HRIS-Review Meeting Format For Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital

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iHRIS Readiness Assessment

Semi-Structured Questionnaire

Human Resource Administration (HRIS Case Team), Human Resource Development, and
LicensureDirectorates of the Federal Ministry of Health are organizing a consultative meeting to
streamline employee data collection, analysis, storage & retrieval, and presentation via modern
tools and techniques.

In order to go forward with system development and implementation, it’s pivotal that readiness
of end users (organizations and individuals) shall be analyzed for prioritization and related

Hence, it is imperative that you shall respond to the questions in this tool and present it during
the workshop arranged for the same.

Section I: Summary Statistical Data - Human Resource for Health in the REGION/

1. Total number of active health workers and administrative staff during the first half year 2014
E.C in the Region/ Hospital/ Agency

IR2.1 Health workforce management and regulation capacity

A Workforce Number
  Types of HWF # Male Total
1 Health Professional      
1.1 Prosthetic-orthotic      
1.2 Midwifery      
1.3 Health Extension/Family health  1    1
1.4 Public Health  7  2 9 
1.5 Paramedics Professionals: Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)      
1.6 Emergency and Critical      
1.7 Radiology      
1.8 Anesthesia  1  1  2
1.9 Nursing  47  115  162
1.1 Ophthalmology      
1.11 Psychiatry  38  33  71
1.12 Environmental & Occupational Health  1    1
1.13 Health Information Technology    2  2
1.14 Biomedical Technology  1    1
1.15 Physiotherapy  3  6  9
1.16 Medical Laboratory Technology  7  5  12
1.17 Forensic Medicine      
1.18 Pharmacy  19  22  41
1.19 Dental Science      
1.2 Medical Doctor (GP)  30  14  44
1.21 Specialist and Subspecialist  7  1  8
1.22 Other BSc Professionals  4    4
2 Administrative and Support
2.1 Diploma and Above  107  119  226
2.2 Academic (Grade 12 and Below)  62  192  254
 Total Health workforce      

Section II – Employee Retention
Workforce Turnover/ Voluntary and Involuntary

S.N Items Response

Region/ Hospital/ Agency Region/ Hospital/ Agency in
in the first half year of the first half year of 2014
S.N Types of HWF Profession 2014 E.C? E.C?
(Excluding death and (Excluding Personal Reason
retirement) and Transfer out)
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 Health Professionals
1.1 Prosthetic-orthotic            
1.2 Midwifery            
1.3 Health Extension/Family health          1  1
1.4 Public Health            
Paramedics Professionals:
1.5 Emergency Medical Technician        
1.6 Emergency and Critical            
1.7 Radiology            
1.8 Anesthesia            
1.9 Nursing    2  2    1  1
1.1 Ophthalmology            
1.1 Psychiatry  1  2 3  1    1
Environmental & Occupational
1.1 Health Information Technology            
1.1 Biomedical Technology            
1.2 Physiotherapy            
1.2 Medical Laboratory Technology            
1.2 Forensic Medicine            
1.2 Pharmacy    1  1      
1.2 Dental Science            
1.2 Medical Doctor (GP)            
1.2 Specialist and Subspecialist  1    1  1    1
1.2 Other BSc Professionals            
2 Administrative and Support Professional
2.1 Diploma and Above  2  3  5    5  5
2.2 Academic (Grade 12 and Below)  3  1  4  1  3  4
  Total Health workforce            

Section 3 – Readiness Assessment
3.1. Generic Readiness Dimensions
HRIS strengthening for generation of routine information on HRH
S.N Human Resource Information System Alternative Responses Response
1 Does your health facility capture human Yes it’s is not supported by software, but we
resources information using a computerized have all the necessary staff and hospital
system? information on the computer in excel, word and
(Please observe if there is) log
2 If yes to Q1, what kind of system are you Excel Sheet , word
(Most frequently)
2.1 Is it updated until end of 2014 E.C? If not, until Its update
when is it updated?
3 Is there HRIS focal person to update human Yes
resource information system regularly in your
4 Have the HRIS focal person received iHRIS Yes ,adama
training rolled out last year? If yes when?
5 Do you populate HRIS data regularly to Yes
facilitate HR data use?
6 How often do you need HRIS data to be As requested
populated to inform decision?
7 Do you have a dedicate computer for HRIS? If Yes
no, ask if there are plans how to get one.
8 Does the health facility use HRIS data for Yes
decision-making? (E.g. Planning, forecasting,
HRH management etc.) ?
9 If yes, for Q8, How often? When requested or the time we have to use
like on a three month report and on a six
month report
10 Have you ever used data visualization yes
dashboards for HRH to facilitate data use for
decision making?
11 If yes for Q10, state what kinds of dashboards?
Do you monitor staff attrition annually using Yes

3.2 Specific Readiness Dimensions

A. Organizational Readiness for HRA & HRD Modules

1) Is there an allowed structure in your region for yes
HRIS and CPD positions?

