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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code:3140913 Date:06/09/2021
Subject Name:Electrical Machine- I
Time:02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM Total Marks:70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.
Q.1 (a) Give classification of DC generators with neat connection diagram. 03
(b) Compare electric and magnetic circuits. 04
(c) Derive an emf equation for transformer with usual notation. 07

Q.2 (a) State advantages and disadvantages of Swinburne’s test. 03

(b) Derive the condition for maximum efficiency of single-phase 04
(c) Explain O.C. and S.C. test on single phase transformer. 07
(c) What is the necessity of starter in a DC motor? Explain three-point 07
starter for DC motor in brief.
Q.3 (a) Mention the parts of a DC machine. Explain the use of any one of 03
(b) A long-shunt compound generator delivers a load current of 50 A at 04
500 V and has armature, series field and shunt field resistances of 0.05
Ω, 0.03 Ω and 250 Ω respectively. Calculate the generated voltage and
the armature current. Allow 1 V per brush for contact drop.
(c) Explain voltage build up process of D.C. Generator. Also derive 07
E.M.F. equation of D.C. Generator.
Q.3 (a) Discuss the conditions to be satisfied before connecting two single- 03
phase transformers in parallel.
(b) Explain Scott-connection of transformer in detail. 04
(c) Draw the vector and winding diagram for the following three-phase 07
transformer connections: Dd6 and Yd11.

Q.4 (a) Define “All day efficiency” and % regulation of transformer. 03

(b) Differentiate between core type and shell type transformer. 04
(c) Enlist different speed control methods of DC shunt motor. Explain 07
any one method.
Q.4 (a) Give a comparison of an auto transformer with a two-winding 03
(b) Explain the internal and external characteristics of D.C. Shunt 04
(c) Derive the expression of armature torque developed in a dc motor 07
using fundamental equation and power equation. Also, draw the
speed-torque characteristics of shunt, series and compound motors.

Q.5 (a) Why transformer rating is in KVA? 03
(b) Briefly describe the principle of operation of a transformer. 04
(c) A 30 KVA, 2400/120 V, 50 Hz transformer has a high voltage 07
winding resistance of 0.1 Ω and a leakage reactance of 0.22 Ω. The
low voltage winding resistance is 0.035 Ω and the leakage reactance
is 0.012 Ω. Find the equivalent winding resistance, reactance and
impedance referred to (i) high-voltage side and (ii) low-voltage side.
Q.5 (a) Give the relation between energy and co-energy for linear system. 03
(b) What is the eddy current and hysteresis loss? How they can be 04
(c) What is armature reaction? Explain cross magnetizing and 07
demagnetizing effects of armature reaction in brief.


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