Shreya Report
Shreya Report
Shreya Report
“A deep analysis on the study of background verification of
employees with special reference to Pragathi Consultancy Services”
This project report is an original work carried out by me and the report has
not been submitted to any other University for the award of any
degree or diploma.
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First and foremost, I thank almighty for keeping me hale and healthy
for successful completion of the project.
I sincerely thank to my guide, Dr. Sugandha Joshi for her kind words
and continuous encouragement which has inspired me in completion of
this project and also for giving me the opportunity to execute the project
successfully with his guidance in their esteemed organization.
I am also taking the pleasure to express my sincere thanks to all other staff
members of The Department of Management Studies, for their kind co-
Last but not least, I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to my
parents and friends, who have always been a source of inspiration
towards the completion of this project.
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Mentor Certificate
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Introduction to HRM
Earlier references: In western countries HRM had its primitive beginning in 1930s. Not
much thought was given on this subject in particular and no written records or documents
interesting to note HRM concepts was available, in ancient philosophies of Greek, Indian and
Chinese. This is not to suggest that industrial establishment and factories system, as it is
known today, existed in ancient Greece, India or china. The philosophy of managing human
being, as a concept was found developed in ancient literatures in general and in Indian
philosophy in particular.
Personnel functions: Till 1930s, it was not felt necessary to have a separate discipline of
management called “Personnel management”. In fact, this job was assigned as part of the
factory manager. Adam Smith’s concept of factory was that it consists of three resources,
land, labour and capital. This factory manager is expected to “procure,
Process and peddle” labour as one of the resources. The first time when such a specialist
“person” was used; it was to maintain a “buffer” between employer and employee to meet
the “legitimate need” of employees. However, it is the employer who decided what is
“legitimate need” of employees. In fact, the specialist “person” was more needed to prevent
“unionization” of employees. This was the case before 1930-s all over the world.
Environmental Influences on HRM: Since 1930s, certain developments took place, which
greatly contributed, to the evolution and growth of Human Resources Management (HRM).
These developments are given below:
Scientific Management
Labour Movements
Government Regulations.
Need for the Study :
Shortage of skills.
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Skills and knowledge people are always on short supply. Alternatively they are too costly to
hire from outside. The best alternative is to improve skill and knowledge of existing
Technological Obsolescence.
Growth of technology takes places very fast. This will render current technology obsolete in
the future. There is a great need to upgrade technology. This needs suitable training.
Personal Obsolescence.
At the time recruitment employees possess a certain of knowledge and skill. As time passes
knowledge becomes obsolete, unless it is updated by proper training. This happens because
of changes taking place in product technology, production methods, procurement of better
machines, setting up of modern production lines, introduction of modern method of
supervision and information processing through MIS and EDO..
Organization Obsolescence.
Modern management has introduced a number of innovative steps in functions of
management like planning, organizing, controlling, coordinating and directing. Organization
which is impervious to such changes is bound to fail and become obsolete.
Upgrading Ability of Threshold workers.
Public policy provides reservation to disadvantaged sections of the society like handicapped,
minorities and dependents of deceased workers etc. All these are threshold workers having
less than minimum prescribed level of knowledge and skill. They require extensive training
to bring them up to the minimum level of performance standard.
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The latest thinking is to treat employees as “human capital”. The expenditure involved is
training and developments are now being considered as an investment.
The Scope of HRM is in deed fast. All major activities in the working life of worker
from time of his entry in an organization until he / she leaves, come under the preview of
HRM. Specifically, the activities included are Human Resource planning, Job analysis and
design, Recruitment, Selection, Orientation and placement, Training and development,
Performance appraisal and Job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration and
communication, employee welfare, safety and health, industrial relations and the like.
HRM is becoming a specialized branch giving rise to a number of specialized areas like :
Welfare and Safety
Wages and Salary Administration
Training and Development
Labour Relations
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Nature of Human
Prospects Management Employee hiring
of HRM
Employee and
Industrial Human Resource executive
Relations Management Remuneration
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1. Industrial peace: This is secured by excellent union management relations, healthy inter-
personal relationships, and promoting participative management style and good industrial
and labour relations.
2. Achieve High Productivity: The underlying objective brings to increase the “quantity or
volume” of the product or service for a given input, productivity improvement programme is
very significant in a competitive environment.
3. Better quality of working life of employees: This involves both intrinsic and extrinsic
factors connected with work.
4. Obtain and sustain competitive advantage through empowerment : continuous
improvement and innovative steps being the two essential ingredients to achieve and sustain
competitive advantage, today’s industries
are “knowledge based” and “skill intensive”.
