Corrosive Injury of The Upper Gastrointestinal Tract - The Evolving Role of A Radiologist
Corrosive Injury of The Upper Gastrointestinal Tract - The Evolving Role of A Radiologist
Corrosive Injury of The Upper Gastrointestinal Tract - The Evolving Role of A Radiologist
Corrosive injury is a devastating injury which carries significant morbidity. The upper gastrointestinal tract is predomi-
nantly affected with severity ranging from mild inflammation to full thickness necrosis which may result in perforation
and death. Among the complications, stricture formation is most common, causing dysphagia and malnutrition. Endos-
copy has a pivotal role in the diagnosis and management, with a few shortcomings. Imaging has an important role to
play. Besides radiography, there is an increasing role of CT scan in the emergency setting with good accuracy in identi-
fying patients who are likely to benefit from surgery. Further, CT scan has a role in the diagnosis of complications. Oral
contrast studies help in assessing the severity and extent of stricture formation and associated fistulous complications
in the subacute and chronic phase. The scope of intervention radiology for this condition is increasing. Fluoroscopy-
guided balloon dilatation, drainage of collections or mucoceles, endovascular embolization of point bleeders, place-
ment of feeding jejunostomy and image-guided biopsy are among the procedures that are being performed. Through
this review we aim to stress the role the radiologist plays in the diagnosis and follow-up of these patients and in
performing radiological interventions. Besides this, we have also highlighted few salient points to help understand the
pathophysiology and management of such injuries which is paramount to ensure a good long-term outcome.
The common acids which are commercially available are in the the mucosa and then transmural necrosis, which may result in
form of toilet cleaners (hydrochloric acid), storage battery acids perforation.
(sulphuric acid), jewellery cleaners (hydrochloric and nitric acid
in a 3:1 proportion), and certain metal cleaners (phosphoric Phase II (1–2 weeks): In the first week following injury, gran-
acid). ulation tissue begins to replace the mucosal slough. Fibroblast
infiltration starts around the second week and this marks the
Alkalis, on the other hand, are tasteless and odourless, and thus beginning of tissue repair.
larger quantities are usually ingested.6 They are more viscous,
which leads to longer contact time with the tissue and cause Phase III (third week to months): In this phase, there is increased
liquefactive necrosis, thus resulting in deeper penetration and fibroblastic activity and scarring which results in the formation
increased risk of adjacent organ injury.4 Alkalis have neutral- of a stricture in due course of time. There is completion of re-ep-
ising action on the acid in the stomach and avoid pyloric spasm, ithelisation by the sixth week.
making the stomach less prone to injury.10 The common alkalis
available are drain cleaners (30% liquid sodium hydroxide) and CLINICAL PRESENTATION
household cleaners (70% sodium hypochlorite). In the presence of relevant history, the diagnosis is obvious. In the
acute phase of the illness, patients present with intense oropha-
Although it was initially thought that acids more commonly ryngeal and chest pain, associated with vomiting, excessive sali-
affect the stomach and alkalis, the oesophagus’ this belief has been vation and drooling.12 Haematemesis may also be present in few
recently questioned.4 Strong acids and alkali (pH <2 and >12, cases. Upper airway involvement leads to respiratory distress,
respectively) cause more severe and transmural injury and can stridor and hoarseness. Severe chest pain radiating to the back,
also cause systemic side effects such as electrolyte imbalances.11 with episodes of fever and cough may suggest oesophageal perfo-
ration.13 Epigastric pain or severe abdominal pain can occur in
The nature of injury caused by a corrosive agent depends upon the presence of gastric injury.
various factors such as the type and property of the ingested
agent, its concentration and the intent of ingestion with injury In the chronic phase, scarring and fibrosis lead to oesophageal
being more severe in suicidal as compared to accidental inges- stricture which present as dysphagia, regurgitation, substernal
tion.5 When the agent is in solid form or is immediately expelled, discomfort or recurrent aspiration.8,14 Gastric strictures present
the organs which suffer significant injury are the oral cavity, with vomiting, early satiety and weight loss.8 Laryngeal or
pharynx and upper oesophagus. In cases where the agent is in epiglottic involvement may lead to stridor, hoarseness or recur-
liquid form or is ingested in larger quantities, the distal oesoph- rent aspirations.15 Recurrent pulmonary infections are noted in
agus and the stomach are mostly affected.5 The pathological cases of oesophago-bronchial or oesophago-pulmonary fistulas.
