Mep Specs
Mep Specs
Mep Specs
Administration Block
Technical Specification for ELV Installation
May 2021
Mott MacDonald
3/F International Trade
348 Kwun Tong Road
Kwun Tong
Hong Kong
Date Originator Checker Approver Description
06 May 2020 Chun Ho, Fan Josephine Paul Kwong 01
This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the above-
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1.1 Definitions and Abbreviations 1
1.2 The Site 2
1.3 Supervision 2
1.4 Inspection and testing 2
1.5 Contractor’s Design 2
1.6 Statutory Submissions 2
1.7 Responsibility 3
2.1 General 4
2.2 Scope of works 4
2.3 Contractor submissions 5
3.1 Network Infrastructure 6
3.2 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) System 13
3.3 Card Access Control System (CACS) 21
3.4 Watchman Patrol System (WPS) 28
3.5 Building Management System (BMS) 30
3.6 Public Address System (PA) 35
3.7 WI-FI and Local Area Network (LAN) 39
3.8 IP Television System 42
3.9 Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX) System 44
1.1.1 For the purpose of this Technical Specification, all definitions contained hereinafter shall be
a. "Specification" shall mean this Technical Specification.
b. "Furnish" or "Provide" shall mean design, supply, install and connect up complete and
ready for safe and regular operation of particular work referred to unless specifically
otherwise noted.
c. "Supply" shall mean purchase, procure, acquire and deliver complete with related
d. "Install" shall mean erect, mount, connect-up, complete with related accessories, testing
and commissioning.
e. "Similar" or "Equal" shall mean equal in materials, weight, size, design, and efficiency of
specified product.
g. "Works" shall mean all works of design, production, construction, inspection and test to be
executed by the Contractor under this Contract and all other works, materials, services and
other matters to be undertaken and provided in relation thereto and shall include all
temporary and permanent works necessary to complete electrical installation in
accordance with this Contract.
h. “Building Contractor”, “Main Contactor” or "Builder" shall mean the persons, firm or
company whose tender for the building construction works has been accepted by the Client
Representative and shall include the Main Contractors personal representatives,
successors and permitted assigns.
1.1.2 This technical specification outlines the requirements for each of the Extra Low Voltage (ELV)
systems to be provided at Vattanac Brewery Administration Building.
CACS : Card Access Control System
AP : Access Point
Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall employ one or more qualified and competent
supervising personnel approved by the Project Manager for the supervision of all work on site.
The Contractor shall replace any supervising personnel whose experience, skill or competency is,
in the opinion of the Project Manager, inadequate for the particular work. The Contractor shall not
change any of the supervising personals after approval without the agreement of the Project
Detail design / selection, calculations preparation of necessary documents, supply and installation
of complete Extra Low Voltage systems including but not limit to testing and commissioning and
Operation and Maintenance requirements in compliance with specifications from local statutory
authority in this Subcontract.
The Contractor shall check drawings of other trades to verify space in which work will be executed.
Where space condition appears inadequate, the Project Manager shall be notified before any
work is to be proceeded. If directed by the Project Manager, the Contractor shall without extra
change, make reasonable modification in the layout as needed to prevent conflict with work of
other trades or for proper execution of the works.
The Contractor shall attend all tests and inspections carried out by the relevant authorities, as
and when notified in writing or instructed by Project Manager, and shall forthwith execute free of
charge any rectification work ordered by Project Manager as a result of tests and inspections.
The Contractor, upon the completion of the electrical installation works, shall prepare and endorse
all parts of forms and drawings, etc. for submission to statutory authority purpose.