5. Cordial relationship between the employer and employees.
6. Personnel research functions.
7. Proper orientation and introduction to the new employees.
William James of Harvard University estimated that employees could retain their jobs by
working at a mere 20-30 percent of their potential. His research led him to believe that if
these same employees were properly motivated, they could work at 80-90% of their
capabilities. Behavioral science concepts like motivation and enhanced productivity could
well be used for such improvements in employee output. Training could be one of the means
used to achieve such improvements through the effective and efficient use of learning
Training and development has been considered an integral part of any organization since
the industrial revolution era. From training imparted to improve mass production to now
training employees on soft skills and attitudinal change, training industry has come a long
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way today. In fact most training companies are expecting the market to double by the year
2007, which just means that the Indian training industry seems to have come of age.
Organization and individual should develop and progress simultaneously for the their
survival and attainment of mutual goals. So, every modern management has to develop the
organization through human resource development. Employee training is the most important
sub-system of human resources development. Training is a specialized function and one of
the fundamental operative functions for human resources management.
There are few generalizations about training that can help the practitioner. Training should be
seen as a long term investment in human resources using the equation given below:
Performance = ability (x) motivation
Background Check can have an impact on both these factors. It can heighten the skills and
abilities of the employees and their motivation by increasing their sense of commitment and
encouraging them to develop and use new skills. It is a powerful tool that can have a major
impact on both employee productivity and morale, if properly used.
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Introduction to Background Check
Background Verification is basically concerned with having the right types of people
available as and when required and improving the performance of existing people to make
them to work more effective on their jobs, Manpower management thus starts with
Background check. It is first done by studying three types of Forecasts.
Background is related to the promotions and transfers from within the organization to
jobs for which the existing personnel are suitable.
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Thus Background refers to a set of programs, functions and activities, designed and
carried out in order to maximize both employees as well as organizational effect venal
effectiveness. Background is an actuating process, which involves every worker.
4) Functional Objectives
To maintain the departments contributions at a level appropriate to the organizations need.
Resources are wasted when Background demands.
5) To assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at least insofar as these goals
enhance the individual’s contribution to the organization. Personal objectives of
employees must be met if workers are to be maintained, retained and motivated.
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10 Tips For A Better Criminal Background Check
1. Get Complete Information From Your Applicant. A criminal background check
will be based in part on the information provided by the applicant. If necessary
information is left out - such as which campus of a state university was attended, or
the city where they last worked - the turnaround time can be adversely affected.
5. Include Work Locations. People spend a lot of time at work or in the area of their
employer, so consider a County Criminal History search in this area as well if it
differs from the applicant's Address History.
6. Credit Checks for Employment. Credit History Reports for employment purposes
are different than those obtained for credit-granting purposes. The reports for
employers have the individual account numbers screened out or altered (a fraction of
it may appear or be substituted). Using a standard credit report for employment
purposes is a violation of the FCRA.
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8. Run A Statewide Criminal Search. We don't recommend Statewide Criminal
Searches as a sole source of information during a criminal background check, but
they are a good way to augment your County Criminal Record Search. If it's
available, it's a relatively inexpensive way to cover a broad area.
10. Get With The Times. The Web is how business gets done … quickly. If you're not
using a Web-based criminal background check provider, you're probably waiting
longer and spending more for your pre employment screening reports. Give Easy
Backgrounds a try.
Those two words have been devastating to many businesses — and they could cost you
millions of dollars. Negligent hiring is the failure to check the backgrounds of job applicants
before you hire them.
When a pizza deliveryman raped a customer, a jury awarded the victim $6 million of the
parent company's money. The firm had failed to do a background check which might have
disclosed the man's previous sex-offense record.
A trucking company was ordered to compensate a family when several family members were
injured in an accident caused by one of its drivers. The amount awarded was many times
what it would have been had the company checked the driver's record before hiring him.
Every day people with criminal records, falsified educational credentials, and other serious
liabilities are hired by companies who fail to thoroughly check their backgrounds. The result
can be acts leading to expensive negligent hiring lawsuits.
Knowing the backgrounds of the people you hire is absolutely essential because a
business can be held liable for accidents and crimes committed by its employees To
protect your company and minimize risk, get reliable background information about
everyone you consider for employment.
Employee Background Check minimizes these problems with its services. You can verify
the accuracy and/or completeness of information provided by job applicants — before hiring
and training -- and thus reduce the costs incurred by high turnover and reduce your risk of
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General Information Reports
Driving Record Reports
Workers' Compensation Reports
Credit Reports
Criminal History Reports
Education Verification Reports
In-Depth Reports
Rush Services
Services and companies from around the Web. The following companies offer pre-
employment screening and background check packages which typically include verification
of education and employment, credit reports, driving records, civil records and any other type
of information you may need when conducting a search.
Provides pre-employment screening and background checks in the areas of fraud detection
and prevention, risk management, debt collection, asset location and identification,
information verification, due diligence claims investigations and other permissible purposes.
Texas firm provides companies, individuals and organizations a time sensitive, cost
A pre-employment screening service that provides a full range of public record searches,
employment and education verifications and references checks both nationally and abroad.
Provides HR professionals and hiring managers with full service employment background
screening products including hand-pulled county criminal background checks, Motor Vehicle
Records, and education verification and many other services. Corra has crafted handy
screening packages to assist with screening various types of employmentpositions.
