Deepa Materials Today Proceedings
Deepa Materials Today Proceedings
Deepa Materials Today Proceedings
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4 authors, including:
Anurag Namdev
Institute of Engineering & Technology - Lucknow
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Considering the varied applications of composites in present world, it is seen a rapid growth in the devel-
Available online 9 May 2022 opment of hybrid polymer based composites. Polymer based composites are in demand because they
shows desirable and favorable properties such as high weight to volume ratio, low density, high modulus,
Keywords: high strength, ease of manufacturing, high mechanical, thermal and optical properties, flexibility and
Polymer elasticity, impact resistant shock absorbing, environmentally inert many a times. Neat Polymer proper-
Polyurethane ties can be improved by the introduction of reinforcing phase into it. This paper focuses on the hybrid
polymer composites studies, its constituents, its preparation and different kinds of testing done on them
Hybrid composites
Natural fiber
to check their mechanical, thermal properties. Addition of two or more materials into the matrix can
Carbon fibers enhance more prominently the properties of the polymer. Also the study of polyurethane polymer which
Graphene can be used as a matrix phase, its properties and types.
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Materials, Processing & Characterization.
1. Introduction fibers or fillers into them known as the reinforcement phase into
the matrix. These reinforcement i.e. fibers, sheets, fillers, particles
From last few decades, polymer science is evolving rapidly and or nanoparticles can be natural (sugar palm fiber, kenaf, jute, kemf
researches on polymer composites are increasing in material etc.) and synthetic (glass fiber, carbon fiber, carbon woven mat,
science and engineering over the years due to their functional per- graphene particles, graphite oxide, silicon etc.)There are three
formances drastically. Composite materials shows significant more methods of preparing polymer composite i.e. open moulding,
enhanced properties than their original and pure component mate- closed moulding and cast moulding. Anyone of the method accord-
rial properties. They give better mechanical properties such as bet- ing to properties needed in the required polymer composite can be
ter elastic modulus, strength, hardness, impact resistance, shock used [1].
resistance and also better thermal properties and electrical proper- Polymers exhibit viscoeleastic property which is defined as a
ties. In recent years, a drastic growth has been observed in the material exhibit both elastic and viscous deformation [2]. Since
development and application of hybrid polymer composites. elastic deformation is a recoverable deformation and viscous
There are various applications where there is need and demand deformation is a non-recoverable deformation like water, honey.
of polymer composites are much higher than the metal or metal This viscoelastic behavior happens because polymeric materials
composites. Polymer composites are suppressing the conventional consists of long chain molecules as a result in addition to chemical
materials in the fields of aerospace and aviation industries, auto- forces (Van dar Waals or ion-polar interactions) polymer chains
mobile industries, marines industries, electronic industries, sports also interact through entanglement points. In a semi-crystalline
equipment, musical instruments, wind turbine blades etc. and is polymer crystal also acts as an entanglement point. Typical physi-
one of the dominant material of light weight products. These poly- cal and chemical forces in polymer are chemical bond, intermolec-
mer properties can be enhanced wonderfully by adding some ular interaction, segmental mobility, entanglements, crystals. At
microscopic level, Bond stretching and chain strengthening is
⁄ Corresponding author at: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Maulana Azad
responsible for elastic deformation and chain slippage followed
National Institute of Technology Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India 462003. by chain breakage is responsible for viscous deformation. It is very
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D. Ahirwar), atelang7@rediff- clear that the molecule mechanism of elastic and plastic deforma- (A. Telang), [email protected] (R. Purohit), [email protected] tion is not only complex but also extremely specific to the polymer.
(A. Namdev).
1 It depends upon the chemical nature of the chain, molecular
This is a conference Paper.
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Materials, Processing & Characterization.
D. Ahirwar, A. Telang, R. Purohit et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 62 (2022) 3804–3810
weight, percent crystallinity, deformation type and many other ical applications for example polymer controllers for sedate
factors. Thermoplastic materials have some different and unique discharge in vaginal rings and in clinical tubing.
