The Cambridge Companion To Mary Wollstonecraft
The Cambridge Companion To Mary Wollstonecraft
The Cambridge Companion To Mary Wollstonecraft
Department of English
Princeton University
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo
isbn-13 978-0-511-06916-1 eBook (EBL)
isbn-10 0-511-06916-2 eBook (EBL)
isbn-13 978-0-521-78343-9 hardback
isbn-10 0-521-78343-7 hardback
isbn-13 978-0-521-78952-3 paperback
- paperback
isbn-10 0-521-78952-4
1 Introduction 1
claudia l. johnson
n o tes o n co n tributors
the permutations of Austen’s mythic status from the Victorian period to the
present, and Raising the Novel, which ponders the history of novel studies.
chris jones is Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Wales,
Bangor. His Radical Sensibility: Literature and Ideas in the 1790s (1993) ex-
plores radical developments in the ideas and techniques of sensibility across
gender and genre. He has published articles on the prose writers of the
period, including Godwin, Hazlitt, and Helen Maria Williams and is cur-
rently working on Jane Austen.
vivien jones is Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Leeds. She
is editor of Women in the Eighteenth Century: Constructions of Femininity
(1990), and of Women and Literature in Britain, 1700–1800 (2000), and
has published widely on Wollstonecraft and on gender and writing in the
eighteenth century. She is currently completing a book on Contexts for Jane
Austen, and is General Editor of the Oxford World’s Classics Jane Austen.
anne k. mellor is Professor Above Scale at UCLA. She is the author
or editor of numerous books and articles on women’s writing and British
Romantic literature, including Blake’s Human Form Divine (1974), English
Romantic Irony (1980), Romanticism and Feminism, ed. (1988), Mary
Shelley: Her Life, Her Fiction, Her Monsters (1988), Romanticism and
Gender (1993), British Literature, 1780–1830, ed. with Richard Matlak
(1996), and Mothers of the Nation – Women’s Political Writing in England,
1780–1830 (2000). She is currently working on the intersection of race and
gender in British Romantic-era writing.
mitzi myers teaches English and writing at UCLA. She has published
many authoritative essays on Mary Wollstonecraft, Hannah More, Maria
Edgeworth and children’s literature. She is currently working on a literary life
of Maria Edgeworth, the Norton Anthology of Children’s and Young Adult’s
Literature, and the subject of war and violence from the Irish Rebellion of
1798 to modern times.
alan richardson is Professor of English at Boston College. His books
include British Romanticism and the Science of the Mind (2001), Literature,
Education, and Romanticism: Reading as Social Practice, 1780–1832 (1994),
and (as co-editor) Romanticism, Race, and Imperial Culture 1780–1834
(1996). He has also published numerous essays on Romantic-era literature
and culture, particularly in relation to gender, childhood and education,
colonialism, and early neuroscience.
barbara taylor teaches history at the University of East London, and is
an editor of the History Workshop Journal and director of the international
n o tes o n co n tribu tors
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clau d ia l. jo h n son
breach them with impunity.2 No one could possibly arouse this sort of an-
imus unless she is perceived to have posed an urgent, an important threat
indeed. Vindications of this great vindicator are marked by a comparable
intensity. When Blake invokes a “Mary” persecuted by “foul Fiends,” or
later in the nineteenth century when Elizabeth Robins Pennell likens her to
Saint Vincent de Paul and to Joan of Arc, it is clear that Wollstonecraft was
regarded as a formidable figure who challenged the sexual and moral norms
of her society in radical ways and who was martyred as a result.3
But assailed, revered, or lamented – anything but actually forgotten, even
when her memory seemed to go underground – Wollstonecraft’s celebrity
rested principally on the narrative that makes up her life, particularly as it
was first related in Godwin’s Memoirs of in 1798. As Cora Kaplan observes
here in her compelling essay on Wollstonecraft’s legacies, Ralph Wardle con-
cludes his path-breaking 1951 biography by fully acceding to the assumption
that it has not been her writing but rather her “personality” that “has kept
her memory alive,” opining that for every “one” person who plodded her or
his way through A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, “dozens” thrilled
to the story of her courage and idealism.4 There is no denying that ever
since her death in 1797, Wollstonecraft endured as a story whose outlines
are both highly charged and highly conventional – a story about a passion-
ate but difficult woman’s idealism in love (her daring affair with Gilbert
Imlay) as well as in politics (her hope for the French Revolution); about her
struggles with crushing disappointment in both (Imlay abandoned her and
their infant daughter; the French Revolution degenerated into the Terror);
about her daring efforts to be independent and original in a world that
demonized feminine independence and would not tolerate deviations from
the commonplace; about her discovery of “true” love and happiness with
William Godwin later in life, only to be cut short by her death in childbirth,
of all deaths the one that confirms (as detractors observed) the “wrongs” to
women she attempted to ameliorate. Only in the late 1960s and 1970s, when
feminist studies began to make an impact on literary and historical studies
in the academy, and when the Rights of Woman was issued in several paper-
bound editions – in the twentieth century, it had previously been available
only in a 1929 Everyman Classic version alongside John Stuart Mill’s The
Subjection of Women – did attention begin to turn from Wollstonecraft’s life
to Wollstonecraft’s works. Today, at the outset of the twenty-first century, as
“feminism” is now acknowledged only to be part of Wollstonecraft’s project,
The Rights of Woman itself, though surely still her popular work, is read with
Mary, The Wrongs of Woman; or Maria, and Letters Written During a Short
Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, all readily available in paper-
bound editions. And with the complete Works of Mary Wollstonecraft issued
for the first time, we can now say, contra Wardle, that “dozens” of readers
are familiar with Wollstonecraft as a writer for every “one” who has ever
read Godwin’s first biography of her, Memoirs of the Author of The Rights
of Woman (1798), or pondered her remarkable afterlife as a personal story.
While committed to investigating Wollstonecraft’s crucial and distinctive
stature as a figure, the present volume of essays is also inspired by this rela-
tively newfound sense of Wollstonecraft’s breadth as a writer. Wollstonecraft
is well suited for a volume in the Cambridge Companion series because her
career encompasses writing of so many different kinds. As the late Carol
Kay has observed, in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Wollstonecraft
writes as a “philosopher” and a “moralist,” as an authority on the education
of women, a book reviewer, a non-sexual voice of intuitive reason and ecstatic
religious contemplation, and as political projector whose ideas should change
the French Constitution and the entire course of the French Revolution. This
multiplicity of rhetorical voices has at times been read as Wollstonecraft’s
personal failure of intellectual control or as her noble effort to sustain a
female critique of male discursive forms, when in fact, in Kay’s words, the
“miscellaneous” forms Wollstonecraft employed are “symptoms of the diver-
sity of literature and philosophy of [her] time.” The novels, essays, sermons,
or pamphlets of writers demonstrably important to Wollstonecraft – take,
for example, Rousseau, Burke, Richard Price, or Samuel Johnson – display
similar traits of miscellaneousness and a similar decision to eschew being
methodical in favor of being accessible to wide ranges of topics and sudden
fluctuations of tone and mood.5 In Wollstonecraft’s case, such diversity has
proved quite confounding, for working across the tidy disciplinary bound-
aries we have since constructed to organize disciplines within the academy
as well as within the literary marketplace itself, she has seemed to elude
our efforts to categorize or even to name her. Do we call her a novelist?
An educationist? A political theorist? A moral philosopher? An historian? A
memoirist? A woman of letters? A feminist? Wollstonecraft was all of these
things, of course, but to describe her as any single one of them would not
only diminish the range as well as the wholeness of her achievement, but
also impose decidedly anachronistic territorial distinctions on her literary
Because thinking about the miscellaneous appearance of Wollstonecraft’s
career as a writer entails rethinking the way we map out fields of knowledge,
putting together a volume of this nature is a compelling venture. But, con-
sidered more narrowly, it also poses something of a challenge. To be sure,
Wollstonecraft’s contributions to specific genres are important, and this col-
lection does not neglect them. As Janet Todd’s essay shows, for example,
Wollstonecraft excels as a writer of familiar letters, and any student or
clau d ia l. jo h n son
If Wollstonecraft only recently had the peculiar status of being a major fig-
ure who was nevertheless typically unread, today students are likely to read
Wollstonecraft’s works in a wide variety of contexts – in eighteenth-century
as well as Romantic studies, in courses on the history of feminism and the
emergence of women writers, and in classes about the history of sensibility or
of English radical thought. This collection of essays is designed to help stu-
dents encounter this powerful, daring, and often difficult writer whose career
and whose example and whose work continue to inspire and to haunt us.
clau d ia l. jo h n son
Mary Wollstonecraft is one of the most distinctive letter writers of the eight-
eenth century. Her works from her juvenile productions as a young girl in the
Yorkshire town of Beverley to her final notes to her husband and future biog-
rapher William Godwin are instantly recognizable. Indeed Wollstonecraft’s
value is as much in letter writing as in public authorship; often she seems
almost to live through her correspondence, expressing within it her numerous
roles: child, daughter, companion, friend, teacher, governess, sister, literary
hack, woman of letters, lover, wife, rationalist, and romantic. She wrote
incessantly throughout her life, priding herself on her frank expression and
often berating her correspondents for not rising to her expansive standards.
She might have said with Amelia Opie, a friend from her final years, “If writ-
ing were an effort to me I should not now be alive . . . and it might have been
inserted in the bills of mortality – ‘dead of letter writing A. Opie.’”1
Wollstonecraft’s letters were self-aware certainly but they were also dashed
off as the overflow sometimes of joy, more often of bitterness, ennui, and
self pity. They are occasionally funny, often engaging, but most frequently
moving in their self-centered vulnerability. In them Wollstonecraft grows
from the awkward child of fourteen to the woman of thirty-eight facing her
death in childbirth. One can see where she matured and where she remained
entangled in childhood emotions, noting in the swift reading of a lifetime’s
writing the unity in temperament from beginning to end, the eerie consis-
tency of tone. At different times the letters reveal her wanting to reconcile
different irreconcilables – integrity and sexual longing, the needs and duties
of a woman, motherhood and intellectual life, fame and domesticity, reason
and passion – but all are marked by similar strenuousness, a wish to be true
to the complexity she felt. As a result she never seems quite to have said the
last word: there are numerous PSs in her letters, mentions of the paper or
letter itself and her need to write to its end, to fill in, to dominate her pages.
No space should be left empty, no mood untouched by expression: “I can
hardly bid you adieu, till I come to the bottom of my paper,” she wrote.
jan et to dd
Mary Wollstonecraft’s letters
but the remarks on letter writing had little influence on her practice. Blair
had expressed the Augustan notion of correspondence as good conversa-
tion, sprightly, witty, and seemingly natural, above all entertaining, with a
constant eye to the recipient. Although she tended to be more open about
her feelings with some correspondents than others, these were not always
especially appropriate for confidence or especially close in family or friend-
ship. Indeed she seems to have had little concern for the particular effect
of her writing on her correspondent; for example, she remarked to an old
friend, George Blood, that he might dread hearing from her if she contin-
ued moaning; yet this fear did not inhibit further complaint. She simply did
not accept the Augustan advice to calibrate tone and detail according to
the recipient. Great letter writers in this tradition such as Horace Walpole
took a single event and reported it in different ways for different correspon-
dents. Wollstonecraft was not a leisured and literary letter writer like this;
she did not have Walpole’s temperament nor his time and space; she was
writing on the hoof, in cramped lodgings, on swaying boats, in the wilds of
Scandinavia or in freezing Paris before queuing for bread, or between review-
ings in London, or indeed before plunging into the Thames in an attempt
to end her life. In such circumstances she was concerned with expressing
her emotions as she felt them, not entertaining or worrying about her effect.
So she could reveal herself fully to men such as her future publisher Joseph
Johnson when she hardly knew him or display her melancholy to a chance
acquaintance like the clergyman Henry Gabell.
Perhaps her secret determination to become a writer gave all her com-
munications value in her eyes, however self-obsessed and repetitive they
might sound to her correspondent. Just occasionally she sought to entertain –
when she replied to her sister Eliza, whom she knew to be gloomy, she tried
“fabricat[ing] a lively epistle” – but this was a rare aim and, if her letters to
her other sister are anything to judge by, she soon fell back on her preachy
homiletic style or her habit of detailing her moods almost as if conversing
with herself rather than another. She was concerned to get herself across to
herself as well as to both private recipients and public readership, whatever
the cost. As a result of this self-concern there was less distinction than one
might have expected between her letters to her lover and those to her sisters
or distant friends.
The main impression given by her letters, then, is of self-absorption but
not lack of self-awareness; often, they seem more like a diary than cor-
respondence, a communion with the self or perhaps a self-created other.
Wollstonecraft talked and thought on paper. The strengths of the letters
were that, while they were not witty entertainments, they were also not
sentimental or exaggeratedly exclamatory in the contemporary feminine
jan et to d d
mode – letters from Mary Hays or Mary Robinson are examples – nor did
they use prepackaged phrases. Instead they sought to dramatize feelings,
tease out the meaning from sensations, enacting moods on paper rather than
simply describing them. Indeed the letters themselves often formed a large
part of the drama of her life. Wollstonecraft would begin to write in one
state and end in another or write herself into dramatic misery. She portrayed
herself awaiting the post, then hearing that nothing had arrived; her fiery
brain burnt and she rushed from the room for air. All was captured on
Wollstonecraft’s letters create a distinctive world, a sense of inner vitality,
revealing a consistent character. Unhappy in Scandinavia, she told her for-
saking lover Gilbert Imlay,
there is such a thing as a broken heart! There are characters whose very energy
preys upon them; and who, ever inclined to cherish by reflection some passion,
cannot rest satisfied with the common comforts of life. I have endeavoured to
fly from myself, and launched into all the dissipation possible here, only to feel
keener anguish, when alone with my child.3
Her huge sense of the “I” is always believable and fully present. It is quite
unlike the self image of, for example, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu or the
bluestocking writers such as Elizabeth Carter and Catherine Talbot. The
bluestockings wrote to each other as friends, but their letters, which seem
designed to be passed around among a coterie, have a public quality lacking
in Wollstonecraft. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu had a very different temper-
ament from Wollstonecraft, as she disclosed when she wrote her wonderfully
sharp and witty letters earlier in the century. Although both struggled for self-
mastery – Wollstonecraft through religion in the beginning, then through
rationalism – unlike Lady Mary she was not concerned in her letters to dis-
cipline her sorrows or to distance her subject matter from herself. She did
not try to express herself stoically.4 Part of the difference lay in their dif-
ferent circumstances. Montagu had her aristocratic status to uphold where
Wollstonecraft had little social status but a great deal of valued identity to
As her letters indicate, Wollstonecraft believed in getting to truth through
investigating her own experience; so her mode of writing was in the main
intensely personal. She argued the value of her expression with Godwin, who
had been critical of her raw careless style,
I am compelled to think that there is some thing in my writings more valuable,
than in the productions of some people on whom you bestow warm elogiums –
I mean more mind – denominate it as you will – more of the observations of
my own senses, more of the combining of my own imagination – the effusions
Mary Wollstonecraft’s letters
of my own feelings and passions than the cold workings of the brain on the
materials procured by the senses and imagination of other writers.
(Letters, no. 242)
Her points remain valid for her public writings or her personal letters.
Wollstonecraft’s extant letters begin in 1773 when she was still a child and
end on 30 August 1797, a few hours before the childbirth that would kill
her. They are scattered in libraries in the US and England but the bulk of
them exists in two collections, the larger among the Abinger manuscripts in
the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and the smaller, including the juvenile letters,
in the Pfortzheimer Library in New York. In addition, the letters to the
Liverpool philanthropist William Roscoe are in the Walker Art Gallery in
Liverpool. The edition by Ralph M. Wardle in 1979 lists 346 letters; my
edition will have 354, including a recently discovered letter to Catharine
Macaulay whom Wollstonecraft praised in A Vindication of the Rights of
Woman and to whom she sent a copy of her The Vindication of the Rights
of Men. Many of the letters are undated; consequently their placing depends
on an interpretation of the life.5
Wollstonecraft’s letters survive where someone else wished them to do so.
For all his rebuffing, Gilbert Imlay chose to save and then return his lover’s
letters. His successor, Godwin, read them and found them wonderful and
passionate, seductive of the later reader if not of their first recipient; they
were in keeping with his image of Wollstonecraft as an author of genius.
So, remarkably for the times, as proof of this genius he chose to print an
intimate record of the intense obsessive love felt by his wife for a former
lover. Perhaps we also owe to Godwin the unflagging intensity of the letters.
He liked to see Wollstonecraft as an emotional writer and was less interested
in her as a political and economic commentator. Consequently he cut out the
sections of the letters from Scandinavia that concerned the business on which
Wollstonecraft was traveling (his excisions might also be due to the nature of
this business, which was the pursuit of a case arising out of French efforts to
circumvent the British blockade during the war between the two countries).
As a comparison of these letters with others to her family suggests, he also
made them more coherent and corrected the punctuation.
Two other series of letters over which Godwin had control were those be-
tween himself and Wollstonecraft and those from Wollstonecraft to her pub-
lisher and friend Joseph Johnson. The former he did not publish but largely
kept intact. Many of the interchanges simply consist of notes about quotid-
ian matters, appointments, cold dinners, arrangements for Wollstonecraft’s
little daughter by Imlay. Others are longer or more serious, describing the
jan et to d d
new deep love for Godwin in fleeting voluptuous or tender moments, com-
bined, as always in Wollstonecraft, with moods and displays of neediness and
self-assertion. The others to Johnson Godwin published together with the
Imlay letters in Posthumous Works.6 These also sometimes discuss business –
literary assignments and the debts which Wollstonecraft was constantly
running up with Johnson – but they also reveal again her troubling mix-
ture of independence and dependence, her conflicting desire to rely on and
impress another. Like the Imlay letters, the originals of the Johnson let-
ters were presumably destroyed by Godwin once he had prepared them
for publication. There are thus no manuscripts from which to check his
In Godwin’s view, the great absence from the letters he was publishing were
the extant letters Wollstonecraft wrote to the artist and cultural critic Henry
Fuseli, for whom she had had what she described as a “rational passion”
during the early 1790s. They would certainly have been of value since they
must have been a record of her mind when she was writing her great polem-
ical works, A Vindication of the Rights of Men and A Vindication of the
Rights of Woman; in addition they would have thrown light on her tortuous
efforts to reconcile reason and passion. When she had been at a low ebb
after her suicide attempt in 1795, Wollstonecraft had asked Fuseli as well
as Imlay to return her letters. Imlay complied but Fuseli did not. After her
death when Godwin was writing his Memoirs in loving if undiplomatic re-
membrance of his wife, he asked Fuseli – whom he knew well but without
intimacy – if he might see these letters. Although he had not even opened
some of them, so importunate and repetitive had they become in his mind,
he had retained them. He showed them in a drawer to Godwin but refused
him access; they remained among his papers at his death in 1825. They
then became the property of his executor and biographer, John Knowles.
Since his subject was Fuseli not Wollstonecraft, Knowles quoted only briefly
from them in his 1831 biography.7 After his death they came into the hands
of his son, E. H. Knowles, who announced his possession in 1870.8 In
1884 E. H. Knowles sold them to Sir Percy Florence Shelley, Mary Shelley’s
son and Wollstonecraft’s grandson. As the child of scandal, brought up to
value restraint and propriety, Sir Percy is unlikely to have acquired them for
their literary value but rather to stanch the poison of notoriety that seemed
to afflict his family – they were after all intense personal letters written
from an unmarried woman to a married man. Sir Percy refused Elizabeth
Robins Pennell permission to use them for her biography in 1885. Since then
they have disappeared and it has long been presumed by scholars that the
Shelleys – Sir Percy’s wife Jane survived him and was much concerned with
the family’s legacy – destroyed them.9
Mary Wollstonecraft’s letters
Amongst the many fair ones to whom the singular rector of Stukeley paid his
addresses was the once-famous Mary Wollstonecraft, distinguished during the
period of the French Revolution for her democratical writing. . . . How far the
rev. gentleman sped in his wooing with this intellectual amazon we have not
been able to ascertain. . . . 10
I enjoyed the society of a friend, whom I love better than all the world beside,
a friend to whom I am bound by every tie of gratitude and inclination: To live
with this friend is the height of my ambition . . . her conversation is not more
agreeable than improving. . . .
jan et to d d
to the third sister Elizabeth Bishop, the most troublesome of the family corre-
spondents and the nearest in temperament and yearnings to Wollstonecraft
herself; since Eliza Bishop became thoroughly alienated from her famous
sister, even pretending that she was dead through several periods of her life,
she probably destroyed some of this correspondence; only one letter survives
from Wollstonecraft’s later years and it was copied in outrage for her sister
Everina to read.
The letters to Everina Wollstonecraft and George Blood have a similar
tone; they are often complacent, dominating, dogmatic, frank, complaining
and self-assertive: they are deeply interested in the welfare of their recipients
but they also blame both for their failures as correspondents and occasionally
they make it clear that Wollstonecraft regarded herself as their intellectual
and temperamental superior. To George Blood she became remarkably close
after Fanny Blood’s death, before she awkwardly withdrew from what was
perhaps more compromising than she had meant. At other times she felt com-
fortable berating George for his and his family’s failings as if she had really
been his older sister or mother. On his side he seems to have given unqualified
admiration: Wollstonecraft became the “Princess,” a nickname she relished
since she referred to it in several of her letters. Without the crucial correspon-
dence with Fanny Blood, this with her brother best charts Wollstonecraft’s
love affair with the Blood family and her alienation from them as she came
to realize their severe limitations (selfishness and fecklessness) and intellec-
tual shortcomings. Poor George, who had been her main comfort through
periods of anguish at the loss of Fanny, was later told not to read books
above his capacities. The letters to George, like those to her sisters, trail off
as Wollstonecraft emotionally outgrew both family and surrogate family.
With her sister Everina, frequently called a “girl” despite her adult status,
Wollstonecraft could be frank and bossy:
your mind certainly requires great attention – you have seldom resolution to
think or exert the talents nature, or to speak with more propriety, Providence
has given you to be improved – our whole life is but an education for eternity –
virtue is an acquirement – seek for the assistance of Heaven, to enable you
now to be wise into Salvation, and regret not the time which is past, which,
had others taken the greatest pains to form your mind could only have opened
it to instruction – and made you capable of gaining experience – no creatures
are so situated but they may obtain His favor from whom only TRUE comfort
flows if they seek it. (Letters, no. 51)
While often being dogmatic and homiletic, the letters to her sisters, espe-
cially those to Everina, are revelatory and in many ways moving, revealing
the transformation of all three of them from vital yearning young girls to sour
Mary Wollstonecraft’s letters
jan et to d d
The Arden letters begin in 1773 or early 1774 and address Jane when she
is away staying with a friend in Hull; they continue on her return when Mary
is hurt and jealous at Jane’s attentions to other girls: “I am a little singular in
my thoughts of love and friendship; I must have the first place or none,” she
wrote. Jane argued that a person could have many equal friends but Mary
doubted it and the girls quarreled and refused to speak to each other. So
Mary dashed off an aggrieved note:
I once thought myself worthy of your friendship; – I thank you for bringing
me to a right sense of myself. – When I have been at your house with Miss J –
the greatest respect has been paid to her; every thing handed to her first; – in
short, as if she were a superior being: – Your Mama too behaved with more
politeness to her. (Letters, no. 5)
Mary Wollstonecraft’s letters
love for Fanny, revealed continuities with the childhood letters but also a
temperamental change. She had become strenuously pious and there was a
new depressive strain that would dog her throughout her life:
The sulky demanding girl of Beverley had become a scornful and depressive
young lady, a “spectator” of pleasure, an alienated being marginalised in an
uncaring society: “I wish to retire as much from [the world] as possible – I
am particularly sick of genteel life, as it is called; – the unmeaning civilities
that I see every day practiced don’t agree with my temper; – I long for a little
sincerity, and look forward with pleasure to the time when I shall lay aside
all restraint” (Letters, no. 12). Yet, despite the moaning, she had kept intact
a sense of “consequence,” now expressed as a pride in puritanical austerity
and in proper alienation among the trivial.
Wollstonecraft’s time as companion was interrupted by family disasters.
Her mother was ailing and she returned home to help with nursing. Shortly
after Mrs Wollstonecraft’s death, the second daughter Eliza married Meredith
Bishop. Wollstonecraft regarded her as too young for marriage and was un-
surprised when, after the birth of a child, Eliza fell into deep melancholy.
Wollstonecraft’s response was vigorous: she removed her sister from her new
husband and baby. The event was delivered in a series of breathless notes
to the third sister Everina, brilliantly capturing the shifting moods and fears
provoked by the drama: “I knew I should be the . . . shameful incendiary in
this shocking affair of a woman’s leaving her bed-fellow,” Wollstonecraft
wrote at one moment; at another, “[Eliza] looks now very wild – Heaven
protect us – I almost wish for an husband – for I want some body to
support me.”
To help keep Eliza, herself – and in due course her friend Fanny Blood and
her sister Everina – she founded a small school in the progressive Dissenting
community of Newington Green. The next years are sparsely covered by
letters – which is a pity since it was a time of considerable intellectual growth.
The period and the school came to an end when Wollstonecraft left for
Portugal to be with Fanny Blood during her confinement – consumptive,
Fanny had quit the school to be married the year before. After Fanny’s death,
jan et to d d
Don’t smile when I tell you that I am tormented with spasms – indeed it
is impossible to enumerate the various complaints I am troubled with; and
how much my mind is harrassed by them. I know they all arise from disor-
dered nerves, that are injured beyond a possibility of receiving any aid from
medicine – There is no cure for a broken heart! (Letters, no. 54)
Mary Wollstonecraft’s letters
Her detailed sense of her intellectual progress during this time was kept
primarily for Fuseli, with whom she must have discussed her two polemical
triumphs of the early London years, the Vindications, both written as sort
of public letters in angry reaction to texts by men she considered both pow-
erful and wrong-headed, especially Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in
France and Rousseau’s Emile.
Wollstonecraft must have been writing to Fuseli constantly to create the
stack of letters Godwin later glimpsed and it was thus a considerable emo-
tional wrench when, repulsed by him and his wife in her efforts to form a
ménage à trois, she left for France. It was the fourth year of the Revolution
and the Jacobin Terror was about to begin. Vulnerable and yearning for old
friends, she soon replaced the middle aged enfant terrible Fuseli with a very
different man, an American merchant, speculator and liberal author, the tall
handsome Gilbert Imlay. Their love burgeoned. When the French grew an-
tagonistic to English wellwishers after the declaration of war between the
two countries, she had to move from Paris to a nearby village. There she
began the long series of letters to Imlay which would chart her next few
haunted years. They tell a dismal story: of the growth, short flowering and
long decline of their relationship through Paris, Le Havre, where their child
Fanny was born, through a sad reunion in London, through the first sui-
cide attempt, the business trip to Scandinavia, the dreary return and further
suicide attempt, to the slow recovery of health and peace.
“Everybody allows that the talent of writing agreeable letters is pecu-
liarly female,” remarked the ironic hero of Austen’s Northanger Abbey.
Letter writing certainly filled up a good deal of the literate woman’s time
but the great letter writers of society were perhaps more men than women,
Walpole or Byron, rather than the bluestocking ladies. But, when it came to
the emotional personal letter, the exemplary exponent was agreed to be the
seventeenth-century French Madame de Sevigné, whose love object was her
daughter. Only fiction matched this intensity in Wollstonecraft’s period and it
was the male hero, Werther, in Goethe’s The Sorrows of Young Werther who
jan et to d d
Ah! my friend, you know not the ineffable delight, the exquisite pleasure, which
arises from a unison of affection and desire, when the whole soul and senses
are abandoned to a lively imagination, that renders every emotion delicate and
rapturous. Yes; these are emotions, over which satiety has no power, and the
recollection of which, even disappointment cannot disenchant; but they do not
exist without self-denial. These emotions, more or less strong, appear to me to
be the distinctive characteristic of genius, the foundation of taste, and of that
exquisite relish for the beauties of nature, of which the common herd of eaters
and drinkers and child-begeters, certainly have no idea. You will smile at an
observation that has just occurred to me: – I consider those minds as the most
strong and original, whose imagination acts as the stimulus to their senses.
Well! you will ask, what is the result of all this reasoning? Why I cannot help
thinking that it is possible for you, having great strength of mind, to return to
nature, and regain a sanity of constitution, and purity of feeling – which would
open your heart to me. – I would fain rest there! (Letters, no. 180)
The correspondence with Imlay was returned by him when she requested
it; although it must have increased her pain, perhaps when she reread it
she realized that letter writing was her forte, her form. In her final years
her works use the epistolary structure repeatedly: for example in her most
successful unison of political commentary and personal experience, Letters
Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, as well as in the fragment
Mary Wollstonecraft’s letters
“Letters on the Management of Infants.” Letters also form the largest part
of her unfinished novel, The Wrongs of Woman.
Wollstonecraft had met William Godwin when she had been in her ro-
bust vindicating phase; he had found her strident and unprepossessing. Now
in 1796 they met again and he was impressed with her grief-induced mel-
lowness. They rapidly became close friends and within a few months lovers.
Occasionally over the period of courtship and commitment she wrote to him
the kind of erotic notes she had earlier addressed to Imlay:
Now by these presents let me assure you that you are not only in my heart, but
my veins, this morning. I turn from you half abashed – yet you haunt me, and
some look, word or touch thrills through my whole frame – yes, at the very
moment when I am labouring to think of something, if not somebody, else.
Get ye gone Intruder! though I am forced to add dear – which is a call back –
When the heart and reason accord there is no flying from voluptuous sensa-
tions, I find, do what a woman can. (Letters, no. 247)
On other occasions they read too much into each other’s words and ended
in emotional tussles. Once Wollstonecraft sent Godwin a fable of a sycamore
in which she tried to express her vulnerability and fears about another at-
tachment after the disaster with Imlay; Godwin was obtuse and read the
letter as a desire to end the relationship. Or they quarrelled and Godwin
would try to remonstrate in a reasoned letter about her extreme irrational
spoken words. Mostly, however, they wrote short notes making arrange-
ments, sending over cold dinners, complaining about household duties, or
organizing visitors. Both relished a secret life going on below the public meet-
ings, for, until their marriage in March 1797, they kept up a fiction that they
were friends but no couple. Always theirs was a literary relationship, whose
intimacy was embodied in the communal bottle of ink. Ever impecunious
and distracted by domestic details, Wollstonecraft asked Godwin to send
her some ink because she had run out. Later he asked for his bottle back and
one can imagine it traveling between the two unconventional households as,
now married and about to be parents, they fiercely guarded their indepen-
dence and signified both their togetherness and separation in their habit of
writing rather than speaking – though they saw each other daily and were
only a few doors apart.
During the last months of Wollstonecraft’s life, two series of letters are
revelatory of her newfound strength yet continuing insecurity and vulner-
ability to melancholy and suicidal moods. The first concerned her anxiety
over Godwin’s apparent flirtation with Miss Pinkerton. She remonstrated
with him, bringing up the past and reliving her rejections; then she herself
wrote the letter of dismissal, leaving Godwin to emend and send it. The
jan et to d d
Mary Wollstonecraft’s letters
1. J. Menzies-Wilson and Helen Lloyd, Amelia: the Tale of a Plain Friend (London:
Oxford University Press, 1937), v.
2. Love-Letters of Mary Hays, ed. A. F. Wedd (London: Methuen, 1925), 13–14.
3. The Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft, ed. Janet Todd (Penguin: 2002), no. 193.
4. After Wollstonecraft there are other women writers whose private letters reveal a
similar intimate self-dramatizing, self-revealing quality. For example, Charlotte
Brontë and Virginia Woolf.
5. My proposed dates differ on many occasions from Ralph Wardle’s in his 1979
edition; for example I have used the dates of Wollstonecraft’s mother’s death and
of the births of her brother Edward’s children to reassign several of the letters to
Jane Arden.
6. Posthumous Works, 6: 349–446.
7. Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli (London, 1831), 3 vols.
8. Notes and Queries 1870 (November 19), 434.
9. See Richard Garnett, ed., Letters about Shelley (London: Hodder and Stoughton,
10. See T. Lovell, Narrative of the Murder of the late Rev. J. Waterhouse (1827).
11. Godwin, Memoirs of the Author of the Vindication of the Rights of Woman
(London, 1798), 19.
12. Ford K. Brown, The Life of William Godwin, London: Dent, 1926, 134.
13. I have made this family network a major theme of my biography, Mary
Wollstonecraft: a Revolutionary Life (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2000).
14. Note to letter 329.
A keen and vital concern with education, especially the education of girls
and women, runs throughout Mary Wollstonecraft’s writing and remains a
dominant theme to the abrupt end of her career. The title of her first book,
Thoughts on the Education of Daughters, speaks for itself; her single most
important work, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, begins as a plea
for the equal education of women and includes an ambitious and farsighted
proposal for a national schools system. Both of her novels, Mary and the
unfinished Maria, centrally address the self-education of their heroines while
seeking to fill a pedagogical role in relation to their female readers.1 More
directly, Wollstonecraft produced a book for children (Original Stories) in
the innovative, progressive mode of the day, edited an innovative reader
specifically designed for the use of girls, and frequently commented on chil-
dren’s books and educational treatises for the Analytical Review. Among the
projects left unfinished at her death were a treatise on the “Management of
Infants,” barely begun, and a primer, provisionally entitled “Lessons,” that,
if completed, might have changed the early history of the British children’s
Education was critically important to Wollstonecraft both as a liberal re-
former and as a radical theorist and proponent of women’s rights. A broad
spectrum of reformist writers and activists – from conservatives wishing to
shore up the status quo to “Jacobins” wishing to overturn it – saw educa-
tion as a, if not the, key locus for promoting social stability or engineer-
ing social revolution.2 According to associationist psychology, influentially
applied to schooling and pedagogy in Locke’s Some Thoughts Concerning
Education (1693) and subscribed to by nearly every important writer on
education in Wollstonecraft’s time, childhood was the crucial period for the
formation of individuals, and hence of social groups. As Wollstonecraft her-
self writes (in a chapter of the second Vindication on the “Effect which an
Early Association of Ideas has upon the Character”), early education has a
“determinate effect” upon later character, and the associations built up over
Mary Wollstonecraft on education
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Mary Wollstonecraft on education
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the period’s acting, missing the “delicate touches” that convey real emotion
(TED 4:46).9 Wollstonecraft employs a standard of nature as well as a stan-
dard of reason in seeking to improve on the artful and ornamental female
education retailed by boarding schools and fashionable governesses.
Even writing, instrumental for forming “rational and elegant” habits of
conversation, should strive for a certain nakedness of expression. “Young
people are very apt to substitute words for sentiments, and clothe mean
thoughts in pompous diction” (TED 4:18–19). The ideal of artlessness recurs
in The Female Reader (1789), a collection of short pieces and extracts edited
by Wollstonecraft but published by Johnson under a popular writer’s name
(“Mr. Cresswick”). Taking William Enfield’s Speaker – designed for use in
the Dissenting academies – as her model, but aiming at the “improvement
of females,” Wollstonecraft again advocates “simplicity and sincerity” in
style as well as behavior, with “natural and touching” extracts from “the
Scriptures, Shakspeare, etc.” as prime examples (FR 4:55). The anthology
(along with the translations of European books for children Wollstonecraft
produced for Johnson at about the same time) has been described as “hack-
work,” fairly enough, but the “Preface” is by no means without interest.10
In addition to advocating a “pure and simple style,” Wollstonecraft rec-
ommends “works addressed to the imagination” over “cold arguments and
mere declamation,” and characterizes children formed by “rote” learning
as miseducated “monsters,” as William Wordsworth more famously will in
The Prelude (FR 4:56, 58).11 Well before Maria, one can detect a Romantic
strain in Wollstonecraft’s writing.
Original Stories, however, is often seen as the antithesis to the nascent
Romantic cult of childhood innocence and imagination, and has been typ-
ically described as a “series of harsh moral tales.”12 Published by Johnson in
1788, reissued in 1791 (with illustrations by William Blake) and in several
further editions through 1835, Wollstonecraft’s book for children was her
first commercial success. Its full title gives a sense of the book’s openly didac-
tic purpose: Original Stories from Real Life; With Conversations, Calculated
to Regulate the Affections, and Form the Mind to Truth and Goodness. Two
recent experiences left a profound mark on Original Stories: Wollstonecraft’s
stint as governess to the daughters of Lord and Lady Kingsborough in
Ireland, from late 1786 through the summer of 1787, and her enthusiastic
reading of Rousseau’s Emile during the same period.13 At the Kingsborough
estate, Wollstonecraft strove to reform her spoiled, aristocratic charges,
through a program based on personal example, rational conversation, and
affectionate bonding, much like that of her fictional Mrs. Mason in Original
Stories. The form and many of the discursive strategies of that book, how-
ever, owe a great deal to the literary example of Rousseau, whose influence
Mary Wollstonecraft on education
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Mary Wollstonecraft on education
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for children is strikingly progressive (OS 4:410, 437). A passage from her
1789 review of Sandford and Merton suggests how isolated Wollstonecraft
felt in her pursuit of an equal, more substantial, and rational education for
girls. “Mr Day, above prevailing prejudices, recommends a very different
mode of education for females, from that which some late writers on the
subject, have adopted; . . . he wishes to see women educated like rational
creatures, and not made mere polished play things, to amuse the leisure
hours of men” (AR 7:176). A review of another work of educational reform
published only a year later, however, shows Wollstonecraft possessed of a
major new ally and her thinking given a significant new impetus. Described
as the “turning point” in her intellectual career, Wollstonecraft’s reading of
Catherine Macaulay’s Letters on Education provided her with the germ of
the arguments on female education and conduct that she would develop to
such lasting effect in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792).18
“Perfectly coinciding in opinion with this sagacious writer,”Wollstonecraft
reviewed Macaulay’s Letters at unusual length, eliciting and endorsing its
more iconoclastic views on gender and education (AR 7:309). As Rousseau
had insisted in Emile, “hardy habits” should be developed from infancy, with
the important addition that the “amusements and instructions of boys and
girls should be the same.” The judicious reading program recommended in
Letters is “equally designed for girls and boys”; in place of the submissiveness
and other “negative” virtues enjoined by nearly every conduct writer, girls
like boys should develop “habits of independence” (AR 7:311–12). Women
are miseducated rather than educated under the reigning system, debilitated
and “depraved” physically from lack of exercise and excessive restraint, de-
based morally by being taught only to “abstain” from vice but not how to
attain to virtue. Summarizing this aspect of Macaulay’s views as “no charac-
teristic difference in sex,” Wollstonecraft comments that her “observations
on this subject might have been carried much farther, if Mrs M.’s object had
not been a general system of education” (AR 7:314). Within a few years,
Wollstonecraft would herself draw out the implications of Macaulay’s rad-
ical critique, in her book-length investigation of the “rights of woman and
national education” (VRW 5:65).
Writing in the brief period between the fall of the Bastille and the full-
blown British reaction against the French Revolution, Wollstonecraft attacks
the inequitable system of female education for its subversion of the republi-
can values of liberty and equality. Having developed a defense of the ideals
of the Revolution – “the rights of men and the liberty of reason” – two
years before in A Vindication of the Rights of Men (1790), Wollstonecraft
now demands civil rights and equal educational provisions for women in
the name of those same ideals (VRM 5:7). Adapting (as had Macaulay)
Mary Wollstonecraft on education
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Mary Wollstonecraft on education
good citizens, you must first exercise the affections of a son and brother”
(VRW 5:234).20
As Wollstonecraft’s ambitious proposal for a national schools system de-
velops, however, it becomes clear that the needs of daughters and sisters are
foremost on her mind. Other radical writers, most notably Thomas Paine,
had also concluded that day schools funded by the state would best pro-
mote the spread of literacy, knowledge, and ultimately social and political
equality. But Paine, like Joseph Priestley, William Godwin, and other radi-
cals from Dissenting families, worried about the potential of a system con-
trolled by the (officially Anglican) state to shape ideological uniformity and
religious orthodoxy.21 The national government should help parents meet
educational expenses, but should have no part in establishing or directing
the schools themselves. For Wollstonecraft, however, only a national sys-
tem of day schools has the capacity to fundamentally change social relations
between the sexes. She notes early in the second Vindication that “private
education” can have only a limited effect in comparison to the implicit, in-
sensible, constant education provided by the “opinions and manners” of
society as a whole (VRW 5:90). But should education become a “grand na-
tional concern,” an entire generation could be produced under fundamen-
tally altered social circumstances (VRW 5:234). Raising girls together with
boys in “national” day schools established throughout the country and mak-
ing female education not only equal, but indistinguishable from (a reformed)
male education, could enable the “improvement and emancipation of the
whole sex” (VRW 5:247).