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searches, online ordering and retrieval. Visit their website, and
request a free quote online.
Background Information Services works closely with companies to develop a hiring
screening program.
ESR check
Employment background screening, with emphasis on legal compliance, Internet access and
professional HR assistance. Site contains educational articles, reports and sources on safe
Security Check:
Security and investigations company which offers employment and drug screening, criminal
background checks, private investigations, physical security, bodyguards, and alarm
monitoring and installation.
Screening Services is a leading provider of employment background checks, drug testing and
National online provider of employee background checks and investigative services. They
offer pre-employment screening, tenant screening and employment verification, which
include credentials check, driving records, criminal checks, sex offender checks, court
eviction records, education verification, social security trace and reference checks for human
sources and small business owners.
The Background & Network service loss prevention, consulting, investigation and
background screening agency.
Whether you are hired or promoted for a job may depend on the information revealed in a
background check. Job applicants and existing employees as well as volunteers may be asked
to submit to background checks. For some jobs, screening is required by federal or state law.
The current emphasis on security and safety has dramatically increased the number of
employment background checks conducted.
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In short, employers are being cautious. At the same time, applicants and employees fear that
employers can dig into the past in ways that have nothing to do with the job.
This guide explains the why and how of background checks. It also tells you what can be
covered in a background report, your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and what
you can do to prepare. For more information, go to the References section at the end of this
guide. The PRC does not perform background checks.
Why Does an Employer Conduct a Background Check: Employers check potential and
current workers for several reasons. The things an employer wants to know about you can
vary with the kinds of jobs you might seek. Here are a few of the reasons for employment
Negligent hiring lawsuits are on the rise. If an employee's actions hurt someone, the
employer may be liable. The threat of liability gives employers reason to be cautious
in checking an applicant's past. A bad decision can wreck havoc on a company's
budget and reputation as well as ruin the career of the hiring official. Employers no
longer feel secure in relying on their instinct as a basis to hire.
Child abuse and child abductions in the news in recent years have resulted in new
laws in almost every state that require criminal background checks for anyone who
works with children. The move to protect children through criminal background
checks now includes volunteers who serve as coaches for youth sports activities and
scout troop leaders.
Terrorist acts of September 11, 2001, have resulted in heightened security and
identity-verification strategies by employers. Potential job candidates and long-time
employees alike are being examined with a new eye following September 11, 2001.
Corporate executives, officers, and directors now face a degree of scrutiny in both
professional and private life unknown before the Enron debacle and other corporate
scandals of 2002.
The "information age" itself may be a reason for the increase in employment screening --
the availability of computer databases containing millions of records of personal data. As the
cost of searching these sources drops, employers are finding it more feasible to conduct
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While some people are not concerned about background investigations, others are
uncomfortable with the idea of an investigator poking around in their personal history. In-
depth background checks could unearth information that is irrelevant, taken out of context, or
just plain wrong. A further concern is that the report might include information that is illegal
to use for hiring purposes or which comes from questionable sources.
Background reports can range from a verification of an applicant's Social Security number to
a detailed account of the potential employee's history and acquaintances. Here are some of
the pieces of information that might be included in a background check. Note that many of
these sources are public records created by government agencies.
Arrest information. Although arrest record information is public record, in California and
other states employers cannot seek from any source the arrest record of a potential employee.
However, if the arrest resulted in a conviction, or if the applicant is out of jail but pending
trial, that information can be used.
In India, an exception exists for the health care industry where any employer who has
an interest in hiring a person with access to patients can ask about sex related arrests.
And, when an employee may have access to medications, an employer can ask about
drug related arrests.
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Criminal history. In India , criminal histories or "rap sheets" compiled by law
enforcement agencies are not public record. Only certain employers such as public
utilities, law enforcement, security guard firms, and child care facilities have access
to this information. With the advent of computerized court records and arrest
information, however, there are private companies that compile virtual "rap sheets."
Workers' compensation. when an employee's claim goes through the becomes
public record. An employer may only use this information if an injury might interfere
with one's ability to perform required duties. Under the federal Americans with
Disabilities Act, employers cannot use medical information or the fact an applicant
filed a workers' compensation claim to discriminate against applicants.
In India employers may access workers' compensation records after making an offer of
employment. To gain access, employers must register with the and confirm that the records
are being accessed for legitimate purposes. Although the agency may not reveal medical
information and the employer may not rescind an offer due to a workers' compensation claim
employers sometimes discover that applicants have not revealed previous employers where
they had filed claims. In such situations, employers often terminate the new hire because it
appears they falsified the application
Although these laws should prevent an employer from considering certain information, there
is no realistic way for the applicant to determine whether such information will be revealed
in a background check. This is particularly true for investigations conducted online where the
information obtained from web-based information brokers might not be verified for accuracy
or completeness.