properties compared to other materials like metals and that is PU ionomers ionic groups are present in PU chains which is
due to entanglement of molecules. Temperature and strain rates advantageous as dispersion in polar solvents is possible because
highly affect the viscoelasticity (see Fig. 1). of their better hydrophobicity and improved mechanical and ther-
mal properties. The biocompatible and shape memory features
1.1. Polyurethane (PU) allows PU ionomers to be used in biomedical applications.
Coatings, sealants, adhesives and elastomers offers a growing
Polyurethanes are one of the most researched and advanced range of applications in the market because PUs often reveals the
polymer materials in the field of composites. PU combines elastic- versatile and excellent mechanical, thermal, chemical, physical
ity of rubber and the durability and toughness of metals. Making properties. PU coatings can enhance the products appearance as
them suitable and appropriate replacement option for conven- well as increases its durability or life cycle. Strong bonding can
tional metals, alloys, plastics, rubbers and in many engineering be done by using adhesives whereas tight seals obtained from PU
products. Its specific thermal, mechanical, biological, physical sealants. To impart anti-corrosive properties, to bestow hostile to
and chemical properties are generating research interest and destructive properties, expansion of various Nano-materials, for
entice attention towards tailoring Polyurethanes for use in many example, silicon dioxide, titanium oxide to the material might be
applications [3]. Its micro level properties can be enhanced by utilized. Elastomers can be formed into numerous shapes and are
doing few changes into its production process. lighter than the metal, offer prevalent pressure recuperation and
In polymeric materials, PU stands significantly. It may be man- can be impervious to numerous natural elements.
ufactured through different methods. One of the chief technique is PU Binders are utilized to bond various kinds of particles, fila-
the reaction between polyol and a di-isocyanate for the synthesis ments and different materials to one another. They provide the
of PU different kinds of catalysts and additives can be used to make permanent gluing effect and are used in manufacturing of wood
it more valuable. Added substances that can be subsume for the boards, rubber, elastomeric flooring surfaces and sand casting for
union of PU incorporates retardants, shades, fillers, cross-linkers, the foundry industry.
surfactants and blowing agents. By altering the amount and diver- Waterborne polyurethane dispersions are the films and coat-
sifying polyol, isocyanate or additives PUs can be fabricated into ings miscible in water.
any way and in vivid varieties, i.e. toughness, hardness and density.
Continues improvements in processing methods, leading these 1.1.1. Applications
materials to be used in many different applications such as struc- Building and construction, Automotive applications, Marine
tural construction, biomedical, automotive, aerospace, textiles applications, Coating applications, Medical applications, Appli-
and in many other industries because of their advanced and supe- ances, flooring and packaging applications, Apparels applications,
rior properties in terms of strength, elongation, impact resistance, Wood composite applications, Propellants and polymer-based
hardness, toughness, modulus etc. offers resistance to moisture, explosives.
wear and corrosion. Since PUs are prepared from polyols that are mostly made from
Alcohol (–OH) and isocyanate (NCO) chemically reacts to pro- petroleum sources, high cost, high energy demands and for the
duces the Polyurethane where urethane group is the major repeat- sake of environmental concerns, there comes a need for more suit-
ing unit. Albeit PUs contains some other groups also, such as esters, able and ecofriendly substitute, therefore, sustainable or viable
urea, ethers, and some aromatic compounds. sources such as vegetable oils are coming into the picture. The veg-
Different classes of PUs according to the desire are thermoplas- etable oils serves as an alternative to petroleum based PU. Nano
tic, rigid, binders, flexible, waterborne, coatings, adhesives, elas- materials or other hybrid fillers are suggested to these kind of
tomers and sealants. PUs so that performance will not disturbed. Materials like carbon
PU Elastomers are known for their highly impeccable proper- Nano filaments, carbon Nano tubes, dirt, graphene are pulling in
ties. These elastomers are malleable so, can be easily processed huge enthusiasm as reasonable and significant augmentations to
by extrusion or injection moulding, and are generally recyclable. the PU items.
Rigid PU foams are versatile, are adaptable, dependable and PU has rigid and semi rigid nature. Therefore, due to practically
vitality sparing protection materials and energy saving insulation possible recycling and recovery of PU, it can be considered as eco-
materials. These foams are energy saving. These froths are vitality friendly, non-hazardous, safe and more economical over the other
sparing and can make business and private apparatuses progres- traditional polymers.
sively agreeable and productive. These have been applied in wall,
roof and window insulation and can work as barrier sealants for
doors. 1.2. Fibers
Flexible polyurethane foams used commercially as cushion
materials, includes carpet underlays, bedding, furniture, automo- Fibers are the primary source to strengthen the composites.
