IOT Weather
IOT Weather
IOT Weather
DOI: 10.1049/cmu2.12352
Dushyant Kumar Singh1 Rajeev Sobti1 Anuj Jain1 Praveen Kumar Malik1
Dac-Nhuong Le2,3
School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Abstract
Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India
Urbanization is expected to hold about 50% of the world population by 2050 and there
School of Computer Science, Duy Tan University, will be stress on available resources including food and freshwater. Further, inefficient uti-
Danang, Vietnam
lization of irrigation water possesses additional challenges and it is predicted that by 2050,
Institute of Research and Development, Duy Tan India will face shortage of freshwater resources. Urban agriculture and Precision Agricul-
University, Danang, Vietnam
ture are the possible solutions in smart cities for the predicted challenges providing food
security and safety, sustainable life in cities. Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine Learn-
Dac-Nhuong Le, School of Computer Science, Duy ing (ML) are the possible solutions to smart cities’ farming. Agricultural activities such as
Tan University, Danang 550000, Vietnam. irrigation of plants, rain and drought conditions monitoring supported by IoT and ML suc-
Email: [email protected]
cour farmers to righteous decision on agriculture activities. A detailed study is carried out
on the role, opportunities, and different aspects of smart cities, urban farming, communi-
Funding information
Lovely Professional University cation technologies, IoT and ML with respect to agriculture. The article presents the design
of intelligent irrigation system based on soil and weather conditions. The soil and weather
parameters are selected through various research articles in Agriculture 4.0 and ML. The
article also juxtapositions the designed weather station with the various patents developed.
The system developed in this article provides a cost-effective and state-of-the-art solution
to local weather monitoring.
1 INTRODUCTION labor. Urban farming is one of the solutions to provide food and
lessen load on rural agriculture and provide locally grown food
Agriculture is the use of land for the cultivation of crops and to citizens and reduce cost of transportation [3]. Urban agricul-
breeding of animals in a created ecosystem to provide food, ture includes aquaculture, livestock, and plants newly developed
medicinal plants and other products to sustain and enhance concept of agriculture, that is, urban agriculture applies to both
life. Nowadays, agricultural practices are not only limited to rural and urban areas [4].
rural areas. Due to urbanization and shift of population towards Precision Agriculture is the use of technology in agriculture
cities, urban agriculture is providing food security and sustain- so as to provide better solution to monitoring and controlling of
able life in cities. As the cities are becoming smart cities, smart agriculture parameters and thus improving overall production
solution for urban agriculture is also required. Urban agriculture of agriculture products. It involves monitoring of plants, crops,
includes all agricultural activities like breeding animal, fertiliza- soil and weather parameters, livestock etc. Precision Agriculture
tion and most importantly irrigation. Urban agriculture includes helps in efficient utilization of agricultural resources. For exam-
all the sited for food production including the green spaces ple, irrigation, an important aspect of Precision Agriculture and
of gardens, universities and home plantation. Proper irrigation plays an important role in agricultural sector. About 40% of the
practices are required at these sites for efficient utilization of global irrigation water is supplied by ground water and in India
irrigation water. The trend of urbanization in recent years [1, around 39 million hectares of land is irrigated by ground water.
2] has put much stress on agriculture due to loss of land and India only 4% of world’s fresh water resources, out of which
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2022 The Authors. IET Communications published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology
80% is used for agriculture. So, the efficient utilization of irri- 1.1 Motivation of this paper
gation water through Precision Agriculture is very crucial for
profitable and sustainable agriculture practices [5, 6]. IoT and ML are the leading technologies of the time. Many
Monitoring of soil, weather and plants is important for effi- of the areas like health care, image processing, Wireless Sensor
cient usage of agricultural resources. The important compo- Networks (WSN), cyber and network security are getting ben-
nents of agricultural monitoring are: data collection sensors, efitted from these technologies. The need of improvement in
data transfer using IoT modules, IoT cloud services, application the Precise Water management, due to inefficient conventional
server for data analysis and monitoring device [7]. IoT provides irrigation practices, has forced the authors to study and work
the advanced way to make devices smarter and enable then to on various technologies available to propose a unique effective
communicate and share the information. IoT has been devel- solution. The Agriculture 4.0 motivates the researchers to pro-
oping by utilizing the various technologies and being deployed pose different futuristic ideas based on IoT and ML to improve
by several applications. The IoT application areas and hence- the sector as the need increases day by day. The IoT based
forth the number of devoices connected through IoT are rising Weather station and ML based prediction system to initiate a
exponentially. According to various IT reports, IoT market is IoT based irrigation system would cause an effective change in
going to increase by $14.4 trillion by 2022. IoT implementation implementation is predicted and the work is carried out. The
works with the objective of providing simple end user inter- various research questions intended to be explored thought the
face for data visualization, mor and more deployment of web present article are
enable devices and lowering the barrier in connecting things to
one another. Wi-Fi is the main technology behind the IoT and ∙ RQ1: What is urban farming and role of urban farming in
Wi-Fi based WSNs are the core of IoT. ML typically aims to smart cities
learn from past experience, that is, training data set and once ∙ RQ2: What are the primary soil and weather conditions
the training is completed is capable of classifying or predicting affecting the irrigating planning, and prediction?
