Manhidrive GB

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2A, 5A, 8A, 16A, 25A

35A, 45A

user’s manual

October 2005
(rel. software 0)
Parker Hannifin S.p.A Divisione S.B.C Hi-drive User Manual


1 APPLICABLE STANDARDS................................................................................................... 5
2 SAFETY SYMBOLS AND INSTRUCTIONS ......................................................................... 6
3 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Product description......................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Identification ................................................................................................................ 11
4 TECHNICAL DATA ............................................................................................................... 12
4.1 Ambient conditions ...................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Technical characteristics .............................................................................................. 13
5 MOUNTING ............................................................................................................................ 15
5.1 Dimensions and weights............................................................................................... 15
5.2 Fastening ...................................................................................................................... 16
5.3 Mounting instructions .................................................................................................. 17
6 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................ 18
6.1 Connector design and pin-out ...................................................................................... 18
6.2 Cable lengths and sections ........................................................................................... 24
6.3 Protections.................................................................................................................... 24
6.4 PE (Protective Earth) connections................................................................................ 25
6.5 Power stage supply connection .................................................................................... 26
6.5.1 Connection to AC 3-phase network ......................................................................... 26
6.5.2 Connection to AC 1-phase network ......................................................................... 26
6.5.3 Continuous supply connection ................................................................................. 27
6.6 Motor connection (MIL connector).............................................................................. 27
6.6.1 Motor without emergency brake .............................................................................. 27
6.6.2 Motor with emergency brake ................................................................................... 28
6.7 External braking resistor connection............................................................................ 29
6.8 Control stage supply connection .................................................................................. 30
6.9 Analogue and digital I/Os connection.......................................................................... 31
6.10 Feedback connection .................................................................................................... 33
6.10.1 Resolver................................................................................................................ 33
6.10.2 Incremental encoder ............................................................................................. 34
6.10.3 Sinusoidal encoder ............................................................................................... 35
6.10.4 Sinusoidal encoder + EnDat................................................................................. 36
6.10.5 Sinusoidal encoder + Hiperface ........................................................................... 37
6.11 Auxiliary encoder input connection ............................................................................. 38
6.12 Connecting converters to the electrical shaft ............................................................... 39
6.13 Serial connection RS422/RS485 .................................................................................. 40
6.14 Serial connection RS232 .............................................................................................. 41
6.14.1 Without converter RS232/RS422......................................................................... 41
6.14.2 With converter RS232/RS422.............................................................................. 41
6.15 CAN Bus connection.................................................................................................... 42
6.16 Electro-magnetic compliance....................................................................................... 43
6.16.1 Grounding............................................................................................................. 43
6.16.2 Connection cables and shielding .......................................................................... 43
6.16.3 Filters.................................................................................................................... 44
6.16.4 General recommendations on cables.................................................................... 44
6.17 Cabling general layout ................................................................................................. 45
7 STATUS LEDS........................................................................................................................ 47

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8 POWER SUPPLY MODE ....................................................................................................... 48

8.1 “Low” voltage power supply........................................................................................ 48
8.2 “High” voltage power supply....................................................................................... 49
9 START-UP............................................................................................................................... 50
9.1 Setting the default parameters ...................................................................................... 50
9.2 Selection of motor type ................................................................................................ 50
9.3 Changing motor data .................................................................................................... 51
9.4 Setting feedback ........................................................................................................... 51
9.4.1 A feedback, input X6. .............................................................................................. 51
9.4.2 B feedback, input X7................................................................................................ 51
9.4.3 C Feedback , input X9.............................................................................................. 52
9.4.4 Speed feedback configuration .................................................................................. 52
9.4.5 Position feedback configuration............................................................................... 53
9.5 Phasing procedure ........................................................................................................ 53
9.5.1 Type 1 phasing ......................................................................................................... 54
9.5.2 Type 2 phasing ......................................................................................................... 55
9.5.3 Pico-PLC phasing program ...................................................................................... 56
9.5.4 Fine phasing ............................................................................................................. 56
9.5.5 Multiturn absolute encoder phasing ......................................................................... 56
9.6 Speed control................................................................................................................ 57
9.7 Speed control adjustment ............................................................................................. 58
10 ANALOGUE AND DIGITAL I/Os......................................................................................... 64
10.1 Digital I/Os................................................................................................................... 64
10.2 Relay outputs................................................................................................................ 64
10.3 Uscite analogiche ......................................................................................................... 64
11 DYNAMIC BRAKING............................................................................................................ 65
12 KEY PARAMETERS .............................................................................................................. 66
12.1 Key parameters............................................................................................................. 70
13 OPERATING MODES ............................................................................................................ 79
13.1 Position control ............................................................................................................ 79
13.2 Torque control (operating mode 110) .......................................................................... 82
13.3 Electrical shaft and positioned (op. mod. 120)............................................................. 83
13.3.1 Speed mode: ......................................................................................................... 83
13.3.2 Electrical axis: ...................................................................................................... 83
13.3.3 Positioner.............................................................................................................. 85
13.3.4 TAB0: profiles in memory ................................................................................... 85
13.4 Electronic came (OPM121).......................................................................................... 90
13.4.1 Posizionator.......................................................................................................... 91
13.4.2 Speed mode .......................................................................................................... 91
13.4.3 CAM1 and CAM2................................................................................................ 91
13.5 Position control via CanBus (operating mode 140) ................................................... 100
13.6 Additional useful functions ........................................................................................ 102
13.6.1 Capturing values................................................................................................. 102
13.6.2 Programmable outputs........................................................................................ 105
13.6.3 Encoder simulation............................................................................................. 106
13.6.4 Motor cogging compensation............................................................................. 107
14 PROGRAMMING DIGITAL INPUTS AND OUTPUTS..................................................... 108
14.1 The Pico-PLC............................................................................................................. 108
14.1.1 Pico-PLC default program ................................................................................. 114
14.2 Serial interface............................................................................................................ 115
14.3 Communication protocol............................................................................................ 116

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15 FIELD BUS............................................................................................................................ 121

15.1 SBC Can..................................................................................................................... 121
15.1.1 Description of fields in real time mode.............................................................. 122
15.1.2 Description of fields in communication mode ................................................... 129
15.1.3 Description of extended message set #2 ............................................................ 131
15.2 CAN Open:................................................................................................................. 133
16 PROGRAMMING THE CONVERTER THROUGH A PC ................................................. 137
16.1 MotionWiz ................................................................................................................. 138
16.2 Hyperterminal connection .......................................................................................... 139
16.2.1 Creating and setting a connection ...................................................................... 139
16.2.2 ASCII protocol port RS-232 .............................................................................. 141
17 USE OF (OPTIONAL) KEYPAD ......................................................................................... 144
18 Appendix A : Conventions..................................................................................................... 147
19 Appendix B : Flash information............................................................................................. 147
20 Appendix C : Software timing ............................................................................................... 148
21 Appendix D : Continuous working ........................................................................................ 149
22 Appendix E : Alarms.............................................................................................................. 152
23 History of manual revisions ................................................................................................... 154

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Electro-magnetic Compliance (Immunity/Emissions):

EN61800-3/A11 in compliance with the Directive 89/336/CEE


EN61800-5-1 in compliance with the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/CEE

modified by 93/68/CEE

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Meaning of symbols, abbreviations and conventions used in this manual

Drive, converter, frequency converter and motion controller are various definitions of the
same product: Hi-drive.

WARNING CAUTION, very important information. See the Manual

before proceeding.

HIGH VOLTAGE, live cables, possible danger of electric discharge.

HIGH TEMPERATURE, danger of burns.

DANGER Take precautions.

IMPORTANT Study the manual carefully.

FBK Feedback.
Pr… Decimal parameter.
b… Binary parameter (bit).
Feedforward, control advance
FFW function.
R Read parameter.
W Write parameter.
Keypad-display Keypad
Drive Converter

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The “Hi-drive” described in this manual does not contain any user-accessible
parts. Any attempt to open the drive and access to internal components might
cause an irremediable fault.
Some internal circuits are subject to voltages that could result in serious injury or
The converter must not be accessed or modified in any of its parts; any
WARNING attempt to do so would cause the 1-year guarantee to be cancelled with
immediate effect.

The user must make sure that the device has been installed in accordance with the
applicable local workplace safety regulations. ignoring safety regulations could damage
persons and/or property.
Prior to installation and use, the user shall read the manual carefully.
The installation, commissioning and maintenance of the drive shall only be
performed by competent personnel, trained and qualified in the use of
industrial electronic equipment.
IMPORTANT Such personnel must be aware of the potential electrical and mechanical
risks of motion-controlling equipment supplied by the mains.

High-performance controlling equipment such as Hi-drive can cause extremely fast

movements at high forces. Unexpected movements may occur, especially during the
development of control programs: take the necessary safety precautions and never touch
the machine’s moving parts.
Install Hi-drive in a protected environment.
Before using any kind of drive or motor it is essential to evaluate the application in all of
its aspects by checking features in the current catalogues. Users shall be solely
IMPORTANT responsible for the selection of the system and components they are going to use.
Parker Hannifin Divione S.B.C. is not responsible for any use of the product other than as
provided for in this manual.

High leakage current! Risk of electric discharge!

Leakage current can be over 3.5 mA. Before supplying power to the drive, make sure that
all units (including the motor) are permanently grounded as shown in wiring diagrams.
This is necessary also to conduct temporary or preliminary tests. For protective earth
connections use a copper wire with a minimum section of 10 mm2 throughout its length.
For installations within the European Community, refer to standard EN61800-5-1, section For installations in the USA, see NEC (National Electrical Codes), NEMA
WARNING (National Electrical Manufacturers Association). The product user shall always comply
with the above-said standards.

The drive surface can reach very high temperatures. Danger of burns.


This user manual is for the standard version of the converter.

All information in this user manual, including methods, techniques and concepts described herein, are
proprietary information of Parker Hannifin Divisione S.B.C. – EME Division and of its licensees, and they shall
non be copied or used without express authorization.
Parker Hannifin S.p.A. Divisione S.B.C. is committed to a continuous product upgrade and reserves the right to
modify products and user manuals at any time without prior notice. No part of this user manual may be
howsoever reproduced without previous consent by Parker Hannifin S.p.A. Divisione S.B.C..



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Training programs available on request.

• Connect the cabinet/converter/motor in accordance with the instructions that are given in
this section and with the applicable safety regulations. For any questions or problems,
contact our customer assistance service.
• Make sure that the converter is sized properly for the motor it will be used with. Compare
the rated voltages and currents.
• Make sure the maximum power at terminals L1, L2, and L3 does not exceed the specified
voltage even in the worst case (see EN60204-1, section 4.3.1). Excessive supply voltage
can damage the converter.
• Make sure that the converter and the motor are correctly grounded.
• The user is responsible for the protection fuses in the AC or DC power supply of the
• All power cables must have a sufficient section (see the table given in the "connections"
paragraph) and must conform to the IEC227-2 regulation.
• The cables connected to the converter at the terminal cannot be fastened with tin-lead
welding (EN60065, Art.15.3.5).
• Do not ever remove the electrical connections from a live converter.
• Even after having switched off the converter and disconnected the power supply there may
be dangerous voltage. Wait at least 5 minutes before disconnecting motor cables from the
• Do not ever open the converter. This is dangerous and invalidates the warranty with
immediate effect.


Installation and cabling operations must be performed when there is

no voltage at all in the entire electric cabinet. Make sure that the
power switch on the converter is cut off from the emergency circuit.
The first time the cabinet is powered up, qualified technical personnel
must be present.


This product is intended for restricted distribution, in compliance with

product standard EN 61800-3.
In a domestic environment, the product may cause radio frequency
interference. If this is the case, the user shall take appropriate


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3.1 Product description

HiDrive is the result of in-depth research and development and of a longstanding hands-on
experience combined with a wide-ranging market research.
HiDrive focuses on the market of applications requiring a high degree of precision and
accuracy, high performance, flexibility to connect to various supervision and control systems,
high torques and custom drive arrangements based on specific applications.
HiDrive is a range of high performing, completely digital drives used both in closed-loop
vector control mode and as servo drive (available as standard). The range offering is complete
in several sizes, with 3-phase, 1-phase or continuous power.
The drive can be run in the following standard modes (usually called “operating modes”) ,
both when it is used to control regenerative asynchronous motors or brushless motors: torque
control, speed, positioner with trapezoidal profile, variable ratio/phase control electrical shaft,
electronic cams, positioner via CanBus. These operating modes are available both in vector
control and as servo drive. The drive comes with many other standard functions, such as S
ramps, value capturing and comparison functions.
Only one parameter setting is used to chose an operating mode or to select between
asynchronous or brushless motor control.
The standard HiDrive is equipped with three independent encoder ports, to which the
following devices can be connected: resolver, incremental encoder, less wiring, sincos,
sincos+absolute Endat mono and multirun, sincos+absolute Hyperface mono and multirun.
Also available are a second incremental encoder or sincos or frequency/sign input, whereas
encoder RS422 repetition has a high maximum output frequency and programmable pulses
per revolution.
In order to have more connection flexibility of HiDrive parameters with the external word
(inputs/outputs), the drive is provided as standard with a PLC (called “picoPLC”). The
picoPLC has a capacity of up to 256 instructions, scanning time of 6.144 ms, Ladder and
Instruction List programming languages. It is a very powerful tool to implement a simple per
sequence logic in the drive.
For complex applications, the drive can house (as option) a full-IEC1131 environment (called
“LogicLab”), that can be programmed using all 5 standard and multitasking languages (6
tasks with different cyclic execution times).
The drive is equipped with 3 leds providing an immediate display of the drive status, also
without keypad on the drive. HiDrive can also be equipped with an optional removable
alphanumeric keypad with internal memory to display parameters, send commands, write
picoPLC instructions and providing alarm diagnostic functions. Through the keypad it is also
possible to “clone” parameters and picoPLC programs between drives.
An advanced software tool (called “MotionWiz”) is also available free of charge to be able to
connect the drive to the PC via serial link RS422 or RS232. Such tool allows to interactively
configure the drive, to program the picoPLC and to display the variables by means of a
software oscilloscope.

Besides the features described above, the drive comes complete with the following standard
and optional functions:

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Automatic cogging compensation functions

High, adjustable resolution of position loop
Analogue inputs and outputs, digital inputs and outputs, relay outputs
Serial communication port RS232
Serial communication port RS422/485
CanOpen DS301 or SBCCAN Fieldbus (standard)
Three option slots
I/O Expansions (optional)
Profibus-DP Fieldbus (optional)
Integrated EMI filter to HID8 (included)
Low voltage power supply
Separate 24Vdc supply to the control logic
Programmable power supply for motor feedback device
Encoder input voltage sensing to automatically compensate for any voltage drops in
the encoder supply due to the cable length
Dedicated motor braking driving port
PWM up to 16kHz

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3.2 Identification
In the converters of the Hi-drive series, a label is attached on the right side that contains all
the essential information to correctly identification of the unit. It is important to refer to this
label before requesting any kind of technical information from Parker Hunnifin S.p.A.
S.B.C. Division.

An examle of this label is given below.

Side to detach
This part is at user disposal.

Every model is identified in the label and the handbook from acronym "HID" (Hi-drive
series) followed from a number, which represents the nominal output current of the apparatus.
Every label identifies:

Model Serial number

Power supply
Output voltage
Input voltage Output current

Input frequency Output frequency

Input current

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4.1 Ambient conditions

Features Description
-20°C +65°C
Storage temperature (-4°F 149°F)
Ambient operating 0°C 45°C
temperature (32°F 113°F)
Relative humidity < 85 %
Max. installation altitude 1000 m ASL
Converter’s degree of
Degree of pollution 2 or lower

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4.2 Technical characteristics

Description Symbol Unit Model

Power supply : the drive power can be either 1-phase, 3-phase or continuous
Nominal 3-phase voltage Vmains V~ 200 480 ±10%
Nominal 1-phase voltage Vmains V~ 200 277 ±10%
DC voltage Vdc V= 282 678 ±10%
Frequency fmains Hz 50…60 ±5%
Continuous service installed load S kVA 1,4 3,5 5,6 11,2 17,5
Switching frequency (selectable) fsw kHz 8-16 8
Default switching frequency fdef kHz 8
Nominal output current Icont Arms 2 5 8 16 25
Peak output current 2s Ipeak Arms 4 10 16 32 50
Current derating with fsw>fdef Kf p.u. 0,7 -
Current derating with Vmains>440V Kv p.u. 0,9
Output frequency fout Hz 500
Power stage loss Ploss W 30 75 120 220 350
Internal fan capacity Q m /h 32 47 63 168 168
Braking resistor Rb Ohm 200 90 75 40 27
Continuous internal braking power Pb cont W 75 75 120 180 180
W 3120 6935 8320 15600 23115
Braking power peak 790Vdc Pb peak
s 1 0,7 0,5 0,2 0,15
Continuous power Pout W See diagrams
Overvoltage protection Vovl V 870
Undervoltage protection Vund V 70% * √2 *Vmains
Internal filter - - yes yes yes no no
Supply voltage VDC V= 24 (0%…+10%)
Max. ripple VDCripple V Do not go over the range
Supply current IDC A= 2
Drawn amperage PDC W 30
Max. frequency simulator encoder output fenc out kHz 400
Max. frequency encoder input fenc in kHz 400
Supply voltage Vs V= 24 ±10%
Max. current Is A= 2

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Description Symbol Unit
Power supply : the drive power can be either 1-phase, 3-phase or continuous
Nominal 3-phase voltage Vmains V~ 200 480 ±10%
Nominal 1-phase voltage Vmains V~ 200 277 ±10%
DC voltage Vdc V= 282 678 ±10%
Frequency fmains Hz 50…60 ±5%
Continuous service installed load S kVA 22,8 28,5
Switching frequency (selectable) fsw kHz 4
Default switching frequency fdef kHz 4
Nominal output current Icont Arms 35 45
Peak output current 2s Ipeak Arms 70 90
Current derating with fsw>fdef Kf p.u. -
Current derating with Vmains>440V Kv p.u. 1
Output frequency fout Hz 500
Power stage loss Ploss W 490 540
Internal fan capacity Q m /h 260
Braking resistor Rb Ohm 13
Continuous internal braking power Pb cont W 400
W 48000
Braking power peak 790Vdc Pb peak
s 0,1
Continuous power Pout W See diagrams
Overvoltage protection Vovl V 870
Undervoltage protection Vund V 70% * √2 *Vmains
Internal filter - - no no
Supply voltage VDC V= 24 (0%…+10%)
Max. ripple VDCripple V Do not go over the range
Supply current IDC A= 2
Drawn amperage PDC W 30
Max. frequency simulator encoder output fenc out kHz 400
Max. frequency encoder input fenc in kHz 400
Supply voltage Vs V= 24 ±10%
Max. current Is A= 2

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5.1 Dimensions and weights

A 87mm 122mm 227mm
mass 5.8kg 8.5kg 16kg

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5.2 Fastening
Fasten the drive in the cabinet using the mounting holes on the mounting plate (see figure

HID2-…-HID25 HID35-HID45


A – frame width 87mm 122mm 227mm
B – plate width 80mm 115mm 219mm
C – spacing 62mm 62mm 150mm
D 9mm 26.5mm 34,5mm
E 9mm 26.5mm 38,5mm

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5.3 Mounting instructions

• The converter must be mounted vertically with the power block above.

• It is necessary to leave a minimum free space of 100 mm above and below

the converter in order to ensure a sufficient drive cooling air flow. The
figure shows how to cool hot air in order to avoid condensing that might
damage electronic components: air cooling operations must be performed
outdoor or in an environment separated from the drive location.
• The air flow coming into the converter shall not come from or by other heat-
generating components.
• Ensure a good ventilation within the electric cabinet.

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6.1 Connector design and pin-out

HID2 - … - HID25

Upper panel
X1 X2 X3

Hi drive


X4 X7




X6 X11

Lower panel
Front panel

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Upper panel.


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X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11

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Terminal block
1 DC+

2 RP

3 RN

4 IN


6 L1

7 L2

8 L3

9 PE

Terminal block
1 U

2 V

3 W

4 PE

Terminal block
24 Vdc 1 3 BR+

0V 4 2 BR-

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For HID2-…-HID25 front panel, for HID35-HID45 front panel

9 female poles Sub-D

X4 RS232
1 Reserved
2 RX
3 TX
4 Reserved
5 0VF
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
8 Reserved
9 Reserved

Terminal block
0VQ drive power – SR drive
15 1 enabled
+24V drive power + SR drive
16 2 enabled
17 3 SC B
18 4 SC A
19 5 IN 4
OUT 1 21 7 MON 2
OUT 0 22 8 MON 1
GND IN 24 10 – AX
IN 3 25 11 + AX
IN 2 26 12 0VA
IN 1 27 13 – REF
IN 0 28 14 + REF

9 female poles Sub-D

X6 “resolver”
3 ECC -
4 SIN -
5 COS -
7 ECC +
8 SIN +
9 COS +

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For HID2-…-HID25 lower panel, for HID35-HID45 front panel

15 female poles Sub-D

X7 “sincos”
5 CLK +
6 DATA +
7 B+
8 A+
10 Ve
11 SENSE -
12 CLK -
13 DATA -
14 B-
15 A-

9 female poles Sub-D 9 female poles Sub-D

X8 “RS422/485” X9 “encoder input”
1 TX422 + 1 EINA +
2 RX422 + 2 EINA -
3 TX422 - 3 EINB +
4 RX422 - 4 EINB -
6 Termination 6 EINC -
7 N.C. 7 0VF
9 0VF 9 +5VF

9 male poles Sub-D 9 male poles Sub-D

X10 “encoder output” X11 “CAN”
1 EOUTA + 1 N.C.
7 0VF 7 CAN_A-H
8 Reserved 8 N.C.
9 Reserved 9 CAN_B-H

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6.2 Cable lengths and sections

Chose a cable for flexible or static installation depending on the application.
See the table below for cable sections:

Model HID2 HID5 HID8 HID16 HID25 HID35 HID45

MOTOR Section 1.5mm 1.5mm 2.5mm2 4mm2 6mm2 8mm2 12mm2
2 2

(AWG14) (AWG14) (AWG12) (AWG8) (AWG8) (AWG8) (AWG6)

(X2) Tightening torque 0.5 – 0.6 Nm (M3) 1.2 Nm (M4) 2.5 Nm (M5)
NETWORK Section 2mm2 2mm2 2.5mm2 4mm2 6mm2 8mm2 12mm2
(AWG14) (AWG14) (AWG12) (AWG8) (AWG8) (AWG8) (AWG6)
(X1) Tightening torque 0.5 – 0.6 Nm (M3) 1.2 Nm (M4) 2.5 Nm (M5)
Signal Section 0.22 1 mm2 (AWG16)
(X5) Tightening torque 0.22 – 0.25 Nm (M2)
Section 1 mm2 (AWG16)
Emergency (AWG16)
brake (X3) 0.22 – 0.25 Nm
Tightening torque 0.5 – 0.6 Nm (M3)
Max. motor cable length 60 m
Max cable capacity < 150 pF/m

All signal cables must have a minimum section of 0.22 mm2.

The resolver cable must consist of 4 individually shielded twisted pairs protected by a shield.
The conductor-conductor capacity for the length used cannot exceed 10 nF and the section
cannot be less than 0.22 mm2. The maximum length is 60 m.

The motor cable must be shielded.

The cables used for analogue signals must be shielded twisted pairs.
Shielded cables are also recommended for digital inputs and outputs.

6.3 Protections
The drive has no protections against overloads towards the mains.
The fuses at the drive power network must be sized as follows:

Model HID2 HID5 HID8 HID16 HID25 HID35 HID45

Fuse size on AC power
6A rit 10A rit 16A rit 20A rit 50A rit 50A rit 75A rit
supply network
Fuse size on VDC control
power supply

A thermo-magnetic switch can be used instead of fuses with the same effectiveness.

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See the following table to use fast fuses according to UL Standards:

Model HID2 HID5 HID8 HID16 HID25 HID35 HID45

AC Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann
Power FWP10A14F FWP20A14F FWP30A14F FWP-50B FWP-60B FWP-80B FWP-100B
Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz-
supply Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut
(3X) A70P10-1 A70P20-1 A70P30-1 A70P50-4 A70P60-4 A70P80-4 A70P100-4
Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann
Braking FWP10A14F FWP20A14F FWP20A14F FWP30A14F FWP-35B FWP-80B FWP-80B
Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz-
(2X) Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut
A70P10-1 A70P20-1 A70P30-1 A70P30-1 A70P35-1 A70P80-4 A70P80-1
Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann
DC Bus FWP10A14F FWP20A14F FWP30A14F FWP-50B FWP-60B FWP-80B FWP-100B
Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz-
(2X) Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut
A70P10-1 A70P20-1 A70P30-1 A70P50-4 A70P60-4 A70P80-4 A70P100-4

6.4 PE (Protective Earth) connections

It is necessary to minimize the length of the individual cables to be grounded. For this reason
we recommend that a grounding bar be placed as close as possible to the frequency
The grounding bar must be a copper bar and must be installed in contact with the cabinet
metal frame. The table shows the minimum dimensions depending on length.

