy (adj) = not light 2 2:30/two thirty 5 601-602-601
quicker (adj) = faster 3 fire-breathing dragon
put on (phr v) = presented
flame (n) = fire 9 To personalise a topic
towards (prep/adv) = close to
amazing (adj) = beautiful • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the
star (adj) = main email using the information in Ex. 8.
create (v) = make • Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read out
their emails to the class.
5 To consolidate new vocabulary Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Dear Sergio,
• Check Ss’ answers. How are you? Last Sunday I attended a very special
show. I saw the El Grando Show with a fire-
Answer Key (See overprinted answers)
breathing dragon. The dragon is eight metres tall
and it can breathe fire. It raises its neck and a huge
6 To present phrasal verbs flame comes out of its mouth. When it first moved
towards me I was scared, but then I began to enjoy it.
• Explain to Ss the difference between a transitive
It was an amazing creation made from recycled
and an intransitive phrasal verb. (Intransitive: has no
materials. The artists made the dragon to encourage
direct object/Transitive: has a direct object).
people to recycle. I think their idea was very clever.
• Give examples for Ss to understand the difference.
What did you do over the weekend?
• Elicit which sentences contain phrasal verbs and, of
Write back.
these, which are transitive.
• Refer Ss to p. GR10 for more details.
Answer Key 10 To write about a local environmental event;
1 looking for to create intercultural awareness
2 put off (can separate the verb from the preposition) • Ask Ss to find information about an environmental
event in their country and write a few sentences
7 To consolidate information from about it covering the points in the rubric.
the text • Ask various Ss to read their sentences to the class.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
Ask various Ss around the class to tell the rest of the
read out their sentences in the next lesson.
class what impressed them from the text.
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
In Poland there are many events as part of the Earth
I think it was a clever idea to use theatre spotlights for
Day celebrations on 22nd April. In Pole Motowskie Park
the dragon’s eyes. It’s also amazing how they made the
in Warsaw, people have picnics and play games and
mouth – it can open and close and a flame shoots out
hold competitions to help everyone learn about the
of it. The artists must be good mechanics too – they
environment. There are also recycling and clean-up
used an electric motor to make the dragon move; now
activities. The organisers want to encourage everyone
they are going to install a petrol motor.
to save energy and to use environmentally friendly
power sources.
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6e Listening skills 5 To present topic related vocabulary
Give Ss time to match the words to make phrases and
1 To introduce the topic and generate topic- check their answers in the Word List.
specific vocabulary
Answer Key
Direct Ss to the mind map and elicit which actions Ss
do to save energy and what else they do. 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 e 5 a
08 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 6.qxp_08 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 6 6/1/15 16:58 Page 104
• Check Ss’ answers. 4 To act out a dialogue
• Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to listen • Ss complete the task in closed pairs using the
and repeat. dialogue in Ex. 1 as a model to help them. Tell Ss
• Check Ss’ pronunciation. they can use phrases from the box in Ex. 2 and the
Answer Key card given. Write this diagram on board for Ss to
dZ tS dZ tS dZ tS
judge ✓ much ✓ chunk ✓ A B
jam junk chair Ask B for help. Agree. Ask what
✓ ✓ ✓
the project is about.
Explain. Ask for Make 1st
6f Speaking skills suggestions. suggestion.
Agree. Make Disagree. Make
1 a) To predict the content of a dialogue another suggestion. 2nd suggestion.
Ask Ss to read the first two exchanges and elicit Agree. Make Agree.
their guesses as to what the dialogue is about. final suggestion.
Thank B. Respond
Suggested Answer Key
I think Bill will suggest ways of saving water to help • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
Sam with his school project. some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the
rest of the class.
b) To listen for gist Suggested Answer Key
Play the recording. Ss listen and then read to check A: Jenny, can you help me with my school project?
if their guesses in Ex. 1a were correct. B: Sure. What’s it about?
A: I have to think of ways to keep our neighbourhood
Answer Key clean. What do you think?
The dialogue is about Bill’s suggestions for how to save B: Well, what about organising a clean-up day?
water at home to help Sam with his school project. A: That’s a great idea! How about using public transport
2 To match synonymous phrases for asking B: Sorry, but I don’t think so. It’d be a good idea to
for/making suggestions and agreeing/disagreeing clean walls with graffiti on them.
A: I think you’re right. I suggest planting flowers, too.
• Direct Ss attention to the Useful Language box and
B: Yes, I agree.
read it aloud.
A: Thanks for your help, Jenny.
• Explain the task and explain that the phrases ask
B: You’re welcome.
for/make suggestions and agree/ disagree.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. 5 To match exchanges
Suggested Answer Key • Ask Ss to read the questions 1-5 and the options
Have you got any suggestions? = Can you suggest
• Remind Ss there is one extra answer they will not
need to use.
… what about … = how about …
• Give Ss time to complete the task, then check Ss’
That’s a good idea! = That’s right!
What about using … = We could use …
Sorry, but I don’t think so. = No, I don’t agree. Answer Key
Good thinking! = Certainly! 1 F 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 A
That’s right! =Yes, I agree.
6 To develop speaking skills
3 To role play a dialogue
• Explain the task and go through the cards explaining
Ss complete the task in pairs. Monitor the activity around any unknown words.
the class.
08 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 6.qxp_08 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 6 6/1/15 16:58 Page 105
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turns to ask and Suggested Answer Key
answer questions using the information on the
we lose animal species; many species
cards. Problem
are endangered
• Monitor the activity around the class.
we cut down trees and build on land;
Suggested Answer Key animals lose their habitat/we hunt
SB: What is the poster about? animals; they will disappear
SA: It’s about a plant-a-tree day to help make our stop buying things made from
town green. endangered animals; start buying
SB: Where will it take place? recycled paper products; join a
SA: It will be in Moseby Park. conservation group
SB: When is it?
SA: It’s on Sunday, 22nd March
SB: What are the hours? 4 To practise joining sentences
SA: It’s from 10 am till 4 pm. • Go through the theory with Ss. Explain the task and
SB: Do I have to bring anything? give Ss time to complete it.
SA: You should bring some gardening gloves and • Check Ss’ answers.
a friend.
Answer Key
6g Writing 1 c 2 a 3 d 4 b
1 Rubbish causes health problems. It also has an
1 To analyse a rubric
unpleasant smell.
• Ask Ss to read the rubric aloud and underline the 2 If we plant trees, we’ll save our forests. We will also
key words. save animal habitats.
• Read the questions aloud one at a time and elicit 3 We can walk instead of taking the car. We can also
the answers from Ss around the class. use public transport.
Answer Key 4 Recycling helps reduce rubbish. It also saves trees.
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6 To substitute synonymous phrases for Answer Key
stating problems and providing solutions; to 1 clean 3 hungry 5 showers
expand language 2 grow 4 pollute 6 wash
• Direct Ss to the Useful Language box on p. 111 and
give Ss time to complete the task. 9 To write an article
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Give Ss time to write their article using their
Suggested Answer Key answers from Ex. 8b and phrases from the Useful
The problem is … > One reason for this is … Language box.
We can … > We could … • Remind Ss to use the plan to help them and the
We can also … > We could also … email skeleton. Ss can use the same headings as
Another idea is … > It’s a good idea to … the one in the model in Ex. 2.
• Ask Ss to use the Checklist to check their work for
mistakes and then ask various Ss to read their
7 To practise error correction
articles to the class.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it in • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
closed pairs. read out their articles in the next lesson.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
What’s the problem?
Grammar mistakes: to saving/to save, to stop cut/to Water is running short! Every year millions of people die
stop cutting, to plant/plant, we already cut down/we from thirst or lack of clean water. If we do not do
have already cut down something to start saving it, life on Earth will
Punctuation mistakes: we/We, In addition/In addition, disappear.
products which/products, which Why is it happening?
Spelling mistakes: think/thing, adition/addition, The problem is that climate change causes droughts.
carboard/cardboard, bye/buy, recyled/recycled Crops cannot grow and people go hungry. We also
pollute water supplies. This makes people get
8 a) To brainstorm for ideas diseases and become ill.
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and elicit what the task What can we do?
asks Ss to write about. We need to act. We can turn off taps when we do not
• Tell Ss that is always useful to underline the key need them. We can take showers instead of baths.
words. We can also catch rainwater to wash the car. If we
act together, (then) we can make a difference!
Answer Key
Key words to be underlined: teacher, article, school CLIL (Environmental Science)
magazine, solutions, how to save water, 50-100 words.
1 To identify text types and introduce the
I should write an article about how to save water in my
• Direct Ss to the texts and elicit what type each one
is. You can give them the types of texts and ask
b) To listen for specific information
them to decide: quiz, fact sheet, extract from a
• Explain the task. Ask Ss to read the information magazine article. Ask Ss to skim them quickly and
and predict what kind of word is missing. Play elicit what each one is about.
the recording twice. • Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find out.
• Ask Ss to scan the table and explain/elicit any
Suggested Answer Key
unknown words.
• Ss listen and complete the task. Text A may be an extract from a magazine article.
• Check Ss’ answers. Text B is a quiz.
Text C is a fact sheet.
All the texts are about water.
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2 To read for gist 4 To consolidate new vocabulary
• Go through the questions with Ss and explain/ elicit • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
any unknown words. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to read the texts and complete the Answer Key (See overprinted answers)
task. Ss should justify their answers.
• Check Ss’ answers. 5 To consolidate information in a text
Answer Key • Ask Ss around the class to write sentences or tell
1 C (... UK citizen uses 150 litres of water/12-18 their partners four things they have learnt from the
litres go down the drain etc.) texts. Ss work in closed pairs.
2 B (How much... is salt water?) • Monitor the activity around the class and help if
3 A (water moves in a continuous cycle, ... the sea necessary.
again in rivers)
Suggested Answer Key
4 C (The average UK citizen... every day)
I’ve learnt that 69% of the planet’s fresh water is ice. I’ve
3 To read for specific information also learnt that the Earth looks blue from space because
it has so much water on its surface. I’ve learnt that we
• Ask Ss to read the texts again and find out what can waste up to 18 litres of water when we brush our
each of the numbers refers to. teeth! Another interesting fact is that just one person can
• Check Ss’ answers. use up to 150 litres of water a day.
Answer Key
6 ICT To write a quiz on water; to develop
3/4 of the Earth’s surface is covered by seas and oceans
7 billion – the number of people on the planet today research skills
69% – the percentage of fresh water that is ice • Give Ss time to collect information about water
150 – the number of litres of water the average UK from the Internet.
citizen uses each day • Ask Ss to compile a quiz using their information
5,000 – the number of litres of water that a dripping tap where the answers can only be Yes or No.
can waste per year • Ask various Ss to present their quiz to the class.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
in the Check these words box in their dictionaries present their quizzes in the next lesson.
or look them up in the Word List. • Ss can work in groups if you like.
space (n): the area beyond the Earth’s atmosphere Water Quiz
where the stars are 1 The average person can live for up to three weeks
surface (n): the top level of sth without water.
move (v): to change position
continuous (adj): without stopping 2 Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
cycle (n): a repeated series of events
run down (phr): to flow in a downwards direction 3 Pure water has no taste.
billion (n): a number equal to a thousand million
4 Our bodies are 50% water.
drop (n): a very small amount of liquid
salt water (n): water with a high salt content
5 If you use a dishwasher instead of washing up by
fresh water (n): water without a high salt content
hand, you can save water.
drinking water (n): water that is fit to drink
average (adj): ordinary
6 We can use water to create electricity.
citizen (n): a person in a society/ community
litre (n): a measurement of liquid equal to 1000 millilitres
leave tap on (phr): to let a tap run water
drain (n): a pipe that carries waste water
drip (v): to fall in small drops (liquid)
running tap water (phr): a tap with water flowing from it
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Progress Check Answer Key
1 will come 5 will lose
1 To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the unit 2 will become 6 would try
• Give Ss time to complete the task. 3 would help 7 starts
• Check Ss’ answers. 4 will pollute
2 To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the unit • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. Answer Key
08 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 6.qxp_08 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 6 6/1/15 16:58 Page 109
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Ss should justify Answer Key
their answers. 1 D (recycling robot: Curby comes alive!)
• Check Ss’ answers. 2 A (Give aways and gifts: free recycling bags,
Answer Key prizes)
3 C (clean up streets: collect ... rubbish)
1 A (expressing agreement)
2 C (meaning: suggestions - ways)
3 B (giving advice) 2 To listen for specific information (multiple
4 To practise dialogue completion • Ask Ss to read the questions 1-6 and the possible
• Ask Ss to read the part of the dialogue given and the
• Play the recording twice. Ss listen and choose the
possible responses and choose the correct answers.
correct answers.
• Give Ss time to complete the task in closed pairs
• Check Ss’ answers
and then check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key
1 C 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 B
1 C (should: giving advice – Good thinking!)
2 B (How far – 2 km away)
3 B (What is it about – Ways to ...) 3 To complete a cloze text
• Explain that Ss should read the whole sentence
5 To practise text completion before deciding on a word and how to amend it to
fit the gap. Remind Ss that they have to change the
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
word given according to the context.
• Tell Ss to read the whole gapped sentence before
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
they choose the correct option. Stress that this step
• Check Ss’ answers.
is important as the words before/after the gap will
help them decide. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers. 1 millions 3 will become 5 quickly
Answer Key 2 their 4 stops
1 C (prepositional phrase)
2 A (2nd conditional) 4 To complete sentence transformations
3 B (personal pronoun) • Ask Ss to complete the second sentence so it has
the same meaning as the first sentence.
6 To complete a multiple choice cloze task • Remind Ss to use up to four words.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Ask Ss to read the text and then complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key
1 we will save 4 we don’t reduce
1 endangered (collocation)
2 you will protect 5 you will receive
2 make (phrase)
3 were you, I would
3 protect (meaning)
conservation group I’ve just joined. Rainforests are
home to many animals and plants. Also, they help to
stop floods. Many of our medicines come from
rainforests, too.
At the moment, I’m organising a fun run with my school
to raise money. We’re going to donate the money we
collect to the group.
Why don’t you join, too? If you donate £25, you will
help protect an acre of the rainforest. I’ll send you the
website address.
Take care,
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09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7.qxp_09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7 6/1/15 16:58 Page 112
What’s in this unit?
4 To read for specific information
In this unit Ss will explore the topics of people (appearance,
(comprehension questions)
family members) and places (houses, shopping & services
and directions). They will learn comparatives and Give Ss time to read the text again and complete the
superlatives, very, really, too/enough, much, as … as, and task and then check Ss’ answers.
relative pronouns. They will also learn to write a summary of Answer Key
a text, a text about an attraction in their country and an
1 Animals are important to Mongolians for transport,
informal letter describing their neighbourhood.
food, wool and leather.
2 The sun and wind makes their skin dark and tough.
7a Reading
Their eyes are narrow to protect them from the cold.
1 To introduce new vocabulary through 3 The children can go to classes every day, but they
pictures can still help their parents.
• Read out the title of the text. • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
• Read the questions aloud and explain/elicit any in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries
unknown words. or look them up in the Word List.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures A-D and match them Suggested Answer Key
to the questions 1-4. nomad (n): a person who lives on the move
• Check Ss’ answers. crowded with (phr): full of people
Answer Key skyscraper (n): a very tall building
1 C 2 D 3 B 4 A block of flats(n): a large building with lots of people
living in it in separate homes
heavy traffic (phr): lots of cars on the roads
Background information shopping centre (n): a shopping complex with lots of
Mongolia is a country in East and Central Asia. It shops
borders with Russia to the north and the Inner neighbour (n): the person who lives next door
Mongolia region of China to the south, east and thanks to (phr): because of
west. Ulan Bator is its capital city. manage (v): to cope
survive (v): to continue to live in difficult circumstances
equipment (n): tools and machinery
long distance (phr): a route between two places which
2 To predict the content of the text and read
are far from each other
for gist
wool (n): material made from sheep/goat hair
• Elicit Ss’ guesses as to what a Mongolian nomad’s leather (n): material made from the skin of an animal
life is like. e.g. cow
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find out. herder (n): sb who keeps a number of animals on the
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class. move
Suggested Answer Key skin (n): the outer covering of the human body
tough (adj): thick/rough
I think a Mongolian nomad’s life is difficult.
narrow (adj): not wide
protect from (phr): to keep from harm
3 To read for specific information (multiple harsh (adj): very difficult
choice) lose (v): to stop having sth
• Ask Ss to read the questions and the possible develop (v): to grow
answers. Explain/Elicit any unknown words. traditional (adj): having customs from the past
• Give Ss time to read the text again and complete
the task. 5 To consolidate new vocabulary through
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers. synonyms
Answer Key • Give Ss time to complete the task using their
1 A (ℓ. 7-9) 3 C (ℓ. 16-18) 5 C (ℓ. 26-29) dictionaries if necessary. Ss work in closed pairs.
2 C (ℓ. 15-16) 4 B (ℓ. 21-24) • Check Ss’ answers.
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Answer Key 9 To complete a summary of a text
crowded with = full of; moving = going to another • Explain the task and refer Ss to the summary
place; hard = difficult; protect = keep safe; proud = skeleton. Ask them to refer back to the text and
satisfied; freely = easily; warmer = hotter; developing = complete it.
becoming more modern; allows = lets • Ask various Ss around the class to read out their
6 To consolidate new vocabulary Suggested Answer Key
Give Ss time to complete the task using their The nomads of Mongolia live in traditional tents. They
dictionaries if necessary and then check Ss’ answers. have a hard life. Their skin is dark and tough. They move
from place to place going where their animals go.
Answer Key
1 survive 3 herder 5 distances 10 ICT To give a presentation on Mongolian
2 harsh 4 lifestyle nomads
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Answer Key • Choose two Ss to read out the example.
• Ask Ss to complete the task in closed pairs.
twenties, teens, middle-aged,
AGE • Ask various pairs around the class to ask and
teenager, elderly, young, old
answer in front of the class.
BUILD thin, overweight, slim, plump, well-built
HEIGHT average height, tall Answer Key
wavy, curly, straight, dark, fair, red, A: Who is Kate?
HAIR B: She is my aunt.
bald, grey
A: What does she look like?
EYES brown, blue
B: She is tall and slim with long blonde hair and blue
NOSE flat eyes. She also wears glasses. etc.
LIPS thin, full
freckles, beard, moustache, glasses 6 To present new vocabulary
• Ask Ss to look at the map and go through the list of
• As an extension ask Ss to choose some of their items. Explain/Elicit any unknown words.
classmates and describe them to the class. • Read out the example and then elicit answers for
the rest of the items from Ss around the class.
2 To listen for specific information Answer Key
• Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and ask various I can buy a music DVD from the music shop.
Ss to describe the people they see in them. I can buy a doll from the toy shop.
• Play the recording twice if necessary. Ss complete I can buy earrings from the jeweller’s.
the task and then check Ss’ answers. I can buy bread from the bakery.
I can buy meat from the butcher’s.
Answer Key I can buy aspirin from the chemist’s.
1 ✓ 2 ✓ 3 – 4 – 5 ✓ 6 ✓ I can buy a dog from the pet shop.
I can buy souvenirs from a souvenir shop.
3 To revise family members I can buy a pair of glasses from the optician’s.
I can buy stamps from the post office.
• Give Ss time to match the relations into male/
I can see dolphins swimming at the aquarium.
female pairs.
I can see a musical performance at the concert hall.
• Check Ss’ answers. Ask Ss what these words are in
I can see a play at the theatre.
their mother tongue.
I can see a film at the cinema.