bile interior parts, packaging, nanocomposites and biomedicine. Fibers gives high strength mainly structural strength, improved
It is light, durable, comfortable and supportive. tensile strength and stiffness to the composite while minimizing
Thermoplastic polyurethanes are highly elastic and flexible, weight i.e. light in weight. Fibers are chemically treated to modify
offers good resistance to abrasion, impact and weather. Overall their adhesive strength and make them compatible with the matrix
durability of many products increases by TPUs. Thermoplastic for ease in manufacturing, this is known as sizing. Broadly, fibers
polyurethanes are exceptionally versatile and adaptable, offers are classified as natural fibers and synthetic fibers. Natural fibers
great protection from scraped area, effect and climate. Generally are biocompatible, eco-friendly and are over taking the synthetic
speaking strength of numerous items increments by TPUs. These fibers after different kinds of treatments. Synthetic fibers impro-
are liquefy process able, as other thermoplastic elastomers, they vises the composite strength, toughness and many mechanical,
can be fabricated utilizing expulsion, blow, infusion and pressure thermal, electrical properties. In this review paper, combination
forming hardware. These can be utilized in car, development and and permutations of fiber and nano-particles has been reviewed.
footwear applications. These are hydrophobic, non-ionic and inac- Glass fibers are the oldest, and replacing many conventional metals
tive because of this they have been effectively using in some clin- (mostly in aerospace industries), some other popular synthetic
D. Ahirwar, A. Telang, R. Purohit et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 62 (2022) 3804–3810
flexible PU
packaging, biomedicines and
fibers are carbon fibers, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), Kevlar, boron 2. Literature review
fibers, polypropylene fibers etc. these are the high performance
fibers. Glass fibers weighs more than carbon fibers, they are not Natural fiber has many positive features such as freedom of
as stiffer but are impact resistant and has great elongation-to- designing, economic viability, providesease-in-manufacturing, reu-
break. Some other are basalt, ceramic quartz fibers. sable and recyclable. Natural fibers like cotton, husk, flax, kenaf,
Roselle, banana, hemp, ramie, sisal, coconut coir, jute and sugar
palm etc. are available and used as reinforcement. They also have
1.3. Nano-fillers wide applications in automobile, sports equipment, construction,
furniture, packaging and infrastructure industries. They are envi-
Fillers affect the tensile properties as they hinders the molecu- ronmental friendly therefore development of these natural fiber
lar movement, they prevent the molecules from sliding over each- reinforced polymer composites are reliable. These fibers biocom-
other. Filler makes the materials stiffer increases elastic modulus, patibility, low density, high strength, renewability, high stiffness
yield strength, reduces elongation and toughness. These are the and cheaper manufacturing costs can attract researchers more over
nano materials which also enhances the strength of the composite. the synthetic fiber.
According to the desire, nano-particles are added which distributes A. Soundhar et al. worked on natural fiber reinforced polymer
uniformly and a strong composite gets ready for the application composites and determined morphological, thermal and mechani-
[4]. Most often, wear and tear rate decreases, adsorption and cal properties of Spherical Silica, Amorphous Silica and Roselle
absorption properties modify etc. selection of nano-particles as fiber (Silica A/Silica B/ RF) embedded into PU matrix and made a
well as the matrix polymer should be based on the orientation of nanocomposite material. Silica A and Silica B taken 0.50–1.00%
properties in composites. The quality and quantity of the compos- by weight of PU and RF was taken 1–2% by weight. The optimal
ite depends upon the nanofiller’s size, shape, nature as well as mor- weight % of Silica A, Silica B and Roselle were 0.78, 1 and 2% respec-
phology and interfacial interaction with the polymer matrix. ZnO2, tively. The results were cross checked via mechanical characteriza-
Sio2, TiO2, graphene, reduced graphene oxide and many more are tion and statistical comparison through RSM. The crossbreed
the nanofillers which gives their contribution in the modification nanocomposites were prepared by utilizing a one-shot cycle and
of the composite mechanical, electrical, optical, thermal properties. saw by reaction surface system in a focal composite plan approach.