Lenght Width Thickness for HID2…25 Thickness for HID35,45

(m) (mm) (mm) (mm)
0.5 20 6 8
1 40 6 8
1.5 50 6 8

To connect the converter to the grounding bar use either one cable with a minimum section of
10 mm2, or two cables with the same section as power cables.
Use copper grounding cables.



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6.5 Power stage supply connection

The converter can be used only in grounded TT and TN industrial networks, suitable for use
on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 5000 RMS symmetrical amperes, 480V
Do not use in ungrounded networks or in networks with asymmetrical grounding (IT).

6.5.1 Connection to AC 3-phase network

No external filter is required in types HID2,

HID5 and HID8 with motor cable up to
30m, as they are class “A” compliant.

For HID35 and HID45 connect the grounding cable in 9 pin of X1.

6.5.2 Connection to AC 1-phase network

No external filter is required in types HID2,

HID5 and HID8 with motor cable up to
30m, as they are class “A” compliant.

For HID35 and HID45 connect the grounding cable in 9 pin of X1.

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6.5.3 Continuous supply connection

For HID35 and HID45 connect the grounding cable in 9 pin of X1.

6.6 Motor connection (MIL connector)

6.6.1 Motor without emergency brake

Instead of the MIL connector (used in the

drawing), the following connector types can
also be used:

interconnectron - terminal block

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6.6.2 Motor with emergency brake

Terminal block X3 requires a dedicated 24VDC to terminals 1 and 4. Do not use the same
supply of the control stage. Terminals 2 and 3 control the brake through a static relay.
Controls the output controlling the emergency brake of terminal block X3 (pin
2 and 3), managed as a command ON/OFF from drive with internal bit (b42.8).
The brake block-release function in all operating conditions must be performed
by the user.
be used:
drawing), the following connector types can also
Instead of the MIL connector (used in the
interconnectron -
terminal block

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6.7 External braking resistor connection

The converter is equipped with an internal braking resistor (see “technical data” section).
An external braking resistor can be used if there’s a higher power to be dissipated.
The external braking resistor must be equal in size to the internal resistor . Install a bipolar
thermo-magnetic switch (or a fuse pair) between the resistor and the converter.

The minimum connection cable section must be the section of motor cables (see “Cabling”
section). It is necessary to minimize the length of connection cables, that shall in no event be
over 3 metres.
In order to complete the connection, refer to the pin-out of connector X1: remove the jumper
between terminals IN and BRC, then connect the external resistor between terminals RP and

During operation, the external resistor reaches high temperatures. Let the
external resistor cool down before performing any operation on it.

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6.8 Control stage supply connection

IMPORTANT The drive electronics - including powering-up and switch-off operations - is

supplied at 24VDC.

The 24V power supply must be exclusively dedicated to the drive power supply . Sharing the
power supply with other devices (e.g. brakes, electro valves, etc.) could cause malfunctions.

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6.9 Analogue and digital I/Os connection

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Main analogue input:

Number 1
Range ±10V differential
Input resistance 8.61kΩ ±5%
Resolution 14 bit + sign
Maximum frequency 2 kHz
Auxiliary analogue input
Number 1
Range ±10V differenziali
Input resistance 8.61kΩ ±5%
Resolution 10 bit
Maximum frequency 800 Hz


Digital inputs
Number 5 opto isolate
High voltage range 15 ÷ 24V
Low voltage range 0 ÷9V
Input resistance 20kΩ±5%
Reaction time =2.5µs
Type of driving

Analogue outputs
Number 2
Range ±10V
Output resistance 1kΩ
Resolution 10 bit + sign
Max. output current 1.5mA
Short circuit protection Yes
Overload protection Yes

DIGITAL OUTPUT Voltage supply

Digital outputs
Number 2 opto isolate
Type PNP open collector
External digital power
5 ÷24Vdc
Rise time =200µs
VH Vpower – 1.0 V
VL -0.5 ÷ 1.5V
Max. output current 100mA
Short-circuit protection Yes
Overload protection Yes

Relay output
Number 1 (NO - NC)
Voltage 24V
Max current 1A

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6.10 Feedback connection

6.10.1 Resolver

Instead of the MIL connector (used in the drawing),

the following connector types can also be used:

interconnectron - terminal block

When the resolver is connected, no incremental encoders can be used on connector X7.

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6.10.2 Incremental encoder

Instead of the MIL connector (used in the drawing),

the following connector can also be used:


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6.10.3 Sinusoidal encoder

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6.10.4 Sinusoidal encoder + EnDat

As far as the cable is concerned, you may use a Heidenhain cable or one with the same
Cables without “SENSE” must not be longer than 20 metres, cables with “SENSE” shall have
a maximum length of 60 metres.

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6.10.5 Sinusoidal encoder + Hiperface

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6.11 Auxiliary encoder input connection

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6.12 Connecting converters to the electrical shaft

The example diagram above shows the connection of two converters to the electrical shaft
with a master, but the link could be extended to several converters connected in series.
The line termination resistors must be connected to the last converter. The master can be
either an encoder or an encoder simulator of another converter. However, the master encoder
signal must be a differential 5V RS-422 signal.
If the master is a Hi-drive type converter, you can connect up to 32 converters to the electrical
shaft by using the same signal of the simulated encoder (standard RS-485).

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6.13 Serial connection RS422/RS485

The serial link can be configured as either RS-422 or as RS-485 depending on how the
connection is made. If there are several converters connected to the same line, only the last
node must be terminated as shown in the diagram below. The two configurations are shown in
the diagram below.

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6.14 Serial connection RS232

6.14.1 Without converter RS232/RS422

The diagram below shows the connection between drive and PC by a Hyperterminal link
based on an ASCII protocol on the serial port RS232 (X4 of the drive):

6.14.2 With converter RS232/RS422

The diagram below shows the connection between drive and PC by a serial link
RS232/RS422 based on S.B.C. protocol (X8 of the drive):

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6.15 CAN Bus connection

A CanBus interface based on the physical layer ISO/DIS11898 is included on the converter.
The Data link layer is the full CAN version 2.0 part A (ID 11 bit).

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6.16 Electro-magnetic compliance

HID2, HID5 and HID8 converter types with motor cable up to 30m do not require an external
filter as they are class “A” compliant.

In order to meet the requirements of EMC product standards, the drive must be installed in
strict compliance with the instructions below.

Because of strong PWM voltage fronts caused by the converter, high capacitive currents can
sometimes circulate through couplings in the grounding systems (conductive noise). High
frequency disturbances are also possible, especially from motor cables, in the form of radiated
Radiated and conductive disturbances can be reduced or prevented through grounding, shielding
and filtering, so as to reduce both the conductive interference in the cables and the return
conductive interference to the source (frequency converter) by using paths with the lowest
possible impedance. In this way other systems connected to the same electrical line are
protected effectively and the frequency converter will also be protected from the interference of
other systems.

Basically, protection is essentially based on grounding, shielding and filtering.

6.16.1 Grounding

Two different grounding systems are used in the electric cabinets where the converters are
usually installed:
- The EMC grounding, or HF (high frequency) reference, which is the uncoated metal
surface where drives and filters are installed.
- The safety or PE (protective earth) grounding according to EN60204-1.

Install converter, network filter, 24V power supply etc. on the metal surface so as to ensure
the maximum possible electric contact (HF connection) between the zinc-coated steel sheet
and the converter’s (rear) mounting plate.

6.16.2 Connection cables and shielding

Except the mains-filter cables, all other power and control cables must be shielded and kept
separated (min. distance between cables 20 cm). Where control cables must cross power cables
make sure they are at an angle as near 90° as possible.
Shielded cable screens shall be free and grounded on a copper bar by means of a connection
provided with cable gland (360º connection) as shown in the drawing, in order to ensure an
appropriate conductivity.
The motor cables and the power cables can never run parallel.

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Connection 360°

Usually the screen is connected on both ends. In some cases, however, the control cable screen
(resolver, encoder, I/O, low voltage power supply, serial link) may be connected only on one
end when the current in the screen causes noises to the shielded cable signal.
The input cable must be connected to the PE grounding by means of a screw connection so as to
ensure a proper contact between the screen and the grounding.
The power section (converter) and the control section (PLC or CN) must be kept separated by a
division in the metal base. Connect the panels in the electric cabinet by means of a copper

6.16.3 Filters

External mains filters must be installed in addition to the drive’s internal filters (no external
filter is required in types HID2, HID5 and HID8 with motor cable up to 30m, as they are class
“A” compliant).
The mains filter must be installed as close as possible to the converter and on the same panel
as the drive, ensuring a large contact surface with the electric cabinet or with the mounting
If the distance is over 30cm, the filtering effect decreases and a shielded cable must be
installed between the filter and the converter.
The filter ground lug must be connected to the ground bar with a connection as short as
The converter-filter connection cable length should not be over 30cm in order to maximise

6.16.4 General recommendations on cables

Never route noise-emitting cables in parallel with “clean” cables

Never route cables in parallel, especially near the filter (ensure sufficient distance)
Never route cables in loops (cables should be kept as short as possible and be close to the
common potential).

It is particularly important to keep mains cables away from motor cables. If the motor is
provided with emergency braking, keep the brake connection and power cables away from the
other cables (resolver and signal).

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6.17 Cabling general layout

The following drawings show the details of the cabling layout, with particular attention to the
grounding of shielded cables.
The electric cabinet bottom must be electrically conductive , e.g. zinc-coated. Strip off any
paint coat to ensure contact.
The grounding bar must be in contact with the cabinet bottom or ensure an excellent electric
connection and it must NOT be insulated.
Route power cables away from signal cables. The 24V input power cable must be shielded as

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Hi drive

*Install the PE (Protective Earthing) grounding bar together with the HF bar on insulated pillars, in order to prevent contact
with the zinc-coating bottom. Connect the two bars as shown in the diagram.
**Signal cables can be grounded either by means of a separate (HF) bar or directly connecting the (metal) cable glands to the
cabinet bottom (in this latter case, ensure that the PE bar is in contact with the cabinet zinc-coated bottom).
***The above diagram is to be considered as an overall view.

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The converter is equipped with 3 led indicators.

When power is applied to the drive (24 VDC), if the drive’s electronics is working, the yellow
and green leds come on.
The third led (red) provides converter status information as listed below:
- if it is off, the converter is shut off without active alarms.
- if it is on, the converter is enabled. the drive is in RUN mode
IMPORTANT - if it blinks with a pause after two series of blinks, the converter is
disabled and an alarm is active. The active alarm can be identified by
counting the number of blinks between the two pauses.
- if it blinks quickly and continuously, the I2t command is active and the
converter is still enabled.

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8.1 “Low” voltage power supply

This procedure is for those situations in which the operator needs to work in close proximity
to the machine in a situation which could be potentially hazardous. In these conditions, the
operator must move the axes with a drive power supply voltage lower than the nominal rating
(from 40 to 180V~, and from 57 to 255 VDC), so that the maximum allowable speed of the
axes is also lowered.
The motor is actually enabled approx.120ms after closing the contact that overrides the
holding charge resistance. This contact is activated when the internal continuous voltage in
the drive gets over 40VDC, provided that there aren’t any active alarms and that hardware and
software enabling commands are available.
In the same way, an under voltage alarm is generated when the voltage level falls below
The undervoltage fault automatic reset command is not active in this mode and b42.3 and
b42.4 have no significance.
the switch between low voltage and high voltage modes is potentially
dangerous to the drive. Always switch between modes with the drive disabled
and follow these instructions step by step.
o Low voltage to nominal operating voltage sequence.
a. Disable the drive. Wait 200ms.
b. Change the voltage from low to nominal.
c. Set bit b40.10 to 0
d. Wait 200ms.
e. Enable the drive. The drive will be enabled after about 120ms.

o Nominal operating voltage to low voltage sequence.

a. Disable the drive. Wait 200ms.
b. Set bit b40.10 to 1
c. Change the voltage from nominal to low.
d. Wait 200ms.
e. Enable the drive. The drive will be enabled after about 120ms.

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8.2 “High” voltage power supply

In “high ” voltage operating mode (b40.0=0), the converter can supplied as follows:

- AC 3-phase network (200…480 ±10%)

Set b39.0=0 (default).
The converter can automatically detect the power supply voltage rating and
adapts internal operating parameters accordingly. When the mains voltage is
>440VAC, b41.13=1 and output current is de. When one of the power supply
phases is missing, b42.4=1.

- AC 1-phase network (200…277 ±10%)

Set b39.0=1 and set the peak nominal value of 1-phase supply (v2*Vphase-neutral)
in Pr21 . Save, switch off and on again the converter.

With both modes of AC power supply, when parameter b42.3=0 the input power supply is on.
In case of power loss the bit is set to one, anticipating the converter’s “under voltage” alarm
that is based on continuous voltage.

- Continuous (288…678 ±10%)

Set b39.0=1 and set the nominal value of continuous voltage in Pr21 . Save,
switch off and on again the converter.

The automatic reset of “under voltage” undervoltage alarm can be forced by b39.8=1 with any
kind of power supply.

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In Its basic configuration, Hi-drive can control both synchronous permanent magnet motors
(brushless) and asynchronous induction motors. The setting of Pr31 can select either of the
- Pr31=0 synchronous motor (default setting)
- Pr31=1 asynchronous motor
The drive is supplied with default factory parameter settings.
See the following chapters for use and start-up.

9.1 Setting the default parameters

When you carry out a default procedure, all factory parameters are changed and any
previously entered value is lost. In order to carry out the procedure, go through the steps
- supply 24VDC power to the drive (X5 pin 15 and 16);
- disable drive hardware b41.5=0;
- set the pico-PLC in stop, b39.13=0;
- command b42.12=1, in order to load the default parameters;
- save the data by commands b42.14 and b42.15 (the drive must be disabled);
- Save, switch off and on again the drive.

9.2 Selection of motor type

The first time the converter is powered up, or following a default command, the drive
indicates a “Def” condition (alarm Pr23=15).
In order to leave the drive’s initial condition, the operator shall have to input the motor data.
The parameters defining motor types are as follows:
Pr29 Number of motor poles N.
Pr32 rated motor speed r.p.m.
Pr33 rated motor current (ex. 2.5A, write 2.5) A
Pr46 phase-phase motor resistance (ex. 1,8Ω, write 1.8) ohm
Pr47 phase-phase motor inductance (ex. 2.6mH, write 2.6) mH
Pr60 number of resolver poles N.
With asynchronous motors, the values above shall be supplemented with the following
Pr45 base speed r.p.m.
Pr48 slip r.p.m.
Only asynchronous motors
Pr49 magnetizing current A
Pr32 motor limit speed r.p.m.

After setting the parameters that identify the motor, the operator shall enter a data save
command, b42.15 (with drive disabled, b41.5=0). The drive will set the values of parameters
Pr2, Pr3, Pr16, Pr17, Pr18 and Pr19 through its internal logic. The automatic calculation of
the above listed parameters is performed only of the drive is in the default condition (alarm

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9.3 Changing motor data

After having entered a data save command, no other changes shall be made to the motor
parameters . In order to change the entered parameter values (new motor), enter command
b42.1. The drive shall return to its default condition and changing motor data shall be enabled
again. Repeat the data save procedure with command b42.15 (with drive disabled) if you want
to recalculate parameters Pr2, Pr3, Pr16, Pr17, Pr18 and Pr19 with the new motor data.

9.4 Setting feedback

A key feature of Hi-drive is the ability to cope with several types of feedback, that can be
used simultaneously both as speed feedback and as position feedback, depending on the
connection and on parameter settings.
Speed and position feedback connections use three different connectors:

1. A feedback, connection on input X6.

2. B feedback, connection on input X7.
3. C feedback, connection on input X9.

9.4.1 A feedback, input X6.

Input X6 can be used to link:


The input is dedicated to resolver read only. When this input is used, it must be identified as
speed feedback. In case of a space operating mode, the resolver can be also used as space

9.4.2 B feedback, input X7.

Input X7 can be used to link:

Encoder sincos + EnDat interface

Encoder sincos
Encoder less wiring
Line drive incremental encoder RS422

Signal RS422 on this port does not require the line to be closed by resistors, as these are
already present inside.
When the resolver is connected to port X6, do not connect Less Wiring encoder and
incremental encoder to port X7.

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Input X7 has a variable power supply with either 5.8 or 12V voltage, selectable through
parameter settings. 5 and 8V voltage levels can be adjusted through a feedback from a
sensing pair cable to compensate for any voltage drop in the cables. When voltage is set at
12V, the feedback is internal and any voltage drop in the cable cannot be compensated. Bit
b64.0 indicates whether the sensing function is active; if it is not, the set voltage is adjusted
in an open loop.

9.4.3 C Feedback , input X9

Input X9 can be used to link:

Line drive incremental encoder RS422

The connection of an encoder to this input requires line closing resistors to be provided, as
shown in the wiring diagram (“Auxiliary encoder input”).
Connector X9 has a 5V fixed input voltage insulated for the encoder.

9.4.4 Speed feedback configuration

In order to set the speed loop, select examples according to the table below:

No. of
Mode description pulses Input

Resolver b65.15=0 b65.14=0 - none X6

SinCos +
b65.15=0 b65.14=1 Pr62=0

SinCos b65.15=0 b65.14=1 Pr62=1 X7

Encoder power
b65.15=0 b65.14=1 Pr62=2 Pr58 5 b65.7=0 b65.6=0
8 b65.7=0 b65.6=1
b65.15=0 b65.14=1 Pr62=3 12 b65.7=1 b65.6=0
SinCos +
b65.15=0 b65.14=1 Pr62=7
b65.15=1 b65.14=0 Pr63=3 Pr59 X9

Before selecting the system it is necessary to set the input voltage of the connected encoder.
The selection of power input voltage is only performed at the drive’s start up.
In order to enable the selected voltage, save the parameters, then switch off and on again the
drive. If you don’t, the previously selected voltage shall be effective until the next power-up.

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9.4.5 Position feedback configuration

The same sensors used in peed feedback can be also used for position feedback.
The position loop feedback resolution is not fixed but can be controlled by parameter settings.
Parameter Pr169 performs this function and can have a value between 212 and 220 bit per
motor revolution.
The selection of position loop sensors and of the relevant resolutions can be made following
the table below:
The space in the drive is managed as a double word, with a ± 231 range. As a consequence, the
maximum value in motor revolutions for absolute systems will be:

± 2 31
spacemanaged =
Pr 169
No. of
Mode description pulses Input

Resolver b170.15=0 b170.14=0 - none X6

SinCos +
b170.15=0 b170.14=1 Pr62=0

SinCos b170.15=0 b170.14=1 Pr62=1 X7

Encoder power
b170.15=0 b170.14=1 Pr62=2 Pr58 5 b65.7=0 b65.6=0
8 b65.7=0 b65.6=1
b170.15=0 b170.14=1 Pr62=3 12 b65.7=1 b65.6=0
SinCos +
b170.15=0 b170.14=1 Pr62=7
b170.15=1 b170.14=0 Pr63=3 Pr59 X9

Important. In order to prevent damage to the encoder, select the power supply voltage of the
connected encoder.
The selection of power input voltage is only performed at the drive’s start up.
Therefore, in order to enable the selected voltage, save the parameters, then
switch off and on again the drive. If you don’t, the previously selected voltage
shall be effective until the next power-up.

9.5 Phasing procedure

Phasing is necessary when the speed loop feedback is via incremental encoder incremental or
SinCos, as these encoders do not provide the absolute positioning on the motor shaft. Phasing
must be performed any time the drive is powered up.

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The incremental encoder phasing does not allow to use the encoder simulator zero trace to set
the external control axis to zero, since the drive encoder simulation is not provided with a
fixed mechanical position in the motor revolution, but this is initialized any time a phasing
command is given.

During the incremental encoder operations the motor must be halted. If this type of feedback
is performed on the vertical axis, the phasing operations will be allowed only if the system is
balanced, that is if the vertical axis can be stopped without braking.

Before proceeding, consider that two phasing procedures are available, both requiring that the
motor can rotate even if it is installed inside the equipment (any emergency brake disabled).
Note that, in the first type of phasing procedure, the requested motor movement is larger then
in type 2 phasing. In type 1 procedure a cabling test is performed This procedure is therefore
recommended during the system’s fine-tuning.

9.5.1 Type 1 phasing

It is activated by Pb94.2; the table below lists the parameters involved:

Par. Description Field Range Def.

Pb64.2 Phasing command 1. Disable software (Pb40.9=0); enable 0
hardware (Pb41.5=1), and driver OK (Pr23=0).
The motor shaft is displaced two times, the second time at
90 electric degrees. The encoder feedback sign and the
number of motor poles are checked (Pr29).
Pr58 Enter number of steps by encoder revolutions. Always R/W ±32767 1024
negative. Encoder connected to input X7. When b65.1=0, M
Pr58 is written in extenso.
When b65.1=1, Pr58 is written exponentially ±218
Pr59 Enter number of steps by encoder revolutions. Always R/W ±32767 1024
negative. Encoder connected to input X7. When b65.2=0, M
Pr59 is written in extenso.
When b65.2=1, Pr59 is written exponentially ±218
Pr76 Status: R
0 if outcome is positive
2 if enable is not correct
3 if feedback is positive
4 if motor poles are incorrect (tolerance ±22.5 electric
5 if drive is not ready (Pr23 ?0 or inrush open)
Pb41.4 If the outcome is negative Pb41.4 is still set to zero R 0
(converter not OK).
Pb41.6 Phasing outcome = 1 if procedure outcome is positive and it R 0
is a necessary condition for drive OK (Pb41.4)

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9.5.2 Type 2 phasing

It is activated by Pb64.4; the table below lists the parameters involved:

Par. Description Field Range Def.

Pb64.4 Phasing command 2. Disable software (Pb40.9=0); enable 0
hardware (Pb41.5=1), and driver OK (Pr23=0).
At this stage the motor shall have a vibration whose duration
will depend on the type of motor and on the connected load
Pr58 Enter number of steps by encoder revolutions. Always R/W ±32767 1024
negative. Encoder connected to input X7. When b65.1=0, M
Pr58 is written in extenso.
When b65.1=1, Pr58 is written exponentially ±218
Pr59 Enter number of steps by encoder revolutions. Always R/W ±32767 1024
negative. Encoder connected to input X7. When b65.2=0, M
Pr59 is written in extenso.
When b65.2=1, Pr59 is written exponentially ±218
Pr76 Status: R
0 if outcome is positive
2 if enable is not correct (enabling procedure started by
Pb41.5=0 or Pb40.9=1)
5 if drive is in alarm or is not ready by the execution time
6 if parameter Pr271 deviates from its initial value by more
than 25 units. The calculated value can be saved. The saved
value will be considered as the initial value during the next
7 if parameter Pr271 is over 200 units (maximum allowable
value). Recalculate value of torque.
Pb41.4 If the outcome is negative Pb41.4 is still set to zero R 0
(converter not OK).
Pb41.6 Phasing outcome = 1 if procedure outcome is positive and it R 0
is a necessary condition for drive OK (Pb41.4)

If the calculated value of Pr271 at the end of the procedure is saved, on any future start up, the
phasing algorithm shall be calculated based on the saved value. In so doing, if mechanical
conditions are unchanged, there will be only one vibration whose duration shall be as set in

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9.5.3 Pico-PLC phasing program

After having entered all the encoder setting data, the following program can be added to Pico-
PLC so that phasing is performed when the drive is enabled
41.6 41.4 40.9

41.5 41.4 41.6 91.4

SET 64.4 Or SET 64.2

SET 91.4

IMPORTANT The phasing procedure cannot be performed in low voltage mode.

IMPORTANT Never activate saving command while the drive is enabled.

9.5.4 Fine phasing

By incremental encoder feedback it is possible to enable the motor fine phasing procedure on
the encoder zero point dog.
A pre-requisite for this “Fine phasing” is that the incremental encoder has been mechanically
phased on the motor shaft. It is therefore essential not to disinstall the encoder, otherwise the
motor-encoder assembly will have to be rephased at the control desk.
At the completion of the incremental encoder phasing procedure (type 1 or 2), a fine phasing
function may be enabled on the encoder zero point dog.
The function activates at the following revolution when command b65.3=1 is entered. The
status of command b65.3=0 signals that the fine phasing has been performed.
With less wiring encoder feedback , the function is performed automatically.

