Paper On AI

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Artificial Intelligence

Mr. Pradeep Bedi

Assistant Professor
University) Greater
Noida, India
Email: [email protected]

Artificial intelligence can be categorized into one of four types.


Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence  Reactive AI uses algorithms to optimize outputs based on a set
processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific of inputs. Chess-playing AIs, for example, are reactive systems
applications of AI include expert systems, natural language that optimize the best strategy to win the game. Reactive AI
tends to be fairly static, unable to learn or adapt to novel
processing, speech recognition and machine vision. situations. Thus, it will produce the same output given identical
AI manifests in a number of forms. A few examples are:  Limited memory AI can adapt to past experience or update
itself based on new observations or data. Often, the amount of
 Chatbots use AI to understand customer problems updating is limited (hence the name), and the length of memory
faster and provide more efficient answers is relatively short. Autonomous vehicles, for example, can "read
the road" and adapt to novel situations, even "learning" from
 Intelligent assistants use AI to parse critical past experience.
information from large free-text datasets to improve  Theory-of-mind AI are fully-adaptive and have an extensive
scheduling ability to learn and retain past experiences. These types of AI
 Recommendation engines can provide automated include advanced chat-bots that could pass the Turing Test,
recommendations for TV shows based on users’ fooling a person into believing the AI was a human being.
viewing habits While advanced and impressive, these AI are not self-aware.
 Self-aware AI, as the name suggests, become sentient and
aware of their own existence. Still in the realm of science
AI is much more about the process and the capability for fiction, some experts believe that an AI will never become
superpowered thinking and data analysis than it is about any conscious or "alive".
particular format or function. Although AI brings up images of
high-functioning, human-like robots taking over the world, AI
isn’t intended to replace humans. It’s intended to significantly
enhance human capabilities and contributions. That makes it a
very valuable business asset.
Artificial intelligence allows machines to model, and even (NLP)?
improve upon, the capabilities of the human mind. From the
development of self-driving cars to the proliferation of smart Natural Language Processing (NLP) makes it possible
assistants like Siri and Alexa, AI is a growing part of everyday for computers to understand the human language.
life. As a result, many tech companies across various industries Behind the scenes, NLP analyzes the grammatical
are investing in artificially intelligent technologies. structure of sentences and the individual meaning
of words, then uses algorithms to extract meaning
and deliver outputs.

In a nutshell, the goal of Natural Language Processing

is to make human language ‒ which is complex,
ambiguous, and extremely diverse ‒ easy for
machines to understand.

Essentially, an AI algorithm is an extended subset of
machine learning that tells the computer how to learn
to operate on its own. In turn, the device continues to
gain knowledge to improve processes and run tasks
more efficiently. The more we interact with it, the
greater it gets at being able to notice your individual
HISTORY OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE find new activities that will provide them the social and
mental benefits their job provided.
The academic roots of AI, and the concept of intelligent machines,
May be found in Greek Mythology. Intelligent artifacts appear in Political, legal, and social ramifications: As Bostrom advises,
journalism since then, with real mechanical devices actually rather than avoid pursuing AI innovation, "Our focus should
indicating behavior with some degree of intelligence. After modern be on putting ourselves in the best possible position so that
computers became available following World War-II, it has when all the pieces fall into place, we've done our homework.
become possible to create programs that perform difficult We've developed scalable AI control methods, we've thought
academic tasks. hard about the ethics and the governments, etc. And then
The study of logic led directly to the discovery of the proceed further and then hopefully have an extremely good
programmable digital electronic computer, based on the work of outcome from that." If our governments and business
mathematician Alan Turing and others. Turing's theory of institutions don't spend time now formulating rules,
calculation suggested that a machine, by shuffling symbols as regulations, and responsibilities, there could be significant
simple as "O" and "1", could replicate any conceivable negative ramifications as AI continues to mature.
(imaginable) act of mathematical assumption.
This, along with simultaneous discoveries in neurology, AI-enabled terrorism: Artificial intelligence will change the
information theory and cybernetics, inspired a small group of way conflicts are fought from autonomous drones, robotic
researchers to begin to seriously think the possibility of structure swarms, and remote and nanorobot attacks. In addition to
an electronic brain. being concerned with a nuclear arms race, we'll need to
After several reports criticizing progress in AI, government monitor the global autonomous weapons race.
funding and interest in the field dropped off – a period from 1974–
80 that became known as the "AI winter." The field later revived in
the 1980s when the British government started funding it again in
part to compete with efforts by the Japanese.
The field experienced another major winter from 1987 to 1993, Knight, W. (2017, January 04). What to expect of artificial
coinciding with the collapse of the market for some of the early intelligence in 2017. Retrieved
general-purpose computers, and reduced government funding. November 23, 2017, from
But research began to pick up again after that, and in 1997, IBM's predictions-for-
Deep Blue became the first computer to beat a chess champion artificial-intelligence-in-2017/
when it defeated Russian grandmaster Garry Kasparov. And in
2011, the computer giant's question-answering system Watson won Apple introduces us to Siri, the Killer Patent. (2012, January
the quiz show "Jeopardy!" by beating reigning champions Brad 19). Retrieved November 25, 2017,
Rutter and Ken Jennings. from
This year, the talking computer "chatbot" Eugene Goostman introduces-us-to-siri-the-
captured headlines for tricking judges into thinking he was real killer-patent.html
skin-and-blood human during a Turing test, a competition
developed by British mathematician and computer scientist Alan Collins, J., Youngdahl, B., Jamison, S., Mobasher, B., &
Turing in 1950 as a way to assess whether a machine is intelligent. Gini, M. (1998). A market architecture for multi-agent
contracting. Minneapolis: K. Sycara and M. Wooldridge
But the accomplishment has been controversial, with artificial (eds).
intelligence experts saying that only a third of the judges were
fooled, and pointing out that the bot was able to dodge some Buettner, R., Frick, J., & Rieg, T. (2019). High performance
questions by claiming it was an adolescent who spoke English as a detection of epilepsy in seizure-free EEG recordings: A novel
second language. machine-learning approach using very specific epilectic EEG
sub-bands. ICIS 2019 Proceedings.



If we focus on what’s possible today with AI, here are some of the
potential negative impacts of artificial intelligence that we should
consider and plan for:

Change the jobs humans do/job automation: AI will change the

workplace and the jobs that humans do. Some jobs will be lost to
AI technology, so humans will need to embrace the change and

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