To improve many material characteristics the addition of nano par- Numerical models and test results were then analyzed and discov-
ticles or nano materials is now trending among researchers. The ered 95% certainty levels for rigidity and flexural strength. It was
fuse of Nanocrystalline cellulose, carbon nanotubes, carbon nanofi- discovered that as the weight % of roselle fiber expanded, elasticity
bers and clays found to appropriately improve the mechanical and additionally increments, and the most extreme rigidity discovered
thermal properties of the PU material such as stiffness, fatigue to be 12.1 MPa. RF didn’t influence flexural strength. Expansion of
resistance toughness, hardness, mould shrinkage, thermal proper- Silica A expands the rigidity up to 0.75% by weight however after
ties, water solubility, barrier properties and other functional prop- that elasticity begins diminishing. Same effect was observed with
erties. The influence of nano-fillers on PU greatly depends upon the the addition of silica B and maximum value of tensile strength
size, dimensions, shape, degree of dispersion and morphological found out was 11.5 MPa. But flexural strength increases with the
characteristics. Nano clays i.e. mica, hectorite, saponite, montmo- increased value of Silica A wt.% upto 8.9 MPa. Flexural strength
rillonite have been the choice because it offers the properties like got increased due to the addition of Silica B to the PU foam [6].
flame retardancy, upgraded compressive strength, thermal stabil- Hybrid nanocomposites can lead to synergetic effects compared
ity and light weight composites [5]. to single nanoparticles. But only upto a certain limit addition of
D. Ahirwar, A. Telang, R. Purohit et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 62 (2022) 3804–3810
nanoparticles are desired because further addition of nanoparticles ites. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is used to investigate
into the framework extraordinarily brings down the estimations of changes at CF interface. Scanning electron microscopy was usfor
mechanical properties due to filler agglomerations in the polymer fracture analysis and morphologies of CFs. Experimental results
(PU foam) hybrid composites. showed increase in the polarity, wettability and roughness of CF
Guilherme et al studied the influence of singleas well as combi- surface along with improving tensile strength by 12.4% and tearing
nation of natural fibers those are sisal, sugarcane bagasse and rice strength of CFs, the interfacial shear strength between CFs and PU
husk on the conventional PU foams by replacing upto 20% w/w of by 47.88% by surface salinization of CFs. The tensile strength of CF/
polyethylene glycol presented in the PU. Initially, to remove lignin PU composite increased by 18.3% [13].
and hemicellulose from the fibers, fibers were mercerized with A. Amir et al. prepared Composite fibers made by simultaneous
NaOH and H2O2. A model was used to determine the effect of fibers use of centrifugal force and dynamic fluid flow. TPU and phenolic
on the composite properties like resilience, porosity, density, mod- resin polymer has been taken as matrix and Graphene nanoplate-
ulus of elasticity, permanent compressive deformation and degree lets as reinforcing fillers. By this approach a low cost and effective
of swelling. The results show that in the prepared hybrid compos- way for the large scale manufacturing found [14].
ite enhanced resilience up to 32%, modulus of elasticity up to 0.1 In recent years polymer nano composites taken the attention
GPa and permanent deformation occurs up to 7.32%. Optimized because of its functional performance in new emerging applica-
results obtained by adjusting fibers using a quadratic mathemati- tions of electromagnetic shielding, anti-static material, aerospace
cal model, in which 18/82% w/w bagasse/rice husk mixture per- and energy conversion/storage. Carbon nano-fillers like graphene
formed best. This resultant hybrid composite is economical, and CNTs are new emerging Nano-fillers due to their strength, high
ecofriendly and has a high potential for applications in padding modulus and large surface area. The construction of G-CNT hybrid
material and shock absorbing because of its good resilience and is helping us as it can efficiently overcome the aggregation of CNT
modulus of elasticity [7]. and G themselves, hence maximizing hybrid composite intrinsic
Results of the experiment performed by silva et al. found the physical properties as reinforcing fillers.
enhancement of thermal conductivity and mechanical strength Ismail Ibrahim Marhoon showed the effects of Carbon black
when they incorporated natural fiber eucalyptus grandis fibers N990 on PU properties. When 4 wt% carbon black was added to
16% w/w with Pus [8]. PU system made from solvent-free low-viscosity PU resin, the ten-
Javni et al. investigated that the properties like elastic modulus, sile strength increased as well as impact strength increased by 33%
hardness, etc. are enhanced when silica fibers are added upto 20% and at 6 wt% flexural strength improved by 12%. Moreover, the
(w/w) but there is small amount of decrease in resilience was density and hardness increased with increasing fractions of carbon
noticed [9]. black for all samples (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 wt%) in comparison with the
