Training Prospectus
Training Prospectus
Training Prospectus
Our vision
Welcome to the IEMA
Training Prospectus
IEMA is the membership body for more than 15,000 environment and sustainability professionals worldwide.
We support individuals and organisations in setting and achieving globally recognised standards for sustainable practice,
in turn driving the development and uptake of sustainability skills.
We add value for our members by providing the knowledge, connections and recognition necessary to lead change
within organisations at all levels.
We are independent and international. We apply the combined expertise of our members to provide evidence and
influence decision-making, working towards our vision of transforming the world to sustainability.
Go to
and get 15% off your entry level membership when you use code Training15.
Our courses are grouped for easy reference:
These courses are aimed at people working in an environment/sustainability role and who wish to progress
their careers through professional development. They must join IEMA at the appropriate level to progress.
• Foundation Certificate in Environmental Management
• Certificate in Environmental Management
• Diploma in Sustainable Business Practice
These courses provide the necessary training from the basics through to the leadership skills required for
environmental auditing.
• Foundation Course in Environmental Auditing
• Internal Environmental Management System (EMS) Auditor
• Lead Environmental Auditor
• Auditing to ISO 14001:2015
These offerings appeal to those within a specialist subject area who wish to develop skills and professional
• Carbon, GHGs, Foot Printing, Accounting and Management
Designed for senior management teams and board members to understand the strategic business risks and
opportunities presented by a changing environment.
• Leading with Environmental Sustainability
Workforce Development
A workforce development programme for the non-environmental specialist. Suitable for all members of staff.
• Working with Environmental Sustainability
• Managing with Environmental Sustainability
Foundation Certificate
in Environmental
This course will provide learners with a foundation of environmental and sustainability knowledge to build on. Covering
a wide range of environmental, sustainability and governance principles, this course will give learners an understanding
of the breadth of the sustainability agenda, and the management tools and skills that they will need when working within
this area.
Learners who are starting out in There are no formal entry • Gives learners a solid foundation in
environmental management, requirements for this course. environment and sustainability with
and want a solid foundation of which to build their knowledge on
environment and sustainability • Covers a wide range of environment
knowledge to build on. and sustainability principles
Those who would like to gain • On completion the learner becomes
Associate membership of IEMA. eligible for Associate membership,
giving them the AIEMA suffix and the
benefits of IEMA membership
40 hours Once completed, a learner on this course will be able to: A 1 hour open-book
(5 days) online multiple-choice
• Outline the implications of global trends for the environment, for society, exam, taken at the end
for the economy and for organisations of the course.
• Outline sustainable business/governance principles and their relationship
with organisations, products and services
• Outline environmental principles and their relationship with
organisations, products and services
• Outline major policy and legislation and their implications for
organisations, products and services
• Outline major tools, techniques, systems and practices used to improve
sustainability performance
• Outline the role of innovation and other leading practices in developing
sustainable products and services and providing sustainable solutions
• Collect data, perform analysis, and evaluate information
• Research and plan to provide sustainable solutions
• Deliver effective communication and capture feedback
• Engage with stakeholders
• Outline tools and techniques that identify opportunities and risks
• Identify and propose ways to improve performance
• Support change and transformation to improve sustainability
Certificate in
This course will give learners detailed knowledge of environment and sustainability, and the ability to apply environmental
management/assessment tools and skills that are needed to be an effective environment/sustainability practitioner.
Learners who are working within A foundation level of environmental • Four modules covering a range of
environmental management and / sustainability knowledge gained topics from fundamental principles of
require detailed knowledge of through work experience or a relevant environment and sustainability all the
environmental/sustainable principles, course e.g. the IEMA Foundation way to Environmental Management
management tools and skills to Certificate in Environmental Systems, other assessment tools and
effectively deliver positive change. Management or equivalent. key Practitioner skills
120 hours Over the course of four modules a learner on this course will be able to: 3 knowledge based
(15 days) assignments and
• Explain the implications of global trends for the environment, for society, 1 Assessment of
for the economy and for organisations and the role of an Environment/ Competence based on
Sustainability practitioner in overcoming these challenges work experience
• Explain sustainable business/governance models, their underlying principles
and their relationship with organisations, products and services
• Explain environmental principles and their relationship with organisations,
products and services
• Explain major policy and legislation and their implications for organisations,
products and services
• Explain major and relevant tools, techniques, systems and practices, their
application and how they can be used to develop sustainable products and
services and improve sustainability performance
• Explain the role of innovation and other leading practices in developing
sustainable products and services and providing sustainable solutions
• Collect and critically analyse data, and report information that informs
decision making
• Identify problems and assess opportunities that deliver innovative and
sustainable products and services
• Determine, implement and measure methods of effective communication
• Identify and engage in two-way communication with stakeholders
• Apply or implement tools, techniques, systems and practices that identify
opportunities and risks.