Answer Key I can see paintings at the art gallery.
daughter – son sister – brother I can see ancient coins at the museum.
niece – nephew aunt – uncle I can see trees in the park.
grandma – grandpa mother – father I can go on a roller coaster at the amusement park.
cousin – cousin wife – husband I can have dinner at the restaurant.
I can exercise at the gym.
4 To practise vocabulary for family members
7 a) To revise and practise prepositions of
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. place
• Tell Ss to use words from Ex. 3.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. • Ss close their books. Present prepositions of
place using your book. Put your book on the
Answer Key desk, then ask and answer: Where’s my book?
1 uncle 3 wife 5 niece It’s on the desk. Put your book in your bag, then
2 cousins 4 nephew 6 grandpa ask and answer: Where’s my book? It’s in my
bag. etc. Present the rest of prepositions of
5 To personalise the topic; to ask and place in the same way. Then put your book in
answer about family members various places in the classroom and ask Ss to
tell you its location.
• Ask Ss to write down the names of 3 or 4 family • Ss open their books. Refer Ss to the drawings
members or friends. and explain the task.
09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7.qxp_09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7 6/1/15 16:58 Page 115
• Tell Ss to go through the sentences and explain 10 To present/practise prepositional phrases
that there is a key in each. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Give Ss time to complete the task by referring • Ask Ss to transfer these words with their
back to the map and then check Ss’ answers. prepositions to the Prepositions Section in their
Answer Key notebooks and revise them as often as possible.
1 post office 3 bakery 5 bus stop • Check Ss’ answers.
2 toy shop 4 theatre Answer Key
1 on 2 in 3 for 4 for 5 on
b) To practise prepositions of place
• Do an example with a pair of Ss. 11 To practise vocabulary related to shopping
• Ss work in closed pairs and complete the task. Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it looking
• Ask some pairs to demonstrate the task for the up any unknown words in the Word List if necessary
class. and then check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
A: It’s behind the restaurant. 1 lend 3 suits 5 fit
B: It’s the concert hall. It’s opposite the theatre. 2 cost 4 try on 6 receipt
A: It’s the pet shop. etc.
12 To draw a map of your neighbourhood and
8 To learn language related to giving describe the shops and services
directions • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Tell Ss to look at the map and point out the starting • Ask various Ss to read their work to the class.
point. (The man outside the pet shop). • Alternatively, assign this task as HW.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Suggested Answer Key
Ss’ answers. In my neighbourhood there is a baker’s. We can buy
Answer Key fresh bread and pies there. There is also a small
2 walk 4 see 6 pass supermarket. We can buy all our groceries from there.
3 turn 5 take 7 miss Next to the baker’s there is a chemist’s. We can buy
medicine from there. There is also a park. I play football
and walk the dog there.
9 To practise giving directions
• Ask Ss to work in closed pairs and use the map to 7c Grammar in use
give directions.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask 1 To present comparatives and superlatives
various pairs to give directions in front of the rest of • Ss’ books closed. Explain that we use the
the class. comparative form to compare two people, things,
Suggested Answer Key places, etc. We usually use than with comparative
Walk along Elton Street and then take the second right adjectives (e.g. Julie is shorter than John.). We use
into Merton Street. Walk past the concert hall and the the superlative form to compare one person,
theatre is on your right. thing, etc. with an entire group (e.g. Derek is the
Walk up Apple Street and then turn right at the end. shortest boy in the class.).
The park is on the corner of Elton Street and Merton NOTE: We use (not) as + adjective + as to show
Street opposite the cinema. that two people, things, etc, are (not) similar (e.g. The
Walk along Elton Street and then turn left into Merton long dress is not as cheap as the short one.).
Street. The theatre is on the right opposite the pet shop. • Explain that with one-syllable and two-syllable
Walk up Merton Street and turn left into Elton Street. adjectives, we form the comparative by adding -er
The optician’s is on the right between the cinema and and the superlative by adding -est (e.g. clean –
the jeweller’s. cleaner – cleanest).
• Tell Ss that with adjectives of more than two
syllables, we form the comparative with more and
the superlative with the most (e.g. exciting – more
exciting – most exciting).
09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7.qxp_09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7 6/1/15 16:58 Page 116
• Explain that with some two-syllable adjectives, such Suggested Answer Key
as clever, narrow, gentle, friendly etc., we form the Charlie is shorter than Pete. Steve is much shorter than
comparative and the superlative either with -er/-est or Charlie. He is the shortest of all.
with more/the most (e.g. gentle – gentler – gentlest or Pete is younger than Charlie.
gentle – more gentle – the most gentle). Pete isn’t as young as Charlie. Steve is the youngest.
• Explain that with one-syllable adjectives ending in Charlie has curlier hair than Pete. Steve has the curliest
-e, we add -r in the comparative and -st in the hair of all.
superlative form (e.g. nice – nicer – the nicest). Pete is slimmer than Charlie. Steve is not as slim as
• Explain that with one-syllable adjectives ending in Charlie. Pete is the slimmest of all.
a vowel + a consonant, we double the last Pete’s and Steve’s hair isn’t as long as Charlie’s.
consonant and add -er/-est. (e.g. hot – hotter – Charlie has got the longest hair of the three.
hottest). Pete is the oldest. Charlie is older than Steve but not as
• Explain that with two-syllable adjectives ending in - old as Pete.
y or -ly, we change the -y to -i and add -er/-est.
(e.g. friendly – friendlier – the friendliest).
4 To make comparisons
• Explain that we use (not) as + adjective/adverb + as
to compare two people/things. (e.g. This house is as • Read out the example and explain the task. Ss
big as hers. He isn’t as rich as his cousin). make comparisons in closed pairs.
• Ss’ books open. Go through the table with Ss and • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
elicit if there are any similar structures in Ss’ L1. (Ss’ some pairs to share their answers with the rest of
own answers). the class.
• Drill Ss around the class by giving them adjectives Answer Key
and asking for the comparative and superlative 2 A: The pet shop is busy.
form. Ss read the joke and elicit examples of the B: Yes, but the post office is busier.
comparative and superlative form. A: The toy shop is the busiest of all.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for 3 A: The theatre is crowded.
more information. B: Yes, but the cinema is more crowded.
Answer Key A: The aquarium is the most crowded of all.
Examples in the text: thinner than, the last, the best. 4 A: Luigi’s pizzeria is quiet.
B: Yes, but Francesco’s restaurant is quieter.
A: Finn’s Café is the quietest of all.
2 To practise comparatives and superlatives 5 A: Helen is tall.
• Explain the task, give Ss time to complete it. B: Yes, but Jenny is taller.
• Remind Ss to always look for keywords such as A: Ann is the tallest of all.
the, than, of, as, to help them decide if it is a 6 A: The museum is nice.
comparative or a superlative form. B: Yes, but the concert hall is nicer.
• Check Ss’ answers. A: The art gallery is the nicest of all.
Answer Key
1 the nicest 5 the best 5 To make comparisons
2 the most expensive 6 more crowded • Direct Ss’ attention to the table and explain how Ss
3 larger 7 noisy as can use it to complete the task.
4 big as • Ask various Ss to read out the examples.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
3 To practise comparatives and superlatives • Check Ss’ answers.
• Ask a S to read out the example. Suggested Answer Key
• Direct Ss’ attention to the list of words and ask The concert hall is large.
them to use these words to compare the boys in The museum isn’t as large as the art gallery.
the picture. Give Ss time to complete the task. The museum is larger than the concert hall.
• Check Ss’ answers. The art gallery is the largest of all.
The museum is expensive.
The art gallery is more expensive than the museum.
09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7.qxp_09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7 6/1/15 16:58 Page 117
The art gallery isn’t as expensive as the concert hall. Answer Key
The concert hall is the most expensive of all. 1 really 3 really 5 very
The art gallery is close. 2 too 4 enough
The art gallery isn’t as close as the museum.
The museum is closer than the art gallery. 8 To present relative pronouns
The concert hall is the closest of all.
• Ss close their books. Say, then write on board:
Linda is the woman who owns the florist’s. The
6 To practise the superlative form through
shop which/that is on the corner is the bakery.
personal examples
That’s the man whose son works at the cinema.
• Explain the task and read out the example. Explain that the underlined words are relative
• Give Ss time to complete the task and write pronouns and we use them to identify the noun in
sentences about their town/city. the main clause. Explain that we use who to refer to
• Check Ss’ answers. people, which/that to refer to objects or animals
and whose to show possession.
Suggested Answer Key
• Drill Ss around the class. Ss open their books, read
2 The most famous place in my town/city is the Royal the joke and elicit examples.
Castle. • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
3 The biggest shop in my town/city is Arkadia. more information.
4 The tallest building in my town/city is The Palace of
Culture and Science. Answer Key
5 The most expensive restaurant in my town/city is 99. which, who
09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7.qxp_09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7 6/1/15 16:58 Page 118
3 Linda met Daniel who works in the optician’s. Answer Key
4 Linda met Paul whose son works in the toy shop. 1 a whole city block
2 sculptures and structures (in it)
7d Across Cultures 3 (amateur geologist) Ole S. Quammen
4 petrified tree trunks (more than 9 metres tall)
1 To generate topic-related vocabulary
5 waterfall with a petrified wood wall (that has
• Set a one-minute time limit and ask Ss to think of as dinosaur claw marks on it)
many tourist attractions in their country as they can.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries
Suggested Answer Key or look them up in the Word List.
Wawel Castle, Masurian Lakeland, Slowinski Sand Suggested Answer Key
Dunes, Malbork Castle, Wieliczka Salt Mine, Bialowieza
outdoor (adj): outside; not inside
Forest, Gdansk Old Town, Warsaw Old Market Place, etc
cover (v): to extend over an area
whole (adj): all of sth
2 To predict the content of the text through city block (n): an area of land in a city with streets on
pictures all four sides
• Read the title of the text and direct Ss’ attention to in the heart of (phr): in the middle of
the picture. Ask them to guess where this place is turn into (phr v): to transform into sth
and what makes it special. stone (n): rock
• Ask Ss to read the text and find out. petrified (adj): turned to stone
sculpture (n): a carving from stone/wood etc
Suggested Answer Key amateur (n): sb who is not a trained professional
I think this place is a strange forest which is a popular geologist (n): sb who studies rocks
tourist attraction. show off (phr v): to boast
hire (v): to pay to use sth for a short time
3 To practise text completion (missing cone-shaped (adj): in the shape of a pyramid
sentences) tree trunk (n): the main body of a tree
dinosaur bone (phr): a bone from a prehistoric animal
• Ask Ss to read the sentences A-E and explain/ elicit display (v): to put on show
any unknown words. addition (n): an extra thing
• Remind Ss that there is one extra sentence they will claw marks (phr): impressions made by animal claws
not need to use. Ss read the text again and complete unique (adj): original; only one of sth
the task. Ss should justify their answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Background information
Answer Key Lemmon is a city in Perkins County, South Dakota,
1 C (small American town – it is special/it has a park United States. The population was 1,227 at the 2010
– the Petrified Wood Park) census. It is located in the heart of Grand River and
2 A (the largest petrified park – there are thousands of Cedar River National Grasslands. The area is rich in
sculptures ...) history and culture. It is also famous for its Petrified
3 D (Ole S. Quammen – He) Wood Park.
4 B (They build the castle – the inside walls of it)
well, a museum, a fairy-tale castle with dinosaur 6 There is a wall with dinosaur claw marks on it.
bones inside and a petrified wood wall. 7 There is a wishing well in the park.
3 He wanted to build the park because there was lots 8 The fairy-tale castle is very impressive.
of petrified wood nearby and he wanted to show it
off. 9 To listen for specific information (multiple
4 He hired the men to help him search for and collect matching)
the wood.
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and the information given.
Play the recording twice if necessary.
6 To consolidate new vocabulary • Ss complete the task, then check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers. 1 B 2 E 3 A 4 D
Answer Key
1 show off 3 searched 5 hired 10 To consolidate information from
2 collect 4 displays 6 covers the text
Ask various Ss around the class to tell the rest of the
7 To consolidate new vocabulary through class what impressed them from the text.
synonyms Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. I was impressed by how a whole forest can turn into
• Check Ss’ answers. stone with the passing of years and also by the size of
Answer Key Petrified Wood Park which covers a whole city block.
1 peaceful 4 unusual
2 inexperienced 5 entire 11 To complete an email
3 amazing 6 most popular • Explain the task, elicit appropriate opening/closing
remarks) and give Ss time to write an email in
8 a) To practise collocations narrative form. Check Ss’ answers by asking various
Ss to read out their emails to the class.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. • Alternatively, assign this task as HW.
• Remind Ss to transfer this list of collocations to • For weaker classes give the answer in the
the Collocations Section in their notebooks and suggested answer key with gaps (see underlined
revise them as often as possible. words) and ask them to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
Dear Omar,
1 dinosaur 3 tree 5 city 7 wishing
How are you? Last Sunday I visited the Petrified Wood
2 tourist 4 outdoor 6 claw 8 fairy-tale
Park in Lemmon, South Dakota. It’s an outdoor park
full of sculptures and structures of wood that has
b) To practise forming sentences using turned to stone over millions of years. It’s a popular
collocations tourist attraction.
• Give Ss time to make sentences based on the It was amazing. I saw cone-shaped pyramids and a
text using the collocations in Ex. 8a. wishing well. I visited a museum and a fairy-tale castle
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. with walls of dinosaur bones. There is even a waterfall
with a wall that has dinosaur claw marks on it. It was an
Suggested Answer Key amazing experience!.
1 They used dinosaur bones to make the inside walls What did you do over the weekend?
of the fairy-tale castle. Write back,
2 The Petrified Wood Park is a popular tourist Pavel
3 The castle is also made of tree trunks.
4 It is an outdoor park.
5 It is as big as a city block.
09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7.qxp_09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7 6/1/15 16:58 Page 120
12 ICT To write about a local tourist b) To listen for specific information
attraction; to raise intercultural awareness (multiple choice)
• Ask Ss to find information about a tourist attraction • Play the recording twice if necessary. Ss listen
in their country and make notes under the headings and complete the task.
in the rubric. • Ask Ss to check their answers with their partner.
• Ask various Ss to present their information to the
Answer Key
class. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask
Ss to read out their sentences in the next lesson. 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 A
Answer Key 2 To role play a dialogue
Speaker 1 – B Speaker 3 – A Ss complete the task in pairs. Monitor the activity
Speaker 2 – C Speaker 4 – D around the class.
3 To match synonymous phrases for
4 To talk about where you live enquiring about/expressing (dis)satisfaction
Ask various Ss around the class to describe the area • Direct Ss’ attention to the Useful Language box
where they live covering the points in the rubric. and read it aloud.
Suggested Answer Key • Explain the task and explain that the phrases ask
about/express (dis)satisfaction.
I live in a large town in the northwest of the country.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
There are plenty of shops and supermarkets. There is a
• Check Ss’ answers.
large park in the centre of the town with play equipment
for children and green spaces for people to play sports. Suggested Answer Key
There are lots of trees and flowers there too. There is a How do you like your new flat? = Are you happy with
multiplex cinema with 5 screens and lots of cafés and your new flat?
restaurants. I like living there a lot. It’s great = It’s good/fine
It couldn’t be nicer. = It’s just what I had in mind.
5 a) To practise comparative forms The trouble is, = There’s a problem with …
09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7.qxp_09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7 6/1/15 16:58 Page 122
5 To practise dialogue completion Answer Key
• Ask Ss to read the dialogues 1-4 and the missing 2 I’ve just met my new neighbours.
sentences A-C for each one. 3 We’re busy settling in.
• Give Ss time to complete the task, then check Ss’ 4 Sorry I didn’t have time to write sooner.
answers. 5 Let me know if you can’t make it.
6 When you see my new flat, you’ll love it.
Answer Key
1 B (answering to a suggestion)
4 To practise useful language for informal
2 A (question about sb’s character)
letter writing
3 C (try these ... on – changing rooms)
4 A (I haven’t had – Me neither) • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it
using the Useful Language box.
7g Writing • Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key
1 To analyse a rubric
How are you? = Hi there!
• Ask Ss to read the rubric aloud and underline the
Sorry I didn’t write sooner but = Sorry it took me so
key words.
long to write back
• Read the questions aloud one at a time and elicit
I just wanted to tell you = I just wanted to let you know
the answers from Ss around the class.
It’s a quiet neighbourhood = The neighbourhood is
Answer Key peaceful
Key words to be underlined: How about coming ...? = Why don’t you come …?
moved to a new neighbourhood, letter 50-100 words, Write and let me know. = Write back soon.
English-speaking friend, why you moved, describe new Talk to you later. = That’s all for now.
neighbourhood, invite him/her
5 To practise word order
Suggested Answer Key
1 a letter about my neighbourhood • Go over the rules of the correct word order with Ss
2 my English-speaking friend quickly.
3 Dear …, / Best wishes • Explain the task and read out the example.
4 I hope you are well/ Sorry I didn’t write sooner/ I’m • Give Ss time to complete it.
writing to tell you…/ Write and let me know./ Talk to • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
you later./ That’s all for now. Answer Key
5 mostly the present tense
2 The students in my new school are very friendly.
6 50-100 words
3 My new flat isn’t as cosy as my old one.
4 My family and I have just moved to London.
2 To match headings to paragraphs 5 I was too busy to write to you sooner.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to read the email 6 Are you free next Sunday?
and complete the task.
• Explain/Elicit any unknown words. 6 To practise using adjectives in descriptive
• Check Ss’ answers. sentences
Answer Key • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
1 C 2 A 3 B • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
3 To practise short verb forms 1 green 4 expensive 7 crowded
• Direct Ss’ attention to the theory box and read it 2 convenient 5 quiet 8 rundown
aloud. 3 noisy 6 friendly
• Explain the task and read out the example.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
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7 To brainstorm for ideas CLIL (Art & Design)
• Ask Ss to copy the mind map into their notebooks.
• Give Ss time to think of relevant vocabulary and 1 To present vocabulary related to materials
complete it. to listen and read for specific information
• Check Ss’ answers on the board. • Direct Ss to the picture and read out the rubric.
• Explain/Elicit what the materials are.
Suggested Answer Key
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find out
Adjectives: noisy, green, convenient, friendly, quiet, which ones the architects used to make the
rundown, crowded, expensive, etc. building.
Location: in the suburbs, in the centre, in a quiet area, etc.