Upon request, the Contractor shall submit calibration certificates or other evidence of calibration
and records of calibration results for the Client Representative inspection. The Project Manager
may reject any instruments which in his opinion are not suitable for the measurement, test or
inspection, and the Contractor shall replace them with approved types immediately when
2.1.1 The scope of the Works under this Contract shall be the whole of the labour and all materials to
form a complete ELV installation and such tests, adjustments, commissioning and maintenance
as prescribed. It shall include not only the major items of plant and equipment shown or specified
but also all the incidental sundry components necessary for the complete execution of the Works
and for the proper operation of the installation, including the necessary labour, whether or not
these sundry components are mentioned in detail in the documents.
2.1.2 The Contractor shall carry out all necessary work as hereunder generally described, indicated
and / or called for in this Specification as well as any unspecified, undersigned, non-indicated
works which may be necessary during the course of the Project to complete the installation as a
working unit.
2.1.3 ELV systems shall be provided for Admin Block of Vattanac Brewery under this design package
a. Network Infrastructure;
b. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) System;
c. Card Access Control System (CACS);
d. Watchman Patrol System (WPS);
e. Building Management System (BMS);
f. Public Address System (PAS);
g. WiFi and Local Area Network (LAN);
h. IP Television System; and
i. Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX) System.
2.2.1 Design, supply and install all equipment, devices and all necessary accessories to complete all
the systems at the Admin Block of Vattanac Brewery.
2.2.2 Prepare and submit relevant forms, calculations, documents and drawings to the authorities and
/ or utility companies for approval.
2.2.3 Attend all relevant inspections and obtaining of all necessary Certificates and Permits from
relevant authorities.
2.2.4 Coordinate, supply and install all interface work with other trades within the Contract and with
other Contractors.
2.2.5 Provide free comprehensive maintenance and breakdown services, including regular routine
check, during Defect Liability Period.
2.3.1 General
The Contractor shall submit, but not be limited to, the following documents to the Client
Representative for review and approval:
a. Shop Drawings:
• Wiring diagrams;
3.1.2 Scope
a. Supply and install an Ethernet-based TCP/IP Local Area Network for Brewery site. All the
field devices for ELV systems shall connect through the ELV network and IT network to the
Data Center at 4/F, which shall include, but not limited to, the followings:
d. The Contractor shall perform all testing and commissioning after the entire network have
been integrated to Data Centre.
e. The Contractor shall provide Firewall or other software cyber security protection to prevent
from cyber attack from external.
f. The Contractor shall install backbone cables inside Administration Block as well as the fibre
backbone from NAB to AB to connect the network switches at NAB to the Core network at
Administration Block.
g. The Contractor shall liaise with the Data Centre Consultant for all the building services
provision such as cable containments and power to the equipment racks.
iii. The bandwidth of each Network Switch shall not be less than 80Gbps;
iv. Shall support IEEE802.1Q VLAN;
v. Shall consist of at least 4 hardware-based queue on each port;
vi. Shall be able to work as 802.1x authentication device and local authentication server
so that end user can use remote radius server or local switch to implement 802.1x
authentication; 802.1x PEAP, 802.1x-trusted MAC address, Centralized MAC
address authentication;
vii. Shall support FTP/TFTP to download/upload software image for software upgrade;
viii. Shall support Shaped Round Robin (SRR) and 802.1p CoS Prioritization;
ix. Shall support IEEE 802.1d (STP), 802.1w (RSTP) and 802.1s (MSTP) Spanning
Tree Protocols; and
x. Shall support web-based network management, SNMP v1/v2/v3 (simple network
management protocol).
e. Firewall
i. Firewall shall be provided for protection against with unauthorized and malicious
users intercepting or exploiting a VPN connection. Firewall shall act as barriers
between hackers and the system thereby reducing the chance of invasion of privacy,
viruses, cyber-attacks and able to filter or block any spam messages.
