1. Define information security. Enlist and explain the elements of information security.
2. What is security policy? How can it be implemented?
3. Explain the techniques to achieve information security.
4. Enlist and explain steps required for implementing information security.
5. Define security. Explain the categories of security briefly.
6. Define network security. Explain operational model of network security in detail.
7. Enlist and explain basic terminologies in network security.
8. What are the different threats and vulnerabilities in case of network security? Explain in
9. Distinguish between privacy and security.
10. Write Short Note on:
A. Information Security
B. Network Security
C. Privacy Vs. Security
1. Introduce the concept of data encryption techniques and standards.
2. Enlist and explain encryption methods.
3. Define cryptography. Explain cryptography technique in detail.
4. Enlist and explain types of Ciphers used in encryption.
5. Define Stenography. Describe its applications and limitations.
6. What does Block Ciphers mean? Explain the methods of operation of block ciphers.
7. Write and explain Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm.
8. What is Data Encryption Standard? Explain Triple DES in detail.
9. Explain Data Encryption Standard with the help of example.
10. Describe the criteria for DES Design.
11. Explain the concept of weak keys in DES algorithm.
12. Write and explain Advance Encryption Standard (AES).
13. Distinguish between Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Advance Encryption Standard
14. Write a Short note on:
A. Asymmetric vs. Symmetric Encryption
B. Feistal Cipher
C. DES vs. AES
D. Transposition Ciphers
E. Substitution Ciphers
A. IPv6
B. Ipv4
3. What are different protocols used in IP security. Explain each protocol briefly.
4. What is web security? Explain in detail.
5. Define Secure socket layer (SSL). Explain SSL record protocol briefly.
6. Explain the working of SSL session and connection
7. What is change cipher spec protocol? Explain in detail .
8. Enlist and explain protocols used in web security.
9. What is Electronic mail security? Explain the concept of pretty good privacy.
10. Explain the concept of MIME and S/MIME.
11. Distinguish between MIME and S/MIME.
12. Explain the concept of secure electronic transaction
13. Write a short note on:
A. AH protocol
B. ESP protocol
C. ISKAMP protocol
D. Oakkey determination protocol
14. Explain the concept of virtual private network used for IP security
15. Write a short note on:
B. Handshake protocol
C. SSL record protocol
1. Explain the concept of and intrusion
2. What is computer intrusion? Explain the concept in detail.
3. What are the characteristics and and types of firewall?
4. What is computer firewall? Draw and explain Firewall architecture.
5. What is trusted system and access control? Explain in detail.
6. What is intrusion detection explain the concept in short.
7. What is intrusion detection system and how does it work?
8. Define Intrusion detection system. What are the functions of vision detection system?
9. Explain the methods of intrusion detection system.
10. What is intrusion detection system? Explain the need of intrusion detection system.
11. Describe how the passport management can be used.
12. Enlist and explain the limitations and challenges of intrusion detection system.