A. Atiqah et al. worked on substitution of sugar palm fiber with neat samples [15].
glass fiber in thermoplastic PU hybrid composite. Investigation of Le li et al. suggested a plan for fabricating ductile and mechan-
number of treatments has been done such as 6% alkaline (TNSP), ically polymer nanocomposites with molecular-engineered hybrid
2% saline (TSSP) and combined 6% alkaline-2% saline (TNSSP) on carbon nanofillers consisting of 1D CNT and 2D graphene. Hybrid
physical and thermal properties of SP/GF/TPU. Thermal stability nanofillers were solution casted with thermo-plastic PU and then
of Treated and untreated sugar palm fiber based composites (UTPS) films were fabricated. 1wt.%of G-CNT hybrid nanofiller addition
compared. Sugar palm fiber shows advantageous properties like leads the toughness and tensile strength increment of TPU/G-CNT
low density, good thermal properties and good mechanical proper- by 186% and 92% and reached 246.2 MJ m 3 and 69.5 MPa which
ties but apart from these it has some disadvantages such as high is 2.9 and 1.9 times more than neat TPU respectively.. Strength
moisture, low modulus, low strength but the most disappointed and toughness of hybrid nanocomposite polymer increases when
property is non-adhesiveness with polymer matrices [10]. the G-CNT remains in between 0.2 and 1 wt% and when further
In this paper Seung-Woo et al. demonstrated that by using wet- increase of content to 2 wt% within TPU matrix the strength and
spinning process stretchable and electrically conductive PU-silver/ toughness decreases. It is because of the restacking of G-CNT inside
graphene hybrid composite fibers prepared in which 40 vol% the TPU matrix which markedly weakens load transfer to nanofil-
AgNPs and 2.5 vol% GNPs are added as conductive fillers. By curing lers [16].
treatment conductivity of PU-AgNPs was improved along with the To process graphene blended polymer composites, there are
addition of small amount of GNPs. The conductivity was achieved three methods namely, in situ polymerization, melt blending and
to 85,839 Sm 1 with 150% strain [11]. solution compounding. The percolation threshold values are high-
Lihe Mao et al increased the wettability, tensile strength, est in melt blending than for the in-situ polymerization and solu-
mechanical properties by sizing carbon fibers. It has been shown tion compounding techniques.
that when the sizing concentration taken in between 1% and 3%, Shuai Jiang et al. introduced multiscale graphene-oxide/carbon-
shear strength was approximately 16% more than the pristine fiber fiber reinforcements for PU elastomer composite. To improve Car-
and the maximum value achieved was 51.5 MPa. Physicochemical bon Fiber /PU interface adhesion or bonding Graphene Oxide was
interaction at molecular level increased. Also, the impact resistance coated on Carbon Fiber with the help of electrophoretic deposition.
and apparent interfacial shear strength improved. Also if the con- This process by increasing the surface roughness and O2 content of
centration of sizing agent exceed certain limit then the resin starts CFs, increases the mechanical anchoring and chemical interaction
accumulating on the surface of the CF and which could impair the in between CFs and PU. To achieve a multiscale reinforcement
interface bonding. Surface modification for CF is necessary because fibers were mechanically mixed with graphene oxide. This multi-
fibers are brittle in nature and becomes fluffy easily and experi- scale reinforcement resulted in an increase of 46.4% in tensile
ences breakage during the production process. Different methods strength of PU elastomer. EPD treatment increased strength about
for sizing has been developed such as liquid phase, gas phase, oxi- 16.9% and mechanical mixing of GO improved the strength by
dation, anodic oxidation, surface electropolymerizing treatment, 13.9% individually [17].
plasma treatment, surface grafting treatment and surface coating A.R. Karaeva et al. studied a technique which modifies the inter-
modification [12]. face of PU-CF. A comparison between CF polymer with pristine CF
Shuai Jiang et al. developed a combined process of acetone and with CNT-grafted CF has been done. SEM of pristine CF com-
desizing, nitric acid oxidation, LiAlH4 reduction and salinization posites shows that pristine fibers slip out of the PU polymer matrix
for surface of CFs to improve adhesion of CF reinforced PU compos- due to weak adhesive force and easy delamination between PU and
D. Ahirwar, A. Telang, R. Purohit et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 62 (2022) 3804–3810
monofilaments. After slipping away smooth and clean surface of This hybrid composite showed higher strength, higher stiffness
pristine fibers observed. An appropriate grafting method allowed and lower-deformation with a lower Wt./Vol ratio in comparison
to avoid inevitable grafting induced deterioration of the fiber prop- to aluminum alloy material. At much lower costs this hybrid com-
erties. In this technique in-between protective aluminum oxide posite providessatisfactoriness by the manufacturer and user of the
layer is introduced. Interfacial shear strength got doubled because lower body orthotic callipers. Since physically challenged patients’
of nanotube grafting. Composite’s thermal conductivity, stiffness, needs a material which provides strength, stiffness along with light
mechanical properties, delamination resistance got increment in weight, it should be long lasting, environmentally inert at
along with the modified interfacial strength so as the material cheaper rates. Carbon Fiber/Graphene/Epoxy hybrid composite
can be considered as a novel flexible composite [18]. because of its outstanding unique properties and phenomenal
During the impact, collision and hail attack the interface of the material stands out for being designing orthotic callipers [22].