Firewall :
i. The FDF shall meet the requirements of TIA 568 or latest standards.
ii. FDFs shall be accommodated inside equipment cabinets / equipment boxes. They
shall be capable to support 50% expansion for additional fibres in the future.
iii. Records of fibre connections on FDF shall be provided for easy managements.
k. Equipment Cabinets
i. The Contractor shall supply and install all perforated equipment cabinets.
ii. All major system equipment components (i.e. access switches, amplifiers etc.)
shall be installed in equipment cabinets. The Contractor shall coordinate with Other
System Contractors to determine and propose the exact size of the equipment
cabinets to ensure sufficient space to install all ELV system equipment for review
without objection by the Project Manager.
l. Equipment Boxes
i. The Equipment Box shall be equipped with a back plate for installation of
equipment (i.e. media converters).
ii. Outdoor equipment box shall comply with IP66 / NEMA 4X, or equivalent, for
protection against dust and rain. The equipment box shall also be made of UV
resistant materials.
iii. Indoor equipment box shall comply with IP54 for protection against dust and water.
i. All OS2 Single-mode Optical Fibre used shall comply with ISO/IEC 11801, IEC
60974, BS EN 50173-1 or latest standard.
ii. All OS2 Single-mode Optical Fibres’ outer sheath shall be LSOH for all areas.
iii. All in duct outdoor OS2 single-mode optical fibre cables shall include steel tape
armoured barrier.
i. All OM3 Multi-mode Optical Fibre used shall comply with ISO/IEC 11801, IEC
60974, BS EN 50173-1 or latest standard.
ii. All OM3 Single-mode Optical Fibres’ outer sheath shall be LSOH for all areas.
o. Category 6 (CAT.6) 4-Pair Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cable or Patch Cord
i. All CAT.6 cables used shall comply with EIA/TIA-568-D or latest standard.
ii. All CAT.6 cables’ outer sheath shall be LSOH for all areas.
iii. All in duct outdoor CAT.6 cables shall include steel tape armoured barrier.
3.2.2 Scope
a. To supply and install CCTV equipment at Administration Block, all live video shall be
connected and recorded to CCTV system at 4/F Data Centre, which shall at least consist
i. Digital CCTV cameras (fixed and pan/tilt/zoom types);
ii. Network Video Recorders (NVR);
iii. CCTV workstations with associated software application, joystick and keyboard;
Local Memory Card : Support for minimum 1 day of video recording in case the
storage network connection lost.
Camera Housing : IP65 as minimum for protection against heavy dust,
water-jet and rain, equipped with smoked dome.
Mounting : Shall supply and install with Wall and Pole mount if
Power : +12VDC or support POE - IEEE 802.3af/ 802.3at Type 1
Class 3 with Max 12.0 W
Supporting Protocols : IP 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX PoE, IPv4 and IPv6,
and Standard complied with Open Network Video Interface Forum
(ONVIF) Profile requirements.
b. The Outdoor Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) CCTV cameras shall meet the following specifications as
a minimum:
Mounting : Shall supply and install with Wall and Pole mount if
Power : +24VDC, +24VAC or support POE+ -
IEEE 802.3af/ 802.3at Type 1 Class 4)
Supporting Protocols and : IP 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX PoE, IPv4 and IPv6,
Standard complied with Open Network Video Interface Forum
(ONVIF) Profile requirements.
d. CCTV Workstation
i. CCTV workstation is a computer base which shall be installed at G/F Security Room
and Control Room in 4/F Data Centre with Video Management System Client side
Graphical User Interface software.
ii. The users shall be able to select cameras for live view or playback of events.
iii. Joystick and camera keyboard controller shall be supplied and installed for control
iv. The workstation application software shall support external joystick and keyboard for
easy selection on cameras, as well as computer standard keyboard.
v. The Workstation shall meet the following specifications as a minimum:
CCTV Workstation
Graphics Card : PCI Express with 512MB Video Ram for Multi-
Simultaneous video streams
Operating System : Windows 10 Professional Enterprise x64 bit version
OS Drive Capacity : 500 GB @ 7200 rpm or SSD
e. Media Converter
i. The media converter shall meet the following specifications as a minimum:
Media Converter
Wavelength : 1310 nm
Fibre Port : 1 x SFP 10BASE-T / 100BASE-T
Ethernet Port : 1 x RJ45 10BASE-T / 100BASE-T
Optical Link budget : 18dB on multimode fibre @ 1310nm for 10km
transmission distance
Transmission Data Rate : 10 / 100 Mbps
ii. The Contractor shall supply and install the Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP)
module for fibre connection.