• Deliver projects and programmes that achieve performance improvement
• Implement change and transformation
Diploma in
Business Practice
The Diploma in Sustainable Business Practice is the most comprehensive business-centred course in sustainability. It will
give you the necessary knowledge and skills to lead your organisation towards entry to the low carbon economy.
The Diploma course, together with appropriate experience and CPD accredited activity, equips the candidate to apply for
Full Membership of IEMA (MIEMA) and Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv). NB: A complete application form and peer
review always applies.
To have completed the Associate Certificate in • Successful learners will be able to use the DipSBP suffix after their
Environmental Management course or have the name
equivalent level of knowledge and experience of • Equips you with knowledge and skills towards your MIEMA and
environment and sustainability issues. CEnv application
Membership of IEMA at Associate or Affiliate level • Module based so it is easy for you to organise work/life/
as a minimum. coursework
• Extensive resources to support you.
Language, literacy and numeracy skills must be
• Includes appropriate practical exercises/interactive case studies
sufficient to complete the course.
120 hours Successful completion of this course provides learners with a comprehensive Project work after
(15 days in understanding of the following: each module and
3 x 1 week a final exam
Module 1: Managing Environmental Media and Issues
• Earth’s Systems: how businesses interact with natural cycles, biodiversity and
the importance of these issues for business, as well as an appreciation of the
interconnectedness of these issues
• Environmental Media and Issues: the impact that releases have on
environmental media
Foundation Course
in Environmental
The Foundation Course in Environmental Auditing will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to become an
environmental auditor. The course raises the awareness necessary to participate effectively in environmental audits and
other related activities.
Those that need a working understanding of • Equips you with the knowledge and skills to start participating
compliance auditing, such as: effectively in environmental audits
• Trainee Environmental Auditors • Take part in practical case-study based audit exercises to put
• Consultants, H&S Professionals, Quality the theory into practice
Controllers • Gain points towards IEMA Environmental Auditor registration
• Affiliate and Associate IEMA Members to join a global community of auditors
developing careers in environmental auditing
Internal Environmental
Management Systems
(EMS) Auditor
The Internal EMS Auditor course has been developed to meet the increasing demand for employees with EMS auditing
knowledge within business and industry. The course content has been structured so as to meet the principles of auditor
training needs specified in ISO 19011; therefore it will be of particular use to those individuals responsible for the effectiveness
and continual improvement of their organisation’s EMS.
For those organisations planning to certify or register their EMS against a formal EMS standard, training of in-house
employees offers potential benefits. The European Accreditation of Certification (EAC) has made it clear in their guidelines
that external auditors will place a greater amount of reliance on internal audit findings based on a number of considerations,
including effectiveness and auditability of the EMS, and whether the internal auditors have completed training in audit
principles and processes.
The course is aimed at those individuals within • Equips you with the ability to participate in an audit of the
organisations who are responsible for the organisation’s EMS to establish whether it is efficient and effective
auditing of an EMS. • Benchmarked to the ISO 19011 auditing standard
IEMA Members that want to continue building • Gain points towards IEMA Environmental Auditor registration to
their expertise in environmental management join a global community of auditors
Undertake this training course and understand the principles of becoming a lead Environmental Auditor, a qualification
which also contributes towards IEMA Environmental Auditor registration.
As lead auditor, you will remain at the forefront of EMS strategy and will drive efficiency in line with ISO 14001, meaning
you can play a pivotal role in ensuring your organisation is committed to environmental best practice.