changes are usually similar with both these agents. Based on the In long-standing cases, years after the episode of ingestion, there
time elapsed after ingestion of the corrosive agent, pathological may be malignant transformation of the involved segment of the
changes in the upper GIT vary and have been divided into three GIT (more common with alkali ingestion) and the patients may
phases.12 present with new onset or progressive dysphagia and neck or
chest pain.16
Phase I (within 24 h): Initially, there are mucosal erosions and
ulcerations followed by small vessel thrombosis, haemorrhage IMAGING MODALITIES
and inflammation. With increasing severity, there is extensive Diagnosis is usually based on history and clinical examination.
thrombosis of the submucosal vessels that leads to necrosis of Radiological investigations help in assessing the severity of
injury and aiding further management.
Figure 1. Plain radiographs. (a) Chest radiograph of a
40-year-old male with suicidal acid ingestion with subsequent Plain radiograph
oesophageal perforation showing left hydropneumothorax. Chest and abdominal radiographs are usually the initial investi-
(b) Chest radiograph of a 35-year-old male 1 week after sui- gations carried out in the emergency setting. The findings on the
cidal acid ingestion shows pneumomediastinum with large left
chest radiograph include pleural effusion, pneumomediastinum,
pleural effusion. (c) Abdominal radiograph of a 45-year-old
pneumothorax as well as nodules and consolidation secondary to
female with acid ingestion showing pneumoperitoneum due
aspiration pneumonitis (Figure 1).17 Abdominal radiograph may
to gastric perforation.
help in the diagnosis of pneumoperitoneum in cases of hollow
visceral perforation.18 Radiographs also help in the detection of
metallic foreign bodies such as button batteries.18,19
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Figure 2. Barium studies. Acute stage. (a) Barium swallow Figure 3. Endoscopy. Acute stage. (a) Endoscopy images of
of a 20-year-old female, presenting with dysphagia, one day two patients of acute corrosive injury show areas of linear
after corrosive ingestion shows long segment under disten- ulcers and necrosis in the oesophagus and (b) bleeding from
sibility of the thoracic oesophagus (arrows) with reduced circumferential esophageal ulcers.Chronic stage. (c) Endos-
frequency and strength of primary peristalsis (seen on fluor- copy image shows oesophageal stricture after 3 months of
oscopy). Chronic stage. (b) 18-year-old female with accidental corrosive injury. (d) Endoscopy image shows minimal residual
acid ingestion shows deformity of bilateral vallecula and pyri- stricture in the oesophagus after multiple sessions of dilata-
form sinus (arrows) with complete stricture. (c) A 20-year-old tion with oesophagus showing pseudotrachealisation. [Image
female with history of suicidal acid ingestion shows short seg- courtesy: Dr Soumya Jagannath and Dr Pramod K Garg,
ment stricture in the hypopharynx and upper cervical oesoph- Department of Gastroenterology, All India Institute of Medical
agus (arrow). (d) A 19-year-old girl with alkali ingestion shows Sciences, New Delhi, India].
a long- segment stricture in the oesophagus (white arrow)
with multiple diverticula (black arrows). (e) A 32- year-
female with acid ingestion shows long- segment stricture
with contained leak of barium into mediastinum (arrow). (f)
A 20-year-old male with suicidal acid ingestion shows distal
gastric stricture with diverticula in the gastric wall (arrows).
GIT.22,23 They help to assess the severity and the extent of the
disease prior to endoscopic or surgical treatment.21,23 Further-
more, they may demonstrate the presence of any fistulous
communications with adjacent viscera (trachea, bronchi, lungs,
pleura, peritoneum), diverticula, abnormal oesophageal motility
and gastro-oesophageal reflux (Figure 2).11 Another important
role of oral contrast study is in the evaluation of post-operative
patients, either for anastomotic site leaks immediately after
surgery or for anastomotic strictures during follow-up.