iii. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Other Contractors for product selection to
ensure the chosen model of media converter is compatible with all other equipment
including network switches.
f. Category 6 (CAT.6) 4-Pair Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cable or Patch Cord
iv. All CAT.6 cables used shall comply with EIA/TIA-568-D or latest standard.
v. All CAT.6 cables’ outer sheath shall be LSOH for all areas.
vi. All in duct outdoor CAT.6 shall include steel tape armoured barrier.
i. All surge arrestor shall support Cat 6 POE function and comply with IEC 61000-4-5,
TIA/EIA/IS-968-A, BS EN/IEC 61643-21 or latest standard.
ii. Maximum data rate shall be support 10/100baseT.
iii. Maximum surge current shall be 1kA.
3.3.2 Scope
a. The Contractor shall supply and install access control equipment at Administration Block
including, but not be limited to, the following:
i. Card readers;
ii. Exit buttons;
iii. Emergency break glass;
iv. Door Controller Unit;
v. Emergency Call Button for disable toilets;
vi. ACS workstations;
vii. System server;
viii. Card writer / validation tool; and
ix. All necessary accessories / fixings etc. to completer the CACS.
b. The Contractor shall be responsible to migrate the CACS core equipment such as servers
from the North Ancillary Buildings to the Data Centre. The Contractor shall review the
capacity of CACS servers to cater the new access door controllers for Administration Block,
otherwise the Contractor shall upgrade the CACS servers to cater the entire sitewide CACS
as a central system.
c. The Contractor shall propose and determine the methodology for the system migration in
order to optimise any interruption to the daily normal Brewery operation.
d. The Contractor shall perform all testing and commissioning after the core equipment have
been relocated to Data Centre.
e. CACS workstations shall be provided at Control Room in 4/F Data Centre and G/F Security
Room, for monitoring of controlled door status as well as for configuration of door access.
f. The Contractor shall coordinate and interface with other Building Services (BS) for the
CACS related matters such as door ironmongery, electromagnetic door contact, cable
containment and power point provision etc.
g. The Contractor shall coordinate with other ELV System Contractors (if any) for the location
and the size of the equipment cabinet / equipment box such that all ELV equipment can be
h. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Network Infrastructure Contractor for the number
of network ports required for the connection of all Door Controllers.
i. The Contractor shall coordinate with Other Contractors on the installation and configuration
details for the operation of the complete CACS system.
j. The Contractor shall coordinate with all stakeholders to determine the security requirement
to the premises areas.
c. System Server
i. The ACS server shall be migrated from NAB to 4/F Data Centre at Administration
Block. The Contractor shall upgrade and expand the server capacity in order to
cover access controlled doors / devices in the entire Brewery and Administration
ii. The ACS server shall equip with a software application for handling, recording, and
managing of all alarms and status of the door monitoring, access door log record,
and other system alarms.
iii. The ACS server shall have RAID-5 hard disk configuration and two power inlets.
iv. The ACS server shall equip a 24 inch 16:9 LED monitor, associated keyboard and
v. The ACS server shall run on MS windows server 2019 or linux based platform.
vi. The system server shall meet the following specifications as a minimum:
d. PC base Workstation
i. The workstations which manage a restricted group of cards and card readers. Each
sub-system shall have the ability of all functionality but shall not have access to
initiate or monitor cards and card readers which were not part of the restricted group.
