Indoor Stadium Nagaon Working and CS - 022141
Indoor Stadium Nagaon Working and CS - 022141
Indoor Stadium Nagaon Working and CS - 022141
Sl.No Schedule Particulars Unit No Length Width Depth Total Rate Amount
No. Quantity
Earth work in excavation by mechanical
means (Hydraulic excavator)/ manual
means over areas (exceeding 30 cm in
depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on
plan) including getting out and disposal of
2.6 excavated earth lead upto 50 m and lift
upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-
10.6.1 80x1.25 mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick sqm 0.00 4028.18 0.00
top cover
15 mm cement plaster on the rough side of
13.2 single or half brick wall of mix :
13.2.1 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) Sqm 2441.92 454.79 1110558.73
wall-tt hall 4.00 8.20 12.00 393.60
Post edge 22.00 0.35 13.00 100.10
2.00 27.57 12.00 661.68
gabble wall 6.00 30.81 184.84
verandah 2.00 44.25 4.00 354.00
2.00 4.10 4.00 32.80
Above Main Hall Door 3.00 1.60 1.00 4.80
toilet 2.00 39.27 3.05 239.55
1.00 26.43 4.49 118.68
1.00 26.43 4.09 108.08
outer wall/inner face-septic tank with soak 2.00 4.64 2.10 19.49
2.00 1.34 2.10 5.63
tank base 1.00 4.64 1.34 6.22
partition wall 4.00 1.34 1.65 8.84
outer wall/inner face-septic tank with vip 2.00 3.74 2.10 15.71
2.00 1.34 2.10 5.63
tank base 1.00 3.74 1.34 5.01
partition wall 4.00 1.34 1.65 8.84
outside-vip toilet 1.00 3.90 3.90 15.21
4.00 1.80 3.90 28.08
inside 1.00 3.90 3.30 12.87
4.00 1.80 3.30 23.76
outside -plinth=gen shed 2.00 5.40 0.90 9.72
2.00 2.10 0.90 3.78
outside=urine shed 1.00 6.00 3.00 18.00
inside 1.00 6.00 3.00 18.00
window wall 2.00 2.40 1.65 7.92
plinth-shed 2.00 34.00 0.45 30.60
2.00 3.00 0.45 2.70
steps-shed 2.00 34.00 0.45 30.60
Open Area 1.00 4.20 1.30 5.46
1.00 2.90 1.30 3.77
less for
windows 5.00 2.40 1.65 19.80
Toilet in TT hall 8.00 2.10 0.85 14.28
door-vip toilet 2.00 2.10 0.75 3.15
Ventilator 3.00 1.80 0.60 3.24
door=urine shed 1.00 2.10 0.75 1.58
Total 2441.92
Sl.No Schedule Particulars Unit No Length Width Depth Total Rate Amount
No. Quantity
Providing and applying white cement
based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of
approved brand and manufacturer, over
the plastered wall surface to prepare the
13.80 surface even and smooth complete. Sqm 7479.86 165.81 1240236.08
Structural steel work in single section, fixed
with or without connecting plate, including
10.1 cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and KG 12131.13 133.22 1616109.05
applying a priming coat of approved steel
primer all complete
verandah truss-(40x40x2.6 SHS) 12.00 4.80 2.92 168.09
12.00 4.20 2.92 147.17
12.00 0.80 2.92 28.03
12.00 0.68 2.92 23.83
12.00 0.50 2.92 17.52
` 12.00 0.38 2.92 13.32
Sl.No Schedule Particulars Unit No Length Width Depth Total Rate Amount
No. Quantity