composites play an important role in transferring and distributing Nur Munirah Abdullah et al. emphasized on the utilization on
stress among reinforcement and matrix. bio materials, the waterborne PU made by the reactions between
Jakub Goclan et al. theoretically studied about the interfacial synthesized vegetable cooking oil, crosslink with methylene diphe-
layer formation using molecular dynamic solution (MDS) between nyl diisocyanate (MDI) and graphite particles reinforcement. The
the pristine single walled CNTs and PU. Hybrid composites were hybrid composite successfully prepared through the casting
obtained by non-covalent functionalization of pristine SWCNTs method. Different tests conducted to get better explanations of
with PU. They made different PU-SWCNT interaction patterns by mechanical, optical and electrical properties. Since in concern with
varying the diameter SWCNT and number of PU chains. MD simu- mechanical properties, both tensile strength and modulus upto
lation used and analyzed the energetic and geometrical parameters 100% and 440% respectively of the composite films increased
of all systems. This study shows that by increasing the diameter of whereas the elongation at breakage decreased was observed as
SWCNT the binding of polymer become stronger, with more or the amount of graphite particles loading increased and reached
increasing number of PU chains their mutual penetration become mechanical percolation threshold at WPUG20 [23].
stronger and more apparent in SWCNTs with small diameters [19]. PU based weather resistant films and top coating are usually
Jiuming Xie et al. arranged an overlaid laminate board made by used in aircrafts, automobile and many other industries. PU
pressure forming compression molding procedure and polyacry- degrades upon exposer to harsh environment containing UV,
lonitrile based carbon fiber-fortified thermosetting polymer. water/moisture and oxygen. All together accelerated the degrada-
orthogonal and single-factor tests were done on that which gave tion rates of polymer, therefore there is a need to improve the poly-
the impacts of various cycle boundaries those are compression mer. Graphene shows excellent UV absorption capability and by
temperature, pressure, pressure holding time and cooling rate on adding this to PU, satisfactory results has been observed. Graphene
the mechanical execution on the composite load up. Trial results despite its low thickness (1.153 nm) is impermeable to gases.
gave the ideal cycle boundary for pressure shaping for example Bapan Adak et al. explored the future of graphene in thermo-
pressure temperature 150 °C, pressure 50 T, pressure holding time plastic PU films. 0–3 wt% of graphene added to PU by varying wt.
20 min, a mold opening temperature 80 °C and a cooling pace of %. Solution master-batching and subsequent melt mixing and com-
3.5 °C/min. These boundary mix gives rigidity 785.28 MPa, bending pression moulding, stepwise procedure was used to make PGN
strength 680.36, and the interlaminar shear strength 66.15 MPa of films. About 30% reduction at 3 wt% graphene loading was
the sample [20]. observed in helium gar permeability along with the increment in
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer is popular because of its high tensile strength and stiffness. The PGN films were exposed to accel-
specific strength, fatigue resistance, specific modulus, corrosion erated artificial weather conditions for about 300 h. Since graphene
resistance, damage safety, forming process, and functional design holds excellent capability to absorb UV radiations, the weather
ability. It is in demand from several centuries and extensively resistance of films improved significantly, resulting in lower photo
applied in engineering applications such as aerospace engineering, oxidative and carbonyl index. optimum weather resistance
automobile engineering, wind turbine blades, sports equipment obtained with 2–3 wt% of graphene to keep the tensile and gas bar-
and therefore popular and dominant material of light-in-weight rier properties optimized [24].