Also, the ability to “catch up” on communication data transfers both ways, without
loss of functionally for any significant period of time shall be provided.
ii. The system server shall meet the following specifications as a minimum:
PC Base Workstation
iii. The Graphic User Interface install on the workstation shall be simple and user
friendly for the operator to:
• Monitor status of all doors under monitoring;
• Monitor normal and forced entries of door controlled;
• Monitor the operation and alarm status of equipment of ACS;
• Program and configure different modes of operations for the ACS including
time schedule the activation of door controlled;
• Monitor alarm of manual release the doors under emergency conditions;
• Review and print out event logs and alarm logs;
• Able to transfer the data and records to secondary storage.
e. Media Converter
i. The media converter shall meet the following specifications as a minimum:
Media Converter
Wavelength : 1310 nm
Fibre Port : 1 x SFP 10BASE-T / 100BASE-T
Ethernet Port : 1 x RJ45 10BASE-T / 100BASE-T
Optical Link budget : 18dB on multimode fibre @ 1310nm for 10km
transmission distance
Transmission Data Rate : 10 / 100 Mbps
ii. The Contractor shall supply and install the Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP)
module for fibre connection.
iii. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Other Contractors for product selection to
ensure the chosen model of media converter is compatible with all other equipment
including network switches.
f. Category 6 (CAT.6) 4-Pair Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cable or Patch Cord
i. All CAT.6 cables used shall comply with EIA/TIA-568-D or latest standard.
ii. All CAT.6 cables’ outer sheath shall be LSOH for all areas.
iii. All in duct outdoor CAT.6 shall include steel tape armoured barrier.
k. Equipment Cabinets
• The Contractor shall supply and install all perforated equipment cabinets.
• All major system equipment components (i.e. access switches, amplifiers etc.) shall
be installed in equipment cabinets. The Contractor shall coordinate with Other
System Contractors to determine and propose the exact size of the equipment
cabinets to ensure sufficient space to install all ELV system equipment for review
without objection by the Project Manager.
l. Equipment Boxes
• The Equipment Box shall be equipped with a back plate for installation of equipment
(i.e. media converters).
• Outdoor equipment box shall comply with IP66 / NEMA 4X, or equivalent, for protection
against dust and rain. The equipment box shall also be made of UV resistant
• Indoor equipment box shall comply with IP54 for protection against dust and water.
3.4.2 Scope
a. To supply and install a standalone Watchman Patrol System for Administration Building,
which shall consist of:
c. The Contractor shall coordinate with Other Contractors on the installation and
configuration details for the operation of the complete Watchman Patrol System.
b. The WPS shall be able to present the incidents in different dashboard formats.
d. WPS Workstation
i. WPS shall be installed at the Security Room with a software application on a PC
based workstation for recording time and check point locations.
ii. WPS software application shall display the patrol tour routes in a graphical format
with check point time and date.
iii. WPS software application shall generate incident report recorded from the Handheld
Data Recorder units.
iv. WPS software application shall also generate other dashboards such as statistical
trend-analysis, long-tern evaluation and in-depth performance analysis.
3.5.2 Scope
a. The Contractor shall supply and install the Building Management System (BMS) at
Administration Block to provide preventive monitoring of the Building Services equipment
within building. All central monitoring signal shall be fed back to the Data Centre on 4/F.
b. The Contractor shall be responsible to migrate the BMS core equipment such as servers
from the North Ancillary Building to Admin Building Data Centre at 4/F. The Contractor shall
review the capacity of BMS servers to cater the new I/O points for Administration Building,
otherwise the Contractor shall upgrade the BMS servers to cater the entire sitewide BMS
as a central system.
c. The Contractor shall propose and determine the methodology for the system migration in
order to optimise any interruption to the daily normal Brewery operation.
d. The Contractor shall perform all testing and commissioning after the core equipment have
been relocated to Data Centre.
e. BMS workstations shall be provided at both 4/F Data Center Control Room and G/F
Security Room, for monitoring of the critical alarms and general status of the building
services equipment.
f. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Network Infrastructure Contractor for the number
of network ports required for the connection of all BMS I/O Panels.
g. The Contractor shall coordinate with Building Services Contractors on the interface and
configuration to the BMS.
h. The Contractor shall coordinate with all stakeholders to determine for the monitoring signal
to BMS requirements.
i. The Contractor shall supply and install the equipment of BMS including, but not be limited
to, the following:
i. BMS servers;
ii. BMS workstations;
iii. I/O Panels;
iv. Marshalling panels; and
v. All necessary mounting brackets / accessories / fixings etc. to complete the BMS.