12.00 0.25 2.92 8.76
12.00 0.12 2.92 4.20
12.00 0.96 2.92 33.64
12.00 0.88 2.92 30.84
12.00 0.80 2.92 28.03
` 12.00 0.78 2.92 27.33
12.00 0.60 2.92 21.02
purlin 5.00 36.00 2.92 525.60
bottom runner (100 x100x4) 1.00 36.00 11.73 422.28
purlin connector plate-6mm 120.00 0.11 0.18 47.10 111.91
plate to wall/CP1-20mm 36.00 0.15 0.15 157.00 127.17
bolt/16mm=200mm 192.00 0.20 1.59 61.06
truss-TR1-extension part=bottom
rafter(ISMC250) 2.00 26.43 30.59 1616.68
top rafter (ISMB 150) 2.00 14.40 15.92 458.50
ties(SHS49.5x49.5x3.6)=vertical 1.00 4.20 4.93 20.71
2.00 3.90 4.93 38.45
2.00 3.20 4.93 31.55
2.00 2.50 4.93 24.65
2.00 1.80 4.93 17.75
ties(SHS49.5x49.5x3.6)=cross 2.00 4.10 4.93 40.43
2.00 3.50 4.93 34.51
2.00 2.90 4.93 28.59
2.00 2.10 4.93 20.71
bottom runner (100 x100x4) 5.00 7.65 11.73 448.67
plate/10mm/flange plate 90.00 0.20 0.15 78.50 211.95
gusset -centre-10mm 2.00 0.30 0.30 78.50 14.13
gusset -others-10mm 16.00 0.20 0.15 78.50 37.68
stiffner plate-10mm 4.00 0.40 0.30 78.50 37.68
base plate-12mm 2.00 0.30 0.30 94.20 16.96
anchor bolt20mmx450mm 8.00 0.45 2.47 8.89
TR2(ISMC150) 2.00 14.40 17.70 509.76
base plate-12mm 7.00 0.30 0.30 94.20 59.35
anchor bolt20mmx450mm 28.00 0.45 2.47 31.12
purlin(100x100x4) 28.00 9.00 11.73 2955.96
connector plate-6mm 56.00 0.11 0.18 47.10 52.22
12mm bolt 112.00 0.10 0.89 9.97
vip toilet=truss-(40x40x2.6 SHS)-top rafter
3.00 2.10 2.92 18.40
bottom rafter 3.00 1.80 2.92 15.77
tie 3.00 0.45 2.92 3.94
3.00 0.60 2.92 5.26
3.00 1.00 2.92 8.76
purlin 3.00 4.85 2.92 42.49
purlin connector plate-6mm 18.00 0.11 0.18 47.10 16.79
plate to wall/CP1-20mm 9.00 0.15 0.15 157.00 31.79
bolt/16mm=200mm 36.00 0.20 1.59 11.45
gen shed=column-100x100mm SHS 6.00 1.20 11.73 84.46
column-75x75mm SHS 6.00 0.90 8.59 46.39
truss-top rafter 50x50mm SHS 6.00 1.70 4.93 50.30
bottom rafter 50x50mm SHS 3.00 2.10 4.93 31.06
tie member 40x40mm SHS 3.00 0.60 3.49 6.28
6.00 0.30 3.49 6.28
6.00 0.50 3.49 10.47
purlin40x40mm SHS 6.00 6.40 3.49 134.02
urine shed= truss-(40x40x2.6 SHS) 3.00 2.10 2.92 18.40
purlin 3.00 3.40 2.92 29.78
as column-shed=80mm od RHS 12.00 3.65 9.90 433.62
12.00 3.95 9.90 469.26
as truss-shed=50mm od RHS 12.00 4.00 5.03 241.44
12.00 0.76 5.03 45.87
12.00 0.50 5.03 30.18
12.00 0.20 5.03 12.07
purlin-shed=50mm od RHS 5.00 35.00 5.03 880.25
bottom runner 2.00 34.00 5.03 342.04
wastage 5% 577.67
Total= 12131.13
Sl.No Schedule Particulars Unit No Length Width Depth Total Rate Amount
No. Quantity
Providing and fixing in position collapsible
steel shutters with vertical channels
20x10x2 mm and braced with flat iron
diagonals 20x5 mm size, with top and
10.3 bottom rail of T-iron 40x40x6 mm, with 40 Sq.m. 12.30 12581.17 154748.39
mm dia steel pulleys, complete with bolts,
nuts, locking arrangement, stoppers,
handles, including applying a priming coat
of approved steel primer.
