Pre Board Botany II
Pre Board Botany II
Pre Board Botany II
Note: Answers any 08 of following questions, each questions carry 2 marks:
Q2. How xerophytes balanced between transpiration and water uptake?
Q3. How excretion occurs in plants?
Q4. Differentiate (any one): i) Collenchyma & Parenchyma ii) Trachids & Vassals
Q5. How plant cop themselves from high temperature?
Q6. What do men by pedogenesis?
Q7. How ethane play its role in fruits repining?
Q8. Give advantages and disadvantages of the tissue culturing or cloning?
Q9. Draw diagram of any two following inflorescence:
i) Spikelet ii) Scorpoid cyme iii) Biparous cyme iv) Corymb
Q10. How light intensity, quality and duration effects on the growth rate of plant?
Q11. Why kinetochore (disc shape protein) important for chromosomes?
Q12. How you can prove that chromosomes are carries of gene form parents to their offspring?
Q13. Explain the structure of nucleotide?
Q14. What do you mean by perma forest?
Q15. Why does cancer cells kill?
Q16. Discuss any one meiotic error?
Q17. Why there is no any variation occurs in gene during mitosis cell division
Note: Attempt any 2 questions carry 7 marks each.
Q18. In cattle, RR = Red, Rr = roan and rr = white. What are the predicted color phenotypes and their
frequencies for the offspring form crosses between?
a) A Red bull and A White Cow
b) A Red Bull and A Roan Cow
c) A Roan Bull and A Roan Cow
Q19. How you can get ratio of 9:3:3:1 by making a cross between yellow (YY) and green (yy) pod color
and smooth (SS) and constructed (ss) pod shape?
Q20. What is ecological succession? How primary succession occurs in hydrach? Explain all seral stages
from first to climax stage?
Q21. What is meiosis? Explain all the events occurs in fist meiotic division, simple diagrams of each event
is necessary?
Best Of Luck