For example, if you were arrested but never convicted, a data search could reveal the arrest,
but the investigator who compiled the information might not delve further into the public
records to determine that you were acquitted or the charges were dropped. Reputable
employment screening companies always verify negative information obtained from data
base searches against the actual public records filed at the courthouse.
Can an employment application ask about things that should not be reported?
For example, an employment application might ask if you have "ever" been arrested. The
consumer reporting agency cannot report an arrest that from date of entry was more than
seven years ago. It does not say the employer cannot How to handle such questions on an
employment application is of real concern to many people, especially those concerned with a
youthful mistake from the distant past.
State employment laws may limit the questions an employer includes on a job application.
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Aren't some of my personal records confidential!!!
The following types of information may be useful for an employer to make a hiring decision.
However, under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, the employer is required to get your
permission before obtaining the records.,"
Medical records. In many states, medical records are confidential. There are only a
few instances when a medical record can be released without your knowledge or
authorization. The requires your specific permission for the release of medical
records. If employers require physical examinations after they make a job offer, they
will have access to the results.
There are other questions such as age, marital status, and certain psychological tests
that employers cannot use when interviewing. These issues are beyond the scope of
this fact sheet. If you have further questions, contact the resources at the end of this
fact sheet. The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the fair
employment agencies in the states handle these issues.
Often a potential employer will contact an applicant's past employers. A former boss can say
anything [truthful] about your performance. However, most employers have a policy to only
confirm dates of employment, final salary, and other limited information. California law
prohibits employers from intentionally interfering with former employees' attempts to find
jobs by giving out false or misleading references.
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Under Indian law and the laws of many other states, employees have a right to review their
own personnel files and make copies of documents they have signed. If you are a state or
federal employee, Jobs such as truck driver positions fall under regulations of the federal
Department of Transportation. Employers are required to accurately respond to an inquiry
from a prospective employer about whether you took a drug test, refused a drug test, or tested
positive in a drug test with the former or current employer.
There are many companies that specialize in employment screening. It is outside the purpose
of this fact sheet to identify background checking companies by name. The most important
thing to keep in mind is that companies conducting background checks fall into several broad
categories. This can range from individuals commonly known as"privateinvestigators," to
companies that do nothing but employment screening, and to online data brokers.
Corporations that employ large numbers of people may have an established relationship with
a third-party background checking company or may even use an affiliated company for their
employment screening. Other background checking companies may work on a less formal
basis with employers. There are about several companies that conduct employment screening
and thousands others nationwide, including private investigators.
With the information age upon us, it is easy for employers to gather background information
themselves. Much of it is computerized, allowing employers to log on to public records and
commercial databases directly through dial-up networks or via the Internet. Finding one of
these online companies is as easy as using an Internet search engine to find web sites that
specialize in "background checks." Employers should beware of companies advertising on
the Internet that they can "find everything about anyone." They are not necessarily going to
be in strict compliance with federal and state laws, especially the provisions that require
accuracy of background check reports.
Increase the disclosure and consent requirements of employers who use "consumer reports."
Such reports might consist only of a credit check. More extensive reports might include
criminal histories, driving records, and interviews with neighbors, friends and associates.
To be covered by the , the Federal Trade Commission says that a report must be prepared by
an outside company -- a "consumer reporting agency" or business that "for monetary fees,
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dues, or on a cooperative nonprofit basis, regularly engages in ... assembling ... information
on consumers for the purpose of furnishing consumer reports to third parties."
A job offer, or denying a promotion - it must take the following steps, which are explained .
Before the adverse action is taken, the employer must give the applicant a "pre-
adverse action disclosure." This includes a copy of the report and an explanation of
the consumer's rights under .
After the adverse action is taken, the individual must be given an "adverse action
notice." This document must contain the name, address, and phone number of the
employment screening company, a statement that this company did not make the
adverse decision, rather that the the accuracy or completeness of any of the
information in the report.
The federal law has two significant loopholes. First, if the employer does not use a third-
party screening company but, rather conducts the background check itself, it is not subject to
the notice and consent provisions of the . Second, the employer might tell the rejected
applicant that its adverse decision was not based on the contents of the background
investigation, but, rather that the job pool was so exceptional that it made its hiring decision
based on the fact that there were individuals more qualified than the applicant.
In both of these situations, the applicant would not have the ability to obtain a copy of the
background check to find out what negative information it contained. We have learned of
situations where the individual remained unemployed for years, not knowing that wrongful
criminal records which resulted from identity theft were the reason for the individual's failure
to find employment.
Workplace Investigations -:
This is an investigation conducted by a third-party your employer may hire if the employer
suspects you of:
It means your employer does not have to give you notice and get your permission to conduct
a misconduct investigation. Like other inquiries covered by the FCRA, this only applies if the
employer hires an outside party to conduct the investigation.
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It also means you will not receive a notice of your rights as others who are subject to a
standard employment background check normally would. If, at the end of the investigation,
the employer decides to take some action against you, you receive the "adverse action" notice
only after the action has been taken.
You will receive only a "summary" of the investigation report, but not the more detailed
report that may include sources.