gate 1.00 4.10 3.00 12.30
Providing and fixing stainless steel ( Grade
304) railing made of Hollow tubes,
channels, plates etc., including welding,
grinding, buffing, polishing and making
curvature (wherever required) and fitting
the same with necessary stainless steel
nuts and bolts complete, i/c fixing the
railing with necessary accessories &
stainless steel dash fasteners , stainless
10.28 steel bolts etc., of required size, on the top KG 613.00 867.9 532022.70
of the floor or the side of waist slab with
suitable arrangement as per approval of
Engineer-in_x0002_charge, (for payment
purpose only weight of stainless steel
members shall be considered excluding
fixing accessories such as nuts, bolts,
fasteners etc.).
Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I.
brackets, 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32
mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern,
17.7 including painting of fittings and brackets,
cutting and making good the walls
wherever require:
Sl.No Schedule Particulars Unit No Length Width Depth Total Rate Amount
No. Quantity
Providing and fixing PTMT Waste Coupling
6 17.69 for wash basin and sink, of approved
quality and colour.
Waste coupling 31 mm dia of 79 mm
17.69.1 length and 62mm breadth weighing not each 4.00 137.9 551.60
less than 45 gms
Providing and laying S&S centrifugally cast
18.27 (spun) iron pipes (Class LA) conforming to
IS - 1536 :
18.27.1 100 mm dia pipe mtr 155.00 1147.35 177839.25
Up to 300 mm dia
18.26.1 quintal 11.50 10967.11 126121.77
Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete
18.12 with G.I. fittings including trenching and
refilling etc.
External work
18.12.6 50 mm dia nominal bore RM 125.00 875.84 109480.00
Providing and fixing C.P. brass bib cock of
18.49 approved quality conforming to IS:8931 :
Providing and fixing C.P. brass stop cock
18.52 (concealed) of standard design and of
approved make conforming to IS:8931.
18.52.1 15 mm nominal bore Each 13.00 796.25 10351.25
Providing and fixing white vitreous china
flat back or wall corner type lipped front
urinal basin of 430x260x350 mm and
340x410x265 mm sizes respectively with
automatic flushing cistern with standard
flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with
brass unions and G.I clamps complete,
14 17.4 including painting of fittings and brackets,
cutting and making good the walls and
floors wherever required :
1.10.2 Group B/ for external wall m ount lights(5 nos) Each 5.00 1325.41 6627.05
Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the
following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single
2/1.14 core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as
1.14.2 2 X 2.5 sq. mm + 1 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire Mtr 75.00 306.59 22994.25
Supplying and fixing metal box of following sizes (nominal size)
on surface or in recess with suitable size of phenolic laminated
3/1.22 sheet cover in front including painting etc. as required.
Total as per CPWD schedule 2018. 49744.90
Say Rs. 49745.00
Name of work:- internal electrical works of indoor stadium, Nagaon.
sl no particulars unit Quantity rate amount
Wiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust
fan point/ call bell point with 1.5
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor
single core cable in surface / recessed
medium class PVC conduit, with modular
switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and
1 earthing the point with 1.5 FRLS Each 60.00 1325.41 79524.60
PVC insulated copper conductor single
core cable etc. as required.
Earth work in excavation by
mechanical means (Hydraulic
excavator)/ manual means
over areas (exceeding 30 cm
in depth, 1.5 m in width as
well as 10 sqm on plan)
including getting out and
2.6 disposal of excavated earth
lead upto 50 m and lift upto
1.5 m, as directed by
2.6.1 All kinds of soil Cum 184.71 275.06 50806.33 282.69 77756.33 26949.99
Centering and shuttering
5.9 including strutting, propping
etc. and removal of form for
Foundations, footings, bases
5.9.1 of columns, etc. for mass Sqm 23.04 412.28 9498.93 47.89 19742.44 10243.51
Steel reinforcement for R.C.C.
work including straightening,
cutting, bending, placing in
5.22 position and binding all
complete upto plinth level.
