Existence of Aliens

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Research about Existence of Aliens

Prepared by

Amr Amin Ezzat Taha ID : 44287375

Supervised by

Dr. Hala Yehia Sayed Ali

Table of Contents

1. Introduction..............................................................................................3

2. Ten signs of exitencs aliens....................................................................4

3. Astronaut Sightings Confirms Aliens Exist............................................4

4. Near-Collisions with Flying Saucers………………………….….…….5

5. Encounters That Proves Aliens Exists……………………….……….….6

6. The “Wow Signal…………………………………………...……….……7

7. NASA’s Cover Ups…………….…………………………….…….….….8

8. Egyptian Hieroglyphs Hints That Aliens Exist………….….…….…….9

9. Meteorites………………………………………………...……. ..…….10

10. Vastness of the Universe……………………………………….………11

11. The Men in Black………………….………………………..…………12

12. The Battle of Los Angeles.…………………………………….………13

13. Conclusion………………………………….…….…………………14

8. References..............................................................................................15

Existence of Aliens

Across the years, human being have been struggling to prove or at

least to create a communication channel between humans and ‘aliens’,
but their superpowers and super minds have failed drastically without
any proof.

They can argue that have made observations of UFO or

Unidentified Flying Objects but have they? How does an UFO look like?
I can tell you that it looks like a French omelette and you can counter by
saying “No, it looks like a pear!” This argument will never come to an
end. The topic of aliens is like a never ending dark tunnel where you do
not have the end in sight.

As a dentistry student and by nature a curious person, I believe on the

existence of alien and I’m writing this research paper to share my
searching with all of you. So, at the start, I was bombed by questions
from my mind and I took the time to note down some of them:

 Are aliens real?

 Are there observations of aliens? – who? – where? – when?
 How do they look like? – Are the human like or similar to how
they portrayed in the award winning picture ET?
 Where do they come from? –which planet? – which universe?
 Do they come from the future or the past? – The theory of time
as an illusion has been proved recently!
 Why we have not seen aliens yet?
 Can they be compared to the size of human beings? Or insects?
Or dinosaurs?
 Why we cannot communicate with them?

There are two theories. One, we are not alone in this universe and
second, we are alone in this universe. Both are equally terrifying. So do
you believe in aliens? It’s a complicated
answer. Aliens, extraterrestrials, Space Men whatever you want to call
them have been seen time and again. There are two theories. One, we are
not alone in this universe and second, we are alone in this universe. Both
are equally terrifying. So do you believe in aliens? It’s a complicated
answer. Aliens, extraterrestrials, Space Men whatever you want to call
them have been seen time and again.

Ten signs that prove aliens exist.

Astronaut Sightings Confirms Aliens Exist

If anyone has more chance of seeing an extraterrestrial it’s going to

be astronauts who venture into space. Many astronauts have told
encounters with aliens and their beliefs that aliens exist.

In June 1965 when astronauts Ed White and James McDivitt were

passing over Hawaii in a Gemini spacecraft, they say they witnessed a

strange-looking metallic object with long arms sticking from it.
McDivitt took pictures, but he said that it did not capture. What he could
see properly due to the glare and the grubby windows. The rumor is that
he also took a video but this has never been released. Mcdivitt has said
that some UFO promoters did exaggerate the story but debunkers did
also underestimate it.

Now whether you believe Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong’s moon
landing was a hoax or not. They both apparently reported that aliens
have a base on the moon. And they were told to get off and stay off.

According to unconfirmed reports both Neil and buzz saw UFO’s

shortly after landing on the moon, on the 21st July 1969. According to
former NASA employees Auto Binda; Unnamed radio hams with their
own BHF perceiving facilities a bypass NASA’s broadcasting outlets
picked up the following exchanges “What was it? What the hell was it?
That’s all I want to know” “What’s there? These babies are huge sir…
enormous! Oh my god! You wouldn’t believe it. I’m telling you there
are other spacecraft out there lined up on the far side, at the crater edge
there on the moon watching us”!

According to former naval officer and Russian UFO researcher;

Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large
mysterious objects were watching them after having landed. But the

message was censored and never heard by the public leading to a strong
speculation that aliens exist.