Not under the BG dispute procedure. That is because this new section on workplace
misconduct investigations was affected by removing this type of investigation from the
definition of "consumer report." Thus, the usual protections that apply to a "consumer report"
conducted for employment purposes do not apply to workplace misconduct investigations. If
you find yourself in this position, you will probably want to seek the advice of an
employment law attorney.
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For job applicants and employees, this means, starting in January 2005, you may receive a
free copy of your "file" maintained by a "nationwide specialty consumer reporting agency"
that supplies employers with background checks. Before, you could request a copy of your
"file" but would have to pay for it.
Now, companies that provide employment background check reports have to, as a minimum,
set up a toll-free number that gives you instructions on how to get the information in your
"file." Companies may but are not required to also provide access to the free "file" disclosure
through a web site address.
Your "file" is not the same as your "report." The "report" is the document the background
screening company gives to your employer. The gives you the right to receive a copy of your
"report" directly from the employer," but only if the employer issues an "adverse action"
notice. Your "file" is defined in the as ".all of the information [about you] recorded and
retained by a consumer reporting agency regardless of how the information is stored." You
are entitled to see your "file," whether or not the employer gives the "adverse action" notice.
The background check that includes interviews with "neighbors, friends, or associates"
about your "character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living" is
called an "investigative consumer report."
When information about you is gathered from interviews, the requires a separate disclosure.
You are also entitled to know the "nature and scope" of an investigative consumer report, but
you have to ask. For more on how the staff interprets the term "investigative consumer
report" and other keys topics under the
When you know you are going to be on the job market, take the following steps to reduce the
chances that you and/or the potential employer will be "surprised" by information found in
the background check process:
Order a copy of your credit report. If there is something you do not recognize or
that you disagree with, dispute the information with the creditor and/or credit bureau
before you have to explain it to the interviewer. Another individual's name may
appear on your credit report. This happens when someone mistakenly writes down the
wrong Social Security number on a credit application causing that name to appear on
your file. Or you might be a victim of identity theft.
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Check court records. If you have an arrest record or have been involved in court
cases, go to the county where this took place and inspect the files. Make sure the
information is correct and up to date.
Reporting agencies often report felony convictions when the consumer truly
Request a copy of your driving record from the Department of Motor Vehicles, especially if
you are applying for a job that involves driving.
Many employers ask on their application if you were ever convicted of a crime. Or
they might word the question to ask whether you have ever been convicted of a
felony or misdemeanor. Typically, the application says you do not have to divulge a
case that was expunged or dismissed, or that was a minor traffic violation.
Do your own background check. If you want to see what an employer's background
check might uncover, hire a company that specializes in such reports to conduct one
for you. That way, you can discover if the data bases of information vendors contain
erroneous or misleading information. (Consult the Yellow Pages under
"Investigators.") Or, you can use one of the many online search services to find out
what an employer would learn if conducting a background check in this way.
Ask to see a copy of your personnel file from your old job. Even if you do not
work there anymore, state law might enable you to see your file. Under you can
access your file until at least a year from the last date of employment. And you are
allowed to make copies of documents in your file that have your signature on them.
You may also want to ask if your former employer has a policy about the release of
personnel records. Many companies limit the amount of information they disclose.
Read the fine print carefully. When you sign a job application, you will be asked to
sign a consent form if a background check is conducted. Read this statement carefully
and ask questions if the authorization statement is not clear. Unfortunately, jobseekers
are in an awkward position, since refusing to authorize a background check may
jeopardize the chances of getting the job.
Tell neighbors and work colleagues, past and present, that they might be asked to
provide information about you. This helps avoid suspicion and alerts you to possible
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problems. In addition, their prior knowledge gives them permission to disclose
information to the investigator. Forewarning others speeds up the process and helps
you get the job faster.
Request previous background check reports. If you have been the subject of a
background check covered by the BG Department, you may be entitled to receive a
copy of your "file" from the employment screening company. If you do not know the
name of the screening company, ask the employer who requested the check. For more
on your right to get a free employment report,
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Company Profile
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M/S Praghathi Consultancy Services
At PCS, we energetically strive to deliver the best employment options for great companies
and the associates we place within them. We serve best and respected companies by sending
them the highest-quality individuals for temporary, temp-to-hire and full-time positions.
Companies make Pragathi their first choice for full-time, direct hire, temp-to-hire and
temporary employment agencies because we're at the forefront of the ever-changing staffing
industry. We meet our clients' needs - precisely, quickly and cost-effectively - with the finest
Young and very experienced - that's probably the best way to describe us !
Pragathi helps companies in searching, selecting and managing the ever-valuable human
assets. Formed in 2005, PCS enjoys an enviable reputation for delivering efficient, effective
and professional solutions to meet our IT and ITES clients’ diverse recruitment needs. We
guide the candidates too about the best opportunities in the marketplace, and constantly
advise them in their career progression.