Other places: park, cinema, theatre, restaurant, etc. Answer Key
Shops: butcher’s, chemist’s, supermarket, baker’s, etc. steel, glass
09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7.qxp_09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7 6/1/15 16:58 Page 124
glass (n): a material used for windows 7 ICT To write about a building in your
curved-shaped (phr): having the shape of a curve country; to raise cultural awareness
diamond-shaped (phr): having the shape of a diamond • Give Ss time to collect information about an
high-speed (adj): being very fast impressive building in their country from the Internet
lift (n): a device that transports people up and down and make notes under the headings.
inside a building • Ask Ss to use their notes to compare it to the
spectacular (adj): amazing Gherkin.
stairwell (n): the part of a building where the stairs are • Ask various Ss to present their comparisons to the
allow (v): to let class.
flow (v): to move smoothly • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
naturally (adv): in a natural way present their comparisons in the next lesson.
award (n): a prize
architecture (n): the planning, design and Suggested Answer Key
construction of buildings Place: Sky Tower in Wrocław
Design: 50 floors, 3 tiers, concrete and glass, 212
4 To consolidate new vocabulary through metres tall
antonyms Activities: flats, shopping centre, offices, boutiques,
restaurants, cafés, a supermarket, fitness centre, spa,
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the billiards club, a 24-lane bowling alley a Salvador Dali
task. sculpture outside the front entrance, 1500 parking
• Check Ss’ answers. spaces
Answer Key The Sky Tower in Wrocław has got 50 floors, but the
modern ≠ old-fashioned spectacular ≠ boring Gherkin has only got 41. The Gherkin is steel and glass
flat ≠ bumpy curved ≠ straight but the Sky Tower is mostly concrete and glass. Both
fancy ≠ plain unique ≠ ordinary the Sky Tower and the Gherkin have offices and a
shopping arcade but the Sky Tower also has flats,
5 To consolidate new vocabulary in the form restaurants, cafés, a supermarket, a fitness centre, a
of collocations spa, a billiards club, and a 24-lane bowling alley. There
is also a Salvador Dali sculpture outside the front
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. entrance of the Sky Tower which there isn’t at the
• Ask Ss to transfer these collocations to the Gherkin. Finally, the Sky Tower hasn’t got high-speed
Collocations Section in their notebooks and revise lifts but it has got 1500 parking spaces which the
them as often as possible. Gherkin hasn’t.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Progress Check
1 latest 3 shopping 5 environmentally
1 To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the unit
2 high-speed 4 top 6 natural
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
6 To consolidate information in a text; to
develop critical thinking skills Answer Key
Ask various Ss tell the class three things they found 1 young 4 elderly 7 height
impressive in the text. 2 weight 5 bald 8 slim
3 mid-twenties 6 full
Suggested Answer Key
I think the curved-shape of the building is impressive
2 To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the unit
and the diamond-shaped windows. I also thought it
was impressive that 378 people can travel in the lifts at • Give Ss time to complete the task.
one time at 6 metres per second. • Check Ss’ answers.
09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7.qxp_09 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 7 6/1/15 16:58 Page 125
Answer Key Grammar in Focus
1 father 4 grandma 7 daughter
To consolidate grammar structures learnt
2 sister 5 aunt
in the unit
3 niece 6 wife
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
3 To practise shops & products
Answer Key
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. 1 went 6 the most expensive
2 to buy 7 on
Answer Key 3 who’s 8 enough
1 florist’s 4 post office 7 butcher’s 4 younger 9 will be
2 chemist’s 5 art gallery 8 jeweller’s 5 found
3 cinema 6 museum
Exam Practice 7 (Basic)
4 To consolidate everyday English
expressions/exchanges learnt in the unit 1 To complete a multiple matching task
• Give Ss time to complete the task. • Ask Ss to read the texts (A-C) and underline the key
• Check Ss’ answers. words in the questions (1-4). (1 future career; 2 day
trips; 3 meet people, from abroad; 4 water sport)
Answer Key
• Explain/Elicit any unknown words.
1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 E • Ss complete the task. Ss should justify their
5 To practise comparative/superlative forms • Check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers. 1 B (being an Oscar winner)
Answer Key 2 C (outings to the White Scar Cave)
3 B (campers from around the globe)
1 the prettiest 4 more difficult
4 A (river rafting)
2 closer 5 bigger
3 long as 6 the most expensive
2 To listen for specific information (T/F)
6 To practise too/ enough/ very/ much • Ask Ss to read the statements 1-3.
• Play the recording twice if necessary. Ss listen and
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
decide which one is true or false.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key
1 too 3 much 5 too
1 F 2 F 3 T
2 enough 4 very
3 How much 7 How long Answer Key
4 Why 8 When 1 A 2 E 3 B
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3 To complete a translation task
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 too cold 4 are not as cheap
2 is much taller 5 is not tall enough
3 is the smartest
6 To write a note
• Read the rubric aloud and give Ss time to think of
• Refer Ss to Writing Bank 2 for a model and useful
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then check
their answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Hi Mary,
I’m going to meet a friend in town so I won’t be here for
dinner. It’s a shame you aren’t here. Jenny is really nice.
She’s funny and friendly. We’re going to go to the
cinema. I’ll be back at around 9 pm. See you then.
Unit 8 Culture
8a Reading 136-137 8d Across Cultures 142-143
Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for
comprehension, to read for specific information, to talk specific information, to read for comprehension, to listen for
about a film, to complete a summary of a text, to prepare a specific information, to talk about The Hobbit, to write a
quiz on a film review of a book
Vocabulary: Verbs (direct, set, star); Phrasal verb (figure Vocabulary: Verbs (release, battle, hit, capture); Phrasal
out); Nouns (survival, shipwreck, lifeboat, companion, verbs (queue up, step into); Nouns (bestseller, author,
screen, scene); Adjectives (fierce, advanced, realistic, prequel, series, scene, rate, frame); Adjectives (unexpected,
remarkable); Phrases (leading role, stay alive, 3D image, award-winning, standard, smooth, realistic, life-like); Adverb
special effects) (incredibly); Phrases (big screen, tiny detail, added bonus)
10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8.qxp_10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8 6/1/15 17:03 Page 129
What’s in this unit? • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries
In this unit Ss will explore the topics of culture, science & or look them up in the Word List.
technology, films, music and entertainment. They will learn
the passive, reflexive/emphatic pronouns, question tags and Suggested Answer Key
a/an, some/any/no/every & their compounds. They will also direct (v): to tell people what to do while making a film
learn to write a summary of a text, a quiz, a short book set (v): to base a story in a place
review and a film review. star (v): to feature
leading role (phr): the main character in a film
8a Reading survival (n): the ability to stay alive in difficult
1 a) To introduce the topic and new high seas (phr): the open waters of an ocean
vocabulary sink (v): to move downward into the water; to submerge
• Read the title of the text aloud and direct Ss’ survive (v): to manage to stay alive after a life - threatening
attention to the picture. situation
• Ask Ss to read the sentences. shipwreck (n): the destruction of a ship while sailing
• Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown fierce (adj): very aggressive
words. figure out (phr v): to work out the solution to a problem
• Ss guess which sentences are true about the stay alive (phr): to keep living
film. lifeboat (n): a small boat for the rescue of passengers
from a sinking ship
(Ss’ own answers)
companion (n): sb who keeps another person company
advanced (adj): very modern
b) To listen for specific information 3D image (phr): an image that appears solid but is not
• Play the recording. Ss listen and check which screen (n): a surface that a film is shown on (e.g.
sentences in Ex. 1a are actually true. cinema screen, TV screen)
• Check Ss’ answers. realistic (adj): life-like
scene (n): a series of events in a film or book
Answer Key
remarkable (adj): amazing
Sentences 1, 2 & 5 are true. special effects (phr): unusual pictures or sounds
made by using special techniques
2 To read for specific information (matching
• Ask Ss to read the headings A-D and read the text
and match the headings to the paragraphs.
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.
Answer Key
1 D (based on the prize-winning novel)
2 A (whole paragraph)
3 B (3D images, created by computers)
Background information 5 To consolidate new vocabulary through
The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the Earth's collocations
oceanic divisions. It extends from the Arctic in the
• Give Ss time to complete the task by referring back
north to Antarctica in the south, bounded by Asia
to the text if necessary.
and Australia in the west and the Americas in the
• Ask Ss to transfer this list of collocations to the
east. At 165.25 million km2 the Pacific Ocean covers
Collocations Section in their notebooks and revise
about 46% of the Earth's water surface and about
them as often as possible.
one-third of its total surface area, making it larger
• Check Ss’ answers.
than all of the Earth's land area combined.
Suraj Sharma (born 21 March 1993) is an Indian actor Answer Key
from New Delhi, who made his debut with the title role 1 prize-winning 4 keeper 7 computer
in the 2012 film Life of Pi. Directed by Ang Lee, Life of 2 leading 5 open 8 special
Pi was adapted from the novel of the same title. 3 high 6 travelling
Yann Martel (born June 25, 1963) is a Canadian
author who has won several awards for his work. He is
6 To consolidate new vocabulary
best known for the Man Booker Prize-winning novel
Life of Pi. Life of Pi was his 4th novel. Although his first • Give Ss time to complete the task using their
language is French, Yann Martel writes in English. dictionaries if necessary.
Ang Lee (born October 23, 1954) is a Taiwanese-born • Check Ss’ answers.
American film director, screenwriter and producer.
Answer Key
Lee has directed a lot of films such as Eat Drink Man
Woman (1994), Sense and Sensibility (1995), 1 played 4 starred 7 directed
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000), which won 2 sank 5 figured 8 tell
the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, 3 set 6 stay
and Hulk (2003). He has won the Academy Award for
Best Director twice, first for Brokeback Mountain 7 To consolidate information in a text
(2005) and most recently for Life of Pi (2012). He is the
• Ask Ss to talk in pairs about what they learnt about
first person of Asian descent to win an Oscar.
each of the people/things in the rubric referring
India, officially the Republic of India, is a country in
back to the text as necessary.
South Asia. It is the second-most populous country
• Monitor the activity around the class and help where
with over 1.2 billion people. It’s capital city is New
• Ask various Ss to tell the class.
Suggested Answer Key
4 To consolidate new vocabulary through Yann Martel wrote the book the film is based on. Ang
meanings Lee directed the film. Suraj Sharma plays the leading
role of Pi Patel. Pi Patel is the son of a zookeeper.
• Give Ss time to complete the task using their Richard Parker is the name of the Bengal tiger. The
dictionaries if necessary. Ss work in closed pairs. film’s 3D images are very advanced and it’s hard to tell
• Check Ss’ answers. the difference between them and the real-life scenes.
Answer Key
leading = main 8 To complete a summary
survival = staying alive
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
clever = smart
• Ask various Ss to read the completed summary
terrible = bad
shipwreck = a boat accident
• Alternatively, assign this task as HW.
mysteriously = in a strange way
fierce = wild Suggested Answer Key
realistic = life-like Life of Pi is a fantasy film based on the prize-winning
remarkable = incredible novel by Yann Martel. It stars Suraj Sharma in the
leading role of Pi Patel. The film is a story of survival
10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8.qxp_10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8 6/1/15 17:03 Page 131
on the high seas. While sailing from India to Canada,
Pi’s ship sinks in a terrible storm. Pi finds himself in Background information
the middle of the ocean with several animals, including Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15,
a fierce Bengal tiger. They must figure out how to 1865) was the 16th President of the United States,
stay alive in the open ocean. The film combines real- serving from March 1861 until his assassination in
life scenes with images created by computers. Both April 1865. Lincoln led the United States through its
the plot and the special effects are brilliant. greatest constitutional, military, and moral crises –
the American Civil War – preserving the Union,
9 ICT To write a quiz abolishing slavery, strengthening the national
government and modernising the economy.
• Give Ss time to collect information about Life of Pi Johnny Depp (born John Christopher Depp, on June
from the Internet. 9, 1963) is a famous American actor, film producer,
• Ask Ss to compile a quiz using their information and musician. Johnny Depp has played several
with a choice of three possible answers. characters successfully beginning with Edward
• Ask various Ss to present their quiz to the class. Scissorhands (1990).
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created by
present their quizzes in the next lesson. author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A
Suggested Answer Key London-based “consulting detective”, he is famous
for his logical reasoning, and his use of forensic
Life of Pi Quiz science skills to solve difficult cases.
1 In Life of Pi what type of animal is Richard Parker?
A panther B tiger C lion
2 What is Pi’s full name? 2 To listen for specific information
A Piggy B Piscine C Phillip
• Explain the task and play the recording twice if
3 In which city did Pi live? necessary.
A Jaipur B Mumbai C Pondicherry • Ss listen and say what type of film each person
4 Which animal died first on the lifeboat? likes and then check Ss’ answers.
A zebra B hyena C orang-utan Answer Key
5 Where does the lifeboat land? Peter likes dramas and historical films. Laura likes
A Canada B Mexico C Hawaii comedies and historical films.
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4 a) To present/practise new vocabulary b) To present/practise new vocabulary
• Ask Ss to look up any unknown words in the • Ask Ss to look up any unknown words in the
Word List. Give Ss time to write the correct Word List.
verbs in the correct form in the sentences. • Give Ss time to write the correct nouns in the
• Check Ss’ answers. sentences and then check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 come out 3 stars, plays 5 direct 1 cast 2 role 3 blockbuster 4 reviews
2 shoot 4 release 6 composed
Background information
Background information Martin Freeman (born 8 September 1971) is an
James Bond, code name 007, is a fictional English actor. He is best known for his roles as Tim
character created in 1953 by writer Ian Fleming, who Canterbury in The Office, Dr. Watson in Sherlock and
featured him in twelve novels and two short-story Bilbo Baggins in Peter Jackson’s three-part
collections. The fictional British Secret Service agent adaptation of The Hobbit trilogy. Freeman has
has also been adapted for television, radio, comic appeared in TV shows, theatre productions and
strip, and video game formats. several radio productions.
Africa is the world's second-largest and second-
most-populous continent. At about 30.2 million km2.
The continent is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea 5 To present/practise new vocabulary
to the north, both the Suez Canal and the Red Sea to
the northeast, the Indian Ocean to the southeast, and • Ask Ss to look up any unknown words in the Word
the Atlantic Ocean to the west. The continent includes List.
Madagascar and various archipelagoes. It has 54 • Then give Ss time to complete the task.
countries, 9 territories and two de facto independent • Check Ss’ answers.
states with limited or no recognition. Answer Key
Daniel Day-Lewis (born 29 April, 1957) is a famous 1 tune 3 character 5 office
English actor. Born and raised in London, he is the 2 industry 4 effects 6 soundtrack
son of Poet Laureate Cecil Day-Lewis and actress Jill
Balcon. He is one of the most selective actors in the
film industry, having starred in only five films since Background information
1998. His work has earned him numerous awards, Matt Damon (born October 8, 1970) is an American
including three Oscars for Best Actor, for his actor, screenwriter and producer whose career was
portrayals in My Left Foot (1989), in There Will Be launched following the success of the drama film
Blood (2007), and in Lincoln (2012). Good Will Hunting (1997) from a screenplay he co-
Steven Spielberg (born December 18, 1946 in wrote with friend and actor Ben Affleck. Damon has
Cincinnati, Ohio, US) is an American film director, since starred in commercially successful films such
screenwriter and producer. He is the director of E.T., as Saving Private Ryan (1998), the Ocean's 11 trilogy
The Extra Terrestrial, Jaws, Jurassic Park, Lincoln, and The Departed (2006). He was nominated for an
etc. He is considered one of the most popular and Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in
influential filmmakers in the history of cinema. Invictus (2009). In 2007, Damon received a star on
John Williams (born February 8, 1932) is an American the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Damon has been
composer, conductor and pianist. He is considered to actively involved in charitable work.
be one of the greatest, most influential, and most Coldplay are a British rock band formed in 1996 by
successful film composers of all time. In a career lead vocalist Chris Martin and lead guitarist Jonny
spanning over six decades, he has composed film Buckland at University College of London. They
scores for the Star Wars saga, Superman, Jaws and achieved worldwide fame with the release of the
many more. Williams has won numerous awards and is single Yellow in 2000, followed by their debut album
the second most-nominated person, after Walt Disney. released in the same year, Parachutes, which was
nominated for the Mercury Prize. The band has won
a number of music awards throughout their career.
10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8.qxp_10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8 6/1/15 17:03 Page 133
6 a) To present/practise new vocabulary Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to look up any unknown words in the 1 EastEnders, a soap opera.
Word List. 2 chat shows.
• Then give Ss time to complete the task. 3 sitcoms
• Check Ss’ answers. 4 cartoons. I think they’re
Answer Key
9 a) To present new vocabulary for types of
1 soap 3 quiz 5 music
2 show 4 programme
• Ask Ss to read the types of music.
• Ask Ss to look up any unknown words in the Word
b) To expand the topic
List or elicit explanations from Ss around the class.
Read the rubric aloud and elicit a variety of answers • Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the
from Ss around the class. task and then check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
There are very similar TV programmes in Poland. I think
a 3 c 2 e 8 g 1 i 7
the most popular are reality shows, chat shows and
b 5 d 6 f 9 h 4
soap operas. There are Polish versions of all the well-
known reality shows with cookery, singing, dancing and
the one with top models. I really like soap operas. There b) To consolidate new vocabulary through
is a good one about doctors. personal examples
• Read out the list of adjectives and explain/ elicit
7 To listen for specific information the meanings of any unknown words.
• Ask a S to read the example aloud. Explain the
• Explain the task and play the recording twice if
• Elicit which types of music various Ss like/
• Ss listen and complete the table.
dislike from Ss around the class.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
I like classical music. It’s soft and relaxing. I can’t stand
Like Not mind Hate heavy metal. It’s very loud.
soap operas, films, sports reality shows, I like jazz. I find it very calming. I hate country. I think it’s
sitcoms programmes quiz shows dull.
I love reggae. It’s really soft. I don’t like disco. I think it’s
boring. etc.
b) To compare two people’s preferences
Ask various Ss around the class to compare their 10 To present/practise new vocabulary
TV viewing preferences to Pam’s and tell the class.
• Ask Ss to look up any unknown words in the Word
Suggested Answer Key List.
Both Pam and I like sitcoms. Pam likes soap operas, but • Then give Ss time to complete the task.
I don’t. I prefer cookery programmes. Pam doesn’t mind • Remind Ss that they should read the whole gapped
sports programmes, but I like music programmes sentence before they decide on the right word as
more. Neither Pam nor I like reality shows. the key for the right answer may lie after the gap
and then check Ss’ answers.
8 To consolidate new vocabulary through Answer Key
personal examples
1 album 4 lead 7 release
• Give Ss time to complete the sentences about 2 live 5 lyrics 8 hit
themselves. 3 stage 6 performance
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
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11 To present/practise new vocabulary Background information
Daniel Craig (born 2 March, 1968) is an English
• Tell Ss that they should read the sentences and
actor, best known for playing British secret agent
form a noun from the word in bold.
James Bond since 2006. Craig achieved
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
international fame when chosen as the seventh actor
Answer Key to play the role of James Bond, replacing Pierce
1 singer 3 pianist 5 composer Brosnan. His debut in Casino Royale was highly
2 musician 4 writer 6 painter acclaimed. Quantum of Solace followed two years
later. His third Bond film, Skyfall, premiered in 2012
and is now the highest-grossing film in the series.
12 To present topic-related prepositional
Adele (born 5 May, 1988) is an English singer,
songwriter, musician and multi-instrumentalist. Adele
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. has had a very successful career since 2006, after a
• Ask Ss to transfer the words with their prepositions friend posted her demo on a music site. She has won
to the Prepositions Section in their notebooks and numerous music awards and in 2013, she received an
revise them as often as possible. Academy Award, as well as the Golden Globe Award
• Check Ss’ answers. for Best Original Song for her song Skyfall, written for
the twenty-third James Bond film with the same title.
Answer Key
1 on 2 at 3 on 4 on 5 in
4 To practise sentence transformations by Answer Key
using the passive wrote the song herself
• Explain the task and read out the example. 1 themselves 3 himself 5 yourselves
• Give Ss time to complete the task. 2 myself 4 herself 6 ourselves
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
7 a) To present question tags
2 is shown on 4 are created
3 is played by 5 were released • Ask Ss to read the theory and then elicit an
example from the film review on p.140.
• Elicit how question tags are formed from Ss
Background information
around the class.
Kristen Jaymes Stewart (born April 9, 1990) is an
American actress who is best known for playing Answer Key
Bella Swan in The Twilight Saga. The Twilight Saga is … but that’s the reason we watch 007, isn’t it?
a series of five fantasy films based on the four novels We form question tags by using the auxiliary verb and a
written by the American author Stephenie Meyer. personal pronoun. The question tag is negative if the
verb in the main part of the sentence is affirmative. The
question tag is affirmative if the verb in the main part of
ICT the sentence is negative.