By being educated together with boys in “public schools” (that is, state-
managed day schools), girls will learn to become “free” and “independent,”
the best foundation for genuine companionship with men in later life. Both
sexes will learn true modesty together – that is, “modesty without those sex-
ual distinctions” that make for an unequal social compact and “taint” both
the male and female mind, rendering the former more sensual and the latter
more cunning. Thanks to the “enlargement of mind” promised by a sounder
education, women will learn to better appreciate the fine arts and the beau-
ties of nature, in place of the “ignorance and low desires” all but guaranteed
by the current system (VRW 5:237–8, 245). Wollstonecraft anticipates the
stock charge that too much education will masculinize women by return-
ing to her revisionary conception of motherhood and domesticity. Schooling
in “political and moral subjects” will make women more rather than less
“attentive to domestic duties,” by giving them the strength of an “active
mind” and a compelling alternative to the “love of pleasure.” “Indolence
and vanity,” not the higher pleasures of “literary pursuits” and the “steady
investigation of scientific subjects,” poison domestic life (VRW 5:241). The
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Mary Wollstonecraft on education
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time (MI 4:459). Her healthy, vigorous daughter was a living argument both
for rational motherhood and for giving children, even as infants, as much
freedom and stimulation as possible.
Fanny also figures prominently in the fragmentary “Lessons,” which ad-
dress a “little girl” her age and were designed for her use in learning to read
(L 4:468–74). In the manner of Barbauld’s Lessons for Children (1778–88),
Eleanor Fenn’s Cobwebs to Catch Flies (1783), or the Edgeworths’ Parent’s
Assistant (1796), Wollstonecraft seeks to provide the beginning reader with
age-appropriate, concrete, engaging material in a simple style and parental
voice. The first lesson is simply a list of nouns, all naming concrete objects,
in the best Lockean manner. Verbs, a few adjectives, more abstract nouns
(day and night), numbers and colors are added in the second lesson. The
third lesson introduces phrases of two to four words, and also begins to
establish a warm, intimate relation between the child reader and the adult
writer: “Shake hands. I love you. Kiss me now. Good girl.” The fourth lesson
introduces a baby brother, enabling a series of comparisons that give the girl
reader–protagonist insight into her own motoric, cognitive, and emotional
development. She is steadily encouraged to take pride in her growing strength
and mastery of the object world around her, while a life narrative develops
that emphasizes the child’s affectionate bonds with her family in place of
the moral self-scrutiny insisted upon in Original Stories.24 “You could only
open your mouth, when you were lying, like William, on my knee. So I put
you to my breast, and you sucked, as the puppy sucks now, for there was
milk enough for you.”
In his brief preface to the extant lessons (ten in all), Godwin states that
the author has “struck out on a path of her own,” a claim amply justified as
the “Lessons” continue (L 4:467). For Wollstonecraft establishes a unique
variant on the maternal voice of the “new” literature for children, one that
includes a rare admission of parental vulnerability that contrasts strikingly
with her own Mrs. Mason’s seeming omnipotence. “At ten months you had
four pretty white teeth, and you used to bite me. Poor mamma! Still I did
not cry, because I am not a child, but you hurt me very much.” The roles
of parent and child are shown to be not fixed identities, but positions that
shift with succeeding generations: “My mamma took care of me, when I
was a little girl, like you.” The child’s growing autonomy is a source of
parental pleasure rather than anxiety, something to endorse and encourage
rather than qualify and circumscribe. “What you think that you shall soon
be able to dress yourself entirely? I am glad of it: I have something else to
do.” The tenth lesson shows first the mother, then the father, in moments
of weakness, ill and needing rest and quiet, and demonstrates to the child
that she indeed knows “how to think” because she has learned from one
Mary Wollstonecraft on education
parent how to spare the other. “I did not bid you be quiet; but you thought
of what papa said to you, when my head ached. This made you think you
ought not to make a noise, when papa was resting himself. So you came to
me, and said to me, very softly, Pray reach me my ball, and I will go and play
in the garden, till papa wakes.” This is altogether a new voice in juvenile
fiction. Had Wollstonecraft lived to complete “Lessons,” it would have made
a pronounced contrast to the steely didacticism of Original Stories, and
would have provided an innovative and compelling model for children’s
writers to come.
The lasting impact of Wollstonecraft’s writing about education and child-
hood cannot, however, finally be separated from her feminism. It was as
a revolutionary thinker on female education, and its intimate relation to
women’s social, political, and domestic subordination, that Wollstonecraft
both inspired and provoked her contemporaries. Although Macaulay had
provided her with a foundation, Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights
of Woman is unprecedented in the systematic character of its analysis of
female subjection and in the vigor and precision of its critique of earlier
prescriptions for women’s education. Her willingness to attack the cultural
edifice of feminine modesty, to advocate coeducation throughout the years
of schooling, to demand political rights and economic independence for
women, all made Wollstonecraft a ready target not just for criticism, but for
demonization within the increasingly reactionary climate of the Romantic
era. Yet even at a time when to name Wollstonecraft usually meant to mock or
attack her, versions of her ideas on women’s education tacitly informed later
works in an entire range of genres, from domestic fiction to tracts on educa-
tional reform.25 Wollstonecraft’s powerful analysis of the role of educational
methods, institutions, and disparities in maintaining social inequalities still
resonates today.
1. See Lisa Shawn Maurer, “The Female (As) Reader: Sex, Sensibility, and the
Maternal in Wollstonecraft’s Fictions,” Essays in Literature 19 (1992), 36–54 and
Mitzi Myers, “Pedagogy as Self-Expression in Mary Wollstonecraft: Exorcising
the Past, Finding a Voice,” The Private Self: Theory and Practice of Women’s
Autobiographical Writings, ed. Shari Benstock (Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press, 1988), 192–210.
2. For an overview, see Alan Richardson, Literature, Education, and Romanticism:
Reading as Social Practice, 1780–1832 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
3. Anna Laetitia Barbauld, “On Education,” Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld, ed.
Lucy Aikin, 2 vols. (London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green,
1825) 2: 305–20.
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Mary Wollstonecraft on education
24. My reading of the “Lessons” concurs with that of Jump in Mary Wollstonecraft,
25. For a subtle delineation of the indirect expression of feminist ideas in early
nineteenth-century domestic fiction, see Claudia L. Johnson, Jane Austen:
Women, Politics, and the Novel (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988).
For an example of a contemporary writer on education making extensive, though
unacknowledged, use of Wollstonecraft’s arguments, see Sydney Smith, “Female
Education” (initially published in 1810 in the Edinburgh Review), The Works
of the Reverend Sydney Smith (London: Longmans, Green, 1865), 175–86.
The Vindications and their political tradition
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The Vindications and their political tradition
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The Vindications and their political tradition
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and obfuscation in political and legal matters inhibited wide discussion and
gave opportunites for corruption. Her own statements of principle, versions
of the golden rule of doing as you would be done by, assertions of equality
and of freedom limited only by prohibiting encroachment upon others’ free-
dom, echoed the language of political pronouncements such as the American
Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of
Men and of Citizens. Though such principles were the product of historical
experience and progressive political science – she traces them particularly
to Locke – they appear the spontaneous products of “natural” morality or
common sense. She regarded them as “eternal,” requiring “only to be made
known, to be generally acknowledged . . . ” (HMV 6:221).
Wollstonecraft could be accused of not confronting Burke on his own
ground, the ground of political precedent and historical fact, but her at-
tack on his emotional sincerity in A Vindication of the Rights of Men is
a valid approach for one who values precedents only as they enlighten
present responses. She finds his rhetoric cold and artificial, its professed ba-
sis in domestic feeling absurdly confined to primogeniture, and its aggressive
masculinity outmoded bombast. Even her digs at his pension and motives
for ingratiating himself with established power are legitimate in exposing
the emotional malpractice he seemed to be perpetrating. In exhibiting her
own emotional reactions with Rousseau-like openness, she is claiming a true
contemporary sensibility, emotion confirmed by reflection, to contrast with
Burke’s hackneyed theatrical gestures and parade of prejudice. “Nature”
and “natural” are words that she distrusts but cannot do without. They in-
dicate the spontaneous reactions of a cultivated mind that is not afraid to
re-examine its own possible prejudices and is prepared to root out those in
others’ thought.
Active citizens
For Price the affections and passions, although basically healthy and God-
given, do not become morally admirable until transformed by the reason into
a universal benevolence that strives to imitate that of God, and only such
progress in virtue is a true preparation for the afterlife.3 These rational pas-
sions seek to improve the world, not to justify its present state. Price’s theory
enabled Wollstonecraft to interpret Rousseau more positively. Rousseau’s
sensibility had seemed an isolating grandeur, all too easy to identify with in
rejecting a society whose goals had become detached from real satisfactions.
Much of her early work echoes Rousseau’s sermons to himself to limit his
desires to ends achievable within the given sphere of existence. When she
gained the support of communities that embodied the mind and heart of
The Vindications and their political tradition
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example of how the liberty and property of the poor are sacrificed to protect
that of the rich. She comments on the idleness and vices of beggars and the
urban poor but these moral failings are the result of their conditions, not
their cause. They are the victims of the city’s boasted commerce, thrown out
of work by a “flux of trade or fashion,” and also victims of false emulation
as they copy the vices of the rich. A particularly concentrated passage yields
a pregnant analysis of the relationship of the classes: “Envy built a wall of
separation, that made the poor hate, whilst they bent to their superiors; who,
on their part, stepped aside to avoid the loathsome sight of human misery.”
The mixed envy and hatred of ressentiment stifles the social passions of the
poor, while the passions of the rich are not refined by the reflection that their
wealth involves the poverty of others, turning them into loathsome creatures
from which a fastidious taste revolts. They are rendered deaf to the appeal to
fellow-feeling evoked by the allusion to the parable of the Good Samaritan.
The remedy is a “more enlarged plan of society” in which man “did not seek
to bury the sympathies of humanity in the servile appellation of master”
(VRM 5:57–8). The poor, she asserts, “have a right to more comfort than
they at present enjoy . . . ” (VRM 5:55). With Price, she criticizes approaches
to poverty like that of Burke, who held out hopes of heavenly compensation
and preached Stoic resignation.
Heavenly justice promises a recompense, but only to those who improve
their own natures. Both Price and Wollstonecraft expound a duty to our-
selves that consists in training up virtue to perfection in this life of trial
and adversity, and virtue demands benevolence directed towards the sim-
ilar improvement of every individual. Beside breaking up large estates by
abolishing primogeniture, Price wished to see property, happiness, and inde-
pendence even more equally dispersed. He speculated that ideas of holding
goods in common could be extended, but he favored schemes of self-help.
His importance in the history of insurance stems from his efforts to intro-
duce schemes whereby laborers might insure against old age and unem-
ployment. A similar emphasis on self-help led Wollstonecraft to support the
Evangelical Sarah Trimmer’s involvement with the Charity School move-
ment and the enterprises of the unitarian George Dyer in the 1790s, who
proposed models of charitable institutions like miniature states run by sim-
ple, agreed, and well-publicized rules. Dyer and Wollstonecraft shared a
dilemma in the 1790s, whether to emphasize the separate identity and in-
terests of a group or to urge a communal response. Dyer stated bluntly
that the poor were slaves, since they had no part in the social contract
of society, yet he looked for a sharing of responsibility between rich and
poor.5 He described it as a kind of patronage, yet without the stigma at-
tached to the term, just as Godwin and Coleridge urged similar ideas of
The Vindications and their political tradition
Wollstonecraft’s vision of social progress owed much to the school of Scottish
philosophical historians who chronicled social advancement through dis-
tinct cultural stages from savagery to the present “commercial” age, char-
acterized by a weakening of the distinction of ranks, growing equality and
sociability, and the cultivation of the arts and sciences. One of the later
exponents of this view was John Millar who contributed to the Analytical
Review. Though predominantly optimistic, his reservations about the bless-
ings of progress and commercial society were similar to traditional repub-
lican fears that luxury, selfishness, and impatience of subordination would
lead to its dissolution.6 Burke too, seeing the English Constitution as the his-
torical outcome of Providential wisdom, warned of the danger of “feminine”
relaxation in the articles of subordination, property, and masculine military
virtues. Wollstonecraft uses the idea of stages of growth, though she denies
any “hidden hand” or historical determinism directing the process. While
taking sociability and the cultivation of arts and sciences as the main motors
of civilization, she is also aware of the possibilities of degeneration.
Her method of social criticism is very similar to that of Rousseau, and
directed against aspects of “commercial society” that had engaged the am-
bivalence of historians such as Adam Ferguson and John Millar. Scattered
throughout the two Vindications are jaundiced references to the commer-
cial nature of present civilization, a civilization far from that she celebrated
as the progressive unfolding of man’s social and benevolent nature. In A
Vindication of the Rights of Men they culminate in a Rousseauistic diatribe
against “the polished vices of the rich, their insincerity, want of natural af-
fections, with all the specious train that luxury introduces” (VRM 5:58).
The “specious” social and sexual virtues upheld by this society are, again in
Rousseauistic fashion, regarded as “substitutes” for the virtues themselves:
regulations instead of principles, reputation in place of integrity, commer-
cial treaties instead of friendship, legal prostitution instead of marriage.
chris jones
The Vindications and their political tradition
the French court, frivolous, vain, and sensual as it was, cultivated a sociability
that gave rise to intellectual curiosity and a patronage of ideas that were
eventually to destroy it. The improvement of manners is “the harbinger of
reason” (HMV 6:225). Paris, which had been the disseminator of courtly
culture, gained a tone distinct from that of the court and spread the new
ideas through enterprises such as the Encyclopedia. The capital itself, the
creation of the courtly system and its luxury, became a “bulwark to oppose
the despotism of the court,” and the author of the revolution. Yet Paris also
nurtured the Terror, and Wollstonecraft’s attitude towards the metropolis is
mixed: “the focus of information, the reservoir of genius, the school of arts,
the seat of voluptuous gratification, and the hot-bed of vice and immorality”
(HMV 6:223).
Just as Wollstonecraft’s view of the capital is ambivalent as it displays
aspects of old courtly corruption and new enlightenment so her view of
commerce is divided. She can be quoted as the inveterate foe of commerce
in its fraudulent, antisocial pursuit of profit and again as one of its great
champions. Commerce was seen as the characteristic element of modern so-
ciety and linked with the “douce commerce” of sociability. Wollstonecraft
values commerce and industry for the same reasons as Adam Smith: they
encourage independence and equality, broadening the basis of “polite”
society. The command of a wage for his labor or a market for his goods
emancipates man from slavish dependence on a feudal lord or the servile
receipt of alms from the rich. The benevolent heroine of her novel Mary
(1789) establishes “manufactories” as well as small farms, but they are not
the industrial workhouses that Wollstonecraft condemned in the Analytical
Review as the products of a “mistaken” theory of commerce (AR 7: 442).
In the Historical and Moral View she voices the same criticism as Godwin
of a system that turns men into unthinking, unprogressive automatons to
make fortunes for individuals. From her early Original Stories for Children,
where Mrs. Mason resists bargains and pays the right price for goods, to her
insistence on fair mercantile profits in the Historical and Moral View (HMV
6:233) and her idea of a just proportion between profit and wages in the
Letters Written During a Short Residence (SR 6:287), Wollstonecraft up-
holds a commerce regulated by ideas of justice and fairness and directed
toward the ideals of independence and benevolence. This evolution too
must come with an improvement of culture. In Scandinavia the smoke-
filled rooms of profiteering merchants gave scant indication of sociabil-
ity, and she felt that acquaintance with the arts and sciences would en-
large their minds to more benevolent prospects. Brissot, in his Travels to
America, had similarly commented optimistically on the rage for commerce
as a phase that the growth of civilization would moderate.7 Price had
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French failings
Like many radical commentators Wollstonecraft blamed the excesses of the
French Revolution on the corruptions of the old regime. She describes the
brutalizing effect of feudal slavery and lessons of tyranny received by
the lower classes, but her main focus is on the corruption of the aristoc-
racy and, through them, of the national character. Most of the violence,
she maintains, was due to the provocative intransigence of the nobility. The
corruptions of the French are characteristic of their state of civilization, a
polished, courtly society, in which morals have been sacrificed to manners.
After her analysis of the influence of established inequalities on woman in
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, she could readily ascribe the no-
torious “effeminacy” of the French character to the same political causes.
She reviews the components of the French public sphere with distaste. Their
pleasure-gardens and grand galas minister to frivolity and the desire to cut
a figure, while their theater is a place of declamation and rhetoric, a school
of vanity. Accustomed to codes of politeness, the French, like women, think
only of how to please and be pleased. In such a society the progressive ideas
of modern philosophy become mere counters of fashionable intercourse, the
weapons of self-glorifying wits and rhetoricians. The sincerity, the deeply
pondered conviction necessary to make opinion a passion, is as foreign to
The Vindications and their political tradition
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Surviving hopes
In absolving the people as a whole from the guilt of the Versailles maraud-
ers Wollstonecraft demonstrates her faith in the diffusion of knowledge and
the ultimate progress of true civilization. Political causes have vitiated man-
ners but politics will change when the French change their amusements and
manners (HMV 6:213). The world of metropolitan society is far from rep-
resenting French society as a whole and she often looks to the provinces for
a civilization benefiting more solidly from the centrifugal rays of intellect ra-
diating from the capital. Such a gradualistic hope sustained many reformers
like Godwin and Helen Maria Williams and was in tune with the doctrine
of stages of progress. Nevertheless, Wollstonecraft’s sense of possibilities in-
herent in every point of history where “natural” relationships obtain and
her refusal to see precedent as dictating the present often conflict with a
linear model. She concedes that long ages might be necessary for the devel-
opment of political and moral science and that it is “morally impossible”
for the French people suddenly to throw off the influence of the old regime,
but such a possibility is perpetually held out. The brutalized serf, enlight-
ened by self-evident truths, experiences a “noble regeneration” of dignity
and humanity (HMV 6:51). Even as she dismisses the superficial culture of
the playhouse, pleasure-garden, and gala, she finds examples of the cultured
domestic virtues making part of the public sphere in the capital. She praises
couples living with the affection of the “civilest friends,” attentive to the edu-
cation of their children, and entertaining relations and acquaintances with
cultural activities in the evening, perhaps a reference to the salons of Mme.
Roland and Helen Maria Williams. Returning to their manors in the sum-
mer, they mingle with the peasants in their amusements and benevolences.
In this “virtuous and useful life” French women are freer, and therefore less
subject to unrealistic “romantic” obsessions than the more confined English
(HMV 6:147–8). The public acts of the “people” and the National Guard
are seen as exemplary in the early days of 1789. It is the court which shows
the disunity and covert guile of faction as they oppose a movement of the
nation itself. Yet the imposing spectacle of a nation united in improvement
gives way to apparently congenital vice. The Palais Royale is described as
a school of patriotism in the days of the Bastille, a spacious square where
crowds flock to proclaim the sense of the nation (HMV 6:76), but within
three months it has become a “den of iniquity . . . ” (HMV 6:207).
The unlikely swiftness of this transformation questions both the prospect
of speedy reform and the necessity of a tardy gradualism. Improvements in
printing, the quick global communication of knowledge, the very fact of
the Revolution itself, make reform a more immediate prospect to her in her
The Vindications and their political tradition
Wollstonecraft played a part in making the independent agriculturalist a
subject of ideological debate, a topic taken up particularly by Wordsworth
and Cobbett. Her high valuation of economic independence was echoed in
efforts to open more occupations to women later in the century but her
concern for the independence and welfare of town workers as a whole and
her criticism of large factories tended to be absorbed into a general Romantic
antagonism to modern industrial systems which encouraged communitarian
experiments, usually under the reforming banner of Robert Owen’s efforts
to ensure a fair proportion between profit and labor.
Wollstonecraft’s influence on the political thought of Romantic writers is
still being explored and this chapter has indicated some of the areas where it
may be found. Her exceptional vitality of thought impressed all who knew
her and Coleridge regarded her as a genius. Wordsworth might have fol-
lowed her in looking for progress in recovering ways of thought and feeling
deformed by modern, commercial society yet preserved in rural communities.
Her development of republican and democratic principles in domestic and
affective terms provided a powerful critique of Burke’s use of domestic feel-
ings to support the conservative model of community. In asserting the relative
autonomy of the domestic sphere she indicated an alternative to totalitarian
theories that subordinated all aspects of an age to its political or economic
base. By maintaining the priority of lived social experience in transforming
thought she influenced the Shelleyan attitude to political institutions as at-
tempts, always outrun, to embody the spirit of progressive society. In seeing
political institutions as responsive to the progressive civilization of social
relationships she anticipated the “Cockney” culture of the later Romantics,
whose “coterie” politics and utopian, pastoral art forms correspond to the
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1. G. J. Barker-Benfield, ‘Mary Wollstonecraft: Eighteenth-Century Common-
wealthwoman’, Journal of the History of Ideas 50 (1989), 95–115.
2. Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France, ed. L. G. Mitchell
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993), 33–5.
3. Richard Price, A Review of the Principal Questions in Morals, ed. D. D. Raphael
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974), 74, 191, 260. See also Sermons on the Christian
Doctrine (London: Cadell, 1787), 249.
4. Thomas Christie, Letters on the Revolution in France (London: Johnson, 1791),
5. George Dyer, The Complaints of the Poor People of England, 2nd edn. (London:
Johnson, 1793), 7, and A Dissertation on the Theory and Practice of Benevolence
(London: Johnson, 1795), 31.
6. John Millar, The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks, 4th edn. (Edinburgh and
London: John Murray, 1806), 101, 138.
7. J. P. Brissot de Warville, New Travels to the United States of America Performed
in 1788, trans. Joel Barlow (London: J. S. Jordan, 1792), 110.
8. Thomas Paine, The Rights of Man, ed. H. Collins (Harmondsworth: Penguin,
1969), 234.
9. Helen Maria Williams, Letters from France (New York: Garland, 1975), First
Series, 3:223.
10. Jeffrey Cox, Poetry and Politics in the Cockney School (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1998), 11–12.
When the fall of the Bastille on 14 July 1789 signaled to the world that some-
thing extraordinary was taking place in France, Mary Wollstonecraft was
already in a position, intellectually and socially, to respond with enthusiasm.
From 1784 to 1785 she had lived in Newington Green, where she came under
the influence of the Dissenting preacher Dr. Richard Price, then in his sixties,
who was one of the leading radical intellectuals of the day. In 1787 she
began working as a writer and translator for Joseph Johnson, a Dissenter
and radical publisher whose home and bookshop at St. Paul’s Churchyard
was a focal point for London Dissenters and radicals. As a kind of surrogate
daughter to Johnson, Wollstonecraft became part of one of the most forward-
looking intellectual circles in Britain. Members of Johnson’s circle hurried to
Paris in the summer of 1789 and returned with enthusiastic accounts, hoping
that a similar revolution might take place in Britain. The joy occasioned by
the French Revolution’s early phase bound this circle together, as Claire
Tomalin puts it, “in the certainty that they knew the truth and that it was
bound to prevail.”1
The French Revolution was a drawn-out process rather than a single event.
But the dramatic events of the Revolution’s early phase provoked one of
the most important political debates in British history. The “Revolution
Controversy” of 1789–95 was as much about the implications of the
Revolution for Britain as it was about the Revolution itself. This argument
was sparked off by a sermon Richard Price delivered on 4 November 1789,
which was published shortly afterwards, along with a letter of congratula-
tion to the National Assembly in Paris, as A Discourse on the Love of Our
Country (1789). Despite England’s revolution in 1688–9, Price argued, lib-
erty in Britain was neither secure nor complete (especially for those who,
like Price himself, were Dissenters from the Church of England). In his con-
clusion, Price enthusiastically hailed the French Revolution and implied that
Britain ought to follow its example and thereby complete the political process
that had begun in England’s so-called “Glorious Revolution.”2
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Edmund Burke, a Whig politician and political theorist, was relatively un-
troubled by the French Revolution until he read Price’s suggestion that it be
imitated in Britain. He responded with a ferocious attack on Price and on
the Revolution in his Reflections on the Revolution in France (published on
1 November 1790) – a text that has provoked readers ever since. Focusing
on an event that took place on 5–6 October 1789 in which a crowd of
Parisians marched to Versailles and forced the king and queen of France to
return to Paris,3 Burke represents the Revolution as the action of a mob bent
on destroying all the social and cultural values of France that had been the
model for the whole of Europe. This was the inevitable outcome of a con-
certed campaign by radical French philosophers to undermine traditional
respect for the monarchy, aristocracy, and church. The result, he predicts,
will be tyranny and the destruction of France. This was not a prospect to
be celebrated, nor an example to be imitated. On the contrary, French rev-
olutionary principles ought to be treated like a disease fatal to the ancient
principles of the British constitution. Burke’s attack on Price’s sermon and
character was thus an attempt to repress the symptoms of revolutionary
enthusiasm at work in Britain.
Burke’s Reflections stimulated a flurry of responses.4 The first of these
was Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Men, in a Letter to the
Right Honourable Edmund Burke; Occasioned by his Reflections on the
Revolution in France (Johnson, 1790). The first edition was published anony-
mously on 29 November 1790, barely a month after Burke’s Reflections
had appeared; a second, published on 18 December with her name on the
title page, made Wollstonecraft instantly famous. As the full title indicates,
Wollstonecraft’s Vindication is principally interested in replying to Burke,
its aim being “to shew you to yourself, stripped of the gorgeous drapery
in which you have enwrapped your tyrannic principles” (VRM 5:37).5 The
text itself reveals that, at this stage, Wollstonecraft knew more about Burke’s
writings and political conduct than about the French Revolution.
Wollstonecraft begins by associating herself with a tradition of radical
British writing, echoing John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government (1690):
“The birthright of man, to give you, Sir, a short definition of this disputed
right, is such a degree of liberty, civil and religious, as is compatible with
the liberty of every other individual with whom he is united in a social com-
pact, and the continued existence of that compact” (VRM 5:9).6 Whereas
Burke argued that the people of Britain already enjoy liberty as a kind of
property inherited from their ancestors, Wollstonecraft refers to a different
kind of birthright – those “rights which men inherit at their birth, as ratio-
nal creatures” (VRM 5:14). But no government on earth has yet instituted
such rights: “Liberty, in this simple, unsophisticated sense, I acknowledge,
Mary Wollstonecraft’s French Revolution
is a fair idea that has never yet received a form in the various governments
that have been established on our beauteous globe” (VRM 5:9). People have
been denied their birthright because existing legal systems protect the prop-
erty of the few rather than promote justice for all. Wollstonecraft thus reads
Burke’s celebration of English liberty as a defence of the property rights of
the privileged minority: “Security of property! Behold, in a few words, the
definition of English liberty” (VRM 5:14–15).
Burke’s belief in the antiquity of the British constitution and the impos-
sibility of improving upon a system that has been tried and tested through
time is dismissed as nonsense. The past, for Wollstonecraft, is a scene of su-
perstition, oppression, and ignorance. While Burke’s politics are backward
looking, Wollstonecraft’s are orientated towards the future, looking forward
to the possibility that the French Revolution might establish the rights of
men for the first time in history by putting radical theory into practice. Like
Price, Wollstonecraft assumes that the imperfections of the system of political
representation in Britain are a major defect of the British constitution. She
thus looks with interest to the alternative system being introduced in France
which, in theory, “appears more promising” (VRM 5:59). Rejecting Burke’s
contemptuous dismissal of the National Assembly because it included in its
ranks men from the middle and lower orders, she proposes that “Time may
shew, that this obscure throng knew more of the human heart and of legis-
lation than the profligates of rank, emasculated by hereditary effeminacy”
(VRM 5:40). For Wollstonecraft, in short, the Revolution is a “glorious
chance” to obtain “more virtue and happiness than has hitherto blessed our
globe” (VRM 5:48).
Wollstonecraft’s Vindication is particularly attentive to the way that Burke
manipulates conventional ideas of gender and class in the Reflections. Burke
presents the events of 5–6 October 1789, for example, as revealing a stark
contrast between the refined beauty of the ancien régime, embodied by Marie
Antoinette, and the uncivilized barbarity of the revolutionary mob, exempli-
fied by the way the royal family was escorted from Versailles back to Paris
“amidst the horrid yells, and shrilling screams, and frantic dances, and infa-
mous contumelies, and all the unutterable abominations of the furies of hell,
in the abused shape of the vilest of women” (Reflections, 165). Wollstonecraft
deflates Burke’s display of outraged sensibility with a precise socioeconomic
description of the kind of women who participated in the Versailles march:
“Probably you mean women who gained a livelihood by selling vegetables or
fish, who never had had any advantages of education” (VRM 5:30). Civilized
life in the monarchies of Europe consists of a mutually destructive conflict
between the rich, corrupted by vice and luxury, and the poor, broken and
brutalized by tyranny and poverty, and the outrages at Versailles or the
to m fu rn iss
confiscation of the revenues of the Catholic Church are small prices to pay
for the opportunity to establish a more equitable society: “What were the
outrages of a day to these continual miseries? . . . Man preys on man; and
you mourn for the idle tapestry that decorated a gothic pile, and the dro-
nish bell that summoned the fat priest to prayer” (VRM 5:58). Countering
Burke’s lament that the treatment of Marie Antoinette at Versailles shows
that “the age of chivalry” is dead (Reflections, 170), Wollstonecraft ridicules
Burke as a “romantic” writer (in the sense associated with the “romances” of
the Middle Ages in which the “age of chivalry” had been celebrated and/or
invented, and which involved notions of courtly love and female delicacy
that Wollstonecraft found damaging to women and men alike). By contrast,
Wollstonecraft celebrates reason, virtue, and consistency of sound principles.
This does not mean that she outlaws feeling. Attempting instead to distin-
guish between genuine feelings appropriate to the objects or events that cause
them and false feelings incommensurate with their objects, she holds that to
be touched with sympathy for the Revolution is a sign of humanity, while to
lament, as Burke does, for the fate of the French clergy is a sign of false sen-
sibility: “The declaration of the National Assembly, when they recognized
the rights of men, was calculated to touch the humane heart – the downfall
of the clergy, to agitate the pupil of impulse” (VRM 5:53).
In 1790, then, Wollstonecraft was a fully paid-up enthusiast for the
Revolution. In December of that year she published a positive review in
Johnson’s Analytical Review of Helen Maria Williams’s Letters Written in
France, in the Summer, 1790, to a Friend in England; containing various
Anecdotes relative to the French Revolution (1790). As this and other re-
views suggest, Wollstonecraft used her work as a reviewer as a means of
filling in her education about the French Revolution and its prehistory.7
In September 1791 Wollstonecraft began working on what was to become
her most influential book, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792).
The philosophical idealism of the early phase of the French Revolution had
culminated in the National Assembly’s Declaration of the Rights of Man and
Citizen in August 1789. Despite its groundbreaking nature, the Declaration
grants the political rights of citizenship only to men. Yet revolutionary en-
thusiasm on both sides of the English Channel led some radicals to ask why
women should not have the same rights. In France, the idea of women’s rights
was championed by the Marquis de Condorcet, in his Sur l’Admission des
femmes au droit de Cité (1790), and by Olympe de Gouges in her Déclaration
des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne (1791). But although the Girondins
in the National Assembly were sympathetic to women’s rights, the new con-
stitution of 1791 “excluded women from all areas of political life, conferring
citizenship only on men over 25” (VRW 5:66, note). This exclusion appeared
Mary Wollstonecraft’s French Revolution
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she twice calls a “revolution in female manners” (pp.114, 265). Her assump-
tion, then, was that patriarchal oppression would melt away when children
of all classes and both sexes were educated together. This ignored what was
perhaps the most difficult lesson that the French Revolution offered for pro-
gressives like Wollstonecraft – that the oppressive regimes of Europe would
not peacefully abandon their power and had to be overthrown through vio-
lent struggle.
In the summer of 1792 Wollstonecraft and Johnson, along with the artist
Henry Fuseli and his wife, planned an excursion to Paris. Wollstonecraft an-
ticipated that the French translation of the Rights of Woman – as Défense des
droits des femmes (1792) – would give her access to some of the leading spir-
its of the Revolution.11 The trip was canceled because of the news that “Paris
was in confusion and probably dangerous” (Tomalin, Life and Death, 151).
In early September “the people” of Paris butchered about fourteen hundred
prisoners – priests, political prisoners, common criminals, beggars, convicts,
prostitutes, royalists, ex-courtiers – on the pretext that they were “enemies
to the Revolution.”12 The September Massacres made it seem as if Burke
had been right about the Revolution, and many English enthusiasts began
to have doubts. Others, however, attempted to rationalize the massacres as
a necessary purge or as the inevitable result of repression under the ancien
régime. Wollstonecraft remained optimistic and decided to visit Paris alone.
In a letter of 12 November 1792 she informs William Roscoe that she has
“determined to set out for Paris” and urges him not “to mix with the shal-
low herd who throw an odium on immutable principles, because some of the
mere instrument of the revolution were too sharp. – Children of any growth
will do mischief when they meddle with edged tools” (Letters, 218).
Though Britain and France were on the brink of war, Wollstonecraft left
for Paris on the 8 December 1792, intending to stay for about six weeks to
write an account of the Revolution for English readers. The Paris she discov-
ered was different from what she may have expected. The open hearted
euphoria reported by Williams had disappeared in the aftermath of the
Massacres. Spending Christmas alone in the town house of a French family,
Wollstonecraft wrote a letter to Johnson on 26 December full of mixed
and disturbed impressions raised by a glimpse of Louis XVI being escorted
through the streets to be tried for treason:
About nine o’clock this morning, the king passed by my window, moving
silently along (excepting now and then a few strokes on the drum, which
rendered the stillness more awful) through empty streets, surrounded by the
national guards, who, clustering round the carriage, seemed to deserve their
name. The inhabitants flocked to their windows, but the casements were all
Mary Wollstonecraft’s French Revolution
shut, not a voice was heard, nor did I see any thing like an insulting gesture. –
For the first time since I entered France, I bowed to the majesty of the people,
and respected the propriety of behaviour so perfectly in unison with my own
feelings. I can scarcely tell you why, but an association of ideas made the tears
flow insensibly from my eyes, when I saw Louis sitting, with more dignity than
I expected from his character, in a hackney coach going to meet death, where
so many of his race have triumphed. My fancy instantly brought Louis XIV
before me, entering the capital with all his pomp, after one of the victories most
flattering to his pride, only to see the sunshine of prosperity overshadowed by
the sublime gloom of misery. I have been alone ever since; and, though my mind
is calm, I cannot dismiss the lively images that have filled my imagination all
the day. – Nay, do not smile, but pity me; for, once or twice, lifting my eyes
from the paper, I have seen eyes glare through a glass-door opposite my chair,
and bloody hands shook at me. Not the distant sound of a footstep can I hear.
My apartments are remote from those of the servants, the only persons who
sleep with me in an immense hotel, one folding door opening after another. –
I wish I had even kept the cat with me! – I want to see something alive; death
in so many frightful shapes has taken hold of my fancy. – I am going to bed –
and, for the first time in my life, I cannot put out the candle. (Letters, 227)
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Louis XVI was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death. This
shocked the expatriate radicals in Paris, some of whom had attempted to
persuade the French to vote for mercy. The king’s execution on 21 January
1793 cast a gloom over the expatriates. On 1 February 1793 war was de-
clared between Britain and France, adding to the sense of pessimism and
danger. Correspondence between the two nations was cut off and many
of Wollstonecraft’s letters home during this period were not posted. As
Robespierre and the Jacobins gained control the Revolution began to de-
viate from the liberal dreams of the Girondins and the British radicals. By
the end of February, as Tomalin puts it, Wollstonecraft “was to see not only
shops plundered but the presses of unpopular journalists destroyed: it was
scarcely the freedom she or Godwin had in mind when they praised the
Revolution” (Tomalin, Life and Death, 182).
During these unstable times, Wollstonecraft began what she intended to be
a series of letters, in the manner of Helen Maria Williams, “on the present
character of the French nation” (15 February 1793).13 It seems as if the
reality of the Revolution has already displaced her radical dreams:
I would I could first inform you that, out of the chaos of vices and follies,
prejudices and virtues, rudely jumbled together, I saw the fair form of Liberty
slowly rising, and Virtue expanding her wings to shelter all her children! I
should then hear the account of the barbarities that have rent the bosom of
France patiently, and bless the firm hand that lopt off the rotten limbs. But, if
the aristocracy of birth is levelled with the ground, only to make room for that
of riches, I am afraid that the morals of the people will not be much improved
by the change, or the government rendered less venal. (PCFN 6:444)
For the same pride of office, the same desire of power are still visible; with this
aggravation, that, fearing to return to obscurity after having but just acquired
a relish for distinction, each hero, or philosopher, for all are dubbed with these
new titles, endeavours to make hay while the sun shines. (PCFN 6:446)
Life in Paris under siege became difficult. Moves towards totalitarian terror
included the establishment in March 1793 of the Revolutionary Tribunal, the
Committee of Surveillance, and the Committee of Public Safety. Foreigners
Mary Wollstonecraft’s French Revolution
were put under surveillance and had to produce six witnesses in support of
their respectability before they could be issued with a certificate of residence.
Wollstonecraft considered leaving for Switzerland but could not obtain the
appropriate passport. Then, “[o]n 12 April all foreigners were prohibited
formally from leaving the country. The expatriates who remained, trapped
in this uncomfortable situation, drew together anxiously” (Tomalin, Life
and Death, 184). Under these circumstances, Wollstonecraft met and began
a sexual relationship with Gilbert Imlay, an American businessman and
writer, disdaining the necessity for the traditional institution of marriage.
Wollstonecraft moved to a house in Neuilly, then a tiny country village
northwest of Paris, where Imlay’s visits allowed them to enjoy a kind of
honeymoon (they never married). Wollstonecraft began work on a “a great
book”, as she described it to her sister, which was to become An Historical
and Moral View of the French Revolution (Letters, 231). Meanwhile, life in
Jacobin Paris had become nightmarish: festive revolutionary parades in the
daytime were followed by nights of police raids in search of the republic’s
“enemies,” including the English. Robespierre joined the Committee of Pub-
lic Safety in July and the Terror got under way.14 Marie Antoinette and the
leaders of the Girondins were executed in October, followed by Madame
Roland and others in November. In the same month, all the English still in
Paris were arrested, including Helen Maria Williams.
When Wollstonecraft realized she was pregnant she moved back to Paris,
Imlay having registered her at the American embassy as his wife, to give her
the protection of US citizenship. With the Terror going on around her, and
amidst “a round of prison visits and all too frequent news of the execution of
her friends,” Wollstonecraft continued working on An Historical and Moral
View (Tomalin, Life and Death, 210). Wollstonecraft then followed Imlay
to Le Havre, where she finished her book and gave birth to her baby. In a
letter written in March 1794 to her sister Everina (which was not posted),
Wollstonecraft reflects upon her situation:
It is impossible for you to have any idea of the impression the sad scenes I have
been a witness to have left on my mind. . . . death and misery, in every shape of
terrour, haunts this devoted country – I certainly am glad that I came to France,
because I never could have had else a just opinion of the most extraordinary
event that has ever been recorded. (Letters, 250–1)
The Terror ended in July 1794 with the fall and execution of Robespierre.
Imlay returned to Paris in August and, clearly tiring of his companion, pro-
ceeded to London on business. Wollstonecraft returned to Paris, predicting
in a letter to Imlay that the restoration of the freedom of the press “will
overthrow the Jacobins” (Letters, 264). But that winter was the coldest of
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Mary Wollstonecraft’s French Revolution
just society would emerge from the Revolution in which the rights of men,
and of women, would be the origin and end of government. In so arguing,
Wollstonecraft offers one of the most profound discussions of revolutionary
politics to emerge out of the Revolution Controversy.
In her Preface, Wollstonecraft foregrounds how the Revolution poses a
problem of interpretation. An adequate understanding of the Revolution
“requires a mind, not only unsophisticated by old prejudices, and the
inveterate habits of degeneracy; but an amelioration of temper, produced by
the exercise of the most enlarged principles of humanity.” In addition, given
the vicissitudes of the Revolution, “it becomes necessary to guard against the
erroneous inferences of sensibility” because “reason beaming on the grand
theatre of political changes, can prove the only sure guide to direct us to
a favourable or just conclusion.” The Revolution is represented as a dra-
matic spectacle containing so many terrible scenes that it requires a special
kind of mind to interpret it correctly. It is crucial to reach a just conclusion
about the Revolution because it involves the most important question about
humanity – whether human nature and society are irrevocably fallen and cor-
rupt or have the potential to become as elevated as the dreams of “the most
enlightened statesmen and philosophers” (HMV 6:6). Wollstonecraft is clear
about her own position, stressing that the notion of “original sin” is a super-
stitious fabrication upon “which priests have erected their tremendous struc-
tures of imposition, to persuade us, that we are naturally inclined to evil”
(HMV 6:21–2). The fact that the civilizations of the past have repeatedly
fallen back into barbarism does not mean that this is inevitable, but rather
that rule by hereditary riches and rank is intrinsically unstable.