Endoscopy plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and management
if aspirated.20 Use of iso-osmolar non-ionic or low osmolar of patients with corrosive injury. Endoscopy is usually performed
contrast medium is preferred due to lower risk of pulmonary within 24–48 h after ingestion, and initial endoscopy after 96 h of
oedema.20 Oral contrast studies are usually performed once the corrosive ingestion is not advised because the injured oesophagus
patient is able to swallow liquids and are helpful in the patients is in the phase of ulceration and granulation tissue formation,
planned for non-operative management. Findings on the contrast when it is fragile and easily perforated.24,25 Endoscopic findings
study in the acute or subacute phase include diffuse oesophageal in acute setting help to classify patients based on the severity of
narrowing,(Figure 2A) reduced peristalsis of the oesophagus and mucosal injury and helps in prognostication (Figure 3A and B).
stomach with low-amplitude contractions, mucosal ulcerations The Zargar classification is used for grading the early endoscopic
and, in cases of transmural necrosis and perforation, leak of findings and treatment varies based on the severity of grading
contrast into the airway, mediastinum, pleural cavity or perito- (Table 1).25 Patients with no evidence of mucosal injury may
neal cavity.21 be discharged timely leading to reduced cost of hospital stay.
In patients with grade III injury based on endoscopy, surgery
The ideal time to perform barium studies is around the third is usually indicated. However, endoscopy is unable to differen-
week, when they can reliably define the characteristics of the tiate between superficial and transmural necrosis and based on
various abnormalities, particularly strictures, of the upper endoscopy alone unnecessary surgeries may be performed.24,26
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In the chronic stage, endoscopy plays a role in the diagnosis and injection and oesophageal stent placement may be performed for
treatment of strictures (Figure 3C and D). Endoscopic dilata- refractory strictures.27
tion of strictures is usually done at 3 weeks, after its diagnosis
on barium swallow study.24 In addition to dilatation, proce-
Computed Tomography (CT) scan
dures such as electrocision, intralesional steroid or mitomycin-C
Emergency CT is increasingly being used in the evaluation of
acute corrosive injury.5,28,29 In view of the disadvantages of
Figure 4. CT grades of acute corrosive injury (Ryu et al) of endoscopy described above, CT becomes a good alternative to
upper gastrointestinal tract with schematic diagrams and assess the degree of injury and triage patients for management.5
corresponding CT images. (a–c): Grade I: Normal wall thick- The World Society of Emergency Surgery consensus conference
ness (<3 mm) and enhancement. Oesophagus may be dilated in 2015 supported and reinforced the use of emergency CT scan
due to motility changes (arrows in b and c). (d–f): Grade II: in the management of acute corrosive injury.10
Wall oedema (>3 mm thick) with hypo-enhancement. Normal
serosa or adventitia (arrows in e and f). G–I: Grade III: Wall CT is increasingly being used to grade acute corrosive injury.
oedema (>3 mm thick) with surrounding soft tissue strand- Ryu et al, proposed a classification system for corrosive injury
ing (arrows in h and i). Sharp interface maintained with ser- of the upper GIT based on CT findings and showed that it was
osa (arrows). (j–l): Grade IV: Wall oedema (>3 mm thick) with better than the endoscopic grading in predicting long- term
surrounding soft tissue stranding (arrow in k) or collection
complications.28 The grading system by Ryu et al, defines four
(arrow in l) with loss of sharp interface with serosa.