5 To practise the passive
• Give Ss time to find information about their
b) To practise question tags
favourite TV series using the Internet.
• Ask Ss to use their information to write a paragraph • Explain the task.
about it using the passive. • Ss complete the task.
• Ask Ss to read their paragraphs to the class. • Play the recording for Ss to listen and check
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to their answers.
read their paragraphs in the next lesson. • Play the recording again for Ss to repeat
Suggested Answer Key chorally and/or individually.
Downton Abbey is a British TV series about the lives of Answer Key
a wealthy family and their servants. It was created and
written by Julian Fellowes. It stars Hugh Bonneville as ➘ ➚
Lord Grantham and Maggie Smith as the Dowager 1 has he? ✓
Countess of Grantham. The butler, Mr Carson, is 2 don’t you? ✓
played by Jim Carter. The series was filmed in 3 isn’t she? ✓
Highclere Castle in Wales and it was first shown in
4 aren’t you? ✓
Poland in 2011. Even though some people didn’t like
the way the English class system was shown, I think 5 isn’t it? ✓
Downton Abbey is an excellent series.
8 To present some/any/every/no &
6 To present reflexive/emphatic pronouns compounds
• Direct Ss’ attention to the table and explain that we • Read the theory and explain the uses of some/
use reflexive pronouns to refer to ourselves and/or any/every/no and their compounds.
to emphasise that we did an action without help • As an extension, elicit L1 equivalents for the examples
from anyone else. and/or elicit further examples from Ss around the
• Elicit an example from the film review on p. 140. class.
• Then give Ss time to complete the sentences. Refer • Elicit from Ss an example from the film review on
Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more p.140. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference
information. section for more information.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
everyone, Some
10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8.qxp_10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8 6/1/15 17:03 Page 136
9 To practise some/any/every/no & b) To listen for gist
Play the recording, Ss listen and find out.
• Explain the task. Suggested Answer Key
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
The film is about the story of a hobbit who goes to kill a
• Check Ss’ answers
dragon and finds a strange ring.
Answer Key
1 something 3 some 5 nothing Background information
2 everyone 4 everything 6 anyone John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, (3 January 1892 –
2 September 1973) was an English writer, poet,
Background information philologist and university professor, best known as
Jostein Gaarder (born on August 8, 1952) is a the author of the classic high fantasy works The
Norwegian author of several novels, short stories Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. After his death,
and children's books. His best known work is the Tolkien's son Christopher published a series of
novel Sophie's World, subtitled A Novel about the works based on his father's extensive notes and
History of Philosophy. This popular work has been unpublished manuscripts, including The Silmarillion.
translated into fifty-three languages. In 1997, he
established the Sophie Prize (named after the novel)
which is an international prize, awarded annually. 2 To read for specific information (T/F)
Norway, officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a
• Ask Ss to read the statements.
Scandinavian country. Norway has a total area of
• Give Ss time to read the text and complete the task.
385,252 km2 and a population of about 5 million. It is
Check Ss’ answers and elicit reasons for their
the second least densely populated country in
Europe. The country shares a long border with
Sweden. It is also bordered by Finland and Russia to Answer Key
the north-east; in its south Norway borders the 1 T – The author is J. R. R. Tolkein.
Skagerrak Strait across from Denmark. It shares 2 T – It is the prequel to The Lord of the Rings.
maritime borders with Russia, Greenland, the Faroe 3 T – It was filmed using special cameras that
Islands and Iceland, Sweden, Denmark and the United captured each scene at twice the rate of
Kingdom. Oslo is the capital city of Norway. Norway's standard films.
extensive coastline is home to its famous fjords. 4 F – It’s not clear if all films will have high
frame-rate technology in the future.
5 F – Welcome to a new age of film, one that will take
10 To consolidate grammar learnt in the unit you on a journey so realistic …
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
• Check Ss’ answers. in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries
or look them up in the Word List.
Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
2 everyone (else) has gone
3 are created with bestseller (n): a book that sells a lot of copies
4 enjoyed ourselves big screen (phr): the cinema screen
unexpected (adj): surprising
8d Across Cultures release (v): to make sth available to the public
queue up (phr v): to stand in a line and wait for sth
1 a) To introduce the topic author (n): writer
prequel (n): a film about an earlier stage of a story,
Read the rubric aloud. Direct Ss to the picture and released because the later part of it has already been
ask them to guess what the film is about. successful
Suggested Answer Key series (n): set of movies having the same characters
I think the film is about a creature called a Hobbit and a and setting but different stories
wizard. battle (v): to fight
10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8.qxp_10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8 6/1/15 17:03 Page 137
award-winning (adj): having received a prize/prizes Answer Key
hit (the big screen) (phr): appear at the cinema new (adj) ≠ old; prequel (n) ≠ sequel; popular (adj) ≠
capture (v): to record unknown; thrill (v) ≠ bore; smoother (adj) ≠ rougher;
scene (n): a series of events in a film or book clearer (adj) ≠ more blurred; realistic (adj) ≠ unnatural;
rate (n): speed stay (v) ≠ leave; welcome (interj/v) ≠ reject
standard (adj): ordinary
frame (n): a separate photograph on a piece of film 8 To listen for specific information (multiple
smooth (adj): even; not rough choice)
tiny detail (phr): the smallest feature • Ask Ss to read the questions 1-4 and the possible
realistic (adj): life-like answers. Ss underlined the key words.
added bonus (phr): sth extra • Play the recording twice if necessary. Ss listen and
incredibly (adv): amazingly choose the correct answers.
life-like (adj): realistic • Check Ss’ answers.
step into (phr v): to move forward by walking
Answer Key (See overprinted answers)
Key words to be underlined:
3 To read for general comprehension and 1 finds out/his father/is/god museum, camp, school
consolidate new vocabulary 2 Zeus believes, Percy stole/thunderbolt, Poseidon
Give Ss time to read the text again and complete the stole/thunderbolt, lightning destroyed/ thunderbolt
task and then check Ss’ answers. 3 The speaker/thinks/Percy, similar to/teenagers,
Answer Key (See overprinted answers) unlike/teenagers, same personality as he does
4 This recording, review, lecture, advertisement
4 To consolidate information in a text
Give Ss time to read the text again and complete the 9 a) To consolidate information in a text
task and then check Ss’ answers. Ask various Ss around the class to tell the rest of
Suggested Answer Key the class three things they learnt from the text.
1 High frame-rate technology was used to make the Suggested Answer Key
film more realistic. I learnt that Peter Jackson directed The Hobbit. I also
2 3D technology learnt that it was filmed using a special technique called
3 Films will become more and more realistic. high frame-rate technology which means that the
viewer sees 48 frames per second instead of 24. I learnt
5 To consolidate new vocabulary that this gives a much clearer picture.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers. b) To express an opinion; to personalise
the topic
Answer Key (See overprinted answers)
• Ask Ss to talk in closed pairs about whether
6 To consolidate new vocabulary through they would like to read The Hobbit or not and
synonyms give their reasons.
• Ask various Ss around the class to tell the rest
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
of the class.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
I’ve already read the novel. It’s fantastic and I couldn’t
1 classic 3 bestseller 5 unexpected
put it down. Now I’d like to see the film to see if it is as
2 popular 4 amazing 6 added
good as the book.
7 To consolidate new vocabulary through
10 To write a review of a book
• Ask Ss to find information on the Internet about a
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
book written by an author from their country. Then
• Check Ss’ answers.
they write the headings in their notebooks and
• Then elicit what part of speech each word is.
categorise their notes under them.
10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8.qxp_10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8 6/1/15 17:03 Page 138
• Give Ss time to use their notes and write a review. c) To talk about your like/dislike of horror films
• Ask various Ss to read their reviews to the class.
• Ask Ss to talk in closed pairs about whether
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
they like horror films or not and give reasons.
read out their reviews in the next lesson.
• Ask some Ss to report back to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
NAME OF BOOK: The Teutonic Knights
GENRE: historical epic Yes, I love horror films because they’re really creepy. /
AUTHOR: Henryk Sienkiewicz No, I can’t stand horror films. I find them terrifying.
SHORT PLOTLINE: Set in medieval times – an old
soldier, Macko and his nephew, Zbyszko, join Poland 2 a) To prepare for a listening task
and Lithuania in the fight against the German order of (matching exchanges)
the Teutonic Knights. Lots of exciting adventures –
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and the answers A-E
novel ends with the Battle of Grunwald
and underline the key words.
The Teutonic Knights is a historical epic story in • Explain/Elicit any unknown words.
medieval times. It was written by Henryk Sienkiewicz, • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
the Nobel Prize winner for Literature in 1905.
It tells the story of an old soldier, Macko and his Answer Key
nephew, Sbyszko. Poland is trying to get free from the Key words to be underlined: Ben Stiller – quite easy –
rule of the Teutonic Knights. The old man and the boy didn’t see him there – great performance – in the
join the fight for freedom. They have many exciting cinema
adventures together, ending with the famous Battle of
Grunwald. b) To listen for specific information
The novel has lots of interesting characters and there (matching exchanges)
are wonderful descriptions of the countryside too. I
couldn’t stop reading it. I would recommend it to • Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the task.
anyone who likes history. • Ss compare their answers with their partners.
• Check Ss’ answers.
8e Listening skills Answer Key
1 B 2 E 3 D 4 C
1 a) To prepare for a listening task (multiple
c) To analyse mistakes
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and the list of films and
think of words related to each type. Elicit which Ss got any of the questions in Ex. 2b
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. wrong and elicit which words confused them. Play
the recording again with pauses for Ss to check.
Suggested Answer Key
comedy: funny, laugh, laughter, amusing, jokes Ss’ own answers
action: action-packed, adventures, violent, fight, good
and evil 3 a) To prepare for a listening task (multiple
musical: score, music, dancers, instruments, singing, choice)
• Read out the rubric and then ask Ss to read the
drama: sad, moving, depressing, dramatic, emotional,
questions and the possible answers.
• Elicit what each picture shows.
horror: scary, frightening, afraid, creepy, terrifying
Answer Key
b) To listen for specific information 1 cinema tickets
2 different countries
• Play the recording twice. Ss listen and match 3 different places to watch a film
the people to the types of films. 4 A a cinema, B a restaurant, C a washroom
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 C 2 E 3 B 4 D
10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8.qxp_10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8 6/1/15 17:03 Page 139
b) To listen for specific information 3 To role play a dialogue
(multiple choice)
Ss complete the task in pairs. Monitor the activity
• Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the around the class.
• Check Ss’ answers. 4 To match synonymous phrases for
Answer Key expressing likes/dislikes and asking about plot/
1 C 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 A acting
• Direct Ss’ attention to the Useful Language box
6 To practise pronouncing /D/, /T/ and read it aloud.
• Explain the task and tell Ss that the phrases
• Model the sounds. express likes/dislikes and ask about plot/acting.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and tick the sound they • Give Ss time to complete the task.
hear in each word. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Play the recording again with pauses from Ss to
repeat chorally and/or individually. Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ pronunciation. I’m fond of = I really like
• Elicit other words with the same sounds. I can’t stand = I just hate
What’s it about? = Tell me the storyline.
Answer Key
Who’s in it? = Who stars in it?
\D\ \T\ \D\ \T\
then ✓ that ✓ 5 To act out a dialogue
thank ✓ tenth ✓ • Ss complete the task in pairs using the dialogue in
three ✓ with ✓ Ex. 2 as a model to help them.
• Tell Ss that they can use phrases from the box in
Suggested Answer Key Ex. 4. Write this diagram on the board for Ss to
/D/ there /T/ maths follow.
8f Speaking skills A B
Greet B. Ask B to go to Agree. Ask
1 To introduce the topic the cinema with you. what’s on.
Ask Ss to read the cinema advert and name the types Suggest a film. Express dislike.
of films. State a preference.
Suggest another film.
Answer Key Describe the plot. Ask about the plot.
I can see a comedy, a science fiction film, an adventure- Respond. Ask about the actors.
fantasy film, a detective-action film and an animation- Express like.
Suggest time
comedy. Agree.
and place.
2 To complete a multiple choice cloze and • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
listen for confirmation some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the
• Ask Ss to read the options A-C for the gaps 1-4 and rest of the class.
give Ss time to read the dialogue and fill the gaps. Suggested Answer Key
• Remind Ss to read the whole gapped sentence A: Hi, Kathy. Do you fancy going to the cinema this
before deciding on the right option as the answer evening?
may lie after the gap. B: Sure, why not? What’s on?
• Play the recording. Ss listen and check. A: Well, personally, I’m keen on adventure-fantasy
Answer Key films, so I’d like to see The Hobbit. What do you
1 B 2 C 3 A 4 B think?
10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8.qxp_10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8 6/1/15 17:03 Page 140
B: Sorry, Becky, but to tell you the truth, I find fantasy
films boring. I prefer action films. Background information
A: Well, there’s one called Sherlock Holmes. Joss Whedon (born June 23, 1964) is an American
B: What’s the main plot? screenwriter, film and television producer, director,
A: It’s about two detectives Sherlock Holmes and comic book author, composer, and actor. His work
Watson who try to save England. for the TV as well as the big screen is well-known
B: Who stars in it? and acclaimed. He wrote and directed the film
A: Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law. adaptation The Avengers (2012), the third highest-
B: Ah, I like Robert Downey Jr. I saw him in Iron Man. grossing film of all time.
A: Great. I think this film starts at eight so let’s meet at Robert John Downey, Jr. (born April 4, 1965) is an
seven thirty outside the cinema. American actor who made his screen debut at the age
B: OK. See you there! of five, appearing in his father's film Pound. In the 1992
film Chaplin, he played the title character earning him a
6 To complete dialogues nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actor.
After that, he starred in action-packed films most
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and the dialogues and famous of which are Sherlock Holmes and Iron Man.
possible answers. Chris Evans (born June 13, 1981) is an American
• Give Ss time to complete the task, then check Ss’ actor known for his superhero roles in Fantastic Four
answers. (2005 and 2007), in Captain America: The First
Answer Key Avenger (2011) and in The Avengers (2012).
1 B (expressing disappointment)
2 A (expressing dislike)
3 C (making a suggestion to an expressed dislike) 3 To expand vocabulary
• Direct Ss’ attention to the Useful Language box
8g Writing and ask Ss to read it.
• Explain/Elicit any unknowns words.
1 To analyse a rubric
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Ask Ss to read the rubric aloud. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Read the questions aloud one at a time and elicit
Suggested Answer Key
the answers from Ss around the class.
has a star-studded cast = The cast is excellent.
Answer Key is a really exciting film = is an amazing film
1 a review special effects are fantastic = special effects are
2 readers of the school magazine stunning
3 name and type of film, short summary of the plot, It’s a must-see! = Don’t miss it.
4 50-100 words
4 To practise useful language for reviews
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
2 To match headings to paragraphs
• Elicit which sentences refer to a book, a film or both.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to read the review • Check Ss’ answers.
and complete the task.
Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
1 bestseller (book) 5 read (book)
Answer Key 2 written (book) 6 seat (film)
1 C 2 A 3 B 3 end (both) 7 performance (film)
4 awful (film) 8 fantastic (film)
10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8.qxp_10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8 6/1/15 17:03 Page 141
Answer Key • Ask Ss to use the Checklist to check their work for
1 a 3 a 5 a 7 b 9 a mistakes and then ask various Ss to read their
2 a 4 b 6 b 8 a 10 b reviews to the class.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
read out their reviews in the next lesson.
6 To practise vocabulary for recommending
Suggested Answer Key
• Elicit the meanings of any unknown words and then
give Ss time to choose the appropriate ones to fill The Dark Knight Rises is a superhero-action film
the gaps. about the latest adventures of Batman. It was
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. directed by Christopher Nolan and has an excellent
cast. Christian Bale stars as Batman and Michael
Answer Key Caine plays the role of his butler and close friend.
1 worth 3 waste 5 chance The plot is exciting. Gotham City is in danger again
2 miss 4 bother 6 give because there is so much crime. Batman decides
he has to fight one more time to protect people, but
7 To analyse a rubric they think he is their enemy!
The Dark Knight Rises is a film with great action and
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and answer the stunning special effects. It’s a must-see! Don’t miss
questions. it!
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key CLIL (ICT)
1 a review 1 Introduce the topic and new vocabulary
2 readers of a teen magazine through pictures
3 name and type of film, brief plot outline,
recommendation • Direct Ss to the pictures and elicit which pictures
4 three (1 general information, 2 summary of the plot, show which items from the rubric.
3 recommendation) • Check Ss’ answers.
5 50-100 words Answer Key
a USB cable – 2 & 3; a computer screen – 4, 5 & 6
8 To brainstorm for topic-related vocabulary a mouse – 4; a keyboard - 5
• Ask Ss to copy the headings into their notebooks
and give them time to make notes under each for a 2 To listen and read for specific information
film they have seen recently. • Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find out how to
• Check Ss’ answers on the board. import pictures from a camera to a computer.
Suggested Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers.
Name of film: The Dark Knight Rises Answer Key
Type: superhero action film The easiest way is to use a USB stick.
Director: Christopher Nolan
Cast: Christian Bale, Michael Caine 3 To read for specific information (T/F)
Plot: More crime puts Gotham City in danger once
again. Batman fights to protect the citizens. • Give Ss time to read the statements 1-6 and explain/
Special effects: amazing elicit any unknown words.
Recommendation: a must-see • Ask Ss to read the text again and complete the task
and then check Ss’ answers.
• Ss should correct the false statements.
9 To complete a review
Answer Key
• Give Ss time to write their review using their
1 T 4 T
answers from Ex. 8 and phrases from the Useful
2 T 5 F (use your keyboard)
Language box. Tell Ss they can use vocabulary
3 F (you should plug 6 F (once done)
from Exs. 4, 5 & 6.
the large end)
• Remind Ss to use the plan to help them and the
review skeleton.
10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8.qxp_10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8 6/1/15 17:03 Page 142
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words 5 To consolidate information in a text
in the Check these words box, in their dictionaries Ask various Ss around the class to explain how we can
or look them up in the Word List. import pictures from a mobile phone to a computer
Suggested Answer Key using the pictures to help them.
import (v): to copy information from one device/ Suggested Answer Key
computer to another First, use your mobile phone to take some pictures and
mobile phone (n): a phone that can be used anywhere save them in the phone. Then connect the small end of
without wires your USB cable into the phone and the large end into
computer (n): an electronic machine used for storing the computer. When you see the autoplay option on
& organising information your screen, click on the option ‘Import pictures and
save (v): to keep information on a computer videos’. Type in a filename for your pictures and click
folder (n): a place on a computer where files can be ‘Import’. The pictures will then upload to the computer.
stored Click ‘Finished’ and the picture folder will pop up on
connect (v): to link two or more things together your screen.