Auditing to
ISO 14001:2015
This course is ideal for experienced environmental management systems (EMS) auditors, including internal and external
auditors, giving them the ability to undertake effective EMS audits to ISO 14001:2015. This course will provide learners with
the knowledge they need to help their organisations achieve the benefits of the transition to the revised standard, helping
to improve their EMS and deliver enhanced environmental sustainability performance.
Experienced EMS Auditors looking to conduct • A one-day course filled with a mixture of theory and practical
an ISO14001:2015 audit, either internally or activities
externally. • Covers all the knowledge needed for auditors to undertake,
Those with an interest in the effectiveness of plan and develop an internal audit to ISO 14001:2015
environmental management systems. • Add to your Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Please note, learners attending this course must have either completed the IEMA Making the Transition to ISO 14001:2015 course or be able to demonstrate suitable knowledge
of ISO 14001:2015.
7 hours Once completed, a learner on this course will be able to: A combination of
(1 Day) participation through
• Describe the key new requirements of ISO 14001:2015 activities and an end
• Explain how organisations may respond to the new requirements of course multiple
• Identify key auditing principles and terminology choice test
• Develop, implement and manage an internal audit programme for ISO
• Plan to undertake an audit
• Conduct audits to ISO 14001:2015
• Identify competence needs for auditing to ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management
Systems (EMS)
This course is designed to provide a step-by-step guide to the implementation of an EMS and therefore provides practical
training in this area. This course includes references to management standards such as ISO 14001:2015 and EMAS but also
includes references to other relevant standards such as BS 8555. The course aims to give learners the skills to design and
implement an EMS within their own organisation’s existing management structure, rather than provide a ready-made EMS
which doesn’t necessarily address the organisation’s specific issues.
Anyone whose job role requires them to have a • Equips you with the knowledge and skills to implement an EMS
practical understanding and ability to implement • Available as an ‘in-house’ or ‘open’ course
an EMS. • Can be tailored to individual organisations’ needs
• Course structured around practical EMS exercises and problem
solving activities to gain a ‘hands on’ perspective on the design
and implementation of an EMS
24 hours On successful completion of this course, learners will: Continual assessment and an end
(3 days) of course examination or post-
• Understand the opportunities and risks corporate course project
sustainability presents to organisations
• Understand Environmental Management Systems
and their application
• Understand key Environmental Management
Standards and the certification process
• Understand how to plan and manage the
implementation of an EMS
• Understand how to implement an EMS and
evaluate its effectiveness
Making the
Transition to
ISO 14001:2015
This new course is aimed at individuals that are responsible for implementing or maintaining an Environmental
Management System based on ISO 14001. It will provide an overview of the new requirements of ISO 14001:2015 to enable
learners to evaluate and implement changes and improve their organisation’s Environmental Management System. If you
want to be the first to implement the ISO 14001:2015 standard in your organisation, this course will give you the tools to
adapt to the updated standard. You will leave the course with our unique IEMA EMS Gap Analysis Tool.
It will benefit those learners who have experience • Exclusive insight from IEMA on knowledge and understanding
in implementing ISO 14001 EMS and will need to of the updated ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management
manage the transition to the updated standard. Standard
• Each learner issued with our unique IEMA EMS Gap Analysis Tool
• Add to your Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Carbon, GHGs, Footprinting,
Accounting & Management
Carbon footprinting and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reporting is a complex topic where knowledge and understanding is
continuing to expand. Demand for trained practitioners is increasing too. Many organisations are placing more focus on the
need to address their use of energy and the impact of climate change. Important issues include understanding present and
future sources of emissions, identifying and quantifying their aspects of GHG emissions, either to improve performance and
reduce risk, or to meet stakeholder expectations on labelling.
IEMA’s Carbon, GHGs, Footprinting, Accounting and Management courses enable you to understand how to calculate GHG
emissions and footprint as well as how to manage your organisation’s emissions by accounting for them. You quantify, you
This course is applicable to environment and • Equips you with the knowledge and skills to identify, quantify and
sustainability professionals, management account for anthropogenic GHG emissions in your organisation
accountants and internal environmental auditors • Practical exercises and activities throughout the courses
who need to quantify GHG emissions. • Add to your CPD
IEMA Associate (AIEMA) members can also
use this course for Continuing Professional
Development (CPD).
