Role of Nepali Army in Promotion and Preservation of Nepalese Art, Culture, and Traditions
Role of Nepali Army in Promotion and Preservation of Nepalese Art, Culture, and Traditions
Role of Nepali Army in Promotion and Preservation of Nepalese Art, Culture, and Traditions
Unity Journal
Vol. III, 205-219, 2022
Prithvi Narayan Shah Research Center
Directorate General of Military Training, Nepali Army
Kathmandu, Nepal
Uddhav Gautam
Volume III, February 2022
In addition to its topology, predominant Jagir (Job/Pay), Bitalap (Revenue free land),
factors, such as insulation of the Himalayas and Marawat (land to be given to the persons
when Muslims invaded north India in the who sacrifice for the Nation) (Dibyaupadesh).
thirteenth century and intermediary position The foundation of the multi-ethnic army
in the trade routes between India, Tibet, and was laid down in such a firm manner that
China (running along the Kuti pass to the by the time the Anglo-Nepal war (1814-
northeast and Kyrong pass to the northwest 1816) started Nepali Army was composed
of Kathmandu Valley) also imbibed cultural of diverse ethnic groups which fought as
pluralism in Nepal. While geographical a resilient and extremely resolute national
setting gave rise to distinct cultural heritage army awing the British (Subba, 2020).
primarily due to waves of migration, the Accordingly, multiculturalism and multi-
isolation aided in preserving prevalent ethnicism became a part of the Nepali Army
practices from invaders. However, Nepalese and merged mainly since there was no room
culture and tradition evolved as distinct from for individual gladiators and it successfully
India and Tibet despite a lot being drawn in avoided sectarian distinctiveness cutting the
cultural exchange as Nepal synthesized an gordian knot by promoting a meritocratic
amalgam of Hinduism and Buddhism and system.
harmonized them which is evident from
numerous existing rituals. For instance, both The standpoint approach on Nepalese
Buddhists and Hindus worship deities like cultural heritage includes both tangible
Vajrayogini, Mahakala, Ajima. This religious (artistic creations, built heritage, monuments)
spectrum also contains Animism and and Intangible heritage (performing arts,
Shamanism (Sharma, 1983). Thus, various traditional skills, social practices). While
regions of Nepal kept on developing under intangible heritage received limelight in
different ethnic communities being ruled by the modern world only after 2003 when
different dynasties such as Kirats, Lichhavis, UNESCO adopted the Convention for the
Thakuris, Mallas and Shahs. Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage
in Paris (Bortolotto, 2007), the convergence
The political unification of modern-day Nepal of tangible and intangible heritage has
initiated by King of Gorkha Prithivi Narayan been the central ethos of cultural heirloom
Shah in 1743 A.D. and the development in Nepal for generations. For example, a
of the modern-day Nepali Army from the temple in its structure is a tangible heritage
Gorkha Army happened simultaneously. that truly exceeds its value only because of
Nonetheless, the army with which Prithivi the rituals performed by the worshipers,
Narayan Shah started his conquest was not which is the intangible part. The military
as pluralistic. In course of his conquest, Shah culture of the Nepali Army is established
created a standing army mixing up soldiers on the same premise, creating an inter-
recruited from different fighting castes such generational compact between previous and
as Khas, Magar, Gurung and Thakuri led current soldiers drawing inspiration from
through command structure with competence ancestral heroism and unwavering adherence
holding precedence. Shah believed mixed-up to practiced customs and traditions.
forces could fight strongly (Dibyaupadesh).
This belief was fortified by the system of Nepalese cultural heritage has been growing
since time immemorial. Once interpreted as the
Volume III, February 2022
land depicting an ideal picture of the Middle and traditions through cultural relativism.
Ages of the east by Percy Brown (Brown,
ii. To point out key hurdles in carrying
1912) is still home to 125 ethnic groups and
out ceremonial and operational duties as
126 languages (Subedi, 2016). Therefore, it
both are equally significant and to suggest
does not come as a surprise that every soldier
essential measures.
recruited into Nepali Army belongs to one
of these communities thus holding a distinct iii. To highlight the influence of
cultural identity and possibly speaking a technological development concerning
language only a few do. Nepalese Army is the the role of the army in this context.
nation's largest organization, hence is also an
Chapter Organization
abode portraying, promoting, and preserving
objective and subjective elements of Nepalese Concerning the structure of the paper, I begin
cultural heritage webbed in both implicit and with an introduction to multiculturalism in
explicit norms (Deaton & Golubeva, 2020) Nepal and the Nepali Army in Chapter 1.