The task Wollstonecraft sets herself in An Historical and Moral View is
to trace the origin and progress of the French Revolution in order to find
causes for optimism and signs of progress amongst the folly and carnage. One
way she does this is to differentiate the theoretical principles that originally
animated the Revolution from the disastrous way they were put into practice.
She also attempts to convince herself and her readers that, from a long-term
perspective, the Revolution can be seen as merely one episode, apparently
chaotic but actually progressive, within a larger history of humanity’s gradual
but inexorable development towards reason and liberty.18 Yet the main text
of An Historical and Moral View follows the Revolution’s historical progress
so minutely that it only reaches the end of 1789, never fully confronting the
most violent phases of the Revolution. Only by restricting herself to 1789 can
Wollstonecraft produce an analysis that supports her progressive optimism.
To convince her readers that the Revolution is indeed ushering in “the
approaching reign of reason and peace” (HMV 6:17) Wollstonecraft needs
to account for why the Revolution went wrong, salvage its principles from
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the wreckage, and somehow show that it is a necessary moment in the evo-
lution of human freedom. Strikingly, Wollstonecraft hardly even hints that
the Revolution may have gone astray because of its failure to set up a proper
system of education for women or because it has not enabled women to
take up full civil rights. The argument of The Rights of Woman makes no
appearance here. Instead, An Historical and Moral View argues that the ori-
gin of most of the Revolution’s ills can be traced to the degeneracy of the
French national character. Given that Wollstonecraft rejects the possibility
that human nature is intrinsically degenerate, she suggests that “the frivolity
of the french character” has arisen from the particular conditions prevail-
ing in France, and especially from their habits, education, and manner of
living (HMV 6:230). But the primary corrupting influence derives from the
political and cultural system of the ancien régime. The central paradox of
the Revolution, in fact, is that while the Revolution was made necessary
by the degeneration of the national character under the ancien régime, the
degenerate nature of the national character made it unlikely that the French
would be able successfully to carry out a Revolution.
For Wollstonecraft, the feudal system of the ancien régime meant that the
majority of the people were little better than the slaves of the aristocracy.
This material slavery was reinforced by the spiritual and intellectual slavery
produced by the superstitions of Roman Catholicism. The aristocracy in
turn was reduced to moral slavery by the corrupt absolutism of the royal
court at Versailles. Influenced by Rousseau’s critique of modern European
civilization, Wollstonecraft argues that the common feature of all aspects of
life under the ancien régime was an all-pervasive theatricality that eroded
common sense and sound principles:19
Their national character is, perhaps, more formed by their theatrical amuse-
ments, than is generally imagined: they are in reality the schools of vanity. And,
after this kind of education, is it surprising, that almost every thing is said and
done for stage effect? or that cold declamatory extasies blaze forth, only to
mock the expectation with a show of warmth? (HMV 6:25)
The ancien régime was theatrical through and through. Under Louis XIV,
even wars “were . . . theatrical exhibitions” (HMV 6:26). The theatricality of
Versailles had a corrupting influence on Marie Antoinette: “A court is the best
school in the world for actors; it was very natural then for her to become
a complete actress, and an adept in all the arts of coquetry that debauch
the mind, whilst they render the person alluring” (HMV 6:74). Brought
up at Versailles, the king’s character exhibited weakness and a “criminal
insincerity” (HMV 6:171) fatal for him and for the Revolution (HMV 6:74).
The general theatricality of the old order in France contaminated the whole
Mary Wollstonecraft’s French Revolution
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The way the whole population prepared for the attack of the armed forces
assembled outside Paris exhibited a new consciousness in a nation rising to
its own defense:
Thus was the nation saved by the almost incredible exertion of an indignant
people; who felt, for the first time, that they were sovereign, and that their
power was commensurate to their will. This was certainly a splendid example,
to prove, that nothing can resist a people determined to live free; and then
it appeared clear, that the freedom of France did not depend on a few men,
whatever might be their virtues or abilities, but alone on the will of the nation.
(HMV 6:100)
These were the glorious days of the Revolution, unproblematic for most
radicals. Wollstonecraft’s challenge is to wring optimism out of subsequent
events in which the people could no longer be figured as a virtuous nation
shaking off its chains. The second chapter of Book v is devoted to the events
of 5–6 October 1789, beginning with the entertainment at Versailles of the
king’s bodyguards, rumors about which aroused fears in Paris that the old
order was about to begin a new attack on Paris and the Revolution. Such
rumors, and the lack of bread, set the people of Paris in motion:
The concourse, at first, consisted mostly of market women, and the lowest
refuse of the streets, women who had thrown off the virtues of one sex with-
out having power to assume more than the vices of the other. A number of
men also followed them, armed with pikes, bludgeons, and hatchets; but they
were strictly speaking a mob, affixing all the odium to the appellation it can
possibly import; and not to be confounded with the honest multitude, who
took the Bastille. – In fact, such a rabble has seldom been gathered together;
and they quickly showed, that their movement was not the effect of public
spirit. (HMV 6:196–7)
These events prompted Burke to condemn the whole Revolution as the bar-
barous work of “a band of cruel ruffians and assassins” (Reflections, 164).
In Rights of Men Wollstonecraft retorted that Burke’s “furies from hell”
were ordinary fishwives. Here, however, she accepts Burke’s account of the
event while nonetheless trying to maintain that it was perpetrated by “a set
of monsters, distinct from the people” (HMV 6:206). But the worst aspect
of this episode was the response of the National Assembly, which failed to
reassert its authority by properly investigating it and punishing the offenders:
At this moment the assembly ought to have known, that the future respectabil-
ity of their laws must greatly depend on the conduct they pursued on the present
occasion; and it was time to show the parisians, that, giving freedom to the
nation, they meant to guard it by a strict adherence to the laws, that naturally
issue from the simple principles of equal justice they were adopting; punishing
Mary Wollstonecraft’s French Revolution
with just severity all such as should offer to violate, or treat them with con-
tempt. . . . Yet, so contrary was their conduct to the dictates of common sense,
and the common firmness of rectitude of intention, that they not only permit-
ted that gang of assassins to regain their dens; but instantly submitted to the
demand of the soldiery, and the peremptory wish of the parisians – that the
king should reside within the walls of Paris. (HMV 6:209)
Related to their love of the theatre and theatrical effect is the French suscep-
tibility to enthusiasm, which “hurries them from one extreme to another”
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One of the ways the Assembly sacrificed the people’s good to the desire
of pleasing them was by introducing a political constitution that was too
advanced for the stage of political and moral development that the French
had reached. The French were not yet politically mature enough to continue
with a single chamber without the checks and balances needed in any society
that falls short of moral perfection (HMV 6:161–2). The Assembly ought
instead to have arranged for all future legislatures to be divided into a house
of representatives and a senate, “for certainly no people stand in such great
need of a check” as the French (HMV 6:165). In proceeding so precipitately,
the Assembly revealed their ignorance of the national character and of the
stage of political progress that had been reached in France. As a result,
the Assembly introduced a political constitution “most improper for the
degenerate society of France” and thereby gave the enemies of the Revolution
the chance of mocking this ideal system as impossibly utopian (HMV 6:162).
But although the Revolution went astray when the National Assembly
made itself subject to the people, this does not mean that the people are
not sovereign or that government ought not to be responsive to its will;
Mary Wollstonecraft’s French Revolution
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Mary Wollstonecraft’s French Revolution
Wollstonecraft finally figures herself, then, as one of those few observers with
a philosophical eye, a physician of the state capable of seeing the dreadful
effects of such purges as a reason to be optimistic for the body politic’s future
well being.
The domestic happiness Wollstonecraft hoped for by joining Imlay in
England failed to materialize. By June of 1795 she was traveling with her
one-year-old daughter and their maid to Scandinavia on a business trip for
Imlay that would result in her most popular book, Letters Written during a
Short Residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark (1796). This journey to
three countries at various stages of pre-revolutionary development allowed
her to reassess the Revolution, her characterization of the French, and the
efficacy of revolution itself as a means of promoting progress. Her attention
to political and social progress in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark reveals
that she is still pursuing what she refers to as her “favourite subject of con-
templation, the future improvement of the world” (SR 6:338).
Although Wollstonecraft admits, in the opening letter, that she is still suf-
fering from “the horrors I had witnessed in France, which had cast a gloom
over all nature” (SR 6:247), her observations of the people of Scandinavia
in Letter iii suggest to her that the French Revolution is beginning to have
potentially beneficial effects in other countries. Thus she believes that she
can detect positive stirrings in Sweden:
the french revolution has not only rendered all the crowned heads more cau-
tious, but has so decreased every where (excepting amongst themselves) a re-
spect for nobility, that the peasantry have not only lost their blind reverence
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for their seigniors, but complain, in a manly style, of oppressions which before
they did not think of denominating such, because they were taught to consider
themselves as a different order of beings. (SR 6:255)
While admitting that the Revolution has caused her deep trauma, then,
Wollstonecraft seems able to look forward with some optimism to further
revolution on a European-wide scale.
Wollstonecraft’s encounter towards the end of her journey with the indo-
lence and ignorance of the Danes under an absolute monarch prompts her
into making some intriguing adjustments to her assessment of the French na-
tional character. In Letter xix, she confesses, “I believe I should have been less
severe in the remarks I have made on the vanity and depravity of the french,
had I travelled towards the north before I visited France.” To “balance the
account of horrors” in France, she now suggests that the common people
of France have displayed “more virtuous enthusiasm . . . during the two last
years” than those of any other nation (326). In the following letter, she even
wonders whether the French love of theater is not far preferable to the im-
moderate love of alcohol that characterises the “common people . . . both in
England and the northern states of Europe” and that impedes their “moral
improvement” (SR 6:327).
Further complicating the account of the Revolution that emerges in the
Short Residence is Wollstonecraft’s encounter with French émigrés in
Hamburg and Altona. She admires the way “[m]any emigrants have met,
with fortitude, such a total change of circumstances as scarcely can be paral-
leled, retiring from a palace, to an obscure lodging, with dignity.” She con-
trasts this fortitude with the “insolent vulgarity” of the men of commerce:
“Still good-breeding points out the gentleman; and sentiments of honour and
delicacy appear the offspring of greatness of soul, when compared with the
grovelling views of the sordid accumulators of cent. per cent” (SR 6:340).
While this may be part of Wollstonecraft’s attack on Imlay’s involvement
with commerce, it also indicates that Wollstonecraft is beginning to think
that the men of birth of the ancien régime were morally better than the men
of commerce who have replaced them.
In an Appendix, Wollstonecraft offers general reflections on revolution
and human progress:
An ardent affection for the human race makes enthusiastic characters eager
to produce alteration in laws and governments prematurely. To render them
useful and permanent, they must be the growth of each particular soil, and
the gradual fruit of the ripening understanding of the nation, matured by time,
not forced by an unnatural fermentation. And, to convince me that such a
change is gaining ground, with accelerating pace, the view I have had of society,
Mary Wollstonecraft’s French Revolution
during my northern journey, would have been sufficient, had I not previously
considered the grand causes which combine to carry mankind forward, and
diminish the sum of human misery. (SR 6:346)
The conclusion Wollstonecraft draws from her northern journey, then, con-
firms her sense that revolution, even hurried reform, results from a mistaken
attempt to accelerate progress beyond its natural pace. While the ardent af-
fection of enthusiastic characters leads them to make premature alterations
in laws and government, it would be better simply to allow the general
progress of Europe to stimulate home grown reforms that are suited to the
particular soil of each nation. The example of the French Revolution has
not dampened Wollstonecraft’s optimism about the inevitability of gradual
human improvement, but it has convinced her that revolution is not the best
means of encouraging such improvement.
1. Claire Tomalin, The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft (Harmondsworth:
Penguin, 1977), 130. For accounts of Wollstonecraft’s experience in the
Dissenting circles of Newington Green and St. Paul’s Churchyard, see 44–63 and
89–109. The most recent and extensive biography of Wollstonecraft is Janet
Todd, Mary Wollstonecraft: a Revolutionary Life (London: Weidenfeld and
Nicholson, 2000).
2. Richard Price, A Discourse on the Love of Our Country (1789), in Richard Price:
Political Writings, ed. D. O. Thomas (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1991), 176–96. For Wollstonecraft’s review of Price’s sermon
in the Analytical Review of December 1789, see AR 7:185–7.
3. For an account of the events at Versailles on 5–6 October 1789, see Simon
Schama, Citizens: a Chronicle of the French Revolution (London and New York:
Penguin, 1989), 456–70.
4. See Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), ed. Conor
Cruise O’Brien (London and New York: Penguin, 1968). For extracts from some
of the most important of the texts in this pamphlet war, see Marilyn Butler, ed.,
Burke, Paine, Godwin, and the Revolution Controversy (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1984).
5. For discussions of Rights of Men as a reply to Burke, see Tom Furniss, “Gender
in Revolution: Edmund Burke and Mary Wollstonecraft,” Revolution in
Writing: British Literary Responses to the French Revolution ed. Kelvin Everest
(Milton Keynes and Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1991), 65–100, and
Tom Furniss, Edmund Burke’s Aesthetic Ideology: Language, Gender and
Political Economy in Revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993),
6. See John Locke, The Second Treatise of Government (1690), 95–7, John Locke:
Two Treatises of Government, ed. Peter Laslett (Cambridge and New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1960, 1988), 330–2.
7. See AR 7:322–4, 375–8, 383–5, 390–3, 415–16.
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Mary Wollstonecraft’s French Revolution
Mary Wollstonecraft’s literary reviews
signed at the end only with an initial or initials. Ascribing them to the various
authors working for Johnson can thus be a risky venture. Mixing external
evidence with stylistic and content analysis, Ralph Wardle argues in a pio-
neering article that Wollstonecraft contributed reviews under the signatures
of M, W, and T and also the unsigned reviews in a run of short notices ending
with such a signature. (He thought T might stand for “teacher” because he
first noticed it in an essay on education.) Key evidence is that the M, W, and T
signatures disappear while Wollstonecraft was abroad; after returning from
France she picks up only the M. Subsequent scholars have queried parts of
his hypothesis, but this essay substantially validates it.2
Although Wollstonecraft reviewed books about children, education,
women, travel, and even boxing, fiction – sentimental fiction in particular –
seems to have been her niche. Accordingly, Wollstonecraft’s literary reviews
are documents in the history of sensibility, offering a case study of how
a female journalist, assigned seemingly unpromising “ladies’ subjects” like
sentimental novels, managed to create a resonant voice as cultural and lit-
erary critic. As such a critic, Wollstonecraft is a woman of sense who resists
the model of femininity typically inscribed in these texts, which represent
women according to a linguistic and structural etiquette of powerlessness
and marginalization, often showing them being emotionally and physically
carried away. Such is the stock-in-trade of even a first-rate popular novelist
like Charlotte Smith. For the female writer and critic, sentimental fiction’s
overwrought language and behavioral code of extreme emotional respon-
siveness – a submission to forces outside the self that romanticizes passiv-
ity – poses a threat Wollstonecraft and others resist by recommending the
power and the dignity of reason. If the latter eighteenth century witnessed
the transformation of the Man of Reason (as Genevieve Lloyd’s study labels
patriarchal discourse) into the Man of Feeling, a comparable redefinition of
womanly discourse empowered the female pen to include the rational along
with the affective.3 This appropriation of reason most notably informed ed-
ucational writing by women – Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights
of Woman (1792) is above all a pedagogical text critiquing female social-
ization in sensibility and advocating rational instruction in its place. Late in
the century, this appropriation of reason also modified the feminine narra-
tive tradition as well, the fiction of Maria Edgeworth and Jane Austen being
only the most obvious examples. It especially directs the critical commentary
of women of sense who worried about sensibility’s effects on the readers of
their sex, especially what they liked to call the “rising generation.”4
But while Wollstonecraft demystifies the contemporary feminine specialty,
the novel of sensibility so often “told in letters” and written by “A Lady”
that was so instrumental in enabling her to evolve her own distinctive voice,
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she was certainly not ready to jettison the positive attributes associated with
feminine sensibility. No reader could get beyond the early chapters of Mary,
A Fiction (1788) or of The Wrongs of Woman; or Maria (1798), the novel she
struggled to complete in the last months of her life, without recognizing their
kinship with the contemporary sentimental narrative she so often reviewed.
Indeed, her letters, the epigraph from Rousseau that supplies the theme of
Mary, as well as the several Analytical Review essays on his writings, all tes-
tify to the fact that she, like numerous sister writers, was “half in love” with
the seductive philosopher of feeling (Letters, 263). Wollstonecraft’s whole
career might be read, then, in terms of a dialectic of sense and sensibility, to
recollect the title of Austen’s later novel. But whereas Austen writes a text
in which sisters for the most part grow up dichotomously and learn from
one another’s experience, Wollstonecraft assumes a maternal stance toward
the imagined girl readers of the fictions she considers, and through her own
voice offers an educative example of the integration she desires. The ratio-
nally responsible yet feelingly protective attitude she exhibits toward her
pupils is encoded in her critical commentary as well as in her persona. While
in real life, educating and socializing one’s charges (and oneself) is prob-
lematic, the reviewer’s authority can banish fears, remedy disorders, and
textualize a strong self-image in the process of instructing others.5 Along
with the “Hints” set down for the unwritten second part of the Rights of
Woman and with Wollstonecraft’s most mature statement of her aesthetics,
published in 1797 as “On Artificial Taste” and retitled “On Poetry, and Our
Relish for the Beauties of Nature” by her widower William Godwin, Woll-
stonecraft’s reviews both discuss and stylistically enact a poetics of change,
an attempt to unite an aesthetic of spontaneity and affect with a morality of
reason that is the hallmark of her career.
Sometimes sportive, sometimes serious, Wollstonecraft as feminist reader
displays a lively critical intelligence and, in accordance with her revisionist
ideology, a determination to exercise her own independent judgment. Her let-
ters to Johnson sketch the reviewer’s routine – returning the batch of books
finished, asking whether “you wish me to look over any more trash this
month.” Her boredom sometimes surfaces in public laments about the lot of
“poor Reviewers, who have lately perused so many bad novels,” sometimes
in digs at the run-of-the-press witlings who try her patience: “The writer of
this Poem, we are informed, is between 15 and 18 years of age. We believe
it.” Most often and most instructively, however, her irritation focuses on
women writers and readers, on the stereotypically feminine tales that these
unthinking mothers and lovelorn daughters produce and consume. She takes
for granted a growing and predominantly female readership hungry for nar-
rative, describing the audience of the very popular Charlotte Smith as “her
Mary Wollstonecraft’s literary reviews
fair countrywomen,” for example.6 She comments about the growing sup-
ply of authoresses eagerly catering to that appetite for fantasies. “The best
method, I believe, that can be adopted to correct a fondness for novels is
to ridicule them,” she later observes in the Rights of Woman. The model of
reading based on therapeutic mockery she then details recapitulates much
of her own critical practice: “if a judicious person, with some turn for hu-
mour, would read several to a young girl, and point out . . . how foolishly
and ridiculously they caricatured human nature, just opinions” might re-
place “romantic sentiments” (VRW 5:258). Reading self-consciously as an
enlightened woman, shaping what she reads to serve her own controversial-
ist’s purpose, Wollstonecraft criticizes her subjects for writing like Woman,
for serving as passive channels through which linguistic and cultural codes
flow without resistance. She finds oppression and repression inscribed in the
feminine texts she reads, never the self-expression her aesthetic demands.
Wollstonecraft’s objections to her period’s “scribbling women” are at once
aesthetic and ideological, for questions of literary artistry and questions of
human values are always intimately interrelated for her. Literarily, the scrib-
bles are vapid: “sweetly sentimental,” “milk and water periods,” “insipid
trifling incidents,” “much ado about nothing,” “matter so soft that the indul-
gent critic can scarcely characterize it” go her kinder descriptions.7 A “great
number of pernicious and frivolous novels”– “those misshapen monsters,
daily brought forth to poison the minds of our young females” – waste the
time of readers, plunging them “into that continual dissipation of thought
which renders all serious employment irksome” as well as the time of writers,
especially schoolgirl romancers, who should work to improve their minds.
Instead, young consumers turn into young producers: “From reading to writ-
ing novels the transition is very easy.”8 When she finds a novel written by a
very young lady, Wollstonecraft repeatedly advises her to “throw aside her
pen” or even to “throw her bantling into the fire”; perhaps such an “author
will employ her time better when she is married.” Seymour Castle; or, the
History of Julia and Cecilia: An Entertaining and Interesting Novel (1789) –
its title, like those of its sister works, weary with cliché – provokes her to
even stronger strictures: “This frivolous history of misses and lords, ball
dresses and violent emotions . . . is one of the most stupid novels we have
ever impatiently read. Pray Miss, write no more!”9
Often tart with women writers, Wollstonecraft counters the indulgent gal-
lantry male reviewers usually reserve for a fair belletrist. Just as she later does
in the Rights of Woman, in her reviews she takes the position of the firm,
wise mother brooking no nonsense from the deficient mothers and daugh-
ters she instructs. Most female novels, she claims, adapting Pope, have no
character at all. Content to copy their predecessors in this “flimsy” kind of
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Mary Wollstonecraft’s literary reviews
Julia (1790), “viewed with [readerly] respect, and left very tranquilly to
quiet her feelings, because,” without real passion, too perfect for internal
conflict, “it cannot be called a contest.” The “most exemplary degree of
rectitude in the conduct” of a heroine is not enough for satisfying fiction,
which depends on “knowledge of the human heart, and comprehensive views
of life.” Wollstonecraft then turns her critique, as she often does, into a
discussion of the fiction she values and would try to write in The Wrongs
of Woman; or Maria – “A good tragedy or novel, if the criterion be the
effect which it has on the reader, is not always the most moral work, for
it is not the reveries of sentiment, but the struggles of passion – of those
human passions, that too frequently cloud the reason, and lead mortals into
dangerous errors . . . which raise the most lively emotions, and leave the most
lasting impression on the memory; an impression rather made by the heart
than the understanding: for our affections are not quite voluntary as the
suffrages of reason.” Although claiming passion and growth through error
for her own heroine, Wollstonecraft can praise the pastel charms of first-rate
women writers like Williams and Smith, despite their omitting the “workings
of passion” from their tales. To the author of Almeria Belmore: A Novel, in
A Series of Letters, “Written by A Lady” (1789), she is less generous: “no
discrimination of character, no acquaintance with life, nor – do not start, fair
lady! – any passion.” And with the writer of The Fair Hibernian (1789), she
is downright irascible: “Without a knowledge of life, or the human heart,
why will young misses presume to write?” Such authors fuel Wollstonecraft’s
outburst in the Rights of Woman at “the reveries of the stupid novelists,
who, knowing little of human nature, work up stale tales, and describe
meretricious scenes, all retailed in a sentimental jargon, which equally tend
to corrupt the taste, and draw the heart aside from its daily duties.”14
Feminine fiction, Wollstonecraft argues, is “sentimental, pumped up non-
sense,” falsity masking negation. Affectation – phony feelings and incidents
cobbled together from books – covers up a void, but strong writing cannot
come “merely from reading . . . mocking us with the ‘shadow of a shade.”’
Because women writers prefer “unnatural sentimental flights” to “catch-
ing realities warm with life in the sun-beam that shoots athwart their own
path,” eschewing the individual and the original to “tread in a beaten track”
(a favorite phrase), they warp their own experience, refining and perpetuating
damaging stereotypes. She wanted a more serious and thoughtful examina-
tion of authentic human emotion and experience, not “artificial feelings, cold
nonsensical bombast, and ever varying still the same improbable adventures
and unnatural characters.” Wollstonecraft was neither the first nor the last
critic to lament how popular novels foster escapism and misleading expec-
tations of life: “consequently adventures are sought for and created, when
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Mary Wollstonecraft’s literary reviews
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Mary Wollstonecraft’s literary reviews
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the way she says it – in such associated juxtapositions as cold and warm, head
and heart, reason and imagination, the “indolent weakness” of “copyists”
and the “bold flights of genius,” and in her distinctive style, much commented
on and seldom analyzed – Wollstonecraft acts out the aesthetics of change
she worked at and returned to throughout her career. Very different from the
Latinate and often periodic constructions of her colleagues, her loose, infor-
mal sentences embody the associative movement of a thinking and feeling
woman’s mind as she strives to integrate the claims and languages of sense
and sensibility, giving us, as does her ideal poet, “an image of [her] mind.”22
(Her final assessment of Julia, quoted above, is a good example.) Now spon-
taneously reactive, now reflective; now curt, now sprawling, her sentences
enact her critical premises, according feminist issues a formal significance.
Like her mix of Yorkshire colloquialisms and abstract philosophy and her
attempts to unite imaginative excursus and rational inquiry, her “running”
style – with its propulsive movement and its openness to experience – both
mirrors her own mind and typifies the free play of the feminist mind as
she defines it. Wollstonecraft has been – and still is – criticized for the sup-
posed disorganization and awkwardness of her style and the seeming struc-
tural disorder of her work in general. Certainly her discursive, conjunctive
style differs from the subordinated linear style typical of the period. The
latter lays out ideas already classified and arranged; Wollstonecraft’s syntac-
tic structure mirrors the shifting perspective of the writer’s mind, piling up
clauses and phrases as they occur. It is the formal analogue of her ideological
position, its roughness testifying to the sincerity and artlessness she values.23
Wollstonecraft’s style affirms the emotive and imaginative complex that
Romantic and feminist critics have accused Wollstonecraft of devaluing.24
Her habitual contrasts of “warmth of imagination” and “truth of passion”
with “romantic rants of false refinement” or “cold romantic flights” and
“false enervating refinement” must be read as the thoughtful cultural cri-
tique that they are, as legitimate concern over the impact (especially on
women and the young) of sensibility as literary and behavioral cliché. Like
Jane Austen, Maria Edgeworth, and other female contemporaries who ex-
pose the literary dependence of feminine feelings, Wollstonecraft deplores
a congealing of literary language into jargon, a hardening of the emotional
arteries so that women feel and act by rote, casting themselves as deriva-
tive sentimental heroines and losing touch with cultural realities and their
own thoughts and feelings. Wollstonecraft’s real quarrel with women writers
centers around affectation, falsity, and imitation; it is never with sensibility,
passion, imagination, or fiction per se, and certainly not with narrative that
feelingly renders female experience. That was her own aspiration in The
Wrongs of Woman; or Maria: “it is the delineation of finer sensations which,
Mary Wollstonecraft’s literary reviews
in my opinion, constitutes the merit of our best novels. This is what I have
in view,” she states in the preface, and the novel values (perhaps even over-
values) the heroine’s “true sensibility, the sensibility which is the auxiliary of
virtue, and the soul of genius.” If Wollstonecraft as reviewer worries about
the spurious sensibility of works that “engender false notions in the minds of
young persons, who read with avidity such flimsy productions, and imagine
themselves sentimental, when they are only devoid of restraining principles,
the sure and solid support of virtue,” Wollstonecraft the novelist tries to
depict the real thing interacting with rational morality in a woman’s mind.25
Throughout her career she defined sensibility in glowing terms, repeatedly
equating it with genius and forever waxing ardent over Rousseau’s ardors;
her reviews talk of “that glow of imagination, which constitutes the grand
charm of fiction”; and she voices genuine respect for the rare good novel,
freshly and imaginatively realized. Praising Robert Bage’s Man As He Is
(1792), she observes that the increasing crop of novels, “the spawn of idle-
ness,” might lead “the inconsiderate . . . to conclude, that a novel is one of the
lowest order of literary productions; though a very different estimation seems
to be suggested by the small number of good ones which appear.” She even
offers a friendly welcome to romance as a genre (witness her review of the
historical Earl Strongbow [1789] or Ann Radcliffe’s Gothic Italian [1797]).
She insisted early in her reviewing career that “to write a good novel re-
quires uncommon abilities,” something very different from “exhibiting life
through a false medium” or a “sickly veil of artificial sentiment,” and the
final sentence of her last notice for the Analytical Review, published in May
1797, a few months before her death, makes an appropriate envoi. The story
is Hubert de Sevrac: A Romance of the Eighteenth Century (1796) by Mary
Robinson, a sister feminist who struggled, just as Wollstonecraft was then
struggling with Maria, to mesh original cultural insights with the exagger-
ated effusions of feminine romance. All ornamental sentiment, the book has
“no centre,” Wollstonecraft observes, although “irradiations of fancy flash
through the surrounding perplexity, sufficient to persuade us, that she could
write better, were she once convinced, that the writing of a good book is no
easy task,” perhaps especially for a woman.26
But although Wollstonecraft’s creative work cannot wholly escape from
literary conventions, her critical practice demonstrates a surer mastery of
these codes, a defter updating of textual femininity, not in the guise of a
heroine but of a critical persona, who engenders an alternative selfhood
while educating her audience. Embodying the ideal she would teach, this
lively voice works against stale, parasitic, adulterated ways of living and
feeling. Wollstonecraft explicitly urges women readers to think and feel for
themselves; implicitly, she shows them how in a critical discourse that is also
mitzi myers
1. The “forward-looking” Analytical Review, as Walter Graham points out,
“encouraged . . . the romantic reaction in English literature,” reflecting “the ro-
mantic or sentimental drift of literature during the 1790s better than any other
periodical,” English Literary Periodicals (New York: Thomas Nelson, 1930),
221, 195, 220.
2. See Ralph M. Wardle, “Mary Wollstonecraft, Analytical Reviewer,” PMLA 62
4 (December 1947), 1000–9, and his 1951 biography Mary Wollstonecraft: a
Critical Biography, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press [Bison Books], 1966).
Working independently from unpublished papers, Elbridge Colby also identi-
fies T, M, and unsigned reviews followed by M as Wollstonecraft’s work; see
his The Life of Thomas Holcroft, 1925, 2 vols. (New York: Benjamin Blom,
1968). In his “Mary Wollstonecraft’s Reviews,” Notes and Queries n.s. 5
(January 1958), 37–8, and in Reviewing before the “Edinburgh,” 1788–1802
(London: Methuen, 1978), Derek Roper criticizes Wardle’s hypothesis, citing a
Mary Wollstonecraft’s literary reviews
1796 review of The Monk, which he argues is not as moral as expected from
Wollstonecraft. In 1961, however, this review (with three others, all signed only
at the end) was identified by Eleanor L. Nicholes from manuscript as Woll-
stonecraft’s work, “SC 15,” Shelley and His Circle, 1773–1822, ed. Kenneth
Neill Cameron (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961), 1:152–57. Roper
also questions attributions that would give Wollstonecraft an occasional brief
notice on topics like boxing, but the kinds of reviews and the initials of dif-
ferent reviewers are remarkably consistent, as noted in Gerald P. Tyson’s study
of the journal’s publisher, Joseph Johnson: a Liberal Publisher (Iowa City: Uni-
versity of Iowa Press, 1979). Finally Roper insists that truly anonymous ma-
terial was part of the Analytical Review, as evidenced by unsigned final
notices, but these are normally the abstracts from foreign periodicals, a spe-
cial feature of the Analytical Review. Roper’s 1978 book runs to the opposite
extreme, attributing to Wollstonecraft (165) a review even Wardle’s generous
hypothesis did not countenance, one signed DM, Review of Henry, by the
Author of Arundel [Richard Cumberland], Analytical Review 21 (May 1795),
511–16, when Wollstonecraft was romantically entangled with Gilbert Imlay
and not reviewing. DM (and MD, its variant) are clearly the insignia of another
The most thorough published study of attribution is Sally Stewart, “Mary
Wollstonecraft’s Contributions to the Analytical Review,”Essays in Literature
11/2 (Fall 1984), 187–99. Stewart points out some of the parallels between the
M, W, and T reviews, suggesting these are by the same person. In addition to
close stylistic echoes and content parallels, these reviews contain frequent in-
ternal cross references, indicating that one person was writing under the three
signatures, and they dovetail with the style and concerns of Wollstonecraft’s
known works.
A hitherto unnoticed way to explain the T signature is that Wollstonecraft
sometimes signs her name M Wt (e.g., Letters, 210); she may have dropped the
W and T after her return because her usual signature then was Mary Imlay.
Interestingly, two previously unnoticed brief reviews signed MI appear in March
1796: Review of Maria; or, The Vicarage, Analytical Review 23 (March 1796),
294; and Review of Angelina: A Novel, in A Series of Letters, by Mrs. Mary
Robinson, Analytical Review 23 (March 1796), 293–4. (Letters, 385, verifies
that Wollstonecraft had indeed read Angelina.) Shortly thereafter Wollstonecraft
had her final break with Imlay; MI henceforth disappears and only M reviews
continue until her death. These two reviews, however, are not stylistically distinc-
tive enough to be conclusive. The editors of the Works of Mary Wollstonecraft,
however, revert to a more conservative stance than Wardle or I take.
Because most of Wollstonecraft’s reviews are brief, my references refer to the
entire review. Most of Wollstonecraft’s reviews are reprinted in Works, 7. For a
more elaborated discussion, see my “Sensibility and the ‘Walk of Reason’: Mary
Wollstonecraft’s Literary Reviews as Cultural Critique,” Sensibility in Transfor-
mation: Creative Resistance to Sentiment from the Augustans to the Romantics,
ed. Syndy Conger McMillen (Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,
1990), 120–44, from which this essay draws.
3. See Genevieve Lloyd, The Man of Reason: “Male” and “Female” in Western
Philosophy (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984).
mitzi myers
Mary Wollstonecraft’s literary reviews
mitzi myers
22. Review of Anna St. Ives: a Novel, by Thomas Holcroft, Analytical Review 13
(May 1792), 72–6 (M review); VRW 5:76; Review of Earl Goodwin: An His-
torical Play, by Ann Yearsley, Analytical Review 11 (December 1791), 427–8
(M review); OP 7:8.
23. For other views of Wollstonecraft’s style, see Gary Kelly, “Expressive Style and
‘The Female Mind’: Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Woman,”
Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century: Transactions of the Fifth Interna-
tional Congress on the Enlightenment 4 (1980), 1942–9; and Syndy Conger, “The
Sentimental Logic of Wollstonecraft’s Prose,” Prose Studies 10/2 (September
1987), 143–58.
24. See, for example, Michael G. Cooke, Acts of Inclusion: Studies Bearing on an
Elementary Theory of Romanticism (New York and London: Yale University
Press, 1975), 159–63, and Jane Roland Martin, Reclaiming a Conversation:
the Ideal of the Educated Woman (New Haven and London: Yale University
Press, 1985), 70–102. Wollstonecraft herself observed that “reason and fancy
are nearer akin than cold dulness is willing to allow,” in Review of Remarks
on Forest Scenery, and Other Woodland Views, Relative Chiefly to Pictur-
esque Beauty, by William Gilpin, Analytical Review 10 (July 1791), 396–405
(M review).
25. Review of Albert de Nordenshild; or, The Modern Alcibiades: a Novel Translated
from the German [by Carl Gottlob Cramer?], Analytical Review 24 (October
1796), 404 (M is next signature); Review of Euphemia; WWM 1:85; Review
of Original Letters of the Late Mr. Laurence Sterne, Never Before Published,
Analytical Review 1 (July 1788), 335 (W review).
26. Review of New Travels into the Interior Parts of Africa, by the Way of the Cape
of Good Hope, in the Years 1783, 84, and 85: Translated from the French of
Le Vaillant, Analytical Review 25 (May 1797), 464–75 (M review); Review of
Man As He Is: a Novel in Four Volumes [by Robert Bage], Analytical Review 24
(October 1796), 398–403 (M is next signature); Review of Earl Strongbow; or,
The History of Richard de Clare and the Beautiful Geralda [by James White],
Analytical Review 3 (February 1789), 343–4 (M is next signature); Review of The
Italian; or, The Confessional of the Black Penitents: a Romance, by Ann Radcliffe,
Analytical Review 25 (May 1797), 516–20 (M review); Review of Arundel, by the
Author of The Observer [Richard Cumberland], Analytical Review 3 (January
1789): 67–69 (W review); Review of The Confidential Letters of Albert; from
His First Attachment to Charlotte to Her Death: from “The Sorrows of Werter,”
Analytical Review 6 (April 1790), 466–7 (M is next signature); Review of Hubert
de Sevrac: a Romance of the Eighteenth Century, by Mary Robinson, Analytical
Review 25 (May 1797), 523 (M review).
27. Review of Zelia in the Desart, from the French, by the Lady who Translated
Adelaide and Theodore [by Madame de Genlis], Analytical Review 4 (June 1789),
221 (M is next signature); Gerald P. Tyson, Review of Reviewing before the
“Edinburgh,” 1788–1802 by Derek Roper, Eighteenth-Century Studies 14/1 (Fall
1980), 71; VRW 5:199, 161.
Gracious Creator of the whole human race! hast thou created such a being as
woman, who can trace Thy wisdom in Thy works, and feel that Thou alone
art by Thy nature exalted above her, for no better purpose . . . [than] to submit
to man, her equal – a being who, like her, was sent into the world to acquire
virtue? Can she consent to be occupied merely to please him – merely to adorn
the earth – when her soul is capable of rising to Thee? (VRW 5:136)
barbara taylo r
. . . for . . . if they be really capable of acting like rational creatures, let them not
be treated like slaves; or, like the brutes who are dependent on the reason of
man, when they associate with him; but cultivate their minds, give them the
salutary sublime curb of principle, and let them attain conscious dignity by
feeling themselves only dependent on God. (VRW 5:105)
It is through the exercise of “a rational will that only bows to God” that
women may achieve that self-respect on which inner freedom is founded.
“These may be Utopian dreams,” Wollstonecraft writes, but “thanks to that
Being who impressed them on my soul, and gave me sufficient strength of
mind to dare to exert my own reason, till, becoming dependent only on Him
for the support of my virtue, I view, with indignation, the mistaken notions
that enslave my sex” (VRW 5:105). It was thanks to God, in other words,
that Mary Wollstonecraft became a feminist.
The religious foundations of Mary Wollstonecraft’s feminism
met again, in 1796, Godwin was an atheist. This meeting was much more
successful than the first: they became friends, then lovers, then husband and
wife – and meanwhile went on disagreeing about religion. “How can you
blame me for taking refuge in the idea of a God, when I despair of finding
sincerity here on earth?” Wollstonecraft demanded at one low point two
months before her death.4 At any rate, little as he would have wanted it, it
was Godwin who had the last word, since after his wife’s premature death it
was left to him to produce an account of her religious beliefs in his Memoirs.
Wollstonecraft’s religion, Godwin wrote, was “in reality, little allied to
any system of forms” and “was founded rather in taste, than in the niceties
of polemical discussion”:
Her mind constitutionally attached itself to the sublime and the amiable. She
found an inexpressible delight in the beauties of nature, and in the splendid
reveries of the imagination. But nature itself, she thought, would be no better
than a vast blank, if the mind of the observer did not supply it with an animating
soul. When she walked amidst the wonders of nature, she was accustomed to
converse with her God. To her mind he was pictured as not less amiable,
generous and kind, than great, wise and exalted. (Memoirs, 215)
barbara taylo r
The religious foundations of Mary Wollstonecraft’s feminism
barbara taylo r
The religious foundations of Mary Wollstonecraft’s feminism
called the Effect of Nature” (13). Such innate piety, Brown concluded (on a
note heard with increasing frequency over succeeding decades) gave women
a uniquely authoritative role in moral life, since
a Mind thus gentle and thus adorned exalts subordination itself into the Power
of Superiority and Command . . . the Influence and irresistible Force of Virtue.