Electrical Systems:
i. Generator;
ii. Low Voltage Switchboard;
iii. Step-down Transformer;
iv. UPS system;
v. Lift System;
vi. Photovoltaic PV system;
Mechanical Services Systems:
i. Make-up Air Fan;
ii. Exhaust Air Fan;
iii. Fresh Air Fan;
iv. Chillers;
Hydraulic Services:
i. Potable Water Pumping system; and
ii. Waste Water Pumping system.
i. Coldroom;
ii. ANSUL activation signal.
b. Fire Services shall not be monitored by BMS, all fire services alarms can be monitored from
the AFA panel located at the same location where is BMS workstation shall be installed at
c. The BMS shall consist of the following equipment:
i. BMS server;
ii. BMS workstations;
iii. I/O panels for interfacing with Building Services equipment; and
BMS Server
b. BMS workstation
i. The BMS workstation shall be installed at both Control Room in 4/F Data Centre at
Administration Block and G/F Security room with a software application display the
actual monitored field equipment represented as icons. These icons shall be able to
identify the field equipment devices.
ii. The windows-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) shall demonstrate in geographic
areas and by system / equipment types. The GUI shall be capable of the followings:
• Dashboard generation;
• Data logging;
iii. The GUI shall provide feature for switching between GUI and text screens, especially
for inspecting the alarms pages.
iv. For maintenance purposes, GUI screens shall display on system basis. BMS
workstation shall receive all alarms associated with the system. The alarms shall be
prioritised and have a consequential alarm suppression facility to concentrate
attention on the most important of the alarms generated (e.g. urgent alarms).
Information shall be in the form of graphic screen and text screen for user selection.
v. The software application shall generate dashboard by using a simple graphic user
tool with point and click operations or through an efficient "structured query
language" (SQL) report generation facility.
vi. In addition, the software application can be captured energy consumption of the main
feeder of the power supply circuit, this can be collected for analysis and reported by
the energy management software. The energy reports can be used for energy audits
and management reporting purposes.
c. I/O Panel
i. All I/O panels are strategically located within the plantrooms where is close to the
field devices for ease of interface.
ii. I/O panel shall act as data gathering function for data transfer between the system
and the field equipment.
iii. I/O panel shall consist of PLC with I/O modules which shall be constructed base on
the interface point schedules when is developed.
iv. All I/O panels shall be capable of accepting digital, analogue, and high level inputs
and outputs. The PLC and I/O modules inside the I/O panel shall perform as follows,
• High level interface: Each I/O panel shall be equipped with a communication
port for monitoring the real power data from the power meters and/or other
control panels; and
• All I/O panels shall provide at least 30% spare hardware capacity of
processors (CPU) of PLC, each type of point, terminals and user memory, etc.
d. Marshalling Panel
i. Marshalling panel is used for cable interface with interface services equipment,
which shall consist of terminal stripe with cable containment. All terminal stripes
shall be provided with markers.
ii. All marshalling panels are strategically located adjacent or as close as to the I/O
panel for ease of cable interface.
iii. All marshalling panels shall be provided with an enclosure.