which it rightfully does through ceremonial Chapter 2 reviews relevant literature then, the
duties and practices persisting within the research methodology followed by the paper
army. On the other hand, Nepali Army also is laid down in detail in chapter 3. In chapter
addresses operational duties, of which it 4, I discuss the role of the Nepali Army in
carries a great history and culture itself. the promotion and preservation of Nepalese
art, culture, and traditions under various
Statement of the problem
sub-headings. Finally, relevant findings and
It is widely articulated that the history conclusions are summarized in chapter 5.
of modern Nepal largely coincides with
Literature Review
Nepali Army. The modern-day Nepali
Army is obviously in many ways different According to Tereza Trencheva and Evelina
from the structural vision of the standing Zdravkova-Velichkova (2019), conservation
army given by Prithivi Narayan Shah in of cultural heritage refers to ‘a systematic
his Dibyaupadesh. Having said that, the process of search, study, identification,
kernel that binds it together even as of today documentation, digitization, registration,
is the same as he envisioned i.e., multi- digital preservation, conservation, restoration
cultural but equal. Against this backdrop, and socialization.’ Cultural heritage
this research discerns how the Nepalese preservation along with environmental
Army is promoting and preserving Nepalese conservation jointly aids in the socio-
art, culture, and traditions, its existing and economic development of a nation (Wells
emerging challenges, and the various factors & Stiefel, 2018) which in turn conserves
that require attention. an irreplaceable part of the history
(Othman & Heba, 2018) and develops the
Objectives of the study
country as well. Nonetheless, the process
The primary objectives of the study include: of preservation also tends to jeopardize
antiquity which creates room for conflict
i. To provide an account of the role played
due to a clash of perspectives. On the one
by the Nepali Army in the preservation
hand, it is likely to happen even more in a
and promotion of Nepalese Art, Culture,
Volume III, February 2022
Volume III, February 2022
Volume III, February 2022
are the ones celebrated every year like Bhoto 8. Janai Purnima on Shrawan shukla
Jatra, Indra Jatra, Phulpati, and national days. Purnima: Janai and Rakshyabandhan puja.
Meanwhile, Occasional ceremonies include 9. Kushe Aunshi on Bhadra Krishna
the ceremonies scheduled as per requirement. Aunshi: Kush puja in the puja room.
It includes funeral ceremonies, Wreath
10. Teej ko Dar on Bhadra Shukla
laying, and Guard of honor.
Tritiya: Dar for female soldiers.
The Nepalese calendar is manifested with 11. Shree Krishna Janmastami on
various days of traditional significance apart Bhadra Krishna Astami: Shree Krishna
from the major festivals such as no moon Puja.
day or Ekadashi. Nepal Army practices all 12. Shree Bishwakarma Puja on
these traditions as well. For example, The Ashwin 1: weapons and vehicles puja.
Army mess doesn't serve meat on the day
of Ekadashi and Aunshi (no moon day). In 13. Kaag Tihar on Kartik Krishna
Trayodashi: Kaag puja and feeding.
the monsoon, the army celebrates ropain on
Ashar 15 by having Dahi(curd) and chiura 14. Kukur tihar on Kartik Krishna
(beaten rice). On 15th Shrawan, it also Chaturdashi: Kukur puja and feeding.
celebrates kheer khane din. Sankrantis are 15. Laxmi Puja on Kartik Krishna Aunshi:
also auspiciously celebrated. Many cultural Laxmi Puja
practices that are rarely performed in modern 16. Govardan Puja on Kartik Shukla
times are practiced within the Nepal Army. Pratipada: Cow/Ox/Govardan puja
These traditions as mentioned in the Nepal
Army Religious Practices Directive, 2076 17.
Swasthani Bratarambha Purnima on
Poush Shukla Purnima: Swasthani Brata
under schedule 1 no. 3 as other cultural
practices and traditions are listed as below:
18. Maghe Sankranti on Magh 1:
1. Nawa Barsa (New Year) on Baishak 1: Dishes according to tradition.
Formal wishes.
Shree Panchami on Magh Shukla
2. Akshaya Tritiya on Baishak and Panchami: Saraswati Puja
Shukla Tritiya: Saatusarbat preparation in
the Mess. 20. Swasthani Brata Samapti Purnima
on Magh Shukla Purnima: Ending puja
3. Buddha Jayanti on Baishak Shukla
Purnima: Buddha puja in barracks around 21. Shivaraati on Falgun Krishna
Stupas. Trayodashi: Special puja and other
4. Ropain Parwa on Ashar 15: Dahi
(Curd) and Chiura (Beaten Rice) in the 22. Faagu Purnima on Falgun Shukla
Army Mess. Purnima: celebrated as per traditional
5. Shrawan Sankranti on Shrawan 01:
Special dishes as per tradition in the mess. 23. Ghode Jatra on Chaitra Krishna
Aunshi: Demonstration in Sanik Manch
6. Kheer Khane din on Shrawan 15:
kheer in the Army mess. 24. Ram Nawami on Chaitra Shukla
Nawami: Shree Ram Puja
7. Naag Panchami on Shrawan Shukla
Panchami: Naag Puja.