9.5.5 Multiturn absolute encoder phasing

With a multiturn absolute encoder, initialize the absolute position read at power up on the
motor position by following the procedure below:
- position the mechanical axis on the desired machine point
- disable drive hardware b41.5=0
- set desired position in Pr69:68
- enter command b64.9 to perform the write procedure in the absolute encoder.
- After having entered a multiturn phasing command b64.9, bit b41.6, indicating “phasing
ok” is set to zero. Switch the electronics off and on again to be able to perform other axis
enabling procedures.

Description Field Def.
b170.13 Multiturn position read. (1) if multiturn absolute position is read at R 0
power up

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9.6 Speed control

SPEED LOOP: The main task of a converter is to control motor speed so that it follows as
faithfully as possible the speed request that is generally known as the REFERENCE.
Faithfully following the reference means that the motor speed should equal the reference in
static conditions and also that the motor speed is as equal as possible to the speed requested
during dynamic conditions. To carry out this task, the converter must know some of the
features both of the motor used and of the mechanical part attached to it. This information is
communicated to the converter by the so-called ADJUSTMENT PARAMETERS.
ERROR: The error is the difference between the reference speed and the motor speed. The
error size is used by the speed loop in order to evaluate the level of current to be supplied to
the motor.
TORQUE: The current that circulates in the motor windings is transformed in torque, thereby
allowing the motor to accelerate or decelerate.
GAIN: Given the typical applications of the Hi-drive, any occurrence of the term gain in this
document is referred to the rigidity of the axis, better known as STIFFNESS. In order to better
illustrate what the term STIFFNESS means, let’s imagine a motor controlled by a converter
with a requested speed of zero. The motor shaft will appear still. However, if a torque is
applied to the shaft, this will demonstrate an angle proportional to the torque applied. Suppose
we apply the motor rated torque and measure the STIFFNESS in degrees. The degrees
measured will be the index of the quality of the regulator as parameterized. Of course this is
not the only quality index.

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9.7 Speed control adjustment


In order to correctly adjust a Hi-drive converter an oscilloscope is required. A speed probe

and a current probe will be connected at “monitor output 1” and at “monitor output 2”on
terminal block X5 (Pin 8 and 7, whereas Pin 6 is “common”).
By default, the drive monitors the Pr0 on screen 1, and Pr35 on screen 2 (see the description
of key parameters and the section about programmable outputs).
See the chapter “Inputs and outputs” for the technical features of outputs. terminal block X5”

The drive configuration software MotionWiz includes an “oscilloscope” function that

recreates an oscilloscope via a serial link.

If it is not possible to use an oscilloscope, a more approximate but applicable adjustment

method will be illustrated at the end of this section.

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Study the diagram below carefully (Fig. 1):

This diagram shows the response of the system to a square wave speed reference. Channel 1
(Ch1) represents the speed and channel 2 (Ch2) the current of the motor.


Before enabling the converter, the user should estimate the value of Pr16. The value of Pr16 is
what defines the gain of the system. To convert the value of Pr16 into grades per rated torque,
Pr 33 *100
the formula to be used is the following: α = ⋅ 28 where α represents the stiffness and
Pr16 * Ipd
Ipd is the peak current of the drive. Before using the formula, Pr33 must be set with the
correct value of the rated motor current . To evaluate the correct value of α, let’s consider
that, if the mechanical part to be moved is stiff (non-flexible) and if there is no transmission
play, the optimal stiffness would be about 4 degrees. If the mechanical part is not stiff enough,
it could be necessary to reduce the gain. If the motor torque has been sized in order to obtain a
strong acceleration, but the disturbing torques are very low during operation, it is possible to
choose stiffness angles of 20, 30 or 40 degrees, thereby maintaining acceptable performance.
If it is difficult to choose the proper stiffness angle, the user can begin with 10 degrees that is
the default adjustment if a motor with the same rated current as the converter’s is used.
At this point, let us set Pr16 to the estimate and enable the axis with a square wave reference.

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Select the width and frequency of the reference with care in order to avoid problems if the
axis has a limit switch. If we look at the oscilloscope we will see that as Pr17 varies, the
response will change. For decreasing values of Pr17, the response of the system will be as
shown in figure 2 below:

For increasing values of Pr17, the response of the system will be similar to what is shown in
figure 3 below:

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The optimal value of Pr17 will be attained with a response of the system as shown in figure 4

An overshoot of about 10% must be obtained. It is important that after the overshoot, an
undershoot does not occur.
Once the optimal value of Pr17 has been established, we must analyze the movement of the
axis. if it moves without vibrations and acoustic noise, the adjustment of the system is
complete. Otherwise, we must repeat the preceding procedures with lower Pr16 values.
In some applications it is possible to reduce acoustic noise by using a higher value in Pr18.
Figure 5 shows that once the optimal adjustment has been achieved, there is also an
oscillation of the current that can produce acoustic noise and mechanical vibration. By raising
the value of Pr18 to 3, the situation is much improved (fig. 6).

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If the mechanical parts easily tend to oscillate, very low Pr16 values are recommended. In this
configuration, Hi-drive typically dampens the torque request of the motor in order to avoid
triggering mechanical oscillations. This configuration is shown in figure 7.

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If you do not have an oscilloscope, you must:

- Determine the value of Pr16 as described above.

- Determine parameter Pr17 using the following formula:

153.41 ⋅ Pr 16 ⋅ J tot
Pr 17 = 1488 ⋅
Nm peak

where: J tot is the total inertia (motor + load) expressed in kgm2.

Nm peak is the available torque with the converter peak current.

- Enable the converter and use the external control to move the axis. Move Pr17 to find
the value where the axis seems to move best.
- Estimate the value of Pr18 using the following formula:

Pr 17
Pr 18 = 0.68 ⋅ ⋅2
Pr 16
If the result is less than 1, Pr18 must be set to 1.

If the adjustment is not satisfactory, repeat the procedure with lower values of Pr16.

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10.1 Digital I/Os

In terminal block X5 there are 5 digital inputs, combined with binary parameters b90.0
b90.4. The following table shows the details of each digital input reference:

Digital input Binary parameter pin Terminal

IN 0 b90.0 28
IN 1 b90.1 27
IN 2 b90.2 26 X5
IN 3 b90.3 25
IN 4 b90.4 5

In the same X5 terminal block, there are 2 digital outputs combined with binary parameters:

Digital output Binary parameter pin Terminal

OUT 0 b91.0 22
OUT 1 b91.1 21

Output voltage depends on the voltage supplying digital outputs (terminals 20 and 23), than
can range between 5 and 24 Vdc.

10.2 Relay outputs

The status of the relay output is managed by the binary parameter b91.2, with an output
voltage of 24Vdc.

Relay output Binary parameter pin Terminal

N.O. 18
b91.2 X5
N.C. 19

10.3 Uscite analogiche

Two programmable analogue outputs are available: “monitor 1” (pin 8 of X5) and “monitor
2” (pin 7 of X5), that can be set to monitor parameters. The output voltage is ±10 Vdc (see
section on “programmable analogue outputs”).

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In its basic configuration, a dynamic braking resistor is available inside; the resistor data are
provided in the default drive configuration.
If an external dynamic braking resistor is required, enter the relevant data in the currently
used resistor.
We remind you that the external braking resistor value in ohm is not freely selectable, but
must be based on the type of drive used. Refer to the “Technical features” table.

Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr274 Braking resistance. Resistance in ohm, W 0÷65535 - 1Ω
depending on the features of the resistor [Ω]
installed in the drive.
Pr275 Braking resistor management. Resistor power W 0÷65535 - 1W
in Watt, depending on the drive size. [W]

N.B. When you carry out a default procedure, all factory parameters are changed and any
previously entered value is lost.

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The torque, speed, acceleration and position control functions are carried out by special digital
electronics. In this section we explain how parameters are set and the meaning of each
parameter. We also provide a functional block diagram and a description of advanced
functions. The system is easy to use and flexible.

The diagram below is a general block diagram of the part of the converter that is controlled by


internal &





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Left limit 40.4

Analogue reference offset

Right limit 40.5

reference A/D Pr54 Main analogue input
Stop 40.6 input
(X5 – 13-14)
Reference offset Main reference
Pr1 Pr7 Accel and decel
Analog input Stop
(X5 – 13-14)
1°fondoscala rif. anal. ramp
control Band limiter
Pr2 b40.0 Pr9
Integer gain
A/D b40.12 Pr8 Pr18
Reference hold
Pr3 dampening
Pr16 b39.2
2 anal. ref. Full scale b40.2
40.3 acc dec
input Frequency reference Pr17
A/D Pr4 b40.13 Pr11
Peak current Current
Stop ramp Pr19 limit
Internal reference Pr35
ω Pr0
Reserved reference Motor speed 41.11 Torque monitor
I2t active
0 Motor Pr33
Speed window Nominal current

b40.7 b40.8
Pr55 No
Analogue auxiliary input torque

Motor speed Torque limit Pr174 Alarm

Overspeed limit
Over Pr23
Pr13 “0”
speed overvoltage
41.0 41.2 undervoltage Drive ok
High speed limit
Zero speed overcurrent 41.4
Pr14 In speed
Speed loop FBK error
41.1 41.3 External alarm overtemperature Drive enable
forward 41.7 “0”
Pr15 41.5
41.8 Hardware enable
Loww speed limit Default
Auxiliary alarm parameter
Check Sum PLC Software enable 40.9
Check Sum parameter
Undervoltage 24V
Pr76 41.6
Mbient overtemperature

Braking resistance protection Encoder phasing Phasing ok

Speed FBK initializing error
Position FBK initializing error
Position loop FBK error

PTC alarm active

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The parameters can be grouped according to their functions as follows.

from Pr0 to Pr49 main parameters

from Pr130 to Pr174 position loop
IMPORTANT from Pr90 to Pr129 Pico-PLC parameters
from Pr181 to Pr250 operating mode parameters
from In0 to In155 Pico-PLC instructions

The units and main resolutions of parameters are as follows:


speed revolutions/minute 1
acceleration ramp seconds/1000 revolutions/minute. 0.001
position pulses per motor revolution 1
current % of the converter peak current 0.1

The main block diagram shows the speed loop. Symbols used stand for functions as described
Binary parameters are represented as switches and their position in the diagram corresponds
to the default value.

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Pr X
A • Read/write of parameter PrX
A = value of parameter PrX
A B • Read/write of parameter PrX
Pr X B = value depending on the values of A and PrX
• Read-only parameter
PrX indicates the value of A which can also be binary
Pr X
• Read/write of a binary parameter
bx.y The switch position indicates bx.y=0

• The value of the binary parameter bx.y positions the switch.

• If A is less than B, C =1 (true). Otherwise, C = 0 (false).


B • The value of G is the lowest value of A B C D E F.

B • Only if A = 1, B = 1 and C = 1. Otherwise, C = 0.

A • If A or B is equal to 1, C = 1. Otherwise, C = 0.

A + C
• C = A – B.


• values coming from the hardware

• values sent to the hardware

• The value of A is converted into B. For instance, if the

triangular symbol shows A/D, the analogue value of A
A B is converted into the digital value B

• The maximum value of A will be PrX.

Pr X

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12.1 Key parameters

Any time you need to save parameters and PLC settings, disable the
drive first.
Any time you need to change the drive configuration parameters,
switch off and on again the converter in order for the new settings to be
All decimal and binary parameters that are not declared are
RESERVED and must not be used.

Decimal parameters
Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.
Pr0 Motor speed: this is a read-only parameter R ± 15.000 0 1 rpm
indicating the motor speed. [rpm]
Pr1 Analogue reference offset. Expressed as a count W ± 15.000 0 1
of the input converter. The setting limits are - [rpm] count
15000 and +15000.
Pr2 First full scale of analogue reference: If W ±15200 3000 1 rpm
b40.0=0 and b40.12=0, the value of Pr7 will be [rpm]
equal to:
Vin × Pr2
where Vin is the voltage at the
analogue input.
Pr3 Second full scale of the analogue reference: If W ±15200 -3000 1 rpm
b40.0=1 and b40.12=0, the value of Pr7 will be [rpm]
equal to:
Vin × Pr3
where Vin is the voltage at the
analogue input.
Pr4 Full scale of frequency reference: If b40.12=1 W -32768÷ 3000 1
and b40.13=1, the value of Pr7 will be as +32767
follows: if b42.5=0,
Fin • Pr 4 • 2
Pr 7 = (frequency/sign signals)
if b42.5=1
Fin • Pr 4 • 2
Pr 7 = (quadrature signals)
where Fin is the frequency at the encoder input
(≤400 kHz).
Pr5 Digital reference. If b40.12=1, and b40.13=0, W ± 14.000 0 1 rpm
then Pr7 = Pr5. [rpm]
Pr6 Internal reference. It is reserved to operating R [rpm] 0 1 rpm
modes. If b40.2=1, the parameter is used as a
reference for the speed controller: the active
operating mode will write its speed request in
parameter Pr6.

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Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr7 Speed reference monitor. If b40.2=0 is used, R [rpm] 0 1 rpm
Pr7 is the reference for the speed controller. In
some operating modes, Pr7 can be used as a
reference for other values (torque/acceleration)
and in these cases Pr7 will be expressed in the
most suitable unit.
Pr8 Acceleration ramp for positive speed. The W 0.002÷ 2 0.001
positive speed acceleration required by the motor 65.535 s
via the speed reference is internally limited so [s/krpm]
that it takes Pr8 seconds to achieve an
acceleration of 1000 rpm.
Pr9 Deceleration ramp for positive speed. The W 0.002÷ 2 0.001
positive speed deceleration required by the 65.535 s
motor via the speed reference is internally [s/krpm]
limited so that it takes Pr9 seconds to achieve an
acceleration of 1000 rpm.
Pr10 Acceleration ramp for negative speed. The W 0.002÷ 2 0.001
negative speed acceleration required by the 65.535 s
motor via the speed reference is internally [s/krpm]
limited so that it takes Pr10 seconds to achieve
an acceleration of 1000 rpm.
Pr11 Deceleration ramp for negative speed. The W 0.002÷ 2 0.001
negative speed deceleration required by the 65.535 s
motor via the speed reference is internally [s/krpm]
limited so that it takes Pr11 seconds to achieve
an acceleration of 1000 rpm.
Pr12 Emergency ramp. The deceleration required by W 0.002÷ 2 0.001
the motor limit switch and stop functions is 65.535 s
internally limited so that it takes Pr12 seconds to [s/krpm]
achieve an acceleration of 1000 rpm.
Pr13 Overspeed limit. If the motor speed absolute W ±15000 3500 1 rpm
value exceeds the value set in Pr13, b41.0 will be [rpm]
=1, otherwise, it will be = 0.
Pr14 High speed limit. When b40.7=0, if the speed W ±15000 20 1 rpm
difference between motor and reference is lower [rpm]
than Pr14 and greater than Pr15, b41.1 will be =1
(otherwise, it will be = 0). When b40.7=1, if the
motor speed is lower than Pr14 and greater than
Pr15, b41.1 will be =1, otherwise, it will be = 0.
Pr15 Low speed limit. When b40.7=0, if the speed W ±15000 -20 1 rpm
difference between motor and reference is less [rpm]
than Pr14 and greater than Pr15, b41.1 will be =
1, otherwise, it will be = 0. When b40.7=1, if the
motor speed is less than Pr14 and greater than
Pr15, b41.1 will be =1, otherwise, it will be = 0.
Pr16 Integral gain of the speed controller. W 0÷ 120 1
Pr17 Proportional gain of the speed controller: If W 0÷ 2000 1
Pr16=0, Pr17 is the proportional gain of the +32.767
speed controller.
Pr18 Mechanical torque filter. Pr18 is used to set the W 1÷ 3 1
time constant of a first order filter placed on the +32.767
torque request digital signal. The frequency of [1=64µs]
the filter cut will be: 620/Pr18 Hertz.

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Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr19 Peak current. This is the maximum current that W 0%÷100% 1000 0.1%
the converter can supply to the motor. It is [A] Ipeak
expressed as a percentage of the peak current of
the converter. In general, it should never exceed
three times the motor rated current.
Pr20 DC Bus Voltage Unit =volt, read-only R - 0 1V
parameter. Displays the DC bus voltage value.
Pr21 Nominal_DC_BUS. When the drive is supplied W 0÷744 560 1V
in continuous voltage, the power supply voltage [V]
value must be written in this parameter.
Pr23 Alarm code: This is the code for a present R - 1
alarm. Code 0 represents the absence of alarms.
See the table of alarm codes for more details (see
Appendix “Alarms”).
Pr25 Software version code. A read-only parameter R - -
indicating the software version installed.
Pr28 Motor shaft position. Read-only parameter R 0÷4095 - 1 step
indicating the absolute position of the resolver. [step]
Pr29 Number of motor poles. Indicates the number W 0÷64 0 1
of motor poles.
Pr30 Offset on the feedback position. Pr30 is used to W -32768 ÷ 0 1
correct electronically the mechanical position of +32.767
speed feedback. Indicates the current vector
position displacement and a mechanical
revolution (corresponding to 65536).
Pr31 To select the type of motor connected to the W 0÷1 0 1
drive. 0: rotary brushless motor, 1: 4-pole
asynchronous motor in sensor vector control
Pr32 Rated speed. This is the motor rated speed. The W 0÷14.000 0 1 rpm
speed that has been set is used to limit the speed [rpm]
request. Therefore, it should be set to about 10%
greater than the maximum operational speed.
Pr33 Rated motor current. The motor rated speed W 0.1÷In - 0.1 A
must be set.
Pr35 Torque monitor. Indicates the torque (or R 0÷1000 0 0.1%
current) percentage supplied by the motor. % Ipeak Ipeak
Pr36 Winding thermal image. This is a read-only R 0÷1000 0 0,1%
parameter indicating the estimated heat in the % Tn Tn
motor innermost coils of the motor windings. If
this reaches the value of 100.0 % equal to the
nominal value, b41.11 will become 1 and
therefore the current will be limited to the
nominal value.
Functional description: supposing to supply the
drive peak current, starting from an initial
condition where the current output was zero,
after 2s parameter Pr36=100% and b41.11=1. As
a result: the current supplied by the drive will be
limited to the nominal value. This condition will
stay permanently. However, if the drive is set to
supply zero current, after about 35s, parameter
Pr36 will return to a zero value.

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Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr45 Base_speed_asinc. Asynchronous motor speed W [rpm] 1 rpm
in synchronism conditions.
Pr46 Motor resistance. Unit ohm. The phase-phase W 0.1÷300 0 0.1 Ω
resistance of the motor. The entered value is [Ω]
expressed in tenths of ohm.
Pr47 Motor inductance. Unit mH. The phase-phase W 0.1÷500 0 0.1mH
inductance of the motor. The entered value is [mH]
expressed in tenths of mH.
Pr48 SLIP_ASINC. Asynchronous motor slip. W 0÷32767 0 1 rpm
Pr49 MAGN_CURR_ASINC. Asynchronous motor W 0÷32767 0 0.1 A
magnetizing current. [A]
Pr 49 = Pr33 × 1 - cos 2ϕ
Pr50 Analogue pointer 1. Used as parameter pointer. W 0÷385 0 1
The set value corresponds to the Parameter
number. Pr50= value of pointed Pr.
Pr51 Analogue input 1 scale. Defines the scaling of W ±16 0 1
the monitored parameter: 2Pr[51] .
Pr52 Analogue pointer 2. Used as parameter pointer. W 0÷385 35 1
The set value corresponds to the Parameter
number. Pr52= value of pointed Pr.
Pr53 Analogue input 2 scale. Defines the scaling of W ±16 0 1
the monitored parameter: 2Pr[53].
Pr54 Analogue input 1. Values can range from – W -32768 - 0,1
32768 to +32767 with input voltages ranging ÷ 32767
from –10V to +10V [1V~3276,7 count]. count
Pr55 Analogue input 2. Values can range from –1023 W -1024 - 0,1
to +1023 with input voltages ranging from –10V ÷ +1023
to +10V [1V~102,4 count]. count
Pr56 Module temperature. Measures the power R [°C] - 1°C
module temperature in °C. (0) when temperature
is within the operating condition range (based on
the drive size).
Pr57 Board temperature. Measures the temperature R [°C] - 1°C
of the control board in °C and generates an alarm
when the temperature gets over 70°C (158°F).
Pr58 No. of FBK. Encoder pulses. Indicates the W -32768 1024 1
number of pulses per revolution (times 4 in the ÷ +32767
count) ranging from 1 to 32767. It can be set <0
to reverse the count only with incremental
encoders and not with sincos encoders, as the
latter require a correct cabling of sine-cosine
signals (traces A and B). With values above
32767, the number of pulses per revolution must
be set as powers of 2 up to the limit of 218 pulses
per revolution (then times 4 by the front read)
[see mode set by bits 1 and 2 of parameter 65].
Pr59 No. of IN. Encoder pulses Like Parameter 58 W -32768 1024 1
but exclusively dedicated to incremental ÷ +32767

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Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr60 Number of resolver poles. The pole number W 2, 4 or 8 2 1
setting has the following values: 2, 4 or 8; where
the limit speed is 14000rpm for 2 poles,
7000rpm for 4 poles and 3500rpm for 8 poles.
N.B. when the resolver is not used, leave
parameter Pr60=2.
Pr62 Input B selection W 0÷7 0 1
0 Sincos + EnDat
1 Sincos
2 Less wiring
3 Square incremental encoder
4 F/D incremental encoder
5 square IN2 IN3 (24V) inputs
6 IN2 IN3 (24V) F/D inputs.
7 Sincos + Hiperface
(The setting is enabled at the next power on ).
Pr63 Input C selection W 2÷6 3 1
3 Square incremental encoder
4 F/D incremental encoder
5 square IN2 IN3 (24V) inputs
6 IN2 IN3 (24V) F/D inputs
(The setting is enabled at the next power on ).
Pr69:68 Multiturn zeroing preset. In this register the W -32768 0 1
machine resetting value is entered. The value can ÷ +32767
be different from zero.
Pr71 Enc. simulation parameter pointer Read W 0÷385 0 1
always in Long at 32 bit; the selected parameter
is the low word. If you select a single word,
mind the significance of the following high
word, which is also read. E.g. if we read Pr0 and
the motor is halted, but the speed has a value of
+/-1 Rpm, the pointer will read +1 and write +1,
at –1 it reads the long Pr0:Pr1 word, and
therefore 65535; the encoder simulator will in
this case be moved by the same value.
Pr72 Enc. Simulation pulses per revolution. If W 0÷ 1024 1
b70.0=0, values range from 4 to 65535 pulses +32767
per revolution; if b70.0=1 is the exponent and
the maximum value that can be entered is 18,
Default=1024 is the number of pulses per
revolution used in the encoder simulation. The
maximum frequency is 400 kHz.
Fin =
{pulse encoder}× {speed [rpm]} ≤ 400 [kHz ]
60 [sec/ min ]
Pr76 Enc. phasing result. When the encoder phasing R 0÷1 0 1
is completed, this parameter indicates if the
phasing is OK or if it must be repeated taking
into account the previously disregarded
Pr77 Enc. address CAN IN. W 0
Pr167 Drive type code. R
Pr174 Torque limit. Is used by the operating modes to R 0%÷100% 1000 0.1%
limit the torque to the motor. [A] Ipeak

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Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr181 Operating mode. Parameter Pr181 can be used W 0÷385 0 1
to select the active operating mode. The value 0
means that no operating mode has been selected.
Pr256 Serial link 232 speed code. Code used to W 0÷8 6 1
program the transmission speed. For further
information, see the section on the SERIAL
Pr258 Serial link 422 speed code. Code used to W 0÷31 6 1
program the transmission speed. For further
information, see the section on the SERIAL
Pr259 Serial link 422 address code. For further W 0÷31 0 1
information see the relevant section..
Pr260 BAUDRATE CAN. CAN line transmission W 0÷32767 1 1
speed programming code.
Pr261 CAN address. Indicates CAN address value. W 0÷127 1 1
Pr268 FPGA_SW_REL. Indicates the firmware R - - -
version in the FPGA flash memory.
Pr271 Encoder vibration step. Indicates the phasing W 0÷ 200 - 1
vibration duration length. Parameter calculated
with type 2 phasing (see relevant section for
information about type 2 phasing procedure).
Pr274 Braking resistance. Resistance in ohm, W 0÷65535 - 1Ω
depending on the features of the resistor installed [Ω]
in the drive.
Pr275 Braking resistor power. Resistor power W 0÷65535 - 1W
wattage, depending on the drive size. [W]

Binary parameters
Par. Description Field Def.
b39.0 DC supplied drive Dcbus nominal in Pr21. The value identifies the drive’s W 0
power supply: in case of three-phase alternated supply, the bit must be set to
0; in case of continuous supply , the bit must be set to1.
b39.2 Torque required by the main analogue reference. If the bit is set to 1, W 0
10Vpeak will be taken as reference.
b39.8 Automatic undervoltage reset. If set to 1, the under-voltage alarm will W 0
automatically be set to 0 when power returns. (The setting is enabled at the
next power on ).
b39.10 Motor cogging compensation. If bit = 1, motor cogging compensation is W 0
enabled. This command must not be given before calculating the
compensation (b42.7).
b39.11 Motor control PWM 16 kHz – (0) 8 kHz. If enabled, b39.11=1, the first W 0
time the drive is powered on again PWM at 16Khz is enabled, the drive
nominal and peak currents are derated by 30%. (Pr33 – 30% and Pr19 –
30%). (The setting is enabled at the next power on ).
b39.13 Pico-PLC status: START(1) – STOP(0). If set to 1, the PLC program is W 1
executed. If set to 0, the Pico-PLC is in stop and the PLC instructions can be
b39.14 (0) IN1 value captured on the rising edge - (1) IN1 value captured on the W 0
falling edge. The IN1 signal switching front depending on the bit setting.