USB cable (n): a special wire to connect a device to a
6 ICT To practise giving instructions
port (n): a part of a computer where wires from other
pieces of equipment, such as a printer, can be • Give Ss time to collect information about how to
connected export pictures from a computer to a mobile phone
slot (n): an opening from the Internet.
window (n): a separate area on a computer screen that • Ask Ss to use this information to prepare an
shows information and can be moved around instruction manual and present it to the class.
pop up (phr v): to appear • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
screen (n): a flat surface in a cinema, on a television, or present their manual in the next lesson.
as part of a computer, on which pictures or words are
Suggested Answer Key
mouse (n): a small device that you move across a To export pictures from your computer to your mobile
surface in order to move a curser on your computer phone with a USB cable, do the following:
screen 1 Plug the small end of the USB cable into your
click (v): to press the mouse phone.
option (n): choice 2 Plug the large end of the USB cable into the
keyboard (n): the set of keys on a computer that you computer.
press in order to make it work 3 Choose the file in your computer that contains the
enter (v): to put information into a computer pictures you want to export.
filename (n): the name of a piece of information/ 4 Click on the file with your mouse to open it.
program on a computer 5 Use the mouse to drag and drop the pictures onto
upload (v): to copy or move programs or information to the USB drive for your mobile phone.
a larger computer system or to the internet
Progress Check
4 To consolidate new vocabulary 1 To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the unit
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the • Give Ss time to complete the task.
task. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key
1 F 3 B 5 A 7 E
1 pop up 4 slot 7 import 2 D 4 C 6 H 8 G
2 download 5 mouse
3 click 6 screen
2 To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the unit
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8.qxp_10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8 6/1/15 17:03 Page 143
Answer Key Grammar in Focus
1 direct 3 releasing 5 cast
2 subtitles 4 funny To consolidate grammar structures learnt
in the unit
3 To consolidate everyday English • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
expressions/exchanges learnt in the unit • Check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers. 1 on 6 some
Answer Key 2 was directed 7 myself
3 in 8 the best
1 Why not 4 It was a waste of time
4 is played 9 have ever seen
2 I can’t stand them 5 It stars Ben Affleck
5 everyone
3 What’s it about
Exam Practice 8 (Basic)
4 To practise question tags
1 To complete a multiple matching task
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Ask Ss to read the texts (A-C) then the questions (1-
4) and underline the key words: 1) good value,
Answer Key
entertainment, 2) enjoys, live music, 3) see a 3D
1 wasn’t 3 isn’t 5 will film, 4) like, old-fashioned films.
2 shall 4 didn’t • Remind Ss to look for paraphrases or phrases with
similar meanings. Allow Ss time to do the task.
5 To practise the passive • Ss complete the task. Ss should justify their answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. Answer Key
Answer Key 1 B (family entertainment – bring all your family)
2 A (listening to live music – a live band plays in the
1 The film is directed by the lead actor.
2 The film was given a good review (by the critics).
3 C (see a 3D film – 3D glasses cost £1 extra)
3 The book was made into a blockbuster.
4 A (old-fashioned films – classic cinema)
4 The special effects were created by computers.
5 The Hobbit was watched by thousands of fans.
6 The lead role is played by a famous actress. Background information
Ireland, also known as the Republic of Ireland, is a
6 To practise some, any, no, every & their sovereign state in Europe occupying about five-
compounds sixths of the island of Ireland. The capital is Dublin to
• Give Ss time to complete the task. the east of the island. The state shares its only land
• Check Ss’ answers. border with Northern Ireland, one of the constituent
countries of the United Kingdom. It is otherwise
Answer Key surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the Celtic
1 everyone 3 somewhere 5 any Sea to the south, Saint George's Channel to the
2 Some 4 anything 6 no south east and the Irish Sea to the east. It is a
parliamentary republic with an elected president
7 To practise reflexive and emphatic serving as head of state. In 2011 and 2013, Ireland
pronouns was ranked the seventh most developed nation in
the world by the United Nations' Human
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Development Index. The country is also highly
• Check Ss’ answers. ranked for press, economic and political freedom.
Answer Key
1 yourself 3 himself 5 herself
2 myself 4 themselves
10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8.qxp_10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8 6/1/15 17:03 Page 144
2 To compete a multiple choice task Answer Key
• Ask Ss to read the text and the topic options 1 C 2 D 3 A
(A-C). Ss underline the key words: 1) how ... work,
2) problems, 3) the latest. Background information
• Give Ss time to choose the correct answer. Titanic is a 1997 American epic romantic disaster film
• Check Ss’ answer. directed and written, by James Cameron. A
Answer Key fictionalized account of the sinking of the British
C passenger liner RMS Titanic. It stars Leonardo
DiCaprio and Kate Winslet as members of different
social classes who fall in love aboard the ship during
3 To practise matching responses to its ill-fated maiden voyage. Nominated for fourteen
questions Academy Awards, it won eleven, including the awards
• Ask Ss to read the sentences A-E. for Best Picture and Best Director. A 3D version of the
• Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the film released on April 4, 2012 to commemorate the
task. centenary of the sinking of the ship.
• Check Ss’ answers. Finding Nemo is a 2003 American computer-
animated comedy-drama adventure film written and
Answer Key
directed by Andrew Stanton. It tells the story of the
1 D 2 E 3 A 4 B over-protective clownfish named Marlin who, along
with a regal tang named Dory, searches for his
4 To practise responding to situations abducted son Nemo all the way to Sydney Harbour.
Along the way, Marlin learns to take risks and let
• Ask Ss to read the situations 1-3 and the possible
Nemo take care of himself. The film was re-released
responses A-C for each one.
for the first time in 3D on September 14, 2012, and it
• Explain/Elicit any unknown words.
was released on Blu-ray on December 4, 2012.
• Give Ss time to complete the task then check Ss’
Answer Key
7 To complete a multiple choice cloze (text
1 B (MP3 player that isn’t working - replacement) completion)
2 C (ask about programmes - Is there anything good
on?) • Explain the task and give Ss time to read the text
3 A (no tickets left - It’s sold out) and choose the correct word for each gap.
• Remind Ss to always read the whole gapped
sentence before deciding on the right word.
5 To practise completing dialogues • Check Ss’ answers.
• Ask Ss to read the part of the dialogue given and Answer Key
the possible responses.
1 B (was released – yesterday)
• Give Ss time to complete the task in closed pairs.
2 C (based on – verb with preposition)
• Check Ss’ answers.
3 B (phrase)
Answer Key
1 B (do you like – I prefer) Exam Practice 8 (Extended)
2 B (I’ll meet you... – I’ll be there)
3 A (the story about – A boy...) 1 To read for gist (matching headings to
6 To practise text completion • Tell Ss to underline the key words in the headings
and try to find words/phrases in the text with the
• Explain that Ss should read the whole sentence
same or similar meaning.
before deciding on a word as the answer may lie
• Give Ss time to complete it by matching the
after the gap.
headings (A-D) to the paragraphs (1-3).
• Give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8.qxp_10 ST 2 POL Ts bw Unit 8 6/1/15 17:03 Page 145
Answer Key • Refer Ss to Writing Bank 1 for a model and useful
1 C (unusual writer - no ordinary writer/unusual language.
book - unique twist) • Give Ss time to complete the task and then check
2 D (whole paragraph) their answers.
3 A (small disadvantage - a little unbelievable at Suggested Answer Key
times) Hi, Tony,
Good to hear from you. You asked me about my
2 a) To complete a multiple choice task favourite book. It’s The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth
Grahame. It belonged to my dad and he gave it to me
• Ask Ss to read the questions 1-6 and the
to read. It’s quite old, but it’s still a fascinating read
possible answers for each one.
• Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete
The story is about four animals who are close friends
the task.
with very different characters: a rat, a mole, a badger
• Check Ss’ answers.
and a toad. Toad is always getting into trouble, but his
Answer Key friends always come to his rescue.
1 A 2 B 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 B I love this book because it teaches about people’s
characters and how they can help each other. Would
you like to borrow it?
b) To analyse mistakes
Write back soon.
Elicit which Ss got any of the questions in Ex. 2b Henry
wrong and elicit which words confused them.
Check Your Progress
Ss’ own answers
Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the unit by
ticking the boxes according to how competent they feel for
3 To practise sentence transformations each of the listed activities.
• Explain the task and ask Ss to complete the second
sentences by using the words in bold and ensuring
that they have the same meaning as the first ones
using no more than four words.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 were written by
2 wasn’t used
3 was The Hobbit directed
4 is connected to
5 is not impressed by
5 To write an email
• Read the rubric aloud and give Ss time to think of
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Answer section
Notions & Functions Key
1 C 5 C 9 A 13 B 17 A 21 B 25 B 29 B
2 B 6 B 10 B 14 C 18 B 22 A 26 C 30 C
3 B 7 A 11 C 15 B 19 A 23 C 27 A 31 A
4 A 8 B 12 A 16 B 20 C 24 B 28 B 32 C
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Cumulative Evaluation
Student’s Self Assessment Forms
**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good
Go through Unit 1 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• read for specific information
• read for detail
• talk about a person’s typical day & compare it to yours
• describe your character
• talk about jobs
• talk about free-time activities
• talk about daily routines
• listen for specific information
• learn intonation in questions
• express likes/dislikes
• make suggestions – agree/disagree
• ask/answer questions about a job
• use capital letters & correct punctuation
• join sentences with and, too, but, because
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a summary of a text
• write a comparison of a typical Saturday to sb else’s
• write a short paragraph about a typical week & plans for the weekend
• write about an outdoor job
• write an email about your daily routine & free time
**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good
Go through Unit 2 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• read for comprehension
• read for detail
• talk about the Karen people
• talk about holidays
• talk about geographical features
• listen for specific information
• narrate events
• describe a holiday
• sympathise/show interest
• complete a dialogue
• ask/answer questions about a trip
• use adjectives in stories
• give a presentation on waves
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write an email about a trip
• write about means of transport
• write a short paragraph about a holiday problem
• write descriptions of holiday souvenirs
• write a blog entry about a holiday
• write an informal email about your holiday
**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good
Go through Unit 3 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• read for specific information
• read for detail
• narrate a story
• give a presentation on how rainbows are formed
• invite & accept or refuse
• listen for specific information
• talk about the weather
• talk about clothes
• talk about feelings
• talk about past actions
• talk about a past experience
• order events & summarise a story
• talk about a frightening experience
• narrate an experience
• complete a dialogue
• describe a picture
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a summary of a story
• write descriptions of people’s clothes
• write about a past experience
• write about a legend related to the weather
• write a story
**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good
Go through Unit 4 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• read for specific information
• read for comprehension
• listen for writer’s purpose
• talk about sports
• describe health problems & injuries
• talk about food & drinks
• listen for specific information
• give advice
• read for detail
• talk about the Super Bowl
• identify silent letters
• express an opinion – agree/disagree
• complete a dialogue
• give a presentation on the brain
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write about food for athletes
• write a recipe for a healthy dish
• write about health & fitness
• write an email about Super Bowl Sunday
• write about a TV sports event
• write an email expressing your opinion
**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good
Go through Unit 5 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• read for specific information
• read for detail
• talk about festivals
• compare festivals & celebrations
• talk about New Year
• listen for specific information
• talk about events you attended
• identify homophones
• describe a special day
• ask about/describe an event
• complete a dialogue
• ask/answer questions about a special day
• give a presentation about the history of a celebration
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write about an embarrassing experience
• write an email about a festival you attended
• write a short text about a festival
• write an email describing a celebration you attended
**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good
Go through Unit 6 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• predict the content of a text
• read for detail
• read for comprehension
• talk about polar ice caps
• give a presentation on global warming
• talk about environmental problems & action
• talk about recycling
• talk about environmental protection
• make predictions
• talk about plans and intentions
• listen for specific information
• talk about saving energy
• talk about ways to make your area cleaner
• ask for/ make suggestions – agree/disagree
• ask/answer questions about an environmental event
• correct errors
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a letter from Mother Earth to humans
• write an email about what you are going to do to protect the environment
• write about predictions, plans & intentions
• write an email about the El Grando show
• write about an environmental event
• write an article providing solutions to problems
• write a quiz on water
**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good
Go through Unit 7 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• read for specific information
• read for detail
• compare two lifestyles
• give a presentation on Mongolian nomads
• listen for specific information
• describe appearance
• talk about family members
• talk about shops & services
• give directions
• make comparisons
• talk about the Petrified Wood Park
• describe the area where you live
• describe sb’s flat/neighbourhood
• enquire about/ express (dis)satisfaction
• complete a dialogue
• compare two buildings
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a summary of a text
• write about the shops & services in your area
• write comparisons of three places
• write an email narrating an experience
• write about a tourist attraction
• write a letter about your neighbourhood
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE
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**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good
Go through Unit 8 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• read for detail
• read for comprehension
• talk about Life of Pi
• talk about films
• talk about TV programmes
• listen for specific information
• listen to identify music genres
• talk about music tastes
• form nouns related to music
• read for specific information
• talk about The Hobbit
• talk about film preferences
• decide on a film to watch
• express likes/dislikes
• complete a dialogue
• listen for specific information
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a summary of a text
• write a quiz about Life of Pi
• write about your favourite TV series
• write a review of a book
• write a film review
• write a set of instructions
Workbook Key
Unit 1 3 1 am 6 start
2 am studying 7 am going
Reading (p. 4) 3 do not have (don’t have) 8 lives
1 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 4 play 9 am staying
5 do 10 Is anyone else going
2 1 because the golfer loses more balls in the ponds
and Ted finds them and makes more money. 4 2 C 3 E 4 B 5 D 6 A
2 He begins work late in the morning when golfers
have finished their games and gone to work. 2 Jason always has breakfast.
3 because you can’t see anything and there might be 3 Jason never catches the bus to school.
dangerous animals like snakes and crocodiles. 4 Jason hardly ever buys lunch at school.
5 Jason sometimes plays football.
3 Para A: leave for: set off, wear: put on, move on hands 6 Jason often watches TV in the evenings.
and knees: crawl
Para B: unclean: dirty, depend: rely 5 Suggested answers
Para C: gather: collect, find by chance: come across 1 I sometimes make my bed.
Para D: angry: annoyed 2 I always do my homework.
3 I usually catch the bus to school.
4 1 make 3 crawl 5 puts 4 I often go to the library.
2 sets 4 comes 5 I never go fishing.
6 I hardly ever play computer games.
Vocabulary (p. 5)
1 1 tour guide 4 bank clerk 6 2 Becky does not (doesn’t) mind doing the gardening.
2 doctor 5 teacher 3 Paul hates going shopping.
3 actor 6 travel agent 4 James does not (doesn’t) like playing football.
5 Alice loves doing sports.
2 1 patient 4 polite
2 sociable 5 hard-working 7 1 five days 5 is always
3 careful 6 responsible 2 goes 6 does not work/
3 is not/isn’t/is never doesn’t work/
3 1 watch – I 4 play – I 4 are from never works.
2 go – O/I 5 play/do – O/I
3 surf – I 6 do – O/I Grammar Focus (Unit 1) (p. 7)
8 1 often plays 3 are you doing 5 never goes
4 1 trekking 3 gardening 2 are watching 4 Do you like
2 cycling 4 puzzles
9 1 usually does her homework 4 you fond of
5 1 gets up 7 does his homework 2 doesn’t like 5 you studying
2 has a shower 8 tidies his room 3 never goes
3 makes the bed 9 have dinner
4 has breakfast 10 surfs the Net 10 1 goes to bed 4 is having
5 catches the bus 11 watches TV 2 doesn’t like 5 Is Paul surfing
6 goes back 12 goes to bed 3 are going
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Workbook Key
4 1 D 2 E 3 B 4 C likes to play the guitar and go to the cinema. We
sometimes go for a coffee or go for a walk.
5 1 at 7 o’clock in the morning Have to go now. Write back soon.
2 she catches the bus to school Lisa
3 finishes at 3:00
4 back home at about 3:30 CLIL – Geography (p. 11)
5 does her homework 1 1 B 2 A 3 C
6 watches TV before she goes to bed at about 10:00
2 Suggested answers
Speaking skills (p. 9) Tim gets up at 6 o’clock but I don’t get up until
1 1 d 2 g 3 c 4 a 5 e 6 f 7 o’clock.
Tim has to carry water in the evening but we have
2 1 C 2 C 3 B 4 A water from a tap so I have free time.
Sometimes I go to the gym in the evenings but Tim has
3 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 C no sports facilities where he lives.
Workbook Key
2 The zebras started running because a cheetah was 3 1 lived 5 brought
running after them. 2 left 6 made
3 The safari rules prevented Rachel from touching the 3 travelled 7 didn’t realise
elephants. 4 reached 8 was
4 She felt great and looked forward to going out
again the following day. 4 2 “When did he leave Europe?”
“He left Europe in 1492.”
3 Para 1: excited: thrilled, foggy: misty, amazing: 3 “How long was his first voyage?”
awesome “It was five weeks.”
Para 2: unusual: unique, unhappy: disappointed 4 “What did he bring back to Europe?”
Para 3: quietly: silently, wonderful: incredible “He brought back gold, cotton, birds and plants.”
Workbook Key
Listening skills (p. 18) 7 Suggested answer
1 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A Hi Andrew,
How are things? I’m writing to tell you about my trip
2 1 E 2 D 3 A 4 C to Rome. It was a fantastic place.
The weather was warm and sunny. I stayed in a small
3 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 C hotel near the city centre. I visited the Coliseum, the
Vatican and beautiful art galleries.
4 1 on a safari last year 4 of photographs In the evenings, I ate lots of delicious food at
2 to a waterfall 5 amazing experience traditional restaurants. I bought colourful souvenirs
3 was hot from the local shops in the narrow streets of Rome.
Well that’s all my news. Drop me a line when you can.
Speaking skills (p. 19) Yours,
1 1 e 2 g 3 b 4 a 5 f 6 c Anneta
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Workbook Key
Skills (p. 23) 2 2 Was Katie sitting down? Yes, she was.
1 1 E 2 B 3 A 4 C 3 Was her mum wearing high-heeled shoes?
No, she wasn’t. She was wearing boots.
2 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 A 4 Was Katie wearing a hat? Yes, she was.
5 Were they wearing coats? Yes, they were.
Workbook Key
11 1 saw 4 were you doing shining. We were half-way up the mountain when it
2 were walking 5 is happening started raining. We found a cave and sat inside. We
3 know felt completely helpless. Several hours later, a man
came along and he took us to a cosy cabin. We felt
Listening skills (p. 28) safe and warm.
1 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 B
CLIL – Science (p. 31)
2 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 T 1 1 D 2 C 3 A
2 1 and 3 so 5 After 2 1 B 2 C 3 A
2 when 4 then
Sequences words in the text: when, after, before, and, 3 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 C
so, then, suddenly.
Skills (p. 33)
3 scenery – beautiful snowstorm – thick 1 1 C 2 A 3 D
weather – fantastic man – young
clouds – dark cabin – cozy 2 1 heard 4 our
2 heavily 5 were walking
4 1 amazing 3 huge 5 cool 3 buildings
2 crowded 4 little
3 1 while he was sitting 4 drove slowly
5 1 D 2 C 3 B 4 A 2 was freezing cold 5 was shining brightly
3 were scared of
6 Suggested answer
Last Saturday, my friend and I went hiking up a
mountain. The weather was great and the sun was
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Workbook Key
Unit 4 Grammar in use (pp. 36-37)
1 Countable: nut, potato, cake, lemon, melon, burger
Reading (p. 34)
Uncountable: meat, pasta, butter, beef, milk, flour
1 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A
2 -s dessert – desserts, banana – bananas, hand
2 Suggested answers – hands
1 The first ‘World Chess Boxing Championship’ was -es tomato – tomatoes, peach – peaches, box –
strange because only two people took part. boxes, match – matches
2 When there is no knockout or checkmate, the player -ies strawberry – strawberries, injury – injuries,
with the most points in the boxing rounds wins the cherry – cherries, emergency – emergencies
match. irregular tooth – teeth, person – people, man – men,
3 Chess boxing is a difficult sport according to Rubingh foot – feet
because chessboxers must be able to change from
one sport to the other easily. 3 1 bottle 3 carton 5 tins
2 bag 4 can 6 packet
3 Para A: strange: bizarre, book: novel,
thought of: came up with 4 1 f 3 i 5 c 7 a 9 b
Para B: fast: quickly, finish: end, start: begin 2 e 4 h 6 g 8 d
Para C: brain: mind, difficult: hard, certificate: ranking
5 2 Can/Could we play football here?