Volume III, February 2022
Volume III, February 2022
Figure 1
Number of troops from each battalion of valley division in ceremonial activities.
Note. This chart was drawn by the researcher from the data available from the valley division.
Copyright 2018 by the valley division of the Nepal Army
Figure 2
Percentage of soldiers
from different ethnic
Volume III, February 2022
replied "In year 3, when we returned from section. The forts section of the museum
the world war, king Tribhuwan called upon has preserved the representation of various
us and said 'What do you want?' I replied, I forts. War memorial section of the museum
did my duty sarkar, I want nothing..." (Nar has the pictures and memoirs of Nepalese
Bahadur Basnet, Personal Communications, army expeditions and wars. The machineries
26 October 2020). used in manufacture of Gehendra Rifle has
been shown in the weaponry section of the
It is argued that a serious attempt to preserve museum. Marcus Ray (2016) mentions that
and promote Nepalese artistic heritage is yet Nepal was self-sufficient in production of
to be made from the side of the government. adequate military rifle when it used to produce
In recent years particularly after the 60s Gehendra Rifles. National Art Gallery
art theft has risen substantially throughout of Bhaktapur Durbar Square established
Nepal (Sharma, 2001). An effort to preserve in 1960/61 that houses paintings also an
art heritage has been made through National important place guarded by Nepal Army.
Museum and the Military Museum. The
national museum was first established as Musical instruments are also a significant part
Chauni Silkhana (Arsenal) in 1926 (Sharma, of the cultural heritage. Due to the diversity,
1983). National Museum which is guarded there are a lot of musical instruments in
by Nepal Army is the largest in the country. Nepal. In the history of the Nepali Army
It holds a variety of treasures, including alone, from the time of Prithivi Narayan
wooden and stone sculptures, ornamental arts, Shah, the usage of 27 types of musical
paintings, historical weaponry, coins, and instruments for various reasons can be traced.
stamps, among others. The museum complex These instruments include Gorakhali dhol,
is divided into two more structures namely Mauri Baja, Muchurga, Ghorau, Paluwa,
Juddha Jatiya Kalashala and the Buddhist Nagbeli, Karnali Baja, Bag Mukhe Bano,
Art Gallery. Stone sculptures, metal works, Sahit Dine Nagara, Indra Dhol, Dundubhi,
old paintings, and woodworks are among the Tasha, Bheri, Baano, Turanga, Sikhar,
pieces on show in Juddha Jatiya Kalashala. Bishannad, Turahi, Paashupat Damaru,
The galleries are divided into five sections: Shringinaad, Trisul Damaru, Nagara Nishan,
stone, terracotta, painting, wood, and bronze. Naagfani, Kaura Khaijadi, Raani Maadal and
Similarly, In the Buddhist Art Museum the Maajhwaal Bansuri (Kandel, 2020). These
Terai, Kathmandu, and Northern Himalayan instruments were played strategically and
Sections are on the ground floor, while the tactically. Some instruments like Sahit dine
Mandala Section is on the first floor, with Nagara, Gorakhali dhol, Ghorau were used
statues, paintings, and ceremonial art objects for motivation before battle, while some
presented in three dimensions (Rana, 2015). like Naagbeli, Nagara Nishan were used for
The Military Museum displays military intelligence purposes (Kandel, 2020). These
art heritage through various sections. The instruments hold great significance for the
victories and battle of Nepalese army in form Nepali Army and Nepalese cultural heritage.
of oil paintings have been displayed in war
memorial section of the museum. Likewise, For centuries Nepal Army has been
paintings of various kings and army chiefs preserving musical tradition. The
have been displayed in supreme commander Sharduljung gulma always plays Indradhol
in Indrajatra. Likewise, Gurujyu paltan
Volume III, February 2022
Volume III, February 2022
Figure 5 Table 1
Symbol of Kali baksh Battalion
Colors and their symbolic meaning
Volume III, February 2022
networks, knowledge databases regardless The Nepali Army has established Integrated
of geographical constraint is known as Data Center that facilitates Maps, VTC,
digitization (Traykov et al,. 2016). The Data Storage, and Backup. It has also moved
primary objective of digitization of cultural forward in digital archiving, data access,
heritage is to aid in preserving cultural and security measures. Development of a
artifacts digitally through digital libraries Digital Archiving Application done through
and providing global access (Marinov, 2019). outsourcing is also in the final stage. The
Despite its objective significance, the process implementation of the software system has
of digitization is not an easy task (Borisova, started through the
2008). Digital documentation poses two domain. After initiating digital archiving,
problems: (1) the information needs to retain Nepal Army has already archived more than
its original value, (2) documentation might 47,947 crucial historical artifacts of Nepalese
not be comprehensive, it might not include cultural heritage. Moreover, the security
specialized terminology, fragments, and of storage and backup of such archived
other cultural phenomena. The world has materials through a specialized data center is
now transcended to an 'information society' under process. A plan to establish Integrated
(Petrov et al., 2017). The Nepal Army has Data Center Monitoring & Security Protocol
also incorporated this definition of the new is under process (Nepal army, 2021).
age within the institution in varied forms.