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Par. Description Field Def.

b39.15 (0) IN2 value captured on the rising edge - (1) IN2 value captured on the W 0
falling edge. The IN2 signal switching front depending on the bit setting.
b40.0 Selection of the first or second full scale of the speed reference. If = 0, W 0
Pr2 will be used to rate the analogue reference. If = 1, parameter Pr3 will be
b40.1 Algorithm to suppress vibration at 0 speed. If = 1, the algorithm is W 0
b40.2 Speed reference or operating mode selection. If = 1, the reserved W 0
reference of the operating mode in use is used. If = 0, the reference selected
by b40.0, b40.12 and b40.13 is used.
b40.3 Reference hold. If = 1, the reference will not be updated and the motor will W 0
not follow the variations of the input reference. If = 0, the reference will
follow the variation of the input reference.
b40.4 Left limit switch. If = 1 and the reference selected requires positive speed, W 0
the reference is set to 0 following the ramp set in Pr12. If = 0, no control is
b40.5 Right limit switch. If = 1 and the reference selected requires negative W 0
speed, the reference is set to 0 following the ramp set in Pr12. If = 0, no
control is made
b40.6 Motor stop function. If = 1, the motor is set to zero speed following the W 0
ramp set in Pr12.
b40.7 Absolute/relative speed window selection. If = 0, the speed window Pr14 W 0
Pr15 b41.1 will function in relative mode. Otherwise, if = 1, it will function
in absolute mode.
b40.8 Analogue torque limit. If = 1, Pr55 will be used, followed by the auxiliary W 0
analogue input, in order to limit the torque to the motor. Consider that in this
mode the sign of the voltage applied to the differential analogue input is not
b40.9 Software enable. If = 0, the converter cannot be enabled. W 1
b40.10 Low voltage. Activates low voltage management. W 0
b40.12 Digital/analogue reference selection. If = 0, the analogue input will be W 0
selected as the main reference. If = 1, the reference will be digital and
b40.13 can be used to select parameter Pr4 or parameter Pr5.
b40.13 Internal frequency reference selector. If b40.12 = 1, b40.13 can be used to W 0
make the selection. If = 0, the internal reference can be used. If = 1, the
frequency input (encoder-in) which can be configured as
b41.0 Overspeed. When the absolute value of the motor speed exceeds the value R 0
set in Pr13, b41.0 = 1. Otherwise, b41.0 = 0.
b41.1 “In speed”. When b40.7=0, if the speed difference between motor and R 0
reference is lower than Pr14 and greater than Pr15, b41.1 will be =1,
otherwise, it will be = 0. When b40.7=1, if the motor speed is lower than
Pr14 and greater than Pr15, b41.1 will be =1, otherwise, it will be = 0.
b41.2 Zero speed. If the motor speed (Pr0) = 0, b41.2=1. Otherwise, b41.2 = 0. R 0
b41.3 Forward. If the motor speed (Pr0) is positive, b41.3 = 1. Otherwise, b41.3 = R 0
b41.4 Converter O.K. If = 1, there is no alarm. Otherwise, = 0. R 0
b41.5 Hardware enable. If =1, the converter hardware is enabled. R 0
b41.6 Phasing O.K. If =1, phasing has been completed successfully. R 1
b41.7 External alarm. An alarm that can be used by the user. W 0
b41.8 Auxiliary alarm. A second alarm that can be used by the user. W 0
b41.10 Speed controller saturation. b41.10=1 when the speed controller is R 1
supplying the maximum current.

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Par. Description Field Def.

b41.11 I T active. Indicates that Pr36 has reached the 100.0 % value and therefore R 0
the converter is limiting the current to the nominal value.
b41.12 Converter enabled. R 0
b41.13 480V mode. If b41.13=1, the 3-phase power supply voltage is at 440V (400 R 0
+ 10%). If b41.13 = 1 at power up, the nominal current Pr33 and peak
current Pr19 of the drive are derated by10% (Pr33-10% and Pr19-10%).
b42.0 Ref. offset reset command. Analogue (if < 200mV) (auto reset). Command W 0
b42.0 automatically compensates for the main analogue reference offset
entering the reference reset value in Pr1. Such operation is only performed if
the offset to be compensated is lower than 200mV.
b42.1 Key parameters blocked(0) – modifiable(1). If set to 0, key parameters W 0
cannot be modified. If the bit is set to 1, the drive requires the default
parameters again (if Pr23=0).
b42.2 PTC motor pre-alarm (1). This pre-alarm allows to stop the machine R 0
before (around 125°C – 257°F) reaching the alarm limit (around 135°C –
b42.3 <150VAC power supply. It is 1 if the power line is < 150VAC. Rw 0
b42.4 3-phase power supply. It is 1 if the power line is not 3-phase. Rw 0
b42.7 Cogging compensation calculation command. (1) Calculates the motor Rw 0
cogging mapping. When the calculation has been completed, the bit status
automatically goes back to“0” (see par. “motor cogging compensation”).
b42.8 Static brake release. (1) Controls the output controlling the emergency W 0
brake of terminal block X3.
The brake block-release function in all operating conditions must be
performed by the user.
b42.10 Alarm reset command. After removing the cause that has generated the W 0
alarm, give a command to reset the drive alarm status.
b42.12 Programming default. Programming default loading command. W 0
b42.13 Operating mode default. Operating mode programming default loading W 0
b42.14 Save Pico-PLC. This command is used to save PLC instructions. Never W
activate while drive is enabled.
b42.15 Save parameters + tables. This command is used to save parameters. Never W
activate while drive is enabled.
b64.0 Sensing function. When (1) is active, it means that a FBK sign is present R -
and that the power supply of the FBK encoder, ranging from 5 to 8V, is
compensated for any voltage drops due to the cable length.
b64.2 Type 1 encoder phasing (vector orientation). See specific section. W 0
b64.4 Type 2 encoder phasing (vibration). See specific section. w 0
b64.8 Phase value saving. The command saves the phase value on the encoder W 0
EnDat (disables the drive and prevents any further enabling command. To
enable the drive you’ll need to switch it off and on again).
b64.9 Multiturn position reset on encoder EnDat. Defines the machine “zero” W 0
position. The value is set in register Pr68:69. The command must be given
while the drive is disabled. In order for this function to be available,, save
the parameters and switch the drive off and on again (disables the drive and
prevents any further enabling command. To enable the drive you’ll need to
switch it off and on again).
b65.0 FBK power supply. (1) if fbk encoder power supply is active. R -
b65.1 FBK B encoder pulses per revolution count selection. (1) number of W 0
pulses per revolution of FBK B encoder =2Pr58 , (0) number pulses per rev.=

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Par. Description Field Def.

b65.2 FBK C encoder pulses per revolution count selection. (1) number of W 0
pulses per revolution of FBK B encoder =2Pr59 , (0) number pulses per rev.=
b65.3 Encoder zero point dog fine tuning. When the bit is set to1, it activates a W 0
function that enables the zero encoder point dog fine tuning following
phasing only for less wiring.
b65.6 Encoder input voltage selection (*), only for FBK B. W 0
See table below.
b65.7 Encoder input voltage selection (*), only for FBK B. W 0
See table below.
b65.14 Speed loop feedback selection bit (**). See table below. W 0
b65.15 Speed loop feedback selection bit (**). See table below. W 0
b70.0 Selection of number of pulses per revolution for Encoder OUT. (1) R 0
number of Pulses pr rev. of encoder OUT = 2Pr72 (0) number of pulses per
rev.= Pr72. If the parameter is set to 0, the value entered in parameter Pr72
is the value of encoder pulses. If is set to 1, the value of encoder pulses will
be calculated as 2 elevated to the nth power, where the exponent will be the
value entered in parameter Pr72, up to a maximum value of 218 .
b70.3 Parameter simulation. When the bit is set to 1, the encoder output W 0
simulation does not have the motor shaft position as a reference, but rather
the value of the parameter pointed by Pr71, so that increments can be
simulated starting from a path generator rather than from the real motor
b78.0 Disables emc transmission in CANopen. The function is active when the W 0
bit is 1.
b78.7 Enables out generation of a reference position on the digital bus. The
function is active when the bit is 1.
b79.0 CAN bus, warning. The status is active when the bit is 1. The parameter R 0
warns when the bus communication is not working.
b79.1 CAN bus, off warning. The status is active when the bit is 1. The parameter R 0
warns when the communication bus is off.
b79.3 Rs232 serial initializing command. Command to reinitialize serial W 0
communication whenever the speed value of the serial link (Pr256) has been
modified. The serial link is in any case initialized when the converter is
powered on.
b79.4 Rs485/422 serial initializing command. Command to reinitialize serial W 0
communication whenever the speed or the address value (Pr258 and Pr259)
of the serial link have been changed. The serial link is in any case initialized
when the converter is powered on.
b79.5 CAN A initializing command. Command to reinitialize CAN W 0
communication whenever the speed or the address value (Pr260 and Pr261)
of the CAN line have been changed. This is in any case initialized when the
converter is powered on.
b79.6 Reference position initializing command on digital bus CAN B. W 0
b79.12 Sending spare data in CANopen Emergency. Enables sending data- W 0
containing messages. The function is active when the bit is 1.
b79.14 CAN bus block sync watchdog. RW 0
b79.15 Position reference CAN bus watchdog on digital bus. R 0

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Parameter Pr181 (default = 0) is used to select the operating mode. Every operating mode
controls speed using parameter Pr6 and can use parameter Pr174 to limit the torque at the
motor through parameter Pr21 (see the block diagram). Speed control will use as reference
Pr6 or Pr7, depending on the value of b40.2. Before changing Pr181, b40.2 must be set to 0 in
order to avoid unwanted movements of the motor. Therefore, it is possible to set Pr181 to the
value that corresponds to the selected operating mode. The parameter b42.13 is used to load
the default parameters for the selected operating mode.

13.1 Position control

All operating modes need to control the motor in position by using the position loop described
in the block diagram shown in the figure below.

Servo window 1

Servo error 1 b170.4 Servo window 2


Servo error 2 b170.5 FFWD

Position Pr147:146
Pr131:130 Pr149 FFWD position filter
Position error

Pr137:136 Pr145 Pr6

Proportional gain of Speed reference
position controller Pr144 reserved
Maximum speed
Position loop resolution
Pr133:132 Pr169 From feedback
Motor position
Pr135:134 Pr28
Absolute position Motor shaft
in mech. revolution position

Reset 1 Reset 2 Reset 3

b170.1 b170.2 b170.3
Pr131:130=Pr133:132=0 Pr131:130=Pr133:132 Pr131:130=Pr133:132=Pr135:134

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Operating modes generate the position reference, which is processed through position control
in order to generate a speed request that will be transmitted to the speed loop through
parameter Pr6, whose maximum value, with any sign, is limited by parameter Pr144.
The position control function calculates the “position error” value and compares it to the error
window in order to generate a “servo error” warning message. An adequate response to the
servo error message will be given by the user through pico-PLC.

Parameter Pr145 identifies the value of the proportional gain in the position loop and shall be
adjusted in such a way as to ensure a vibrationless movement with no overshoot on the final
position. As the gain is only proportional, the error will tend to increase as the axis speed
increases, and then it will be recovered at the end of the positioning process. For this reason,
if it were necessary to act more quickly, e.g. in a quick positioning, while minimizing the
profile execution error rate, you could enter feedforward Pr147:146 and add a filter on the
same feedforward by parameter Pr149.

The position loop resolution can be selected through parameter Pr169, that would be
considered as the exponent of 2 elevated to the nth power: 2Pr169.

Decimal parameters
Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.
Pr131:130 Reference position. Indicates the motor R ±231 - 1
“theoretical” position. The parameter resolution is
defined according to the setting of parameter Pr169.
Pr133:132 Motor position. Indicates the “real” position. The R ±231 - 1
feedback resolution can be set in parameter Pr169,
with values ranging from 212 and 220.
Pr135:134 Absolute position in the mechanical revolution. R ±231 -
The counter resolution can be selected by parameter
Pr137:136 Position error. Register containing the difference R ±231 0 1
value between the motor position and the reference
Pr141:140 servo1. If the position error as an absolute value W ±231 100 1step
exceeds the value set in Pr140, b70.4 is set to 1.
Otherwise, b 170.4 = 0.
Pr143:142 servo2. If the position error as an absolute value W ±231 200 1step
exceeds the value set in Pr142, b70.5 is set to 1.
Otherwise, b 170.5 = 0.
Pr144 Speed limit in position. By this parameter the motor W 0 3200 1rpm
maximum speed can be limited in the position loop. ÷14000
This parameter is not considered if the set value is [rpm]
greater than the value of Pr32.
Pr145 Proportional position gain. W 0 100 1
Pr147:146 Position feedforward scaling. W ±231 7324 1
Pr149 Position feedforward FIL. Delay filter on the speed W -32768 0 1
feedforward in the position loop. Pr149 is used to set ÷32767
the time constant τ of a first order filter placed on the
speed request digital signal. (τ = Pr149 * loop field
Pr169 Position loop resolution selection. The position W 12÷20 12 2Pr[169]
loop resolution can be selected by parameter Pr169.
ranging from 12 to 20 bit. The parameter change is
effective the next time the drive is powered up.

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Binary parameters
Par. Description Field Def.
b170.0 Feedback direction. When the bit is set to 1, the motor W 0
rotation is inverted.
b170.1 Reset 1. Reset command type 1: this is used to reset the W 0
position reference counters and the motor reference
counters. Self resetting
b170.2 Reset 2. Reset command type 2: the position reference W 0
counter, Pr130:131 (“theoretical” position), gets the same
value as the motor “real” position Pr132:133. Self
b170.3 Reset 3. Reset command type 3.(Pr212:213=Pr2. Self W 0
b170.4 Servo error 1. b170.4 will be set to 1 if the position error R 0
as an absolute value exceeds the value set in Pr140.
b170.5 Servo error 2. b170.5 will be set to 1 if the position error R 0
as an absolute value exceeds the value set in Pr142.
b170.14 Position loop feedback selection. Position loop feedback W 0
selection bit **
b170.15 Position loop feedback selection. Position loop feedback W 0
selection bit **

** b170.15 b170.14
FBK A 0 0
FBK B 0 1
FBK C 1 0
Reserved (“00” automatic reset) 1 1

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13.2 Torque control (operating mode 110)

By this operating mode it is possible to control the current supplied to the motor and the
consequent torque to the mechanical system in two selectable modes, using bit b39.2. When
b39.2=0 (default), speed control is operating to manage the limit speed Pr190 with an
available torque which is directly proportional to the value of Pr7.
Set parameter Pr181=110 so as to activate the operating mode and give a command to set the
default parameters with b42.13. Set Pr2=1000 (10V=100.0 % of the torque), b40.0=0,
b40.12=0, b40.2=1 in order to enable the reserved reference Pr190 so as to limit the motor
maximum speed.
b39.2=1 can be used to select servo torque management. In this mode the speed loop is
overridden and therefore it does not need to be constantly tuned.

Band limiter
speed 1 Pr18 Tourque monitor
Pr190 Pr6 Pr35
-1 Reservede reference

Pr7 “0”
reference Current limit
1 Tourque limit


Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr190 Maximum speed. This parameter is used to limit the W 14000 3000 1 rpm
absolute maximum speed of the motor during torque [rpm]

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13.3 Electrical shaft and positioned (op. mod. 120)

Operating mode 120 is the algebric sum of the 3 delta of position generators :
- Position reference from the trapezoidal profile
- Position reference from the electrical shaft generator
- Position reference from the speed mode
Each reference can be selected and entered independently.

Resulting position
Electrical shaft
+ reference
Speed mode

13.3.1 Speed mode:

This command is in Pr190. It can be used in order to move the motor within the selected
operating mode as if it were in speed mode, through a parameter-controlled ramp used to link
any changes in the speed parameter Pr190.

13.3.2 Electrical axis:

In the “Electrical axis” mode, the motor, called slave, can follow a motor called master, by
means of digital reference signals.
The reference for the electrical axis can be sent by a digital bus encoder or by ports B or C.
The desired reference selection is made through binary parameters following the block
diagram according to the table below:

Mode description Input

Number of pulses X7
SinCos + EnDat Pr62=0 Encoder power
Pr58 Vdc
Number of pulses 5 b65.7=0 b65.6=0
SinCos Pr62=1
Pr58 8 b65.7=0 b65.6=1
12 b65.7=1 b65.6=0
increm. encoder
Encoder increm.
in freq/direzione

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Mode description Input
SinCos + Number of pulses
Hiperface Pr58

increm. encoder
increm. encoder
Quadrature IN2
Pr63=5 fenc in ≤ 400kHz
IN3 inputs
Pr63=6 fenc in ≤ 400kHz
IN2 IN3 inputs
Quadrature IN2
Pr62=5 fenc in ≤ 400kHz
IN3 inputs
Pr62=6 fenc in ≤ 400kHz
IN2 IN3 inputs

It is important to consider that the feedback signal constrains the input configuration
parameter: parameter Pr62 is related to ports X7 and X5, whereas parameter Pr63 refers to
ports X9 and X5. These two parameters also have the same meaning. If you want to use a
reference signal, this will have to be connected to the free input in order to be used.

Fin: is the input frequency, that is:

Fin =
{encoder _ pulses}× {speed [rpm]} ≤ 400 [kHz ]
60 [sec/ min ]

Pr7: is the motor rpm speed:

Fin • Pr 4 • 2
Pr 7 =

Thus Pr4 has a value of:

Pr 7 • 2.000.000
Pr 4 =
2 • Fin

Pr4 is the full scale value to be entered into the converter in order to get the motor speed and
input frequencies. If the system is not in quadrature mode but in frequency/direction mode,
the speed will be 4 times lower.

Besides the physical reference signal, a reference can be selected on Digital Bus via CAN,
enabling b170.12=1 for the encoder counter B and setting b170.11=1 for encoder counter C.

Either the immediate enable bits or events can be used to engage the electrical axis, with or
without phase recovery.
The tracking mode control and regulation are performed through the parameter-controlled
ramps. The phase recovery function can also be used, (to recover the time lost during the
engaging process at acceleration).

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The phase recovery when the function is active is outlined in the figure above. Parameter Pr
189 is used to define the maximum velocity at which the slave recovers the space lost to the
master. The axis ratio can be set by parameter Pr187, that is the reference signal multiplier, as
well as by Pr188, which is the reference signal divider. A report can be directly sent to the
signal of encoder port B, Pr156/Pr157, and of encoder port C, Pr154/Pr155.
The slave axis is engaged to the master either immediately or when an event occurs. The
choice is made on two separate bits. A bit signals when the axis is engaged.
The axis can be disengaged either immediately or through the disengage bit.

13.3.3 Positioner

The “Positioner” function performs the task to bring the motor from the “actual position” to
the position set in the “Final position” parameter.
The positioner start is automatically generated when the “Final position” and the “Actual
position” values are different, keeping in mind that the motion parameter assessment in
relation to the positioner start can be performed only by bit b231.4=1.
With bit b231.4=0 the positioner start cannot be performed. The motion parameters are
variables defining the “Final position”, the motor speed and the linear deceleration ramp.
This type of positioning is called “Trapezoidal profile”. The motor actually moves only if bit

13.3.4 TAB0: profiles in memory

In OPM120 is possible use the TAB0 to memory up to 51 trapezoidal profiles, and for
everyone is possible memorize the speed, the acceleration ramp, the deceleration ramp and the
final position in double word.
The Pr193 parameter contains the number of the profile to execute, with b231.10=1 bit the
function is able to transfer the block of 5 variables of profile in the positioner variables.

TAB0 1a word – speed – Pr182

TAB0 2a word – acc ramp – Pr183
TAB0 3a word – dec ramp – Pr184
TAB0 4a e 5aword – final position – Pr213:212

With the qualified function, b231.10=1, is possible execute automatically another profile,
simply setting up in the pointer parameter, Pr193, another value. Every scansion, the
parameters are transferred from the table to the positioner variables, if the function is able,
In order to insert the values in variables of TAB0, using the “configuration” tool it is
necessary open the “monitor” window, where it is possible to access from Pr2048 to Pr2302

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parameter, where there are the variables of the 51 trapezoidal profiles, and it possible read and
modify them.
To insert the values via keypad, it necessary selects TAB0 (T0), indicate the variable of TAB0
(from 0 to 254), and in the inferior line write the width of the parameter.
It is necessary save the parameters for guarantee the memory of the profiles inserted.

b231.10=1 TAB0 activation by profiles

Pointer to table Pr193 TAB0 point Positioner variables
0 Pr182 Speed
1 Pr183 Accel. ramp.
0 2
Decel. ramp.
Final position
4 Pr213
5 Pr182 Speed
6 Pr183 Accel. ramp.
1 7
Decel. ramp.
Final position
9 Pr213

245 Pr182 Speed

246 Pr183 Accel. ramp.
49 247
Decel. ramp.
Final position
249 Pr213
250 Pr182 Speed
251 Pr183 Accel. ramp.
50 252
Decel. ramp.
Final position
254 Pr213

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Active positioner
Reset 1 Pr201:200=213:212=0
b230.0 Speed FFWD
Reset 2
Full speed b230.12

Acceleration Pr182
b231.2 speed
Reset 3 Pr201:200=213:212=131:130=133:132
Pr183 Pr184
Position multiplier –
Input counter
b170.12 encoder B
encoder B time
From Pr153:152
B Pr157
Digital Position divider -
encoder B
Ref. Bus encoder

choice Position multiplier – encoder C Posizione finale Posizione attuale

Master b230.4
Pr213:212 Pr201:200
Pr154 speed
Pr155 Input counter Pr186 Electrical shaft
Position divider - b230.9
encoder C
encoder C engaged
Reference multiplier Acceleration
b231.3 With
Reset 1 Pr203:202=0 ramp phase
Pr187 recovery
Pr185 Pr203:202 Pr131:130
Z Enc. C b231.4 Position
Reset 2 Pr203:202=131:130=133:132 Actual position
Reference divider
Pr189 reference
Pos. Edge Max speed b230.13
IN0 Engage at Release b231.7 Speed FFWD
event enable
Neg. Edge Engage b231.8
IN0 b230.3 b230.11

Value captured
Edge b39.14

Motor value
Edge b39.15
Speed Acceleration Actual position
IN2 Pr190 Pr191 Pr205:204

Reset 1 Pr190=0

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Decimal parameters for operating mode 120

Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.
Pr182 Trapezoidal positioner speed in operating W 0÷14000 1000 1 rpm
mode 120. This is the full speed that will be used [rpm]
during the generation of the position profile.
Pr183 Trapezoidal positioner speed in operating W 0÷4500 500 0.001s
mode 120. This is defined as the time in mS, [s/krpm]
Pr183, needed to go from 0 to 1000 rpm.
Pr184 Trapezoidal positioner deceleration in W 0÷4500 500 0.001s
operating mode 120. This is defined as the time [s/krpm]
in mS, Pr183, needed to go from 1000 rpm to 0.
Pr185 Electrical shaft ramp in operating mode 120. W 0÷4500 500 0.001s
This is used to set the acceleration and [s/krpm]
deceleration ramps of the electrical shaft,
expressed in ms from 0 to 1000rpm.
Pr186 Encoder-in rotation speed (master). Indicates R [rpm] - 1 rpm
the input reference frequency translated into rpm
(based on 4096 pulses/revolution).
Pr187 Reference multiplier (master). Using this W -32768 1 1
parameter and Pr188, the user can set the desired ÷32767
input reference frequency ratio.
Pr188 Reference divider (master). Using this parameter W -32768 1 1
and Pr187, the user can set the desired input ÷32767
reference frequency ratio.
Pr189 Maximum speed OM120. Sets the maximum W 0÷14000 3000 1 rpm
speed. [rpm]
Pr190 Speed mode OM120. Sets a motor speed level W 0÷14000 0 1 rpm
disregarding any other conditions. [rpm]
Pr191 Speed mode: Pr190 ramp. W 0÷4500 500 0.001s
Pr201:200 Actual position (positioner). Read-only R ±231 - 1step
parameter. Indicates the reference position of the [step]
trapezoidal profile.
Pr203:202 Actual position (electrical shaft). Read-only R ±231 - 1step
parameter. Indicates the reference position of the [step]
electrical shaft.
Pr205:204 Actual position (speed mode). Read-only R ±231 - 1step
parameter. Indicates the reference position of the [step]
speed mode.
Pr213:212 Final target trapezoidal positioner value in W ±231 0 1
OM120. Register where the desired final position [step]
is entered.