4 1 put 3 set 5 come 3 We should/ought to warm up before the match.
2 take 4 carry 6 go 4 Brian might have a ball that we can play with.
5 You shouldn’t/ought not to eat so many sweets.
Vocabulary (p. 35) 6 Can/Could/Might I use your phone?
1 Water: fishing, swimming, rowing
Land: cricket, baseball, hockey, weightlifting, squash 6 Suggested answers
1 I might be late today.
2 go: ice-skating, sailing, bowling 2 Leslie can’t go to yoga today.
play: handball, basketball, rugby, tennis 3 You should/ought to exercise and eat healthily.
do: judo, wrestling, boxing, karate 4 You don’t have to cook dinner tonight.
5 You ought to practice more.
3 1 ear 5 finger 9 leg
2 head 6 stomach 10 arm 7 Suggested answers
3 nose 7 knee 11 wrist 1 May/Can/Could I help you?
4 neck 8 ankle 12 shoulder 2 Penny can run 8 kilometres.
3 I should/ought to/must do these exercises.
4 1 stomach 3 neck 5 eye 4 We might play football tomorrow.
2 nose 4 tooth 5 Can/Could you pick me up after the match?
6 You mustn’t/can’t to run by the pool.
5 Fruit & Vegetables: broccoli, pineapple, watermelon, 7 We should/ought to/must/have to follow a healthy
potatoes diet.
Dairy products: butter, milk, cheese 8 We should/ought to start boxing lessons.
Meat: beef, chicken
Drinks: tea, milk, mineral water, coffee, apple juice 8 1 follow, eat 4 to eat, decide
2 to do, play 5 to lose,
6 1 cheese 3 jam 5 cereal 7 olive oil 3 to go, exercising/to exercise swimming
2 salt 4 sardines 6 ice
Grammar Focus (Units 1-4) (p. 37)
7 1 boil 3 beat 5 peel 7 bake
9 1 does not like doing 4 is going shopping
2 chop 4 fry 6 slice
2 is eating a banana 5 are some biscuits
3 want to join
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Workbook Key
10 1 can use 4 should exercise 7 Suggested answer
2 was sleeping when 5 is playing football Hi Ken,
3 used to play You said you’re thinking of taking up football or golf.
They are both fun.
11 1 like some 3 cooking 5 start Football is an exciting sport and helps to build team
2 ought to join 4 won skills. However, it can be unsafe and lead to injury.
Golf is a relaxing activity and a good way to enjoy
Listening skills (p. 38) the outdoors, but equipment is costly. I think both
1 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B sports are good choices. You should choose the one
that appeals to you the most.
2 1 E 2 B 3 C 4 A James
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Workbook Key
2 1 does not like going 3 am obliged to compete 3 K G Y L T F E A S T
2 has to take his/has 4 wants to join
taken his 5 could lift weights
3 1 don’t have to join 4 enjoys playing A S F C O S T U M E
2 mustn’t play 5 mind going shopping
3 shouldn’t eat
Unit 5 E G J B O N F I R E
1 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 C S F E S T I V A L P
2 Text A: yearly: annual, delicious: tasty, kinds: types
Text B: products: groceries, walk: stroll 4 1 exchanged – sang
Text C: tired: exhausted, small: minor 2 lit – watched
Text D: shame: pity 3 listened – got
4 commemorated – fought
3 1 picks 3 lasts 5 raises 5 ate – played
2 takes 4 shows
5 1 spilled 4 ate 7 tore
Vocabulary (p. 45) 2 took 5 slipped 8 stepped
1 2 D 3 E 4 C 5 B 3 broke 6 fell
2 On Thanksgiving, people eat roast turkey.
Grammar in use (pp. 46-47)
3 At the Gasparilla Pirate Festival, people re-enact a
battle. 1 1 Have you ever visited
4 On Eid al-Fitr, people pray in mosques. 2 have not/haven’t booked
5 On New Year’s Eve, people let off fireworks at 3 have not/haven’t finished
midnight. 4 has already started
5 Have you seen
2 a) 1 feasts 4 a party
2 wishes 5 carols 2 1 have gone to 4 has gone to
3 a present 6 a costume 2 has gone to 5 has been
3 have been to
b) Suggested answers
1 At school today, we drew pictures and sang 3 1 so far 4 just 7 since
songs. 2 ever 5 this week 8 yet
2 I love Thanksgiving, since we always have a 3 for 6 never
family meal.
3 I want to watch a fireworks display from a hilltop 4 1 has never eaten 4 travelled
one day! 2 was 5 Have you ever been
4 Tomorrow morning, can we eat pancakes for 3 Have you seen 6 went – visited
5 Come, let’s decorate a float for the parade! 5 1 haven’t seen 7 have never been
2 have you been 8 did you decide
3 haven’t been 9 have already learnt/
4 went learned
5 started 10 haven’t booked
6 visited
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Workbook Key
6 Suggested answers 3 1 D 2 A 3 B 4 E
1 Two weeks ago, I travelled to Mexico with my parents.
2 I haven’t been to the doctor’s office for six months. 4 1 visited another town nearby.
3 I haven’t seen my aunt since I was seven. 2 has decided to visit my town.
4 Last month, my brother and I saw a great football 3 has already landed.
match. 4 hasn’t arrived in town yet.
5 We went on a school day trip just three days ago. 5 have never been so excited.
6 I haven’t seen the new movie yet. 6 he has written a speech.
7 I’ve already done all my homework!
8 I wanted to play football yesterday, but it was Speaking skills (p. 49)
raining all day. 1 1 b 2 e 3 f 4 c 5 a 6 d
9 I’ve never been to Asia.
10 Last year on my birthday, my parents gave me a 2 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B
mountain bike as a present.
3 1 B 2 C 3 C 4 C
7 1 went 6 saw
2 visited 7 was 4 1 interesting 3 time 5 well
3 Have you ever heard 8 haven’t got 2 enjoy 4 special 6 better
4 happened 9 did you do
5 didn’t know Writing (p. 50)
1 A 2 B 3 C 1
8 1 have done 3 was
2 just got back 4 Have you ever been 2 1 A 2 C 3 B
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Workbook Key
8 Hi Gregory, the Australian and New Zealand army who fought
How are you? I’ve just been to the Independence Day and died in Gallipoli in WWI. They celebrate this day
Parade in New York and thought I would tell you all by organizing exhibitions with photographs of WWI
about it. It’s a celebration that takes place on the 4th and talks about the experiences of servicemen and
of July every year across the USA. It’s a special women who fought in the war. The biggest event is
event that celebrates the country’s independence the parade which takes place in Melbourne where
from the British. I saw soldiers march along 5th war heroes march along the main road and end up
Avenue and thousands of people cheering them on. I at the shrine of Remembrance.
also watched an amazing display of colourful
fireworks. In the evening I tasted lots of delicious Skills (p. 52)
food from the food stalls all around Time Square. 1 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C
I had a great time. It was an exciting experience.
Don’t miss it, you’ll love it. 2 1 C 2 A 3 B
Alexis Skills (p. 53)
1 1 C 2 D 3 A
CLIL – Design & Technology (p. 51)
1 1 Someone puts the firework in a steel tube. 2 1 Paul’s 3 balloons 5 one
2 Someone lights a fuse in the bottom container. 2 our 4 have been
3 The gunpowder in the bottom container explodes.
4 The firework rises into the sky. 3 1 Have you ever been
5 The fuse in the top container starts burning. 2 did not spend
6 The gunpowder in the top container explodes. 3 has not performed for
7 Balls burst out of the top container. 4 have never visited
8 Burning balls create rays of colour in the sky. 5 has gone to
Suggested answer
First, someone puts the fireworks in a steel tube facing
the sky. Then, they light a fuse, which causes
Unit 6
gunpowder in the bottom container to explode and Reading (p. 54)
send the firework into the sky. This explosion lights a 1 1 B 2 D 3 A
second fuse in the top container. When the gunpowder
in the top container explodes, balls, called stars, catch 2 Suggested answers
fire and burst out, which create rays of colour in the sky.
1 People usually like ‘cute’ animals.
2 The Zoological Society of London asked visitors to
2 Suggested answer
its website for donations.
I don’t agree. I think that fireworks displays aren’t a 3 Wildlife organisations use ‘cute’ animals because
waste of money. Fireworks can be expensive but they people prefer them to ‘ugly’ animals.
are used only for special events and help make these
events more exciting for the people who attend them. 3 Para 1: not beautiful: ugly, circular: round,
Also, I think it’s ok to spend money on things that make characteristics: features
so many people happy and offer them an unforgettable Para 2: conclusion: end, guests: visitors, well-liked:
time. popular
Para 3: symbol: logo, money: cash, notice: attention,
Across Cultures (p. 51) fight: battle
1 1 Great Britain
2 American flags 4 1 displayed 3 donate 5 received
3 a huge fireworks display 2 forget 4 lose
Workbook Key
4 A 10 acid rain 9 1 unless global 3 were you, I would
5 D 11 public transport warming stops 4 freezes, it becomes
6 B 12 environmental groups 2 I would cycle 5 it’s not raining
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3 1 People get diseases because they do not 2 Suggested answer
have clean water. P The Red Kangaroo is the national animal of Australia. You
2 Acid rain causes damage to buildings. P can see it throughout the country, living mostly in forests
3 Keeping our beaches clean will protect and bush lands of the Australian outback. However, in the
wildlife. S past the population of this unique animal was reduced
4 I have a clean-up day in my neighbourhood. S dangerously; this happened because it was widely hunted
5 We could help raise money for charity. S for its fur and meat. The government put a stop to this
when it made a law that outlawed killing or trapping
4 1 Using public transport helps to reduce air pollution kangaroos. Today, the Red Kangaroo is protected and is
and it also saves money. the proud symbol of Australia.
2 Rubbish makes our streets look dirty and it also
smells bad. Skills (p. 62)
3 We could join a conservation group and also 1 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B
donate money to charity.
4 Recycling reduces waste and also helps the 2 1 B 2 F 3 D
5 People drop litter in the streets and they also draw 3 1 A 2 A 3 B
graffiti on the walls.
Skills (p. 63)
5 1 C 2 B 3 A
1 1 C 2 A 3 D
6 Suggested answer
2 1 protect endangered animals
There is too much litter in the playground. It is dirty and
2 I’d recycle
looks messy. If we don’t do something, it will keep
3 will melt unless we
getting worse.
4 saved energy
The problem is that there are not enough bins around
5 you will receive
the playground, so students drop their rubbish
everywhere. Also, there is nobody to pick up the
3 1 B 2 C 3 E 4 D
litter. We could put more bins in and around the
school. We could also put up posters telling
students to use the bins, and get different students Unit 7
to pick up litter every day. If we did that, our school
Reading (p. 64)
playground would be a lot prettier!
1 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F
CLIL – Design & Technology (p. 61)
2 1 Because the ground is too rocky for horses.
1 1 B 2 C 3 B
2 Because there is very little oxygen in high areas.
2 Suggested answer
3 Because their land is important to them.
Problems animals face because of noise pollution:
– birds can’t hear the hunger calls of their young 3 Para A: difficult: hard, stony: rocky
– owls and bats can’t hear their prey Para B: exhausted: tired, sportspeople: athletes
– dolphins can’t find prey, warn others of predators, Para C: opportunity: chance, troubles: difficulties
or attract mates Para D: help: aid, tough: strong
We should be careful about not building major roads
near national parks, and control the sound boats and 4 1 survive 3 hunt 5 compete
ships make when they travel in certain areas known to 2 capture 4 suffer 6 train
have wildlife.
Vocabulary (p. 65)
Across Cultures (p. 61) 1 straight ≠ curly dark (hair) ≠ fair
1 1 on the coast and beside large lakes overweight ≠ slim pale (complexion) ≠ dark
2 made a law that outlawed trapping or killing the bird elderly ≠ young short (hair) ≠ long
3 on the flag of the US President full (lips) ≠ thin
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2 1 full 2 pale 3 average 4 teens 8 1 behind 3 on 5 opposite
2 next to 4 in front of 6 between
3 1 exchange 3 match 5 suit
2 lend 4 fit 6 spend Grammar Focus (Units 1-7) (p. 67)
9 1 might/may 4 who
4 1 wife 4 aunt 7 uncle 2 the tallest 5 strong as
2 cousin 5 daughter 8 husband 3 may not/are not permitted to
3 grandma 6 son
10 1 does this book belong 4 were you
5 chemist’s: aspirin butcher’s: meat 2 most expensive 5 has never been to
jeweller’s: earrings bakery: bread 3 does not like
optician’s: a pair of glasses pet shop: a dog
post office: stamps toy store: a doll 11 1 do you go 3 were you doing 5 the best
2 Is 4 have not paid
6 1 Go 3 Walk 5 see 7 miss
2 right 4 take 6 opposite Listening skills (p. 68)
1 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 A
Grammar in use (pp. 66-67)
1 2 1 F 2 T 3 F
Adjective Comparative Superlative
small smaller smallest 3 1 E 2 A 3 D 4 C
much/many more most
dark darker darkest 4 1 is the smartest girl in class
different more different most different 2 New York in the USA
good better best 3 in a house in London
easy easier easiest 4 is opposite a big park
hot hotter hottest 5 who is a teacher at school
bad worse worst 6 curly, dark hair and blue eyes
Workbook Key
4 1 C 2 A 3 D 4 B Skills (p. 73)
1 1 B 2 E 3 A 4 D
5 1 closer 3 crowded 5 quiet
2 huge 4 (really) friendly 6 close 2 1 cheaper 3 whose 5 finally
2 shoes 4 my
6 1 local 3 noisy
2 convenient 4 peaceful 3 1 is further away than 4 old enough to watch
2 is the cheapest 5 is much bigger than
7 Suggested answers
3 is next to
1 My house is in the city centre.
2 There are three rooms.
3 In my room there is a bed, a wardrobe, and a desk. Unit 8
4 There are many shops; a supermarket is just across Reading (p. 74)
the street. There is also a bakery, a newsagent and a
1 1 D 2 C 3 A 4 B
2 1 Because when the show ended many fans still had
8 Dear Joe,
questions about the show’s plot.
How are you? I’m just fine.
2 It took just 24 hours.
My new house is great! It’s in the city centre next to a
3 They receive different gifts for their donations.
bakery. In my bedroom there is a wardrobe and desk.
Opposite the house there is a supermarket. I feel happy 3 Para A: skill: talent, book: novel
here. Would you like to visit this weekend? Drop me a Para B: upset: disappointed, story: plot
line and let me know. Para C: perform: act, presents: gifts
Yours, Para D: only: just, filming: shooting
4 1 end 3 raise 5 found
CLIL – History (p. 71) 2 donate 4 receive 6 nominate
1 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F
Vocabulary (p. 75)
2 Suggested answer 1 1 f 2 c 3 d 4 e 5 a 6 b
Many people go for a walk in a park on Sundays.
Sometimes there are concerts so people go to listen to 2 1 character 3 reviews 5 comes out
music. There are also monuments and statues people 2 set 4 effects 6 plays
can see.
3 1 sad 3 funny 5 interesting
Across Cultures (p. 71) 2 frightening 4 boring 6 exciting
1 1 in Alberta, in Western Canada
4 Across Down
2 take part in snow sports
3 elks and bears
2 Suggested answer 5 REALITY 3 SPORTS
Bialowieza National Park is in Poland, to the east of
5 N V C N L G U Y U B
Warsaw. At this park you can see an ancient forest
and wild animals like bison. You can do lots of B H H L R J A Z Z C
activities there. In winter you can ski, while in summer D I S C O Y T C U A
you can go hiking. O P N M C T Y F D T
Skills (p. 72) P O D E F V G Y Q X
1 1 C 2 D 3 E 4 B F U I G N M H G R Y
2 1 E 2 A 3 C 4 B C W P E I S Y T M N
3 1 A 2 C 3 B
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6 1 author/writer 3 singer 5 composer Listening skills (p. 78)
2 sculptor 4 pianist 6 painter 1 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 B 6 A
2 1 The reality show is watched by ten million people 4 1 a great film last night
every Saturday. 2 was released in cinemas yesterday
2 The Hobbit was written by J.R.R. Tolkien. 3 on a famous book
3 Her new album was released last week. 5 really enjoyed myself
4 The songs on the soundtrack were composed by 4 stand fantasy films
Rachel. 6 a box-office hit
5 3D glasses are needed (for you) to watch the film.
6 The Hobbit was filmed with special cameras. Speaking skills (p. 79)
1 1 d 2 f 3 e 4 g 5 c 6 b
3 1 Who is this song sung by?
2 Who was the film directed by? 2 1 C 2 C 3 B 4 A
3 When was the theatre built?
4 Where were the action scenes filmed? 3 1 D 2 B 3 A 4 F 5 E
Workbook Key
Recommendation and reasons: This is a fantastic book 2 1 F 2 F 3 T
with likeable characters. I would highly recommend it to
anyone who loves adventure and mystery. 3 1 B 2 B 3 B
6 Suggested answer 4 1 C 2 A 3 B
The 39 Clues: The Medusa Plot is a detective novel
about the fights between two powerful families, the Skills (p. 83)
Cahills and the Vespers. It was written by the famous 1 1 B 2 D 3 C
author Rick Rodian and this is the first book in The
39 Clues series. 2 1 saw 4 everyone/ everybody
2 was directed 5 myself
The story is set in various places around the world but
3 mysteriously
mainly in Italy. The main characters are 13-year old Dan
Cahill and his sister Amy, who belong to the most 3 1 was written by 4 aren’t any tickets
powerful family in the world, the Cahills. The Vespers, 2 can’t do your 5 enjoyed ourselves
another powerful but evil family, decide to harm the 3 has just finished
Cahills by kidnapping members of their family around
the world. If Dan and Amy want to save their family they
have to follow the Vespers’ orders and steal a priceless
painting from an Art Gallery in Italy and give it to the
kidnappers or their relatives will pay the price…
This is a fantastic book with a thrilling plot and
interesting characters. I would highly recommend it to
anyone who likes adventures with a mystery.
2 1 ✗ 2 ✗ 3 ✓ 4 ✗
2 Suggested answer
Tennessee Williams was from the USA. He was born
in 1911, in Columbus, Mississippi. He is one of the
most famous authors and playwrights of his time. He
wrote many successful plays, one of which is the Glass
Menagerie, which opened on Broadway on March 31st
1945. The play is about a man who wanted to get away
from his life with his mother and sister.
During his lifetime he travelled the world and became
very successful.
He died on February 24th, 1981 in New York City at
the age of 71.
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Listening skills 1 Sue: Hi, Helen. My name’s Sue. Yes, I’m new here – it’s my
second day today. Actually, I need your help. Where is
Exercise 1 (p. 8) classroom 2B? I have an English class there in 5 minutes.
1 A: Hi Keith. Are you on your lunch break from work? Helen: It’s just down the hall on the right, next to the
B: Hi Andy. Yes, I am. I have to go back at 2. What science labs. I’m in that class, too. Actually, it’s my favourite
about you? subject. We read some really interesting novels and our
A: I’m in town doing some shopping. Then I have a teacher, Ms Williams, is very friendly.
doctor’s appointment at 5 o’clock. Maybe we can Sue: Well, I prefer working with numbers rather than words,
meet after that for a coffee. so maths is my favourite subject.
B: Sorry, Andy. I work until 7, so I can’t. But I hope you Helen: Oh, you’re like my brother, Conrad. He doesn’t like
enjoy your shopping. reading either, but he’s a really talented guitar player. He
A: Thanks, Keith. always gets high marks in music. He just loves it.
