3rd SUMM

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

3RD Summative Test
Table of Specification
S.Y. 2022-2023


2. tell the benefits of separating mixtures from

products through
handpicking 1 20% 5 1-5

tell the benefits of separating mixtures from

products through
1 20% 5
S6MT-Id-f-2 6-10

tell the benefits of separating mixtures from

products through 11-15
filtration 1 20% 5

tell the benefits of separating mixtures from

products through 16-20
use of magnets 1 20% 5

tell the benefits of separating mixtures from

products through 21-25
winnowing 1 20% 5

TOTAL 5 100% 25 1-25


1. C 6. A 11. C 16. A 21. A

2. D 7. A 12. B 17. A 22. D
3. A 8. B 13. A 18. A 23. A
4. A 9. A 14. D 19. D 24. A
5. B 10. A 15. B 20. D 25. A
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


3rd Summative Test
Name: _____________________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________

A. Read and select the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following mixture can be separated through handpicking?
a. oil and water c. rice grains from insects
b. rice grains from rice husks d. sand from water
2. The following mixture can be separated through handpicking, EXCEPT one.
a. picking up guava leaves c. separating different sizes of mango fruit
b. removing dirt from clothes d. getting fine sand from soil
3. Which of the following is one benefit of handpicking?
a. We can identify the texture and shape of things.
b. We can pour the liquid by settling the precipitate.
c. We can separate fine particles of substance.
d. We can non-magnetic materials to magnetic materials.
4. Which of the following best describes handpicking?
a. Physical manipulation
b. has magnetic field
c. It has holes that can pass through a substance.
d. It uses wind or air to separate substance
5. Handpicking uses _________ to separate mixtures.
a. sieve c. filter medium
b. person’s hand d. magnet
6. Which of the following is one benefit of sieving?
a. It separates fine particles from bigger particles.
b. It uses cloth in separating mixture.
c. Separates magnetic materials from non-magnetic materials
d. It transform from liquid to gas.
7. What tools can be used in sieving?
a. Sieve c. funnel
b. cheesecloth d. chromatography paper
8. Sieving is mostly used in ___________.
a. water station c. laboratory
b. construction d. laundry shop
9. Which best describes sieving?
a. Sieving of sifting is one method of separating mixture to separate fine substances from bigger substances.
b. Sieving can be used to separate solid from liquid.
c. Sieving uses filter medium in separating mixture
d. all of the above
10. How does sieving helpful in baking?
a. it separates fine flour from bigger particles of flour
b. it separates the unwanted substances.
c. it separates the solid particles from the liquid
d. it separates the light particles from heavier particles
11. Fitration uses ___________ in sepearating residue from filtrate.
a. magnet b. sieve c. filter medium d. chromatography paper
12. Which of the following is a filter medium?
a. slide b. cloth c. foil d. plastic wrapper
13. How does filtration beneficial in people?
a. It gives clean and filtered water.
b. It gives aroma in water that we drink.
c. It makes the water colourful.
d. It makes the water sticky.
14. The following are benefits of filtration, EXCEPT one.
a. This is used to separate the solid particles from the liquid
b. We can also filter the water that have wastes before letting it out from factories or buildings for us not to
harmed or poisoned.
c. We can create medicines through getting the nutrient from the substance
d. It will help to separate rice husks from ice grain.
15. Where does filtration usually takes place?
a. farm d. appliance store
b. water station c. laundry shop
16. What is magnet?
a. a piece of iron that exhibits magnetism that can attract metals.
b. It is used in separating magnetic from non-magnetic materials.
c. magnet release magnetic field that cannot be seen by our eyes
d. all of the above
17. Which of the following is one benefit of magnet.
a. It is used in mining companies in getting iron and metal.
b. it is used in farming.
c. in laboratory it separates dye from water
d. all of the above
18. Which of the following can attract by magnet?
a. pencil c. paper
b. dress d. key

19-20. Which of the following activity can be used magnetism in separating mixture? Encircle the two letter of
your answer.
a. separating plastic from paper
b. getting the needles from the floor
c. separating the colors of the candy
d. locating fake gold from non-gold jewelries
21. Winnowing usually takes place in ______.
a. farm b. water station c. laundry shop d. appliance store

22. What is the benefit of winnowing in the community?

a. Less cost production c. Easier to teach
b. Environment friendly d. All of the above
23. Aside from separting rice grains from rice chaffs and straws, where can we also use winnowing?
a. separating coffee grains from coffee pulps
b. separating the residue from water
c. separating metals from plastics
d. separating salt from seawater
24. In what field winnowing is very useful?
a. Agriculture b. Pharmacy c. Offices d. Laboratory

25. What tools can be used in winnowing?

a. Bilao b. magnet c. grinding machine d. sieve

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