Pragathi Consulting brings valuable experience to benchmark, revise, implement and preach
the best practices of recruiting to our clients. We will conduct business and HR process
reviews to assess what works and what doesn't within the client's unique corporate
Pragathi Consulting will implement methods to decrease the joining time, reduce the cost-
per-hire, and propose tailored solutions to streamline your recruitment process. Our services
give you the opportunity to focus your expertise where it counts - on your unique business
endeavors. Our goal is to ensure that our clients succeed in meeting their hiring goals with
cost-effectiveness in mind.
Our recruitment performance consulting services are designed to help take your company to
the next level of recruitment capability. Our recruitment consultants are all senior level
recruiters with years of IT and software experience in recruiting, screening, and hiring
techniques that produce lasting results in IT sector.
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About Pragathi
* Mission
* Objectives
Our role in unfurling the latest techniques, the quality of our services, our spirit of innovation
and our sound management principles have earned us the confidence and trust of an
extensive client base. We strive for excellence in:
To be agents of change for our clients, facilitating their passage form given condition to a
more desired, improved one and by providing information technology solutions to their
business needs.
Companies make Prahgathi consultancy Services their first choice for full-time, direct hire,
temp-to-hire and temporary employment agencies because we're at the forefront of the ever-
changing staffing industry. We meet our clients' needs - precisely, quickly and cost-
effectively - with the finest talent.
Young and very experienced - that's probably the best way to describe us !
Prahgathi consultancy Services helps companies in searching, selecting and managing the
ever-valuable human assets. Formed in 2005, Prahgathi consultancy Services enjoys an
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enviable reputation for delivering efficient, effective and professional solutions to meet our
IT and ITES clients’ diverse recruitment needs. We guide the candidates too about the best
opportunities in the marketplace, and constantly advise them in their career progression.
1. IT and Non- IT job consultancy
2. Education consultants
Prahgathi consultancy Services Consulting will implement methods to decrease the joining
time, reduce the cost-per-hire, and propose tailored solutions to streamline your recruitment
process. Our services give you the opportunity to focus your expertise where it counts - on
your unique business endeavors. Our goal is to ensure that our clients succeed in meeting
their hiring goals with cost-effectiveness in mind.
Our recruitment performance consulting services are designed to help take your company to
the next level of recruitment capability. Our recruitment consultants are all senior level
recruiters with years of IT and software experience in recruiting, screening, and hiring
techniques that produce lasting results in IT sector.
Priority ONE Consulting will work with you assess your company's current recruiting
processes and identify methods to decrease cost per hire, time to fill rates, and enhance the
screening process to hire people whose skills and talents align with our clients technical and
corporate culture goals. We would be helping you to improve both your performance
efficiency and effectiveness.
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Skilled, experienced, high-quality professionals are always at a premium and the competition
to acquire such individuals will always be fierce, especially in these booming times. At
Prahgathi consultancy Services , we believe that by fostering a positive, professional and
attractive culture, we are able to attract these candidates on behalf of our clients.
Relationships are at the core of our business. To successfully match candidates to clients, we
believe we have to look at more than a resume.
We prefer for our consultants to meet with clients at their offices. This allows us to gain an
insight into a client's working culture, as well as taking a detailed brief about their company
and the position they wish to fill.
Our candidates are our product and we want our product to be the best. We attract
prospective applicants through advertising, and intensive searching and selection through job
portals, and our in-house databases, and will invite only those we judge to be of suitable
quality to interact with one of our consultants for private interviews. At this point, our
consultants will add a comprehensive report to the candidate's application.
Only candidates who complete our rigorous selection process will be entered into our records
and considered for a specific role or other appropriate appointments. We don't add everyone
we meet to our books.
For additional information, prior to interviews, clients are provided with our consultant's
initial interview reports. Interviews usually take place at the client's offices, but if required,
we are happy for our clients to make use of our offices.
Key Clients:
Skilled, experienced, high-quality professionals are always at a premium and the competition
to acquire such individuals will always be fierce, especially in these booming times. At
Pragathi, we believe that by fostering a positive, professional and attractive culture, we are
able to attract these candidates on behalf of our clients.
Relationships are at the core of our business. To successfully match candidates to clients, we
believe we have to look at more than a resume.
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We prefer for our consultants to meet with clients at their offices. This allows us to gain an
insight into a client's working culture, as well as taking a detailed brief about their company
and the position they wish to fill.
Our candidates are our product and we want our product to be the best. We attract
prospective applicants through advertising, and intensive searching and selection through job
portals, and our in-house databases, and will invite only those we judge to be of suitable
quality to interact with one of our consultants for private interviews. At this point, our
consultants will add a comprehensive report to the candidate's application.
We use self developed enterprise recruitment software, enabling us to conduct a
comprehensive search of our candidate database for the criteria specified by our clients. We
also have the latest skills testing software to validate the candidate's proficiency and
experience on all the major software technologies. We can assist in managerial aptitude and
psychometric tests too.