Women may be men’s inferiors in social and political life, but in matters
of the spirit they are preeminent. This line of argument clearly had attrac-
tions as a defense against women’s secular claims. But it could also pose
serious hazards for sexual conservatives, particularly in its more militant
formulations. Wollstonecraft’s first novel, Mary, A Fiction exemplified these
dangers. Mary, published in 1788, features a heroine of such radiant piety
that she outshines the feebler moral lights of all around her. Even as a child,
Mary’s emotional life is dominated by “devotional sentiments” (M 1:11);
as a young adult, which is where the novel finds her, she is, if anything,
even more saintly, with a mind focused always on God and a heart so at-
tuned to the needs and sufferings of her fellow man that for her no “sensual
gratification” can compare to the joy of feeling her “eyes moistened after
having comforted the unfortunate” (M 1:59). This compassionate sensi-
bility benefits everyone around her (although they remain disappointingly
ungrateful) while at the same time bestowing an “enthusiastic greatness” on
Mary’s soul. She “glanced from earth to heaven,” Wollstonecraft tells us,
and “caught the light of truth” which, like her author, she was then ever
eager to shed on others – “her tongue was ever the faithful interpreter of
her heart” (M 1:59). And why should Mary keep silent, when heart and
soul have so much to say? Christian militancy irresistibly posed the ques-
tion, and even women ostensibly opposed to all that Wollstonecraft stood
for, often found themselves responding to the call in unconventional ways.
Hannah More may have held female polemicists to be ungodly, but this
didn’t prevent her from publishing tens of thousands of pious works exhort-
ing women to use their superior moral influence against Satan, the slave trade,
and French “democratical” politics. Soon (although not in Wollstonecraft’s
lifetime) many women Evangelicals began explicitly linking doctrines of
female moral leadership to demands for practical improvements in women’s
own political and legal status.
Being a proper Christian woman, then, was a paradoxical affair, bestow-
ing important ethical prerogatives to be exercised only under conditions
of psychological and practical submission. In Book v of Emile, his famous
statement on women’s nature and entitlements, Rousseau had argued that a
woman should always defer to the religious views of her father or husband,15
barbara taylo r
The religious foundations of Mary Wollstonecraft’s feminism
Mary thought of both the subjects, the Romish tenets, and the deistical doubts;
and though not a sceptic, thought it right to examine the evidence on which
her faith was built. She read Butler’s Analogy, and some other authors: and
these researches made her a christian from conviction, and she learned char-
ity, particularly with respect to sectaries; saw that apparently good and solid
arguments might take their rise from different points of view; and she rejoiced
to find that those she should not concur with had some reason on their side.
(M 1:29)
barbara taylo r
my heart is human, beats quick with human sympathies – and I FEAR God. . . . I
fear that sublime power, whose motive for creating me must have been wise
and good; and I submit to the moral laws which my reason deduces from this
view of my dependence on him. It is not his power that I fear – it is not to an
arbitrary will, but to unerring reason I submit. (VRM 5:34)
“[ T ]o act according to the dictates of reason,” she wrote further on, “is to
conform to the law of God” (VRM 5:51).
This appeal to the inner authority of the individual believer was at the
heart of all varieties of Enlightened theism. “Intra te quaere Deum,” as Basil
Willey has noted, was the motto of the age:
The religious foundations of Mary Wollstonecraft’s feminism
look for God within thyself. And what exactly would you find when you
looked within? Not the questionable shapes revealed by psycho-analysis, but
something much more reassuring: the laws of God and Nature inscribed upon
the heart . . . 19
barbara taylo r
Only a soul “perfected by the exercise of its own reason” is “stamped with
the heavenly image,” but “man ever placed between [woman] and reason,
she is always represented as only created to see through a gross medium” and
so is estranged from her own moral potential. This alienation from grace is
the nadir of female oppression, since it denies to women that inner mirroring
of God’s virtues which leads to ethical fulfilment. Universal reason is God’s
gift to all, the manifestation of His presence within, but men’s jealous claims
to reason’s prerogatives would damn women to spiritual ignorance, and thus
flout God’s purpose. For if the Father of All Creation smiles equally on all
His offspring, who are men to raise themselves to a higher position in His
sight? “Let us then, as children of the same parent . . . reason together, and
learn to submit to the authority of Reason . . . ” Wollstonecraft urges her
readers. For “they alone are subject to blind authority who have no reliance
on their own strength. They are free – who will be free!” (VRW 5:170–1).
Seen in this light, women’s emancipation is not only a desideratum for this
life, but the chief prerequisite for women’s eternal salvation. This empha-
sis in the Rights of Woman on secular gains as a means to spiritual goals
is possibly one of the most difficult to appreciate today, yet Wollstonecraft’s
text is suffused with it. The line of argument is clear. If the human soul were
not immortal – if our brief existence invariably terminated at death – then
female oppression, however censurable in itself, would be only one more
of those infinite woes which make up our lot in this vale of tears. Social
revolution throws into relief the injustice of women’s subordinate status and
offers opportunities for change; but it is the prospect of life beyond all such
mortal contrivances which makes women’s sufferings as a sex wholly rep-
rehensible – for in enslaving women on earth men have also been denying
them heaven. Rational Dissent held mortal existence to be a probationary
state, a trial period, from which the souls of the virtuous alone would emerge
into eternal bliss. Wollstonecraft consistently endorsed this view, and then
pointed out its implications. For if women are disallowed the conditions
necessary for the acquisition of virtue, then “how [they] are to exist in that
state where there is neither to be marrying nor giving in marriage, we are
not told”:
For though moralists have agreed that the tenor of life seems to prove that man
is prepared . . . for a future state, they constantly concur in advising woman only
to provide for the present. Gentleness, docility, and a spaniel-like affection are,
on this ground, consistently recommended as the cardinal virtues of the sex;
and disregarding the arbitrary economy of nature, one writer has declared that
it is masculine for a woman to be melancholy. She was created to be the toy of
man, his rattle, and it must jingle in his ears whenever, dismissing reason, he
chooses to be amused. (VRW 5:102).
The religious foundations of Mary Wollstonecraft’s feminism
the fanciful female character, so prettily drawn by poets and novelists, de-
manding the sacrifice of truth and sincerity; virtue [to them] becomes a relative
idea, having no other foundation than utility; and of that utility men pretend
arbitrarily to judge, shaping it to their own convenience. (VRW 5:120)
barbara taylo r
worship was never servile but a rational reverence for those divine perfec-
tions that human virtues mimic. It is not to arbitrary might but to Virtue
itself to which she submits:
Submit – yes; I disregard the charge of arrogance, to the law that regulates
his just resolves; and the happiness I pant after must be the same in kind, and
produced by the same exertions as his – though unfeigned humility overwhelms
every idea that would presume to compare the goodness which the most exalted
being could acquire, with the grand source of life and bliss. (VRM 5:34)
We love God because He deserves our love, not because He commands it;
and the fruit of this worship is that “enlightened self-love” which is every
believer’s entitlement.
This emphasis on esteem as the key element in religious devotion had
important consequences beyond the theological. For if it is not power but
virtue that elicits respect in the divine sphere, why should this not be true of
intimate human relationships as well? “It were to be wished,” Wollstonecraft
writes, “that women would cherish an affection for their husbands, founded
on the same principle that devotion [to God] ought to rest upon” – which
sounds shockingly retrograde until one realizes her precise meaning: that
husbands, like deities, should be loved inasmuch – and only inasmuch – as
they possess virtues entitting them to wifely respect. “No other firm base
is there under heaven – for let [women] beware of the fallacious light of
sentiment; too often used as a softer phrase for sensuality” (VRW 5:115). It
is not power, romance, or – most emphatically – sexual desire which should
tie women to their menfolk, but only shared love of the Good.
Wollstonecraft’s astringent attitude to heterosexual love has attracted crit-
icism from some modern feminists, repelled by what they regard as her chilly
prudishness. Perusing the Rights of Woman, the grounds for this criticism
would seem incontestable. “The depravity of the appetite which brings the
sexes together,” Wollstonecraft writes, is deplorable – inside marriage as well
as out. “Nature must ever be the standard of taste – the gauge of appetite-yet
how grossly is nature insulted by the voluptuary” (VRW 5:208) which is re-
deemable only, and barely, by the natural requirements of reproduction. “The
feelings of a parent mingling with an instinct merely animal, give it dignity”
by mixing “a little mind and affection with a sensual gust” (VRW 5:208);
but once children have arrived the duties of parenthood are incompatible
with further erotic indulgence.
In order to fulfil the duties of life, and to be able to pursue with vigour the
various employments which form the moral character, a master and mistress
of a family ought not to continue to love each other with passion. I mean to
say that they ought not to indulge those emotions which disturb the order of
The religious foundations of Mary Wollstonecraft’s feminism
society, and engross the thoughts that should otherwise be employed . . . .I will
go still further, and advance, without dreaming of a paradox, that an unhappy
marriage is often advantageous to a family, and that the neglected wife is, in
general, the best mother. . . . (VRW 5:99)
Even for an age of intensifying sexual restrictions, this was pretty repres-
sive stuff. And it is views like these, unsurprisingly, that have led scholars
like Mary Poovey and Cora Kaplan to brand Wollstonecraft a sexual puri-
tan. The Rights of Woman, Kaplan has eloquently and influentially argued,
“expresses a violent antagonism to the sexual, it exaggerates the importance
of the sensual in the everyday life of women and betrays the most profound
anxiety about the rupturing force of female sexuality.”24 Mary Poovey, in
her major study of Wollstonecraft’s relationship to eighteenth-century sex-
ual ideology, develops a similar argument, pointing out that Wollstonecraft’s
sexual outlook was heavily inflected by the repressive codes of propriety
characteristic of the new middle class.25 In one sense this is clearly right.
Both in spirit and content, much of Wollstonecraft’s anti-erotic rhetoric can
easily be recognized as part of that bourgeois project – so characteristic of
the eighteenth-century middle class – to enhance middle-rank standing by
contrasting its sober-minded decency to the moral laxity of the idle rich.
The image of the eroticized woman to be found throughout Wollstonecraft’s
writings is thus both polemical and class specific: a caricature of aristocratic
womanhood common to virtually all middle-class morality literature. “Love,
in their bosoms, taking place of every nobler passion,” Wollstonecraft writes
of “women of fashion,” “their sole ambition is to be fair, to raise emotion in-
stead of inspiring respect; and this ignoble desire, like the servility in absolute
monarchies, destroys all strength of character” (VRW 5:105).
There is far more to be said on this question of class bias in Wollstonecraft’s
sexual thinking than I have space for here. But the emphasis given to it by
Kaplan, Poovey, and likeminded commentators has been at the expense of
a larger historical point. Evaluating Wollstonecraft’s erotic ideals in isola-
tion from her wider philosophic commitments, particularly her religious
convictions, obscures their psycho-ethical content and reduces their revi-
sionary force. Like all eighteenth-century moralists, Wollstonecraft’s ideas
about sexual love were not freestanding but embedded in a universalist eth-
ical creed, which in her case meant in her idiosyncratic brand of enlightened
Christianity. Erotic attachments were not (or at least not only) the stuff
of private passion and politicking, as they are for modern feminists, but
modes of psycho-ethical relating – to oneself as well as to others – with tran-
scendent significance. For Wollstonecraft, in other words, love was a sacred
barbara taylo r
Reflecting on what has been said thus far about the pivotal part played
by religion in Wollstonecraft’s feminism, it is not difficult to see why this
was so. Striving to free women not just from male power but from the inner
corruption induced by oppression, the aspect of female love that concerned
Wollstonecraft the most was its impact on women’s moral destiny and ethical
self-image: matters for which, in the 1790s, religion still provided the most
compelling paradigm. For Wollstonecraft, what was at stake in heterosexual
love was not just what a woman was permitted to feel, but who she was
able to be: what kind of feminine self is inscribed in the erotic bond, and
how does this love bear on the infinitely higher attachments of which every
soul is capable? The answer the Rights of Woman gives is unequivocal: “[ I ]f
[women] be moral beings, let them have a chance to become intelligent; and
let love to man be only a part of that glowing flame of universal love, which,
after encircling humanity, mounts in graceful incense to God” (VRW 5:136).
For Wollstonecraft, loving God is the basis of a rightly ordered moral
personality. Unlike the Rational Dissenters of her circle who, anxious to
avoid “enthusiasm,” generally confined their devotional sentiments to the
judiciously appreciative, for Wollstonecraft to know God is to adore Him –
and this not only because His perfections inspire adoration but because the
epistemic impulse toward Him is essentially erotic in character. The love
Wollstonecraft had for her Maker, according to Mary Hays, was a “deli-
cious sentiment,” a “sublime enthusiasm” fueled by a “fervent imagination,
shaping itself to ideal excellence, and panting after good unalloyed.”26 It
was this passionate idealizing attachment that, for Wollstonecraft, was the
emotional basis of ethical self-identity. “The mind of man is formed to ad-
mire perfection,” she wrote to her sister Everina in 1784, “and perhaps our
longing after it and the pleasure we take in observing a shadow of it is a
faint line of that Image that was first stamped on the soul.”27 This amatory
yearning after the Good is love’s fullest expression, since “He who formed
the human soul, only can fill it, and the chief happiness of an immortal being
must arise from the same source as its existence” (CF 1:206). Yet this pious
ardor, while infinitely superior to human love, should not – as in so many
brands of Christian theology – be treated as the antithesis of earthly love,
but rather as its product and proper fulfillment. Love of others, including
physical love, is the emotional ground from which transcendent love arises.
Earthly love leads to heavenly, and prepares us for a more exalted state; if it
does not change its nature, and destroy itself, by trampling on the virtue, that
constitutes its essence, and allies us to the Deity. (CF 1:206)
This theme – human love as the progenitor of divine love – first ap-
peared in Wollstonecraft’s writings in the late 1780s, and persisted, with
The religious foundations of Mary Wollstonecraft’s feminism
barbara taylo r
1. Ann Snitow, “A Gender Diary”, Feminism and History, ed. Joan Wallach Scott,
(Oxford University Press, 1996), 529.
2. William Godwin, Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of
Woman; first published 1798 (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987), 215.
3. This emphasis on Wollstonecraft’s piety in Memoirs does not seem to have reg-
istered with many readers, including one who claimed that Godwin’s book gave
“a striking view of a Woman of fine talents . . . sinking a victim to the strength of
The religious foundations of Mary Wollstonecraft’s feminism
her Passions & feelings because destitute of the support of Religious principles”
(James Woodrow, quoted in Gary Kelly, Women, Writing and Revolution, 1790–
1827 [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993], 27.)
4. Letter to William Godwin, 4 July 1797. Letters, 404.
5. A note found in Godwin’s papers after his death, written sometime in 1787,
contained the following: “Religion is among the most beautiful and most natural
of all things; that religion which ‘sees God in clouds and hears Him in the wind’,
which endows every object of sense with a living soul, which finds in the system
of nature whatever is holy, mysterious, and venerable, and inspires the bosom
with sentiments of awe and veneration” (quoted in Charles Kegan Paul, William
Godwin: His Friends and Contemporaries [1876], 1:28). The similarity to the
views he attributed to Wollstonecraft is obvious.
6. Mary Hays, “Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft,” Annual Necrology, 1797/8
(1800), 416.
7. Ibid., 416.
8. Barbara Taylor, Mary Wollstonecraft and the Feminist Imagination (Cambridge
University Press, 2002).
9. Quoted in Genevieve Lloyd, The Man of Reason: Male and Female in Western
Philosophy (London: Methuen, 1984), 30–1.
10. Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, 1949 (English ed., Harmondsworth:
Penguin, 1972), 633. De Beauvoir’s discussion of the egalitarian implications of
Christianity for women is in many respects very reminiscent of Wollstonecraft’s,
although her perspective is that of an analytical unbeliever: “A sincere faith is a
great help to the little girl in avoiding an inferiority complex: she is neither male
nor female, but God’s creature” (633).
11. Mary Astell, “Some Reflections Upon Marriage,” first published in 1700; 1706
edn. reprinted in Bridget Hill, The First English Feminist (Aldershot: Gower
Publishing, 1986), 84.
12. A Methodist woman preacher quoted in L. F. Church, More About the Early
Methodist People (London, 1949), 168.
13. Hannah More, Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education (London,
1799), 1:7.
14. John Brown, DD, On the Female Character and Education (London, 1765), 12,
15. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile, or On Education, 1765 (English edn. London:
Penguin, 1991), 377–8.
16. Dr. John Gregory, A Father’s Legacy to His Daughters (London, 1823), 159–60.
17. James Fordyce, Sermons to Young Women, 1765 (London, 1766), 2:163.
18. Letter to Everina Wollstonecraft, January 1784, Letters, 87.
19. Basil Willey, The Eighteenth Century Background (London: Chatto and Windus,
1946), 7.
20. Rousseau, Emile, 286.
21. Richard Price, Review of The Principal Questions and Difficulties in Morals,
1756 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974), 180.
22. Ibid., 181.
23. Ibid., 113.
24. Cora Kaplan, “Wild Nights: Pleasure/Sexuality/Feminism,” Sea Changes:
Culture and Feminism (London: Verso, 1986), 41.
barbara taylo r
25. Mary Poovey, The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer: Ideology as Style in
the Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, and Jane Austen (University of
Chicago Press, 1984).
26. Hays, “Wollstonecraft,” 416.
27. Letter to Everina Wollstonecraft, January 1784, Letters, 87.
28. For a fuller account of the evolution of this idea over the course of
Wollstonecraft’s intellectual career, see my Wollstonecraft and the Feminist
29. James G. Turner, One Flesh: Paradisial Marriage and Sexual Relations in the Age
of Milton (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987), 32.
30. Quoted in Turner, One Flesh, 32. For an influential discussion of the relationship
between divine and earthly love in Christian theology, see Anders Nygren, Agape
and Eros (London, SPCK, 1982), and for the significance of Christian Platonism
in the formation of eighteenth-century British moral philosophy see John K.
Sheriff, The Good-Natured Man: the Evolution of a Moral Ideal, 1660–1880
(Tuuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1982).
31. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, La Nouvelle Héloı̈se, 1761; translated as Eloisa, or a
Series of Original Letters (London, 1767), 2:14.
32. Ibid., 34.
vivien jones
Wollstonecraft and the literature of advice and instruction
vivien jones
dignity and her importance to both private life and the life of the nation,”
female-authored conduct literature at least is “the context for Revolutionary
The best strategy, it would seem, is to see “conduct books,” educational
writings, and in some cases proto-feminist tracts, as part of a wider tradi-
tion of advice literature dedicated to personal and social improvement, but
within which the particular textual and ideological allegiances of individual
examples must be carefully teased out. It is conduct books, rather than writ-
ings on education or women’s rights, which are least likely to get the benefit
of this kind of reading. Alan Richardson, for example, in his excellent study
of educational writing in the period, establishes careful political distinctions
between examples of women’s instructional writing, but is less concerned
to distinguish between two rather different conduct books: James Fordyce’s
Sermons to Young Women (1766), and the text with which I began, John
Gregory’s A Father’s Legacy to his Daughters (1774).6 Yet it is only through
careful definition and discrimination of particular conduct texts that we can
hope to understand their precise meaning for a contemporary audience. (As
we shall see, though Wollstonecraft was disapproving of both Fordyce and
Gregory in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, she nevertheless distin-
guished sharply between them.) Equally importantly, by reading in this way,
we can begin to break the spell of the “proper lady” by exposing the incon-
sistencies and contradictions which make the ideological effects of conduct
books rather less predictable.7
How, then, should we read and categorize Thoughts on the Education of
Daughters: written by the woman who at the turn of the second millenium is
an icon of modern feminism; but described by one critic as “a conventional
conduct book, in which the arguments and topics of a hundred-year tradition
of such manuals by men and women weigh heavy” (Sutherland, “Writings on
Education and Conduct,” 41)? One temptation is to read Thoughts teleo-
logically: to tell Wollstonecraft’s story as one of ideological consistency, and
look for moments of radicalism which appear to anticipate the two Vindica-
tions. An alternative strategy would be to dismiss Thoughts as a politically
naive potboiler, written before Wollstonecraft’s outraged response to Ed-
mund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France “converted” her, as
this particular life-narrative would see it, to radicalism. But to disentan-
gle the “conventional” from the potentially radical in Thoughts is not so
straightforward. A “hundred-year tradition” of advice literature undoubt-
edly informs this text (as it does A Vindication of the Rights of Woman)
but, as inherited by Wollstonecraft, it is a tradition in which it’s possible
to trace various contributory strands. I want to draw out three of these
here: writings “on the subject of female education and manners” (VRW:91);
Wollstonecraft and the literature of advice and instruction
the radical Dissenting tradition of moral and spiritual discipline; and moral
satire, in which representations of women are closely associated with at-
tacks on luxury and commercial excess. Sometimes working harmoniously,
sometimes producing interesting points of tension, these are the traditions
which shape Wollstonecraft’s discussion of love and marriage, of women’s
opportunities and their intellectual and moral capacities, and of acceptable
and unacceptable forms of feminine identity and behavior.
On several occasions throughout Thoughts, Wollstonecraft endorses the
domestic priorities of current writings on girls’ education and conduct. “No
employment of the mind is a sufficient excuse for neglecting domestic duties,”
she asserts in her chapter on “Reading”; and discussing “Boarding-Schools”
(of which she disapproves, preferring home education), she affirms: “To
prepare a woman to fulfil the important duties of a wife and mother” should
be the main object of her education (TED:21, 22). More problematically
for modern readers, she seems in her chapter on “Matrimony” to endorse
a particularly asexual version of adult womanhood: “There are a thousand
nameless decencies which good sense gives rise to . . . It has ever occurred to
me, that it was sufficient for a woman to receive caresses, and not bestow
them” (32). At first glance, Wollstonecraft here seems to endorse a version
of John Gregory’s notorious advice to his daughters “never to discover to
[a man] the full extent of your love, no not although you marry him,”8
advice which she later briskly dismisses in Rights of Woman: “Voluptuous
precaution, and as ineffectual as absurd” (VRW:98). And her phrasing echoes
Adam’s praise of Eve in Paradise Lost: “Those thousand decencies that daily
flow/From all her words and actions.”9 Writers of female advice literature
often approvingly invoked Milton’s image of the submissive prelapsarian
Eve. These very lines from Paradise Lost were to be quoted, for example,
by the conservative Hannah More in her anti-Wollstonecraftian Strictures
on the Modern System of Female Education of 1799, where More describes
them as “that beautiful picture of correct and elegant propriety” – as an
image, in other words, of the proper lady.10
More congenial to modern readers are those passages in which Woll-
stonecraft is more evidently uneasy with the current commonplaces of gender
difference. At one point, for example, she lashes out against women’s lack
of opportunity in terms which very obviously anticipate Rights of Woman:
Women are said to be the weaker vessel, and many are the miseries which this
weakness brings on them. Men have in some respects very much the advantage.
If they have a tolerable understanding, it has a chance to be cultivated. They
are forced to see human nature as it is, and are not left to dwell on the pictures
of their own imaginations. (TED:32)
vivien jones
Wollstonecraft and the literature of advice and instruction
worldly power or political resistance. She writes, for example, of “that calm
satisfaction which resignation produces, which . . . shall sanctify the sorrows,
and dignify the character of virtue” (TED:30). And her chapter on “The
Benefits which Arise from Disappointments” ends with a moment of explicit
[W]hen we look for happiness, we meet with vexations . . . And yet we were
made to be happy! But our passions will not contribute much to our bliss, till
they are under the dominion of reason, and till that reason is enlightened and
improved. Then sighing will cease, and all tears will be wiped away by that
Being, in whose presence there is fulness of joy. (37)
vivien jones
Previous to every other step . . . is the forming and breaking his temper; by cher-
ishing and encouraging the good qualities of it, as Emulation, or a laudable
desire of excelling, Curiosity, or thirst after knowledge, Humility, Tractable-
ness, Meekness, Fearfulness of offending, and the rest; and by crushing and
nipping in the bud the luxuriant or pernicious ones, as Anger, Pride, Resent-
ment, Obstinacy, Sloth, Falshood, and so forth.
(Burgh, Thoughts on Education, 6–7)
Burgh’s goal is the development not just of social and moral, but also of
political, awareness: “a rational set of political principles, . . . the love of
liberty and their country, and consequently the hatred of Popery, Tyranny,
Persecution, Venality, and whatever else is against the interest of a free
people” (12).
Burgh’s Dissenting discourse typically combines spiritual meekness with
rational independence of mind and a commitment to liberty. Wollstonecraft,
too, advocates a “meek spirit” in her chapter on “The Temper.” The juxta-
position with Burgh reveals its more radical possibilities:
A constant attention to the management of the temper produces gentleness
and humility, and is practised on all occasions, as it is not done “to be seen
of men”. This meek spirit arises from good sense and resolution, and should
not be confounded with indolence and timidity; weaknesses of mind, which
often pass for good nature. She who submits, without conviction, to a parent
or husband, will as unreasonably tyrannise over her servants; for slavish fear
and tyranny go together. (TED:23)15
Like Sarah Pennington’s worries about the difficulties her daughters might
encounter in finding a decent husband, the implications of Wollstonecraft’s
observations here are more radical than the advice given. The aim, after
all, appears still to be submission: just submission with rather than without
“conviction.” But the language of tyranny and slavery implicitly invites cri-
tique both of the husband who demands “slavish fear,” and of the abuse of
class power in the tyrannic woman’s treatment of her servants.
Wollstonecraft’s allusion to Eve might also be re-read in terms of
Dissenting ideals, which would emphasize the “union of mind” and soul,
and not just the “sweet compliance,” in Miltonic marriage: “ . . . love / And
sweet compliance, which declare unfeigned / Union of mind, or in us both one
soul; / Harmony to behold in wedded pair.”16 And elsewhere in Thoughts,
Wollstonecraft advises women that: “Goodwill to all the human race should
dwell in our bosoms, nor should love to individuals induce us to violate this
first of duties” (TED:44). In all these instances, the domestic principles most
closely associated with the conduct tradition are qualified by the language
of spiritual aspiration, self-discipline, and equality associated with Dissent.
Wollstonecraft and the literature of advice and instruction
The two are clearly far from being incompatible: domestic advice literature
draws constantly on religious traditions as a way of establishing the provi-
dential nature of the gender roles it advocates. But the Dissenting tradition,
clearly identifiable in Thoughts, also pulls in a more disruptive direction:
both in its stress on independence of mind over “the superficial opinion of
the multitude” (Burgh, Thoughts on Education, 53), and in the way in which
its human, rather than gendered, regime of spiritual self-discipline works in
the service of a wider, communitarian, political ideal.
Within the Dissenting tradition, the good man (and not just the good
woman) “avoids all parade and ostentation; . . . He shuns all the excesses of
pleasure and voluptuousness.”17 And in eighteenth-century moral discourse
more generally, the opposition between superficiality and substance, osten-
tation and retirement, is all-pervasive. Thoughts, however, offers a conven-
tionally gendered version of that retiring ideal. It moves from “The Nursery”
in the first chapter, to “Public Places” in the last, and from the ideal mother
to her dangerous alter ego, the “fine Lady”: the female embodiments of sub-
stance and superficiality who inhabit those spaces. It begins with the rational
duty of mothers: to ensure, by breastfeeding and by consistent, affectionate
government, that their offspring achieve the Lockean (and classical) ideal
of sound minds and bodies (TED:7–8).18 It ends with warnings against the
frivolous woman of fashion, sound in neither mind nor body, “still a child in
understanding, and of so little use to society, that her death would scarcely
be observed” (48).
Wollstonecraft’s portraits are indistinguishable from the classic conduct-
book opposition between acceptable and unacceptable modes of middle-
class femininity: inner virtue and “use” compared with superficial display;
the “empty airy thing” who, in Savile’s formulation, “sail[s] up and down the
House to no kind of purpose” compared with the woman whose “propriety
of behaviour [is] the fruit of instruction, of observation, and reasoning.”19
But, like Savile’s grotesque image, Wollstonecraft’s caustic suggestion that the
fine lady’s death would go unnoticed suggests another generic connection:
with the dismissive, and often cruel, portraits which are a commonplace in
satire. In Pope’s “Epistle to a Lady,” pleasure-seeking women are: “Fair to
no purpose, artful to no end, / . . . / Alive, ridiculous, and dead, forgot!”; and
Edward Moore’s popular versified conduct-book Fables for the Female Sex,
describes a
vivien jones
Wollstonecraft and the literature of advice and instruction
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Wollstonecraft and the literature of advice and instruction
asserts; and her ordered series of readings will, she claims, “awaken the
affections and fix good habits” (FR:56). The major advice traditions evi-
dent in Thoughts also shape The Female Reader. In her insistence on the
cultivation of taste as a moral undertaking, Wollstonecraft works within the
orthodoxies of eighteenth-century politeness, maintaining The Spectator’s
programme of “constant and assiduous Culture”;33 in her concern to in-
culcate “good habits,” she follows enlightened Lockean educational theory,
which works with feeling and curiosity to bring the passions under the dis-
cipline of reason; whilst the inclusion of devotional pieces which can “still
the murmurs of discontent” (FR:56), reproduces the quietist advice of the
female conduct tradition. In its mode of organization and choice of texts,
as well as its belief in the “external accomplishment” of reading aloud as
both the means to, and the sign of, inner virtue, The Female Reader again
demonstrates an immediate allegiance to Dissenting educational literature.
Wollstonecraft’s model, as she herself makes clear, was William Enfield’s
The Speaker: or, Miscellaneous Pieces, selected from the Best English Writers,
and disposed under proper heads, with a view to facilitate the improvement
of youth in Reading and Speaking (1774), a new edition of which was pub-
lished by Joseph Johnson in 1786. The Speaker was originally produced
for pupils at the Warrington Dissenting Academy, where Enfield (who was
later to write a favorable review of Rights of Woman) was tutor, secretary,
and Rector.34 Johnson acted as London publisher for the Warrington group,
whose members included Joseph Priestley and Anna Letitia Barbauld, and
the idea of producing a parallel collection for women readers very prob-
ably came from him. The Female Reader offers a more general program
of “improvement” than Enfield’s Speaker. His collection was a contribu-
tion to the elocution movement, which encouraged “standard” English as
the spoken dialect of the professional classes. Wollstonecraft’s title identifies
reading rather than speaking out, modesty rather than performance, as the
more suitable occupation for women: her collection has no equivalent of
the “Orations and Harangues” or, indeed, of the “Argumentative Pieces”
which Enfield includes. The Speaker has no equivalent to Wollstonecraft’s
“Book VI: Devotional Pieces, and Reflections on Religious Objects,” nor
does it draw on the Bible, as Wollstonecraft does throughout. Her textual
choices emphasize humanitarian feeling, piety, and the familiar moral disci-
pline of depth over surface: a recurrent preoccupation, particularly in “Book
II: Didactic and Moral Pieces,” is “Dress subservient to useful Purposes”
So, although it shares some sources with The Speaker (most notably
Shakespeare and a wide range of periodicals), Wollstonecraft’s instructional
vivien jones
Wollstonecraft and the literature of advice and instruction
with their persons, careless how despicable their minds appear,” and insists
that “[t]he principal virtues or vices of a woman must be of a private and do-
mestic kind” (FR:67). Wollstonecraft begins her course of improving reading
with questions of difference and sameness: implicit approval of a gendered
division of social responsibility is followed by a concern that women have
allowed difference to render their minds “despicable.” She draws yet again
on the female educationists’ familiar program of female mental improvement
as a means of escape from fashionable uselessness. But she draws, too, on ra-
tionalist inquiries into categorisation and definition, and the responsibilities
incurred by difference: in Gregory’s case, an inquiry influenced by his posi-
tion within Scottish Enlightenment circles. Later in The Female Reader, for
example, Wollstonecraft quotes Gregory’s comparison between animals and
humans – the latter “distinguished by the moral sense” – and follows it im-
mediately with Cowper’s mobilization of that moral sense through the sym-
pathetic aesthetic of sensibility: “The heart is hard in nature, and unfit / For
human fellowship . . . / . . . that is not pleas’d / With sight of animals enjoying
life” (FR:288). Wollstonecraft prided herself on organizing the texts in The
Female Reader into thematic groups, “carefully disposed in a series that tends
to make them illustrate each other” (55). The anthology’s juxtapositions in-
vite her readers to reflect on the relationship between rational improvement
and moral responsibility – and on what it means to be a human, as well as
a gendered, subject.
Central to the traditions of advice and instruction within which Woll-
stonecraft works, these are the questions which are to shape A Vindication
of the Rights of Woman. The less disruptive liberal sensibility of The Fe-
male Reader, however, stresses responsibilities rather than rights, differ-
ence rather than sameness. It can therefore easily accommodate a conduct
writer like Gregory who, like other Scottish Enlightenment writers – and,
of course, the periodical tradition going back to The Spectator – associates
femininity with civilization and makes complementarity the basis of gen-
der equality. Priding himself on his “honourable point of view,” Gregory
sees women, “not as domestic drudges, or the slaves of our pleasures, but
as our companions and equals; as designed to soften our hearts and polish
our manners.”38 The Female Reader draws extensively both on Gregory’s
Comparative View and on A Father’s Legacy to his Daughters. In Rights of
Woman, however, Gregory’s well-meaning version of “equal” gender rela-
tions is subjected to extensive critique. Trained in advice traditions which
value “a just and rational way of thinking of things” (Burgh, Thoughts
on Education, 53), Wollstonecraft turns the Enlightenment scrutiny of cat-
egories back on itself, exposing the inequalities produced by definitions of
vivien jones
difference and making careful distinctions within the category of advice writ-
ing itself.
Wollstonecraft and the literature of advice and instruction
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. . . wishing to make his daughters amiable, and fearing lest unhappiness should
only be the consequence, of instilling sentiments that might draw them out
of the track of common life without enabling them to act with consonant
independence and dignity, he checks the natural flow of his thoughts, and
neither advises one thing nor the other. (VRW:166)
Wollstonecraft and the literature of advice and instruction
passion,” she objects, sin against both “sense and taste”: “I have heard ra-
tional men use the word indecent, when they mentioned them with disgust”
(VRW:163–4). As Wollstonecraft’s analysis reveals, Fordyce shares other
male advice writers’ sexually compromised attitude to women, but what
she calls his “sentimental rant” signals a significantly different quality of in-
fantilizing sexual prurience, unmitigated even by “the language of the heart”
(163), much less by any wider belief in liberty or equality.
Wollstonecraft’s careful discriminations between Gregory and Fordyce are
based in stylistic analysis. In The Female Reader, Wollstonecraft’s program
of carefully chosen texts was intended to “imprint some useful lessons on the
mind, and cultivate the taste at the same time” (FR:55). As in the periodical
tradition, a refined taste is seen as inseparable from moral and intellectual
improvement. The method of The Female Reader, the exercise of rational
taste through close reading, is central to Wollstonecraft’s political analysis
of advice writings in Rights of Woman. Gregory’s ideological inconsistency
is signaled by the conjunction of an “easy familiar style,” which invites con-
fidence and respect, with “a degree of concise elegance . . . that disturbs this
sympathy” (VRW:166). Fordyce’s stylistic sins against taste, the “cold ar-
tificial feelings” on display in his “affected style,” are continuous with his
tyrannic reduction of women to “house slave[s]” and “domestic drudge[s]”
(163, 162, 165). But because of this, Wollstonecraft believes, both his
sexual politics and his mode of instruction are doomed to failure: “esteem,
the only lasting affection, can alone be obtained by virtue supported by
reason. It is respect for the understanding that keeps alive tenderness for the
person” (166).
Wollstonecraft’s discriminating analysis here makes manifest the com-
plex effects of advice writing for women. Her own ambivalent response to
Gregory, particularly, is at one level symptomatic of precisely those gendered
power relations which the intimate form of address in many conduct books
insidiously perpetuates: Wollstonecraft herself registers daughterly affection
for the “familiar” authority of the father’s voice, one effect of which, as she
clearly sees, can be to lull women into “a system of slavery” exactly compara-
ble to “the servility in absolute monarchies” (101, 105). Far worse, however,
she suggests, is the complete lack of either rational or affective esteem for
women revealed by Fordyce’s cold linguistic excess: his Sermons “have con-
tributed to vitiate the taste, and enervate the understanding of many of my
fellow-creatures” (166). The tendency of both Gregory’s and Fordyce’s texts
is to encourage women to focus on their gendered, rather than their shared
human, identity. But Wollstonecraft is alert (as she was in the case of Burke)
to the sexual threat in Fordyce’s predatory “voluptuousness,” by which “all
women are to be levelled, by meekness and docility, into one character of
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1. VRW 5:97.
2. TED 4:25.
3. Mary Poovey, The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer: Ideology as Style in
the Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, and Jane Austen (Chicago and
London: University of Chicago Press, 1984); Nancy Armstrong, Desire and Do-
mestic Fiction: a Political History of the Novel (New York and Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1987), 24, 66.
4. Wetenhall Wilkes, A Letter of Genteel and Moral Advice to a Young Lady (1740),
quoted in Kathryn Sutherland, “Writings on Education and Conduct: Arguments
for Female Improvement,” Women and Literature in Britain 1700–1800, ed.
Vivien Jones (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), 31. Wollstonecraft
approved of Chapone’s Letters; see VRW 5:174.
5. Gary Kelly, Revolutionary Feminism: the Mind and Career of MaryWollstonecraft
(Basingstoke and London: Macmillan, 1992), 29.
Wollstonecraft and the literature of advice and instruction
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28. The Lady’s Magazine 18 (1787), 227–30, 287, 369–70; Mrs. Wollstonecraft’s
Thoughts on the Education of Daughters. With Reflections on Female Conduct,
in the more important Duties of Life. To which is added Fenolon [sic]Archbishop
of Cambray’s Instructions to a Governess, and an Address to Mothers (Dublin:
W. Sleator, 1788), sig. [4]r. Since one of the added chapters refers approvingly to
James Fordyce, we can safely assume they are not by Wollstonecraft.
29. Wollstonecraft’s preference for “a cultivated mind” appears in TED 32, in a
passage reproduced in The Lady’s Magazine 18:288.
30. FR 4:55.
31. Pennington, Unfortunate Mother’s Advice, 86–7.
32. Moira Ferguson, Introduction, The Female Reader (Delmar, NY: Scholars’ Fac-
similies and Reprints, 1980), xxviii. And this in spite of its being published (per-
haps to give it a spurious kind of authority) under the name of “Mr. Cresswick,
Teacher of Elocution” rather than Wollstonecraft’s own. Gary Kelly describes
The Female Reader as “hack-work” in Revolutionary Feminism, 73.
33. The Spectator 10 (12 March 1711).
34. See P. O’Brien, The Warrington Academy 1757–1786: Its Predecessors and Suc-
cessors (Wigan: Owl Books, 1989), 71; Review of Vindication of the Rights of
Woman, Monthly Review 8 (1792), 198–209.
35. See William Enfield, The Speaker: or, Miscellaneous Pieces, selected from the
Best English Writers, and disposed under proper heads, with a view to facilitate
the improvement of youth in Reading and Speaking, a new edition, corrected
(London: J. Johnson, 1786); “Dress subservient to useful Purposes” is the title
given by Wollstonecraft to an extract from Sarah Trimmer’s The Oeconomy of
Charity (London: J. Johnson, 1787).
36. Letters, 138.
37. See Gerald P. Tyson, Joseph Johnson: a Liberal Publisher (Iowa City: University
of Iowa Press, 1979).
38. Gregory, Legacy, Young Lady’s Pocket Library, ed. Jones, 3.
39. Letters, 263.
40. Paradise Lost, Book 8, lines 383–4.
41. In chapter 14 of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (1813), Mr Collins attempts
to read to the Bennet sisters from Fordyce’s Sermons.
42. James Fordyce, Sermons to Young Women, in Two Volumes, 3rd edn., corrected
(London: A. Millar and T. Cadell, 1766), 1:99–100.
– by the end of the second edition, Wollstonecraft has effectively denied the
significance and even the necessary existence of male physical superiority.
She first reduces the physical difference between males and females, rewriting
the above passage thus:
In the government of the physical world it is observable that the female in
point of strength is, in general, inferior to the male. This is the law of nature,
an n e k. mello r
She then insists that women’s virtues – “strength of mind, perseverance and
fortitude” – are the “same in kind” if not yet in “degree” (VRW 5:105).
She next adamantly denies “the existence of sexual virtues, not excepting
modesty” (VRW 5:120), in effect erasing any essentialist difference between
males and females. She concludes by suggesting that if females were allowed
the same exercise as males, then they would arrive at a “perfection of body”
that might well erase any “natural superiority” of the male body (VRW
On this philosophical assumption of sexual equality and even potential
sameness, Wollstonecraft mounted her campaign for the reform of female
education, arguing that girls should be educated in the same subjects and
by the same methods as boys. She further advocated a radical revision of
British law to enable a new, egalitarian marriage in which women would
share equally in the management and possession of all household resources.
