Sınaq 1 + Düzgün Cavablar (Xİ Sinif)
Sınaq 1 + Düzgün Cavablar (Xİ Sinif)
Sınaq 1 + Düzgün Cavablar (Xİ Sinif)
6. Choose the nouns in the singular. 15. Choose the correct sentence in the Possessive Case.
1. dominoes 2. matches 1. After two minute′s pause he continued his speech.
3. gentry 4. chess 2. The childrens′ drawings were exhibited in different
A) 2,3 B) 1,3 C) 1,4 countries.
D) 1,2 E) 3,4 3. Is Esperanto going to be the world peoples′ single
7. Choose the correct sentences with the noun in the 4. The polices′ cars were brought from Germany.
Possessive Case. 5. Murad′s finished his test after a few hours′ work.
1. Letʹs make our beds ourselves. A) 1,3,5 B) 2,3 C) 3,5
2. The Williamsʹ surname is known to all of us. D) 2,4,5 E) 1,3
3. This subjectʹs very difficult for us.
4. Sheʹs followed the teacherʹs advice. 16. Choose the correct variant.
A) 2,4 B) 1,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3 There are some pairs of … in my wardrobe.
1. pants 2. mittens
8. Choose the correct variant. 3. sock 4. coat
Theyʹve made ... attempts to solve this problem. A) 1,4 B) 1,3,4 C) 2,3
1. much 2. a few D) 1,2 E) 2,3,4
3. a lots of 4. many
A) 2,4 B) 1,3 C) 1,2 D) 2,3 E) 3,4 Read the passage and answer the questions 17-24.
1. The first person to reach the South Pole was R.
9. Choose the correct variant. Amundsen, a Norweigian. Robert Scott, who was
Nigar has invited only ... friends to her birthday party. English, arrived at the South Pole a month after
A) few B) a little C) little Amundsen. However, Scott became a hero, but
D) a few E) a lot of Amundsen didnʹt. On his first expedition to Antarctica
Scott gathered information on rocks, weather, and
10. Choose the correct variant.
climate and he made maps. When he returned to
England, he was a national hero. A few years later, 22. Which word in the paragraph 2 best fits the following
Scott decided to organize another expedition. He said definition “a competition between runners, horses, vehicles,
that he wanted to make a complete scientific study of people, etc. to see which is the fastest”?
Antarctica, but his real goal was to be the first person _____________________________________
at the South Pole. Scottʹs group sailed on a ship
named the Terra Nova in June 1910. When they 23. Write the answer to the question according to the passage
reached Australia, they learned that Amundsen was using your own words.
also on his way to the South Pole. What was Scottʹs real aim when he decided to organize
2. Amundsen and Scott were very different from each another expedition?
other, and they made very different plans. Unlike __________________________________________________
Amundsen, Scott took ponies (small horces) that ________________________________________
couldnʹt resist extreme chill and died. Scott had bad
luck of having extremely bad weather. There were 24. Which word from the passage has the closest meaning
frequent snowstorms with the -40˚C temperature. On with to arrange? ________________________
January 17, 1912, Scott and his men reached the Pole,
but found a tent and the Norwegian flag there. They
were not the first people to reach the South Pole. They LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE
had lost the race. The exhausted expedition members QUESTIONS 25-30.
couldnʹt return to the ship. A search party found their 25. The listening is mainly about ... .
frozen bodies eight months later. A) The islands in the Pacific
17. The passage is mainly about ... . B) Power stations making energy
A) a race to the South Pole C) New sources of energy
B) the climate of Antarctica D) Islands are in danger
C) the discovery of Australia E) Harmful kinds of energy
D) Amundsenʹs plans
E) R. Scottʹs first expedition
26. Choose the correct variant according to the listening.
18. Choose the correct variant according to the passage. Some islands in the Pacific Ocean will probably disappear in
Unlike Scott, R. Amundsen ... . 100 years if ... .
1. reached the South Pole first A) we donʹt use coal and oil for electricity
2. could become a winner, but not a hero B) we begin to drive and fly less than now
3. took ponies with him to the South Pole C) we can make lands more than 2 metres
4. sailed on a ship named the Terra Nova D) we help the ice melt quickly in the Arctic
A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C) 2,3 D) 3,4 E) 1,4 E) we donʹt slow down global warming
19. Choose the correct variant according to the passage. 27. Which statement is given in the listening?
A) The first flag at the South Pole was the English flag. A) Cars, factories and power stations produce carbon dioxide.
B) Surprisingly, Scott and Amundsen made the same plans. B) Power stations help us to keep the air clean.
C) Scottʹs real goal was to make a detailed scientific study of C) There is food shortage due to global warming.
Antarctica. D) High temperature causes forestfires.
D) Scott and his second expedition members couldnʹt return E) Some animal kinds are disappearing.
from the South Pole.
E) The first person to arrive in the South Pole was an English
28. Complete the sentence according to the listening.
The sea level is getting higher, because ... .
20. Which question has no answer in the passage?
1. What did Scott do on his first expedition to the South Pole?
2. How do we know the details of Scottʹs expedition?
3. When did Scott begin his second expedition to the South 29. Answer the question according to the listening.
Pole? Why is the Earth getting warmer?
4. What did Amundsen take with him on his expedition? __________________________________________________
A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C) 2,4 D) 3,4 E) 1,4 __________________________________________________
21. Complete the sentence according to the passage using your 30. Write one adjective from the listening characterizing
own words. cars. ____________________________________________
When Scott got to Australia, he was informed that ... .
17- A
18- A
19- D
20- C
21- Amundsen was also on his way to the South Pole.
-Amundsen was also going to the South Pole
-Amundsen also had the same intention
-Amundsen was also trying to reach the South Pole
-Getting to the South Pole is also Amundsenʹs
22- race
23- his real goal (aim) was to be the first person at
the South Pole (to be the first man has ever visited
the South Pole)
24- to organize
28- more ice is melting in the Arctic and Antarctic
29- there is too much carbon dioxide in the air
30- cleaner