Only candidates who complete our rigorous selection process will be entered into our records
and considered for a specific role or other appropriate appointments. We don't add everyone
we meet to our books.
For additional information, prior to interviews, clients are provided with our consultant's
initial interview reports. Interviews usually take place at the client's offices, but if required,
we are happy for our clients to make use of our offices.
HR Team:
PCS also had on Excellent HR and Development team of 50+ man power Strength across the
About HR Team:
Well Trained Staff of Four Professionals, and 2 of Business unit HR Professional, and
another Two for Training and HR operations.
1. Technical Department
2. Administration
3. Human Resource
4. Finance& Accounts
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5. Quality Department
Quality dept
HR Organization Chart
Corporate Manager- HR
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 34 of 69
Assi Mgr-Recruitment Assi.MgrContract Staffing
Staffing 2
Organization Chart of Technical Team
VP- Operations
Intigrated QC
Bangalore - 560085.
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Grade Structure
The PCS Grade structure is subject to change depending on the changes in the policy
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Grade Technical Group Support Group *
A Trainee Trainee/Management
B Engineer/Developer/Designer/Analyst/Writers/Editors.. Executive/System
I Managing Director
Experience Level :
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 37 of 69
A 0-1
B >1- 3
C >3-5
D >5-7
E >7-10
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Research and
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Statement of Problem:
Human resource has gained a wide acceptance in the industry. The objective of the study was
to access employee satisfaction. This has led to the need for more experienced and skillful
employee where to be trained to meet the organization requirement.
People in an organization are the most productive resource and also the most expensive
organization spends on this resource in order to extract the best contribution out of them. A
small judgment error in rectifying a non retainable employee could lead to decal losses in
terms of time and money spend on his training and job socialization as also initial losses in
terms of job held up due to vacancy in position and other related job being postponed in
today’s fast pace corporate world, time management being important, such errors are not
called for therefore more stress is laid on efficient, effective and potential worker for the
organization corporate world today recruits people directly and prudently rather simply hire
and fire people.
The mobilization of money, the construction of factory building, the purchase and installation
of machines and procurement of materials are the initial measures taken by a management in
the establishment of a company. The recruitment and selection of people to man and
machines and auxiliary services form a part of these initial measures.
Without people to man and plant, the collection of physical resources by itself will not serve
only purpose. The hiring of men and women required is more important than the marshalling
of physical resources in the establishment of the company and the attainment of its
objectives. Note that the hiring of people is confirmed to the initial stages in the formation of
an enterprise. The employment is continuous one and it ends only when the enterprise eases
to exist.
More important, an enterprise grows and diversifies, and so there is great need for men and
women. Recruitment and selection, therefore becomes a specialized function and is disclosed
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 40 of 69
by the personnel department. In act, employments are one of the foremost functions of the
human resource development.
Field of study:
This project work was carried out at (Pragathi Consulting Services ) PCS., Bangalore.
Research samples:
IT industry plays a very important role in the economy. The sample was therefore
chosen as it portrays the needs of the researchers.
Research provides an insight into any study top basically evaluate and judge the data or to
find the solution to any given problem a simple is representative of a group or population that
identifies itself as part of it. The sample chosen for this report is M /S Pragathi Consultancy
Services , Bangalore.
Data Collection:
The data collected contains primary data and secondary data. The primary data has
been collected mainly by interviewing and also observation and audit. Secondary data has
been obtained from published journals, company broachers, books, internet, etc.
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Limitations of the Study:
1. As the project is prepared for academic purpose only, it suffers from the limitations of
time and money, due to which analytical study into all the strategies adopted by the
organization was not possible.
2. The study was completed with in short span of time that was available.
3. The report also suffers from the limitations of exhaustiveness as far as the
information is concerned.
4. All this study is limited to Pragathi Consultancy Services, Bangalore only.
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Data Analysis
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1) Number of Respondent according to Gender.
No. Of Respondents
Male Female Contract Total
Feed Back:
The above Chart shows that 64% of Respondents is male and Female are 16% &
remaining20% respondents are others.
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2) Are YOU Satisfied with Management Policies?
Management Policies
No of Respondents
Yes No Not Total
Feed Back:
The above chart shows that 82 % respondents are satisfied with the management policies.&
Not Satisfied are 8 %.
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3. Are you satisfied with Background check facility by the company?
50 No. of
Yes no Not Total
Feed Back :
The Above chart shows 69% respondents are satisfied with Background facilities given by
the company.& Not Satisfied are 4% of the employees.
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4.Nature of Relationship bet’n the employees in organizations?
50 No.of
Exelent Good Average Total
Feed Back:
The above chart shows 81% of the respondents had excellent employees in the organization,
Good 10% & Average 9%.
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 47 of 69
5.Type of Background Check Offered?
No .of
50 Respondents
30 Percentage
s s th l
ck ck ta
he he Bo To
lC lC
ona ona
i i
at at
Feed Back:
The above chart shows that 64% of respondents prefer National check & 20% International
Checks type , Both preferred for 20%.