“Very well run, very informative and clear. Got a lot from it!”
Leading with
Leading with Environmental Sustainability is a powerful half-day session that will change the way you do business. This
session challenges leaders in organisations, senior executives, board members and investors; to formulate a strategic
understanding of the risks and opportunities presented by a changing environment on their ability to do business. The
session also helps senior executives to understand their personal obligations to ensure the business remains compliant. The
outcome of the session is a complete re-engineering of your strategic objectives.
This session has been developed for the • All materials provided
decision-makers of every organisation, • Expert moderators to facilitate discussions and challenge attendees
regardless of sector specialism or previous • No examination
experience of environmental issues. • Part of a wider change-management process
• Organisations of all sizes can partake
4.5 hours This session goes through the following topics: End of course review
(1/2 day)
• What does Environmental Sustainability mean for the organisation?
• Is the organisation’s existing strategy fit-for-purpose?
• Which organisations are leading with Environmental Sustainability and
• Understand the implications of complying with environmental law
• What would a new strategy look like?
Working with
IEMA Working with Environmental Sustainability is one of a suite of three courses, under the banner of All Jobs Greener,
which is a new workforce development programme aimed at non-environmental specialists. The aim of this one-day
course is to provide the learner with a practical introduction to Environmental Sustainability so they are equipped with the
knowledge, understanding and motivation to make a positive difference within their organisation.
This course is perfect for those working in • No prior environmental knowledge required
any job role, across all sectors, to ensure that • Practical activities and workshops throughout
environmental sustainability is embedded in to • Can be tailored to suit individual company needs
all job roles of a company. • Helps ensure all staff have basic environmental awareness to
make a positive contribution
7 hours On successful completion of this course, learners will: End of course examination
(1 day)
• Understand the main environmental risks and opportunities for
• Understand the importance of resource efficiency
• Understand the impacts of pollution, prevention, control and
environmental legislation in organisations
• Understand the impact of transport on the environment and
• Understand how employees can support environmental
Managing with
IEMA Managing with Environmental Sustainability is one of a suite of three courses, under the banner of All Jobs Greener,
which is a new workforce development programme aimed at non-environmental specialists. The aim of this two-day
course is to support managers and supervisors in understanding the strategic and operational implications environmental
sustainability has on them, their team and department, enabling them to contribute to the improved environmental
sustainability of their organisation.
14 hours On successful completion of this course, learners will: End of course examination
(2 days)
• Understand the strategic opportunities and constraints of
environmental sustainability for organisations
• Understand the importance of resource efficiency
• Understand the impact of environmental sustainability across the
value chain
• Know the impacts of pollution, prevention, control and
environmental legislation in organisations
• Know how employees can support environmental sustainability
The IEMA Certified courses listed in this brochure are complemented by a
suite of Approved courses, which are created and supplied by trusted training
partners on a variety of environmental and wider sustainability topics. IEMA has
added its stamp of approval to these courses to show that their content meets
with strict criteria.
There are over 80 registered training centres delivering a range of IEMA Certified
and Approved courses, to suit individuals with different levels of knowledge.
Our centres are located conveniently across the UK and Republic of Ireland,
nestled in the heart of the EU in Greece and Italy, and spread as far away as
Singapore and the UAE. Wherever you are, you can take advantage of a multitude
of courses to make sure you’re always at the top of your game, with e-learning
options available on many of our courses.
Whether you’re looking for a training solution or an apprenticeship, our courses
are designed to support sustainability skills development across all organisations.
With our support and access to IEMA Certified and Approved courses, it’s easy to
realise your true potential.
Please visit the website for full details on Approved Courses at:
Being a member of IEMA is a journey with real and exciting goals. Each stage of the journey calls on you to play new roles,
whether through doing, influencing, developing, learning or leading.
Student If your studies relate to environment and sustainability then IEMA offers a bright vision and
tremendous possibility.
Affiliate Affiliate membership gives the wider professional community a way to benefit from the
connections IEMA can provide.
At the heart of IEMA is a community of professional experts working to make the future better.