Near-Collisions with Flying Saucers

The number of near-collisions involving UFOs and commercial

airlines seems only to grow larger with every passing year. There are
countless stories that tell us aliens exist, including; One by a veteran
airline pilot and his first officer flying into Manchester airport, who
claim to have seen a large “delta-shaped” object heading right for their
position. Just as these highly-trained pilots were about to take action to
avoid the craft, it disappeared.

Another story is when; an airline pilot has reported a near miss in

which a “rugby ball”-shaped UFO passed within a few feet of his
passenger jet while flying near Heathrow Airport. The captain told the
aviation authorities. Who have investigated the incident that he was

certain the object was going to crash into his aircraft and ducked as it
headed towards him. The incident occurred while the A320 Airbus was
cruising at 34,000ft, around 20 miles west of the airport, over the
Berkshire countryside. There have been multiple reports of these near-
collisions but they usually go ignored or “debunked.”

Encounters That Proves Aliens Exists

The Taylor Encounter is a pretty interesting story. Robert Taylor

was a forester who headed out into the woods with his dog on November
5, 1979 to check on some saplings he planted. After reaching a clearing
in the forest, he was shocked to find a large spherical spacecraft in front
of him. The ship apparently had the ability to change colours, to blend
into the environment, but the exterior looked similar to black sandpaper.

When Taylor approached the ship, two spiked balls rolled out that
attached themselves to his pant legs and emitted a poisonous gas that
made his pass out. When he woke up later, the ship gone. His dog was
barking, and he was initially unable to speak or walk. A police
investigation revealed explainable imprints on the ground of the forest.

The “Wow Signal”

H. Paul Shuch, Ehman, a volunteer researcher for Ohio State

University’s now-defunct Big Ear radio observatory, perused data from
the telescope’s scan of the skies on August 15,1977 a few days earlier.

In those days, such information was run through an IBM 1130

mainframe computer and printed on perforated paper, and then
laboriously examined by hand. Ehman spotted something surprising, a
vertical column with the alphanumerical sequence “6EQUJ5,” which
had occurred at 10:16 p.m. EST. He grabbed a red pen and circled the
sequence. In the margin, wrote “Wow[ŌM1] !” Ohio State University
researches picked up a signal coming from nearly 220 million light years
away that was so powerful. It was named the “Wow Signal”. Scientist is
baffled as to how a signal so strong could come from so far away
without the use of advanced technology.

NASA’s Cover Ups

The fact that NASA conceals information from the public has led
many to believe that they are aware of the fact that aliens exist. One of
the most talked-about cases of a NASA cover up comes from Dr. Edgar
Mitchell he was part of the Apollo 14 space mission in 1971.

During a two lunar mission he spent thirty three hours on the

moon. Dr. Mitchell said that he was aware of several UFO visits during
his career, but each one had been covered up. He said that workers at the
space agency had described aliens as little people who look strange to

Egyptian Hieroglyphs Hints That Aliens Exist

In one hieroglyph it shows what appear to be images of a

helicopter, submarine, boat, and a jet airplane thousands of years before
it was even invented. This finding has caused much controversy among
Egyptologists and archaeologists who are not sure what to think. How
could people 2-3,000 years ago possibly have known about modern-day
aircraft? Some people believe the ancients had communications
with aliens from another planet. While others believe aliens from planet
Nibiru are responsible.

Ancient Egyptians usually spoke of beings that descended from

above the sky. How the sky would open and then bright lights come
down in order to teach them about technology as well as to show them
wisdom. There are many people who also believe that it is clear proof
that aliens once visited the ancient Egyptians. Arriving with their
advanced technology and leaving behind interesting stories for our
ancestors to pass on.


In 2011 a NASA scientist Robert Hoover claimed that aliens exist;

After he discovered fossils of alien bugs inside meteorites that landed on
Earth. The astro-biologist, Richard Hoover, said that laboratory tests on
the meteorites contained no evidence to suggest that the fossils were of
Earth-based organisms. The three meteorites are believed to be among
the oldest in the solar system. Hoover claims that the lack of nitrogen in
the samples indicates that they are the remains of extraterrestrial life
forms that grew on the parent bodies of the meteorites when liquid water
was present.

Hoover, an expert on life in extreme environments, has reported

similar structures in meteorites several times before. So far, none has
been confirmed as the ancient remains of alien life.

Hoover claims that the lack of nitrogen in the samples, which is

essential for life on Earth, indicates they are “the remains of
extraterrestrial life forms that grew on the parent bodies of the
meteorites when liquid water was present, long before the meteorites
entered the Earth’s atmosphere”.