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Binary parameters
Par. Description Field Def.
b170.12 Encoder B enters position reference on digital bus (reserved). (1) W 0
b230.0 Theoretical profile running. When the bit is 1, it means that the R 0
trapezoidal positioner theoretical profile is running.
b230.1 ENC B or C selected as electrical shaft master. B230=1, W 0
ENC B has been selected.
b230.2 “Engaged” electrical shaft. (1) Engaged electrical shaft. During the R 0
engaging phase, when the ramp (Pr183) is not 0, this bit indicates the
end of the transitory phase.
b230.3 Electrical shaft engaged at B capture event. Activates engagement W 0
on a sensor selected by bits 2, 3 and 4 of b165. The captured level from
the master is downloaded in Pr161:160. The space lost during data
processing is recovered.
b230.4 Activates trapezoidal positioner target change. (1) Activates W 1
trapezoidal positioner target change.
b230.6 Engage electrical shaft with phase recovery. (1) W 0
b230.9 Enables trapezoidal positioner reference. (1) W 1
b230.10 Enables electrical shaft reference. (1) W 1
b230.11 Enables speed mode reference. W 1
b230.12 Trapezoidal positioner speed FFW. (1) enables trapezoidal positioner W 0
speed FFW component.
b230.13 Electrical shaft speed FFW. (1) enables electrical shaft speed FFW W 1
component. [w].
b231.0 Type 1 trapezoidal positioner reset. Type 1 trapezoidal positioner W 0
reset command ( Pr201:200=Pr213:212=0).
b231.1 Type 2 trapezoidal positioner reset. Type 2 trapezoidal positioner W 0
reset command ( Pr201:200=Pr213:212=Pr131:130).
b231.2 Type 3 trapezoidal positioner reset. Type 2 trapezoidal positioner W 0
reset command ( Pr201:200 = Pr213:212 =Pr131:130=Pr133:132).
Command used to reset the profile and setting the actual position of the
trapezoidal positioner to the motor FBK value.
b231.3 Type 1 electrical shaft reset. Type 1 electrical shaft reset command W 0
(reference_alb_ele=0 Pr 203:202=0). The actual electrical shaft position
is reset.
b231.4 Type 2 electrical shaft reset. Type 2 electrical shaft reset command W 0
b231.5 Type 1 speed mode reset. Type 1 speed mode reset command. W 0
Command used to reset the speed Pr190=0. The speed mode reference
position is also reset.
b231.7 Electrical shaft release. Command used to release the slave from the W 0
master. Self-resetting.
b231.8 Electrical shaft engage. Command used to engage the slave to the W 0
master reference master. Self resetting

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13.4 Electronic came (OPM121)

This program is a preset motion mode in the drive’s basic configuration, that can be
programmed by selecting the following parameters: Pr181=121, b42.13=1, default setting of
the selected operating mode.
Some of the most widely used motion functions of industrial automation are available within
this mode. Namely, this operating mode includes the following:
- position reference generator (positioner)
- speed mode generator
- cam1 generator
- cam2 generator
The resulting position reference will therefore be the algebric sum of the position reference
deltas of one or more generators.


Speed mode +
+ Resulting position
+ reference
Cam 1 +

Cam 2

This diagram allows to identify a general flow in operating mode 121. If you carefully
analyze this mode through the block diagram, you will see that the programmer can use
several enabling commands (programmable bits ) at different levels in order to address the
flow of the generated position reference (or references), in several display modes. For
instance, for each generator a position reference can be enabled on a position counter. From
here the reference will then be downloaded in the position loop or into a general position

Position loop

Positioner Modul global
Generator counter
reference counter
counter at modul

Incremental global

When the position reference of at least one generator is enabled in the position loop, the
reference loading into a global counter defined by module is automatically enabled.

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13.4.1 Posizionator

This is a trapezoidal profile generator, with the following user-definable parameters:

- speed profile
- acceleration
- deceleration
- final value in motor step
The parameters referred to the positioner levels, final position Pr211: 210 and actual position
Pr201:200, are absolute. However, they are subsequently transferred to the other adjustment
parameters following the block diagram.
The thus position reference generated in this way is loaded into the position loop as well as in
the global counter. The generated reference, activated through a bit command, is then loaded
as an addition to the master in both generators CAM1 and CAM2.

13.4.2 Speed mode

This is a position generator, but it is set as a speed reference. The following parameters will
have to be set:
Rpm speed

13.4.3 CAM1 and CAM2

The two CAM generators are specifically designed to meet the requirements of automatic
machines using electronic cams. Four tables are available, namely TAB0, TAB1, TAB2 and
TAB3, that have been implemented to perform a series of cam functions. Each table is
described by a vector made of 257 elements, that indicate the position to be taken by the
controlled axis when the motor axis is in the position:

element number • master modul

slave function =

In each table the value of the vector elements is ranging between 0 and 9999, whereas 10,000
shall be the count number set in the slave module parameter.
In order to generate a table, the axis route must be divided into 257 points; the value of each
point will have to be rated to 10000, because this is the maximum value that can be written in
the table elements.
The 257th element of each table defines the cam as closed if it is = 0, or as open if it is =
The motion will be able to perform the points listed in the table; if the required speed and
torque are within the motor’s electric limits (Maximum Speed and Torque).
Through a series of parameters it is possible to automatically program one of the motion laws
that have been set in the drive in one of the four tables. Functions can be retrieved as follows:

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Motion law Table selection

Motion law
selection by Pr182 by Pr183
y=x 1

y=x-[sen (x)] 2
Triangular profile 3
Engage ramp 4
Disengage ramp 5
y=sen(x) 6

After selecting the function by Pr182, the parameter is automatically set to zero.
The four tables are the same in both CAM generators; the same table with the same function
can be selected in both generators.
As a default drive configuration, TAB0 is active in CAM1 and TAB3 is active in CAM2. In
order to change the default setting there are some immediate commands active for both CAM
generators, or for CAM1 only of the enable commands on programmable master phase.
When the selected table is changed, the two generators will have a different behaviour.
Based on the executed command, CAM1 immediately activates the execution of the selected
table as well as a change of module. The user will have to check the continuity of speed and
torque during table and module changes. Modules with negative sign cannot be set in CAM1.
CAM1 is engaged either by direct command or through an engage and disengage command
on programmable master phases.
CAM2 activates the selection of a new table and the change of module only by an engage
command. A module with negative sign can be set in CAM2. CAM2 will be engaged and
disengaged only by command and always when the master is in phase 0, or by a single
execution command (Single Shoot). If during the disengage phase bit 233.1 is activated in
CAM2, the program automatically goes to master phase zero and performs the calculation of
the table and of the set module, as well the engagement with the new settings.

The above described cams can be connected to either of two masters. Specific commands
allow to select either one or the other master for both cams, also the same one for both.
The masters are programmed by two pointer parameters allowing to select as a master
position reference any parameter of the drive. The user will have to select as pointer a
parameter that has a meaning for the used motion.
Master 1 offers the possibility to enable a linear ramp to be used whenever the pointed
reference must be changed.
As a default configuration, the cams are scanned throughout the master module. In both
masters the selected cams can be scaled in a sector of the master module by programming the
starting point and the space in which the cam shall be executed. It is possible of course to scan
the cam in this way also between two master modules. The scaling is engaged by the masters,
not by the cam generators, and therefore, if the same master is selected, it will be impossible
to scale CAM1 and CAM2 functions in two separate sectors. You will have to program two
masters with the same pointer and the same initial phasing, then engage both cams to the
masters and scale them in separate sectors.

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Parker Hannifin S.p.A S.B.C. Division Hi-drive User Manual Automatic activation of CAM tables

Beside enabling tables on programmable master phase or by immediate command as shown

above, the drive offers a default function providing for an automatic sequence to enable the
The operation is enabled through the activation of bit 231.12 and by using bit 231.13
command in order to start per an engaging sequence or bit 231.14 command in order to start
per a disengaging sequence. The switch between active tables always occurs during master
phase 0. Tab1 and Tab2 are used as a link during the switch between Tab0 and Tab3 and the
other way round, and therefore they cannot be active longer than one master module.

T0 T0

T2 T1 T2 T1

T3 T3

Master with positive speed Master with negative speed

As shown in the figures, the table switching sequence is automatically inverted when the
speed is negative.
The above-described function is essential, for instance, in applications where the user wants to
complete an engage/disengage phase starting from a gearing function (Electrical axis) by
means of linear linking ramps.
By linear links we mean the tables describing the two engage and disengage ramps. Let’s
suppose that Tab0 has been programmed with a y=x function (gearing) and that Tab3 has
been programmed as a fixed axis, that is y=constant K. We will need to calculate both linking
tables in Tab1 and Tab2 to be able to engage and disengage the axis.
If we consider, for instance, the master cycle in a module in degrees (360°), we will have to
set in Pr186 the master module sector value (ranging between 0° and 360°) that we are going
to use in order to perform the two engaging and disengaging ramps.
Use Pr.183 to select the table you need to calculate and Pr182 to retrieve the drive’s base
configuration predefined functions del drive; in this way you will automatically calculate the
curves in the engaging and disengaging tables.

-Engaging Tab.1 calculation: Pr.183=1 ( Table 1) and Pr182=4 ( Engaging function);

-Disengaging Tab.2 calculation: Pr.183=2 ( Table 2) and Pr182=5 ( Engaging function);

In order to use this application it is necessary to program a table with a constant value in all of
its points. Tab.3 is a suitable table for this purpose and it can be replaced by a virtual table
using commands b232.9 for CAM1 and b232.10 for CAM2. The value of the constant to be
set can be taken in Pr184 for CAM1 and in Pr185 for CAM2, by reading the first value of the
engage table in Tab1, and the last value of the disengage table in Tab2.

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Pr186 Pr186
engage Disengage
ramp ramp
sector sector

Tab 3 Tab 1 Tab 0 Tab 2 Tab 3

360° 360° 360° 360°

0° Master modul Master modul Master modul Master modul Master modul 360°
0° 0° 0° 0°

Speed curve for slave axe

The above described tables are of course an example case to describe the engage and
disengage functions of an axis by changing tables, and they are calculated in order to allow
these functions for an axis that needs to be dynamically disengaged/engaged according to a
gearing law (y=x).
Of course it is possible to describe different tables for similar functions and load them in the
relevant addresses. The user will have to draw the curves in order not to create any motion
discontinuities on the axis, especially when switching between tables. In order to accomplish
this and more generally to ensure user access to cam tables, these can be either read and
written using the keypad or through SBC Can or serial port RS422 using address 4096
(adjacent areas of 257 words per table):

Keypad SBC Can or serial

Tab.0 4096<=address<=(4096+513);
Tab.1 read and write (4096+514)<=address<=(4096+1027);
Tab.2 directly (4096+1028)<=address<=(4096+1541);
Tab.3 (4096+1542)<=address<=(4096+2055);
Oppure per quanto riguarda la versione con Canopen le tabelle sono accessibili tramite SDO
come segue:

CAN Open
Tab.0: Points 0….254 Index 0x2008 Sub-index 1…255
Points 255…256 Index 0x2009 Sub-index 1….2
Tab.1: Points 0….254 Index 0x200A Sub-index 1…255
Points 255…256 Index 0x200B Sub-index 1….2
Tab.2: Points 0….254 Index 0x200C Sub-index 1…255
Points 255…256 Index 0x200D Sub-index 1….2
Tab.3: Points 0….254 Index 0x200E Sub-index 1…255
Points 255…256 Index 0x200F Sub-index 1….2

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Active positioner
Reset 1 Pr201:200=213:212=0
b230.0 Speed FFWD
Reset 2
Full speed b230.12

Acceleration Pr182
b231.2 speed
Reset 3 Pr201:200=213:212=131:130=133:132
Pr183 Pr184
Position multiplier –
Input counter Deceleration
b170.12 encoder B
encoder B time
From Pr153:152
B Pr157
Digital Position divider -
encoder B
Ref. Bus encoder

choice Position multiplier – encoder C Posizione finale Posizione attuale

Master b230.4
Pr213:212 Pr201:200
Pr154 speed
Pr155 Input counter Pr186 Electrical shaft
Position divider - b230.9
encoder C
encoder C engaged
Reference multiplier Acceleration
b231.3 With
Reset 1 Pr203:202=0 ramp phase
Pr187 recovery
Pr185 Pr203:202 Pr131:130
Z Enc. C b231.4 Position
Reset 2 Pr203:202=131:130=133:132 Actual position
Reference divider
Pr189 reference
Pos. Edge Max speed b230.13
IN0 Engage at Release b231.7 Speed FFWD
event enable
Neg. Edge Engage b231.8
IN0 b230.3 b230.11

Value captured
Edge b39.14

Motor value
Edge b39.15
Speed Acceleration Actual position
IN2 Pr190 Pr191 Pr205:204

Reset 1 Pr190=0

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Decimal parameters for operating mode 121

Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.
Pr182 Selection of function type. Parameter of selection W 0÷6 0 1
of the law of motion in order to generate the points
in table, like from paragraph CAM1 and CAM2.
This parameter doesn’t come configured from the
display, but it can be controlled through serial
ways, field bus and MotionWiz. It is an autoreset
Pr183 Selection of internal function calculation table. W 0÷3 0 1
See the table in par. CAM1 and CAM2.
Pr184 Value of CAM1 dummy table (Tab3). If active W -32768 0 1
the fictitious table, comes considered only this ÷32767
value for the position of the motor in CAM1.
Pr185 Value of CAM2 dummy table (Tab3). If active W -32768 0 1
the factitious table, comes considered only this ÷32767
value for the position of the motor in CAM2 in
place of one table CAM.
Pr186 Value in degrees of the linear engage ramp W 0÷360 60 1°
master module. Field of the module master in [°]
which the motor it executes the ramp. The tables
must be loaded after to have set up this parameter.
Pr187 Speed in speed mode. It lets to move in speed the W ±14000 0 1rpm
motor remaining in the operative mode (Pb40.2=1). [rpm]
Pr188 Speed mode ace. Ramp. Is the ramp in ms from 0 W 2÷4500 500 1ms
to 1000 rpm that it manages the variations of speed [ms]
of Pr187.
Pr189 Max positioner speed. Is the maximum speed, in W 0÷14000 1000 1rpm
rpm, that the positioner can make. [rpm]
Pr190 Positioner acceleration time. Is the ramp in ms W 2÷4500 500 1ms
from 0 to 1000 rpm that it connects the variations [ms]
of speed, Pr189, of positioner.
Pr191 Positioner deceleration time. Is the ramp in ms W 2÷4500 500 1ms
from 0 to 1000 rpm that it connects the variations [ms]
of speed, Pr189, of positioner.
Pr192 First Master1 reference pointer. It contains the W 0÷384 150 1
parameter that it references to the Master1.
Pr193 Second Master2 reference pointer. It contains the W 0÷384 150 1
parameter that it references to the Master2.
Pr194 Master 1 linking ramp. It is the ramp, in sixteenth W 0÷32000 100 1
of count to ms, which manages the variations of the
Pr197:196 Master axis phase for CAM1 engaging. If it is W ±231 0 1
able, when the module of CAM1 catches up with
this position, comes the CAM1 engaging.
Pr199:198 Master axis phase for CAMI1 release. If it is W 0÷6 0 1
able, when the module of CAM1 catches up with
this position, comes the CAM1 release.
Pr201:200 Trap. Positioner reference. When this quota W 0÷3 0 1
catches up with the value of Pr211:210, the
generation of the profile is finished.
Pr203:202 CAM1 reference. Position of CAM2 in its module. W -32768 0 1

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Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr205:204 CAM2 reference. Position of CAM2 in its module. W -32768 0 1
Pr211:210 Final position (Trap. positioner). It represents the W 0÷360 60 1°
quota of which the position of the motor is wanted [°]
to be increased.
Pr213:212 Pointer 1 master incremental encoder. This W ±14000 0 1rpm
parameter contains all the increments sendes to you [rpm]
from the pointer parameter.
Pr215:214 Pointer 2 master incremental encoder. This W 2÷4500 500 1ms
parameter contains all the increments sendes to you [ms]
from the pointer parameter.
Pr217:216 Master 1 axis module (Pointer 1). It contains the W 0÷14000 1000 1rpm
number of count for which the axis Master 1 it is [rpm]
Pr219:218 Master 2 axis module (Pointer 2). It contains the W 2÷4500 500 1ms
number of count for which the axis Master 2 it is [ms]
Pr221:220 Master 1 axis position in module W 2÷4500 500 1ms
Pr223:222 Master 2 axis position in module W 0÷384 150 1
Pr225:224 CAM1 scaling –cam starting point W 0÷384 150 1
Pr227:226 CAM1 scaling- Cam width (step) W 0÷32000 100 1
Pr235:234 CAM1 scaling –cam starting point W ±231 0 1
Pr237:236 CAM2 scaling- Cam width (step) W 0÷6 0 1
Pr239:238 CAM1 module W 0÷3 0 1
Pr241:240 CAM2 module W -32768 0 1
Pr243:242 Reference module (sum of all enabled generators W -32768 0 1
POS+SM+CAM1+CAM2) ÷32767
Pr245:244 Axis position in the reference module W 0÷360 60 1°
Pr247:246 Master phase for Tab0 engaging. The value W ±14000 0 1rpm
entered in the register identifies the master value . [rpm]
When the master phase matches the programmed
value, bit b231.0 is set to 1, then the slave engages
to the master with a trend generated by TAB0.
Pr249:248 Master phase for Tab1 engaging. The value W 2÷4500 500 1ms
entered in the register identifies the master value . [ms]
When the master phase matches the programmed
value, the slave engages to the master with a trend
generated by TAB1.
Pr251:250 Master phase for Tab2 engaging. The value W ±231 0 1
entered in the register identifies the master value .
When the master phase matches the programmed
value, the slave engages to the master with a trend
generated by TAB2.
Pr253:252 Master phase for Tab3 engaging. The value W ±231 0 1
entered in the register identifies the master value .
When the master phase matches the programmed
value, the slave engages to the master with a trend
generated by TAB3.
Pr281:280 Trap. Positioner counter. W ±231 0 1

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Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr283:282 CAM1 generator counter W ±231 0 1
Pr285:284 CAM2 generator counter W ±231 0 1
Pr287:286 Speed mode counter W ±231 0 1
Pr289:288 Global counter (sum of all enabled generators W ±231 0 1

Binary parameters
Par. Description Field Def.
b230.0 (1) bypasses Master1 change linking ramp (0) Ramping. W 0
b230.2 Enables Master1 displacement from profile generator W 0
b230.3 Enables Master2 displacement from profile generator W 0
b230.4 Enables positioner in the counter (Pr281:280) W 0
b230.5 EnableCAM1 generator in the counter (Pr283:282) W 0
b230.6 Enables CAM2 generator in the counter (Pr285:284) W 0
b230.7 Enables speed mode in the counter (Pr287:286) W 0
b230.8 Enables positioner counter (Pr281:280) in the global counter W 0
b230.9 Enables CAM1 counter (Pr283:282) in the global counter W 0
b230.10 Enables CAM2 counter (Pr285:284) in the global counter W 0
b230.11 Enables speed mode counter (Pr287:286) in the global counter W 0
b230.12 Enables positioner counter (Pr281:281) in the position reference W 0
(Pr 131:130)
b230.13 Enables CAM1 counter (Pr283:282) in the position reference (Pr W 0
b230.14 Enables CAM2 counter (Pr285:285) in the position reference (Pr W 0
b230.15 Enables speed mode counter (Pr287:286) in the position reference W 0
(Pr 131:130)
b231.0 Activates table Tab0 to the Master phase set in (Pr247:246). When W 0
the bit is 1, TAB0 is enabled. The table is enabled when the slave-
master engagement level is programmed in parameter Pr247:246.
b231.1 Activates table Tab1 to the Master phase set in (Pr249:248). When W 0
the bit is 1, TAB1 is enabled. The table is enabled when the slave-
master engagement level is programmed in parameter Pr249:248.
b231.2 Activates table Tab2 to the Master phase set in (Pr251:250). When W 0
the bit is 1, TAB2 is enabled. The table is enabled when the slave-
master engagement level is programmed in parameter Pr251:250.
b231.3 Activates table Tab3 to the Master phase set in (Pr253:252). When W 0
the bit is 1, TAB3 is enabled. The table is enabled when the slave-
master engagement level is programmed in parameter Pr253:252.
b231.4 Immediate activation of Tab0. When the bit is set to 1, TAB0 is W 0
immediately engaged.
b231.5 Immediate activation of Tab1. When the bit is set to 1, TAB1 is W 0
immediately engaged.
b231.6 Immediate activation of Tab2. When the bit is set to 1, TAB2 is W 0
immediately engaged.
b231.7 Immediate activation of Tab3. When the bit is set to 1, TAB3 is W 0
immediately engaged.

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Par. Description Field Def.

b231.8 Signals Tab0 is active in CAM1 generator. When TAB0 is used in R 0
the cam generator, the bit is 1.
b231.9 Signals Tab1 is active in CAM1 generator. When 1s used in the cam R 0
generator, the bit is 1.
b231.10 Signals Tab2 is active in CAM1 generator. When TAB2 is used in R 0
the cam generator, the bit is 1.
b231.11 Signals Tab3 is active in CAM1 generator. When TAB3 is used in R 0
the cam generator, the bit is 1.
b231.12 Enables automatic table switching sequence W 0
b231.13 Command used to activate switching sequence to Tab0 W 0
b231.14 Command used to activate switching sequence to Tab3 W 0
b231.15 Immediate command and CAM2 engage/released state W 0
b232.0 Type 1 positioner reset command (Pr211:210=Pr201:200=0) W 0
b232.1 Type 2 positioner reset command W 0
b232.2 Type 3 positioner reset command W 0
b232.3 Speed mode reset command ( Pr187=0) W 0
b232.4 CAM1 selector to select Master 1 or 2 W 0
b232.5 CAM2 selector to select Master 1 or 2 W 0
b232.6 Activates CAM1 engage to the Master phase set in (Pr197:196). W 0
b232.7 Activates CAM1 release to the Master phase set in (Pr199:198). W 0
b232.8 Immediate command and CAM1 engage/released state W 0
b232.9 Enables dummy table in Tab3 with value set in Pr184 in CAM1 W 0
b232.10 Enables dummy table in Tab3 with value set in Pr185 in CAM2 W 0
b232.11 Command engaging to CAM2 master phase 0 W 0
b232.12 Command releasing to CAM2 master phase 0 W 0
b232.13 Single shot execution command (one module) to the CAM2 master W 0
phase 0.
b232.14 Selection of table to be performed in CAM2. The state of this bit, W 0
together with bit b232.15, identifies the selected table (see table
b232.15 Selection of table to be performed in CAM2. The state of this bit, W 0
together with bit b232.14, identifies the selected table (see table
b233.0 Theoretical trapezoidal profile running. W 0
b233.1 Command used to update the table and module in CAM2 W 0
b233.8 Enables positioner speed FFW W 0
b233.9 Enables CAM1 generator speed FFW W 0
b233.10 Enables CAM2 generator speed FFW W 0

* Table Selection b232.15 b232.14

TAB0 0 1
TAB1 1 0
TAB2 1 1
TAB3 0 0

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13.5 Position control via CanBus (operating mode

If operating mode 140 is enabled, Hi-drive will execute a position loop of a proportional type
with feed-forward. In this case, the profile generator is considered external and must send the
information about the position and speed reference via CanBus in accordance with the
SBCCAN protocol (see section on CanBus).