2) If your answer for question 1 is yes, have Yes

appropriate staffs been assigned specifically for
HRIS and CPD positions?
3) If your answer is YES to Q2, How Many HRIS No; of HRIS expert: __1_____
and CPD experts are ready to perform HRIS work
process? No of CPD expert: ___4_____

4) Do you have funding support from various NO

channels both Government & other source in place
for HRIS activities and iHRIS?

5) If Yes, a.
List the Funding Source. c.

6) What challenges have you’ve faced regarding

structure, deployment, and follow up of HRIS
Expert (s)?

B. Technological Readiness

B.1. Internet and Connectivity

1) What Source of electric power are you using at all Main grid√
levels (Tick all that apply):

2) Does your facility have Internet Connectivity? Yes

3) If yes to Q2, please provide the bandwidth of the 45mb

Internet service

4) If Yes to Q2, who covers the subscription fee for The hospital
the Internet?

5) If No to Q2, do you have plan to subscribe

connectivity to the Internet?

6) Beyond Internet, do you have a functional Local Yes

Area Network (LAN) at your work place?

7) If No, Do you have plan to establish a LAN?

8) Is Health Net service active on your facility? Yes

9) What is the technology used for Internet

connection? DSL

B.2. Technological Readiness – Computers and Storage

10) Do you have a Dedicated Server for HRIS No


11) How many computers do you have for the HRIS, 4

CPD Experts and director?

12) How does your office manage security and safety 1.Call central office (IT department of regional
of computing and network maintenance? health office) Yes

2. Outsource whenever necessary: Yes

3. Have a contracted firm no

4. Have a staff Yes

5. No maintenance/irregular Yes

6. Other: Please specify _____________________

13) What backup mechanisms do you employ for HR  There is no backup method developed by the
Data? hospital…
 We use cloud and external hard disk.

C) Human Capacity Readiness

14) Do you have adequate staff with any of the Staff with the following skills present?
computing skills on iHRIS application area?
1. Basic computer knowledge: Yes
2. Knowledge to computer maintenance : Yes

3. Database administration: Yes

15) In what areas does the staff need training to 1. Data entry on the system: Yes
manage the iHRIS system? 2. Basic Computer Maintenance: Yes
3. Other: Please specify

16) Identify participants [in terms of positions] for 1. Hris expert

respective trainings. 2. Data incoders
3. Hr leader

17) What inputs from leadership do you require for  We need the v.r coolest computer
sustaining the system?  We need personal tablets and laptops
 Paid cloud store way’s

 Great easy to use software’s

18) Any additional comments and suggestions for the  There is no ihris software we are currently
successful implementation of iHRIS. Please feel using at the very least we want to do this
free to forward. (Any comments can be forced and find a way to get the software we
using Amharic or English) really want you to do this for us.
 We also need computer and technology
equipment as well as some technical

Section IV- Data Quality Assessment

HRISData Use
Potential source documents for HR data use Precondition fulfilled for better HR data utilization

 Compiled quarter/annual HR report  Timely captured HR data

 Supervision summary report  Have a complete HR data
 Mentoring/coaching findings  Generate an accurate HR data
 Performance appraisal report  Well described HR report
 HR research findings  Regular tracking of HR activity performance
 Incorporate data utilization as one performance
indicator in the plan

(Please provide detail for each
Yes Partly No response if the outcome of the
HR Data Use Assessment
questions is Partly/No. This will
help guide strengthening

Routinely use HR data for planning (Annual and

1 yes 

Use HR data for staff recruitment, selection and

2  yes

3 Use of HR data health workforce forecasting yes

4 Use of HR data for routine management decision yes

Use of HR data for staff training and

5 yes

(Please provide detail for each
Yes Partly No response if the outcome of the
HR Data Use Assessment
questions is Partly/No. This will
help guide strengthening

6 Use of HR data for budgeting yes

7 Use of HR data for generating policy questions yes

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