KoreanAutoMarket CaseStudy Rilsan

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Case study

Producing battery cooling lines

for hybrid & electric vehicles
with Rilsan® PA11

Still many automotive water
cooling lines are made with rubber. INTRODUCTION
Rubber is very flexible and can
resist various levels of mechanical Korea has been at the forefront of the development
stress and chemical aggressiveness of electric vehicles. For the cooling of high power
but it is very thick (~3.5-4 mm) thus components such asbatteries and invertor-convertors
very heavy (~250-300 g/m) and very of these HEV and EV, a complete and robust value
cumbersome. Plastic only needs chain has been established. Boogook, Hwa-young and
1 to 1.5 mm thickness and is thus TI Fluid Systems are among the key players in this
much lighter (~50-80 g/m) and segment that are able to supply high performance
easier to fit in automotive always lines. With almost 10 models of passenger cars,
tighter spaces. For complex parts commercial trucks and buses, and many more to
with a sufficient length to adapt
come, more than 100,000 vehicles will be produced
plastic’s higher stiffness, Rilsan®
each year, representing almost 1,000,000 m of
polyamide 11 allows to design
plastic tubes! Plastic lines have been selected by car
very light solutions, with high
manufacturers in order to save cost & weight. Very
performance & lower cost.
satisfied with the use of Rilsan® polyamide 11 for in-
battery application, several OEMs officially approved
it and now intend to generalize its use to other parts
PARTNER such as out-battery or invertor-convertor lines.
Boogook www.boogook.co.kr
Hwa-young www.hwa-young.co.kr
TI Fluid Systems


Water cooling lines of high-voltage
battery or AC/DC converter

Extrusion with mechanically
inserted (fir tree) quick connectors

Rilsan® polyamide 11

CHALLENGE With permanent

water coolant contact
A demanding safety application Coolant fluids contain water (~ 50%), which leads
to swelling & hydrolysis and thus to a risk of lower
To ensure battery performance and durability, mechanical properties (lower stiffness, lower
and for safety reasons, OEMs must ensure durability).
battery temperature will not overcome 50°C.
Battery cooling line is indeed a safety component, Long chain polyamides have superior
submitted to many constraints: performance, Rilsan® polyamide 11 having best
combination of low swelling and high hydrolysis
• It is long and under resistance among aliphatic polyamides.
constant fluid pressure (3 to 5 bars)
› Risk of mechanical failure by fatigue or creep Furthermore, it’s important that coolant fluid is
not polluted by the extraction of some plastic’s
• It is exposed to aggressive chemicals components like oligomers. Rilsan® polyamide
like road salts (containing metal chlorides) 11 has a clear advantage vs. polyamide 12 on this
› Risk of failure by environmental stress point.
cracking (ESC)

• In case of plug-in hybrids, it is frequently close

to hot sources (engine, exhaust) & in a very packed
environment (lack of space under the hood and
the chassis).

Long chain polyamides have the adequate

compromise of flexibility, robustness & chemical
resistance, Rilsan® polyamide 11 having best
performance combination (higher mechanical &
thermal durability than polyamide 12, better ESC
resistance than polyamide 612), together with
a very good process ability (esp. compared to
polyamide 612).
For high environmental value vehicles
Zero emission mileage of hybrid and electric
vehicles is a challenge and OEMs work hard Korean market has chosen Rilsan® BESN Black
to increase it in order to accelerate customer P123 TL for battery cooling applications. This
acceptance of this innovative type of vehicles. polyamide 11 grade exhibits following features:
Thus, weight reduction is a must that lead them
to favor plastic solutions over rubber ones for long • An excellent combination of flexibility (~ 500 PPa)
battery cooling lines. & mechanical properties (no cracks when inserted
on connectors),
Furthermore, more and more OEMs are looking for
sustainable materials, which means: • An outstanding hydrolysis resistance, best
among Rilsan® polyamide 11 portfolio,
• A sustainable product range: Rilsan® polyamide
11 has a 70 year legacy of outstanding properties • A unique process ability, with an especially good
and innovation in automotive high performance melt strength that allows to produce from lower
applications, to higher tube diameters, and a good flexibility to
bend them easily (thermoforming, assembly…).
• A sustainable supply chain: With upcoming
industrial investment, Rilsan® polyamide 11 will “Rilsan® polyamide 11 was chosen by several
soon have the only truly dual sourcing supply extruders & part designers because it has the
chain among long chain polyamides. best combination of properties that allow to save
weight & cost with a high safety and confidence
• A sustainable product: 100% bio-based from level. It was indeed a natural choice versus other
castor oil and with an outstanding life cycle materials like polyamide 12 or polyamide 612”,
analysis profile, Rilsan® polyamide 11 has a real says Hyungmin Kim, sales and development
environmental value. Furthermore, specific manager at Arkema Korea. His colleague Antoine
programs also aims at certifying sustainable Goupil, R&D engineer at Arkema Korea confirms:
castor farming (Pragati) & developing partnerships “Rilsan® polyamide 11 is less difficult to process
for Rilsan® polyamide 11 regeneration (Virtucycle®). than polyamide 612 and has superior performance
over polyamide 12, this material fills the needs of
extruders, part designers & OEMs, this is why it is
more and more widely used in Korea!”
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