Sue: Is he in the fourth form?
2 Sometimes my job is a little boring. When you are a bank
Helen: Yes, that’s right. Why? Do you know him?
clerk or a shop assistant, you see new faces every day –
Sue: No, but my sister, Fiona, is in the same class as him.
but I rarely meet customers face to face. Overall, though,
She’s a very creative person, too. But she prefers art to
it’s a job I really enjoy. And it has a lot of responsibility. In
music. Some of her paintings are really beautiful.
my job you need to be very careful. I don’t actually
Helen: Well, I hope I meet her soon. Right now, we need to
handle any cash, but if I write a number in the wrong
go to the classroom.
place, my company could lose a lot of money!
Sue: Oh, you’re right! I don’t want to be late for my first
3 Pam: Good morning, Bill. You’re very late today. Is English class!
there a lot of traffic on the road?
Bill: Hi, Pam. No, there isn’t much traffic. The problem Exercise 4 (p. 8)
is the weather. It’s very difficult for me to drive when it Question 1: Do you watch this TV show every evening?
is snowing. Question 2: Why aren’t you doing your homework?
Pam: Well, I take the bus to work, so I never have that Question 3: Do you enjoy going to concerts?
problem. And when the bus isn’t running, I take the Question 4: Does your dad give you a lift to school?
Bill: That’s a good idea. But I collect my son from
school after work, so I can’t really use the bus or train. Skills 1
4 Now, students, we are in the history section. This is Exercise 1 (p. 12)
where you can find books to help you research your Paul: Hi, Mia. Do you want to come to see the chess
history projects. For example, we have many books championship this afternoon after school? I’m going with
about famous people and important events. The history Sam and Julie.
section is very popular, so you can only borrow three Mia: Thanks, Paul. I’d love to but I’m afraid I can’t. I always
books from this section at any one time. Now, please have my violin lesson on Mondays.
follow me to the art section … Paul: OK, no problem.
Mia: ... but can you ask Sam and Julie if they want to play
5 Peter: Hi, Steve, is that you? Where are you?
basketball some time this week? That would be great!
Steve: Hi, Peter. Yes, it’s me. I’m driving to work at the
Paul: Oh, OK. Which day is good for you? How about
moment but the traffic is terrible. I’m running rather
late. Could you let them know in the office?
Mia: Hmm ... no, I’m doing my Geography homework in the
Peter: Of course. There’s a meeting at 11 o’clock, isn’t
library with Angela on Tuesday. We’re finishing off a project.
Paul: Well, are you free on Thursday then?
Steve: Yes, an important one. We need some advice
Mia: Yes, I am. That’s fine.
from the accountant. Please tell them not to start
Paul: Great. I think Sam and Julie are free on Thursday, too.
without me.
Don’t forget to bring your basketball to school!
Peter: OK, Steve. No problem.
Mia: OK. Hey, are you coming to watch the girls’ football
Steve: Thanks a lot, Peter.
match on Friday? I’m the goal-keeper again!
Paul: Oh, really? OK then! I’m not doing anything on Friday.
Exercise 3 (p. 8)
That sounds like fun!
Helen: Hello. Are you a new student in the school? My Mia: Great. OK, I have to go now. See you on Thursday!
name is Helen. Paul: OK, bye Mia.
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Listening Skills 2 Sandy: Lucky you! The weather was terrible where I went.
Katie: Oh, where was that?
Exercise 1 (p. 18) Sandy: Amsterdam. I went there to do some sightseeing,
1 Carl: How was Hawaii, Fred? but the heavy rain forced me to stay indoors most of the
Fred: Incredible, Tom. We spent every day at the beach. time.
Carl: Did you go sailing? Katie: What a pity. Did you go there with your friends?
Fred: We really wanted to but there were a lot of waves. Sandy: No. Lisa went on a safari holiday with her family and
It was perfect for surfing so I took some lessons. It was Sally didn’t have enough money to go abroad.
really fun. Katie: That’s a shame. Did she still manage to get away for
Carl: Did Debbie try too? a few days though?
Fred: No, she went shopping instead. There are some Sandy: Actually, she went to visit her aunt in Cornwall. She
great markets on the island. owns a lovely cottage right on the beach.
Katie: That sounds lovely! Did she have a good time?
2 Woman 1: Where do you want to stay? There is an
Sandy: I don’t know yet. In fact, I’m just about to meet her
excellent five-star hotel right in the town centre.
to find out! See you later, Katie!
Woman 2: Actually, my family and I are looking for
Katie: Okay, see you soon!
something near the beach.
Woman 1: Unfortunately, the only accommodation
Exercise 3 (p. 18)
near the beach is the camping area. However, there is
this small house you can rent not far from the sea. 1 George: So Tammy what did you do at lake Lugano?
Woman 2: Oh that looks perfect! Can I book it please? Tammy: Well we went on a guided tour of the city. It
was really interesting.
3 Ann: Tina did you get that T-shirt I wanted from the gift George: How about the lake?
shop? Tammy: It’s incredible. We went sailing on it. What an
Tina: Sorry Ann, they didn’t have your size, but I did experience. Then we went for a hike on one of the
get this great hat. nearby mountain trails. The view was great, but I didn’t
Ann: Oh it’s very nice. Look, the bus to town is here. really fancy the hike. It was very tiring.
Where’s our map?
Tina: Oops! I forgot it at the gift shop. I can run and get 2 Cindy: How was your trip, Fred?
it now. Fred: Terrible, Cindy. I’m exhausted. The trip was over
Ann: OK, hurry. 10 hours long.
Cindy: Oh dear! What happened? Was your flight
4 Jenny: Look at this picture of a waterfall that I took. delayed?
Anne: Wow, Jenny. It’s so beautiful. Your pictures of Fred: No, it was on time. I was late getting to the
your trip are incredible. airport so I had to take a later flight.
Jenny: Thanks Anne. The nature in Ecuador is Cindy: Why were you so late?
amazing. There is so much to see. I didn’t even have Fred: I couldn’t find my passport. I finally found it on
time to go to the beautiful Quilotoa Lake which lies in my desk.
the middle of an extinct volcano.
Anne: Well, you can always go again. 3 Nick: Did you have a good time on holiday, Julia?
Jenny: Yes, that sounds like a good idea! Julia: Yes, Nick. It was really fun.
Nick: Did you go to the beach?
5 Man 1: Yes, I’m calling because I can’t make my flight to Julia: Unfortunately not. We didn’t have a lot of time.
Munich at 2 pm. Is it possible to get a later one instead? We spent a whole day at the aquarium which is right
Man 2: No problem, sir. I can change the ticket now, next to the Natural History Museum. It was fantastic.
but there is a small charge of £30. Is that OK?
Man 1: No problem at all. 4 Stacy: I really enjoyed Thailand.
Man 2: Great. Does the 5pm flight suit you? Kevin: Sounds like it was fantastic, Stacy. How was
Man 1: That would be perfect. Thank you very much. the food?
Stacy: It was a bit strange but very tasty.
Exercise 2 (p. 18) Kevin: Where did you eat?
Stacy: At many different restaurants. We ate out every
Sandy: Hi Katie, did you have a nice holiday?
night because it was so cheap.
Katie: Hi Sandy! It was fantastic, thanks. I went on a cruise
Kevin: How nice!
with my family. We saw lots of beautiful sights and the
weather was amazing!
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5 Kelly: Hey Mike, you’re back! I didn’t see you on When I woke up the next day, I was so excited. I couldn’t
Saturday. wait to go outside and play in the snow! I went to my
Mike: I know, that’s because I got here yesterday brother’s room and woke him up, but he just yawned and
afternoon. told me to go away. I decided to go and play without him. I
Kelly: Oh, how was Rome? ran outside and saw that some of my neighbours were
Mike: Wonderful! We saw all the sights and on the last already playing in the snow. Most of them were busy
night we went to the opera. building snowmen so I decided to make one as well. I rolled
Kelly: Wow. Sounds amazing! up two big snowballs for its head and body and used stones
for its eyes and mouth. For its nose, I didn’t have a carrot,
so I used an orange instead. It looked really funny!
Skills 2
Later that day, my mum took some photos of my snowman.
Exercise 2 (p. 23) I’m so glad she did because the very next morning, it started
Recording 1 melting. Then two days later, it was gone. Oh well, I guess
Man: Do you want to book a hotel room now? that’s what happens to all snowmen in the end. Still, I had
Woman: Yes please. Something near the sea so that I can fun making it and I can’t wait for it to snow again!
walk to the beach. I don’t care if it has a pool but it should
be in a quiet location. Exercise 2 (p. 28)
Man: OK. Let me check for a hotel. Now, your flight departs Host: Welcome to Talk Time on Radio Five! Today, we’re
at 10 am from the airport and arrives at 3 pm local time. Do asking our listeners to share their storm experiences with
you want me to arrange for a taxi to take you to your hotel? us. Joining us on line one is Daniel Keating. Hello, Daniel;
Woman: No, a taxi is very expensive. Is there a bus or a thanks for calling.
train I can take from the airport? Daniel: Hello; thanks for having me!
Man: Yes, there is a shuttle bus that goes right to the beach Host: So, Daniel; tell us about your storm experience.
area of town. Daniel: Well, it happened just last week. I was lying in bed
Woman: Perfect. Can you book me a seat on that please? when it started raining heavily. Storms don’t really bother
Man: Certainly. me, but when the wind started howling, I just couldn’t sleep.
Recording 2 Host: I see. So what did you do then?
Last year my parents decided to go to Finland on holiday Daniel: Well, after lying awake for a while I turned on the TV
instead of our typical family holiday to the sea. When they in my bedroom. I planned to watch a film until the storm
told me I couldn’t believe they’d choose such a strange passed, but I ended up falling asleep.
place for a holiday. While my parents and my brother were Host: So what happened then?
all excited about Finland, I thought it was a terrible idea. The Daniel: Well, a loud crash suddenly woke me up.
only thing I was happy about was that there was skiing near Host: What was it?
the resort and I love to ski. The rest of the activities sounded Daniel: At first I thought it was lightning, but when I went to
boring and silly to me. Once we arrived, to my surprise, the investigate I couldn’t believe my eyes! There in my living
resort was great and I still can’t believe the things we did. room was a huge hole in the ceiling and a massive tree lying
We went on a snowmobile safari with guides driving us on my carpet! Thankfully, no one was hurt.
around on snowmobiles through the incredible Arctic
nature. They also taught us to ice fish on one of the nearby Exercise 3 (p. 28)
lakes. We stayed in a log cabin and at night watched the Question 1: Was anybody hurt?
Northern Lights. What I thought was going to be a miserable Question 2: How did you feel?
holiday turned out to be an unforgettable trip. Question 3: What happened last night?
Question 4: What’s the weather like now?
Listening skills 3
Exercise 1 (p. 28)
Skills 3
Last weekend, it snowed really heavily. It started while I was Exercise 1 (p. 32)
walking home from school on Friday afternoon. At that time Simon: Hi, Janet! What a storm that was last night!
it was quite light, but when I sat down to eat my dinner, it Janet: Oh hi Simon! Yes, it was really frightening! We were
began to fall thick and fast. I watched from my window as it driving home when it started. When we arrived, we found a
filled the streets, covering everything in a blanket of white. It tree branch sticking through the kitchen window!
was even snowing when I went to bed at 11 o’clock! Simon: Oh, dear! Is everything alright?
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Janet: Yes. My dad covered the window with a piece of Danielle: Really? That’s great! See you on Thursday
wood for the night. A little rain came into the kitchen, but it then!
wasn’t too bad. Was there any damage at your house? Kate: Okay, bye!
Simon: No, but the wind blew a tree down and it fell on our
4 Are you looking to get fit and lose weight? Then come
to Superflex Sports Centre! Membership costs just £45
Janet: That’s terrible. I’m so sorry to hear that!
per month and includes access to the gym, swimming
Simon: Thanks. My mom is bringing it to the garage this
area and tennis courts. Members also get a discount
morning. Did you hear about what happened to Roger?
on fitness classes, such as yoga or karate. So sign up
Janet: No, what?
now and take the first step towards achieving the body
Simon: He lives in one of the houses down by the lake. His
of your dreams!
kitchen was full of water. He had to call the fire brigade to
come and pump it out. 5 Katie: Lindsay; do you still go to that gym in Howard
Janet: Poor Roger! What a mess! Street?
Simon: Yes, and I heard some people were without power Lindsay: I sure do. Why? Are you thinking about joining?
for hours. They also closed the airport. Katie: Well, I want to get fit but I’m not sure how. I was
Janet: Yes, I heard that too. My friend Tammy had to wait in thinking about either joining the gym or signing up for
the airport all night and she finally flew out early this morning. some dance classes. What do you think?
Simon: How awful! What a relief it’s all over! Lindsay: Well, if you like dancing maybe that would be
better for you. But the gym does offer loads of different
activities to keep you interested as well. Why don’t you
Listening Skills 4
come along with me tomorrow and take a look?
Exercise 1 (p. 38) Katie: Oh, that would be great. Thanks so much,
1 Welcome to S-Mart. Today, we have lots of great Lindsay.
bargains across the store! Don’t miss out on our Lindsay: No problem!
incredible two-for-one offer on selected fruits and
vegetables. Or if you’re looking for something to satisfy Exercise 2 (p. 38)
your sweet tooth, head to our bakery where we are Question 1: Do you mind opening the window?
offering a half-price discount on all cakes. Thank you Question 2: Could I have a glass of water?
for listening and enjoy shopping at S-Mart. Question 3: May I watch the football match?
Question 4: Can I help you with that bag?
2 Receptionist: Hello, Willowbrook Tennis Centre. How
may I help you?
Exercise 3 (p. 38)
Mrs. Griffin: Hello. I’m calling to let you know that my
son, Peter Griffin, can’t attend his lesson with Mr Watt Recording 1
today. He’s got a terrible cold and I’m worried he might James: Greg, congratulations on the race. You were really
have a fever. Would it be possible to reschedule? fast.
Receptionist: Actually, I was just about to call you, Greg: Thanks James. I only got second place but it was my
Mrs Griffin. You see, Mr Watt sprained his wrist earlier best time ever so I’m happy.
and had to go to hospital. I don’t think he can work for James: You should be. You did great. Shame about the
the next few weeks. weather though. It must be really difficult to race in the rain?
Mrs Griffin: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Please let me Greg: I didn’t mind it so much, but the race organisers
know as soon as he gets better. should have covered the stands around the pool for the
Receptionist: Of course. Thanks for calling, Mrs Griffin. spectators and prepared more for the rain.
James: I agree. So did you practice more for this race?
3 Kate: Hi Danielle; great news! You got a place on the Greg: Not really. I basically stayed to my same training
swimming team! programme and ate healthily as usual. I did, however, get a
Danielle: Oh, Kate! That’s fantastic! When is our first new coach and he’s really improved my dive in the water so
training day? I now have a faster start.
Kate: Well, we’re meeting up on Thursday at 5 pm. Are James: That’s great. Where did you find him?
you free then? Greg: My friend Tim met him sailing and told me about him.
Danielle: Yes, that sounds perfect. Is there anything I He was once a champion swimmer and windsurfer. So I was
need to bring? really excited to train with him.
Kate: Well, you have to buy your own goggles, but the James: Well, Good luck on your next race!
club provides us with swimming costumes and caps. Greg: Thanks, James.
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Recording 2 Recording 2
Hi, my name is Carol, and I’m a professional Tennis player. My name is Mark and I love running. I’m not a competitive
People are always asking me about my diet. When I became runner, though, and that’s why I like the London Marathon:
serious about playing tennis I asked a doctor for help with it’s for everyone! Sure there are the professional runners
my diet. I now follow a meal plan everyday. I eat many small who compete seriously for the best times. But, there are
meals during the day that are high in protein and also the rest of us who do it just for the fun of it. There is a
carbohydrates. I would love to start my day with a large real sense of community and lots of laughs. Some people
breakfast but I can’t train afterwards on a full stomach. Of run the marathon backwards or wear silly costumes. Last
course, I avoid a big dinner in the evening as that makes it year I dressed up as a banana. As I was running, I slipped
difficult for me to sleep well. For a snack during the day I and fell over. I started to laugh. Two runners stopped to help
choose mostly fruits and vegetables. They are a perfect me. They made sure I wasn’t hurt and then we all ran on
source of energy. I also eat a lot of nuts. Many people think laughing. I’ve run the marathon five times and have raised
nuts aren’t healthy. But actually, they are a great source of thousands of pounds for charity while having a great time.
vitamins and minerals. It’s important to think about what you I’m really proud to be part of such a meaningful event.
should eat and make wise choices. That’s what I try to do.
Exercise 2 (p. 48)
Skills 4 This is Martin Briggs, reporting live from Macy’s Thanksgiving
Day Parade in New York City. It’s a thrill to be here watching
Exercise 4 (p. 42) one of the oldest Thanksgiving parades in America. People
Good morning, students! This is Mr Deakins, the PE teacher. from all over the country and abroad have come to New York
Our school football team is playing this Thursday afternoon. to be part of this incredible American tradition. You can just
The match is against Rainsford School, the team that beat feel the excitement in the air as more than 2 million people
us the last time we met, so come and cheer us on. The here wait for the parade to begin. One of the best parts of the
game starts at 4 pm and there’ll be snacks and soft drinks parade and definitely the most famous is the gigantic
on sale. Any money we make will go towards buying new balloons in the shape of cartoon characters that float over the
sports equipment. Don’t forget to let your mother or father crowds. The parade route goes right through the centre of
know about the match, so they can come too. We need all Manhattan and ends up here in Herald Square, where we’re
the support we can get! waiting now. Joining me now is ...
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going to meet up in Frank’s Café instead. It’s just want to remind you that the event starts at one and will
opposite Caldwell Primary School on Queen Street. I finish at 6 pm. Don’t forget to invite friends and family, they
hope you can still make it! are all welcome. Just like last year, we will have a recycling
centre where we will be collecting plastic, aluminium, paper
2 Tony: Hi James, are you going to be at the marathon
and cardboard. If you want to sign up for the art workshop
at 3pm, please do so at the office during lunch today. Don’t
James: I sure am. Are you going to be there as well?
worry about the weather, it’s going to be sunny and warm.
Tony: Yes, but I’m not taking part. I’m just going to
See you all there!
cheer my friend on. What about you?
James: I’m not running either. I’ve volunteered to help Exercise 3 (p. 58)
hand out water to participants.
David: Hi Larry. What are you doing?
Tony: Good for you! Well, maybe I’ll see you there!
Larry: Oh, hi David. Some research on how to save energy.
James: Yeah; catch you later!
It’s for the project in our Environmental Science class. What
3 Anna: Hi, Lisa. Is everything ready for the charity did you choose for your project?
dinner tomorrow? David: Well I wanted to do it on global warming but Philip
Lisa: We’re almost ready, Anna. All the tables are set decided to do his project on that.
up. We just need to decorate the hall with balloons and Larry: So, what did you choose?
flowers. Did you manage to get the cupcakes? David: I chose recycling instead.
Anna: Well, the baker didn’t have the ones we wanted Larry: That’s a great idea. Have you finished your research
but they said they would make some more tomorrow yet?
morning. I’ll pick them up and bring them to you David: Almost. Steve showed me some great websites with
myself. lots of information.
Lisa: That’s great, Anna. Thanks so much for your help. Larry: Oh really. What is his project about?
Anna: No problem. David: Well, at first he started looking for information on
endangered animals but then he found a great website
4 Mother: What are you doing here in the storage room,
about the destruction of the rainforest so he changed his
project to that.
