SAV Achieving Low Return Temperatures From Radiators

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Achieving low return temperatures from radiators
Rev: 1.0 04/2018
Achieving low return temperatures from radiators

Maintaining network return temperatures as low as possible (ideally in the range 20-30 °C but not greater
than 40 °C) will significantly improve the carbon saving potential of a heat network.

Although this is true for any network design, it is particularly true for so called “4th Generation” heat
networks operating at temperature differentials (delta T values) of 60/30 °C or even 50/20 °C.

Note: Low temperature 4G Heat Networks offer far greater flexibility in

the choice of heat source. For example, where appropriate, low grade heat
sources supplying heated water at less than 60 °C can be used as the lead
heat source without the need for supplementary heat from a high-grade
heat source. This makes the network far more adaptable to future heat
source technologies. This evolution is depicted in the graph below; with
the industry moving towards renewables, the design temperatures are
lowered and a continuous improvement on the efficiency of heat
networks is observed.


Steam system, steam pipes Pressurised hot-water system Pre-insulated pipes Low energy demands
in concrete ducts Heavy equipment Industrialised compact Smart energy (optimum
Large ”build on site” stations substations (also with insulation) interaction of energy
Temperature < 200 o C Metering and monitoring sources, distribution
level and consumption)
2-way DH

> 100 o C

< 100 o C

50-60 oC (70 o C)

efficiency Future
Seasonal source
heat storage

Large scale solar Biomass

Large scale solar conversion
District heating grid

District cooling grid

CHP Biomass

PV, Wave
Wind surplus CHP
Industry surplus Electricity biomass
Centralised storage
Heat Heat Heat cooling plant
storage storage storage

CHP waste
Steam CHP coal CHP coal Centralised
storage CHP oil CHP oil Industry surplus heat pump

Coal Coal Gas, Waste CHP waste low energy
Waste Waste Oil, Coal incineration buildings
Local District Heating District Heating District Heating District Heating

(District Heating generation) /
1G / 1880-1930 2G / 1930-1980 3G / 1980-2020 4G / 2020-2050 Period of best
available technology

Achieving low return temperatures from radiators

But achieving low return temperatures from radiator circuits fed from the network can be difficult. Radiator
heat dissipation and operating temperatures are relatively unresponsive to changes in flow. High circuit flow
temperatures (>60 °C) add to the difficulty by increasing the required temperature drop across the radiator.

Low temperature space heating systems can help to address this problem. This could be “low temperature
radiator design”, underfloor-heating or a combination of both. These solutions are consistent with 4th
generation networks.

70 40 60 30

Principles of “low temperature radiator design”

For low temperature radiator designs, flow temperature should be no greater than 60 °C (60/30 °C Design).

Any concern that this might lead to large costly radiators is usually unfounded. Due to reduced heat loads,
low temperature radiator sizes in new buildings will not be much different from high temperature radiator
sizes in older less well insulated buildings.

For example, a radiator designed for 75/65/20 °C in a building with designed heat demand of 70 W/m² of
floor area will have almost the same size as a radiator designed for 55/25/20 °C in a low-energy building with
designed heat demand of 15 W/m² of floor area. Hence, reductions in the building heat demand shouldn’t be
viewed as an opportunity to reduce radiator sizes but as an opportunity to reduce network flow temperatures
and return temperatures.

Dimensioning radiator temperatures Dimensioning heat demand [W/m²]

Supply [ºC] Return [ºC] Indoor [ºC] 70 40 25 15

Relative radiator length [m]

75 65 20
1,0 0,6 0,3 0,2
70 40 20
1,7 1,0 0,6 0,4
60 30 20
2,9 1,7 1,1 0,6
55 25 20 4,6 2,6 1,6 1,0

Achieving low return temperatures from radiators

Flow control
Even with a flow temperature of 60 °C, achieving a return temperature of less than 40 °C remains a challenge.
Low temperature radiator design will require extremely good control over flow in order to maximise the
delta T and achieve low return temperatures.

Accurate flow control using conventional TRVs is difficult because radiator circuits inevitably experience
differential pressure variations as TRVs close. The reasons for this are illustrated below for a typical radiator
circuit arrangement. As TRVs close, the pressure differential across other circuits fed from the same branch
will increase towards the pressure held constant by a central differential pressure control valve (DPCV).
This will result in flow fluctuations (overflow & underflow) in the radiators that may increase system
return temperatures.

Achieving low return temperatures from radiators

To improve flow control through radiators, localised control of differential pressure is essential. Pressure
independent TRVs (or PITRVs), have been created that incorporate their own differential pressure controller.
These valves maintain a constant pressure differential across the TRV with no need for a separate DPCV.

The diagram below shows the operating principle. Flow is from left to right. The closing (control) part of
the valve is visible as the black valve plug which throttles flow passing through a centrally located opening.
On the other side of the opening is a spring operated differential pressure controller that responds to any
changes in overall pressure i.e. between P1 (inlet) and P3 (outlet). The result is that the pressure differential
across the control valve (i.e. P2 to P3) remains constant.

Using PITRVs, delta T values in the range 15-25 °C are possible.

Pt40 – Pressure Independent Thermostatic Radiator Valve

Max. working pressure 10 bar

Max. differential pressure 0.6 bar

Min. differential pressure 0.1 bar

Max. working temperature 95 ºC

Min. working temperature 2 ºC

Flow range 20-125 l/h

A further advantage of these valves is that design flow rates are settable. Conventional TRVs circuits have
to be set using an accompanying lockshield valve either by a crude temperature balance or a simplistic valve
setting technique. Circuits with PITRVs can be set to the correct peak design flow rate which should never
be exceeded under all operating conditions.

Achieving low return temperatures from radiators

Return Temperature control

In some cases, despite accurate flow control and correct balancing, the system may still suffer from elevated
return temperatures. Problems typically arise in bathrooms where towel rails are installed.

Towel rails usually only provide a small amount of heat which is often supplementary to another heat source
such as a radiator or under-floor heating circuit. Despite being a heat emitter, a towel rail does not give the
same level of convective heat output as a radiator. Furthermore, towels placed over the rails will effectively
insulate the rail surfaces thereby further reducing heat output and raising return temperatures. Neither TRVs
or PITRVs will be effective in controlling this rise in return temperature as they can only respond to the
sensed room temperature.

In these cases, return temperature limiting valves (RTLVs) can be used. As shown above, a simple lockshield
valve is installed on the radiator inlet and the TLV is installed on the outlet side. The valve is typically settable
between 20-50 °C and gradually closes if the return water temperature exceeds the set value. Hence, return
temperature is maintained under all conditions.

This document is based on the best knowledge available at the time of publication.

For further information please contact:

Head Office: SAV Systems South West: SAV Systems North West: SAV Systems Scotland: SAV Systems
Scandia House, Boundary Road 16 Gay Street, 11 St John Street, 49 Manor Place,
Woking, Surrey GU21 5BX Bath BA1 2PH Manchester M3 4DW Edinburgh EH3 7EG
Tel: +44 (0)1483 771910 Tel: +44 (0)1225 418079 Tel: +44 (0)161 870 6943 Tel: +44 (0)131 220 2894

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