3.6.2 Scope
a. To provide Public Address (PA) speakers for ad-hoc announcement to the entire Brewery
areas including Administration Building as identified in system description in below, all
central equipment shall be connected to the PA system at Data Centre on level 4, which
shall consist of :
i. Power amplifiers;
ii. Speakers;
iii. Zone Controllers;
iv. PA servers;
v. Computer console; and
vi. Paging microphone.
b. The PA System shall be provided for fire evacuation message, background music and ad-
hoc announcement to public areas in Administration Block and Brewery site.
c. Integrated PA System shall be digital network PA system with operated in Dante Protocol,
and other open protocol which the Audio Vision system can be interfaced with.
d. Each PA zone shall interface with Automatic Fire Alarm (AFA) panel for triggering the fire
evacuation message from PA system.
e. The Contractor shall be responsible to migrate the PA core equipment such as servers
from the North Ancillary Building to 4/F Data Centre at Administration Block. The Contractor
shall review and re-configurate of PA paging zoning in order to overall manage the
broadcasting arrangement across between Brewery and Administration Block. The
Contractor shall upgrade the PA servers to cater the entire sitewide PA system as a central
f. The Contractor shall propose and determine the methodology for the system migration in
order to optimise any interruption to the daily normal Brewery operation.
g. The Contractor shall perform all testing and commissioning after the core equipment have
been relocated to Data Centre.
h. PA paging workstations shall be provided at the Security Room, for paging configuration
and issue ad-hoc announcement to the selected PA zones.
i. The Contractor shall coordinate and interface with other Building Services (BS) such as
false ceiling, cable containment and power point provision for speaker locations.
j. The Contractor shall coordinate with all stakeholders to determine the PA zoning
arrangement and paging arrangement.
Power Amplifiers :
Number of Channels : 4
20Hz -20kHz,
Frequency Response :
-0.25 to +0.25dB
Total Harmonic Distortion : 0.35%
Signal to Noise Ratio : 100dB or more
b. Speakers
i. All indoor wall mount speakers shall have the following hardware performance:
ii. All indoor ceiling mount speakers shall have the following hardware performance:
c. Speaker cables
i. All speaker cables shall meet appropriate governing codes and standards.
ii. All PA cables shall be flame retardant low smoke zero halogen which ensures no
emit harmful & toxic gases and prevent any fire from spreading while continuously
transmitting signal.
iii. The speaker cables conductor shall be 1.5mm2 stranded cable with 2 cores.
d. PA Computer console
i. PA Computer Console shall be installed at G/F Security room and shall be equipped
with a software application for speaker configuration and setting, and PA zone
ii. PA Computer Console shall also monitor and adjust output power of all power
iii. PA Computer Console shall be able to detect and monitor the critical alarms such as
of main power failure, line fault alarm, amplifier faulty, and etc.
iv. PA Computer Console can be provided with other features such as pre-recorded
messages, priority announcement setting.
e. Paging microphone
i. Paging microphone shall be installed at G/F Security room and shall have the
following hardware performance:
Paging microphone
3.7.2 Scope
a. To supply and install WiFi and Local Area Network (LAN) for Vattanac Brewery as well as
Administration Block, which shall consist of:
i. Wi-Fi Controllers;
ii. Wi-Fi Access Points;
iii. Data outlets;
iv. Network switches (Refer to Network Infrastructure); and
v. All necessary mounting brackets / accessories / fixings to complete the WiFi and
b. The Contractor shall be responsible to migrate all Wi-Fi Controllers from NAB to 4/F Data
Centre of Administration Block in order to form an integrated Wi-Fi network as a whole
c. The WiFi network design is by others. The Contractor shall fully coordinate and liaise with
relevant parties for integrating the WiFi network design to complete WiFi system provided
to the Brewery and Administration Block. Optical fibres and FDFs shall be provided for the
integration of the WiFi network design (by others) to the Network Infrastructure.
d. The Contractor shall be responsible for the installation of data outlets as well as associated
accessories to enable internet services can be provided at offices etc.
e. Floor boxes shall be provided for offices under Electrical discipline. The Contractor shall
coordinate all relevant stakeholders for the configuration and the installation details of the
floor box and submit for review without objection by the Project Manager.