Speed FFWD Speed

via CanBus Feedforward
Pr182 Pr185
Feedback transmission
Position reference
via CanBus Position reference
Pr200:201 Pr130:131

Motor position
Pr203:202 Pr133:132
Motor position
via CanBus Feedback transmission
b230.6 enable

Decimal parameters
Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.
Pr182 Speed reference OM120. This is the feed-forward W -32768 0 1
value received via the CanBus. When the SYNC ÷32767
(b230.15=1) is received, Pr182 will be copied to Pr185
and will become active.
Pr183 Cyclic command OM140. Command parameter W -32768 0 1
managed by Pico-PLC. (see section “SBCCAN”). ÷32767
Pr184 Cyclic state OM140. Status parameter managed by W -32768 0 1
Pico-PLC. (see section “SBCCAN”). ÷32767
Pr185 Speed feedforward. The value of this parameter is W -32768 0 1
summed at the output of the position loop in order to ÷32767
obtain the speed request Pr6.
Pr201:200 Position reference via CanBus. This is the position R ±231 0 1
reference received via the CanBus. When the SYNC
(b230.15=1) is received, Pr200:201 will be copied to
Pr130:131 and will become active.

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Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr203:202 Motor position (feedback9 via the CanBus. When the R 0 1
SYNC (b230.15=1) is received, Pr132:133 will be
copied to Pr203:204 and, if feedback transmission has
been enabled (b230.2=1), it will automatically be
transmitted via the CanBus.

Binary parameters
Par. Description Field Def.
b230.0 8 byte response message. Cyclic response message. When the bit is 1, W 0
the status is made by the 16 bits in Pr184. Otherwise, when the bit is 0,
the status contains only the first 8 bits of parameter Pr184.
b230.2 Enabling FBK transmission to sync0. Enables fbk response to sync0. W 1
If = 1, when the type 0 SYNC is received, Pr202:203 will be
transmitted via the CanBus.
b230.3 6/7 byte response message. If bit0=0, the response message will have W 0
7 bytes; If bit 0=1,the response message will have 6 bytes.
b230.6 Enabling FBK transmission to sync1. Enables fbk response to sync1. W 1
If = 1, when the type 1 SYNC is received, Pr202:203 will be
transmitted via the CanBus.
b230.7 FFW calculation. Calculates the ffw component from position W 0
b230.15 Watchdog sync. Sync receive Watchdog (set any time a message is RW 0

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13.6 Additional useful functions

13.6.1 Capturing values

Three event-capturing functions are available to capture either the position fbk or either
encoder inputs (B or C). These functions can be programmed both in terms of the value to be
captured, that can be alternatively:
and in terms of the event when the value must be captured, that can be alternatively:
- zero encoder point dog (encoder in connector)
- rising edge of digital input IN0
- falling edge of digital input IN0
- digital input IN1 edge (programmable rise/fall through b39.14)
- digital input IN2 edge (programmable rise/fall through b39.15)
When a synchronous motor with speed feedback from an incremental encoder is used, any
time the unit is powered up a phasing procedure will have to be carried out. The phasing
process may end (if Pr65.3=1) with a “fine” phasing on the input encoder zero point dog. In
this case, the encoder will need to be mechanically phased when it is installed on the motor.
As sincos encoders can be used encoders with a number of sines per revolution corresponding
to 2 elevated to the nth power.
Through the position FBK the motor position can be identified and saved in specific registers.
The drive allows to chose where to capture the value, in which of three registers to save it and
what type of event shall prompt the capture of the value.
Parameters Pr164, Pr165 and Pr166 are used to manage events, registers and captured values:
- bits 0 and 1 define which FBK shall be used to capture the value. The setting of these
bits therefore determines the data input;
- bits 2, 3 and 4 define the selection of the event that prompts the value capture: that is,
these bits identify the event that shall determine the timing of the value capture;
- bit 15 controls the value capture. This means that, any time this bit is 1, a value has
been captured. This bit, however, is not self-resetting and its status must be changed
(through Pico-PLC or serial command) in order to be able to see when the next values
are sensed.

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Event capture

Event capture Z Enc. C

FBK capture Motor value captured selection
selection Pos.
X6 Position feedBack
b164.15 Edge IN0
Pr133:132 Neg.
b170.14 b170.15
Pr159:158 Edge IN0
Pr164 Value 1 captured Pr164 b39.14
FBK capture Motor value captured Edge IN1
FBK B multiplier selection Event capture
FBK B selection b165.15 selection
Input counter Encoder B
Pr156 b39.15
Pr62 Pr153:152 Pr161:160 Edge IN2
X7 b170.12 Pr157 Value 2 captured
Pr165 Pr165
FBK B divider Motor value captured
FBK C multiplier b166.15
Input counter Encoder C
X8 b170.11 Pr154
Pr151:150 Pr163:162
Pr155 Pr166 Value 3 captured Pr166
FBK C divider FBK capture Event capture
selection selection
IN1 X11

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Decimal parameters
Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.
Pr151:150 Encoder C input counter. Counter dedicated to R -32768 0 1
reference input from C FBK. ÷32767
Pr153:152 Encoder B input counter. Counter dedicated to R -32768 0 1
reference input from B FBK. ÷32767
Pr154 Encoder C position numerator. Using this parameter W -32768 1 1
and Pr155, the user can set the desired input reference ÷32767
frequency ratio.
Pr155 Encoder C position enumerator. Using this W -32768 1 1
parameter and Pr154, the user can set the desired input ÷32767
reference frequency ratio.
Pr156 Encoder B position numerator. Using this parameter W -32768 1 1
and Pr157, the user can set the desired input reference ÷32767
frequency ratio.
Pr157 Encoder B position denominator. Using this W -32768 1 1
parameter and Pr156, the user can set the desired input ÷32767
reference frequency ratio.
Pr159:158 Captured value 1. Register containing value 1. R 0 1
Pr161:160 Captured value 2. Register containing value 2. R 0 1
Pr163:162 Captured value 3. Register containing value 3. R 0 1

Binary parameters
Par. Description Field Def.
b164.Y selection of capture object 1. The setting of bits defines the W
object and the type of event to be captured.
object to be captured: bit1 bit0 Capture
bit4 bit3 bit2
FBK POS 0 0 event
ENC A 0 1 Z ENC AUX 0 0 0
ENC B 1 0 Not valid 0 0 1
Not valid 1 1 POS EDGE IN0 0 1 0
NEG EDGE IN0 0 1 1
EDGE IN1 1 0 0
EDGE IN2 1 0 1
Other not valid

b164.15 Warning bit. This bit warns that a value has been captured. The R 0
bit has no self resetting capabilities and therefore stays set to “1”
after a first value has been captured.
b165.Y Capture 2 selection. The setting of these bits defines the object W
and the type of event to be captured.
Capture event Bit4 Bit3 Bit2
object to be captured: bit1 bit0 Z ENC AUX 0 0 0
FBK POS 0 0 Not valid 0 0 1
ENC A 0 1 POS EDGE IN0 0 1 0
ENC B 1 0 NEG EDGE IN0 0 1 1
Not valid 1 1 EDGE IN1 1 0 0
EDGE IN2 1 0 1
Other not valid

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Par. Description Field Def.

b165.15 Warning bit. This bit warns that a value has been captured. The R 0
bit has no self resetting capabilities and therefore stays set to “1”
after a first value has been captured.
b166.Y Capture 3 selection. The setting of these bits defines the object W
and the type of event to be captured.
Capture event Bit4 Bit3 Bit2
object to be captured: bit1 bit0
Z ENC AUX 0 0 0
Not valid 0 0 1
ENC A 0 1
POS EDGE IN0 0 1 0
ENC B 1 0
NEG EDGE IN0 0 1 1
Not valid 1 1
EDGE IN1 1 0 0
EDGE IN2 1 0 1
Other not valid

b166.15 Warning bit. This bit warns that a value has been captured. The R 0
bit has no self resetting capabilities and therefore stays set to “1”
after a first value has been captured.

13.6.2 Programmable outputs

Two programmable analogue outputs are available in terminal block X5: parameters Pr50 and
Pr52. The scale of the 2 analogue outputs has range between –2048 and +2048, corresponding
to ±10V. An exception is made when Pr0 is monitored (in default condition); in this case the
maximum output voltage is 8.54V when the speed in Pr0 reaches the speed value of Pr32. The
output scale therefore varies according to the value of parameter Pr32 (see formula).
The scale can also me changed by parameters Pr51 and Pr53.

Pr50=Pr0, I will get: Pr52=Pr0, I will get:

( value of the Pr pointed from Pr 50) • 8,54V ( value of the Pr pointed from Pr 52) • 8,54V
Van.out = Van.out =
Pr 32 • 2Pr 51 Pr 32 • 2Pr 53

In the other cases:

( value of the Pr pointed from Pr 50) • 10V ( value of the Pr pointed from Pr 52) • 10V
Van.out = Van.out =
2048 • 2Pr 51 2048 • 2Pr 53

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13.6.3 Encoder simulation

The simulation of encoder pulses can be seen on two different connectors, whereas the
generated signal can be taken either from the motor shaft position or from a pointed
When the value is read from the motor shaft position, the encoder simulation can set the
number of pulses per revolution (Pr72 that can range from 4 to 65535). If grater resolutions
are required, it is possible to opt for an exponential setting for 2 elevated to the nth power: the
maximum value is 18 (Pr72=18, that is 218, as the greatest value that can be set). The choice
between these two systems can be made through bit b70.0.
Bit b70.3 allows to select the type of signal used in the simulation generation.
- When the motor shaft position is used, the value is always read at the maximum
resolution: 220.
- When a pointed parameter is used, Pr71, the rating is read in its value, and therefore
with a resolution lower than 220. Therefore the reading must be considered as a part of
a revolution. However, if the value read by the pointed parameter is converted to the
maximum resolution, the significance of the reading does not change

A zero encoder trace is also generated at trace C.

Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.
Pr72 Enc. Simulation pulses per revolution. If b70.0=0, W 0÷ 1024 1
values range from 4 to 65535 pulses per revolution; if +32767
b70.0=1 is the exponent and the maximum value that can
be entered is 18, Default=1024 is the number of pulses
per revolution used in the encoder simulation. The
maximum frequency is 400 kHz. [Fin=(number of
encoder pulses) * (rpm speed) / 60].

Motor internal position

b70.3 2Pr72

Pointed parameter value b70.0

Pr71 b170.8

Pulses per rev.
Resolution Encoder simulator
max 220

X11 X10

Par. Description Field Def.

b170.8 Encoder out simulation. (1) enc out simulation generation from W 0
parameters scaled on a position Loop resolution.

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13.6.4 Motor cogging compensation

At lower speed levels, motor rotation can be “disturbed” by a cogging effect.

The drive can mitigate this effect. Before activating this function, go through the following
- initial conditions:
o no alarm is active, Pr23=0;
o parameter Pr181=0;
o enable the drive;
o the motor rotation speed is ≤ 2rpm
- motor cogging mapping calculation:
o issue command b42.7=1
At this stage the drive automatically creates a table containing useful data to
compensate motor cogging.

The calculating function ends when bit b42.7 returns to“0”. At this point the motor can be
In order to enable motor cogging compensation,, set bit b39.10=1.

N.B. The table that the drive has generated during the calculation of cogging mapping is
not deleted when default parameters are loaded. In order to modify these data, repeat
the mapping calculation.

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14.1 The Pico-PLC

Never activate the saving of PLC instructions while the drive is enabled

The internal Pico-PLC is used to connect the external world (inputs/outputs) to the Hi-drive
parameter system. The PLC can be used to copy digital input to a binary parameter, to copy a
binary parameter to a digital output and to execute mathematical and Boolean operations. The
PLC program must be entered as a list of instructions either using the keypad or via serial link
(instruction list and ladder) using a PC and an interface program (MotionWiz). The default
parameter settings (b42.12) correspond to a program (default Pico PLC, see Appendix D).
The main features of the Pico-PLC are:

Program steps 256

scanning time 6.144 ms
number of timers 2
number of instructions 15
stack depth 1
mathematical operations 16 / 32 bits


Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr92 First PLC timer. Every 6.144 ms, if Pr92 is not W 0 0
0, it is decreased; if it is = 0, b94.1 is set to 1. 65635
Pr93 Second PLC timer. Every 6.144 ms, if Pr93 is W 0 0
not 0, it is decreased; if it is = 0, b94.2 is set to 1. 65635
Pr96 User parameter. A parameter that can be stored RW -32768 0 1
by the user (word). ÷32767
Pr97 User parameter. A parameter that can be stored RW -32768 0 1
by the user (word). ÷32767
Pr98 User parameter. A parameter that can be stored RW -32768 0 1
by the user (word). ÷32767
Pr99 User parameter. A parameter that can be stored RW -32768 0 1
by the user (word). ÷32767
Pr100 CAN PLC 1 data block. A parameter that the R -32768 0 1
user can use to exchange data through the block ÷32767
sync of the SBCCAN protocol via Bridge
Profibus and DeviceNet. This parameter is used to
receive (see sections about “SBCCAN” and
Pr101 CAN PLC 2 data block. A parameter that the R -32768 0 1
user can use to exchange data through the block ÷32767
sync of the SBCCAN protocol via Bridge
Profibus and DeviceNet. This parameter is used to
receive (see sections about “SBCCAN” and

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Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr102 CAN PLC 3 data block. A parameter that the R -32768 0 1
user can use to exchange data through the block ÷32767
sync of the SBCCAN protocol via Bridge
Profibus and DeviceNet. This parameter is used to
receive (see sections about “SBCCAN” and
Pr103 CAN PLC 4 data block. A parameter that the R -32768 0 1
user can use to exchange data through the block ÷32767
sync of the SBCCAN protocol via Bridge
Profibus and DeviceNet. This parameter is used to
receive (see sections about “SBCCAN” and
Pr104 CAN PLC 5 data block. A parameter that the W -32768 0 1
user can use to exchange data through the block ÷32767
sync of the SBCCAN protocol via Bridge
Profibus and DeviceNet. This parameter is used to
receive (see sections about “SBCCAN” and
Pr105 CAN PLC 6 data block. A parameter that the W -32768 0 1
user can use to exchange data through the block ÷32767
sync of the SBCCAN protocol via Bridge
Profibus and DeviceNet. This parameter is used to
receive (see sections about “SBCCAN” and
Pr106 CAN PLC 7 data block. A parameter that the W -32768 0 1
user can use to exchange data through the block ÷32767
sync of the SBCCAN protocol via Bridge
Profibus and DeviceNet. This parameter is used to
receive (see sections about “SBCCAN” and
Pr107 CAN PLC 8 data block. A parameter that the W -32768 0 1
user can use to exchange data through the block ÷32767
sync of the SBCCAN protocol via Bridge
Profibus and DeviceNet. This parameter is used to
receive (see sections about “SBCCAN” and
Pr109:108 Spare data. Dedicated to CanOpen, this W -32768 0
parameter contains the message with the data to ÷32767
be sent.
Pr110 User parameter. A parameter that can be stored RW -32768 0 1
by the user (word). ÷32767
Pr111 User parameter. A parameter that can be stored RW -32768 0 1
by the user (word). ÷32767
Pr112 User parameter. A parameter that can be stored RW -32768 0 1
by the user (word). ÷32767
Pr113 User parameter. A parameter that can be stored RW -32768 0 1
by the user (word). ÷32767
Pr114 User parameter. A parameter that can be stored RW -32768 0 1
by the user (word). ÷32767
Pr115 User parameter. A parameter that can be stored RW -32768 0 1
by the user (word). ÷32767
Pr116 User parameter. A parameter that can be stored RW -32768 0 1
by the user (word). ÷32767

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Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr117 User parameter. A parameter that can be stored RW -32768 0 1
by the user (word). ÷32767
Pr118 User parameter. A parameter that can be stored RW -32768 0 1
by the user (word). ÷32767
Pr119 User parameter. A parameter that can be stored RW -32768 0 1
by the user (word). ÷32767
Pr121 Constant value = -1. Double word. Adjustable RW -32768 -1 1
parameter: the constant value can be modified and ÷32767
Pr122 Constant value = 0. Double word. Adjustable RW -32768 0 1
parameter. the constant value can be modified and ÷32767
Pr123 Constant value = 1. Double word. Adjustable RW -32768 1 1
parameter: the constant value can be modified and ÷32767
Pr124 Constant value = 2. Double word. Adjustable RW -32768 2 1
parameter: the constant value can be modified and ÷32767
Pr125 Constant value = 10. Double word. Adjustable RW -32768 10 1
parameter: the constant value can be modified and ÷32767
Pr126 Constant value = 100. Double word. Adjustable RW -32768 100 1
parameter: the constant value can be modified and ÷32767
Pr127 Constant value = 1000. Double word. Adjustable RW -32768 1000 1
parameter: the constant value can be modified and ÷32767
Pr128 Constant value = 1024. Double word. Adjustable RW -32768 1024 1
parameter: the constant value can be modified and ÷32767
Pr129 Constant value = 4096. Double word. Adjustable RW -32768 4096 1
parameter: the constant value can be modified and ÷32767
Note: parameters Pr121 to Pr129 cannot be combined in a double word (the PLC considers
them as 32bit with sign extension)

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PLC binary parameters

Par. Description Field Def.
b90.0 input 0. R 0
b90.1 input 1. R 0
b90.2 input 2. R 0
b90.3 input 3. R 0
b90.5 input 4. R 0
b90.x bit that can be stored. If X is greater than 5, the bit can be stored by RW 0
the user. Available bits are b90.5 to b90.15.
b91.0 output 0. W 0
b91.1 output 1. W 0
b91.2 Relay output. Controls the status of the relay output in terminal W 0
block X5.
b91.y Available bit. If Y is greater than 3, the bit is available to the user. W 0
Available bits are b91.4 to b91.15 and cannot be stored.
b94.0 Forces a 32 bit double word formatted operation (self-resetting). W 0
When the unit is powered on, this is 0. If it is set to 1, the first
mathematical operation executed by the Pico-PLC is done by using
three double word type operands. After the execution of the
operation, b94.0 is automatically set to 0. If the parameters used are
known as being in double format (except parameters dedicated to
operating modes, i.e. Pr181 to Pr250), double word format is
implicit. As for operating mode parameters, double word format is
implicit only in parameters Pr200 to Pr229.
b94.1 timer 1. (1) if timer 1 has expired. Equal to 1 if Pr92 = 0. R 0
b94.2 timer 2. (1) if timer 2 has expired. Equal to 1 if Pr93 = 0. R 0
b94.3 operation result <0. (1) if the result of the last algebric operation is R 0
< 0.
b94.4 algebric operation result =0. (1) if the result of the last algebric R 0
operation is = 0.

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LD Pa.y loads the y bit of the Pa parameter on the stack
LDN Pa,y loads the negated y bit of the Pa parameter on the stack
OUT Pa,y sets the y bit of the Pa parameter to the value loaded on the

OUTN Pa,y places the y bit of the Pa parameter to the value of stack
Pa.y negating it

Pa.y SET Pa,y if the stack = 1, the y bit of the Pa parameter is set to 1
RES Pa,y if the stack = 1, the y bit of the Pa parameter is set to 0
AND Pa,y if the bit loaded on the stack contains the result of the logical
AND operation between itself and the y bit of the Pa
ANDN Pa,y the bit of the stack contains the result of the logical AND
operation between itself and the y bit of the negated Pa
Pa.y parameter
OR Pa,y the bit loaded on the stack contains the result of the logical
Pa.y OR operation between itself and the y bit of the Pa parameter
ORN Pa,y the bit on the stack contains the result of the logical OR
Pa Pb Pc
operation between itself and the y bit of the negated Pa
ADD Pa, Pb, Pc if the bit on the stack = 1, the addition operation is executed
Pa Pb Pc
on the parameters in which: Pc = Pa + Pb
SUB Pa, Pb, Pc if the bit on the stack = 1, the subtraction operation is
Pa Pb Pc executed on the parameters in which: Pc = Pa – Pb
MUL MUL Pa, Pb, Pc if the bit on the stack = 1, the multiplication operation is
Pa Pb Pc executed on the parameters in which: Pc = Pa ⋅ Pb
DIV DIV Pa, Pb, Pc if the bit on the stack = 1, the division operation is executed
on the parameters in which: Pc = Pa / Pb
END END end of program


The Pico-PLC program is scanned every 6.144 milliseconds. Based on this sampling, the
inputs are first read, then the two timers (Pr92 Pr93 b94.1 and b94.2) are updated, the user
program is scanned and finally outputs are updated. For this reason, both input reading and
output setting can vary by 6.144 ms with respect to the physical event. If the microprocessor
is overloaded with work (the operating mode is active, there are frequent serial requests and
the PLC program is long), it may take more than 6.144 milliseconds to scan the entire PLC
All the instructions of the Pico-PLC with the exception of the arithmetic instructions are
single bit instructions. The available stack has a depth of only one bit.
The LD (LDN) instruction loads the bit defined as an operand on the stack, while all the other
logical instructions work on the stack. Arithmetic instructions are executed only if the stack
bit is set to 1.

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For user convenience, truth tables of logical operations are given below.
AND logical operation OR logical operation
bit A bit B result bit A bit B result
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1

The respective denied ANDN and ORN operations follow the same logic, except that the
denied value of the specified bit will be used.
12 bits from b90.4 to b90.15 are reserved on the PLC and can be stored. 14 additional bits
from b91.2 to b91.15 are available on the PLC but cannot be stored. They are always set to 0
when the converter is powered on.
There are 14 word type user parameters, namely Pr95 to Pr99 and Pr110 to Pr119. They can
be stored and used as double word parameters.
Parameters Pr100 to PrP107 are dedicated to data exchange through the block sync of the
SBC CAN protocol (used to exchange data via Profibus Device Net bridges). The Pico-PLC
includes 9 constants for arithmetic operations, that is Pr121 to Pr129. When the default
parameters are loaded, the constants have the values shown in the table and can be modified
and stored with different values. These parameters are already programmed to be considered
as a double word.
When arithmetic instructions (ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV) are used, consider that the operators
are assumed to be words and are signed. If a double word operation is required, set b94.0 = 1
before executing the operation. After the operation, the PLC will automatically set this bit to
0. Double parameters are treated as double words, so that in an operation such as [ADD
121,122,212] the result –1 will be written in the double word Pr212:213 without having to set
b94.0=1 before the operation. If Pr100=-1 and Pr101=0 the operation [ADD 100,122,212]
will give as a result Pr212:213=-1, while the same operation executed with b94.0=1 will
assume Pr101 as the high word of the double word Pr100:101 and the result will be
Pr212:213=65535. If the parameters used are known as being in double word format (except
parameters dedicated to operating modes, i.e. Pr 181 to Pr 250), double word format is
implicit. As for operating mode parameters, double word format is implicit only in parameters
Pr200 to Pr229.

Example: ADD 100 122 212 in double word.

Pr100=-1; Pr101=0, in double word becomes Pr101:100, where Pr101 is the high word and
Pr100 is the low word (H=0:L=-1), that is = 65535.
Pr122=0; this is a 0 value constant considered in double word format (it will not be combined
with Pr123 to form a double word parameter).
The addition result is entered in Pr213:212=65535 (H=0:L=-1), where Pr213 takes the
significance of the high word in the double word (H), whereas Pr212 takes the value of the
low word (L).

Note that in mathematical operations with double words, only the low word is shown (L),
whereas the high word (H), which is the most significant, will appear in the following word.

At the end of each arithmetic operation, b94.3 is set to 0 in case of positive result and to 1 in
case of negative result; similarly, b94.4 is set to 1 when the result is zero and to 0 if the result
is not zero. These settings remain effective until the next arithmetic operation is executed (the
operation is executed only if the stack bit is one).

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If the DIV operation is executed on a double word, the most significant part of the result
contains the remainder of the division, that is, if b94.0=1 and the operation [DIV
129,127,100] is executed, the result will be Pr100=4 and Pr101=96.