Pete: I’m looking for parts for my science project.
Larry: I think I’ll ask him if he has found any information on
Mother: What exactly do you need?
my topic.
Pete: Well, I have to make a robot out of recycled
David: You should do that. He’s good at research.
materials. I was thinking of using cardboard cartons
but it won’t be very strong. Besides, I really want to use
Exercise 4 (p. 58)
something unusual for my robot.
Mother: Well, there is your old bike. You could use the Question 1: What is your project about?
different parts to make your robot. Question 2: Why are these animals becoming extinct?
Pete: Hmmm, that’s an interesting idea. Question 3: How does cutting down trees affect animals?
Mother: We also have a lot of aluminium cans in the Question 4: How can I help endangered species?
recycling bin that you could use.
Pete: A lot of the kids are using cans for their robots so Skills 6
I think I’ll try something else. The bike is really different.
Exercise 3 (p. 63)
I’ll use that. Thanks for the idea, mum.
Mother: Anytime, Pete. Speaker 1
When I was in college, I was part of an environmental action
5 Hello, Mr Phillips. This is Linda Ross from the recycling group. We used to organise events around the city to try to
committee at city council. I hope you remember that teach people about recycling. How things have changed!
we will be passing by on Friday to pick up your old PC. Now, I’m the mother of two young children, and the
We should be there between 3 and 5 in the afternoon. If environment is the last thing on my mind. Any free time I get,
the time doesn’t suit you, please call me before 4 today the last thing I want to do is sort out the rubbish. I do feel
so that we can make other arrangements. OK? Thanks guilty about it, but what can I do?
Speaker 2
Exercise 2 (p. 58) Recycling is part of my daily routine. Every morning, on my
Good morning, students! We are one day away from our way to work, I throw my rubbish into the recycling bins in my
second annual Earth Day event here at the school. I just street. It takes a little bit of time – but I don’t mind. I think it’s
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everyone’s responsibility to help the environment. And I’m Exercise 2 (p. 68)
not scared to tell this to other people, too. When I see a May I have your attention please? Our next stop on the tour
friend throwing a plastic bottle into a normal rubbish bin, I is the Oconaluftee Indian Village. This incredible village
always let them know their mistake. takes us back to the way of life of the Cherokee Indians in
Speaker 3 the 1760s. Our tour guide will meet us at the entrance to
Back when I was young, recycling didn’t exist. We just put show us around. We will have the chance to meet and talk
all our rubbish into the same bin. Now, though, there are to the villagers as they make canoes, pottery, baskets and
four different bins in my street, all with different colours. One do other daily activities. Near the end of the tour, there will
is for plastic, and another is for newspapers … I think. To be be a performance of a traditional ceremony with dances and
honest, it’s just too confusing for me – I would really like to music. Please stay with the group and feel free to ask
help; I know we all need to help the environment. But I need questions at any time.
someone to explain how it all works.
Exercise 3 (p. 68)
Speaker 4
Question 1: Can I try on these jeans, please?
I have written to the mayor so many times, but still he has
Question 2: Did you buy that jacket on sale?
done nothing! Every other town in the area has recycling bins
Question 3: Do these trousers fit you?
on their streets, but not Greenfinch. And I think that’s a real
Question 4: Can I help you?
shame. Around once a week, I have to put my plastic bottles
into my car boot and drive two miles to the nearest recycling
bins! I hope things will change soon. The mayor has to wake Skills 7
up and do more to help the environment!
Exercise 2 (p. 72)
Terry: Hi Kathy. How was the shopping centre?
Listening Skills 7 Kathy: Oh, hi Terry. Fine, but it was so crowded.
Exercise 1 (p. 68) Terry: Did you get those earrings you were looking for?
Recording 1 Kathy: Unfortunately, I couldn’t find them but I did get a
Jill: Look, Colleen. Do you think your cousin might like this great Jazz CD. Oh, also, I didn’t get the theatre tickets. The
doll? box office was closed.
Colleen: Not really. She’s too old for dolls. I was looking for Terry: That’s good because I bought them yesterday.
a CD of her favourite singer but they don’t have CDs here. Where’s Bill? Didn’t he go with you?
My sister told me they have a great robot dog on sale here. Kathy: Yes, but I left him at the optician’s. He was getting
Should I get her that? new glasses. Oh, I also saw Stacy outside the florist’s. She
Jill: That sounds like a really neat gift. was picking up some flowers for tonight’s party.
Colleen: Great. Let’s go find it. Terry: Did you buy a present to take to the party?
Jill: Sure. Afterwards, I need to go and get some bread. Kathy: Oh dear. I knew I forgot something. I’ll call Bill and
Colleen: No problem. I can also get some sweets for my ask him to pick something up.
friend’s dinner party tonight.
Recording 2 Listening Skills 8
My name’s Joel and I live in New York City. New York has Exercise 1 (p. 78)
many famous buildings and places to see. In fact, tourists Recording 1
often have difficulty choosing which attractions to visit. Of Mina: That was one of the best rock concerts I’ve ever seen.
course, they go to the usual places like the Statue of Liberty Cindy: Yes, it was fantastic. The lead singer was great on
and the Empire State Building. Few tourists, though, know stage.
about the Socrates Sculpture Park in Long Island City. For Mina: He certainly was. Do you have their latest CD?
me, it’s the best place in the city. The park is an outdoor Cindy: No, I don’t really like it as much as their other CDs.
museum that exhibits sculptures from a variety of unknown Mina: Oh really? I think their latest CD is their best.
artists. In addition, the park is the host to many great Cindy: Did you buy it?
cultural events, like festivals, outdoor cinema, and art Mina: No not yet, but take a look at these CDs, Cindy. I
workshops. It’s the perfect spot to get the feeling of New found them here in my wardrobe.
York. In the summer, the park is busy with lots of events and Cindy: Wow. Mina, I can’t believe you have these. Look at
people. To me, the park is one of New York’s best kept this old country CD. Can I borrow it? I’m crazy about
secrets. country music.
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Mina: Sure. Do you want to listen to this old jazz CD? Skills 8
Cindy: No thanks. I can’t stand jazz.
Exercise 2 (p. 82)
Recording 2
Hello, everyone. As you know, the school is running a book
Hi, this is Gerald calling. I have read some of the books your
review competition so I’d like to explain the rules to you.
callers have described on the show and they’re great. I
You can write about any book you wish, but your review has
normally choose historical novels. But last summer I
to be at least 300 words long. The deadline for entries is the
discovered a great book that few people know about. I was
19th of March and I’ll announce the winners on the 24th of
visiting my aunt by the sea. I was looking for a book to read
March. The student in first place will win a signed copy of
on the beach in my aunt’s library. She suggested some great
The Lightning Thief as well as a £30 book voucher. Good
science fiction books and I was about to read one when the
luck to you all!
cover of another book caught my eye. It showed an
explosion and the title read Escape to Danger. I’m not much
of a fan of adventure novels but something about the cover
attracted me to it. I was sure glad I did. It was an intriguing
story about a man who tries to escape an atomic bomb only
to run into more danger. The plot is so fast-paced that I
couldn’t put it down. It was a real treat to try something
different and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants an
entertaining read. It’s the perfect summer book!
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10 2 That’s the florist’s which sells the most beautiful b) 2 Andrew is played by Dane DeHaan.
flowers. 3 Chronicle was written by Max Landis.
3 That’s the woman who made my dress! 4 Chronicle was expected to make $8 million.
4 He’s the boy whose father owns the art gallery. 5 Chronicle was released in 2012.
5 Todd lives in the big house which is on Merton
Street. 4 2 Thousands of tickets were sold at the box office.
3 Is the soap opera shown on TV every day?
11 2 who’s 3 whose 4 who’s 4 Was this short story written by you?
5 Yann Martel’s book was turned into a film by Ang
12 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 A Lee.
13 2 Penny is the girl who works in the post office. D 5 2 are shot 6 was cancelled
3 That book, which has a blue cover, was a gift from 3 attended by 7 is enjoyed by
my father. ND 4 were based 8 was this film directed
4 Mr Jones is the man who sells toys. D 5 is set in
5 My new glasses, which I bought a month ago,
broke this morning. ND 6 2 myself, yourself 4 himself
3 herself 5 yourself
14 Suggested answers
2 which sell books 4 which are crowded 7 1 anything 4 nowhere 7 nobody
3 which are expensive 5 who are kind 2 everything 5 something 8 somewhere
3 anyone 6 Someone
15 2 between 4 in front of 6 behind
3 opposite 5 next to 8 2 anything 4 nobody 6 anyone
3 everything 5 anywhere
16 2 are more expensive than
3 which my mother bought 9 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 A
4 not as old as
5 girl whose father 10 1 something
6 much taller than 2 any, some
7 man whose son owns 3 anything, nothing
8 who works at 4 nobody/no one, everyone/everybody
9 not as slim as 5 no, something
10 much nicer than
11 not as exciting as 11 2 haven’t you 4 aren’t I 6 won’t you
12 the earrings which 3 isn’t it 5 can’t she
13 the busiest shop
14 who bought 12 2 did he 4 will you 6 wasn’t it
3 isn’t there 5 won’t it
Unit 8
1 2 The Hobbit was not directed by Ang Lee.
3 Digital technology is used in most films these days.
4 Tickets are sold at the box office.
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3 1 F 4 P 7 P 10 W 13 F
2 P 5 F 8 W 11 F 14 W
3 W 6 W 9 F 12 P 15 P,W
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Quizzes Key
Unit 1 Unit 4 Unit 7
1 T 1 T 1 T
2 F in the evening 2 T 2 F dark
3 F in an office 3 F carbohydrates 3 T
4 T 4 T 4 F they go to the travelling
5 T 5 T school
6 F cowgirl 6 T 5 T
7 T 7 F seafood 6 T
8 T 8 F second half 7 F the Petrified Wood Park
9 T 9 T 8 F London, England
10 F shows you are nervous 10 T 9 T
10 T
Unit 2 Unit 5
1 T 1 F an island near Hong Kong
Unit 8
2 F 2 T 1 T
3 F huts 3 T 2 F Suraj Sharma
4 T 4 F 31st 3 T
5 F the USA 5 T 4 F 2012
6 F Barcelona 6 F northern Canada 5 T
7 T 7 T 6 F Bilbo Baggins
8 F energy 8 T 7 T
9 F crest 9 F men 8 F The Avengers
10 T 10 F forest 9 F six
10 F fantasy
Unit 3 Unit 6
1 F god of thunder 1 F 15-20 cm
2 F a big black bull 2 T
3 T 3 T
4 F small balls of ice that fall from 4 F air pollution
the sky 5 F it is made of recycled
5 F Native American tribe materials and second-hand
6 T parts
7 F drops of water or ice 6 T
8 T 7 F 3/4
9 T 8 T
10 T 9 T
10 F 97%
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Culture Key
Culture 1 2 1 B 2 C 3 A
School Life 3 The legend says that evil creatures who lived
1 School starts at 8 am and there are lessons that underground got annoyed by noisy miners and so
last for 45 minutes with short breaks between one of them flew to the Baltic Sea and tried to
them. Students take a long break at 11:30. bring sand to bury the mines, however the
School ends at 2:30 pm and after that students creature bumped into a tower and dropped the
usually do their homework. sand. That’s how the desert was created.
Culture 2 Culture 3
Błe˛dów Desert A Powerful Dragon
1 Suggested answer 1 Wawell Hill: location of the Dragon’s Cave
I don’t know much about the place in the picture. Vistula River: a river close to the Dragon’s Cave,
I can see that it is a desert; it is very dry. There is where the dragon drank
a lot of sand there, and a few plants. There is a Krakus: the king at the time of the dragon
legend that says an evil creature spilled the sand Kraków: the name of the city that grew around
there when it was trying to stop people from Wawell Hill after the dragon was killed
mining the area.
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Culture Key
2 1 wake the dragon. 4 kill the dragon. 3 In winter, cold polar air from the North Atlantic
2 explore the cave. 5 he exploded Ocean brings cold and frosty weather with
3 sheep and children. (and died). temperatures below zero degrees Celsius.
Sometimes there is heavy snowfall during the
3 Suggested answer winter months from December onwards.
A dragon was sleeping in a cave in Wawell Hill. In spring, temperatures begin to rise and the
Some boys woke the dragon up and he was snow in the mountains melts and fills the rivers.
angry so he started to cause problems in the There are many sunny days, but the weather can
village. The king offered a reward to anyone who change from day to day with clouds, rain and fog
could kill the dragon and many men tried to, but in some places. In autumn, the weather also
could not. Then a shoemaker’s apprentice killed varies from warm sunny days at the beginning to
the dragon by feeding him a sheepskin with wet and windy as the winter arrives.
sulphur inside. This made the dragon thirsty and Summer is from June to August. During the
he drank until he exploded. After that, everyone summer, southern winds bring warm sunny
was happy. weather with temperatures up to 34oC inland.
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Culture Key
4 Suggested answer Gdańsk, because the sea is important there.
I would not like to run a marathon because it is Technikalia is what students at technological
not easy for me to run for a long time. I prefer to colleges call it and Ekonomalia is what students
run fast for a short time. I think it would be very at economics schools call it.
very difficult for me even if I trained a lot. If I had
different abilities, however, I would like to do it. 2 1 It usually lasts three days.
People who finish a marathon must feel very 2 The first modern Juwenalia took place in the
proud. 1960s.
3 They call it Neptunalia because the city has a
A Special Dish close relationship with the sea.
4 The students march to their city’s main
1 The picture shows pierogi – a kind of pie.
There could be many different ingredients in it.
5 The mayor gives them keys to show that the
city is theirs and they can feel free to have fun
2 1 B 2 C 3 B
on its streets.
3 I knew pierogi were a popular kind of pie, but I
3 Suggested answer
didn’t know the history. Now I know the history of
them, and I even know a saying about them. Juwenalia is celebrated by Polish students. Its
modern form began in the 1960s, but has a very
4 Suggested answer long history. The celebration has different names
in different places, but everywhere students
My favourite pierogi has mashed potatoes and
dress up in costumes and parade through the
cheese inside. I also like sweet pierogi with
streets. It is a big party with many fun events.
summer berries inside.
4 Suggested answer
Culture 5 The thing I like about this celebration is that the
An International Street Festival students hold fun events that everyone in the city
can join in. It seems like it would make the cities
1 I know that it is a popular art festival. It s held in interesting and friendly places to be. I also like it
June or July, either over six days or two because it is a very old tradition that is also
weekends. Artists perform outdoors and many modern.
people come to see them.
2 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T Culture 6
Status: Endangered
3 Suggested answer
1 It’s a picture of a bison. It lives in forests in
I learnt that the event started in 1993 and that it
Europe. It is endangered because of hunting,
lasts six days or two weekends. I learnt that
deforestation and disease.
about 150 groups of artists hold around 2,000
performances during the festival and there are
2 1 T
workshops and exhibitions.
2 F All the bison in the wild were dead, but
some were still alive in zoos.
4 Suggested answer
3 F The first bison born in the wild since WWI
I would like to learn about different cultures.
was born in 1957.
It would be fun to see performances take place
4 T
5 F There are about two thousand bison alive
It would be interesting to attend workshops, too.
in the world; only five hundred live in the
Białowiez∙ a Forest.
Time for a Break
1 Juwenalia is a holiday and celebration for 3 Suggested answer
students that takes place every year in Poland. I learned that people hunted the bison for food
Neptunalia is what the celebration is called in during WWI because they didn’t have enough to
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Culture Key
eat. I also learned that all the wild bison died out Culture 7
and the species only survived because there
were animals living in zoos. Polans
1 Poland got its name from a tribe of people, called
4 Suggested answer the Polans, who united the people and created
Another endangered animal that lives in Poland is the first Polish kingdom. There is a story that a
the harbour porpoise. It lives in the coastal poor farmer, named Piast, gave hospitality to two
waters of the Baltic Sea and those around strangers who gave Piast wealth and good
Poland. It is endangered for several reasons. It is fortune and the people chose him to be their
often caught by mistake in the nets of fishermen. ruler.
Since the porpoise must breath air, it can drown
if it is caught underwater. They are also hurt by 2 1 The Polans were a West Slavic tribe.
pollution in the water. 2 They lived in west-central Poland, along the
Warta River.
Tatra National Park 3 The first legendary Ruler was called Piast.
4 He became Catholic and created the first
1 You can see forests, mountains, meadows, lakes,
Polish state.
rivers, waterfalls, caves and endangered animal
5 It was born on the 18th of April, 1025.
3 Suggested answer
2 1 C 2 B 3 B
The Polans were a West Slavic tribe. They lived in
3 Suggested answer west-central Poland, along the Warta River. The
first legendary Ruler was called Piast. He became
Tatra National Park has spectacular scenery and
Catholic and created the first Polish state. The
is home to endangered animals. Years ago,
Kingdom of Poland was born on the 18th of April,
people used the area for farming and cattle
herding, and also for mining. These activities were
damaging the environment. Then, in the early 20th
4 Suggested answer
century, people decided to protect the area and
now tourists visit the park to enjoy nature. It seems like there is not a lot known about the
tribe of people called the Western Polans.
4 Suggested answer Nobody knows where they came from or how
they got there. They may be related to another
Protected animals such as the Tatra chamois and
tribe called the Eastern Polans, or they might not
marmot live in the Tatra National Park. Endangered
be related to them at all. We do know that their
animals also live there such as the brown bear, the
name comes from the Polish word for ‘field’.
Eurasian Lynx, the grey wolf, the European otter,
the Lesser spotted eagle and the falcon.
Shop till you Drop
1 Arkadia is a modern shopping centre in the city of
Warsaw, Poland. People can shop there, eat in
restaurants or cafés, or go to the cinema.
2 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 F
3 Suggested answer
I learned about Arkadia shopping centre. I
learned what shops are there and what people
like to do there. I also learned that it won several
4 Suggested answer
Another famous shopping centre in Poland is
Manufaktura. It is in the city of Łódź. There are
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Culture Key
hundreds of shops there, as well as cinemas and There are five screens in the cinema and a total of
fitness centres, cafés and restaurants and even 303 seats. It uses Dolby Digital Surround sound
several museums. This shopping centre is and offers a unique online booking system. The
located in an old factory building that was given a cinema shows both Hollywood Blockbuster films
modern interior while keeping the old brick walls and more artistic, independent films.
and the appearance of a factory.
4 Suggested answer
Culture 8 I would like to visit this cinema because it would
be fun to see a film in a historic mansion.
Lights! Camera! Action! It would be interesting to see a film in one of the
1 The people in the pictures are the Polish film oldest cinemas in Poland.
directors Kieślowski, Polański and Zanussi. Also, I like to see independent films which the
Kino Ars shows.
2 1 B 2 B 3 C
4 Suggested answer
Władysław Starewicz is famous for directing the
first puppet-animated cartoons. He was born in
Moscow on 8th August, 1882, although both his
parents were Polish. As a young man he was
director of a museum of natural history and made
short documentaries. Problems he had filming
insects inspired him to try animation. Since that
time he worked for several film companies and
made many well known films. He died in France
in 1965.
Kino Ars
1 Kino Ars is special because it is old and very
beautiful, but also uses modern technology.
3 Suggested answer
Kino Ars is one of the oldest and most beautiful
cinemas in Poland. The cinema was first opened
in 1916, but closed down in the 1980s before
being reopened again in 1995. Today, it is one of
Krakfiw’s most popular cinemas among both
young and older people. Kino Ars is housed in a
historic 16th-century mansion and is located just
off the market square in Krakfiw’s Old Town.
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