Anatomy Outline
Anatomy Outline
Anatomy Outline
Biology Department
Biol.252-Human Anatomy and Physiology–II (3credits) Spring 2023
Teacher: Miss. Nevin Abuhammoud, RN, MSN. Cellular: 0537091699
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: Any times you have a problem do not hesitate to stop by and see me in the
faculty. You could also contact me through the email and phone as well.
The course is the second part and a continuation to the first part (Biol.252) offered to
2 nd year nursing students. The main goal of the course is to introduce a basic
understanding and working knowledge of the human at the level of system and organ
as well. The course will cover the anatomy and physiology of the following systems:
respirator, digestive, urinary, integumentary, immunity, musculoskeletal, genetic, and
reproductive, and also introduction to nutrition.
Text book:
Ross & Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness 12th Ed
Topics to be covered:
Identify the lower extremity, its component bones, and their markings.
Compare the principal structural differences between male and female
Define an articulation and identify the factors that determine the degree of
movement at a joint.
Discuss the composition and functions of synovial fluid.
Define arthritis and differentiate among its major categories.
Contrast the histological characteristics and functions of neuroglia and
Compare the functional anatomy of a stretch reflex, flexor reflex, and crossed
extensor reflex.
Compare the components of the brain stem with regard to structure and
Identify the 12 pairs of cranial nerves by name, number, type, location, and
Describe the structures of the cerebellum and its functions in motor control.
Compare the structural and functional differences between the somatic efferent
and autonomic portions of the nervous system.
Describe the structure of each part of the ear, giving functions for each part.
Intended learning outcomes:
Identify the chambers, great vessels, and valves of the heart.
Define systole and diastole as the two principal events of the cardiac cycle.
Describe, in general terms, the early development of the heart, the plan of
the fetal circulation, and its differences from the adult.
Describe the coronary circulation.
Explain ABO and RH blood grouping
List the Major subdivisions of the blood and its functions.
Contrast the structure and function of arteries, arterioles, capillaries,
venules and veins.
Identify the components and functions of the lymphatic system.
Describe the histological aspects of lymph nodes and explain their
Identify the locations and compare the functions of the tonsils, spleen, and
thymus gland.
Mid-term exam: There will be an announced exam in units I, II, III, IV and V.
Final exam: There will be an announced exam in units I, II, III, V, and VI.
Assessment methods:
First exam 20%
Mid-term exam 20%
Homework assignments/quizzes 15%
Project or report 10%
Final exam 35%
Total 100%
The topic should be related to human anatomy and physiology. You have the freedom
to select the topic that you like within the framework of the course. The grading of
this section would be based on the quality of the report and/or project (5 Points) and
the oral presentation in the class (5 Points).
**Assignments should be turned in, for grading, one week after posting it on the
E-class platform.
Good Luck