Dry brick pitching half brick
thick in drains including
16.1.2 supply of bricks and preparing
the surface complete :
62 mm thick cement concrete
flooring with concrete
hardener topping, under layer
50 mm thick cement concrete
1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse
sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal
size) and top layer 12mm
thick cement hardener
consisting of mix 1:2 (1
cement hardener mix : 2
graded stone aggregate, 6mm
11.5 nominal size) by volume, Sq.m 1556.52 1600.00 2490432.00 1215.39 1944631.84 545800.16
hardening compound mixed
@ 2 litre per 50 kg of cement
or as per manufacture’s
specifications. This includes
cost of cement slurry, but
excluding the cost of nosing of
steps etc. complete.
Providing and laying Vitrified
tiles in floor in different sizes
(thickness to be specified by
the manufacturer) with water
absorption less than 0.08%
and conforming to IS:15622,
of approved brand &
manufacturer, in all colours
and shade, laid on 20 mm
thick cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement: 4 coarse sand)
jointing with grey cement
slurry @3.3 kg/sqm including
grouting the joints with white
cement and matching
11.41 pigments etc. The tiles must
be cut with the zero chipping
diamond cutter only . Laying
of tiles will be done with the
notch trowel, plier, wedge,
clips of required thickness,
leveling system and rubber
mallet for placing the tiles
gently and easily.
11.41.2 Size of Tile 600x600 mm Sq.m 331.38 1896.61 628498.62 78.85 149547.70 478950.92
Providing and fixing Ist quality
ceramic glazed wall tiles
conforming to IS: 15622
(thickness to be specified by
the manufacturer), of
approved make, in all colours,
shades except burgundy,
bottle green, black of any size
as approved by Engineer-in-
Charge, in skirting, risers of
steps and dados, over 12 mm
11.31 thick bed of cement mortar Sq.m 201.12 1256.46 252699.24 251.61 316135.39 63436.15
1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand)
and jointing with grey cement
slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm,
including pointing in white
cement mixed with pigment
of matching shade complete.
Kota stone slab flooring over
20 mm (average) thick base
laid over and jointed with grey
cement slurry mixed with
pigment to match the shade
11.26 of the slab, including rubbing
and polishing complete with
base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand) :
11.23.2 Raj Nagar Plain Sq.m 196.14 2667.83 523268.18 207.14 552624.71 29356.53
Providing and laying Vitrified
tiles in floor in different sizes
(thickness to be specified by
the manufacturer) with water
absorption less than 0.08%
and conforming to IS:15622,
of approved brand &
manufacturer, in all colours
and shade, laid on 20 mm
thick cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement: 4 coarse sand)
jointing with grey cement
slurry @3.3 kg/sqm including
grouting the joints with white
cement and matching
11.41A pigments etc. The tiles must
be cut with the zero chipping
diamond cutter only . Laying
of tiles will be done with the
notch trowel, plier, wedge,
clips of required thickness,
leveling system and rubber
mallet for placing the tiles
gently and easily.
12.51.1 Ridges plain (500 - 600mm) RM 62.70 603.26 37824.40 163.61 98699.37 60874.97
Providing wood work in
frames of doors, windows,
clerestory windows and other
frames, wrought framed and
fixed in position with hold fast
lugs or with dash fasteners of
9.1 required dia & length (hold
fast lugs or dash fastener shall
be paid for separately).
9.1.2 Sal wood Cum 0.63 142877.87 90013.06 0.75 107478.81 17465.75
Providing and fixing M.S. grills
of required pattern in frames
of windows etc. with M.S.
flats, square or round bars
9.48 etc. including priming coat
with approved steel primer all
Supplying and fixing rolling
shutters of approved make,
made of required size M.S.
laths,interlocked together
through their entire length
and jointed together at the
end by end locks, mounted on
specially designed pipe shaft
with brackets, side guides and
arrangements for inside and
outside locking with push and
pull operation complete,
10.6 including the cost of providing
and fixing necessary 27.5 cm
long wire springs
manufactured from high
tensile steel wire of adequate
strength conforming to IS:
4454 - part 1 and M.S. top
cover of required thickness
for rolling shutters.
