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Bonfire RA

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Round Table 940

Establishment: Assessment by: Date: 05/05/2021
Frodsham Community Centre Frodsham Round Table 940

1st Review Date Due : Manager Approval: Date: 05/05/2021

Chris Jackson

Hazard / Risk Who is at How can the Normal Control Measures Are Normal Control
Risk? hazards cause Measures Y/N/NA
harm? In Place Adequate

Injury caused by Staff Property • 50m x 25m space has been allowed for the firing
fireworks Visitors damage/fire area.
Inadequate space Volunteers • A dropping zone for spent fireworks of 100m x 50m
Burns is in place in a downwind direction (check weather
Spectators use conditions)
fireworks Cuts / abrasions, • Spectators are to be kept back on the opposite side
muscular skeletal from the dropping zone at least 25m from the firing
Unauthorised use and other physical zone.
of display fireworks injuries • The area has been checked and is free from
obstructions i.e. trees, overhead power cables and
well away from buildings.
• Suitable secure area for firework storage
inaccessible to public.
• Firing area supervised once fireworks set up.
• Spectators will not be allowed to enter the site with
their own fireworks, including sparklers. Signage
explaining this will be at all entrances.
• Spent firework cases gathered, site also checked at
first light for partly spent fireworks.
Injury caused by Staff Property • Separation maintained between bonfire and
bonfire Visitors damage/fire spectators
Inadequate space Volunteers • Built away from display area and min of 50 ft from
Collapse Burns any building, road etc.
Excessive sparks • Undergrowth / rubbish cleared away
• Keep to manageable size ( 2M high , 3M dia)
• No hazardous materials / refuse used
• Checked prior to lighting
• Supervised at all times
• Extinguished after event
Use of external Staff Property • Vet for competence, operator has considerable
companies / Visitors damage/fire experience with fireworks.
contractors Volunteers • Risk assessments provided.
Burns • Clearly defined responsibilities for operator and
Poor practices school ( in particular in event of emergency)
Cuts / abrasions, • Appropriate public liability insurance in place (min
Lack of muscular skeletal £5m public liability). Insurer contacted to ensure
competency and other physical adequate coverage and that any special conditions
injuries are met.
Adverse weather Staff Property • Test launch of small firework to gauge effect
Visitors damage/fire • Increase separation from fireworks and bonfire and
Volunteers relocate safety line / barriers
Contractor Burns • If safe separation cannot be ensured delay / cancel
Cuts / abrasions,
muscular skeletal
and other physical
Fire Staff Burns • Adequate separation from buildings (see above)
Ignition of Visitors • Adequate water, sand buckets etc.
premises Volunteers Property damage / • Positioned in appropriate places to allow quick
Contractor loss access
Small fires • Review main fire risk assessment
• Agreed emergency procedure in place and
adequate marshals to control crowd (see below)
• Local authority, Police and Fire Brigade have been
• All staff and volunteers advised of emergency
Crowd Control Staff Fire evacuation • Maximum number of attendees established, limit
Crush injuries, Visitors hindered/unsafe ticket sales.
panic, distress Volunteers access/egress • Designated entrance and exit points.
Separation of Contractor • Adequate numbers of staff / PTA supervising
children from Cuts / abrasions, • Marshals in place and responsible for crowd control.
parents muscular skeletal (identifiable by wearing fluorescent bibs or jackets)
and other physical • Agreed emergency procedures in place.
Overcrowding injuries • Entrances and exits are clearly signed, well lit and
Inadequate space / kept free from obstructions.
exits Slips, trips and falls
• PA / loudspeaker / megaphone used to
Blocked exit routes communicate with the crowd.
• Walkie talkies used by marshals and organiser.
• Spectators will not be allowed into the display area
and signage to this effect in place.
• Seek advice from the police, if necessary, for crowd
• Barriers and adequate supervision to prevent
unauthorised use and control access and egress
Insufficient Staff Accident / injury, • First aid equipment on site and close to use.
and/or unsuitable Visitors delayed assistance • Designated qualified first aiders available.
first aid cover Volunteers in emergency • Telephones available in school / mobile phones
Contractor available
Surrounding Staff • Neighbours have been informed of the proposed
areas Visitors display by letter from the head teacher / governors
/Neighbours Volunteers
Security Staff Malicious damage / • Areas other than those needed for event accessible
Visitors theft from school only be authorised persons.
Unauthorised Volunteers • Buildings, apart from essential areas locked. This is
access Contractor checked before and after the display.
Inadvertent access • Clearly defined designated access routes
• Lock areas of building not in use
• Tape off / mark areas as out of bounds.
• Adequate supervision
Inadequate Staff • School toilets are used.
welfare facilities Visitors • Adequate supervision
Vehicular access Staff Cuts / abrasions, • Restricted access, visitors advised accordingly.
Visitors muscular skeletal ( gates shut/ managed by staff)
Ineffective Volunteers and other physical • Vehicle movements restricted
pedestrian vehicle Contractor injuries • Pedestrian walkways maintained
segregation Broken bones • Clear route maintained for emergency services
• Designated car park well away from the display area
Significant head / and dropping zone.
multiple injuries • Car park clearly sign posted and attendants in
Surface of field / Staff Cuts / abrasions, • Ensure arrangements are in place for clearing up
internal areas Visitors muscular skeletal and safely disposing of any litter left after the event
Slips, Trips and Volunteers and other physical • Regular premises inspections.
Falls Contractor injuries • Adequate external lighting available