Vastness of the Universe

Astronomers at the University of Auckland said they believe they

are and fifty sixty billion planets in the observable universe. I’ll leave
you to decide whether you think the only 1 out of those 56 billion
planets can harbor any other life forms.

Some believe that civilizations are currently existing on earth like

planets right alongside us; And others believe we could even be the
bacteria’s of another life add all that with the possibility infinite or multi
dimensions and you take things to a whole other level. Whether you
believe in any of those theories or not. There is absolutely no denying

that the universe is incredible and has left us with many unanswered
questions. Thus the existence of a vast universe itself is a proof that
aliens exist.

The Men in Black

Another signs that prove aliens exists is The Men in Black (not the
movie though). The Men in Black are thought to be government agents.

There tons of reports of people believing that they have had

encounters with them. Like the one told by Dr. Herbert Hopkins, a
respected family physician from Old Orchard beach; Maine who was
studying a UFO case in September 1976 when the phone rang and a man
who identified himself as he representative of the New Jersey UFO
organizations. The man asked him if he’d come to the doctors how to
talk to him by the UFO case. The doctor said that they could come
around and after the call ended Herbert got up from his chair to turn on
the lights and the man was already in his house walking up the stairs.

Hopkins was so shocked at how he was in the house without

knocking in such a short amount of time. “I was even more shocked at
the man strange appearance” he said in an interview. He wore a neatly
tailored black suit, black shoes, black socks, a white shirt, with a black
tie and black hat. He also told reporters that the man was as bald as an
egg and had no eyebrows or eyelashes. Herbert said you could tell the

man was wearing lipstick. As when he wiped his mouth with the back of
his glove his lips were smeared and there was red lipstick on his glove.

His voice was apparently passive as if it was a machine. They

began talking about the UFO case when this strange man ordered him to
destroy all the evidence he had gathered about the case. He apparently
got to his feet and said very slowly; “My energy is running low must go
now goodbye.” Before suddenly walking down the stairs and
disappearing. Dr. Hopkins was left terrified and has no idea what
happened that night.

The Battle of Los Angeles

The incident occurred less than three months after the United
States entered World War II as a result of the Japanese Imperial Navy’s
attack on Pearl Harbor. It was on the day after the bombardment of
Ellwood on 23 February. It started with air raid sirens sounding
throughout Los Angeles on the night of 24–25 February 1942. A total
blackout was ordered and thousands of air raid wardens went to their
positions. At 3:16 am the 37th Coast Artillery Brigade began firing .50
caliber machine guns and 12.8-pound anti-aircraft shells into the air at
the aircraft; eventually over 1,400 shells were fired. The artillery fire
continued sporadically until 4:14 am. The “all clear” was sounded and
the blackout order lifted at 7:21 am.

Several buildings and vehicles were damaged by shell fragments.
And five civilians died as an indirect result of the anti-aircraft fire. Three
were killed in car accidents in the ensuing chaos and two of heart attacks
attributed to the stress of the hour-long action. The incident was front-
page news along the U.S. Pacific coast, and earned some mass media
coverage throughout the nation.

Initially, the target of the was thought to be an attacking force from

Japan. But speaking at a press conference shortly afterward, Secretary of
the Navy Frank Knox called the incident a “false alarm.” Some modern-
day UFOlogists have suggested that the targets were extraterrestrial
spacecraft. When documenting the incident in 1983, the U.S. Office of
Air Force History attributed the event to a case of “war nerves” likely
triggered by a lost weather balloon and exacerbated by stray flares and
shell bursts from adjoining batteries. Although these lead us to the
conclusion that aliens exist. But until some kind of evidence is made
public, the theories and accusations remain only speculation.


We still have a long time to go in our quest for the discovery of

aliens and extra-terrestrial lives among us and as a dentistry students
dealing mainly with science and evidences on a daily basis, I am sure
that by 2032, we will be face to face with some ground breaking
discoveries on aliens.


1- John, A. (2022). 10 Undeniable Signs That Prove Aliens

Exist, 10 Undeniable Signs That Prove Aliens Exist - Wonderslist.

2- Mann, A. (2020). Extraterrestrial evidence: 10

incredible findings about aliens from 2020.

3- Ramgolam, V. (2022). EXISTENCE OF ALIENS: Do

we really know them ? DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15803.13609


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