grades with good endoscopic correlation (Figure 4).28 Grade
I: normal wall (thickness <3 mm); Grade II: wall oedema only
(thickness >3 mm); Grade III: wall oedema with surrounding
soft tissue stranding, with sharp interface; and Grade IV: wall
oedema with surrounding soft tissue stranding and ill-defined
interface with or without collection. Following this, Lurie et al,
in their study, concluded that early endoscopy is more sensitive
and cannot be replaced by CT alone.30 Their grading were similar
to that of Ryu et al, except that their highest grade included air
bubbles in the organ wall and around it. Although CT had a high
sensitivity of 90%, the specificity was only 30–40%. This conclu-
sion was challenged by other studies which found that using CT
for Grade 3b injuries improved patient survival and decreased
management costs and CT outperformed endoscopy in deciding
between operative and non-operative management.26,31 The high
interobserver agreement between specialised and general radiol-
ogists in assessing the oesophagus for transmural involvement
allows this modality to be used outside tertiary-care centres.5
Based on the presence and extent of oesophageal and gastric wall
enhancement on CT scan, which determines viability, another
classification was defined by Chirica et al.5 Their classification
is defined as follows: Grade I: normal appearing organs; Grade
II: wall oedema with surrounding soft tissue inflammation and
post-contrast wall enhancement; and Grade III: absence of post-
contrast wall enhancement, suggesting transmural involvement.
Although the classification by Ryu et al, is commonly used at
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Figure 5. A 31-year-old female with suicidal acid ingestion. (a) oesophageal – airway fistulas, oesophageal or gastric mucocele
Barium study shows long-segment stricture of distal stomach formation due to post-surgical isolation or closed obstruction
(black arrow) with diverticula (white arrows). (b) Coronal CT due to severe strictures at two sites and more importantly, malig-
image shows gross low-density smooth thickening of distal nancies developing in the oesophagus post- caustic injury.32
body of the stomach (arrow) consistent with fibrosis. Furthermore, CT scan helps in the evaluation of post-operative
complications and can act as a guide for interventions like
drainage of collections and mucoceles.33
Besides oesophageal and gastric evaluation, CT scan also allows Pulmonary complications: Pulmonary complications include
assessment of the chest, including the mediastinum and the pneumonia secondary to aspiration and opportunistic infections
abdomen for associated findings.30 These include aspiration in the lung secondary to reduced immune status and malnutri-
changes in the lungs, presence of pleural effusion, mediastinal tion (Figure 7).36 Other rare complications are fistulas such as
inflammation or collection, abdominal collections, pneumoperi- oesophago- bronchial fistula, oesophago- pulmonary fistula or
toneum and vascular complications like pseudoaneurysm. oesophago-pleural fistula or leaks, particularly in the acute stage
(Figure 7).37 Occasionally, there may be spontaneous rupture of
In the chronic setting, CT scan has limited role. However, it can an oesophageal mucocele into the airway.38
be used as an adjunct to oral contrast studies in the evaluation
of pharyngeal, oesophageal and gastric morphology in patients Perforation and collections: Perforation and development of
with absolute dysphagia (Figure 5). It is also useful in the assess- collections are uncommon complications and typically occur
ment of long-term complications like aspiration pneumonitis, in the acute stage and is associated with full thickness necrosis
of the oesophagus or stomach.22 Esophageal perforation may
result in pneumomediastinum and mediastinitis which may lead
Figure 6. A 27-year-old female, presenting with haematem-
to formation of mediastinal abscess. In cases of full thickness
esis, 3 weeks after corrosive intake. (a): Coronal CT image
stomach injury, pneumoperitoneum and abdominal collections
shows a small pseudoaneurysm arising from right gastro-
epiploic artery (arrow). (b–c): Digital subtraction angiography
may develop.17,22 Involvement of contiguous organs such as
images of gastroduodenal artery show the pseudoaneurysm
transverse colon and pancreas may also occur in rare instances.39
(arrow in c), which was successfully embolized using n-butyl
cyanoacrylate (arrow in c). Surgical complications: In the post- operative period, these
patients may develop anastomotic site leaks and collections
(Figure 8), presenting with fever and/or leucocytosis. Oral
contrast studies and CT scan help to identify the site of leak
and collection and aid in aspiration or drainage. One of the late
surgical complications is the development of anastomotic site
stricture (Figure 8).40 These patients present with persistent or
recurrent dysphagia. Rarely, in the late post-operative period,
the surgically isolated oesophagus or stomach with an intact
epithelium may distend due to retained secretions resulting in a
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Figure 7. Pulmonary complications. (a, b) A 32- year-old Figure 9. Malignancy. A 54-year-old male, with history of ret-
male with history of corrosive injury presenting with recur- rosternal gastric pull-
up for corrosive intake, 14 years ago,
rent cough. Barium swallow (a) shows contrast agent in both presenting with increasing upper chest pain. (a) Axial CT
bronchi (arrows) and axial CT scan (b) shows fistulous com- scan shows a homogeneous mass (thin arrow) in the region
munication between the oesophagus and left main bronchus of the native oesophagus encasing aorta. Pulled- up stom-
(arrow). (c–d) A 20-year-old male with history of suicidal alkali ach is noted (block arrow). (b) CT-guided biopsy of the mass
ingestion and repeated chest infections. Barium swallow (c) through extrapleural route showed squamous cell carcinoma.
