Watkins 2002-3-Tension Flattening
Watkins 2002-3-Tension Flattening
Watkins 2002-3-Tension Flattening
smooth (crease-free), release paper is necessary as is a long, Drying boards are portable, making this method easy to
cool dwell time for flat results. If done improperly, damage use in a small space or in a production routine. The tension
can occur from heating, creasing, and differential expan- produced from the mounted drying can cause ripping of
sion. Problems with this method include potential decrease weak areas within the paper, such as found in aged, short-
in life of items from use of heat, labor-intensive as only fibered western papers that are already torn and discolored.
one to four sheets can be processed at a time, and expense Eastern papers respond well to this method, as can large
of press and electricity. It can be an option for items that items (Webber and Huxtable 1985; Nishio 1988.)
have moisture-sensitive coatings, media (such as highly Medium- and heavyweight papers with cloth and heavy
water-sensitive dyes in inks, copy prints, or photostats), or paper backings respond well to stretching methods.
paper fillers. Curved, very stiff, or distorted materials
should not be flattened in this manner, as they will likely Plexiglas/Perspex (as Part of Lining Pr o c e s s
break under the weight of the press platen before flattening [Dacron/Linen/Cotton])
can proceed. This procedure usually follows a complete washing, but
the use of a multi-layer cloth/paper backing/lining system
Karibari (Drying Board), Gatorboard, Stretch is also a method to flatten through stretching. Like the
Mounting (figs. 9–10) Gatorboard, and Ka r i b a r i, multiple items can be put on one
Use of drying boards, mounting wet paper onto paper board. After drying horizontally overnight, the Plexiglas
and wood lattice boards, are a traditional Eastern method can be stored in an upright position for a few weeks while
for drying. Wood boards are familiar to papermakers. The drying is completed. Disadvantages are that items dry
traditional Japanese board (Karibari) allows more airflo w through the front (movement of discoloration could move
from both sides of the board, whereas use of Gatorboard as to the front as with Gatorboard), and adhesive remains on
the drying board surface limits the drying to one side. the back of the backing material after mounting is com-
Watkins Practical Considerations for Humidifying and Flattening Paper 71
plete. In addition, items are expanded under stress while Vacuum-Suction Table
drying that can lead to curling or tearing upon release from Since the invention of the vacuum-suction table by
the rigid Plexiglas support (Albright and McKlintock Marilyn Weidner and Franklin Shores in the 1970s, prac-
1982). titioners have been finding more ways to utilize it. It is
unknown how widespread the use of vacuum-suction
“Dutch Strainer,” Stretch Mounting (fig.11) tables is in drying sheets of paper. It can be beneficial for
The “Dutch strainer” technique is used in paintings removing much of the moisture within a sheet of paper,
conservation and utilizes a wooden stretcher or strainer as for animal skins, or for items where flattening under a
a frame to support an item. Strips must be adhered along stack situation is inappropriate. However, it can dry things
the (usually back) sides, or the borders of a lining or back- in an unnatural, expanded state and curling, distortion, and
ing can be used if strong enough. The humidified item is tearing can result. Also, drying individual sheets on the
placed evenly spaced and parallel to the wooden frame. vacuum-suction table can be time-consuming for archival
The border or edge strip is then wrapped around the work. Machines can be expensive to purchase (less so if
wooden supports and secured to it as evenly as possible to homemade construction) and cost of electricity should be
ensure equal pressure and thus, even flattening upon dry- considered (Weidner 1984, 1986).
ing. This method is good for cloth mounted items, large
items, items with sensitive media, or those that need I SS U E S S P E C I F I C T O A R C H I V E S , L I B R A R Y, A N D
stretching, not pressing, for drying. An assembly line MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS
approach can be done if the quantity is sufficient, but the
method can be time-consuming for a few items. Maintaining Order
Keeping track of the order can be time-consuming and
frustrating for the conservation professional, but impera-
72 The Book and Paper Group Annual 21 (2002)
tive. To maintain order during humidification and flatten- ter (gently pressed with a finger or use the corner to wick
ing, paginate (odd or even) or foliate the items before up the damp spot). These tests do not need to be conduct-
anything is done. For letters organized by dates, they can be ed if gravity or other non-moisture, non-solvent methods
relied upon only if all are dated. Check before starting. are used.