One of which includes heritage conservation. Digitization of cultural heritage requires the
strategic implementation of several scholars
The adaptation of digitization in preserving and specialists. The issues in ownership of
cultures and traditions is vivid in Nepal Army. the digital materials and archives also need to
The digitized publications like Newsletters, be taken into account (Borissova, 2008) but,
Sipahi, Sipahi Fortnightly, Sipahi Special issues of Intellectual Property Law don't fall
Issues, Unity Journals are perfect examples. under the domain of objective relevance of
The premise I have built this paper on, which this paper.
includes articles and information derived
from the online articles and publications An analysis of existing challenges in the
of the Nepali Army, is also an instance of a Nepal Army's role:
digitization milestone. The YouTube channel Nepal Army is addressing every role with
and radio channels of the Nepal Army also exceptional efficiency. The military is
regularly produce new content. It displays mobilized in times of peace as well as war. In
the commitment of the Nepal Army not only times of peace, Army works in fields relating
to enhance Civil-Military relations but also to the development, disaster management,
to promote and archive the heritage. In reply and others as mentioned in Article 267 of the
to what can the Nepali Army do for heritage Constitution of Nepal. Military forces remain
conservation? Subedar Nar Bahadur Basnet prepared for unforeseen circumstances.
said," Prabidhi (Technology) has increased so Therefore, recruitment, training, and
much today... It is an age where you have to professional growth are given utmost
know by studying, the things we learned by priority in the organization. In this way,
experiencing" (Nar Bahadur Basnet, Personal the operational calendar of the Nepal Army
Communications, 26th August 2020). has various duties. In the current scenario,
Volume III, February 2022
there is a clash between the operational in this regard to further its goal.
and ceremonial duties in the Nepal Army. 5. Cultural and traditional dilemma: The
There are many hurdles in carrying out the cultural and traditional dilemma is still in
role of 'preserver' and 'promoter' of cultural infant phase and has slim chance to contest
heritage in the conundrum of operational and the existing effort of NA. However, it is
ceremonial duties. The existing challenges necessary to uproot this dilemma before it
can be generalized in light of the following gets germinated. The sentiments attached
points: with various religion and culture can ignite
1. Lack of manpower: Each unit is assigned clash inferno, so NA should be well guarded
both operational and ceremonial tasks. As the to combat such situation.
strength is divided, there are compromises 6. Modernization effort and internal problem:
due to insufficient manpower. NA has been going through the dire situation
2. Resources crunch: Every task assigned to in these days. The quest for modernization
the army requires specialized equipment and and the problem of retention and recruitment
materials also economic resources. Nepal are at tipping point in NA. These kinds of
army is known for generating efficient results problems have been enforcing NA to distract
from little resources, however the available from ceremonial duties. On the other hand,
resources still reduce the efficiency many Covid-19 is being invincible problem to
times. perform ceremonial duties. Thus, the resolute
3. Lack of time: Troops are not only hunt to fulfill its historical duties can serve
responsible for the ceremonial calls but also as launch pad to expand the spectrum of
their operational readiness. They are required preservation and promotion of the cultural
to maintain their professional competence. heritage of Nepal.
Thus, they need to complete training and
various courses. The clash of these duties
makes it harder for them to manage time. I tried to illustrate the silent role played by
4. Sole effort: NA is always being ambassador the Nepali Army in the preservation and
for promoting and preserving Nepalese promotion of Nepalese cultural heritage by
culture and tradition. The determined effort using qualitative methodology in this article.
of NA has been somehow successful to Nepal Army is the nation's oldest and largest
safeguard cultural and traditional ethos of organization has carried a significant history
Nepal. However, NA's effort is limited within in shaping modern-day Nepal. Modern-day
four walls of the barracks and some religious Nepal and the Nepali Army share a common
and cultural places only. The incorporation of history of origin and glorification. The
various organization including Government cultural practices of Nepal are shared as well.
of Nepal (GoN) and other stakeholders helps The Army is committed to the protection
to influence general public to promote and of territorial integrity and sovereignty,
support NA's relentless effort to preserve but it is equally devoted to preserving and
Nepalese culture and tradition. The only promoting the cultural heritage of the nation.
combined effort can bring profound effect Various practices prevailing in the army are
that NA has been envisioned for. Thus, NA a part of the multicultural identity that Nepal
should also act as messenger and focal point holds. This is highlighted by objective and
Volume III, February 2022
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