53C - Fsa
53C - Fsa
53C - Fsa
By Mark Savage
FSA Member, John Crane
here are many methods to A Plan 53C barrier system consists of barrier fluid located on the other side.
pressurize the barrier fluid for two main elements: As the piston rod reduces the effective
a dual pressurized mechanical • Barrier fluid circulating loop: area of the piston face in contact with
seal. Each method, or piping plan, uses A pumping device within the the barrier fluid, the barrier fluid
a different mechanism to apply the mechanical seal circulates barrier pressure is amplified.
pressure to the barrier fluid and, as a fluid to a heat exchanger, where The pressure amplification ratio is
result, each has its own set of advantages. heat absorbed into the barrier fluid simply the ratio of the area of each side
One of these methods is American is dissipated and then the fluid is of the piston.
Petroleum Institute (API) Plan 53C. returned to the mechanical seal. The pressure amplification ratio can be
Although not as widely installed as a • Piston accumulator: Stores barrier calculated as:
traditional API Plan 53A system, it does fluid and amplifies pressure from the (area 1)
differentiate itself from other methods. pump to pressurize the barrier fluid ratio =
(area 2)
API Plan 53C has the ability to change circulating loop.
the barrier pressure as the pressure Increasing the piston rod diameter
inside the pump changes. The piston accumulator pressurizes has the effect of reducing Area 2,
This pressure tracking ability makes the barrier fluid loop by using a reference and thus increases the pressure
this system ideally suited to high- pressure line connected to the pump. amplification ratio.
pressure pumps, or for pumps that This reference line is used to Due to the practicalities of design
tend to experience a wide range of pressurize one side of the piston, and function, amplification ratios are
operating pressures. which pushes the piston against the typically in the range of 1.05 to 1.30.
Reference line
from pump
Image 1 (left). Simplified Plan 53C schematic. Image 2 (center). Typical piston accumulator. Image 3 (right). Piston face areas (Images
courtesy of FSA)
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Y ourr B
st Va
in Progressive The barrier fluid circulating loop needs to be
Cavity Pumps installed to offer the least resistance to barrier fluid
flow produced by the pumping ring located within
the mechanical seal.
When Experience
Conclusion sales@propumpservices.com | 610-868-8425
Plan 53C pressurized seal systems offer the ability to adjust
the barrier pressure as the pressure in the pump changes Circle 145 on card.
making this a simple, safe and reliable solution in a range of
pumping applications.
The correct sizing of the piston accumulator, heat exchanger
and barrier fluid flow rate together with best installation and
operational practices are the key to years of reliable performance
from a Plan 53C system.
Next Month:
What to know about expansion
joints reducers
We invite your suggestions for article topics as well as questions on sealing issues so
we can better respond to the needs of the industry. Please direct your suggestions and
questions to sealingsensequestions@fluidsealing.com.
p u m p s a n d s y s t e m s . c o m | M a rch 2019