While working, tag or barcode each humidification screen,
then carry this organizational scheme to the blotter stack. Fe II Movement of Iron-Gall Ink (Iron Gallo-tannate)
Remain consistent in the laying down of materials and get Recent, ongoing research in the Netherlands suggests
into a routine to reduce the likelihood of misplaced items that because of the destructive internal chemical cycle
or loss of order. between the ink and paper support that is generated, in
part, by the presence of water, humidification should not
Media and Colored Papers, Methods of Testing be done to documents that have iron-gall ink. Full treat-
(Solubility/Moisture Spot Tests) ment including washing with alkaline reserve (for the
There are numerous ways to test whether media or paper) or no treatment is currently felt best. Other options
paper elements will move or be altered during a humidifi- may be possible in lieu of humidification, but at present
cation and flattening procedure. Often referred to as are limited. Flattening without humidity or with very low
solubility tests, procedures will vary and can indicate dif- humidity (despite the chemical reactions incurred) seems
ferent conditions. Observing the rate of movement and to be the most prudent, course of action for these materi-
circumstances for results can often lead to an appropriate als at this time (Eusman et al. [2002]).
h u m i d i fication and flattening technique for each item, even
for “soluble” media. Some of the various techniques Copy-press Inks
include, but are not limited to use of a damp small round H u m i d i fication can easily blur copy-press inks and they
brush absorbed off; a miniscule dropper drop absorbed off can transfer in a pressing situation. Consider using cold
or run through a vacuum-suction apparatus; a dampened vapor or gas (very slightly!) for humidification and very
miniscule (usually self-rolled) cotton swab that can be smooth, thin polyester webbing when flattening, or use a
rolled or dabbed; or a small, dampened filter paper or blot- dry-mount press. Localized, selective flattening and ten-
Watkins Practical Considerations for Humidifying and Flattening Paper 73
sioning can be labor-intensive, but potential solutions for contain the crumbs and debris in one area. The paper tray
the most sensitive materials. Heat pressing can also be can be easily dumped of its contents as needed. Poly (ethy-
problematic, but must be assessed on an individual basis. lene terephthalate) film (Mylar Type D) does not work
well for the tray material because of its characteristic stat-
Surface Cleaning Prior to Humidification ic charge. Large, soft haired brushes, like Hake, are useful
Surface cleaning can reduce the need to replace for quick elimination of debris on the surface and key to
polyester webbing and other supplies used in the humid- reducing residual ground eraser crumbs from the surface
ification and flattening processes. For archives and library (erase once, brush twice). Erasers and brushes are ineffec-
collections, clean the most dirty and sooty items during a tive for soot or dirt that has been imbedded into the paper
batched humidification and flattening regime. The idea is or present for a long time.
to reduce the dirt or debris that might otherwise spread
throughout the collection through item use or transfer Mold-Damaged Papers
(cross contaminate) during the humidification and flat- It is imperative to use a support of polyester webbing or
tening procedures. Dirty items can be potentially paper when working with mold-weakened papers.
hazardous to patrons as well. More concentrated cleaning Materials contaminated with mold should be aspirated in
efforts will be required of items where the information is an isolated area and the working supports and housing
blocked by dirt. Ground poly (vinyl) erasers in shaker dis- materials discarded as cleaning proceeds to reduce cross-
pensers are very useful for this procedure. Cleaning with contamination of material. Vacuums with HEPA filters
block erasers can be time consuming and over cleaning is (e.g. Nilfisk, 3M Electronic) can be used to quickly reduce
easy. Architectural cleaning pads can be too abrasive and mold spores. Use a wide mesh screen to vacuum through
manufactured with inconsistent quality regarding eraser to prevent loose pieces of paper from being dislodged by
content. Smoke sponges are sometimes efficient, but can the force of the vacuum. There are still questions whether
potentially be abrasive or leave a residue. For batch treat- alcohol use is effective in causing dormancy of mold. Also,
ments, a three-sided tray made from a smooth material some stains can grow in alcohol. Remember to wear per-
such as glassine, backing, or wrapping paper can be used to sonal protection equipment. This is especially important if
74 The Book and Paper Group Annual 21 (2002)
money or resources are unavailable to have the specific smooth polyester webbing and large smooth blotters, such
mold type identified. as from a roll, are helpful to obtain good results when
Many moldy materials will be semi-relaxed from weak- pressing any type of panoramic or oversized item. If the
ness already and humidification and flattening may not be item is larger than stock supplies, taping the backsides of
necessary. Mold-damaged materials can be humidified, but blotters along the seams and staggering seam placement in
usually a much shorter time is necessary for the paper to the blotter stack can help to reduce potential creases when
become sufficiently relaxed prior to flattening. Pressing pressing. Stretching techniques (when condition of the
rather than stretching methods are generally recommend- items allows) can be easier than pressing methods and can
ed for mold-damaged items. take up less space.