things based on training and unknown dataset [8–11]. LPWAN ∙ RQ3: What are commercially available solutions to monitor-
is being increasingly used in IoT applications. LPWAN offers ing soil and local weather conditions?
the low power solution for IoT applications and is important as ∙ RQ4. What are the different agricultural aspects adapting ML
sensing nodes being deployed in open fields. With the advance- actively?
ment in LPWAN, many promising technologies are offered to ∙ RQ5. What role does ML play in water management?
agriculture IoT like NB-IoT, Sigfox, Long Range Wide Area ∙ RQ5. Are the commercially available solutions to monitor-
Netwok-LoRaWAN. LoRaWAN offers good service for IoT ing local weather conditions feasible for deployment by the
solutions to Precision Agriculture due to its long-range commu- farmers?
nication at low power consumption. LPWAN LoRaWAN tech-
nology has been utilized for monitoring of various agriculture
parameter like moisture, humidity, temperature, pH [12, 13]. ML 2 RELATED WORKS
and IoT are the most advanced and proposed ideas in this paper.
ML is a special way of teaching the system or machine to learn Smart cities are the topic of interest amongst researchers and
things and take a wise decision later based on the learnt data. development of IoT is providing many opportunities in smart
The ML has a list of algorithms and classifiers that works based cities. But on of the aspect in smart cities is being neglected is
on the situation and data. For a better efficiency of system, one urban farming and minimal research in available on urban farm-
has to choose appropriate algorithm and classifier. There lie the ing. This section explores the state-of-the-art literature for smart
ways in improving the model performance. The collection of cities, Urban farming, IoT and use of in agriculture.
data and transmission of data is done through IoT technolo-
gies. Connecting the devices through internet and the commu-
nication is held over internet in most of the cases in this new 2.1 Smart cities
era. IoT has brought a great impact on society making people
understand the need of technology in different fields. The IoT The major supporting element for smart cities is communica-
and ML have combined today in most of the fields in giving tion mainly wireless communication technologies like informa-
a valuable and worthy solutions. The weather station and data tion system, monitoring of devices, and control over offered ser-
transmission system is done using IoT and prediction system is vices, etc. The importance of Information and Communication
done using ML in the proposed idea, which gives a strength and Technology (ICT) is elaborated and stressed in many of the lit-
value to the invention on technology point of view. Comparative erature [4, 14–17]. In [18–20], smart cities have been defined as:
study of different weather stations based on the pre-requisites A smart city can be described as an urban locality that
of the smart irrigation is elaborated. The irrigation scheduling employs digital data and technology to create efficiencies for
based on ML is the motive of the paper. The paper is intended boosting the economic development, enhancing the quality of
to find the list of parameters that an innovative irrigation system life, and improving the sustainability of a city
needs. The weather station is built with the parameters and the Smart cities have many definitions, ranging from those focus-
value is logged into cloud platform (ThingSpeak). ing on the technical aspects like what technologies are important
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Urban farming is d or livestock growth or process that are utilizing IoT are steeply increasing [26]. Industrialization and
undertaken within an urban a or around the urban centers with intensification of agriculture is required to improve the quality
the purpose to generate income, as defined in [25]. Urban farm- and quality of agricultural products to meet increased demand
ing is possible on rooftops, in city grounds, and also on ver- and efficient utilization of agriculture resources. IoT provides
tical walls. Three types of urban farming have been identified propitious solutions for agriculture modernization by providing
namely community farming, vertical farming, and rooftop farm- remote methods for agricultural monitoring and control. Agri-
ing. Urban farming in addition to providing food and source culture application using IoT are livestock management, pre-
of income also contributes towards the city’s green space, gar- cision farming and greenhouse management. Different WSN
den for recreational purpose and conserve the environment and wireless technologies used for agriculture monitoring are Zig-
ecology of the city. The four potential benefits of urban agricul- bee [27–31], LoRaWAN [26, 27, 32–36], Sigfox, NB-IoT [27,
ture have been identified and elaborated in Figure 2 [25]. 33, 37], Wi-Fi [27, 38–42]. Bluetooth [27, 38, 43–45], RFID [27,
IoT provided the mechanism for devices to communicate 29, 46], nRF24l01 [27, 28]. Farm land with IoT based sensors
with each other and makes the devices smarter. IoT is developed and Wireless Sensors Networks (WSNs) gathers relevant infor-
by utilizing various technologies like Embedded Systems, Wire- mation and communicates it to framers. Some of the IoT setups
less Sensor Networks (WSN), communication technologies, for agriculture do analysis the data and suggestions are made
cloud computing and hence being deployed in many applica- to farmer for better planning of agriculture related activities.