The user can make use of two timers, Pr92 and Pr93. To use the first timer load the time as a
number of samplings (6.144 ms) into PR92. For example, Pr92=100 is equal to 614
milliseconds. Pr92 will automatically decrease as time goes by, and bit b94.1 will remain set
to zero until the times has not expired; when Pr92=0, b94.1 will be set to 1.
The same is true with the second timer using parameter Pr93 and bit b94.2. Pr92 Pr93 b94.1
and b94.2 are updated only before the Pico-PLC program is scanned.
The maximum number of instructions is 256. Note that arithmetic operations take up the
space of two logical operations. If they are used, the maximum number of instructions
accepted will be decreased.
The PLC program must always end with the END instruction.
The Pico-PLC program can be edited via serial link or directly using the keypad. In this latter
case, in order to facilitate program changes, if you want to delete an instruction, go to the
instruction to be deleted and press the [+ or -] key. The type of instruction will be displayed.
At this point, hold the [S] key and press the [-] key: when both keys are released, the
instruction will be deleted. If you want to add an instruction after the In06, go to the next
instruction In07 and press the [+ or -] key. The type of instruction will be displayed. At this
point, hold the [S] key and press the [+] key. When both keys are released, an instruction will
be entered. In this latter case, make sure that the program does not exceed the maximum
instruction number, otherwise the last instructions will be lost. The Pico-PLC program can be
edited or modified only when the PLC is in stop (b39.13=0).

14.1.1 Pico-PLC default program

90.2 40.0
LD 90.2 Input 2 used for full scale
OUT 40.0 selection
90.3 40.6
LD 90.3 digital input 3 used for the stop
OUT 40.6 function
41.4 91.2
LD 41.4 digital relay output indicates
OUT 91.2 that the converter is OK
41.11 91.0
LD 41.11 digital output 0 indicates that
OUT 91.0 the thermal motor image is
end of the program

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14.2 Serial interface

The converter communication serial links are on asynchronous RS-485/RS-422 lines (port
X8), and on serial link RS-232 (port X4 – see par. “Hyper terminal connection” for a
connection diagram).
In serial link RS-232, speed can be set by parameter Pr256 (see table below). The address is
always set to 0, because only one converter can be connected.
As far as serial link RS-485/RS-422 is concerned, the same serial link can be connected to up
to 32 converters, by setting a different serial address in each of them to parameter Pr27. It is
also possible to set the transmission speed parameter Pr258 (see table below).
The converters take control of the line only if they are queried by the master.

Pr 256 (RS232) – Pr258 (RS485-422) (decimal base) b/s time-out (ms)

0 600 512
1 1200 256
2 2400 128
3 4800 64
5 9600 32
6 19200 16
7 38400 12
8 57600 8

When the speed or the address have been modified, the link must be reinitialized . See
parameters below.

Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr256 RS232 serial link speed code. This is the code W 0÷8 6 1
used to program the transmission speed.
Pr258 RS422 serial link speed code. This is the code W 0÷31 6 1
used to program the transmission speed.
Pr259 RS422 serial link address code. W 0÷31 0 1

Par. Description Field Def.

b79.3 RS232 serial initializing command. Command to reinitialize serial W 0
communication whenever the serial link speed value (Pr256) has been
modified. The serial link is in any case initialized when the converter is
powered on.
b79.4 RS485/422 serial initializing command. Command to reinitialize W 0
serial communication whenever the speed or the address value (Pr258
and Pr259) of the serial link have been modified. The serial link is in
any case initialized when the converter is powered on.

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14.3 Communication protocol

The column on the right in the table above shows the time-out value expressed in
milliseconds for each communication speed. This is the time within which the message must
be sent, beginning from the start of each message (STX). If a message is interrupted after this
time, the converter ignores what has been received and waits for the beginning of a new
The message consists of several consecutive bits. The format of the bits is the following:
1 start bit
8 bit of data defined by a following byte enclosed within square brackets
1 parity bit (even)
1 stop bit
The structure of the message is the following:
[STX] [CMD+ADDR] [BK+LUN] [PAR] [D0]... [Dn] [CHK]

[STX] = $7E indicator of transmission start. If a field in the message except STX takes the
value $7E, this field is followed by a 0 ($00) so that it will not be interpreted as an [STX].

[CMD+ADDR] = command and address of the peripheral device, which is never zero. This
data is composed as follows: the first 5 bits (bits 0-4) define the address of the converter (from
0 to 31); the remaining 3 bits (bits 5-7) define the type of message sent, as described in the
following table:

CMD bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 type of message

1 0 0 1 converter response
2 0 1 0 reading a Pico-PLC instruction
3 0 1 1 writing a Pico-PLC instruction
4 1 0 0 read parameter
5 1 0 1 writing a parameter
6 1 1 0 bit modification
7 1 1 1 writing a parameter to all the slaves

[BK+LUN] = the field LUN (first 3 bits) indicates the number of bytes of the sent data
(parameter or PLC instruction); it can take the following values: 1, 2 or 4. The value shall not
include 0 characters ($00) after the values corresponding to the transmission start character
($7E). Each parameter has a length of 2 bytes.

N.B.: Lengths of 2 and 4 are allowed only with even addresses .

The BK field covers the 5 most significant bits and represents the 5 most significant bits of
the Pico-PLC parameter address, table or instruction.

[PAR] = write/read address of the PLC parameter, table or instruction (8bit low in the
A parameter address is the number of the parameter* 2 on 13 bits: PAR represents the 8 less
significant bits of the address, whereas the 5 most significant bits will be written in the BK
field. The table used for the electronic cam is allocated in the parameter area at address 4096
to 6151 (the other addresses are reserved and will not be used). PLC instructions are mapped
at address 0 to 511, instructions can be accessed through specific commands.

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It is also important to consider that the instruction address depends upon the length of the
previous instructions, varying between two and four bytes, (see PLC instruction table).

[D0]... [Dn] = data transmitted.

[CHK] = 256 module sum of all the fields, except [STX] (checksum).

Message types
[CMD1] = is the response message of the converter to a data request. The response message
has the following format:
[STX] [001+ADDR] [BK+LUN] [PAR] [D0]… [Dn] [CHK]
or it can be the confirmation message to a data write or data modify. In this case, the format is
the following:
[STX] [001+ADDR]
where ADDR always identifies which converter is answering.

[CMD2] = is the read message of an instruction in the PLC area. The message has the
following format:
[STX] [010+ADDR] [BK+LUN] [PAR] [CHK]

[CMD3] = is the write message to an instruction in the PLC area. The message has the
following format:
[STX] [011+ADDR] [BK+LUN] [PAR] [D0]… [Dn] [CHK]
[CMD4] = is the read message of a parameter. The message has the following format:
[STX] [100+ADDR] [BK+LUN] [PAR] [CHK]

[CMD5] = is the write message of a parameter. The message has the following format:
[STX] [101+ADDR] [BK+LUN] [PAR] [D0]… [Dn] [CHK]

[CMD6] = is the change bit message of a byte parameter. The message has the following
[STX] [110+ADDR] [BK+LUN] [PAR] [D0] [D1] [CHK]

In this case LUN=2 or else two bytes are sent for the data. The first byte is the mask
containing the 0s in the positions of the bits to be changed and 1s in the other positions, while
the second byte contains 1s in the positions of the bits that are to be set to 1 and 0s in the other
positions. The PAR address is that of the parameter (byte) where one or more bits are to be
modified. If the parameter is a word and the bit to be modified is one of the first 8 (b0...b7):
PAR = the parameter address; otherwise, if the bit to be modified is one of the upper 8
(b8...b15): PAR = the address parameter + 1.

[CMD7] = is the write message of a parameter to all converters connected to the serial link.
The message has the following format:
[STX] [11100000] [BK+LUN] [PAR] [D0]… [Dn] [CHK]
The address of the peripheral device (ADDR) must be 0.


- The parameters that are displayed on the screen with decimals must be treated as
integer values. For example, a value of 978.5 is read and written as 9785.
- All values that are preceded by the $ symbol are to be understood as hex numbers.

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- The value in square brackets identifies the base unit (byte) of the message.
- All messages, to be valid, must be completed within a well-defined time-out which is
a function of speed, and must have correct parity and checksum.
- The converter responds to a request or to a data send only if the message has been
received correctly. In the case of an error in the message, no response is transmitted.
The only exception is message type 7 that is used to send data with a single message to
all the converters connected to the serial link.

Initializing and managing the serial link

RS-232 the converter is delivered with a 0 address and a speed of 19200 bps (Pr256=6). To
modify the configuration, first set the speed in Pr256, then initialize it by issuing the
command b79.3. Use command b42.15 to store the configuration.

RS-485/RS-422: the converter is delivered with a 0 address (Pr259=0) and a speed of 19200
bps (Pr258=6). To modify the configuration, first set the speed in Pr258, then the serial
address in Pr259 and finally initialize it by issuing command b79.4. Use the command b42.15
to store the configuration.

Accessing PLC instructions

Each Pico-PLC instruction takes 2 or 4 bytes whose format is the following:

Since the maximum length of each instruction in 2 bytes and the total area available in the
PLC is 512 bytes, the PLC program can have at the most 256 instructions.

PLC instructions code length (in bytes)

LD Pa.y 0 2
LDN Pa.y 1 2
OUT Pa.y 2 2
OUTN Pa.y 3 2
AND Pa.y 4 2
ANDN Pa.y 5 2
OR Pa.y 6 2
ORN Pa.y 7 2
ADD Pa, Pb, Pc 8 4
SUB Pa, Pb, Pc 9 4
MUL Pa, Pb, Pc 10 4
DIV Pa, Pb, Pc 11 4
SET Pa.y 12 2
RES Pa.y 13 2
END 15 2

The first 4 bits (b0..b3) of the first byte in each instruction contain the instruction code (see
table above).
In the first 8 logical instructions in the table (LD… ORN) as well as in SET and RES, the
remaining 4 bits of the first byte (b4..b7) contain the y value, while the second byte contains
the Pa value.

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In ADD, SUB, MUL and DIV mathematical instructions, the second byte contains the Pa
value, the third byte contains the Pb value, and the fourth byte contains the Pc value.
In the END instruction, the second byte is not used.

Instructions must follow each other beginning at address 0h and no byte can be left empty.
There is only one program and it is closed by an END instruction.

Serial link usage examples

In order to better understand how to implement the communication protocol via serial link,
some examples of each type of message are given below.
The values given are only indicative as examples.

First example: reading a 1 byte parameter

Suppose we want to read the value of parameter Pr25 (release software) and that its value is
43. Suppose also that the converter serial address is 0. The following message will be sent:

The converter responds with the following message:


Second example: reading a 2 byte parameter

Suppose we want to read the reference speed (Pr7) and that its value is 2000. Suppose also
that the converter serial address is 1. The following message will be sent:
The converter responds with the following message:

Third example: reading a 1 byte parameter

Suppose we want to select operating mode 110 (Pr181). Suppose also that the converter serial
address is 0. The following message will be sent:
The converter responds with the following message:

Fourth example: reading a 2 byte parameter

Suppose we want to set the rated current to 2.5 A (Pr33). Suppose also that the converter
serial address is 3. The following message will be sent:
The converter responds with the following message:

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Fifth example: setting a bit to 1

Suppose we want to send a command to save the PLC program (b42.14=1). Suppose also that
the converter serial is 0. The following message will be sent:
The converter responds with the following message:

Sixth example: setting a bit to 0

Suppose we want to disable the converter via software (b40.9=0). Suppose also that the
converter serial address is 0. The following message will be sent :
The converter responds with the following message:

Seventh example: reading a PLC instruction

Suppose we want to set the first PLC instruction as: LD 90.5. Suppose also that the converter
serial address is 0. The following message will be sent :
The converter responds with the following message:

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15.1 SBC Can

The converter has a CanBus interface based on the physical layer ISO/DIS11898. The Data
link layer is the full CAN version 2.0 part A (ID 11 bit) and a subset of the application layer
SBC Can is used.

The Can-bus on the converter has two operating modes.

The first operating mode is real time mode. This is used to establish a real time digital link
between the converters and a control unit that provides for path calculations and sends either
the position or the speed reference, or both, to the converters. The converters can thus trace
the motor actual position (Pb230.2=1). Real time mode is active when Pr181=140.
The second operating mode is communication mode. This is used to write or read all
parameters of each converter connected to the bus. This function is very useful when you
want to use the motion functions that have already been implemented in the base software of
the converter. The communication mode is automatically set when Pr181≠140.
The Can node address must be set on Pr261 with values ranging from 1 to 15.
The transmission speed is given by a combination of parameters Pr181 and Pr260 as shown in
the following table.

Pr260 Pr181≠140 Pr181=140

0 125 kbps 1 Mbps
1 1 Mbps
2 500 kbps
3 250 kbps
4 125 kbps
5 50 kbps
6 20 kbps
7 10 kbps

All changes in speed, address or function mode are activated using the b79.5 command or
when the converter is powered on again.

Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr260 BAUDRATE CAN. CAN line transmission W 0÷32767 1 1
speed programming code.
Pr261 CAN address. Indicates CAN address value. W 0÷127 1 1

Par. Description Field Def.

b79.5 CAN initializing command. Command to reinitialize CAN W 0
communication whenever the speed or the address value (Pr260 and
Pr261) of the CAN line have been changed. This is in any case
initialized when the converter is powered on.

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15.1.1 Description of fields in real time mode

Cyclic message from master to slave converter

Cyclic data
Data length 8/6/4 bytes
Field Name Position Reference Speed Reference Command
Contents Pr200:201(32 bit) Pr182 (16 bit) Pr183 (16 bit)
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
A2 A1 A0 X X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 A3

A0:A3 Converter slave address (Pr261), valid values 1..15.

Pr183 is used as a command and can be managed by the Pico-PLC.
Based on the length of the message, the data received are interpreted as follows.

Data length Contents Contents Contents

8 Position reference (4 byte) Speed reference (2 byte) Pr183 (2 byte)
6 Position reference (4 byte) Pr183 (2 byte)
4 Speed reference (2 byte) Pr183 (2 byte)

Synchronism message from master to slave converter

Synchronism message
Data length 1 byte
Field Name Sync
Contents Sync type (8 bit)
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
0 0 0 X X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Type 0 synchronism (Sync = 0): each drive activates the speed and position references and
saves the current motor position. If b230.2=1, the drive responds with a “cyclic reply”.
Type 1 synchronism (Sync = 1): saves the current motor position. If b230.6=1, the drive
responds with a “cyclic reply”.

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Cyclic message from slave converter to master

Cyclic reply
Data length 6/7 byte
Field Name Address Motor Position Status
Data Pr261 (8bit) Pr202:203(32 bit) Pr184
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
A2 A1 A0 X X X X X 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 A3

A0:A3 Converter slave address (Pr261), valid values 1..15.

Parameter Pr184 is used as a status, if b230.3 is = 0, all 16 bits are transmitted
if it is = 1, only the first 8 bits are transmitted.
Assuming that b230.0=1, the message will have a total length of 8 bytes and Pr184 will be
made of 16 bits whatever is the setting of b230.3. Assuming that b230.0=1, the message will
contain the following information:

Byte 0 Byte 7
7bit 6bit 5bit 4bit 3bit 2bit 1bit 0bit 7bit 6bit 5bit 4bit 3bit 2bit 1bit 0bit
MSB LSB In3 In2 In1 In0

Torque Input

Multiple cyclic message from master to slave converter

MultiCyclic data
Data length 2,4,6,8 byte
Field Name Speed Speed Reference Speed Reference 2 Speed Reference 3
Reference0 1
Contents Pr182 (16 bit) Pr182 (16 bit) Pr182 (16 bit) Pr182 (16 bit)
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
0 A1 A0 X X X X X 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

This type of message holds various information that are going to be addressed to multiple
slave converters. To identify the address logic used, see the following table that shows how
the speed reference values (Pr 182) are addressed to the various converters, based on the value
of A0:A1=group address.

A0:A1 Speed reference 0 Speed reference 1 Speed reference 2 Speed reference 3

0 Drive 1 Drive 2 Drive 3 Drive 4
1 Drive 5 Drive 6 Drive 7 Drive 8
2 Drive 9 Drive 10 Drive 11 Drive 12
3 Drive 13 Drive 14 Drive 15

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Multiple synchronism message from master to slave converter

MultiSynchronism message
Data length 1,2,3,4 byte
Field Name Command 0 Command 1 Command 2 Command 3
Contents Pr183 (8bit) Pr183 (8bit) Pr183 (8bit) Pr183 (8bit)
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
0 0 0 X X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

Each drive activates the speed references and stores the current motor position. If b230.2=1,
the drive responds with a “cyclic reply”.
To this end, consider that, being a message directed to multiple converters, you need to be
able to define which converters the “command” (first 8 bits of Pr183) is directed to. This
information is reported in the following table:

Drive Command0 Command 1 Command 2 Command 3

Drive1 YES
Drive2 YES
Drive3 YES
Drive4 YES
Drive5 YES
Drive6 YES
Drive7 YES
Drive8 YES
Drive9 YES
Drive10 YES
Drive11 YES
Drive12 YES
Drive13 YES
Drive14 YES
Drive15 YES

Thus we can conclude that each command is composed of 8 bits and is shared by multiple
converters. The user defines the bits within each command by programming the Pico-PLC of
each converter.

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Acyclic data write or parameter request message from master to slave converter

Acyclic data write or request

Data length 7 byte
Field Name Cmd & Len Data Address Data
Contents 5 bit command and 3 bit length 16 bit data address 32 bit data
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
A2 A1 A0 X X X X X 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 A3

A0:A3 Slave converter address (Pr261), valid values 1..15.

Cmd & Len Sub-field Value Significance

Cmd [0..4] 0 Read request
1 Write
2 SET bit Pr = Pr .OR. Data
3 RESET bit Pr = Pr.AND.(.NOT.Data)
4 TOGGLE bit Pr = Pr .XOR. Data
5-31 Not used
Len [5..7] 0-4 Number of significant bytes in the field

Data Address

This is the address of the parameter involved in the operation (parameter number * 2).
The addresses of PLC instructions are ranging from 8192 to 8704.
The addresses of CAMMA tables are: (1) from 4096 to 4609, (2) from 4610 to 5123, (3) from
5124 to 5637, (4) from 5638 to 6151.

When the parameter is written, it contains the value of the parameter itself..
If one or more bits are modified, it contains the mask of the bits to be modified. If case of a
parameter read request, the field has no significance. In case of PLC program writing, it
contains the instruction code (see Serial interface).

Acyclic response message to a parameter request from slave converter to master

Data reply
Data length 5 bytes
Field Name Addr & Spare Data
Contents Pr261 32 bit reply data
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
A2 A1 A0 X X X X X 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 A3

A0:A3 Slave converter address (Pr261), valid values 1..15.

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Broadcast write parameter message from master to slave converter

Broadcast data write

Data length 7 bytes
Field Name Cmd & Len Data Address Data
Contents 5 bit command and 3 bit length 16 bit data address 32 bit data
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
1 1 1 X X X X X 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1

Cmd & Len Sub-field Value Significance

Cmd [0..4] 0 Not used
1 Write
2 SET bit Pr = Pr .OR. Data
3 RESET bit Pr = Pr.AND.(.NOT.Data)
4 TOGGLE bit Pr = Pr .XOR. Data
5-31 Not used
Len [5..7] 0-4 Number of significant bytes in the field

Data Address
This is the address of the parameter involved in the operation (parameter number * 2). The
addresses of PLC instructions are in the range 8192 to 8704.
The addresses of CAMMA tables are: (1) from 4096 to 4609, (2) from 4610 to 5123, (3) from
5124 to 5637, (4) from 5638 to 6151.

When the parameter is written, it contains the value of the parameter itself..
If one or more bits are modified, it contains the mask of the bits to be modified. In case of
PLC program writing, it contains the instruction code (see Serial interface).

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Alarm message from slave converter to master

Data length 3 bytes
Field Name Addr Error
Contents Pr261 Pr23
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
A2 A1 A0 X X X X X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 A3

A0:A Slave converter address (Pr261), valid values 1..15.

This type of message will be sent by the converter to the bus if the converter changes its alarm
status (alarm 0 = no alarm).

To evaluate the minimum sampling time, use the following formula:

Tcmin = ( Nr + Nt + 5 ) * 0.12
where: Tcmin is the minimum sampling time in milliseconds
Nr is the number of axes that receive the reference
Nt is the number of axes that transmit the feedback
The0.12 constant is referred to a speed of 1 Mbps

Note 1: In real time mode, you can use bit 230.15, which is set to 1 each time the
synchronism and multisynchronism message is received via SBCCAN.
Based on the above considerations, by simply adding a program to the Pico-PLC, you will be
able to ensure that the communication between master and slave via CAN-bus is active.

It is important to consider that, in this way, the communication via CAN-bus will be checked
every 6.144 [ms] or multiple thereof (minimum time required to complete the scanning of the
Pico-PLC program).
It should also be noted that both Pr184 (Status) and Pr183 (Command) must be managed in
each converter by an appropriate Pico-PLC program.

Note 2: if cyclic sync and data ≤6msec, the data can come immediately before and after the
sync, otherwise the sync shall be kept at least at 150 µsec from the data.

Note 3: in order to transmit multi-cyclic and cyclic data on the same CAN network, keep a
minimum distance of 150 µsec in between. The same principles should be applied to sync and
multisync messages.

The typical timing of the SBCCAN in real time mode is shown in the diagram on the next

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Feedback from drive1 Feedback from drive2 Feedback from drive3 Feedback from drive4

T X reference Sync RX Feedback Change Pr of drive X Tx reference

2 1 >400µs

cyclic msg to drive1 cyclic msg to drive 2

cyclic msg to drive 3 cyclic msg to drive 4

1 TC

TX reference Sync RX Feedback Require Pr of drive X Drive X reply Tx reference

1 3 TC

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15.1.2 Description of fields in communication mode

Data write message or parameter request from master to slave converter

Data write or request

Data length 7 bytes
Field Name Cmd & Len Data Address Data
Contents 5 bit command and 3 bit length 16 bit data address 32 bit data
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
A2 A1 A0 X X X X X 0 A4 0 0 1 0 0 A3

A0 A4 Hi-drive slave address (Pr261), valid values 1...31.

Cmd & Len Sub-field Value Significance

Cmd [0..4] 0 Read request
1 Write
2 SET bit Pr = Pr .OR. Data
3 RESET bit Pr = Pr.AND.(.NOT.Data)
4 TOGGLE bit Pr = Pr .XOR. Data
5-31 Not used
Len [5..7] 0-4 Number of significant bytes in the data field

Data Address
This is the address of the parameter involved in the operation (parameter number * 2).
The PLC instructions have addresses in the range 8192 to 8704.
The addresses of CAMMA tables are: (1) from 4096 to 4609, (2) from 4610 to 5123, (3) from
5124 to 5637, (4) from 5638 to 6151.

When the parameter is written, it contains the value of the parameter.
If one or more bits are modified, it contains the mask of the bits to be modified.
If case of a parameter read request, the field has no significance.
In the case of PLC program data writing, it contains the instruction code (see Serial Interface).

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Response message to a parameter request from slave converter to master

Data reply
Data length 5 byte
Field Name Addr & Spare Data
Contents Pr261 (8bit) 32 bit reply data
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
A2 A1 A0 X X X X X 0 A4 0 1 1 0 0 A3

A0 A4 Slave converter address (Pr261), valid values 1..31.

Broadcast write parameter message from master to slave converter

Broadcast data write

Data length 7 byte
Field Name Cmd & Len Data Address Data
Contents 5 bit command and 3 bit length 16 bit data address 32 bit data
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
1 1 1 X X X X X 0 A4 1 0 0 0 1 1

Cmd & Len Sub-field Value Significance

Cmd [0..4] 0 Not used
1 Write
2 SET bit Pr = Pr .OR. Data
3 RESET bit Pr = Pr.AND.(.NOT.Data)
4 TOGGLE bit Pr = Pr .XOR. Data
5 Not used
Len [5..7] 0-4 Number of significant bytes in the data field

Data Address
This is the address of the parameter involved in the operation (parameter number * 2). The
addresses of PLC instructions are ranging from 8192 to 8704.
The addresses of CAMMA tables are: (1) from 4096 to 4609, (2) from 4610 to 5123, (3) from
5124 to 5637, (4) from 5638 to 6151.

When the parameter is written, it contains the value of the parameter.
If one or more bits are modified, it contains the mask of the bits to be modified.
In the case of PLC program data writing, it contains the instruction code (see Serial Interface).

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Alarm message from slave converter to master

Data length 3 bytes
Field Name Addr Error
Contents Pr261 Pr23
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
A2 A1 A0 X X X X X 0 A4 0 1 0 0 0 A3

A0 A4 Slave converter address (Pr261), valid values 1..31.

This type of message will be sent by the converter to the bus if the converter changes its alarm
status (alarm 0 = no alarm).

