13 Kayachikitsa
13 Kayachikitsa
13 Kayachikitsa
1. Knowledge of Geriatric care and terminal care medicine -Basic knowledge of Gene
therapy, Stem cell therapy, Genetic modeling and chromosomal disorders in different
disease conditions.
2. Application of advances in Rasayana and Vajikarana therapies - Understanding rasayana
in perspective of: Neutriceutical action, Immunomodulation, Oxygen free radicals
&Antioxidant activity, Adaptogenesis, Cell proliferative activity, Cell regenerative
activity, Genoprotective activity, Micronutrients, Anabolic activity.
3. Concept & practice of Achararasayana . Knowledge & application of svasthavritta
measures . Swasthyanuvartakarasayana . Rasayana as nutrient supplement .Panchakarma
and its role in rasayana.
4. Disaster management strategies. Physical medication and rehabilitation.