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 48 of 69
6)Does an Organization give importance to Background Checks?
50 No. of
Yes No Not Total
Feed Back
The above chart shows 69% of respondents feel the organizational is interested in
Background check formalities, No for 13% and 17% are not replied.
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7.Do you feel that your organization is well prepared to meet today’s challenges?
50 No. of
Yes No Not Total
Feed Back
The above chart shows all the 90% respondents agree that their organization is well prepared
to meet today’s challenges, 6% are no response.
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8. Do you have faith in Background check agency?
50 No. Of
Yes No Not Total
Feed Back
The above chart shows all the respondents have faith in their company’s policies.65%
yes ,14% no feed back & not replied 20%.
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9)Do you prefer internal BG Agency or External Agency?
50 No . of
Internal External Not Total
Feed Back
The above chart shows the 67% of respondents have prefer External Agency..
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 52 of 69
10.Are you happy with the Background Check process?
60 No. of
d l
s No l ie ota
Rep T
Feed Back:
Around 69% of the people are happy with the B.G Check process, Not Satisfied are 13%,
and Not Replied are 17%.
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 53 of 69
150 Percentage
No. of
or l
nt d ry ta
l le oo cto P o
T o
ce G a
Ex t isf
Feed Back :
44% of the respondents felt good about BG Check Panel &The parentage of poor we
got only 2.7 percentage.
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 54 of 69
150 Percentage
No. of
50 Respondents
t Re
Feed Back:
13.Are you happy with the salary what you offered from the company?
100 No. of
80 Respondents
40 Percentage
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 55 of 69
Feed Back:
14.Did PCS Management fulfill commitment which is given to you at the time of interview?
BG Checks No. of Respondents Percentage
Yes 65 86.7
No 10 13.3
Not Replied -- --
Total 75 100
100 No. of
80 Respondents
40 Percentage
d l
s No lie ota
e p T
Feed Back
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 56 of 69
15.How do you come to know about openings in PCS?
BG Checks No. of Respondents Percentage
Friends 5 6.7
Internet 23 30.7
News Papers 40 53.3
Others 7 9.3
Total 75 100
No. of
t l
n ds rne er
p h
F rie In
t e
Pa O
t T
w s
Feed Back
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 57 of 69
150 Percentage
No. of
50 Respondents
d l
s No lie ota
e p T
Feed Back
77% of Respondents here happy to refer PCS to their Friends& Not Replied is 12%.
150 Percentage
No. of
50 Respondents
d l
s No lie ota
e p T
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 58 of 69
Feed Back
Around 45% of the employees are happy with their Designations, and 36% of the employees
are not happy ,19% of the employees not responded.
No. of
Third Party
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 59 of 69
Feed Back
The mazor source of Verification from Third party about 52% & Secondary is Direct
Verifications which is 22.7%.
40 No. of
20 Respondents
Feed Back
Both are Mandatory & Necessary, around 40% Prefer Internal Check & 38% Prefer External
20.Did you fully know about the company policies before joining in this company?
BG Checks No. of Respondents Percentage
Yes 10 13.3
No 65 86.7
Total 75 100
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 60 of 69
150 Percentage
No. of
50 Respondents
Yes No Total
Feed Back:
Around 86.7% percent of the peoples was not knowing the fact, only 13% are knowing it.
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 61 of 69
80 No. of
Yes No Total
Feed Back
Around 92% says no the question, but only 8% are responded yes.
22.How do you think about BG Check and selection procedure in your company?
BG Checks No. of Respondents Percentage
Satisfactory 72 96
Unsatisfactory 3 4
Total 75 100
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 62 of 69
l No. of
y y ta
t or tor T o Respondents
c ac
fa it sf
Sa n sa
Feed Back
The Overall percentage is 96 say satisfactory, and 4% are says not satisfactory.
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12. The management is showing there individual attention to each and every employees
for their betterment and to groom their skills.
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Those two words have been devastating to many businesses — and they could cost you
millions of dollars. Negligent hiring is the failure to check the backgrounds of job applicants
before you hire them.
A trucking company was ordered to compensate a family when several family members were
injured in an accident caused by one of its drivers. The amount awarded was many times
what it would have been had the company checked the driver's record before hiring him.
Every day people with criminal records, falsified educational credentials, and other serious
liabilities are hired by companies who fail to thoroughly check their backgrounds. The result
can be acts leading to expensive negligent hiring lawsuits.
Knowing the backgrounds of the people you hire is absolutely essential because a
business can be held liable for accidents and crimes committed by its employees.
To protect your company and minimize risk, get reliable background information about
everyone you consider for employment.
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8 Run A Statewide Criminal Search.
1. Principles of Management
- By R.N.Gupta.
2. Business Management
- By Reddy and Appanaiah
3. Personal Management and Industrial Relations
-By Dr.T.N.Bhagoliwali
R.No 05DBIA1043. MBA -Human Resource Management. Page 68 of 69
8. Mr.BV Raghunath – (HRD Professional
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