materials and products. Its simple and easy fabrication, fast pro- Xiao Zhang et al. study,a nacre inspired Al2O3/Graphene/PU
cessing and high cost effectiveness helps in its rapid development. hybrid composite with hybrid hierarchical structure, a new way
These CFRPs can be moulded through induction moulding, com- for developing advanced bio-inspired material was successfully
pression moulding, winding, pultrusion or autoclaving etc. compres- fabricated by cloning the reinforcing mechanism in nacre. Forma-
sion moulding can be preferred and stands out of the box for its high tion of Al2O3 micro-asperities led to the nacre-like structure with
efficiency, low cost, low internal stresses, small buckling deforma- multilevel alignment and interconnecting bridges. The young mod-
tion, excellent product repeatability and good mechanical stability. ulus increased by 211%, tensile strength increased by 41% and com-
Hendra suherman et al. also aimed to optimize the electrical pressive modulus of hybrid composite are remarkably increased by
conductivity of a nanocomposite by varying the compression 145% respectively, thermal conductivity of hybrid composite
moulding parameters. This is a multiwall carbon nanotube, syn- reaches to 0.502 W m 1 K 1 at a filler loading of 10 wt%, enhanced
thetic graphite and epoxy i.e MWCNT/SG/Epoxy nanocomposite. by 141% in comparison to pure PU. This successful designing strat-
The moulding temperature, pressure and time were the controlled egy for use of material in excellent thermal and mechanical perfor-
parameters using the orthogonal array-taguchi method. ANOVA mancein solid propulsion fuel applications [25].
and SNR were used thereafter to analyses the results. By optimiz- Tejendra K. Gupta et al. studied and worked on the nano-
ing the parameters, these parameters effectively decreased the mechanical composite. Solvent casted technique was used for
agglomeration of MWCNTs and dispersed more evenly within the preparing composites made by pure thermoplastic resin PU matrix
epoxy polymer matrix. Higher electrical conductivity of 163 S/cm and using 0–5 wt% of reduced graphene oxide (RGO, made by hum-
obtained as a result [21]. mer’s method) reinforcement. Study of Nano indentation con-
Nisha Kumari and Kaushik Kumar found another alternative ducted on composite sheets in order to evaluate its nano-
material for replacing aluminium alloy based orthotic callipers. mechanical properties. At 5 wt% of RGO maximum nanoindentation
Carbon Fiber and Graphene was added 10 wt% and 2 wt% of epoxy hardness of 140 MPa and nanoindentation elastic modulus of
respectively. Using ultrasonic sonicator dispersion of graphene has 881.7 MPa was observed. Overall improvement of 139 % and 129%
been done and hand lay-up technique was used to reinforce CF. respectively in comparison to pure PU [26]. spectroscopic and
D. Ahirwar, A. Telang, R. Purohit et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 62 (2022) 3804–3810
microscopic investigation using Raman spectroscopy, transmission nanoparticles and multiwalled carbon nanotubes when added to
electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy PU lead to increase the mechanical properties of the hybrid filler
(SEM) used to correlate the enhancement of nano mechanical prop- composite. To attain the synergistic effect, three varieties of GNPs
erties. These composites are hard and scratch-less in coatings and based on flake sizes (diameter) and SSA (specific surface area) at
therefore can be used as automobile surface coatings. 0.25 to 0.75% by weight loadings tested. In comparison to pure
J.M.L. Reis et al. performed Quasi-static and high strain rate ten- PU, the nanocomposite of MWCNTs and GNP-1.5 (1:1) with a flake
sile tests on glass-fibe- reinforced polyurethane. The experimental size of 1.5 lm and a SSA of 750 m2/g maximized the synergistic
observations show the strain rate dependence of mechanical effect at a low nano-filler loading of 0.25 wt%, tensile strength
responses of Glass fiber/PU composite. The modulus of elasticity was improved by 43%. To attain the synergism successfully, GNPs
increases with the strain rate. Its experimental and analytical and MWCNTs contained a unit cell structure was introduced to
result’s difference value is lower than 2%. Higher ultimate tensile estimate the optimum amount and ratio of the nano-fillers in
strength is obtained for higher strain rates and its error value also hybrid nano-composites [31].