15 mm cement plaster on the
13.2 rough side of single or half
brick wall of mix :
13.2.1 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) Sqm 2055.96 454.79 935030.05 2441.92 1110558.73 175528.68
Providing and applying white
cement based putty of
average thickness 1 mm, of
approved brand and
manufacturer, over the
13.80 plastered wall surface to Sqm 7680.42 165.81 1273490.44 7479.86 1240236.08 33254.36
prepare the surface even and
smooth complete.
Wall painting with acrylic
emulsion paint, having VOC
(Volatile Organic Compound )
content less than 50 grams/
13.82 litre, of approved brand and
manufacture, including
applying additional coats
wherever required, to achieve
even shade and colour.
13.82.2 Two coats Sqm 7680.42 162.73 1249834.75 7479.86 1217198.11 32636.64
13.50 Applying priming coat:
With ready mixed pink or grey
primer of approved brand and
13.50.1 manufacture on wood work Sqm 7.35 82.27 604.68 172.35 14179.38 13574.70
( hard and soft wood)
Painting with synthetic
enamel paint of approved
13.61 brand and manufacture to
give an even shade :
Structural steel work in single
section, fixed with or without
connecting plate, including
cutting, hoisting, fixing in
10.1 position and applying a KG 21982.94 133.22 2928567.27 12131.13 1616109.05 1312458.22
priming coat of approved
steel primer all complete
Providing and fixing in
position collapsible steel
shutters with vertical channels
20x10x2 mm and braced with
flat iron diagonals 20x5 mm
size, with top and bottom rail
of T-iron 40x40x6 mm, with
40 mm dia steel pulleys,
10.3 complete with bolts, nuts, Sq.m. 21.60 12581.17 271753.27 12.30 154748.39 117004.88
locking arrangement,
stoppers, handles, including
applying a priming coat of
approved steel primer.
Providing and fixing stainless
steel ( Grade 304) railing
made of Hollow tubes,
channels, plates etc.,
including welding, grinding,
buffing, polishing and making
curvature (wherever required)
and fitting the same with
necessary stainless steel nuts
and bolts complete, i/c fixing
the railing with necessary
accessories & stainless steel
dash fasteners , stainless steel
10.28 bolts etc., of required size, on KG 1340.00 867.90 1162986.00 613.00 532022.70 630963.30
the top of the floor or the side
of waist slab with suitable
arrangement as per approval
of Engineer-in_x0002_charge,
(for payment purpose only
weight of stainless steel
members shall be considered
excluding fixing accessories
such as nuts, bolts, fasteners
Providing and fixing
aluminium work for doors,
windows, ventilators and
partitions with extruded built
up standard tubular sections/
appropriate Z sections and
other sections of approved
make conforming to IS: 733
and IS: 1285, fixing with dash
fasteners of required dia and
size, including necessary filling
up the gaps at junctions, i.e.
at top, bottom and sides with
required EPDM rubber/
neoprene gasket etc.
Aluminium sections shall be
smooth, rust free, straight,
mitred and jointed
21.1 mechanically wherever
required including cleat angle,
Aluminium snap beading for
glazing / paneling, C.P. brass /
stainless steel screws, all
complete as per architectural
drawings and the directions of
Engineer-in-charge. (Glazing,
paneling and dash fasteners
to be paid for separately) :
Demolishing cement concrete
manually/ by mechanical
means including disposal of
15.2 material within 50 metres
lead as per direction of
Engineer - in - charge.
Providing and fixing wash
basin with C.I. brackets, 15
mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32
mm C.P. brass waste of
standard pattern, including
17.7 painting of fittings and
brackets, cutting and making
good the walls wherever
Providing and fixing PTMT
Waste Coupling for wash
6 17.69 basin and sink, of approved
quality and colour.
Waste coupling 31 mm dia of
79 mm length and 62mm
17.69.1 breadth weighing not less each 4.00 137.90 551.60 4.00 551.60
than 45 gms
18.27.1 100 mm dia pipe mtr 120.00 1147.35 137682.00 155.00 177839.25 40157.25
18.26.1 Up to 300 mm dia quintal 10.00 10967.11 109671.10 11.50 126121.77 16450.67
18.30.2 100 mm diameter pipe each 300.00 381.22 114366.00 310.00 118178.20 3812.20
Providing and fixing G.I. pipes
complete with G.I. fittings
18.12 including trenching and
refilling etc.
