Ultrapac MSD Tropical 0050 1000 Heatless Adsorption Dryer

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Dryer Systems

Heatless Regenerating
Adsorption Dryers
Ultrapac® MSD 0050 - 1000 Tropical


● Purification package incl. high-efficiency filters Ultrapleat® S as

pre- and afterfilter for applications with high inlet temperatures
(tropical environment)
● Pre filter with electronic level-controlled condensate drain
incl. function control and alarm message
● Generous dimensioned filters:
large filtration surface, therefore low pressure drop and low
operating costs
● Comprehensive option package:
dewpoint dependent capacity control, start-up-device,
bypass line, pneumatic controller, free of silicone and
parting agents,
Process Filtration etc.

● 12 sizes available, matching to to the compressor flow
Condensate Steam Gases Liquid


● Robust design with welded steel vessels and galvanized

(P)-SM N


pipelines and press fittings with aerodynamic and



0050 - 1000
UFS-SP N (P)-PP 100

leakage-proof design

(P)-SRF N PP 100 C


● Service-friendly design of shuttle valves and solenoid valves

(P)-GS N
(P)-PF-PES „W“

for fast replacement of wear parts

PP-FC 100




● Chemical and electrical industry

● Machine building industry and

plant engineering / construction
● Automotive industry

Donaldson Filtration Deutschland GmbH

Büssingstr. 1

D-42781 Haan
Tel.: +49 (0) 2129 569 0
Fax: +49 (0) 2129 569 100
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web: www.donaldson.com
Technical alterations reserved (6/2018)
Dryer Systems MSD 0050 - 1000 Tropical


Compressed air is lead through the inlet of the

Typical applications for the
dryer (J) and across the prefilter (3). At this stage,
the air is cleaned from particles and condensate. adsorption dryers MSD Tropical
The condensate is removed via the level-controlled are:
electronic condensate drain (11).
Via the lower shuttle valve (9), the air is lead into
the adsorption vessel (1), in which the air is dried ● Central compressed air purification
down to the required dewpoint. Via the upper shut- Generation of dry, oil-free and particulate-free
tle valve (9), the air is let into an afterfilter (4), in compressed air
which possibly released particles from the desic-
cant bed are retained. Via the outlet (O), the clean ● Point-of-use applications
and dry air is lead into the compressed air network
Drying and purification of control and instru-
and to the point of use.
ment and process air
While one vessel is in the drying phase (adsorp-
tion), the other vessel is being dried again (regen- ● Automotive industry
eration). Purification of compressed air for painting appli-
A partial stream of dried air is expanded to atmos- cations
pheric pressure via a nozzle (6) and lead across the
desiccant bed for regeneration and via a solenoid
valve (5) and a silencer (7) to the atmosphere.

* ab Größe 0015 Option Superplus Ultraconomy

from Size 0015
15 MISH 01
9 101 101

2 6 2
8 PI
PI 14
01 1 02

2 2
9 02

3 5 Y1 Y2 5 Feuchtluft-Eintritt
12* wet air inlet
11 7 7 O Trockenluft-Austritt
dry air outlet
Ko Kondensat-Austritt
condensate outlet
Ko Ro Ro Ro
regeneration air outlet

Technical Data Sheet

Dryer Systems MSD 0050 - 1000 Tropical


Features: Benefits:
Purification package incl. high-efficiency High oil- and water aerosol retention efficiency on pre- filter and
filters UltraPleat® S as pre and after filter high particulate retention efficiency on after filter at very low
differential pressure
Pre filter with electronic level-controlled con- No compressed air loss through condensate drain, therefore
densate drain incl. function control and alarm reducing of operating costs; control of drain function ensures safe
message operation of dryer
All dryers in cabinet construction Optimum protection against mecanical damage and against dirt
Welded steel vessels and galvanized pipe- Robust design with aerodynamic and leakage-proof design
lines and press fittings
Generous dimensioned filters Large filtration surface, therefore low pressure drop and low
operating costs
Intermittent operation standard Link between dryer and compressor possible on central
applications, therefore saving of compressed air
12 sizes available, matched to the Custom made solutions possible, matching exactly
compressor flows customer’s requirements;
no oversizing of compressors neccessary, due to lowest possible
regeneration air requirements
Comprehensive option package: Flexibility in application, well thought option package for
Dewpoint depending control, start-up device, economical operation and safe system installation in the
bypass, pneumatics control, free of silicone compressed air network
and release agent etc.
Service-friendly design of shuttle valves Fast replacement of wear parts ensure low service and
maintenance cost and reduced downtime
Superplus Version including dewpoint Saving of energy and operational cost due to adaption of the
dependent capacity control and text display purge air consumption to the actual operating conditions.
Indication of current dewpoint and function status as well as alarm
and service messages on LCD text display in clear text ensures
high operating safety of the adsorption dryer.