15.1.3 Description of extended message set #2

The extended message set 2 enables the exchange of memory areas between the master and
the converters both in communication and real-time modes. Data exchange is still
synchronous. The master transmits the data to all converters, which then save it in a
temporary buffer. Then the master transmits the synchronism message, and the drives, when
they receive this message, will copy the data blocks received from the temporary buffer to the
parameter area and will reply to the master with their own parameter sets.

Data send message from master to slave converter

Block send
Data length 8 byte
Field Name Data
Contents 64 bit of data
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
A2 A1 A0 X X X X X 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 A3

A0:A3 Drive address valid values 1..15.

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Data synchronism message from master to slave converter

Block sync
Data length 0 byte
Field Name
Contents No data
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
0 0 0 X X X X X 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The data received are saved from Pr100 to Pr103, and parameters Pr104 to Pr107 are
transmitted using the following message:

Reply from slave converter to master

Block reply
Data length 8 byte
Field Name Data
Contents 64 bit of data
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
A2 A1 A0 X X X X X 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 A3

A0:A3 Drive unit address valid values 1..15.

Note 1: just like in real time mode, you can use bit 79.14, which is set to1 each time block
sync is received via SBCCAN. Based on the above considerations, by simply adding a
program to the Pico-PLC, you will be able to ensure that the communication between master
and slave via CAN-bus is active.

It is important to consider that, in this way, the communication via CAN-bus will be checked
every 6.144 ms or multiple thereof (minimum time required to complete the scanning of the
Pico-PLC program).

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15.2 CAN Open:

An alternative to the SBCCAN protocol is CANopen with the following implementations and

The Can node address must be set on Pr261 with values ranging from 1 to 127. The
transmission speed is given by the setting of parameter Pr260, as shown in the following

Pr260 0
0 125 kbps
1 1 Mbps
2 500 kbps
3 250 kbps
4 125 kbps
5 50 kbps
6 20 kbps
7 10 kbps

All changes in speed, address or function mode are activated using the b79.5 command or
when the converter is powered on again.

Par. Description Field Range Def. Res.

Pr260 BAUDRATE CAN. CAN line transmission speed W 0÷327 1 1
programming code. 67
Pr261 CAN address. Indicates CAN address value. W 0÷127 1 1

Par. Description Field Def.

b79.5 CAN initializing command. Command to reinitialize CAN W 0
communication whenever the speed or the address value (Pr260 and
Pr261) of the CAN line have been changed. This is in any case
initialized when the converter is powered on.

The following objects are available based on CANopen Pre-defined Connection Set:

Objects Function code COB-Ids Index

NMT object 0000 0x00 -
EMERGENCY object 0001 0x81-0xff 0x1014
SDO (tx) object 1011 0x581-0x5ff 0x1200
SDO (rx) object 1100 0x601-0x67f 0x1200
NMT Error Control
1100 0x701-0x77f 0x100c- 0x100d
(Node guarding)

NMT object :
NMT state machine (DS301)

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NMT Error Control & Boot Up Protocol:

- Boot Up
- Node Guarding

EMERGENCY object :
Below is a description of emergency object implementation:

Emergency message from Drive to master

Emergency message
Data length 8 byte
Field Name Error code Err. Reg Drive address Data
Contents 16 bit code 8 bit error 8 bit address 32 bit reply data
ID2 ID1 ID0 - - - - - ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3
A2 A1 A0 X X X X X 0 0 0 1 A6 A5 A4 A3

A0:A6 Drive address (Pr261), valid values 1..127.

A warning message and a pop-up message are available for this object. The latter can be sent
by setting an appropriate command.

The alarm message is sent each time that the current alarm status (Pr23) changes, so that when
a new alarm occurs (or when the alarms are reset) the value 0x01 is sent to the field Err.Reg,
and the least significant byte of the Data field will contain the drive’s alarm code.
The alarm message transmission can be prevented by setting bit 78.0 to 1.

The Error Code field will contain a specific code based on the different drive alarm:
- Er01 (overvoltage) : 0x3210
- Er02 (undervoltage) : 0x3220
- Er03 (overcurrent) : 0x2340
- Er04 (speed fbk alarm) : 0x7310
- Er05 (motor over-temperature) : 0xff07
- Er06 (module over-temperature) : : 0x4310
- Er07 (aux trip 1) : 0xff00
- Er08 (aux trip 2) : 0xff01
- Er10 (checksum PLC) : 0x6310
- Er11 (checksum Parameters): 0x6310
- Er15 (default Parameters) : 0x6320
- Er16 (calibration alarm) : 0xff03
- Er17 (internal alarm type 1) : 0xff08
- Er20 (internal alarm type 2) : 0xff0a
- Er21 ( undervoltage 24VDC alarm) : 0x5112
- Er22 (ambient over-temperature alarm) : 0x4110
- Er23 (internal alarm type 3) : 0xff0c
- Er24 (braking transistor protection alarm) : 0xff0d
- Er25 (fbk speed loop initialization alarm) : 0xff0e

- Er26 (fbk pos loop initialization alarm) : 0xff0f

- Er28 (fbk pos loop alarm) : 0x7320

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When alarms are reset with b42.10, Error code field will be 0x0000.

A user pop-up message can be sent by setting command b79.12 to 1. In this case, the Error
Code field will be 0xFF09 and the Data field will contain the value in Pr108:109.
b 79.12 will be reset to 0 once the message has been sent.

SDO(tx/rx) object

Below is a list of the objects in the device dictionary:

Object dictionary:
0x1000 : Device type (301) RO
0x1001 : Error register RO
0x1014 : COB-ID emergency obj RO
0x1018 : Identity RO
0x100c :Guard time RO
0x100d : Life time factor RO
0x1200 : Server SDO parameters RO
0x2000-0x2001 : parameter read/write
0x2002-0x2003 : parameter bit set
0x2004-0x2005 : parameter bit reset
0x2006-0x2007 : Pico-PLC read/write
0x2008-0x2009 : TAB 0 table read/write
0x200A-0x200B : TAB 1 table read/write
0x200C-0x200D : TAB 2 table read/write
0x200E-0x200F : TAB 3 table read/write

As a general rule, sub_index 0 of indexes 0x2000..0x2005 represents the number of the

sub_indexes available, and the subsequent (1..N) sub_indexes represent the parameter number
concerned +1.

Sub_index 1 Pr[0]
Sub_index 2 Pr[1]
Sub_index n+1 Pr[n]

Example of device memory access by SDO:

Write Pr80 to the drive:
You will need to write the object by SDO with index-sub_index 0x2000-0x51 (80+1).
If the number of bytes written is greater than two, the operation will also change the
parameter Pr81.

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Read Pr60 from the drive:

You will need to read the object by SDO with index-sub_index 0x2000-0x3d (60+1). The
value returned will have a length of 4 bytes, the most significant of which will contain Pr61.
If they are not needed, they can simply be discarded.

Set bit 4 of Pr40:

You will need to write the object by SDO with index-sub_index 0x2002-0x29 (40+1) with the
value (0x0010) that represents in binary the bits involved in the operation, in our case bit 4.

Reset bits 4 and 5 of Pr40:

You will need to write the object by SDO with index-sub_index 0x2004-0x29 (40+1) with the
value (0x0030) that represents in binary the bits involved in the operation, in our case bits 4
and 5.

Write bytes 0 and 1 of the Pico-PLC area:

You will need to write the object by SDO with index-sub_index 0x2006-0x01 (0+1) with the
value corresponding to the operating code of the instruction to add. For example, the
instruction LD 90.0 requires the value 0x00 to be written in byte 0 and 0x5a in byte 1.

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A serial kit is available to communicate with the converter through a personal
computer. The kit includes a RS-422/RS-232 converter with a 220V~ power supply
unit and serial link cable. The installation requirements for the freely supplied
communication software MotionWiz are a personal computer (PII or higher
recommended) running on Windows* 98 or later, a mouse to navigate within the
program and a serial link to the converter. The main features of Motion Wiz are:
- serial connection to up to 32 converters reading and setting key parameters and
converter commands
- reading and setting operating mode parameters and commands
- functional block diagrams
- Pico-PLC programming in text and ladder format
- display of Pico-PLC program during operation
- status of inputs and outputs
- parameter setting storage, including Pico-PLC program in one file
- parameter setting loading, including Pico-PLC program from one of the
previously stored files (selectable)
- oscilloscope function

In order to get the line load resistances, connect pin 2 and 6 with a jumper on connector X8 of
the last converter connected in series.

*Windows and the Windows logo are registered marks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or in other countries .

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16.1 MotionWiz
The configuration tool is called “MOTIONWIZ” and is used to program the drive while
controlling the whole system in real time. PLC programs can also be edited and new files can
be generated.
The first step is to install the program*:
click on the icon “SetupMotionWiz.exe”

Follow the instructions that appear during the installation . An icon linking to the program
will be generated on your desktop at the end of the installation process :

Click on the icon to start the configuration program. The following window will be displayed
on your monitor:



File menu
Data on drive
Data on PC

It is possible to select the desired language: Italian or English.

How to generate a new file:
to set the data for motor and drive, use the databases provided by the software, that can be
accessed through the icons below the figures (when the drive and the motor pictures are out of
focus , it means that the relevant data have not been set yet).
Press “ENTER” to access the configuration functions.
How to use an existing file:
the “file menu” shows a list of most recent files. To open a file, click on a name in the list
Alternatively, using the “Open” tab it is possible to “search” previously stored files selecting
the relevant route.

* The MotionWiz program can be found on the CD rom supplied with the drive or downloaded from our website:

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16.2 Hyperterminal connection

16.2.1 Creating and setting a connection

In order to create a connection with Hi-Drive (on port X4) go through the following steps.
Launch the HyperTerminal program: start menu programs accessories
1. Create a new connection

2. Select port

3. Select communication port settings:

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The Baudrate (Bit per second) depends on the actual Hi-Drive setting, all other values are

4. Change terminal settings:

5. In the terminal window, select the menu file properties. Select the following settings

Enter commands as prescribed in the specifications of the ASCII protocol.

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16.2.2 ASCII protocol port RS-232

This is the protocol used on port TS232 of the drive.

This is used for a point-to-point communication. Therefore, only one driver can be connected
to this interface, and it is not necessary to enter the drive’s address.
The messages used in communication are reported in the table below, where the message
fields feature a “#”followed by a letter.

Field Description
Max Min
#a Parameter number NUM_PAR-1 0
#b Bit number 15 0
#c Pico-PLC instruction number 255 0
#d Table number N_TABLES-1 0
#e Point of the table number END_ADR - START_ADR 0
Word (16 bit) value (signed) 32767 -32767
#g 65535 0
#h Long (32 bit) value (signed) +232-1 -232
#i Bit status value 1 0
Pico-PLC instruction mnemonic code
[m] See the paragraph on Pico-PLC
(2, 3 or 4 characters)
#n 16 character Text Message string text
#1 Pico-PLC 1st operand See the paragraph on Pico-PLC
#2 Pico-PLC 2nd operand See the paragraph on Pico-PLC
#3 Pico-PLC 3rd operand See the paragraph on Pico-PLC
#n 16-char message string

NUM_PAR and N_TABLES, and START_ADR, END_ADR for each table can be read
directly in the drive through dedicated commands.

HI-Drive ASCII protocol: messages definition

Write Commands
Description Tx Format
Word parameter value P#a=#g<CR>
Long parameter value PL#a=#h<CR>
Bit status B#a.#b=#i<CR>
overwrite Pico-PLC instruction (#) I#c=#m#1.#2.#3<CR>
d word point value TABLE T#d.#e<CR>
d long point value TABLE TL#d.#e<CR>

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Read commands
Description Tx Format Rx Format
Word parameter value(*) P#a<CR> #g<CR><LF>
Long parameter value PL#a<CR> #h<CR><LF>
Bit status B#a.#b<CR> #I<CR><LF>
Pico-PLC instruction I#c<CR>
d word point value TABLE T#d.#e<CR> #g<CR><LF>
d long point value TABLE TL#d.#e<CR> #h<CR><LF>
Null command <CR> <CR><LF>
Command abort(**) xxxxxx<ESC> <CR><LF>
Error messages
Description RX message string
Write command success Ok<CR><LF>
Command aborted <CR><LF>
Syntax error or bad parameter or bit
Syntax Error<CR><LF>
number or value out of range
Pico-PLC in
Pico-PLC running
COM framing or overrun error
Buffer overflow (command too long)


(*) the drive requests a word with or without sign, depending on the parameter format.
- Word parameter and low/high word in a long parameter signed
- Signless Word and binary parameter unsigned

(**) the previously received characters are ignored and the command is aborted: the
drive responds as if it had received a void command.

(#) do not write instructions and do not save when the drive PLC is in RUN mode

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There is no difference between various cases as far as the reception of characters is

concerned; some special characters are used for the following functions:

Char HEX Description

SPACE 0x20 No meanings: any space character received will be removed as
BS 0x80 Delete last character: if one of these character is received the last
character received will be removed from the buffer
ESC 0x1B Abort: if this character is received the command line will be interrupted
and the buffer reset
CR 0x0D End of message: when this character is received the buffer is complete
so the command line can be interpreted
LF 0x0A Line feed: end of line

COM port settings

The communication is based on a standard RS232 model and Hi-drive has the following

COM port settings

Data bit 8
Parity None
Stop bit 1

The baudrate can be selected with the values listed in the table :

Hi-drive Response time

Baudrate Timout
9600 (*)
19200 (*)
38400 (*)
56700 (*)
(*) Under definition

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IDLE Pb. 0041

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The keyboard-display module is easy to use. It is used to program the functional data, control
the status of the converter and send commands. It can also store data and transfer them to
other drives. The module is equipped with five keys, located right under the display. The keys
are marked as follows respectively : [S], [+], [–], [T], [E].
The consists of two separate lines: the upper line indicates the drive status (left), the definition
of the displayed parameter, its number or the instruction line of the Pico-PLC. The lower line
shows the data (in case of a binary parameter, the number of bits can go from zero to fifteen,
right to left), or the instruction either of the command or of the Pico-PLC.
The keys functions are as follows:
- S, SHIFT, it is used in combination with the other keys to allow the pointer to move within
the fields:
o With T key, the movement within the fields is in the opposite direction (anti-
o With + or – key, to move the pointer within a field on a digit with major or less
“weight” : in this way the tens or hundreds digit can be modified , or…, to enter
those values that, otherwise, would take much longer, or to highlight the bit to be
modified within binary parameters. If the pointer is in the field with the Pico-PLC
instruction number, a new instruction line can be added (using +, the line is added
before the displayed instruction ), or deleted (using –).
- +, increases the data highlighted by the pointer; in case of PLC instructions, any time you
press the key a different instruction is shown. If it is used with the S key, it takes on
other functions (see definition of S key). In order to change the bit status, press and hold
1 sec.
- -, decreases the data highlighted by the pointer; in case of PLC instructions, any time you
press the key a different instruction is shown. If it is used with the S key, it takes on
other functions (see definition of S key). In order to change the bit status, press and hold
1 sec.
- T, this key is used to change the field highlighted by the pointer. With S key, the switch
between fields is in the opposite direction (anti-clockwise).
- E, ENTER, to confirm the data entered or modified. The modified or entered data or
instruction must be saved before going to the next screen, otherwise all changes will be
lost. The confirmation command is limited to what appears on the display, and not to all
parameters, instructions and tables. IMPORTANT: instructions can be modified even
when the Pico-PLC is running (Pr39.13=1). Before making any modifications, stop the

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The Pico-PLC instructions can be modified using the “+” and “-“ keys (ensure that the
pointer has been moved to highlight the Pico-PLC instruction). In order for a modification to
become effective, press “E”: a message confirming the modification is displayed .
The Pico-PLC instructions data can be modified using the “+” and “-“ keys (ensure that the
pointer has been moved to highlight the Pico-PLC instruction). In order for a modification to
become effective, press “E”: a message confirming the modification is displayed .
The value of decimal parameters and the parameter data in the tables can be modified using
the “+” and “-“ keys (ensure that the pointer has been moved to highlight the value of the
decimal parameter or the parameter value in the tables ).
The bit status in binary parameters can be modified using the “+” and “-“ keys (ensure that
the pointer has been moved to highlight the bit to be modified). The bits are numbered from 0
to 15 and are shown in growing order, right to left. In order to move the pointer between bits,
left to right, press the “S” and “+” keys simultaneously; to move the pointer between bits,
right to left, press the “S” and “-”keys simultaneously).
- The data format to be entered in the parameter is already set. If the data is not accepted it
means that its format does not match the required format.
- All double word parameters are displayed entirely, not limited to either the high word or
the low word. This makes it easier to understand the “long” parameter.
- The keypad can update and store all the parameter values in a 2Kbyte memory. Another
2Kbyte memory is dedicated to CAM tables. This system makes it easy to transfer the
stored data to other Hi-drive units.
- Error messages are also displayed on the screen.
- Whenever entering a Pico-PLC instruction, in order for the entered instruction to be saved,
press the Enter key. Otherwise, the previous instructions will remain effective.
- A confirmation message will be displayed: changing, inserting, deleting.
The parameter definition can be identified by the following markings: Pr (parameter), Pb
(binary parameter), In (Pico-PLC instruction), Cmd (commands), T (tables):
Pr. xx Indicates parameter xx for 16 bit word.
PL. xx Indicates parameter xx for 32 bit word, marked as long parameters.
Pb. xx Indicates the binary parameter at 16 bit xx.
In. xx Indicates the xx instruction number of the Pico-PLC program.
Ty. xx Parameter table, y indicates the table number, xx is the parameter number.
Cmd send keypad command. The type of command is displayed on the second line.
Here follows a list of possible commands (the pointer must be positioned in the second line.
Other commands can be seen using the + key):
Upload and download of parameters and tables. The data are stored in the Eeprom.
Upload and download of Pico-PLC instructions. The data are stored in the Eeprom.
Reduction or enlargement of the display menu. The enlarged menu can display all
parameters (in order to see all parameters, press the Enter key to activate this function).
Each command must be performed from the command Enter. Through these commands the
settings can be transferred between drives. Ensure that the drive and motor versions where the
parameters will be applied have been correctly identified: ensure that drive and motor have
the same features.

The following messages may be displayed on the screen, in addition to the value of the
parameters and the instructions of the Pico-PLC:
IdLE At start up. It indicates that the converter is disabled.
run At start up and by Pr0, this message indicates that there is no alarm and that the
converter is enabled. The motor shaft may be rotating.

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Er. xx This message indicates that the converter has detected an alarm (xx indicates the
alarm code) and has therefore been disabled. When it detects an alarm, the
converter is brought to Pr0 and the alarm code is displayed.
dEF Indicates that the drive is set to default status and must be programmed using the
motor key parameters. Error code = 15.
It is possible to select what parameter you want to be displayed when the drive is powered on.
Follow the procedure below: connect the keypad to the drive to power it up; move to the
parameter you want to be displayed. Press Enter. A “default parameter” message is displayed
on the screen, warning that the previous setting has been changed. Switch off the keypad
(disconnect the keypad from the drive) and switch it on again (connecting it to the drive).

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18 Appendix A : Conventions
Reference Positive
Motor shaft movement(motor shaft
Torque Positive
Resolver counter Increments
Encoder output
Tachometer signal Positive
Iu torque • sin (ϑ )
⎛ 2•π ⎞
Iv torque • sin ⎜ϑ + ⎟
⎝ 3 ⎠
Encoder In. A
Counter increment
Frequency A
Counter increment
Direction B

19 Appendix B : Flash information












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20 Appendix C : Software timing

Period Task
64 µs Current control
128 µs Speed control
512 µs Fast operating mode management
128 µs Torque limit management
128 µs Speed reference management
512 µs Braking resistor management
1.024 ms Slow operating mode management
6.144 ms Thermal motor image
6.144 ms Digital inputs
6.144 ms Pico-PLC program scanning
6.144 ms Digital outputs
6.144 ms Speed window management

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21 Appendix D : Continuous working

In continuous operation, the power supplied to the drive must not go beyond the limit curves
shown in the following figures.
The limit power depends on the voltage and frequency of the supply network.

HID2 – 1-phase supply network

325 50 Hz
Pout [W]

200 60 Hz
100 150 200 250 300

Vac phase – neutral [V]

HID2 – 3-phase supply network

900 50 Hz
Pout [W]

700 60 Hz
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

Vac phase – phase [V]

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HID5/HID8 – 1-phase supply network





50 Hz
Pout [W]


60 Hz



100 150 200 250 300 350

Vac phase – neutral [V]

HID5/HID8 – 3-phase supply network




50 Hz
Pout [W]



1400 60 Hz


100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

Vac phase – phase [V]

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HID16/HID25 – 1-phase supply network





50 Hz
Pout [W]


900 60 Hz




100 150 200 250 300

Vac phase – neutral [V]

HID16/HID25 – 3-phase supply network




50 Hz
Pout [W]


2300 60 Hz



150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

Vac phase – phase[V]

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22 Appendix E : Alarms
Code in Pr23 Alarm Remedies
0 No alarm
1 Overvoltage Check the three-phase power line.
Check the break circuit and the braking resistor
Check the application
2 Undervoltage Check the three-phase power line.
3 Overcurrent Check for any mechanical blockage and make
sure the motor is the appropriate size for its
current use.
Check the motor connections and any phase-
phase or phase-ground short-circuits.
Check the length and type of the motor cable in
Make sure a mains filter isn’t connected to the
4 Speed loop FBK error Check the connections of the speed loop and the
connectors on both sides (drive-motor).
5 PTC motor alarm -Check the PTC connection cable.
-If the alarm persists, disable the drive, remove
power from the motor and de-energize the drive
(24VDC). Remove the PTC connector from the
drive, short –circuit the PTC (connecting PTC+
and PTC-) on the same drive terminal block.
Supply power to the drive (24VDC). If the alarm
persists, either the drive is in fault state, or the
PTC on the motor is in fault state. (at the end of
the test, remove the PTC short-circuiting
6 Power module Check the cooling fans and for any restrictions to
air flow.
overtemperature Check the breaking cycle.
Check the ambient temperature in the electric
cabinet where the drive is installed, as well as the
ambient temperature outside the cabinet.
7 External alarm Depends on the application (see Pico-PLC
8 Auxiliary alarm Depends on the application (see Pico-PLC
10 (*) PLC check sum Set and save default parameters, switch off and
on again the drive and repeat programming.
11 (*) Parameter check sum Set and save default parameters, switch off and
on again the drive and repeat programming.
15 Default parameters Set and save default parameters, switch off and
on again the drive and repeat programming.
21 Undervoltage 24VDC The drive input voltage is below the low limit :
voltage is too low.
22 Ambient over temperature Check the cooling fans and for any restrictions to
air flow.
Check the ambient temperature in the electric
cabinet where the drive is installed, as well as the
ambient temperature outside the cabinet.
24 Braking transistor Short-circuit braking resistance. If an external
braking resistor is connected to the drive, check
protection the resistor statures and wiring.
25 (**) Speed loop FBK Check the speed FBK settings.
initialization error Check the speed FBK connection.

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Code in Pr23 Alarm Remedies

26 (**) Position loop FBK Check the position FBK settings.
initialization error Check the position FBK connection.

28 Position loop FBK error Check the connections of the position loop and
the connectors on both sides (drive-motor).
I 2T Current limit (I2T) The drive goes in I2T mode due to an overload
(the current required is more than the current that
“the red led is can be supplied).
blinking Check :
The wiring between drive and motor (there
continuously ” should be no inverted phases). Take special care
with motors where the connector is replaced by a
terminal block : it’s easy to make a mistake.
Adhere strictly to the wiring diagrams.
- Mechanical dimensioning

(*) reset only after default values have been loaded and saved.
(**) can be only reset at the next power on.


undervoltage Drive ok
overcurrent 41.4
Speed loop FBK error
41.7 “0”
41.8 Hardware enable
Check Sum PLC Software enable 40.9
Check Sum parameter
Undervoltage 24V
Pr76 41.6
Mbient overtemperature

Braking resistance protection Encoder phasing Phasing ok

Speed FBK initializing error
Position FBK initializing error
Position loop FBK error

PTC alarm active

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23 History of manual revisions

Any time the manual is updated, the new or modified parts are identified by a symbol (✎)
beside the text.
Rev. 0 November 2004
First edition: total pages: 150
Rev. 0.1 October 2005
Introduction of the product
HID35 and HID45
Programmable outputs adjourned

For other informations log into website Aranges to the manual data can be made by
the manufacturer without advance notice. The data shown in the manual correspond to the specifications
relating to the revision date

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