External work
18.12.6 50 mm dia nominal bore RM 100.00 875.84 87584.00 125.00 109480.00 21896.00
Providing and fixing C.P. brass
18.49 bib cock of approved quality
conforming to IS:8931 :
18.49.1 15 mm nominal bore Each 8.00 581.44 4651.52 9.00 5232.96 581.44
Providing and fixing C.P. brass
stop cock (concealed) of
standard design and of
18.52 approved make conforming to
18.52.1 15 mm nominal bore Each 8.00 796.25 6370.00 13.00 10351.25 3981.25
Providing and placing on
terrace (at all floor levels)
polyethylene water storage
tank, IS : 12701 marked, with
cover and suitable locking
arrangement and making
18.48 necessary holes for inlet, per lit 2000.00 20.08 40160.00 4000.00 80320.00 40160.00
outlet and overflow pipes but
without fittings and the base
support for tank.
17.4.3 Range of three urinal basins Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 11256.40 11256.40
with 10litre white P.V.C.
automatic flushing cistern
total sanitary cost 729307.21 984196.72 0.00 254889.51
say 729307.00 984197.00 0.00 254890.00
sl no schedl particulars unit
e no
BOQ Working Working
Quoted rate BOQ amount Savings Excess
Quantity Quantity Amount
4 way (4 + 12), Double door Each 2.00 7565.56 15131.12 2.00 15131.12
Supplying and fixing 5 A to 32
A rating, 240/415 volts, "C"
curve, miniature circuit
breaker suitable for inductive
load of following poles in the
32 existing MCB DB complete Each 36.00 266.42 9591.12 36.00 9591.12
with connections, testing and
commissioning etc. as
Single pole
33 Double Pole Each 2.00 744.37 1488.74 2.00 1488.74
Supplying and fixing following
rating, double pole, (single
phase and neutral), 240 volts,
residual current circuit
breaker (RCCB), having a
sensitivity current upto 300
milliamperes in the existing
34 MCB DB complete with Each 2.00 2804.79 5609.58 2.00 5609.58
connections, testing and
commissioning etc. as
Numbering of ceiling
45 fan/exhaust fan/fluorescent Each 62.00 64.26 3984.12 62.00 3984.12
fitting as required.
Installation of exhaust fan in
the existing opening, including
making good the damages,
connection, testing and
46 commissining etc. as required. Each 20.00 485.98 9719.60 20.00 9719.60
1.14.2 2 X 2.5 sq. mm + 1 X 2.5 sq. Mtr 0.00 306.59 0.00 75.00 22994.25 22994.25
mm earth wire
Supplying and fixing metal box
of following sizes (nominal
size) on surface or in recess
with suitable size of phenolic
3/1.22 laminated sheet cover in front
including painting etc. as
1.22. 100mmx100mmx60mm deep Each 0.00 214.21 0.00 5.00 1071.05 1071.05
Supplying and fixing following
modular switch/ socket on the
existing modular plate &
switch box including
4/1.24 connections but excluding
modular plate etc. as required
1.24.3 15/16 A switch Each 0.00 234.29 0.00 5.00 1171.45 1171.45
Supplying and fixing modular
blanking plate on the existing
modular plate & switch box
5/1.26 excluding modular plate as Each 0.00 42.84 0.00 1.00 42.84 42.84
1.27.4 6 Module (200mmX75mm) Each 0.00 445.82 0.00 1.00 445.82 445.82
Supplying and fixing following
Modular base & cover plate
7/1.28 on existing modular metal
boxes etc. as required.
BOQ Amount Savings Excess
Civil 28924950.00 27837075.00 1087875.00
Sanitary 729307.00 984197.00 254890.00
4397559.00 4778675.00 381116.00
0 49745.00 49745.00
Total 1087875.00 685751.00
Overall Savings 402124.00