She demanded that women be paid – and paid equally – for their labor,
that they gain the civil and legal right to possess and distribute property,
that they be admitted to all the most prestigious professions. And she ar-
gued that women (together with all disenfranchised men) should be given
the vote: “I really think that women ought to have representatives, instead
of being arbitrarily governed without any direct share allowed them in the
deliberations of government” (VRW 5:217).
The revolution in female manners demanded by Wollstonecraft would,
she insisted, dramatically change both genders. It would produce women
who were sincerely modest, chaste, virtuous, Christian; who acted with rea-
son and prudence and generosity. It would produce men who – rather than
being trained to become petty household tyrants or slave-masters over their
female dependents or “house-slaves” (VRW 5:165) – would treat women
with respect and act toward all with benevolence, justice, and sound reason.
It would eliminate the “want of chastity in men,” a depravity of appetite
that in Wollstonecraft’s view was responsible for the social production of
unmanly “equivocal beings” (VRW 5:208). And it would produce egalitar-
ian marriages based – no longer on mere sexual desire – but on compatibility,
mutual affection, and respect. As she concluded,
we shall not see women affectionate till more equality be established in so-
ciety, till ranks are confounded and women freed, neither shall we see that
dignified domestic happiness, the simple grandeur of which cannot be relished
The Rights of Woman and the women writers of Wollstonecraft’s day
by ignorant or vitiated minds; nor will the important task of education ever be
properly begun till the person of a woman is no longer preferred to her mind.
(VRW 5:263)
During the heady days of the early 1790s, as the workers and middle classes
overthrew the ancien régime in France, Wollstonecraft’s call for a revolution
in female manners was immediately taken up by several of her female com-
patriots. Her close friend Mary Hays, the daughter of middle-class London
Dissenters and the author of a spirited defense of the Unitarian church,
Cursory Remarks on an Enquiry into the Expediency and Propriety of Public
or Social Worship (1791), sprang to the defense of Wollstonecraft’s feminist
program. Hays’s Letters and Essays, Moral, and Miscellaneous (1793), a
work which Hays submitted directly to Wollstonecraft for her advice and
criticism, eloquently attacked the
mental bondage . . . ; the absurd despotism which has hitherto, with more than
gothic barbarity, enslaved the female mind, the enervating and degrading sys-
tem of manners by which the understandings of women have been chained
down to frivolity and trifles, have increased the general tide of effeminacy and
corruption. (Letters 3:23)
Hays further endorsed Wollstonecraft’s most radical claim, “the idea of there
being no sexual character,” arguing that the opposite opinion has caused far
more dangerous social extremes; moreover, “similarity of mind and prin-
ciple is the only true basis of harmony” (Letters 3:24). She concluded that
“the rights of woman, and the name of Woollstonecraft [sic], will go down
to posterity with reverence, when the pointless sarcasms of witlings are for-
gotten” (Letters 3:29). And in her letter to the Dissenting Monthly Maga-
zine for 2 March 1797, published under the running head “Improvements
suggested in Female Education,” she again invokes Wollstonecraft before
Till one moral mental standard is established for every rational agent, every
member of a community, and a free scope afforded for the exertion of their
faculties and talents, without distinction of rank or sex, virtue will be an empty
name, and happiness elude our most anxious research. (3:195)
Mary Hays based both her novels, Emma Courtney (1796) and The Victim
of Prejudice (1799), on Wollstonecraft’s program for social reform. Emma
Courtney enthusiastically upholds both Wollstonecraft’s and William
Godwin’s doctrines but brings to them Hays’s independent emphasis on
the importance of sensibility, of women’s capacity for strong emotions and
enduring love. Emma falls passionately in love with her mentor Augustus
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The Rights of Woman and the women writers of Wollstonecraft’s day
My pen has been taken up in the cause, and for the benefit, of my own sex. For
their improvement, and to their entertainment, my labours have been devoted.
Women . . . require pleasure to be mingled with instruction, lively images, the
graces of sentiment, and the polish of language. Their understandings are prin-
cipally accessible through their affections: they delight in minute delineation of
character; nor must the truths which impress them be either cold or unadorned.
(Female Biography, iv)
Hays here moves beyond her earlier arguments for the equality of the sexes to
an even more radical suggestion, that females might potentially be superior to
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males: “A woman who, to the graces and gentleness of her own sex, adds the
knowledge and fortitude of the other, exhibits the most perfect combination
of human excellence” (v). In her final work, Memoirs of Queens Illustrious
and Celebrated (1821), however, Hays returns to Wollstonecraft’s equality
I maintain . . . that there is, there can be, but one moral standard of excellence
for mankind, whether male or female, and that the licentious distinctions [be-
tween the sexes] made by the domineering party, in the spirit of tyranny, self-
ishness, and sexuality, are at the foundation of the heaviest evils that have
afflicted, degraded, and corrupted society: and I found my arguments upon
nature, equity, philosophy, and the Christian religion. (vi)
In the 1790s several women writers endorsed the program of liberal femi-
nism which Wollstonecraft, Catharine Macaulay, and Mary Astell had devel-
oped, although none so rigorously or whole-heartedly as did Mary Hays. In
The Female Advocate; or, An Attempt to Recover the Rights of Women from
Male Usurpation (1799), Mary Anne Radcliffe, evoking her personal expe-
riences as a landed Scottish heiress whose ne’er-do-well husband had lost all
their money, leaving her destitute and in ill health, bitterly attacked the lack
of suitable employment for women. The poet and novelist Mary Robinson,
writing as Anne Frances Randall, in her Thoughts on the Condition of
Women, and on the Injustice of Mental Subordination (1799), attacked the
sexual double standard, directly repeating Wollstonecraft’s and Hays’s argu-
ment that male hypocrisy was primarily responsible for female prostitution.
At the same time, she celebrated the historical accomplishments, both politi-
cal and cultural, of contemporary women, citing thirty-nine examples of ac-
complished female writers, philosophers, historians, translators, and artists,
including both Mrs. Woollstonecraft [sic] and Miss Hayes [sic]. After calling
for a university for women, Robinson turned her attention to women’s writ-
ing as a literary genre. Anticipating Anna Barbauld’s later canon-forming
claim in her Essay on the Origin and Progress of Novel-Writing, the Intro-
duction to the collection of reprints of British novels published by Rivington
(1810) and titled The British Novelists, Robinson was the first to argue that
by 1790 the novel had become a feminine genre:
The best novels that have been written, since those of Smollett, Richardson
and Fielding, have been produced by women: and their pages have not only
been embellished with the interesting events of domestic life, portrayed with
all the elegance of phraseology, and all the refinement of sentiment, but with
forcible and eloquent political, theological, and philosophical reasoning.
(London, 2nd edn., 1799: 95)
The Rights of Woman and the women writers of Wollstonecraft’s day
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Men, on the other hand, in More’s view, have better judgment, based on
their wider experience of the public world; at the same time their manners
are coarse, with “rough angles and asperities” (“Introduction” to Essays on
Various Subjects, 1777; 6: 266). Unlike Wollstonecraft’s program of liberal
political reform which looked equally to men and to women to institute her
new systems of coeducation and egalitarian marriage, if More’s “revolution
in manners” was to occur, it must be carried out primarily by women.
But first women must be educated to understand their proper function in
society. More’s Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education (1799)
laid out her program for the education of “excellent women” (iii:200): a
systematic development of the innate female capacity for virtue and piety
through a judicious reading of the Bible, devotional tracts, and serious litera-
ture, extended by rational conversation and manifested in the active exercise
of compassion and generosity. The goal of More’s educational project for
women was no less than a cultural redefinition of female virtue. As summed
up in that “pattern daughter . . . [who] will make a pattern wife,” Lucilla
Stanley (Coelebs in Search of a Wife, 1808),8 female virtue was equated
by More with rational intelligence, modesty and chastity, a sincere commit-
ment to spiritual values and the Christian religion, an affectionate devotion
to one’s family, active service on behalf of one’s community, and an insistence
on keeping promises. In More’s words:
The Rights of Woman and the women writers of Wollstonecraft’s day
Secondly, women were more versed in what More called “practical piety,”
the immediate assessment and relief of the day-to-day requirements of the
an n e k. mello r
poor, the sick, the dying. Finally, women who had learned how to manage
a household properly could more readily extend those skills to the Sunday
School, workhouse or hospital.
Implicit both in More’s Strictures on Female Education and in her novel
Coelebs is the argument that household management or domestic economy
provides the best model for the management of the state or national econ-
omy. Here More agrees with Wollstonecraft’s similar argument in Rights of
Woman that the same skills are required to administer the well-run house-
hold as to govern the well-run nation. More spelled out this concept of home
economics in her Strictures on Female Education:
The Rights of Woman and the women writers of Wollstonecraft’s day
the great object to which you, who are or may be mothers, are more especially
called, is the education of your children. If we are responsible for the use of
influence in the case of those over whom we have no immediate control, in
the case of our children we are responsible for the exercise of acknowledged
power: a power wide in its extent, indefinite in its effects, and inestimable
in its importance. On y o u depend in no small degree the principles of the
whole rising generation. . . . To y o u is made over the awfully important trust
of infusing the first principles of piety into the tender minds of those who may
one day be called to instruct, not families merely, but districts; to influence,
not individuals, but senates. Your private exertions may at this moment be
contributing to the future happiness, your domestic neglect, to the future ruin,
of your country. (Strictures, iii:44)
As Mitzi Myers has noted, no one worked harder than More to define a
new ideological mission for women: to “educate the young and illiterate, suc-
cor the unfortunate, amend the debased popular culture of the lower orders,
reorient worldly men of every class, and set the national household in order,”
thereby elevating women’s “nurturing and reformative assignment” into a
“national mission.”13 Women can become, in More’s view, the Mothers of
the Nation.
Emphasizing women’s public role as mothers of the nation, More necessar-
ily downplayed their more private sexual roles as females. Like Wollstonecraft,
More has been criticized by modern feminist critics for insisting on a new
ideal of female “passionlessness.” As Nancy Cott put it, Hannah More’s
“work perfected the transformation of woman’s image from sexual to moral
being,” giving women power only at the price of sexual repression. But this
is too one-sided a reading of More’s campaign. More did not urge women
to deny their sexual desires, but only to channel them into marriage with a
morally as well as sexually desirable partner. As Michael Mason has rightly
observed, “To Hannah More belongs the distinction of having written at
greater length explicitly about sex than any other leading Evangelical” in
her novel Coelebs in Search of a Wife.14
By defining the private household and “private principle” as the source
of “public virtue” (Strictures, iii:44). More implicitly endorsed Edmund
Burke’s concept in his Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790) of
the domestic estate as the model for the state of the nation. But rather
than assigning to Burke’s “canonized forefathers” the ultimate responsibility
for the moral improvement and sustenance of the family estate, More like
Wollstonecraft explicitly assigned that responsibility to women, to mothers.
Men may wage battles abroad, but women protect the home front: as she
asked rhetorically: “Is it not desirable to be the lawful possessors of a lesser
domestic territory, rather than the turbulent usurpers of a wider foreign
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empire?” (Strictures, iii:200). This is why her heroine Lucilla Stanley de-
votes a great deal of time to gardening – to nurturing and controlling the
native land of England, as Eve cultivated the fields of Eden.
In making the private middle-class household the model for the national
household, as had Mary Wollstonecraft before her, Hannah More effectively
erased any meaningful distinction between the private and the broadly de-
fined public sphere. Both More and Wollstonecraft further agreed that it is
women, not men, who are most responsible for carrying out moral reforms
and thus for advancing the progress of civilization as such. As More put it:
“The general state of civilized society depends, more than those are aware
who are not accustomed to scrutinize into the springs of human action, on
the prevailing sentiments and habits of women, and on the nature and de-
gree of the estimation in which they are held” (Strictures, iii:12). Insisting
on the primary role of women in establishing “true taste, right principle, and
genuine feeling” in the culture of a nation, both More and Wollstonecraft
finally claimed for women the dominant role in what Norbert Elias has since
called the “civilizing process.”
The Rights of Woman and the women writers of Wollstonecraft’s day
the government’s refusal to repeal the Corporation and Test Acts which pro-
hibited non-members of the Church of England from holding political office
or attending the established universities, in her political pamphlet Appeal
to the Opposers of the Repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts. Barbauld
was the leading female literary critic of her day, arguing forcefully for the
preeminence of contemporary women’s writing in the genre of prose fiction.
She also promoted the rational religious education of children in her widely
disseminated Hymns in Prose for Children and wrote numerous poems and
tracts attacking the British slave trade, slavery in the British colonies, and the
growing corruption both of the British government and of British commerce
as it extended its empire to India and the Pacific Islands.
Turning her attention to the rights of woman, Barbauld entered into an
extended debate with Wollstonecraft on the proper role of women in society.
Wollstonecraft had attacked Barbauld directly in a footnote to A Vindication
of the Rights of Woman (122n5). After endorsing Barbauld’s affirmation of
virtue over physical pleasure in her poem “To Mrs. P—, with some drawings
of birds and insects,”
(Barbauld is here using “man” in the generic sense, as contrasted to the infe-
rior species of birds and insects), Wollstonecraft then quoted the entire text
of Barbauld’s poem “To A Lady, with Some Painted Flowers” (1773), a poem
which she contemptuously dismissed as “ignoble.” Wollstonecraft passion-
ately objected to Barbauld’s identification of femininity with delicate flowers
“born for pleasure and delight alone” and her conclusion that for women,
“Your best, your s w e e t e s t empire is – to p l e a s e” (Wollstonecraft’s em-
phases). Wollstonecraft then commented sardonically, “So the men tell us;
but virtue, says reason, must be acquired by rough toils, and useful struggles
with worldly cares (123n5).
Barbauld then responded with a poem she chose not to publish, “The
Rights of Woman” (composed 1793, pub. 1825; text given in footnotes16 ).
In this radically destabilized poem, Barbauld first urges “injured Woman,”
quoting Wollstonecraft, to “assert thy right!” (line 1). But for Barbauld, who
endorses Hannah More’s belief in innate sexual difference, woman’s “rights”
are a “native empire o’er the breast” (line 4), in other words, a greater sensi-
bility, virtuousness or “angel pureness” (line 6). At the same time she mocks
the traditional rhetoric of the battle of the sexes, most famously located per-
haps in the image of the “virago Thalestris” in Pope’s Rape of the Lock,
and instead urges women to resist the conventional notion that they might
an n e k. mello r
be able to attain domination over men through the artillery of their “soft
melting tones,” “blushes and fears” (lines 11–12), the wiles (“wit and art”,
line 17) of feminine coquetry. For a female conquest based on the “sacred
mysteries” or irrational arts of romantic love only makes “treacherous Man
thy subject, not thy friend” (line 20) and leaves women imprisoned in a sys-
tem of emotional manipulation (“Thou mayst command, but never canst be
free,” line 20).
Instead Barbauld urges women to use their “angel pureness” to “Awe the
licentious, and restrain the rude; / Soften the sullen, clear the cloudy brow”
(lines 21–2), in other words, to heighten the moral tone of society and thus
advance the civilizing process. She will then become the “courted idol of
mankind” (line 25), courted both in the sense that she is sought after or
wooed by now-“subdued” man, but also in the sense that she has assumed her
rightful place at the center of the now-reigning court of middle-class morality.
Once she has raised “subdued” man to her moral level, Barbauld concludes,
woman must in turn “subdue” herself, soften her coldness, give up her moral
pride, “abandon each ambitious thought” (line 29), any desire for “con-
quest or rule” over men, and instead submit to “Nature’s school” (line 30),
a school that teaches that ideally, “separate rights are lost in mutual love”
(line 32). Here Barbauld finally foreswears what she sees as Wollstonecraft’s
overly aggressive demand for the immediate equality or “rights” of woman
for a more gradual process of moral development, mutual sexual apprecia-
tion, tolerance, and love, a process in which middle-class women recognize
and take seriously their ethical responsibilities and emotional capacities to
exercise an ethic of care and to prevent conflict and violence at home and
abroad (an argument she made at greater length in 1793 in her political
pamphlet, Sins of Government, Sins of the Nation).17
This debate between Wollstonecraft and Barbauld, together with the pro-
gram advocated by Hannah More, vividly reveals the very real intellectual
and psychological tensions that existed between the leading feminists in
England in the 1790s. Although each of these three influential female writers
advocated the radically improved education of women and increased female
control over British social, cultural, and political life, they held distinctly dif-
ferent views as to exactly how women could best exercise that new cultural
authority. Wollstonecraft would have women fulfill the social and political
roles currently played by men, Barbauld would have women enter the lit-
erary realm as didactic writers, educators, and critical judges, while More
would have women engage in a life of active service for the welfare of others.
At the end of the century, after the publication of Godwin’s loving but ill-
judged Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Woman in
1798, it became increasingly difficult for feminist writers openly to endorse
The Rights of Woman and the women writers of Wollstonecraft’s day
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The Rights of Woman and the women writers of Wollstonecraft’s day
entire feminist spectrum, from the radicals Mary Hays and Mary Robinson
through the more moderate Anna Barbauld, Priscilla Wakefield, Maria
Edgeworth, and Jane Austen, to the conservative Hannah More.
an n e k. mello r
17. Different readings of this poem are possible. Many have seen it as a straightfor-
ward rejection of Wollstonecraft, penned in anger: see for instance G. J. Barker-
Benfield, The Culture of Sensibility: Sex and Society in Eighteenth-Century
England (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992), 222, 266, and William
McCarthy and Elizabeth Kraft, Introduction to The Poems of Anna Letitia
The Rights of Woman and the women writers of Wollstonecraft’s day
I. Wollstonecraft reading
A remarkable strategy of Wollstonecraft’s cultural criticism, especially on
the state of women, is her method of reading society as a text, a “prevailing
opinion,” so she calls it in the title of chapter v of A Vindication of the Rights
of Woman.1 To regard the regulating forms of social existence as “opinion,”
and not a dictate of divine law or natural order, is to identify a human
construction – a set of ideas and practices – that may be subject to crit-
ical reading, to revision, to rewriting. Wollstonecraft’s method of cultural
criticism is at once assisted and logically enabled by her actual literary crit-
icism, applied to such prestigious texts as John Milton’s Paradise Lost (and
its biblical bases), Alexander Pope’s epistle To a Lady, Of the Characters of
Women, Samuel Richardson’s epic novel Clarissa, J.-J. Rousseau’s influential
“education” novels, Emile and Julie, ou la Nouvelle Héloı̈se, and such works
of patriarchal advice as Dr. James Fordyce’s Sermons to Young Women and
Dr. John Gregory’s A Father’s Legacy to His Daughters. Reading the social
text and its literary instances, Wollstonecraft sets her sights, and trains ours,
on a lexicon (cherished by poets) by which women are flattered into subjec-
tion – innocent, delicate, beautiful, feminine – to expose a specious syntax
of faint praise for “fair defects” of character and a suspect reverence for
“angels” and “girls” rather than respect as capable, intelligent adults. She is
particularly sharp on how notions of natural are summoned to rationalize a
social text: worn into “the effect of habit,” a social system is “insisted upon
as an undoubted indication of nature” (VRW 5:150). “Such is the order of
nature,” Rousseau intones of man’s claims to women’s obedience (except in
matters of pleasure, where she “naturally” directs him).2 Taking the form
of factual statement about “the order of nature,” such assertions conceal
a structure of values and power relations, what modern cultural critique
would call “ideology.”
Mary Wollstonecraft and the poets
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Mary Wollstonecraft and the poets
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Mary Wollstonecraft and the poets
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Mary Wollstonecraft and the poets
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Mary Wollstonecraft and the poets
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light. . . . Milton, I grant, was of a very different opinion; for he only bends to
the indefeasible right of beauty . . . :
“To whom thus Eve with perfect beauty adorn’d.
My Author and Disposer, what thou bidst
Unargued I obey; so God ordains;
God is thy law, thou mine: to know no more
Is Woman’s happiest knowledge and her praise.”
These are exactly the arguments that I have used to children; but I have added,
your reason is now gaining strength, and, till it arrives at some degree of
maturity, you must look up to me for advice – then you ought to think, and
only rely on God. (VRW 5:89)
Eve speaks the script of Adam’s text, disposed by and obedient to its Author’s
intention. To Wollstonecraft, who italicizes the terms of Eve’s childishness,
this is an “argument” suitable only for those of immature power. What
does it mean for a man to praise his adult mate as such? Wollstonecraft
unpacks this implication when she addresses the ridicule of women “for re-
peating ‘a set of phrases learnt by rote’ ” (Swift’s sarcasm in the opening line
of “The Furniture of a Woman’s Mind”): “nothing could be more natural,”
she retorts, citing “the education they receive, and that their ‘highest praise
is to obey, unargued’ – the will of man” (VRW 5:187). Reading Paradise
Lost, she trumps Milton by presenting herself as a better teacher than his
Adam, one committed to nurturing children of both sexes into the ratio-
nal capacity by which they may think independently, even argue with their
Wollstonecraft’s challenge is evident enough in the way Milton’s lines (the
very same) play in a novel by the conduct-book manualist of the day. In
Hannah More’s Coelebs in Search of a Wife (1808), Eve provides a point of
departure for the search, launched by a syntax that means to coopt women
irritated by the pattern:
Mary Wollstonecraft and the poets
. . . I would point out to them that the supposed harshness of the observation
is quite done away by the recollection, that this scrupled “obedience” is so
far from implying degradation, that it is connected with the injunction to
the woman “to promote good works” in her husband; an injunction surely
inferring a degree of influence that raises her condition, and restores her to all
the dignity of equality.13
The first inset verse is culled from a later point in the poem, when Adam
praises, then chides, Eve’s concerns for economy of labor (9.232–4). More’s
effort to assuage the offense given by the lines in book 4 testifies to the provo-
cation, but misses the point. Coelebs concludes his homage by distinguishing
Eve from “a mere domestic drudge,” citing Milton’s “invariable attention”
to her “external elegance” in such lines as “For softness she, and sweet
attractive grace” (11–12). More means, clearly, to refute Wollstonecraft’s
reading of the docile obedient wife as a “domestic drudge” (VRW 5:165),
but to have Coelebs read these lines as “combin[ing] intellectual worth and
polished manners” (12) is in effect to restate Wollstonecraft’s case: to call
“intellectual” a being defined by softness and sweet attractiveness is not just
patent flattery but contradiction. That More knows Milton has not given
the sexes equality, even on the point of “grace,” is evident in her decision to
have Coelebs address this point:
If it be objected to the poet’s gallantry, that he remarks:
Her beauty is excelled by manly grace,
And wisdom, which alone is truly fair;
let it be remembered that the observation proceeds from the lips of Eve herself,
and thus adds to her other graces the crowning grace of humility. (12)
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creature of the senses: “But into similar inconsistencies are great men often
led by their senses” (VRW 5:89).14 In this second passage (PL 8.381–92),
Milton has Adam complain of his loneliness even among all the creatures in
pre-Eve Paradise:
Yet in the following lines Milton seems to coincide with me; when he makes
Adam thus expostulate with his Maker.
“Hast thou not made me here thy substitute,
And these inferior far beneath me set?
Among unequals what society
Can sort, what harmony or true delight?
Which must be mutual, in proportion due
Giv’n and receiv’d; but in disparity
The one intense, the other still remiss
Cannot well suit with either, but soon prove
Tedious alike: of fellowship I speak
Such as I seek, fit to participate
All rational delight – ” (VRW 5:89–90)
Mary Wollstonecraft and the poets
Inheriting, in a lineal descent from the first fair defect in nature, the sovereignty
of beauty, they have, to maintain their power, resigned the natural rights, which
the exercise of reason might have procured them, and chosen rather to be
short-lived queens than labour to obtain the sober pleasures that arise from
equality. (5:124)
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order of creation, but a text that might be revised. She begins a chapter titled
“The Effect Which an Early Association of Ideas has upon the Character”
with this question: “Educated in the enervating style recommended by the
writers on whom I have been animadverting; and not having a chance, from
their subordinate state in society, to recover their lost ground, is it sur-
prising that women every where appear a defect in nature?” (5:185). It is
only “the present modification of society” that requires women to adopt
this “style” (5:124); to “submit to be a fair defect in creation” a priori is
to puzzle the subtlest efforts “to justify the ways of Providence respecting
them” (5:114).
With a stress on gender specificity, Wollstonecraft has satirically revised
Milton’s claiming at the outset of Paradise Lost to “assert Eternal Provi-
dence, / And justify the ways of God to men” (1.25–6). What of women?
With her own philosophy, Wollstonecraft interrogates Adam’s rueful oxy-
moron and its cultural afterlife of faint praise: “As a philosopher, I read with
indignation the plausible epithets which men use to soften their insults; and,
as a moralist, I ask what is meant by such heterogeneous associations, as
fair defects, amiable weaknesses, etc.?” (VRW 5:103). Among these men is
Pope, on whose often-quoted phrase “Fine by defect, and delicately weak”
(“To a Lady,” 44) are Milton’s fingerprints. Pope’s full sentence is worth
review, because it exposes the pernicious binding of fineness and defect that
provoked Wollstonecraft:
’Tis to viruses that tulips owe their lovely variety, a horticulture of defects that
guarantees both charm and constitutional weakness. Wollstonecraft implies
this knowledge when she remarks,
Mary Wollstonecraft and the poets
their defects a graceful covering, which may serve to heighten their charms
in the eye of the voluptuary, though it sink them below the scale of moral
excellence? (VRW 5:131)
Her slight misremembering of Pope’s phrase aptly registers the social value,
of flattery to men (amiability), that sustains a culture of female deficiency.
As Wollstonecraft suggests with other quotations of Pope in Rights of
Woman, such faint praise is closely allied to damning judgment and uncivil
leers. In the same verse paragraph of “To a Lady” in which he sings of fine
defects, “Pope has said, in the name of the whole male sex, ‘Yet ne’er so
sure our passion to create, / As when she touch’d the brink of all we hate’ ”
(VRW 5:95–6). This pithy couplet summary of male sexual desire (“To a
Lady,” 51–2), Wollstonecraft observes, renders women merely “females,”
forever “degraded by being made subservient to love or lust” (VRW 5:96).17
A couplet from one of Dryden’s Fables drives the point home, a little fur-
ther along the trajectory of male passion, after the brink has been crossed
(VRW 5:189):
In “Palamon and Arcite,” this is the lament of the virgin Emily, pleading to
Cynthia, goddess of chastity, to take her as a votress:
What makes the system a tyranny of Death from which a retreat from sex
itself seems necessary? The culture of “cramping a woman’s mind, . . . in order
to keep it fair” leaves Wollstonecraft thinking that women are as damned as
Milton’s Satan: “would it not be a refinement on cruelty only to open her
mind to make the darkness and misery of her fate visible?” she asks in the
midst of a chapter titled “Animadversions on Some of the Writers Who Have
Rendered Women Objects of Pity, Bordering on Contempt” (VRW 5:158).
A hopeless world of “No light, but rather darkness visible” is what the hell-
flames reveal to Satan, or to any woman who, not realizing her cultural
doom, might think of her mind as her salvation (PL 1.63).19
Wollstonecraft’s allusion is a very bitter one, and it is particularly painful to
her that along with the “language of men” on “a supposed sexual character,”
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This is Eve’s curse (5.1.58–60), the first line of which Wollstonecraft has
only partly recalled (“Curs’d vassalage of all my future kind”), truncating a
phrase she might have put to work in tracing that male-drawn “lineal descent
from the first fair defect in nature” (VRW 5:124).
So when Barbauld takes the male line, Wollstonecraft is sorry, very sorry.
She first cites, with emphases, a couplet from Barbauld’s “To Mrs. P———,
with some Drawings of Birds and Insects” (in Poems): “Pleasure’s the portion
of th’inferior kind; / But glory, virtue, Heaven for man designed.” Barbauld is
comparing the endowments of bird-life to those of humankind, here termed
“man,” with a play upon the Latin root of virtue (vir: man). “After writ-
ing these lines, how could Mrs. Barbauld write the following ignoble com-
parison?” Wollstonecraft cries (VRW 5:122n). The offence (following Pope
on tulips) is “To a Lady, with some painted flowers” (Poems), which she
Mary Wollstonecraft and the poets
“So the men tell us,” Wollstonecraft dryly remarks (bracketing the praises
as “the language of men”) and at grievous cost to women: “but virtue, says
reason, must be acquired by rough toils, and useful struggles with worldly
cares” (VRW 5:122–3). Degendering male-rooted “virtue” in the open fran-
chise of reason, Wollstonecraft refutes Barbauld’s comparison of the “Lady”
to sweet, weak, delicate, passive, pleasure-devoted flowers; the trope “nips
reason in the bud,” she warns, exfoliating Barbauld’s dominant metaphor
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conduct instructor, Barbauld exhorts, “Go, bid proud man his boasted rule
resign, / And kiss the gold sceptre of thy reign” (7–8); “Make treacherous
Man thy subject, not thy friend” (19). Her summary caution is of a piece
with the lines Wollstonecraft quoted from “Song V”: “But hope not, courted
idol of mankind, / On this proud eminence secure to stay” (25–6). Yet instead
of projecting a fall into abjection and scorn, Barbauld proposes a remedy
that nowhere appears in Wollstonecraft’s view of the relations of the sexes,
except as passionless friendship. Urging the coquette to abandon the power-
plays of courtship, Barbauld summons nature not as Wollstonecraft does,
the specious rationale for social oppression, but as the truest mentor of the
heart, “In Nature’s school, by her soft maxims taught, / That separate rights
are lost in mutual love” (31–2).
Barbauld offers this solace in partial Law’s despite, but she envisions no
reform of the law itself. If Wollstonecraft, too, is silent on such remedy
(scarcely thought of in the 1790s), unlike Barbauld she still had a systemic
instead of a personal cure in mind. This was a paired reform in state education
and what she was willing to advertise in her conclusion to Rights of Woman
as “a revolution in female manners” (5:265). And it was this rhetoric,
fresh on the heels of the French Revolution, that Reverend Richard Polwhele,
high Church and Tory, shuddered at and broadcast in The Unsex’d Females
(1798) – a satire loudly praised in anti-Jacobin (reactionary) quarters for its
disciplinary zeal:22
Mary Wollstonecraft and the poets
Except for the sarcasm and the hysteric conclusion that such women can
want only to “surpass” men (always viewed as “rivals” in the exercise
of mental “power”) so as to “wield the sceptre” themselves, Polwhele,
as much as More’s Coelebs, all but vindicates Wollstonecraft. He means
to present his dire reports – “artifice discard,” “no more of weakness,”
“gymnastic” pride, disdain of “Delicacy,” and “mental energy” – as shock-
ing negations of what defines and honors “the sex”; but his obsessive sput-
tering of these Wollstonecrafted points paradoxically confirms their force.
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His next verse paragraph as much as concedes this force with a mock-epic
catalog of all the women (he sounds the alarm) who have “caught the strain”
(91–106) – among them, poets Mary Robinson, Charlotte Smith, Helen
Maria Williams, Ann Yearsley, and Barbauld. The venom commands not
only several footnotes sneering at Wollstonecraft’s arguments and the scan-
dals of Godwin’s Memoir – her infatuations with Fuseli and Imlay, her suicide
attempts and her refusal of established religion (pp. 25–30) – but also several
more verses ridiculing her failure, in the sway the “licentious love” (156), to
live by her code of reason. Polwhele even gloats over her death in childbirth
(“the destiny of women”), discerning a “visible” “Hand of Providence” to
punish her challenge (pp. 28–30).
Polwhele dedicated his bile to T. J. Mathias, whose Preface to the Fourth
Dialogue of The Pursuits of Literature (1797) gave him his title, the inspira-
tion featured on the title page: “Our unsex’d female writers now instruct, or
confuse, us and themselves, in the labyrinth of politics, or turn us wild with
Gallic frenzy” – the ideas and mores stirred by the regicidal French Revo-
lution. To complement the compliment, Mathias included a set of equally
venomous anti-Wollstonecraft stanzas in a satire he published the next year,
as replete as Polwhele’s with such lengthy notes on Godwin’s Memoirs as to
suggest that his verse was mere pretextual scaffolding:
The Anti-Jacobin Review piled on in 1801 with The Vision of Liberty.25 After
a dolorous tour of the decapitated corpses of the French royal family, its poet-
dreamer enters “The house of liberty” (stanza viii) to behold monstrous
images of Voltaire, Paine, and various Jacobin criminals:
Mary Wollstonecraft and the poets
The visionary prods readers to recall that the Anti-Jacobin’s debut issue (July
1798) indexed “Prostitution” apparently for the sake of the cross reference,
“See Mary Wollstonecraft” (Anti-Jacobin, 859).
American poet Adrienne Rich took this libel to heart in her stanza on
Wollstonecraft in Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law (1963), published almost
a decade before a reinvigorated twentieth-century feminism became an
Anglo-American movement. Her italicized, poeticized epigraph is a modest
proposal from Wollstonecraft’s Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.26
“To have in this uncertain world some stay
which cannot be undermined, is
of the utmost consequence.”
Thus wrote
a woman, partly brave and partly good,
who fought with what she partly understood.
Few men about her would or could do more,
hence she was labeled harpy, shrew and whore.
(Section 7)
Rich is only partly right, however, for there were a few good men in
Wollstonecraft’s own day who also contested the label, even as they were
aware of its adhesiveness.
William Roscoe’s satirical ballad on Edmund Burke was one of the first
to do so, praising the bold rebuttal of his Reflections on the Revolution
in France in her Vindication of the Rights of Men – a tribute for which
Wollstonecraft thanked Roscoe as she was finishing her next Vindication
(Letters 206). As Roscoe knew, the revelation that Rights of Man was a
woman’s writing roiled the initial reviews,27 and he celebrates this extraor-
dinary female performance:
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In Roscoe’s baroque image, the oaken sapling as weapon and metaphoric pen
generates the material for Wollstonecraft’s honors: it sprouts the leaves (with
a pun on pages) that supply the headwreath that signifies a poet laureate.
To similar gender-bending praise in the wake of Rights of Woman another
member of the Wollstonecraft’s London circle, George Dyer, was inspired.
His “Ode on Liberty” (1792) hails “Liberty” for having chosen “to warm/
With more than manly fire the female breast,” fueling “Wollstonecraft to
break the charm, / Where beauty lies in durance vile opprest” (stanza viii).29
To this praise Dyer appends a lengthy explanatory note:
Author of the Rights of Woman. I have observed, that the most sensible females,
when they turn their attention to political subjects, are more uniformly on
the side of liberty than the other sex. This may be accounted for without
adopting the sentiments or the language of gallantry. The truth is, that the
modes of education and the customs of society are degrading to the female
character; and the tyranny of custom is sometimes worse than the tyranny of
government. When a sensible woman rises above the tyranny of custom, she
feels a generous indignation; which, when turned against the exclusive claims
of the other sex, is favourable to female pretensions; when turned against the
tyranny of government, it is commonly favourable to the rights of both sexes.
Most governments are partial, and more injurious to women than to men.
Where Rich will reiterate “partly” to mean both “incompletely” and “with
a bias,” Dyer locates all fault in a system of injurious “partial” privileges.
Dyer puts Wollstonecraft in impressive female company, including Williams,
Barbauld, Smith, and Macaulay. Robert Southey found her unique, praising
her in some elegiac verses of 1797 as one “Who among women left no equal
mind / When from this world she passed; and I could weep, / To think that
She is to the grave gone down!” While she was alive, Southey wrote “To Mary
Wolstoncraft” (1795), one of the two dedicatory sonnets to The Triumph of
Mary Wollstonecraft and the poets
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Mary Wollstonecraft and the poets
door, but Maria keeps it open, to show the social, political, and psychologi-
cal entailments of aesthetic pleasure. The enchanting poetry is a text of error
and its revealed context a text of illumination. A little earlier that same day,
Maria had received a packet of books from another inmate (his identity a
1. Milton’s Paradise Lost is abbreviated PL. Quotations from well-known poets are
given without a specific edition.
2. See the passage she quotes, 4:159. Emile abounds with assertions of “natural”
female character (see, for instance, 5:94 and the passages focusing her extended
“animadversion” on Emile in VRW chapter v:1 [5:147–60]). “The worthy
Dr. Gregory fell into a similar error” in “his celebrated Legacy to his Daughters”:
“cultivate a fondness for dress, because a fondness for dress, he asserts, is nat-
ural to them,” Wollstonecraft reports, treating the asserted order of nature as
just a man’s text, poorly argued: “I am unable to comprehend what either
he or Rousseau mean, when they frequently use this indefinite term” (5:97).
Throughout, she reinforces the point that “natural” is a usage, not a fact: a girl
is brought up in a way that guarantees that she is “rendered dependent – depen-
dence is called natural” (5:110) and man is designated “their natural protector”
3. For a reading of Wollstonecraft as so intimidated by Milton that she could man-
age her resistance only in the indirect attacks of allusions and italics, see Mary
Poovey, The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer: Ideology as Style in the Works
of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, and Jane Austen (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1984), 72–3. As shall be apparent, I see far more direction than in-
direction in Wollstonecraft’s staging of her reading; even her allusions and italics
seem quite pointed.
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Mary Wollstonecraft and the poets
14. In Feminist Milton (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1987), Joseph Wittreich
proposes that Milton has “calculated” such “contradictions” to thwart a regard
of him as a unified voice of orthodoxy or an equation of his views with those
of his dramatic speakers, such as Adam or even the epic narrator. Arguing that
Wollstonecraft produces Milton as “an advocate for women, not their adversary”
(41–2), Wittreich misses not only her critical tone but also the fact that she has
included him in, indeed made him the epitome of, the insulting view that women
were formed for softness and sweet attractive grace (VRW 5:88). Against his
report, Wollstonecraft’s note (VRW 5:94) which he cites as praise of Milton,
expresses restlessness with “Milton’s pleasing picture of paradisiacal happiness.”
15. That Wollstonecraft has quoted Adam’s argument for the virtues of equality
in Rights of Men (5:39) suggests that she is alert to Milton’s self-contradiction
on the issue of gender arrangements. For the shapes and consequences of this
contradiction, see Ronald Levao, “‘Among Unequals What Society’: Paradise
Lost and the Forms of Intimacy,” Modern Language Quarterly 61.1 (2000),
79–108; especially 96 and n26.
16. The Ladies Library. Written by a Lady, 3 vols. (London: Steele, 1714), 1:2–4.
Wittreich cites Wray as an example of Milton’s availability for a “defense” of
women (54), but Wray says otherwise: to the possibility that Adam’s rant is his
and not Milton’s view, she replies, “if the Author had right Sentiments of Woman
in general, he might more emphatically aggravate an ill Character, by Comparison
of an ill to an innocent and vertuous one, than by general Calumnies without
Exception” (4).
17. For other references in Rights of Woman to the misogyny in Pope’s epistle, see
5:96, 141, 187, 241, 260. In a weird misremembering of the most luridly misog-
ynist scene in Paradise Lost (2.746–814) – a misprison that Poovey sees reflect-
ing Wollstonecraft’s fear that female desire may justify misogyny (Proper Lady,
76) – she writes in her conclusion, “What are the cold, or feverish caresses of ap-
petite, but sin embracing death, compared with the modest overflowings of a pure
heart and an exalted imagination?” (VRW 5:264; “Modest” means “rationally
governed”). In Milton’s allegory, Death (the issue of Satan’s rape of his daughter
Sin) rapes his mother, who gives birth to the hellhounds that eternally torture
her by gnawing at her womb. This is Milton’s first image of birth-giving in the
poem, and it is one whose terms of description draw in unfallen Eve.
18. This couplet appears on the title page of William Thompson and Anna Wheeler’s
Appeal of One Half the Human Race, Women, Against the Pretensions of the
Other Half, Men, To Retain Them in Political, and Thence in Civil And Domestic
Slavery (1825), the most important appeal after Wollstonecraft’s, published in a
decade when her name and cause were still a scandal.
19. See also her reference to this Satanic purview in Mary, chapter 19, as Mary
describes her hopelessness (1:49), and in Rights of Men, describing Catholicism
in the advent of the Protestant Reformation: “this faint dawn of liberty only
made the subsiding darkness more visible” (5:12).
20. See also the praise lavished on Barbauld later in Thoughts (4:57) and some of
her reviews for the Analytical Review (7:35, 72, 417). In The Female Reader
(1789) Wollstonecraft includes several of her prose pieces as well as three of the
1773 Poems: The Mouse’s Petition, A Character, An Address to the Deity, and
On a Lady’s Writing – this last a trio of neoclassical couplets in which writing
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pertains not just to her script but also to the cultural “writing,” or inscription,
of female conduct (“Her even lines her steady temper show” is the first line). I
quote from the “new edition” (London: Joseph Johnson, 1792).