d. All data outlets shall be connected to IT access switches installed at IT/Hub Room / ELV
Room at each room.
c. Data Outlets
i. Data outlets shall be installed at offices etc. to provide internet access. Some of the
data outlets shall be installed in floor boxes provided under Electrical discipline.
ii. There are 2 type of floor boxes with different configurations. The Contractor shall
refer to other discipline for the other MEP provisions for the floor boxes. ELV
provisions inside the 2 types of floor boxes is described as follows:
• Floor box type 1 includes 2 nos. of data outlets and 1 no. of voice outlet.
• Floor box type 2 includes 1 nos. of data outlets and 1 no. of voice outlet.
iii. All Data Outlets shall comply with latest edition of TIA 568 and the following
requirements as a minimum:
Data Outlets
3.8.2 Scope
a. To supply and install IPTV system at Administration Block, which shall consist of:
c. Media Converters
i. The media converter shall be able to convert from coaxial to ethernet to enable TVs
to connect to ethernet.
d. TV coaxial outlets
i. The TV coaxial outlets shall be a TV/FM coaxial connector covered with a white PVC
e. TV data outlets
i. The TV data outlets shall be a RJ45 connector covered by a shutter on a white PVC
3.9.2 Scope
a. The PABX system shall be provided for telephone lines with outlets for data and voice
communication to Vattanac Brewery and Administration Block, which shall consist of :
i. PABX Gateways;
ii. PABX server; and
iii. Cat 6 main distribution frame.
b. The Contractor shall be responsible for interface with the Telecom Providers which they are
providing a minimum three (3) numbers of leased lines from external Telecom Providers for
brewery site and another 3 numbers of leased lines to be provided for Administration Block.
c. The telephone system shall form as an integrated system for Brewery and Administration
Block. The Contractor shall propose and determine the methodology for the system
integration while to optimise any interruption to the daily normal Brewery operation.
d. All telephone handsets shall be using digital phones, and shall be easily to configure the
extension line and massages through the PABX gateways.
e. The Contractor shall perform all testing and commissioning after the core equipment have
been integrated to Data Centre.
f. The Contractor shall coordinate and interface with other Building Services (BS) such as cable
containment provision for telephone outlets.
g. The Contractor shall coordinate with all stakeholders to determine the telephone outlets
provision and extension line configuration.
• Dialling and call route configuration such as ‘0’ for switching to reception and ‘9’ for
public exchange lines;
b. Hardware requirements :
• PABX shall has a capacity up to 100 extension ports for telephones shall be
incorporated with tone configuration;
• PABX shall consist of telephony Gateway for managing and configuration of all
communication calls and data;
Each of the system equipment shall be inspected, tested and commissioned to confirm that the
installed equipment performance complies with the requirements.
During testing and commissioning period, the following inspections and tests shall be included
but not limited to the followings:
The Contractor shall prepare and propose inspection and test plans and programme to
demonstrate that all system equipment with functions and performance have been tested and up
to the standards requirements. All the testing documents shall be reviewed and approved by the
Client Representative prior to the testing and commissioning. All test reports shall include but not
limited to the following information:
• Conclusion.
All the testing instrument shall be calibrated within the valid period, before perform testing and
All the inspection and tested shall be witnessed by representatives from the Client
Representative. All the test reports shall be submitted to the Client Representative for record
The Contractor shall perform individual Testing and Commissioning (T&C) of all their system
components prior to the arrangement of the Joint T&C and interface test. The result of individual
T&C shall be submitted for review without objection by the Project Manager.
The Contractor shall carry out interface test with Other Contractors and coordinate with Other
Contractors to conduct joint Testing and Commissioning (T&C) including performance test and to
demonstrate the completeness of all ELV systems and satisfactory test result to the Project
d. Interface test with different disciplines, example Building Management System (if applicable)
shall have interface with different services.