Supplying Food Staff Salmonella • Follow advice given in ‘Food Hygiene advice for
and Drink Visitors Listeria teachers, parents, pupils and classroom assistants’
Poor standards of Volunteers Allergies
hygiene Contractor Anaphylaxis Personal hygiene
• Exclusion for food handlers following illness (48hrs).
Physical Scalds from urns • Tie back long hair.
contamination and kettles • Staff to wash hands before handling food and after
Scalds from hot visits to the toilet etc.
Incorrect storage of drinks • Ensure that warm water, soap and towels
food (disposable) are available.
• Cuts etc. are covered with waterproof adhesive
Poor temperature dressings
Transport / Storage
• Food that requires refrigeration must not be supplied
unless adequate facilities for taking to school and
keeping in a chilled state exist.
• Buffets, sandwich fillings etc. kept out of fridge for
shortest time possible.
• Keep food covered wherever possible outdoors.
• Parents encouraged transport food in sealable
containers / covered.
Food from reputable suppliers
The school must not accept food from parents, pupils or
staff where they are suspicious about the hygiene in
preparation or storage prior to arrival at the school

Food handling
• Minimise handling of ready to eat foods, use tools
(cutlery, tongs scoops etc) where possible to handle
food rather than hands.
• High risk / raw foods kept apart at all times
• Limit preparation of food in advance if displayed at
ambient temperatures.
• Make sure that cheesecakes and any cakes or
desserts containing cream are out of the fridge for
the shortest time possible.
• Ensure food appropriately signed to prevent allergies
and anaphylaxis
• Ensure urns and kettles sited on firm level surfaces,
not over filled.

• Frozen food properly thawed before cooking
• Meat kept in cool box / fridge until needed
• Small portions cooked, evenly / thoroughly
• Access to hand washing facilities / antiseptic wipes
• Keep cooked food separate from raw meat – use
separate utensils
Additional Control Measures Action by Whom Action by When Action Completed Residual
(to take account of local/individual circumstances (list the name of the (set timescales for the (record the actual Risk
including changes such as working practices, person/people who have been completion of the date of completion for Rating
equipment, staffing levels). designated to conduct actions) actions – remember to each action listed)
prioritise them)
HS(G)124 "Giving Your Own Firework Display:
How to run and fire it safely" ( ISBN 0-7176-
HS(G) 123 "Working together on firework
displays" ( ISBN 0-7176-6196-2)
Available from

Remember – Fireworks not marked with

‘Complies with BS7114 Part 2 1988’ are suitable
for use ONLY by Professionals
Online guidance from the HSE on
organising a firework display is also available.

Direct gov advice



Record actual date of review Record any comments reviewer wishes to make. Including recommendations for future reviews.


The activity must not take place at all.
VERY HIGH (VH) Strong likelihood of fatality / serious injury
You must identify further controls to reduce the risk rating.
You must identify further controls to reduce the risk rating.
HIGH (H) Possibility of fatality/serious injury occurring
Seek further advice, e.g. from your H&S Team
If it is not possible to lower risk further, you will need to consider
MEDIUM (M) Possibility of significant injury or over 3 day absence
the risk against the benefit. Monitor risk assessments at this rating
more regularly and closely.
LOW (L) Possibility of minor injury only No further action required.

Named Leader Running / co-ordinating event
Marshalls Sufficient
Briefed re emergencies / duties
Identification (e.g. fluorescent jackets)
Emergencies Services advised
Access secured (clear of pedestrians, parked cars etc)
Crowd control in emergency situation
Evacuation (separate from emergency access)
First Aid Qualified persons
Adequate facilities (indoors, water, etc)
Sparklers NO !!! - no personal fireworks of any kind
How controlled to prevent
Information on tickets / posters etc
Lighting Adequate in public access areas
Back up in case of failure
Bonfire Size, materials, positioning
Lighting / extinguishing
Fireworks Positioning
Drop zone
Wind direction
Lighting (automatic / portfires etc)
Experience / training of firer(s)
Personal protective equipment for firers
Dealing with misfires
Clearing up afterwards
Extinguishers Adequate (water / Co2 / buckets / sand / etc)
Communications PA System / loudspeaker/ megaphone etc to crowd
Between organisers / marshalls
To emergency services
Agreed emergency procedure
Security Check of buildings / area before leaving
Control of 'visitors' during event (fencing around site
Crowd control
Insurance Checked
Special conditions met
HS(G) 123 and 124 Read and understood by all relevant persons

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