21. This poem was written soon after Wollstonecraft’s tract appeared (1795 or so)
but not published until The Works of Anna Lætitia Barbauld, with a Memoir,
ed. Lucy Aikin, 2 vols. (London: Longman, 1825) 1:195–7. Barbauld’s comment
to Edgeworth is reported by Anna Letitia Le Breton, Memoir of Mrs. Barbauld
(London: George Bell, 1874), 86–7.
22. The Unsex’d Females: A Poem (London: Cadell and Davies, 1798).
23. Claudia L. Johnson suggests that the problem is that they seem oversexed, un-
governable; see her trenchant discussion, Equivocal Beings, 9.
24. The Shade of Alexander Pope on the Banks of the Thames, A Satirical Poem,
With Notes, by the Author of The Pursuits of Literature (London: T. Becket,
1799), 47–8. The nearly full-page footnotes run 44–53.
25. Signed “C. K.,” Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine, or, Monthly Political and
Literary Censor 9 (April-August, 1801), 515–20; I quote from 518. Clemit and
Walker identity C. K. as C. Kirkpatrick Sharpe (192).
26. This is the last sentence in the section titled “Artificial Manners” (4.15). Snap-
shots appears in a volume of the same title (New York: Harper & Row, 1963),
reissued 1967 and 1970.
27. The Analytical Review hooted, “how deeply must it wound the feelings of a
chivalrous knight, who owes the fealty of ‘proud submission and dignified obe-
dience’ to the fair sex, to perceive that two of the boldest of his adversaries are
women!” (8 [1790], 416); the other was Catherine Macaulay, whose Observa-
tions on Burke was reviewed immediately after. Critical Review, having assumed
a male author until the second signed edition, vindicated its blunt response with
an appeal to chivalry: “a lady should have been addressed with more respect,” it
apologized in a note appended to the title line, but insisted that when a she-author
“assumes the disguise of a man, she must not be surprised that she is not treated
with the civility and respect that she would have received in her own person”
(70 [1790], 694). The English Review did treat this masculine performance with
civility and respect: “The language may be thought by some too bold and pointed
for a female pen; but when women undertake to write on masculine subjects, and
reason as Miss Wollstonecraft does, we wish their language to be free from all
female prettinesses, and to express with energy and perspicuity, the ideas they
mean to convey” (17 [1791], 61). Gentleman’s Magazine saw the point, too, and
could manage its discomfort only in the genre of farce, leading its review with
a mock broadcast of a scandal: “The rights of men asserted by a fair lady! The
age of chivalry cannot be over, or the sexes have changed their ground . . . Mrs.
Wolstencraft enters the lists armed cap-à-pie” (61/1 [1791], 151).
28. “The Life, Death and Wonderful Atchievements of Edmund Burke: a new bal-
lad” (1791), William Roscoe of Liverpool, ed. George Chandler (London: B. T.
Batsford, 1953).
29. Ode VII. On Liberty, in G. Dyer, Poems (London: J. Johnson, 1792).
30. For Southey’s verses, see Memoirs (ed. Durant), xxx–xxxi.
31. Mary gave Emily Sunstein her title for A Different Face: the Life of Mary
Wollstonecraft (New York: Harper & Row, 1975): “O why was I born with
a different Face” (21).
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Mary Wollstonecraft’s novels
somehow feature women who do not have “thinking powers” of their own,
but rather (presumably) only feeling powers, sensibilities that bind them
closely to approval and disapproval of their communities and thus circum-
scribe them as independent moral agents.
Mary, A Fiction is a daring and difficult novel, and I suspect many readers
share my sense that it is often hard to figure out exactly what on earth the nar-
rator and heroine are talking about. Why is this so? In 1787 Wollstonecraft
herself stated that Mary “is a tale, to illustrate an opinion of mine, that a ge-
nius will educate itself.” Disdaining false modesty, she bluntly continued: “I
have drawn from Nature” (Letters, p. 162). In this autobiographical novel,
then, Wollstonecraft undertakes to show how an unusual and gifted woman
learns to think and act for herself – through the solitary contemplation of the
works of God in nature, through reading works of religious philosophy and
later even medicine, through travel and through sociable intercourse with
her two particular “friends” – and in the process she becomes one of “the
chosen few” who “wish to speak for themselves, and not to be an echo”
(M 1:5). The sometime high-blown, portentous quality of the prose shows
us an author wishing to say what has never been said and so achieve a true
grandeur. The epigraph printed on the title page of the novel — “L’exercise
des plus sublime vertus éleve et nourrit le génie” [The exercise of her vari-
ous virtues gave vigor to her genius3 ] – comes from Rousseau’s Lettres de
deux amants (1761) and many have seen Rousseau’s novel about a hero’s
education into personal as well as civic maturity, Emile, as the fictional pro-
totype for Mary. But while Wollstonecraft’s debts to Rousseau are many,
Wollstonecraft’s Advertisement disputes it. Here – and for the rest of her
career – she is painfully aware that Rousseau himself would recoil from a
woman like her heroine Mary, a woman who is indifferent to the cultiva-
tion of feminine charms and personal attractions, particularly as these are
to be deployed in eliciting, taming, and socializing the erotic sentiments of
men; a woman who is clearly idiosyncratic, intense, and autonomous rather
than obliging, soft and softening, or domesticated; a woman who spends her
time indulging in vatic utterances about complex subjects such as God, duty,
sublimity, sensibility, and the afterlife. To be sure, Rousseau would not only
disapprove of such a woman; he would also in all probability run away from
her as fast as he could.
One important prototype for Mary was Samuel Johnson’s Rasselas
(1759), a formative influence generally overlooked by scholars who read
Wollstonecraft exclusively as a Jacobin writer and in the process confine
her literary horizons solely to the period of the 1790s.4 Wollstonecraft met
Samuel Johnson in 1784, the year he died, and she demonstrably had his
quasi-oriental tale on her mind during this period, for she engaged and
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Mary Wollstonecraft’s novels
and not readily conformable to the plots that typically describe women and
literally inscribe them into narrative. Disentangling the relation of gender
and genre is thus one of the central objectives of Mary, A Fiction. No sooner
does the “fiction” open than it launches into a stinging attack on Mary’s
novel-reading mother Eliza, an attack which foregrounds the problem of
desire for women in particular. As Mary Poovey has put it in a critique
that bears as much on Wrongs of Woman, or Maria as it does on Mary,
Wollstonecraft sets out to challenge the delusoriness of “romantic expecta-
tions” that trivialize women and invite them to desire the wrong things, only
herself to be seduced by versions of those expectations which her own writing
reproduces.5 Mary, A Fiction does indeed begin with an effort of dissocia-
tion that it cannot keep up indefinitely, but the “romantic expectations” the
novel eventually indulges aren’t exactly identical to those it initially assails,
but have been somewhat recast and transformed.
Eliza is Wollstonecraft’s typical romantic heroine familiar to any reader
of the period’s sentimental fiction: fatuous, insipid, and unthinking. Along
with her unreflective acceptance of the ways of the world, Eliza’s asthenia is
marked out for particular abuse. What with her “sickly die-away languor,”
it is no wonder her earthy husband prefers the “ruddy glow” of his female
tenants to his wife’s pallor, “which even rouge could not enliven” (M 1:7).
Like her mind, her voice is “but the shadow of a sound” and her body so
delicate “that she became a mere nothing” (M 1:7). While Eliza may think of
herself as sensitive and elevated, her sentiments have actually debased and
denaturalized her desires – which we see in her inappropriate attachment
to her lapdog, her indifference to maternal responsibilities, and above all
in her fondness for novels such as The Platonic Marriage (1787) and Eliza
Warwick (1777), which in idealizing romance, lead her peevishly to blame
her admittedly coarse husband because he does “not love her, sit by her side,
squeeze her hand, and look unutterable things” (M 1:9) the way heroes do
in novels.
Mary, A Fiction, we are to understand by implication, will not be the kind
of novel that caters to the thwarted sexual desires of female readers such as
the heroine’s mother, Eliza. At first glance, however, Wollstonecraft does not
appear to make good on this claim. Like her mother, Mary too searches “for
an object to love” (M 1:11) in a heartless world that affords her little affective
sustenance; she too is forced to marry a man to whom she is indifferent, and
she too has a yearning for an illicit love. And the “die-away languor” that
is supposed to be contemptible when it characterizes the mother somehow
appears “interesting” and attractive when it characterizes other characters
whom Mary adores. And finally, like her mother, Mary attempts to satisfy
frustrated desire through fantasy – “tales of woe” (M 1:11) in Mary’s case,
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and through sentimental novels in Eliza’s. And yet, despite these close sim-
ilarities to her mother, Mary finds herself in the grip of desire which, far
from being the wearisomely hackneyed stuff of popular fiction, is unable to
speak its name at all. Mary first turns to Ann “to experience the pleasure
of being beloved” (M 1:13). This is no ordinary friendship, we gather. In
their relationship Mary is coded as masculine (agentive, sublime) while Ann
is stereotypically feminine in the “die-away” delicacy she shares with Eliza.
True, Mary is disappointed to discover that Ann does not reciprocate the
fullness and intensity of her passion: Ann feels only “gratitude” in return.
But this disappointment does not quell Mary’s love. She still “loved Ann bet-
ter than any one in the world” and dreams: “To have this friend constantly
with her . . . would it not be superlative bliss?” (M 1:20).
The eighteenth century of course did have a term for women’s passionate
attachment to each other. The boy to whom Mary is yoked in marriage
uses it when he refers to it as “romantic friendship” (M 1:25). This licit
category grants passionate attachments between women some visibility, to
be sure, but at the same time nervously divests them of significance. Young
Charles’s reliance upon it demonstrates his vulgarity. He tolerates Mary’s
“romantic friendship” because he cannot imagine that could possibly rival
Mary’s sentiments towards himself. For her own part, Mary does not describe
her relation to Ann as a “romantic friendship,” and part of the real interest
of the novel derives from the fact that the prose seems to dissolve under the
stress of having to describe this relation at all. The narrator frequently and
explicitly denies that Mary’s love for Ann is the sort of passion a woman
might feel for a man. But denial often implies the presence of something to
be denied, and sometimes the very gaps in Wollstonecraft’s prose seem to
open up and afford space to the unspeakable, and as such have an uncanny
brilliance all their own. For example, when Ann’s mother urges Mary to
care for her daughter, Mary’s father intrudes to carry her home to marry
a boy-groom in order to solve a property dispute and to please her dying
mother in one swoop. As Mary emerges from the state of shock in which
this sudden news throws her,
a thousand [thoughts] darted into her mind, – her dying mother, – her friend’s
miserable situation, – and an extreme horror at taking – at being forced to
take, such a hasty step; but she did not feel the disgust, the reluctance, which
arises from a prior attachment.
She loved Ann better than any one in the world – to snatch her from the
very jaws of destruction – she would have encountered a lion. (M 1:20)
Notice that in this relatively early effort of free indirect discourse, Mary does
not register that her love for Ann, imperfect and not even fully reciprocated
Mary Wollstonecraft’s novels
though it is, has something to do with her aversion to marriage: the dashes
elide this connection as well as advertise it as something repressed, unre-
alized. Her love for Ann can not be understood as a “prior attachment”
because only men are signified by that phrase. After Mary willy-nilly gets
written into a marriage plot, pronouncing “the awful [marriage] vow with-
out thinking of it” (M 1:20), Ann is not merely tolerated but actively sought
as a companion by Mary’s father precisely because she has no official status
as a significant attachment.
As Mary, A Fiction continues, the impossibility of articulating Mary’s at-
tachment becomes more conspicuous. The friendship of Ann and Mary is
repeatedly distinguished from the sexual – “I mentioned before,” the narra-
tor writes, “that Mary had never had any particular attachment, to give rise
to the disgust [for her husband] that daily gained ground” (M 1:25). Mary
herself concedes that her devotion to Ann needs to be accounted for, so she
asks that her husband permit her to travel to Portugal with Ann on the
grounds that she takes a “maternal” interest in her health (M 1:25). Yet as
if, on the one hand, these disclaimers had never been made, and because, on
the other, they have, the unaccountability slips out in unguarded moments.
In one of the few truly dramatic passages in the novel, Mary, distraught
about Ann’s imminent death, rushes to her traveling companions for help:
The ladies . . . began to administer some common-place comfort, as, that it was
our duty to submit to the will of Heaven, and the like trite consolations, which
Mary did not answer; but waving her hand, with an air of impatience, she
exclaimed, “I cannot live without her! – I have no other friend; if I lose her,
what a desart will the world be to me.” “No other friend,” re-echoed they,
“have you not a husband?”
Mary shrunk back, and was alternately pale and red. A delicate sense of
propriety prevented her from replying; and recalled her bewildered reason.
(M 1:32)
The precise cause of the embarrassment that makes Mary blanch and blush
by turns is hard to fathom: is it the impropriety of her indifference to her
husband, or is it the impropriety of her desperate attachment to her dy-
ing friend? The silly ladies dismayed by Mary’s grief are linked to her silly
husband through their allegiance to the “common-place” (the worst insult
in Wollstonecraft’s lexicon), for it was he who indulged in dismissive and
“commonplace remarks on [Mary’s] romantic friendship” (M 1:20) to begin
As Ann wanes into death, Henry waxes into Mary’s affections, and this tale
of forbidden and unnarratable passionate friendship becomes a tale of forbid-
den but narratable adulterous love. Yet Mary’s desire for Henry also resists
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articulation in conventional terms. First of all, despite the fact that Henry’s
certifiably masculine and expansive mind expands Mary’s smaller one, his
manners and sensitivity are feminine, and (as is the case with Ann) have the
effect of immasculating Mary by comparison,: his “voice” is “musical” and
his expression “elegant” (M 1:28); his disposition “gentle, and easily to be
intreated” (M 1:33). Styling himself a “die-away swain” (M 1:41), he has all
the earmarks of the decaying sentimental heroine “disappointed” (M 1:41)
in love that litter the pages of eighteenth-century novels – heroines such as
Maria’s own mother, Eliza (whose “die-away” languor the narrator scorns,
however [M 1:7]), and, of course, Ann. Like Ann, he has given his heart to a
lover “not worthy of my regard” (M 1:40), only to become so crushed that
he is “dead to the world,” now awaiting his “dissolution” (M 1:40). Like
Ann again, he offers Mary “friendship” (M 1:41) which is something more
than a friendship, lives with his mother, and becomes intimate with Mary
through the license permitted by the sick-bed.
If Henry’s gender-ambiguity complicates the nature of Mary’s desire for
him, so too do the terms in which he describes and she responds to it, which
are hardly straightforward. Looking at Mary, Henry asks “in the most in-
sinuating accents,”
. . . if he might hope for her friendship? If she would rely on him as if he was her
father; and that the tenderest father could not more anxiously interest himself
in the fate of a darling child, than he did in her’s. (M 1:41)
The narrator very subtly but unmistakably makes it clear that Henry is at-
tempting to seduce Mary: “He had exerted himself to turn her thoughts into
a new channel, and had succeeded” (M 1:41). He succeeds in part because
for Mary “friendship” is an ecstatically if obscurely charged word. The nar-
rator steps in to observe that Mary did not “know that love and friendship
are very distinct” (M 1:42); indeed, for Mary, though evidently not for Henry
it appears, love and friendship are not distinct at all. The desire Mary finds
herself feeling for Henry is striking and powerful precisely because it blurs
so many distinctions at once:
she thought of him till she began to chide herself for defrauding the dead,
and, determining to grieve for Ann, she dwelt on Henry’s misfortunes and ill
health . . . she thought with rapture that there was one person in the world who
had an affection for her, and that person she admired – had a friendship for.
He had called her his dear girl . . . My child! His child, what an association
of ideas! If I had a father, such a father! – She could not dwell on the thoughts,
the wishes which obtruded themselves. Her mind was unhinged, and passion
unperceived filled her whole soul. (M 1:41–2)
Mary Wollstonecraft’s novels
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Mary Wollstonecraft’s novels
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with defensive asides, telling us how her novel is different from and better
than common sentimental novels, how Mary is different from, and better
than, the common sort. The structure of The Wrongs of Woman, on the other
hand, is incorporative and inclusive. Not only does it everywhere absorb and
transform texts by Dryden, Rowe, Rousseau, Shakespeare, Johnson, Burney,
Godwin, to name only a few – indeed its opening gestures is an extended,
one-upping allusion to Radcliffean gothic – but its characteristic gesture is
comparison. Here, we have not a heroine who is different, but one who is
(alas) like all the other women we meet, “caught in a trap, and caged for
life” (WWM 1:138).
Bringing the conventions of gothic fiction to bear on present-day England,
The Wrongs of Woman opens with disorienting power in medias res. Maria
has been immured in a decaying mansion which is at once a prison and
a madhouse. As a prison, this mansion literalizes the condition of women
across the kingdom: “Was not the world a vast prison, and women born
slaves?” (WWM 1:88). Maria herself avers, “Marriage had bastilled me for
life . . . fettered by the partial laws of society, this fair globe was to me an
universal blank” (WWM 1:146), and women have the same experience all
the way the down the social ladder. At the first house where Maria seeks
refuge from her husband, she discovers a haggard landlady who timorously
avers, “when a woman was once married, she must bear every thing” (WWM
1:158), for her own drunken husband “would beat her if she chanced to
offend him, though she had a child at the breast” (WWM 1:158). Maria’s
second landlady bores and irks Maria with a story that follows the same
outline, also foreshadowing Maria’s later experience before the court of law:
having had no choice but to suffer the depredations of a husband who,
under the protection of the law, pawns her clothes for whores and drink,
she observes, “women always have the worst of it, when law is to decide”
(WWM 1:165). Although these tales expose myths about domesticity, the
case of Jemima is even worse. Having been raped and debauched of character
and reputation since childhood, she is excluded from domestic service, and
can only subsist through prostitution.
These episodes of The Wrongs of Woman, or, Maria, which construct a
web of carceral imagery, flesh out the intention Wollstonecraft formulated in
the letter Godwin made into the Preface of the novel: “to show the wrongs of
different classes of women, equally oppressive, though, from the difference
of education, necessarily various” (WWM 1:84). But Maria’s prison is also
an insane asylum, and as such calls our attention to the complex issue of
madness and delusion in the novel. Maria, after all, is a prisoner to her mar-
riage but is also in a larger sense a prisoner to the delusoriness of love that
chained her to Venables in marriage to begin with, a love that enchains her to
Mary Wollstonecraft’s novels
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“I have been reading your remarks and I find them a little discouraging. . . . I
was perfectly aware that some of the incidents ought to be transpossed [sic] and
heightened by more harmonious shading; and I wished to avail myself of yours
and Mr G’s criticism before I began to adjust my events into a story . . . yet I
am vexed and surprised at your not thinking the situation of Maria sufficiently
important, and can only account for this want of – shall I say it? delicacy of
feeling by recollecting that you are a man” (Letters: 391–2).
It is unfortunate but quite telling, given his tendency to cast his wife as a
woman of feeling, that Godwin, who used much of the rest of this letter as a
Preface to his edition of The Wrongs of Woman, or, Maria, published after
Wollstonecraft’s death, actually omitted the contextualizing section quoted
here. Wollstonecraft apologizes for Maria’s “sensibility” not because she is
committed to fine feeling, but because even a well-disposed male reader failed
“to be disgusted with him [Venables]!!!” and thus failed to understand why
Maria gets upset. Such failure undermines the premise of the entire novel, that
women as a class of persons are systematically “wronged.” Wollstonecraft’s
entire point in protesting Maria’s situation as a political rather than merely
personal wrong is that her delusion is hardly self-induced. In sentimental cul-
ture, no one considers it suspect to find the “beauty of a young girl . . . much
more interesting than the distress of an old one” (WWM 1:130). Maria, of
course, eventually sees that she was deluded to consider “that heart as de-
voted to virtue, which had only obeyed a virtuous impulse” (WWM 1:131)
inspired by her erotic presence: he behaved well only because he wanted to
get the girl.
Maria’s critique of what the world regards sane or insane about love con-
tinues as she defends the reasonableness of her revulsion from her husband.
Refuting popular moralizers such as Dr. Gregory, author of the popular con-
duct book A Father’s Legacy to His Daughter (1774), as well as heterodox
and controversial figures like Rousseau, she rejects the maxim that women
should cultivate a “coldness of constitution,” and yield to the “ardour” of
their husbands only occasionally and out of duty: both would concur with
the judge at Maria’s trial: “What virtuous woman thought of her feelings? – It
was her duty to love and obey the man chosen by her parents and relations”
(WWM 1:131). Countering the position that sensible women anaesthetize
their feelings, Wollstonecraft asserts women’s legitimacy as affective and
erotic subjects. Mary’s revulsion from her husband in Mary emanates from
a disgust so visceral as to appear pathological; but in Wrongs Maria’s re-
vulsion seems an altogether rational, enlightened response to a man whose
Mary Wollstonecraft’s novels
libertine habits she had been too benighted to recognize at first, and whose
“tainted breath, pimpled face, and blood-shot eyes” (WWM 1:145) now
appear as they in fact are: disgusting.
In a complex structural decision on Wollstonecraft’s part, the memoirs
Maria writes for her daughter are withheld from the reader until chapters
seven through ten, when Darnford reads them. By encountering the mem-
oirs so late, by reading them just as the Darnford–Maria relationship de-
velops, we are placed in a position to recognize how Maria’s love for him
recapitulates the error she made with Venables, although here it is not the
“happy credulity of youth” (WWM 1:131) that carries her forward but the
urgency of sexual desire itself. In Rights of Woman, “voluptuousness” is a
pejorative, particularly when denoting the culpable sensuality of male vice.
But in Wrongs of Woman Wollstonecraft accepts Maria’s “voluptuousness”
and claims that “it inspired the idea of strength of mind, rather than of body”
(WWM 1:104), as if the manifestly (female) sexed substantiality of Maria’s
body could heighten rather than detract from her dignity. Here, when the
“air swept across her face with a voluptuous freshness that thrilled to her
heart” (WWM 1:95) after Maria has been reading Rousseau’s sentimental
novel, La Nouvelle Héloı̈se, in her cell, we side with the body and the in-
stincts that seek to expand beyond the constraints that fetter them. And
these instincts are decidedly heteroerotic. Mary finds a man as etiolated as
Ann, but Maria fantasizes masculine virtues embodied in an almost hyper-
virile man. Darnford’s doughty insistence – “I will have an answer” (WWM
1:98) – contrasts to Henry’s intense reserve, just as the force potency of
his presence – “His steady step, and the whole air of his person, bursting
as it were from a cloud” (WWM 1:96)” – contrasts with Henry’s retiring,
die-away languor.
There is considerable disagreement among scholars and critics about the
degree to which Wollstonecraft is consciously critiquing the Maria/Darnford
relationship, some contending that the novel itself is unwittingly seduced by
romance yet again, and others maintaining that it opens out a new space for
critical distance.7 To a large extent, one’s interpretation depends on the kind
and degree of narrative control one is willing to extend to Wollstonecraft as a
novelist. To me, Wollstonecraft’s irony seems clear. When the narrator asks,
“what chance had Maria of escaping” (WWM 1:104, emphasis added), we
are being told that this love is yet another form of incarceration from which
escape is as necessary as it is unlikely. What deludes Maria this time into
casting her lover as “a statue in which she might enshrine” all “the qualities
of a hero’s mind” (WWM 1:105)? The menace turns out to be republican
ideology itself, something that was supposed to lead the entire world out
of its prison of darkness. Maria reads Darnford’s composition about “the
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present state of society and government, with a comparative view of the pol-
itics of Europe in America” (WWM 1:93), and she is convinced that because
his politics are progressive, his love will be different. Yet, while a man like
Venables practices active deceit, Darnford’s narrative really says it all: it is a
self-mystifying tale of intrepid, republican manhood, part self-pity (“I never
knew the sweets of domestic affection” [WWM 1:100]) and part braggado-
cio (“with my usual impetuosity, [I] sold my commission, and travelled . . . ”
[ WWM 1:101]). But the fact that Maria shares his political views makes
her fatally deaf to Darnford’s ludicrously obnoxious account of himself.
Maria was ignorant of Venable’s “habits of libertinism” (WWM 1:127),
but Darnford makes it a point to brag about them: “And woman, lovely
woman!” he boasts, “ – they charm every where” (WWM 1:101). Worse,
he brandishes his fancy for prostitutes: “the women of the town (again I
must beg pardon for my habitual frankness) appeared to me like angels”
[WWM 1:102]. But republican discourse having clothed what might for-
merly be damned as “libertine” grossness in the new garb fashioned of
frankness, Maria sees his selfishness as admirable inservility, sees his im-
pulsiveness as manly resoluteness and sees his gallantry as liberality, and as
a result the ardent Maria is completely taken in, her judgment clouded. Ob-
viously a rendering of Wollstonecraft’s experience with Imlay, the Darnford/
Maria episodes finally judge male culture to be so corrupt as to make reci-
procity between the sexes impossible. Indeed, even before the concluding
hints inform us that Darnford deserts Maria, the narrator unequivocally
damns him: “A fondness of the sex often gives an appearance of humanity to
the behaviour of men, who have small pretensions to the reality; and they
seem to love others, when they are only pursuing their own gratification”
(WWM 1:176).
The most disturbing proof that Maria’s love for Darnford is a form of
derangement is her apathy upon learning that she is free to leave her prison:
“[L]iberty has lost its sweets.” Maria imagines that in Darnford “she had
found a being of celestial mould” (WWM 1:173) and feels too happy with her
madhouse to leave. Significantly, it is Jemima rather than a lover who takes
Maria out of her bedlam, and brings her back from death in the final provi-
sional fragment. Maria’s attachment to Jemima is new in the history of the
novel, and in representing a turn towards solidarity and affective community
even with the most despised and unlovely of women, it suggests an alternative
to the disastrousness of heterosocial relations.8 Here again Wollstonecraft’s
manipulation of pacing and sequence is brilliant, repaying close attention.
Just when we think we are going to get an idealized, even corny, love scene
between Maria and Darnford, Jemima barges in, clearly unwanted, inter-
rupting the panting lovers, and she commences a very long and brutal story
Mary Wollstonecraft’s novels
that could chill anybody’s ardor. The conclusion of Jemima’s narrative binds
her to Maria and pointedly leaves Darnford out. When Jemima accounts
for her hard-heartedness by retorting, “Who ever risked any thing for me? –
Who ever acknowledged me to be a fellow creature?” (WWM 1:119), Maria
answers by taking her hand, and on the basis of this connection, Jemima
proves the deliverer Maria insanely hoped Darnford would be.
This novel uses the common narrative device of inset tales which correct
and broaden the heroine’s and the reader’s vision and which reflect on each
other in illuminating ways. In narrating his tale, Darnford, for example,
blunders when bragging/confessing, “I was taught to love by a creature I
am ashamed to mention; and the other women with whom I afterwards be-
came intimate, were of a class of which you can have no knowledge” (WWM
1:100–1). Had Darnford paid attention to Maria’s memoirs, which we know
he has read, he would have learned as we have that he is quite wrong on this
score, of course: Maria does know this “class” of “creature” – first as the
“wantons of the lowest class” whose “vulgar, indecent mirth” roused the
“sluggish spirits” (WWM 1:139) of her husband. Moreover, undercutting
Darnford (who adores “women of the town” [WWM 1:102]) as well as
Venables, Jemima’s story gives us a truer view about being, precisely, such
a “creature.” Challenging tales about prostitutes as Maria, Venables, and
Darnford have told them, Jemima’s experience exposes the truths concealed
by ideologically loaded assumptions about and practices of female propri-
ety and respectability,9 showing that prostitutes neither enjoy their work,
nor pine for their heartless seducers, but are, like wives, an exploited class,
despising the men on whom they are dependent. Similarly, when Maria her-
self heaps scorn upon “the savage female,” the “hag” (WWM 1:121) who
takes over when Jemima temporarily leaves the asylum, we can see – even
if Maria yet cannot – that this woman may simply be another Jemima, who
has not yet been reached by human affection, and that Maria’s harsh epithets
withhold them from emancipatory fellowship.10
As mothers and as daughters, Maria and Jemima share a blighted story,
and their bond is based in a kindred warmth which they associate with
motherhood. Representing romantic love as warped beyond the possibility
of correction, Wrongs of Woman locates the “humanizing affections” in
maternal nurturance instead.11 Permeated with images of nursing, the novel
feminizes the imagery of natural blossoming Tom Paine used to characterize
revolution as a natural and life-affirming process, the giving way of the
wintery and withering old regime to the warmth and vitality of the new.
In Wollstonecraft’s novel, this sort of revolution is in turn linked to the
redemptive emergence of the mother – daughter relation: “The spring was
melting into summer, and you, my little companion, began to smile – that
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smile made hope bud out afresh, assuring me the world was not a desert”
(WWM 1:167). But it is not subjected and generic men, then, but hounded
women with infant daughters at their nursing breasts who are the “tender
blossoms” which ought to burst from their cells into the fullness of life. The
radical Darnford is accessible to authentic moral feeling only to the extent
that he mimics the maternal, as when “he respectfully pressed [Maria] to
his bosom” (WWM 1:172). Conversely, “‘the killing frost’” (WWM 1:167,
another allusion to Shakespeare) is not repressiveness with which privileged
men of the old regime repress other men in general, but the very particular
brutality with which patriarchal culture in post-revolutionary England severs
women from each other: the frost that blasts Maria’s daughter, kidnapped
from her mother by a father determined to get his hands on the property
to which she is heir, has also already injured Maria (whose mother favored
sons) as well as Jemima, whose “humanity had rather been benumbed than
killed, by the keen frost she had to brave at her entrance into life” (WWM
1:120), in turn cutting her off from fellow feeling by making her unwilling
in turn to “succour an unfortunate” like Maria (WWM 1:88).
Jemima and Maria repair their injuries in their relations to one another
and in their joint relation to Maria’s daughter. Maria first dreams about
Darnford partly because she wants her daughter to have “a father whom
her mother could respect and love” (WWM 1:97). But as this fantasy of
domesticity vanishes, Maria turns to Jemima not to take the father’s place
but rather to double in the mother’s: “I will teach her to consider you as a
second mother” (WWM 1:120). Allured by this promise, Jemima persuades
Maria to leave the madhouse/prison with her because of the primary affective
duty they owe each other. “[O]n you it depends to reconcile me to the human
race” (WWM 1:174), she admonishes, as if the offer of co-mothering were a
marriage vow binding even when they believe “their” daughter is dead. The
household they set up is, as Gary Kelly has so aptly put it, “prefigurative”
of a feminist solidarity it would take later generations to realize fully.12
It does not conceal the difficulty of class difference or entirely reinscribe
gender as class: although Maria promises Jemima a position equal to her
own – she is to be a “second mother” rather than a nurse or mammy –
Jemima insists on the wages that insure her independence even as she would
appear to collaborate as a co-mother. In the last fragment, when Maria is
in agony, Jemima reappears with the lost daughter, whom she has tutored
to say the magic word, “mamma!” (WWM 1:203). The word gives Maria
something to live for beyond the romantic plot which has been inscribed for
her. That child is treasured not because she is the progeny of a fickle but still-
beloved male like Darnford, but, on the contrary, despite its relationship to
Mary Wollstonecraft’s novels
the loathsome Venables. The daughter’s word “mamma” gives Jemima, her
“second mother,” something to live for too, an arena for kindred affection
not determined by biological kinship.
This is not a story which The Wrongs of Woman fully tells. The novel is
in fragments. The dissolution of Maria’s relation with Darnford is hardly
depicted at all, and her eventual independence does not appear to be volun-
tary. Clearly, Maria’s despondency is hardly overcome. Still, as Janet Todd
has aptly put it, Maria’s history is thus marked by two movements, “one
circular and repetitive, and the other linear and developmental. The circular
binds her to male relationships . . . the linear tends towards freedom and
maturity.”13 To the extent that freedom is achieved at all in this fractured and
unfinished work, it is in the cooperative and mutually respecting partnership
Jemima and Maria seem to verge on achieving.
1. Wollstonecraft’s first publication was actually Thoughts on the Education of
Daughters (1787), educational tracts being, like novels, good sellers. This rel-
atively modest and conventional work does not attempt the boldness to which
Wollstonecraft aspires in Mary, A Fiction.
2. Memoirs of the Author of “The Rights of Woman,” ed Richard Holmes
(Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1986), 223–4. This edition appears with
Wollstonecraft’s A Short Residence. Godwin goes on: “The story is nothing.
He that looks into the book only for incident, will probably lay it down with dis-
gust. But the feelings are of the truest and most exquisite class; every circumstance
is adorned with that species of imagination, which enlists itself under the banners
of delicacy and sentiment.” (Memoirs, 223–4). Godwin here recalls Johnson’s re-
marks on Clarissa.
3. This is the very approximate translation Wollstonecraft herself offers in
Chapter 13 of Mary.
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I perceive, but too forcibly, that happiness, literally speaking, dwells not here.
And that we wander to and fro in a vale of darkness as well as tears.
(VRM 5:76)
From the title of the last book published before her death, Letters Written
During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark (1796), we can
guess that for Mary Wollstonecraft the word “residence” reflects little sta-
bility or rest. A short residence in three countries? Over the course of one
summer? Upheaval writes itself into the title, and becomes the motor of this
peculiar but lovely book. Here Wollstonecraft takes the restlessness and dis-
location that marked her own life, as well as the society she observed in
northern Europe, and tries to shape them into a style, an argument, and a
political stance. “The art of travelling,” she remarks elsewhere, “is only a
branch of the art of thinking.”1 In the Short Residence the thinking subject
herself cannot be distinguished from constant movement. Her travelogue
thus tells us more about the mind of the traveler-subject, charting her path
through a “heterogeneous modernity,” than about the three countries she
visits.2 During her Short Residence, the narrator adopts several modes of
travel but never settles: her account of boat trips, carriage rides, ferry pas-
sages, walks, and, most significantly, flights of fancy, purposefully has no
end. As the Short Residence unfolds, however, the mobility of the subject,
which had initially presented itself as both liberating and creative, modulates
into something compromised, inescapable. In her Vindication of the Rights
of Men (1790), Wollstonecraft first signaled this thought: “I perceive, but
too forcibly, that happiness, literally speaking, dwells not here. And that we
wander to and fro in a vale of darkness as well as tears” (VRM 5:76). As
if confirming this passage six years later, the final letter of the travelogue
understands travel as the misery of wandering – and thinking:
mary a. favret
would fain fly from, lie too close to my heart to be easily shook off, or even
beguiled, by any employment, except that of preparing my journey to London.
(SR 6:345)
Certain things fly away, others refuse to budge, and the one thing her trav-
eling cannot free her from is the need to keep moving. Her desire to escape
(“I would fain fly”), a recurring motif, is finally mocked by the more pedes-
trian employment of packing. In the course of these twenty-five letters of er-
ratic length, while sorting through modes of physical as well as mental travel,
Wollstonecraft tests – and loses – her faith in the freedom of movement.
Revising travel
From her earliest writings, Wollstonecraft exhibits a sense of herself as a per-
son on the move. “I have had a number of drawbacks,” she writes to her sister
in 1789, “but still I cry avaunt despair – and I push forward.” (28 February
1789; her italics). As she continues to write, she promotes forward motion
as the basis for intellectual achievement:
A present impulse pushes us forward, and when we discover that the game did
not deserve the chace [sic] we find that we are gone over much ground, and
not only gained many new ideas, but a habit of thinking. The exercise of our
faculties is the great end, though not the goal we had in view when we started
with such eagerness. (VRM 5:29)
A Short Residence: traveling with Mary Wollstonecraft
she subscribed to a theory of class mobility that rewarded hard work and
determination. It was common for radicals of the middle class to picture the
aristocracy as especially languid, lethargic figures, ensconced on their sofas
and sated with pleasure. Comprehending both political hierarchy and so-
cial convention, the status quo was static for reformers like Wollstonecraft.
Members of the lower classes too, if not hailed for their relentless labor, could
be labeled, as Wollstonecraft demonstrates in Short Residence, “clods” who
were going nowhere. In contrast, these writers identified themselves with a
middle-class ethos of movement, distilled in such favorite terms as enlarge-
ment, expansion, advancement, progress, or, in less aggressive moments,
dilation and diffusion. Though often applied to intellectual and moral ter-
rain, these words all connote some movement through space. They were
understood as the end products of two other privileged terms in the 1790s
reformer’s lexicon: exertion and industry, without which individuals as well
as society would remain inert. The desire to move forward and outward
was thus inextricably linked, for writers in Wollstonecraft’s milieu, with
work and economic status as well as political reform. Motion as metaphor
brought with it high stakes, as can be glimpsed in this quotation from the
reformer Jeremy Bentham:
Indigence is the centre to which inertia alone, that force which acts without
relaxation, makes the lot of every mortal gravitate. Not to be drawn into the
abyss, it is necessary to mount up by continual effort, and we see by our side the
most diligent and the most virtuous slipping by one false step, and sometimes
thrown headlong by inevitable reverses.3
mary a. favret
A Short Residence: traveling with Mary Wollstonecraft
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Flights of Fancy
From the opening pages of Short Residence we are engaged with an ener-
getic narrator, a singular woman who cannot stand confinement, yearns to be
walking “abroad,” advertises her intrepid climbs over rocks and hills, and,
to highlight the value of her exertions, contrasts them with the “idleness”
of the local Swedes. Whether despotism “cramps the industry” of the pop-
ulation around her, or whether living “so near the brute creation” keeps
them “rooted in the clods they so indolently cultivate,” it is clear that the
traveler’s restless rootlessness signals her superiority over all she surveys
(SR 6:243, 245). When she moves, she moves by herself. “Men with common
minds seldom break through general rules,” she blithely asserts at the outset.
“Prudence is ever the resort of weakness; and they rarely go as far as they may
in any undertaking who are determined not to go beyond it on any account”
(SR 6:244). The narrator will “go far” by “going beyond”; her accomplish-
ments will be offered as feats of physical as well as intellectual strength, but
they will also be measured by the ceaselessness of her movement. As she
adopts more and more rarified forms of movement, however, the narrator
A Short Residence: traveling with Mary Wollstonecraft
twists her writing into a critique of her own belief in the freedom offered by
“going beyond.” We begin to understand the traveler’s flights less as exam-
ples of freedom and more as efforts to escape, and therefore testaments to
the constraints under which she operates.
The climax of the first letter calls attention to the essential mobility of the
traveler. The narrator retires to bed, though “I would gladly have rambled
about much longer” outside. While all around her “nature [is] at rest,” her
imagination refuses to settle. This agitation opens into the first of the book’s
remarkable reveries:
mary a. favret
[L]et me, kind strangers, escape sometimes into your fir groves, wander on
the margin of your beautiful lakes, or climb your rocks to view still others in
endless perspective; which, piled by more than giant’s hand scale the heavens
to intercept its rays, or to receive the parting tinge of lingering day – day that,
scarcely softened into twilight, allows the freshening breeze to wake, and the
moon to burst forth in all her glory to glide with solemn elegance through the
azure expanse. (SR 6:252)
Again we see the freely associative syntax which emerges in the writing when-
ever the letter writer “stray[s] abroad” (SR 6:252). But as her thoughts move,
so do the source and agent of motion. At first the apostrophe seems to give her
hosts the authority to determine whether or not she can “escape,” “wander,”
“climb.” Then we enter a fantastic, anthropomorphic realm where the walker
A Short Residence: traveling with Mary Wollstonecraft
disappears, but rocks “scale the heavens” with Miltonic echoes, day “lingers,”
breezes “wake,” and, in the grand finale, the feminine moon “bursts forth”
and “glides” through an expansive sky.11 Agency or authority proves to be
as slippery as movement itself in this passage: something “more than giant’s
hand” has placed the rocks so they might “scale”; a waning day “allows”
the breeze to awaken and the moon to begin her majestic procession. This
is “the witching time of night,” we are told, and indeed, some extra-human
magic, or fancy itself, sets the surrounding world in motion.
Wollstonecraft again pushes the principle of movement beyond mortal and
physical borders, but in doing so she pushes it beyond her very self.
Spirits of peace walk abroad to calm the agitated breast. Eternity is in these
moments; worldly cares melt away into the airy stuff that dreams are made of;
and reveries, mild and enchanting. . . . carry the hapless wight into futurity[.]
(SR 6:252)
Where has the narrator gone? Is she one of those spirits of peace “walk[ing]
abroad” (language she often uses to characterize her own activity)? Is she
the hapless wight being carried off into futurity? The principle of movement,
even as it opens itself as widely as one can imagine, reveals itself as a principle
of displacement.