Technical Data
Operating pressure: min. 4 bar (g) / max. 16 bar (g)
Ambient temperature: min. +4°C / max. +50°C
Medium temperature: max. +50°C
Medium: Compressed air / nitrogen
Power supply: 230 VAC / 50-60 Hz or
115 VAC / 50-60 Hz or
24 VDC
Power consumption 40 W
Declaration of Conformity
Types 0050 - 0175: acc. to Directive 2014/35/EU
Types 0225 - 1000: acc. to PED 2014/68/EU
Pressure vessel – design, manufacture, testing
Adsorber: acc. to Directive 2014/29/EU
Filter: acc. to PED 2014/68/EU

Technical Data Sheet

Dryer Systems MSD 0050 - 1000 Tropical


Regeneration air Volume flow out

Volume flow in losses (min.) Pressure loss Prefilter and
MSD m3/h average m3/h initial Afterfilter
(1 bar, 20°C)* m3/h (1 bar, 20°C) mbar UltraPleat® S
(1 bar, 20°C)
0050 50 10 37,7 70 0210
0080 80 16 60,3 85 0210
0100 100 20 75,4 90 0210
0150 150 30 113,1 140 0210
0175 175 35 132,0 75 0210
0225 225 45 170,0 90 0450
0300 300 60 226,2 125 0450
0375 375 75 282,8 150 0450
0550 550 110 414,7 150 0600
0650 650 130 490,1 185 0750
0850 850 170 640,9 220 1100
1000 1000 200 754,0 185 1100

* related to 1 bar (abs) and 20 °C at intake of compressor and 7 bar (g) and 35 °C inlet temperature

Compressed air quality class according to ISO 8573-1

1-2 : 2 : 2


Pressure Operating pressure (bar)

Type dewpoint
temperature 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
50°C 0,63 0,75 0,88 1,00 1,13 1,25 1,38 1,50 1,55 1,60 1,65 1,70 1,75

MSD -40°C 45°C 0,69 0,83 0,96 1,10 1,24 1,38 1,50 1,50 1,55 1,60 1,65 1,70 1,75
40°C 0,75 0,90 1,05 1,20 1,35 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,55 1,60 1,65 1,70 1,75
35°C 0,75 0,90 1,05 1,20 1,35 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,55 1,60 1,65 1,70 1,75
Correction factors (f)

Vnom = 200 m3/h, inlet temperature = 50°C, operating pressure = 10 bar (g), PDP = -40°C

. Vnom 200 m3/h Calculated dryer size:
Vkorr = = = 144,9 m3/h MSD, Type 0150
f 1,38

Dryer Systems MSD 0050 - 1000 Tropical


Power Supply

* Flexible tube plug connection

J: Wet air inlet

O: Dry air outlet
K0: Condensate outlet

Foundation plan

Type DN A B C D E F G H I J K L Weight
“ mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg
0050 G 3/4 670 460 1610 800 415 315 340 650 610 13 360 460 107
0080 G 3/4 670 460 1610 800 415 315 340 650 610 13 360 460 140
0100 G1 670 460 1610 800 415 315 340 650 610 13 360 460 169
0150 G1 770 680 1980 1075 535 465 535 750 710 13 580 680 200
0175 G1 770 680 1980 1075 535 465 535 750 710 13 580 680 260
0225 G 11/2 770 680 1980 1075 535 465 535 750 710 13 580 680 277
0300 G 11/2 770 680 1980 1075 535 465 535 750 710 13 580 680 321
0375 G 11/2 950 770 2190 1250 660 530 620 930 890 13 670 770 398
0550 G2 950 770 2190 1250 660 530 620 930 890 13 670 770 431
0650 G2 950 770 2190 1250 660 530 620 930 890 13 670 770 506
0850 G2 1100 880 2350 1450 650 650 720 1080 1040 13 780 880 595
1000 G2 1100 880 2350 1450 650 650 720 1080 1040 13 780 880 676

Technical Data Sheet


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