comes under 4%. The proposed 1-D constitutive equations let To reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and volume of solid
describing betterexperimental results. This study gives the effec- waste recycling is necessary. The various recycling technologies
tive failure criterion for composite reinforcement systems used have been developed for PUs. The four classes are as follows under
for rusted pipelines in oil industries [27]. which it is done,
In recent years surface treatments of fibers was a widely used
method to improve the surface properties of the fiber and enhanc- 1. Advanced chemical
ing the adhesion between the fibers and matrices. 2. Thermochemical
Defang Zhao et al. fabricated Carbon Fiber/Poly Amide 6 lami- 3. Mechanical
nates using hot-compression technique. Firstly, Carbon plainwo- 4. Energy recovery and product recycling [1]
ven sheet was treated with PU Dispersion (PUD) to enhance the
affinity and adhesion with Poly Amide 6, mechanical, thermal Regrinding which comes under mechanical recycling and gly-
and dynamic mechanical properties were investigated. Treated colysis which comes under chemical processing are the most
Carbon Fiber/Poly Amide 6 laminates after fatigue tests, exhibit important technologies. These technologies emerged as an effec-
28.6% increment in flexural strength and a 5.4% improvement in tive and economical way for recycling PU rigid foams and compos-
residual flexural strength retention. Fourier transform infrared ites. Compression moulding method comes under mechanical
spectroscopy supported that PUD treatment strengthen the inter- recycling technique. Compression moulded parts contain 100 per-
facial interactions, Optical microscopy and SEM were used for mor- cent recycled material [32]. It is primarily used with reaction injec-
phological analysis of surface fracture and revealed an tion moulding PUs and it is capable of producing high performance
improvement in interfacial adhesion between Carbon Fiber and recycled products. 3D parts like motor housings and pump can be
Poly Amide 6 matrix. PUD treatment deny in crystallinity, revealed produced by Compression Moulding when PU granules are molded
by differential scanning calorimetry results. The glass transition under heat and pressure. Compression Moulding is able to modify
temperature along with storage modulus showed an improvement the mechanical properties of the product.
whilst the damping coefficient decreases as per the dynamic
mechanical analysis results when compared to virgin composite.
Thermal stability was also seen in the treated composite [28].
Suraj Maganty et al. to improve mechanical properties of poly- 3. Conclusion
urethane, nanoparticles of silica (20 nm diameter) added with PU
resin by liquid suspension. Nano particle contained coatings From this review we can conclude that hybrid composites gives
showed improvement in nano-hardness, elastic modulus and far better performance than the neat individual materials.
strength with 20% and 30 wt% corresponding to 6.74 wt% and
9.75 wt% of nano-silica respectively. Being the most effective in Combination, quantity of fibers and Nano fillers and their size,
increasing the mechanical propertiesof the PU, coating of 30 wt% shape and way of distribution contributes in the manufacturing
and its beyond starts showing brittle behavior with limited elonga- composite greatly affects the properties, qualities and perfor-
tion and hence premature failure was also observed with such a mance of the new hybridized composite.
composition. At distribution with 20 wt% suspension or lower of Also, the manufacturing method is another factor which con-
nanoparticles in the matrix, the matrix was homogeneous. The set- tributes in the hybridization.
tlement of particle showed after 30% suspension and agglomera- Optimum values of quantity are required, because many prop-
tion was not observed even for 50 wt% suspension [29]. erties give peak values on graph.
Xiao Han et al. added graphene oxide in carbon-fiber/epoxy To improved mechanical, electrical, thermal and desired prop-
resin composite and led the advancement in its interlaminar shear erties, a proper combination of all the factors are required to
property. The Carbon Fiber reinforced composites were prepared make a useful composite.
by hot pressing stacked Carbon Fiber pre impregnationTHF (te- Proper selection of matrix and reinforcement which is compat-
trahydrofuran (CH2)4O) solvent was used to disperse Graphene ible with each other is the most important thing to keep in mind
Oxide in the epoxy resin. A homogeneous Graphene Oxide modi- due to different kinds of failures, mainly the delamination, fati-
fied epoxy system obtained and remained stable for 3 h. A maxi- gue and interfacial slipping failures will occur due to incompat-
mum improvement of IFSS of 96.14 MPa, 8.05% higher was ibility between matrix and reinforcement.
reached at content ofGraphene Oxide 0.10 wt% when compared Distribution and amount should be in proper manner and
to laminated without Graphene Oxide. Micrographic examination amount otherwise agglomeration and non-uniformity, will lead
proved that interlaminar shear property enhancement is due to difference in properties of the composite material in different
the improvement of resin toughness and interfacial adhesion directions.
between epoxy resin and Carbon Fiber. In composite 5 °C incre- Polyurethane is a promising polymer in terms of strength, light
ment of glass transition temperature was also observed [30]. weight, environmently inert, so it can be used for making com-
Amir Navidfar et al. using tensile test, hardness, impact tests posites and will give provide higher efficiency to the composite
and micro-modelling, investigated that nano-fillers Graphene product.
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