Subsequent reveries offer similar confusions about agency and the source
or even path of motion. In Letter v, the moon again focuses this confusion:
Who reigns here? The moon, the behind-the-scenes sun, the circumambient
heavens, or the writer who orchestrates this series of deflections?12 It appears
the solitary walker, for all her intrepidity, cannot or does not want to ven-
ture into this vast region alone, on her own authority. Her own nocturnal
wanderings are displaced onto the moon, and the moon is merely “thrown
forward,” not venturing by her own will. These reveries, moreover, the sign
of her mind’s free and creative mobility, disclose other luminaries – Milton,
Shakespeare, Young – who, like the hiding sun, undermine the writer’s
sovereignty while illuminating her path.
Most of the book’s reveries occur during or just after her walking, and most
of them have the same direct aim – to futurity or eternity or immortality, as
if the purpose of bodily exercise were to fling the letter writer outside her
body. Yet two paradoxes present themselves in these exercises. First, if these
mary a. favret
movements, walking and reverie, share a determined end, that end is endless-
ness. Thus on one occasion the narrator may finish her reverie with a power-
ful gesture of transcendence: “I stretched out my hand to eternity, bounding
over the dark speck of life to come” (SR 6:311; see also 279); but on another
occasion she confesses her dread of being lost in that endlessness: “I cannot
bear to think of being no more – of losing myself. . . . nay it seems impossible
to me . . . that this active, restless spirit, equally alive to joy and sorrow, should
only be organized dust – ready to fly abroad the moment the spring snaps”
(SR 6:281). The most liberating strategy of movement, then, the one that
will free her from the cares and constraints of this world, cannot guarantee
that she will not end up lost, diffused into the atmosphere. The second para-
dox involves the source or authority for movement. Though it is clear that
she can choose to walk alone outside, and does so in the face of convention
(the Swedish women, she relates, “were astonished that I should [walk], for
pleasure” [SR 6:282]), the narrator’s flights of fancy often deflect their impe-
tus onto external, magical but also conventional, sources. The reverie which
concludes Letter x makes this paradox explicit, asserting her “strong imagi-
nation” even as it collapses into the arms of “phantoms of bliss! Ideal forms
of excellence!” (SR 6:294). Increasingly, the narrator cannot rely on herself
to provide the forward momentum she desires. Spirits, nature, Shakespeare
(especially The Tempest) all step in as surrogate motors for transport:
I must fly from thought and find refuge from sorrow in a strong imagination –
the only solace for a feeling heart. Phantoms of bliss! Ideal forms of excellence!
Again inclose me in your magic circle. (SR 6:294)
[T]here was an enchanting wildness [in the sound of a horn echoing in the
caves] in the dying way of reverberation, that quickly transported me to Shake-
speare’s magic island. Spirits unseen seemed to walk abroad, and flit from cliff
to cliff. (SR 6:297)
[T]he impetuous dashing of the rebounding torrent . . . produced an equal ac-
tivity in mind: my thoughts darted from earth to heaven, and I asked myself
why I was chained to life and its misery? . . . [M]y soul rose, with renewed dig-
nity, above its cares – grasping at immortality – it seemed as impossible to stop
the current of my thoughts, as of the always varying, still the same, torrent
before me – (SR 6:311)
Even in this last passage, where the mind and soul take an active role (“my
thoughts darted,” “ my soul rose”), the narrator nevertheless surrenders to
the activity of the torrent, helpless to stop herself. Her mental exertions fold
into passivity.
One explanation for the narrator’s deliquescence in the face of absolute
freedom could be gender: the woman traveler dare not claim authority to
A Short Residence: traveling with Mary Wollstonecraft
carry herself into these areas. On one occasion, the narrator “pierces the
fleecy clouds” of mortality only to “bow before the awful throne of my
Creator” (SR 6:280), acknowledging that the territory she has entered be-
longs to a sovereign Lord. Elsewhere she disguises her “straying” as the
operation of forces beyond her: spirits or scenery or special effects “move”
her and it is “impossible to stop.” Legitimate male poets thus provide cover
for a woman writer venturing out of her body, into sublimity. On the other
hand, the writer has already called attention to herself as someone who re-
fuses the limitations of gender, who will “go beyond” rules. Rather than
covering up, she frequently calls attention to the fact that she is “straying,”
both in her walks and in her writing. Her constant apologies to her reader for
these digressive reveries indicate that she claims responsibility for her move-
ments, however vagrant they appear: “But whither am I wandering?” she
writes after one (SR 6:269); “But I have rambled away again” (SR 6:289);
“But I have flown from Norway” (SR 6:307); “But to go further a-field”
(SR 6:341); and, in an apology that indicates what the reveries resist: “But
to return to the straight road of observation . . .” (SR 6:326). To wander
from the straight road may indicate a sort of freedom, but, as the reveries
themselves demonstrate, it may also signal an inability to locate oneself. One
can read the series of flights of fancy in Short Residence as an exposé of the
belief in transcendent movement, a discovery that such movement always
reveals itself to be subject to something else, to be, in fact, not freedom but
displacement, a removal of the self. A crucial turn in the book occurs in
Letter xii, where the writer confesses that the movement of fancy incapac-
itates her: “I cannot write composedly – I am every instant sinking into
reveries – my heart flutters, I know not why. Fool! It is time thou wert at rest”
(SR 6:299; see also 333). As this realization plays itself out in the course of
Short Residence, the traveler abandons her flights and concentrates more on
the worldly movements that keep her restless – especially economics and war.
Systems of motion
In the middle of Short Residence the narrator turns to interpret her travels
no longer in the light of fancy, but in the context of pressing political and
economic movements. Letter xii opens happily, as the narrator once again
leaves her “confinement” on a boat to reach shore: “It seemed to me a sort
of emancipation,” she writes, and “elysian scenes” welcome her back to
land. Her emancipation, however, quickly qualifies itself: there is no one
to greet her in this place; she dreads “the solitariness of her apartment,”
she longs “to close her eyes on a world where I was destined to wander
alone.” Her freedom of movement reveals itself as a purely negative freedom:
mary a. favret
They threw stones at Mr. Anker [a local grain merchant] . . . as he rode out
of town to escape from their fury; they assembled about his house. And the
A Short Residence: traveling with Mary Wollstonecraft
These two popular uprisings, one over grain, the other over taxes, recall the
initial stirrings of the French and American revolutions. They also transfer
the question of movement from the individual to the collective. The pairing
of a success story with a stark failure registers again Wollstonecraft’s am-
bivalence: how viable is self-determined forward – or upward – movement?
And who is the determining self? Here law, in the form of the Grand Bailiff,
bows to the will of the people and releases its prisoners; there its faceless
machinery squelches a popular “rising up” by locking up one man for life.
Throughout this political see-sawing, it is clear that the narrator is work-
ing to make some exchange between her own situation and that of the
people. Before her walk to the fortress, she pictures this exchange almost
the fire of fancy [in me], which had been kept alive in the country, was almost
extinguished [in Christiana] by reflections on the ills that harass such a large
portion of mankind. – I felt like a bird fluttering on the ground unable to mount;
yet unwilling to crawl tranquily [sic] like a reptile, whilst still conscious it had
wings. (SR 6:305)
Sandwiched between the two stories of people who “rose up” against politi-
cal and economic oppression, the image of the narrator’s momentary paraly-
sis between earth and sky points the question of how she will continue to
Her answer, in part, is to merge her own predicament with that of the
people, and to find in the systems that determine their movement (or con-
finement) the source of her own restlessness. Letter xiii thus unleashes her
strongest critique yet of commerce, “the noble science of bargain making,”
“the tricks of trade” which dictate not only the movement of goods and
money, but of the traveler as well, for, as frequent hints have informed us, she
is traveling on business. Disparaging comments about the evils of speculators
and the “narrowness” of merchants dot the first half of Short Residence, but
here the attack escalates. Commerce is a “pursuit” or exercise that “wears
out the most sacred principles of humanity and rectitude”; speculation is
“a species of gambling, I might have said fraud, in which address generally
gains the prize.” Subsequent letters add to her charges against the ubiquitous
movements of trade, culminating in a five-page tirade near the end of her
journey. Her report from Hamburg analyzes in detail the “secret manoeuvres
of trade,” which disguise themselves as productive growth but effectively
move in empty rotation, the “ups and downs of fortune’s wheel” (SR 6:340).
mary a. favret
A Short Residence: traveling with Mary Wollstonecraft
Man must therefore have been placed in the north, to tempt him to run after
the sun, in order that the different parts of the world might be peopled. Nor
do I wonder that hordes of barbarians always poured out of these regions
to seek for milder climes, when nothing like cultivation attached them to the
soil; especially when we take into view that the adventuring spirit, common
to man, is naturally stronger and more general during the infancy of society.
The conduct of the followers of Mahomet, and the crusaders, will definitely
corroborate my assertion. (SR 6:263–4)
mary a. favret
I crossed the draw-bridge, and entered to see this shell of a court in miniature,
mounting ponderous stairs, it would be a solecism to say a flight, up which a
regiment might have marched, shouldering their firelocks, to exercise in vast
galleries, where all the generations of the princes of Hesse-Cassel might have
been mustered rank and file, though not the phantoms of all the wretched they
had bartered to support their state, unless these airy substances could shrink
and expand, like Milton’s devils, to suit the occasion. (SR 6:336)
A Short Residence: traveling with Mary Wollstonecraft
Throughout Short Residence the letter writer cycles back to the question
that organizes her first reverie: is she a solitary traveler, “a particle broken
off from the great mass of mankind,” or “a part of the mighty whole, from
which I could not sever myself?” (SR 6:249). In some sense, the path of these
letters is the path between these two poles, a continual travel out of the self
and back again, as if travel for Wollstonecraft required the repeated disso-
lution of the self, and travel writing the recognition of that process. Clearly
this process can be written in a variety of ways, through fanciful reveries or
political critique or the rhetorical leaps made between them. But it is hard to
ignore, as one reads this travelogue, that it can also be written as the route
taken by emotion. Readers since its publication have tended to notice first
how moving Short Residence is, and the work proved to be Wollstonecraft’s
greatest critical and financial success. In a typical assessment, the Monthly
Review reports that the expressions of this “writer’s heart” will “never fail
to touch the reader . . . [R]eaders will seldom see reason to censure her feel-
ings and never be inclined to withhold their sympathy.” “Perhaps a book
of travels that so irresistibly seizes upon the heart of its reader never, in
any other instance, found its way to the press,” wrote William Godwin,
in a exaggerated but not unrepresentative response to Short Residence.15
Wollstonecraft demonstrates that movement and emotion are inextricable.
She understands the ambivalent position of her narrator, wavering between
self and mass, as essentially moving precisely because it describes the position
of emotion itself.
In the Advertisement that precedes the letters, Wollstonecraft points to
her use of the first person as a convenient fiction: “I found I could not avoid
being continually the first person – ‘the little hero of every tale.’ ” And she
justifies her choice, adding that “[a] person has a right . . . to talk of himself,
when he can win our attention by acquiring our affection” (SR 6:241). The
self portrayed in the letters is a ruse whereby the writer wins our sympathies
so as to grab our attention. Without that self, presumably, our attentions
would wander. Yet that self is itself marvelously mobile: it wanders because
of the need to evoke emotion from a large public.
Wollstonecraft has constructed her narrative so as to suggest that emotion,
too, travels, that it derives not from some fixed dwelling in a single individual,
but rather from its inability – or disinclination – to locate itself. As with any
mary a. favret
migrant, if emotion doesn’t move, it doesn’t work. This is not simply to say
that the emotion of the letter writer fluctuates in the course of the narrative,
even in the course of one passage, from despair to elation, from confidence
to grinding doubt, though this is true. It is to suspect that emotion here is
deliberately ungrounded, dislocated, covering the ground between any self
the writing offers and a mass of potential readers.16 The grief that threat-
ens to overwhelm the narrator, like the moments of ecstasy, arrives out of
thin air: it is given few specifics, no origin. Precisely because she refuses to
explain these feelings, Wollstonecraft achieves an unusual sense of intimacy
with her reader, as the letters repeat, “you know. . . . you know. . . . you
know.” And the reader knows, or thinks she knows, not because she has
any privileged information about the writing self, the m a r y— who signs
the letters (most contemporary readers would have been ignorant of the
details of Wollstonecraft’s life), but because Wollstonecraft has given us an
array of stock characters to channel emotion. The narrator is alternately the
intrepid adventurer, the anxious mother, the dispassionate observer, the too-
sensitive dreamer, the wronged woman, the contemplative philosopher, the
pugnacious radical; she picks up and drops each role as need be. She moves
her readers in voices she assumes are familiar: Shakespeare, Milton, Dryden,
and Christian scripture. When, in her penultimate letter, she unleashes her
most wrenching outburst – “Why should I weep for myself? – ‘Take, O world!
Thy much indebted tear!’” – she borrows the utterance from Edward Young’s
Night Thoughts, one of the most popular poems of the century. At the same
time, she acknowledges that emotion belongs outside and beyond any single
“I.” What moves the reader, in other words, is the mobility of emotion, the
way that it travels away from any fixed location and disperses itself into
cultural references, convention, the world.
1. Review of William Hamilton, Letters Concerning the Northern Coast of the
Country of Antrim (1790) (AR 7:277).
2. I borrow this phrase and the larger thought of this sentence, from James Clifford,
Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century (Cambridge and
London: Harvard University Press, 1997), 3:
Dwelling was understood to be the local ground of collective life, travel
as a supplement. . . . But what would happen, I began to ask, if travel were
untethered, seen as a complex and pervasive spectrum of human experi-
ences? Practices of displacement might emerge as constitutive of cultural
meanings rather than as their simple transfer or extension. . . . As I began
to consider diverse forms of “travel,” the term became a figure for routes
through a heterogeneous modernity.
A Short Residence: traveling with Mary Wollstonecraft
For a reader coming to the life and work of Mary Wollstonecraft for the first
time, one of the most compelling aspects of her career is its power to unsettle
the homosexual/heterosexual split that the twentieth century made so rigid.
This unsettling occurs partly because Wollstonecraft, like all eighteenth-
century writers, had no words like “homosexual” or “heterosexual” in her
vocabulary. Sexuality had no language of its own in the eighteenth century.
Instead, writers understood sexual roles through the vocabulary of gender:
certain modes of sexual behavior were the supposed prerogatives of mas-
culinity; others, of femininity.1
What is so interesting about the eighteenth century is that neither “mas-
culinity” nor “femininity” was a fixed category. When eighteenth-century
writers argued about virtually anything (education, aesthetics, law, natural
philosophy, religion, politics), they usually did so in loudly gendered terms.
However, gender definitions were not necessarily the same in each discourse;
they were as likely to differ as to complement one another. Consequently,
eighteenth-century writers like Wollstonecraft could set different definitions
against each other, using those from one discourse to criticize those in another.
For example, in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Wollstonecraft cre-
atively adapts gender definitions from the political discourse of civic human-
ism to counter the stereotypes of female conduct books, as when she prefers
to judge women by what had traditionally been seen as the “manly” qual-
ity of virtue rather than by the angel-like traits idealized by conduct-book
writers. Criticizing James Fordyce’s comparison of women to angels, she
notes that for him women “are only like angels when they are young and
beautiful; consequently, it is their persons, not their virtues, that procure
them this homage” (5:164).2 Since all gender definitions suggested differing
possibilities for relations between and among the sexes, a simple homo/hetero
binary rarely does justice to eighteenth-century writing.
For Wollstonecraft, the topic that encouraged the most experimentation
with sex and gender roles was that of genius. Genius as a category received
Mary Wollstonecraft and the sexuality of genius
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Dr James Fordyce” and she “explodes the system of gallantry” that oppresses
women (231).
For eighteenth-century writers, female masculinity of the kind that
Godwin described could point in two directions: asexuality and lesbianism.
Although they are quite different modes of sexual behavior, they could
quickly blur into each other because both set women against the presumed
norm of bourgeois heterosexuality. If relations between the sexes presup-
posed the belief in their mutual sexual desirability, the possibility of a woman
who either was not interested in sex or was not interested in men was threat-
ening because she forced relations between men and women to assume an
entirely new footing. Godwin’s discomfort reveals how deeply sexuality was
supposed to determine the female character. If Wollstonecraft’s masculinity
“explodes the system of gallantry,” then it was not clear how a man might
behave toward such a woman.
Not only was Wollstonecraft masculine; according to Godwin, her early
love interests were homoerotic. Specifically, as a young woman, she fell
in love with Fanny Blood, “for whom,” Godwin writes, “she contracted
a friendship so fervent, as for years to have constituted the ruling pas-
sion of her mind” (Memoirs, 210). For the most part, Godwin is neu-
tral or even admiring in his treatment of Wollstonecraft’s love for Blood;
when he interjects notes of disapproval of Blood’s character, they usually
come from Wollstonecraft’s own comments. Only one small revision to the
Memoirs suggests some concern on Godwin’s part that her relation with
Blood might foreground her troubling masculinity. He omitted in the second
edition a sentence describing their first meeting: “The situation in which
Mary was introduced to [ Blood], bore a resemblance to the first inter-
view of Werter with Charlotte” (Memoirs, 210). Given Werter’s fame as
a paragon of all-consuming love, the comparison may have made too obvi-
ous a link for Godwin between Wollstonecraft’s masculinity and her love for
In the larger course of his narrative, Godwin neutralizes Wollstonecraft’s
masculinity by showing that it vanished after Blood’s death in childbirth.
Instead of turning to other women, Wollstonecraft fell in love with a series
of men: Fuseli, Imlay, Godwin. According to Godwin, the affair with Imlay
was so powerful that it eradicated her masculinity altogether:
Her whole character seemed to change with a change of fortune . . . She was
playful, full of confidence, kindness and sympathy. Her eyes assumed new
lustre, and her cheeks new colour and smoothness. Her voice became chearful;
her temper overflowing with universal kindness; and that smile of bewitching
tenderness from day to day illuminated her countenance. (Memoirs, 242)
Mary Wollstonecraft and the sexuality of genius
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Mary Wollstonecraft and the sexuality of genius
and the intellectual women of Paris and London, such as Mary Hays, Ruth
Barlow, Madeleine Schweizer, Ann Cristall, Amelia Alderson (later Opie),
Sarah Siddons, Maria Reveley, and others. Whereas biographers give her
affairs with men lots of space, these ties to women fade into the background
because less written evidence survives about them. Admittedly, these women
were family members, employees, or social acquaintances, not lovers, and I
am not suggesting that Wollstonecraft had affairs with them, or even liked
many of them. My point, rather, is that by following the accidents of the
written record and paying so much attention to Wollstonecraft’s affairs with
men and so little to her relations with women, her biographers have hyper-
heterosexualized her.
Even in the treatment of Wollstonecraft’s heterosexual relations, biogra-
phers use the fact that she eventually married Godwin to imply that, through-
out her life, she was really just waiting to settle down in an ordinary marriage.
Her experimental, daring relation to heterosexuality is dismissed sneeringly
as sheer naivete. For example, her desire to live with Fuseli as a spiritual
rather than as a sexual partner has not been treated kindly. Tomalin is typi-
cal in calling it an “absurd and innocent request.”10 Yet, given the brilliance
with which Wollstonecraft dissected the brutal effects of the sex/gender sys-
tem on women in her A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, her search for
a different kind of relationship with Fuseli could be seen not as absurd but as
a risky, innovative attempt to live out her own principles. Similarly, her re-
sistance to marriage and her insistence that she and Godwin live in separate
houses even after their marriage reveal an effort to separate heterosexuality
from its stifling associations with bourgeois domesticity that deserves more
respect than it often has gotten from Wollstonecraft’s critics.
To take account of the full range of experimentation in Wollstonecraft’s
relation to sexuality, I want to return the discussion to an eighteenth-century
context. I will argue that the eighteenth-century language of genius and its
consequences for sexual roles provided Wollstonecraft with an alternative
to the increasingly restrictive roles being foisted on women by novels, con-
duct books, medical tracts, and religious sermons. Throughout her authorial
career, Wollstonecraft used the role of genius as a means of reinventing pos-
sibilities for the woman writer and her sexuality.
Today, “genius” as a label has been applied so often and so loosely that
it is virtually meaningless. In literary criticism, it has faintly conservative as-
sociations as a means of preserving standards of quasi-divine achievement.
In the eighteenth century, however, genius was far more exciting. Its at-
traction was simple: it could shatter the traditional hierarchies of artistic
achievement because anybody could potentially be a genius, not just the
upper-class, university-educated men who ruled the literary establishment.
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Shakespeare was the prime example of a man with (supposedly) little ed-
ucation and humble lineage who, by virtue of his genius, had become a
great writer. Eighteenth-century audiences were fascinated by examples of
“natural” genius: authors like Robert Burns and Ann Yearsley who seemed
to have miraculously overcome their supposed lack of education to become
distinguished poets. For writers who came from classes or groups that tra-
ditionally had no place in the English literary market, genius was a wedge
into a hitherto closed system. Not surprisingly, many members of the radical
circles in which Wollstonecraft moved in the 1790s were deeply invested
in the category of genius. Wollstonecraft’s friend, the poet Mary Robinson,
composed an elaborate ode celebrating its power; William Godwin devoted
the first several issues of The Enquirer to an inquiry about its roots; and
William Blake repeatedly hailed it as the only source of great poetry.
Wollstonecraft herself first became interested in genius during her time as a
governess in Ireland. While there, she read “Blairs lectures on genius taste &c
&c [ Hugh Blair’s Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres],” in which Blair
defines genius as a capacity that “imports something inventive or creative;
which does not rest in mere sensibility to beauty where it is perceived, but
which can, moreover, produce new beauties, and exhibit them in such a man-
ner as strongly to impress the minds of others.”11 Suddenly, “genius,” a term
that does not appear in Wollstonecraft’s earlier letters, crops up frequently
in her writing. It gave her a weapon of self-assertion when, as a governess,
she was feeling the effects of a hierarchical class system most painfully. In
her early fragment “The Cave of Fancy,” she wrote proudly: “The genius
that sprouts from a dunghil [sic] soon shakes off the heterogeneous mass”
(CF 1:196). In her letters, she tried to prove that she was shaking off the
mediocre heterogeneity around her. For example, she found that her em-
ployer, Lady Kingsborough, had an understanding that “could never have
been made to rise above mediocrity.” She added, “I am very well persuaded
that to make any great advance in morality genius is necessary–a peculiar
kind of genius which is not to be described, and cannot be conceived by
those who do not possess it.”12 Although she did not quite identify herself
as having such genius, her criticism of Lady Kingsborough was possible only
if she had what her employer lacked.
Even as Wollstonecraft borrows the idea of genius from Blair, she also re-
vises it. Blair, like most other eighteenth-century writers, argues that genius
differs from taste because genius involves production, whereas taste involves
consumption. The genius produces new works of art, new scientific discov-
eries, great speeches, and so forth.13 For Wollstonecraft, however, genius
loses its productivity. In her essay “On Poetry,” she defines genius against
Blair as “only another word for exquisite sensibility” (OP 7:9). There is a
Mary Wollstonecraft and the sexuality of genius
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Mary Wollstonecraft and the sexuality of genius
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Mary Wollstonecraft and the sexuality of genius
mass” (HMV 6:220). She counters the position that education belongs only
to those with genius because, in her eyes, everyone is “susceptible of common
improvement” (HMV 6:220). To concentrate on genius would depoliticize
her work or make it antidemocratic because she would be seeming to argue
for qualities possessed only by a few. Even as she wishes to identify herself
as belonging to that few, she is concerned that such a privileging of genius
would leave the ordinary person without education or rights.
In A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Wollstonecraft similarly con-
centrates on the average mind rather than the exceptional one and therefore,
for the most part, avoids the vocabulary of genius: “I have confined my ob-
servations to such as universally act upon the morals and manners of the
whole sex” (VRW 5:145). Yet she cannot let genius go altogether. For exam-
ple, when she is about to discuss the importance of educating even ordinary
minds, she pauses for a short rhapsody:
The understanding, it is true, may keep us from going out of drawing when
we group our thoughts, or transcribe from the imagination the warm sketches
of fancy; but the animal spirits, the individual character, give the colouring.
Over this subtile electric fluid, how little power do we possess, and over it
how little power can reason obtain! These fine intractable spirits appear to
be the essence of genius, and beaming in its eagle eye, produce in the most
eminent degree the happy energy of associating thoughts that surprise, delight,
and instruct. These are the glowing minds that concentrate pictures for their
fellow-creatures; forcing them to view with interest the objects reflected from
the impassioned imagination, which they passed over in nature.
( VRW 5:185–6)
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Mrs Macaulay, the Empress of Russia, Madame d’Eon, etc.” (VRW 5:146).
The list is quite a remarkable one in terms of sexuality: it begins with a
woman famous for loving other women and ends with a male-to-female
transvestite. Except for Mrs. Macaulay, the sexuality of all these women
is characterized by the same association with illicit, extra-marital love that
characterized Wollstonecraft’s heroine Mary. The footnote is a little flash of
the sexual daring that Wollstonecraft’s understanding of genius licenses, but
it is one that she hides throughout most of A Vindication of the Rights of
Wollstonecraft recognizes that the identification with genius will not help
her argument, which has to be about ordinary women and ordinary love.
Much as she admires the genius’s gender-bending status and sexual free-
dom, she insists on clearly marked gender roles for men and women in
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman because she hopes that doing so will
prevent the wrong kinds of gender-crossing and sexuality that supposedly
come from moral corruption. In her eyes, society has been ruined by the
growth of tyrannical women, who represent the very mode of female mas-
culinity that she was revising in Mary, and effeminately sensual men, who
“attend the levees of equivocal beings, to sigh for more than female languor”
( VRW 5:208). She pushes her rejection of genius so far that A Vindication
of the Rights of Woman rejects sexual desire. For Wollstonecraft, rational
friendship should replace love: “Friendship is a serious affection; the most
sublime of all affections, because it is founded on principle, and cemented by
time. The very reverse may be said of love” ( VRW 5:142).25 In moving from
the private arena of Mary to the public one of A Vindication of the Rights of
Woman, Wollstonecraft discovers that genius shares too much with forms
of sexuality that she needs to stigmatize to be useful to her.
After this politicized rejection of genius, however, Wollstonecraft returned
to the category and its possibilities for sexual experimentation in her great
unfinished novel The Wrongs of Woman. In it, she politicizes genius in a
way that she had not done either in Mary or in A Vindication of the Rights
of Woman by using it to characterize women’s relationship to sex. As in
Mary, she is indebted to the eighteenth-century theorists of genius, but, also
as in Mary, she takes their ideas in entirely new directions. Among politically
progressive writers, it was a commonplace that genius depended on liberty.
In his Lectures on Rhetoric, Hugh Blair paraphrases Longinus to argue that
oratory flourishes only in a free state: “Liberty, he remarks, is the nurse of
true genius; it animates the spirit, and invigorates the hopes of men; excites
honourable emulation, and a desire of excelling in every art.” He adds that
“all other qualifications . . . you may find among those who are deprived of
liberty; but never did a slave become an orator; he can only be a pompous
Mary Wollstonecraft and the sexuality of genius
“Was it possible? Was I, indeed, free?”. . . How I had panted for liberty –
liberty, that I would have purchased at any price, but that of my own esteem!
I rose, and shook myself; opened the window, and methought the air never
smelled so sweet. The face of heaven grew fairer as I viewed it, and clouds
seemed to flit away obedient to my wishes, to give my soul room to expand.
I was all soul, and (wild as it may appear) felt as if I could have dissolved in
the soft balmy gale that kissed my cheek, or have glided below the horizon
on the glowing, descending beams. A seraphic satisfaction animated, without
agitating my spirits; and my imagination collected, in visions sublimely terrible,
or soothingly beautiful, an immense variety of the endless images, which nature
affords, and fancy combines, of the grand and fair. (WWM 1:152–3)
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heights. Rather than being a genius, like Mary, Maria experiences a moment
of “true sensibility, the sensibility which is the auxiliary of virtue, and the
soul of genius” (WWM 1:163).
The passage is memorable because it is virtually the only moment of real
happiness that Maria experiences. It is also, metaphorically, the best sex she
has in the whole novel. Evidently, the “soul of genius” is a highly erotic
one. Having just rejected the empty sexuality to which her husband would
have sold her, she experiences the figurative sexuality of genius, which is
far more complete. Feeling her soul expand, she longs to dissolve in the
gale that kisses her cheek, glide on descending beams, and enjoy “seraphic
satisfaction.” It is especially notable, given Wollstonecraft’s mistrust of pas-
sion in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, that Maria emphasizes that
her spirits are not agitated. While in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman,
Wollstonecraft could recommend only a passionless friendship between men
and women, the “soul of genius” in The Wrongs of Woman experiences
passion that carries none of the dangers of heterosexual romance. Instead,
a “calm delight” is “diffused” through Maria’s heart, a far cry from the
bitterness and suffering produced by her husband or the tumult caused
by Darnford. No man can offer the erotic satisfaction that Wollstonecraft
suggests that nature can give to a woman inspired by genius.
In this scene, Wollstonecraft translates the politics of genius into the con-
crete situation of women’s relationship to sex. Sex with men in The Wrongs
of Woman is uniformly a disaster because it is fundamentally unfree and
therefore chokes a woman’s capacity for genius. Much of the pathos of the
passage describing Maria’s vision is that she will never again experience the
erotic transport she here describes. She is soon locked in a madhouse by
her husband, where she becomes a prey to desperation and melancholy, and
consequently turns to the untrustworthy Darnford. When describing Maria’s
affair with Darnford, Wollstonecraft is careful to emphasize that “true sensi-
bility” is not at work but a deluded, fevered imagination: “The heart is often
shut by romance against social pleasure; and, fostering a sickly sensibility,
grows callous to the soft touches of humanity” ( WWM 1:177). The fragility
of Maria’s possession of genius allows Wollstonecraft to demonstrate the
fundamental lack of freedom that conditions normative sexual relations in
her society.
It is also a reminder that men, and even other people, are hardly necessary
to provide women with satisfactory erotic experience. A woman of genius
may find, as Maria does, that her own liberated imagination provides more
satisfaction than does the seeming romantic hero Darnford. Wollstonecraft
revises the asexuality sometimes associated with masculine women into this
erotically fulfilling fantasy of a transfigurative relationship to nature. The
Mary Wollstonecraft and the sexuality of genius
tragedy of the novel is that women are not allowed to enjoy this liberated
imagination for long because the forces conspiring to imprison them are so
powerful. But in this one passage, Wollstonecraft glimpses a utopian sexual
possibility, an eroticism that is genuine but not implicated in the impossible
tangles of human relations. Genius has its own sexuality that refuses to fit
into ready patterns of social acceptability.
The challenge of bringing together “woman” and “genius” thus leads
Wollstonecraft to reject the privileging of bourgeois marriage as the only
acceptable mode of sexuality. In Mary, she suggests that a female genius is as
likely to favor a female object of desire as a male one; in Wrongs of Woman,
she suggests that women can experience genius only when they have escaped
the bondage of men, and that doing so provides more erotic satisfaction than
physical sex. More subtly, in her A Vindication of the Rights of Woman,
she suggests that she herself aspires to the gender-questioning authority of
genius and the sexual freedom that accompanies it, even as she recognizes
the need to ground her argument in firm gender distinctions and sexual
roles. Although there is no discourse of sexuality to which Wollstonecraft
responds, the discourse of genius leads her to treatments of sexuality quite
unlike those of any other eighteenth-century writer.
For later women writers, Wollstonecraft made it possible to take seriously
a woman who claimed the authority of genius. With this claim came new
experimental possibilities, especially in relation to female sexuality. As the
bourgeois couple became ever more normative in the nineteenth century,
the character of the female genius became virtually the only site through
which women writers could seriously question the assumed inevitability of
marriage. This questioning had a cost: female geniuses rarely lived happily
ever after, or, if they did, they usually had to give up some of the qualities
that made them seem like geniuses. Yet, as Wollstonecraft had also shown, a
woman writer was not obliged to strive for happy endings. She would have
agreed with another writer who claimed genius for himself, Oscar Wilde,
that such endings were terribly unfair, especially for women whose abilities
gave them the right to expect something more than conventional domestic
1. For useful backgrounds to eighteenth-century sexuality, see Terry Castle, The
Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality and Modern Culture (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1993); Emma Donoghue, Passions Between Women:
British Lesbian Culture, 1668–1801 (London: Scarlet Press, 1993); Anthony
Fletcher, Gender, Sex, and Subordination in England, 1500–1800 (New Haven:
Yale University Press, 1995); Michael McKeon, “Historicizing Patriarchy: the
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Mary Wollstonecraft and the sexuality of genius
Mary Wollstonecraft’s reception and legacies
sketching a cognitive map through which we might begin to trace her move-
ments and effects in the more recent history of feminism and modernity.
Curiously, for an author–activist adept in many genres – a career to
which many feminists have aspired – up until the last quarter-century
Wollstonecraft’s life has been read much more closely than her writing, which
has sometimes seemed a mere pretext for telling and retelling her personal
story. Yet now that her work too has at last received the attention it deserves
there is a sense in which she seems to offer the present too much – both
an emotional and sexual history whose notoriety has inhibited access to the
writing, and a body of work at once so discursively emphatic and elusive that
it upsets the tidy categorizations and standard narratives of social, political,
and cultural history. Wollstonecraft’s standing today is at once higher and
less settled than at any time since her reincarnation in the early 1970s as
the origin and avatar of western feminism. Late twentieth-century feminism
adopted Wollstonecraft as an icon for its success in placing women’s rights
and sexual difference at the center of social and political debates, and in so
doing, making the genealogy of feminist ideas in modernity of interest to a
wider public. In the 1970s and 80s when feminist optimism was high, it was
hoped that creating a new public forum for issues of gender and sexuality
would lead to their speedy and progressive resolution, an outcome that ap-
pears less and less likely. Wollstonecraft’s legacies do not preside, in any sense
at all, over a postfeminist utopia; rather it is the stubborn persistence into
the new millennium of those nagging questions about gender, sexuality, and
modernity first raised in the late eighteenth century by Wollstonecraft and
her contemporaries that has led to the centrality of gender in the current re-
thinking by historians, literary scholars, political scientists, and philosophers
of the mixed origins of modernity.
As a result, women’s writing and thought is now taken much more seri-
ously as an object of study by scholars of this period. Wollstonecraft herself
is now regularly discussed in relation to a much wider field of women writ-
ers and intellectuals than was true a generation ago, yet she has kept her
preeminence among them – a fact that would have gratified the woman
who so strongly desired to be “first” in friendship, love, and reputation.
Wollstonecraft scholarship has played a leading role in a shift, which as
Harriet Guest has recently noted, has moved on from “the study of the
experience or writings of women as a separate category of literary or his-
torical analysis, and toward the complex involvement of women and of
gender difference in all areas of eighteenth-century life and thought.”2 Mary
Wollstonecraft herself has slowly but surely become an indispensable figure
for thinking through this crucial shaping moment of modernity: the ten-
sions within and between her ideas and her life are seen as indicative of the
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contradictions thrown up, not just for women but for whole societies, by the
entwined but often conflicting impulses of progressive politics in its various
forms and the expanding market economy. The problems she posed about
the future of gender in modern societies appear both actively in her work,
and passively through the interpretations made by subsequent generations
of what Woolf called her “experiments in living.”
Of all the questions Wollstonecraft asked, and of which she often appears
to be the exemplary text, none remain so insistent or so agonistic as those
that ask how or whether we should gender and moralize emotion. Increas-
ingly human affect has come to be seen as the key to understanding a whole
host of questions about eighteenth-century culture, and by implication, our
own. The vocabulary of that eighteenth-century debate – sensibility, senti-
mentality, and sympathy – are still in such common usage today that we are
often too quick to translate the eighteenth-century debates into our own
meanings and values. Yet although their context and meaning have altered,
there are striking continuities. Sentimentality in particular continues to func-
tion, rather as it did in the last decades of the eighteenth century, as a kind
of moral and aesthetic watershed, the supposed dividing line between true
and false feelings as they are expressed by individuals and by groups, and as
they are represented in works of art. (Claudia Johnson has noted, for exam-
ple, the “ritual acts of disavowal” which have prefaced critical work on the
“sentimental fiction of the 1790s”, as if critics must acknowledge the aes-
thetic inferiority of such affect-drenched prose for their analyses to be taken
seriously.3 ) The reactionaries and rebels of the eighteenth-century world that
Wollstonecraft inhabited were engaged in lengthy, nuanced discussions about
the character, causes, and consequence of human affect. Rousseau pinned
his hopes of a free and just society on its supposed asymmetry in men and
women; the young Edmund Burke hung his influential aesthetic theories
on just such a lop-sided psychology, while Adam Smith made the affinity
between self-love and sympathy the basis of both the social bond and the ri-
valrous commerce that he thought would ensure the wealth and coexistence
of nations. These old arguments continue to mutate and resonate, so much
so that while not every revaluation of Wollstonecraft’s work and reputation
in the twentieth century makes the question of emotion central, we can in
retrospect see that most biographical and critical comments do address her
shifting perspective on gendered feeling.
This essay will focus on Wollstonecraft’s mixed reception and complex
influence in the late twentieth century but her treatment in the early twentieth
century provides a necessary and revealing starting point. Woolf’s celebration
of Wollstonecraft, for example, is one decisive sign of the positive turn in
her reception by feminists. Wollstonecraft had provided a lifeline as well as a
Mary Wollstonecraft’s reception and legacies
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feeling. Goldman’s idealization of Mary’s near fatal passion for Imlay rather
than for the more politically sympathetic Godwin, reflects her own mixed
experience of liaisons within the anarchist movement, and her limited suc-
cess in persuading leading male figures in the movement as a whole that
the cause of sexual freedom should be high on their agenda. In an oblique
rebuke to their skepticism she exalts such passion as an extreme example of
libertarian thinking, giving a kind of nobility to not surviving “the tempest”
of “infatuation” and unrequited love. Almost glorying in Mary’s defeat in
“the struggle between her intellect and her passion,” Goldman interprets her
relationship with Imlay as a high moment of reckless but sublime excess that
her life with Godwin could not repair or replace (256). Choosing a thera-
peutic figure, at once maternal and asexual, Goldman imagines the liaison
with Godwin as “a cold hand upon a burning forehead” (256). A further and
more final cooling follows. Wollstonecraft’s death becomes, for Goldman,
fortuitous and exemplary, as well as a fate that waits for romantics of any
period or gender, since “he who has ever tasted the madness of life can never
again adjust himself to an even tenor” (256).
Writing some years later, Woolf implicitly associates Mary with the pro-
found changes wrought by World War I, so that her essay begins with the
general comment that “Great wars are strangely intermittent in their ef-
fects,” leaving the lives and attitudes of some individuals untouched, but
utterly transforming others (“Four Figures,” 156). In Wollstonecraft’s case
the “Revolution . . . was not merely an event that had happened outside her;
it was an active agent in her own blood,” a catalyst, Woolf thought, for an
already rebellious spirit. In Mary, a lifelong revolt, “against tyranny, against
law, against convention” joins personal and political revolt, and finds an
“eloquent and daring” expression in her two Vindications (158). It is par-
ticularly interesting how “war” and “revolution” as motors of progress and
experiment become elided in Woolf’s account. The social and political revo-
lution that England did not have in the 1790s, and the First World War whose
upheaval effected social change but whose overt politics were hardly progres-
sive, are cleverly merged in Woolf’s essay, just as her evocation of the sexu-
ally egalitarian coteries of the London intelligentsia in the time of the French
Revolution seem like costume versions of their early-twentieth-century incar-
nations. That “party of ill-dressed, excited young men” with “middle-class
names” and a woman “with very bright eyes and a very eager tongue” called
simply by her surname “as if it did not matter whether she were married
or unmarried, as if she were a young man like themselves” which met in
Somers Town “over the tea-cups,” Woolf’s vignette of dissenting circles in
North London in the 1790s, calls up the social and intellectual milieu of
Gordon Square, in the Bloomsbury of her own time, its middle-class young
Mary Wollstonecraft’s reception and legacies
men and women also deep in those scandalous conversations and experi-
ments which they hoped would demolish the last vestiges of the late Victo-
rian and Edwardian conventions of their parents. (156–7) Wollstonecraft’s
implied androgyny – “as if she were a young man” – even evokes Woolf’s
gender-bending protagonist Orlando in her 1928 novel of the same name.