tions. The application areas and thereby the number of devices IoT implementations work with the objective of giving end user
17518636, 2022, 5, Downloaded from by Cochrane Philippines, Wiley Online Library on [18/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
technology Range Data rate
commerce application like YouTube, Amazon for recom- tant weather parameters measures are temperature, humidity
mendation systems. User preference is predicted by CF after and wind conditions [8, 9, 28, 45, 67–70].
observing the preference history of other similar users. There Agriculture withdraws 70% of the worldwide water and Pre-
are two classes of CF cision Agriculture is an effective tool for efficient utilization
of irrigation water. The advantage of Precision Agriculture is
∙ Nearest neighbor methods which predict the user prefer- profitability, good productivity, precise selection of fertilizers,
ences by considering the rating given by some other similar decrease chemical bills and fuel cost and systemically structured
users. irrigation planning. Remote sensing is a low cost and less labor-
∙ Model based method developed with ML and uses training intensive strategy for farm monitoring. Remote sensing is help-
data to find the pattern for prediction used preference. ing farmers in various applications like classification of crops,
forecasting crop yield, disease detection and management, har-
The proposed CF in [66] is based on supervisor machine vest arrangement and crop water stress detection. ML is an
meaning technique. Learning of the machine can be done effective tool for classification of systems. By applying ML to
through supervised or unsupervised methods. Supervise ML remote sensing data, a real time farm management solution to
method requires a distinct training data but in unsupervised ML farmers can be provided. The article [9] demonstrate that the
there is no difference between test and training data. Some of irrigation scheduling based on crop water stress management
the learning models not limited to are regression, Clustering, not only uses the irrigation water efficiently but also improves
Bayesian, Instance based, Decision tree and Artificial Neural the agriculture yield. Various applications of ML algorithms
Network. ML has been used in different fields of agriculture used for water stress determination is reviewed. Various meth-
as shown in Figure 1 [8]. ods for crop water stress measurement as highlighted in the arti-
Learning of machine is an iterative process and performance cle are shown in Figure 6.
of system under training ameliorate over the time. Once the The article has also provided the important ML algorithms
training is completed the model so trained can be employed which are employed in agriculture and summarized in Figure 6.
for classification, prediction and creating new testing data. Support vector machine, Random Forest classifier, eXtreme
Typical ML approach consists of training dataset fed to ML gradient boosting (XGBoost), Rotation Forest, Oblique ran-
algorithm for training. Once the training is completed, the dom forest and Artificial Neural Networks are some of the
trained algorithm is deployed for prediction and classifica- widely used ML algorithms for crop water stress management
tion of unknown data. Digital agriculture has emerged as a in agriculture. Weather monitoring is the new area of interest
new field aiming to improve the conventional less efficient amongst the researchers due to global climatic changes. Global
agricultural practices, most importantly irrigation. Pressure climatic changes like drought and heavy rain are also affect-
on agriculture will be increasing as a result on continuous ing the utilization of irrigation water. Evapotranspiration is an
increase in world population. Agriculture utilizes technology important factor in determining the irrigation demand or in
called precision agriculture or also termed as digital agriculture. irrigation scheduling. Sensing evapotranspiration using remote
For efficient utilization of agriculture resources like fertilizers, sensing devices and estimating evapotranspiration using ML to
pesticides and most importantly irrigation water new methods the received data offers an efficient way for irrigation plan-
need to be adapted. Now machine leaning in agriculture has ning. For estimating evapotranspiration, it is important to gather
provided opportunities for understanding the data intensive weather temperature, humidity and wind condition informa-
processes related to livestock, soil, crop and water manage- tion. Weather station is a setup, used to collect weather data
ment involved with agricultural environment. ML provided and provides the information to the user. The classification
the machines with the capability to learn. Researches and of weather station present in various literatures is provided in
literatures punished reveals that ML has been used in Precision Table 2. The table has classified the weather monitoring devices
Agriculture for soil management, livestock management, crop on the basis of the way data is collected, transmission technol-
management and water management. ML algorithms use for ogy, deployment of ML and irrigation scheduling. Most of the
soil management, livestock management, crop management researches/literatures have considered evapotranspiration pre-
and water management in precision Agriculture is given in diction using ML for irrigation scheduling [9, 71].