shows leak of contrast agent into an area of retrocardiac con-
solidation (arrow) and axial CT image (d) shows oesophago-
pulmonary fistula and left lower lobe consolidation with oral
contrast agent in the alveoli. (e–f) A 34-year-old male, with
history of gastric pull up for corrosive injury, presenting with
cough, fever and weight loss. Axial CT images, mediastinal
(e) and lung (f) windows show necrotic mediastinal nodes
(arrow), nodules in left lower lobe (circle) and bilateral pleural
effusion (asterisks) suggestive of pulmonary tuberculosis.
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Figure 10. Drainage. (a) An 18-year-old male with history of collections, pleural effusion and ascites under image guidance
acid ingestion. Axial CT image shows an abdominal collec- (Figure 10).
tion with air-fluid level due to gastric perforation and place-
ment of pigtail catheter. (b) A 30-year-old female with acute In the chronic stage, the interventional radiologist has more roles
corrosive intake and respiratory distress. Frontal chest radio- to play. These include:
graph shows left pleural collection with pigtail catheter in situ.
(c,d) An 18-year-old female with history of corrosive injury 18 • Balloon dilatation or stenting of the oesophageal strictures
months back and surgical feeding jejunostomy presenting under fluoroscopy.
with abdominal distension and pain. Axial CT image (c) shows • Drainage of mucoceles and post-operative collections under
a large gastric mucocele (asterisk) due to pyloric stricture image guidance.
(arrow), which was drained under ultrasound guidance (d) by • Endovascular embolization of vascular complications like
pseudoaneurysm or active contrast leak.
• Percutaneous feeding jejunostomy.
• Image-guided biopsy for malignancy developing in the
surgically isolated oesophagus, where endoscopic approach is
not possible.
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Figure 11. Balloon dilatation. A 5-year-old male with history of Figure 12. Ablation of mucocele. A 23-year-old female with
accidental corrosive intake 4 months back and oesophageal pre-existing chest wall deformity and retrosternal gastric
stricture. Fluoroscopic spot shows balloon dilatation of the pull-up for accidental acid ingestion 1-year back, presenting
short-segment oesophageal stricture. Waist is noted at the with chest pain and dyspnoea due to mucocele. (a) Fluor-
stricture site (arrow). oscopic spot image shows the filling of the mucocele with
absolute alcohol mixed with iodinated contrast agent (arrow)
through a drainage catheter. The procedure was repeated
after 1 month. (b) Initial axial CT image shows the oesoph-
ageal mucocele (arrow). (c) Follow-up axial balanced turbo
field echo MR image after 4 months shows near complete
ablation of the oesophagus (arrow).
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CONCLUSION and play a major role in the disease evaluation, in both acute
Corrosive injuries of the upper GIT are rare but incapacitating. and chronic stages. Management requires a multidisciplinary
The disease can be devastating in both the acute and chronic team approach with the radiologist playing an important role in
forms and is potentially lethal. Their chronic sequelae increase grading the injury in the acute phase, assessing disease extent in
morbidity and considerably influence the quality of life. Oral the late phase and in performing radiological interventions in
contrast study and CT scan are the investigations of choice both phases.
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