Ionic Compounds
Ionic Compounds
Ionic Compounds
Strategy 1
** We will use an example to explain the rules for naming simple ionic compounds **
Example: What are the name and formula for the ionic compound formed from
combining magnesium and chlorine?
Step1: Write the ____________ for the elements, with the metal first.
Step 2: Write the ionic charge (combining capacity) above each element
Check –
Step 4: The name of the compound is simply the name of the metal followed by
the name of the non-metal with the ending of the non-metal changed to “ide”
Name of compound:
Practice Questions
The only difference for naming compounds with these special metals is that we must use
a Roman numeral after the name of the metal to indicate which charge it has
MATH REFRESHER: What are the Roman numerals for 1, 2, 3, and 4?
Example 1: What is the formula for the ionic compound iron (III) chloride?
Solution: If you’re given the name, it is easy to write the formula because the
Roman numeral tells you the charge on the metal
Therefore, you just use __________________:
Some metals able to form more than one kind of ion. Most of these are transition metals
which will have a different colour depending on the ionic charge they have.
Eg. Copper is white when it has an ionic charge of 1+ and yellow when it is 2+
They are named the same as other ionic compounds, except a Roman Numeral is added in
round brackets after the metal to indicate its ionic charge.
Eg 1. CuCl
2. Double check that the ionic charge on the _________________ matches what the
periodic table says it should be.
Cl has an ionic charge of ____. Therefore the ionic charge of Cu is also ___.
Writing the formula, we follow the same rules as before but remember to use the Roman
Numeral in brackets as the ionic charge for the metal.
4. PbS2