Figure 4.
Water management or precision irrigation is of paramount
importance as fresh water resources in the world are limited and 2.4 Study on various irrigation models
less efficient conventional irrigation methods lead to wastage of
irrigation water along with change in soil properties and reduc- The ignition system of irrigation is automated through IoT
tion in crop yield quality and quality. ML with IoT not only and the decision taken using ML algorithms. The prediction is
provides the proper monitoring and control tools for irrigation done using ML or different process. Different models are devel-
but also assists farmers in irrigation planning by predicting the oped for irrigation scheduling by using weather station and ML
crop water demand for proper irrigation. Figure 5 give the dif- algorithms. The weather station models developed in different
ferent ML algorithms used for water management in agriculture researches/literatures is discussed in Table 3. The most of the
based on parameters evapotranspiration and dew point temper- ML algorithms consider Temperature, wind speed, wind direc-
ature, as shown in Figure 5. For water management the impor- tion, humidity weather conditions.
17518636, 2022, 5, Downloaded from by Cochrane Philippines, Wiley Online Library on [18/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Data collection Weather stations are built [72–88] [89] Data collection from Sensor node is Data collection is done from a single node
or data is taken from proposed. The station is proposed to in most of the times. The need of
some online site and be Automatic Weather Station-AWS collection from multiple nodes for
fed to the system. where the system sends the data to processing makes the system efficient.
remote user.
Transmission The transmission of data [72, 74] NB IoT, Thing speak, Fog and Edge The efficient use of different systems was
technology from the sensor node [77–81] computing, Zigbee, Lora, Wi-Fi, proposed. The work on Lo-Ra is not
to the central hub. [90, 91] cloud, email, twitter are different ways widely seen in the proposed
proposed. application.
ML Predicting the [73, 80, 84] ML based predictions were done in a Building a system with feature with a real
functionality based on [91–94] better way. The prediction accuracy time data is proposed earlier. The
the received data was mentioned to be above 90 in these actuator and sensor system connected
papers. to a single ML based system where the
actuator is actuated using ML decision
is not widely seen in the research.
Irrigation Scheduling the irrigation [70, 79, 90] The irrigation system includes of The real-time data that is used to evoke
scheduling based on ML results [91–99] actuator based on the IoT signal is the ML system to predict and actuate
and initiating IoT proposed and, in some cases, the the system is not seen in most of the
services to enable decision from pre-loaded data is data is studies. The complexity of merging up
irrigation system. fed as a control signal. the technologies in giving an efficient
solution isn’t seen in most of the cases.
2015 [72] Temperature, humidity, wind velocity, atmospheric pressure, rain NEN and ANN
2020 [92] Wind speed, wind direction, temperature, rain, humidity, light TCN
2020 [93] Temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind speed Boost regressing model
2020 [98] Based on soil conditions VAR and RNN-LSTM
2019 [99] Air temperature, humidity, wind speed, precipitation, Radiation Fuzzy logic
17518636, 2022, 5, Downloaded from by Cochrane Philippines, Wiley Online Library on [18/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Role of IoT, remote sensing, ML in agriculture is explored.