Training Non-Conservation Pr o f e s s i o n a l s Alper, Diana. 1993. How to flatten folded or rolled paper docu-
There is a pervasive notion in the popular press that ments. Conserve-O-Gram 13.2 (rev.). Harpers Ferry,
things ought to be humidified and flattened. Sometimes WV: National Park Service.
just putting a crumpled letter in a folder in a box with Care of photographic moving image and sound collections, ed.
other papers pressing against it will reduce the creases over Susie Clark. Leigh: Institute of Paper Conservationn,
time. When humidification and flattening are necessary, 115-123.
there can be easy procedures that can be batched for work Clapp, Anne F. 1987. Curatorial care of works of art on paper.
efficiency. Training of non-conservation professionals to New York: Nick Lyons Books.
do this work can be productive; however there is often lit- Eusman, Elmer, et al. [2002] The iron gall ink corrosion web-
tle follow-up, especially if training is off-site. There can site. Amsterdam: The European Commission on
be high rates of turnover of staff or volunteers so each per- Preservation and Access. At <http://www.knaw.nl/
son may learn from the person before them, or not. ecpa/ink/)> (accessed 12 Dec 2002).
Different people have highly variable skill and compre- Eusman, Elmer. 1995. Tide-line formation in paper
hension levels between them. The type and number of objects: cellulose degradation at the wet-dry boundary.
procedures that the trainer introduces may depend on the In Conservation research 1995: studies in the history of art,
skill level exhibited by the workers. Well-meaning people 51:11–28. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art.
wanting to do something to help, can take on more than Glaser, Mary Todd. 1999. Relaxing and flattening paper by
they ought, sometimes without knowing how damaging humidification. Conservation Technical Leaflet #4.
their well-intentioned actions can be. Problems that can Andover, MA: Northeast Document Conservation
be encountered by training those not versed in materials Center. At <http://www.nedcc.org/plam3/tleaf64.htm>
and technology are identification of media and supports. (accessed 12 Dec 2002).
The novice worker with disastrous results can miss iden- Hamburg, Doris, and Timothy Vitale. 1984. Drying /flat-
tification of photostats, copy prints, copy pencils, tening [Draft]. Paper Conservation Catalog ed. 1, chap. 28.
vellum-parchment versus papers, etc. Empower the newly Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Conservation
initiated to take responsibility for their choices and their Book and Paper Group.
actions, be available to answer questions, and re-demon- Hamburg, Doris, Dianne van der Reyden, and Timothy
strate procedures while personnel build self-confidence. Vitale. 1984. Humidification [Draft]. Paper Conservation
Catalog ed. 1, chap. 22. Washington, D.C.: American
I N C O N C LU S I O N Institute for Conservation Book and Paper Group.
Hofmann, Christa, Dianne van der Reyden, and Mary
Humidifying and flattening well can be beneficial to the Baker. 1992. The effect of three humidification, flat-
preservation and conservation goals of collections. There tening and drying techniques on the optical and
are numerous variations on techniques and reasons why mechanical properties of new and aged transparent
procedures are preferred. The initial ACDG session and papers. In Conference Papers, Manchester 1992, ed. Sheila
the brief overviews published in the Book and Paper Group Fairbrass. Leigh: The Institute of Paper Conservation,
Annual will perhaps generate further discussion on this 247–256.
topic at next year’s meeting in Virginia. Keyes, Keiko Mizushima. 1984. The use of friction
mounting as an aid to pressing works on paper. Book
AC K N O W L E D G E M E N T S and Paper Group Annual 3:101–104.
Nishio, Yoshiyuki. Karibari (drying board) made with new
The idea for the AIC-ACDG session and encouraging materials. AIC preprints. American Institute for
my participation in the discussion regarding humidifica- Conservation 16th Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
tion and flattening originated with Kathy Ludwig and Washington, D.C.: AIC, 280 [abstract]. And personal
Kristen St. John. Ms St. John and Nora Lochshin, who notes from this presentation.
took notes at the session, have helped refine this paper for Sugarman, Jane, and Tim Vitale. 1992. Observations on
inclusion in the BPG Annual. They have my sincerest the drying of paper: five drying methods and the drying
appreciation for their expertise, time, and efforts. process. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
R E F E R E N C E S A N D B R I E F, S E L E C T van der Reyden, Dianne. 1992 and 1995. Paper-based
B I B L I O G RA P H Y materials guidelines. In Storage of natural history collections:
a preventive conservation approach: volume 1, ed. Carolyn L.
Albright, Gary, and Thomas Kevin (T. K.) McClintock. Rose, Catharine A. Hawks, and Hugh H. Genoways.
1982. The treatment of oversize paper artifacts. Book Pittsburgh: Society for the Preservation of Natural
and Paper Group Postprints [Annual] 1:1–6. History Collections, 327–353. At <http://www.si.edu/
76 The Book and Paper Group Annual 21 (2002)
Head of Paper Conservation
Conservation Department
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
The University of Texas at Austin
[email protected].