As Woolf reimagines Wollstonecraft, it is the “contradictions” in her life and
work that fascinate rather than her ideologically driven agenda, however dar-
ing, for Mary, says Woolf, was “no pedant, no cold-blooded theorist.”(159)
Woolf’s essay pinpoints those key moments when theory and practice con-
flict: the pity Mary unexpectedly felt on seeing the Louis XVI that she had
reviled in her work on his way to the National Assembly, her incompatible
desires both for free love and emotional security. The moment of Louis’s
downfall, when Wollstonecraft “saw the most cherished of her convictions
put into practice – and her eyes filled with tears” is for Woolf the exemplary
instance in which the true complexity of life and the limits of utopian politics
are revealed: the point at which the rationality of political belief is undercut
by an experience that produces an upsurge of feeling (159). This, perhaps,
is Woolf’s most interesting insight, but also the one which, as we will see,
would become most contested, as Wollstonecraft’s tears are reinterpreted as
mere sentimentality.
Wollstonecraft’s urgent plea to her own and future generations of women
in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, her repeated insistence that women
must train and exercise their “understanding,” is only one strand in her
legacy for twentieth-century feminism, and perhaps, taken alone, mislead-
ing. More accurate is her opinion that “the most perfect education . . . is
such an exercise of the understanding as is best calculated to strengthen
the body and form the heart” (VRW 5:90). The emphasis she placed on
education, independence, and rationality was, even at the beginning of the
twentieth century, already incorporated into a broadly based agenda for
women’s emancipation. Much more equivocal – then as now – was the role
of “the heart,” or affect – the whole spectrum of the emotions from ma-
ternal devotion to sexual desire in the reform and liberation of woman.
What makes Wollstonecraft often seem so eerily modern to different gen-
erations of women are the recurring contexts of radical political agitation
and reaction in which the sexual division of the emotions which distinguish
femininity from masculinity has been debated. Goldman and Woolf used
Wollstonecraft to validate the importance of women’s affective life rather
than women’s equal civil status. Goldman, the activist, thought that roman-
tic excess – “the madness of life” – was both opposed to and unsustainable
within the political agendas of what we tend to think of as that most pas-
sionate of radical traditions, anarchism. Woolf brings the perspective of the
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novelist into her analysis, reading the expression of emotion as the beginning
of real enlightenment, at the point where one intuitively acknowledges both
the complexity and the limits of utopian thinking.
This reinstatement of Mary Wollstonecraft’s sexual and emotional “exper-
iments” as the most liberating and progressive elements of her thinking spoke
to a concern expressed by many women thinkers, especially women novelists,
between the world wars. Getting the vote had opened the door to civil and
economic equality, but while sexual mores were changing, emotional and
sexual autonomy was still tantalizingly out of reach. By the 1960s and 70s,
the years when Wollstonecraft studies started to take off, it was becoming
clear that the road to women’s economic, social, and political, emancipation
was also steeper than had been anticipated and would not be quickly solved
merely by access to the polling booth. Resisting a call to return to their proper
place in the home, more women were entering the workforce, and more were
in white collar and professional occupations, which were nevertheless still
male strongholds. The immediate postwar period, in both Britain and the
United States, was marked by the resurgence of social, political, and sexual
conservatism that frequently follows the more liberal and liberated regimes
of wartime, a conservatism that championed the expansion of women’s edu-
cation, at least in the United States, but also targeted, in the popular press
and in social policy, women’s failure to find marriage and reproduction an
adequate career as perverse and even pathological. This oddly contradictory
stance, promoting university education for women, but preferring that its
benefits equip them to be civic wives and mothers rather than independent
professionals, has its parallels in Wollstonecraft’s own temperate approach
to such issues in Rights of Woman. In this climate of social conservatism,
with the Cold War looming but before the surging tide of postwar feminism,
Wollstonecraft emerges as an inspiring heroine for postwar liberals of both
sexes, her life and career evoking a kind of revolutionary golden age, newly
labeled as the age of democratic revolutions to distinguish them from later,
tainted socialist revolution. Mary’s enthusiasm for, as well as her critique
of, the French Revolution could now be positioned as a more emotionally
appealing alternative to what liberal Americans and Britons increasingly
saw as the repressive, frigid post-revolutionary societies of the Soviet bloc.
Reacting against, but also influenced by, this increasingly conservative na-
tional mood, a new and major biography of Wollstonecraft came out of
the American midwest, written by an academic based at the University of
Omaha and published by the University of Kansas Press in 1951.
Ralph Wardle’s Mary Wollstonecraft: a Critical Biography treats her writ-
ing seriously, and its final pages emphasize, rightly, the discontinuous history
of feminist thought, but it ends by contradicting the evidence he provides
Mary Wollstonecraft’s reception and legacies
on her mixed reception in the nineteenth century and minimizing the direct
effect of Wollstonecraft’s writing on the generations that succeeded her, by
arguing that although she was a pioneer, her work had “little traceable influ-
ence on the course of female emancipation.”7 A Vindication of the Rights of
Woman, Wardle thought, was an “original, if not an influential, book” but
it was “Mary’s personality that has kept her memory alive. Surely dozens of
readers have thrilled to her history or been fired by her example for every one
who has read his way through Rights of Woman” (341). And Wardle, who
had himself objected that earlier champions had made her unrecognizably
into a “saintly lady” (339) sums her up, equally incredibly, in the soft-focus
language of idealistic postwar Hollywood heroines, who, “once she had rid
herself of the brashness displayed in the years of her first successes” became,
“above all, a woman of personal charm . . . not the placid charm which rises
from beauty and graciousness alone; it was the positive, energetic charm
of a courageous woman eager to serve humanity” (341). The woman was
never “mean” or “dull,” but Rights of Woman, Wardle implies, is still a
daunting, difficult read – while the life has the appeal of popular film or
genre fiction, but with an improving political message. Yet his biography
does highlight Mary’s intellectual and political trajectory. Rather like Woolf,
Wardle celebrates Wollstonecraft’s fusion of political, social, and emotional
rebellion; like Woolf it is the persona that he in part invents rather than the
texts before him that stirs his imagination.
Wardle’s interest in Wollstonecraft during the socially and politically
conservative 1950s did not strike a collective chord for almost another
generation, until the “second wave” of the women’s movement adopted
Wollstonecraft as foremother and sometime heroine. As one critic has re-
marked, Wollstonecraft has been, if anything, “over-biographied” and never
more so than in the 1970s when six studies of her life appeared in just six
years – by Margaret George (1970), Edna Nixon (1971), Eleanor Flexner
(1972), Emily Sunstein (1975), Claire Tomalin (1974), and Margaret Tims
(1976) – so many indeed, that we might cynically see some of them as re-
sponding at least as much to a publishing opportunity as to a cause. Feminism
sought and found an audience of women readers, but publishers eagerly built
on the rarely flattering and often sensational public image of the women’s
movement, to buy and commission more books by and about women in
general, targeting not only an appetitive younger feminist readership, but
cleverly catering for women who were anxious about the turn which post-
war feminism was taking. But six biographies in as many years speak to more
than commercial opportunism. Mary’s life suddenly becomes an incendiary
precedent for what postwar feminism sometimes implied it was inventing
anew. Her story revised the more airbrushed accounts of feminism’s history
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revealing its deep roots in a wider political context. But something remains
disturbingly hidden in this sudden excess of biography, as if Wollstonecraft’s
life must be repeated again and again, more like a symptom that conceals a
fear, a symptom that must be expressed but not named, than an heroic and
tragic story whose time for retelling had come.
While Wollstonecraft’s life was being introduced to a new generation of
women readers the paradox that she was often seen to represent – the pas-
sionate life in apposition to the radical and rationalist agenda – was being
summarized in the best-known slogan of the Women’s Movement. “The
personal is political” became the gnomic catchphrase of feminism in the sev-
enties, not, as is sometimes said, a license for unrestrained individualism or
the self-indulgence of confession, but as a challenge to political discourses
that were unwilling to debate the traditional divisions of labor in the home,
violence against women, or the contested issues of sexuality and reproductive
rights. The slogan itself spawned vigorous but also productive disagreement
about what constituted a politically progressive “personal” agenda. Femi-
nists who were at heart social conservatives shunned the sexual libertarian-
ism of artistic and cultural avant gardes, disliked the sixties for its dangerous
mix of sex, drugs, radical politics, and rock and roll, and worried that post-
war feminisms were incorporating aspects of the politics of pleasure into its
cultural sensibility rather than just critiquing its misogyny. But even among
women who really welcomed the more emotionally and sexually expres-
sive culture of the seventies, there were residual anxieties about the place
of sexuality and emotion on the feminist agenda. Of the major strands of
competing white feminisms of the seventies – liberal, radical, and socialist –
both liberal feminism, with its emphasis on equality within existing capitalist
democracies, and socialist feminism, with its more far-reaching analysis of
the relationship between women’s oppression and free-market economics
were dedicated, if in slightly different ways, to rationality as the basis for the
parity between men and women. Initially at least, the equal capacity to rea-
son was associated with feminism’s ethical claims for full civic subjectivity
for women – rationality provided the imprimatur both for women’s equal
footing in the existing liberal humanism of Western democracies and for
their equal participation in socialist alternatives. The largely unexamined,
commonsense assumption of this argument is that reason and feeling are
compartmentalized aspects of mental life, that they exist in direct propor-
tion to each other, and that a necessary balance between them is destabilized
when emotion overcomes reason. Following this train of thought, too great
an emphasis on sexual freedoms, including homosexuality as well as permis-
sive heterosexuality, might act as a diversion from the main priorities and
alienate just those women – and men – that they wished to persuade.
Mary Wollstonecraft’s reception and legacies
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Mary Wollstonecraft’s reception and legacies
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see the radical and reactionary women as representing quite different cultural
and political trajectories, in an influential essay from 1982 Mitzi Meyers ar-
gues that on many issues concerning domesticity, and the reform of wives
and mothers, the views of the political radical, Mary Wollstonecraft and the
conservative Hannah More were closely allied.9 A year after Meyers high-
lighted what she believed to be the central preoccupation of A Vindication
of the Rights of Woman, feminist historian Barbara Taylor, in Eve and the
New Jerusalem, identified Wollstonecraft as a “feminist democrat” whose
“project took her right to the limit of the bourgeois-democratic outlook and
occasionally a little way past it.”10 For Taylor, Wollstonecraft and her as-
sociates in the 1790s, like Rousseau before them, “envisioned” a “new age
as a time of perfect harmony between the aspirations of the individual and
the collective needs of humanity as a whole,” rather than as an irreconcil-
able contradiction (5–6). Both that radical impulse, Wollstonecraft’s appetite
for major changes not minor reforms, and the “whirlpool of excitement and
controversy which lasted for decades” created by Rights of Woman made
Wollstonecraft and her work a precursor of the Owenite Socialist women
of later decades (Taylor, Eve, 1). Members of Wollstonecraft’s circle, includ-
ing of course William Godwin, belonged to a long tradition of “utopian
visionaries,” whose interest in gender egalitarianism often extended, as in
Godwin’s Political Justice, to the abandonment of marriage in favor of free
liaisons “based on mutual desire and affection” (Taylor, Eve, 8). The sex-
ual heterodoxy of the Owenites as well as their utopian feminism, could be
traced back, Taylor argued persuasively, to Wollstonecraft and her peers.
1983 was a bumper year for widely different representations of Woll-
stonecraft and her legacy. My own contribution to the debate, an essay
entitled “Wild Nights: Pleasure/Sexuality/Feminism” argued that however
Wollstonecraft’s views altered in later years, Rights of Woman could in no
way be construed as a text promoting sexual radicalism, but rather mounted
a “negative and prescriptive assault on female sexuality”; Wollstonecraft,
I suggested, figured “feeling” itself, as “almost counter-revolutionary.”11
Rights of Woman, if not Wollstonecraft’s other writing, headed a long tradi-
tion of feminist moralization of sexuality that stretched from Wollstonecraft
to the prescriptive and polemical writing of the feminist poet and critic
Adrienne Rich.12 There was something about radical and revolutionary mo-
ments, I suggested, that simultaneously inspired open-ended explorations of
“experiments in living” and its converse, the policing of desire and sexual-
ity. A year later, in 1984, Mary Poovey’s study, The Proper Lady and the
Woman Writer, drawing on a much wider range of Wollstonecraft’s work,
but also focusing on Rights of Woman, read Wollstonecraft’s denial of female
sexuality in that text as “a defense against what she feared: desire doomed
Mary Wollstonecraft’s reception and legacies
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Mary Wollstonecraft’s reception and legacies
engenders, but she is sure that it cannot be the route to mobilization for
any kind of collective resistance to the public forms of patriarchal power.14
The narrative and rhetorical structures of romance reading and the fanta-
sizing it induces, are, in these accounts the affective routes through which
female subjectivity is shaped or distorted. The debate itself was underpinned
by an under-argued and sometimes only half-articulated assumption that
the psychic economies of affect have fixed limits as well as strict forms
of distribution – too much sexual fantasy, not enough rationality, ergo not
enough political activism.
The link between sentimental and erotic fantasy and political transforma-
tion (or the lack of such a link) gave even these very scholarly exchanges
on romance reading a certain polemical tone in the early 1980s. Not so
the debates on heterosexual pornography and lesbian erotica which escaped
the pages of academic books and journals, spilling over into angry public
confrontations and eventually, in the case of pornography, into contested
legislative moves. These “sex wars” within feminism were at their most in-
tense in the early to mid 1980s, in a period which, while still characterized by
optimism about feminism’s capacity to change laws, manners, and morals,
was threatened by the general move towards more conservative social at-
titudes and policy in Britain and America with the elections of Republican
and Conservative governments. Calls for, and passionate resistance to, the
moralizing and gendering of imagination and fantasy were therefore raised
in the waning moments of what was sometimes called, with more rhetorical
optimism than absolute accuracy, “a revolutionary moment.” We should see
both responses as part of that “revolutionary” consciousness, exemplifying
equal if opposed visions of the kinds of social subjects and social relations
that might emerge from a period of fundamental and rapid change. Femi-
nism argued vigorously on both sides of the question: condemning popular
romance as a harmful drug which keeps women in abjection; defending it
as a site of fantasy which allows women to identify across gender and imag-
ine themselves otherwise; targeting pornography for men as the theory of
which rape is the practice; defending the whole spectrum of representations
of sexuality on the grounds that censorship can only rebound on women’s
right to expression; damning anything that smacks of the perverse in lesbian
sexuality and its representations as the willful reenactment of the violence of
the heterosexual imagination; praising it as exemplary of consensual, liber-
ating, experimental acts. The sex wars within feminism did not just generate
heat and light: they put the assumptions of each side under close intellectual
scrutiny. By the mid-90s the arguments on both sides of these questions had
become more nuanced and complex. If still unresolved, they were no longer
such urgent or contested issues on feminism’s agenda, in part because the
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optimistic dreams of social transformation that had fueled them seemed ever
less achievable.
The debate about psychic life and gender within feminism was symp-
tomatic of a shift in the way affect in general, and in its particular instances,
were being theorized and historicized from the late 80s, a shift which would
have a profound impact on Wollstonecraft scholarship from that period
forward. Psychoanalytic feminism had strongly queried the model of hu-
man consciousness which divided the rational and the feeling self; so too,
although from slightly different premises, did other strands of theory –
poststructuralism, deconstruction, postmodernism. An interest in the “his-
tory of the affections” was also reemerging in the work of male and female
historians and critics, more skeptical about psychoanalysis but whose so-
cialist inflected humanism saw complementarity not impasse between indi-
vidual affection and revolutionary passion.15 This was particularly true for
male commentators, friendly to feminism, and sympathetic to Romanticism’s
privileging of affect, who come to the topic with less personal and political
investment in the way the gendering of affect had historically subordinated
What would become emotion’s more positive role in Wollstonecraft’s fin-
de-siècle incarnation is adumbrated in Richard Holmes 1987 Penguin Clas-
sics edition of Wollstonecraft’s Letters Written During a Short Residence
in Sweden, Norway and Denmark16 and Godwin’s Memoirs of the Author
of the Rights of Woman, the first Wollstonecraft’s most popular publica-
tion in her own lifetime, the second the book which undid her influence
and reputation for almost a century. In bringing these, the most affective
texts of the couple together, Holmes attempts a retroactive rapprochement
between Godwin’s revelations with Wollstonecraft’s legacy, embracing them
both as new forms of “confessional” literature, enacting a “revolution in
literary genres,” transforming both travel literature and biography (Holmes,
Introduction, 16). Calling them “forgotten classics of English eighteenth-
century non-fiction” Holmes judges these “short, factual, readable and, in
different ways, intensely passionate” works as “the best books that either
wrote” (9). Through them Wollstonecraft and Godwin together become
founding figures of literary and political Romanticism. A Short Residence in
particular had, Holmes believes, a direct influence on the romanticism of his
own biographical subjects, Coleridge and Shelley. Holmes reminds us that
to Wollstonecraft and Godwin’s radical contemporaries, as well as to “the
larger body of liberal opinion, and to many of the younger writers of the day”
their liaison was “a kind of culmination: a consecration of that New Sen-
sibility in which the rational hopes of the Enlightenment were catalyzed by
that element of imagination and personal rebellion which we now know
Mary Wollstonecraft’s reception and legacies
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Mary Wollstonecraft’s reception and legacies
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Mary Wollstonecraft’s reception and legacies
portraits of feminized and sentimental males. But the strictures which gov-
erned the moralization of gender and sentiment meant that all cross-gendered
identifications became suspect, forcing Wollstonecraft to imagine her own
eccentric femininity in the same hybrid and ambiguous terms.
My second example, Harriet Guest’s Small Change: Women, Learning
Patriotism, 1750–1810, also asks how masculinity and femininity were imag-
ined within the period’s rhetoric of feeling, focusing on those emotions seen
as necessary to the making of modern market economies. Her exploration
of how educated British women came to imagine themselves as political
subjects in a culture increasingly visualized through the lens of commerce
takes up an issue which Wollstonecraft and her contemporaries thought
of great importance. The last section of her study on the 1790s reads Woll-
stonecraft, Hannah More, and Mary Hays in apposition. Guest suggests that
these writers reacted to the impossible demands commercial culture makes
on femininity by recourse to the language of professionalization, which they
use to reclaim respectability for the notion of virtuous femininity (287).
The public world in which this virtue is to be practiced is also, however,
depicted by them as saturated in affect. When Wollstonecraft suggests “The
world cannot be seen by an unmoved spectator, we must mix in the throng,
and feel as men feel” (VRW 5:170) she voices something that will strike a
chord with feminism down the centuries, its last phrase echoed almost word
for word in Jane Eyre’s cry from the rooftops, and in every text thereafter that
takes the extra-domestic (which must also necessarily be, in part, the tainted
world of commerce) as the sphere that women must enter to imagine them-
selves active and “free.” The contradiction embedded in this view is made ex-
plicit as Guest turns to that “touchstone” question in Wollstonecraft studies,
Wollstonecraft’s attack on sensibility in early works and her recourse to it in
the brief period from Short Residence to the end of her life. Reading this shift
in terms of the counter-revolutionary mood and collapsed “revolutionary”’
possibilities of the late 90s, Guest suggests that in this political climate it is
increasingly difficult to distinguish a virtuous sensibility that women might
hold as separate from the commercial world with its morally muddied af-
fect. The libidinized emotions necessary to commodity culture, the seductive
language of the successful merchants whose materialism Wollstonecraft de-
cries in the Short Residence, are simulacra therefore of the restless and force-
ful desire which evokes what Wollstonecraft eloquently calls the “imperious
sympathies,” those draw humans willy-nilly out of isolation into social life,
and which may fuel ambitions of all kinds.20 The problem, Guest concludes,
is that “the domestic and intimate world of sensibility is folded into that
other sphere, those other elements of modern society, not just by the pre-
sence in that world too of men who rule. It is also folded in, I suggest, because
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Mary Wollstonecraft’s reception and legacies
of feminist debates about the sexual and affective imagination, debates that
were of critical importance to Wollstonecraft’s work and world and centrally
implicated in its wider politics – and ours. As for Mary Wollstonecraft, as
novelists used to say, we are unlikely to have heard the last of her. Her
virtues, like those of women themselves, will continue to be revised through
the “mutable prejudices” of the future. Her story in its broadest definition, as
legacy and reception together, seems more complicated and unfinished than
ever, offering just now the kind of open-ended anti-moral narrative that, if
we think about it, is as sentimental in its own way as the more conventional
ones that we have cast aside. Luckily for her admirers and detractors alike,
Wollstonecraft is too volatile and too evasive a figure to become even a fixed
point of unstable reference, and will go on to act as a constant provocation
to her interlocutors.
1. Virginia Woolf, “Four Figures”, The Common Reader, 2nd Series, ed. Andrew
McNeillie (London: Hogarth Press, 1986), 163. The individual essay on Mary
Wollstonecraft collected in 1932 with three others under the title “Four Figures”
was first published in the Nation and Athenaeum, 5 October 1929 and reprinted
in the New York Herald Tribune, 20 October 1929.
2. Harriet Guest, Small Change:Women, Learning, Patriotism,1750–1810 (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2000), 2.
3. Claudia L. Johnson, Equivocal Beings: Politics, Gender, and Sentimentality in
the 1790s, Wollstonecraft, Radcliffe, Burney, Austen (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1995), 1.
4. Emma Goldman (1869–1940) was an eloquent speaker as well as an anarchist
activist imprisoned for her radical activity and deported from the United States
in 1919.
5. Neillie notes that Woolf’s reading for the essay was largely biographical, includ-
ing Godwin’s Memoirs and C. Kegan Paul’s William Godwin and his Friends
and Contemporaries (London, 1876).
6. Emma Goldman, “Mary Wollstonecraft: Her Tragic Life and Her Passionate
Struggle for Freedom” Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of
Woman, ed. Carol H. Poston, 2nd edn. (New York: W.W. Norton & Co.,
1988), 256.
7. Ralph M. Wardle, Mary Wollstonecraft: a Critical Biography (Lincoln: University
of Nebraska Press. 1967), 341.
8. Eleanor Flexner, Mary Wollstonecraft: a Biography (Baltimore: Penguin Books,
1973), frontispiece.
9. Mitzi Myers, “Reform or Ruin: ‘A Revolution in Female Manners,’” Studies in
Eighteenth-Century Culture 11 (1982), 199–216.
10. Barbara Taylor, Eve and the New Jerusalem: Socialism and Feminism in the
Nineteenth Century (London: Virago, 1983), 6.
11. Sea Changes: Culture and Feminism (London: Verso, 1986), 35.
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The following are among the most important and widely cited works about
Wollstonecraft and her period. For a comprehensive listing of books and articles
about Wollstonecraft from her own time through 1975, see Janet Todd’s Mary
Wollstonecraft: an Annotated Bibliography (New York: Garland Publishing, 1976).
Biographical Studies
Flexner, Eleanor. Mary Wollstonecraft. New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan,
George, Margaret. One Woman’s “Situation”: a Study of Mary Wollstonecraft.
Urbana, Chicago and London: University of Illinois Press, 1970.
Godwin, William. Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Woman,
London, 1798. Also the supplemented edition by W. Clark Durant. London:
Constable; New York: Greenberg, 1927.
Hays, Mary. “Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft.” Annual Necrology, 1797–8.
(London: 1800), 411–60.
James, H. R. Mary Wollstonecraft, a Sketch. London: Oxford University Press, 1932.
Nixon, Edna. Mary Wollstonecraft: Her Life and Times. London: Dent, 1971.
Paul, C. Kegan. William Godwin, his Friends and Contemporaries. London, 1876.
Pennell, Elizabeth Robins. Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin. London, 1885.
Sunstein, Emily. A Different Face: the Life of Mary Wollstonecraft. Boston and
Toronto: Little, Brown and Co, 1975.
Taylor, G. R. Stirling. Mary Wollstonecraft: a Study in Economics and Romance.
London: Secker, 1911.
Todd, Janet. Mary Wollstonecraft: a Revolutionary Life. London: Weidenfeld and
Nicholson, 2000.
Tomalin, Claire, The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. London: Weidenfeld
and Nicholson 1974. Rev. edn. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992.
Wardle, Ralph M., Mary Wollstonecraft: a Critical Biography. Lawrence: University
of Kansas Press, 1951.
A Short Residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark and William Godwin, Memoirs
of the Author of “The Rights of Woman.” Ed. Richard Holmes. London:
Penguin, 1987.
The Collected Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft. Ed. Ralph M. Wardle. Ithaca: Cornell
University Press, 1979.
The Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft. Ed. Janet Todd. Forthcoming Penguin Press
The Vindications. Eds. D. L. Macdonald & Kathleen Scherf. Peterborough, Ontario:
Broadview Press, 1997.
The Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, 7 vols. Eds. Marilyn Butler and Janet
Todd. London: Pickering & Chatto; New York: New York University Press,
Goldman, Emma. “Mary Wollstonecraft: Her Tragic Life and Her Passionate Struggle
for Freedom.” Feminist Studies 7 (1981): 114–21.
Gubar, Susan. “Feminist Misogyny: Mary Wollstonecraft and the Paradox of ‘It
takes one to Know One.’” Feminist Studies 20:3 (1994): 453–73.
Guest, Harriet. “The Dream of a Common Language: Hannah More and Mary
Wollstonecraft.” Textual-Practice 9:2 (Summer 1995): 303–23.
“Eighteenth-century Femininity: ‘A Supposed Sexual Character.’” Women and
Literature in Britain 1700–1800. Ed. Vivien Jones. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2000: 46–68.
Small Change: Women, Learning, Patriotism, 1750–1810. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2000.
Guralnick, Elissa. “Radical Politics in Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the
Rights of Woman.” Studies in Burke and Hist Time 18 (1977): 155–66.
“Rhetorical Strategy in Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of
Woman.” Humanities Association Review 30 (1979): 174–85.
Hill, Bridget. The Republican Virago: the Life and Times of Catharine Macaulay.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
“The Links between Mary Wollstonecraft and Catharine Macaulay: New
Evidence.” Women’s History Review 4 (1995): 177–92.
Jacobus, Mary. “The Difference of View.” Women Writing and Writing about
Women. Ed. Mary Jacobus. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1979: 1–21.
“In Love with a Cold Climate: Traveling with Wollstonecraft.” First Things: the
Maternal Imaginary in Literature, Art, and Psychoanalysis. New York and
London: Routledge, 1995: 63–82.
Janes, R. M. “On the Reception of Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights
of Woman.” Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (1978): 293–302.
Johnson, Claudia L. Equivocal Beings: Politics, Gender, and Sentimentality in
the 1790s, Wollstonecraft, Radcliffe, Burney, Austen. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1995.
Jones, Chris, Radical Sensibility. London: Routledge, 1993.
Jones, Robert. Gender and the Formation of Taste in Eighteenth-Century Britain:
the Analysis of Beauty. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Jones, Vivien. “Women Writing Revolution: Narratives of History and Sexuality in
Wollstonecraft and Williams.” Beyond Romanticism: New Approaches to Texts
and Contexts, 1780–1832. Eds. Stephen Copley and John Whale. London and
New York: Routledge, 1992: 178–99.
“The Seductions of Conduct: Pleasure and Conduct Literature.” Pleasure in the
Eighteenth Century. Eds. Roy Porter and Marie Mulvey Roberts. London and
Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996: 108–32.
“The Death of Mary Wollstonecraft.” British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Stud-
ies. 20:2 (Autumn 1997): 187–205.
Jump, Harriet Devine, “No Equal Mind: Mary Wollstonecraft and the Young
Romantics.” Charles Lamb Bulletin, New Series, 79 ( July 1992): 225–38.
Mary Wollstonecraft: Writer. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994.
Kaplan, Cora. “Wild nights: pleasure/sexuality/feminism.” The Ideology of Conduct:
Essays in Literature and the History of Sexuality. Eds. Nancy Armstrong and
Leonard Tennenhouse. London: Methuen, 1987: 160–84.
biblio g raph y
“The Union of the Sexes: Female Embodiment and Same Sex Desire in Mary
Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Woman.” QWERTY 9 (October,
1999): 281–9.
“Escaping Discussion: Liminality and the Female-Embodied Couple in Mary
Wollstonecraft’s Mary, A Fiction.” Romanticism on the Net 18 (May 2000),
10 June 2000 <∼scat0385/18tauchert.html>.
Thiebaux, Marcelle. “Mary Wollstonecraft in Federalist America.” The Evidence of
the Imagination. Eds. Donald Rieman, Michael C. Jaye, and Betty T. Bennet.
New York: New York University Press, 1978: 195–235.
Todd, Janet. “The Language of Sex in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.” Mary
Wollstonecraft Newsletter 1 (1973): 10–17.
“The Polwhelan Tradition and Richard Cobb.” Studies in Burke and His Time 16
(1975): 271–7.
“The Biographies of Mary Wollstonecraft.” Signs 1 (1976): 721–34.
Women’s Friendship in Literature. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980.
Sensibility: an Introduction. London: Methuen, 1986.
The Sign of Angelica: Women, Writing, and Fiction, 1660–1800. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1989.
“Mary Wollstonecraft and the Rights of Death.” Gender, Art and Death.
Cambridge: Polity Press, 1993: 102–19.
Ty, Eleanor. Unsex’d Revolutionaries – Five Women Novelists of the 1790s. Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 1993.
Tyson, Gerald P. Joseph Johnson: a Liberal Publisher. Iowa City: University of Iowa
Press, 1979.
Wang, Orrin N. C. “The Other Reasons: Female Alterity and Enlightenment
Discourse in Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.”
Yale Journal of Criticism 5:1 (1991): 129–49.
Wardle, Ralph M. “Mary Wollstonecraft, Analytical Reviewer.” PMLA 62:4
(December 1947): 1000–9.
Woolf, Virginia. “Mary Wollstonecraft.” The Nation and Athenaeum 46 (5 October
1929): 13–15. Rpt. “Four Figures.” The Common Reader, 2nd Series. London:
Hograth Press, 1932: 140–72.
Imlay, Gilbert, 2, 10–3 passim, 15, 19–21, Louis XVI (King of France), 64, 65, 251
67, 68, 77, 166, 180, 229, 230–2, court of, 70
249–50 execution of, 66
Inchbald, Elizabeth luxury, 51–4, 61, 71, 123, 134
Simple Story, A, 88, 189
independence, 33, 37, 43, 45, 49, 50, 57, 125, Macaulay, Catharine, 11, 25, 39, 42, 43, 45,
126, 128, 135, 138 47, 55, 145, 146, 182, 232, 240
Islam Letters on Education, 25, 32
women in, 103, 162, 223 MacKenzie, Henry
Israeli, Isaac D’, 236, 237 Man of Feeling, 197
Marguerite (MW’s maid), 232
Jefferson, Thomas, 42 Marie Antoinette (Queen of France), 49, 61,
Joan of Arc, 183 62, 67
Johnson, Claudia L., 156, 238, 248, as actress, 70
266–8 passim marriage, 120, 124, 126, 134, 235–9, 241–3
Johnson, Joseph, 9, 11, 12, 15, 18, 25, Mason, Michael, 151
26, 28, 43, 59, 64, 82–4, 130–2, masculinity, 51, 228, 229, 235, 237
183 See also gender
Johnson, Samuel, 3, 90, 164, 191, 200 Mathias, T. J.
Rasselas, 191–2, 198 Pursuits of Literature, 180
Jones, Chris, 4 Merrick, James, 164
Jones, Vivien, 4 Mellor, Ann, 5
Jump, Harriet, 26 Mill, John Stuart, 2
Millar, John, 51
Kaplan, Cora, 2, 113 Milton, John, 4, 19, 109, 115, 126, 130, 135,
Kay, Carol, 3 136, 150, 165, 167, 168, 217
Kelly, Gary, 206, 264–5 Paradise Lost, 109, 123, 160, 162, 164,
Kingsborough, Lord and Lady, 18, 28, 169, 170 ff., 185
29, 234 misogyny, 103, 128, 163, 166, 167, 173
Knowles, E. H., 12 modesty, 33, 35, 36, 39, 116, 131, 142, 148,
Knowles, John, 12, 13 155, 178, 181
Modleski, Tania, 260
Lady’s Magazine, The, 129, 130 Montague, Lady Mary Wortley, 10
Lavater, Thomas Monthly Magazine, 167
Aphorisms on Man, 132 Monthly Review, 225
lesbianism, 155, 229, 232, 236–8, 257, Moore, Edward, 164
261, 265 Fables for the Fair Sex, 127
See also sex and Sexuality More, Hannah, 25, 37, 104, 105, 121,
Levine, David, 163 123, 141, 147–52, 153, 156, 157, 260,
liberty, 42, 44, 47, 49, 50, 52, 59–61 267
passim, 66, 73, 75, 76, 108, 109, Coelebs in Search of a Wife, 148, 150–1,
126, 132, 135, 137, 180, 182, 170–1, 179
211, 221 Essays on Various Subjects, 148
Lindsay, Anne, 184 “Sensibility”, 149
Lloyd, Genevieve, 83 Strictures on Female Education, 37, 148,
Locke, John, 24, 29, 34, 46–9 passim, 108, 150–2 passim
127, 141, 192 Moses, 169
and education, 26–7, 31, 38, 131 motherhood, 35, 37–8
Second Treatise of Government, 60 and education, 25, 26, 38, 84, 151
Some Thoughts Concerning Education, as duty, 120, 123 ff., 134, 150
24, 26, 125 as normative basis of solidarity, 198 ff.
Longinus, 240–1 Myers, Mitzi, 4, 147, 151, 190, 258
nature, 160 ff. progress, 45, 48, 51, 52, 56, 57, 69, 75–6,
Newington Green, 17, 25, 26, 42, 59, 107, 78–9
120, 125, 212 property, 49, 50, 51, 61, 142
Nixon, Edna, 253 propriety, 119–40
nonconformity See Dissenters public sphere
Norman, Elizabeth and education, 32–9
Child of Woe, The, 86 and politeness, 128 ff.
republicanism and, 42–58
Opie, Amelia Alderson, 7, 15, 232 women writers and, 141–59
Opie, John, 232
Orleans, Duke d’ (Philippe Égalité), 55 Radcliffe, Ann, 200, 266
Ovid Italian, The, 93, 189
Heroides, 20 Radcliffe, Mary Anne, 121
Owen, Robert, 57, 258 Female Advocate, The, 146
radicals, 15, 25, 30, 31, 35, 43–5, 47, 54,
Paine, Thomas, 42, 43, 46, 47, 55, 65, 59–79 passim, 102, 107, 108, 122,
180, 205 123, 125, 126, 128, 132, 156, 179,
Age of Reason, The, 47 184, 211, 212, 226, 234
Common Sense, 47 Radway, Janice, 260
Rights of Man, The, 51 Randall, Anne Frances
Paul, St., 104 See Robinson, Mary
Pennell, Elizabeth Robins, 2, 12 reading, 82–98, 119–40, 160–88
Pennington, Sarah, 124, 126, 130 reason, 7, 12, 21, 25–38 passim, 62, 69, 71–6
Unfortunate Mother’s Advice to Her passim, 82–94 passim, 100, 101,
Absent Daughters, An, 124 107–16 passim, 123–38 passim, 147,
Percy, Thomas, 164 148, 152, 153, 156, 167–79 passim,
periodicals, 128, 129, 131, 133 184, 263
philanthropy See benevolence religion, 4, 10, 48, 99–116, 124–7
Pinkerton, Miss, 21 and equality of women, 103 ff.
Plato, 115 See also Dissenters
Platonic Marriage, 193 Republicanism, 42–50, 61, 66, 203 ff.
politeness, 44, 54–5 and friendship, 46, 51
and literature of advice, 128 ff. Revely, Maria, 233
Polwhele, Richard, 1, 163, 178–80 Rich, Adrienne, 181, 182
Poovey, Mary, 113, 121, 258–9 Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law, 181, 258
Pope, Alexander, 4, 85, 128, 132, 155, 165, Richardson, Alan, 4, 122
167, 175 Richardson, Samuel, 73, 86, 237
“Epistle to a Lady”, 127, 165, 174, Clarissa, 166, 190
176 Sir Charles Grandison, 190
Essay on Man, 165 rights
Rape of the Lock, 153 and liberal feminism, 141–6
Price, Richard, 3, 25, 43–5 passim, 50, 53, and religion, 99–118
59, 60, 107, 108, 125 discourses of, 42–58, 59–81
Discourse on the Love of Our Country, Robespierre, Maximilien, 43
59 Robinson, Mary, 10, 141, 157, 180, 234
Observations on the Nature of Civil Hubert de Sevrac, 93
Liberty, 47 Thoughts on the Condition of Women
Review of the Principal Questions and (Randall, Anne Frances), 146
Difficulties of Morals, A, 109, 111 Roland, Mme (Marie-Jeanne), 43, 56, 67,
Priestley, Joseph, 43, 47, 107, 131 145, 183
Prior, Matthew, 167 romantic friendship, 194–5
Prochaska, F. K., 149 Romantic poets, 5, 57, 91
Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de, 65, determination to become writer, 9 ff.
141, 180 development as a feminist, 82–94
dislocation, MW’s early experiences, of,
Wakefield, Priscilla, 121, 157 211–14
Reflections on the Present Condition of the emotional conflicts, 7–23
Female Sex, 152 life of, in Letters, 9–23
Walpole, Horace, 1, 9, 19 life of, in Short Residences, 209–27
Wardle, Ralph, 2, 3, 11, 83 literary style of, 7, 8, 10, 91–3, 190 ff., 197
Waterhouse, Joshua, 13 and development of voice, 82
Wedgewood, Josiah, 22 and synthesis of reason and passion,
Whigs, 42, 47, 60, 61 82–94
White, James optimism of, 69 ff.
Earl Strongbow, 93 reception of, 246–69
Wilkes, Wetenhall, 121 reputation of, 246–69
Williams, David suicide attempts of, 12, 19, 55, 180, 212
Lectures on Education, 29 works of
Williams, Helen Maria, 43, 53, 56, 64, 65, Analytical Review, 4, 8, 18, 29, 32, 53,
66, 87, 180, 182 62, 82 ff., 130, 189, 190; attribution
Julia, 87, 92 of, 82–3
Letters Written in France, 62 “Cave of Fancy”, 114, 115, 192, 234
Wolfson, Susan, 4, 145 Female Reader, 28, 33, 119, 120, 128,
Wollstonecraft, Charles (MW’s brother), 15 129–34, 136, 164, 169
Wollstonecraft, Edward (MW’s brother), 16 “Hints”, 37, 84, 91
Wollstonecraft, Edward John (MW’s Historical and Moral View of the French
father), 15 Revolution, 4, 8, 52, 53, 54, 67, 68,
Wollstonecraft, Elizabeth Dickson (MW’s 69–77; sovereignty of people in, 65,
mother), 17 71, 72, 74, 75; violence in, 76–7,
Wollstonecraft, Everina (MW’s sister), 13–5 238–9
passim, 17, 18, 67, 114, 190, 232 Lessons, 24, 37, 38, 39
Wollstonecraft, Fanny (MW’s daughter), 19, “Letter on the Present Character of the
26, 37, 38, 212 French Nation”, 66
Wollstonecraft, Mary Letters, 7–23
and Blair, 234–5 Letters on the Management of Infants,
and Fanny Blood, 16–17, 230, 232 20, 24, 37, 38
and “rational passion”, 12, 48–9, 55 Letters Written during a Short Residence
and relation to Godwin, 12 ff., 249 ff., in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
229 ff., 262 (= Short Residence), 2, 4, 20, 53,
and relation to Imlay, 10, 11, 19, 199, 204, 77–9, 100, 209–27, 259, 262–3, 267
211, 249, 255, 263 Mary 2, 24, 53, 84, 105–8 passim,
and relation to male poets, 160–88 115, 120, 125, 156, 189–98, 236–8,
and relation to women writers, 5, 86 ff., 240, 243
141–59, 228–43 “On Poetry, and Our Relish for the
and religion, 4, 99–118 Beauties of Nature” (“On Artificial
and sensibility, 82–98 Taste”), 84, 91, 167, 234–5
and travel to Scandinavia, 9–11, 19, Original Stories, 24, 28–32, 36, 38, 39,
209–26 passim 53, 106, 120
as novelist, 189–207 Posthumous Works, 12, 37
attempt to reconcile reason and passion, 7, Thoughts on the Education of
12, 21, 83 ff. Daughters, 24, 26–8, 33, 36, 100,
biographical traditions, 1–2, 162–3, 119, 120–30, 135, 136, 176, 181
229–30, 246–70 Vindication of the Rights of Men, A, 4,
demonization of, 1, 39, 154, 155, 163, 8, 11, 12, 26, 32, 44, 45, 48, 49, 52,
177–81 55, 60, 108, 111, 128, 135, 165, 166