The papers summarize the various WSN technologies for IoT,
agriculture applications using IoT and ML. The article also
discussed the importance of soil and weather conditions in
irrigation panning and environmental conditions affecting
the irrigation planning the most. IoT with ML assist farm-
ers in planning agriculture activities precisely. Different ML
algorithms employed in soil monitoring, livestock management,
FIGURE 13 Wind speed data visualization
crop and water management are summarized. The literature
review summarizes the various methods for crop water stress
estimation and also discloses that evapotranspiration estimation
respectively. Figure 14 gives the mobile interface of Things- plays a vital role in crop water stress management. Irrigation
peak cloud. planning based on crop water stress helps in planning irriga-
The weather station developed is a cost-effective system for tion affectively. In the end the article presents the design of IoT
efficient utilization of agricultural irrigation water. Along with enabled weather station with test results. The developed weather
the irrigation water efficient utilization, agricultural yield qual- station is compared with the commercially available weather
ity and quantity can also be increased through predictive irri- station and the patent available on weather station for its
gation by applying the ML algorithms to the provided weather novelty.
17518636, 2022, 5, Downloaded from by Cochrane Philippines, Wiley Online Library on [18/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
1 Automatic weather Station, for industrial: ATM1136a 70,000 Advance Tec India Private Limited No
2 V Tech ultrasonic weather station for agriculture: VT- UWS01b 120,000 V TECH No
3 Portable weather station: 110-WS-18c 325,000 Auro Electronics Private Limited No
4 Automatic weather station, usage: Industrial: RK900-01d 143,000 Infinity Enterprise Private Limited No
5 Automatic weather Station, for officiale 500,000 Nevco Engineer Private Limited No
US10638675B2 Irrigation controller 2020 The invention is irrigation controller The present system is weather station design with IoT
with weather based on local weather station data technology. The weather parameter is such that can
station help in predicting irrigation demand by using ML.
CN203465825U Farmland 2014 The invention provides the information Discussed invention uses Zigbee, suitable for short
environment about soil moisture, soil temperature, distance communication only and GPRS which is a
weather wind speed, wind direction, very infrastructure-oriented resource. The weather
information illumination intensity, Carbon-di-oxide data of farmland is not user friendly. The developed
collection system and air temperature fo the farmland system is a centralized weather station, uses latest
based on Zigbee under observation. Zigbee and GPRS IoT technology for data transmission to cloud. IoT
and GPRS communication technology is used for enables the user to visualize the data in different
data transmission to terminal server. formats like text or graphs fr analysis manually to
tools like ML.
US7171308B2 Weather station 2007 Weather information provided by The discussed system provides the weather
present invention are thunderstorm information like wind speed, wind direction,
and lightning strike. humidity and air temperature for irrigation
planning. The developed weather station used IoT
technology and data is analysis ready for advanced
tool like ML.
US7088221B2 Weather station 2006 The invention discusses the weather The developed system is IoT based with no local
station design with microprocessor display. The data available on cloud can be utilized
unit, atmospheric sensors, memory to for prediction of irrigation requirement with
store weather data and local display advanced ML tools.
US6967900B2 Combination clock 2005 Weather station in present invention The weather system developed consists of sensor
radio, weather consist of temperature sensor, required to monitor weather conditions for
station and pressure sensor and local display for irrigation scheduling. System is IoT enable not
message organizer data visualization. requiring any local memory for data storage and
ML like advance analysis tool can be applied to data
set from weather station for irrigation demand
US5920827A Wireless weather 1999 Weather parameters are measure and The system developed uses IoT technology enabling
station transmitted using radio transmitter. user to visualize data as and when required. Also,
Also used local display for data display. irrigation prediction (using Machen Learning)
along with irrigation planning is possible with
available data from the developed weather station
Due to the climatic change worldwide, environmental mon- concerns in deploying the low-cost sensor like frequent
itoring is day by day becoming one of the active research calibration requirement and their reliability, in field applica-
areas. The commercially available IoT sensors for weather bility and performance. For providing reliable and accurate
monitoring are very costly and complex. IoT low-cost sensors data low-cost sensors requires to be calibrated frequently as
can be used for weather monitoring but there are certain they are affected by environmental conditions. Studies has
17518636, 2022, 5, Downloaded from by Cochrane Philippines, Wiley Online Library on [18/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
confirmed that IoT low-cost sensors are affected by envi- For modeling of environmental factor affecting the sensor
ronmental condition and for calibration of such sensor it is output and applying those models for data correction require
necessary to ML tools. This study has been carried out to understand the
environmental factors contributing to the data quality of low-
∙ Determine environmental factors affecting that data quality cost sensors in IoT. In the study performance of FS, FFS,
of sensor BE, and EFS is evaluated in identifying the factors affecting
∙ Model the those factor that effects sensor data and the sensor data quality [71]. In [94] the challenges related to
∙ Apply the model to sensor data for its correction Precision Irrigation and the identified opportunities for the
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