ORiGANO Candle (Latest)
ORiGANO Candle (Latest)
ORiGANO Candle (Latest)
We, the students of CGCI BSBA, come up with the product that we used in our Business
Plan and Feasibility Study which is the Oregano Candle. The name of our product is ORiGANO
Candle. Our group capitalized the letters O, R, G, N, and O and make the letter “i” small to
emphasize the word “Orig.” “Orig” is a slang word for original which means our product was
originally conceived and made by us. We chose the name “ORiGANO” because when you read
it, it is still close to the word oregano.
ORiGANO Candle is not as the typical scented candle. It has ingredient of oregano oil.
Oregano oil is considered as an excellent antiseptic and insect repellent. It has some active
ingredients such as carvacrol, thymol and α-terpinene reported being highly effective in
repelling mosquitoes. Therefore, this candle will keep away the mosquitoes and prevent dengue
and doesn’t harm respiratory system because it doesn’t use many chemical ingredients. Instead
of using mosquito coil (katol) that can have some notable disadvantages. Clothes, curtains and
furniture can absorb their smoky aroma, which may be a problem if you do not enjoy smelling
like mosquito repellent. But this candle has aromatic scents that make you feel relax.
We make two varieties of our product so that our future customers will have a choice if
they want aesthetic vibes or affordable one. The first one is in a tin container. This product in a
tin can has its cover. This product has weight of 85 grams and its size is 6*4 cm
(Diameter*Height). Its burning time can last up to 12 hours. This product is for those people
who loves aesthetic vibes because of its container and appearance. The price for this will be
85.00. The second is ORiGANO Candle in a shot glass. This product in a shot a glass has weight
of 50 grams and has the height of 7cm. Its burning time can last up to 3 hours and the price for
this will be 25.00.
Daiseree Alambra
Cristy Alvarez
Rodelyn De Leon
Ella May Labrado
Annalyn Palamenio
Paula Mae Paulino
Christelle Gay Vallota